COMFORT HOME NURSING CENTER BUSINESS PLAN STUDENTS NAME THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA GLOBAL CAMPUS INSTRUCTOR’S NAME COURSE NAME AND NUMBER DATE About The Organization • Nature of your business • Comfort home nursing center is a residential care center for the elderly population who cannot receive proper care at home or are too healthy to be admitted in a medical facility (Simeão et al., 2018). • The nursing center will be a comfortable and proper home for elderly people needing daily assistance and care. • It will be located about 10 minutes’ drive from green valley hospital. The facility will be a responsible, organized and accommodative center with a vast capacity to accommodate about 40 people. • The organization will be guided by core values, such as honesty, quality, respect, thankfulness, love, care and professionalism that enables us to treat patients more than clients. Mission and Vision of Comfort nursing Center Mission: Comfort Home Nursing Center emphasizes individual needs of each person placed in our care to enhance the quality of life and daily experiences through using the best nursing care, nutrition, community building activities and recreational activities. Vision: Providing value based, high quality personalized care in a warm conducive environment for the elderly patients by knowing their needs, ministering the family in the care programs and promoting excellence. Services Provided Specialty care Temporary assistance (Andrews et al., 2019). Speech therapy Physical therapy Recreational and evening activities The Competitive Environment of the Business Social / Cultural Socioeconomic status Cultural background and stereotypes Changes in demographics and public values Social trends Legal/ Regulatory Tax legislation changes Insurance mandates Consumer protection Laws such as patient protection and affordable act Contd… Economic Healthcare spending Employment Inflation Technological Innovative technologies of new medical devices Positive changes in treatment due to technological advancements Competitive factors Presence of other nursing homes and different options for nursing home care, such as therapy clinics and from in hospital recovery centers in the area Regulations and Ethical Concerns • Regulations, such as United Nations universal declaration of human rights and the National Association of Social Workers code of ethics. Local Federal State • Ethical concerns Biasness and ethical decision making Non discriminatory practices Relational aggression where one has a right to hold information or opinion without interference Key Marketing Strategies Market segmentation The clients will include The non-acutely ill or companionless people of age 60 or above living in Arizona. Elderly & alone people Disabled or diseased Market Targeting and Positioning Market targeting and positioning Comfort nursing center major target will be to provide a comfortable environment for the elderly and disabled old people. It also targets clients whose family maybe travelling somewhere for a short while. To become the most trusted and most successful nursing center in Arizona (Scala et al.,2019). To increase revenue and number of residents for the organization stability To balance the initial cost of the startup with earned profits by the end of the first year Advertisement and Sales Strategy Advertisement and sales strategy Social media platforms Newspapers and magazines Television (Lord, 2018). Seminars and awareness sessions Promotional 20% discounts Bonuses to clients (Lockett, 2018). HR Plan Executive leadership Clinical support staff board of directors (6) Licensed nurses (8) chief executive officer (1) Assistant nurses (6) Sponsors (2) Physicians (4) Managing director (1) On site leadership Therapists and psychological counsellors (3) medical director Non clinical support staff clinical manager (1) cooks (4) Social worker (4) Drivers (4) Housekeeping (6) 1Year Budget Plan Meal Equivalent #Meals Sold Income Cafeteria Meals $ 6.02 225,000 $1, 327,500.00 Patient Meals $ 3.62 200,000 $710,000.00 Total 425,000 $2,037, 500.00 Expenses Operating Budget Employee Cost $ 360,550.00 Incentives Program $ 8,000.00 Paid Time Off (PTO) $77,000.00 Healthcare Insurance $ 80,000.00 Retirement Benefits $ 60,000.00 Total Employee Costs $ 585,550.00 Other Expenses Food expenses $ 1,160,000.00 Supplies $ 15,000.00 Minor Equipment $ 10,000.00 Total Expenses $1,185,000.00 References • Andrews, J. O., Corbett, C., Dail, R. B., & Pinto, B. M. (2019). Rebuilding the research enterprise of a historical research intensive college of nursing. Nursing outlook, 67(3), 232-243. • Hofaidhllaoui, m., Satouri, T., Chouki, M., & Smida, A. (2020). Generating knowledge through micro-contradictions: The case of a nursing home for the elderly. Management decision. • Lockett, a. (2018). Online marketing strategies for increasing sales revenues of small retail businesses (doctoral dissertation, walden university). • Lord, j., Davlyatov, G., Thomas, K. S., Hyer, K., & Weech-maldonado, R. (2018). The role of assisted living capacity on nursing home financial performance. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 55, 0046958018793285. • Scala, e., Whalen, M., Parks, J., Ascenzi, J., & Pandian, V. (2019). Increasing nursing research program visibility: A systematic review and implementation of the evidence. JONA:, 49(12), 617-623. The Journal of Nursing Administration • Simeão, s. F. D. A. P., Martins, G. A. D. L., Gatti, M. A. N., Conti, M. H. S. D., Vitta, A. D., & Marta, S. N. (2018). Comparative study of quality of life of elderly nursing home residents and those attneding a day center. Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, 23, 3923-3934.