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Circuits Worksheet: Components, Ohm's Law, Series & Parallel

Miss Bright
Year 8
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Lesson 1: Components and Drawing Circuits
Circuits are used in almost everything from computers, to phones, to microwaves, and
washing machines.
A component is a part of a circuit.
A component is part of a circuit
Real circuits can look confusing, and it is difficult to appreciate what is going on. To make
them simpler to understand we use symbols to represent the different components.
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Task: Match together the symbols and components.
Types of Circuit:
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Components can be connected in many ways. The two simplest ways are to make series
and parallel circuits.
In a series circuit all the components are connected along a
single path so that there is only one route for the current to take,
see below.
In a parallel circuit the components are connected on separate
branches so that there are multiple routes for the current to take.
The rules to follow when drawing circuits:
1. Use a pencil and ruler!
2. Do not draw components on
corners or at the junction of
several wires.
Ammeter in
3. Ammeters must always be connected in series and should
be drawn to show that.
4. Voltmeters must always be connected in parallel and
should be drawn on their own separate parallel branch across a component.
5. Make sure your circuit is complete – don’t leave breaks!
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in parallel
across the
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Lesson 2: Current, Potential Difference & Resistance
Charge & Current:
When a battery or power pack is connected to a circuit, charge (small particles called
electrons) starts to flow.
Current is the rate of flow of charge. The faster the charge flows the higher the current.
Current is measured in Amps (A).
Current is the rate of flow of
The charge doesn’t come from a battery it’s found in the circuit already. The charge does not
run out or disappear, it just stops flowing when the battery is removed.
Complete the passage below:
When a ________ is connected to a circuit, ________ (particles called ________) start to
flow. The ________ the charge flows the ________ the current. Current is measured in
Knowledge Questions:
1. When a battery is connected to a circuit, what starters to flow?
2. What are these charged particles?
3. How does the rate at which the current flows affect the size of the current?
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4. In circuit ‘A’ 3 units of charge flow past a point in 1 second. In circuit ‘B’ 6 units of
charge flow past a point in 1 second. Which circuit has the highest current?
5. In circuit ‘C’ 8 units of charge flow past a point in 1 second. In circuit ‘D’ 7 units of
charge flow past a point in 1 second. Which circuit has the highest current?
Batteries/power packs have two jobs:
1. They create a pushing force which makes all the charge in the circuit start to flow at
the same time.
2. They transfer energy to the charge. The charge then transfers this energy around
the circuit.
Potential Difference:
When a battery or power pack is connected to a circuit, the battery creates a pushing force
that makes the charge flow and transfers energy to the charge. The amount of energy
transferred per unit of charge is called the potential difference. The higher the potential
difference the more charge flows and the more energy it transfers. Potential difference is
measured in Volts (V).
Potential difference is the amount of energy transferred per unit of charge.
Learning Checkpoint:
Circle the correct statements below about batteries.
1. How many functions does a battery have in a circuit?
a. 2
b. 1
c. 3
2. The charge:
a. Comes from the battery.
b. Disappears when the circuit is turned off.
c. Moves due to a pushing force from the battery
3. Potential difference is measured in:
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a. Amps
b. Volts
c. Metres per second
4. The battery:
a. Creates a pushing force which makes the charge in the circuit start to flow.
b. Always makes the charge start to flow even when it’s flat.
c. Creates a sort of gravity which causes the charge to move towards it.
The bigger the potential difference:
a. The less charge flows in the circuit.
b. The more charge flows in the circuit.
c. The more the charge moves backwards quickly.
The bigger the potential difference:
a. The more energy is transferred by the charge.
b. The quicker the charge gives the battery energy.
c. The less energy is transferred by the charge.
Complete the passage below about batteries 1 and 2:
When either of the batteries are connected to a circuit they create a ______________
_____________ which causes the charge to flow.
They also transfer _____________________ to the charge.
Battery _____________ will produce a bigger potential difference than _____________.
Battery ______________ will cause less charge to flow than battery ______________ whereas
battery _____________ will transfer more energy to the charge than battery ________________.
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Resistance is something which opposes (slows down) the flow of charge around the
circuit. Resistance is measured in Ohms (Ω).
Resistance is something that opposes the flow of
Resistance is caused by the collision between positive metal ions and delocalised electrons
which form the current. The higher the number of collisions the higher the resistance. The
higher the resistance the smaller the current in the circuit.
Knowledge Questions:
1. Label the diagram to the above with: A) Positive metal ions and B) delocalised
2. Define resistance.
3. Resistance is caused by the collision between?
4. How does the number of collisions that happen affect the size of the resistance?
5. As the resistance in a circuit increases, what happens to the size of the current?
6. What is resistance measured in?
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Complete the table below:
Measured by:
Complete these sentences:
1. Current is the rate…
2. Potential difference is the energy transferred…
3. Resistance is something which…
4. Current is measured in…
5. Potential difference is measured in…
6. Resistance is measured in…
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Lesson 3: Ohm’s Law Relationships
Resistance Recap:
Resistance is caused by the collision between positive metal ions and delocalised electrons
which form the current. The HIGHER the number of COLLISIONS the HIGHER the
Finish the sentences below:
 As electrons flow through a wire they collide with…
 When they do this they transfer…
 The collisions and vibrations…
 The size of the current is…
due to the high…
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Ohms Law:
In 1827, German physicist Georg Ohm published a paper describing
the interconnected relationships between current, potential difference,
and resistance.
Ohm’s Law is represented by the equation…
Ohm’s law states that as potential difference (V) increases, current (I)
increases. This is because potential difference (V) is the energy given to
charge. If the charge has more energy, it can move faster.
Therefore, the rate of flow of charge (current) increases. The
relationship between V and I is directly proportional.
Ohm’s Law states that current (I) flowing through a conductor is directly
proportional to the potential difference applied (V) across it.
Fill the blanks:
As potential difference increases, the current _______.
Potential difference is the _______ transferred to the ______.
This means that the charge has ____ energy.
Therefore the ______ of flow of _______ (current) _______.
The _______ between V and I is ________ _______.
Describe the relationship between resistance (R) and current (I).
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As R increases…
This is because R is…
The charge will move…
Therefore, the rate of flow…
Drawing the relationship between resistance (R) and current (I):
The current in a circuit is affected by both potential difference and resistance.
When the resistance is constant in a circuit there is a directly proportional relationship
between current and potential difference.
When potential difference is constant in a circuit there is an inverse relationship between
current and resistance.
Before we draw the relationship between resistance and current, let’s practise drawing a line
of best fit below.
The relationship between current and potential
difference when resistance is constant
The relationship between current and potential
difference when resistance is constant
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The relationship between current and potential difference when resistance is constant
Knowledge Questions:
1. Draw a line graph of the results in the table.
2. Describe the relationship between potential difference and
3. Explain how you can tell there is this type of relationship.
4. Find what the current would be when the potential
difference is 2.5V, 5.5V, and suggest what the potential
difference would be at 7V.
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The relationship between current and resistance when potential difference is constant
Knowledge Questions:
1. Draw a line graph of the results in the table.
2. Describe the relationship between resistance and current.
3. Find what the current would be when the resistance is 250Ω,
550Ω, and suggest what the potential difference would be at
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Lesson 4: Series Circuits
Current in series circuits
In a series circuit…
 There is only one route for the current to take.
 This means the pushing force created by the battery which makes the charge flow is
the same everywhere in the circuit.
Because the charge is experiencing the same pushing force everywhere in the circuit the
current will be the same everywhere in a series circuit.
Task: On each of the following circuit diagrams write down what the missing ammeter
readings would be.
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Remember: Because the charge is experiencing the same pushing force everywhere in the
circuit the current will be the same everywhere in a series circuit.
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Challenge: Use Ohm’s Law to
calculate the missing potential
difference and resistance
Potential Difference in Series Circuits:
Resistance is caused by the collision between positive metal ions
and delocalised electrons which form the current.
When these collisions occur the moving charge transfers some of
its energy. Potential difference is the amount of energy transferred
per unit of charge.
So, wherever there is resistance in a circuit the moving charge
transfers energy and there will be a fall in the potential difference across it.
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Lesson 5: Investigating Series Circuits
Series Circuit 1
Follow the step by step instructions on your practical handout
to make your circuit.
1. Current at ammeter 1 was _____A.
2. Current at ammeter 2 was _____A.
3. Potential difference at the voltmeter was _____V.
1. Describe what you observed about the two measurements of current in this circuit.
2. Explain your observations about current in this circuit.
Challenge: Using the power pack, decrease the potential difference from 10V down to 1V. As you do this look
at what happens to the readings on the ammeters and look at how the brightness of the filament lamps
Describe what happens to the current in the circuit as the potential difference decreases.
Explain why the current changes in this way as potential difference decreases.
As potential difference decreases what happens to the brightness of the filament lamps?
Explain why the brightness of the filament lamp changes in this way as the potential difference
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Series Circuit 2
Follow the step-by-step instructions on your practical
handout to make your circuit.
1. Current at ammeter 1 was _____A.
2. Current at ammeter 2 was _____A.
3. Potential difference at the voltmeter 1 was _____V.
4. Potential difference at the voltmeter 2 was _____V.
1. Describe what you observed about the two measurements of current in this circuit.
2. Explain your observations about current in this circuit.
3. Describe what you observed about the two measurements of potential difference in
this circuit.
4. Explain your observations about potential difference in this circuit.
Challenge: Compare the brightness of the filament lamps in this circuit with the filament lamp in the first
circuit you made.
1. Compare the currents and potential differences in this circuit with the first circuit you made.
2. Explain why when more filament lamps are added in series the brightness decreases.
3. Explain why when more filament lamps are added in series the brightness decreases.
Knowledge Questions:
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Lesson 6: Parallel Circuits
Currents in Parallel Circuits
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In a parallel circuit:
 Components are connected
on separate branches where
the current can split up and
join back together.
 This means there are multiple
routes for the current to
The total current in a parallel circuit is
equal to the currents in the individual
branches added together.
Task: On each of the following
circuit diagrams write down what
the missing ammeter readings
would be.
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Use Ohm’s Law to
calculate the missing
ammeter readings in
each circuit.
Potential Difference in Parallel Circuits:
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 Components are connected on separate branches where the current can split up and
join back together.
 This means that each branch receives the full potential difference.
 If there is only one component on the branch it will receive all the potential difference.
 If there are two identical components on a branch then the potential difference will be
split across them equally.
 If there are multiple components on a branch then the potential difference will be
shared according to resistance (with the components having the highest resistance
receiving the largest potential difference).
Potential difference is measured in Volts (V) and is measured using a
Let’s look at some examples of this below:
Each branch receives the
full potential difference.
Because each branch has
identical components
Each branch receives the full potential difference.
Each branch has two identical components on. The
potential difference will be shared equally across each
Each branch receives the full potential
The first two branches have only a single
component which will receive the full
potential difference.
The third branch has components with
different resistances. The component with
the highest resistance will have the largest
potential difference.
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Task: On each of the following circuit diagrams write down what the missing voltmeter
readings would be.
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Challenge: See if you can use
Ohm’s law to calculate the missing
Voltmeter readings in each circuit.
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Lesson 7: Parallel Circuits
Missing words:
Recap Task: Complete these sentences
In a parallel circuit there are multiple _____________ for the current to
take. The ______________ current in the circuit is equal to the
individual currents ____________ together. The majority of the current
will take the route with the ____________ resistance. The potential
________________ across each branch is the ____________.
Complete the diagrams with the missing ammeter and voltmeter readings:
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Investigating Parallel Circuits:
We’re going to investigate the relationships between current,
potential difference, and resistance in parallel circuits.
Follow the instructions on your step by step guides and record
your results on the task sheet.
You should answer the observation questions in your book in full
sentences and use the support section for help if you need it.
Parallel Circuit 1:
Follow the step-by-step instructions on your practical handout to make your circuit.
1. Current at ammeter 1 was _____A.
2. Current at ammeter 2 was _____A.
3. Current at ammeter 3 was _____A.
4. Potential difference at the voltmeter 1 _____V.
5. Potential difference at the voltmeter 2 _____V.
1. Describe what you observed about the measurements of current in this circuit.
2. Explain your observations about current in this circuit.
3. Describe what you observed about the measurements of potential difference in this
4. Explain your observations about potential difference
1. Carefully unscrew one of the filament lamps from its holder. Describe and explain
what happens to the brightness of the other filament lamp.
2. Another filament lamp is added in series to the filament lamp in the first branch.
Suggest and explain what would happen to the brightness of the filament lamps in
this branch of the circuit.
Parallel Circuit 2:
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Follow the step-by-step instructions on your practical handout to make your circuit.
1. Current at ammeter 1 was _____A.
2. Current at ammeter 2 was _____A.
3. Current at ammeter 3 was _____A.
4. Current at ammeter 4 was _____A.
5. Potential difference at the voltmeter 1 _____V.
6. Potential difference at the voltmeter 2 _____V.
7. Potential difference at the voltmeter 3 _____V
1. Describe what you observed about the measurements of current in this circuit.
2. Explain your observations about current in this circuit.
3. Describe what you observed about the measurements of potential difference in this
4. Explain your observations about potential difference
1. Compare the brightness of the filament lamps in this circuit with the
circuit you made before. Explain why the filament lamps in both circuits
had the same brightness.
2. Another filament lamp is added in parallel. Suggest what would happen
to the current in the other branches of the circuit and suggest what the
potential difference across the new filament lamp would be.
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Task: Complete the missing ammeter readings.
Task: Complete the missing voltmeter readings.
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Lesson 8: National Grid
Energy Resources:
Energy resources can be either renewable or non-renewable
and are mostly used to generate electricity, for heating, and for
Non-renewable energy resources are the three fossil fuels and nuclear fuels. Oil,
gas, and coal are the three fossil fuels. They are formed from the remains of
plants and animals that died millions of years ago.
They are being used up faster than they can be produced.
Non-renewable resources are fossil fuels which are being used up
faster than they can be produced.
Renewable energy resources are resources that will not run out, such as solar, wind, and
tidal power.
Renewable resources are energy resources that will not run
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Task: Place these features in the correct part of the Venn Diagram.
The National Grid:
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How does electricity get to our homes? Electricity is generated in power stations and then
transferred into the National Grid. The National Grid is a network of cables and
transformers that transports electricity from power stations and then to consumers.
The National Grid is where we get our mains electricity from, this powers our homes, shops,
factories etc.
Thermal Power Stations:
Thermal power stations burn fuels to produce large amounts of electricity. This electricity is
transferred to thousands of homes, shops and factories by the National Grid. In most thermal
power stations, fossil fuels are burnt to heat the water into steam.
In 2019 thermal power stations produced 47% of the UK’s electricity.
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But how do thermal power stations generate the electricity?
1. The
fuel is burnt in a furnace under a boiler, the water in the boiler turns to steam.
2. This steam rises into a turbine and flows through it at a high pressure which turns a
series of propellors inside.
3. The turbine is connected to an electrical generator. The generator induces an electrical
current by transferring energy from the kinetic store of a moving rotor into an electrical
4. The electrical current is transferred to the national grid through pylons.
Knowledge Questions:
1. Where is the fuel burned in a thermal power station?
2. What makes the turbines turn?
3. Describe the role of the electrical generator.
4. Which fuels are typically burned in a thermal power station?
5. Why is it not possible to replace fossil fuels as they are used?
Evaluate the statement:
Fossil fuels are an unreliable fuel source for thermal power stations.
(HINT: Think about the advantages and disadvantages of fossils fuels).
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Task: Complete the sentences explaining how a thermal power station works.
Fuel is burnt in the…
Energy is transferred from the chemical energy store…
The water turns to…
Steam rises and turns the…
The turbine turns the…
The generator induces…
The electrical current is transferred by…
Transformers in the National Grid change the potential difference and the current in the
power lines. There are 2 types of Transformers, Step-Up and Step-Down.
Step-Up – increases potential difference and decreases current
Step-Down – decreases potential difference and increases current
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Task: Match the part of the grid to its function
Knowledge Questions:
1. What is the National Grid a network of?
2. What does the National Grid transport from power stations to consumers?
3. What type of power stations burn fuels to generate electricity?
4. In what year did thermal power stations produce 47% of the UK’s electricity?
5. What is burned in a furnace under a boiler to produce steam?
6. What part of the power station does steam flow through at high pressure?
7. What does the turbine connect to in order to generate electricity?
8. What do transformers in the National Grid change?
9. What type of transformer increases the potential difference?
10. What type of transformer decreases the potential difference?
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What is the unit of
measurement for current?
What component is used to
control the flow of current in a
What happens to the current in
a series circuit when you add
more components?
What do we call a circuit where
there is only one path for
current to flow?
What does a voltmeter
In a parallel circuit, what
happens to the current when it
reaches a junction?
What type of circuit is used in
homes so that appliances can
work independently?
If you increase the resistance in
a circuit, what happens to the
What is the function of a fuse in
an electrical circuit?
What equation links voltage,
current, and resistance?
How does the total resistance
in a series circuit compare to
the resistance of individual
How does the potential
difference across components
in a parallel circuit compare?
Why are metals good
conductors of electricity?
What happens to the
brightness of bulbs in a parallel
circuit if one bulb is removed?
Turn over for answers.
Answers for page 45:
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1. The unit of measurement for current is the ampere (A).
2. A resistor is used to control the flow of current in a circuit.
3. In a series circuit, when you add more components, the total current decreases
because the overall resistance increases.
4. A circuit where there is only one path for current to flow is called a series circuit.
5. A voltmeter measures the potential difference (voltage) across two points in a circuit.
6. In a parallel circuit, when current reaches a junction, it splits and flows through each
parallel branch according to the resistance of each branch.
7. Homes use parallel circuits so that appliances can work independently.
8. If you increase the resistance in a circuit, the current decreases, according to Ohm's
9. A fuse is used to protect a circuit by breaking the connection if the current exceeds a
safe level, preventing damage or fire.
10. The equation that links voltage, current, and resistance is Ohm's Law: V=I×RV = I
\times R (Voltage = Current × Resistance).
11. In a series circuit, the total resistance is the sum of the individual resistances.
12. In a parallel circuit, the potential difference (voltage) across each component is the
13. Metals are good conductors of electricity because they have free electrons that can
move easily through the material.
14. In a parallel circuit, if one bulb is removed, the remaining bulbs continue to operate at
the same brightness, as each branch is independent.
15. High-voltage transmission lines are used in the National Grid to reduce energy loss
over long distances. By increasing the voltage, the current decreases, which reduces
heat loss in the wires.
Draw a line from each circuit symbol below to the correct name.
Draw only four lines.
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circuit symbol
3 marks
Fred made circuit 1 as shown below.
Give the name of the part that is the energy source for the circuit.
1 mark
Fred then made circuit 2 as shown below.
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In the table below, tick a box to show whether circuit 1 and circuit 2 are series or
parallel circuits.
Tick only two boxes.
circuit 1
circuit 2
1 mark
What metal is usually used for wires in electric circuits?
1 mark
maximum 6 marks
Draw a line from each electrical circuit to the correct circuit diagram.
Draw only four lines.
electrical circuit
circuit diagram
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2 marks
In each circuit below, bulb 1 breaks and goes off.
Under each circuit diagram below, tick the correct boxes to show if bulb 2 and
bulb 3 are on or off.
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circuit A
circuit B
2 marks
Give the name of the part that provides energy for each circuit.
1 mark
Why is copper used for wires in a circuit?
Tick the correct box.
1 mark
maximum 6 marks
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Nikki tries to set up four electric circuits.
diagram 1
In diagram 1 the ammeter reading is zero. What is wrong with this circuit?
1 mark
diagram 2
In diagram 2 the ammeter reading is zero. What is wrong with this circuit?
1 mark
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diagram 3
In diagram 3 the ammeter reading is zero. Why is this not a complete circuit?
1 mark
diagram 4
In diagram 4, why is there a reading on the ammeter?
1 mark
Maximum 4 marks
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John connects up the circuit shown below.
The bulb is not bright enough. His friend suggests four circuits which could be used
to make the bulb brighter.
Which is the correct circuit to use: A, B, C or D? ..............................................
1 mark
Next John sets up circuit E and notes the reading on the ammeter.
He then places another bulb in the circuit, to make circuit F. He notes the
ammeter reading in circuit F.
How will the ammeter reading in circuit F compare with that in circuit E?
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The reading in F is ........................................................................................
1 mark
Explain you answer. ......................................................................................
1 mark
Draw a circuit diagram in which two bulbs are lit as brightly as the bulb in circuit E,
and the ammeter reading is the same as in circuit E.
1 mark
Maximum 4 marks
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Mark schemes
all four lines are required for three marks
any three lines are required for two marks
any two lines are required for one mark
if more than one line is drawn from a symbol,
do not give credit for that symbol
3 (L4)
accept ‘cell’ or ‘cells’
accept ‘power supply’ or ‘power pack’
1 (L4)
circuit 1
circuit 2
both ticks are required for one mark
if more than one box is ticked in any row, award no mark
1 (L4)
accept ‘aluminium’
accept ‘gold’
do not accept any other metal
1 (L4)
Page |1
award two marks for all four correct lines
award one mark for any two or three correct lines
if more than one line is drawn from any box,
do not credit either line
2 (L3)
both ticks are required for the mark
if more than one box is ticked in any row, award no mark
1 (L3)
both ticks are required for the mark
if more than one box is ticked in any row, award no mark
1 (L4)
accept ‘cell’ or ‘cells’
1 (L4)
Copper is a good conductor of electricity.
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L3)
there is a wire missing between the battery and the bulb
accept ‘there is a wire missing’
or ‘the bulb is not connected to the battery’
accept ‘it is not a complete circuit’
or ‘the circuit is broken’
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1 (L3)
two wires are connected to one end of the battery
accept ‘the battery is wrongly connected’
accept ‘the battery is not in the circuit’
accept ‘the circuit is wrongly connected’
do not accept ‘there is an incomplete circuit’
1 (L3)
the bulb is broken or blown
do not accept ‘the circuit is not complete’
do not accept ‘because the light is not on’
1 (L3)
the circuit is connected correctly
accept ‘it is set up right’
accept ‘there is a current’
accept ‘there is a complete circuit or path’
1 (L3)
circuit A
if more than one letter is given award no mark
smaller or lower
accept ‘half’
any one from
because the resistance is larger
accept ‘the resistance is smaller in E’
because the current has to flow through more bulbs
accept ‘because there are more bulbs’
do not accept ‘because two bulbs use up more energy’
or ‘because the current is less’
If the two bulbs are in series, then two cells are needed.
The ammeter may be anywhere in the series circuit e.g.
If the two bulbs are in parallel, then the ammeter must be in one of the branches of the
circuit e.g.
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