Department of Mechanical Engineering Student Study Guide semester 1 2019 Mechanics of Machines 11 (MECM 121/128/MEOM 102) Subject: NB: MECM 121/128/MEOM 102 is contributing to the development of graduate attribute 1, 2 and 4 Lecturer: Tel no. E-mail Mr. Z.M. Zondi 031 907 7229/10 Venue L13 Lecture theater Lab Applied Mechanics Laboratory Course outcomes Student who successfully complete this course will be able to Be able to understand scientific principles and apply them to the practice of engineering. Possess the problem solving skills, background and confidence necessary to educate themselves continually throughout their careers. Able to apply the basic principles or measurement, data analysis and design experiments learned through hands on laboratory experience. Be able to develop creative solutions to engineering problems Be able to work as part of the team. weekly assignments / tutorials Homework Laboratory experiment: Simple and compound pendulum, moment of inertia, belt friction and conrod experiment Test: Class test 2 main test Exams: 3 hour Pre requites engineering mechanics I Mechanical Engineering Drawing I and Mathematics I. GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES Graduate Attribute 1: Problem solving This graduate attribute is about applying engineering principles to systematically diagnose (identify) and solve well-defined engineering problems. Well defined MOMENT OF INERTIA Learner objectives VEHICLE DYNAMICS Specific learner outcomes Graduate Attributes On completion of this chapter the learner should be able to: Define moment of inertia and radius of gyration. Derive moment of inertia of standard bodies like rectangular plates, triangles, rectangular blocks, solid disc etc. Apply theorem of parallel axes. Apply the theorem of parallel axes, in calculations of moment of compound bodies 4 On completion of this activity the learner should be able to: Driving torque, acceleration, work ad Describe tractive effort, tractive resistance, rolling power. resistance and gradient resistance on a vehicle. Tractive effort, rolling Derive the equivalent moment of inertia at the wheels resistance, transmission of a vehicle, i.e. 𝐼𝑒 + 𝐼𝑤 + 𝑛2 𝐼𝑒 . efficiency. Derive the formula 𝑇𝑤 = (𝑇𝑒 − 𝐼𝑒 𝛼𝑒 )𝑛. ƞ − 𝐼𝑤 𝛼𝑤 be Maximum possible able to use it. tractive effort. Calculate the equivalent inertia of all moving parts in a Normal reactions on vehicle at the wheels and vice versa. road wheels. Calculate the tractive efforts at the wheels of a vehicle Maximum possible when a certain engine torque is given acceleration and Calculate the normal reactions at the rear and front retardation wheels on a vehicle. They must be able to calculate the maximum possible acceleration or retardation if the vehicle is driven by front, rear and all the wheels. 4 Statics and Dynamics. Geometry, dimensions and relative motion. Mass, force, weight and motion. Newton’s laws of motion Moment of inertia Theorem of parallel axis HOISTING AND HAULING MACHINES. Types of hoists, functions and typical applications. Equivalent moment of inertia for geared systems. Power required raising or lowering a load On completion of this activity the learner should be able to: They need to be able to draw all the forces (free body diagram) acting on the object Acceleration. Find tension in the cable of a hoist Find the acceleration and retardation of a hoisting system. Find the total torque applied on a system to a give a certain acceleration. Find the total power developed by a motor on a system 4 Types of brakes and typical applications. Theory and calculations On completion of this activity the learner should be able to: Find the ratios between the tight and slack sides of a flat and V-belt. Find the angle of contact on a belt drive and band brake Find d tension in the tight and slack sides on a belt drive and band brake. Find the initial tension in a belt drive Find the power transmitted in a belt drive. Find the torque applied on a band brake and power dissipated due to friction 4 They need to know different On completion of this activity the learner should be able to: types of clutches Calculate the maximum torque that can be transmitted by the clutch. Calculate the force needed between the friction faces. Calculate the maximum pressure between the friction faces Conservation of energy is On completion of this activity the learner should be able to: important for this section Find the kinetic energy of a rolling body without slip at a certain speed. 4 BELT DRIVES AND BAND BRAKES CLUTCHES ROLLING BODIES 4 Find the rate of change of kinetic energy of a rolling body. Find the minimum coefficient of friction for a body to roll down a given inline without slip Textbook and software: Mechanics of Machine by J Hannah and RC Stephens, Elementary Theory and Examples; Arnold, Fourth edition. Students are also given prepared notes with questions for tutorials. Students can also use the library to look for textbooks which are related to the sections that they covered in class. Textbook: Theory of Machines written by R.S. KHURMI and J.K. GUPTA. You are advised to use the library for relevant text books pertaining the work that is covered in class Laboratory Work: Students will be divided into groups, the size of the group depending on the total number of students in the class. Each group will do 2 practicals. Each group must submit a report on each practical which must be handed to the lecturer concerned not later than one week after the particular practical session. Questions on the laboratory work can be included in the second test or in the final examination. Laboratory work is developing attribute 4. Final Mark: The final mark = [0,6x examination mark] + [0,4x course mark] As an example, if the above student obtained an examination mark of 57%, then the final mark will be: [(0,6x57) + (0,4x60)] = 58.2 %. Mechanics of Material 1 third edition- EJ Hearn Mechanics Materials 7th edition - J.M. Gere and B J Goodno