excellence in deoendable automation ' CERTIFIED FUNCTIONAl SAFETY EXPERT Application Engineering-Process Study Guide 2nd Edition In Collaboration with : CFSE Governance Board PO Box 525 Sellersville, PA 18960 Copyright © 2002, exida.com, LLC All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. No representation is made or intended that mastery of the content of the listed references is sufficient to assure passing the CFSE Application Engineering Exam. Exida.com, LLC 64 North Main Street Sellersville, PA 18960 Table of Contents 1 Introduction .........................................................................................................5 2 exida.com ..........................................................................................................6 3 General Information .............................................................................................7 3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................? 3.2 CFSE Certification Requirements ................................................................. ? 3.2.1 Qualification Criteria for Candidates ....................................................... ? 3.2.2 Examination Schedule ..........................................................................8 3.2.3 Application Procedures and Deadlines ................................................... 8 3.3 Description of the Examination ............ : ........................................................ 8 3.3.1 Exam Format. .......................................................................................8 3.3.2 Exam Content ......................................................................................9 3.4 Scoring Procedures .....................................................................................9 3.5 Examination Procedures and Instructions .................................................... 10 3.5.1 Exam Materials ................................................................................... 10 3.5.2 Special Accommodations .................................................................... 10 4 Tips on Taking the CFSE Exam .......................................................................... 11 5 References for the CFSE Examination ................................................................ 11 5.1 References ............................................................................................... 12 6 Codes, Standards and Regulations for the CFSE Examination ............................. 13 7 CFSE Exam Specification .................................................................................. 15 8 CFSE Exam Sample Problems ........................................................................... 16 8.1 Hazard and Risk Analysis .......................................................................... 17 8.2 Safety Requirements Specification ............................................................. 27 8.3 Conceptual Design lssues .......................................................................... 34 iii 8.4 Detailed Design Issues .............................................................................. 41 8.5 Functional Safety Management .................................................................. 50 9 Solutions to CFSE Sample Problems .................................................................. 59 9.1 Hazard and Risk Analysis .......................................................................... 60 9.2 Safety Requirements Specification ............................................................. 70 9.3 Conceptual Design Issues .......................................................................... 76 9.4 Detailed Design Issues .............................................................................. 84 9.4:1 Functional Safety Management ........................................................... 88 iv 1 Introduction Personnel that design, implement, maintain, and operate safety instrumented systems are required to be competent in the activities that they have been assigned. Although this requirement is self-evident, it is also codified into national and international standards. CFSE Certification is a good way to show standards compliance during internal audits of end-user facilities and equipment vendor development programs. ·Additionally, certification is an effective way for engineering firms and systems integrators to demonstrate, and for end-users to verify, the competency of contracted personnel who are performing safety lifecycle services. The certification process involves review of the applicant's background and satisfactory completion of a proficiency exam. The background review includes consideration of the applicants education, both formal and safety instrumented system specific independent courses, and review of relevant professional experience. Successful applicants will receive a certificate of competency in one of four categories: • Application Engineering, Process Industries - The Process Safety Applications program applies to personnel involved in the implementation of safety-related systems in Process Applications. • Application Engineering, Machinery Safety - The Machinery Safety Applications program applies to personnel involved in the implementation of safety-related systems in Machinery Applications. • Hardware Development - Personnel who are involved with the design of E/E/PE devices for use in safety applications should be certified in hardware development. Equipment vendor personnel who perform electronic equipment design perform hardware development tasks. • Software Development - Personnel who are involved with the development of software and firmware for E/E/PE devices for use in safety applications should be certified in software development. Equipment vendor personnel who develop software embedded, or used to configure, the E/E/PE perform software development tasks. 5 2 exida.com exida.com is a knowledge company that provides tools, training, coaching and consulting primarily in the oil & gas, petrochemical, chemical, machine safety, nuclear, transportation and power industries. exida.com can help with documentation templates and requirements databases for IEC61511, IEC61508 and ISA84.01. We provide calculation tools for layer of protection analysis, consequence analysis and safety integrity level verification. exida.com is prepared to help with all aspects of standards compliance and safety life cycle services. These products and associated services have been proven to provide the most effective implementation methods for safe and reliable automation. •Industry Market Data, Trend Reports •Requirements Analysis/Tracking •Document Templates, Procedures •Books, Standards Guides •Safety life Cycle Services •Risk Analysis •HAZOP Facmtation, Economic Analysis •Sil DetermimdionNerification •Maintenance Procedures •Functional Safety Management •Training -IEC65108, Certification •Safety Analysis Tools •Silver- Sll Verification Tool •Silect- Sll Selection Tool •CFSE Training • Webinars •Online CFSE Training •Onsite Training5Sessions 3 General Information 3.1 Introduction The CFSE (Certified Functional Safety Expert) concept was originally developed by a group of international safety experts to ensure that personnel performing SIS lifecycle activities are competent as required by the IEC 61508, 61511, and 62061 standards. The CFSE is now administered by the CFSE Governance Board which is in turn supported by a broad consortium of companies including Honeywell, Pilz, Siemens, TUV, exida and other leading safety related firms. The experts at exida have developed this study guide, with contributions from a number of industry experts in the field of safety and high availability automation. The purpose of this study guide is to assist persons who are preparing for the Certified Functional Safety Expert examination, in Application Engineering, Process Industries. The exams are the result of careful preparation by the CFSE Process Industry Advisory Board. These engineers supply the content expertise that is essential in developing the exams. By using the experience of engineers with diverse backgrounds of operating companies, consultants, and equipment vendors, the CFSE Governance Board prepares exams that are valid measures of competency. 3.2 CFSE Certification Requirements 3.2.1 Qualification Criteria for Candidates Competency certification of personnel who are assigned safety lifecycle tasks are a critical part of complying with international standards governing the implementation of SIS, such as IEC61511, and IEC61508. In addition, certification forms a documented basis for demonstrating the competency of contractors and integrators who perform safety lifecycle tasks on SIS for third parties. In general, use of certified personnel for performing safety lifecycle tasks would, in part, protect the public by ensuring SIS practitioners are qualified and competent. 7 When a candidate applies for the CFSE examination, the following criteria will be considered when determining the appropriateness of education and experience. • Educational Background - The candidate should have an educational background in a related discipline (electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, etc.). Industry specific training courses and seminars will also be considered. • Technical Experience - The candidate should demonstrate considerable technical experience relative to the certification category for which application has been made. • Safety-related experience The candidate should considerable experience in the field of functional safety. For detailed experience and educational Governance Board website - www.cfse.org demonstrate requirements, check the CFSE 3.2.2 Examination Schedule The CFSE exam is offered as often as the Governance Board deems there are sufficient applicants for the exam. Visit the CFSE website (www.cfse.org), for more information on dates of upcoming exams. Application deadlines are typically two months prior to the exam date. In addition to the scheduled exams, the test can be given at any location if there is sufficient volume of test takers. 3.2.3 Application Procedures and Deadlines Applications and information are available from the CFSE Governance Board. CFSE GB will provide information on requirements and fees in an application packet that can be requested by emailing or visiting the web site. Sufficient time must be allotted to complete the application process and assemble required data, including professional work history, references, and academic transcripts or other verification of the applicant's engineering education and industry courses and seminars attended. 3.3 Description of the Examination 3.3.1 Exam Format The Certified Functional Safety Expert Exam (also known as the CFSE Exam) can be taken in one of four disciplines: Application Engineering-Process Industries, Application Engineering- Machinery Safety, Hardware Development Engineering, and Software Development Engineering. 8 The examination will only be administered to candidates who have met all of the previous requirements. The examination will have the following structure. • multiple-choice questions • case studies Sample problems in all formats are presented in this study guide. Answers to the sample problems that present information on how the problem should be solved and references to more information are also provided. 3.3.2 Exam Content The subject areas of the CFSE exam are described in the exam specification section of this study guide. None, one, or more questions in any of the subject areas described in the exam specification section may be included in the exam. The type of problem used for a particular area may change from one year's exam to the next. 3.4 Scoring Procedures Examination Format The examination will take five (5) hours and is divided into two (2) sessions. The examination consists of two (2) categories of questions - multiple choice and case study. The multiple choice section is two (2) hours and the case study section is three (3) hours. There will be a one (1) hour break in between. No. of Category Questions Points Minimum Score Multiple Choice 50 1 30 Case Study Varies varies 35 In order to pass the exam the candidate will have to score at least 60% in the multiple choice, 70% in the case study category, and 80% for the total examination. The CFSE exam is not graded "on the curve" so that prescribed percentages of examinees will pass and fail. Instead, they are graded by an "item-specific, criterion-references" method, i.e., each answer is evaluated in terms of a grading plan that reflects what a minimally competent candidate is expected to know. 9 Authority for certification decisions rests with the CFSE Governance Board. 3.5 Examination Procedures and Instructions 3.5.1 Exam Materials Prior to the beginning of the exarn, proctors will distribute exarn materials. The exam booklet should not be opened until candidates are instructed to do so by the proctor. Read the instructions and information given on the front and back covers. Enter your name in the upper right corner of the front cover. Listen carefully to all instructions read by the proctor. 3.5.2 Special Accommodations If you need special accommodations in the test-taking process, due to a disabling condition, you should communicate your need to CFSE Governance Board well in advance of the examination day so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 10 4 Tips on Taking the CFSE Exam • Advance study, either individual or in an organized review course, is generally helpful in preparing for the CFSE exam • Last minute study is probably not helpful. A good night's sleep is advised before the exam. • Check that you have the necessary calculator, replacement batteries, pencils, etc., before leaving for the exam site. • Allow sufficient time for delays in travel and in parking. • Before starting to answer, read all of the problems. Rank them by the apparent degree of difficulty to you. Tackle the easiest problem first, then the next easiest, and so on, until you have answered all of the problems in the exam. If the easier problems take less time, this approach will leave more time for the tougher problems at the end of the session. • If you finish the exam ahead of time, check your calculations or try to solve the problem by an alternate method. • If you run short of time on the essay problems and cannot complete a problem, at least describe the method that you would use to obtain the necessary answers. For the multiple-choice questions, eliminate clearly incorrect answers and make a guess among the remaining answers (since there is no penalty for guessing. 5 References for the CFSE Examination The following pages list selected reference books of the kind that may be useful in preparing for the CFSE examination. Where possible, several books have been listed for each topic. It is not suggested that candidates should be familiar with, or own, all of the following books, because there are some overlaps in the material described in the recommended references. Instead, applicants should review these books and other similar books, select a limited number of references covering major areas of the CFSE exam, and study the selected references. Some of the listed references may be out of print; however, their coverage of basic principles may still be valid and useful. exida offers a wide range of books and training courses on the implementation of safety instrumented systems, some of which are described in this section. All exida products are described on our web site at (www.exida.com). 11 No representation is made or intended that mastery of the content of the listed references is sufficient to assure passing the CFSE exam. 5.1 References IEC 61508,- International Electrotechnical Commission- www.iec.ch IEC61511-International Electrotechnical Commission- www.iec.ch Goble, William, CONTROL SYSTEMS RELIABILITY- 2N° EDITION, ISA. SAFETY EVALUATION AND GUIDELINES FOR SAFE AUTOMATION OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES, AIChE -Center for Chemical Process Safety. Marszal, Edward and Scharpf, Eric, SAFETY INTEGRITY LEVEL SELECTION, ISA Gruhn, Paul and Cheddie, Harry, SAFETY SHUTDOWN SYSTEMS: DESIGN, ANALYSIS AND JUSTIFICATION, ISA. Krishnamoorthi, K.S., RELIABILITY METHODS FOR ENGINEERS, American Society for Quality Control, Milwaukee, Wisonsin. Lees, Frank P., LOSS PREVENTION FOR THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES, Butterworth-Heinemann. Perry and Green, PERRY'S CHEMICAL ENGINEER'S HANDBOOK, ih Edition, McGraw-Hill. Potter, Merle, FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING, Great Lakes Press. 12 6 Codes, Standards and Regulations for the CFSE Examination The following pages list selected codes and standards of the kind that may be useful in preparing for the CFSE examination. The source, number and title of each code or standard are given. A few codes or standards are considered important and basic enough that all CFSE should be familiar with them; they are marked with an asterisk (*). Copies of these codes or standards should be obtained and studied, or covered during a review course. The following list indicates the KINDS of issues covered by codes and standards. Because there are so many applicable codes and standards, it is not expected that CFSE will memorize all their provisions. If exam problems call for details of a code or standard, the needed information will be supplied as part of the problem statement. No representation is made or intended that mastery of the content of the listed references is sufficient to assure passing the CFSE exam. • 29 CFR 1910.119- Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals (OSHA PSM) • 40 CFR 68- Risk Management Plan (EPA) • API RP 14-C - Recommended Practice for Analysis, Design, Installation, and Testing of Basic Surface Safety Systems for Offshore Production Platforms • API RP 556 - Recommended Practice for Instrumentation and Control Manuals for Refinery Service - Fired Heaters and Steam Generators • API RP 752 - Recommended Practice for Management of Hazards Associated With Location of Process Plant Buildings • DIN VDE-0116- Electrical Equipment of Furnaces • EN 1050- Safety of Machinery- Principles for Risk Assessment • EN 292- Safety of Machinery • EN 60240- Safety of Machinery- Electrical equipment of machines • FM 7605 - Programmable Logic Controller Based Burner Management Systems • IEC 60300 - Dependability Management 13 • IEC 61131- Programmable Controllers • IEC 61508* - Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-Related Systems • IEC 61511 * - Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector • IEC 62061 -Safety of Machinery • ISO 9000- Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards • NFPA 70- National Electrical Code • NFPA 85- Standard for Burner Boiler Operation • UL 372 - Burner Control Units • ISA 84.01 - Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industries • ISA TR84.0.02 - Safety Instrumented Systems Safety Integrity Level Evaluation Techniques 14 1 CFSE Exam Specification When developing problems for actual exams, problem developers have interpreted the specification to allow problems on a list of key topics surrounding the safety lifecycle. This list, presented in this section, can be viewed as expanding the exam specification in terms familiar to personnel who perform safety lifecycle services. It should be helpful to persons wanting more precise description of the exam, as well as candidates preparing for the exam and groups organizing review courses. A Hazard and Risk Analysis Process Hazards Analysis, HAZOP, Process FMEA, Consequence Analysis, Likelihood Analysis, Layer of Protection Analysis, Expected Value of Loss, Tolerable Risk Guidelines. B. Safety Requirements Specification Logic Representation, Performance Documentation Requirements. C. Requirements, Design Requirements, Conceptual Design Issues Probability Theory, Statistical Analysis, Confidence Levels, Failure Rates, Total Cost of Ownership, Time Value of Money, Expected value of Loss, Reliability Engineering, Equipment Architecture, Equipment Technology. D. Detailed Design Issues Total Cost of Ownership, Time Value of Money, Sensor Selection and Installation, PES Programming, Final Element Selection and Installation. E. Functional Safety Management Safety Lifecycle, Competency of Personnel, Scheduling and Monitoring, Auditing, Procedure Development, Documentation. 15 8 CFSE Exam Sample Problems The following problems are examples of the problems that will typically be found in the CFSE exam. The problems in this study guide are not expected to appear in subsequent exams. The example problem set contains more problems than will be asked during a typical exam. The reason for the additional questions is to give the user of this guide a better understanding of the potential questions that could be asked during the exam. The following set of problems does not conform to the specified TOV Product Service format (which is four essay or four free-response problems, and four tenpart multiple choice problems). Instead the study guide provides a variety of questions for every study area listed in the exam specification. Additional problems are included for some areas to illustrate other topics that might appear on the exam. Candidates should understand that any one CFSE exam can only cover part of the areas of activity and knowledge contained in the exam specification. Thus, the following problems do not necessarily cover all of the specified areas of CFSE activity of knowledge that may appear in future CFSE exams. While this problem set is not in the identical format as the test, this material should be useful in preparing for the CFSE exam. Answers and/or solutions are given separately, in the Sample Problems Solutions section, so that users of the study guide can review the range of problems that are available, select problems that should be solved without being exposed to the answers. In the following sections, sample problems and their solutions are identified by headings with the following format. The heading "QUESTION" refers to the identifier that is assigned to the problem. The identifier consists of the two-letter code that refers to the topic, and then a sequential numeral. The heading "TOPIC" refers to one of the divisions of the exam, as defined in the exam specification. See the Exam Specification section for more information. Readers are reminded that there are no restrictions on the kind of problem used for individual areas of the exam. 16 8.1 Hazard and Risk Analysis MULTIPLE CHOICE PROBLEMS 1. Given the event tree shown below, the frequency at which the rail car overturn and rupture will result in a flash fire is nearest to: Rail Car Overturns and Ruptures Spilled Material Type Material is Flammable P=0.25 Source of Ignition Contacted P=0.05 jYes Outcome Flash Fire r.Y~e~s~-----;I~IP~=~0~.9~5--------~No~lm~np~<a~ct~-­ P=0.2 Volatile Liquid F = 8.0 x 10-5/vear No P=0.75 No Environmental P=0.4 Non-Volatile Liquid Environmental P=0.4 Powder Environmental a) 4.0 x 10·5 /year b) 2.0 X 10·7 /year c) 1.2 x 10·5 /year d) 3.8 x 1o-e /year e) None of the answers above is correct 2. The rupture of a vessel containing 625 kg of propane is expected to result in an explosion. Using the data shown below, the equivalent weight of TNT that could be used to model this explosion is nearest to: Propane Ratio of Specific Heats: Propane Lower Explosive Limit: Propane Upper Explosive Limit: Propane Heat of Combustion: TNT Heat of Combustion: Expected Explosive Yield: 1.13 2.0% 9.5% 46,333 kJ/kg 4,437 kJ/kg 10% a) 653 kg b) 625 kg 17 c) 131 kg d) 62.5 kg e) 6 kg 3. Transportation statistics for a country in which a new rail system is being proposed are shown below. Based on these statistics, the average consequence of a train derailment, in terms of fatalities is nearest to: In 1997, (the most recent data set) 914 Train accidents occurred 689 Fatalities occurred as the result of train accidents 20,018 Injuries occurred as the result of train accidents a) 1.33 b) 21.9 c) 0.91 d) 0.754 e) 0.034 4. A hazard is being analyzed, using the risk graph shown below, in order to select the SIL of the SIS that is mitigating the risk. The unwanted event is expected to cause serious injuries to several people but no fatalities. There is a certain delay in the event occurrence, which provides a possibility of escape. Furthermore the area of the hazard is mostly occupied. It is more than likely that the event occurs. Based on the information provided, which SIL should be selected? W3 W2 Wl Consequence Classifications Ca ~Minor Injury Cb- Serious Injury to one or more persons, death to one person Cc- Death to several people Cd- Very many people killed Ca Cb Cc Frequency of Exposure Classifications Fa- Rare to more often exposure Fb- FreQuent to permanent exposure Cd Possibility of A voidance Classifications Pa- Possible under certain conditions Pb - Almost impossible a) SIL = 1 b) SIL = 2 c) SIL 3 = 18 Probability Classifications W 1 - A very slight probability of occurrence, and only a few occurrences are likely W2- A slight probability, few occurrences are likely W3 - A relatively high probability that the unwanted event will occur, and frequent unwanted occurrences are likely. d) SIL = 4 e) None of the above answers are correct 5. A hazard is expected to result in an explosion that will cause $2,000,000 in property damage. A layer of protection analysis showed that the expected frequency of this event is 2.1 x 10-3 /year. A SIS is being considered to reduce the risk. The expected life of the SIS is 20 years, and the interest rate is 8%. Assuming that the SIS can completely remove 100% of the risk of explosion, the highest amount of money that can be cost-effectively expended on this SIS is nearest to: a) $41,250 b) $4200 c) $2,000,000 d) $160,000 e) $100,000 6. Before performing a Process Hazards Analysis, such as a HAZOP, the participants in the study will need to have all of the following safety information, except: a) A block flow diagram or simplified process flow diagram b) SIS internal wiring diagrams c) Area electrical classification d) Design codes and standards employed e) Safe upper and lower limits for process variables such as flow, temperature and pressure 7. A hazardous event is expected to cause an explosion whose consequence is expected to have a probable loss of life (PLL) of 22.8. A layer of protection analysis determined that the event is expected to occur with a frequency of 5.7 x 10-5 . The plant where this hazard exists uses an event-based tolerable risk guideline of 1.0 x 1o-s fatalities per year as maximum tolerable individual risk. The most appropriate SIL for a SIS to reduce the risk of this event would be: a) SIL = 1 b) SIL = 2 d) SIL = 4 c) SIL 3 e) A single SIF does not provide adequate risk reduction = 8. Which of the following standardized toxic exposure criteria most accurately represents the concentration where a person is likely to be fatally injury when exposed for one hour. a) IDLH c) PEL b) TLV-TWA d) ERPG-3 19 e) None of the above answers are correct 9. A hazard has a consequence of $2,500,000 and the frequency of the event is 7.0 x 104 per year. The process owner is considering installing a SIS that has a PFD of 0.1 and an annualized cost of $5,500. The benefit-to-cost ratio for installation of the SIS is nearest to: b) 0.45 a) 455 d) 0.03 c) 0.29 e) None of the above answers are correct 10. A hazard is being analyzed, using the hazard matrix shown below, in order to select the SIL of the SIS that is mitigating the risk. There are no fatalities expected as result of the unwanted event. However, the event is expected to occur very frequently. Based on the information provided, which SIL should be selected? Event Likelihood Consequence Classifications Minor- Impact initially limited to Ideal area Serious- Impact causing serious injury or fatality Extensive - Impact that is five times worse than serious High Moderate Low Minor Serious Extensive Event Severity = b) SIL = 2 a) SIL 1 d) SIL = 4 c) SIL = 3 e) A SIF is not required for this hazard. 20 Probability Classifications Low- Very low probability of occurrence within the lifetime of the plant. Moderate- Low probability of occurrence within the lifetime of the plant High - A failure can reasonably be expected to occur within the expected lifetime of the plant. SHORT RESPONSE PROBLEMS 1. SITUATION A delivery driver pumping more material into a storage tank than the available capacity can initiate a toxic release. The delivery driver may or may not realize there is not enough capacity for the material that he is delivering, and then not attempt to transfer the material. The driver may also carefully monitor the level in the storage tank and stop the material transfer before a release occurs. Based on historical data, delivery drivers are requested to deliver to storage tanks that do not have the required capacity approximately 12 times per year. Due to a training initiative educating the drivers on the hazards of overfilling the tank the probability that the driver will try to fill a tank that does not have sufficient capacity is estimated at 0.02. The probability that the driver will not detect a high level condition after he has begun transfer is estimated at 0.4. REQUIREMENTS Draw an event tree diagram to describe this situation and quantify the diagram to calculate the rate at which the toxic release is expected to occur. Calculate all of the outcomes that are possible. 2. SITUATION A Hazards and Operability (HAZOP) type process hazards analysis was performed on a process unit. An excerpt from that study's report is shown below. Guide Word NONE No Flow Possible Causes No hydrocarbon available at intermediate storage MORE OF More Flow Level control valve LCV-42 fails open. LESS OF Less Flow Leaking valve or valve outlet not blinding and leaking. Consequence Loss of feed to reaction section and reduced output. Polymer formed in heat exchanger under no flow conditions. Settling tank overfills causing volatile toxic liquid to be spilled Material loss of volatile toxic liquid. 21 Safequards Operator response to alarms Recommendations Operator response to high level alarm, Install SIS to close tank inlet valve on high level. Existing safeguards are adequate. Maintenance procedures requiring blinding of flanges and daily inspections of closed valves. Ensure good communication with intermediate storage operator. REQUIREMENTS Create a LOPA diagram(s) that lists the initiating event, protection layers and outcome of the process hazard for which safety instrumented functions have been proposed. 22 3. SITUATION An engineer is considering installing a protective system that will open a valve from the outlet to the suction of a high-head pump if the flow through the pump drops below the trip point. If the pump is left operating below its low flow limit, the pump will be destroyed. Replacing the pump involves a replacement cost of $550,000, and the low flow condition that destroys the pump is expected to occur with a frequency of 0.15 times per year. A SIL 1 class protective system has a probability of failure on demand of PFD=0.03 and an annualized cost of $3,100. Upgrading the protective system from SIL 1 class to a SIL 2 class with a probability of failure on demand of PFD=0.008 will increase the total annualized cost of the protective system to $3,900. REQUIREMENTS Determine which system; SIL 1 Class System, SIL 2 Class System, or No System, should be installed in this situation with the most cost-effective installation being the design goal. Show calculations that justify your decision. 4. SITUATION The following LOPA diagram describes a hazardous event. INITIATING EVENT PROTECTION LAYERS Rupture of Flexible Check Valve Fails Hose OUTCOMES Chemical Spill Chemical Spill Rupture OPERATES No Event Equipment Failure Rates: Equipment Item Failure Rate (per million hours) Flexible Hose Check Valve 0.78 5.32 Assume that both the flexible hose and the check valve have one failure mode and that the check valve is functionally tested once every four years. REQUIREMENTS Quantify the frequency of the unwanted event for the situation described above. The result should be presented in events per year. 23 APPLICATION EXERCISE PROBLEM Reactant A (through manhole} r - - - - - - . T o Safe ©-------~a Reactant B _J Location . ,---·---VUc'l i ~ Cooling Water Supply jorain '----1~ Product ~ Solution ~ SITUATION: Process: A specialty chemical company has developed a batch process to produce a new polymer. The process creates a solution of polymer and cyclohexane that is withdrawn from the bottom of the pressurized, water cooling jacketed, continuously stirred tank reactor. The vessel is charged by filling it with 250 kg of cyclohexane and manually dumping 125 kg, or 5 bags of reactant A into the vesseL After the vessel is charged and closed, the stirring mechanism is started and the vessel's jacket is flooded with cooling water. After the stirring and cooling have been established a small, metered rate of 0.5 kg/min of reactant 8 is continuously added to the solution. Reactants A and 8 combine to form the desired product. Each batch operates for three weeks, and 5 batches are operated per year. Hazards: The reaction of A and 8 is nearly instantaneous and highly exothermic. Safe operation of this process requires that cooling water continuously be flowing through the jacket. Hazard analysis determined that loss of cooling water could cause a "runaway" reaction and physical explosion of the vessel. The planfs 24 safety division performed a quantitative consequence analysis of the physical explosion of this vessel. The analysis determined that the explosion would result in the following consequences: • Probable Loss of Life: 5.64 fatalities • Probable Injuries: 13.23 injuries • Expected Value of Loss: $5,600,000 The following layers of protection were identified as a safeguard against explosion of the vessel due to runaway reaction. • A rupture disk set to relieve the pressure well below the design pressure of the vessel • Operator intervention to high vessel temperature, high vessel pressure and low cooling water flow alarms A safety instrumented system that injects a reaction-inhibiting chemical if the vessel temperature or pressure exceeds predetermined conditions was recommended in the process hazards analysis. Plant and Equipment Information: A process engineer determined the following frequencies and failure probabilities after reviewing the history of the plant. • Cooling Water Pump Fails: 1/75/year • Rupture Disk PFD: 0.0956 • Operator Response to Cooling Water Loss: 0.1 25 The plant uses the following table to determine tolerable frequency of an unwanted event, based on its consequence. Likely Multiple Likely REQUIREMENTS: 1. Create a LOPA diagram that describes the situation described above. 2. Quantify the LOPA Diagram to obtain the frequency at which the unwanted explosion is expected to occur. 3. Based on the company's tolerable risk guidelines, select the safety integrity level for the inhibitor injection SIS. 4. Ignoring safety considerations, determine if an SIS with a Risk Reduction Factor of 50 and an annualized cost of $2,500 be a wise investment? Show calculations to support your conclusion. 26 8.2 Safety Requirements Specification Safety Requirements Specification MULTIPLE CHOICE PROBLEMS 1. A reactor is designed to withstand temperatures that are higher than normal environment temperatures. The reactor's rating states that the maximum allowable working temperature is 500 C. The normal operating temperature ranges from 150 to 350 C. The trip point for a high integrity protection system, in this case, should be closest to: a) 345 C b) 450 c c) 355 C d) 125 c e) None of the above trip points are suitable 2. Consider the following documents. Which of the statements about the requirement of these documents to be an input to the safety requirements specification is most correct? 1. Hazard and Risk Analysis Report 2. Installation and Commissioning Procedures 3. Process Flow Diagrams a) 1 and 2 are required, 3 is not b) 2 and 3 are required, 1 is not c) 1 and 3 are required, 2 is not d) 2 is required, 1 and 3 are not e) 3 is required, 1 and 2 are not 27 3. Which of the following methods are acceptable for presenting the functional relationship between process inputs and outputs, including logic, mathematical descriptions and any required permissives? 1. Cause-and-Effect Diagrams 2. Simple Textual Description 3. Binary Logic Diagrams, as described in standard !SA 5.2 a) 1 is acceptable, 2 and 3 are not b) 2 is acceptable, 1 and 3 are not c) 3 is acceptable, 1 and 2 are not d) 1 and 3 are acceptable, 2 is not e) All three are acceptable 4. Which of the following statements about selection of de-energize-to-trip or energize-to-trip are true? 1. Selection of energize-to-trip or de.-energize-to-trip is specified in the safety requirements specification 2. Since de-energize-to-trip is the only fail-safe method, energize-to-trip methods are prohibited 3. Energize-to-trip systems can only be used in existing applications; all new applications are required to be de-energize-to-trip. a) 1 is acceptable, 2 and 3 are not b) 2 is acceptable, 1 and 3 are not c) 3 is acceptable, 1 and 2 are not d) 1 and 3 are acceptable, 2 is not e) All three are acceptable 5. The process safety time (i.e., the expected amount of time between detection of an abnormal condition, and a occurrence of an unwanted event) is 5 seconds. The best choice for SIS response time requirements for this SIF is: a) 5 seconds b) 5 milliseconds c) 4 seconds d) 2.5 seconds e) None of the above trip points are suitable 28 6. Consider the following cause-and-effect diagram. What are the actions that will occur if the reactor pressure moves to 4 70 kPa(g)? ~ "'c "' -"'"' 0:: c E Taq# PT-054 TT-032 FT -098 XS-011 Description Reactor Pressure High Reactor Temperature Hiqh Feed A Flow High Mixer Contactor ...J Cii 2 2 1 1 2 u; c 0-500 500-900 0-75 - 0 "' ~ a. ·o:: r- ::> ::::J ::> ::::J !g !g > ~ rn :::J ~ c ::::J 450 kPa(g: 750 c m3/h 50 OFF - N 0 0 "' ::> ::::J !g ~ (f) ....0 ' > ::::J ~ ~ (f) c "' "'[!l .Q c (.) (3 0 X X X X X X X X X X X (f) "'a. 0"'a. a) Valve UV-01 is closed b) Valves W-01 and UV-02 are closed c) Valves UV-01, UV-02, UV-03, and UV-04 are closed d) Valves UV-01 and UV-02 are closed, and valves UV-03 and UV-04 are opened e) No action is taken 29 SHORT RESPONSE PROBLEMS 1. SITUATION The standards require that requirements be specified for "response time requirements for the SIS to bring the process to a safe state". REQUIREMENTS What considerations should be made when specifying the response time requirements for a SIS. 2. SITUATION Nuisance trips of the SIS impact the safety and availability of a process plant. REQUIREMENTS Explain the specifications for nuisance trips that are required by the standards. 3. SITUATION Standards require that Safety requirements for proof test intervals. Requirements Specifications define REQUIREMENTS Explain why proof test interval requirements are important for subsequent life cycle steps, such as conceptual design. 4. SITUATION The safety requirements specification is based on a number of input documents. REQUIREMENTS List the documents that are inputs to the SRS. 30 5. SITUATION A SIS for a fired heater is being designed. The following safety functions were identified in the process hazards analysis. Upon low heater charge flow, as measured by FT-8421, the fuel gas shutoff valve, UV-8409 and the pilot gas shutoff valve, UV-8411, are closed. The valve shall be closed after a 15 second delay. Low fuel gas pressure, as measured by PSL-8401, closes the fuel gas shutoff valve, UV-8409. Low pilot gas pressure, as measured by PSL-8402, closes the fuel gas shutoff valve, UV-8409 and the pilot gas shutoff valve, UV-8411. Manual shutoff switch, US-8431, closes the fuel gas shutoff valve, UV-8409 and the pilot gas shutoff valve, UV -8411. REQUIREMENTS Draw a cause-and-effect diagram that inCludes all of the safety instrumented functions listed above. 31 Safety Requirements Specification APPLICATION EXERCISE PROBLEM SITUATION A pressure let down station for natural gas is described in Figure SR-3-1. The let down station is at the end of an offshore production platform wellhead line. Letdown Station P&ID Section Figure SR-3-1 Air Supply Vent ' rr*\ ~ Pipe Pressure Rating = 1000 psi Pipe Pressure Rating = 500 psi Wellhead A HAZOP study was performed to identify hazards present in this process section. An excerpt of the HAZOP report is shown below. Dev Causes 1.0 More Pressure 1.0 Failure of control loop PIC-01 in a position that allows unrestricted ftow of gas through valve PV-01. Consequences Safeguards Recommendations Overpressure of the pipe segment downstream of valve PV-01 potentially resulting in rupture of the piping and explosion/fire of the released ftammable material. Operator action to manually close PV-01 if pressure becomes excessive. Consider installing a SIS that will close a shutoff valve upstream of the valve PV-01 when the pressure downstream of the valve becomes excessive 32 After the HAZOP was performed, a LOPA analysis was performed to determine the SIL that is required for the high-pressure shutoff safety instrumented function described in the HAZOP. The report yielded a requirement of SIL 1 for this safety instrumented function. The operational parameters of the plant are shown below. Process Variable Nonnal Low Normal High Transmitter Range Maximum Allowable Upstream Pressure 790 PSI 830 PSI 0-1200 PSI 1000 PSI Downstream Pressure 250 PSI 300 PSI 0-500 PSI 500 PSI Upstream Temperature 145 F 175 F N/A N/A Gas Flow Rate 800 SCFH 950 SCFH N/A N/A REQUIREMENTS Based on the information provided in the HAZOP report excerpt, the P&ID Diagram Section, the LOPA Analysis Report,.and operational parameters, create a cause-and-effect diagram (or a logic diagram) for the safety requirements specification of the safety instrumented function that is described. 33 8.3 Conceptual Design Issues MULTIPLE CHOICE PROBLEMS 1. Solve the fault tree below. The events are not mutually exclusive. The probability of the top event is nearest to: P=O.l5 P=0.3 a) 0.01 b) 0.355 c) 0.025 d) 0.395 e) 0.755 2. A control valve is used in an SIS. The valve has a constant dangerous failure rate of once in four years, and is tested on a three-year interval. The maximum probability of failure is nearest to: a) 3.6x10-3 b) 0.53 c) 0.3 d) 0.47 e) 0.75 3. A SIS uses pressure measurement as an input. The pressure measurement is performed with two pressure switches. If either one of the two switches indicates an abnormal condition, a shutdown will occur. In this case, the switch system can be called: a) simplex 34 b) one-out-of-two voting (1 oo2) c) two-out-of-two voting (2oo2} d) one-out-of-three voting (1 oo3) e) none of the above are correct 4. The figure below is a Markov model of the failure of a temperature switch. The '0' state is where the switch is operational, the '1' state is where the switch has failed dangerously, and the '2' state is where the switch has failed safely. If the dangerous failure rate is given by Ao and the safe failure rate is given by As. The value of 'A' in the transition matrix below is most accurately described by: P= ~ 0 I 2 0 A Ao 1-.s I 0 2 0 0 0 a) As -Ao b) 1 +As+ Ao c) (As- Ao) + 1 d) 1 -(As + Ao) e) None of the above answers is correct. 35 5. A power supply has a probability of failure of 0.2, in any given year. An SIS has two power supplies wired in parallel, each of which can supply the entire load. Assuming no common cause, the probability, in any given year, that the SIS loses power is nearest to: a) 0.04 b) 0.2 c) 0.4 d) 0.02 e) 0.22 6. All of the following are advantages of using programmable electronic systems in safety applications, except: a) Capability for self-diagnostics including fault isolation. b) Capability for performing complex calculations. c) Inherent safe (de-energized) failure of electronic components performing output switching. d) Ease of making changes to system logic. e) All of the above statements are true. 7. Rank the following redundancy schemes from lowest probability of failure on demand to highest probability of failure on demand. Lowest ---------Highest a) 1oo2 - 2oo2 - 2oo3 b) 2oo2- 1oo2- 2oo3 c) 2oo3- 2oo2 -1oo2 d) 2oo2 - 2oo3 - 1oo2 e) 1oo2- 2oo3- 2oo2 8. A flow transmitter is used to sense an abnormal process condition. Two transmitters are arranged in a one-out-of-two voting arrangement. The transmitter has a failure rate of 'A = 0.03 failures per year, and a beta factor of 10%. The common cause failure rate is nearest to: a) 0.006 failures /year b) 0.027 failures /year c) 0.003 failures /year d) 0.3 failures /year e) None of the above answers are correct 36 9. A safety instrumented system has an average probability of failure on demand of 0.007. Which category of safety integrity level describes this system? a) Does not meet requirements for SIL = 1 b) SIL = 1 c) SIL = 2 d) SIL = 3 e) SIL = 4 10.A "smart" transmitter has a failure rate of 0.05 failures/year. The safe failures ratio is 70%, and the diagnostic coverage of dangerous failures is 60%. Assuming all diagnosed dangerous failures will immediately be converted to a safe process shutdown, what is the maximum probability of failure on demand if the transmitter is tested twice per year? a) 0.003 b) 0.007 c) 0.004 d) 0.010 e) 0.016 11. How many levels of fault tolerance (per IEC 61508) to a dangerous fault exist in a 1oo2 architecture? a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 1o e) 3 12. A smart transmitter has a safe failure fraction of 86.2%. In a 1oo1 architecture, to what SIL level would the design qualify per IEC 61508? a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4 37 SHORT RESPONSE PROBLEMS 1. SITUATION An SIS process variable input section is composed of three pressure switches, arranged in 2oo3 voting. Consider common cause failures of these devices, but assume that no diagnostics are present in the system. REQUIREMENTS Draw a fault tree whose top event is the failure of the SIS pressure sensor sub-system. 2. SITUATION Three fair dice are rolled. Consider the sum of the numbers that come up on the three dice. REQUIREMENTS Determine the probability that the roll will result in 3 or 5? 3. SITUATION When considering events and combinations of events for the purpose of analyzing their probabilities, events are considered dependent and independent, and groups of events are considered mutually-exclusive, not mutually-exclusive, or complementary. REQUIREMENTS In terms of dependence/independence and mutual exclusivity, describe the assumptions made about the failure of SIS components when performing reliability analysis. 38 4. SITUATION A certain type of transmitter is known to have a constant failure rate of 9x1 o"" failures per hour. REQUIREMENTS a) Calculate the MTIF of the transmitter in years. b) Calculate the probability that a given transmitter will work for three years without failing. c) Calculate the probability of failure at the Mean Time To Failure. d) Calculate the maximum design life of the transmitter such that the reliability of the transmitter never falls below 85%. 5. SITUATION For a gas burner to work without failure, one of two identical fans, the burner, and the controls have to function without failure. The reliability of a fan is 0.95. The reliability of the burner is 0.97. The reliability of the control system is 0.8. The aforementioned reliabilities are for a period of five years. It can be assumed that the failure of each of the listed components is independent of any other failure. REQUIREMENTS Calculate the reliability of the furnace system over a five-year period. 39 APPLICATION EXCERSICE PROBLEM SITUATION The need for an SIS has been identified for a reactor system. The process hazards analysis states that either high temperature or high pressure is an indication of a potential runaway reaction that may result in an explosion. The safety function, as defined in the safety requirements specification, is as follows: If a high temperature or high pressure is detected, then feed flow to the reactor should be stopped by closing the feed valve. The safety requirements specification further states that the safety function shall be SIL 2, and the probability of a false trip shall not exceed 0.2 in a year. Equipment l. 5 [hr"1] l, D [hr"1] cs co $ Temperature transmitter 0.40 X 10"6 0.80 X 10-6 0.8 0.3 800 Pressure transmitter 0.60 X 10-6 1.20 X 10·6 0.9 0.3 900 Safety PLC 1.61 X 10-6 5.36 X 10"7 0.999 0.996 6000 Valve and actuator 5.60 X 10"6 2.40 X 10·6 0.0 0.0 5000 Temperature switch 6.85 X 10-6 4.55 X 10·6 0.0 0.0 500 6 6 0.0 0.0 500 Pressure switch 6.85 X 10" 4.55 X 10" REQUIREMENTS Using the equipment data listed above, perform a conceptual design for the lowest-cost, lowest-complexity system that meets the requirements listed above. If two identical components a·re used consider a common cause factor of 0.01. A proof test interval of 1 year should be considered. Finally it should be assumed that dangerous detected failures will result in a safe state. To successfully complete the problem the following items must be demonstrated. 1. Equipment Selected 2. Equipment Architecture 3. Calculations verifying that the selected architecture achieves the required SIL. 4. Calculations verifying that the selected architecture achieves the required probability of false trip. 40 8.4 Detailed Design Issues MULTIPLE CHOICE PROBLEMS 1. Consider the cause and effect diagram listed below: Q) Ol c 0:: "' c Q) E Tag# TSH-25 TSH-26 Description Reactor Top Temperature Hiqh Reactor Bottom Temperature Hiqh ii5 ~c 2 2 Disc. Disc. ....J ~ 0 :> :::J ~ c;; >Q) "' .Q () X X Assuming that the system is de-energize-to-trip and that when the input is energized, it is logically true in the logic solver. Which function block should be used to connect the two temperature switch inputs to the output valve? a) AND b) OR c) NOR d) NAND e) None of the above answers are correct 41 2. Which ladder logic statement most accurately represents the following text statement? If input A is true and input B is not true then make output C true. a) b) c) d) e) HA I ' CJ-j B B HA~I I ' c A 42 3. A, B, and C are discrete inputs to a safety PLC, and D is an output. Which ladder logic statement most accurately represents 2oo3 Voting of these inputs? a) B B c b) A c HI c) I A d) c 43 HH B 01-1 C c e) c 4. A SIS actuates a shutdown with 1oo2 voting shutdown valves. The system has a manual bypass that allows testing to be performed. Which of the following drawings represents how this situation would be best represented on a Piping and Instrumentation Diagram that shows both the bypass switch and the bypass valve? Air Supply Vent (W\ ~ Bypass Switch " a) Air Supply From SIS Vent (?) ~ (uV\ ~" b) 44 Air Supply From SIS Logic Solver Vent (uV\ ~ c) Air Supply Vent (uV\ ~ Bypass Switch d) e) None of the above representations are correct. 45 5. A 4 - 20mA transmitter is connected to an analog input in a safety PLC. The signal is converted to digital by a 12-bit converter and is represented by a number from 0 to 4095. The transmitter is calibrated for a process range of 100 - 250 psi(g). A safety function trip point is to be set to 200 psi(g). The comparison function block should have a limit set most nearly to: a) 3275 b) 2730 c) 3000 d) 2750 e) 4210 6. What is "proven-in-use"? a) A test technique used by manufactures to show compliance to IEC 61508 for a product. b) A concept where a product has demonstrated acceptable safety and reliability in a specific application and this performance is documented by accurate records. c) A stress testing technique used by a certification body to approve equipment. d) A technique used to verify functionality of operator controls and other human machine interfaces. e) A military term used on equipment that has been in service for more than ten years. 7. Each individual field device shall have its own dedicated wiring to the system Input/Output. The exceptions to this rule include 1. Multiple discrete sensors are connected in series to a single input and the sensors all monitor the same process condition (e.g., motor overloads). 2. Multiple final elements are connected to a single output. 3. A fieldbus based on the IEC 1158 standard is used to network multiple field instruments. a) All of the above statements are true, there are no special requirements b) Statement 3 is true, 1 and 2 are false. c) Statement 2 is true, 1 and 3 are false. d) Statements 1 and 2 are true, 3 is false. e) None of the above statements are true, there are no exceptions to the rule. 46 8. Considerations when selecting relays as a logic solver in a SIS include: a) Use of special relays that fail safe b) Limiting of contact current to eliminate contact welding c) The complexity of the logic d) The need to change the logic e) All of the above 47 SHORT RESPONSE PROBLEMS 1. Draw a ladder logic diagram that demonstrates a latching de-energize-to-trip function. 2. Prepare a function block for this situation. 3. Detailed design involves technology selection. Potential technologies include electromechanical relays, solid-state logic, and programmable electronic systems. Compare and contrast PES and Electromechanical relays, giving the strengths and weaknesses of each. Also explain some situations where each would be more appropriate than the other.· 4. Explain how an analog transmitter, whose output is a continuous 4-20 mA signal, can be used in a SIS where the logic-solving portion is composed of electromechanical relays. 48 APPLICATION EXERCISE PROBLEM SITUATION A Safety Requirements Specification describes the logic that a logic solver is to execute using the following text description. A batch reactor has two modes of operation, mix (mode 1) and "sanitize-in-place" (SIP, mode 2). The SIP mode of operation involves injecting a disinfectant chemical into the mixing vessel at high temperature and pressure. During SIP mode the temperature and pressure limits are set to 100 psig and 450 degrees F. During the other mode, the limits are set to 200 psig and 600 degrees F. The mode is sensed by two discrete signals that equal logic 1 when the mode active. REQUIREMENTS Using function block diagrams, or ladder logic, write PES code that will perform the tasks required by the Safety Requirements Specification. For each process variable, assume mde has already been written to scan the inputs and outputs and convert transmitter inputs to a real value in engineering units. 49 8.5 Functional Safety Management Functional Safety Management MULTIPLE CHOICE PROBLEMS 1. Which of the following statements about the required competency of individuals performing safety lifecycle tasks is correct. 1. Must have a degree in engineering from an accredited university 2. Must be certified by an independent third party organization 3. The manager of the project must ascertain that the person is competent in all phases of the safety lifecycle a) 1 and 2 are true, 3 is false b) 1 and 3 are true, 2 is false c) 2 and 3 are true, 1 is false d) 1, 2 and 3 are true e) None of the above statements are true 2. Which of the following information items is NOT required to be maintained throughout the lifecycle of an SIS: 1. The results of the hazard and risk analysis and related assumptions 2. Information regarding the equipment items used for safety instrumented functions together with the function's safety requirements 3. The procedures necessary to maintain functional safety a) 1 and 2 are required, 3 is not b) 1 and 3 are required, 2 is not c) 2 and 3 are required, 1 is not d) 1, 2 and 3 are required e) None of the information items listed above are required 50 3. Which of the following statements about the documentation required for safety planning are true: 1. Safety Planning documentation can be included as a section in the quality plan entitled "safety plan". 2. Safety Planning must be documented in a separate document entitled "safety plan". 3. Safety Planning can be documented in a series of documents that may include other company procedures or working practices, such as corporate standards. a) 1 and 2 are true, 3 is false b) 1 and 3 are true, 2 is false c) 2 is true, 1 and 3 are false d) 1, 2 and 3 are true e) None of the above statements are true . 4. A supplier that supplies products or services to an organization can have overall responsibility for one or more phases of the safety lifecycle provided that: a) The supplier's products and/or services are certified as compliant with IEC 61508 by an independent third party. b) The products and/or services are delivered according to specifications provided by the purchaser, and the supplier has an appropriate quality management system. c) The supplier's products and/or services are certified as compliant with IEC 61508 and their work processes are certified as compliant with ISO 9001, each by an independent third party. d) The supplier's product is the lowest cost in a competitive bidding situation. e) None of the above, suppliers cannot be responsible for carrying out safety lifecycle activities, these can only be performed by the process owner/operator. 51 5. Which of the following statements about a functional safety assessment team are true 1. The team shall include technical, application, and operations expertise needed for the particular application 2. The team shall include at least one senior, competent person not involved with the design team. 3. The team shall include at least one senior, competent person from an independent third-party organization. a) 1 and 2 are true, 3 is false b) 1 and 3 are true, 2 is false c) 2 and 3 are true, 1 is false d) 1, 2 and 3 are true e) None of the above statements are true 6. Consider the following safety lifecycle stages Stage 1 - After the hazard and risk assessment has been carried out, the required protection layers have been identified and the safety requirements specification has been developed Stage 2 - After the safety instrumented system has been designed Stage 3 - After the installation, pre-commissioning and final validation of the safety instrumented system has been completed and operation and maintenance procedures have been developed Stage 4 - After gaining experience in operation and maintenance Stage 5 - After modification and prior to decommissioning of a safety instrumented system After which stages are functional safety assessment activities required to be carried out? a) After all stages b) After stages 1, 2, 3, and 5 c) After stage 5 only d) After stage 3 only e) None of the above statements are true 52 7. Which of the following development and production tools are exempt from functional safety assessment? 1. Databases of requirements 2. Compilers for SIS software development 3. SIS Logic Testing Software a) Tools 1 and 2 are exempt, 3 is not b) Tools 1 and 3 are exempt, 2 is not c) Tools 2 and 3 are exempt, 1 is not d) All of the tools, 1, 2 and 3 are exempt e) None of the above tools are exempt from functional safety assessment 8. lEG 61511 requires that an audit of the compliance with the safety requirements listed for an SIS be performed on what interval. a) Twice per year b) Once per year c) Once every three years d) Once every five years e) lEG 61511 does not specify a required time interval for compliance audits 9. Which of the following tasks impacting the functional safety of a SIS does not require a procedure to be developed to manage its implementation. 1. Modification of an existing SIS 2. Auditing of the compliance with SIS requirements 3. Tracking of SIS configurations a) 1 and 2 are required, 3 is not b) 1 and 3 are required, 2 is not c) 2 and 3 are required, 1 is not d) 1, 2 and 3 are required e) None of the above tasks require procedures 53