Confidential External EMPLOYERS REQUIREMENTS Distribution System Design Standard NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 Rev 01.00, May 2023 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. 4 Confidential External Confidential External Document History Revision code Description of changes Purpose of issue Date First Issue Issued for Implementation 9/5/2023 Rev 1.0 Document History Note: This document was previously made available for use titled as: NEOM-NEG-EMR004 - Design Basis Document for MV Grid - 03B - Distribution System Equipment. It was one of a series of 5 documents produced by NEOM ENERGY the predecessor of ENOWA. The current document has been significantly updated and reflects the separation of responsibilities within ENOWA at the time of Publication. Document Approval Prepared by Approved by Darko Grcev Farhan Khan Rimnesh Shah Hongsoo Goh William Woods Principal Engineer Senior Manager’s-DSO Name Job Title Reviewed by Director - DSO Document Preface Key Stakeholders: ETSD, PTS, Projects/Regional (All regions), Environment, All Sectors (LINE, OXAGON etc.), ENOWA. Added Value: This document provides the mandatory design requirements for the NEOM Electrical Distribution Network that are to be followed by Designers of this network and those making decisions which impact on those Design decisions in the process of completing NEOM’s various projects. Impact: Ensures that the Designed Electrical Distribution Network complies with NEOM’s codes and standards for the network. Which in turn ensures that NEOM’s electrical distribution system will be safe, reliable and cost-effective. Amendments Distribution System Operator (DSO) documents are reviewed periodically. Any request to update part of or a whole document shall be made in writing addressed to the Author of the document via the DSO mailbox Disclaimer As DSO’s documents are subject to ongoing review, the information contained in this document may be amended by DSO at any time. It is possible that conflict may exist between versions of documents. In this event, the most recent version published to the NEOM Online Library shall prevail. Interpretation In the event that any user of this Document considers that any of its provisions is uncertain, ambiguous or otherwise in need of interpretation, the user shall request DSO to clarify the provision in writing via mailbox. DSO’s interpretation shall then apply as though it was included in the published document and is final and binding. No correspondence will be entered into with any person disputing the meaning of the provision published in the Document or the accuracy of DSO’s interpretation. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 1.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 2 OF 156 Confidential External Contents 1 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 8 2 Definitions and Abbreviations ......................................................................................... 8 3 2.1 Terms.................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 9 Primary Equipment ....................................................................................................... 11 3.1 General ............................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Secondary Substations ....................................................................................... 11 3.2.1 Design Data and Assumptions........................................................................ 11 3.2.2 33 kV and 13.8 kV Switchgears ...................................................................... 12 3.2.3 MV Step Down Transformers.......................................................................... 12 3.2.4 Auxiliary Transformers .................................................................................... 14 3.2.5 Auxiliary Power Supply ................................................................................... 14 3.3 3.3.1 Design Data and Assumptions........................................................................ 17 3.3.2 33 kV and 13.8 kV Switchgears ...................................................................... 17 3.3.3 Distribution Transformers ............................................................................... 18 3.3.4 400 VAC Distribution ...................................................................................... 19 3.4 LV Connection Points.......................................................................................... 20 3.4.1 Design Data and Assumption ......................................................................... 20 3.4.2 Technical Requirements ................................................................................. 21 3.5 Capacitors, Reactors, and Reactive Power Compensation ................................. 22 3.6 Medium Voltage Direct Current (MVDC) Distribution ........................................... 22 3.7 Energy Storage ................................................................................................... 23 3.7.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................... 23 3.7.2 Potential Applications of Electrical Storage Systems ...................................... 23 3.7.3 Electrical Storage Design ............................................................................... 24 3.7.4 Energy Storage System Requirements ........................................................... 24 3.8 Distributed Generation ........................................................................................ 25 3.9 Critical Customers & Non- Critical Loads ............................................................ 26 3.10 LV Resilience Strategy ........................................................................................ 27 3.10.1 System Resilience Measures for Category 1 .................................................. 27 3.10.2 System Resilience Measures for Category 2 .................................................. 28 3.10.3 System Resilience Measures for Category 3 .................................................. 28 3.11 4 Distribution Substations ...................................................................................... 17 Special Application for Island Power System....................................................... 28 Substation Control and Monitoring Systems ................................................................. 30 4.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................ 30 4.1.1 General System Requirements ....................................................................... 30 4.1.2 System Design ............................................................................................... 31 DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 3 OF 156 Confidential External 4.1.3 4.2 Functional Requirements .................................................................................... 40 4.2.1 Station Level Functions .................................................................................. 41 4.2.2 Bay Level Functions ....................................................................................... 50 4.3 Design Requirements.......................................................................................... 56 4.3.1 Station Level Design....................................................................................... 56 4.3.2 Bay Level Design............................................................................................ 56 4.3.3 Quantity of Inputs and Outputs ....................................................................... 57 4.4 5 Principle System Architecture ......................................................................... 35 Other Requirements ............................................................................................ 59 4.4.1 General .......................................................................................................... 59 4.4.2 Engineering .................................................................................................... 59 4.4.3 FAT and SAT.................................................................................................. 60 4.4.4 Commissioning ............................................................................................... 63 4.4.5 Service, After-Sales and Maintenance ............................................................ 63 4.4.6 Training .......................................................................................................... 64 4.4.7 Documentation ............................................................................................... 65 Remote Terminal Units for Distribution Substations ...................................................... 66 5.1 Hardware Requirements ..................................................................................... 66 5.1.1 Power Supply Module ..................................................................................... 66 5.1.2 Battery and Battery Charger ........................................................................... 67 5.1.3 Analog Measurement Module ......................................................................... 67 5.1.4 Communication Modules ................................................................................ 68 5.1.5 Digital Input Module ........................................................................................ 68 5.1.6 Digital Output Module ..................................................................................... 69 5.1.7 Analog Input Module....................................................................................... 69 5.1.8 Modem Module ............................................................................................... 70 5.2 Functional Requirements .................................................................................... 70 5.2.1 Metering ......................................................................................................... 70 5.2.2 Fault Indication ............................................................................................... 70 5.2.3 Status indication ............................................................................................. 71 5.2.4 PLC Functionality ........................................................................................... 71 5.2.5 Communication protocols ............................................................................... 71 5.2.6 Sequence of Event (SoE) Recording .............................................................. 71 5.2.7 Time Synchronization ..................................................................................... 71 5.2.8 Data Transmission.......................................................................................... 72 5.3 Performance Requirements ................................................................................ 72 5.3.1 Availability ...................................................................................................... 72 5.3.2 Maintainability ................................................................................................. 72 5.3.3 Message Security ........................................................................................... 72 DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 4 OF 156 Confidential External 6 Fault Detection and Protection...................................................................................... 73 6.1 Power System Components to be Protected ....................................................... 73 6.2 Concept of Protection System ............................................................................. 74 6.3 Distribution System Protection ............................................................................ 74 6.3.1 33 kV, 13.8 kV and LV Busbars ...................................................................... 75 6.3.2 MV Step Down Transformer ........................................................................... 75 6.3.3 Distribution Transformers ............................................................................... 76 6.3.4 MV and LV Cables.......................................................................................... 76 6.3.5 Substation Bay ............................................................................................... 77 6.3.6 Interface with Customer Generation ............................................................... 77 6.4 7 8 Requirements for Protection Devices .................................................................. 78 6.4.1 Merging Units ................................................................................................. 78 6.4.2 Input Output Units........................................................................................... 79 6.4.3 Protection Units .............................................................................................. 79 6.4.4 Protection Cubicles......................................................................................... 80 Telecommunication Systems ........................................................................................ 82 7.1 General ............................................................................................................... 82 7.2 Telecommunication System at Substations ......................................................... 83 7.3 Telecommunication System at Control Centers................................................... 84 7.4 NEOM Backbone Telecommunication System .................................................... 84 7.5 Telecommunication System for Metering ............................................................ 84 7.6 Telecommunication Equipment for Building Management Systems .................... 84 7.7 DC UPS for Telecommunication Equipment Power Supply ................................. 84 Design Basis for EMS/ADMS Systems ......................................................................... 85 8.1 Requirements for the New EMS/ADMS Systems ................................................ 85 8.1.1 Major Requirements ....................................................................................... 85 8.1.2 Standard Product vs. Tailor-Made Solutions ................................................... 86 8.1.3 Hardware and Software Platforms .................................................................. 87 8.1.4 Communication Applying Standard Protocols ................................................. 87 8.1.5 Expandability of the New EMS/ADMS Systems .............................................. 88 8.1.6 Redundancy Concept ..................................................................................... 89 8.2 Basic Layout of the Proposed EMS/ADMS Systems ........................................... 89 8.2.1 Overall System Configuration ......................................................................... 89 8.2.2 General Objectives ......................................................................................... 90 8.2.3 Redundancy Concept ..................................................................................... 92 8.3 Openness of the System ..................................................................................... 93 8.3.1 Scalability ....................................................................................................... 94 8.3.2 Ability for Integration ....................................................................................... 94 8.3.3 Interoperability ................................................................................................ 94 DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 5 OF 156 Confidential External 9 8.4 General Software Requirements ......................................................................... 94 8.5 Performance Requirements ................................................................................ 95 8.5.1 Reliability ........................................................................................................ 95 8.5.2 Maintainability ................................................................................................. 95 8.5.3 Availability ...................................................................................................... 95 8.5.4 Data Integrity .................................................................................................. 96 8.5.5 Time Parameters ............................................................................................ 96 8.5.6 HMI Performance Requirements .................................................................... 98 Metering ..................................................................................................................... 100 9.1 System Meters .................................................................................................. 100 9.2 Smart Meters .................................................................................................... 101 9.3 Electricity Metering for Utility Company ............................................................. 104 10 Cyber Security ............................................................................................................ 104 11 Cables ........................................................................................................................ 106 11.1 Applicable Standards ........................................................................................ 106 11.2 MV and LV Cables ............................................................................................ 107 11.2.1 General ........................................................................................................ 107 11.2.2 Medium Voltage Cables................................................................................ 109 11.2.3 Low Voltage Cables...................................................................................... 110 11.2.4 Cable Containment ....................................................................................... 111 11.3 Submarine Cables............................................................................................. 112 11.3.1 Cable Design Features ................................................................................. 112 11.3.2 Cable Accessories ........................................................................................ 118 11.4 Cable Culverts and Tunnels .............................................................................. 120 11.4.1 General ........................................................................................................ 120 11.4.2 Culvert Size .................................................................................................. 121 11.4.3 Structural Form ............................................................................................. 123 11.4.4 Construction and Materials ........................................................................... 123 11.4.5 Design and Analysis ..................................................................................... 125 11.4.6 Culvert Auxiliaries (MEPF Systems) ............................................................. 125 11.4.7 Emergency Power Supply ............................................................................ 127 11.5 Fiber Optic cable ............................................................................................... 127 11.5.1 General ........................................................................................................ 127 11.5.2 Optical Fiber Characteristics ......................................................................... 128 11.5.3 Cable Packing .............................................................................................. 130 11.5.4 Accessories .................................................................................................. 130 11.5.5 Post-Installation Tests .................................................................................. 131 12 Earthing ...................................................................................................................... 132 12.1 Earthing Design ................................................................................................ 132 DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. 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Confidential External PAGE 6 OF 156 Confidential External 12.2 Protection Against Contact Voltages ................................................................. 133 13 Lightning Protection System ....................................................................................... 134 14 Cathodic Protection .................................................................................................... 135 15 Heat Tracing Systems ................................................................................................ 135 15.1 Design Data and Assumptions .......................................................................... 135 15.2 Technical Requirements.................................................................................... 135 16 Electrical identification ................................................................................................ 136 17 Installation .................................................................................................................. 136 18 Appendices................................................................................................................. 136 Appendix A Additional Technical Detail List of Tables Table 1: Main characteristics of 33 kV and 13.8 kV switchgears ......................................... 12 Table 2: Preliminary characteristics of 33/13.8 kV MV step down transformers ................... 12 Table 3: Minimum requirements for low voltage boards and panels. ................................... 15 Table 4: Low voltage power supply requirements for different applications ......................... 17 Table 5: General requirements for distribution substation ................................................... 18 Table 6: General specifications for distribution transformers. .............................................. 19 Table 7: Minimum requirements for LV switchboards .......................................................... 19 Table 8: Distribution Substation LV connection point data................................................... 21 Table 9: LV distributed feeder pillars connection point data ................................................ 21 Table 10: LV supply resilience categories ........................................................................... 27 Table 11: HMI performance requirements ........................................................................... 99 Table 12: Minimum clearances for culverts of MV and LV cables ...................................... 121 Table 13: Minimum clearances for small culverts of MV and LV cables ............................ 122 Table 14: Characteristics of the optical fiber cables .......................................................... 128 Table 15: Ground conductor sizes..................................................................................... 132 Table 16: Ground resistance limit for different installations ............................................... 133 List of Figures Figure 1: Principle architecture of a substation control and monitoring system (SCMS) ...... 36 Figure 2: IEC 61850 communication profile......................................................................... 38 Figure 3: Architecture of system meters. ........................................................................... 100 Figure 4: Architecture of smart meters .............................................................................. 102 Figure 5: Typical cross-section of a three-phase submarine cable with SWA. ................... 116 Figure 6: Schematic of culverts for MV and LV cables ...................................................... 121 Figure 7: Schematic of small culverts for MV and LV cables ............................................. 122 Figure 8: Typical cable cross-section. ............................................................................... 128 DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 7 OF 156 Confidential External 1 Scope This document provides high level requirements for primary and secondary equipment which may be used in MV grids. This document also contains the requirements of the equipment which are planned to be used in Micro Grids. All usage in this document of the words “Company” or “Company’s” are a reference to the Distribution System Operator (DSO) department of ENOWA. All equipment mentioned in this document shall be type tested according to the latest version of the relevant Standards. Type test shall be carried out by accredited laboratories confirmed by the Company. As part of the DSO assets to be constructed the SEC equipment specifications and construction standards that shall be complied with are listed within this document as well as in the NEOM-NDS-LST-001 Rev 1.0, Sept 2022: SEC Standards and Specifications Version Reference List. The following referenced documents provide additional information which may assist with the application of this document: • Design Basis Document - Part 1: Strategy • Design Basis Document - Part 2: Design • Design Basis Document - Part 4: Register. The latest edition of these documents (including any amendments) may be accessed by sending a request through the email address: 2 Definitions and Abbreviations 2.1 Terms The following terms and their defined meaning are to be used to interpret this TS: Term Definition Company The owner of Neom region, named “NEOM” Distribution System Operator (DSO) A business unit of ENOWA and, for the purposes of interpreting this Technical Specification, the representative of the Company Manufacturer The party (or parties) that manufactures and/or supplies equipment/materials, technical documents/drawings, and services as specified by the COMPANY must / shall Denotes a requirement that is mandatory. These are pass/fail criteria may / might Denotes a deviation from the Specification that is not preferred but which the Company may accept if there are compelling reasons to do so Contractor Denotes a party (or parties) that is performing assigned tasks on behalf of NEOM under agreed contract. Prefer / Preference Denotes a desirable feature or characteristic. Compliance or otherwise with such desired characteristics will form part of the evaluation of each tenderer’s offer against the others DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 8 OF 156 Confidential External 2.2 Term Definition Should Denotes a requirement for which Tenderers may put forward an alternative proposal. Requirements denoted by ‘should’ are pass/fail criteria unless the Company (at its own discretion) accepts the alternatives proposed Supplier A party (or parties) that is performing all or part of the Manufacturers services to the Company under a separate contract with the Manufacturer Specification Means this document or another NEOM specification referenced by this document Tenderer Means a party that provides an offer in response to a procurement exercise being run by the Company Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in this specification: Abbreviation Definition AC Alternating Current DC Direct Current DSO Distribution System Operator ENOWA A subsidiary of the Company FAT Factory Acceptance Test GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear SEC Saudi Electric Company SLD Single Line Diagram MV Medium Voltage HV High Voltage LV Low Voltage ONAN Oil Natural Air Natural ONAF Oil Natural Air Forced OLTC On Load Tap Changer RTCCP Remote Tap Changer Control Panel AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator IED Intelligent Electronic Device OLCMS On-Line Condition Monitoring System ANAN UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply SCMS Substation Control and Monitoring System RMU Ring Main Unit MVDC Medium Voltage Direct Current BESS Battery Energy Storage System ESS Energy Storage System DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 9 OF 156 Confidential External Abbreviation Definition HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning EEC Electrical Energy Centre ESP Emergency Standby Power SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System MTBF Mean Time Between Failures EMI Electromagnetic Interference MTTR Mean Time to Repair GPS Global Positioning System ACSI Abstract Communication Services DMZ De-Militarized Zone NO Normally Open NC Normally Closed SAT Site Acceptance Test SoE Sequence of Events RTU Remote Terminal Unit DER Distributed Energy Resources BF Breaker Failure CTS CT Supervision ACB Air Circuit Breaker MCCB Moulded Case Circuit Breakers TCP Trip Circuit Supervision PoS Point of Supply TNMS Telecommunication Management System OSF Open Standard Foundation FTP File Transfer Protocol BAS Burial Assessment Summary DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 10 OF 156 Confidential External 3 Primary Equipment 3.1 General The medium voltage equipment and installations, i.e., circuit breakers, disconnectors, current and voltage transformers, high, medium and low voltage switchgears, MV step down transformers 33/13.8 kV, distribution transformers 33/0.4 kV and 13.8/0.4 kV etc., to be offered shall be complete in all aspects, as necessary for their effective and trouble-free operation when connected to the equipment. All equipment shall be of approved and reliable design, ensuring the highest possible degree of uniformity and inter-changeability. The equipment shall be capable of continuous satisfactory operation within the specified timing under changes of the supply voltage, as specified in the Technical Data Sheets. Especially regarding testing and inspection, all equipment and installations shall be subject to factory acceptance tests, special and type tests, routine tests and site acceptance tests, as per the required in the technical specifications. As all equipment to be offered shall be type-tested in accordance with the relevant IEC Standards and the KSA rules, type test reports are to be submitted to obtain Company’s approval for the equipment in mention. Routine test reports for each unit of equipment are to be submitted (soft copy and hard copies as required by the Company) prior to the delivery of the unit. All substation equipment shall be provided in accordance with the Company approved technical specifications. The substations shall be engineered as a three-phase system as per the single line diagram and intended as turn-key project. It shall be acknowledged that there are ongoing developments in alternative insulating medium for GIS that is more environmentally friendly than SF6. The Contractor can preferably propose less climate active alternative insulating medium to SF6 GIS for Clients consideration. The installation of the substation in urban areas shall comply with latest international standard (ENATS 35-2) in term of sound levels. The maximum sound level shall be under 68 dB. The values are intended with full cooling system (if any) in operation. The substations shall be designed to be connected through underground cable distribution system. Note: The SEC Specifications will be replaced by an equivalent document provided by the Company. 3.2 Secondary Substations 3.2.1 Design Data and Assumptions The 33/13.8 kV secondary substations is shown in Annex A1 as an example. The number of feeders shall be as per project prepared Single Line Diagram (SLD). It shall be noted that selection of MV voltage level shall be based on the consideration of the load as well as cost justifications. The busbar will be rated according to the ring main rating of the technical studies and the connected loads. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 11 OF 156 Confidential External 3.2.2 33 kV and 13.8 kV Switchgears The switchgears shall be 3-phase, gas insulated switchgear (GIS), indoor type, single busbar configuration, as a minimum IP41, complying with the IEC 62271 Standards. The switchgear’s short time fault withstand duration shall be as a minimum 3 seconds. For GIS switchgears, the non-SF6 gases are preferred. The switchgears shall consist of a row of freestanding floor mounted panels that are of a single front, single tier type. The switchgear cubicles shall be flush fronted and arranged to form a single structure with a bus bar assembly. Type test certificates shall be provided by accredited laboratories. The 33 kV and 13.8 kV switchgears shall be provided in accordance with the detailed technical specifications. Main characteristics of the 33 kV and 13.8 kV switchgears are listed in Table 1. The ratings of the switchgears shall be calculated individually and shall be confirmed by the Company. Table 1: Main characteristics of 33 kV and 13.8 kV switchgears 3.2.3 Voltage level (kV) Switchgear type Rated current (A) Basic insulation level (kV) Rated short-withstand current for 3s (kA) 33 GIS up to 40 kV 2500A, 3150A 170 Minimum 25 kA 13.8 GIS up to 24 kV 95 MV Step Down Transformers MV step down transformers used in secondary substations are 33/13.8 kV MV step down transformers. Design Data and Assumptions Three-phase MV step down transformers ONAN/ONAF shall be supplied for the primary substations. In the forced cooling system, at least one fan shall be considered as a reserve in each side of the MV step down transformer and will be operated automatically in case of failure of any component of the main cooling system. Unless otherwise specified in the project, the characteristics of MV step down transformers listed in Table 2 shall be confirmed by the Company. The transformers shall be sized to meet the requirements of the load and be supplied with Company’s approved online monitoring system for proactive asset management. Transformers shall not be loaded more than 80% of the nominal rating. Table 2: Preliminary characteristics of 33/13.8 kV MV step down transformers Substation voltage ratio 33/13.8 kV Short circuit impedance Vector Groups Value Reference Acceptable vector groups Reference >10% IEC 60076-5 YNyn, Dyn 53-SDMS-01, February 2013 Note: The document “53-SDMS01, February 2013” will be replaced by an equivalent document provided by the Company. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 12 OF 156 Confidential External Technical Requirements The MV step down transformers shall be sized to operate in parallel. Each MV step down transformer shall be provided with On Load Tap Changer (OLTC) in order to maintain voltage regulation at main 13.8 kV switchgear buses. The motor drive, plus all auxiliary equipment for operation of the tap changer, shall be incorporated in OLTC drive control cabinet (IP66) and shall be mounted onto the transformer tank at a convenient floor height. Each MV step down transformer shall have a separate Remote Tap Changer Control Panel (RTCCP). The degree of Protection of the RTCCP shall be IP42, located in the substation. The RTCCP shall be equipped the IED automatic voltage regulator (AVR). The AVR shall be implemented to ensure automatic parallel operating of the MV step down transformers and to provide information exchange with the remote-control center. The following protections shall be provided: • Winding temperature indicator shall be provided for each primary and secondary winding compartments with trip and alarm contacts. • Oil temperature indicator with dial type to indicate the top oil temperature with trip and alarm contacts. • Oil level indicator shall be provided with trip and alarm contacts for both transformer and onload tap changer tanks. • Buchholz relays shall be provided for both transformer and onload tap changer oil tanks, with trip and alarm contacts and gas sampling point. • Pressure relief device shall be provided with trip and alarm contacts for both transformer and onload tap changer tanks. • Type test certificates shall be provided by accredited laboratories. The MV step down transformer shall be equipped with On-Line Condition Monitoring System (OLCMS) for transformers, including DGA, tanks and cable boxes. The transformers shall be capable of operating continuously within the specified temperature rise limits at the rated power (full name plate rating) at 10% over- or underexcited operation. The latter is applicable for tap changer settings and under all specified site and installation conditions. The transformers and all associated facilities (e.g. tap changer) shall have the ability to withstand the effects of short-circuit currents, when operating on any tapping position, according to requirements of IEC 60076-5. The transformer supplier should include information regarding the saturation of the transformer clearly indicating the knee-point and corresponding V-I characteristics. The supplier shall accurately model the remanence effects in the core of the transformer. Factory acceptance tests should validate the design V-I curve. The supplier shall ensure that selection, accommodation and location of the transformer are in compliant with relevant international Standards. It is recommended that Level 2 category of transformer efficiency of IEC 60076-20 is adopted as the minimum energy efficiency standard. It is further recommended that there is no need of specifying IEC 60076-2 max noload, load loss figures for the most optimum transformer design. For low losses DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 13 OF 156 Confidential External transformers, it is recommended to use sound power levels as specified in BS EN 50708 Tier 2. 3.2.4 Auxiliary Transformers Two (2) auxiliary transformers shall be supplied. They shall be three-phase, oil-immersed, of hermetically sealed type, suitable for outdoor installation. In case of indoor installations, drytype transformers may also be used. They shall be equipped with protections and health monitoring devices as follows: • one (1) oil level indicator equipped with low oil-level alarm and trip contacts (not applicable for dry-type transformers); • one (1) dial type thermometer for top oil temperature with radial type main and maximum pointer and two (2) adjustable contacts for alarm and trip functions. Thermometers shall be of protection category IP55 and shall be provided with sight glasses of laminated security glass (not applicable for dry-type transformers); • cable boxes; • one (1) marshalling box (protection class IP55) for connection of measuring and monitoring devices, equipped with cable glands for bottom entrance of multi-core cables, terminal blocks of single insertion type terminals with isolating facilities and test connectors (Phoenix or equivalent) with twenty percent (20%) spare terminals; • pressure relief devices (not applicable for dry-type transformers). All protection devices shall trip the primary and secondary circuit breakers. The auxiliary transformers’ cooling shall be Oil Natural Air Natural (ONAN) for hermetically sealed and ANAN for dry-type transformers, whose rated power shall be defined as per the load balance. Each auxiliary transformer shall be sized to cover a maximum loading of 80%. The minimum rating as well as the reserve shall be confirmed by the Company. The substation auxiliary transformers shall be equipped with manually operated off-load tapchangers in accordance with the Technical Data Sheets. A dial-type indicator, with numbers of the selected tap position, shall be so fitted and arranged as to be easily visible from the side of the transformer. The separation of N and PE shall be carried out at the transformer side. Because of the clear demarcation between the neutral conductor N, carrying operational current, and the protective earthing conductor PE, which - under non-fault conditions - carries no current. No connection between either N and PEN or N and PE is permissible beyond the point of separation of the PEN conductor into PE and N. The neutral conductor shall be insulated in the same manner as the phase conductors. The use of constructional parts of the switchgear as a neutral conductor is not permitted. 3.2.5 Auxiliary Power Supply General Requirements Equipment shall comply with the specified Standards as applicable. Unless otherwise specified, the LV switchboards assembly shall be metal-clad and meet the minimum requirements listed in Table 3. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 14 OF 156 Confidential External Table 3: Minimum requirements for low voltage boards and panels. Equipment Indoor/outdoor installations Damp location Form of separation LV switchboards, distribution boards and local control panels (FL- 50 kA for 1 sec) IP41 / IP55 To be defined with the Company during design review (if any) Form 4b type 6 according to IEC 61439-2 Termite and vermin-proof. LV Switchboards The main switchboard shall be 3-phase 400/230 V AC board, 4 wire, 60 Hz, with the specified current rated busbar and a symmetrical short circuit for 1 second, single busbar, with a bus tie breaker and three in-feeds, from the two auxiliary transformers and an emergency diesel generator set. The in-feeds from the auxiliary transformers shall each supply a section of the busbar and shall be provided with under voltage protection and an automatic changeover such that loss of either in-feed will automatically open the circuit breaker for the affected in-feed, close the bus section circuit breaker, and transfer the load to the other in-feed. Loss of both auxiliary transformer in-feeds shall open both in-feeds from the auxiliary transformers, send a start signal to the diesel generator and open the bus-tie between the non-essential and essential load sections. The LV AC distribution switchboard shall be divided in two sections non-essential and essential load. Distribution panels shall be provided with at least 20% equipped spare and 10% space for future expansion. The circuits distribution circuit shall be protected against over current, residual current and over-voltage. The protective MCB shall ensure the selectivity and coordination of the protection. All the main circuit breakers and the miniature circuit breakers of the essential section shall be equipped with auxiliary contact and connected for remote alarm monitoring. Incomers and bus-tie shall be air type. Outgoing feeders shall be MCCB. Use of fuses is not accepted. Equipment shall comply with the specified Standards as applicable. Uninterruptible Power Supply (AC UPS) A fully dedicated 230 V AC UPS system, with duplex supply, shall be required for each substation to feed auxiliary services in the substation, the substation control and monitoring system plus all equipment necessary for the local and remote monitoring installed in the substation. 230 VAC uninterruptible power supplies shall be provided for essential no-break power supplies. The AC UPS shall be continuous duty, solid state, parallel redundant type or modular type able to operate in single and parallel mode and shall comprise the following points as minimum: • 2 x 120% rated battery chargers / rectifiers with input supply from independent connection from essential distribution board 400/230 VAC; DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 15 OF 156 Confidential External • 2 x 120% rated low maintenance Ni-Cd battery bank; • 2 x 100% rated inverters with 230 VAC, 60 Hz, 3-Phase+N output. Inverters shall be transistorized PWM type with microprocessor based protection, control and metering system with communication capability necessary to interface the UPS with control and monitoring system; • each UPS unit will be equipped with 1 x 100% bypass static transfer switch and manual maintenance by-pass. The AC UPS shall supply the full load following a failure of the AC supply or an accidental opening of the circuit-breaker due to faults in the cut-off circuit, plus a 20% as spare power for at least 1 hours. UPS must comply with IEC 62040-1, IEC 62040-2, and IEC 62040-5-3. DC Low Voltage Equipment Both 110 VDC and 48 VDC distribution boards shall be provided with all hardware required for reliable operation and safe isolation as well as with the protection against short-circuit incidents, with at least 20% equipped spare and 10% space for future expansion. Both distribution boards shall be 2-wire fitted with double pole miniature circuit-breakers. Each distribution board shall be equipped with ammeter and voltmeter of digital type. The DC circuit breakers shall meet the requirements of IEC 61439 and IEC 60947. For supply of 110 V DC, the DC supply system shall include -but not being limited to- the following: • one (1) 110 V DC distribution board with DC control panel, comprising two busbar sections, each connected to the relevant battery charger. • two (2) 110 V DC rectifiers / battery chargers. • two (2) 110 V DC batteries of Ni-Cd type, each with a minimum capacity of 600 Ah comprising 10 hours discharge rate. In addition, for supply of 48 V DC, as required for certain equipment of the SCMS and telecommunication system, the 48 V DC supply system shall include -but not being limited to- the following: • one (1) 48 V DC distribution board with DC control panel, comprising two tied busbars • two (2) 48 V DC rectifiers / battery chargers • two (2) 48 V DC batteries of Ni-Cd type, each with a minimum capacity of 150 Ah comprising 10 hours discharge rate. The incoming circuit breaker at each distribution panel shall be non-automatic manually operated. The Contractor is responsible for sizing of distribution boards and panels taking into consideration the requirements of the DC load. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 16 OF 156 Confidential External Table 4: Low voltage power supply requirements for different applications Application Characteristics Control systems Communication systems Protection systems 125 VDC 48 VDC 125 VDC (+10% /-20%). (+25%/-10%). (+10%/-20%). Insulation 2 kV for 1 min 1 kV for 1 min 2 kV for 1 min Minimum insulation resistance 220 kOhms 48 kOhms 220 kOhms Nominal system voltage 3.3 Distribution Substations 3.3.1 Design Data and Assumptions The 33 kV and 13.8 kV networks includes distribution substations which comprise a ring main unit (RMU) and / or a step-down substation to LV. The secondary main ring is shown in Annex A2 as an example applicable for both 33 kV and 13.8 kV main rings. It shall be noted that the MV voltage level shall be based on the consideration of the load as well as cost justifications. Each proposed ring-main will operate with a normally open point within the ring-main. Should a failure occur within the ring-main, the SMART system would carry out automatic switching, whilst isolating the fault. The distribution substations will have a maximum loading of 80% for the final anticipated future load. The remaining 20 percent capacity shall be used as spare capacity. The busbar will be rated according to the ring main rating of the technical studies and the connected loads. 3.3.2 33 kV and 13.8 kV Switchgears The distribution substations will be housed a ring main MV unit with sufficient number of panels and/or MV board with step-down transformers (one or two depending on the load requirements) and a 400 V LV panel with LV bus sectionalizer. The 33 kV distribution substation switchgears shall be of GIS type whereas 13.8 kV distribution substation switchgears shall be of either GIS or AIS type. For GIS switchgears, non-SF6 solutions are preferred. In addition, for both voltage levels, the busbar shall be of single busbar and comply with Table 5. For an optimized configuration scheme, the RMU Substations should consider a future extension to combined RMU and step-down transformer substation with step-down transformer as is shown as an example in Annex A3 and Annex A4. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 17 OF 156 Confidential External Table 5: General requirements for distribution substation 33 kV and 13.8 kV Switchgears Distribution substation 3.3.3 Rated current Rated short-withstand current RMU substation 33 kV 630 A 25 kA /3s Combined RMU and step-down transformer substation 33 kV 630 A 25 kA /3s RMU substation 13.8 kV 630 A 21 kA /3s Combined RMU and step-down transformer substation 13.8 kV 630 A 21 kA /3s Step-down transformer: 100 A Step-down transformer: 100 A Distribution Transformers Distribution transformers, depending on the distribution area, shall be three-phase 33/0.4 kV or 13.8/0.4 kV, either oil-immersed of hermetically sealed type or dry type, suitable for indoor installation. For oil-immersed hermetically sealed transformer types, the designer shall specify an appropriate bunding arrangement to fully contain oil leaks and firefighting foam in case of transformer failures. The fire clearances between distribution transformers and adjacent structures must be in accordance with IEC 61936-1. The number of distribution transformers on each substation site shall be determined by appropriate resilience strategy required for the site in question. Section 3.10 details different scenarios in relation to LV resilience. When N-1 contingency will be required, a second distribution transformer may be installed. Either the second distribution transformer may be installed inside the same distribution substation, or another distribution substation shall be constructed beside that of the first distribution substation Oil immersed transformers shall be additionally equipped with protections and health monitoring devices: • Pressure relief device equipped with alarm and trip contacts; • one (1) oil level indicator equipped with low oil-level alarm and trip contacts; • one (1) dial type thermometer for top oil temperature with radial type main and maximum pointer and 2 (two) adjustable contacts for alarm and trip functions. Thermometers shall be of protection category IP55 and shall be provided with sight glasses of laminated security glass. Pressure relief device shall trip the primary and secondary circuit breakers. The cooling of distribution transformers shall be Oil Natural Air Natural (ONAN), equipped with manually operated off-load tap-changers in accordance with the Technical Data Sheets. A dial-type indicator, with numbers of the selected tap position, shall be so fitted and arranged as to be easily visible from the side of the transformer. The characteristics of distribution transformers, as it is listed in Table 6, shall be confirmed by the Company. The rated power of distribution transformer will be defined according to the studies’ results and will be confirmed by the Company. The earthing arrangement of the transformer sites shall be as per SEC earthing standard SDCS-03 Part 1 & 3. The neutral conductor shall be insulated in the same manner as the phase conductors. The use of constructional parts of the switchgear as a neutral conductor is not permitted. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 18 OF 156 Confidential External Distribution transformer shall be sized to cover a maximum loading of 80% of its rated power for the future anticipated load as mentioned in Table 6. The minimum rating as well as the spare capacity shall be confirmed by the Company. It is recommended that Level 2 category of transformer efficiency of IEC 60076-20 is adopted as the minimum energy efficiency standard. It is further recommended that there is no need of specifying IEC 60076-2 max noload, load loss figures for the most optimum transformer design. For low losses transformers, it is recommended to use sound power levels as specified in BS EN 50708 Tier 2. Table 6: General specifications for distribution transformers. Rated voltage Rated power 33/0.4 kV 0.5 MVA 13.8/0.4 kV Vector group Short circuit impedance Dyn11 max 8% Reference IEC 60076-5 1 MVA 1.5 MVA 2 MVA Note: The designer shall seek prior approval from the company for using transformers other than the one specified in Table 3-6. 3.3.4 400 VAC Distribution Design Data and Assumptions Three-phase four wires cables shall be used as a standard. Rated voltage shall be 400 V/230 V 60 Hz and rated short circuit level shall be as a minimum 50 kA. The LV switchboards assembly shall be metal-clad and meet the minimum requirements listed in Table 7. Table 7: Minimum requirements for LV switchboards Equipment Indoor / outdoor installations LV switchboards, distribution boards and locale control panels IP41 / IP55 Damp location Form of separation To be agreed with the Company during design review (if any) Form 4b type 6 according to IEC 61439-2 Termiteand vermin-proof. The distribution board shall be provided with the following components: • two (2) incomers, • one (1) bus coupler, • bus bar, • sufficient number of outgoings, • an automatic change over shall be considered in the LV scheme. The rating of each component shall be as per project SLD and shall be approved by the Company. The LV busbar can be of double bus with bypass or single bus with bus coupler as shown in in Annex A5 and Annex A6. The bypass should be used by switch on the output circuits DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 19 OF 156 Confidential External between two feeders. The circuits are parallel connected on one circuit breaker while the other is under maintenance. It is then possible to maintain protection (although some adjustment of settings may be necessary) during maintenance. The LV switch room – containing the main LV panel, will house the automatic power factor correction and automatic harmonic filtration equipment, auxiliary services and equipment for remote control. Technical Requirements The following technical requirements shall be fulfilled as minimum: • The system shall comply with the latest local distribution codes, IEC 60364 and, in addition, the applicable standards referred to in this section. Should an item of conflict be identified by the Contractor then this will be highlighted to the Company for resolution. • The distribution substation shall be based on a standardized plugin solution, with advanced monitoring and control solutions with accurate measurements and protection features. The intelligent switchboard shall be ready to be connected to the remote telecontrol center. • The distribution substation shall include LV distribution panel equipped with smart ACB/MCCB protection devices. Use of fused panels may be considered, subject to approval from the Company. Remote monitoring of voltage and current on each distributor will apply. • The loading of LV cables should not exceed 80% of its rated capacity. • Voltage drop allocations for the LV main feeder cabling shall not exceed 3.5% and it shall be considered that: • the design of LV installation shall account for the coincident demand load; • the loading percentage needs to meet the 80% of firm capacity of the LV network element. • Equipment shall comply with the specified Standards as applicable. • Distribution panels shall be provided with at least 25% spare circuits and 25% space for future expansion. 3.4 LV Connection Points 3.4.1 Design Data and Assumption The LV distribution grid will be radial configuration, some connection points will be directly connected to the LV switchgear located in the distributed substation (Table 8), whereas other loads will be connected to the distributed feeder pillars (Table 9). At least the connected load type will be the following: • photovoltaic distributed generation; • UPS for emergency loads; • mechanical control panels (chiller plant, ventilation plant, pumping system etc.); • streets lighting distribution boards; DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 20 OF 156 Confidential External • electrical vehicle charging hubs; • communications equipment (including micro grid controller); • security and ICT equipment; • small power distribution boards; • building management system controller; • feeders of distributed feeder pillars. In special cases, where higher reliability of supply is needed, LV network with ring system design can be used provided that the interconnected main LV feeders are supplied from different distribution substations subject to approval from the authorized level of the Company. Table 8: Distribution Substation LV connection point data Voltage 400 V Connection Neutral connection 400 V four wires Voltage drop limit Solidly grounded LV Main Feeder <3.5% Service Cable <1.5% Load limit Short circuit 80% min. 50 kA Table 9: LV distributed feeder pillars connection point data Voltage Connection Neutral connection 400/230V 400 V four wires 230 V two wires Solidly grounded Voltage drop limit LV Main Feeder: <3.5% Load limit 80% Short circuit min. 50 kA Service Cable: <1.5% An illustrative example of the connection points of the LV distributed feeder pillars is depicted in Annex A7. Refer to Section 3.10 for more details. 3.4.2 Technical Requirements The system shall comply with the latest local distribution codes, IEC 60364 and, in addition, the applicable Standards referred to in this section. Should an item of conflict be identified by the Contractor then this will be highlighted to the Company for resolution. For public realms served by low voltage supplies, distribution pillars shall be used to provide service connection from distribution substations. The distribution pillars should meet the following criteria: • nominal voltages for LV system shall be 400 V / 230 V; • three-phase four wires cables shall be used as a standard; • LV neutral arrangement shall be solidly grounded; • voltage drop allocations for the LV main feeder cabling shall not exceed the values specified in the Table 8 and Table 9; • design of LV installation and cable sizes supplying the end users shall be selected in accordance with the standardized load; • the feeder pillars shall be protected by ACB/MCCB protection devices. The maximum loading in all configurations shall not exceed the 80% of the circuit capacity. Use of DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 21 OF 156 Confidential External fused panels may be considered, subject to approval from the Company. In the latter case, smart meters shall be installed on the customer side. 3.5 • the feeder pillars shall be placed so that the cable length is minimized; • the feeder pillars shall be close to customer properties; • the design shall minimize number of street crossing where possible; • the shortest routes shall be used to feed the end users; • the feeder pillars shall be easily accessible; • the feeder pillars shall be in a universal location to avoid relocation; • the feeder pillars shall not be placed on top of sewerage system; • distribution panels shall be provided with at least 20% equipped spare plus 10% space for future expansion. • All LV switchgears and disconnectors shall provide spare NO and NC volt-free auxiliary contacts. Capacitors, Reactors, and Reactive Power Compensation The Contractor must ensure that substations and equipment shall be capable of withstanding the levels of harmonics distortion expected to be present on the transmission and distribution system, both for transient and steady state as it is stated in Design Basis Library - Design - Harmonic Distortion Levels. Reactive power compensation is assumed to be provided preferably by capacitors to achieve a power factor of at least 0.93, with additional support from the battery storage based on a network configuration to assist in the control of the voltages at the secondary substations. The equipment for power factor correction shall be either installed on the MV level or be integrated in the LV switchboard. Solutions based on combination of these two are also acceptable and shall be reviewed/approved by company. The Contractor shall ensure that each substation maintains a power factor of no less than the specified value mentioned above at the interface with the distribution system. Furthermore, to allow maintenance of transmission system voltage, the Contractor shall provide automatic power factor correction and automatic harmonic filtration equipment. The automatic and dynamic power factor correction and automatic harmonic filtering equipment shall be installed in each secondary substation adjacent to the main LV switch panel. The Contractor shall ensure that all reactive power and harmonics calculations and mitigation solutions and validation are provided and approved by the Company. 3.6 Medium Voltage Direct Current (MVDC) Distribution The deployment of MVDC grid technology is considered; however, this is subject to technical and commercial due diligence of the supply chain. Should MVDC be implemented, then this will be instructed by the Company. However, the Contractor shall be responsible to consider and include the provisions needed to convert the conventional AC grid proposed for phase 1 to a DC distribution grid at a later stage without major infrastructure updates. The Contractor shall design and install 33 kV and 13.8 kV underground AC cable types with an installation method that will allow the buried cables to be converted from an AC three phase circuit to DC (positive polarity, negative polarity, earth) without requiring the cables to DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 22 OF 156 Confidential External be replaced. The contractor shall also include for the impact to associated switchgear and protective system components. 3.7 Energy Storage 3.7.1 Assumptions The variability and the intermittence of the mix of solar and wind power generations and their penetration in the network require the presence of large energy storage such as BESS to ensure safe and reliable grid integration. In a 100% renewable generation scenario the curtailment would be extremely high if no battery storage would be implemented. The main applicable technologies due to their efficiency, costs and expected lifetime shall be electro-chemical storages, namely Lithium-ion, Sodium-Sulphur and flow batteries. The Lithium-ion technology is preferred for reasons relating to the following advantages: • high specific energy, load capability and high-power capacity; • high efficiency; • safety; • maintenance-free; • simple charge algorithm and availability for short charge time; • life cycle, shelf-life and storage stability; • eco-friendliness. This does not exclude the other technologies under development such Lithium-air or Lithium-Sulfur if their development is confirmed, or other methods such as flow cells, super capacitors etc.. It shall be noted that the chemical storages hydrogen and synthetic methane for electrical storage applications should not be applicable for the reason of their high cost and inefficiency. 3.7.2 Potential Applications of Electrical Storage Systems The following applications shall be considered while designing the electrical energy storage system: • Power shifting, shaving and balancing; • enhanced fault ride-through; • Contribution to spinning and operating reserves; • providing frequency control at all times in both directions, the battery energy storage system shall provide regulation power with sub-second response times for the gridbalancing purposes, during a defined period depending on the storage capacity; • providing reactive power compensation and voltage support; • providing an active reserve of power and energy within the all-grid or a portion of it, to be used to energize the power lines, distribution and/or transmission substations to bring online power plants after a catastrophic failure or black start; DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 23 OF 156 Confidential External • improving power quality service by using the energy storage to ensure the service continuity during short-time power interruption, etc.; • proving flexibility for the increasing the volume and the penetration/proliferation of renewable power that can be connected to the grid and reduces forecast errors, this will allow ancillary services to mitigate the variability and uncertainty of wind power on the grid side. • During abnormal conditions, supporting islanded operation and seamless transition between grid-connected and islanded modes for critical facilities. Annex A8 illustrates the approaches, for indication and example purpose only. 3.7.3 Electrical Storage Design In order to assess the correct technology, application combination and sizing, the following shall be taken into account: 3.7.4 • load profile and development, • grid and transformer costs, • demand of dynamic voltage regulation, • Generation (PV, wind and others) • interconnections to other grids, • grid requirements (primary / secondary reserve), • costs and specifications of BESS, • BESS energy capacity degradation depending on utilization, • techno-commercial optimization. Energy Storage System Requirements The energy storage system shall satisfy, at least the following requirements: • the system shall be fast response time to ensure the variability-damping, and should be in order of seconds, adequate to dampen short-term variation events of significant magnitude; • the selection of energy storage technology and the sizing of the storage system shall consider the relative system cost-effectiveness and efficiency into account; • the system life cycle shall be defined considering the combination of the above intervention according to the application and grid contingencies, but at least the life span shall be at least 20 years; • the system shall be modular, scalable and interchangeable; • the sizing of the ESS shall be done according to the combined applications in the connection point. • The battery controller shall support communication using open protocol to be used by other controllers for the purpose of sending commands to adjust the battery system real/reactive power, turn the unit ON/OFF, and receiving message regarding the battery status DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 24 OF 156 Confidential External • the battery system shall be interoperable with ADMS, DERMS and microgrid controllers using open standard protocol. The ESS consist of modular components shall be installed in prefabricated containers; it shall include the following in according to the design • power converters, • batteries, • control and management system, • AC and DC protection equipment, • transformers and switchgears, • firefighting systems, • HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning), • auxiliary supplies. Illustrative example is provided in Annex A9. 3.8 Distributed Generation The completion of the BSP substation will enable permanent grid supplied connections to the 132 kV primary substations although some temporary fossil-fuel based generation may be left as strategic backup for some time. The temporary fossil-fuel based generation for NEOM will be phased out gradually and the wider NEOM energy strategy envisages moving to 100% renewable energy use by 2030, but until this time a combination of local fossil fuel generation, solar power and possible SEC connection may be utilized. NEOM grid will be developed to take the advantage of the use of advanced building mounted micro generation technologies, conventional renewable energy generation as well as cutting edge technologies for reduction of energy demand. However, adequate provision shall be made for incorporation of these into the electrical distribution system. Since these technologies are on-site, the inverters and associated control-gear should be located proximate to the generation plant within the building asset, and therefore this has not been included within the Electrical Energy Center (EEC). However, provision for connection of the micro generation plant shall be made to the smart interface points. Consideration shall be given to a range of PV based generation options which shall be assessed based on the identified use case presented, as it is recognized that there are a wide range of options that may be considered. This is outside the scope of this document but may include roof, ground, canopy, BIPV and GIPV technologies. Please refer to Design Basis for MV Grid Part 2 - Design - Micro Girds for more details. The smart inverters will be provided local to the PV panels within the building asset, as this will facilitate the most economical system operation for the PV system. The short-term PV system generation operation strategy is to only support the building load locally, and where the generation exceeds the building consumption, the PV generation shall be used to either charge the local battery storage system or curtail the excessive generation. The PV system shall not be allowed to export excess energy to the SCE grid till Neom’s independent network is operational. Once Neom network is constructed and operational, then only export of excessive generation from PV systems shall be allowed. The PV system will be sized to generate a minimum of 20% of the estimated annual energy consumption of the built asset using a range of various passive renewable photovoltaic based technologies. If more space DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 25 OF 156 Confidential External is available to install additional PV systems, the network operator may consider design proposals. For industrial and big commercial customers, if 20 % renewable generation limit can’t be achieved reasonably due to variety of constraints, special permission shall be sought from the Company. During demand estimate- the dispatched generation shall be accounted for. The distributed generation can be source of many challenges in the network: it can provide a redistribution of the source fault current, the overloads in some section of the network, impact on the protection system, islanding and paralleling conditions, bi-directional power flow, power quality, intermittency criteria, safety for workers and equipment, etc. The main scope will be to absorb and transmit the electricity produced by the renewable energy sources to the network, and the design of the network shall contemplate with all of these considerations including frequency and voltage levels, which can be greatly impacted since in some cases distributed generation power cannot maintain the local loads, leading to applications such as load-shedding and variable protection settings, as well as this can vary depending on the capacity and configuration of the generation. The DG shall support communication with control centers such ADMS, DERMS, and microgrid controllers for the purpose of monitoring, management and control through open protocols. Through this communication, commands to adjust the DG real/reactive power, turn the unit ON/OFF, and receiving message regarding DG status can be exchanged. The design of the network and connection points shall be implemented to comply with the specifications of the IEEE 1547 and its amendment shall be applicated. Requirements for the interconnection will be defined by the network manager in separate document. For more details, please see Design Basis for MV Grid Part 2- Design - Micro Girds Generation. 3.9 Critical Customers & Non- Critical Loads The designer shall specify critical customers and assign appropriate resilience category as per Section 3.10. There are several factors which determine whether a customer is critical or non-critical e.g., impact to the safety, quality, health and environmental systems in case of power failure. Hospitals, data centers, control centers, water treatment plants etc. are good examples of critical customers. Emergency loads such as fire and life safety systems, ICT and security systems etc may require an online UPS system to ensure continuous supply in the event of a mains power failure. The UPS shall satisfy the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction, with a minimum autonomy of 10 hours at full undiversified equipment loads. The UPS shall be interfaced with the micro-grid controller to enable all energy storage data, system parameters and control options to be accessible over the smart grid. The customer shall be responsible for appropriate UPS system. The emergency loads may or may not be part of critical customers. It is expected that the majority of building assets shall be provided with an emergency standby power (ESP) supply. Loads within the building asset. The ESP system shall be provided to support the fire, life safety and critical assets. As per fossil fuel based standby power generators are not permitted and shall not be used for the emergency standby power, alternative standby power provisions, such as Hydrogen fuel or battery storage for example, shall be considered with a capability to provide supply resilience for longer periods and to align with the building Standards applicable to the building asset types. Zero carbon technology application for standby power to be further explored, this will include but is not limited to hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen combustion technologies, redox flow battery technology and large-scale battery storage options. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 26 OF 156 Confidential External The equipment shall be sized with 120% continuous loading capacity of the emergency load and be in compliance with the employer’s requirements document for the energy sector, the international relevant standard for the application and NEOM codes. 3.10 LV Resilience Strategy Table 10 outlines the LV supply resilience categories, description and the corresponding system resilience measures to be implemented. Table 10: LV supply resilience categories Resilience category Category description 1 Interruption of normal service is limited to critical equipment change over time aligns to building specific standards 2 Interruption of normal service is limited to less than 2 seconds. 3 Brief loss is accepted. In the following paragraphs, necessary measures for different resilience categories are provided. The Developer/Asset Owner is responsible for implementing LV designs to meet the building resilience category. 3.10.1 System Resilience Measures for Category 1 Measures for LV resilience category 1 is shown schematically in Annex A10. MV Level Measures Dual 33 kV or 13.8 kV supplies from two separate sources shall be provided to each LV load center via a ring main configuration from a primary substation. The ring main circuit power continuity shall be determined through network modelling, the final protection devices will then be specified to align with the final strategy. Due to the scale of the assets, multiple LV load centers may be required for the same asset. Each LV load center shall be provided with a multi-source arrangement. The multi-source arrangement can be either of dual transformer arrangement (recommended for loads above 1 MVA -Annex A10) or of dual supply on the LV network (recommended for loads below 1 MVA – an alternative dual supply with one distribution transformer is shown as an example in Annex A11). In case of dual transformer arrangement, each transformer shall be sized to support the full load of the LV load center. At any moment in time, each transformer shall be loaded to 50 percent of it’s capacity under normal operating conditions. Both distribution transformers may be housed inside a common or a separate distribution substation. In case of dual supply on the LV network, the second supply shall be fed from another distribution substation. The provision of the second supply on the LV network shall be implemented by the building asset owner subject to approval from the authorized level of the Company. LV Level Measures Provided that a dual transformer arrangement or a dual source arrangement on the LV network are implemented, a split main LV panel shall be provided on the LV side. The main LV panel shall have a bus sectionalizer arrangement with automatic changeover. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 27 OF 156 Confidential External An online UPS system with a minimum 3-hour autonomy are recommended to be provided by the customer for the seamless transfer of power to emergency loads within the asset in the event of a mains power failure. Critical loads shall be identified at design stage. The non-critical loads may not be supplied by the UPS system during the emergency conditions. Alternative standby power provisions are recommended to be used with a capability to provide supply resilience for longer periods and to align with the building Standards applicable to the building type. Zero carbon technology application for standby power to be further explored, this will include but is not limited to hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen combustion technologies, redox flow battery technology and large-scale battery storage options. Fossil fuel-based standby power supply are not acceptable inside the NEOM area. All of LV level measures shall be supplied and implemented by the developer/asset owner from the substation itself. 3.10.2 System Resilience Measures for Category 2 Measures for LV resilience category 2 is shown schematically in Annex A12. MV Level Measures Dual 33 kV or 13.8 kV supplies with single transformers shall be connected to the distribution network for each load center by a Ring Main Unit (RMU) in accordance with the applicable Standards. For asset loads greater than the ratings stated in the applicable standard, similar additional transformers shall be used. LV Level Measures A split main LV panel with bus sectionalizer shall be provided on the LV side. The bus sectionalizer separates the emergency vs non-emergency loads. An online UPS system with a minimum 3-hour autonomy shall be provided by the customer for the seamless transfer of power to emergency loads within the asset in the event of a mains power failure. 3.10.3 System Resilience Measures for Category 3 Measures for LV resilience category 3 is shown schematically in Annex A13. MV Level Measures 33 kV or 13.8 kV supplies with single transformers shall be connected to the distribution network for each load center by a Ring Main Unit (RMU) in accordance with the applicable Standards. For asset loads greater than the ratings stated in the applicable standard, similar additional transformers shall be used. LV Level Measures A single bus bar main LV panel shall be provided. 3.11 Special Application for Island Power System An example of the single line diagram of the Island power system is shown in Annex A14. The Island power system will be supplied through subsea cables in 33 kV. These cables will interconnect the island power system with the nearby onshore 33 kV primary substation. Each cable shall be sized to supply the full load at all conditions. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 28 OF 156 Confidential External Due to the fact of the island context, resilience strategy requires that the island power system shall include the following main equipment: • A 33 kV indoor switchgear GIS single bus configured as following: − bus sections as per project SLD, − longitudinal bus couplers as per project SLD, − sufficient number of feeders to connect the incoming subsea cables as per project requirements, − sufficient number feeders to connect the power plant cables coming from the step-up transformers, − sufficient number feeders connected the battery step-up/step-down transformer, − sufficient number feeders to connect the UPS step-up/step-down transformer. • A power generation system shall be installed in the island and fueled by Hydrogen or similar technology. • A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) with capacity to supply during at least four (4) hours the full undiversified equipment loads in all conditions. • A UPS system to supply the emergency loads as backup. The UPS shall satisfy the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction, with a minimum autonomy of 3 hours at full undiversified equipment loads. The UPS shall be interfaced with the micro-grid controller to enable all energy storage data, system parameters and control options to be accessible over the smart grid. • An emergency backup power supply shall be provided to the pumping station. • An auxiliary system as per the primary substation requirement. The island power system shall be equipped with automatic power factor correction and automatic harmonic filtration equipment, auxiliary services and equipment for remote control. The island power system to be offered shall be complete in all respects, as necessary for its effective and trouble-free operation when connected to the equipment. All equipment shall be of approved and reliable design, ensuring the highest possible degree of uniformity and inter-changeability. The system shall be able to operate in islanding mode. One application for this power system is Sindalah power system. The number of feeders, bus sections, transformers, BESS, UPS, etc. shall be as per project requirements. The design basis for primary equipment of this power system shall be according to the previous sections of this chapter. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 29 OF 156 Confidential External 4 Substation Control and Monitoring Systems 4.1 General Requirements 4.1.1 General System Requirements The Substation Control and Monitoring System, further on along this document named as SCMS, shall comprise full station and bay protection as well as control, monitoring and communication functions and provide all functions required for the safe and reliable operation of the secondary substations within NEOM Region. It shall enable control and monitoring software package, which shall include a comprehensive range of system control and data acquisition (SCADA) functions. Additionally, it shall include communication switches and gateways, station-bus, intelligent electronic devices (IED) for bay control and protection as shown in the general system architecture. Furthermore, the SCMS shall also include an engineering workstation for configuration as well as parameterization tasks. All materials and parts which are not specifically mentioned hereinafter but are necessary for erection, assembly and operation of the equipment shall be furnished and are deemed to be included in the scope for this subsection. The minimum requirements for the SCMS are as follows: • proper and trouble-free operation and support maintenance of each substation through the corresponding operator control station, • proper and trouble-free operation from the bay control and/or protection units (IEDs) with position indicators for all circuit breakers, disconnectors and earth switches, • all alarms and indicators associated with protection and remote control activation and tripping, • all items for control, monitoring, remote control, protection and interlocking circuits, • communication links to remote control centers via international standard protocols, • protection and control management from local and remote, • event recording including sequence of events with real time information, • disturbance analysis, • archiving of commands, events and alarms on non-volatile storage media for medium and long time range. Furthermore, the design requires adequate resilience features to ensure the remote controls in the event of an IED failure. Thus, in the event of a BCU IED failure, a fall back or alternative mechanism is required, in order to enable the related adequate operator controls, especially for the circuit breakers and bus disconnectors. In order to meet the requirements of this specification the detailed design of the SCMS shall be the Contractor’s responsibility and subject to approval by the Company. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 30 OF 156 Confidential External Only experienced and technically capable manufacturers of digital control and protection systems for electricity generation and transmission and distribution applications will be accepted. In order to establish their technical capabilities, the Contractor will be required to present the following documents: • block and functional diagram showing the proposed control, protection and monitoring schemes • technical data and description of system • digital control and monitoring system layout • catalogues of equipment and devices to be used • material list of equipment contained in the cubicles • certificate of conformity with the communication protocol IEC 61850 for each type of the components • brochures and references of manufacturer supplying the control, protection and monitoring system. Preferred manufactures will be those who have experience in deliveries of the full scope of station automation systems and services. This experience has to be substantiated by means of reference installations having been in service under similar functional requirements and environmental conditions for at least 2 years. The typical substation SCMS Architecture is shown in Annex A15. 4.1.2 System Design Design Principles The SCMS to be established shall be a digital control and monitoring system suitable to supervise and operate the switchgears in each substation complete in every respect for monitoring and control inclusive all facilities, e.g. of the MV step down transformers which will be equipped with On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC) and Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR). SCMS shall be modular, readily scalable and capable of supervision, operation and maintenance of the entire substations. Design and arrangement of the system offered shall be state-of-the-art compliant with international standard IEC 61850 for operation under electrical conditions (including electrical discharge and disturbance level), follow the latest modern engineering practice, ensure optimum continuity and reliability of supply and ensure the safety of equipment and the operating staff. The highest degree of uniformity and interchangeability shall be provided. Design of the hardware and software shall be suitable for all voltage levels used by the Company to enable a standardized technical concept. Interoperability with other existing common designs and previous generations must be possible. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 31 OF 156 Confidential External The whole equipment shall be pre-assembled and pre-programmed at the supplier’s workshop. It is understood that all auxiliary facilities/devices and services necessary are to be provided, i.e. for generation of data base, of displays, programming and for testing, adjustments, parameter settings etc., even if not specified in detail. The whole equipment shall be designed for indoor installation, installed in steel sheet cubicles with hinged frames and glass door having a protection degree as stated in the Technical Data Sheets. All components shall be suitable for the local climate and environmental conditions prevailing on site. SCMS shall be designed for easy modification of hardware and software and for easy extension of the substations. Maintenance, modification or extension of components shall not force a shut-down of the whole SCMS. Self-monitoring of single components, modules and communication links shall be incorporated to increase availability and reliability of the equipment and minimize maintenance. Any abnormal operating condition leading to an outage in the system shall not lead to a system wide outage. Hot Stand-by Redundancy As the SCMS to be established serves for monitoring and control of MV/LV substations with major operational importance for the regionwide power system, the design of the system must be in a fully redundant hot stand-by configuration, as described below. As a minimum requirement the station computers must operate in a redundant hot-stand-by configuration. The same requirement applies for the gateways to the higher level national or regional network control centers. The Contractor shall clearly state, to the Company’s satisfaction, how the required hotstand-by redundancy is being achieved with the offered SCMS System. In addition to the above, Contractor shall explain in the bid, how continuous operation without any down time will be ensured in the event of loss of one of the redundant equipment such as server, or database. The Contractor shall ensure that after handing over, a minimum of 50% spare function capacity (hardware and software, number of I/O to be handled by the SCMS) and 20% spare parts for future extensions are available (for each type of component at-least one). The spare function capacity and the percentage of the spare parts shall be confirmed by the Company. Availability and Reliability The SCMS shall be designed to satisfy the very high requirements concerning reliability and availability as set out with international standard IEC60870-4, as follows: • reliability class R3 (MTBF > 8760 hours) • availability class R3 (>99.95%). In order to meet specified requirements, the SCMS shall comprise: • solid mechanical and electrical design, • security against electromagnetic interference (EMI), DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 32 OF 156 Confidential External • high-quality components and boards, • modular, well-tested hardware, • thoroughly developed and tested modular software, • easy-to-understand programming language for application programming, • detailed graphical documentation, IEC 1131-3, of the application software, • built-in supervision and diagnostic functions, • after-sales service, • security: − experience of security requirements, − process know-how, − select-before-execute at operation, − process status representation as double indications including indication of intermediate state. • distributed solution, • independent units connected to the station bus, • back-up functions, • cubicle design appropriate to any harsh electrical environment and ambient conditions, • cubicle grounding immune to transient ground potential rise. The SCMS shall provide an MTBF (mean time between failure) and a MTTR (mean time to repair) rate as defined in the Technical Data Sheets. The offered values are to be indicated by the Contractor. The availability shall reach at least the value stated in the future Technical Data Sheets and as described below. In order to provide this availability, some main (or weak) components shall be of redundant design e.g. the power supply of the fiber-optic coupler. The outage of one communication link from an individual device to the central components shall not affect any other communication link between the central components and all other device. The Contractor shall clearly define how the offered architecture meets the availability requirements. A system block diagram shall therefore be submitted with the offer. System Capabilities SCMS shall provide full operation of each station corresponding to project’s requirements. Security of control selections is of paramount importance and every precaution must be taken in the software and hardware design to ensure that false selection or execution of a control is rejected. Failure of a communication, either partial or total, intermittent or permanent, shall not lead to a false control action. Noise, either spuriously occurring or injected manually into the communication link shall not lead to a false control action. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 33 OF 156 Confidential External The system software shall be a standard software as per actual mainline product. The software structure shall be specifically designed for the important requirements of switchgear and substation operation in medium and low voltage applications. The system hard- and software shall consist of basic modules and standardized supplementary function modules, which are subject to parameterization/customization depending on the layout and operation concept of the substations. The system shall restart automatically after halt or loss of supply voltage, all necessary information shall be kept in memory in case of supply voltage outage. It shall be possible to test the system without any hazard of unwanted influence to the substation. Test facilities shall include both function and data. System Behaviour When auxiliary voltage is restored after an auxiliary voltage failure, the entire system shall perform automatically a start up on its own (automatic restart time < 5 min). After each restart, an automatic general interrogation with old/new comparison shall be carried out and changes shall be communicated to all functional modules that require the new information. In addition to securing the parameter values in each functional module, the process data base including manual entries shall also be secured against failures in order to avoid new inputs during restarts. Each action by the operator/maintenance engineer shall be logged as an event and result in a reaction from the system. System reaction shall be parameterizable whether visible/audible and to be acknowledged. Operator/maintenance engineer actions rejected by the system must contain an explanation with easily understandable error messages. The starting and ending of an operator input shall be user friendly at all control levels. System reaction shall be parameterizable whether visible/audible and or to be acknowledged. If a local/remote transfer switch is operated, an acknowledgment and cancellation procedure shall automatically be initiated. Compliance with Standards Technical data, dimensions, quantities etc. shall be given in the SI-System of units (International System of Units). Protection designation shall be carried out in ANSI. For design and type testing of the protection and control equipment, the following Standards shall be applicable. General IEC 60038: IEC 60068: IEC 60255: IEC 60664: IEC 61000: IEC 60073: IEC Standard voltages Environmental testing Electrical relays Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, making and identification-coding principles for indication devices and actuators. CE-Marking EN 61000-6-4 Emissive (Industry). DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 34 OF 156 Confidential External EN 61000-6-2: Immunity (Industry) General for Substation Automation IEC 61850: IEC 60870-5-103: IEC 60870-5-104: Communication Networks and Systems in Substations Communication with Third Party Devices Having No IEC 61850Interface Communication with Remote Control Centers. Data Integrity The data integrity classes apply to the information transfer from the source to its destination and refer to: • the probability of undetected falsification of information and • the probability of undetected information loss. The SCADA/EMS/GMS/DMS system and SCADA/SCMS systems shall comply with data integrity class and residual information error probability as stated in the Technical Data Sheets. 4.1.3 Principle System Architecture For safety and availability reasons the SCMS shall be based on a decentralized architecture and on a concept of bay-oriented, distributed intelligence. Functions shall be decentralized, object-oriented and located as close as possible to the process. The main process information shall be stored in distributed databases. In Figure 4-1 the basic principle system architecture is depicted, adaptations for satisfaction of specific requirements such as hot stand-by redundancy, number of engineering workstations/laptop etc. might be necessary and must be explicitly highlighted. Principally the architecture of the SCMS is structured in the following levels: • Remote level: System control operations shall be possible from the remote control centers. • Bay level: System control operations shall be possible from the bay control and/or protection units (IEDs). • Apparatus level: System control operations shall be possible by local control from the individual equipment. The substation shall be controlled and supervised from up to two remote control centers while individual bays are supervised and controlled from the bay level devices in the control cubicles. Interlocking between the levels shall be possible by customization. SCMS shall prohibit carrying out the control at the same time from different control levels. It shall be possible to control and monitor the individual bays from bay level in case the communication link fails. The station wide interlocking shall also be available when the station computer fails. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 35 OF 156 Confidential External National Control Center Remote Level Area Control Center Service / Engineering Master Clock Station Level Station Computer Gateway Common Bay Unit Gateway IEC 61850-8 Station Bus IEC 61850-8 Station Bus Bay Level Apparatus Level IEC 61850-8 Station Bus conbined Control/ protection unit conbined Control/ protection unit conbined Control/ protection unit MV Substation conbined Control/ protection unit MV or LV Substation (as applicable) Fichtner ISSUE Remarks DRN CHK Typical SCMS System Architecture ENG ISSUE 0 Figure 1: Principle architecture of a substation control and monitoring system (SCMS) The station level contains the station-oriented functions, which cannot be realized at bay levels, e.g. alarm list or event list related to the entire substation. Communication with remote control centers via a gateway shall also be a part of the station level. To provide highest reliability, the station computer, the Service/Engineering laptop and the gateway shall work completely independent, meaning retrieving the process data directly from the bay level devices. A dedicated master clock for the synchronization of the entire system shall be provided for the complete substation. The master clock shall be independent of the station computer and of the gateway and shall synchronize all devices via the station bus. The deviation of the different internal clocks shall not be more than 1 ms. The master clock shall be synchronized by a satellite receiver (GPS). While running without GPS signal maximum time deviation shall be less than 50 ms per day. The master clock in the substation shall be battery buffered. Data transmission between the devices on station and bay level shall take place via the station bus, realized by using fiber-optic cables in a ring configuration, thereby guaranteeing disturbance free communication. To increase system performance and availability, the system shall support several physically separated networks for the station bus e.g. separate networks for different voltage levels. At bay level, the bay and/or protection units (IEDs) shall provide all bay level functions regarding control, monitoring and protection, inputs for status indications and outputs for commands. IEDs shall be directly connected to the switchgear without any need for additional interposition or transducers. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 36 OF 156 Confidential External IEDs shall be installed in the local control cubicles independent of each other and the operation shall not be affected by any fault occurring at the station level or in other IEDs of the substation. The SCMS shall contain the following main functional parts: • Station computer system • gateway for remote supervisory by control centers • gateway for interfacing the existing substation SCMS (if any) • master clock (e.g. GPS receiver) • protection fault processing • service, analysis and engineering system/laptop • data exchange between the different system components via serial bus utilizing fiberoptical links • collection of the relevant data concerning the substation and distribution of the data where needed • bay and station level devices for control, monitoring and protection • process interface parallel wired or connected by a process bus • weather station for monitoring the main weather parameters such as: temperature, humidity, lightness (luminosity), wind speed, wind direction, rainfall. IEC 61850 Communication Profile Application of IEC 61850 communication profile shall assure compliance of the offered solution with the minimum requirements requested in the international standard of the IEC 61850 and also shall ensure that the offered architecture can be realized with the offered products and their implemented services. For interoperability, not only data shall be standardized but also access to these data called services. Relevant areas to be covered by the profile are as follows: • communication services: abstract communication services (ACSI) (7-2), • data modelling: common data classes (7-3), Nodes (7-4). The data modelling is not specifically listed but the Contractor shall fully comply with the logical nodes described in the standard. As a minimum requirement all mandatory data of the used logical nodes shall be supported. As a guideline the following picture shall give a better understanding of what communication services shall be supported by which devices. The system architecture of SCMS shall be based on a completely distributed approach. To support the distributed approach as a minimum the communication services shown in Figure 4-2 between the particular system devices shall be supported as a minimum the following points: 1. Time synchronization, 2. GOOSE-Communication between bay level devices (interlockings), DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 37 OF 156 Confidential External 3. File transfer, 4. Reporting, 5. Commands execution. Figure 2: IEC 61850 communication profile Ethernet Topology The station bus according to IEC61850-8-1 is mapped to MSS/Ethernet (with priority tagging and with 100 MBit/s). The standard is not making any provision on the ethernet communication infrastructure. Suitable state-of-the art and managed routers or switches based on ethernet data transfer technology that fulfil the hardened requirements concerning temperature, EMC and power supply in accordance with data sheets suitable to be installed in substations shall be provided, i.e. the same data as common for numerical protection. To ensure a certain level of quality, performance and availability at least the following described criteria shall be fulfilled concerning the ethernet switches and the topology: • The switches shall be equipped with a double supply input. If there is an existing redundant DC system in the station (2 different batteries with 2 supply systems), the switches shall also be redundant, for example. each switch’s supply input has to be connected to a different supply system. • compliance with the IEC 61850-3 standard for high level of immunity to electromagnetic interference • compliance with IEEE 1613 (power substations) Standards for error free communications performance under EMI stress • a rapid network fault recovery (less than 20 milliseconds) and redundant power supplies for higher network availability (ideally isolated redundant power inputs with universal 24/48 VDC or 110/220 VDC/VAC power supply range) • fanless design in order to enhance the overall reliability of devices • extended temperature tolerance to withstand climate extremes (within -40 to +85 °C) • RSTP/STP for network redundancy • compliance with IEEE1588 for a precision clock synchronization protocol for networked measurement and control systems to synchronize real-time clock DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 38 OF 156 Confidential External • configuration recovery adapter • sufficient number of optical ports as to be specified in the datasheets • Port monitoring RMON (remote monitoring). The proposed design will be subject to Company/Company’s Representative approval during further implementation design phase. Additionally, the compliance of the ethernet switches with IEEE802.1x is preferred. In this case, if some of the network components are not able to authenticate on the network using IEE802.1x, the MAC-Bypass functionality shall be provided as a minimum solution. The use of ethernet hubs is not permitted as they do not provide collision free transmission. The switches shall support priority tagging and open standards for ring management like fast spanning tree to ensure that e.g. for later system extension utility has not to rely on one switch supplier only. External switches are preferred as they have the advantage that there is no interruption or reconfiguration of the ethernet network if one or several bay devices are taken out of service. The system architecture shall be based on completely distributed approach also concerning the connection of any device to the system. Meaning any device, control as well as protection and station level devices shall be connected to the ethernet network via a corresponding switch (one switch for one bay). The distribution of the IEDs on the switches shall be designed by the Contractor so that the IEC61850 properties of the station bus are not compromised. To ensure maximum performance also for large systems it shall be possible to have more than one physical separated network. The network shall be designed that the number of switches used keeps the latency for time critical applications to a minimum. Protection and control devices shall be connected in double optic ring/star connections. The proposed design will be subject to Company/Company’s Representative approval during further implementation design phase. IT-Security Requirements The SCMS systems to be supplied under the project shall comply with security Standards as per: • ISO/IEC 27k group of Standards (generic standard defining an information security management system) and • IEC 62443 (generic standard defining among others a cyber security management system taking into account best practices from industrial automation). In addition to the above, the new SCMS systems shall comply with the IEC security Standards for “Power Systems Management and associated information exchange” as laid down in the IEC 62351 (technical standard designed to secure the control communication within energy automation systems) series, in particular with: • IEC 62351-3: Data and Communication Security – Profiles Including TCP/IP • IEC 62351-4: Data and Communication Security – Profiles Including MMS • IEC 62351-5: Data and Communication Security – Security for IEC 60870-5 and Derivates DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 39 OF 156 Confidential External • IEC 62351-6: Data and Communication Security – Security for IEC 61850 Profiles • IEC 62351-7: Data and Communication Security – Security Through Network and System Management (NSM) data object models. For IT-security reasons all servers with access from external networks shall be located in a separated part of the network, called the “De-Militarized Zone” (DMZ). The DMZ shall be redundantly connected to the process LAN via firewalls/routers. Any communication between SCMS system and users/applications located externally shall be decoupled via the DMZ and the related firewalls. All settings of the firewalls have to be closely coordinated with the Company’s IT department. The firewall cascades for decoupling the different zones shall be of different type and make to enhance security against intrusion and hacks. Any communication to the external networks (Corporate IT, Office LAN if any) shall be secured and encrypted wherever possible. All kind of services provided shall be highly secured, for example using secure ftp instead of simple ftp, https instead of http etc. All Service/Engineering notebook shall be hardened by removing or disabling any unnecessary services. The software shall provide security mechanisms meeting at least the following requirements: • protection against unauthorized access and intrusion • creation of new users shall be done according to the four-eye-principle; the user account shall be created by the administrator and shall be activated only after confirmation by top management. • check of utilization rights • check of access rights • check of registration • check on user- and group- passwords • attack detection and prevention • security settings of applications. The results of the security checks shall be alarmed and documented in a detailed security protocol. The system shall have the capabilities to disable any process/service at any time. In order to protect the SCMS system from malware such as viruses, Trojans, spy ware etc. all incoming traffic shall be scanned by suitable antivirus software of a reputed vendor. The definition files of this software shall be updated automatically on a daily basis. The Contractor shall provide necessary licenses for the lifetime of the system. 4.2 Functional Requirements All control and monitoring functions necessary for a secure and reliable operation of the substation shall be provided. The minimum functions required are as follows: DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 40 OF 156 Confidential External • acquisition of binary signals (single and double indication), • acquisition of analogue signals, • initiation and monitoring of execution of commands and set points to the process, • automatic chronological control of standard switching routines, • station and bay interlocking, • tap changer control of MV step down transformers inclusive automatic voltage regulator AVR, • supervision of the entire substation, • alarm handling, • sequence of event recording, • tagging, • analogue value processing, • display of trend values, • archiving, display and evaluation of historical data, • fault indication, • disturbance analysis, • all hardware, software and telecommunication facilities for remote control, • emergency control of each bay from the related bay units and local control cubicles. The different voltage apparatus within the station shall be operated from different places: • from the remote control centers (up to two control centers simultaneously which should be confirmed by the Company) • from the bay control and/or protection units (IEDs) • from the individual equipment. It has to be ensured, that operation is only possible by one operator at a time. Clear control priorities shall prevent that operation of a single switch can be initiated at the same time from more than one various control levels, i.e. remote level, bay level or apparatus level. Priority shall always be on the lowest enabled control level but shall be possible to adopt other philosophies by parameterization. 4.2.1 Station Level Functions For supervision of the entire substation on station level as a minimum a redundant server station computer. No operator workstations (HMI) shall be installed. The position of switching devices (e.g. circuit breakers, disconnectors, earthing switches, transformer tap changers etc.) shall be supervised permanently. Apparatus positions shall be indicated by two auxiliary switches, normally closed (NC) and normally open (NO). DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 41 OF 156 Confidential External An alarm shall be initiated if these position indications are inconsistent or if the time required for operating mechanism to change position exceeds a predefined limit. Every detected change of position shall be immediately visible in the single-line diagram on the screen of the Service/Engineering laptop , recorded in the event list and a hard copy printout shall be produced. Alarms shall be initiated in the case of spontaneous position changes. The bid shall include complete workplaces (including desk, chair, etc.) for the Service/ engineering laptop. Also interface connection for engineering note book and protection relay interrogation shall be envisaged. Station Computer The station level of SCMS shall include a redundant station computer in a hot stand-by configuration, equipped with high performance microprocessor and real time operating system. The station computer shall have access to all subsystems at the bay level, collect signals and information, issue commands and perform the signal processing required for the connected substation. LEDs shall indicate the status of the respective circuits on the front of the station computer. The station computer shall be accommodated together with all necessary input/output equipment in cubicles in the control room. The station computer shall be supplied from the station battery power supply. Service, Analysis and Engineering Unit The system software shall be loaded from a transportable medium (e.g. DVD) and shall be stored in a dynamic read/write memory with error correction and battery backup power. One high speed color printer shall be supplied for graphic hardcopies of the displays and for reports and the other printer shall be supplied for printing logs of all the events and alarms reported from the bay control units. Printers which are supplicants for IEEE802.1x are preferred. The AC power for the Service/Engineering Notebook, and printers shall be supplied by the station UPS power supply. The Engineering/Service trouble-shooting Engineer shall have access via the Service/Engineering Notebook to the distributed intelligence. The Service/Engineering Laptop shall give the engineer access to the equipment of the medium and low voltage levels. Display selection, parameter setting, alarm acknowledgment, selected printouts of reports shall be performed from the Service Engineer ’s keyboard. The system has to distinguish between alarm lists and event lists selectable on the monitor by the engineer. Beside of these lists on the screen, there shall be a chronological print out of any alarm or event in an event log. In addition, a historical archive-file including the events of at least the past 30 days shall be generated and stored on the hard disc. As a minimum, the following items shall be presented on the Engineering/Service laptop: DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 42 OF 156 Confidential External • status diagrams showing switching status and measured values of: − the entire substation, − each voltage level of the substation, − each busbar section of the substation, − each bay of the substation. • user authority levels, • tagging: • • − control inhibit, − permit to work, − grounded. event list: − station – oriented, − bay – oriented, − SCMS – internal. alarm list: − station – oriented, − bay – oriented. • SCMS-internal; • event and alarm log; • system status diagram; • reports; • curves from actual measured values; • curves from archived and historical values; • trend values. Status Diagrams The station diagrams displayed on the Service/engineering laptop shall include as a minimum a diagram of the entire substation, an individual diagram for each voltage level of the substation and individual diagrams for each busbar sections and bays of the substation. A diagram shall be able to show a single line with all relevant data (at least 50 switching devices like circuit breakers/disconnectors/earthing devices, 20 measuring values, 40 additional indications). New displays shall be designed in an interactive dialog. Layouts of the displays are subject to the approval by the Company. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 43 OF 156 Confidential External User Authority Levels It shall be possible to restrict activation of the station diagrams within a certain user authorization group. Each user shall then be given access rights to each group of objects. At least the following authority levels shall be provided: • display only; • system administrator. For maintenance and engineering purposes of the station HMI, the following authorization levels shall be available: • no engineering allowed; • engineering/configuration allowed; • overall entire system management allowed. The access rights shall be defined by passwords or, alternatively, by key card readers etc. assigned during the log-in procedure. Only the system administrator shall be able to add/remove users and change access rights. Event List The substation event list shall include events that are important for the monitoring of the substation, sample for event: “Circuit Breaker closed”. The time shall be displayed corresponding to the event in real time with a resolution of at least 10ms. A printout of each displayed event list shall be possible on the printer. Features for pagesensitive printing shall be provided. The events shall be registered in a chronological event list in which the type of event and its time of occurrence are specified. It shall be possible to store all events in the Service/Engineering Notebook. The information shall be obtainable also from a printed event log. The chronological event list shall contain: • position changes of circuit breakers, disconnectors, earthing devices and tap changer operations; • indication of protective relay operations; • fault signals from the switchgear; • indication when analogue measured values outside upper and lower limits; • loss of communication; • operator’s commands and tagging. Filters for selection of a certain type or group of events shall be available. The filters shall be designed to enable viewing of events grouped per: • date and time; • bay; • device; DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 44 OF 156 Confidential External • function; • alarm class. Alarm List Faults and errors which may occur in the substation shall be tabulated in the substation alarm list and shall be available to be simultaneously transmitted to the remote control centers. The alarm list shall replace a conventional alarm tableau and shall constitute an actual evaluation of all station alarms. It shall contain unacknowledged alarms and persisting faults. Date and time of the occurrence of alarms shall be indicated. The time shall be displayed corresponding to the alarm in real time with a resolution of at least 10ms. The sequence of alarm indication in the alarm list shall coincide with the occurrence of the alarms. The alarm list shall consist of a summary display of the present alarm situation. Each alarm shall be reported on one line that contains: • date and time of the alarm; • name of the alarming object; • a descriptive text; • acknowledgement state. The troubleshooting/Service Engineer shall be able to select displays which contain only a section or subsection of the substation overall alarm list. Faults which appear and disappear without being acknowledged shall be specially marked in the alarm list. Filters for selection of a certain type or group of alarms shall be available as for events. The alarm list shall be presented on the display screen. It shall be possible to obtain hardcopies of the alarms on the printer. SCMS Internal Alarm List The SCMS shall constitute an actual evaluation of internal SCMS alarms, e.g. of defect SCMS input/output boards or defect SCMS communication nodes. It shall contain unacknowledged alarms and persisting faults as mentioned before. Event and Alarm Log The event and alarm log shall be the spontaneous listing of events and alarms displayed on the monitor. This log shall contain the same alarms and events as mentioned above, but chronologically listed as soon as they occur. Each alarm shall be configurable in this way that a second message can be listed if the alarm disappears. System Status Diagram The SCMS shall be comprehensively self-monitored such that faults are immediately indicated to the service engineer, possibly before they develop into serious situations. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 45 OF 156 Confidential External The system status diagram shall cover the entire SCMS configuration and the status of all devices of the SCMS including bay level devices, substation level devices and communication links. It shall be possible to select displayed values from the database in the process display online. Scrolling between e.g. days shall be possible. Unsure values shall be indicated. It shall be possible to select the time period for which the specific data are kept in the memory. Common Bay Unit The station level shall include a common bay unit for acquisition of inputs/outputs not assigned to dedicated bays. The common bay unit shall be placed together with all necessary input/output equipment in cubicles in the control room. The common bay unit shall be supplied from the station battery power supply. System Service And Analysis For fault evaluation and monitoring as well as integrated disturbance monitoring and analysis a service and analysis system shall be implemented with each SCMS. Automatic Disturbance File Transfer For the bay level devices with integrated disturbance recorder as well as for dedicated disturbance recording systems, all recorded data shall be automatically uploaded (event triggered or once per day) to the station computer or a dedicated computer and be stored on the hard disk. Disturbance Analysis The SCMS shall provide all relevant information for fault-finding, analysis, and troubleshooting on a dedicated disturbance analysis system. Suitable and user-friendly fault evaluation software shall be included in the scope of supply, providing short fault summaries and automatic printouts of the fault history and fault location. For the IEDs with integrated disturbance recorder, all recorded data shall be automatically uploaded (event triggered or once per day) to the disturbance analysis station and be stored on the hard disk. The protection engineer may have his own PC-based system to evaluate all the required information for proper fault analysis, independent of the network control centers. The disturbance analysis system shall be based on a high performance and maintenancefree laptop computer. The disturbance analysis system software shall be loaded from a portable medium (e.g. CD, DVD) and stored in a dynamic read/write memory with error correction and battery power back-up. The scope of supply includes all required equipment, communication lines and installations to enable the disturbance analysis workstation for the proper connection and communication with the protection units. Parameter Setting Under this function it is understood the capability of reading out and writing information from/to the IEDs, in particular parameterization, setting, visualizing and analyzing disturbance and event records through the service and analysis system: DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 46 OF 156 Confidential External • from the local substation Service/Engineering laptop, by use of standardized IEC 61850 protocols; • from the remote control centers; • from a modem-connected evaluation station situated at a remote location. Setting of parameters or activation of parameter sets shall only be allowed after entering a password. It is proposed to include under the scope of this project all required modems and software licenses for the remote evaluation station. For each SCMS a portable service, analysis and engineering unit based upon a standard personal computer shall be foreseen for on-site modifications of the control and protection devices. This service unit shall be used for documentation, testing and commissioning. The service unit shall permit the user to study changes in the substation. The service unit shall be able to monitor data in the running SCMS and to present changing variables on the display screen, selectable in tabular form or in graphic representation. The service unit shall be used for the following purposes: • system configuration, • system testing, • help functions, • program documentation, • down and uploading of programs, • system commissioning, • data base management, • changing peripheral parameters program entry, • on-line parameter setting features, • other subjects depending on the requirements during engineering stage. The service unit shall be integrated into the IT security regime to be established. The service unit shall be used for detail engineering of the SCMS. As the result of the design process for IEC 61850 based systems shall formally be described in an SCD (System Configuration Description)-file, which contains the logical communication connections between IEDs within sub-networks and routers between sub-networks. The detail engineering on system level has to determine the communication addresses and the detailed data flow between the IEDs in terms of data sets and signal inputs to clients. This signal-level data flow engineering replaces to a big extent the engineering of the conventional wiring. Due to the inherent semantics of the IEC 61850 data model, this step can also be supported with object based or even automated signal engineering. The resulting SCD file contains individualized IED descriptions for the system under design. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 47 OF 156 Confidential External These descriptions shall be downloaded via the service unit to the IEDs to make them aware of their place in the system and their connections to other IEDs. The service unit has to be supplied at the beginning of the commissioning period and shall be available for training of the Company’s personnel. Software Development Tools and Maintenance Program development editing, compilations and linking shall be available on the laptop. This implies that all source files containing source programs shall be supplied to enable future software development and modification. All program development and support functions to be supplied shall be described in detail to enable the trained personnel to use the system. The programming languages supported by the system shall be stated. Any apparatus that enables testing, configuration and diagnosis of bay control units, gateway and substation LAN e.g. laptops, communication devices is to be included in the offer. Interface to Remote Control Centers Communication to the remote control centers shall be provided by data communication, utilizing international standard protocol IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-104, Open Smart Grid Protocol, 5G/ IoT, WiMAX. It is the obligation of the Contractor to coordinate and parameterize settings with the existing SCADA interfaces of the relevant control centers in order to ensure interoperability. It must be possible to interface with minimum two remote control centers simultaneously by using redundant gateway with multiple port capability, as applicable. Change of the protocol on different gateways ports shall not require any change of software or firmware but need to be selectable via parameterization. From control centers all related voltage apparatus of the substations shall be possible to be remotely controlled and monitored. All signals of each substation required for the control and monitoring from the remote control centers shall be made available for data transmission via redundant gateways. The scope of supply includes all required equipment and installations to enable each of the substations for the proper connection of the required control and monitoring signals towards and from up to two higher level remote control centers NCCs SEC NG/ NEOM PCCs/NEOM related area CCs (as applicable in the related NEOM sub-Regional network). Substation Gateway The communication gateway to be provided by the Contractor shall be a network node capable to interconnect both the substation and the remote control center(s) NCCs/PCCs/Area CCs networks together by performing a protocol translation/mapping necessary to ensure system interoperability. The gateway shall be based on high performance and maintenance-free computer equipped with a real-time operating system. The access to all subsystems at the station level shall be guaranteed. The Contractor shall declare all the protocols that are supported by the gateway. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 48 OF 156 Confidential External The gateway to be provided shall include at least the following features: • • Process communication: − IEC61850-8-1, − Modbus serial, − Modbus TCP, − and IEC 60870-5-103. Remote communication: − IEC 60870-5-104, − Open Smart Grid Protocol, − 5G/ IoT, − WiMAX, − and IEC 61850. Furthermore, the communication gateway shall also have: • an efficient and intuitive configuration tool (gateway management tool), • a drag-and-drop protocol mapping to map complete structures from the source data, • an efficient handling of large amounts of data in list views, • tooltips, • and remote configuration and administration. Additionally, at least the following security features shall be included: • user authentication, • individual user accounts, • and password authentication. All licenses shall be provided by the Contractor and specifically the license for a gateway management tool to be installed at the engineering workstation. The gateway management tool shall enable the engineer to transfer the configurations of the objects to the gateway computer. The gateway management tool shall display at least the following license information for the device in a window: • owner of the license, • product revision, • protocols supported by the license, • number of servers supported by the license, • and number of clients supported by the license. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 49 OF 156 Confidential External The updating of the license as well as the downloading of the configurations shall be easily executable. Station Protection Functions The protection system is described in chapter 6. However, the following items are also important for SCMS as the protection functions are an integral part of the SCMS. Station protection functions are protection functions which are normally not allocated to the particular bay. This concerns essentially busbar and breaker failure protection schemes (by busbar protection the part of equipment can be allocated in the particular bays, which are connected with central part via a proprietary bus). All protection functions realized in the station level shall be based on numerical technology. Remote access to the protection devices shall be made available from SCMS. The station protection units shall be serial integrated for data sharing and meet the real-time communication requirements for automatic functions. The data presentation and the configuration of the various station protection units shall be compatible with the overall system communication and data exchange requirements. 4.2.2 Bay Level Functions In a decentralized architecture the functionality shall be as close as possible to the process. In this respect, the following functions shall be allocated at bay level: • For medium voltage levels: bay control functions and bay protection functions may be carried out in a combined unit. • For low voltage levels: bay control functions and bay protection functions may be carried out in a combined unit. All bay internal programs, command sequences, collection of signals and information, outputs of commands and signal processing required for the different switchgear units of the corresponding bays shall be performed by the IEDs. The protection and controls IEDs shall be linked in double ring fiber optic connections. Power supply to the IEDs shall come from the station battery and shall be redundant. The IEDs are placed together with all necessary input/output equipment in the local control cubicles in the control room of the control building. The bay level devices shall be supplied from the station battery power supply. Bay Control Functions The different medium voltage apparatus within the station shall be operated from different places as follows: • from the remote control centers, • from the bay control and/or protection units (IEDs), • and from the individual equipment. It has to be ensured, that operation is only possible by one operator at a time. Clear control priorities shall prevent that operation of a single device can be initiated at the same time DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 50 OF 156 Confidential External from more than one various control levels, i.e. remote level, bay level or apparatus level. The priority shall always be on the lowest enabled control level. OFF Mode It is not possible to operate any object, neither locally nor remotely. EMERGENCY Mode The position indication shall be directly from the primary equipment circuit breaker. On the mimic board, the selection push button and either the ON or OFF push button has to be pushed simultaneously in order to close or open the circuit breaker. To control in the emergency mode requires a special key. Control operation from other places (e.g. from REMOTE) shall not be possible if the emergency select key is in the emergency operation position. LOCAL Mode Local HMI operation not applicable. On a display at the IEDs (and local mimic on the control panels, if any) it the object has first to be selected. In case of blocking or interlocking conditions, the selection will not be possible and an appropriate alarm annunciation shall occur. If a selection is valid, the position indication will show the possible direction, and the appropriate ON or OFF button shall be pressed in order to close or open the switching device. Control operation from other places (e.g. REMOTE) shall not be possible in this operating mode. REMOTE Mode Control authority in this mode is given to a higher level (station or remote level) and the installation can be controlled only remotely. Control operation from lower levels shall not be possible in this operating mode. It shall be possible to adopt other philosophies by parameterization. Interfaces All IEDs shall be provided with an optical interface for connecting the station bus and communication to station level devices and remote level devices according to IEC 61850. Additionally, the IEDs shall be provided with an optical front interface for connecting a laptop. The monitoring, controlling and configuration of all input and output logical signals, all binary inputs and relay outputs for all built-in functions and signals shall be possible both locally and remotely. Local HMI A local HMI/ screen at the IEDs shall permit controlling and monitoring the individual bays from bay level. The local HMI shall be front-mounted and based on a user-friendly, menu-structured program and performed with the use of a permanently installed HMI-unit, type tested together with the IED. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 51 OF 156 Confidential External The diagram of the individual bay shall be showing the switching status and measured values. Service values of current and voltages as well as active and reactive power shall be available. Also characteristic analogue values related to the activated functions (e.g. impedance in case of distance protection) shall be available. Additionally, an alarm annunciation for bay alarms shall be included in the local HMI. Command Supervision Perfect collection and processing of all switchgear positions of the entire substation must be ensured at all time. Unclear information, such as intermediate switchgear positions, switchgear fault, faulty data transfer etc. must never allow switching operations. Control, regulation and synchronizing functions shall require perfect collection and processing of all information of the substation. The information has to be up to date and valid. Maloperation of control and regulation facilities such as on-load switching of a disconnector, switching on in asynchronous state etc. shall be avoided. If remote level control and regulation facilities are failing, back-up control shall be possible. Interruption of drive latching in case runtime is exceeded. When the runtime is exceeded, the command has to be cancelled. Pole Discrepancy Monitoring A pole discrepancy function, based on the measurement phase over currents and current differences between phases shall be provided. Select-Before-Execute-Procedure with Enhanced Security (SBOw) Select-before-execute-procedure shall be applied for the operation of circuit breakers. For safety reasons the command is always given in two stages: selection of the object and command for operation. These two stages are realized with one contact each and only when both contacts are closed will the final command (open or closed) executed. Station Interlocking Interlocking facilities shall be installed in the switchgear to prevent damages and accidents in case of false operation. Interlocking within switchgear itself shall be achieved via mechanical interlocked. The primary interlocking system of the switchboard shall be provided via hardwired interlocking with parallel copper cabling. The function and design of the interlocking systems shall be extremely reliable and safe. The primary interlocking system shall make it easy to add new feeder (lines, transformers etc.) and future modification and extension of the station control shall be possible without interference to the operation of other parts of the installation (e.g. moving of existing feeders including all parameters and settings to enable installation of new feeders). It shall be a simple layout, easy to test and simple to handle when upgrading the station with future bays. Modifications shall be possible to be carried out by the Company‘s staff without the presence of the Contractor. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 52 OF 156 Confidential External For the switching and operation of the substations, the following interlocking concept shall be applied: • The disconnector shall be operable only when the relevant circuit breaker is in the offposition and all the relevant earthing switch have been removed. • The earthing switch is operable only when the disconnectors have been opened and the relevant location is free of voltage. • Closing of circuit breaker shall only be possible when the relevant earthing switches have been removed and the protective relays and corresponding lock-out relays are not actuated or if they are actuated, the faults have been cleared and the respective lock-out relays have been reset. • Busbar change-over shall be possible with the busbar disconnectors and bus coupler in closed position without power supply interruption. • When a pressure drop signal is received from gas monitoring device for a SF6 circuit breaker, the tripping and the closing signal shall be locked out. • other interlocks as found necessary during engineering stage. An override function shall be provided which can be enabled to bypass the interlocking function. Service interlocks shall be provided for future remote operations and maintenance interlocks shall be provided for local operations. The interlocking system is to be designed in such a way that testing is possible during normal operation. Synchrocheck The synchronism and energizing check functions shall only be distributed to the control and/or protection devices of a feeder that serve as the interconnector of two busbars being fed from different sources. NEOM will instruct with the special requirement if this is applicable. The synchrocheck functions of the control and/or protection devices shall have the following features: • adjustable voltage, phase angle, and frequency difference; • energizing for dead line-live bus, live line-dead bus or dead line–dead bus; • Settings for manual close command and auto-reclose command shall be adaptable to the operating times of the specific switchgear. The voltages relevant for the synchrocheck functions are dependent on the station topology, i.e. on the positions of the circuit breakers and/or the disconnectors. The correct voltage for synchronizing is derived from the corresponding voltage transformers or from bus voltage image with special relay control and shall be selected automatically by the control and/or protection IEDs. Auto-Reclosing The auto-recloser should be settable for the modes of operation detailed in accordance with project specific requirements. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 53 OF 156 Confidential External Transformer Tap Changer Control Voltage regulation for transformers with on-load tap changer shall be either included in the numerical control unit for the MV step down transformer bay or located in a separate on-load tap changer control device which is associated with the MV step down transformer. In case of utilizing a separate tap changer device, this shall be an integral part of the SCMS like any bay-oriented device. Event and Disturbance Recording Each IED shall contain an event recorder capable of storing at least 256 time-tagged events. Having bay protection functions, the IEDs shall provide the user, either locally or remotely, with complete information on the last ten disturbances. A disturbance recorder with a minimum of 5 s recording time for at least 10 disturbances shall provide the user with time-tagged disturbance records. At least the analogue inputs as well as 16 binary signals must be recorded with a sampling rate that guarantees the presentation of a fifth harmonic component of any recorded analogue signal. The pre-fault and fault currents and voltages shall be recorded for each disturbance and be made available for further evaluation purposes. Data-Storage Data storage of at least 500 events (cyclical buffer). Self-Supervision The electronic system shall be provided with functions for continuous self-supervision and test. Each circuit board shall contain circuits for automatic testing of its own function. These circuits shall interact with a test and diagnostic program controlled by the central unit. Faults in a unit shall be indicated by the illumination of a red LED on the front edge of the unit and reported to the higher operation levels. The error indications/messages to be generated shall allow fault localization down to the card level. Time for fault tracing and replacement of a faulty unit shall be reduced to a minimum. Self-supervision shall also comprise the power supply system, the internal system bus and the ability of the central unit to communicate with different circuit boards. Bay Protection Functions The protection system is described in chapter 6. However, the following items are also important for SCMS as the protection functions are an integral part of the SCMS. All protection functions realized in the bay protection units shall be based on numerical technology. Remote access to the protection devices shall be made available. The bay protection units shall be serial integrated for data sharing and meet the real-time communication requirements for automatic functions. The data presentation and the configuration of the various bay protection units shall be compatible with the overall system communication and data exchange requirements. The operation shall depend on the conditions of other functions, such as interfaces, local Service/engineering laptop, event and disturbance recording, data-storage, self-supervision, etc. (see description in chapter “Bay control functions”). DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 54 OF 156 Confidential External Data Collection Functionality Generally, the following basic data collection functions shall be performed by the IEDs: • signal acquisition, • acquisition of measured and counted values, • monitoring of execution of commands, • calculation of derived operational measured values, • and generation of group signals. The position of each switching device (e.g. circuit breaker, disconnector, earthing switch, transformer tap changer etc.) shall be supervised permanently. Every detected change of position shall be immediately visible in the single-line diagram on the local laptop and reported to the station and remote level. Alarms shall be initiated in the case of spontaneous position changes. The positions of each switching device shall be indicated by two auxiliary switches, normally closed (NC) and normally open (NO), which shall give antivalent signals. An alarm shall be initiated if these position indications are inconsistent or if the time required for operating mechanism to change position exceeds a predefined limit. Analogue inputs for voltage and current measurements with high-accuracy of 0.5% shall be provided. The values of active power (W), reactive power (VAr), frequency (Hz) and the rms values for voltage (U) and current (I) shall be calculated. The measured values shall be displayed locally on the station HMI and reported to the higher levels. Threshold limit values shall be selectable for alarm indications. Additionally, digital inputs for acquisition of active and reactive power in line and transformer bays shall be ensured. IEDs shall be provided within a process interface for acquisition data directly from the high voltage and medium voltage apparatus using: • binary inputs and outputs, • and analogue input and outputs with the following input ranges: − 0 – 100 (110) V, − 0 – 1/5 A, and − 0/4 – 20 mA. The provided quantity of inputs and outputs in the bid shall be based on the single line diagrams of each substation to consider the quantity of binary and analogue inputs/outputs as indicated in the IEDs. The quantities of binary and analogue inputs/outputs as indicated are minimum requirements. Any further requirements as per the substation manufacturer and identified during engineering stage, site testing/commissioning stage shall be included. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 55 OF 156 Confidential External 4.3 Design Requirements In order to meet the requirements of this specification, the detailed design of the SCMS is within the Contractor’s responsibility, but subject to approval by the Company. The following important requirements should be guaranteed in any case: • Distributed architecture that allows the placement of bay level devices in a cubicle and the station equipment in a central building. • Bay level devices like IEDs are directly connected to the station bus also the protection equipment of other manufacturers. • In the case of main 1/main 2 protection schemes, the two protection terminals shall be of different hardware and software. • Back-up protection functions can be allocated in the bay control unit. • Station-oriented protection functions (busbar and breaker failure protections) may be integrated into one system. • Reclosing and associated synchrocheck or voltage check functions can be considered as control functions. • A separate control unit has to be associated to each circuit breaker. The Contractor shall present the layout of the different cubicles used in the Project, following a bay-oriented arrangement. 4.3.1 Station Level Design Station level devices like switches, gateways, station computer, service/engineering laptop, etc. are directly connected to the station bus also the protection equipment of other manufacturers. The Contractor shall present a detailed schematic and the drawings of the station level and the bus connections. 4.3.2 Bay Level Design For each type of bay (line, transformer and coupler bay) the Contractor shall present the principal arrangement of the cubicles within type of hardware units and associated functions. The protection scheme is an integral part of the SCMS system, and the protection relays shall therefore be directly connected to the station bus, in order to provide unrestricted access to all data and information stored in the relays and for changing protection parameters remotely. Back-up protection schemes can be allocated in one or the other units already mentioned. In some applications or voltage levels a higher degree of integration is acceptable, e.g. integration of control and main protection functions or integration of busbar and bay protection functions. A high integration of functions and a low number of units is permitted under consideration of the method of fulfilment of the reliability requirements. Line Bay For line bay the following requirements shall be fulfilled: DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 56 OF 156 Confidential External • the already mentioned control unit (control, recloser, synchrocheck) per breaker with the associated bay mimic (position indication) and depending on voltage level also with protection schemes; • the already mentioned main and back-up protection schemes for the line; • the protection unit for the busbar and breaker failure protection functions per set of current transformer (in the case of a double-busbar scheme, the breaker failure protection may be associated with the line protection); • the dedicated disturbance recorder unit (depending on the required sampling rate). Transformer Bay For transformer bay the following requirements shall be fulfilled: • the already mentioned control unit per voltage level (control, recloser, synchrocheck) with the associated bay mimic (position indication); • the already mentioned main protection for the distribution transformer; • the protection unit for the busbar and breaker failure protection functions (in the case of a double-busbar scheme, the breaker failure protection may be associated with the line protection); • the back-up protection in one separate unit or in the control unit; • the units for dedicated disturbance recorder (depending on the required sampling rate). Coupler Bay For coupler bay the following requirements shall be fulfilled: 4.3.3 • the already mentioned control unit (control, recloser, synchrocheck) per breaker with the associated bay mimic (position indication) and depending on voltage level also with protection schemes; • the protection unit for the busbar and breaker failure protection functions. Normally one set of current transformer is sufficient, because the busbar protection is designed to work correctly even if only one set of current transformer is available; • the protection functions (normally overcurrent functions) can be mounted in one of the units already mentioned or in a separate unit. Quantity of Inputs and Outputs The Contractor concept shall be based on the number of necessary BCUs and digital protection relay devices as indicated in the single line diagrams and the tables given in the protection section of each of the relevant substations. The Contractor shall consider the quantity of binary and analogue inputs/outputs as indicated below for the bay control units. The quantities of binary and analogue inputs/outputs, as indicated, are minimum requirements. In addition to the quantities as indicated, the Contractor shall include a reserve in the amount of 50% in their offered scope. The reserve should be confirmed by the Company. Any further requirements as per the substation manufacturer and identified during engineering stage, site testing/commissioning stage shall be included. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 57 OF 156 Confidential External Minimum number of required binary inputs (counted as single indications) are as follows: • 8 per circuit breaker, • 5 per disconnector, • 4 per earthing switch, • 16 per line feeder from protection, • 6 from busbar protection, • 50 general/auxiliaries for the whole substation, • and 8 for status of transformer operation. Minimum number of required binary outputs (single commands) are as follows: • 2 per circuit breaker, • 2 per disconnector, • 2 per earthing switch, • 2 per tap changer lower/raise, • 2 per tap changer automatic/manual, • and 2 as a reserve per AVR. Minimum number of required analogue inputs (11 bits + sign bit measuring) are as follows: • 3 voltages per busbar section, • 3 voltages per transformer bay, • 3 voltages per line bay (if line VT is installed), • 3 currents per coupler bay, • 3 currents per transformer winding, • 3 currents per line bay, • 1 active power per transformer, • 1 reactive power per transformer, • 1 power factor per transformer, • 1 frequency per transformer, • tap changer position per transformer, • winding temperature per transformer, • oil temperature per transformer, • hot spot temperature per 33 kV and 13.8 kV cable system, • temperature inside indoor secondary substation, • state of charge of batteries, DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 58 OF 156 Confidential External • and 4 analogue inputs per substation as a reserve. The SCMS shall have at least one serial interface for meter data. Protocols shall be selectable as per the relevant protocols mentioned in the relevant section of the present document. 4.4 Other Requirements 4.4.1 General During the project implementation phase the following activities shall be considered: 4.4.2 • engineering, • FAT, • site installation, • commissioning, • SAT, • training, • operation, • service, after sales and maintenance. Engineering The specific functionality and boundary conditions of the SCMS shall be adapted to the requirements which are related to the particular voltage level and specific substation layout. During the engineering phase, at least the following items are very important and shall be supplied for approval by the Company: • overall single-line diagram, including position of the different objects (CTs, VTs, isolators, etc.), which is the basis for the engineering work; • general system architecture of the entire SCMS for each substation; • functional design specification of SCMS, which describes in details the equipment and the functionalities; • layouts of the displays at station level and bay level as single-line diagram, event list, alarm list, etc. • lists of events and alarms (including their names) with the indication of the particular signal to be sent (station event list, remote, etc.); • data transmission towards and from the remote control centers; • station interlocking; • cubicle layout; • IT security risk assessment according IEC 62351, IEC 62443 and the IEC 27000 group of Standards including appropriate recommendations for mitigation measures. The IT security measures applied shall be fully compliant with any requirement DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 59 OF 156 Confidential External generated from outside systems, like the SCADA system in the connected SEC NCCs/NEOM PCCs/NEOM Area CCs. 4.4.3 FAT and SAT General The Contractor shall submit a test specification for the factory acceptance test (FAT) and the site acceptance tests (SAT) of the SCMS for approval. For the individual devices applicable type test certificates shall be submitted. The manufacturing phase of the SCMS shall be concluded by the FAT. The purpose is to ensure that the supplier has interpreted the specified requirements correctly and that the FAT includes checking to the degree required by the Company. All (100% of the subject units, but not only sampling) shall be subject to factory routine test. The relevant routine test for each specific unit shall be submitted before any delivery. The general philosophy shall be to deliver a SCMS to site only after it has been thoroughly tested and its specified performance has been verified, as far as site conditions can be simulated in a test lab. FAT shall be done for 100% of the subject panels/equipment. If the FAT comprises only a certain portion of the system for practical reasons, it has to be assured that this test configuration contains at least one unit of each and every type of equipment incorporated in the delivered system. If some parts of SCMS are already installed on site, the FAT shall be limited to subsystem tests. In such a case, the complete system test shall be performed on site together with the site acceptance test (SAT). FAT and SAT Requirements All materials and equipment used in the contract works are subject to inspection by the Company/Company’s Representative in order to determine whether the material and equipment comply with the required properties. The Contractor shall at his own cost and expense execute shop and field tests of all materials and equipment supplied by him or his Subcontractor required in accordance with the applicable IEC Standards. This shall not preclude the Company’s/Company’s Representative’s right to call for further tests, if he considers them necessary. All equipment and materials necessary for execution of the tests shall be furnished by the Contractor. Measuring apparatus and their calibration certificates shall be approved by the Company/Company’s Representative. The Contractor shall submit to the Company/Company’s Representative for approval the test results showing conditions of tests performed, the test circuits and oscillograms, etc. High temperature operation tests shall be performed at the maximum ambient temperature. The Contractor shall submit a test specification for the factory acceptance test (FAT) and the site acceptance tests (SAT) of the SCMS for approval. For the individual devices applicable type test certificates shall be submitted. The manufacturing phase of the SCMS shall be concluded by the FAT. The purpose is to ensure that the supplier has interpreted the specified requirements correctly and that the FAT includes checking to the degree required by the Company. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 60 OF 156 Confidential External All (100% of the subject units, but not only sampling) shall be subject to factory routine test. The relevant routine test for each specific unit shall be submitted before any delivery. The general philosophy shall be to deliver a SCMS to site only after it has been thoroughly tested and its specified performance has been verified, as far as site conditions can be simulated in a test lab. Workshop test the shop assembled units shall be completely assembled, adjusted and tested at the shop. After assembly the complete units shall, as far as possible, be tested for operation under design conditions to assure the proper functioning of the equipment. Type tests shall be performed on each type and rating of the specified equipment with the purpose of proving its properties. If evidence is available of successfully carried out type test on identical apparatus or apparatus which is for practical test purposes similar, in a recognized independent testing laboratory or independently witnessed, this may be accepted in lieu of these tests. Regarding FAT, the complete substation control system (e.g. substation level equipment while communicating with all bay level equipment) shall be tested. FAT shall be performed to verify the performance of the system. The test shall apply to all aspects of the system, including communication to other systems, all inputs/outputs and the complete processing of all events, alarms, measuring and other information’s. FAT shall be performed in presence of Company or Company Representative in manufacturer laboratories before shipment. The FATs shall commence by switching on power to all equipment bootstrapping and loading the software system for each computer terminal, verifying that each step is properly described in the operating instruction manual the substation control system shall be tested with all software loading and running. The FAT shall include the following tests: • checks of proper functioning of all hardware, software and firmware by a thorough exercise of all system functions; • verification of compliance with operating speed requirements; • verification that orderly computer system shutdown procedures are initiated following an interruption of the DC supply; • verification that system performance is not affected by DC power source abnormalities involving voltage variations (+10%; -20%); • demonstration of all required performances. This demonstration shall include verification of functional requirements and verify that programs are (not unduly) interdependent, and furthermore that incorrect manipulation via HMI is properly identified and causes no system lockups. • test of all discrete input points; • test of all control outputs; • test on bay interlock units; • test on assembled interlocking system; • check of analogue measurements accuracy; DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 61 OF 156 Confidential External • test of SOE buffering, retrieval, and local logging; • demonstration of techniques and methods for modifying the database, including point additions and deletions; • demonstration of techniques for changing a communications port to use another protocol; • test of communication within protection monitoring system, and dialogue with distributed protection demonstration; • test of communication towards and from the higher level control centers (SEC NG NCCs/NEOM PCCs/NEOM subregions area CCs) based on verification of correctness of the exchanged data traffic between SCMS and the control centers under application of suitable test equipment (e.g. test program for monitoring and exchange of IEC61850, Open Smart Grid Protocol, IoT/5G/WiMAX and/or IEC608505-104 telegrams and frames). Regarding SAT, on arrival at site and during and after completion of erection, all items of control, SCMS, SCADA equipment shall be inspected and tested so to ensure that there shall be no delay in commissioning due to supply of incorrect or damaged equipment. The commissioning of the primary equipment and the wiring between the primary equipment and cubicle terminals of the SCMS system is not part of the commissioning of the SCMS and has to be finished before commissioning of the secondary equipment. The site tests are subdivided into the following tests: • test during and after erection; • commissioning tests, SAT; • hot test, test after energizing of the facilities; • guarantee tests. The Contractor shall be responsibly to carry out the site acceptance tests including secondary tests of the protection equipment, the station control unit, local SCADA operation and remote control. The site acceptance test will exercise all functions of the system and duplicate selected factory acceptance tests to the extent possible. The Contractor shall issue the site acceptance test certificates. The following requirements related to the SAT are to be checked by Contractor. • The control system is properly integrated into the entire system of substation. • The control system is suitable and functions correctly in its environment. • The protective and control devices operate properly, as required. • The interfaces with other systems (if applicable) are compatible and function correctly. This testing will include, but not be limited to, the following conditions: • each subsystem initialization, • diagnostics of primary equipment and self-diagnostic, DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 62 OF 156 Confidential External • checks of proper functioning of hardware, software, and firmware by exercising of selected subsystems functions, • system communication interfaces including failure modes, • database modification and expanding, • inspection and approval of the VDU presentations, • test dialogues, • monitoring/operation of HV/MV/LV apparatus, • test of interlocking system, • test of event list, • test of measuring functions (including trends), • test of operation of tap changer, • test of alarms, • test of substation monitoring system (SCMS), • Test of proper communication between SCMS and higher level control centers via IEC61850, Open Smart Grid Protocol, IoT/5G/WiMAX and/or IEC60850-5-104 standard protocol. Also, during this test the reliability of hardware and software shall be checked. Tests may include checks of drawings and lists, as well. Procedures and methods for each commissioning/acceptance site tests, including those to be performed on-load, as well as formats of site test reports for each test, are subject of the Company/Company’s Representative approval. The commissioning is concerned as complete when the relevant equipment is energized and loaded and the necessary tests, measurements and checking done. 4.4.4 Commissioning The commissioning of the primary equipment and the wiring between the primary equipment and cubicle terminals of the SCMS system is not part of the commissioning of the SCMS and has to be finished before commissioning of the secondary equipment. 4.4.5 Service, After-Sales and Maintenance In order to reduce maintenance, training and commissioning costs, it is required to use the lowest number of different hardware platforms as possible. A guarantee period including replacement of defective material, starting from the date at which the system has been taken over after the last delivery by the factory shall be agreed upon. The guarantee period should be defined by the Company. The Contractor shall assure long-term maintenance and availability of spares or otherwise new replacement/upgrade of the SCMS system. Moreover, a guarantee shall be submitted for the availability of spares during the initial SCMS lifetime (not less than 10 years) and for the overall twenty-five (25) years extended lifetime of the system. The lifetime should be confirmed by the Company. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 63 OF 156 Confidential External Spare parts shall be foreseen for all the main equipment. A complete list of spare parts recommended by the Contractor shall be submitted. The Contractor shall provide spares considered necessary for the bay control units, gateway and other equipment that the Company may require to replace damaged components in order to bring the system to full operation. All special tools and test equipment required for maintenance of the system shall be included in the offer. The complete spare parts list recommended and submitted by the Contractor shall be subdivided into: • Short-term spare parts that are necessary for two (2) years of operation as mentioned above. These spare parts shall be included in the contract and shall comprise at least one spare module for supplied equipment and basic tools for system maintenance. • Long-term spare parts necessary during the lifetime of the SCMS (not less than twenty-five (25) years of operation). Where part of the installation would require replacement or mid-life refurbishment to achieve the specified design life then this shall be stated at the time of tendering. Tenderers shall declare the life cycle costs of equipment on request. The Contractor shall also propose a plant and equipment replacement schedule to meet the design life. This shall comprise a detailed identification list detailing and identifying replacement for plant, equipment, assemblies, sub-assemblies and components. It shall include suppliers’ recommendations for both spares and running spares (i.e. parts required for scheduled replacement due to wear or deterioration). 4.4.6 Training During erection, commissioning and trial operation, the Company’s selected operating staff is to be familiarized with the functions of the SCMS. The contractor shall arrange appropriate training in the operation and maintenance of the SCMS equipment for the Company’s personnel at site. A tentative training program shall be submitted by the contractor. The training program shall consider the availability of the “shift personnel” and shall be structured accordingly. The training shall be performed during installation as well as during commissioning. The training sessions shall be conducted by for this purpose specially trained personnel of the Contractor. The training sessions shall be performed in English/Arabic language. The focus of the training shall be on the general and basic structure of the SCMS and its components as well as configuration and setting of parameters respectively the maintenance and error correction. The training shall include as a minimum a field training of the Company’s Operation and maintenance staff so that the following tasks can be executed: • knowledge of the structure of the SCMS and its components; • configuration, parametrization and operation of the SCMS; • maintenance and operation of the facility including trouble-shooting and error correction; • testing of the SCMS. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 64 OF 156 Confidential External On-job training shall be regularly performed during the erection and commissioning of the equipment in the substation. Before energizing, training sessions of at least two weeks for operation staff and other 2 weeks for the maintenance staff, separated into different sessions shall be performed. The Contractor shall provide comprehensive training documents. Furthermore, particular attention shall be paid to maintenance and repairs. 4.4.7 Documentation The hardware and software documentation shall comprise but is not limited to the following: • list of drawings, • control room layout, • assembly drawing, • single line diagram, • block diagram, • circuit diagram, • list of apparatus, • list of labels, • Functional Design Specification (FDS), • test plan and specification of FAT and of SAT, • standardized IED capability description (ICD) files written in SCL according to IEC 61850-6, • standardized substation configuration description (SCD) file written in SCL according to IEC 61850-6, • front view and side view of all different cubicles, • circuit diagrams for cubicles, • connection tables for cubicles, • logic diagram, • list of signals, • product manuals, • operator’s manuals, • IT risk assessment, • and description of IT security measures applied. The size of all documents and drawings shall conform to ISO standard, and be of size of A1, A2, A3 or A4. Larger sizes than A1 shall be avoided. All documents in size A3 and A4 shall bound in hard covers. The schematic diagrams, apparatus and cable lists shall be size of A3 or A4. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 65 OF 156 Confidential External All drawings shall be carried out in the latest version of AutoCAD or a similar aided drafting software package. Scales to be used shall be 1:10, 1:20, 1:40, 1:50 and multiples of this series. All system hard- and software documentation, the application hard- and software documentation and the operating instructions shall be provided in English language. During the project, the contractor shall maintain a list of documentation to be updated whenever needed. This list of documentation shall include the date of the original issue of each document submitted as well as the date of each revision. A time schedule for the submittal of the documentation shall also be included in this list. 5 Remote Terminal Units for Distribution Substations The minimum requirements for the RTU are as follows: • proper and trouble-free operation and support maintenance of each substation through the corresponding operator control station, • proper and trouble-free operation from the protection units (IEDs) with position indicators for all circuit breakers, disconnectors and earth switches, • all alarms and indicators associated with protection and remote control activation and tripping, • all items for control, monitoring, remote control, protection and interlocking circuits, • communication links to remote control centers via international standard protocols, • protection and control management from local and remote, • event recording including sequence of events with real time information, • archiving of commands, events and alarms on non-volatile storage media for medium and long time range, • RTU shall be equipped with battery and charger and the status of battery are also to be monitored. In the rest of this chapter, the hardware and functional requirements of RTUs will be provided. 5.1 Hardware Requirements 5.1.1 Power Supply Module The power supply module shall have a wide range input voltage of AC and DC type. The power supply module shall have different voltage output for supplying other modules formed as the RTU of distribution substations. The voltage outputs shall be suitable for telecommunication modules, and other IEDs e.g. measurement units. Over voltage and under voltage protection shall be provided to the input and output of the power supply in addition to output overcurrent protection to safeguard the RTU internal logic from being damaged as a result of a component failure in the power supply and to prevent the RTU internal logic from becoming unstable and causing mal-operation as a result of voltage fluctuations. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 66 OF 156 Confidential External The RTU shall have a power supply failure indicator which shall be set if the power supply has been cycled (off-on). The successful transfer of this indication to master station shall reset the power fail status point. Power supply modules shall meet the requirements of IEC 60255-26 and IEC 60255-27. 5.1.2 Battery and Battery Charger Each battery charger shall comply with IEC 60146 and shall be sized for the anticipated load inside distribution substations plus the battery charging current, calculated during the design process for the equipment. The rectifiers shall be 12-pulse thyristor-controlled devices with isolating transformer, naturally ventilated, with constant voltage/current characteristics for Ni-Cd or Lithium Ion cells and shall be suitable for parallel redundant operation with load sharing whilst simultaneously charging the battery and supplying the DC loads. The charging voltage shall be automatically varied such that the cells are not overcharged. Automatic and manual boost/float charging facilities shall be provided. The radio interference suppression of the rectifiers shall comply with the appropriate product standard. Battery charger shall be provided with digital meters for monitoring of input voltage, input current, output voltage, battery current, load current and state of charge of battery. Chargers shall as a minimum be monitored for the following fault conditions: • input voltage failure • rectifier fault • rectifier high temperature • output voltage high • output voltage low • high DC ripple • battery circuit failure/battery voltage low; and • ground fault alarm if necessary. The batteries shall be of robust design to allow them being resilient in harsh conditions. The discharge rate of batteries shall be low, and they shall be able to a dual rate charging method, i.e. float and boost charging. The capacity shall be selected adequately to supply all consumers connected and shall be based on a sizing calculation in accordance with IEEE 1115. 5.1.3 Analog Measurement Module Analog Measurement modules shall be able to measure the following quantities: • Voltage measurement with an accuracy of better than class 0.5 over a voltage range of up to 2 times nominal voltage. • Current measurement with an accuracy of better than class 1 over a current range of up to 4 times nominal current. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 67 OF 156 Confidential External • Temperature measurement for connection of platinum temperature sensors with a resolution of at least 1 K over a wide temperature range. Active and reactive power shall be calculated based on measured voltage and current. The accuracy class of active and reactive power shall be better than class 1. The number of inputs for analog measurements shall be extensible based on the requirements at specific substations. However at least one three phase current and voltage measurement inputs shall be provided for MV and LV sides. For current inputs, the residual current measurement input shall be also provided. The voltage inputs shall be able to measure the voltage on LV side directly. 5.1.4 Communication Modules Serial interfaces shall be utilized for the following purposes: • connectivity to RCC; • configuration and maintenance. The communication interface to the RCC(s) shall allow scanning and control of defined points within the RTU independently for each RCC using a separate logical database in the RTU. Furthermore, the RTU shall support the use of a different communication data exchange rate, scanning cycle, and/or communication protocol to each master station. The RTU shall support redundant communication ports to a single master which are connected to primary and standby CPUs, respectively. The RTU shall have at least one ethernet port for communication over IEC 60870-5-104 and IEC 61850. In case of wireless data transmission, appropriate hardware interface shall be provided. In addition, the communication module shall have RS232 and RS485 communication interfaces. Other communication protocols are also acceptable subject to approval of the Company. 5.1.5 Digital Input Module Digital input data shall be collected from the substation field instrumentation and provided to the RTUs. Digital inputs shall meet the requirements of IEC 60255-1, IEC 60255-26 and IEC 60255-27. The digital inputs shall be optically isolated. The input voltage shall not exceed the supply voltage. Other lower voltages shall also be possible by changing the matching resistor in the input circuit. The status (open / closed) of two state devices such as circuit breakers, isolators or earthing switches shall be acquired by 2 independent, potential free contacts, one for each position. Input circuits with selectable bounce filtering time setting are preferred. The indications shall preserve the chronological order of events inside the RTU. Oscillating inputs as a result of e.g. a faulty relay chattering shall be blocked locally at the RTU. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 68 OF 156 Confidential External 5.1.6 Digital Output Module Two-State Device Control For control of two state device, a pair of outputs (open/close) contacts shall be supplied that drive control output relays. However, for circuit breaker control three commands shall be implemented (i.e Open, close through check synch Relay, close under dead line charging condition). Upon command from a master station, the appropriate control output shall be operated for a pre-set time period. The contacts of control output relays shall be used for initiating heavy duty CB/ isolator close /open relays. Control Outputs Control Outputs shall be of relay type. Each control output relay shall consist of at least one changeover output contact. The output contacts shall provide arc suppression to permit interruptions of an inductive load. Relay coils shall be equipped with components to suppress inductive transients associated with energizing and deenergizing of the relay coils. The relays shall conform to the requirements of IEC 60255-1. Dummy Breaker Outputs The dummy breaker outputs shall be of latching relay type to be used to simulate and test supervisory control from the RTU. The simulation relay shall accept the control signals to open and close from the RTU and shall provide the correct indication response through a single contact indication input point. 5.1.7 Analog Input Module Power system analog input data shall be collected from the substation field instrumentation and provided to the RTUs. Interfacing shall be designed to minimize electromagnetic and electrostatic interference. In analog measurements, the information to the analog input modules of the RTU is given in the form of analog current supplied by the output of measuring transducers. Measuring transducers shall be installed in the switch/control gear. In analog input modules, the following current input ranges shall be available: • unipolar 0-1 mA, 0-5 mA, 0-10 mA, 4-20 mA • bipolar +/-1 mA, +/-5 mA. +/-2.5 mA. It shall be possible to change the input range for each individual input, preferably by software means, instead of changing the input resistor. In the input circuit galvanic isolation shall be provided from mechanical earth and electrical earth, and, preferably, between different inputs. The circuits of the analog input module shall be protected against disturbances caused by switching transients and against disturbances at power and RF frequencies present at substations. The scanning of each input shall not introduce any error on the analog information. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 69 OF 156 Confidential External 5.1.8 Modem Module In case the modem module is not integrated in the communication module, the following modem box shall be provided as applicable: • RS modem box supporting RS 232, RS 485 and RJ45 interfaces • 3G/4G/5G or Zigbee modem box. • WI-FI modem box. In case other protocols are needed, the appropriate modem may be proposed. 5.2 Functional Requirements 5.2.1 Metering The metering functionality of the RTU shall include the following as minimum: • Apparent power total; • Apparent power per phase; • Active and reactive power total; • Active and reactive power per phase; • Active and reactive energy total; • Active and reactive energy per phase; • Voltage (line and phase); • Current; • Frequency; • Power factor total; • Power factor per phase; • in addition to current and voltage THD, all power quality characteristics mentioned in IEC 61000-4-30 shall be measured. Harmonics order up to 50th harmonics shall be taken into consideration. This potentially increase to 100th harmonics subject to approval from NEOM. The evaluation of power quality characteristics for reporting and alarming can be according to EN 50160. The above-mentioned metering functionalities shall be applicable on both MV and LV sides. 5.2.2 Fault Indication The RTU shall have the following fault detection functionalities as minimum: • directional over current and earth fault detection. • over and undervoltage; • over and under frequency; • broken conductor. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 70 OF 156 Confidential External In addition, the RTU shall have disturbance recorder functionalities according to IEC 6025524. 5.2.3 Status indication The status of all two-state equipment (e.g. circuit breakers, isolating switches and earthing switches) as well as multi-state equipment (if any) shall be acquired and indicated. The status of equipment shall also be communicated to RCC over relevant communication protocols. 5.2.4 PLC Functionality The RTU shall be provided with programmable logic controller functionality supported by user-friendly editor facilities. The PLC functionality shall enable the RTU to perform control functions using ladder logic language according to IEC 61131. 5.2.5 Communication protocols The following communication protocols shall be supported by the communication modules for data transfer and maintenance and parametrization: 5.2.6 • Modbus; • IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104; • DNP3; • IEC 61850; • 3G / 4G / 5G or Zigbee protocol for supporting wireless data transfer; • open smart grid; • WI-FI protocol according to IEEE 802.11n. Sequence of Event (SoE) Recording The RTU shall be capable of Sequence-of-Events (SoE) data collection at a time resolution less than the operating speeds of the power system devices. Any digital input points in the RTU may be assigned, programmable as an SoE data point. In general, a breaker position change and any alarm from a protection device that has initiated a trip signal is defined as an event for SoE. Multiple transitions of a device, such as the tripping and subsequent reclosing of a breaker, shall be considered as a series of separate events. Each time an event is detected, the RTU shall time-tag the event and store it together with the time-tag of the event for transmission to the RCC with the next scan. The buffer shall be sized to store, as a minimum, a number of events equal to three times the number of SoE points implemented in the RTU. The time-tag recorded with each event shall be generated from a clock internal to the RTU. 5.2.7 Time Synchronization The internal clock of each RTU shall be synchronized either from an internal time synchronization source, or a Global Positioning System (GPS) using IRIG –B/ASCII time messages or an omega synchronizing signal receiver or through the telecommunication network from a master clock installed at the RCC. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 71 OF 156 Confidential External The synchronization shall be done periodically such that the time-tags in each RTU shall be within the accuracy of better than 10 ppm . In the RTU there shall be a digital output from which time synchronization messages with adjustable frequency of activation can be forwarded to external devices. 5.2.8 Data Transmission The data transmission network will consist of dedicated data channels utilizing mostly fiber optic transmission media. Each RTU shall have two built-in communication interfaces (main and backup) for communication with the RCC, both having the capability to use a communication protocol according to Modbus, IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104, DNP3, IEC 61850 and etc. 5.3 Performance Requirements 5.3.1 Availability An availability of 99.9% is required exclusive of communication channel availability. An RTU shall be considered unavailable when: 5.3.2 • any function is lost for all points of a single type • one input card or output card of each type fails • more than one input card or output card of the same type fails. Maintainability The RTU design shall facilitate isolation and correction of all failures. The following features which promote rapid problem isolation and replacement of failed components shall be included: 5.3.3 • self-diagnostic capabilities continuously monitoring operation of the RTU • online error detection capabilities including detection of memory, CPU, communication faults, and input/output errors and failures with detailed reporting of detected errors to the RCC. • local indication of RTU failures. Message Security Each message transmitted shall include an error detection code to exclude erroneous messages being accepted as valid. The RTU shall reset its control logic upon any error in the sequence or if the execute message is not received within a set time (user adjustable) after the command message is received at the RTU. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 72 OF 156 Confidential External 6 Fault Detection and Protection In order to design a reliable protection system in all voltage levels the following steps should be considered: • Identification of power system components to be protected e.g. busbars, transformers, and etc.; • Development of a protection philosophy for each voltage level and each power system component. The design should be based on the state-of-the-art of protection systems and the latest version of relevant Standards and meet the requirements of the Grid Codes. The design should address the sufficient protection functions in order to reach the maximum selectivity, stability, rapid isolation, minimum impact and reliability. For protection systems in all voltage levels, the requirements of digital substations shall be considered; • Based on the designed protection concept, requirements for protection devices should be prepared. The requirements shall include all the functionalities as well as the type tests, routine tests, communications, and commissioning requirements. The requirements for the protection of each power system components shall be defined separately; • The power system to be protected should be analyzed under different faulty conditions in order to provide the settings for each protection functions and to coordinate the protection functions. Among the above mentioned steps, the first two will be covered in this document. The rest should be considered in a separate document. The provided requirements and concepts in this section is modular and can be applied on different component from the same type; e.g. all of distribution transformers should be protected based on a same concept. Detailed DSO protection requirements can be found in the NEOM NDS SPC 1## and NEOM NDS POL 1## series of documents. 6.1 Power System Components to be Protected All power system components installed in the distribution network shall be adequately protected, including, but not limited to the following: • 33 kV, 13.8 kV and LV busbar; • MV step down transformers; • Distribution transformers; • MV and LV cable; • Substation bay; • Interface with customer generation. The detailed requirement for each component mentioned above will be provided in the following sections. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 73 OF 156 Confidential External 6.2 Concept of Protection System The protection system concept shall be based on digital substation concept shown in Annex A19. The previously mentioned protection functions shall be integrated in this architecture on the process and bay levels. The proposed decentralized protection concept for busbars is provided in Annex A16. The protection concept for transformer and cable feeders are shown in Annex A17 and Annex A18 respectively. The proposed protection concept is a modular protection concept that can be applied on 33 kV and 13.8 kV voltage level with different feeder types. On the process level, the following points shall be considered as minimum requirements: • on each side of each circuit breaker, two (2) CTs shall be considered. One CT is considered as main and the other one is considered as redundant CT. • Each instrument transformer shall be connected to a merging unit (MU). • Each circuit breaker shall be interfaced with one Input-Output Unit (IOU) equipped with two LAN interfaces. Depending on the number of inputs and outputs of the circuit breaker, two different IOU may be considered. • on each bus and each feeder the voltage shall be measured. Either with one (1) 3phase 3-winding PT or with two (2) 3-phase 2-winding PT. • For unit protection e.g. for cable, transformers, and lines, merging units shall be considered on each side of the unit. On each side, two merging units should be considered for redundancy. On the bay level, the following points may be considered as minimum: • Two (2) different protection devices from different manufacturer shall be considered; • Both protection devices shall be equipped with all of protection functions mentioned in the previous section; • Depending on the type of feeder (transformer, cable, overhead line) the relevant protection function shall be activated in both protection devices; • Each protection devices shall be in compliance with IEC 60255. The requirements for merging units and protection devices shall be prepared separately. 6.3 Distribution System Protection The schematic of a distribution system with distributed energy resources (DER) is shown in Annex A20. In this annex, 132 kV busbar is a double bus single breaker, to which a MV step down transformer is connected to step down the voltage. However, 33 kV busbar is a single bus to which a 33/13.8 kV MV step down transformer is connected. The protection concept of 132kV Busbar as well as the power transformer in the 132 kV/33 kV or 132kV/13.8 kV substation are provided in Design Basis for MV Grid – 03A – Transmission System Equipment. The rest of this schematic can be divided into five sections. For each section the protection concept–is presented in this section in details. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 74 OF 156 Confidential External 6.3.1 33 kV, 13.8 kV and LV Busbars The requirements for the protection of 33 kV, 13.8 kV and LV busbars are provided in this section assuming a single busbar arrangement. In case of a double busbar single breaker arrangement please refer to Design Basis for MV Grid – 03A – Transmission System Equipment. 33 kV and 13.8 kV Busbars The protection functions for 33 kV and 13.8 kV busbars which shall be considered as a minimum in the protection concept for main protection are as follows: • Single-zone differential protection as main protection function for single bus arrangement for each busbar section. • Two (2)-stage overcurrent protection for phase and earth faults (50, 51, 50N, 51N) as backup protection functions for busbar as well as bus section. • Breaker failure (BF) as the main protection function. • CT Supervision (CTS) A single zone protection scheme for 33 kV and 13.8 kV bus bar with single bus arrangement is depicted in Annex A16. LV Busbars The protection of LV busbars shall be provided by the LV circuit breaker located at the LV side of distribution transformer, which usually an air circuit breaker (ACB) or equivalent. The minimum protection functions shall be as follows: • 6.3.2 two (2)-stage overcurrent protection for phase and earth faults (50, 51, 50N, 51N). MV Step Down Transformer MV step down transformer shall be perceived in this section as 33 kV/13.8 kV transformers. This protection concept shall be based on the protection architecture depicted in section 6.2. The protection functions which shall be considered as a minimum in the protection concept of MV step down transformers can be divided into two groups, namely mechanical and electrical protection. As minimum requirement the mechanical protection system of MV step down transformers on sub-transmission level shall be equipped with the following devices and functions: • Pressure relief device trip; • Main Buchholz relay alarm and trip; • Tap changer Buchholz relay oil surge trip (63 OLTC); • Winding temperature alarm and trip (26 Winding); • Main and tap changer oil level alarms; As minimum requirement the electrical protection functions of MV step down transformers on sub-transmission level shall be as follows: • Biased differential protection (87T) as main protection function; DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 75 OF 156 Confidential External • LV Restricted earth fault (REF) as main protection function; • LV one (1)-stage directional overcurrent protection for HV phase fault (67P) as main protection function; • HV two (2)-stage overcurrent protection for phase and earth faults (50, 51, 50N, 51N) as backup protection functions; • LV two (2)-stage overcurrent protection for phase fault (51-1, 51-2) as backup protection functions; • LV neutral two (2)-stage overcurrent protection for earth faults (51N-1, 51N-2) as backup protection functions; • CT Supervision (CTS); • Inrush restraint function (68) as main blocking function; • Harmonic blocking function as main blocking function. The above mentioned protection functions shall be implemented in the protection devices at bay level. 6.3.3 Distribution Transformers Distribution transformers shall be perceived in this section as 33 kV/0.4 kV and 13.8 kV/0.4 kV transformers. The protection functions which shall be considered as a minimum in the protection concept of distribution transformers can be divided into two groups, namely mechanical and electrical protection. As minimum requirement the mechanical protection system of distribution transformers shall be equipped with the following devices: • Pressure relief device trip; • Oil level alarm. As minimum requirement, the electrical protection functions of distribution transformers on distribution level shall be as follows: 6.3.4 • Two (2)-stage phase overcurrent protection (50, 51); • Two (2)-stage earth fault protection (50N, 51N). MV and LV Cables 33 kV Cables The following protection functions shall be used for cables on 33 kV voltage levels as minimum requirements: • Cable differential protection (87) as main protection function as it is shown in Annex A18. There should be one differential protection IED on each side of a cable circuit. • Two (2)-stage phase overcurrent protection (50, 51) as backup protection functions; • Two (2)-stage earth fault protection (50N, 51N) as backup protection functions. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 76 OF 156 Confidential External • CT Supervision (CTS). 13.8kV Cables Subjects to the circuit capacity and network arrangement, feeders at 13.8 kV are either radially connected from the 13.8 kV busbar (i.e., dedicated customer feeder) or in a ring arrangement. For any 13.8 kV cable circuit which radially connected or with capacity equal to 9 MVA and above, the following protection shall be used as minimum requirement: • Cable differential protection (87) as main protection function as it is shown in Annex A18. There should be one differential protection IED on each side of a cable circuit. • Two (2)-stage phase overcurrent protection (50, 51) as backup protection functions; • Two (2)-stage earth fault protection (50N, 51N) as backup protection functions. • CT Supervision (CTS). For 13.8 kV cable circuit which connected in ring arrangement or radial feeder with less than 9 MVA capacity, the following protection shall be used as minimum requirement: • Two (2)-stage phase overcurrent protection (50, 51); • Two (2)-stage earth fault protection (50N, 51N). • CT Supervision (CTS). LV Cables Subjects to the connection point of the LV cables at distribution level, LV cable connected at LV switchboard and distribution board shall be protected by either ACB embedded with LSIG relay to provide both phase overcurrent or earth fault protection, or MCCB with overload and overcurrent protection. LV cable connected at LV distribution fuse pillar shall be protected by fuse. All of the protection needs to be correctly graded with downstream protection devices. 6.3.5 Substation Bay The following protection functions shall be used for all substation bays on 33 kV and 13.8 kV voltage levels as minimum requirements: • Trip Circuit Supervision (TCS). For substation bays on 33 kV voltage levels that fitted with busbars protection, following protection functions shall be provided: 6.3.6 • Trip lockout (86); • Circuit Breaker Failure (BF). Interface with Customer Generation Any generator connected to the distribution network shall be disconnected from the distribution network during the Loss of Mains (LOM) event. It is the generation owner’s responsibility to provide Loss of Mains protection for their generation. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 77 OF 156 Confidential External For customer feeders at 33 kV and 13.8 kV that consist of generation, customer interface protection shall be installed at Point of Supply (PoS) to provide both backup overcurrent and backup LOM protection. The following functions shall be provided as the minimum requirement of customer interface protection: • Overcurrent (50, 51) protection; • Earth fault (50N, 51N) protection; • Rate of Change of Frequency (ROCOF); • Overvoltage (59) and undervoltage (27) protection; • Over frequency (81H) and under frequency (81L) protection; • Neutral voltage displacement (59N) protection. 6.4 Requirements for Protection Devices 6.4.1 Merging Units The minimum requirements for merging units are as follows: • Merging units shall have an integrated power supply as well as a redundant power supply covering a wide range of input voltage. • Merging unit shall correspond to the requirements of IEC 61869-13. • Merging units shall provide at least two separate ethernet interfaces being able to communicate over IEC61850 Protocol. • Each merging unit shall have at least 4 current inputs and 4 voltage inputs. • Unless otherwise specified, merging units shall have as minimum the following accuracy classes in the whole measuring range: − Current inputs for protection purposes: class 1 or better. − Voltage inputs for protection purposes: class 0.5 or better. • Each merging unit shall be equipped with two different LAN Interfaces. • The bandwidth of the merging units shall be accordance with IEC 61869-6. • Merging units shall have a built-in self-supervision system continuously monitoring the hardware and software. • Merging units shall have secondary circuit supervision continuously monitoring the secondary side of the instrument transformers. • Merging units shall provide a role-based authentication system with administratorprogrammable individual passwords for the viewer, operator, engineer, and administrator. • The current inputs shall be rated one (1) or five (5) amperes being able to be connected to the standard current transformers. The current inputs shall fulfil the requirements of IEC 60255-1. • The current input for residual current shall be of sensitive current input. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 78 OF 156 Confidential External 6.4.2 • Merging units shall support time synchronization using two different timers with the precision of 1ms or better via PPS, IRIG-B or GPS. • Merging units shall have optical inputs for arc protection. • Merging units shall fulfil the requirements of IEC 61869-13. • Merging units shall support XRIO configuration format. • Type tests shall be carried out according to IEC 61869-13 as product standard. Input Output Units The minimum requirements for input output units are as follows: 6.4.3 • If the IO units are not part of the merging unit, IO units shall have an integrated power supply as well as a redundant power supply covering a wide range of input voltage. • The IO units shall be of modular type so that it can be extended to the number of needed IO channels. • The threshold of the binary inputs shall be settable in different wide ranges. • The dropout time of the binary inputs shall not exceed 40 ms. • The pickup time shall not exceed 5ms. • The making and breaking capacity of the output relays shall be in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60255-1. • The continuous and short time contact current of the output relays shall be in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60255-1. • If the IO units are not part of the merging unit, IO units shall have a built-in selfsupervision system continuously monitoring the hardware and software. • If the IO units are not part of the merging unit, IO units shall provide a role-based authentication system with administrator programmable individual passwords for the viewer, operator, engineer, and administrator. • If the IO units are not part of the merging unit, IO units shall provide at least two separate ethernet interfaces being able to communicate over IEC61850 protocol. • IO units shall support time synchronization using two different timers with the precision of 1ms or better via PPS. IRIG-B or GPS. • IO units shall support XRIO configuration format. • Type tests shall be carried out according to IEC 60255-1 as product standard. Protection Units The minimum requirements for protection units are as follows: • The settings of protection devices shall be adjustable remotely. In addition, at least two different settings shall be configurable and programmable to be changed automatically. • Protection devices shall have a built-in self-supervision system continuously monitoring the hardware and software. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 79 OF 156 Confidential External 6.4.4 • Protection devices shall provide a role-based authentication system with administrator programmable individual passwords for the viewer, operator, engineer, and administrator. • Protection devices shall provide at least two separate ethernet interfaces being able to communicate over IEC 61850 Protocol. • IO units shall support time synchronization using two different timers with the precision of 1ms or better via PPS. IRIG-B or GPS. • The protection device shall be able to communicate over IEC 61850-8 with the station bus. • The protection device shall have the following communication interfaces: − USB − D-Sub interface for time synchronization − RJ45. • Protection devices shall fulfil the requirements for cyber-security according to IEC 62351. • Protection devices shall be able to record at least the last 50 disturbances in accordance with IEC 60255-24 triggered by the pickup of each protection function with adjustable sampling rate as well as adjustable pre-triggering and post-triggering recording time. All analogue and binary inputs and outputs shall be selectable to be included in the Comtrade data. • Protection devices shall support XRIO configuration format. • Type tests shall be carried out according to IEC 60255-1 as product standard. Protection Cubicles The minimum requirements for protection cubicles shall be as follows: • necessary number of fully wired, floor mounted, flame retarding, steel sheet cubicle type panels shall be provided. • Where protection cubicles are installed in air-conditioned relay rooms of control buildings, the protection cubicles shall be of the forced ventilated type. • The Contractor shall ensure that in the event of failure of the air-conditioning system the protective relaying systems and their associated signaling, monitoring, control and alarm equipment must remain in full operating condition. • For indoor installations, protection cubicles shall fulfil the requirements for IP54 degree of protection. Whereas, for outdoor installations IP65 shall be fulfilled. The type test shall be carried out according to IEC 60529. • Within each cubicle the wiring associated with each functional assembly shall be segregated as far as possible. • The sequence of the cubicles shall be defined in detailed design. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 80 OF 156 Confidential External • Each cubicle shall be provided with an anti-condensation heater with an internal thermostat/humidity sensor to prevent the formation of condensation within the cubicle. • Type tests shall be carried out by accredited labs confirmed by the Company and approval shall be provided upon request. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 81 OF 156 Confidential External 7 Telecommunication Systems 7.1 General The Contractor shall provide the NEOM Telecommunication system to consist of the following: • Telecommunication system at substations; • Telecommunication system at NEOM control centers; • Telecommunication network backbone; • TELECOMMUNICATION system for metering. The telecommunication system provided by the Contractor shall be interoperable and compatible with all the existing and future SEC/NG/NEOM interconnected equipment and systems, both at substations as well as at the control centers. Please refer to the following related chapters for details of SCMS and SCADA and metering: • Chapter 4. Substation Control and Monitoring Systems; • Chapter 14. Design Basis for EMS/ADMS Systems; • Chapter 20. Metering and associated Figures. The architecture of the SCMSs and SCADA/EMS/ADMSs control centers are depicted in the following Annexes: • Annex A15 show the architecture of SCMSs; • Annex A23 to Annex A25 show the architecture of SCADAs. Functional interoperability and compatibility between substation and interconnected NEOM and SEC control centers and systems shall be ensured by the Contractor. Protocol converters shall be provided, as applicable. The telecommunication system provided by the Contractor is required to be compliant with the following protocols/Standards: • IEC 61850, • Open Smart Grid Protocol, • IoT/WiMAX /5G, • IEC 60870-5-104 &101. The scope shall also include utilizing separate communication channels for IEC 61850 protocols and IEC 60870-5-104 and 101 protocols, for communication between substation and PCCs, for communication between substation and SEC/NG NCC, as well as for communication between substation and the direct interconnected neighbor substation. Additionally, the scope shall include utilizing separate telecommunication channels for Open Smart Grid Protocol, IoT, 5 G, WiMAX shall be provided for the smart grid interconnected assets. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 82 OF 156 Confidential External 7.2 Telecommunication System at Substations The scope of supply and works is deemed to include all items necessary so as to ensure a sufficient number and quality of telecommunication channels, satisfying all substation communications, data transfers, voice communication, protection data transfers, realizing of the teleprotection scheme, protection equipment signaling, video, cyber security, metering etc., for the new substation, so as to enable integration into the existing SEC/NG telecommunication network SEC/NG and future NEOM telecommunication network. The local substation SCMS telecommunication system protocol shall be IEC 61850. The telecommunication system provided by the Contractor at substation shall be interoperable and compatible with all the existing and future SEC/NG/NEOM interconnected equipment and systems. At substation level, redundant gateways connection of the new substation to NEOM CCs via ready equipped IEC 61850, Open Smart Grid Protocol, IoT/5G, WiMAX, IEC 60870-5-104 and SEC/NG NCC SCADA/EMS System via IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-104/101 is required, as follows: • Integration into the following systems shall be included: − − − • Telecommunication to Remote Control Centers SCADA/EMS/ADMS and TNMS at SEC NG side and NEOM side: Main 1 and Main 2: Ready equipped for IEC 61850; Main 3: Ready equipped for Open Smart Grid Protocol; Main 4: Ready equipped for NEOM Provider 5G Network/IoT/WiMAX; Back-up 1 and Back-up2: IEC 60870-5-104. Telecommunication with the interconnected neighbor substation or grid asset for tele protections and Synchrophasors/PMUs WAMS, PQM, bulk tariff metering systems at SEC NG side and NEOM side: Main 1 and Main 2: Ready equipped for IEC 61850; Main 3: Ready equipped for Open Smart Grid Protocol; Main 4: Ready equipped for NEOM Provider 5G Network/IoT/WiMAX; Back-up 1 and Back-up 2: IEC 60870-5-104. Telecommunication with the NEOM and SEC/NG Cyber Security CCs via Telecommunication Grid Backbone at SEC NG side and NEOM side: Main 1 and Main 2: Ready equipped for IEC 61850; Main 3: Ready equipped for Open Smart Grid Protocol; Main 4: Ready equipped for NEOM Provider 5G Network/IoT/WiMAX; Back-up 1 and Back-up 2: IEC 60870-5-104. For communication within the substation, IEC 61850 is required. In this regard, please refer for details to section 4.1.3. Substation Control and Monitoring System (SCMS) and associated Annexes. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 83 OF 156 Confidential External • 7.3 Inter-trip and wide area network tele-protections shall be achieved using IEEE C37.94 interface, but it shall be also open for future and compatible with any SEC existing tele-protection systems. IEC 61850 services may be considered for this purpose but subject to the trial and approval from NEOM. Telecommunication System at Control Centers The telecommunication system to be provided at PCCs shall consist of the following: • the Telecommunication Network Management System (TNMS) at NEOM PCC (to be provided separately in the future); • the required telecommunication system for integration of the field substations SCMS into the PCCs SCADA/EMS/ADMS System; • the required telecommunication system for interconnection with other control centers via ICCP. More detail requirements could be provided in the future via separate document. 7.4 NEOM Backbone Telecommunication System Telecommunication network backbone to be provided by the Contractor shall consist of: • redundant Fiber Optic UGC cables following the power network topology; • redundant GPRS connectivity, • telecommunication media fiber optic high speed to enable for the highest possible telecommunication speed required for achieving NEOM vision. Only underground UGC Fiber Optic are accepted. Each Fiber Optic Cable shall have enough Fiber optic wires to accommodate all the necessary Services. More detail requirements and tentative NEOM Backbone telecommunication block diagram could be provided in the future via separate Document. 7.5 Telecommunication System for Metering This section will be provided in a separate document in detail. 7.6 Telecommunication Equipment for Building Management Systems Telecommunication equipment for the BMS (Building Management system), shall be included, if applicable. More details is provided with the further planned details on the telecommunication system. 7.7 DC UPS for Telecommunication Equipment Power Supply DC UPS power supply for telecommunication equipment, related to the following associated telecommunication system components, shall be included: • telecommunication system at substations, • telecommunication system at the NEOM control centers, • telecommunication network backbone, DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 84 OF 156 Confidential External • telecommunication system for metering, • telecommunication equipment for buildings for the building management system, if applicable. The design basis for DC UPS for telecommunication equipment is provided in section 3.2.3. 8 Design Basis for EMS/ADMS Systems 8.1 Requirements for the New EMS/ADMS Systems 8.1.1 Major Requirements The design of the EMS/ADMS systems to be established under the project shall cover, at least, the following requirements regarding the Power Transmission and Distribution System Network in NEOM Region: • Standard EMS/ADMS System for NEOM DSO application in a region-wide MV and LV power system, which is a well proven state-of-the-art product of a reputable vendor’s actual mainline; • Open System Architecture applying state-of-the-art hardware with scalable performance and standard EMS/ADMS software functionality based on standard operating systems such as UNIX or Linux; • Applying state of the art standard intercommunication via high speed-WAN/LAN connections in redundant configuration using international standard protocols such as IEC 60870-5-104, UCA international Utility Communication Architecture which incorporate TASE.2 IEC60870-6 (Inter-Control Center Communication Protocol, ICCP), CIM IEC 61970, IEC 61850, Open Smart Grid Protocol, 5G/IoT/WiMAX etc.; • Extensive expansion capability to cope with the expected growth of the generation, transmission network as well as the distribution network and the respective requirements for data acquisition and processing during the lifetime of the system, without limitations on capabilities, availability and performance of the system; • High availability of the system applying a well proven state-of-the-art redundancy concept; • Provision for high availability of the interconnections between the different control centers sites for data exchange via inter control center communication with neighboring TSOs/DSOs/other entities CCs as well as with the other systems of NEOM to be installed in the future, offering solutions for the realization of a “Multi Site Configuration” of control centers, taking into account implementation of Sub-Regional Distribution Control Centers with integrated solution for unified database engineering and management for multi user access in a multi-site environment, compliant with the EPRI Common Information Model (EPRI-CIM) and providing automated interfaces compliant with CIM specifications; • Offering solutions for additional remote control centers; • Offering solutions and standard interfaces with easy interconnection with standard subsystems for a liberalized Market Environment, Asset Management, Geographical Information Systems, ERP Systems, CRM, AMR/AMI, SAP etc. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 85 OF 156 Confidential External The software system to be provided with the EMS/ADMS system for the NEOM Main/Backup PCCs shall include: • Control center software; • Human Machine Interface (HMI) software; • Database and database management system; • Energy Management System (EMS) functions for generation applications; • Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) functions. Requirements for the DCCs/PCCs Software ADMS/EMS applications will be dealt with in detail in a separate document. The DCCs/PCCs systems to be established shall include capability to be extended in further subsequent realization steps which shall subsequently be exploited in the course of the current project or even in the course of future extension projects. The following are the envisaged EMS/ADMS control centers for NEOM: • Main NEOM Region Network PCC- EMS/ADMS Control Center; • Back Up NEOM Region PCC- EMS/ADMS Control Center; • Control Center at different location in case of emergencies or disasters; • Provision for integration of additional Regional Control Centers; • Provision for integration of additional Remote Control Centers; • Digital Twin Feature; • Typical Distribution Substation 33/13.8 kV SCADA/ADMS Control Center; • Typical Distribution Substation 33/0.4 kV SCADA/ADMS Control Center; • Typical Distribution Substation 13.8/0.4 kV SCADA/ADMS Control Center. The NEOM area envisaged EMS/ADMS control centers can be extracted from the above list. The typical architecture of transmission and distribution control centers as well as distribution control centers are shown in Annex A23 and Annex A24, respectively. The following sections contain a more detailed breakdown of the major requirements listed above. 8.1.2 Standard Product vs. Tailor-Made Solutions The SCADA/EMS/ADMS systems to be provided shall be of standard make, as part of a reputable vendor’s actual mainline. Tailor-made solutions shall be avoided. Although tailor-made solutions may be captivating with respect to their close adherence to customer specifics and processes, utilization of proprietary development will involve the risk of uncoupling from the mainstream. Well proven state-of-the-art standard EMS/ADMS systems of reputable vendors reflect mainstream functionality and will provide expansion capability for future software packages, release-updates and optional functional extension. The standard system provided shall DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 86 OF 156 Confidential External allow for parameterization and customization of functionality, in order to closely meet the customer specifics. In general, migration strategies for extension of the systems’ life cycle will be available on a higher likelihood compared to tailor-made systems. Thus, procurement of a standard system will increase safety for capital expenditures. The EMS/ADMS systems to be provided shall particularly fulfil the following requirements: 8.1.3 • Standard product of a reputable vendor’s actual mainline; • Product suitable for EMS/ADMS application in a region-wide MV and LV power system; • Documentary evidence of at minimum 3 projects realized applying the offered software system in an environment of similar complexity; • At least 2 of the minimum number of projects shall already be operational and in service, while providing vendor proof of reference communication with respective operating utility companies. Hardware and Software Platforms Only open architecture EMS/ADMS/GMS systems, applying international and industry standard equipment, protocols, and procedures will be accepted. The offered system shall be based on latest technology open architecture EMS/ADMS hardware comprising reliable computing power, system real-time display, historical data storage and retrieval, operator consoles, training and simulation facilities and office integration. International Standards shall be applied for hardware and software interfaces to allow a stepwise implementation and system expansion in terms of equipment, software functions and interconnection to other computer systems. The system shall be compliant with the Open Standard Foundation (OSF) distributed computing and network management definitions and with the Open Smart Grid Protocol. All hardware equipment shall be selected from reputable suppliers and brands in order to ensure the availability of support, spare parts, consumables and replacements. More detailed requirements for the hardware equipment of the EMS/ADMS systems will be included in a separate document. The software supplied under the Project shall provide all required functions for operation, maintenance, test and diagnostic for all supplied equipment, components and functions. 8.1.4 Communication Applying Standard Protocols The EMS/ADMS systems to be provided shall include a communication subsystem applying state-of-the-art standard communication protocols with a high bandwidth communication backbone and low latency. The following standard protocols shall be used to exchange information between the equipment in the substations and the SCADA facilities. • IEC60870-5-104 wherever possible and supported by the communication network; • IEC 61850, since this standard is already developed as a unified standard for SCADA applications (however vendor market screening is further required in order to assess DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 87 OF 156 Confidential External the worldwide reference projects for substation SAS-substation SAS and substation SAS-SCADA control center communication); • 5G/IoT, Open Smart Grid Protocol, WiMAX. The implementation of standard protocols IEC 60970-5-104 and IEC 61850 and 5G/IoT, Open Smart Grid Protocol, WiMAX in the communication subsystem has to follow the specific interoperability criteria set up for the project. For interconnections to other control centers the system to be provided under the Contract shall be suitable for data exchange using the following Standards: • IEC60870-6-TASE.2 (ICCP) protocol (in some cases also encrypted-TASE.2) for data exchange between the different sites of the SCADA/EMS/ADMS systems and with other control centers of i.e. neighboring TSOs/DSOs/GSOs/other entities as well as with the other systems of NEOM to be installed in the future at the PCCs/DCCs. • For the exchanges of historical data and other data a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and SFTP shall be available. • For interconnection with computer systems of other organizations that are /might be established in future software is to be foreseen like XML/IP, SQL and/or ODBC. In order to cope with future requirements, the ICCP Servers shall be capable for communication with encrypted TASE.2. For the purpose of supplying data to external systems like off-line calculations or other applications the data shall be exportable in a CIM (IEC 61970) compliant format. In addition to the above, the new SCADA/EMS/ADMS systems shall comply with the security Standards for of control and real time systems as laid down in the IEC 62351, NERC-CIP and ISA 99 IEC62443 series. 8.1.5 Expandability of the New EMS/ADMS Systems Special attention shall be paid to expandability of the new EMS/ADMS systems, which is one of the most crucial requirements to ensure long-term safety for operation as well as for long-term safety of the investment. Expandability of the system must be provided as regards: • Expandability in terms of additional I/O-data to be acquired from further substations connected in future and from planned expansions of the power grid in NEOM; • Expandability in terms of additional data to be processed within the EMS/ADMS system as a consequence of the above; • Expandability of hard- and software to be provided under the project for incorporation of additional functions and/or equipment, which will be required to cope with future network operation strategies and extension of the power system. In view of the expected vast development of power generation, transmission and distribution systems in the NEOM Region, it is required that the Stakeholders shall consider from the beginning the maximum system sizing to cope with NEOM development peak load forecast until 2031. A further reserve capacity of 50% shall be considered also from the very beginning. Minimum10 year lifetime shall be guaranteed for the provided initial system, while possibility for upgrade/patch/License/replace as applicable shall be considered and related cost included also for the very beginning for 25(twenty-five) years total system lifetime. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 88 OF 156 Confidential External EPC Contractor shall provide detail system sizing during the detail design phase. Exploiting the reserves shall not make necessary any re-engineering of the system but shall already be considered in the system engineering during project execution. Bidders shall include respective costs in their offers. In addition to the NEOM PCCs EMS/ADMS systems configuration shall be designed in such a way that it will be open and flexible for communication with: 8.1.6 • Other Control Centers of other generation and distribution companies; • Other organizations e.g. regulatory Authorities, GCC Countries Power Pool, etc., if necessary; • Other CCs, as applicable. Redundancy Concept According to state of-the-art international practice for Distribution Grid Control System on national or regional level, the new EMS/ADMS systems at NEOM region PCCs/DCCs shall provide the following: • Internal redundancy: The EMS/ADMS systems at PCCs/DCCs shall provide internal redundancy for the respective system; • Operator console redundancy: The operator consoles shall be redundant in such a way that each of the Operator Consoles installed shall be capable to cover the whole functionality of the related EMS/ADMS System; • Location redundancy. Similarly, the SCADA/ADMS downstream primary substations associated control centers will be backed-up by the downstream distribution network substations 33/0.4 kV, 33/13.8 kV and 13.8/0.4 kV associated SCADA/ADMS control centers. The redundancy requirements are further detailed in the next section. 8.2 Basic Layout of the Proposed EMS/ADMS Systems 8.2.1 Overall System Configuration The new EMS/ADMS system to be established at PCCs/DCCs NEOM power grid shall consist of a new SCADA/EMS/ADMS system to be located at each of the new NEOM PCCs/DCCs control centers, in new buildings. The overall NEOM region PCCs new EMS/ADMS systems shall be sized for supervision of the entire power transmission and distribution system in the overall NEOM region. Location of the PCCs to be further decided by the Company. The BSP 1 to 6 PCCs new EMS/ADMS systems shall be sized for supervision of the related NEOM BSP power transmission and distribution grid. The distribution substations DCCs new ADMS systems shall be sized for supervision of the related Distribution SS. Additionally, each control center shall have a backup control center. It shall be further assessed and decided if main and backup NEOM Overall EMS/ADMS PCCs shall be merged with two (2) of the BSP CCs. However, since NEOM is envisaged to DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 89 OF 156 Confidential External be independent from KSA SEC NG, it is expected that the higher hierarchy NEOM overall main and backup PCCs will be not located inside the substations premises. Usually higher hierarchy control centers are located outside the substations premises, usually in a city location, nearby O&M Department of the Electricity Grid Company. The PCCs/DCCs shall be additionally equipped with a Dispatcher Trainer Simulator, consisting of additional hardware and software. Each of the PCCs/DCCs shall in normal operation play the role of a regional control center for the relevant areas assigned to it. The basic layout for EMS/ADMS of NEOM is depicted in Annex A25. NEOM concerned area is covered by the black blocks (scope of work), while the other red blocks are the SEC KSA CCs. Interconnection between the control centers, the remote workstations and the RTU/SCMSs in the field shall be realized by the implementation of a digital communication backbone to allow for: • Inter-control center communication between the sites via ICCP protocol; • Availability of RTU/SCMS data from stations at each control center location with data exchange via routable protocol IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850, Open Smart Grid Protocol (OSGP), 5G/IoT, WiMAX. The current planned NEOM power transmission and sub-transmission network currently comprises of around 6 BSPs 380/132 kV SSs, various primary substations 132/33 kV, foreseen possible 132/13.8 kV primary substations and associated downstream Distribution substations 33/0.4 kV, 33/13.8 kV and 13.8/0.4 kV. RTUs and SCMSs shall communicate with the PCCs/DCCs via the specified protocols utilizing the communication backbone. The new EMS/ADMS systems at control centers shall be open for future standard communication protocols between control center and substations, which are expected to be utilized for this purpose within the project system’s lifetime. PCCs/DCCs shall have access to any power plant, DER and transmission substation and the respective RTU/SCMS data. 8.2.2 General Objectives The new EMS/ADMS systems to be offered are related to the following: • New ADMS control centers at distribution substations. The PCCs/DCCs shall be designed as a redundant, hot standby configuration in order to provide for internal redundancy. Each of the PCCs shall in normal operation play the role of a regional control center for the relevant areas assigned to it. In parallel they shall be the backup for other area control center, in order to meet the functional requirement for a system wide hot stand-by redundancy. The overall NEOM Region PCCs shall be sized for supervision of the entire power transmission system in NEOM. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 90 OF 156 Confidential External Each of the BSP and primary PCCs as well as the DCCs shall in normal operation play the role of a the associated sub-regional/area Control Center for the relevant areas assigned to them. The task of transmission and distribution system operation shall be allocated to the new SCADA/EMS/ADMS systems to be established at PCCs/DCCs control centers. The Overall NEOM Region PCCs in normal operation shall play the role of the main NEOM region power control center including: • Monitoring and control of the power generation and DERs; • Monitoring and control of the 380 kV, 132 kV and 33 kV transmission power system network; • Monitoring and control of the 33 kV, 13.8 kV and 0.4 kV distribution network according to regional responsibility in the related Electrical network. The PCCs and DCCs control centers shall have EMS/ADMS applications such as the following implemented in them: • State Estimator (SE); • Load Flow (LF); • Optimal Power Flow (OPF); • Contingency Analysis (CA); • Online Short Circuit Analysis (SC); • Outage Scheduler (OS) and Outage Management (OMS); • Monitoring of Emergency Automatics (EA); • Load Shedding (LS); • Load Forecast (STLF/LTLF); • Economic Dispatch (ED); • Automatic Generation Control (AGC); • Interchange Scheduler (IS); • Reserve Monitoring (RM); • Interfaces to market system; • Advanced Optimization Package for Renewables Generation; • Volt Var Control (VVC); • Demand Balancing and Load Forecasting; • Demand Side Management; • Self-healing and Fault Management-Fault Detection-Isolation-Restoration (FDIR); • etc. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 91 OF 156 Confidential External For the design of the offered system configuration the following aspects are crucial and must be considered: • The sizing of the systems must be suitable for guaranteeing the performance, availability and reliability requirements, regarding the quantities for the actual information extent including reserves as stipulated in this specification; • Provision for increasing processing performance shall be included (e.g. CPU performance, main memory, auxiliary memory); • The system shall be operated in an operating mode ensuring interruption-free switchover to redundant components without any operational disruption or loss of any data and information; • The system shall support an instantaneous database synchronization method; • After power failure (despite of UPS) the components of the systems must pass over to a state which ensures problem-free restart after power restoration. The EMS/ADMS shall be expandable for inclusion of additional remote workstations into the system concept, e.g. for • Remote Management Consoles; • Additional regional and area control centers; • etc. The offered system shall provide high availability based on a system-wide redundancy concept, covering the requirements as defined in the following chapters. As a general requirement, the system shall provide capability and tools for configuration, controlling and monitoring of the various redundancy stages in a way to ensure optimal availability. In addition, a scenario configuration management tool shall be included for easy determination and parameterization of configuration scenarios under different operational states and failures. In case of disturbances in the system environment, the authorized user shall be able to easily select between multiple scenarios. 8.2.3 Redundancy Concept The new EMS/ADMS Systems shall be designed to cover the requirements for a redundancy concept as detailed in below paragraphs. Internal Redundancy The new SCADA/EMS/ADMS systems to be implemented at PCCs/DCCs shall provide internal redundancy for the respective system. Thus, the equipment of the EMS/ADMS systems shall be realized by applying a redundant “hot stand by” concept for hardware and software. This is to ensure taking over of functionality in case of outage of crucial components by redundant components such as servers or communication links. Transition from the outage to the redundant component must take place automatically – without any hampering of the power system operation and without any loss of information or data. Transition to the redundant component shall not require mandatory general interrogation for update of the EMS/ADMS data. Synchronism of data has to be ensured by parallel supply of data and cyclical reconciliation between the redundant components. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 92 OF 156 Confidential External Time for transition to and taking over by the standby component shall not exceed 1 second. This means that the system shall be ready to execute a control command initiated by an operator immediately after a successful transition. Bidders shall with their bid explain the strategy for achieving the required internal redundancy and shall inform the methods chosen in the offered system concept for minimization of transition times. Operator Console Redundancy The Operator Consoles shall be redundant in such a way, that each of the Operator Consoles installed shall be capable to cover the whole functionality of the EMS/ADMS System. Each Operator Console shall be capable to use the full system redundancy (internal redundancy). There shall be no restrictions in redundancy being determined by neither the hardware nor the system. The redundancy described above shall be supported by a facility for the arrangement and assignment of power system areas and responsibilities to dedicated Operator Consoles and/or Operator Identifications. Bidders shall with their bid explain the tools and methods chosen in the offered system concept for realization of the above requirements. System-Wide Redundancy The required redundancy as described in the chapters above shall apply system-wide to all components necessary for the power system operation. This particularly includes but is not limited to: • Data Acquisition System; • EMS/DTS/ADMS LAN; • Time/Frequency Facilities; • Servers; • Workstations; • Database; • Archives. Bidders shall with their bid clearly indicate which components and functions are redundant and which are not. 8.3 Openness of the System An “Open System” generally will be defined by it’s • Scalability; • Ability for integration; DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 93 OF 156 Confidential External • 8.3.1 Interoperability. Scalability Basic requirements for the new system are: 8.3.2 • The system must be expandable for larger amounts of acquired data with minimum efforts and costs; • The system must be expandable for additional Operator Consoles without the need for expansions of software; • The system must be expandable for sizing parameters such as maximum entries in reports, lists and archives; • The system must be adaptable to emerging and changing requirements at minimum costs (e.g. integration of new functions). Ability for Integration Integration of new system components must be easily possible while utilizing Open Smart Grid Protocol Standards. Additional functionality must be possible to be integrated in the software of the new system easily and with minimum cost. 8.3.3 Interoperability The new SCADA/EMS/DTS/ADMS System shall be designed in a way to ensure interoperability with other IT Systems of NEOM and SEC NG via standard interfaces and standard protocols e.g. TCP/IP, IEC 60870-5-104, ICCP, IEC 61850, Open Smart Grid Protocol, 5G/IoT, WiMAX etc. Data exchange between devices of different vendors must be handled by application of standardized interfaces. Hardware components of different vendors must be interchangeable against each other while complying to international Standards and norms. 8.4 General Software Requirements The software of the new system shall satisfy the following general requirements: • Utilization of standard software (vendor standard) and standard databases (vendor standard or 3rd party vendor standard); • Standardized internal interfaces in order to allow for portability of the applications throughout external interfaces (networks, protocols); • The software and data engineering tools delivered under the project must be complete including all necessary licenses. The software delivered under the project must also include all the editors and drivers, all the facilities and utilities necessary for the power system operation, maintenance, parameterization, test, putting into service as well as for the compilation and maintenance of documentation. Bidders are requested to submit with their bid the following documentation for the offered system: DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 94 OF 156 Confidential External • Software architecture; • Working practice of the system – in particular flow of information (see below); • Working practice of the major data engineering functions; • System supervision; • Fault detection and fault management. In addition to the above documentation bidders shall include in their offer a table of all software components to be delivered under the project including unit price, license cost, type and number of licenses included. All communication protocols and interfaces to standard software products shall be included in the above table. The software detailed requirements will be provided with a separate document. 8.5 Performance Requirements This section deals with the performance requirements for the new EMS/ADMS systems. The performance criteria specified in this section are based on the definitions given in IEC 60870-4. They reflect the latest state of the art according to generally accepted practice nowadays for application in control centers on national or regional level. 8.5.1 Reliability For the new EMS/ADMS systems reliability class R3 (mean time between failure (MTBF) > 8,760 h) is required. 8.5.2 Maintainability NEOM personnel responsible for maintenance shall be trained by the Supplier to repair the equipment on a module replacement basis to ensure maintainability class better than M3 (mean time to restoration (MTTR) < 12 h). For power stations, which are supposed to be manned, maintainability class M4 (MTTR < 6 h) shall be realistic. The maintenance and support agreement shall cover at minimum the entirety of the EMS/ADMS equipment installed at the NEOM PCCs/DCCs/CCs. Repair time class RT4 (MRT < 1 h) shall be ensured by equipment self-diagnostic and repair on a module replacement basis. Sufficient spare parts and tools are, however, a precondition and shall be included in the Contract. 8.5.3 Availability Unless otherwise specified, the availability is referred to the units of the overall system. For the EMS/ADMS system provided under the contract availability class A3 (availability ≥ 99.95%) is required for the PCCs/DCCs/CCs. The primary role of the PCCs/DCCs/CCs is to monitor and control the NEOM transmission and distribution power system continuously. As far as the overall EMS/ADMS system is concerned, two sets of equipment and system functions have been defined: DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 95 OF 156 Confidential External The Kernel System That is all equipment and functions necessary to allow the operator to monitor and control the transmission and distribution power system. the kernel system consists of the following subsystems: • (n-1) operator consoles, under the prerequisite that all consoles provide “operator consoles redundancy” as outlined in section “Redundancy Concept” above; • hardware and software to carry out the basic SCADA functions, data-collection, network monitoring and telecontrol; • hardware and software necessary to perform Automatic Generation Control (AGC) as specified in section “EMS Generation Applications”; • (n-2) RTUs/SCMSs where n is the total number of RTUs/SCMSs connected to the PCCs/DCCs/CCs system to the time of taking over, (internal failures of RTUs/SCMSs not provided under the Contract are excluded). The minimum required availability for this kernel system is 99.99%. The Complete System It includes all equipment and functions as specified with the specification. The minimum required availability of the complete system is 99.50%. Bidders shall, in their offer, provide a calculation of the predicted availability of the above defined kernel system and the complete system stating the availability of major system components. The availability of the above defined configurations and functions will be checked against the performance in the field during an availability test, to be carried out before taking over of the system. The availability of the above defined configurations and functions will be subject of verification in the field during an availability test, to be carried out under the project before taking over of the system. 8.5.4 Data Integrity The SCADA/EMS/ADMS systems shall comply with the highest possible level supported by the standard IEC 60870-5-104 protocols with a data integrity class I2 with information error probability less than 10-10 (IE < 10-10). 8.5.5 Time Parameters The time parameters referred to in this chapter are those concerned with the performance of the EMS/ADMS systems together with the transfer and processing of information. In general, the overall transfer time is given by the sum of the times taken by the information to pass through the individual sections of the EMS/ADMS systems. It reflects not only the equipment performance, but is also influenced by such factors as: • the data network configuration; • the transmission methods; • the transmission link bandwidth; • the pre-processing functions in the sending station; DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 96 OF 156 Confidential External • the processing functions in the receiving station; • the noise level on the transmission line; • the accumulation of events in a given time period; • the priority facilities of the data transmission protocol. Indications The telecontrol equipment shall detect and process any change of a state information which is maintained for longer than the given scan cycle and acquisition time. Important status indications and alarms shall be brought to the attention of the operator within 1 second as an average, excluding data transmission time from the RTU/SCMS to the EMS/ADMS systems. Controls The operator shall be able to supervise the execution of an initiated command. This requires adequate data transmission supervisory functions, as well as return information or measurands in order to confirm the following: • acceptance and correct transfer of the command message by the telecontrol equipment; • the execution of the initiated action in the peripheral equipment. Any control command shall be processed with priority. It shall be initiated by the RTU/SCMS output module within 1 second as an average value. The completion time of the command at the station depends on the MV/LV equipment. Measurements The cycle time for measurements (= time after significant change of the value until presentation on the screens) shall not exceed 2 seconds. For a set of special measurements (e.g. analogues needed for AGC functionality, measurements for tie lines etc.) shorter cycle times may be necessary. Tele-Counting/Accumulator Values (Transmission of Integrated Totals) Energy meter values shall generally be transmitted in intervals of 15 minutes for statistical purposes. For operational purposes, one minute counter values shall be acquired to establish trend curves for monitoring of contractual obligations. System Start-Up Time The time for the start-up of the EMS/ADMS system after initialization shall not exceed 15 minutes, counting from the start-up command until actualization of all process information, reconciliation of all data bases and archives between the systems within a multi-redundancy configuration and the system being ready to accept and execute operator’s requests for control commands. System Take Over Time Time for the taking over of process control from one system to another within a main/backup or a multi redundancy configuration. Time counted from the request for take over until the system being ready to accept an execute control commands. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 97 OF 156 Confidential External There are two different Take Over Times • Take over time in a redundant hot standby main/backup configuration (internal redundancy); • Take over time between different sites in a multi-site configuration (locational redundancy). The System Take Over Time shall not exceed 15 seconds. 8.5.6 HMI Performance Requirements The HMI performance requirements concern the responsiveness of the EMS/ADMS systems in connection with display requests, display updates, image scaling and translation, alarms and events, reports, display hardcopies, trend displays and large projection screen display updates. The EMS/ADMS systems shall meet the specified response time requirements under both scenarios, normal and avalanche condition. Display Response Time Display response time shall be measured from display request to appearance of the requested display on the screen complete with data values. Display data entry response time shall be measured from data entry to completion of the data entry operation, signified by appearance of the newly-entered data in its final displayed form. Requests for displays with lengthy response times shall be acknowledged immediately with an indication that the request is being processed. At no time the EMS systems shall delay the acceptance of a display request or "lock out" console operations due to the processing of lengthy application functions. Alarm and Event Response Time Alarm and event response times shall be measured from the time the EMS/ADMS systems receive the message at the communication servers front ends from the telemetry source until the alarm or event message appears on the screen. The alarm and event actions shall include message production, highlighting of alarm conditions, and audible and visual annunciation. Alarm acknowledgement and deletion shall be measured from the time the Operator initiates the action until the Operator observes the system’s completion of this action. Printout and Hardcopy Response Time The response time for printouts and hardcopies shall be measured from the time the request is made until the printing or hardcopy processing starts on the printing or copying device. Requests for timely printing or hardcopy jobs shall be acknowledged immediately with an indication that the request is being processed. The user interface performance requirements given in Table 8-1 are to be fulfilled by the EMS/ADMS systems and to be demonstrated during performance tests under the Contract. The definition of the respective scenarios Normal condition and Avalanche condition can be further provided via a separate document related to “Testing and Inspection”. The performance requirements stipulated above have to be fulfilled even in the case of a necessary release update of the software or hardware for the duration of the liability period. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 98 OF 156 Confidential External Table 11: HMI performance requirements Action Response Time under normal conditions Response Time under avalanche conditions Visible reaction of the system upon any operator’s request (e.g. selection of graphics, acknowledgement, selection of printouts etc.). <1s <1s Time from operator’s request until complete actualization of any graphic display on the screen inclusive actualization of all process information and topological network coloring – precondition: graphic display has already been selected on the respective screen. <1s <2s Time from operator’s request until complete actualization of any graphic display on the screen inclusive actualization of all process information and topological network coloring – precondition: new selection of the graphic display on the respective screen. <1s <3s Time from operator’s request for any control command until execution (= output of control command at the communication servers) without application of special functionality such as “Security Checked Switching” etc. <1s <2s Time from operator’s request until complete presentation of any Alarm List on the screen (presentation of one complete page of list). <1s <3s Time for update of any Alarm List already being selected on the screen (time counted from appearance of the telegram at the front ends to actualization). <1s <2s Time from operator’s request until complete presentation of curves derived of the archive on the screen <3s < 10 s Time from operator’s request until start of processing of printouts or hardcopies on the printers (precondition: printers in ready-state, not in sleep modus). <3s < 10 s State Estimator execution time (for converging case). < 10 s n/a Power Flow execution time. < 10 s n/a AGC execution time (maximum cycle time for renewal of setpoint submission). <4s <6s Even in case, the operational condition should be more severe than given with the avalanche scenario, the EMS/ADMS systems must operate in a safe and reliable manner. Under no circumstances the system shall lose any information or shall break down. Failure in meeting the requirements stipulated above may result in the Bidder’s rejection of the whole system or parts of it. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 99 OF 156 Confidential External 9 Metering 9.1 System Meters As it is shown in Figure 9-1, system meters shall be provided for all incoming and outgoing electrical feeds. The system meters shall be embedded within the Protection Devices (PD) serving the incomers or outgoing loads, thereby negating the requirement for separate energy meters. All electricity consuming loads shall be segregated into load types e.g. lighting, small power, ventilation, cooling, EVC etc. Individual plant loads greater than 10 kW shall be separately metered. Smart PDs comprising of the circuit protective device and the embedded system meter shall be capable of protection, monitoring and measurement. IPQMS AMR/AMI PQMS SCADA HV/MV MV/LV Figure 3: Architecture of system meters. Note: The black solid lines show incoming feeds and red dotted lines show out-going feeds. Monitoring capability shall include the following as minimum: • Phase voltage absence/presence; • Under voltage; • Under frequency; • Over voltage; • Over frequency; • High neutral Resistance or loss of neutral • Power Quality (THD) Measurement capability shall include the following as minimum: • Apparent power total; DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 100 OF 156 Confidential External • Apparent power per phase; • Active power total; • Active power per phase; • Reactive power total; • Reactive power per phase; • Voltage; • Current; • Frequency; • Power factor total; • Power factor per phase. • Daily, monthly and yearly Load Profile. All system meters shall provide the above information using a company approved system (e.g. NB-IoT, GPRS, optical fiber etc.) with utility as well as interface with BEMS, HEMS, and IHD through HANs. The system meters embedded in main incoming CPD’s and outgoing CPD’s serving BESS, EVC and the PV systems shall also provide measurement of the harmonic waveforms produced by the above systems. The harmonic metering and power factor information shall be used to control automatic power factor correction and automatic harmonic filtering equipment located adjacent to the main LV switch panel. 9.2 Smart Meters The smart meters, as it is shown in Figure 4: Architecture of smart meters, shall be based on the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and shall therefore permit remote meter reading, remote switching and connection into Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) and building energy management systems (BEMS) utilizing company’s approved approach which shall include utilizing a metering technology that is based on an open protocol to allow compatibility with multiple manufacturers. Smart meters shall be capable of measuring the following as a minimum, to support power quality services: • Voltage (line and phase); • Current (line and phase); • Frequency; • Power; • Phase angle; • in addition to current and voltage THD, all power quality characteristics mentioned in IEC 61000-4-30 shall be measured. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 101 OF 156 Confidential External IPQMS AMR/AMI PQMS MV/LV Figure 4: Architecture of smart meters Note: The black solid lines show incoming feeds and red dotted lines show out-going feeds. Individual smart meters shall be capable of storing up to 15 minutes of interval data for the above mentioned parameters. The interval data shall be stored in the meter for a minimum of 45 days. In addition to the above, the meters must include the following: • Bi-directional metering to allow monitoring of energy from distributed generators (export) and import of energy by the consumer – this shall include the ability to monitor for each phase the imported and exported active (real) and reactive power; • Capability to communicate with HEMS and BEMS by a company’s approved system (NB-IoT, GPRS, fiber etc.)which shall also include the capability to remotely control consumer devices as part of a demand management system; • Real time clock function and time synchronization for accurate time stamping including metering and events; • Facility to support multiple tariffs (a minimum of 4 different tariffs) and associated registers to store data by tariff – with facility to manage tariffs on different time basis (e.g. hourly, daily and weekly); • Load profiling – profiling of reactive and active power over time at a minimum of 15minute intervals; • Integrated display which is easily readable under all environmental conditions and allows the user to cycle through the different functionality and readings specified in this section; DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 102 OF 156 Confidential External • Consumer interface – suitable local display and also the ability for remote connection to a user device e.g. tablet or smart phone via an app (developed by others) that shall allow the consumer to see useful information that can inform them and support decision making which shall include: − Meter unique identification; − Messages from the energy provider; − Messages from the BEMS/HEMS; − Current time and data; − Current and historic energy consumption and export; − Current and historic tariff information; − Current and historic billing information; − Peak consumption. • Engineering interface: the ability to access detailed information from internal registries either locally via direct push button operation to a handheld unit and remotely from the primary data center for all functions, records and version information; • Locally controlled power relay to allow disconnection and reconnection of the consumer when required. This must be suitably secure to avoid tampering and only permitted to be operated by a suitably qualified individual; • Ability to control relays by remote connection to the control center allowing remote disconnection of the consumer if required by the control center e.g. due to power fault conditions or maintenance activities; • Remote and local access capability for upgrading of firmware and any associated software structure and records with self-checking facility, time stamp record of change and the ability to restore to previous in the event of an issue; • Anti-tampering – appropriate sensors to detect and report any issue relating to actual or possible tampering of the device including but not limited to forced access of the meter and associated equipment, magnetic fields or local (unauthorized) disconnection of interfaces and supplies; • Tampering shall also include records of any attempts to access or change data. Events should be stored locally as well as sent remotely; • Fault analysis and time stamped records e.g. events such as battery failure, over temperature alarms and tampering which shall be stored locally as well as sent remotely with the capability to remotely and locally access records; • Stand-alone capability – meters must be able to operate locally on a stand-alone basis in the event of loss of remote connection with an associated communication link time stamped record of when the meter is operating in this way, when it is reconnected, and any adjustments associated with time synchronization. More details about the requirement for smart meters is given in the specification developed by the company. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 103 OF 156 Confidential External 9.3 Electricity Metering for Utility Company This section defines the design basis for the metering equipment required for the measurement and recording of electricity transfers at defined metering points. For each defined metering points, the import and export active (in MWh) and reactive (in MVArh) energy shall be measured. For each demand period and circuit, the import and export active (in MW) as well as reactive (in MVAr) power shall be measured. Unless otherwise specified, as a minimum the accuracy class of the measurement transformers shall be as follows: • 0.2 class for VTs, • 0.2S for CTs. Unless otherwise specified, as a minimum the accuracy class of the meter shall be as follows: • class 1 for active power and energy, • class 2 for reactive power and energy. The metering system shall be able to compensate the following points: • compensation of measurement transformers error, • compensation of MV step down transformer and line losses. The electricity metering systems shall meet the telecommunication requirements provided in Chapter 7. Telecommunication Systems Furthermore, the electricity metering shall comply with the metering codes of the Company. 10 Cyber Security The cyber security system provided by the Contractor at substation shall be interoperable and compatible with all the existing and future SEC/NG/NEOM interconnected equipment and systems. Additional cyber security control center shall be established also at NEOM (location to be decided by the Company). Cyber security control center design base requirements could be prepared and provided in a future separate document. Contractors shall comply with SEC cyber security standard requirements. The Substation Control and Monitoring Systems (SCMS) to be supplied under the Project shall comply with security Standards as per: • ISO/IEC 27000 group of Standards; • IEC 62443; • NERC-CIP. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 104 OF 156 Confidential External In addition to the above, the new SCMS systems shall comply with the IEC security Standards for “Power Systems Management and associated information exchange” as laid down in the IEC 62351 series, in particular with: • IEC 62351-3: Data and Communication Security – Profiles Including TCP/IP • IEC 62351-4: Data and Communication Security – Profiles Including MMS • IEC 62351-5: Data and Communication Security – Security for IEC 60870-5 and Derivates • IEC 62351-6: Data and Communication Security – Security for IEC 61850 Profiles • IEC 62351-7: Data and Communication Security – Security Through Network and System Management. In addition to the above, the following requirements shall be fulfilled: • For IT-security reasons all servers with access from external networks shall be located in a separated part of the network, called the “De-Militarized Zone” (DMZ); • The DMZ shall be redundantly connected to the process LAN via firewalls/routers. Any communication between SCMS system and users/applications located externally shall be decoupled via the DMZ and the related firewalls. All settings of the firewalls have to be closely coordinated with the Company’s IT department. The firewall cascades for decoupling the different zones shall be of different type and make to enhance security against intrusion and hacks. Any communication to the external networks (Corporate IT, Office LAN if any) shall be secured and encrypted wherever possible. All kind of services provided shall be highly secured, for example using secure ftp instead of simple ftp, https instead of http etc. All servers and workstations shall be hardened by removing or disabling any unnecessary services. The software shall provide security mechanisms meeting at least the following requirements: • protection against unauthorized access and intrusion; • creation of new users shall be done according to the four-eye-principle; the user account shall be created by the administrator and shall be activated only after confirmation by top management; • check of utilization rights; • check of access rights; • check of registration; • check on user- and group- passwords; • attack detection and prevention; • security settings of applications. The results of the security checks shall be alarmed and documented in a detailed security protocol. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 105 OF 156 Confidential External The system shall have the capabilities to disable any process/service at any time. In order to protect the substation SCMS system from malwares such as viruses, Trojans, spy ware etc. all incoming traffic shall be scanned by suitable antivirus software of a reputed vendor. The definition files of this software shall be updated automatically daily. The Contractor shall provide necessary licenses for the lifetime of the system. Cyber security requirements shall be further detailed in a separate document. 11 Cables 11.1 Applicable Standards Applicable Standards for all cables and culverts included in this document are as follows: • IEC 60502-2, • HD 620, • IEC 60228, • AEIC CS8 • IEC 60229, • IEC 60287, • IEC 60853, • IEC 60986 • IEC 60949 • IEC 949, • CENELEC 629.1 S2 2006, • IEC 60815-3, • IEC 60794-1-1, • IEC 60794-1-2, • IEC 60793-1-1, • ITU G.652, • IEC 61753-1. • BS EN 1992-2 Eurocode 2 BD 78/99 • BS EN ISO 14713 BD 31/01 • BS EN ISO 1461 • BS EN ISO 12944 • BS EN 1991-1-1 Eurocode 2 • BS EN 1994-1-1 Eurocode 4 DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 BD 28/87 AASHTO LRFD 2020 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 106 OF 156 Confidential External • Authority Regulations • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Civil Defense • ( • ANSI/IEC 60529-2004 • EN 55015:2006 • ASPE • ASHRAE 90.1:2019 ASHRAE • ASHRAE 62:2019 CIBSE Standards • BS 7629-1:2015&A1:2019 BS 7346-7:2013 • BS 5839-1:2017 BS 5839-6:2019&A1:2020 • BS EN 752-2:2017 BS EN 12056-1:2000 • BS EN 12056-2:2000 BS EN 12056-3:2000 • BS EN 54:2011 (Serie) • NFPA 101:2021 NFPA 13:2019 • NFPA 14:2019 NFPA 20:2019 • NFPA 24:2019 NFPA 92A:2009 The latest edition and version of the above-mentioned standard shall be considered. 11.2 MV and LV Cables 11.2.1 General Cables shall be suitable for satisfactory continuous operation at the design rating at the maximum site ambient temperature. The Contractor is responsible for providing all voltage drop and cable ampacity calculations supporting the final installed cable ratings considering derating factors such as: method of installation, ambient temperature, circuit length, grouping, etc. All cables provided under this Contract shall be of type and finish approved by the Company and shall be compliant to NEOM-NDS-SPC-001 Rev 1.0, August 2022: XLPE Insulated Power Cables for Rated Voltages from 13.8kV to 33kV. All cables shall be installed point to point as a complete single length. Prior approval from the Company shall be obtained before using any joints in exceptional circumstances. If used, joints shall be recorded on the as-built drawings. All cables shall be UV resistant. All cables shall be suitable for laying indoors, or outdoor in direct or indirect sunlight, in ducts, on cable trays and ladders, underground in means of direct buried or in cable tunnels / culverts, ducts embedded in concrete encasement and in water. The MV and LV power cables shall be designed with armor where their application requires protection against rodent or mechanical damage. No armor is required for cables applicable for use in tunnels, culverts, ducts or inside buildings. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 107 OF 156 Confidential External Cable sheaths and armoring will normally be earthed at both ends. Single point earthing shall be provided on specific cable sheaths to reduce induction. The circulation currents shall be minimized via suitable bonding scheme for screens and armor. Cable support and containment shall be provided for all cables to be installed under the projects. Depending on the construction, there might be special cable supports as several cables my run in specifically designed culverts / tunnels. The Contractor shall be responsible for adequate dimensioning of the external cable trench system and cable containment to maintain the specified segregation between the different cable systems to be provided. The following minimum segregation distances are to be maintained: • 300 mm between low voltage power cables and control, measurement and signaling cables for voltages above 60V; • 600 mm between medium voltage cables and control, measurement and signaling cables for voltages above 60V. During the installation of external MV and LV power cables located in the cable trench system, cable drums shall be supported on cable drum screw jacks and spindles. Cables shall be continuously pulled from the upper side of the drum in opposite direction of rolling direction as indicated by the arrow on the cable drum flange. To avoid abrasion a suitable number of cable rollers shall be positioned along cable length. Rollers shall be spaced between the cable drum, and within the cable trench at intervals as required to prevent cable sheath contact either with the ground or contact with sharp edges. At corners or when pulling cables into ducts, special rollers have to be used. Sharp edges in the trenches or at the ends of the cable ducts shall be covered such that no damage to the cable occurs. Should any sheath damage occur during the cable installation all cable installation activity shall immediately cease, and the Company shall be informed. The Company shall assess the severity of the damage and shall instruct the Contractor whether sheath repairs will be acceptable, or cable replacement shall occur. Any cable replacement deemed necessary will be at the Contractor’s expense. The Contractor shall be responsible for the dimensioning of the cable containment systems internal to each building. Internal cable containment systems shall consist of cable trays and/or ladders, and rigid conduit. All cable racks, trays, etc. shall be sized to provide minimum 25% spare capacity, unless specified otherwise. Cable containment systems shall be installed internally to each building under raised floors, above suspended ceilings, in cable cellars/vaults, concealed within the building fabric, and for surface mounted installations. Cable containment within buildings shall maintain segregation between different systems as specified. All surface mounted installations shall be effected in galvanized rigid steel conduit. Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) flame-retardant and flame-resistant cables should be used within buildings and tunnels/culverts compliant to relevant IEC standards, the need shall be determined based on the site risk assessment undertaken by the designer. Factors determining the risk assessment shall include confined spaces, cables inside buildings, critical assets, the presence of existing fire fuel in the building etc. The designer shall seek approval from the Company before specifying these cables. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 108 OF 156 Confidential External During the design process, the Contractor shall provide a cable schedule listing all cables to be provided under this project. The cable schedule shall contain all pertinent information for each cable. All cables / cable lengths shall be uniquely numbered and shall be fitted on either side of transitions through building walls or fire barriers and at each end with a metallic corrosion resistant tag embossed with a unique cable ID number. The proposed identification system shall be submitted to the Company for approval. The individual cores must be identified by numbers or by a color code. Unless specified differently for cables installed underground it shall be laid at minimum 800mm below ground level. For direct buried cables protective tiles are mandatory and it shall cover the entire trench width as well as overlap the cable outer edges. In general cable routing and laying method (direct burial, concrete trench, culverts, etc.) will be subject to the Company’s requirements and approval. Further, during cable pulling the maximum pulling tensions and sidewall pressures shall be calculated according to the manufacturer’s technical data. In any case tensions and sidewall pressures shall not exceed the recommendations of the cable manufacturer. Cable markers in stainless steel shall be used for underground cables. Route markers shall be provided and is subject to approval by the Company. Cable markers shall be fixed at each crossing and cable-end. Where cables raise above ground a mechanical protection shall be provided. 11.2.2 Medium Voltage Cables Technical requirements The MV XPLE cables shall be single-core or three-core cables with copper and aluminum conductors and triple extruded insulation. MV cables and cable accessories shall comply IEC 60502-2 for rated voltages between 6 kV and 30 kV. The detailed requirements for the cables including cable sizes is given in NEOM-NDS-SPC-001-Rev01.00 MV Cables Specification. MV Cables, Cable Terminations and Accessories Outdoor termination insulators (cable sealing ends) shall be provided for external terminations. The cable sealing ends must be manufactured from porcelain materials (composite materials shall be subject to separate approval), all materials shall be fully factory tested during production. The pollution severity shall be ‘very heavy’ as defined in IEC 60815. The base of the cable sealing end itself shall be insulated from supporting steelwork by mounting upon porcelain pedestal type insulators (epoxy shall be subject to separate approval). Internally within switch rooms and enclosed termination boxes on transformers, proprietary heat shrink terminations may be accepted. However, where MV cables terminate inside metal enclosures, e.g. transformer terminal boxes, proprietary separable connectors, e.g. Elastimold or similar may be used subject to the approval of the Company. Where single point bonding of MV cable is required to meet the current rating requirement, the cables shall be bonded at the switchgear end of each circuit. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 109 OF 156 Confidential External The screen shall consist of copper. The over-sheath of the MV cables shall be from PE. The MV cables supplied shall be free from any treeing effects in the insulation. The short circuit capabilities of the cables shall be adequate for the prospective fault levels. Both ends / single length of the cable shall be rendered fully watertight. Pulling eyes shall be fitted to both ends / single length of the cable. The pulling eye shall be directly connected to the conductor and be capable of withstanding a tensile load of up to a maximum of the permissible pulling tension for the cable. The cable shall be dispatched on a drum of suitable construction and with a barrel/hub with adequate size in order to avoid degradation of cables. The drum shall be fully enclosed by either adjacent fitting wooden battens or continuous metallic cladding. Drum shall be preferable made of metallic material. Drum marking is subject to Company’s approval. 11.2.3 Low Voltage Cables Technical requirements Low voltage 0.6/1 kV power cables shall be single core, two, three or four-core cables with stranded copper or aluminum conductors. LV cables and cable accessories shall comply with IEC 60502-1. Cables for power supplies at voltages up to 600/1000 V shall have copper or aluminum conductors with XLPE insulation and overall over-sheath. They shall comply with IEC 60227 and IEC 60228 and the colors for PVC insulation shall comply with IEC 60304. LV single core cables installed in either conduit or trunking systems within buildings shall be of Cu/PVC construction. Separate earth conductors shall be provided for each circuit within conduit and trunking containment systems. Control cables shall be of Cu/PVC/PVC construction with armor as required. Wherever any part of an LV cable circuit is installed within a room or enclosure containing electrical control or protection equipment, in the proximity of oil filled equipment, or where personnel are normally present, cables employing insulation and sheathing which minimizes the production of smoke and toxic fumes to IEC 60331 and/or 60332 shall be used. Cable installed wholly outdoors may be of a PVC insulated type. The Contractor shall ensure that the voltage drop for all LV services from the main LV distribution board to the point of furthest utilization for each circuit is a maximum of 2.5%, unless not specified otherwise. Cables for DC supplies and services shall be of identical construction to that of the LV power cables. DC cables connections between batteries, rectifiers and the DC switchgear shall be single-core power cables. Multicore cables shall comply with IEC 60502 and IEC 60332, where installed within buildings. Conductors shall be either solid or stranded copper or aluminum with a conductor cross section of not less than 2.5 mm2. Each core shall be numbered individually and uniquely. Conductors larger than 4.0 mm2 shall be stranded. Heat resistant cables (if required) Cables used in areas where ambient temperatures are above 60 C shall be heat-resistant. Heat-resistant cables must be suitable for continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 180 °C and shall comply with IEC 60331. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 110 OF 156 Confidential External Cable terminations and accessories All cables shall be terminated with the appropriate cable sealing end, termination kit, or cable gland. Data sheets (and if requested supporting catalogue information) shall be submitted to the Company for review during the design process of all cable accessories proposed. The information submitted shall be clearly highlighted to identify the precise product proposed by the Contractor. Cable accessories shall include: cable sealing ends, cable termination kits, cable glands, etc. All cable terminations are to be prepared and neatly formed. All cable terminations are to be connected to the equipment terminals, terminal blocks, such that no strain is put on either cable termination or the equipment to which the cable is connected. Where terminations are effected in control cubicles, marshalling cabinets, etc. all cables shall be neatly loomed with sufficient slack for movement to other terminals as may be necessary. Any through joints required due to the limitations of standard cable lengths supplied by the cable manufacturer shall be of the heat shrink type and shall degrade the design Standards of the cable in any way. Test requirements Sample tests and type tests shall be as per IEC 60502-1. All routine tests on manufactured length shall performed, as per IEC 60502-1. The test requirements of the lighting cables shall be as per IEC 60227. 11.2.4 Cable Containment Technical requirements Separate cable containment systems are required for the different cable systems, as identified in this specification. The Contractor shall design and size the complete cable containment system for the substation. Cable containment shall include: cable tray, cable ladder, trunking and conduit. Cable trays and ladder shall be either medium or heavy duty listed. Cable trays and ladders shall be ‘Galvanized after’ and shall comply with EN 61537. The Contractor shall ensure that where the cable containment tray or ladders comprise of several levels that sufficient distance is provided between the layers for future access to the cables installed on each level. The Contractor shall also ensure that sufficient clearances are maintained between different systems to comply with the segregation limits specified. All cable containment shall be adequately supported by metallic supports of appropriate dimensions and strength. Such supports may be formed from proprietary C channel, or threaded bar entered into expanding bolts in concrete where suspension is required. The design of the cable containment system shall ensure that adequate support or suspension is provided such the manufacturer’s recommended deflection is not exceeded. Cables shall be supported in that manner to ensure no weight is to be carried by the terminations and joints. Cable trays, ladders and trunking shall be provided with all necessary proprietary fittings. Field fabricated joints, Tees, 4-way splices etc. shall not be accepted. All cut ends on cable tray, ladders and trunking shall be treated with a minimum of 2 coats of zinc-rich paint to prevent corrosion. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 111 OF 156 Confidential External Cable trays, ladders and trunking shall be provided with earth continuity connections across each joint and shall be connected at both ends of the containment system to the nearest earth bar. Where building service cables are installed concealed with the building fabric high impact PVC conduit may be used. The HDPE conduit compliant with ASTM F2160-16 and company spec shall be provided with all necessary fittings to provide a complete containment system. Galvanized steel conduit covers shall be placed over cables installed in plastic conduit for all external installations. Exposed plastic conduit shall be UV Stable. Steel conduit shall not be used. No cables shall be drawn into any conduit system until the system is complete. A separate earth wire shall be drawn into conduit and trunking systems for each circuit contained in the conduit or trunking. Before cable pulling, all trenches, ducts, conduits etc. must be clean and free of stones, sharp edges etc. Further for pulling into ducts a mandrel test shall be carried out. The required technical data for the cable trays are specified in the Technical Data Sheets. Test requirements The following tests shall be done: 11.3 • visual inspection; • galvanization test; • mandrel test. Submarine Cables The cable system - including cables and all accessories - shall be designed, manufactured and installed to ensure a minimum lifespan of 40 years. 11.3.1 Cable Design Features Electric Design Electric Current Rating The 19/33 kV (U0/U) cables shall be designed, manufactured and installed to transmit the required nominal power at 100% load factor. The electric current rating shall be calculated in accordance with IEC 60287, based on a maximum conductor temperature of 90 °C. For the calculation of the electric current rating, the Contractor shall consider the most onerous thermal conditions along the cable route, in particular: • The deepest depth of lowering • The highest thermal resistivity of the sub-bottom sediments which ae considered relevant for the cable electric current rating • The highest temperature of the seabed • The most stringent conditions along the landfall crossing DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 112 OF 156 Confidential External • The most stringent conditions in the J/I tube and at the offshore platform. Short-circuit Currents The earthing circuit constituted by the metallic sheath/screens of the 33 kV cables, lead bonding cables, earth cables and relevant accessories, shall be designed, manufactured and installed to ensure without any degradation the evacuation of the required single-phase short circuit current. The metallic sheath/screen shall be designed and manufactured to carry without any physical degradation the single-phase short circuit current. The conductors shall carry the symmetrical short circuit currents without causing any physical degradation of the cable components. The calculation of the required copper cross section for the metallic sheath/screens of the 33 kV cables shall be in accordance with the adiabatic method described in IEC 949: Calculation of thermally permissible short-circuit currents, taking into account non-adiabatic heating effects. The starting temperature shall be gauged assuming a maximum conductor temperature of 90 °C. The maximum final temperature under a fault event shall be limited to the values confirmed in IEC60986. Bonding of the Cable Metallic Sheath/screen The metallic screens and armor shall be solidly bonded and earthed at both ends of the cable connection. Enabling works Preliminary Investigations The final cable design and optimum cable route shall be duly justified based on preliminary geophysical and geotechnical surveys. These mandatory preliminary surveys shall provide a detailed picture of the environmental and geological conditions. A good understating of potential sediment transport in the area foreseen for the cable route, is of paramount importance to define suitable cable protections mechanisms. Desktop Study To support the permitting process a preliminary desktop study shall be undertaken. The potential cable routes shall be identified as well as the respective potential hazards. All data available from public bodies, local Authorities and stakeholders shall be collected. Bathymetric maps of the area will provide useful information on potential issues, namely steep slopes and seabed mobility - if different bathymetry charts span across several years. The knowledge of the shipping and fishing activities is of paramount importance to identify potential hazards throughout the proposed cable route. The desktop study shall conclude on the required subsequent surveys to streamline the cable design, cable route and protection mechanisms. Geophysical Surveys Geophysical surveys are intended to characterize the seabed morphology and mobility in the area foreseen for the submarine cabling. Shallow water multi-beam echo sounder equipment mounted on shallow draught vessels can be an option for mapping the seabed features throughout the proposed cable route. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 113 OF 156 Confidential External Due to the potential presence of unexploded ordnance (UXO) a suitable survey mapping using magnetometers shall be undertaken. Ideally the UXO survey should be coordinated with the competent local Authorities/specialists. Any potential intrusive surveys shall only be permitted once an adequate UXO clearance certificate is issued. Geotechnical Surveys Seabed sampling at critical locations identified in the geotechnical survey serves the purpose of confirming specific features /characteristics of the seabed which impact either the cable installations or the cable performance. Seabed characteristics such as thermal resistivity, temperature, shear strength are of paramount importance for the cable operational performance/electric current rating (the first two) and cable burial depth strategy (the latter). The Contractor shall perform suitable seabed sampling in order to adequately frame the suitable conditions for the cable installation and operation of the cables. Cable Installation General The installation of subsea cables is a challenging task that requires seamless coordination between all parties involved. Prior to cable installation a detailed planning shall be agreed between all the parties involved. In due time the contractor responsible for the cable installation shall obtain the required approvals and certifications issued by the competent Authorities. Based on all the preliminary investigations, particularly the geophysical and geotechnical reports, a Burial Assessment Study (BAS) and a quality management plan addressing the specifics of the project should be prepared. For the crossings with other utility infrastructure - identified in the geophysical surveys - the contractor shall prepare in advance a suitable technical solution. The proposed crossing scheme shall be submitted for the approval of the owner of other infrastructures/assets. The landfall crossing shall be investigated in due time, in coordination with the competent Authorities. To counter physical constraints or environmental issues a horizontal directional drilling could provide a suitable passage for the offshore cables through the landfall. Once all the required logistics are adequately prepared, particularly the required vessels, installation equipment, cables and accessories, port facilities, etc., the start of cable deployment process is still highly prone to adverse weather conditions. The transition point - usually the transition joint bay with the inland cables - shall be adequately addressed and its location and further inland cable route shall be agreed with the competent Authorities. Following the completion of the offshore and inland cable installation the complete system shall be duly tested according to the applicable Standards. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 114 OF 156 Confidential External Burial Assessment Study (BAS) The primary protection against eventual hazards for subsea cables consists in burying the cables at suitable depth below the seabed. The depth of burial could be determined through a risk assessment analysis which takes into consideration the specific risks along the cable route and the sub-bottom soil characteristics. The risk assessment analysis should address the following aspects: • assessment of the seabed geology throughout the proposed cable route • considering the seabed soil characteristics assess the penetration depths of the typical anchors used by the vessels crossing the specific sections of the cable route • assessment of the fisheries and dredging activities throughout the cable route • review of the experience with similar assets in the area • review of other environmental aspects impacting the depth of burial, e.g., sediment migration, erosion, etc. The risk assessment analysis could result in varying burial depth, providing a suitable protection in accordance with the different sub-bottom soil characteristics and risks found throughout the proposed cable route. A varying burial depth could prove more economically beneficial than a conservative fix burial of depth - normally settled by local regulations - which don’t take in consideration the specificities of the cable route. Cable Burial Methods The cable burial methodology is determined by the expected installation conditions and cable characteristics. The following conditions shall be considered: • seabed topology and morphology • sub-bottom soil characteristics • water depth • hydrodynamics • environmental constraints. The cable can be buried simultaneously with the cable deployment process - using a plough - or at a second stage following the cable deployment over the seabed. The latter option has the advantage of releasing the costly laying vessel, with the possibility to use smaller vessels to host the burial equipment. The post-laying equipment can be a ROV equipped with jetting or trenching systems. Transition Bay/Anchor Bay Design The transition joint between the offshore and onshore cables shall be positioned in a suitable joint transition bay located after the landfall crossing. The armor of the offshore cables shall be solidly anchored to the transition joint bay. The anchor mechanism shall prevent the cable slippage triggered by potential erosion of the soil (or other environmental related phenomena) in the vicinity of the joint bay. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 115 OF 156 Confidential External The transition joint bay shall provide enough space to accommodate the cable surplus required to the assembly and installation of the joints. The subfloor shall be made of steel reinforced concrete (minimum thickness: 10 cm) with a slight slope towards one of the vertical walls parallel to the cables - where a suitable drainage connection shall be implemented. The anchor bay shall be covered with steel reinforced concrete slabs designed and manufactured to cope with the expected mechanical constraints. Design of the 33 kV XLPE Cables Minimum Requirements Figure 5 shows a typical cross-section of three-phase, single wire armored (SWA) cable. Figure 5: Typical cross-section of a three-phase submarine cable with SWA. In the rest of this section, the minimum requirements for each section shown in Figure 11-1 will be provided. Conductor The conductor shall be stranded round copper (RM), compliant with IEC 60228. Suitable water swellable yarns shall be incorporated in the conductor interstices to ensure the required longitudinal water tightness. Conductor Screen The conductor screen shall comprise an extruded layer of thermosetting semi-conducting compound and shall be continuous and cover the whole surface area of the conductor. The conductor screen must not stick to the conductor. The outer surface of conductor screen shall be cylindrical and solidly bonded to the insulation. Insulation The insulation thickness shall be in accordance with IEC 60502-2 and suitable for a highest system voltage Um=36 kV. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 116 OF 156 Confidential External The ovality and concentricity of the insulation shall be in accordance with IEC 60502-2, and the raw material shall be free of contaminants, and the extrusion process shall not introduce contaminants, voids and other features that could endanger the required cable lifetime. The insulation material shall be made of Cross-Linked Polyethylene (XLPE). The cable cores shall be thoroughly degassed prior to application of outer sheath. Insulation Screen The insulation screen shall be continuously bonded to the insulation layer. Core Manufacturing Process The three above described layers: conductor screen, insulation and insulation screen shall be extruded in a single pass simultaneous triple extrusion process. The cross-linking process shall be undertaken through a dry-curing method. To minimize the content of by-products resulting from the cross-linking process, the cable cores shall be fully degassed. Longitudinal Water Protection A bedding of semi conductive water blocking tapes shall be applied between the insulation screen and the metallic sheath. Metallic Sheath/Radial Water Blocking The individual cable single cores/phases shall have a radial water blocking, designed and produced to prevent radial water ingress. Beneath the sheath, one or multiple semiconducting water swellable tapes shall be applied over the insulation screen to prevent any longitudinal water ingress likely to occur in case of damages in the sheath. Moreover, the sheath must be suitable for marine applications with high resistance against mechanical fatigue. Lead shall not be used. A semiconducting polyethylene sheath shall be extruded over the radial water blocking sheath (inner sheath). The semiconducting polyethylene sheath shall have adequate dielectric and mechanical strength to protect the inner sheath against electromechanical damages and corrosion throughout the required lifetime of the cable system. Within the limits of practicality, the metallic sheath/screen should be designed to carry the expected fault currents. Armor The submarine cable shall be designed and manufactured to cope with planned or unplanned mechanical efforts during the cable laying, operation and recovery/repair. Over the three-core/phase assembly the cable shall include an armor adequately dimensioned to withstand the mechanical efforts during de cable laying, burial and recovery/repair operations. The armor shall also provide some protection to the cable in the event of unplanned thirdparty generated hazards. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 117 OF 156 Confidential External The armor shall be made of galvanized steel wires helically applied over the assembly of the three-core/phases and fillers. The galvanized steel wires shall have suitable anti-corrosion characteristics to cope with the highly corrosive marine environment. The interstices between the armor wires shall be filled with bitumen/asphaltic compound. The bitumen/ asphaltic compound shall cover completely the armor layer(s). The decision for single or double layer armoring shall be justified based not exclusively on the required tensional strength during the cable installation and repair - particularly if deeper depths of coverage are required due to environmental constraints or due to the need of enhanced mechanical protection (e.g. if imposed by shipping Authorities in highly congested traffic areas), but also considering the risks of third-party hazards along the cable route that would require improved internal protection. The double layer armor shall be designed and manufactured to ensure adequate balance of tensional strength and minimum torsion during the cable installation and repair. Outer Serving The submarine cables shall have an outer serving capable of withstanding friction and providing suitable protection of the armor against scratches that might occur during the cable handling and installation. Moreover, the outer serving materials shall have adequate resistance against biological decomposition and UV radiation. Typically, the outer serving of the offshore cables is made of black polypropylene yarns helically applied over the armor. The inner layer shall be impregnated with bitumen/asphaltic compound while the outer layer shall be dry. To improve the visibility of the cables, particularly helpful for ROV tracking, some of the black polypropylene yarns shall be replaced by yellow, orange or white polypropylene yarns. Moreover, each cable/pole shall have a specific and easily identifiable pattern of yellow/orange/white yarns to facilitate the respective identification. 11.3.2 Cable Accessories All accessories shall be designed, manufactured and installed to withstand the environmental conditions to be encountered during the cable system lifetime. The accessories shall comply with the latest editions of the Standards and recommendations depicted in sub-clause 11.1. The voltage level, electric current rating and short circuit capacity of the cable accessories hereunder described, shall be equal or exceed the 33 kV power cable ratings. The cable accessories shall cope with the tests foreseen for the cable system in the standard IEC 60502-2 without any degradation of the electric or mechanical performance. The cable accessories shall be designed for a lifetime of 40 years. Outdoor sealing ends Outdoor terminations shall be preferably cold-shrink type with insulation body in a single piece. The termination body as well as all fittings shall not be affected by atmospheric or climatic conditions. It shall be ozone resistant, hydrophobic and UV resistant. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 118 OF 156 Confidential External The creepage distance between the cable lug and earth shall be adequate for the electric and environmental requirements specific for this project. The minimum creepage distance shall be suitable for the local conditions. Switchgear and transformer plug-in type sealing ends The plug-in sealing ends shall be designed and manufactured to match the dimensions, ratings and any other applicable characteristic imposed by the switchgear, transformer and cable manufacturers. The pluggable sealing ends shall be shielded. The sealing ends shall allow unplugging without any performance degradation nor require additional consumables. Switchgear and transformer Connex type sealing ends The Connex type sealing ends shall be designed and manufactured to match the dimensions, ratings and any other applicable characteristic imposed by the switchgear, transformer and cable manufacturers. The sealing ends shall allow unbolting without any performance degradation nor require additional consumables. Joints Ideally the cables must be manufactured with the longest possible delivery length in order to avoid field joints. The delivery length shall correspond to the concatenation of multiple manufactured length connected via flexible factory joints. The number of factory joints shall be reduced to the very minimum. If unavoidable, the field joints shall be of rigid type. The joint body shall be made by triple extrusion of Ethylene-Propylene Terpolymer (EPDM) or Ethylene-Propylene Rubber (EPR). The triple extrusion produces in a single step a semiconducting layer for conductor screening, an insulation layer and an outer semi-conduction layer. All the bodies shall be fully tested in factory. The body shall keep a permanent and uniform contact pressure over the cable components. The copper screening of the joint shall be adequate for the required single-phase shortcircuit current. The outer protective cover shall be watertight and shall withstand the relevant specific environmental conditions without any physical degradation of joints. Moreover, the outer protective cover of the joints shall ensure a level of protection against the prevailing environmental conditions which shall not be inferior to the protection provided by the cable armor. The cover shall keep a permanent and uniform contact pressure over the cable components. Link boxes - gantry mounted The link boxes shall be watertight (minimum IP 66) and shall be suitable for vertical mounting on the sealing end structure support or underground-aerial transition tower. The box shall be made of stainless steel. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 119 OF 156 Confidential External The link boxes shall be designed, manufactured and tested for the short-circuit currents defined in the Technical Data Sheets. The link boxes shall be equipped with removable links for testing purposes. The bonding lead cable will single-core type with enough cross-section to cope with the short-circuit currents foreseen for this project. Moreover, the link boxes shall have a label fitted externally bearing the legend: DANGER - ELECTRICITY. Lead Bond/Sheathed Cables Lead bond/sheathed cables shall not be used. 11.4 Cable Culverts and Tunnels DSO’s default position is to have the distribution cable system installed in a pit and duct system. Only where there is appropriate justification shall culvert or tunnel designs be considered. DSO shall determine if the justification is appropriate. Wherever cable culverts are specified to use, this section shall be applicable. Wherever tunnels are specified, the internal dimensions for cable placement contained in the following culvert design requirements shall apply. 11.4.1 General This section covers the technical requirements of cable culverts which are used for containing various electrical cables and their accessories. in addition, it is applicable for all associated culvert-equipment and all associated equipment, complete in every respect and suitable for satisfactory operation. The culverts shall be suitable to contain HV cables (132 kV) as well as MV and LV cables (33 KV - <1 kV) and Fiber Optic cables and be suitable for satisfactory continuous operation for this purpose at the design rating and the maximum site ambient temperature. The Contractor is responsible for providing all calculations supporting the final installed culvert size and ventilations as well it´s auxiliaries based on cable heat dissipations, structural loads, cable weight, forces due to and during short-circuit current. The heat dissipation itself is depending on and considering derating factors such as but not limited to: method of installation, ambient temperature, circuit length, cross-sections, ratings/power-output, grouping, etc. according to IEC 60287. The general requirements regarding MV and LV cables can be found in sections 11.2, respectively. Further all cables used shall be fire rated cables. All culverts provided under this Contract shall be of type and finish approved by the Company. In general culvert-routing and method of construction and final size (inside) will be subject to Employers requirements and approval. The ambient temperature in the culvert shall not exceed in any case + 50 °C. Ventilation shall be provided in the walkable culverts and designed accordingly. Lighting/illumination, power distribution and communication system as well as fire protections, - detections and if required firefighting to be provided in the culverts. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 120 OF 156 Confidential External All entry/exit designs shall consider the safety of workers entering and exiting these spaces. Such considerations will include falls and risks associated vehicular traffic. Emergency exits shall be installed approx. every 100 m or as per agreement with the Civil Defense Department. Entry/Exits shall be provided at each two kilometres culvert route or at every ventilation shaft. 11.4.2 Culvert Size DSO’s preference is for culverts that are no more than 1.5m deep which significantly reduces the need for the implementation of additional risk management measures for confined spaces. Examples of culvert sizing (inside dimensions) are included in Figure 6 and Figure 7 as well as Table 12 and Table 13 for the cable equipment, unless otherwise specified. Further it shall be dimensioned to ensure smooth installation of the complete cable system (including the bending radii of the cables and jointing needs) and its accessories. The clearances for culvert design shall match with the dimensions considered for electrical calculations as well as heat dissipation calculations. Further the culvert shall be designed according to the amount of cable circuits needed provided by the Company plus minimum one spare space, unless specified otherwise. However, Contractor shall consider serviceability and functional requirements during design. Space to be considered for adequate ventilations, entry/exit, emergency exits, installation of link boxes, space for cable joints (joint bays approx. every 1000 m). For culverts which are intended to be walkable, the minimum height (headroom) shall be 2.1 m allowing to stand upright. Figure 6: Schematic of culverts for MV and LV cables Table 12: Minimum clearances for culverts of MV and LV cables Dimension Definition Minimum Clearance (mm) A Vertical clearance between circuits (center /center) B Clearance between phases (center /center) C Clearance between MV cables and telecom ducts DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External 300 2x(outer diameter) 1800 PAGE 121 OF 156 Confidential External Dimension Definition Minimum Clearance (mm) D Clearance between LV cables and telecom ducts 500 E Clearance between wall / support and outside of cable F Vertical clearance between telecom ducts 200 W1 Rack width MV 900 W2 Rack width LV 900 W3 Rack width telecom/ICT 600 H1 Clearance from floor to outside of duct 300 H2 Clearance between roof slab and outside of cable/duct 1000 H3 Minimum vertical clearance 2100 0.5x(outer diameter) Figure 7: Schematic of small culverts for MV and LV cables Table 13: Minimum clearances for small culverts of MV and LV cables Dimension Definition Minimum Clearance (mm) A Vertical clearance between circuits (center /center) 300 B Clearance between phases (center /center) 300 C Clearance between MV cables and telecom ducts 1000 D Clearance between LV cables and telecom ducts 500 W1 Rack width MV 600 W2 Rack width LV 600 W3 Rack width telecom/ICT 300 H1 Clearance from floor to outside of duct 250 H2 Clearance between roof slab and outside of cable/duct 250 DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 122 OF 156 Confidential External 11.4.3 Structural Form Generally, culverts shall be considered, depending on voltage-level of cables, amount of circuits as well as area of installation. The use of culverts and their design is subject to the Company approval. The preference is for a closed type culvert which runs underground (approx. 1-1.5 m), unless specified otherwise, and invisible from surface level. The final burial depth is part of detailed engineering (interacting with other underground utilities, intersections, etc.) and depending on the area of installation. The base and walls shall be designed to withstand the related earth- and water pressure as well as any surcharge loading. The top to be designed for carrying the backfill load and any additional live loads above. Further the entire structure shall be designed to withstand the weight and mechanical stresses expected during installation and operation of the cable systems. In areas where smaller culverts are required flush with the surface level (not buried) shall be installed. In such cases, the culvert shall be a three-side box with removable roof slabs, where this roof will act as the finished surface. Hence, the surface shall be designed to suit the use for vehicles and pedestrians, as well as other specified appliances if any. Roof slabs shall be easily removable by a small truck mounted crane (about 5 -10 ton) and be sealed against penetration of water and sand. The roof slabs shall be protected against access from non-authorized personal. The Contractor is responsible during detailed design for implementing crossings, intersections in relation with the required cable bending radius as well as other interfering underground utilities. The alignment of the culvert sections shall follow the Right of Way (RoW) and shall suit outlets, shafts for service requirements and crossings. The culvert shall have minimum longitudinal slope allowing for drainage. The floor of the culvert shall be laid to a cross fall. The culverts shall be water proof and any entrances water tight. The draining shall be collected in suitable sump pits and suitable for use of sump pumps. Drainage design is subject to Company’s approval. 11.4.4 Construction and Materials The culverts shall be constructed by open cut method considering suitable dewatering. It shall be placed section by section depending on Contractors work method. Ancillaries like access shafts, exhaust chambers, cable entries, etc. may be provided with construction joints and kickers and installed at next stage after the culvert section. Once section and ancillary structures are completed the waterproofing and backfilling can be started and finalized. Any mechanical and electrical installations in the culverts to be installed as works progress. Generally, the main culverts shall be reinforced concrete and precast sections or precast box. For areas of intersections, crossings in-situ cast may be used. If the Contractor can guarantee the design life, 3D concrete printing may also be used for selected and suitable elements. The culverts shall be divided into segments which can be easily manufactured at the prefabrication factory. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 123 OF 156 Confidential External The maximum weight and dimensions of a precast unit shall be assessed for each scenario based on local circumstances and capacity of typical flatbed trailer. Each precast section shall not exceed following parameters: • Weight: 50 tons • Height: 3.0 m • Width: 2.9 m • Length: 13.6 m The units shall be designed as complete and large as possible to minimize site works. In case the size of precast units exceeds the above mentioned values, the precast unit shall be broken down in smaller parts. U-shaped sections to form the lower and upper part of closed culverts or L-shape sections for culverts with removable slabs. Respective joints in all connection areas to be foreseen in accordance with the construction design. Positioning of joints shall be alternating and designed according to the construction sequence. Expansion/Contradiction joints shall be implemented. As basis a typical value of 22.5 m can be considered. It is Contractors responsibility to calculate and place such joints at correct position. Removable roof slabs shall serve as final surface suitable for vehicles, pedestrians, etc. and needs to be designed accordingly for carrying the relevant loads. The units shall be prefabricated and form a panel cover system including gaskets, lids and bases. The size of the slabs shall be chosen so that the lifting is possible with a truck-mount crane of 5 - 10 tons capacity. The final design of surface is subject to Company’s approval. Generally, the design shall fit the adjacent surroundings. To achieve the required tolerances for the finished surface recessed type panels shall be used. Concrete grade shall be in accordance with Section 5 of Ministry of Transport specifications. • Reinforced concrete structure: 40 fcu (MPa), 20 mm aggregate size; Designation R containing blended OPC (partly OPC replaced by PFA or similar) • Structural blinding: 30 fca (MPa), 20 mm aggregate size; Designation S containing SRPC (Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement) Premixing should not be considered, as blending to be done at plant. Concrete shall meet the project specification and use. Steel for reinforcements shall be grade 460 type 2 high yield steel in accordance to BS4449/2005 & A2/2009. Steel bar shall have minimum strength of 460 N/mm² with elasticity module of 190 kN/mm². Grade 1.4401 (316) or equivalent shall be used for stainless steel dowel bars. Bending and cutting shall be in accordance with BS 5400, 4:1990. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 124 OF 156 Confidential External Concrete cover of reinforcements towards buried surfaces shall be minimum 75 mm and minimum 50 mm with surfaces not in contact with ground. Spacer shall be made of same materials mix or of equivalent durability. Spacers made of plastic shall not be used. Crack width (thermal, serviceability early age) shall be specified further by the Contractor. All concrete shall have protection against environmental impacts and water and must be durable for the design life. Waterproofing system shall be applied for all external surfaces. Joint shall be equipped with adequate water-stops. 11.4.5 Design and Analysis The design lifetime of culverts shall be 100 years. Design stresses shall be in accordance with BS EN 1992 For appropriate design the different loadings and load effects shall be considered. Below are the major loadings and effects mentioned, but not limited to: • dead loads, • superimposed dead load, • construction load, • vehicular live load (HA & HB), • creep & shrink effect , • earth pressure & ground reaction, • differential settlement, • safety factor against flotation, • thermal movements / temperature range. The standard requirements for buried concrete box in accordance with BD31/01, BD37/01 and BS 5400, 4:1990 shall be the basis for culvert design and analysis. The culvert box may be modelled as plane frame, and all other sections shall be modelled as 3D-structure. For modelling and analyzing of culvert elements and culvert box as well as associated Ushape sections and crack width calculations a state of the art software shall be used. Safety against flotation shall be checked by uplift force method. Flotation shall be encountered mainly by the culvert’s self-weight. All items like design moments, shear forces (not limited to) shall be considered in the analysis. 11.4.6 Culvert Auxiliaries (MEPF Systems) It shall be noted that such culverts the HSE regulation for work in confined spaces to be considered. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 125 OF 156 Confidential External In general the culvert shall be equipped with following mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and firefighting (MEFP) systems, in accordance with local health and safety requirements: • Mechanical air ventilation and smoke purging system, • Drainage system, • Lighting and power system, • Fire Protection (fire fighting if required). Sufficient ventilation is required to provide fresh air during maintenance activities and to remove internal heat as well as other unwanted gases which might be generated during soil oxidation. Furthermore, the ventilation shall be capable for removing smoke in the event of fire. Ventilation shall be provided in culverts which are walkable. For smaller culverts no ventilation foreseen unless the heat dissipation and ambient temperature in culvert is exceeding the requirements. Ambient temperature in culvert shall not exceed in any case +50 °C and ventilation shall be designed to maintain temperature below +50 °C. As minimum, the design shall be two air changes per hour. Depending on the length and size of culverts, installation of groups of ventilation systems may be required. The location of ventilation shafts, air intakes and positions shall fit the purpose for the ventilation system. The vents shall be preferably installed in the exhaust chambers and run on 400 V basis. It shall be installed in such manner to prevent electromagnetic inferences between MV cables and other power and communication cables and ventilation system. The fans shall be for typical exhaust function and axial type. It shall be capable to operate of high temperature smoke spill operation of 400 °C for 2 hours. The fans shall serve different flow rates depending on the conditions in the culvert. Hence, the motors shall be operated by VSD (variable speed drive). CFD analyses for each typical culvert shall be provided confirming sufficient air rates to keep the maximum temperature of 50 °C. The design of ventilation shall be approved by the Company. The cable supports shall be suitable to withstand forces during short circuit currents. It shall be capable for carrying/support of HV cables weight of minimum 40 kg/m. For the complete length of the culvert, a grounding system shall be included. At every 5001000 m distance, a local earthing grid shall be installed for joint bays (earthing of link boxes) and a possibility for earthing connection shall be provided inside the culvert. Culverts shall be equipped with suitable emergency lighting and exit signs. This shall be in accordance to BS EN 50171:2001, BS EN 50172:2004 and comply with regulation of Civil Defense. Power supply shall be provided preferable as LV (400V) feed from dedicated infrastructure substations. Distribution within the culvert shall be separated in Main Distribution Board (MDB) and Subdistribution Boards (SMDB). Small power will be served finally from a Distribution Board (DB). DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 126 OF 156 Confidential External The SMDB shall be backed up by an emergency generator for supplying the vents and exits as well as emergency lights. A general lighting installation of low energy LED shall be provided in the culverts. Power sockets shall be installed in reasonable distance and clearance from ground level. At each access point an emergency phone shall be placed allowing staff to communicate. All small power cables shall be fire rated cables. Regarding to fire safety conditions, it shall be referred to NFPA 101 as well as to Ministry of Interior and Civil Defense of KSA. Furthermore, the culverts are classified as confined spaces; hence, the related regulatory shall be complied with. In accordance with NFPA 101 separations shall be designed in the culvert in means of fire partition walls. This separation shall form a compartmentation to limit length of fire zones and preventing fire spreading along the culverts. The compartment length shall be in accordance to standards and regulatory based on culvert design and size. As access of personal and entry shall be strictly permitted via PTW (permission to work) system, no manual fire alarm system is considered. An automatic smart fire detection system (including alarm system) shall be installed which is suitable specially for cable culverts in means of thermal detection and aspiration systems in lieu of traditional systems. The need of a fire suppression system may be considered, if not specified specifically, based on the regulations and standards for this application. If a suppression system is used, it shall be specifically designed for cable culverts (e.g. Hi-Fog) and shall consider various aspects of the used extinguishing agent. Portable hand operated fire extinguisher (dry powder type) in accordance with NFPA 10 shall be provided as a first aid appliances at relevant locations (e.g. exit/entry points). All fire prevention measures and systems are subject to approval of the Company. Suitable water drainage (sump pump) system shall be provided. 11.4.7 Emergency Power Supply The main operations of the culvert shall be backed up by preferable a generator or battery system (UPS). The back-up period is recommended for approx. 3 hours. In case of power supply for main items a second back up for top systems (e.g. fire system, exit, emergency signs) to be provided. Details shall be subject to Company’s approval during detailed design stage. 11.5 Fiber Optic cable 11.5.1 General To mitigate the risk of high induced voltages or earth potential rise, the fiber optic cables shall be free of any metallic components. The fiber optic cable shall be circular in cross section and free from pinholes, joints, and other defects. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 127 OF 156 Confidential External The cable shall be adequately designed and manufactured not to affect the physical or optical properties of the optical fibers. The optical fibers shall be contained within color coded loose tubes, arranged in a circular configuration and filled with a water-blocking compound to prevent water penetration. The individual optical fibers shall be uniquely identifiable through a color coding scheme in accordance with ITA/EIA-598-C. In case duplicate colors are to be used, the fibers shall be uniquely identifiable through black tracers. The fiber optic cables shall have a fiber count up to 144 fibers and shall include sufficient peripheral strength members to withstand the maximum loads during installation and operation without deteriorating the performance of the optical fibers. The glass yarn layer will be designed, manufactured and tested to cope with the required strength efforts and simultaneously to efficiently protect the cables against rodents. The outer sheath shall consist of a flame retardant, halogen free and low smoke thermoplastic compound (LSZH). The relevant fire tests shall be performed in accordance with IEC 60332-1, IEC 60754-1/2 and IEC 61034-1/2. The fiber optic cables shall be designed, manufactured and installed to operate with temperatures with the range: -20 °C to +70 °C. Table 14 shows the required fiber optic cable cross-section for fiber counts up to 72 fibers (6 active tubes each with 12 fibers): Figure 8: Typical cable cross-section. For higher fiber count additional loose tubes will be required. 11.5.2 Optical Fiber Characteristics The optical fibers shall comply with the minimum requirements set out in the table below: Table 14: Characteristics of the optical fiber cables DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 128 OF 156 Confidential External Fiber Characteristics Unit Required values Fiber Type ITU-T G.652D dB/km Attenuation Max. attenuation at 1310 nm dB/km 0.34 Max. attenuation at 1383 nm dB/km 0.34 Max. attenuation at 1490 nm dB/km 0.24 Max. attenuation at 1550 nm dB/km 0.21 Max. attenuation at 1625 nm dB/km 0.23 Chromatic dispersion nm Zero Dispersion Wavelength (λ0): - λ0 minimum nm 1300 - λ0 maximum nm 1324 Max. Slope (S0 max) ps/nm2 x km 0.092 Chromatic dispersion at 1310 nm ps/nm x km 3.5 Chromatic dispersion at 1550 nm ps/nm x km 18 Chromatic dispersion at 1625 nm ps/nm x km 22 Cable cut off wavelength nm ≤ 1260 Max. Individual PMD ps/km 0.1 Link design PMD (20 segments) ps/km 0.06 at 1550 nm µm 9.9 - 10.9 at 1310 nm µm 8.8 - 9.6 Mandrel diameter 32 mm/1 turn dB 0.03 Mandrel diameter 50 mm/100 turn dB 0.03 at 1310 nm dB 0.05 at 1550 nm dB 0.05 Cladding diameter µm 125±1 Cladding non-circularity % <1.0 Core-Cladding Concentricity µm ≤0.5 Colored fiber coating diameter µm 250±15 GPa 0.7 Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) Mode Field Diameter Max. Macrobend losses at 1550 nm Max. Point discontinuity attenuation Fiber geometry Mechanical specifications/Proof test Minimum tensile stress applied to the complete length of fiber Minimum dynamic fatigue resistance parameter 20 Coating strip force (average) DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 N REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External 1-5 PAGE 129 OF 156 Confidential External Fiber Characteristics Unit After aging dynamic tensile strength 11.5.3 Required values GPa 3.0 Cable Packing Cables shall be delivered on new wooden drums designed and manufactured to cope with the mechanical efforts during transport, storage and cable pulling. Each drum shall have an identification number permanently stenciled or branded or chiseled on the outside of the flange. The running end shall also be marked on the flange and an arrow shall indicate the direction of rolling. Particulars of the cable which shall be included in a weather resistant label attached to one of the flanges of the drum are namely: • Company name • Contract number • cable manufacturer's name • identification of the underground line/optic link • cable type • cable length • drum gross and net weights • drum serial number. The drum lagging shall provide an adequate protection against the worst foreseeable climatic conditions on site, and provide physical protection for the cables during shipment, storage and cable pulling. 11.5.4 Accessories Fiber Optic Joint Enclosure The joint enclosures shall have at least 3 inlets ports and preferably a dome shape. The high-density thermoplastic casing (colored black) shall provide suitable mechanical, chemical and environmental protection. A minimum water ingress protection IP 68 shall be required. The joint enclosure shall be re-accessible without compromising the required water ingress protection. The splice trays shall have capacity to secure up to 24 fibers. The fusion splice protection sleeves shall be completely retained within the splice tray, with no possibility of damaging the fibers during assembling. The splice tray shall ensure a fiber bending radius ≥ 30mm. The joint enclosure shall have capacity for at least 144 fiber splices. The fiber protection sleeves shall restore the mechanical integrity of the optical fibers avoiding any residual stress in the fiber. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 130 OF 156 Confidential External The maximum average splice loss measured at a wavelength of 1550 nm (bi-directional measurement) shall be limited to 0.08 dB. The maximum splice loss for a unidirectional measurement shall be limited to 0.10 dB. Cabinets The cabinets shall be equipped with two pairs of 19’’ rails and shall have a minimum height of 15 U. The front door shall have a grey toughened glass and vented borders. The rear door and side panels shall be removable. The cabinets shall be painted with static electricity epoxy-polyester paint color RAL 7032 (or similar). The cabinets shall have a minimum protection grade of IP 20 in accordance with the EN 60529. Patch Panels The patch panels shall be sliding type (telescopic drawer) and compatible to the cabinet structure described in sub-clause The patch panels shall be made of anodized aluminum. The front panel shall have 1U height and capacity for 72 LC/UPC duplex adapters. A separate area for storage of loose tubes and pigtails shall be included. Pigtails The single-mode G.652D fiber pigtails shall be terminated with LC/UPC connectors. The LC/UPC connectors shall have a minimum durability of 1000 matings. The pigtails shall be flame retardant (in accordance with UL 94V-0) and halogen free. In accordance with IEC 61300-3-4 Method B, the maximum mating insertion loss shall be less than 0.3 dB. The return loss shall be higher than 55 dB. 11.5.5 Post-Installation Tests Immediately after the pulling of a single cable length, the optical fiber attenuation at 1550 nm shall be measured with an Optical Time Reflectometer (OTDR). Point discontinuities in the OTDR higher than 0.05 dB, shall not be accepted. Moreover, in any 500 m of optical fiber cable, a linear deviation from the original 1550 nm OTDR trace higher than 0.02 dB/km will constitute a failure. Following the conclusion of the complete optical fiber link, a bi-directional OTDR measurement shall be performed. Apart from the above-mentioned failure criteria, and splice loss higher that 0.08 dB will constitute a failure. The splice shall be repeated aiming for a bidirectional average loss value inferior to 0.08 dB. In any case no unidirectional measurement shall be higher than 0.1 dB. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 131 OF 156 Confidential External 12 Earthing 12.1 Earthing Design A general earthing system shall be provided within the plant limits. This system shall be designed in such a manner that any main electrical equipment and metallic structure shall be connected to the earthing grid by at least two connections. In each area a specific earthing grid shall be connected to the general earthing system by means of two earth bus bars located diagonally opposite to each other. Electric and non-electric equipment shall be connected to the specific earthing grid. Potential of earthing system of areas shall be fixed by earth connections consisting of one or more electrodes driven into the ground. The earthing system shall be TN-C-S type as per IEC 60364 (Appendix 26). It shall be designed and constructed to protect people, equipment and allow safe service and maintenance of the electrical installations. The Contractor shall design and install a high-quality earthing/grounding system by application of materials that meets the requirements of this specification. Earthing systems shall bear full responsibility for the whole lifetime of the plant, (for example 50 years for the substations) without deterioration due to corrosion. The system shall continually maintain a low resistance to the ground, satisfy thermal stability, and be capable of carrying the maximum anticipated full fault currents without deterioration. The earthing/grounding system conductor size shall be designed to satisfy the flow of full fault currents as specified in the Technical Data Sheets. All earthing conductors must be rated depending on the value of earth-fault current. In the design process of ground conductors the following points shall be considered: • The ground grid conductor shall be soft drawn stranded copper conductor. • The conductor shall be round shaped for maximum cross-sectional contact with the ground. • In coastal areas with low soil resistivity, tinned copper conductor shall be used. • Copper-clad steel shall be used for ground rods. The recommended ground conductor sizes are listed in Table 15. Recommended ground resistance limits for different installations should be as is listed in Table 16. Table 15: Ground conductor sizes Description Conductor size for equipment ground Conductor for main ground grid DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 Sizes to be used (mm2) 95, 120, 240, 2x240 120 (25 kA and 31.5 kA short circuit current), 150 (40 kA), 185(50 kA), 240 (63 kA) Reference document The Saudi Arabian Distribution Code Issue: 03, rev. 02, Oct. 2018 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 132 OF 156 Confidential External Table 16: Ground resistance limit for different installations System ground All distribution substation Primary substation LV distribution panel Reference document 5 Ohms 5 Ohms 1 Ohm 10 Ohms The Saudi Arabian Distribution Code Issue: 03, rev. 02, Oct. 2018 Note: “For more details, refer to SEC earthing construction standard SDCS-03 Part 1 and Part 3.” Earth cables shall be PVC insulated 450V/750V grade of color yellow/green throughout the whole plant. The earthing system installation shall be closely coordinated with the relevant parts of the civil works and be checked with the detailed civil engineering drawings related to all structures, including their foundations. Deep well type electrodes extending into water bearing strata 2 meters below the water table shall be employed such that the earth resistance value of the earthing system with general mass of earth does not exceed the values specified in the Table 12-2. The earthing system is crucial for safety and ensures that, under earth fault conditions, the following criteria are met: the risk of electric shock is maintained within acceptable safety limits and a well-designed grounding system includes a buried ground electrode to ensure a low resistance connection to the ground and to minimize potential gradients in the soil. Bonding conductors are provided to connect all metal parts of the installation to the ground electrode system and to maintain all metal parts at the same voltage during fault conditions, minimizing potential differences. The grounding conductors must dissipate the fault current within the limits of their thermal capacity and without excessive heating of the surrounding ground. To determine the safety of an earthing design, it is necessary to consider the risks to the operators and to the equipment inside the substation and those created by potentials transferred to areas outside the substation, either directly on the metallic conductors or by conductive coupling through the soil. Soil resistivity data shall be defined through a specific assessment of soil resistivity measurements and shall be by using Wenner soundings. A sufficient number of samples should be carried out as close as possible to the site to allow the determination of average characteristics. The ground grid shall not be limited by the size of the switchgear building. The area around the substation building shall also be included based on allowable potential calculations. The design shall prevent the transfer of voltages outside the substation, which could result in the contact potential exceeding the limits of the contact potential, unless appropriate mitigation measures are employed. Potential transfers may be direct through metallic conductors or via conductive coupling through the ground. The earthing design shall maintain Touch and Step Potentials shall be within the limits defined in the NEOM Code and according to IEEE std 80, IEC 60364-4-41, IEC 60364-5-54, and IEC 60479-5. 12.2 Protection Against Contact Voltages Protective earthing is to be used as a safeguard against excessively high contact potentials for conductive parts of the installation, which do not form part of the operational circuit. Here, DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 133 OF 156 Confidential External all normally 'dead' parts, equipment and apparatus shall be earthed if they are prone to come into contact with 'live' parts by a fault due to the occurrence of surface leakage paths, arcs or direct connections to a 'live' part of the equipment. In considering the dimensioning of the protective earthing system, the thermal loading and voltages on the earthing equipment are decisive factors and these shall be based on the maximum possible earthing current which can arise. At least the following measures are to be taken for all parts that are 'live' when in operation: • • • In general areas: − complete protection from all sides against contact; − protective devices may only be removed by means of tools. In electrical rooms: − protection against contact with 'live' parts within reach of personnel; − protection against accidental contact outside the reach of personnel. In enclosed electrical rooms: − protection against accidental contact. The above-mentioned measures for protection against contact are also to be applied to 'dead' parts of the plant where, in the case of a fault, a dangerous contact potential might arise, however, where the parts must not be connected to the protective earthing system for operational reasons. Normally, the step potentials should not exceed the acceptable limits and they do not need to be considered if the design respects the limits of the Touch Potential limit. Step potentials shall only be considered if there is a probability of people being barefoot, combined with ground clearance times exceeding 1s. 13 Lightning Protection System A lightning protection system shall be provided for protection against atmospheric discharges on all buildings and all structures. Down conductors of lightning protection system shall not be used for earthing of equipment. This shall consist of an air termination network of horizontal and / or vertical conductors. The air termination network shall be connected to earth electrodes by an adequate number of down conductors. All conductors passing from an external location to an internal location shall be PVC insulated copper stranded conductors. At each building all down conductors except one shall contain readily accessible disconnecting links to facilitate testing of the effectiveness of the lightning protection system. The earth electrodes shall be connected to the plant earthing system. The lightning protection system shall be provided in accordance with the IEC 62305 and IEEE std 998. The resistance to earth of the lightning protection system measured at any point, shall not exceed the values mentioned in Table 16. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 134 OF 156 Confidential External 14 Cathodic Protection The cathodic protection is applicable only if underground infrastructure (pipelines) may be affected. Unless otherwise specified, an autonomous Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) shall be considered. It should be noted that the cathodic protection method may be changed in future. The design of the cathodic protection shall conform to the NEOM relevant specifications and the latest applicable codes of practices and Standards. 15 Heat Tracing Systems 15.1 Design Data and Assumptions District cooling within the covered area in this document has the potential to enhance value for developers, reduce costs and enhance energy efficiency by making best use of the available resources. It should be noted that the buildings are assumed to be designed and constructed to reduce overall cooling loads based on some of the following key principles of passive design. 15.2 Technical Requirements Electrical heat tracing shall be provided for pipes, Chillers, instruments, etc. wherever will be required by the cooling districts. Heater elements shall be of the self-limiting type, suitable for cutting to length at the place of installation. The power supply locations shall be determined prior to the electric trace heating system. The junction boxes shall be mounted in such a way that the trace heaters cannot suffer damage between the point at which it emerges from the insulation and the point of entry into the junction boxes. The outgoing panels of the heat tracing distribution board shall consist of a number of threephase protected main circuits, with an isolating switch, (MCCB type), which is pad-lockable in the off position. Protective circuit breaker sizes shall be selected to limit the short circuit currents to the capacities of the downstream circuit breakers. Each main circuit shall be divided into a number of circuits, each provided with a pad lockable miniature circuit breaker (MCB). The circuits may be single phase or three-phases with neutral. In the case of single phase, the circuits shall be equally divided over the three phases. All protective circuit breakers either ACB or MCB shall be equipped with necessary accessories to permit their remote control. The feeder to each heater element shall have sensitive earth leakage protection. The electrical trace heating shall be certified for the use in hazardous areas, when required. The electric heat-tracing system shall conform to the NEOM relevant specifications and the cooling system requirements. It shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with the applicable requirements of the latest edition of the international codes and Standards. For all-welded pipelines without flanges, a system of Skin Electric Current Tracing (S.E.C.T.) heaters should be considered. Alternatively, for high temperature applications on long pipelines, impedance heating systems may be considered. DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 135 OF 156 Confidential External 16 Electrical identification Every apparatus of the equipment shall be marked as required by the relevant IEC Standard and the marking shall be indelible, distinct, and readable from outside. Particular attention shall be paid by the Contractor to design the marking and nameplates in order to make visible them even in the condition of in backlighting. Operating devices shall have a reference mark permitting the complete data to be obtained from the manufacturer. The nameplate shall be visible in the position of normal operation and installation of the equipment in mention. Releases shall bear the appropriate data. The rating plates of individual equipment shall be provided and shall be attached to the piece of equipment in accordance with the relevant standard. In addition to the rating plate in English, a rating plate in the Arabic language shall be provided too. This shall be confirmed with the Company. 17 Installation The installation work shall conform to the latest applicable codes of practices, electricity rules, fire insurance industry and NEOM Standards. The installation work shall include unloading, storing, laying, fixing, jointing / termination, testing and any other work necessary for completing the job and shall be performed as per specification. 18 Appendices Appendix A Additional Technical Detail DOCUMENT CODE : NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 136 OF 156 Confidential External Appendix A Additional Technical Detail CONTENTS A1 Single Line Diagram of 33/13.8 kV Secondary Substations A2 Secondary Substation Ring (as an Example for 33 kV Main Ring) A3 Combined RMU and Step Down Transformers A4 RMU Substations 33 kV and 13.8 kV A5 LV Distribution Switchboard Option 1: Double bus with bypass A6 LV Distribution Switchboard Option 2: Single bus with bus coupler A7 Illustrative LV Distributed Feeder Pillars Connection Point (Refer to Section 3.10 for more details) A8 Illustrative Energy Storage System Application Approach A9 Illustrative Single Line Diagram of BESS A10 LV Resilience Category 1 A11 Alternative Option for Dual Supply A12 V Resilience category 2 A13 LV Resilience Category 3 A14 Single Line Diagram of Island A15 Architecture of 33 kV/13.8 kV SCMS A16 Single Zone Protection Scheme for Single Busbar Arrangement A17 Protection Scheme for MV step down transformers A18 Centralised Protection Scheme for Unit Protection of Feeders A19 Architecture of the Protection Concept A20 Schematic Example of a Distribution System with Distributed Generations A21 Protection Scheme of Transformer Station for Consumers A22 Protection Scheme of Transformer Station for Distributed Generations A23 Typical Transmission and Distribution Control A24 Typical Distribution Control A25 NEOM Basic System Layout for EMS, and ADMS A26 Typical TN-C-S System DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 137 OF 156 Confidential External A1. Single Line Diagram of 33/13.8 kV Secondary Substations Incomer 2 Q0 Q0 Q0 DS DS DS BB1 DS DS Q0 Q0 TR1 33/13.8 kV BB1 Incomer n Incomer 1 TR2 33/13.8 kV Q0 Q0 DS DS DS DS Q0 Q0 DS DS DS DS DS DS Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0 Feeder 1 Feeder ... DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 Feeder ... Feeder ... Feeder … Feeder n REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 138 OF 156 Confidential External A2. Secondary Substation Ring (as an Example for 33 kV Main Ring) DSO’s preference is for ring architecture to be at 13.8 or 22kV. Any ring design utilizing 33kV is to be referred to DSO for approval. 132/33 kV Primary Substation 33/0.4 kV Secondary Substation 33/0.4 kV Secondary Substation 33 kV Main Ring 33/0.4 kV Secondary Substation 33/0.4 kV Secondary Substation 33/0.4 kV Secondary Substation 33/0.4 kV Secondary Substation 33/0.4 kV Secondary Substation A3. Combined RMU and Step Down Transformers Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Automatic Changeover Q0 Future extension DS DS DS DS Q0 Q0 TR 33/0.4 kV Feeder 3 13.8/0.4 kV DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 Q0 Automatic Changeover Future extension DS DS Q0 Q0 Feeder 4 REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 139 OF 156 Confidential External A4. RMU Substations 33 kV and 13.8 kV Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Automatic Changeover Q0 Q0 DS DS DS Q0 TR 33/0.4 kV 13.8/0.4 kV A5. LV Distribution Switchboard Option 1: Double bus with bypass 400 V 60 HZ CB CB ByPass ByPass CB CB Feeder 1 Feeder ... DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 CB CB CB ByPass ByPass CB CB Feeder ... REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External Feeder n PAGE 140 OF 156 Confidential External A6. LV Distribution Switchboard Option 2: Single bus with bus coupler 400 V 60 HZ CB CB CB CB CB Feeder 1 Feeder ... Feeder ... Feeder n A7. Illustrative LV Distributed Feeder Pillars Connection Point (Refer to Section 3.10 for more details) TR 33/0.4 kV 2 MVA TR 33/0.4 kV 2 MVA Automatic Changeover CB CB CB Legend: UPS E-U Electric Vehicle Charging PV Photovoltaic E-U End-Users UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply E-L Emergency Loads E-L E-L E-U E-U E-L E-U PV E-L E-L E-U E-U E-U E-L E-L DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 EVC E-L EVC E-U PV EVC REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 141 OF 156 Confidential External A8. Illustrative Energy Storage System Application Approach Spinning reserve Load leveling ESS ESS Load center Generation Renewable Energy ESS Regulation ESS Integration of renewable PV Time-shift ESS Resid. Distrib. Gen. Load leveling Stabilization ESS ESS Peak shaving ESS Industrial/ Commercial Microgrid A9. Small facilities Distrib. Gen. Illustrative Single Line Diagram of BESS ~ ~ = ~ = DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 = REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 142 OF 156 Confidential External A10. LV Resilience Category 1 DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 143 OF 156 Confidential External A11. Alternative Option for Dual Supply  DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 144 OF 156 Confidential External A12. LV Resilience category 2 DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 145 OF 156 Confidential External A13. LV Resilience Category 3 DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 146 OF 156 Confidential External A14. Single Line Diagram of Island DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 147 OF 156 Confidential External A15. Architecture of 33 kV/13.8 kV SCMS National/Regional Network Control Centers (SEC NCCs, NEOM PCCs) Others ECC/WAMS/FMS/PQM/ Cyber CC Master Clock Service / Engineering Gateway Gateway IEC 61850-8 Station Bus IEC 61850-8 Station Bus IEC 61850-8 Station Bus Bay Control Unit NEOM Development Project NIC O/E CONSULTANCY SERVICES_PROJECT NEW SUBSTATION: Typical 33/13.8 kV 4025A06 Prep. NEW SCMS Substation Control and Monitoring System NOM DIT DATE Principle System Ar chitecture of a NEW Typical Substation Control and Monitoring System (SCMS)_NEW 33/13.8 kV SCMS 2020-11-19 Ver. Replaced ojet N°. 4025A06 Format : A4 Docum ent/ Pl an No. E chell e: - XXXX A16. Single Zone Protection Scheme for Single Busbar Arrangement MU_B1 87B 59N 81H L 49 59 27 50 51 50N 51N BF CTS MU_B2 33kV 13.8kV Bay Level IOU_B1 MU_B2 MU_B3 LAN A LAN B Process Level DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 148 OF 156 REV . 0 Confidential External A17. Protection Scheme for MV step down transformers 33kV IOU_T2 52 MU_T3 MU_T1 87T 24 21 46 63 REF 50 51 50N 51N BF 49 MU_T2 Inrush CTS Bay Level IOU_T3 LAN A LAN B Process Level A18. Centralised Protection Scheme for Unit Protection of Feeders LAN A LAN B Trip 52 status IOU_B1 MU_S1 Unit MU_S2 52 DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 Trip status IOU_B2 REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 149 OF 156 Confidential External A19. Architecture of the Protection Concept Bay Level Station Level SCADA IEC 104 Firewall HMI Security and data management Power Quality Analyser Gateway / Router Teleprotection To Remote Substation Switch Configurator Fault Recorder Protection Device Protection Device Power Quality Recorder RTU Process Level Switch Merging Units DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 IO Units Merging Units IO Units REVISION: 01.00 PAGE 150 OF 156 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External Confidential External A20. Schematic Example of a Distribution System with Distributed Generations 132kV 33kV Section 1 33kV 13.8kV Section 2 Transformer station MV for Consumers Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Transformer station MV for DG DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 G REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 151 OF 156 Confidential External A21. Protection Scheme of Transformer Station for Consumers 33kV 13.8kV IOU_T2 MU_T1 MU_T2 50 51 50N 51N 27 59 81H 81L BF 49 46 REF Inrush 59N IOU_T3 Bay Level LAN A LAN B Process Level A22. Protection Scheme of Transformer Station for Distributed Generations and EES 33kV 13.8kV IOU_T2 MU_T1 MU_T2 IOU_T4 50 51 50N 51N 27 86 81H 81L 21 49 46 REF Inrush BF QU IOU_T3 Bay Level MU_EES1 MU_EES2 MU_G EES G LAN A LAN B Process Level DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 152 OF 156 Confidential External A23. Typical Transmission and Distribution Control Centers TC TS TM SCMS Historical servers TC TS TM SCMS/ RTU Communication Network EMS/ADMS Application servers Video Wall / Rear Projection System Operator Workstations TS TM SCMS TC Communication servers Local RTU SCMS TS TM Master Clock GPS Antenna withLightning Protection DTS servers SCMS EWS Maintenance Workstation Web servers Weather Station Asset Management and Predictive Maintenance System Firewall Extranet Confidential External Video Controller IEC 61850-8 Station Bus IEC 60870-5-104/IEC 61850/IoT/5G/ WiMAX/Open Smart Grid Protocol WAN TC ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. PAGE 153 OF 156 REVISION: 01.00 DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 Confidential External A24. Typical Distribution Control Centers Video Wall/Rear Projection System Operator Workstations TS TM SCMS TC Communication servers Local RTU SCMS TS TM TS TM SCMS Master Clock GPS Antenna withLightning Protection No DTS Servers Historical servers TC TS TM SCMS/ RTU Communication Network ADMS Application servers TC SCMS Maintenance Workstation Web servers Weather Station Asset Management and Predictive Maintenance System Firewall Extranet Confidential External Video Controller IEC 61850-8 Station Bus WAN IEC 60870-5-104/IEC 61850/IoT/5G/Open Smart Grid Protocol/WiMax TC ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. PAGE 154 OF 156 REVISION: 01.00 DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 Confidential External A25. NEOM Basic System Layout for EMS, and ADMS CC’s DCC SEC DSO SCADA/ DMS System NCC SEC TSO SCADA/ EMS System IEC 60870-5-104 logical ring SCMS Communication Backbone (TCP/IP, ICCP, IEC 61850,Open Smart Grid Protocol/5G/IoT/ WiMAX) SMART GRID TECHNOLOGY SCMS SSn-1 PV Plant Main/Back-up PCC TSO SCADA/EMS System XXX Proposed scope of works NEOM NIC ER AUTOMATION SCMS Substations scope of works NEOM/NEOM NIC Area Redundant Telecom channels BSP4 CC NEOM NIC South SCADA/EMS/ADMS BSP3 CC NEOM NIC Circle SCADA/EMS/ADMS BSPB CC NEOM NIC Backbone SCADA/EMS/ADMS BSPH CC NEOM NIC HELIOS SCADA/EMS/ADMS Inter-Control-Center Communication with other CCs/NCCs if neighbouring countries interconnected Data exchange via IEC 60870-6-ICCP DSO SCADA/ADMS System SCMS SSn Conventional Power Plant Out of Scope for NEOM NIC ER AUTOMATION Confidential External Broadband WAN connections Exchange of RTU/SCMS data via IEC 61850/ Open Smart Grid Protocol/ 5G/IoT/WiMAX/ IEC 60870-5-104 (Routing via IP-Address) BSP1 CC NEOM Mountain SCADA/EMS/ADMS SCMS SCMS SCMS .... SCMS SSn-2 WF Plant SS2 HVAC/HVDC Cluster SS1 NEOM Mountain SSs 1...m NEOM Bay SSs 1...o BSP2 CC NEOM Bay SCADA/ EMS/ADMS SCMSs Typical Primary/ Distribution SS PCCs/DCCs xxxx ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. PAGE 155 OF 156 REVISION: 01.00 DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 Confidential External A26. Typical TN-C-S System DOCUMENT CODE: NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 REVISION: 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PAGE 156 OF 156