LaGuardia Community College City University of New York SCP 231 General Physics I (Sections 165A & 165B) Academic Term: FALL 2020 Instructor Name: Dr. Vasilios Deligiannakis Instructor Contact Info: Email: Class times: Lecture: Wed & Fri, 9:15-11:30 Lab: Mon, 9:15-11:30 Location: Online, Scheduled via Zoom Office Hours: Wednesday 12:00-2:00 pm (available on Zoom by appointment with the email above) Text: D. Halliday, R. Resnick, and J. Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 11th edition (extended), Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-46908-8. Make sure it has the Wiley Plus Code. Course Description: This course is the first part of the introductory physics sequence for scientists and engineers. We explore Newton’s Laws and the theory of classical mechanics using the language of calculus, this course has a prerequisite/co-requisite of MAT 202. A list of topics covered in this course includes: Measurement; units; one-dimensional motion; vector analysis; two- and three-dimensional motion; Newton’s laws of dynamics; momentum and force; work and energy; conservation of energy; Newton’s law of gravitation; center of mass; conservation of momentum; collisions; rotational motion; moment of inertia; oscillatory motion; hydrostatics; fluid flow; heat and temperature; laws of thermodynamics. Academic Integrity Policy: Instructors of this course are required to implement the College Policy regarding cheating on examinations and quizzes. A complete statement of the policy can be found at: Attendance Policy: Attendance at all class sessions, lecture and laboratory, is essential for proper understanding and mastery of the course material. Yow are required to attend all classes and laboratories in their entirety. The general attendance policy of the LaGurdia Community College will be followed. If you should be absent for unavoidable reasons, you must check in and inform me prior to the absence. Assignments: Students must complete and hand in all reports. Note: Although laboratory counts only 20% of the grade, a student cannot receive a passing grade without completing all the requirements. Calculators: You can use scientific and graphing calculators for solving problems in this class, this includes during exams. The calculator cannot have an internet connection or have a purpose other than calculations: TI-89 is O.K. however phones and tablets, smart watches and any other device with an internet connection are not allowed during exams and will result in an immediate 0 on the exam. Learning Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to: Explain and understand basic physical concepts and principles such as position, velocity, acceleration, force, Newton’s Laws, and energy conservation. Use quantitative methods to develop physical models of mechanical systems and solve problems based on these models using various mathematical techniques. Obtain and analyze experimental data and learn to appropriately compare experimental results to theoretical predictions. Understand the limitations of computerized instrumentation and sensors in data collection. Communicate experimental results in lab write ups and discuss these results and their physical implications in a written report. Grading Breakdown: Examination 1……………… 20% Examination 2……………… 20% Examination 3……………….20% Laboratory………………….. 20% Homework…………………..20% Homework: We will be using the online homework component of the text (Wiley+) to do homework in this class. You are required to obtain a registration code and register for Wiley+. The homework will consist of solving problems at the end of the chapter in the text. Solving problems is a large part of learning physics and you will be assigned problems that challenge you to use many of the mathematics skill and critical thinking skills that you have developed throughout your education. 1. It is a good idea to do all work on paper as if you were not doing it online and then simply type in your answer in the prompt. If there is a problem with the program and you have paperwork I can check, and I can manually accredit points. 2. You will be given 2 attempts to answer the question if after the third attempt your answer is still incorrect, email me the paperwork for full credit. Schedule and Exams 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Topic Measurement and Units Introduction to One Dimensional Motion Vectors Two and Three Dimensional Motion Force and Motion-I Exam 1 Force and Motion-II Circular Motion Kinetic Energy and Work Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy Center of Mass and Linear Momentum Rotation Exam 2 Rolling, Torque Angular Momentum Equilibrium and Elasticity Gravitation Oscillations Fluids, Heat, Kinetic Theory of Gases … Exam 3 Readings Chapter: 1.1 – 1.7 Chapter: 2.1 – 2.10 Chapter: 3.1 – 3.8 Chapter: 4.1 – 4.9 Chapter: 5.1 – 5.9 10/14/2020 Chapter: 6.1 – 6.4 Chapter: 6.5 Chapter: 7.1 – 7.9 Chapter: 8.1 – 8.8 Chapter: 9.1 – 9.7 Chapter: 10.1 – 10.10 11/18/2020 Chapter: 11.1 – 11.6 Chapter: 11.7 – 11.12 Chapter: 12.1 – 12.7 Chapter: 13.1 – 13.9 Chapter: 15.1 – 15.9 FINAL EXAM (Exam 3) will take place during the finals period. 12/16/2020 Distance Labs: I will discuss on the first day expectations for written reports after that you will shortly have access to lab assignments and their due dates will be posted in Blackboard and they will be due regularly throughout the semester. Screen capture instructions will be provided of Phet simulations which are freely available at the following web site: [] The first two labs in SCP 231 will be the exception, data files will be provided for these two labs and students can analyze data and using the original lab instructions with some modification.