M A D EEDA H O S P IT AL STRATEGIC PLAN 2023 -2026 INTRODUCTION THIS DO CUMENT LAYS OUT THE STRATEGIC FO UNDATIO N AND O PERATIO NAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND SUCCESS O F MADEEDA HO SPITAL IN RIYADH. ENVISIO NED AS A FLAGSHIP HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION, MADEEDA HO SPITAL IS DEDICATED TO DELIVERING UNPARALLELED LONG -TERM CARE, LO NG -TERM MECHANICAL VENTILATION, REHABILITATION, AND DIALYSIS SERVICES. EMPHASIZING EFFICIENCY, EFFECTIVENESS, AND A PATIENT -CENTRIC APPRO ACH, THE STRATEGIC PLAN DELINEATES THE PATH FO RWARD FO R ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE IN HEALTHCARE PRO VISIO N. THE CO RE O F THIS ENDEAVOR IS THE STRATEGIC MEDICAL CO NCEPT, WHICH NO T ONLY GUIDES CURRENT PRACTICES BUT ALSO SERVES AS A COMPASS FO R FUTURE SERVICE DEVELOPMENTS, ENSURING MADEEDA HO SPITAL REMAINS AT THE FOREFRONT OF HEALTHCARE INNO VATIO N AND SERVICE DELIVERY. Vision Mission TO BE A PIONE E RING HE A L THCA RE INSTITUTION, RE COGNIZE D GL OBA L LY F OR EXCEL L E NCE I N PA TI E NT CE NTE RE D CA RE , INNOV A TION, A ND CONTRIBUTIONS TO A DV A NCING ME DICA L PRA CTI CE S“ “To provide comprehensive and compassionate healthcare services, focusing on Long Term Care, Long Term Mechanical Ventilation, Rehabilitation, and Dialysis. We are committed to exceeding patient expectations, fostering a collaborative and empowering work environment, and contributing to the overall well-being of the community. VALUES KEY SUCESS FACTORS OUR CUSTOMERS E x ce p t ional P a t ie nt E x p e r ie nce P a t ient E d u ca t ion a n d E nga g e m e nt OUR SERVICES Compr ehen si ve H ealthcar e Offer i n g Qua li ty a n d Sa fety OUR PEOPLE M an ag e me n t an d Le ade rs hip is c o mmitte d to w o rkin g o n s trate g y impl e me n tatio n an d e v al uate s o n the ir abil ity to c o ac h/ adv ic e / g uide an d e n s ure s uc c e s s ful o utc o me s . I n div idual an d Te am Capabil itie s Capabil itie s are buil d an d main tain e d thro ug h f o rmal train in g an d me n to rin g pro g rams . Org an iz atio nal Cul ture E s tabl is he d c ul ture o f pe rf o rman c e thro ug h s taf f e n g ag e me nt SERVICES 1 INPA TIE NT SE RV ICE S Genera l Long -Term Ca re (LTC) Rehabilitation Chronic Mechanical Ventilation Mental Health 2 RENA L DI A L Y SI S SERVICES Inp at ient Hemo dialysis Out p at ient Hemo dialys is 3 CA RDIOPUL MONA RY RE HA BIL ITA TION In pati en t Rehabi li tati on Outpati en t Rehabi li tati on E xten ded Outpati en t Ser vi ces H ear t Spor t Gr oups - Li felon g Mai n ten an ce SERVICES 4 DIA GNOSTIC A ND SUPPORT SE RV ICE S L ab or atory S er vi ces Phar m acy S er vi ces R esp i r atory T her apy 5 Nut r iti on and D i et eti cs Radi ology S er vi ces SPECI A LI ZE D UNI TS Long-Term Ventilation (LTV) Program Orthopedics and Musculoskele tal Rehabilitation 6 PATIENT -CENTRIC FACILITIES Patient Rooms Design Technology Integration GOALS Enhance PatientCentered Care Optimize Operational Efficiency Ensure Financial Viability and Sustainability OBJECTIVES 1. Improve patient satisfaction scores. 1. Streamline admission and discharge processes. 1. Achieve a positive operating margin. 2. Implement patient e ducation programs. 2. Enhance staff productivity through training. 2. Optimize revenue streams. GOALS Support a healthier community Strengthen Collaborative Partnerships OBJECTIVES 1. Foster collaborations with other healthcare providers. 1. Achieve a positive operating margin. 2. Enhance communication 2. Optimize revenue streams.