Confidential External SPECIFICAT ION LOW VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION PILLAR N EO M -NDS-S P C -0 1 8 R ev 01. 00 , Oct ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. 4 Confidential External 202 3 Confidential External Document History Revision code Description of changes Purpose of issue Date Published Version Issued for Implementation 02.10.23 01.00 Document Approval Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Name Mohammad Alnaeem William Woods Richard Saxon Job Title GrOW Specialist – Energy-DSO Senior Manager – DSO Standards Head of Engineering Document Preface Key Stakeholders: ETSD, PTS, Projects / Regional (All regions), Environment, All Sectors (Line, OXAGON etc.), ENOWA Added Value: This document details technical requirements in relation to Low Voltage Distribution Pillar for use on Neom ENOWA Electrical Distribution Network. Impact: Ensure that the Low Voltage Distribution Pillar complies with NEOM’s code and Standards f or the distribution network. Amendments Distribution System Operator (DSO) documents are reviewed periodically. Any request to update part of or a whole document must be made in writing addressed to the Author of the document via the DSO mailbox ( Disclaimer: As DSO’s documents are subject to ongoing review, the information contained in this document may be amended by DSO at any time. It is possible that conflict may exist between versions of documents. In this event, the most recent version published to the NEOM Online Library must prevail. Interpretation In the event that the user of this Document considers any of its provisions is uncertain, ambiguous or otherwise in need of interpretation, the user must request DSO to clarify the provision in writing via mailbox. DSO’s interpretation must then apply as though it was included in the published document and is final and binding. No correspondence will be entered into with any person disputing the meaning of the provision published in the Document or the accuracy of DSO’s interpretation. D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 2 OF 19 Confidential External Contents 1 PURPOSE............................................................................................................. 5 2 SCOPE ................................................................................................................. 5 3 DEFINITION, TERMINOLOGY AND ABBREVIATIONS......................................... 5 3.1 Terms.................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Abbreviations......................................................................................................... 6 4 REFERENCES DOCUMENT ................................................................................. 7 4.1 Incorporated Documents........................................................................................ 7 4.1.1 NEOM Documents................................................................................................. 7 4.1.2 Other Documents .................................................................................................. 7 4.1.3 Applicable Codes and Standards ........................................................................... 8 4.2 Documents Precedence......................................................................................... 8 4.3 General ................................................................................................................. 8 4.4 Site Service Conditions.......................................................................................... 9 5 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS............................................. 10 5.1 Enclosure Requirements...................................................................................... 10 5.1.1 Name Plate ......................................................................................................... 11 5.2 Electrical Requirements ....................................................................................... 11 5.2.1 Busbars and Cable Termination ........................................................................... 14 5.2.2 LV Distribution Pillar with Outgoing Fuse-Holders and Fuse-Links ........................ 15 5.2.3 LV Distribution Pillar with Outgoing MCCB ........................................................... 15 6 ALTERNATIVE OFFERINGS .............................................................................. 16 7 TESTS ................................................................................................................ 17 7.1 Type and Routine Tests....................................................................................... 17 8 PACKING AND SHIPPING.................................................................................. 17 9 GUARANTEE AND PERFORMANCE ................................................................. 18 10 DOCUMENTATION............................................................................................. 18 10.1 QA/QC requirements ........................................................................................... 18 11 APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 19 D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 3 OF 19 Confidential External List of Tables Table 1: List of Definitions................................................................................................... 5 Table 2: List of Technical Abbreviations and Definitions ...................................................... 6 Table 3: Neom Documents ................................................................................................. 7 Table 4: Other Document.................................................................................................... 7 Table 5: directive and standards ......................................................................................... 8 Table 6: Site Service Conditions ......................................................................................... 9 Table 7: LV Distribution Pillar configurations ..................................................................... 12 Table 8: MCCB Characteristic........................................................................................... 15 List of Figures Figure 1: Ring configuration Pillar Connection Diagram with incomer switching.................. 12 Figure 2: Ring configuration Pillar Connection Diagram without incomer switching............. 13 Figure 3: Radial configuration Pillar Connection Diagram .................................................. 13 D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 4 OF 19 Confidential External 1 Purpose The purpose of this specification is to detail the technical requirements of NEOM in relation to Low Voltage Distribution Pillar for use on the Electrical Distribution Network and to f acilitate the f ollowing: • Comment by equipment suppliers on this Specif ication, • Equipment suppliers’ active participation in the relevant DSO procurement tender activities, and • Access to the NEOM Electrical Distribution Network Approved Materials List where products are determined to meet the requirements of this Specif ication. Tenderers shall provide an offer that meets all mandatory requirements of this Specification (i.e., a compliant offer). Tenderers may submit an offer f or all or some of the listed items in this Specif ication. Subject to having provided a compliant offer, Tenderers may submit, f or consideration, an of fer or offers for alternative or innovative product as per Section 6 that does not comply with all mandatory requirements of this Specification where it is believed the alternative or innovation will be of benef it to NEOM. 2 Scope This document applies to the supply of Low Voltage Distribution Pillar f or use on the NEOM electrical distribution network. The Low Voltage Distribution Pillar shall be used on a 3 phase, 4 wire system, 60Hz and at a nominal voltage of 230 /400V. In this document the technical requirements f or design, engineering, manufacturing, testing, and inspection are specif ied. 3 Definition, Terminology and Abbreviations The f ollowing terminology and abbreviations are used in this specif ication: For a comprehensive list of definitions f or the terms and abbreviations used at NEOM, see the List of Def initions and Abbreviations (NEOM-NEN-SCH-006). 3.1 Terms Table 1: List of Definitions Term Definition Company The owner of Neom region, named “NEOM Compliant Offer An offer submitted by a Tenderer that satisfies all requirements of this standard and which will be considered by the Company Distribution System Operator (DSO) A business unit of ENOWA and, for the purposes of interpreting this TS, the representative of the Company ENOWA A subsidiary of the Company D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 5 OF 19 Confidential External Term Definition High voltage (HV) *A voltage level exceeding 69kV up to 230kV low voltage (LV) *A voltage level not exceeding 1000 volts Manufacturer The party (or parties) that manufactures and/or supplies equipment/materials, technical documents/drawings, and services as specified by the COMPANY May / might Denotes a deviation from the Specification that is not preferred but which the Company may accept if there are compelling reasons to do so Medium Voltage (MV) A voltage between HV and LV Must/Shall Denotes a requirement that is mandatory. These are pass/fail criteria Non-compliant Offer An offer submitted by a Tenderer that does not satisfy all requirements of this standard and which will not be considered by the Company Prefer / Preference Denotes a desirable feature or characteristic. Compliance or otherwise with such desired characteristics will form part of the evaluation of each tenderer’s offer against the others Should Denotes a requirement for which Tenderers may put forward an alternative proposal. Requirements denoted by ‘should’ are pass/fail criteria unless the Company (at its own discretion) accepts the alternatives proposed Specification Means this document or another NEOM Technical Specification referenced by this document Supplier A party (or parties) that is performing all or part of the Manufacturer s services to the Company under a separate contract with the Manufacturer Tenderer 3.2 Means a party that provides an offer in response to a procurement exercise being run by the Company Abbreviations The f ollowing abbreviations are used in this specif ication: Table 2: List of Technical Abbreviations and Definitions Abbreviation Definition AC Alternating Current (also “a.c.”) DC Direct Current (also “d.c.”) GRP Glass Reinforced Polyester IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IP Ingress Protection ISO International Organization for Standardization MCCB Moulded-Case Circuit Breaker D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 6 OF 19 Confidential External 4 Abbreviation Definition LBS Load Break Swich PVC Polyvinyl Chloride QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control References Document In general, all standards, regulations, rules, and laws applicable in the country of the Company shall be observed, even if they are not explicitly indicated in this Specif ication. 4.1 Incorporated Documents The latest revisions of the following documents shall be considered as incorporated as part of this Specification in part or whole in the context to which they are ref erenced. They are applicable f or the equipment/material covered in this Specification. In case of any conflict between the requirements of this Specification and these documents, this Specification shall prevail. In a case where the Tenderer believes there is a conflict impacting their ability to respond to a procurement exercise, they are to seek a determination from Distribution System Operator (DSO) prior to attempting to tender a response. 4.1.1 NEOM Documents The f ollowing documents have been considered in developing this Specif ication: Table 3: Neom Documents 4.1.2 Document no. Document title NEOM-NEN-PRC-008 Document Numbering and Revision Procedure NEOM-NEN-SCH-006 List of definitions and abbreviations NEOM-NDS-EMR-003 Distribution System Design Standard NEOM-NDS-SPC- 004Rev 01.00 XLPE Insulated Low Voltage Power Cables for Rated Volt ages up to 1000V Other Documents The f ollowing document have been considered in developing this Specif ication: Table 4: Other Document Document no. Document title 31-SDMS-02 REV.02 Low-Voltage Distribution Pillar (MINI-Pillar) D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 7 OF 19 Confidential External 4.1.3 Applicable Codes and Standards Table 5: directive and standards 4.2 Standard Document title IEC 60269-2 Low-Voltage Fuses – Part 2: Supplementary Requirements for Fuses for Use by Authorized Persons (Fuses Mainly for Industrial Application) – Examples of Standardized Systems of Fuses A to K IEC 60529 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code) IEC 60947-1,2 Low-voltage switchgear and control-gear – Part 1,2: Circuit-breakers IEC 61439-1 Low-voltage switchgear and control-gear assemblies – Part 1: General rules IEC 61439-5 Low-Voltage Switchgear and Control-gear Assemblies Assemblies for Power Distribution in Public Networks IEC 62262 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment against external mechanical impacts (IK code) ISO 12944-5:2019 Corrosion protection of steel structure by protective paint systems ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System – Part 5: Documents Precedence It shall be the Supplier’s responsibility to be, or to become, knowledgeable of the requirements of the relevant local laws, codes, and standards. The Tenderer shall bring to the Company’s attention any apparent conflict between this Specification, the related data sheets, Codes and Standards and other specifications mentioned herein. Resolution and/or interpretation of precedence shall be obtained from the Company in writing bef ore proceeding with the Tender application. The standards and codes referred to in this Specification shall be, unless stated otherwise, the latest approved issue at the time of tender. In case of conf lict, the order of precedence shall be: • The applicable Laws, Regulations, Codes, Standards of Saudi Arabia • This Specif ication • International codes and standards, such as IEC, IEEE, etc. In all cases of conf lict, DSO’s f inal decision shall be obtained in writing. 4.3 General This document has been prepared by using Saudi electricity company specification 31-SDMS02 as a ref erence. The Tenderer shall be responsible for providing all drawings and documents related to the LV distribution pillar, which are deemed necessary to satisfy the requirements of this Specif ication. D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 8 OF 19 Confidential External A tender submitted in response to a procurement exercise in accordance with this Specification shall nominate the f actory or f actories and the specific production line or lines that will be used to manufacture the accessories. These nominated f acilities shall be audited as part of the procurement exercise. Any contract to supply products under a successful tender shall require that only those f acilities deemed acceptable by DSO shall be used to manufacture LV distribution pillar for the contract. In addition, the supplier shall maintain control of the materials used throughout the contract to ensure quality is maintained. The supplier shall be responsible f or the supplied LV distribution pillar in every respect including design, selection of materials/components, manuf acturing, and testing. The supplier’s responsibilities shall extend to its sub-suppliers and sub-contractors. The main offer shall f ully comply with this Specification and marked accordingly in the proposal submitted by the suppliers. Where the supplier proposes to supply proprietary goods (not manuf actured by the manuf acturer), the supplier shall specify the manufacturer’s name, part number and location of the component it proposes to supply. Failure to specify such inf ormation shall provide grounds f or rendering the proposal as non-conf orming. 4.4 Site Service Conditions LV distribution pillars can be installed in residential, industrial, and commercial premises and are in areas accessible to the public. Equipment shall be suitable in every way for use under the service conditions listed in Table 6. Table 6: Site Service Conditions No Parameter Site Service Condition 1 Altitude above mean sea level (MSL) Up to 1000m (normal) above 1000m (as required) 2 Ambient Temperature (Outdoor) Min.: -5 °C Max.: +55 °C 3 Monthly average of the hottest month 45 °C 4 Yearly average 35 °C 5 Air-conditioned buildings 25 °C 6 Buildings, where no air-conditioning is provided 40 °C 7 Ambient ground temperature 40 °C 8 Relative humidity 80-100 % 9 Temperature of exposed surfaces due to solar radiation 75 °C 10 Maximum earthquake frequency I severity Zone 2 (U.S. Build Code) 11 Soil condition – General Corrosive. Widespread salt deposits 12 Ground water table level Varies from deep to extremely near surface D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 9 OF 19 Confidential External No 5 Parameter Site Service Condition 13 Soil pH 7.0 – 8.5 14 Average rainfall per year 150-330 mm 15 Maximum wind velocity 122 km/h 16 Approximate highest density solar radiation average over the summer months 1.10 kW/m2 Design and Construction Requirements Pillar shall consist of enclosure and internal electrical components and shall have minimum lif e of 25 years. The individual requirements for enclosure and internal components are given in Sections 5.1 & 5.2 respectively. 5.1 Enclosure Requirements The enclosure shall meet the f ollowing requirements. • The enclosure of a LV distribution pillar shall have IK10 degree of protection in accordance with IEC 62262. Enclosures shall have degree of protection IP55 as per IEC 60529. The manuf acturer shall provide adequate ventilation to ensure that heat can escape during operation. • Access to the LV distribution pillar shall be on the front by means of a built-in hinged door, hinged is positioned on the right-hand side when viewed f rom the f ront and shall contain door stops. A minimum 135-degree opening angle is required f or doors to ensure easy accessibility. • The door shall have a handle unit that incorporates an integrated cylindrical type locking mechanism. The handle and locking system should be robust and able to withstand normal wear and tear, as well as potential tampering or f orced entry attempts. In addition to the locking handle, a hasp for padlocking shall be provided. • The top of pillar shall be f itted with a sloping canopy, the design of which shall be such that water shall not accumulate on the top. • The LV distribution pillar shall have extra space to accommodate one outgoing MCCB f or f uture expansion. • Protection against corrosion shall be done using suitable materials or protective coatings to the exposed surface. All fastening, nuts and bolts shall be plated and must have corrosion proof locking f eatures. • Zinc shall be utilized as corrosion protection, with a minimum coating thickness of 140 µm. The Supplier may propose alternative corrosion protection, which may be accepted subject to review and approval by DSO. • The enclosure shall be made of stainless steel or glass reinforced polyester (GRP). The grade of material and any painting system shall be tested against C5-M corrosivity as per ISO 12944. • LV distribution pillar shall be provided with the appropriate provision f or lif ting. according to IEC 61439-1 clause 8.1.6. Lif ting devices should be removable. D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 10 OF 19 Confidential External 5.1.1 • The Vendor shall provide a proposal danger sign to be approved by NEOM. The f inish color should be Cement Grey, RAL 7033 per Munsell No. 5.0 BG 7.0/0.4. • The inner side of the door shall have the f ollowing provisions: o Storing pocket o Docking station for spare fuse and NH-Type fuse replacement handle (if any) o Nameplate with single-line diagram made of aluminum plate. Name Plate The name plate f or the pillar shall be durable lasting for pillar life and shall contain the following details: • Manuf acturer’s name and logo • Type/model designation • Serial number • Month & Year of Manuf acture • DSO contract & Purchase Order number. Fasteners used to secure the name plate shall not cause a risk for the name plate to become electrically live. This shall be achieved by using fasteners made from non-conductive material or covering exposed ends of f asteners on the inside of the pillars in a permanent nonconductive material. 5.2 Electrical Requirements The LV distribution pillar shall have one or two incoming and up to 8 outgoing circuits with all connections inside the panel having minimum creepage / clearance distances in accordance with IEC 61439-1. The LV distribution pillar shall be equipped with 3-Phase, 4 Wire terminal connections for LV Cables in compliance with NEOM-NDS-SPC-004. In the event of ring configuration selection, the two incomers shall be equipped with LBS or Remote controlled Motorized MCCB. LBS shall align with the busbar ratings and shall withstand associate dynamic and thermal f orce during short circuit event. The incomer MCCB functional unit shall have the capability to be remote-controllable, initiated by a remote electrical signal, through either: 1. Retrof itting a motor actuator to the MCCB; or 2. Replacing the MCCB with a remote controllable unit which may be micro-logic based. The supplier shall provide the automation, control and supply wiring and terminations for the ease of integration and testing of the remote-control f unctionality and retain the current protection parameters. D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 11 OF 19 Confidential External Remote controlled Motorized MCCB shall comply with NEOM - NDS - EMR - 0 0 3 section 5. Table 7: LV Distribution Pillar configurations No Network configuration No# of Incomers Incomer Type 1 Ring 2 Load Break switch 2 Ring 2 Remote controlled Motorized MCCB 3 Ring 2 None 4 Radial 1 None Figure 1: Ring configuration Pillar Connection Diagram with incomer switching. D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 12 OF 19 Confidential External Figure 2: Ring configuration Pillar Connection Diagram without incomer switching. Figure 3: Radial configuration Pillar Connection Diagram D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 13 OF 19 Confidential External The neutral connection of the LV distribution pillar shall be solidly grounded. The short circuit rating of pillar shall be 25 kA or 65 kA. All insulating materials shall be non-hygroscopic and resistant to tracking and cracking. Thermal inter-action shall not unduly af f ect the perf ormance of any components. All bolts & nuts shall be installed in a way that they could not be unbolted f rom outside the panel. 5.2.1 Busbars and Cable Termination Busbars shall be made of hard-drawn, high conductivity tinned copper of unif orm crosssection. The busbar shall have a continuous rating of 400 Amp in accordance with IEC 614395. The LV Distribution pillar shall be designed and equipped with a total of f ive busbars, distributed as follows: three separate busbars for each individual phase, one designated for the neutral busbar, and an additional busbar intended f or the earth grounding system. The design and installation of these busbars shall ensure saf e and ef f icient electrical distribution within the LV distribution pillar in accordance with IEC 61439. The busbars shall be supported by epoxy-resin insulators in a robust and secure manner. The exposed part of the busbars shall be covered with heat-shrink tubes, it is preferable to use PE (polyethylene) or other environmentally friendly material. Phase busbars shall be color-coded in sequence from top to bottom (RED, YELLOW, BLUE), (BLACK) for the neutral busbar and (Green) f or earth busbar. All busbar and cable termination components shall have corrosion resistance and comply with IEC 61439-1 clause 10.2.2. Busbars shall be spaced in such a way that installation of new f unctional units can be achieved without any dif f iculty using common tooling. The LV distribution pillar shall accommodate the LV cables size in accordance with DSO requirements. All cable terminals shall be in accordance with IEC 61439-1 requirements. The LV distribution Pillar shall be able to accommodate an outgoing Copper and Aluminum cable with a size ranging f rom 16 mm² to 95 mm². The LV Distribution Pillar shall be able to accommodate an Incomer Copper cable of 185 mm² size and 300 mm² size f or Aluminum cable type. Cable accessory necessary to install the cable securely must fit into the LV distribution pillar cable termination. In compliance with future expansion considerations, the LV Distribution Pillar shall allocate a minimum of 10% spare space f or outgoing connections. This reserved space must be equipped with a base inlet f or cables, equivalent in size to the cable incomer inlet. The base inlet shall be securely closed with a removable cover. This cover is intended to f acilitate the connection of additional cables, specifically f or generator purposes. It should permit easy access to allow f or the installation and connection of generator cables to the designated busbar. The removable cover mechanism should ensure convenient and safe cable entry, while maintaining the overall integrity of the LV Pillar enclosure. D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 14 OF 19 Confidential External 5.2.2 LV Distribution Pillar with Outgoing Fuse-Holders and Fuse-Links Fuse-Holders The f use-holders shall be in accordance with IEC 60269-2, it shall be a three-pole f use-base in vertical design f or mounting on busbar system. It shall be designed so that f uses may be removed without touching the f use. The f use-holders shall be NH Type, size 2. The minimum breaking capacity of the fuse holder shall be 65 kA. The f use-holders shall be completely insulated so that all live parts of the f use block are protected against accidental touch. All plastic parts shall be made f rom self-extinguishing materials. Fuse-Link The f use-link shall be in accordance with IEC 60269-2, class of operation gG, NH type size 2 and high Rupture Capacity. The f use shall include a “Fuse blown” indication f or easy identification of which phase fuse has blown, the indicator shall be actuated once the f use element is blown. The Company pref ers a f use link made of recyclable material. The minimum breaking capacity of the f use link shall be in accordance with IEC 60269-2 Clause 5.7. 2. Rating of f use link shall be 100 A, 160 A, 200 A. 5.2.3 LV Distribution Pillar with Outgoing MCCB The MCCB shall comply to the requirements of 60947-1,2 and shall accommodate the f ollowing f eatures in 8: Table 8: MCCB Characteristic Characteristic Parameter Rated voltage 400 V Number of Pole Three poles MCCB Operation Frequency 60 Hz Ambient Temperature 55°C MCCB Rating 100, 200 A The rated insulation voltage Ui 750 Volts, AC The rated impulse withstands voltage: Uipm 8 kV The minimum short-circuit breaking capacity 25, 65 kA at 400 V The minimum ultimate short-circuit breaking capacit y 25, 65 kA at 400 V The MCCB shall: • Feature adjustable trip settings, enabling the configuration of the short circuit release threshold. It is required that the permissible overcurrent range covers f rom 40% to D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 15 OF 19 Confidential External 100% of the rated current, and additionally allows f or instantaneous protection up to 10 times the rated current. • Be without lock and terminal spreaders. • Be with current limiting f unctions. • have instantaneous short circuit tripping characteristics and it shall comply with • The breaker shall be able to sustain short-time overloads without tripping, so that magnetic in-rush current experienced by the starting of inductive loads such as airconditioner compressor will not af f ect operation. The MCCB Casing shall be molded from a strong heat resistant plastic, with a sturdily sealed cover permanently attached to the base. 6 Alternative Offerings Manuf acturers are welcomed to provide solutions and innovations to improve the visual impact f rom traditional above ground LV distribution pillar, in such a manner that when operational it is out of sight, and only visible when interacted with for operation, maintenance or upgrade. A f ew design options f or the “out of site” (invisible) design include and not limited to: • Underground retractable LV distribution pillar • Underground pop-up LV distribution pillar • In-wall embedded pillar. The manuf acturer must consider saf ety in installation and operation of all pillar types. The manuf acturer shall provide designs f or review. The designs shall include: • 3D rendered designs • Animated video of the operation and access • Details on installation and maintenance. For retractable and pop-up versions, the design shall ensure that cables always remain mechanically protected and the termination of the cables should ensure that they remain securely connected even when subjected to bending forces during operation. These versions shall ensure that pinch points, sharp edges, cutting and shearing are eliminated in the design and construction. All pillars shall be accessed and returned to service with ease and in a short time. Retractable and pop-up pillars shall be accessed manually or by using a turning handle. No special machinery or lif ting apparatus shall be required to access the pillar. The manuf acturer shall take into consideration any potential effects on the pillar's rating due to temperature rise caused by a buried or in-wall pillar or any other proposed orientation. D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 16 OF 19 Confidential External 7 Tests The type tests and routine tests shall be conducted on a complete LV distribution pillar according to IEC 61439. The costs of testing shall be borne by the manuf acturer. The Company may wish to witness tests or to visit the f actory during manufacturing of any or all items covered in this Specification. Accordingly, the Supplier shall give advance notice of the test schedule. Components contained in a LV distribution pillar shall be tested according to relevant standards in Table 5 5. 7.1 Type and Routine Tests The f ollowing type of tests requirements are applicable. • The LV distribution pillar shall be type tested in accordance with IEC 61439-1,5. • The f use-holders and fuse-link shall be type tested in conformance with IEC 602692. • The MCCB shall be type tested in conf ormance with IEC 60947-2. Certif ied type test reports carried out for both LV distribution pillar, fuse-holders, fuse link and MCCB shall be submitted f or DSO review. All Routine Tests prescribed in the relevant IEC shall be performed on all units prior to delivery to NEOM. The Company may wish to witness tests or to visit the f actory during manufacture of any or all items covered in this Specification. Accordingly, the Supplier shall give advance notice of the manuf acturing and test schedule. 8 Packing and Shipping The LV distribution pillar shall be shipped as a complete unit and all equipment and devices shall be ready f or service. The Supplier shall be solely responsible f or the adequacy of the preparation for shipment provisions with respect to materials and application, and to provide equipment at a location specif ied by the Company. Adequate protection shall be provided to prevent mechanical damage and atmospheric corrosion in transit and at the jobsite. The preparation f or shipment and packing will be subject to inspection and rejection by the Company’s Inspectors. All costs occasioned by such rejection shall be to the account of the Supplier. The Supplier shall identify any particularly onerous transport and/or site storage conditions. Whenever special packing is required, the Company’s inspector shall liaise with the supplier to mutually agree on special packaging to avoid damage. Each packing must contain the f ollowing inf ormation: • Supplier / manuf acturer’s name and country of origin • The Company’s Contract number D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 17 OF 19 Confidential External 9 • The Purchaser's Order number and project and plant details • Item description • The quantity of the item. Guarantee and Performance All products supplied under the contract must be covered for a warranty period in accordance with the Company’s commercial contract requirements. 10 Documentation The Supplier shall submit relevant drawings and technical documentation (including a deviation list) f or the Company’s authorization or inf ormation as listed in the agreement between The Company and The Supplier. The language used shall be English. Agreement on scheduled submittal of drawings and engineering data shall be an integral part of any f ormal agreement. Comments made by the Company on drawing submittals shall not relieve the supplier or sub suppliers of any responsibility in meeting the requirements of the specification. Such comments shall not be construed as permission to deviate from the requirements of the PO unless a specif ic and mutual agreement is reached and conf irmed in writing. Each drawing shall be provided with a title block in the bottom right-hand corner incorporating the f ollowing inf ormation: • Of f icial trade name of the supplier • Suppliers drawing number. • Drawing title giving the description of contents whereby the drawing can be identified. • A symbol or letter indicating the latest issue or revision. • Contract number and item tag numbers. Revisions to drawing shall be identified with symbols adjacent to the alterations, a brief description in tabular f orm of each revision shall be given or track changes to identify the changes from previous revisions, and if applicable, the authority and date of the revision shall be listed. The term "Latest Revision" shall not be used. 10.1 QA/QC requirements A copy of the Supplier’s QA/QC program shall be submitted to the Company with its bid for the Company’s review and concurrence prior to award. The Supplier shall provide along with the of fer a certif icate of management system in accordance with ISO 9001 or similar and/or Management System in accordance with ISO 14001 or similar. In addition, the Supplier should submit the f ollowing documents: D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External PA GE 18 OF 19 Confidential External 11 • A current copy of the Supplier’s Quality Manual • A Statement of Conformance, or details of any area of non-conformance with this Specif ication • A copy of the Certif icate f or the management system. Appendices Appendix A LV Distribution Pillar Technical Schedule Characteristic Options Number of Incomer 1/2 Number of outgoing 3 to 8 Incomer switching type None / MCCB / LBS Earth System TN-C-S / TN-S Enclosure Type Stainless steel / GRP Panel Short Circuit current 25, 65 KA Outgoing protection type MCCB / Fuse Outgoing MCCB Rating 100, 200 A Outgoing Fuse Rating 100, 160, 200 A MCCB Short Circuit Breaking Capacity 25, 65 KA MCCB Ultimate Short Circuit Breakin g Capacity 25, 65 KA Incomer Cable Size 185 mm² and 300 mm² Outgoing Cable size 16 mm² and 95 mm² D OC U M EN T C OD E : N EOM - N D S- SPC - 018018 R EVISION : 01.00 ©NEOM [2023]. All rights reserved. Confidential External Selection PA GE 19 OF 19