Datasheet Power Supply Pwm Supervisor SDC4818 General Description Features The SDC4818 controller is designed for switching mode power supply for desktop PCs. Utilizing minimum number Over-voltage/Under-voltage protection for 3.3V/±5V/±12V T N E of external components, the SDC4818 includes all of the Over-power protection functions for push-pull and/or half-bridge topology, Short-circuit protection decreasing the production cost and PCB space, and AC input under voltage protection increasing the MTBF for power supply. Power good circuitry PSON for remote controller Delay time for PSON and PG signal Two internal TL431 shunt regulators provide stable Two internal TL431 shunt regulators provide stable reference voltage for 3.3V and 5V standby regulator. M U C reference voltage for 3.3V and 5V standby regulator D Applications L A I T O Soft-start and maximum 93% duty cycle ATX power supply SFX(MICRO-ATX) power supply NLX power supply N E D I F N O C D S C DIP-20 Figure 1. Package Type December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 1/13 Datasheet Power Supply Pwm Supervisor SDC4818 Pin Configuration Package:DIP-20 T PSON 1 20 VCC V33 2 19 RI V5 3 18 SS OPP 4 17 IN UVAC 5 16 COMP NVP 6 15 GND V12 7 14 FB1 OP2 8 13 VREF1 OP1 9 12 VREF2 PG 10 11 FB2 Figure 2. Pin Configuration Pin Number Pin Name 1 PSON 2 V33 3 V5 4 OPP 5 UVAC 6 NVP 7 V12 8 OP2 9 OP1 10 PG O M U C O L A I T N E D I F N 11 N E D Function Remote on/off input OVP/UVP sense input for 3.3V OVP/UVP sense input for 5V Over-power sense input Power good detection input UVP sense input for negative voltage OVP/UVP sense input for 12V PWM totem-pole output 2 PWM totem-pole output 1 Power good signal FB2 Output for second opamp loop VREF2 Input for second opamp loop VREF1 Input for first opamp loop FB1 Output for first opamp loop GND Ground COMP Error amplifier output 17 IN Input of error amplifier 18 SS The soft-start function set through an external capacitor 19 RI Reference setting by an external resistor 20 VCC Supply voltage 12 13 C 14 15 D S 16 C Table 1. Pin Description December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 2/13 Datasheet Power Supply Pwm Supervisor SDC4818 Functional Block Diagram RI VCC 1 19 20 14 13 Control PSON 2 V33 LOGIC & DELAY 3 OVP V5 7 UVP V12 4 M + - PWM 5 UVAC 0.7V 2.1V 6 NVP OUT PUT C U FB2 9 OP1 8 OP2 O D OPP OPP VREF2 11 VCC UVS T N E 12 431 VREF FB1 VREF1 L A + 10 18 17 IN SS PG GND N E 15 COMP I T + - 16 Figure 3. Functional Block Diagram D I F N O C C D S December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 3/13 Datasheet Power Supply Pwm Supervisor SDC4818 Ordering Information T SDC4818 X X X - X Circuit Type DIP-20 -40°C~85°C U Package DIP-20: Z C O Part Number Temperature M Blank: Tube Reference A: 2.45V-2.50V B: 2.50V-2.55V Package N E E1: Pb-free G1: Halogen-free L A D Marking ID Packing Type Pb-free Halogen-free Pb-free Halogen-free SDC4818AZ -E1 SDC4818AZ -G1 SDC4818G Tube SDC4818BZ -E1 I T SDC4818 SDC4818BZ -G1 SDC4818 SDC4818G Tube N E D I F N O C C D S December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 4/13 Datasheet Power Supply Pwm Supervisor SDC4818 Absolute Maximum Ratings (NOTE: Stresses greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device.) Parameter Symbol Value Unit Supply voltage V CC 12 V FB1, FB2 Output V FB 16 PG Output I OUT1 30 FB1, FB2 Output I OUT2 30 Power dissipation(Ta=25°C) P D1 1.5 Power dissipation(Ta=90°C) P D2 0.5 Storage temperature T STG Latch-up test per JEDEC 78 - C ESD, HBM model per Mil-Std-883, Method 3015 HBM ESD, MM model per JEDEC EIA/JESD22-A115 MM Thermal Resistance(Junction to Ambient) θ JA L A mA mA M W U O D T N E V W -55~155 °C 200 mA 2000 V 200 V 82.5 ℃/W Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings I T Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Supply voltage V CC Oscillation frequency f OSC Operating temperature T OPR D I F N E Min Max Unit 4.5 5.5 V 60 70 kHz -40 85 °C Table 3. Recommended Operating Conditions N O C C D S December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 5/13 Datasheet Power Supply Pwm Supervisor SDC4818 Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25°C, V CC =5.0V, unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Supply voltage V CC - 4.5 5.0 7.0 V Standby supply current I CC PG=High - 5 10 mA 3.3V OVP V OVP1 - 3.9 4.1 4.3 V 5V OVP V OVP2 - 5.8 6.1 6.5 V 12V OVP V OVP3 - 13.9 14.5 14.9 3.3V UVP V UVP1 - 2.0 2.6 2.8 V 5V UVP V UVP2 - 3.0 3.6 M V 3.9 V 12V UVP V UVP3 - 6.0 7.2 8.0 V 3.3V UVS V UVS1 - 2.5 2.8 3.0 V 5V UVS V UVS2 - 12V UVS V UVS3 - V OPPS V UVAC =1.5V Negative voltage protection V NVP NVP source current I NVP OVP debounce Time t OVP UVP debounce Time t UVP UVS debounce Time t UVS OPP debounce Time t OPP Over power protection with delay time t NVP Reference voltage 4.3 4.5 V 9.4 10.1 10.4 V 2.02 2.40 2.66 V - 1.9 2.05 2.2 V RI=75k 50 61 72 uA RI=75k 0.5 0.7 1.3 ms RI=75k 35 60 80 ms RI=75k 0.5 0.7 1.3 ms RI=75k 4.0 7.0 10.0 ms RI=75k 4.0 7.0 10.0 ms I T D I F NVP debounce Time O L A N E N E U C T D 4.0 Reference V REF I FB =0.5mA, Ta=25°C 2.475 2.5 2.525 V R EGLI-FB 4V<V FB <16V - 1 - mV/V I OUT-FB V FB >2V 10 - - mA t PG RI=75k 200 300 400 ms UVAC sense voltage V UVAC - 0.65 0.7 0.75 V PG output rise time D S tR C L =100pF,V PULLUP =5V, - 1 - us PG output fall time tF R PULLUP =1k - 300 - ns Output low voltage V OL2 I PG =5mA - - 0.5 V Sink current of PG I ON2 V PG =5V - - 1 uA PSON input voltage V PSON - 1 1.4 2.0 V PSON drive current I PSON - - - 0.5 mA PSON to on debounce time t PSON (ON) RI=75k 20 40 50 ms PSON to off debounce time t PSON (OFF) RI=75k 10 20 30 ms PSON to off delay time t PSOFF RI=75k 2 4.8 6.5 ms N Regulation Output pull current PG delay time C O C PG Remote On/Off Section December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 6/13 Datasheet Power Supply Pwm Supervisor Parameter SDC4818 Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Error Amp Section T Reference voltage(SDC4818A) V2.5 - 2.45 - 2.50 V Reference voltage(SDC4818B) V2.5 - 2.50 - 2.55 V Bias current I IB - - - 0.1 uA Open loop voltage gain V AOL - 50 60 - dB Unit gain bandwidth BW - 0.3 1 Power supply rejection ratio PSRR - 50 - M MHz Oscillation Section Oscillation frequency f OSC Charge current U - dB 65 70 kHz C - N E RI=75k 60 Soft Start Section O 5.7 7.0 uA - 0.25 0.5 V 4 - - V I SS RI=75k Pwm Output Section D 4.0 Output voltage low V OL I O =5mA Output voltage high V OH V 12 =12V Output restance RO - 2.0 3.9 4.2 kΩ Max duty D MAX - 85 - 93 % L A I T Table 4. Electrical Characteristics N E D I F N O C C D S December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 7/13 Datasheet Power Supply Pwm Supervisor SDC4818 Function Description The SDC4818 is a power management IC for computers. It L0 N E C0 such as AC fail detection, over power protection, negative voltage protection, over/under voltage protection and UVAC provides power down signal for PG. Built-in high precision M R1 oscillator provides accurate protection and delay time for 0.7V R2 U monitoring. And internal regulators TL431 are used for stable output 3.3V and 5V standby, with few peripheral T +5V integrates various monitoring functions and protections, + - C1 C components. Built-in soft-start decreases stress of Figure 4. AC Fails Detection O transformer against saturation. SD4818 used for pull-push Over Power Protection (OPP) or half-bridge power system with high efficiency and stability. D The over power protection is designed to detect over Remote Switch Control (PSON) L A power and short circuit. When the voltage of OPP is is connected to PSON. When the control signal is low, PC power is on. And when the control signal is high, PC higher than 2.4V and maintain this situation over 7msec, I T The PC generates the remote switch control signal which PG will be pulled low and the power outputs will be locked. N E power is off. AC Fails Detection (UVAC) ID The AC line voltage is coupled from the primary side to the secondary side through the main transformer, and OP1 VDD F UVAC is connected to the secondary side by a resistor. N OP2 When UVAC voltage drops below 0.7V and maintains this situation over 200us, the PG signal will be pulled low , and O it indicates that the AC line is power-down. The voltage C R1 R2 C1 R3 amplitude of the PWM switching signal from the secondary side is proportional to the AC line voltage. C Adjusting the ratio of the voltage divider can set the D S threshold for the power-down. December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. Figure 5. Over Power Protection 8/13 Datasheet Power Supply Pwm Supervisor SDC4818 Negative Voltage Protection (NVP) V NVP =I NVP ×R 1 +V -5V -0.7V The negative voltage protection is designed to provide T VCC under voltage protection for negative voltage output. N E Overload and short circuit can cause under voltage of negative voltage output. When the voltage of NVP is higher than 2.1V and this situation exists for longer than -12V 7msec, the power outputs will be off and be locked. R2 R1 -5V Adjusting the resistor will set the threshold for locking the M 2.1V + - U power outputs off. The threshold is determined by: C V NVP =I NVP × (R 1 +R 2 )+V -12V Figure 6. Negative Voltage Protection O L A D I T N E D I F N O C C D S December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 9/13 Datasheet Power Supply Pwm Supervisor SDC4818 Timing Diagram T VCC N E PSON M 3.3V tPSON(ON) U 5V,12V C O tOVP tPSON(OFF) NVP L A PG N E tPG D I F C Figure 6 N VCC PSON C O Voltage<VUVAC D S UVAC tNVP I T SS(ON/OFF) tPSOFF D tUVP tOPP OPP SS(ON/OFF) PG Figure 7 December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 10/13 December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. R8 3K3 XC1 104/250V R13 1K OP1 OP2 +12V R42 75K OPP IN FB2 VREF2 VREF1 FB1 GND COMP 11 12 13 14 15 16 FB1 PG FB2 Vref2 R47 4K6 R49 330K C27 0.47uF R41 3K9 C23 R44 30K 103/50V Vref1 R48 13R C26 0.1uF R46 2K7 +5V +3.3V C35 47u/16V Q2 13009 C34 103 4 3 2 1 U3B PC817C R64 4R7 R24 22R C28 102/1KV R63 0R8,1/2W 5 6 7 8 D23 1N4007 R53 100K/1W SDC606P D21 FR104 R52 560K R51 560K R27 2K7 R26 1R C14 222M/1KV D17 FR157 D16 FR157 E D D T3A C B D25 SB540 R54 10R C30 681 C19 47u/50V D24 FR103 VCC R31 47R D18 STPS2045CT D20 FR104 R6 10R FB1 R65 47R U3A PC817C R56 10K C31 1500u/16V C32 470u/16V R55 10K D22 FR104 L5 DR6*8 L3 T80-52 C15 472/100V UVAC C6 102 L1C C24 104/50V R57 10K R28 2K7 R66 10K5 TH2A 10K R61 470R +5VSB D26 1N4148 Q7 C945 C3 104 R58 10K Vref1 M R45 1K C36 100u/16V R67 220R +5V D27 1N4148 1 2 FAN1 CON2 Vref2 +3.3VS +3.3V +12V R37 R39 4K7 1K R7 10R R38 68R/2W -12V +12V C11 1u/50V R60 22K VCCD R62 2K7 FB2 R34 100R C19 1000u/10V R33 100R/2W Q8 C945 R59 3K3 R23 22R D11 1N4148 Q5 A928 R11 2K L4 R6*10 C17 2200u/10V C18 2200u/10V R32 4R7/4W C16 2200u/10V C9 680u/16V R10 330R/1W Power Supply Pwm Supervisor R36 100R PG OP1 OP2 VS12 NVP UVAC SS 18 C21 104/50V 17 C25 104 HV R21 22R DAC C12 4u7/50V R29 2K7 Q1 13009 C5 102 L1B C8 3300u/16V U 10 9 8 7 6 5 V5 RI 19 R43 75K 20 +12V +5VSB D15 1N4148 C14 4u7/50V R25 1R D19 STPS2045CT R5 10R C4 102 L1A C +5V -12V R40 30K 4 V33 VCC R50 33K R9 10R R22 22R C D6 FR204 O C20 102 +5V 3 2 PSON C22 103 D10 1N4148 R20 560R D14 1N4148 R30 100R/3W T1A ERL-35 R3 10R B D5 STPS20H100CT C7 102/100V D UVAC +3.3V 1 SDC4818 R35 30K R12 3K R17 30K R18 330K R19 1K2 OP2 T2 EEL-16 ZNR3 TVR05241 C3 105/250V ZNR2 TVR05241 N E R68 1K R16 68K D9 1N4148 C10 1u/50V Q4 C945 D4 DIODE C2 470u/200V R2 910K R1 910K R4 10R L A I T PSON VCCD D7 1N4148 D13 FR102 Dac D3 DIODE D2 DIODE C1 470u/200V D1 DIODE N D I F D8 1N4148 Q3 C945 D12 FR102 CY4 102/250V CX1 474/250V LF2 EF25 PFC Inductor C R14 1K2 LF1 T16*8 CY3 102/250V O OP1 VCCD R15 1K2 ZNR1 TVR10471 RX1 1M/2W 5A/250V C N CY2 222/250V CY1 222/250V D S GND L Datasheet SDC4818 Typical Application T N E 11/13 Datasheet Power Supply Pwm Supervisor SDC4818 Package Dimension DIP-20 T N E M U C O L A I T Min D I F A 3.710 A1 0.510 A2 3.200 N B 0.380 B1 C D E C E1 C O Dimensions In Inches Max Min Max 4.310 0.146 0.170 0.020 3.600 0.126 0.142 0.570 0.015 0.022 1.524(BSC) 0.060(BSC) 0.204 0.360 0.008 0.014 25.950 26.550 1.022 1.045 6.200 6.600 0.244 0.260 7.320 7.920 0.288 0.312 e D S N E Dimensions In Millimeters Symbol D 2.540(BSC) 0.100(BSC) L 3.000 3.600 0.118 0.142 E2 8.400 9.000 0.331 0.354 December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 12/13 Datasheet Power Supply Pwm Supervisor SDC4818 T N E M U C O L A D Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. I T N E D I F N IMPORTANT NOTICE Information in this document is provided solely in connection with Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (abbr. SDC) products. O SDC reserves the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services C described herein at anytime, without notice. SDC does not assume any responsibility for use of any its products for any particular purpose, nor does SDC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any its products or circuits. SDC does not convey C any license under its patent rights or other rights nor the rights of others. D S © 2013 Devechip Microelectronics - All rights reserved Contact us: Headquarters of Shaoxing Shenzhen Branch Address: Tian Mu Road, No13, Address: 22A, Shangbu building, Nan Yuan Road, No.68, Shaoxing city, Zhejiang province, China Futian District, Shenzhen city, Guangdong province, China Zip code: 312000 Zip code: 518031 Tel: (86) 0575-8861 6750 Tel: (86) 0755-8366 1155 Fax: (86) 0575-8862 2882 Fax: (86) 0755-8301 8528 December, 2013 Rev. 1.1 ©2013 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 13/13