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➔​ Code is a standard that has been adopted by
one or more governmental bodies and can be
enforce by the law.
➔​ When standard is incorporated into business
➔​ Requirements are mandatory only if saif Code is
law in your country.
Why did Code Require?
➔​ Minimum acceptable level. Safety and Quality
➔​ Refer to the standard of specifications for
additional requirements.
➔​ If not, code will serve as generally accepted
guidelines or design, fabrication, construction
and installation.
➔​ a set of technical definitions and guidelines
➔​ How to "instructions" for designers and
requirements for the product, services and
➔​ A designer use the standard to design the
product. And manufacturers use the standard to
manufacture the product.
➔​ It is the common language for defining quality
and establishing safety criteria for products.
Why standard is reqd
➔​ Standards are documents that establish
➔​ For product, practices, methods or operations.
➔​ Build confidence about quality.
➔​ Lower the cost of production.
➭ Energy Regulatory Commission adopts PEC Part 1 & 2
and Occupational Safety and Health Standards by
BWC-DOLE as an “Electrical Safety Standard” (Rule
1210-Electrical Safety)
➭The Danger of Electric Lighting: First code as a req’mt
of rules published on Nov. 16 1881
➭First NEC was developed in 1897 after the invention of
the incandescent light bulb by Thomas A. Edison
➭Regularly revised (every three years) to reflect the
evolution of the product, materials and installation
➭21 committee consists 15-20 persons
➭PEC 2009 Ed used in NEC 2005 Ed as referred Code
➭The first Edition of PEC was 1962 Edition.
Minimum Electrical Safety Standard
➔​ These guidelines aim to attain efficient energy
utilization in buildings. It contains energy
conservation guidelines for the design of
buildings and their services. The overall objective
of the guidelines is to save energy in the building
➭ PEC covers the electric conductors including optical
fiber cable and installed within or on, to or from: public
and private buildings, industrial plants, transformer
stations, airfields and railway switchyard
➭ Intention NOT intended as a design specification or an
instruction manual for untrained people (untrained
person - peeps not having an understanding of electricity
& electrical construction)
Classification of Code Rules
1.​ wiring design rules
2.​ installation rules
3.​ manufacturing rules
Propose of PEC
a) Safe Use of Electricity - to establish basic materials
quality and electrical work standard for
the use of electricity for light, heat, power, etc.
b) Adequacy - Strict compliance with the provisions of
this Code will ensure safety in electrical
installation and construction, but not necessarily
adequate for good service or future expansion of
electrical use.
Two Categories of PEC Rules:
1. Mandatory Rules - characterized by the use of the
word "SHALL"
2. Advisory Rules - characterized by the use of the word
"SHOULD" or are stated as recommendations of that
which is advised but not required.
The use of PEC mandated by RA 7920 (formerly RA 184)
aka New Electrical Engg Law. Likewise, referral codes
are used which are mandated by their corresponding
1. P.D. 1096 - National Building Code.
2. P.D. 1185 - Fire Code of the Philippines
3. Structural Code R.A. 7920 - is an act providing for a
more responsive and comprehensive regulation for the
practice, licensing and registration of electrical engineers
and electricians.
Government Authorities who implement PEC.
1.​ Office of the Building Official
2.​ Office of the City Electrician (City Electrical
Supervising Engineer)
3.​ Office of the Municipal Electrician (Municipal
Electrical Supervising Engineer)
4.​ Regional Office of the DOLE.
A permit is required before undertaking an electrical
An Inspection is also required after which certificate of
final electrical inspection (CFEI) is issued by the
Scope of Expertise:
●​ Fire Prevention
●​ Wildfire preparedness
●​ Electrical safety
●​ Hazardous materials
●​ Community Risk reduction and public safety
➔​ NFPA is a self-funded nonprofit. Their mission is
to help save lives and reduce loss with
information, knowledge, and passion.
➔​ CRAIG 1300 Community Risk Assessment
dashboards, which aid fire departments in
mitigating risks, they possess the tools,
technology, and expertise to effectively deliver
essential knowledge to those who safeguard
➔​ Over 250 Technical committees play a crucial
role in our standards development process
accredited by the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) by reviewing amendments and
voting on revisions.
➔​ The More Than 10,000 global volunteers who
make up these committees—architects, analysts,
engineers, government officials, manufacturers,
first responders, meaningful purpose: to help
save lives.
➔​ With International offices in Latin America,
China, and the Middle East and North Africa
NFPA Global Solutions
➭In March 2024, NFPA announced the creation of NFPA
Global Solutions, an entirely separate, fully owned NFPA
corporation that offers compliance solutions, digital
products, and advisory services that extend beyond the
traditional products and services offered by NFPA.
➭It has a separate staff and board of directors. NFPA
std development remains non-profit operation and
neither NFPA nor NFPA Global Solutions staff can be
participants in the NFPA standards process.
➭NFPA Global Advisors, a business line within NFPA
Global Solutions, offers advisory services to governments
and companies around the world related to the
implementation of the NFPA Fire & Life Safety
➭Dyne Fire Protection Labs, a subsidiary of NFPA
Global Solution, is an independent lab that offers fast
and unbiased testing of fire sprinklers, firefighting foams,
antifreeze solutions, and dry chemicals.
➭NFPA Fire & Life Safety Ecosystem is a framework
that identifies the components that must work together
to minimize risk and help prevent loss, injuries, and death
from fire, electrical, and other hazards.
➭There are eight key components in the Fire & Life
Safety Ecosystem.
Codes and Standard
1.) NFPA 1 “Fire Code”- advances fire and life safety for
the public and first responders as well as property
protection by providing a comprehensive, integrated
approach to fire code regulation and hazard
management. It addresses all the bases with extracts
from and references to more than 130 NFPA codes and
standards including such industry benchmarks as NFPA
101, NFPA 54, NFPA 58, NFPA 30, NFPA 13, NFPA 25, and
NFPA 72.
2.) NFPA 30A Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing
Facilities and Repair Garages- This code helps
mitigate fire and explosion dangers by providing
safeguards for dispensing liquid and gaseous motor fuels
into the fuel tanks of automotive vehicles and marine
craft. (NFPA 30A addresses gaseous motor fuels only
where dispensed at the same facility as liquid motor
3.) NFPA 30B Code for the Manufacture and Storage
of Aerosol Products- This code provides minimum
requirements for the prevention and control of fires and
explosions in facilities that manufacture, store, and
display aerosol products.
4.) NFPA 45 Standard on Fire Protection for
Laboratories Using Chemicals- This standard provides
basic requirements to protect life and property through
prevention and control of fires and explosions involving
the use of chemicals in laboratory-scale operations
5.) NFPA 51 Standard for the Design and Installation
of Oxygen-Fuel Gas Systems for Welding, Cutting,
and Allied Processes- This standard provides safety
requirements for oxygen-fueled gas cutting and welding
systems to reduce the risk of fires and explosions.
6.) NFPA 51B Standard for Fire Prevention During
Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work- This standard
presents provisions to prevent injury, loss from fire or
explosion as a result of hot work projects such as
welding, heat treating, grinding, and similar applications
producing or using sparks, flames, or heat.
7.) NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code- The
industry benchmark for safe LP-Gas storage, handling,
transportation, and use, NFPA 58 mitigates risks and
ensures safe installations, to prevent failures, leaks, and
tampering that could lead to fires and explosions.
8.) NFPA 59A Standard for the Production, Storage,
and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)- This
standard provides minimum fire protection, safety, and
for the location, design,
construction, security, operation, and maintenance of
liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants.
9.) NFPA 61 Standard for the Prevention of Fires and
Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Food Processing
Facilities- protects lives and property from fires and
dust explosions in facilities handling, processing, or
storing bulk agricultural materials, their by-products, or
other agricultural related dusts and materials
10. NFPA 68 Standard on Explosion Protection by
Deflagration Venting- This standard applies to the
design, location, installation, maintenance, and use of
devices and systems that vent the combustion gases and
pressures resulting from a deflagration within an
enclosure so that structural and mechanical damage is
11. NFPA 69 Standard on Explosion Prevention
Systems- This standard provides requirements for
installing systems for the prevention and control of
explosions in enclosures that contain flammable
concentrations of flammable gases, vapors, mists, dusts,
or hybrid mixtures.
12.) NFPA 70 National Electrical Code- Enforced in all
50 states, NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC) is the
benchmark for safe electrical design, installation, and
inspection to protect people and property from electrical
13.) NFPA 77 Recommended Practice on Static
Electricity- This recommended practice offers guidance
on identifying, evaluating, and controlling static electric
hazards for purposes of preventing fires and explosions.
14.) NFPA 85 Boiler and Combustion Systems
Hazards Code- NFPA 85 contributes to operating safety
and prevents explosions and implosions in boilers with
greater than 12.5, pulverized fuel systems, and heat
recovery steam generators.
15.) NFPA 86 Standard for Ovens and Furnacesminimizes fire and explosion hazards of ovens and
furnaces used for commercial and industrial processing
of materials.
16.) NFPA 92 Standard for Smoke Control SystemsThis standard protects life and reduces property loss by
establishing requirements for the design, installation, and
testing of smoke control systems used to mitigate the
impact of smoke from fire.
17.) NFPA 400 Hazardous Materials Code-consolidates
fundamental safeguards for the storage, use, and
handling of hazardous materials in all occupancies and
facilities. The Code does not apply to indiv use; 1 or 2 fam
18.) NFPA 484 Standard for Combustible Metals- This
standard applies to the production, processing, finishing,
handling, recycling, storage, and use of all metals and
alloys that are in a form that is capable of combustion or
explosion, as well as to operations where metal or metal
alloys are subjected to processing or finishing operations
that produce combustible powder or dust
4 fundamental steps in the NFPA standards
development process are:
●​ Public Input
●​ Public Comment
●​ NFPA Technical Meeting (Tech Session)
●​ Standards Council Action (Appeals and Issuance
of Standard)
programs can help verify
competence and set you apart from your peers.
1.) Certified Electrical Inspector (CEI) Certification.Showcases your expertise in the inspection of electrical
installations during construction, modification, and
Professional (CESCP)- This is for electrical and safety
professionals; trainers and instructors, as it verifies
knowledge of and competence in the standard.
3.)Certified Electrical Safety Technician (CEST)Certification is designed for electricians and skilled
professionals not working directly in the electrical
industry that may be exposed to hazards on the job.
4.) Certified Electrical Safety Worker (CESW)- Based
on NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the
Workplace®, the CESW certifies proficiency in core
competencies that are typically required for training in
the electrical industry.
5.) Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS)- Based
on 21st edition of the Fire Protection Handbook®, helps
individuals dedicated to reducing fire loss prove their
education and experience by passing a rigorous
certification exam.
Certification Learning Paths- Training programs
developed by recognized subject matter experts to help
prepare you for your certification exam, with support and
flexibility built in to help you meet your goals.
Training - The best way to enhance your expertise,
increase your knowledge, and improve your demand.
NFPA Training
1.) Electrical Training- Can help you and your team
master the requirements for the design, installation, and
maintenance of electrical systems while improving your
efficiency and reducing mistakes
2.) NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the
Workplace Online and Live Virtual Training- Brings
the code to life through engaging exercises and an
integrated set of scenario-based activities. Courses
intend to increase your understanding of critical NEC
information and teach you how to locate, understand,
and apply the code.
3.) NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC) Online
and Live Virtual Training- Brings the code to life
through engaging exercises and an integrated set of
scenario-based activities. Courses intend to increase
your understanding of critical NEC information and teach
you how to locate, understand, and apply the code.
4.) Electrical State Licensing Training Based on the
NEC and NFPA 70E- It's critical you have the continuing
education units (CEUs) to meet your state renewal
5.) Safe Electrical Work Practices Online Training
Series- Delivers multimedia learning that is engaging,
practical, and developed with electricians in mind
Fact Checks and Checklists
● Calculating Occupant Load
● Warehouse Fire Safety
● Inspection for Swinging Door with Builders Hardware
Calculating Occupant Loads: This fact sheet uses an
example to illustrate the method for determining
occupant load based on NFPA 101 Life Safety Code.
➭Egress Capacity: The number of people for which
the egress system is credited
➭Occupant Load: The total number of people that
might occupy a building or space at any one time. The
occupant load is the greater of either the calculated
value OR the maximum probable number of people
expected in the space
Commodity Classification:
Sprinkler protection in warehouses is typically driven
by classifying the specific materials that will be stored in
the space as opposed to classifying the occupancy, as is
done in other building types.
Commodity is defined by NFPA 13 as the combination of
products, packing material, and containers that
determines the commodity classification.
To begin the classification process, determine ff:
➢​ Materials used in the makeup of the product
➢​ What type of container or packaging, if any, the
product will be placed in
➢​ If a container is used, whether any plastic
material will be used to protect the product
➢​ Whether a plastic pallet will be used. If so,
determine if it is listed. If not, determine if the
plastic pallet is reinforced or no
➭It is imperative that the building owner identify any
changes that might impact fire protection so that the
change can be evaluated by a qualified person.
➭Importance of Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance
(ITM): The best designed sprinkler system would be of no
use without the proper ITM
➭ The building owner or designated representative must
establish protocols to limit the potential for fires.
➭Construction Safety: The best way to prevent
destruction, construction delays, injuries, and increased
expenses is to make sure everyone on the site knows how
to identify hazard
Hot Work Safety Fact Sheet- Hot work fires result in
avoidable death, injury, and hundreds of millions of
dollars in property loss each year.
Hot Work Hazards- Hot work has the potential to unite
all three parts of the fire triangle: oxygen, fuel, and an
ignition source
Smoke Alarms save lives. Smoke alarms that are
properly installed and maintained play a vital role in
reducing fire deaths and injuries.
Home Fire Escape Planning- Your ability to get out of
your home during a fire depends on advance warning
from smoke alarms and advance planning.
Smaller Devices and Electronics- These free assets
provide valuable safety information on lithium-ion
batteries, with a focus on smaller devices
Ways to Minimize Hot Work Hazards:
Use “Recognize, Evaluate, and Controlˮ Process
1.) Recognize- Determine if fire risks exist before hot
work is started.
2.) Evaluate- Determine if hazards are present, especially
hazards that could fuel a fire (flammable and
combustible liquids or gases and simple combustibles).
3.) Control- Take appropriate steps to eliminate or
minimize the hazards
A Better Understanding of NFPA 70E: Part I–
Comparing Four Decades of Electrical Injuries and
Better Understanding of NFPA 70E: Part II Be Vigilant
When You Work in These Location
A Better Understanding of NFPA 70E: Part III- The
Electrical Components Causing Fatalities in the
A Better Understanding of NFPA 70E: Part IV– Two
Types of Exposure to Electricity Fatalities
● Direct exposure- includes contact directly from the
power source to the person, such as touching a live wire
or getting caught up in an arc-flash.
● Indirect exposure- typically occurs when an object is
unintentionally electrified. Indirect exposure to electricity
includes when a ladder being carried contacts a power
line, when contact is made to an enclosure that is
energized, or when electricity is transmitted through a
wet surface
A Better Understanding of NFPA 70E: Part V– Body
Parts Most Often Affected by Electric Shock Injuries
A Better Understanding of NFPA 70E: Part VI–
Employees Most Likely to Become an Electrical Fatality
Emergency Response
1.) Electric vehicle safety online training- Training
That Helps Keep You Protected. Fundamental Online
Learning in the Latest in Electric Vehicle Safety. The rise
in use of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) puts fire and
rescue personnel at increasing risk due to a lack of
understanding of how to respond to incidents involving
these vehicles
2.) Event that involve violence- NFPA has worked with
international, to local agencies, to develop information,
tools, and strategies to help emergency responders be
best prepared for — and to protect their communities
from — issues of civil unrest, active shooting incidents,
terror events, and other violent situations
3.) Hoarding- Hoarding is defined as collecting or
keeping large amounts of various items in the home due
to strong urges to save them or distress when discarded
➔​ Hoarding can be a fire hazard. Many occupants
die in fires in these homes. Often, blocked exits
prevent escape from the home. In addition,
many people who are hoarding are injured when
they trip over things or when materials fall on
➭ comprehensive system of standards used for industrial
activities in Japan. They are developed and maintained
by the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC)
and published by the Japanese Standards Association
JIS mark (product documentation system
➭2004: modified
➭Oct 1 2005: new mask is applied on recertification
Usage of old mark was authorized in 3 year transition, so
➭Oct 1 2008: JIS-certified japanese product has new
JIS covers commercial and mineral products
➔​ Medicines
➔​ Agri chemicals
➔​ Chem fertilizer
➔​ Silk yarn
➔​ Food stuffs, comestible, rural and forest
JIS primarily focuses on products manufactured in
various industries, including metals, plastics, ceramics,
textiles, and other materials. It also includes standards
for minerals and mineral-based products.
JIS does not cover medicines, agricultural chemicals,
chemical fertilizers, silk yarn, or foodstuffs. These
categories are typically regulated by other specialized
agencies or laws in Japan.
The, letter symbol indicates the technical area ( JIS
Division ), and the 4-digit or 5-digit number is added to
find the JIS in a suitable place inside that Division
Standardizing items established as JIS have the
following symbols: JIS C 7501: majorities have this
JIS Q 14001: This symbol is generally employed in case
JIS adopts the world standard identically.
JIS X 5056-1: This symbol is utilized in case JIS adopts
a world standard cites only part of the mandatory wants
These divisions are denoted by a letter followed by a
four-digit (or sometimes five-digit) number, and the year
of revision.
A: Civil Engineering and Architecture Covers
standards for building materials, construction methods,
and architectural design
●​ JISA0001:Basic module to ISO 1006 (This
standard defines a modular coordination system
for building design and construction, promoting
interoperability and efficiency).
●​ JIS A 0002: Glossary of terms used in building
module to ISO 1791 (This standard provides a
standardized vocabulary for architectural and
construction professionals).
●​ JIS A 0003: Tolerances for building to ISO
3443-5 (This standard specifies acceptable
tolerances for dimensions and measurements in
building construction).
B: Mechanical Engineering Focuses on standards for
machinery, tools, and manufacturing processes.
●​ JIS B 1012: JIS screw drive (This standard
defines the specifications for a type of screw
drive used in various mechanical applications)
●​ JIS B 1012:JISscrew drive (This standard
defines the specifications for a type of screw
drive used in various mechanical applications).
●​ JIS B 7021: Water resistant watches for general
use- Classification and water resistance (This
standard establishes classification and testing
methods for water resistance in watches)
C: Electronics and Electrical Engineering Covers
standards for electrical components, devices, and
●​ JIS C 0920: Degrees of protection provided by
enclosures (IP Code) (This standard defines the
International Protection (IP) Code, which
classifies the level of protection provided by
enclosures against the ingress of solids and
JIS C 3202: Enamelled winding wires (This
standard specifies the requirements for
enamelled winding wires used in electrical
JIS C 5062: Marking codes for resistors and
capacitors (This standard defines the color
codes used to identify the resistance and
capacitance values of electronic components).
D: Automotive Engineering Sets standards for
automobiles, motorcycles, and related components.
●​ JIS D 0004-1: Earth-moving machineryScrapers- Part 1: Terminology and commercial
specifications to ISO 7133 (This standard defines
terminology and specifications for scrapers used
in earth-moving operations)
●​ JIS D 0004-2: Earth-moving machineryScrapers- Part 2: Standard form of specifications
and testing methods (This standard outlines the
standard format for specifications and testing
methods for scrapers).
●​ JIS D 0004-3: Earth-moving machineryScrapers- Part 3: Bowl volumetric raing to ISO
6485 (This standard specifies the method for
measuring the volumetric capacity of scraper
E: Railway Engineering Establishes standards for
railway infrastructure, rolling stock, and signaling
●​ JIS E 1101: Flat bottom railway rails and special
rails for switches and crossings of non-treated
steel to ISO 5003 (This standard defines the
specifications for railway rails made of
non-treated steel).
●​ JIS E 1102: Fish plates for rails to ISO 6305-1
(This standard specifies the requirements for fish
plates, which are used to connect railway rails).
●​ JIS E 1107: Steel bolts and nuts for fish-plates
and fastenings to ISO 6305-4 (This standard
outlines the specifications for bolts and nuts
used to fasten fish plates to railway rails)
F: Shipbuilding Covers standards for shipbuilding,
marine engineering, and maritime safety. 6
●​ JIS F 0013: Ships and marine technologyprovides a standardized vocabulary for deck
machinery and outfitting components used in
G: Ferrous Materials and Metallurgy Focuses on
standards for iron and steel products, including their
production, processing, and properties.
JIS G3101: Rolled steels for general structure
(This standard specifies the requirements for
rolled steel used in general structural
JIS G3103: Carbon steel and molybdenum alloy
steel plates for boilers and pressure vessels (This
standard defines the specifications for steel
plates used in the construction of boilers and
pressure vessels).
JIS G 3106: Rolled steels for welded structure
(This standard outlines the requirements for
rolled steel used in welded structures).
H: Nonferrous Materials and Metallurgy Covers
standards for metals other than iron and steel, such as
copper, aluminum, and titanium.
●​ JIS H 2105: Pig lead (This standard specifies
the requirements for pig lead, a form of lead
used in various industrial applications). 7
●​ JIS H 2107: Zinc ingots (This standard defines
the specifications for zinc ingots, which are used
in various industries, including galvanizing and
die casting).
●​ JIS H 2113: Cadmium metal (This standard
outlines the requirements for cadmium metal,
which is used in various applications, including
batteries and plating)
K: Chemical Engineering Encompasses standards for
chemical products, processes, and safety.
●​ JIS K 0061: Test methods for density and
relative density of chemical products to ISO 758
(This standard specifies the test methods for
determining the density and relative density of
chemical products)
L: Textile Engineering standards for textiles, fibers, and
textile manufacturing processes.
●​ JIS L 1051: Textile- Determination of the tensile
strength of yarns Strip method (This standard
defines the method for determining the tensile
strength of yarns using a strip method)
sizes for writing paper and printed matter, based
on the ISO 216 standard).
Q: Management Systems Encompasses standards for
quality management, environmental management, and
other management systems.
●​ JIS Q 9001: Quality management systemsRequirements (This standard outlines the
requirements for a quality management system,
providing a framework for organizations to
improve their overall performance)
●​ JIS Q 14001: Environmental management
systems- Requirements with guidance for use
(This standard specifies the requirements for an
environmental management system, helping
organizations to reduce their environmental
R: Ceramics Covers standards for ceramics, glass, and
related materials
●​ JIS R 1601: Ceramic tiles- Determination of
water absorption (This standard specifies the
method for determining the water absorption of
ceramic tiles).
S: Domestic Wares standards for household goods,
furniture, and personal accessories
●​ JIS S 5037: Sizing system for shoes to ISO 9407
(This standard defines the standard sizing
system for shoes in Japan, based on the ISO
9407 standard).
T: Medical Equipment and Safety Appliances
standards for medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and
safety equipment
●​ JIS T 0101: Medical equipment- General
requirements for safety (This standard outlines
the general requirements for safety in medical
M: Mining Focuses on standards for mining operations,
safety, and mineral extraction
●​ JIS M 0101: Mining- Safety management (This
standard outlines the requirements for safety
management in mining operations)
W: Aircraft and Aviation Covers standards for aircraft,
aerospace components, and aviation safety.
●​ JIS W 0111: Flight dynamics- Concepts,
quantities and symbols- Part 1: Aircraft motion
relative to the air to ISO 1151-1 (This standard
defines the concepts, quantities, and symbols
used in the study of aircraft motion relative to
the air)
P: Pulp and Paper stds for pulp, paper, and
paper-based products.
●​ JIS P 0138: Writing paper and certain classes
of printed matter Trimmed sizes- A and B series
to ISO 216 (This standard specifies the standard
X: Information Processing for computer hardware,
software, and data communication
●​ JIS X 0208: 7-bit and 8-bit double byte coded
kanji sets for information interchange (This
standard defines the character encoding for
Japanese kanji characters used in information
JIS X 0213: 7-bit and 8-bit double byte coded
extended kanji sets for information interchange
(This standard extends the character encoding
to include a wider range of Japanese kanji
JIS X 3001: Fortran programming language
(This standard specifies the requirements for the
Fortran programming language)
Z: Miscellaneous for various other industries and
activities not covered in other divisions
●​ JIS Z 2241: Metallic materials- Tensile testingMethod of test at room temperature to ISO 6892
(This standard defines the method for
conducting tensile tests on metallic materials at
room temperature).
●​ JIS Z 2371: Methods of salt spray testing (This
standard outlines the methods for conducting
salt spray tests, which are used to assess the
corrosion resistance of materials and coatings).
●​ JIS Z 8102: Names of non-luminous object
colours (This standard provides a standardised
system for naming non-luminous object colors)
Benefits of JIS
Quality Assurance
Compatibility and Interoperability
Economic Advantages
Japan Electrical Manufacturer
● The Electrical Machinery Industry is expected to
contribute to resolution of various social issues including
achievement of low carbon/decarbonization on a global
power operation, and within Japan, enhancement of
resilience for power facilities, updating of equipment
through aging degradation and introducing renewables
as a major power source, etc.
● Promote the development of international and
domestic standards to ensure reliability of renewable
power generation systems
a global, non-profit membership organization
that brings together more than 170 countries
and coordinates the work of 20,000 experts
world's leading organization for the preparation
and publication of international standards for all
electrical, electronic and related technologies.
body that oversees the development and
publication of IEC International Standards.
founded on 26-27 June 1906 in London, UK.
Global Trade
IEC International Standards, together with the IEC
Conformity Assessment Systems help avoid technical
barriers to the trade in electrical and electronic goods
SMB (Standardization Management Board)
is responsible for the management and supervision of
IEC standardization work. The SMB is a decision-making
body which reports to the IEC Board (IB).
IEC 60027 Letter Symbols to be Used in Electrical
standard for letter symbols published by the (IEC),
Telecommunications and electronics, Logarithmic and
related quantities, and their units, Symbols for quantities
to be used for rotating electrical machines, Control
technology, and Physiological quantities and units.
IEC 60034 Rotating Electrical Machines
standard of the IEC for rotating electrical machinery.
IEC 60038 Standard Voltages
IEC standard voltages, defines a set of standard voltages
for use in low voltage and high voltage AC and DC
electricity supply systems.
IEC 60076 Power Transformers (Standard System for
Power Transformers)
tandards falls under IEC Technical Committee 14 on
Transformers (IEC/TC 14). The GB/T 1094 series of
standards are equivalent to the IEC 60076 series of
standards but have been modified accordingly. They are
the most commonly used product standards for
transformers, with a total of 16 items
Transformer Performance Parameter Standard
Power transformers- Part 1: (IEC 60076-1-2011)
Applicable to three-phase and single-phase transformers
(including autotransformers), but excluding some small
and special transformer
IEC 60083 Plugs and Socket-outlets for Domestic
and Similar General use Standardized in Member
Countries of IEC - gives info about the systems of plugs
and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes
which are used in the IEC countries.
IEC 60086 Primary Batteries - ensures that batteries
from different manufacturers are interchangeable
according to standard form, fit and function.
IEC 60086-1:2021 - to standardize primary batteries
with respect to dimensions, nomenclature, terminal
performance, safety and environmental aspects.
IEC 60095 Lead-acid Starter Batteries - applicable to
lead-acid batteries with a nominal voltage of 12 V, used
primarily as a power source for the starting of internal
combustion engines, lighting, and for auxiliary equipment
of internal combustion engine vehicles. These batteries
are commonly called "starter batteries"
Batteries are designated according to their type:
a.​ Flooded batteries (vented)
b.​ Enhanced flooded batteries
c.​ Valve regulated lead-acid batteries
IEC 60446 Basic and safety principles for
man-machine interface and Identification
●​ standard published by (IEC) defined basic safety
principles for identifying electrical conductors by
colors or numerals, for example in electricity
distribution wiring.
●​ It permits the following colors for identifying
conductors black, brown, red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, violet, gray, white, pink, and
●​ If a circuit includes a neutral or midpoint
conductor, then it should be identified by a color
(preferably light blue). Light blue is the color
used to identify intrinsically safe conductors, and
must not be used for any other type of
AC phase conductors
The preferred colors for AC phase conductors are:
●​ L1: brown
●​ L2: black
●​ L3: gray
●​ For a single AC phase: brown
IEC 60601 Product Safety Standards for Medical
standards for the safety and essential performance
of medical electrical equipment, published by the
published in 1977 and regularly updated and restructured,
as of 2011 it consists of a general standard, about 10
collateral standards, and about 80 particular standards.
IEC 60269 Low-voltage Fuses
standards for low-voltage power fuses. The standard is in
four volumes, which describe general requirements, fuses
for industrial and commercial applications, fuses for
to protect
semiconductor devices.
The tests recommended on Fuses by IEC 60269 are:
●​ Temperature rise & power dissipation test
●​ Non-fusing & Fusing test
●​ Verification of rated current test
●​ Overload test
●​ Verification of Time Current Characteristics and
IEC 60309 Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for
Industrial Purposes
●​ IEC 60309-1 Specifies general functional and
safety requirements for any form of industrial
high-current power connector.
●​ IEC 60309-2 Specifies a range of mains power
connectors with circular housings, and different
numbers and arrangements of pins for different
IEC 60598 Luminaires
● EN IEC 60598-1 Specifies general requirements for
luminaires, incorporating electric light sources for
operation from supply voltages up to 1000 V.
● EN IEC 60598-2 Each part of IEC 60598-2 identifies
specific requirements for different types of lighting and
luminaires or groups of luminaires on supply voltages not
exceeding 1000 V
IEC 60898 Electrical Accessories- Circuit-breakers
for Overcurrent Protection Household and Similar
●​ IEC 60898-1: Circuit breakers for AC operation.
This part of the standard applies to alternating
●​ IEC 60898-3: Circuit breakers for DC operation.
This part of the standard contains requirements
for DC circuit breakers with a rated DC voltage
not exceeding 440 Volts.
The IEC 60898 standard does not apply to circuit
breakers listed below:
●​ Circuit breakers to protect motors
●​ Circuit breakers whose current setting can be
adjusted within user access
used to identify the specific product area
covered by the standard.
-​ “MG” for Motors & Generators and
-​ “AB” for Molded Case Circuit Breakers,
founded in 1926 by the merger of the Electrical
Power Club and the Associated Manufacturers of
Electrical Supplies.
trade association representing approximately
450 member companies involved in the
manufacturing of electrical products for
generation, transmission, distribution, control,
and end-use applications.
With 50 product sections, 8 divisions
●​ Industrial Automation
●​ Lighting Systems
●​ Electronics
●​ Building Equipment
●​ Insulating Materials
●​ Wire and Cable
●​ Power Equipment
●​ Diagnostic Imaging and Therapy Systems
●​ Development and Promotion
●​ Educational Initiatives
Improvement Focus
Core Values
●​ Safety
●​ Market Principles
●​ Regulatory Support
●​ identified by an alphanumeric designator, which
consists of a two-letter designation based on the
NEMA product section, followed by the
publication title and date
●​ The NEMA product section designators illustrate
how the alphanumeric designation system is
NEMA 1 - Indoor use to provide a degree of protection to
personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed
equipment and to provide a degree of protection against
falling dirt.
NEMA 2 - Indoor use to provide a degree of protection to
personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed
equipment, to provide a degree of protection against
falling dirt, and to provide a degree of protection against
dripping and light splashing of non-corrosive liquids.
Indoor or outdoor use to provide a degree of protection
to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed
equipment; to provide a degree of protection against
falling dirt , rain, sleet, snow , and windblown dust; and
that will be undamaged by the external formation of ice
on the enclosure.
Indoor or outdoor use to provide a degree of protection
to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed
equipment to provide a degree of protection against
falling dirt , rain, sleet, and snow; and that will be
undamaged by the external formation of ice on the
Indoor or outdoor use to provide a degree of protection
to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed
equipment,to provide a degree of protection against
falling dirt,rain, sleet, snow and windblown dust; and in
which the external mechanisms remain onerable when ice
Indoor or outdoor use to provide a degree of protection
to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed
equipment,to provide a degree of protection against
falling dirt , rain, sleet, snow , windblown dust, splashing
water, and hose-directed water;and that will be
undamaged by the external formation of ice on the
Indoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel
against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment;
to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt;
against settling airborne dust , lint, fibers, and flyings;
and to provide a degree of protection against dripping
and light splashing of non-corrosive liquids.
Indoor or outdoor use to provide a degree of protection
to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed
equipment;to provide a degree of protection against
falling dirt , rain, sleet, snow , hose-directed water and
the entry of water during occasional temporary
submersion at a limited depth; and that will be
undamaged by the external formation of ice on the
Constructed (without knockouts) for indoor use to
provide a degree of protection to personnel against
incidental contact with the enclosed equipment; to
provide a degree of protection against falling dirt;
against circulating dust, lint, fibers , and flyings; against
dripping and light splashing of non -corrosive liquids; and
against light splashing and consequent seepage of oil
and non - corrosive coolants.
●​ Standardization
●​ Safety
●​ Environmental Protection
●​ Equipment Selection - NEMA ratings are
essential when selecting electrical equipment, as
they help users choose products suitable for
specific environments.
●​ Compliance
●​ Global Recognition
●​ Innovation and Quality Control
Established in October 19, 1918,
a private, non-profit organization responsible for
overseeing and coordinating the voluntary
standards and conformity assessment system in
the United States.
ANSI is not a standards development
organization itself. Instead, it provides a
framework for the fair creation of standards and
ensuring their integrity is maintained.
1.​ Promote and Facilitate Voluntary Consensus
2.​ Coordinate U.S. Standards with International
3.​ Accredit Standards-Developing Organizations
4.​ Enhance U.S. Business Competitiveness
5.​ Protect and Improve Public Health and Safety
6.​ Educate and Advocate for Standardization
ANSI C2 – National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)
●​ standards for the installation, operation, and
communication utility systems, including power
substations, transmission lines, and cables. It
covers overhead and underground electric
supply and communication lines.
●​ Specific Guideline:
-​ Minimum vertical clearance
-​ Work zone safety’
-​ Grounding of electrical systems
●​ Importance:
-​ Worker and public safety
-​ Reliable utility infrastructure
-​ Adaptation to modern needs
ANSI/NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC)
●​ NEC, co-published with NFPA, provides safety
standards for electrical wiring and installation in
residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.
It covers guidelines for electrical conductors,
equipment, and raceways,
●​ Specific guideline:
-​ Article 110 – Requirements for
Electrical Installations - defines the
electrical installations, including proper
voltage ratings, grounding, wiring
methods, and equipment labeling.
-​ Article 210 - Branch circuits - this
article provides detailed rules for the
installation of branch circuits, which
distribute electricity to outlets, lights,
and appliances.
Article 250 - grounding and bonding
- ensures that electricity has a safe path
to the earth in case of faults or short
circuits. NEC sets strict guidelines on
grounding electrical systems, from
service equipment to appliances, to
minimize shock hazards.
Article 404 – Switches
- Specifies where electrical switches
must be installed in buildings, such as at
the entrance to rooms for easy access.
-​ Uniform Electrical Safety
-​ Prevention of Fires and Electric Shock
-​ Support for Emerging Technologies
ANSI C84.1 – Voltage Ratings for Electrical Power
Systems and Equipment
●​ This standard defines the acceptable voltage
ranges for electrical power systems and
equipment in residential, commercial, and
industrial sectors. It specifies standard voltage
●​ Voltage Classes: ANSI C84.1 specifies voltage
ratings for low-voltage (up to 1,000 volts) and
medium-voltage (above 1,000 volts but below
100,000 volts) electrical systems.
●​ Voltage Drop Considerations
-​ ANSI C84.1 acknowledges that voltage
drops can occur in a facility’s electrical
distribution system due to wire
resistance and distance. It recommends
maintaining voltage drops within 5%
from the service point to the utilization
point (e.g., from the building’s main
performance issues.
-​ Electrical system compatibility
-​ Operational safety
-​ Performance and efficiency ​
ANSI C12 Code for Electricity Metering
●​ ANSI C12 series sets the standards for the
accuracy, installation, and performance of
electricity meters. It covers the testing
procedures for both analog and digital meters
used by utility companies to measure power
ANSI C12.10 Physical Aspects of Watt-Hour Meters
●​ This standard focuses on the physical design of
terminals, and mounting requirements.
ANSI C12.20 Accuracy Class for Electricity Meters
●​ C12.20
requirements for electricity meters. It introduces
higher accuracy classes (such as 0.2%) for
advanced metering applications where precise
energy measurement is critical, such as in large
commercial or industrial settings.
ANSI C62 Surge Protection Standards
●​ ANSI C62 series defines the requirements for
surge protection in electrical and electronic
equipment. It covers lightning protection,
transient voltage surge suppressors, and power
line conditioning to protect electrical systems
from voltage spikes and surges that can
damage equipment or disrupt service.
ANSI 62.1 Gapped Silicon-Carbide Surge Arresters
●​ Defines
application of gapped silicon-carbide surge
arresters, which are designed to protect power
systems from overvoltage conditions caused by
lightning or switching surges. Commonly used in
utility distribution systems for protecting
high-voltage equipment.
ANSI C62.11 – Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters (MOA)
●​ Covers the specifications and performance
criteria for metal-oxide surge arresters (MOA),
which are widely used in modern power systems
due to their high efficiency and reliability in
protecting against overvoltage.
●​ MOA is used in high-voltage transmission
systems, substations, and distribution systems to
protect equipment like transformers and
switchgear from surges.
ANSI C62.45 – Testing Procedures for Surge
Protective Devices
●​ Provides detailed procedures for testing SPDs to
ensure their reliability and performance under
simulated surge conditions.
switches, and relays. It sets guidelines for
electrical equipment used in industrial settings to
ensure they are constructed and tested for safe
Protection and Coordination of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems (Buff Book)
●​ This standard, also known as the Buff Book,
provides guidelines for the protection and
coordination of electrical power systems in
industrial and commercial facilities.
ANSI/IEEE 141 – Recommended Practice for Electric
Power Distribution for Industrial Plants (Red Book)
●​ The Red Book outlines best practices for the
design and operation of electric power
distribution systems in industrial plants. It covers
topics like power system design, grounding, and
electrical load calculations, ensuring safe and
efficient power distribution within industrial
ANSI/IEEE 1100 – Recommended Practice for
Powering and Grounding Electronic Equipment
(Emerald Book)
●​ This standard provides guidelines for the proper
powering and grounding of sensitive electronic
It addresses power quality,
grounding techniques, and interference issues in
telecommunications facilities where equipment
reliability is critical.
ANSI/IEEE 446 – Recommended Practice for
Emergency and Standby Power Systems (Orange
●​ This standard offers guidelines for the design,
installation, and maintenance of emergency and
standby power systems. It focuses on power
reliability in critical situations, such as during
power outages, by addressing the use of
generators, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS),
and battery systems.
ANSI Z244.1 – Control of Hazardous Energy
●​ This standard provides safety requirements for
the lockout and tagout of energy-isolating
devices. It aims to protect workers from
accidental energization of machinery or
electrical systems during maintenance or
ANSI/UL 508 – Standard for Industrial Control
●​ This standard, co-developed with Underwriters
Laboratories (UL), covers the safety of industrial
control equipment, such as motor controllers,
Established in 1973
training, and testing services
to electrical
●​ NETA offers a comprehensive suite of
certification programs designed to validate the
skills and knowledge of electrical professionals.
NETA CERTIFICATIONS - provide a standardized
framework for assessing competence, enhancing
credibility, and opening doors to career advancement.
Obtaining a NETA certification can demonstrate to
employers and clients that an individual possesses the
necessary skills and knowledge to perform electrical
testing and inspection tasks effectively.
NETA Technician: entry-level certification is
suitable for technicians working in various
electrical settings. It covers fundamental
electrical principles, safety procedures, and
basic testing techniques.
NETA Senior Technician: Aimed at technicians
with advanced skills and experience, this
certification demonstrates a higher level of
competency. It includes in-depth knowledge of
electrical systems, troubleshooting techniques,
and complex testing procedures.
NETA Electrical Testing Engineer: This
certification is for engineers involved in electrical
testing and inspection. It requires a solid
principles, testing methodologies, and industry
certification recognizes professionals skilled in
infrared thermography for non-destructive
testing. It covers the theory and practice of
infrared thermography, including equipment
selection, image analysis, and reporting.
NETA TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES provide valuable insights into the health and
performance of electrical systems, enabling proactive
maintenance and preventing costly failures. By utilizing
NETA's testing services, organizations can reduce
downtime, improve system reliability, and enhance
overall electrical safety.
Electrical system testing: Comprehensive
testing of various electrical components,
including transformers, generators, switchgear,
and motors. NETA's testing procedures adhere to
industry standards and utilize state-of-the-art
equipment to provide accurate and reliable
testing using infrared cameras to detect
overheating and potential electrical faults.
Infrared thermography can identify hot spots,
loose connections, and insulation defects that
may lead to equipment failures or safety
performance, efficiency, and insulation integrity.
NETA's motor testing services include load
testing, insulation resistance testing, and
vibration analysis to assess the overall health
and condition of motors.
transformer condition, oil quality, and insulation
NETA's transformer testing services include oil
sampling, winding resistance testing, and partial
discharge testing to identify potential faults and ensure
the reliable operation of transformers.
●​ Certification preparation courses: Courses
designed to help individuals prepare for NETA
certification exams. These courses cover the
exam objectives, provide practice questions, and
offer tips for exam success.
●​ Technical training courses: Courses covering
specific topics such as motor testing,
transformer testing, and infrared thermography.
These courses provide in-depth knowledge and
practical skills for professionals working in these
Webinars and seminars: Online and in-person
events featuring industry experts and thought
NETA's webinars and seminars offer valuable insights
into the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in
the electrical industry.
NETA training programs equip professionals with the
latest knowledge and skills, ensuring they stay up-to-date
with industry best practices. By participating in NETA
training, electrical professionals can enhance their career
prospects, improve their job performance, and contribute
to the advancement of the electrical industry.
●​ Enhance electrical safety: NETA's standards
and practices contribute to reducing electrical
hazards and accidents. By ensuring that
electrical professionals are properly trained and
Improve system reliability: Regular testing
and maintenance practices ensure the reliable
operation of electrical systems.
Optimize energy efficiency: NETA's focus on
efficiency testing helps to identify areas for
improvement and reduce energy consumption.
Promote professional development: NETA's
training programs support the growth and
development of electrical professionals. By
providing opportunities for continuing education.
General Requirements
Good workmanship shall be apparent in the installation
of all electrical materials and equipment.
a) Equipment shall be level, plumb and true with the
structure and other equipment; also, in a horizontal or
vertical position as intended.
b) All materials shall be firmly secured in place,
adequately supported, and permanent. Materials
embedded in concrete or masonry or otherwise part of
the structure are considered sufficiently supported.
c) All hardware, fittings, and accessories shall be of a
type designed, intended and appropriate for use and
complement the items with which they are used.
d) All materials and equipment including hangers,
supports, fasteners or fittings, and accessories shall have
corrosion protection suitable for the atmosphere in which
they are installed (whether located indoors or outdoors).
Care shall be taken during the installation to assure the
integrity of the corrosion protection. Damaged corrosion
protection shall be repaired during or after installation.
e) All screws, bolts, nuts, clamps, fittings or other
fastening devices shall be made up tight in accordance
with manufacturers’ and/or listing instructions.
f) Plans and specifications shall be carefully followed
when installing equipment. NOTE: Local building codes
may have seismic requirements that affect equipment
installation. Installers shall consult these codes or
coordinate with the general contractor prior to installing
General Requirements for Mounting and Cooling of
a) Electrical equipment shall be firmly secured to the
surface on which it is mounted. Wooden plugs driven into
holes in masonry, concrete, plaster, or similar materials
shall not be used. b) Electrical equipment that depends
on the natural circulation of air and convection principles
for cooling of exposed surfaces shall be installed so that
room airflow over such surfaces is not prevented by walls
or by adjacent installed equipment. For equipment
designed for floor mounting, clearance between top
surfaces and adjacent surfaces shall be provided to
dissipate rising warm air. Electrical equipment provided
with ventilated openings shall be installed so that walls or
other obstructions do not prevent the free circulation of
air through the equipment.
NOTE: Many tests on electrical equipment involve The use
of high test voltages and currents that are life hazards to
personnel and are capable of damaging or destroying
the equipment under test. Institute and practice safety
rules to prevent injury to personnel who are performing
the tests and others who might be exposed to hazards.
Use test procedures designed to ensure that no
intentional damage to equipment will result from the
testing process.
Servicing and maintaining electrical equipment includes
inspecting and testing equipment during its operation.
Hazards exist as an unavoidable characteristic of
operating and testing electrical equipment. While the
hazard remains, risk can be mitigated through good
engineering design, proper work practices, and protective
Electrical equipment hazards include electric shock
(energized equipment, stored energy in batteries and
capacitors, multiple sources of electricity), toxic
chemicals (electrolyte and hydrogen from batteries,
engine generator oil and coolant), asphyxiation
combustion), explosion (hydrogen from batteries, fuels
from engine-generators, arc-blast), rotating machinery
(motors and engine generators), corrosive liquids
(battery electrolyte), corrosive vapors (cracked or leaky
batteries), fire and explosion hazard (hydrogen gas
generated during battery charging cycles, fuels for
engine generators), hazardous fumes or vapors
(products of combustion due to fire), confined spaces
(manholes), and thermal burns (engine-generator
components, batteries, products of combustion), among
Prior to maintaining equipment, read all related
installation, operation, and owner’s manuals to become
familiar with the equipment and the hazards specific to
the equipment. Read all related safety instructions and
carefully observe all instructions, warnings, and
precautions in this Recommended Practice and in the
equipment manufacturer instructions. Observe all safety
warning labels on equipment.
Individuals performing tests and inspections shall be
capable of working in a safe manner and with complete
knowledge of the hazards and methods of mitigating the
risks involved.
Safety practices shall include, but are not limited to, the
following requirements:
• All applicable provisions of the Occupational Safety and
Health Act, particularly OSHA 29 CFR 1910.
• ANSI/NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety
Requirements for Employee Workplaces.
• Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations,
National Safety Council.
• Manufacturer instructions.
• Applicable state and local safety operating procedures.
• Company manuals and policies.
• Owner’s safety practices.
The following are examples of good procedures to follow
when maintaining electrical equipment:
• Conduct a hazard identification and risk analysis prior
to any work on electrical equipment. The risk assessment
shall be applicable to the specific task to be performed,
and shall determine the appropriate level of personal
protective equipment (PPE) to be worn while performing
the task.
• Follow manufacturer instructions and recommendations
for electrically isolating electrical equipment and
• Check electrical equipment and components for AC and
DC voltages to ensure that equipment is electrically safe
before performing any commissioning, inspections, or
• Open all external disconnects or circuit breakers to
completely isolate equipment from all AC and DC power
• Open DC circuit breakers to completely isolate
equipment from batteries.
• Check capacitors for voltage and discharge. Wait a
minimum of five minutes for capacitors to discharge
before entering electrical equipment cabinets.
Keep cabinet and access doors secured when not
working inside electrical equipment to ensure proper
cooling airflow and to protect personnel from dangerous
voltages inside equipment. Ensure that doors cannot
create a hazard when open due to door swing or limited
work space around equipment.
NOTE: Some equipment may have lock bars for
compartment doors or removable doors for this purpose.
Routine Inspections
Perform routine inspections of electrical equipment at
regular intervals based on the importance of the
equipment, the cleanliness of the operating environment,
and the severity of the load conditions. Maintain records
of routine inspections and compare with previous
Routine inspections typically consist of external visual
in conjunction with
measurements of electrical operating parameters, such
as operating voltage and load currents, and
environmental characteristics such as checking for
unusual noises and elevated sound level and taking
temperature measurements in general, and liquid-levels
and pressures for liquid-filled and/or sealed equipment.
As such, routine inspections are typically performed with
equipment energized and under load by inspecting
meters and gauges of equipment. When voltage and
current meters are not installed on equipment, follow
manufacturer instructions, NFPA 70B, NFPA 70E, and
Section 3 to safely measure electrical operating
Based on deficiencies identified during routine
inspections, complete needed repairs, cleaning, and
painting in accordance with manufacturer instructions
and Section 5
Consult the manufacturer for recommendations for any
deficiencies identified during inspections, testing, and
maintenance. Where the continued operation of
equipment is suspected to be hazardous based on
identified deficiencies, de-energize equipment and
remove from service. Consult the manufacturer for
recommendations for repairing or replacing suspect
Handle materials and dispose of refuse, debris, and used
and excess liquids in accordance with local, State, and
Federal environmental regulations.
Periodic Inspections
Complete routine inspections in accordance with Section
4.1 prior to performing periodic inspections.
Perform periodic inspections of electrical equipment at
regular intervals based on the importance of the
equipment, the cleanliness of the operating environment,
and the severity of the load conditions. Maintain records
of periodic inspections and compare with previous
Periodic inspections typically consist of internal
in conjunction with
measurements of electrical parameters, such as contact
resistance. As such, periodic inspections are typically
performed with equipment de-energized and locked out
and/or tagged out of operation in accordance with NFPA
for the facility. When required by contract, work order, or
purchase agreement, provide portable engine-generators
as needed to maintain generator power capabilities for
the duration of testing and maintenance procedures,
such as for emergency power applications.
Based on deficiencies identified during periodic
inspections, complete needed maintenance and repairs
in accordance with manufacturer instructions and
Section 5.
Verify that the generator is mounted in such a manner to
prevent combustible materials from accumulating under
the generator. Inspect for and remove any foreign
objects or loose debris, such as materials, trash, rags,
paper, and leaves, that could be drawn into the generator
or alternator air intakes. Ensure that the generator and
the surrounding area are clean, dry, and free from
obstructions. Ensure that all covers and guards are in
place and secure. Verify all generator functions.
Consult the manufacturer for recommendations for any
deficiencies identified during inspections, testing, and
maintenance. Where the continued operation of
equipment is suspected to be hazardous based on
identified deficiencies, de-energize equipment and
remove from service. Consult the manufacturer for
recommendations for repairing or replacing suspect
Testing and Maintenance Requirements
Follow the manufacturer equipment specific instructions
for operating, servicing, inspecting, testing, maintaining,
components, including performing specific inspections
and testing as recommended by the manufacturer in
addition to the general inspections, testing, and
maintenance contained within this Recommended
Perform testing and maintenance of equipment and
instructions and in accordance with NFPA 70, NFPA 70B,
and NFPA 70E. See Section 3 for additional guidance for
electrical safety.
Perform routine inspections in accordance with Section
4.1, and perform periodic inspections in accordance with
Section 4.2 prior to testing and maintaining equipment.
Major maintenance and repairs of engine-generators is
beyond the scope of this Recommended Practice. Consult
the manufacturer for recommendations.
Test and maintain generators installed for life safety
systems, emergency systems, and critical operations
power systems (COPS) in accordance with applicable
National, State, and local codes and regulations.
engine-generators with the owner’s operational schedule
Verify all alarms, meters, emergency power off (EPO),
auxiliary functions, remote
Standard for Commissioning Building Electrical System
1.1 Products and Applications Included This standard
outlines the procedures for installing, testing, and
commissioning newly installed or retrofitted electrical
systems, equipment, and components in buildings. It
defines the commissioning process for these systems and
provides example guidelines to achieve optimal system
performance that aligns with design specifications and
widely accepted industry codes and standards. This
standard focuses on commissioning activities that
generally involve the electrical sub-contractor and take
place during and after the construction phase.
Additionally, the commissioning process encompasses
activities that extend beyond the purview of this
1.2 Products and Applications Excluded This standard is
not designed to address the specific commissioning
processes for all varieties of electrical systems,
equipment, or components. Other NEIS documents that
detail commissioning and testing requirements for
electrical systems, equipment, and components are
referenced and listed in Annex B. Additionally, this
standard does not involve:
• The procedures for commissioning systems such as fire
alarm systems, telecommunications networks, closed
circuit television (CCTV) systems, access control systems,
and other limited energy systems.
• The testing of specialized equipment and systems,
including transformers, wiring, and line isolation monitors
that are part of isolated power systems in wet locations
within healthcare facilities.
• Commissioning and acceptance testing must be
performed in accordance with relevant national, state,
and local codes and regulations for life safety systems,
emergency systems, and critical operations power
systems (COPS), as well as the general commissioning
and acceptance testing outlined by this Standard.
• Ongoing commissioning and/or maintenance testing is
mandated by applicable national, state, and local codes
and regulations for specific applications and systems,
including healthcare facilities and emergency systems.
Quality and Performance Recommendations
Recommendations for quality and performance outline
actions that are advised or discouraged to enhance the
overall quality or performance of the installation,
characterized by the terms should or should not.
1.3 Regulatory and Other Requirements All information in
this document aims to comply with the NEC (ANSI/NFPA
70). Installers must adhere to the NEC, relevant state and
local regulations, manufacturer guidelines, and contract
documents when commissioning electrical systems in
Explanatory Material Explanatory information, including
references to other Codes, Standards, or documents,
connections to related sections of this Standard, details
pertaining to another Code, Standard, or document, as
well as additional application and design data, is
integrated throughout this Standard to enhance the
comprehension of mandatory requirements, permissive
requirements, and quality and performance suggestions.
This supplementary information is provided for
informational purposes only and is marked by the term
“NOTE” or by italicized text.
Only qualified individuals, as defined by the NEC and
experienced in the commissioning of building electrical
systems, are permitted to conduct the technical tasks
outlined in this document. Support functions such as
receiving, handling, storing, and other related activities
may be carried out under the oversight of a qualified
person. All work must be conducted according to NFPA
70E, the Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.
Informative Annexes Non-required information and
additional reference standards or documents related to
the application and utilization of materials, equipment,
and systems included in this Standard are available in
informative annexes. Informative annexes do not
constitute part of the enforceable obligations of this
Standard, but are included solely for informational
General guidelines for the installation of electrical
products and systems are outlined in NECA 1, the
Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical
Construction (ANSI). Additional NEIS offer further
guidance for the installation of specific types of electrical
products and systems. Other reference standards and a
comprehensive list of NEIS can be found in Annex B.
A/E Architect/Engineer. The leading consultants that
make up the design team typically include the Architect,
HVAC mechanical designer/engineer, control system
engineer/designer, and electrical designer/engineer.
1.4 Mandatory Requirements, Permissive Requirements,
and Informative Annexes
Mandatory Requirements.
Mandatory requirements outlined in manufacturer
instructions or in Codes or other obligatory Standards
that may or may not be enacted into law specify actions
that are either explicitly mandated or prohibited. They
are distinguished by terms such as must or must not,
shall or shall not, or phrases indicating something is not
allowed, required, or by the use of affirmative language
regarding obligatory actions. Examples of such
mandatory requirements might include, “equipment must
be protected…,” “equipment shall be protected…,” or
“protect equipment…,” with the last phrase interpreted as
“(it is necessary to) protect equipment…”.
Approval. Acknowledgment that a piece of equipment or
system has been correctly installed and is operating in
the tested modes as per the contractual documents.
BOD Basis of Design. A document that records the design
criteria upon which the design is based.
Commissioning Checklists. Verification checklists are
created and utilized throughout every stage of the
commissioning process to ensure that the Owner’s
project criteria are being met. This includes general
verification checklists and construction checklists, as well
as start-up, pre-functional, and functional checklists,
along with additional specific requirements such as
testing and training.
Commissioning Team. A team consisting of members
from the Architect/Engineer (A/E), general contractor,
subcontractors, specialty manufacturers, suppliers, and
the Owner, as needed, will be responsible for executing
the CP.
The documented procedures which comprise the
construction-phase commissioning process generally
include the following:
• Pre-Commissioning that consists of normally specified
checks and testing, and wiring and controls
point-to-point verification completed by the respective
general contractor or subcontractor before the formal
commissioning process begins.
• Pre-Functional Procedures (PFPs) that consist of a
series of field observations conducted during the
installation of equipment yet to be commissioned to
verify that equipment and components are installed in
accordance with contract documents and are ready for
typically-specified testing, such as meter testing of
electrical equipment.
• Equipment Startup Procedures that ensure that startup
is performed in accordance with the manufacturer
recommended procedures, and that those startup
activities and data are documented for future reference.
• Post-Startup Testing that consists of typical testing
activities specified as required by contract documents
that occurs after startup and before Functional
Performance Procedures, such as debugging.
• Functional Performance Procedures (FPPs) that consist
of determining if equipment and systems operate in
accordance with the design intent and the contract
• Operation and Maintenance Manuals that will be
reviewed for both content and organization.
• Operator Training that will be provided and coordinated
by the general contractor and overseen by the Owner to
help ensure that operating and maintenance staff is
adequately prepared to operate and maintain the facility
at turnover.
Commissioning Plan (CP)
The CP provides guidance for the execution of
commissioning activities, and provides a broad outline of
the entire commissioning process.
The CP typically details the commissioning activities
during design and construction, along with occupancy
and operational commissioning activities and the roles
and responsibilities of all commissioning team members,
by name, firm, and trade specialty, for performance of
each commissioning task.
The CP is a dynamic document that is continuously
updated throughout the design, construction, and
warranty phases of the project.
Commissioning documents which will be completed by
the various installing contractors (general contractor or
sub contractors) include, but are not limited to, the
• Periodic commissioning status reports.
• Pre-startup test procedures and test forms.
• Equipment startup plans and forms.
• Post-startup test forms and reports.
• Pre-functional tests and checklists.
• Functional performance procedures and tests.
• Operating and maintenance (O&M) manuals.
Vibration Monitoring
Use a vibration data collector with the following
minimum requirements:
• Minimum of 400 lines of resolution
• Dynamic range greater than 70dB
• Frequency response of 5Hz-10kHz (300 to 600,000
cycles per minute (cpm)
• Capability to perform ensemble averaging
• Use of a Hanning window
• Auto-ranging frequency
• Minimum amplitude accuracy over the selected
frequency range of plus/minus 20% or plus/minus 1.5 dB
5.5.1 General Electrical Commissioning Requirements
Perform inspections and mechanical tests of equipment
and components according to manufacturer instructions
and ANSI/NETA specifications. Key actions include:
1. Equipment Verification:
○ Compare equipment with contract documents and
approved submittals.
○ Verify nameplate information, circuit breaker and fuse
sizes, and resistance values (not exceeding 15% deviation
for identical fuses).
2. Wiring Checks:
○ Conduct point-to-point checks for proper terminations
and continuity, including ground conductors.
○ Perform shield continuity tests for shielded cables and
inspect cable insulation and bends per ICEA standards.
3. Connection Verification:
○ Confirm correct connections as per single line and
three-line diagrams.
○ Conduct phasing checks for equipment with multiple
4. Mechanical Inspection:
○ Ensure proper clearances, secure conductors, and
verify cable arrangements and identifications.
○ Perform visual inspections to ensure cleanliness and
proper assembly of equipment.
5. Safety and Operation Testing:
○ Test all safety devices and interlock systems.
○ Check alarm and trip settings against specifications
and approved documents.
6. Fluid and Pressure Checks:
○ Verify liquid levels in transformers and batteries, check
for leaks, and ensure positive pressure in gas-blanketed
7. Operational Verification:
○ Manually operate disconnects and circuit breakers to
check alignment and smooth operation.
○ Perform insulation resistance testing and infrared scans
of equipment under load.
8. Post-Energization Checks:
○ Listen for unusual sounds after energizing equipment
and systems.
5.5.2 Medium and High Voltage Power Cables (above
Perform acceptance testing on cables, including
terminations and joints, after installation but before
placing the cable system into service, following
ANSI/IEEE standards. Key Steps:
1. Preparation: ○ Ensure cables are disconnected and de
energized. ○ Ground surge arresters, potential
transformers, and capacitors.
2. Testing Setup: ○ Isolate conductors from ground and
prevent contact with personnel. ○ Tie back cables for
clearance. ○ Test each conductor and cable section
individually. ○ Clean exposed cable ends using
manufacturer approved materials.
3. Testing Methods: ○ Use DC, AC, partial discharge (PD),
or very low frequency (VLF) AC testing methods. ○ Do not
exceed 80% of the cable manufacturer’s factory test
value or the specified maximum test voltage. ○ High
potential testing is only for new conductors and should
not be performed on conductors over five years old.
4. Post testing:
conduct insulation resistance and shield continuity tests
after splicing new cables into existing ones.
○ Measure only the leakage current associated with the
cable under test.
○ Ensure terminations are adequately corona suppressed.
5. Final Checks:
○ After energizing, check for unusual sounds indicating
○ Conduct a thermographic (infrared) survey to detect