TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION Computer Education IV – Web Designing with HTML and CSS ASSESSMENT ASSE SSMENT RUBRIC FOR FOR GROUP REPORTIN REPORTING G IV ________________ GROUP NO. ______ Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Mastery of the topic The reporters demonstrate total mastery of the contents of their report The reporters demonstrate knowledge of some contents of their report The reporters demonstrate no mastery of any contents of their report Delivery and Presentation of the topic The group delivers a very creative presentation of the topic The instructional materials used are very innovative All members participate actively The reporters demonstrate knowledge of the important contents of their report The group delivers a creative presentation of the topic The instructional materials used are innovative The group delivers the topic orally with visual aids The group delivers the topic orally without any visual aids The instructional materials used are not so extraordinary Three or four members become inactive in the preparation and presentation The instructional materials used exhibit no effort or preparation Five or more members become inactive in the preparation and presentation Instructional materials Cooperation One or two members become inactive in the preparation and presentation AVERAGE LEVEL: *This group reporting rubric is developed by Marlon L. Lalaguna AVERAGE LEVEL AND INTERPRETATION Level 4 – 100 % Congratulations for an EXCELLENT Group Report! Level 3 – 95% Very Good Group Report! Level 2 – 85% Satisfactory Group Report. Level 1 – 75% Sorry your Group Report falls behind my expectation You will need to submit a written report about your topic individually.