PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 557) tm, Iil tmtrt rE qruit A TEXTBOOK OF MECHATRONICS PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A TEXTBOOK OF MECHATRONICS For Engineering students of B.Tech/B.E. Courses 567 / R.K. RAIPUT M.E. (Hons.) Gold Medalisq Grad. (Mech. Engg. & Elect' E gg'); M'I'E' (India); M.S.E.S.I; M.I'S.T.E; C.E. (India) Recipient of : "Best Teacher (Academic) Award" " Distinguished Author Azoaril" "Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial Gold Medal" for an outstanding research PaPer (Institution of Engineers-India) r,"; uu cffi 'J{i* "li;#{lv}".n. o ro gv PATIALA (Puniab) .G +.q7- S. CHAND & COM PANY LTD. (AN ISO 9001 : 2000 COMPANY) RAM NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110055 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor r). S. CHAND & COMPANY LTD. 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No part of this publication may be reproduced, slored in a retrieval ,rrrr'* o, transmitted, in any'form'or by any me.an.s, electronic, mechanical' photocopying, recording or otherwise, wit'hiut the orior permission of the Publishers. First Edition 2007 ISBN : B1-219-2859-1 Cocie : l0 343 PRINTED IN INDIA By Rojendro Rovindro Printers (Pvt.) Ltd., 7361, Rom Nogar, New Delhi-l l0 055 ond published by s, chond &'compony Ltd. 7361, Rom Nogor, New Delhi-l l0 055 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor This trea:- :, subject matte: -: Indian Unive:..:: The boo^. --:,r-' 1. Intr:.'...::,: Jigital electr;,'.::; : ttd present,i::-- ' --,ri -; All these ::,::' explanatorr' :- :-:: .\4echanical, i.:,- " " Highlights' -- j ,, rar.e been a::": : The autl';: ; :uring prepa:: a :n: -_ As ever :!::f-: -upta, Mana:.:a Jompany Lt; ::,-Any suga=::,:r .:,corporated :: :r PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION This treatise on the subject "Mechatronics" contains comprehensive treatment of the subiect matter in simple, lucid and direct language. It covers the syllabi of the various Indian Universities in this subject exhaustively. The book contains nine chapters in all, namely : 1. Introduction to mechatronics, measurement systetns and control systems ; 2. Basic and digital electronics; 3. Sensors and transducers ; 4. Signal cotttlitiottirtg, dLtta acquistion, transmission and presentation/display ; 5. Microprocessors ;6. System nnLlels and controllers ;7. ActuatorsMechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic ; 8. Meclmtronic strstents ; 9. Elentents of CNC machines. All these chapters are saturated with much needed text, supported by simple and selfexplanatory figures, and worked examples, n'herever required. At the end of each chapter "Highlights", "Objectiae Type Questiorts" , "Tlrcoreticttl Questions" and "Llnsoloed Examples,, have been added to make the book a comprehensive and complete unit in all respects. The author's thanks are due to his rvife Ramesh Rajput for extending all cooperation during preparation and proof reading of the manuscript. As ever before, I take this opportunity to thank rny publisher Sh. Ravindra Kumar Gupta, Managing Director, and sh. Navin Joshi, GM (sales & Marketing) of S.Chand & Company Ltd for the personal interest they took in printing this book. Any suggestions for improvement of this book will be thankfr-rliv acknowledged and incorporated in the next edition. ro).1"-' R.K. RAIPUT (Author) (v) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor CONTENTS Pages Clupters Introduction to S.I. Units and Conversion Factors 1. INTRODUCTION TO MECHATRONICS, MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS AND CONTROL SYSTEMS 1.1. Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems 1.1.1. Definition and scoPe 1.1.2. Advantages and disadvantages of mechatronics 1.1.3. Components of a mechatronic system 1.1.4. Examples of mechatronic systems 1.1.5. Introduction to measurement systems 1.1.6. Functions of instruments and measurement systems 1.1.7. Applications of measurement systems 1 .1.8. Measurement system performance 1.2. Conkol Systems 1.2.1. Inhoduction 1.2.2. System 1.2.3. Controlsystem 1.2.4. Classification of control systems L.2.5. Open-loop control systems (Non-feedback systems) 1.2.6. Closed-loop control system (Feedback control system) 1.2.7. Automatic control sYstems 1.2.8. Servo-mechanism 1.2.9. Regulator 7.2.10. Represerttation through model 1,.2.11. Analogous systems 1.2.12. Blockdiagram L.2.73. Mathematical block diagram 1,.2.14. Signal flow graPh 1,.2.15. Time response of control system 1.2.76. Stability 1.2.17. FrequencY resPonse 1.2.L8. Errordetegtor 1.2.1,9. LVDtr J/ 1.2.20. Servo-amPlifier 7.2.21. SamPled data sYstems 7.2.22. Industrial controllers '/ 1..2.23. Pneumatic control systems) 7.2.24. Hydraulic control sYstem 1.3. Microcontroller Highlights 't-9 L0-39 10 10 11 11 12 14 74 15 15 15 15 76 1,6 1,7 77 1,9 20 21, 21, 21, 27 21, 23 23 25 25 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 29 30 31 ): Objectiae Type Questions 39 Theoretical Questions (vii) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 2, BASIC AND DIGITAL ELECTRONICS 2.1 Electronic components 2.1.1. Introduction 2.7.2. Actre components Tube devices Semiconductor devices 2.1.3. Passive components Resistors Inductors Capacitors 2,2. Electronic Devices 2.2.1. General aspects 2.2.2. Semiconductors 2.2.3. Intrinsic semiconductor 2.2.4. Extrinsic semiconductor 2.2.5. P-N ]unction diode 2.2.6. Zener diode 2.2.7. Tunneldiode 2.2.8. Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) 2.2.9 Field-effect transistor (FET) 2.2. 10 Unijunction transistor (UlT) 2.2.71. Thyristor 2.2.72 Optoelectronic devices 2.2.73. Rectifiers 2.3. Digital Electronics 2.3.1 tntroduction 2.3.2. Advantages and disadvantages of digital electronics 2.3.3. Digital circuit 2.3.4. Numbersystems 2.3.5. Digital coding 2.3.6. Logicgates 2.3.7. Universalgates - 2.3.8. Half adder 2.3.9. Full adder 2.3.10. Boolean algebra 2.3.72. De Morgan's theorems 2.3.73. Operator precedence 2.3.74. Duals 2.3.75. Logicsystem 2.3.76. Flip-flop circuits 2.3.17. Counters 2.3.18. Registers 2.3.79. Logic farnilies 2.3.20. Integrated circuits 2.3.21,. Operational amplifiers 40-\54 40 40 40 40 47 43 43 45 46 3.5. 3.6. 3.7 51 51 51 54 54 56 65 70 77 83 87 89 97 3.9. Capac:--. 702 3.9.i c: 106 3.9.1" C: 706 3.9.3. Ci 3.10. piezoe-e.: 3.10.1. Ir:i 106 706 707 1,22 123 725 727 128 729 i31 133 126 138 740 746 747 747 747 Highlights 752 752 Obj ectiae Type Questions Theoretical Questions 762 153 (viii) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 3.10.2. D3 3.10.3. i1": 3.i0..1. {: 3.10.5 t1e 3.11. Hali Erer 3.11.1. Ha3.11.2. Fta- 3.12. Thermoele, 3.13. Photoele.-.t: 3.13.1. pr:: 3.13.2. Ap: 3.13.3. Cias 3.13.4. ph,r.l 3.13.5. phot 3.13.6. pho:r 3.13.2. phc:. 3.14. Strain Gaue 3.14.1. Intr; 16F253 SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS 40-164 3.1. Inkoduction 3.2. Mechanical Detector-Transducer Elements 3.3. Definition of Transducer 3.4. Classification of Tiansducers 40 40 40 40 3.4. 1. Transducer sensitiviY 41 3.4.2. Specifications for transducers 43 43 45 46 3.5. Electro-mechanical transducers 3.6. Transducer actuating mechanisms 3.7. Resistance Tlansducers 51 51 51. 54 54 56 65 70 71' 83 87 89 97 102 106 106 106 106 1.07 722 123 125 127 728 129 131 133 126 138 140 146 1.47 147 747 752 152 153 165 t66 767 158 770 770 170 1,77 177 3.7.1. Linear and angular motion potentiometers 1,72 3.7.2. Thermistors and resistance thermometers 3.7.3. Wire resistance strain gauges 3.8. Variable Inductance Transducers 3.8.1. Self-generating tYPe Electromagnetic tYPe 3.8.1,.2. ElectrodYnamic tYPe. EddY current tYPe 3.8.2. PassivetyPe 175 Variablereductancetransducer transducer Linear-variable-differential transformer (LVDT) 3.9. Capacitive Transducers 3.9.1. Capacitance transducers-using change in area of plates Mutual inductance 1.75 176 177 777 1.77 177 178 178 180 180 183 183 3.9.2. Capacitive transducers-Using change in distance between the plates 784 3.9.3. Capacitive tachometer 3.10. Piezoelectric Ttansducers 3.10.1. Piezoelectricmaterials 3.10.2. Desirablepropertiesof piezoelectricmaterials 3.10.3. Workingofapiezoelectricdevice 3.10.4. Advantageanddisadvantagesofpiezoelectrictransducers 3.10.5. Piezoelectric accelerometer 3.11. HaIl Effect Transducers 186 L87 187 787 188 188 189 191, 3.11.1. Hall effect 1'91 3.11.2. 192 195 Halleffecttransducers 3.1.2. Thermoelectric Tiansducers 3.L3. Photoelectric Transducers 3.13.1. Principleofoperation 3.13.2. Applications 3.13.3. Classification Photoemissivecell - 3.13.4. 3.13.5, Photo-voltaiccell 3.13.5. Photo-conductivecell 3.13.7. Photoelectrictachometer 3.14. Strain Gauges 3.14.L' Inkoduction 195 195 195 196 196 1'96 197 197 198 198 162 (,x) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 3.74.2. Types of strain gauges 198 Wire-wound strain gauges Foil strain gauges Semiconductor strain gauges Capacitive strain gauges 3.74.3. Theory of strain gauges 3.t4.4. Strain gauges circuits Ballast-circuit (voltage-sensitive potentiometric circuit) 3.1-4.4.2. Wheatstone bridge circuit. 3.15. Load Cells 3.15.1. Hydraulic load cell 3.75.2. Pneumatic load cell 3.15.3. Strain gague load cells 3.16. Proximity Sensors 3.17. Pneumatic Sensors 3.18. Light Sensors 3.19. Digial Optical Encoder 3.20. Recent Tiends-Smart Pressure Tiansmitters 3.21. Selection of Sensors 3.22. Static and Dynamic Characterisics of Transducers/Measurement Systems - Instruments 3.22.1. Introduction 3.22.2. Performance terminology 3.22.3. Static characteristics 3.22.4. Dynamic responses/analysis of measurement systems Zero, first and second order systems First-order system responses Second-order system responses 4. 798 200 207 202 202 206 206 208 274 274 274 215 277 278 219 219 220 220 221 222 224 226 229 4.6._r : 4.E.t. r--" 4.E - .:.: 4.6.i r". 4.E y -:: 4.9. Data -:-::- 4.9.i -: . 1.9.2,,|': ,/ . 423 :j 4/9.1 -" 4.11-t. _: 234 Ob j ect ia e Ty p e Ques t ions 245 Theorectical Questions 257 Unsoloed Examples 257 4.3. Amplification 4.4. Types of Amplifiers 4.5. Mechanical Amplifiers 4.6. Fluid Amplifiers 4.6I t,l 227 244 4.1.1. General measurement system components 4.1.2. Signal conditioning and its necessity 4.1.3. Process adopted in signal conditioning 4.1.4. Mechanical amplification and electrical signal conditioning 4.2. Functions of Signal Conditioning Equipment 4.6 _1 1 227 Highlights SIGNAL CONDITIONING, DATA ACQUISITION, TRANSMISSION AND PRESENTATION/DISPLAY 4.1 Introduciion 4.7. Optic:. : 4.8. Electr:: 4.E.1 -t 4.6.:. :" 254*313 254 254 254 255 255 256 259 259 259 26A (x) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 1 4.11. Data Pre* 4.11.1. Ge: 4.77.2. E'^t 4.11.3. .{-. 4.11.4. D: 4.11.5. Re: 4.77.6. Pr; 4.17.7. \tz 4.11.9. D. Highlights Objectiae Typ, Theoretical Qi,;:: - 798 198 200 201. 202 202 metric circuit) 206 206 208 4.7. Optrcal Amplifiers 4.8. Electrical and Electronic Amplifiers . 4.8.1. Desirable characteristics of electronic amplifiers 4.8.2. Electronic amplification or gain 4.8.3. A.C. and D.C. amplifiers 4.8.4. Modulated and unmodulated signals 4.8.5. Integrated circuits (ICs) 4.8.6. Operational amplifiers (Op-amp) Specification/ characteristics of an Op-amp Op-u*p description Applications of Op-amp Op-amp circuits used in instrumentation 274 274 274 275 277 218 279 219 220 220 4.8.7. Attenuators 4.8.8. Filters 4.8.9. Inputcircuitry 4.9. DataAcquisition 4.9.1. Introduction 49 2/.i.t.ria Acquisition (DAQ) Systems . 1/ urement 227 221 221 222 224 226 229 254 254 255 d[:..:ing 255 256 259 259 259 260 262 262 263 263 264 264 266 266 269 270 272 273 273 273 273 275 275 276 4.10.1. Mechanicai transmission 285 ' 4.70.2. Hydraulic transmission 4.10.3. Pneumatic transmission 4.10.4. Magnetic transmission 4.10.5. Electric type of transmitters 4.70.6. Converters 4.10.7. Telemetering 257 254 267 276 245 257 254*313 Digital signals ADCprocess Components used in A/D conversion Analog-to-digital (A/D) converter 260 260 / Digital-to-Analog (D/A) conversion -*.1. 4.10. Data Signal Transmission 234 244 ilfiSSION Analog-to-DigitalConversion(ADC) 26A 4.11. Data Presentation /Display 4.11.1,. General aspects 4.77.2. Electrical indicating instruments 4.11.3. Analog instruments 4.11,.4. Digital inskuments 4.11.5. Recorders 4.17.6. Printers 4.77.7. Magnetic recording 4.11.8. Display systems 287 284 285 285 286 286 286 286 288 288 289 297 294 295 302 304 301 Highlights 306 Objectiae Type Questions itr,- Theoretical Questions (xi) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor MICROPROCESSORS 5.1 Computer-Brief Description 5. 1 1 . History and development of computers 314-342 374 . 5.1.2. Definition of a computer 5.1 .3. Characteristics of a computer 5.1.4. Classification of computers 5.1.5. Analog computers 5.1.6. Digital computers 5.7.7. Differences between analog and digital computers 5.1.8. Block diagram of a digital computer 5.1.9. Rating of chips 5.1.10. Computer peripherals 5.1.11. Storage devices 5.1.72. Hardware, software and liveware 5.1.13. Tianslators 5.1.74. Computer languages 5. 1. 15. Computer programming process for writing programs 5.i.16. Computing elements of analog computers 5.2. Microprocessors 5.2.1. Microprocessor-General aspects . : S\ STE\I \TO - - i:.-: S.,= 314 376 376 376 :"--- t: 377 377 379 379 l]. - - 320 320 b,: : 322 324 n1 (r<':.- lr ;-- 325 325 325 5.t I L''_ ::: : Definition and brief description 326 326 326 326 Characteristics of microprocessor 327 Cr.-r.:. |::: Important features 327 6.3 Uses of microprocessors JZ/ 5.2.2. Microprocessor Systems The microprocessor 328 328 Buses 329 Memory 330 Input/Output 331 5.2.3. Intel 8085 Microprocessor 6.3. Con::- - =:, 5i^ 6.3 3 l:, , i tr: :. 67. .: 4\/- . a--\ f! ? a : . '. 6.3.1C. F::": JJJ a-- 5.2,3.1,. Brief history JJJ hl Lrtroduction JJJ c._. . Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) Timing and control unit JJJ JJJ Registers JJJ Data and address bus 33s Pin configuration 335 Opcode and operands cJ/ Instruction cycle J3/ Microprocessor programming 338 5.2.4. Microcontrollers Highlights 338 Obj ectiae Tape Questions 347 Theoretical Questions 347 ... / 340 (xii) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Highlights e; Objectiae Type Theoretical Q;.:,;:; ACTUATORS - ! PNEUMATIC 7.1 Introducdor. 7.2. Mechanical . 7.2.1. Gene: 7.2.2. \1a*- 7.2.3. Kinen 7.2.4. Kner: 7.2.5. Kine:: 3'1.4-342 6. SYSTEM MODELS AND CONTROLLERS 6.1. Basic System Models 31.4 374 316 6.1.1. Introduction 6.1.2. Mechanical system building blocks Rotational systems Building up a mechanical system 6.1.3. Electrical system building blocks,. Building up a model for an electrical system 6.1.4. Fluid system building blocks Building up a model for a fluid system 6.1.5. Thermal system building blocks Building up a model for a thermal system . 31.6 316 31,7 377 319 31,9 320 320 322 324 6.2. System Models 6.2.1. introduction 325 325 325 326 6.2.2. Rotational-translational systems 6.2.3. Electromechanical systems 6.2.4. Hy dr aulic-mechanical systems 327 6.3.1. Introduction 6.3.2. Control modes 6.3.3. Two-stepmode 6.3.4, Proportional mode (P) 6.3.5. Derivative mode (D) 327 6.3.5.L. PDcontroller 327 329 330 331 aaa JJJ JJJ 6a^ JJJ Highlights -^^ JJJ 335 335 5J/ 337 338 338 340 341 347 TheoreticalQuestions ,f 367 367 364 365 365 365 367 368 368 369 369 371, -)zr 371 372 Objectioe Type Questions JJJ 348 350 354 356 357 359 359 359 364 Introduction 6.3.1,0.2. Special fea tures Architecture basic structure Selection of a PLC JJJ 345 347 362 362 362 363 6.3.6. Integral Mode (I) PI controllers PID controllers _y.3.7. 6.3.8. Digital Controllers 6.3.9. Adaptive Control System 6.3.10. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) 328 328 343 343 343 345 367 367 6.3. Controllers 326 326 326 343-373 ACTUATORS - MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, HYDRAULIC, PNEUMAilC 7.1 Introduction 7.2. Mechanical Actuators 374-485 371 371 371 7.2.1. General aspects 7.2.2. Machine 7.2.3. Kinematic link or element 7.2.4. Kinematicpair ' 7.2.5. Kinematic chain 375 375 37: 3:9 (xiii) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 7.2.6. Mechanism 7 .2.7 . lnv ersion of mechanism 7.2.8. 'lypes of kinematic chains and their Inversions Four bar chain Slider crank chain Double slider crank chain 7.2.9. Gear drive 7.2.70. Belts and belt drives 9"2.77. Chains and chain drives 7.2.\2. Bearings Classification of bearings 7.3. ElectricalActuators 7.3.1. General aspects 7.3.2. Switching devices 7.3.3. Drive systems--electric motors 7.3.4. D.C.motors 7 -t.1.7. Permanent magnet (PM) D.C. motors D.C. shunt motors D.C. series motors D.C. Compound motors Stepper motors Servomotors Moving coil motors 7.3.,1.8. Torque motors 7.3"4.9. Brushless D.C. (or trapezoidal PMAC) motors Electronic control of O.C. motors 7.3.5. Single phase motors General aspects Applications and disadvantages Construction and working 7.3.6. Three phase induction motors Introduction Constructional details 7 .3.6.3. Theory of operation of an induction motor 73.6.a. Shp 7.3.7. Electronic control of A.C. (induction) motors Introduction Speed control of a single-phase induction motor Speed control of three-phase induction motors Braking of single-phase motors Dynamic braking of a 3-phase induction motor Eddy current drives 7.3.8. Synchronous motor-Types, starting, speed control and braking Types of synchronous motors Starting of synchronous motor Braking of synchronous motors 7.3 8 4 Speed control of synchronous motors / 381 381 1! 7.3.', _ i 381 7.4 Hvc::_- 381 71- 383 7.11 - 384 386 393 ,/.4._- : 396 397 397 399 399 400 405 446 406 407 408 449 470 473 416 434 434 434 435 437 440 440 447 443 443 446 447 447 (xiY) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor _ i '7 t,a.1- : 7.5. Pneu::.:: ,.J,t. _ /.J. . _ 7.5.3. ::,. . 41,8 478 420 425 425 425 426 429 429 429 493 nt /.i.: 7.5.1 "_.: Highlights Objectiue Ty;, \8. - Theoretical Q:,:;: MECHATRO\I 8.1. Generai .l-. 8.2. Design pr:, 8.3. Tiaditior.a8.4. Embeddel, 8.5. DescripCc: 8.5.1. Enq-. 8.5.2. Au:c 8.5.3. Au:r 8.5.4. Lisr : Theoretical Ques::: 381 381 381 381 383 384 386 393 396 397 397 399 399 400 405 406 406 407 408 409 410 473 476 478 418 420 425 425 425 426 429 429 429 433 434 434 434 br 435 s 437 tr ilbraking 440 440 447 443 443 446 447 447 7.3.9. Digital conkol of electric motors 7.3.1,0. Selection of a motor for mechatronic applications 7.4 Hydraulic Actuators 7'4.1. General aspects 7.4.2. Hydtaulic power supply 7 .4.2.7. Basic element of an oil hydraulic system Components of an hydraulic system 7.4.3. Pumps 7.4.4. Pressure regulator 7.4.5. Hy draulic valves Classification of valves Graphic valve symbols Pressure control valves Flow control valves (variable orifice) Direction control valves 7 .4.6. Linear actuators 7 .4.6.1. Types of cylinders 7.4.7. Rotary actuators Hydraulic motors Advantages and applications of hydraulic motors 7.5. Pneumatic Actuators 7.5.1. Introduction 7.5.2. Cornponents of a Pneumatic Systems 7.5.3. Pneumatic Valves 7.5.4. Linear and Rotary Actuators,. Linear actuators-Pneumatic cylinders 7 .5.4.2. Rotary actuators-Air motors 7.5.5. Special Features of Pneumatic Actuators 7.5.6. Example of Fluid Control System Highlights Objectiae Type Questions 448 449 449 46 450 450 451, 451 455 456 456 456 458 461 467 467 467 477 472 475 475 475 476 477 479 479 481 482 483 483 484 484 , Theoretical Questions / MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS 8.1. General Aspects 8.2. Design Process 8.3. Traditional and Mechatronics Designs 8.4. Embedded systems 8.5. Description of some Mechatronics Systems 8.5.1. Engine Management System 8.5.2. AutomicCamera 8.5.3. Automatic Washing Machine 8.5.4. List of Some Other Mechatronic Systems Theoretical Questions 487-494 487 488 488 489 489 489 491 492 493 494 (rv) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 9. ELEMENTS OF CNC MACHINES 9.1. Introduction to numerical control of machines and CAD/CAM 9.1.1. Modern machine tools 9.1.2. NC machines 9.1.3. CNC machines 9.1.4. CAD/CAN4 495-531 CAD s00 502 CANL 501 Software and hardware for CAD/CAM Functioning of CAD/q61y1 systems Features and characteristics of CAD/CAM systems Application areas for CAD/CAM 9.2. Elements of CNC machines i-- 495 495 495 498 tr---1.- 501 502 502 503 Be:.:.:: 504 9.2.1. Introduction 9.2.2. Machine structure 9.2.3. Guidways /Slidways 504 504 505 Introduction Factors influencing the design of guideways 9.2.3,3. Types of guiden ays Friction guideways Antifriction linear motion (LM) guideways Frictionless guideways 9.2.4. Drives - 505 505 506 506 508 510 rr iJ-,> \_: - I - \6 +1. Ror- -- it l;' :--.: -\ n 1.: l 511 Spindle drives Feed drives 9.2.5. Spindle and spindle bearings Spindle Spindle bearings 9.2.6. Measuring systems 9.2.7. Controls 9.2.8. Gauging 9.2.9. Tool monitoring system 9.2.10. Swarf removal 512 572 521 527 521 525 526 526 527 527 527 9.2.17. Safety Highlights Objectiae Type Questions Theoretical Questions APPENDIX ]E, NESTC MECHANICAL CONCEPTS A.1. Engineering Materials A.1.1. Classification of materials A.1.2. Classification of electrical engineering materials A.1.3. Biomateirals A.1.4. Advanced materials A.1.5. Materials of future-Smart materials _t.: -- \__i:: F_-- tr--- T.--_ r.. -- 528 528 Iie": : 529 G,e--: 532-s89 532 532 534 535 53s 536 (xvi) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor C::..: L-Y_-__ 1i:i AP] 8.1. Atomic S=*--: B.2. Electric C*::= 8.3. Elecfor:..,:.. : 8.4. Resistar..= B.5. Magnetr; :_. 495-531 495 495 495 498 500 502 501 501 502 502 503 504 504 504 s05 505 505 506 506 508 510 511 4.1.6. Nanotechnology A.1.7. Mechanical properties of metals A.1.8. Selection of materials A.2. Force, Moments and Friction A.2.1. Force A.2.2. Moments A.2.3. Friction A.3. Stresses and Strains A.3.1 Classifications of loads A.3.2. Stress A.3.3. Simple stress A.3.4. Strain A.3.5. Importance of mechanical tests A.4. Bending of Beams A.5. Shafts A.5.1 Torsion of shafts A.5.2. Torsionequaton A.5.3. Power transmitted by the shaft ,4..6. Bending Moments and Shearing Forces ,{.6.1. Some basic definitions 4.6.2. Classifications of beams A.6.3. Shearing force (S.F.) and bending moment (B.M.) 4.6.4. General relation between the load, the shearing force and thebendingmoment A.7. Metrology 512 512 A.7.1. Standards of measurement 4.7.2. Limlts, fi ts and tolerance 521, A.7.3. Classification of measuring equipment A.7.4. Surface finish 521, 521. 525 526 526 527 527 527 528 528 529 532-589 532 532 534 535 535 536 A.8. Machining Processes A.8.1. Machining A.8.2. Classification of machining processes A.8.3. Cuttingtools A.8.4. Orthogonal and oblique cutting A.8.5. Forces of a single-point tool A.8.6. Types of chips A.8.7. Machine tools 536 537 539 539 Q3e 543 545 547 547 547 548 549 550 551 552 552 552 553 553 553 554 555 556 557 557 562 569 571 578 578 579 580 583 585 584 586 A.8.8. Heattreatrnent 5.87 A.8.9. Oblects ,4.8.10. Constituents of iron and steel 4.8.11. Heat treatment processes 587 587 588 APPENDIX-B : BASIC ELECTRICAL CONCEPTS B.1. Atomic Structure 8.2. Electric Current 8.3. Electromotive Force 8.4. Resistance 8.5. Magnetic Field (xvii) 590-516 590 591 592 592 595 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 596 8.6. Terms Connected with Magnetic Materials 597 8.7. Classification of Magnetic Materials 597 8.8. Magnetically Soft Materials 597 B.9. Magnetically Hard Materials B.10. Laws of Magnetic Force 597 B.11. Magnetic Field Due to a Current Carrying Conductor 598 599 B.12. Force on a Current-carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field B.13. Magnetising Force (H) of a Long Straight Conductor and a Long Solenoid 600 600 B.14. Force Between Parallel Conductors-Ampere's law 601 B.15. Faraday's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction 602 8.16. Induced e.m.f. 604 8.17. Inductances in Series 604 8.18. Inductances in Parallel 604 B.19. Terms Connected with Magnetic Circuit 606 8.20. Comparison of Electric and Magnetic Circuits 606 8.21. Alternating Voltage and Current 608 8.22. Form Factor and Peak Factor 608 8.23. A.C. Through Ohmic Resistance Only 608 8.24. A.C. Through Inductance Alone 609 B.25. A.C. Through Capacitance Alone 609 8.26. A.C. Series Circuits 8.27. A.C. Parallel Circuits 672 613 8.28. Resonance in Parallel Circuits 8.29. Comparison of Series and Parallel Circuits 613 8.30. Q-Factor of a Parallel Circuit 61.3 8.31. Transformers 614 INDEX 677-578 Intrr A. INTRODUCTTC SI, the internatic 1. Base units 2. Derived unit 3. Supplement: From the scientil extent arbitrary, beca Ceneral Conference, for international relt international systern Quaniity length MASS time electric current thermodynamic tr luminous intensit amount ofysubsta The second class r combining base unit quantities. Several oi by special names and Derived units ma given in Thbles 2, 3 a (xviii) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 596 597 597 597 597 598 599 lenoid 600 600 601 602 604 604 604 606 606 608 608 608 609 609 612 Introduction to SI Units and Conversion Factors A. INTRODUCTION TO S! UNITS SI, the international system of units are divided into three classes : 1. Base units 2. Derived units 3. Supplementary units. From the scientific point of view division of SI units into these classes is to a certain extent arbitrary, because it is not essential to the physics of the subiect. Nevertheless the General Conference, considering the advantages of a single, practical, world-wide system ior international relations, for teaching and for scientific work, decided to base the international system on a choice of six well-defined units given in Table 1 below : Table 1. Sl Base Units 61,3 61,3 613 614 617-618 Quantity Name Symbol length metre m MASS kilogram kg time electric current thermodynamic temperature luminous intensity amount of substance second S amPere A K kelvin candela mole cd mol The second class of SI units contains derived units, Le., units which can be formed by combining base units according to the algebraic relations linking the corresponding quantities. Several of these algebraic expressions in terms of base units can be replaced by special names and symbols can themselves be used to form other derived units. Derived units may, therefore, be classified under three headings. Some of them are given in Tables 2,3 and 4. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics Table 2. Examples of Sl Derived Units Expressed in Terms of Base Units Quontily Name Symbol area square metre volume cubic metre m3 speed, velocity metre per second m/s acceleration metre per second squared ,2 m/s density, mass density kilogram per cubic metre kglm3 concentration (of amount of substances) mole per cubic metre mol/m3 activity (radioactive) 1" per second S specific volume cubic metre per kilogram m'/kg luminance candela per square metre cd/m2 ^2 -l Table 3. Sl Derived Units with Special Names .-$ Name Symbol i'l Expression Expression in terms of in terms of other Sl base units units 1 frequency hertz Hz s force newton N Pressure pascal Pa N/m'z m.kg.s m-1,.Kg.s -2 energy, work, quantity of heat power joule N.m m-.kg.s - radiant flux, quantity of electricity watt I w I/s m2, .K8.s -3 electric charge coloumb C A.s s.A electric tension, electric pqtential volt V w/A capacitance farad F c/v 2, m.K8.S-3.-l .A m-2,.Kg-7.s 4 electric resistance ohm o v/A m2.kg.s-3.A-' conductance siemens S A/V --2.kg'.s3.A-2 magnetic flux weber Wb V.S. tesla T inductance henry H wb/n] wb/A luminous flux lumen lm cd.sr illuminance lux lx m-2.cd.sr . dynamic viscositv moment of force surface tension heat flux density, irra heat capacity, entropv specific heat capacigi entropy specific energy thermal conductivity energy density electric field strength electric charge density electric flux densitv permitivity Sl Units Quantity magnetic flux density Table 4. Examplel Sl Unit Quantity 1i lntroduction to Sl Unts r -_a )- current density magnetic field strength permeability molar energy molar heat capacity The SI units assign either as base units q. _1 Quantity 2, -2.-1 m.Kg.s .A kg.s-2.A-1 m'.kg.s-2.A-' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor angular velocity angular acceleration radiant intensity radiance lntroduction to Sl Units and Conversion Factors leclratronics 3 Table 4. Examples of st Derived units Expressed by Means of special Names r Units SI Units Quantity Swfiol I Name Symbol Expression in terms of Sl base m'I units .l ml m/s - m/s2 ktl*' I I I srclim3 sl-rl m3ks cai .t m' I dynamic viscosity pascal second Pa-s moment of force surface tension heat flux density, irradiance heat capacity, entropy specific heat capacity, specific entropy specific energy metre newton N.m *-'.kg.s-l _)a m -.kg.s' newton per metre watt per square metre joule per kelvin joule per kilogram kelvin N/m kg.r-' thermal conductivity I energy density electric field strength electric charge density electric flux density I permitivity Eryression i terns 6f 5I :uv t 'I:ls current density magnetic field strength permeability I molar energy molar heat capacity I I I r'rg.r' r2.tg frg I r-' r-' LAI rz-tg.s-'.A-' t*-tgt.r'.a' a'Ig.r-'.A-' lgs-2.a-r m-2.cd.sr I/kB w/(m.K) m.kg.s-3.K-1 I/nf m-1,.Kg.s -2 Y/m m.kg.s-3.A-1 C/m3 m-3.s.A C/mz m'.s.A a F/m m-3.kg-1.sn.Aa A/mz A/m H/m *.tg.r-'.a-' m-2.kg.s-2mol-l l/mol l/(mol.K) *-'.kg.r-'.K-l.mol-1 I Sl Units Quantity I I plane angle solid angle Name Symbol radian rad steradian ST I Table 6. Examples of sl Derived units Formed by Using supplementary Units I I Sl Units Quantity I I I a'-kg.r-'.A-' rdsr I/(ks.r) *-2.kg.r-'.K-' m-2.s-2,,-"1 -l\. Table 5. Sl Supplementary Units pr.tg.s-3.A-1 l*Ig-'.rn kg.s' J/K The sI units assigned to third class called "supplementary units,, may be regarded either as base units or as derived units. Refer to Table 5 and rable 6. "l ft=-r joule per kilogram watt per metre kelvin joule per cubic metre volt per metre coloumb per cubic metre coloumb per square metre farad per metre ampere per square metre ampere per metre henry per metre joule per mole joule per mole kelvin w /m2 I angular velocity angular acceleration radiant intensity radiance I Name Symbol radian per second radian per second squared watt per steradian watt per square metre steradian rad/ s ',2s rao/ W /sr W-m-2.sr-l I PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor d Mechatronics lntroduction to Sl Units and Conversion Factors 5 second per second. Since acceleration due to gravity equals 9 .81 m / s2 , one kilogram force equals 9.81 newtons. foule. The joule (]) is a derived unit of energy, work or quantity of heat and is defined as the work done when a force of one newton acts so as to cause a displacement of one metre. Energy is defined as the capacity to do work. A unit of energy in nuclear physics is the electron volt (eV) which is defined as the energy gained by an electron in rising through a potential difference of one volt. 1 eV = 1.6027, 10-1e I. Watt. The watt (W) is a unit of power (i.e., rate of doing work) Power in 'aratts - work (or energy) in ioules time in seconds Thus 1 watt equals 1 Joule/sec. elOrr' : hs irr vacuum of ;2p-- and 5dr of Pr0totvpe of the of :he radiation :Is of the ground ed i;: rr!'o straight Ecttln arrd placed niu:tors a force m-:atirre of the crriar ;irection, of lmflire oi freezing be. csrtains as many Itlen the mole is alours, molecules, fides. i ckcle that cut off erter in the centre b that of a square es the unit of force r of one metre Per 1 kilo watt-hour (kWh) = 1000 _watt-hours = 3600000 joules. Coulomb. The coulomb (C) is the derived unit of charge. It is defined as the quantity : :lectricity passing a giaen point in a circuit when a current of 1- A is maintained 7 second. Q=l't for i.,.irere Q = charge in coulombs, 1 = current in ampees, and f = time in seconds. 1 coulomb represents 6.24 x 1018 electrons. Ohm. The ohm (O) is the unit of electric resistance and is defined as the resistance in -thich a constant current of L A generates heat at the rate of 1 watt. Siemen. The siemen is a unit of electric conductance (1.e., reciprocal of resistance). If : circuit has a resistance of 5 ohms, its conductance is 0.2 siemen. A more commonly used rame for siemen is mho {U). Volt. The volt is a utrit of potential difference and electromotive force. It is defined zs the dffirence of potential across a resistance of 1 ohm carrying a current of 1 ampere. Hertz. The hertz (Hz) is a unit of frequency. 1. Hz = 1 cycle per second. Horse-power. It is a practical unit of mechanical output. BHP (British horse power or :rake horse power) equals 746 watts. The metric horse power equals 735.5 watts. To avoid confusion between BHP and metric horse power, the mechanical output of machines in SI units, is expressed in watts or kilowatts. C. SALIENT FEATURES OF SI UNITS The salieni features of SI units are as follows : 1. It is a coherent system of units, i.e., product or quotient of any two base quantities results in a unit resultant quantity. For example, unit length divided by unit time gives unit velocity. 2. It is a rationalised system of units, applicable to both, magnetism and electricity. 3. It is a non-gravitational system of units. It clearly distinguishes between the units of mass and weight (force) which are kilogram and newton r'espectively. 4. AII the units of the system can be derived from the base and supplementary units. 5. The decimal relationship between units of same quantity makes possible to express any small or large quantity as a power of 10. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 6 lntroduction to Sl Units art 6. For any quantity there is one and only one SI unit. For example, joule is the unit of er"igy of all forms such as mechanical, heat, chemical, electrical and nuclear. Howev-er, kWh will also continue to be used as unit of electrical energy. Advantages of Sl Units : 1. Units for many different quantities are related through a series of simple and basic relationshiP. 2. Being an absolute system, it avoids the use of factor'8' i.r., acceleration due to 4. Power: gru"i-ty in several expressions in physics and engineering which had been a nuisance in all numericals in physics and engineering' 3. Being a rationalised system, it ensures all the advantages of rationalised MKSA ryrtu"* in the fields of Llectricity, magnetism, electrical engineering and electronics. 4. ]oule is the only sole unit of energy of all forms and watt is the sole unit of Power hence a lot of labour is saved in calculations' 5. It is a coherent system of units and involves only decimal co-efficients. Hence it is very convenient and quick system for calculations' 6. In electricity, all the practical units like volt, ohm, ampere, henry, fatad, coulomb, joule and watt accepted in industry and laboratories-all over the world for well over a century have become absolute in their own right in the SI system, without the need for any more practical units. 5. Specific heat: 1 kcal/ 5. Thermal condu 1 rt.atr 1 kcal,/h 7. Heat transfer co 1 wattr 1 kcal/m: Disadvantages': ",,ifliI it, The following conve units into SI units. L. The non-Sl time units'minute'and'hour'will still continue to be used until the clocks and watches are all changed to kilo seconds and mega seconds etc. 2. The base unit kilogram (kg) includes a prefix, which creates an ambiguity in the To conttert use of multiPliers with gram. angstroms 3. SI units for energy, power and pressure (i.e., ioule, watt and pascal) are too small atmospheres bars to be expressed in icience and technolory, and, therefore, in such cases the use of largei units, such as Mj, kW, kPa, will have to be made' 4. There are difficulties with regard to developing new SI units for apparent and reactive energy while joule is the accepted unit for active energy in SI systems. D. CONVERSION FACTORS 1. Force: Btu Bfu circu-lar mils I cubic feet r dynes erSs L newton = kg-m/secz = 0.072kgf 1 kgf = 9.81 N 2. Pressure: 1 bar = 750.06 mm Hg = 0.9869 atrn = 10s N/m2 = 103 kg/m-sec2 L N/m2 = 1 pascal = 10-s bar = 10-2 kg/m-sec2 L atm = 760 mm Hg = 1.03 kgf /cm2 = 1.01325 bar = 1..01325 x 10s N1762 3. Work, Energy or Heat : 1 joule = L newton metre = 1 watt-sec = 2.7778 x 10-7 kW-h = 0.239 cal = 0.239 x 10-3 kcal PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor erSs feet foot-pounds foot-pounds gauss grams (force) horse power (metric) lines/sq. inch Maxwell mho micron miles mils * of Mechatronics lnlroduction to Sl Units and Conversion Factors e, ioule is the unit 1 cal = 4.184 joule = 7.7622 x 10{ k\Vh 1 kcal = 4.784 x 103 joule = 427 kgf m trical and nuclear. ral energy. = 7.7622 x 10-3 kwh 1 kwh = 8.6042 x 10s cal = 860.42 kcai = 3.6 x 106 joule ies oi simple and cceleration due to rhich had been a 1 ksf-m = (#) kcal = e.81 joules 4. Power : ationalised MKSA 1 watt = 1 joule/sec = 0.860 kcal/h t h.p. = 75 rr:.kgf/sec = 0.7757 kcal,/sec = 735.3 watts ing and electronics' 1 kW = 1000 watts = 860 kcal/h sole unit of power eificients. Hence it n', farad, coulomb, tic rvorld for well 5I svstem, without 5. Specific heat: 1 kcal/kg-'K = 0.4784joules/kg-K 6. Thermal conductivity : 1 watt/m-K = 0.8598 kcal/h-m-'C 1 kcal/h-m-"C = 1.16123 watt/m-K = 7.76723 joules/s-m-K. 7. Heat transfer co-efficient : 1 watt/m2-K = 0.86 kcal/m2-h-'C 1 kcal/m2-h-'C = 1.163 watt/m2-K. b be used until the p sxonds etc. n amt'iguity in the The following conversion factors may be used to convert the quantities in non-Sl units into SI units. To conzsert angstroms atmospheres m nscal' are too small Lgcl'. cases the use bars Kgl m Btu Btu joules 1054.8 B icr :pparent and kwh 2.928 x'1.04 circular mils cubic feet m2 5.067 x 10-10 -3 0.02831 dynes 10-s ergs newtons joules ergs kwh 0.2778 x lO-13 feet m 0.3048 foot-pounds foot-pounds joules 1.356 kg-* 0.1383 Sauss tesla 10r grams (force) newton 9.807 x 10-3 horse power (metric) watts 735.5 iines/sq. inch Maxwell tesla webers siemens metre 1.55 x 10-5 10+ km 7.609 CM 2.54 x L0=3 EEX ur SI systems. '!{ o' , r[85 bar mho micron miles mils 10-10 kg/m2 10332 2 . 1.02 x 104 1,0-7 1 10-6 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics ; i poundals newton 0.1383 Pounds kilogram pounds (force) pounds/sq. ft. pounds/sq. inch newtons N/m2 0.454 0.448 47.878 N/m2 6894.43 E. TMPORTANT ENGINEERTNg CONSTANTS AND EXPRESSTONS rN S.t. UNtrS Engineering Constants and Expressions M.K.S. System 1. Value of go 2. Universal gas constanl 9.81 kg-m/kgf-sec2 Gas constant (R) 848 kgf-m/kg mol-oK 29.27 kgf-m/kg:K for air 4. Specific heat (for air) 5. Flow through nozzle-Exit 7. Refrigeration 1 ton Heat transfet The Stefan Boltzmann Law is given by : = 287 ioules/kg-K c, = 0.17 x4.184 = 0.71128 kllkg-K cp = 0'24 x 4'184 = 1 kl/kg-K 44.7 JO where U is the k] = 50 kcal/min = 210 kilmin Q= kcal/m2-h kcal/h-m2-"Ka 76. \, 17. Magnetic fr 20. 91.5 U where U is in kcal "t' whereo=4.9x10{ 15. Magnetic field 18. :ri Q = ot' kcal/m2-h whereo=5.67xL0-8 w/m2x3 F. DIMENSIONS OF QUANTITIES Different units can be represented dimensionally in terms of units of length L, mass M, time T and current I. The dimensions can be derived as under : 1. Velocity = length/time = L/T = I-iI-l 2. Acceleration = velocity/time= LTl/f =LTa J. Force = mass x acceleration = MLTQ 4. Charge (coulomb) = current x time = IT 5. Work or energy = force x distance = ML2T2 6. EMF or potential = work,/charge = MLZT2/IT = ML2rrTa 7. Power = work/time = ML2T2 /T = ML2Ta 8. Current density = current/area = l/L2 = ILa 9. Resistance = emf/current = ML2rlTa /l = MLZI2Ta 10. Electric flux density = electric flux or charge/area = IT/L2 = ITLa 11. MMF = current x number of turns = 1 12. Conductance = 1/resistance = !/ML2|2T3 = ff\rrlLQ PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Electric fi 74, ('.' 1 kgf-m=9.81 ioules) 9?1 velocity (C2) 6. 13. 1 kg-m/N-sec2 848 x 9.81 = 8314 J/kg-mote-K for air i, = 0.17 kcal/kg-"K cv = 0.24 kcal/kg-"K ,iiri SI Units lntroduction to Sl Units and 79. 21. i Mechatronics introduction to Sl Units and Conversion Factors 13. 74. Electric field intensity = volt/metre = ML211T3 /L = ML71T3 resistantxarea Resistivity Iength = (ML2t4T1)(r\/t I = ML3l-zTa tH s.l.uNlTs ,-l kg-mole-K r,:uies) ules kg-K 15. Magnetic field intensity (I{t = MMF/length = l/L = lL-1 Magnetic flux = emf x time = (ML2|-IT-'XD = MLZI-|T2 16. 17. Magnetic flux intensity = magnetic flux/area = (MLzl-lT4)/L2 = Ml-1T-2 Impedence = emf/current = ML2IaT-3 18. Admittance 1,9. = Uimpedence = Izt'M-lL-z Inductance = magnetic flux/current 20. = ML2T2|-111 = MLzTala 21,. ' {.1s-l rt, il kg-K Capacitance = electric charge/potential = tr/MLzTart * M-lLat'f , {151 kg-ii eU:sthekJ t le.Eth L, mass = [TL-? L-; PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor rntroduction to Mectr CHAPTER r 4 Introduction to Mechatronics, ';ii%:T,"*i 3I:[:il: 1.1. Introduction to mechatronics and measurement systems scope - Advantages and disadvantages of mechatronics mechatronic system - Examples of mechatronic systems - Definition and - Components of a - Lrtroduction to measurement systems - Functions of instruments and measurement systems - Applications of measurement systems - Measurement system performance. 1.2. Control systems - Introduction - System Control system Classification of control systems = op:l loop control systems (Non-feedbaci systems) Closed loop control systems (Feedback control systems) - Automatic control systems servomechanism - Regulator - Representation through model Analogous systems Block diagram - Mathematical block diagram signal flow graph -"Time."rpo.,ru of control system - Stability - Frequency .esponse-- Error dJtecior LVDT _ Servo Amplifier - Sampled data systems - Industrial controllers Pneumatic control systems * Hydraulic control system - Highlights objective Type euestions _ Theoretical Questions. ,nll , flli li,l 1.1. INTRODUCTION TO MECHATRONICS AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS defined as follows: . "The synergistic combination of precision mechanical engineering, electronic control and systems thinking in the design of products and manufacturing prirrrrrr.,T and acfuato control lelr Examples : L 2. Secondary I controlled dt Example : C; 3. Third leoel t controlshatq The cont -'Application Examples : Cr CD drives, a 4. Fourthleoelt system. It int systems. 1.7.2. Advanta Following are ttr "The interdisciplinary field of.engineering dealing with the design of products otherwise ver 3. High degree 4. A mechatroni 5. Greafer extert 6. Due to the int exPenses are I iahose function relies o-n the_ synergistic integration of mechanical ind electronic iomponents co-ordinated by a con t rol architectu re." a "Mechatronics" involves a number of technologies such as engineering ; - Me.chanical Electronic engineering; - Electrical engineering; - Computer technology; - Controlengineerir-rg. This can'be considered to be the 1. The products 2. The perforru r a "lntegration of electronics, control engineering and mechanical engineering,,. a -. :nd home automati Evolution level Following are t 1. Pimary la Advantages : 1.1.1. Definition and Scope *"Mechatronics" may be It represents th rrut work in a varietr : 7. Owing to the systems, the a _ greater prr - higher qua Disadvantages : 1. High initial co 2. Imperative b implementatio 3. Specific probh apptication of computer-based digital control techniques, through electronic and electric interfaces to mechan{cal engineering problems. properly. 4. It is expensive inthelatesixties,spreadthroughEuropeandisnowbeing 1.1.3. Componer commonly used elsewhere in the world. 10 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor The term mechatmn myriad of devices an rtroduction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and Control Systems 11 It represents the next generation machines, robots and smart mechanisms for carrying -.ut work in a variety of environments - predominantly factory automation, otfice automation ()nlcs/ stems stems :nd home automation. Evolution levels of mechatronics : Following are the evolution levels of mechatronics: 1. Primary leoel mechatronics: This level incorporates l/O deaices such as sensors, and actuators that integrates electrical signals with mechanical action at the t'asic control level. Examples: Electrically controlled fluid valves and relays. 2. Secondary lepel mechatronics: This level integrates microelectronics into eiectricallv ;;;;) r:ncris of a I controlled deoices. ,-ao.arrement I Example : Cassette player. tpplications I 3. Third leoel mechatronics : This level incorporates adaanced feed back functions into oiri.ation of I ,Cl.rsed Ioop I rrr.. - Serrro- I ,,-. s'..t"*, - I ime :esponse I \-DT - Servo I nat-: rontrol I Queshons - I I TT SYSTEMS v-1- . .:..1-l s|stems control strategy thereby mhancing tla quality in terms of sophisticatior - called '' Smnrt system' ' . The control strategy includes microelectronics, microprocessor and other -'Application Specific Integrated Circuits' (ASIC). Examples: Control of electrical motor used to activate industrial robots, hard disk, CD drives, automatic washing machines. 4. Fourth leuel mechatronics : This level incorporates intelligent control in mechatronic system. It introduces intelligence and Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) capability systems. 1.1.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Mechatronics Following are the adt:antages and disadoantages of mechatronics : ' Advantages: 1. The products produced are cost effective and of very good quality. 2. The performance characteristics of mechatronics products are such which are otherwise very difficult to achieve without the synergistic combination. 3. High degree of flexibility. 4. A mechatronics product can be better than just sum of its parts. 5. Greater extent of machine utilisation. 6. Due to the integration of sensors and control systems in a complex system, capitali expenses are reduced * z'::--;: .htnction *-:'-;:,tiled by a 7. Owing to the incorporation of intelligent, self correcting sensory and feedback systems, the mechatronic approach results in : greater productivity ; - higher quantity and producing reliability. Disadvantages : 1. High initial cost of the system. 2. Imperative to have knowledge of different engineering fields for design and implementation. 3. Specific problems for various systems will have to be addressed separately and atr.,! techniques, and is now being properly. 4. It is expensive to incorporate mechatronics approach to an existing/old system. 1.1.3. Components of a mechatronic system : The term mechatronic system (sometimes referred to as 'smart device') encompas-s a myriad of devices and systems. Increasingly, microcontrollers are embedded in :::; PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 12 A Textbook of Mechatronics -:'oduction to Mechatrcn,: electromechanical deaices, creating much more flexibility and control possibilities in system design. 7. Home applinr::.:: Fig. 1.1 shows all components in a typical "mechatronic system". - Washing -: Bread ma::2. Automobile: Electrical:-. - Antilock :: 3. Aircraft : - Flight cc:.:: Navigact:. 1. Automated r:-;..'.^ o - Digital control architectures Outpul signal conditioning and Robots Numeri:a, An automatt: ;: ::,pies of synerg:s: l :ieering. Such co::: ' -'"- al sensors ett,.;: : :- '.:..rs to mechani:.;. ;-,,, Copy machine - [ \Injor componeflt: i :, Analog circ;i'.: - Controlli:.- " Heaters Other ptr'.r i i Digital circ';,:: 1. Actuators : Solenoids, voice coils ; D.C. motors ; Stepper motors ; Servomotor; hydraulics; preumatics. 2. Sensors : Switches ; Potentiometer; Photoelectrics ; Digital encoder ; Strain guage ; Thermocouple ; accelerometer etc. 3. lnput signal conditioning and interfacing : Discrete circuits ; Amplifiers, Filters ; A/D, D/D. 4. Digital control architectures : Logic circuits ; Microcontroller ; SBC ; PLC ; Sequencing and timing ; Logic and arithmetic ; Control algorithms ; Communication. 5. Output signal conditioning and interfacin g zDl A, D/D ; Amplifiers ; PWM ; Power transistors ; Power Opamps. - Control :t=: Indicatc:..a: Buttons Switches Microproce,.i---1 '. Serao and s:::,":'' and indexrnE --:€ - -tpying process : 6. Graphical displays : LEDs ; Digital displays ; LCD ; CRT. a a a a Fig. 1.1. Components of a typical "mechatronic system'j The actuatois produce motion or ca.use some action ; The sensors detect the state of the system parameters, inputs and outputs ; Digital devices control the system; Conditioning and interfacing circuits proaide connection between the control circuits and the input/output deaices ; t-- o Graphical displays proaide aisual feedback to users. 1.1.4. Examples of Mechatronic Systems : Following are the examples of mechatronics systems : Delie,,-=:.-: :-n PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor book of Mechatronics ryiities in system design. -:r'oduction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and Control Systems 13 l. Home appliances : mchines - Washing - Bread machines etc. 2. Automobile: fuel injection - Electrical Antilock brake system. 3. Aircraft: control - Flight - Navigation system. 1. Automated manufacturing : - Robots Numerically controlled (NC) machine tools. o An automatic production line, an automatic camera and a truck susPension are : :mples of synergistic combination of electronic control systems and mechanical and haae rsia electrical ,::rical sensors extracting information fram the mechanical inputs and outputs . - :ineering. Such control systems generally use microprocessors as controllers ,; '.,ators to mechanical systems. "Copy machine" - Example of mechatronic system. Major components: (i) Analog circuit : Controlling lamps - Heaters - Other power circuits. ,ii) -Digital circuit : rr -. :'ar.;lics; preumatics. Frr l-ege ; ThermocouPle; lra =::= ; ND,D/D. l.C 'Sec:encing and timing ; X: !: *er transistors ; Power SlEnr: 'w; :'.itputs; !f,a?{a; the control circuits digit displays - Control Indicator lights - Buttons - Switches. :ii) Microprocessor-Io-orCinates all of the functions in the machine. :tt) Seroo and stepper motors-Loading and transporting the paper, turning the drum, and indexing the sorter Copying process: An original in a loading bin J Scanning .t Metal drum with charge distribution J The paper from a loading cartridge with an electrostatic deposition of ink tone powder .t Heated the paper J Delievered the copy to an appropriate bin by a sorting mechanism. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 14 "::-citOn tO lv{ecra:-:,- 1.1.5. lntroduction to Measurement Systems 1.1.7. Appticat Following are the elements of a measuring system : l:.e instrumeriis : :: i. rrfl€d belorr1. -Vonitoring of 7. Transducer 2. Signal processor 3. Recorder. : Etantlties : Fig. 1.2. Elements of a measurement system. o Tiansducer is a sensing deoice that conoerts a physical input into output, usually - I Control of prol 4..r,,,,,/.,- aoltage. r Signal processor performs filtering and amplification functions. o Recorder records or displays the output of signnl processor. _:. Experimental e Experimenia" t: belorv : Example : Measurement-Digital thermometer. Refer to Fig. 1.3. tls":l ?:":::::: Becorder a Determ;:.:: . TesHng::.o Solutions .:: o Formula:-: theorelica. : a For der.el.-:: LED display sfud1'' 'l .1.8. Measurem :oilowing are the Fig. 1.3. Digial thermometer. - Thermocouple conaerts temperature to a small aoltage. Amplifier increases the magnitude of the aoltage. A/D (analog to digital) cont;erts the analog aoltage to a digital signal. LEDS (Light emitting diodes) display the aalue of temperature. 1.1.6. Functions of lnstruments and Measurement Systems Following are the three main functions of instruments and measurement systems : 1. Indicating function : Examples: gauge is used for indicating pressure. - AThepressure deflection of a pointer of a speedometer indicates the speed - of the automobile at that moment. 2. Recording function : Eramples : type of recorder used for monitoring temperature - Apotentiometer records the instantaneous values of temperatures on a strip chart recorder. 3. Controlling function : This is one of the most important functions specially in the field of industrial control processes. I-r:r this case, the information is used by the instrument or the system to control the original measured quantity. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ' ::::teristics : = 1. Static characteris (i) Accurac-i (ii) Sensitivih. tiii) P"r.oOLii'"r, (iz,) Drift (o) Static error (zrl) Dead zone. 2. Dynamic characti are : (i) Speed of rsF. (ii) Measuring lai (iii) Fidelity (io) Dynamic €rrrrl 1.2. CONTROL SYSTE' 1.2.1. lntroduction Automatic conkol has : :=>rdes its extreme impc- ok of Mechatronics itroduction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and Control Systems 15 1.1.7. Applications of Measurement Systems rl J J mto ttttput, usually Fe, E The instruments and measurement systems are used for different applications as ::entioned below : 1. Monitoring of processes and operations : Examples : An ammeter or a ooltmeter indicates the value of current or voltage - being monitored (measured) at a particular instant. Water and electric enerry meters installed in homes keep track of commodity used so that later on its cost may be computed to be realised from the user. 2. Control of processes and operations: Examples: refrigeration system which employs a thermostatic control. - ATypical temperature measuring deaice (often a bimetallic element) senses the room temperature, thus providing the information necessary for proper functioning of the control system. 3. Experimental engineering analysis : Experimental engineering analysis has several uses, some of which aie listed below : a Determination of system parameters, variables and performance indices. r Testing the validity of theoretical predictions. . Solutions of mathematical relationships with the help of analogies. o Formulation of generalised empirical relationships in cases where no proper theoretical, backing exists. . For development in important spheres of study where there is ample scope of study. 1.1.8. Measurement System Performance Following are the main two distinct categories of instruments and measurements :: : racteristics : 1. Static characteristics. The main static characteristics are (i) Accuracy (il) Sensitivity : sqi.i ti nrernerrt systems : ture. irrd:cates the speed nioring temperature res on a strip chart (ili) Reproducibility (lu) Drift (zr) Static error (ul) Dead zone. 2. Dynamic characteristics. The dlmamic characteristics of a measurement system are : (i) Speed of response (li) Measuring lag (iii) Fidelity (iu) Dynamic error. 1:. CONTROL SYSTEMS n tield of industrial e ilstrument or the 1.2.1. lntroduction Automatic control has played a significant role in the advance of engineering science. lesides its extreme importange in space-vehicle systems, missile-guidance systems, etc., PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 16 automatic control has become an important and integral part of modern manufacturing and industrial processes. Automatic control, for example, is essential in Design of auto pilot systems in aero space industries ; Design of cars and trucks in the automobile industries ; Industrial operations as controlling pressure, temperature, humidity, viscosity, and : - flow in the process industries. -_^,ntin- |,--i +^ .! r =- Examples o.;; Follorr-inp: ::= 1. Steerin:: r. Print rr-: =, 3. Industl:. -{. Sun-tra.n -i. Speed c::: 6. Temper;:_ . 1.2.2. System A system may be defined as follows . "A system is an arrangement, set or collection of things connected or related in sttch a : . 1.2.4. Classit fltanner as to form an entirely or uhole". Control svs:.r- Or 1. Cpen-lo:: 2. Closed-. "A system is an arrangement of physical components connected or related in such a manner as to fornt and / or act ss entire unit." A system consists of a sequence of components in which each coponent has some calLse as inpout and its ffict tuitl be its outptrt. Broadly it is a sequentitll set of cause and Comparison be effects. Each system may have a large nwnber of subsytems; "Examples" : (i) This universe is itself a system consisting of large number of subsystems. (ll) Human body as a system has digestive system, respiratory system etc. 1.2,3, Control System A control system is an arrangement of physical components corurccted or related in such a nmnner as to command, direct or regulate itself or another system. Elements of a control system: The elements of a control system are enumerated and defined below : Element Definition 1. Controlled aqriable The quantitly or condition of the controlled system which can be directly measured and controlled is called controlled aaribale. The quantity or condition related to controlled 2. Indirectly controlled aariable variable, but cannot be directly measured is called indirectly controlled aariable. 3. Command The input which can be independently varied is called command. 4. Reference input -r. Stabilitv ca.: : -1. Presence c-, : malfunctio:.:. 5. Any chans. , cannot be ::n cally. :. Input cami- j responsible::: action. l. The contrr.. : upon human -.: :tamples : :) Automatic.,..:. :) The electric s,., .:) An automah: :. Vofer AII contro- . . ;ent timing ntec,:.:. . A standard signal used for comparison in the close-loop system. 5. Actuating signal -. Less dcclliii: l Cenerallr, : '- The difference between the feedback signal and reference signal is called actuating signal. 6. Disturbance Any signal other than the reference which affects the system performance is called disturbance. 7. System error The difference between the actual value and ideal value is called system error. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 1.2.5. Open-lo, o An Open-loo:" desired out7t..,: output has ,:. , o The elements following hr.: (i) Controlte: _ pk of Mechatronics ern manufacturing rtroduction lo Mechatronics, Measurement systems and control systems Liditr, r.iscosity, and Following are some examples of control system applications: 1. Steering control of automobile. 2. Print wheel control system. 3. Industrial sewing machine. 4. Sun-tracking control of solar collectors. 5. Speed control system. 6. Temperature control of an electric furnace. I .tr .clated in strch a 1.2.4. Classification of Control systems :. -:.,i!ed in such a Control systems are ciassified into the followin g two basic types : 1. Open-loop control systems (Unmonitored or non-feedback control systems) 2. Closed-loop control systems (Monitored or feedback control systems). :4:-:':tent has sorue Comparison between Open-loop and Closed-loop Systems in: 17 Examples of control system applications: rc::-;. s.'l o.f cause and Open-loop 1. i su'rsvstems. nste;l etc. Less accurate. ). Generally build easily. -). Stability can be ensured. l. Presence of non-linearities cause :; -" -:..i!et7 in such a malfunctioning. Any change is system component cannot be taken care of automati- 1. More accurate. 2. Cenerally complicated and costly. 3. May become unstable at times. 4. It usually perfoms accurately even the presence of non-linearities. 5. Change in system component automatically taken care of. cally. 5el.'-,"' : Input cammand is the sole factor responsible for providing the control action. rf ::: controlled v ::.e:sured and The control adjustment depends upon human judgement and estimate. r:i,,:-i 6. The control action is provided by the difference between the input command and the corresponding output. 7. The control adjustment depends on output and feedback element. Examples : rhi :o controlled Automatic washing machine. (l) Liquid level control system. nta=-rred is called The electric switch. (ii) Traffic signal system. An automatic toaster. (ili) Human being reaching for an obiect. rndenth'varied is rc"r:.:arison in the edtack signal and tinq signal. rcnce rvhich affects $d, iisturbance. ual value and ideal \';fe: All control systems operated by ,:.ttt timing mechanisms are open-loop. 1.2.5. Open-loop Control systems (Non-feedback Systems) o An Open-loop control system is one in which the control action is independent of the desired output. The actuating signal depends only on the input command and output has no control over it. o The elements of an open-loop control system can usually be divided into the following two parts (Refer to Fig. 1.4): (i) Controller; PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook o{ Mechatronics 18 \dvantages ar.3 l,ltrantages : Fig. 1.4. Elements of an open-loop control system' (li) ControlledProcess. controller, whose output -- An input signal or command is applied to the controls the controlled process acts as the actuating signal; the actuating signal then - standards' so that the coniroiled variable will perform according to prescribed In simple cases, the controller can be an amitlifier, mec.hanical linknge, filter, or other control element, depending on the nautre of the system. In more sophisticated cases, the controller can be a computer such as a microprocessor. find Because of the simplicity and economy of open-loop control systems we applications' this type of system in many non-critical Examples : . Simple co:-.: I Eas_v mar:- :.,, : Less cost.-, : - No stabilt:-. : .- Convenie:: is econor:.-:. -irttitationslDt s.; . Since the .,,.: dtffer t'rp1,'' : For g"r,,n. , . Any chan:= . =. Presence ..: 1.2.6. Closed-tr -. 1. ldle-speed control sYstem: o The following are the main objectives of the idle-speed control system of automobile: (i) To eleminate or minimize the speed drop when engine loading is applied. (li) To maintain the engine speed at a desired value' o Fig. 1.5 shows an idle-speed control system from the stand point of inputs-systemoutputs. In this case the throttle angle and the load torque (due to the application of air conditioning, Power steering, transmission, Power brake, etc.) are the inputs, and the engine speed is the output. The engine is the controlled process of the o A closed-loe.: output,In i: -. compared ,... tlesired otri,:. ... . Feedback rs . corttrolled ;. .: " :.. . appropriatt : feedbacki,s _... .; : betrueen sr1;:... Fig. 1.5. ldle-speed control system. The Characterisi::: Fig. 1.6 shows an example of the printwheel control system of a word processor or electrJric typewriter (and also shows a typical input-ouput set for the system)' (i) Increase; : (ii) Increase:, (iii) Tendenc., : (izr) Redulec .: system. 2. Pint wheel control sYstem: (a) Reducei .-charactei-. : o A closed-loof :.: Fig. 1.6. Open-loop word processor control system. When a reference command input is given, the signal is represented as a step function. Since the electric windings of the motor have inductance and the mechanical load has inertia, the printwheel cannot respond to the input instantaneously. Typically it will follow the response and settle at the new position after iometime. Printing should not begin until the printwheel has come to complete stop; otherwise, the character will be smeared' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Reference inpur _] (Speed, <,1 ) Fig o{ Mechatronics -:':Cuction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and Control Systems 19 .A.dvantages and limitations of open-loop control system : fl€d I€ .lduantages: 1. Simple construction. 2. Easy maintenance. 3. Less costly than a closed-loop system. ho= outPut acts crrtrolled Process rihe.l standards. I inuge, t'ilter, or ;\-stem. In more ; a n:'.:roprocessor. svstems we find ontrol system of dr--.q is applied. -1. No stability problem" 5. Convenient when output is difficult to measure or measuring the output precisely is economically not feasible. Limit atio ns I Disa da ant ages : 1. Since the system is affected by internal and external disturbances, the outpLtt nny dffir from the desired aalue. 2. For getting accurate results, this system needs frequent and careful calibrations. 3. Any change in system component cannot be taken care of automatically. 4. Presence of non-linearities causes malfuctioning. 1.2.6. Closed-loop Control System (Feedback Control System) o A closed-loop system is one rn ruhich control action is somehow dependent on the output.In this case the controlled output is fed back through a feedback element and compared with the reference input. Thus the actuating signal is the dffirence of desired outpr.rt and reference input. |:"}=noine soeed I o Feedback is that property of a closed-loop system which permits the output or some other controlled aariable of the system, to be compared with the input to the system, so that the appropriate conttol action may be formed as some function of the output and input. A feedback is said to exist in system when a closed sequence of cause and effect relations exists b e twe e cd control systern. r-cri1 processor or re;".'s:em). n sy st em a ar inbles. The Characteristics of feedback are as follows : (i) Increasedbandwidth (ii) Increased accuracy. (iil) Tendency towards oscillation or instability. (iu) Reduced effects or non-linearities and distortion. (u) Reduced sensitivity of the ratio of output to input to variations in system characteristics. . A closed-loop idle-speed control system is shown in Fig. 1.7. Reference rnput ; epresented as a steP Speed. or (Speed. <,q ; inductance and the spond to the inPut rd settle at the new t the printwheel has smeared. Fig. 1.7. Closed-loop idle-speed control system. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 20 -- idle The reference input (co,) sets the desired idling speed. The engine speed at should agree wiih reference value (or,), and any difference such as load torque is sensed by the speed transducer and the error detector. The controller will to operate or-r thu difierence and provide a signal to adiust the throttle angle '::uctron to f,,=:. 1.2.8. Serv ,{ servo-me:: -:,< the follc',", Adztantages: 1. More accurate comParativelY. 2. Usually performs accurately even in the presence of non-linearities' 3.ChangeinsystemComponentisautomaticallytakencareof' 4. The use of feedback system response is relatively insensitive to external distrubanes and internal variations in syslem parameters. It is thus possible to-use.relatiaely inaccurate and inexpensiae cotnponeits to obtain the accurate control of - 1. It is a :_2. It is use: 3. Its cha::: correct the error. Advantages and limitations : Limit ati o ns I Di s a do ant age s : 1. Generally complicated in construction' 2. Generally higher in cost and power' 3. May become unstable at times. 1.2.7. Automatic Control SYstems o A closed-loop control system operating without htnnan operator is called art automatic control sYstem. Examples : (l) Centrifugal watt Sovernor, where the lift of the rotating balls is used as sPeed monitor. The supply of steam is automatically controlled as sPeed tends to increase or decrease beyond a set point' (ii) Apressure control systemwhere the pressure inside the furnace is automatically controlled by affecting changes in the position of the damper. (iii) The leael control system where the inflow of water to the tank is dependent on the water level in the tank. The automatic controller maintains the liquid level by comparing the actual level with a desired level and correcting any error by adiusting the opening of the control valve' Advantages and limitations : au:a:: _ 1"r-^ rlr;.. : ren-. _ : -1. It has ]-.-:: to sign.. a giuen plnnt (whereas doing so is impossible in the open-loop case)' _ 1.2.9. Reguli \ regulator .. : long inte r:'.Example : ', - .2.I0. Reprr In order to,:. 1 -:iguration a:-: -: evolution. F., 1. Difie.= 2. Bloc" . 3. Sigr ' 1.2.1 1. Analo For mathema: :.rres of some {- Adzsantages : 1. lncreased outPut' 2. Economy in operating cost (since continuous employment of human operator is not requred). 3. Suitability and desirability in the complex and fast acting systems which are beyond the physical abilities of a man' 4. Improvement in the quality of the products' 5. Reduced effect of non-linearities and distortions' 6. Response is satisfactory over a wide range of input frequencies. Limitatiou Automatic control system has a tendency to oaercorrect errors which may result in oscillations of constant or changing amplitude. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Force, F Mass, M Displacen:. Velocity, i. ok cf Mechatronics ngLne speed at idle ,ui-, as load torque The ;ontroller will re ::.rottle angle to '-::uction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and 21 1.2.8. Servo-Mechanism -{ servo-mechanisirn is a feedback control system used to control position or its deriuntiae. -:s the following essential/eatures : 1. It is a closed-loop system. l. It is used to control position, velocity or acceleration. 3. Its characteristics include : - automatic control; - remote operation; high accuracy. {. It has 1a:a-e>. :-r:e ::. : 1 distrubanes high power amplifying stages to operate the system from very small error :i,. :-' tse relatirsely ::-:- --' t giaen plant Control Systems to signal. '1.2.9. Regulator A regulator is a system employed to control quality which is to be kept constant for a ' t long interaal. Example: Voltage regulator or speed regulator. 1.2.10. Representation Through Model , ,-:.--.; .;,t automatic e-= -. used as sPeed :: := s:eed tends to :;:= .: :utomatiCally aa-:=: E:--r '.: Cependent on ra::.::ins the liquid { =:.: :..rrecting any In order to solve a system problem, the specifications or description of the system -:iguration and its components must be put into a form amenable to analysis, jesig., , - : evolution. Following three basic models may be used for various system : 1. Differential equations and other mathemdfiarf;tofutions. "*--, 2. Block diagrams. ,i\ ; 1 ' 3. Sign flow graphs (SFG). , l,ri I.2.Il. Analogous systems 56'/ i ',..,. ,.:',1: ' .. .i".' I For mathematical relations analogies are drawn betwBer{'features of a system and i: ! rJr€s of some known elements or properties; some analogous systems are given belort,: Table 1.1. Force-Current Analogy Mechanical System : \o. od :::ran oPerator is g >'.'>tems which are Translational Force, F Mass, M Displacement, x Velocity, V Viscous friction co- Rotational Electrical System Torque, T Current, I Moment of inertia, M.I. . Angular displacement, 0 Capacitance, C Angu-lar velocity, ro Voltage, E Magnetic flux tinkage, / Viscous friction co-efficient, / Reciprocal of resistance, Torsional spring stiffness, K Reciprocal of inductance, efficient, f rre ;: errors which mat Spring stiffness, K 1 R 1 i PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 22 Table 1.2. Force-Voltage AnalogY S.No. Fig. 1.9 shows R(s) = 1201, Elecrical System Rotational Torque, T 3. Mass, M Displacement, x Moment of inertia, M.I. 4. Velocity, U Angular displacement, 0 Angular velocity, trt 5. Spring stiffness, K Torsional spring stiffness, K Reciprocal of capacitance, 6. Viscous friction coefficient, / Visocus friction Co-efficient, F Resistance R t. 2. refere C(s) = 1211. Voltage, E Inductance, L Charge, q Force, F 1 1.2.I3. Math shown are as follor Mechanical System Translational lntroduction to Mecfia H(s) = nrrr" feedh B(s) = 1uOL feedh Current, I 1 = C(s) Il E(s) = Lapl,a = R(s) _ G(s) = Laplx a Table 1.3. Electrica!,Thermal, Liquid level and Pneumatic Systems S.No. Electrical systems 1. 2. Thermal systems Charge, coloumbs (C) Heat flow, joules fl) Liquid flow cum. (m3) Liquid flow rate, Current, amperes (A) Heat flow rate, Pneumatic systems Air flow, cum. (m3) Air flow rate, cum/ sec. (m3/s) Temperature, oC cum/sec (*t/r) Heat, meters (m) Resistance, "Csf1 Resistance, m-2s Resistance N-ms-l Capacitance, m3/m Capacitance, m3/ joules/sec. (l/s) 4. Voltage, volts (V) Resistance, ohms (Q) 5. Capacitance, farad (F) Capacitance, ]/oC J. Liquid-leoel systems Pressure, N/m2 ot, ot, C(s) + C,(s C(s) [1 + OT, Hence the transfi Nm' In the above egu 1.2.12. Block Diagram A btock diagram is the diagrammatic representation of a physical system. The follwing steps are worth noting : Firstly a functional block diagram is drawn to represent the functions of the - - system' Then 7t is conaerted into a mathematical block diagram by expressing the transfer function for each block. Finally is is reduced to an equiaalent simpler block diagram for system analysis. Fig. 1.8 shows a block diagram of the feedback control system' (l) Product r .someti-ur (il) The sysh in the o 1+ Block reductions By using the nH rpresenting the blod ;an be simplified by o Table 1.4. 1.2.14. Signal I The block diagrar ;ime consuming. For t A singal floTo grq r system. Some important d l. Input and out :.rde while a node har 2. Path. Any o urdicated direction of Fig. 1.8. Block diagram of the feedback control system. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 3' t,lechatronics ^troduction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and Control Systems 23 1.2.13. Mathematical Block Diagram Fig. 1.9 shows the block diagram of a closed-loop system. The various quantities .hown are as follows : R(s) = Laplace transform of the reference input; C(s) = Laplace kansform of the output; H(s) = Transfer function of the feedback path; B(s) = Laplace transform of the feedback signal c Systems FEd:""1.rtic systems \-: :-. - ,', cum. (m3) l*: :. :.. rate, CUm/ Fig. 1.9. Closed-loop system. = C(s) H(s); E(s) = Laplace transform of the actuating signal = R(s) - B(s) = R(s) - C(s) H(s); G(s) = Laplace transform of the formed path, .'. C(s) = G(s) E(s) = 61t; R(s) - G(s) H(s) C(s) or, C(s) + G(s) H(s) C(s) = G(s) R(s) ot, C(s) [1 + G(s) H(s)] = G(s) R(s) or, 91'] = 9(:) R(s) 1+ G(s) H(s) Hence the transfer function of the system, ,,, = rvrs C(s) C(s) R1r=1.G(rH(r) In the above equation the following points are worth noting (l) Product of transiier function of forward path and feedback path G(s) x H(s), : r - - ::'.1:t,ingsteps .sometimes expressed as GH(s). (ll) The system performance depends on its characterutic eqation it is a key equation r in the control system analysis) which is given as under 1+G(s)H(s) =0. r'.< :-:.;tions of the '..::::: the tranSfer ::: .-, .:em analySiS' : Block reductions : By using the rules (derived by simple algebraic manipulation of the equations -=rresenting the blocks) of block diagram algebra, a complex block diagram configuration -.:n be simplified by certain rearrangements of block diagrams; such rules are given in the -rble 1.4. 1.2.14. Signal Flow Graph The block diagram reduction process, for complicated systems, becomes tedious and :.me consuming. For this purpose signal flow graphs (developed by S I. Mason) are used. A singal flou graph is a pictorial representation of the simultaneous equations describing system. Some important definitions relating to signal _flow graph are given below : lI." Input and output nodes. A node having only outgoing branches is called input --'?e while a node having only incoming branches is called output node or sink. 2. Path. Any continuous unidirectional succession of branches traversed in the :licated direction of branch is called path. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics ^lroduction to Mec^=: When the system has some roots with real parts equal to zero, but none with positive real parts, the system is said tobe "marginally stnble" which in unstable. Nyquist metho . This me:: approxii:-;: stabilitr' :: : o It is also *.: or syster-: 26 Routh stability criterion : Routh stability criterion is a method for determining system stability that can be applied to an nth order characteristic eqrration of the_form a,,5" +nn_rS"' + ..... + n,S + ao = 0 The Routh table is prepared as defined below : q "n 4., . a,t4 sr_r a,t-3 u : I cl n-5 b" b3 c. c3 After the array is completed the following criterion is applied : "The number of changes in sign for the terms in the first column equals tlrc number of roots of the characteristic equation with positiae real parts. Hence by the Routh criterion, for a system to be stable the array resulting from its characteristic equation must have a first column lvith terms of the same sign. Deficiencie's of Routh's criterion : 1. It does not provide the facility for selecting rn a simple and direct fashion the parameters of a system component to stabilize the system when it is found to be absolutely unstable. 2. It assumes that characteristic equation is available in polynomial form; which is not necessarily always true. 3. The Routh array may show no change in sign in the first column but the ensuing dynamic response may be characterised by overshoots so excessive as to render the system useless for control purposes. Thus the system may be relatively unstable inspite of the fact that it is absolutely stable. 4. Although this criterion gives information about absolute stability, it conveys little or no information about how close the system may be to become unstable. 1.2,17. Frequency Response The analysis of the systern whose input is frequency and amplitude is dealt under frequency response. The system is actuated by a sinusodal input and alloued to settle. The output amplitude and its phase with respect to input are measured. The phase difference and amplitude change indicate the nature of the system. Graphical methods : The following four graphical methods are available to controi systems analyses which are simpler and more direct than the time domain method for practical linear models of feedback control systems 1. Bode's-Plot-Representation 2. Nyquist Diagrams 3. Nichols Charts 4. The Root Locus method The first three are frequency-domain techniques. Bode's Plot. This method has the following adaantages : (i) It is the simplest method. (li) The multiplication of magnitudes can be converted into addition. (ili) Transfer function can be determined easily. : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor : Root locus me:. This methoC :=: .. r,ielding readill, : 1.2.18. Error E An error detectc .Ltpt.tt. . It gives a: : . Its outpu: .: electricai c.:: o An error-:-:: to a voltai. : in propor:. _' : 1.2.19. LVDT LVDT (Linear--,: ,:nd two secondar-.- .,. :r series oppositiot . oltages. The mor--:. s zero. When the ;:: 1.2.2O. Servo-A A servo-amplifie .o directly operate ti:: .- o It can be ele:: o It should ha-,,r curve shou_; residual vo.:" 1.2.21. Samplec These systems ,a_ rnore aariables chang: .- instants is very snt:.._ interpolation. These systems ::: (i) Numeri::. (ii) Pulse co:: (iii) High spr= (iz) Large cc.=: fransmiss.. Eet .' Mechatronics : :.c:.e rvith positive -E- ^tlg ;:a:r,itr. that can be ^:roduction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and Control Systems 27 Nyquist method: o This method handles systems with time delays without the necessity of approximations and hence yields exact results about both absolute and relative stabilitv of the system. o It is also useful for obtaining information about transfer functions of components or svstems from experimental frequency response dataRoot locus method : This method permits accurate computations of the time-domain resPonse in addition :-. r,ielding readily available frequency resPonse information. 1.2.18. Error Detector An error detector is a sensor to sense the error between the reference input and the desired "'ll'rtt L..: :' :':.!!nber of roots a'. :=..:,iing from its ::-- :--t. = :-ll ti :- .--: fashion the :€: .: :s found to be *-r.::. :--:rrl; rvhich is i::j. :-lr the ensuing x.fr:.'. e as to render :l :=-::.-''elr- unstable :a-:^ -: :..nr-eys little IfJ- rI: *:.stable. ,L:,:. :. ;ea1t under rr-. :" ,.i :o settle. The r r -i-.i ,ii.fference and sle= s :nalvses which r,(:- --:.ear models of ' o It gives an input to the amplifier and actuator in proportion to the error. o Its output should be directly electrical or a transducer should be cascaded to give electrical output. o An error-cum-transducer is obtained by connecting two potentiometers in parallel to a voltage source. Their movable points are brought out to give output voltage in proportion to the difference between the posifions of the movable contacts. 1.2.19. LVDT LVDT (Linear-Variable-Differential Transformer) is a transformer having one primary, :nd two secondary windings and movable core. The secondary windings are connected .n series opposition, so as to have output which is difference of the tivo induced secondary .'oltages. The movable core is connected to the shaft and a normal position output voltage .s zero. When the core moves the output uoltage is a function o.f the shaft position. 1.2.2O, Servo-Amplifier A servo-amplifier is the amplifier used to amplify the small otrtpttt of the error detector :t directly operate the actuator. r It can be electronic, magnetic or rotating. o It should have high input impedance, low output impedance, frequency resPonse curve should be flat in the range of operating frequencies, phase sensitive, small residual voltage and minimum noise. 1.2.21. Sampled Data Systems These systems (also called discrete time systems) are dynamic systems, in which one or .,nre aariables change at the discrete instant of time. The time interval between two discrete :nstants is very small so that the data during this interval can be approximated by rnterpolation. E re:: --.tr These systems find application in : (i) Numericaliy controlled machine tool operations. (ii) Pulse control or digital control of electric drives. (lil) High spped tin plate rolling mill using quantized data for control. (io) Large complex systems employing telemetry links based on pulse modulation transmission of data. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 28 lntroduction to Mecr= A Textbook of Mechatronics Limitations/Di: 1. Output pc:. 2. Accuracr :: 3. Slow res:.: 4. Operatio: : 5. Lubricati;: 1.2.22. lndustrial Controllers Industrial controllers may be classified according to their control action as follows 1. Two-position or on-off controllers. 2. Proportional controllers. 3. Integralcontrollers. 4. Proportional-plus-integral controllers. 5. Proportional-plus-derivative controllers. 6. Proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative controllers. -- Most industrial controllers use pressurised fuel such as oil or air or electricity as power sources. Consequently, controllers may also be classified according to the kind of power employed in the operation, such as "pneuftiatic controllers", "hydraulic controllers" or "electronic controllers" . However, the kind of controllers to be used must be decided based on the nature of the plant and operating conditions, including such considerations as safety, cost, availability, reliability, accuracy, weight, and size. : Uses : o The pneu::-: actions ir. :,. o They are :._: 1.2.24. Hydrau o Compress.: continuou_. : load forces : o The wides:: 1.2.23. Pneumatic Control Systems control sys:'.-: positiaeness. .r. o Pneumatic controllers use air control medium to provide an output signal which with smoott:,.., is a function of an input error signal. ' r Fig 1.12 shows the schematics of a pneumatic control system, the major components - are Error detector; Flopper nozzle (controller mechanism); Amplifier or Pilot relay. : - The ope: some sr€ For the s. can be i:, obtaine; -* - Error detector With 11,,."; A combi: combine= o Hydraulic con Measured variable is a functiot,. :- Fig. 1.12. Schematics of a pneumatic control system. - The controller mechanisms are of two types : Free balance and motion balance. Advantages : 1. Simple construction and easy maintenance. 2. Relatively high power amplification for operating the final control elements. 3. Relatively inexpensive power system. 4. No return pipes are required when air is used. 5. Insensitive to temperature changes. 6. Fire-and explosion-proof. 7. The normal operating pressure of pneumatic system is very much lower than that of hydraulic systems. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Fig. Fig. 1.13 shows ti. are : Error detector; ati .:.*. r:< :' \lechatronics ::---: :: :OllOWS : lntroduction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and Control Systems 29 Limitations/Disadvantages : 1. Output powers are considerably less (than those of hydraulic systems). 2. Accuracy of pneumatic actuators is poor at low velocities. 3. Slow response of final control elements, and transmission lag. 4. Operation difficult under freezing conditions. 5. Lubrication of the mating parts is difficult. Uses : o The pneumatic systems are employed for majority of the plant and process control actions in petroleum, petrochemical, chemical, paper, textile and food industries. o They are also sometimes used in the aircraft systems and guided missiles. ;,i:. -: electricity :,3-::l-.: aCCOfding *-: .- : --';!rollers" , er:i: -::.-,ntrOllerS t!.i.:: :: ; .rperating "-l'.:: .. :eliability, 1.2,24. Hydraulic Control System u4! r Compressed air has seldom been used (except for low-pressure controllers) for the continuous control of the motion of devices having significant mass under external load forces. For such a case, hydraulic controllers are generally preferred. o The widespread use of hydraulic circuitry in "machine tool applications", "Aircraft control systems" and " similar operations" occurs because of such factors as accuracy, positioeness, flexibility, high power-to-weight ratio, fast starting, stopping, and reaersal m;r-: s:::-.:i u.hich with smoothness and precision and simplicity of operations. operating pressure in hydraulic systems lies between 1 and 35 MPa; in - The some special applications the operating pressure may go upto 70 MPa. For the same power requirement, the weight and size of the hydraulic unit - can be made smaller by increasing the supply pressure. Very large force can be e E';.: : :.-nponents I',rr -- obtained rnith hydraulic systems. With hyraulic systems, rapid-acting, accurate positioning of heautl loads is possible. A combination of electronic and hydraulic systems is widely used because it combines the advantages of both electronic control and hydraulic power. o Hydraulic controllers employ a liquid control meditmt to proitide an output signal which is a function of an input error signal. - TPB: : tlrE; : - =: .1 i: : t. \ 3,7lance niF Hydraulic control valve Crr::-, =-enentS. Fig. 1.13. Schematics of an hydraulic control system. Fig. 1.13 shows the schematics of a hydraulic control system; the major components !I:]J . i\-er than that -- are : Error detector; an amplifier; a hydraulic control aakte; an actuator. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 30 A Textbook of Mechatronics lntroduction to Mecr-a:- -- Hydraulic power supply system is of the following two types : "Constant flow and then prograrr.::-i arrangeruent" and "Constant pressure arrangement" Advantages : 1. Because of low leakages in hydraulic actuators, speed drop when loads are applied is small. 2. Hydraulie actuators have a higher speed of response with fast starts, stops, and speed reuersals. 3. Availability of both linear and rotary actuators gives flexibility in design. 4. Simplicity of actuator system. 5. Operation of hydraulic actuators under continuous, intermittent, reversing and stalled conditions without damage is possible. 6. Large forces or torques can be developed by the comparatively small sized hydraulic actuators. 7. Long life due to self lubricating properties of the hydraulic liquids. Disadvantages/Limitations : 1. In order to prevent the leakage of hydraulic fluid, the proper seals and connections are needed. 2. Unless fire-resistant fluids are used, fire and explosion hazards exist. 3. For keeping the fluid clean and pure careful maintenance of the system is required. 4. As a result of the non-linear and other complex characteristics involved, the design of sophisticated hydraulic systems is quite complicated. 5. Contaminated oil may cause failure in the proper functioning of a hydraulic memorv which ca: Register and Rar can be stored tenr: The Ram:= : - The conte,-.: : EPROM-memolhe data ruill not ti::"-:l this memory and :.: Ports. The po:: r: rnput or outputs S'" "Microprocess o r-, switch) and being _. adaantage that n -.--,.' In several s::: - being a rr,l::specificall., ; Programmable ir rrocessor based co::. impiement function_. . tttd can be readilu :." . system. Uses : The hydraulic systems, because of their high power-to-weight ratio find a wide range of use in : Machine tools; - Speed governing systems; - Position control systems. - 1.3. MICROCONTROLLER Fig. 1.14 shows the simplified block diagram of the microcontroller (microprocessor based controller). l. "Mechatro,-.::: mechanicai =: products ar: 2. Elements c: (iii) Recorde: 3. Asystem is :: a manner a: : Program memory 4. An control:.,.: in such a r':: 5. An open-\l.."-' : desired our:: output has : 6. A closed-lcri:. -'on the outp-:: input. 7. A serao-me;:...:. _- Fig.l.14. Simplified block diagram of microcontroller. Program memory. It contains the program written. The program is a set instruction that the microcontroller performs. The software (instructions) is written in a computer PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor - derivatir.e. k :' ',techatronics *: -:'istnnt flow rc;:. ::re aPPlied :j :'. -:. and Speed 3,!-i r:.. ersing and Rr,e-. .rrall sized rs--.1 : i.!s :: : :-r:'.r-tections ..s:--:- -. :equired. H,l: --."---r ed, the .: ;. : : h'draulic ^troduction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and Control Systems 31 :nd then programmed (burned) into the "program memory". This memory is a EPROM 'rlemorv which can be rewritten thousand times. Register and Ram box. It contains all the internal registers and a small Ram where data :an be stored temporarily. There are seaeral registers uith different functions. The Ram memory is not large about 64-128 byte. The content in the Register and Ram-info taill disappear when the power is off. EPROM-memory. It is a small memory where data can be read as well as written, but '.'te data will not disappear when the pouer is o//. Next time the power is on we can go into :ris memory and fetch the data again. Ports. The port is input and output pins of the actual circuit. We can define the pins as rput or outputs. By writing or reading to the port we can conrol each pin as we wish. "Microprocessors" are fastly replacing the mechanical controllers (e.g. cam-operated .rr.itch) and being used in general to carry out control functions. They have the great tdoantage that a great aariety of prograrns become feasible. In several simple systems there might be just an embedded microcontroller, tiris - being a microprocessor with memory all integrated on one clip, which has been specifically programmed for the task concerned. Programmable logic controller (Fig 1.15) is a more adoptable form. This is a microrrocessor based controller which uses programmable memory to store instructions and to nplement functions such as logic, sequence, timing, counting and arithmetic to control eoents ',td can be readily programmed for different tasks. r-t l-{ \,-l lnPuts { |::::-.-:::rdawide Controller t-r lr+l i outouts I Control program Fig. 1.15. Programmable logic controller HIGHLIGHTS "Mechatronics" may be defined as the synergistic combination of precision mechanical engineering, electronic control and system thinking in the design of products and manufacturing processes. u.,<1 --,::OpIOC€SSOf 2. J. 4, 5. 6. e.. :. -: : >et instruction :-.::a:. in a comPuter 7. Elements of a measuring system are (i) Transducer, (ii) Signal processor, (iii) Recorder. A system is an arrangement of physical components connected or related in such a manner as to command, direct or regulate itself or another systern. An control system is an arrangement of physical components connected or related in such a manner as to form and/or act as an entire cirdcuit. Anopen-loop control system is one in which the control action is independent of the desired ouput. The actuating signal depends only on the input commarrd and output has no control over it. Aclosed-loop control system is one in which control action is somehow dependent on the output. The actuating signal is the difference of desired ourput and reference input. Aserao-mechanismis a feedback control system and used to control position or its derivative. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 32 8. A regulator is a system employed to control quality which is to be kept constant for a fairly long interval. 9. A block diagram is the diagrammatic representation of a physical system. 10. A signal floru graph is a pictorial representation of the simultaneous equations describing a system. 11. The responese of a system to input or disturbances determines its stability. atroduction to Mecha:': 9. A good con::- 10 (a) good sta: (c) good ac: -: , (d) sufficie:.::.A car is rtlri : i element for ::= (a) Clutch (c) Needle :: : (e) None o: ::. OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS Chosse the Correct Answer : 11. 1. In an open-loop control system (a) output is independent of control input (b) outPut is dependent on control input (c) Dvnamr: :. 12. A control s'.. .. (c) only system parameters have effect on the control output (d) none of the above. 2. For open control system which of the following statements is incorrect ? (a) Less expensive. (b) Recalibration is not required for maintaining the required quality of the ouput' (c) Construction is simple and maintenance easy. (.d) Errors are caused by distrubances. 3. A control system in which the control action is somehow dependent on the outPut is known as (a) Closed-loop system (c) Open-system (b) Semi-closed loop system (d) None of the above. 4. In closed-loop system, with positive value of feedback gain the overall gain of the system will (a) decrease (c) be unaffected The initial re.: (a) Transien: := (b) increase (d) any of the above. 5. Which of the following is an openJoop control system ? (b) Ward leonard control (a) Field-controlled D.C. motor (d) Stroboscope. (c) Metadyne 6. Which of the follwing statements is rof necessarily correct for open control system? (a) Input command is the sole factor responsible for providing the control action. (b) Presence of non-linearities causes maifunctioning. (c) Less expensive. (tl) Generally free from Problems of non-linearities, 7. In open-loop system (a) the control action depends on the size of the system. (b) the control action depends on system variables. (c) The control action depends on the input signal. (d) the control action is independent of the output. 8. .......... has tendency to oscillate' (b) Closed-loop system (a) Open-loope system (d) Neither (a) nor (b). (c) Both (a) and (b) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor (a) Compu:=: (c) Stocha.:.: - . 13. An automa:r: (a) open (c) partiali'. 14. Any externa..'. (a) feedbac.. (c) signal 15. A closed-loc: '' (a) Servo-r.=: (c) Output:.:' 16. ..........is a p.:: (a) Digestir = . (c) Ear 77. By which oi ::-, Path? (a) Brain (c) Legs 18. ..........is a ci:': (a) Auto-pi.i: : (c) Car starre: 19. Which of the : (a) Vernisais (c) Resolr'e:s 20. Which of tf,e :- (a) The gau. :: (b) The gai :: (c) The nu::,:,:: (d) The nui:,':.: 21. .......... increas*-. (a) Integra:i: (c) Phase ie:: . Mechatronics ---:duction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and Control Systems kept constant ;stem. )u-q equations q. A Sood control svstem has all the following features excepl (b) slow response (a) good stability (c) good accuracy (d) sufficient power handling capacity. , ::;i'ility. 10. A car is running at a constant speed of 50 km/h, which of the following is the feedback element for the driver? (a) Clutch (c) Needle of the seedometer (e) None of the above. 33 (b) Eyes (d) Steering wheel 1i. The initial response when the output is not equal to input is called (a) Transient response (b) Error response (c) Dvnamic response (d) Any of the above 12. A control system working under unknown random actions is called .......... (a) Computer control system (b) Digital data system (c) Stochastic control system (d) Adaptive control system. 13. An automatic toaster is a .......... loop control system. :re.-::aut. :r. -:.= .rutPut is (q) open (c) partially closed (b) closed (d) any of the above. il. Any externally introduced signal affecting the controlled output is called a (a) feedback (b) stimulus (c) signal (d) gain control. 15. A closed-loop system is distinguished from open-loop system by which of the following? (a) Servo-mechanism (c) Output pattern rs ::::re system (b) Feedback (d) Gain control. 16. .......... is a part of the human temperature control system. {a) Digestive system (c) Ear (b) Perspirationsystem (d) Leg movement. 17. By which of the following the control action is determined when a man walks along a Path? (a) Brain (c) Legs n=: - sr.stem? nri ::ion, (b) Hands (d) Eyes. 18. .......... is a closedJoop system. (a) Auto-pilot for an aircraft (c) Car starter (b) Direct current generator (d) Electric switch. 19. Which of the following devices are commonly used as error detectors in instruments? (a) Vernisats (c) Resolvers (b) Microsyns (d) Any of the above 20. Which of the following should be done to make an unstable system stable ? (:a) The gain of the system should be decreased. (b) The gain of the system should be increased. (c) The number of poles to the loop transfer function should be increased. (d) The number of zeros to the loop transfer function should be increased. 21. .......... increases the steady state accuracy. (a) Integrator (c) Phase lead compensator (b) Differentiator (d) Phase lag compensator. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 34 A.C. servomotor resembles """"" 22. (a) two-phase induction motor (b) three-phase induction motor (c) direct current series motor @) universal motor' (a) Bandwidth (c) Distortion (d) InstabilitY. which of the following will irol decrease? 23. As a result of introduction of negative feedback (b) Overall gain 24. Regenerative feedback implies feedback with 25 26. (a) oscillations (c) negative sign (b) step inPut (d) positive sign. (n\ reference and outPut (c) input and feedback singnal (b) reference and inPu! (d) outPut and feedback signal' The output of a feedback control sYstem must be ."........ is an open-loop control system (n) Ward Leonard control (c) StroboscoPe 27 a function of (t,) Field-controlled D.C. motor (d) Metadyne. A control system with excessive noise, is likely to suffer from (b) Ioss or gain (d) oscillations. 28. Zero initial condition for a system means """"" (b) zero stored energy (a) input reference signal is zero (c) no initial movement of moving parts td) system is at rest and no energy is stored in any of its components. (a) saturation in amplifying stages (c) vibrations 29. Transfer function of a system is used to caiculate which of the following? (a) The order of the sYstem (c) The output for anY given inPut (b) The time constant (d) The steady state gain 30. The bandwidth, in a feedback amplifier, lntroduction to Mec.a: 35. Which of ::. or a phase ::la\ The s,. .:. (c) The s'..:. 36. Due to r.r'1^.--.avoided? (a) It leacs :. (c) Noise .= : 37. ln a stablr (a) Under:.: (c) Poor sl=: (d) I-ow-i=. = 38. In an autc:-, (a) Error.i=:, (c) Senso; 39. In a contrc- . (a) final c. :: (c) compa::: (e) none c: :.- 40. A controlle: = (a) sensor (c) compa::: 41. Which of t:. (a) Sen'o sr:: (c) Error s:.: 42. The on-off:-: (a) digital (c) non-lin=:: (a) remains unaffected (b) decreases by the same amount as the gain increase (c) increases by the same amount as the gain decrease (d) decreases by the same amount as the gain decrease' 43. The capacit::. changes and load disturbances depend? 44. The tempera:.- 31. On which of the following factors does the sensitivity of a closed-looP sYstem to gain (a) Frequency (c) Forward gain @ LooP gain . @ All of the above' (a) voltage (c) capacita:: (e) none oj t:. (b) rises quicklY @ decays quickly' 45. In electricai-:: 32. The transient resPonse, with feedback system (n) rises slowly (c) decays slowly (a) momen:..: (c) displace:: 33. The second derivative input signals modify which of the following? (D) Damping of the system' (n) The time constant of the system (c) The gain of the sYstem. (r/) The time constant and suppress the oscillations' (e) None of the above. 34. Which of the following statements is correct for any closed-loop system ? (n) all the co-efficients can have zero value' (I;) All the co-effecients are always non-zero. (c) only one of the static error coefficients has a finite non-zero value. (d) None of the above. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor (a) velocii',' (c) air florr' 46. In liquid 1e.. = (a) head (c) liquid r--.. 47. The viscou_. ::. (a) charge (c) reciproc:. (e) none oi :: i 48. In force-r'ol::1. (a) current fechatronics lntroduction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and Control Systems 35 35. Which of the following statements is correct for a system with gain margin close to unitv Otor or a phase margin close to zero? rpt decrease? (a'l The svstem is relatively stable. (c) The system is highly oscillatory. (b) The system is highly stable (d) None of the above. 36. Due to which of the following reasons excessive band-width in control system should be avoided? (n) It leads to slow speed of response. (c) Noise is proportional to bandwidth. (b) It leads to low relative stability (d) None of the above. 37. ln a stable control system backlash can cause which of the following? f,"t (a) Underdamping (b) Overdamping (c) Poor stability at reduced values of open-loop gain (d) Low-leveloscillations. 38. In an automatic control system which of the follwing elements is rof used? (a) Error detectot (c) Sensor (b) Final control element (d) Oscillator. 39. In a control system the output of the controller is given to (a) final control element (c) comparator (e) none of the above. (b) amplifier (d) sensor 40. A controllet essentially, is a (a) sensor (c) comparator B' (b) clipper (d) amplifier. 41. Which of the follwing is the input to a controller? (a) Servo signal (c) Error signal 42 (b) Desired variable value (d) Sensed signal. The on-off controller is a .......... system. (a) digital (c) non-linear (b) linear (d) discontinuous. 43. The capacitance, in force-current analogy, is analogous to , n'ttem to gain (a) momentum (c) displacement (b) velocity (d) mass. 44. The temperature, under thermal and electrical system analogy, is considered analogous to (a) voltage (c) capacitance. (e) none of the above. (b) current (d) charge 45. In electrical-pneumatic system analogy the current is considered analogous to (a) velocity (c) air flow (b) pressure (d) air flow rate. 46. In liquid level and electrical system analogy, voltage is considered analogous to (a) head (b) liquid flow (c) liquid flow rate (d) none ofthe above. 47. The viscous friction co-efficient, in force-voltage analogy, is analogous to (a) charge (c) reciprocal of inductance (e) none of the above. (b) resistance (d) reciprocal of conductance 48. In force-voltage analogy, velocity is analogous to (a) current (b) cha,rge PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 36 (c) inductance (d) capacitance. 49. \n thermo-electricai analogv charge is considered analogous to (b) reciprocal ofheat flow (a) heat flow (c) reciprocal of temperature (e) none of the above. 50. (d) temperature Mass, in force-voltage analogY, is analogous to (a) charge (c) inductance (b) current (d) resistance. The transient resPonse of a system is mainly due to (b) internal forces (n) inertia forces (c) stored energy @) friction' signal and reference signs are equal. feedback when the zero become will .......... signal 52. (b) Actuating (a) Input 51. (c) Feedback @ Reference' 53. A signat other than the reference input that tends to affect the value of controlled variable is known as .......... (a) disturbance (c) control element (b) command (d) reference input. 54. The transfer function is applicable to which of the following? (a) Linear and time-invariant systems (c) Linear systems (e) None of the above. 55. (b) Linear and time-variant systems (d) Non-linear systems From which of the following transfer function can be obtained? (a) Signal flow graph @ Analogous table (c) Output-input ratio @) Standard block systems 57 @) Primary feedback. The term backlash is associated with (a) seryomotors (c) gear trains (b) induction relays (d) any of the above. 58. With feedback .......... increases' (a) system stability (c) gain (b) sensitivity (d) effects of disturbing signals. 59. By which of the following the system reiponse can be tested better? (a) Ramp input signal (c) Unit impulse input signal (b) Sinusoidal input signal (d) Exponetially decaying signal' 60. In a system zero initial condition means that (a) the system is at rest and no energy is stored in any of its components (b) the system is working with zero stored energy (c) the system is working with zero reference signal. (d) none of the above. 61. In a system low friction co-efficient facilitates (a) reduced velocity lag error (c) increased speed of resPonse (d) reduced time constant of the system. 62. Hydraulic tc: (a) amplidr: (b) resistar.r-. (c) motor-!:r: 63. Spring con-cr. (a) capacita:,; (c) current 64. The frequen:. (a) Laplace I: (b) Laplace l: (d) Either : 65. An increase : (a) smaller ;: (c) constar.:: 66. Static error .--* for specifiec (a) accelera:: (c) position 67. A conditior.a-- (a) low freq:;, (c) increase: (a) no pole (c) simple p:. (e) none fo'-:, 69. The type 1 s'. i .......... is the reference input minus the primary feedback' (b) Zero sequence (a) Manipulated variable (c) Actuating signal ntroduction to Mechatrr 68. The type 0 s'., (e) None of the above. 56. I (b) increased velocity lag error PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor (a) no pole (c) simple p:. 70. The type 2 si: (a) no net pr-r, (c) simple p:" 77. The position : (a) constant : (c) zero, cors: 72. Velocity erro: : function. (a) paraboi:; (c) impul73. In case of t-,:t (a) unity (c) zero 74. Il a step frr.certain ler-el i: (a) not neces-i (c) unstable (e) any of tie *ratronics ltroduction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and Control Systems 62. Hydraulic torque transmission system is analog of (a) amplidyne set (b) resistance-capacitanceparallelcircuit (c) motor-generator set 37 I (d) any of the above 63. Spring constant in force-voltage analogy is analgous to (a) capacitance (c) current (b) reciprocalofcapacitance (d) resistance. 64. The frequency and time domain are related through which of the following? (a) Laplace Transform and Fourier Integral (b) Laplace Transform (d) Either (b) or (c). are equal. ed variable (c) Fourier Integral 65. An increase in gain, in most systems, leads to (a) smaller damping ratio (c) constant damping ratio (b) larger damping ratio (d) none of the above. 66. Static error co-efficients are used as a measure of the effectiveness of closed-loop systems for specified .......... input signal (a) acceleration (c) position (b) velocity (d) all of these. 67. A conditionally stable system exhibits poor stability at (a) Iow frequencies (c) increased values of openJoop gain 68. (e) reduced values of open-loop gain (d) none of the above. The type 0 system has .......... at the origin (a) no pole (c) simple pole (e) none fo the above. (b) net pole (d) two poles The type 1 system has .......... at the origin. (a) no pole (c) simple pole (b) net pole (d) two poles. The type 2 system has .......... at the origin. (a) no net pole (c) simple pole (b) net pole (d) two poles. 71. The position and velocity errors of atype-2 system are [r (a) constant, constant (c) zero, constant (b) constant, infinity (d) zeto, zero. 72. Yelocity error constant of a system is measured when the inut to the system is unit ......... function. f,"i (a) parabolic (c) impulse (b) ramp (d) step. 73. In case of type-l system steady state acceleration is (a) unity (b) infinity (c) zero (d) 10. 74. If a step function is applied to the input of a system and the output remains belorl a certain level for all the time, the system is (a) not necessarily stable (c) unstable (e) any of the above. (b) stable (d) always unstable. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 38 75 response? (b) Bode Plot @) None of the above' (a) Root locus (c) Nyquist plot 76 77. .- ii Which of the following is the best method for determining the stability and transient t.;t Phase margin of a system is used to specify which of the following? (b) Absolute stability (a) Frequency response (c) Relative stability @) Time response' ,a, (.;, Addition of zeros in transfer function causes which of the follwing? (b) Lag-compensation (,a) Lead-compensation (.i ltt (d) None of the above' (c) Lead-lag compensation (l'r 78. .......... technique is nof applicable to non-linear system? (b) Quasilinearization (d) Phase-PlanerePresentation. (a) Nyquist Criterion (c) FunctionalanalYsis 79" ln order to increase the damping of a badly underdamped system which of following compensators may be used? 1. \\'h,::,. 2. Defr:-: :: (b) Phase-lag (d) Either (a) or (b) (a) Phaselead (c) Both (a) and (b) (e) None of the above. J. I\n,:: 1 E*.._ LlL*- J. 80. The phase-lag produced by transportation relays : _,, (a) is independent of frequencY (lr) is inversely proportional to frequency (c) increases linearly with frequency (d) decreases linearly with frequency. .......... is not a final control element. (e) None of the above 85. In pneumatic control systems the control valve used as final control element converts ...'..... (b) pressure signal to position change (d) position change to pressure signal ANSWERS 1. (a) 8. (b) 2" (b) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (d) e. (b) 10. (c) 1.3. (a) 74. (b) 15. (b\ 16. (b) 11. (a) 18. (a) 1.2. (c) 1.e. (d) 20, (b) 21.. (a) t7. (d) -- 1,1. Wha:.:. (a) The range of air output as measured variable varies from maximum to minimum. (b) The range of measured variables from set value. (c) The range of mea.sured variables through which the air outPut changes from maximum (a) pressure signal to electric signal (c) electric signal to pressure signal (e) none of the above. I\_L-. rrlld. 10. Enu::-.=:: 11. List :-'..: 12. Hov, .:. 13 \{'ha: -;, 84. Which of the following is the definition of proportional band of a controller? to minimum. (d) Any of the above iE E. Defr: e , O /, (b) Potentiometer (d) Servomotor. (a) Control valve (c) Electro-pneumaticconverter _,i -- (b) Speed (d) Displacement (a) Acceleration (c) Speed and acceleration (e) None of the above. Cr-. Jtd i:: : 6. List :: 7. \\.h:t::. 81. In a stable control system saturation can cause which of the follwing? (b) High-level oscillations (a) Low-leveloscillations (d) Overdamping. (c) Conditionalstability the use of a tacho-generator? by measured be 82. Which of the foilwing can 83. r PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 15. Expia:.. : 16. State ::. 17. What :. 18. Define :19. State ::. 20. Expla: :: 21. State ::. 22. What :: 23. What r. : 24. What :. , 25. What c 26. Hou a:. 'Explar: 27. :: 28. Descn:=: 29" What .. . 30. Explarr. :: = llbchatronics and transient UL -:roduction to Mechatronics, Measurement Systems and Control Systems 22. (a) fo (c) 36. (c) 43. (d) 50. (c) 57. (c) @. (a) 71. (d) 78. (a) 85. (b). 23. (a) 30. (c) 37. (d) 44. (a) s1. (c) 58. (a) 6s. (a) 72. (b) 7e. (a) 24. (d.) 31. (d) 38. (d) 4s. (d) s2. (b) se. (c) 66. (d) 73. (b) 80. (c) 25. (a) 32. (d) 39. (a) 45. (a) 53. (a) 60. (a) 67. (b) 74. (a) 81. (c) 26. (b) 33. (d) a0. (c) 47. (b) 5a. @) 61. (a) 68. (a) 75. (d) 82. (b) 27. (n) 3a. (c) 41. (c) 48. (a) 55. (n) 62. (c) 69. (c) 76. (c) 83. (b) 39 28. (,/) 35. (c) 12. (c) {9. (,1) 56. (r) 63. (b) 70. (,7) 77. (b) 84. (c) THEORETICAL QUESTIONS r of following 1. What is "Mechatronics"? 2. Define the term "Mechatronics" and give four examples of mechatronic systems. 3. What are the elements of a measuring system? 4. Enumerate and explain briefly the elements of a measuring system, with an example. 5. State the functions of instruments and measurement systems. 6. List the applications of measurement systems. 7. What are the main two distinct categories of instruments and measurement characteristics? 8. Define a 'system'. 9. What is a 'Control system'? Eerl mrni:num. rui naximum (grlerts .......... in change nrre signal : (d) l{. (b) 10. Enumerate and define the elements of a control system. 11. List four examples of control system applications? 72. How are control systems classified? 13 What is an'open-loop'control system? 14. What are the elements of an 'open-loop' control system? 15. Explain briefly two examples of 'open-loop' control system. 16. State the advantages and disadvantages of openJoop control system. 17. What is 'closed-loop' control system? 18. Define the term 'feedback'. 19. State the characteristics of'feedback'. 20. Explan briefly a 'closed-loop' control system with an example. 21. State the advantages and limitations/disadvantages of a 'closed-loop' control svstem. 22. What is an 'automatic control system'? What are its advantages and limitations? 23. What is a block diagram? 24. What is a signal flow graph? 25. What do you understand by the term'stability'? 26. F{.ow are industrial controllers classified? 27. Explain briefly a 'Pneumatic control system'. State its advantages and disadvantages. 28. Describe briefly 'Hydraulic control system;. State its advantages and disadvantages. 29. What is a microcontroller? 30. Expiain briefly a microcontroller, with a simplified block diagram. 11. (n) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Basic and Digital Elect CHAPTER Basic and Digital Electronics L.1 Electronic Components : Introduction - Active components - Passive components. 2.2. Electronic Devices : General aspects - Semiconductors - Intrinsic semiconductor - Extrinsic semiconductor -PN junction diode - Zener diode - Iunnel diode - pipolar junction transistor (BIT) - flreld-effect transistor (FET) -.pnijunction transistor (ulr) - f,hyristor - optoelectronic devices - Rectifiers. 2.3. Digital Electronics : Introduction'- Advantages and disadvantages of digital electronics Digital circuit - Logic gates - Universal gates - Half adder - Full adder - Boolean algebra - Boolean laws - De Morgan's theorems - operator precedence - Duals Logic system - Flip - flop circuits - Counters - Register - Logic families - Integrated circuits - Operational amplifiers. Highlights - Objective Type Questions - Theoretical I \c I (i) Vacr-- (ii) Vacuum trit--; a It is used as (iii) Vacuum pen:, a It is used as (b) Gas tubes : (0 Gas diode.It Questions. 2.1 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 2.1.1. lntroduction In order to obtain a particular function electronics circuits are designed with a number of electronic components suitably connected. A few basic components used in all the electronic circuits are : o It is used as (ii) Gas triode. (t; Tube deaices ; Semiconductor deoices ..... called Actioe components. o It is used as Resistors ;Capacitors ;lnductors; ,.... called Passioe components. Semiconc 2.1.2. Active Components The v4lious senu The elect:ronic components which are capable of amptifuing or processing an electrical signal are called actioe components. Examples : (i) Tube deaices : vacuum tubes {e.g., vacuum diode, vacuum triode, vacuum pentode, etc.) - Gas tubes (e.g., gas diode, thyratron etc.) (ii) Semiconductor (solid state) (e.g., junction diode, zener diode, transistor, FET. detsices UIT, SCR, etc.) Tube devices The various types of tube devices are discussed below : (a) Vacuum tubes : (l) Vacuum diode. Its symbol is shown in Fig. 2.1 (i). o It is used as a rectifier and detector. 40 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor _p/finction didt a It is used as Jiil Zener diode.l o It is used a-s' 41 3asic and Digital Electronics Digital tronics G (Grid) K (Cathode) (ii) Vacuum pentode (ii) Vacuum tnode (i) Vacuum drode Fig. 2.1. Vacuum tubes. (ii) Vautum triode.Its symbol is shown in Fig' 2.7 (ii). r It is used as amplifier and oscillator. (iii) Vacuurn pentode.Its symbol is shown in Fig' 2.1 (iii) . It is used as amplifier and oscillator. (b) Gas tubes : (i) Gas diode. lts symbol is shown in Fig. 2.2 (i). 6v (i) Gas "- -: :-umber : all the diode (ii) Gas triode (Thyratron) Fi1,2,2. Gas tubes. o It is used as voltage regulator and in neon signs. (ii) Gas triode. (thyratron). lts symbol is shown in Fig. 2.2 (ii). . lt is used as controlled rectifier. 2.'1..2.2. S emi conductor devices i! signal - : '- -- ::Je, etc.) ,: : "-:.-sistor, FET. The various semiconductor devices are discussed as follows diode.Its symbol is shown in Fig. 2.3 (i). ,_p4unction - r It is used as rectifier, detector and in switching circuits. frj Zener diode.Its symbol is shown in Fig. 2.3. (ii). o It is used as voltage regulator. : llll"l fTTIf tltlt lllrr IIIII (ii) (i) "o[j':" (iii) (iv) (v) LED 3y"r,r.rj]tji:.","'*"' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 42 A Textbook of Mechatronics (iii) Ttrnnel diode. Its symbol is shown in Fig. 2.3 (iii). . It is used in oscillators. Basic and Digital Elect:: (ia) Varactor diode.Its symbol is shown in Fig. 2.3 (io). t In reverse bias condition it is used as a variable capacitor in the electronic circuits. (a) Light emitting diode (LED).Its symbol is shown in Fig. 2.3 (a). o It emits visible light and is used in instrument displays, digital watches, calculators, etc. (ai) Bipolar lunction Transistor (B/T). The symbols of PNP and NPN transistors are shown in Fig. 2.4 (a) and (b) respectivelv. .n (a) t,J, HC . It is used for \ (b) PNP transistor NPN transistor Fig.2 4 -- Digital rn'atc: Fig 2.4. Transistor (BJT)-(vi) LCDs (Liqui; o It is used as amplifier and oscillator. Ji (uii) Field Effect Tiansistor (FET). The symbols of N-channel P-channel FET are shown in Fig. 2.5. (a) and (b) respectively. \ a-( ) v_/ \il-l -61 nannet-I ".-6-) I ds os 6s "nannerjT (a) (a) (a) N-channel FET FET (x) Diac. Its svmi o Generally it r, (xi) Triac. Its svrni . It is a bidirec (xii) Visual displ,i'. P-channel FET Fig 2.5. Field effect transistor (FET)-(vii) o It is used as amplifier and oscillator. 2.1.3. Passive ( The electronic co-:. :ignal are called passi' Examples, Resis:These componer. process the electrica- 2."1.3j1.. Resiston A resistor entails the (l) Its resistance to many met (li) The wattage r. or as low a-< (.aiii) Unijtrnction Transistor (U/T). Its symbol is shown in Fi9.2.6. \ B2 dissipate uit;:. Classification of The resistors are 1.. Fixed resisto,: the unit is so constru made of a carbon cctl 2. Tapped resist: somewhere along tht Fig 2.6. Un ijunction Transistor (UJT)-1y;;1 . It is used in power controls and switching circuits. (ir)' silicon Controlled Rectifier (scR). Its symbol is shown in Fig. 2.7 (a). PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor they have more thail 3. Variable resis: or select the resistar commonly called a : 4. Special resis!: ' t,'=:-atroniCS 43 : asrc and Digital Electronics : ircuits. :,rlators, l-1- :.:iOIS df€ (b) Diac - (x) (a) SCR - (ix) (c) Tnac - (xi) Fig. 2.7. SCR, Diac, Triac. o It is used for sPeed control of motors and power controls' \x) Diac.Its symbol is shown in Fig. 2.7 (b). o Generally it is used to give a pulse to the gate of triac. (xi) Triac.Its symbol is shown in Fig. 2.7 (c). o It is a bidirectional device and is used to obtain regulated A.C. at the output. (rii) Visual display deaices. Cathode ray tube (CRT) is the major visual display device. -- Digital watches and electronic calculators use LEDs (Light emitting diodes) or LCDs (Liquid crystal diodes) for the digital displa,v. - >hown 2.1.3. Passive Components The electronic coffiponents which are not capable of amplit'ying or processing an electrical , ;nal are called passive components. Examples. Resistors ; inductors ; capacitors' These components are as important as active ones, since the active devices cannot '--rocess the electrical signals without their assistance. Resistors 1 resistor entails the following two main characteristics : (l) Its resistance (R) in ohms. ..... The resistors are available from a fraction of an ohm to many mega ohms. (ll) The wattage rating...... The power rating may be as high as several hundred watts or as low as a watt . Power rating indicates the maximum wattage the resistor can 10 dissipate uithout excessiae heat (Too much heat can make the resistor burn open). Classification of resistors : The resistors are classified as follows : 1. Fixed resistors. The fixed resistor is the simplest type of resistor. Fixed means that :re unit is so constructed that its resistance value is constant and unchangeable' These are rade of a carbon composition and have a cover of black or brown hard plastics. 2. Tapped resistors. A tapped resistor is a resistor which has a tap, or connection .omewhere along the resistance material. These resistors are usually wire wound type. Il :hey have more than one tap, they will have a separate terminal for each. 3. Variable resistors. Avariable resistor has a movable contact that is used to adius: -rr select the resistance value between two or more terminals. A variable resisto: ". :ommonly called a control. 4. Special resistors. The most common type of special resistor is the fusible :I'':= l PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 44 A Textbook of Mechatronics -.asic and Dig fttsibte resistor has a definite resistance value and it protects the circuit much like a fuse. Another special resistor is the temperature compensating unit. Such resistors are used to provide special control of circuits that must be extremely stable in their operation. Schematic symbols for various resistors are shown in Fig. 2.8. HA ::istor torr.e. -- The Fig. r---*---l -TT A -< (a) Fixed resislor (d) Potentiometer .--"/,/i The ta,:. ' /r--------" O- (b) Variable resrstor IA II in* ^----l r--*?? AH (e) Rheostat The - (i) ISrr'5 Sorn - pres toler or :: (ii) The t b)-x (iil ) I The pro; (f) Symbols for fusible resislors Var rable resistor a Br,- t^. Fig. 2.8. Schematic symbols for various resistors. I Lolo I Nun The following types of resistors are used in electrical circuits : Iq *l I (i) Carbon resistors. (il) Wire-wound resistors on ceramic or plastic forms (as in case of rheostats etc.). (lii) Deposited carbon resistors on ceramic base. The bh.re -l-00 ohm-. I (lzr) Deposited metal resistors on ceramic base. (u) Printed, painted or etched circuit resistors. Resistor colour coding : -- Resistance is measured in units called ohrns. -- An indw : :ite circutr- - Tlt: tltrr-:, Self i Wire wound resistors normally haae their aalues in ohms and tolerance in percent stamped Ther -. AniI on them. -- For carbon or composition resistors a colour code is used, The resistance values, for several years have been coded by three coloured bands painted. around the body of the resistors. If the tolerance is either 5 or 10 percent, a fourth colottr band is added. Position of the bands is shown in Fig. 2.9. toDl a Inan to !e: ABCD Classific The indu 1. FireC 2. \'aia Fig.2.9. The colour code system : colour bands indicate resistance value. Colours and numbers : Each of the colours represents one of the ten digits-0 through 9-as follows : Colour Number Colour Number BIack 0 Green 5 Brown 1 Blue 6 Red 2 7 Orange J Violet Grey Yellow 4 \AIhite 9 The sche: : respechr-el Filter cho n 8 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ;_- I -'rver suppir -. :rr about I "'.chatronics -..eafuse. ,,:: r-rSed tO :-::.-rI1. :s etc.). ::s c and Digital Electronics Band A Ihe bands are read from the end of the -..ior toward the middle. -- The first fwo colours (,4 and B in Fig. 2.9.) telis the first two digits in the resistance value. third band (C) tells hor,f manY Red Eand B - The zeros follow the first two digits. Sometimes a fourth band (D) is Fig 2.10. Colour code used - present. This band tells the on a 62000-ohm resistor. tolerance and will be either gold or silver. A gold band means 57n tolerance, silver 10% and no fourth band,20u/". The tolerance band tells how close the resistance should be to the value shown by the other three bands. The procedure of reading the bands is given below. Refer to Fig' 2'10 Band A B C D Colour Numbers Blue Red Orange No band 6 2 3 zeros 20% tolerance The blue-red-orange bands signify 62 followed by three zeros and would be read as LlO ohms x 20o/". 2.1"3.2. Inductors An inductor is an electronic component (uxLally a coil) tohich opposes-lfy-gbgnge^-of-ctucnt )tc circuit. : ;tnmped . painted ':it colour The property of the coil dtLe to whiclt it opposes any increase or decrease of uu'rent or Jltrx througlr it, is known as Self-inductance. induction is sometimes analogously called electromagnetic or electrical inertia. - Self -- The unit of inductance (L) rs henry (H). o An inductor offers high impedance (opposition) to A.C. but very low impedance to D.C. . In an eiectronic circuit the usual function of an inductor is to block A.C. signal bal to pass D.C. signal or aoltage. Classification of inductors : The inductors can be broadly classified as follows ' l. Fixed inductors. 2. Variable inductors. The schematic symbols of fixed and variable inductors are shown in Fig' 2.11. (a) and respectively. 5 6 7 8 (-) 0---.16:6660-0^6- *--brdrrr-* (a) Fixed inductor (b) Variable inductor Fig 2.11. lnductors. Filter chokes and Rsdio-frequency (RD chokes : section of a D C. -* A filter choke lsee Fig. 2.12 (a)l is an inductor used in the filterinductane rri';rr having filter chokes use supplies the power ,ver supply. Most of A. upto 0.5 current carrying of H, capable irr about 1 H to 50 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics I b lc I !3 b lo L3 b \ o J (b) Schematic symbol ol FIF choke. transformers which are generally -- J- ; ---:"-- Fi9.2.12 used are known as : power transformers, output transformers and intermediate fr e quen cy tr ansformer s. Capacitors ...*'-.'- A capacitor is a deaice capable of storing electric charge. . It consists of two conducting surfaces (may be in the form of either circular or . rectangular plates or of spherical or cylindrical shape) separated by an insulating material called a dielectric. Capacitance is a measure of ability of a capacitor to store an electric charge.It is the ratio of the charge (Q) that can be stored to the voltage applied (I/) across the plates. Mathematic ally, C = Q . En".gy stored in a capacit o, = !CU'. ,# -VOJ'2 -- The capacitance may be expressed in F (Farads) or pF or pF. o This component (1.e., capacitor) offers low impedance toA.C. butveryhighimpedance (resistance) to D"C. The usual function of a capacitor is to block D.C. aoltage but pass the A.C. signal ooltage, by means of charging and discharging. These applications include coupling, by passing and filtering for an A.C. signol. Fig. 2.13 (a) and (b) shows the fixed and variable capacitors respectively. *-+F--------{ (a) Fixed ---W- capacitor (b) Variable capacrtor Fig.2.13 Fixed and variable capacitors. o The aariable capacitors are mostly air-gang capacitors. Some important properties of capacitors : 1. The capacitor never dissipates energy, but only stores it. 2. A capacitor is sort of open circuit to D.C. 3. It the voltage across a capacitor is not changing with time, the current through it is zero. 4. It is not possible to change the voltage across a capacitor by a finite amount in zero time, for this it requires infinite current through the cqpacitor. 5. A capacitor resists an abrupt change in the voltage across it in a manner analogous to the way a spring resists an abrupt change in its displacement. Types of capacitors : The various types of capacitors are enumerated and discussed below : 1. Paper capacitors 2. Mica capacitors 3. Plastic film capacitors 4. Electrolyticcapacitors 5. Ceramic capacitors 6. Air capacitors. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor *t. .;-.;.--i .;-, -:;;. .-..i..r,!; - - --= .: :- ',:iue -. :; = ::e C::E: .1 -=I I-;Thes.::= lolt::e :: o Silr.e: =-: usei ::. :, : Plastic.fil r Polvesre:. r The r..Le:: strips i: , and r-":* = Electrolu: l-ectrolr-ti;:.; ':. ildve higr-=: lhe zr,ork;r:-.- :, i\hen curre-: -- aluminiur, e -'" : iilm acts as : : , --ttance mar.- :\ . : iarge pote:-.:-: , -aofl gets era;,; d Mechatronics t E E I I Sc,"ematic symbol Basic and Digital Electronics 7. Paper capacitors: . Dry paper is good insulator and has high dielectric strength. It can withstand high potential difference without breaking down. It is commonly used in the manufacture of capacitors. r There are tuto basic forms of capacitors -- In one form it consists of two rolls of aluminium foils : or tin foils sandwiching at tissue paper rolled by a machine so that the final shape is that of a small d RF choke. cylindrical tube. The entire cylinder is generally placed in a cardboard coated with wax or encased in a plastic paper. These capacitors are available in a wide range of capacitance values and voltage ratings. The physical size for 0.05 pF is typically 2.5 cm long with 1 cm I intermediate ryr- It is the.ratio ECS the Plates. Fig.2.14. Paper capacitor. diameter. ilrer circular or try an insulating 47 - In another form a "metallised" paper is used. A long strip of paper is metallised with aluminium by a special process. The strip is rolled to form a small cylinder. The capacitor is inserted into waxed cardboard case or plastic case. . These capacitor should notbe used in radio-frequency tuned circuits because they are not electrically stable enough. 2. Mica capacitors : Mica capacitors or parffined capacitors are widely used in radio circuit where lyhfhimPedance LC rt-,ltage but pass be aPPlications tf;e{r'. fixed aolue :;pacitors are required. Both these have metal foil sheets forming the coating and separated :r' a flat mica sheet or paraffin paper ; the dielectric paraffin paper capacitor of fairly .:rge value is made by placing alternatively sheets or paraffin paper and the foil one :bove the other. Alternated tin foil sheets are connected together to form the two coatings. . These capacitors are very small in size having 10 mm length and 3 mm thickness. These are often used for small capacitance values ranging from 50 to 500 pF, with voltage ratings ranging from 200 V to 1000 V. . Silver mica capacitors are more stable electrically than foil-type capacitors and are used in high stability frequency determining circuits. 3. Plastic film capacitors : o Polyester is a thermoplastic material. It has better performance at high frequencies. o The method of manufacture is same as in the case of paper capacitors, i.e, two rorrrent through it le finite amount in xitor. l -nner analogous Elt. ltlrll' : r ritors strips of aluminium foils are separated by a thin film of polystyrene, then rolled and placed in aluminium container. 4. Electrolytic capacitors ..Refer to Fig. 2.15 Electrolytic capacitors are used in the power supply circuits of "Radio and TV circuits. -:.ey have higher losses than paper capacitors. The working principle of an electrolytic capacitor is as follows : "\Alhen current is passed through a solution of aluminium borate or sodium phosphate n :rh aluminium electrode, a layer of aluminium oxide forms at the positive electrode. 1is film acts as dielectric between the plates. As the film is very thin, a very high :::pacitance may be obtained. In the wet type oxide layer is reformed after being broken :'.-a large potential difference applied. As this type has to be mounted verticallv, the ":nution gets evaporised as such it has been replaced by dry type of electrolytic capacitor". PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 48 Being polarized they are suitoble only on D.C. supply. SasicandD:. 6. Air:.., These :: --.articular - i:: o Suc: _ mo*:-: fixe; . she.:. rotc: ." and , rota: - -t--.1-. -::L -_-t- :i:=I++€ ===:-=1==_=== Fig. 2.15. Electrolytic capacitor. . Tantalum-electrolytic capacitor consists of two tantalum foils with a tissue paper #li ' , integrated with a non-corrosive electrolyte. The dielectric is pentaoxide layer u,hich is electrochemically formed on the anode. The solid tantalum capacitors are available onlr' in polarised form. 5. Ceramic capacitors; Refer to Fig. 2.16. Deelectric constant of ceramic is high so that large capacitors can be obtained in a comparatively small space. It, however, suffers from the disadvantage of having higher Iosses than mica. Ceramic capacitors are available in the following forms and shapes : (l) Disc ceramics (ii) Tubular ceramics (iii) Moulded ceramics (ia) Button ceramics. The general construction of disc type consists of application of silver coatings on both sides of ceramic plates, in tubular type silver coating is applied on the inside and outside of hollow ceramic tube. o Suc].r : : zero :: : Variable cac A capacitcr-arying the th_--, The vario..:. (i) Trimrner: die]ect:.: insulat_.__ o They are :.. (i) Disc (ii) Tubular (iii) Button Fig, 2.1 6. Ceramic capacitors. Ceramic capacitors are used primarily as coupling and bypass poriions of radio frequency circuits rather frequency determining elements. Specially designed ceramic capacitors are used in resonant circuits. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor (ii) Padders, F.:: padder is a m.:. These are cona:. :onnected togethe: : :rlates rnesh *ith __, :he varying distan:. ganged over a cor* :''.'::^atronlcs 3asic and Digital Electronlcs 49 6. Air capacitors : These capacitors (variable) are used in radio receiaers fcrr tuning the receiver to a -- -r rticular transmitting station. . Such a capacitor consists of a number of semicircular plates of sheet aluminium mounted together by metal rod and capable of moving in between a number of fixed aluminium semi-circular sheets. The capacity increases when the rotating sheets are moving into the fixed sheets. The set of rotating sheets is called the rotor while the set of fixed sheets is called the stator (Fig.2.17). A circular dial and a pointer is used to read the value of the capacity for any position of the rotating plates. ): Fi1,2.17, Air capacitor-rotor and stator. :: -lr' PaPer .',.-Je laYer -:.:pacitors -:...rr.ed in a ' .:: higher . Such condensers commonly used have a value of capacity varying almost from zero to 500 pF. Variable capacitor : A capacitor whose capacity can be aaried is called 'aarisble capacitor'. This is done by :i'ing the thickness of the dielectric. The various variable capacitors used in radio receiver are : (i) Trimmers' Refer to Fig 2.18 Number of metal plates are inleaved with mica dielectric. The distance between the plates is controlled by a screw which is insulated from the plates stacked in a ceramic block. :S .rn both I .: .rutside Fig.2.18. Tiimmers. o They are available in the values of 30 pF to 70pF. li) Padders. Refer to Fig. 2.79. ?odder is a mica capacitor (variable type). Its capacity is 600 pF. iT.c-: - These are continuously varying types. There are two sets of plates, fixed metal plates -'ected together form the stator set. Another set of movable plates form rotor. Rotor ::s mesh with stator plates and can be moved with a shaft. Capacitance varies with '. arying distance between the plates. Air is the dielectric. Usuafly two capacitors are :ed over a common shaft. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 50 .. : and Digital E e: Fi9.2.19. Padders Colour code of caPacitors : "Electrolyte and paper capacitots" have their values printed on the body, but mica and tthular capacitors'being smaller in size are colour coded. The colour and their aalues are the snme as in resistors. "Mica capacitors " (See Fig. 2.20) have six colour dots. Dots are marked from left to right in clockwise directon. Second and third dots indicate the digit and 4th dot is the multiplier. Dot 5 reads tolerance. "Ceramic capacitors" (Fig. 2.21) have colour dots or bands. The wide colour band on the left specifies temperature coefficient. Capacitance value is read from left to right from the next three dots or colour strips. Grey and white dots or strips are used as decimal multipliers with grey for 0.01 and white for 0.1. . Colour code ceramic, colour code mica and colour code with leads (tubular) are shown in Figs. 2.21,2.22 and 2.23 Cc. Fig. 2.2O. Mica caPacitor Rec 5. Yellc ... o. Creer, Biue S. Temp. coeff icient : Ora:.:. 1. -7 I i0. I i Viole: Crev \n,nit rvrtlLc : 2, ELECTRONIC 2,2,1. General I .irt ordinary ele;:-:Fig.2.21. Colour code ceramic. -,ttic deaices sttc). .: -,nducting ntat e, :";., - nderstanding e:=; ..:lts. No matter rr.: -:: words, all thrtt i, iplier \2 Tolerance p Colour code five dot disc Bro-.., 1 2nd digil Temp. coeff icient B1a c i. 2 -), respectively. 1st digit 1 ? ( . lrc characteristic ::.: l. T'he electronic . 2. They can ampi: 3. They can resF electrical and :: 4. Some electron-: _ radiations suc:. Tolerance 2.2.2. Semicondur Semiconductors art : :rotts to pass througl: i PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor nJ '' **o 51 ','=:'atronlcs Fig.2.23. Colour code with leads (Tubular). Colour code chart :.\r0 Colour 1. Black l. Brown 1 1 10 tlpF 2 2 100 C>10pF t 20'% First figure Second figure MultiTtlier Tolerance 0 1 C<10pF -), Red + Orange J J 1000 r. Yellow 4 4 i0000 a. Creen 5 5 Blue 6 6 Violet Grey 7 7 8 8 0.01 White 9 9 0.1 i. !. ,J : :, ELECTRONIC DEVICES 5b7 t 2,2.1. General Aspects 't ordinary electrical equipment enters the ele ctrotic.cl(tss uhencaer its circuit includes 'iic deaices such as electron tubes or solid stste tle*cis uhich art formed by jtmctions of '.ducting materials. rderstanding electronics includes understanding of ordinary electrical devices and :s. No matter what electronic devices are used, the equipment is still electrical. In n.ords, all thst is electronic is slso electrical. :t chrtracteristic features of electronic deaices are f'he electronic devices can rectify A.C. into D.C. . They can amplify input signals. : They can respond at speeds far beyond the speeds that one comes across in electrical and mechanical devices. , Some electronic devices are photosensitive. Some of these devices can produce radiations such as X-xays ,2.2. Semiconductors ':rniconductors are solid materials, either non-metallic elements or contpounds, which allow ; to pass through ifr* to that they concluct electricity in much the s;ame way as a metal. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 52 1e-.: and Digital Electro- -{tomic structure : Io understand horr. 2-2.2.7 Characteristics of semiconductors Semiconductors possess the following characteristics : " :.,atter. AII 1. The resistivitv is usually high. 2. The temperature coefficient of resistance is always negatiae' 3. The contact between semiconductor and a metal forms a layer which has a higher resistance in one direction than the other' 4. When some suitable metallic impurity (e.g., Arsenic, Gallium, etc.) is added to a semiconductor, its conducting properties change appreciably. 5. They exhibit a rise in conductivity in the increasing temperature, with the decreasing temperatures their conductivity falls off, and at low temperatures ':duction process. Three va =-,-. -' etectrons/P-=r\ semiconductors become dielectrics. 6. They are usually metallic in appearance but (unlike metals) are generally hard /rA1\ /,/^\\\ tlqtglll and brittle. \$:'?i \-Y,/ Both the resistivity and the contact effect are as a rule very sensitive to small changes in physical conditions, and the great intportance of semiconductors for a wide range oi uses apart from rectification depend on the sensitiueness. Examples of semiconducting materials : Aluminium Of all the elements in the periodic table, eleoen are semiconductors which are listed belort, 4 Group in the perodic table Element Symbol 1. Boron Carbon B III C Te IV IV iV V V V rVI VI VI I VM 2. Si 4. Silicon Germanium 5. Phosphorus P 6. Arsenic As 7. Antimony Sulphur Sellinum Tellurium Iodine Sb J. 8. 9. 10. 11. Fig.2.24 : S. No, Ge S Se Atomic No. atoms are :.sed, from the stani -,;lators. Tb be cori.;;: "e between tli; .;: ' :hefreely atom. Physica; : :ether. The inner e-e Conductivity depen : jirams for three h.p::: ' . igs. 2.24,2.25,2.26. 15 6 74 32 15 JJ 51 Examples of semiconducting compounds are given below : (l) Alloys : MgrSb, ZnSb, MgrSn, CdSb, AlSb, InSb, GeSb. (ll) Oxide : ZnO, FerOa, FerO3, CurO, CuO, BaO, CaO, NiO, AlzO3, TiO, UOr, CrrO. WOr, MoOr. (ili) Sulphides : CurS, AgrS, PbS, ZnS, CdS, HgS, MoSr. (io) Halides : AgI, CuI. (o) Selenides and Tellurides. PbS is used in photo-conductiae deoices, BaO in oxide coqted cathodes, caesium antimon in photomultipliers, etc^ PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor These elements car. :- :etermined as follo.,.,.= 1. Atoms with ri.:.i l. Atoms with ri;---r 3. Atoms with/i.;.Fig.2.24 shows alun; _: valence electrons th ' :nally free ; hence a.l -._rrons is also true of ;r Fig.2.2S shows phosp : ence electrons, they a_r : - -.sphorus and similar e Germanium (Fig.2.26, : .: a good insulator, her :,..--trons and is a semicor Note. The energv ler:" ::eases. Thus an electror ':.: orbit ; electrons in thr * ,.n. It follows, therefore *".se high energy electro : . rile. lt is the mobility o.;. : '.r atoms. Further it is dl :;: they are called aalenct r' '.'echatronics ^,:: a higher - .:.1ded to a : .. : and Digital Three valence h- z/ --+--- ':':i1 changes ((@))) -- are listed .-: ,'rlc N0. Five valence electrons ,/-- eleclroas :':rally hard -:e range of 53 .\tomic structure : To understand how semiconductors work it is necessary to study briefly the structure -'.rtter. All atoms are made.of electrons, protons and neuirons. Most solid materials are '.ed, from the stand point of electrical conductivity, as conductors, semiconductors or '--.ators. To be conductor, the substance must contain some mobile electrons-one that can . i.eely between the atoms. These free electrons come only from the valence (outer) orbit : 'e atom. Physical force associated with the valence electrons bind adjacent atoms -.:her' The inner electrons below the valence leveI, do not normally enter into the -iuction process. r: rvith the ::'.i eratures Electronics /,-=.\ \ Four valence electrons \ V \-J// Aluminium Phosphorus Germanium Fig.2.24 Fi1.2.25 Fi1.2.26 Jonductivity depends on the number of electrons in the valence orbit. Electron ::ams for three typical elements, aluminium, phosphorus and germanium are shown -;s. 2.24, 2.25, 2.26. ir 6 1-l l2 15 -tJ 51 UO,, CT,O rt antimonis. lhese elements can all be used in semiconductor manufacture. The degree of contluctioity :rermined as follows l. Atoms with .fewer than four aalence electrons are good c'nductors. l. Atoms with more than four aalence electrons are poor condnctors. i. Atoms withfour aslence electrons are semiconductors. rg' 2.24 shows aluminium which has three aalence electrons. When there are less than r.alence electrons they are loosely held so that at least one electron per atom is :'.aliy free ; hence aluminium is a good conductor. This ready availability of free :ons is also true of copper and most other metals. :ig. 2.25 shows Phosphorus with fiae aalence electrons. When there are more than four ''ce electrons, they are lightly held in orbit so that normally none are free. Hence .;horus and similar elements are poor conductors (insulators). .lermanium (Fig.2.26) has four ualence electrons. This makes it neither a good conductor : good insulator, hence its name "semiconductor". silicon also hai four valence '.:ons and is a semiconductor. \ote. The energv level of an electron increases as its distance from the nucleus :ases. Thus an electron in the second orbit possess more energy than electron in the crbit ; electrons in the third orbit have higher energy than ii"the second orbit and ', It follows, therefore, that electrons in the last orbil will possess very high energv -: high energy electrons are less bound to the nucleus and hence ih"v-ar" 'e If rs the mobility of last orbit electrons that therl acquire the property oy coiaining^oi" ,r,iti, .;forus. Further it is due to this combining power of last orbii elections of an'atom :rey are called zralence electrons. : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics ir.,c and Digital EIec:,: o Following points are worth noting: -- Conduction electrons are those valence electrons which have gained enougi With the additio: 54 - (i) N-type semi:: (li) P-type semjc,-: energy to take part in conduction of electricity through a solid. Valence band is the band of energy occupied by valence electrons. It is th. highest occupied band and it may be completely or partially filled witi N-type semicondr electrons. - The presence of .-: ' :he impurity atom> Conduction band is the higher energy band to the valence band. It is occupiec by conduction electrons. It may be empty or partially filled. It is the lowes: unfilled or unoccupied energy band. lnsulators are those materials which (l) have full valence band, (ii) have a: empty conduction band, and (ili) have a large energy gap between the valenc. and conduction bands. Conductors are those materials which have overlapping valence an: conduction bands. Conduction takes place with the help of conductio: ",; substituted, this ._r : Germanium posses;. 'e substance by an i: ::h valence electror. ':oerature. Such an . -'-e conducting prore - rurity) added. This :: ' .mpurity. Fig. 2.2S electrons. ' :11. Semiconductor materials have : (l)almost empty conduction band, (ii) almo'' - filled valence band, and (lli) narrow energy gap between the two. 2.2.3. Intrinsic Semiconductor ,q+ A pure semicortductor is called "intrinsic semiconductor". Here no free electrons a:, available since all the covalent bonds are complete. Apure semiconductor, therefore behat': as an insticttor. It exhibits a peculiar behaviour even at room temperature or with rise in temperature . Ttre resistance of a semiconductor decreases ruith increase in temperature. When an electric field is applied to an intrinsic semiconductor at a temperature greater than 0oK, conduction electrons move to the anode and, the holes (when an electron is liberated into the conduction band a Conduction band 1 L]J > o o C o o C 6 Forbidden energy gap E.. (a CO o It may be nc:= positively charged hole is created in valence band) move to cathode. Hence semiconductor current consists of moaement oi electrons in possitaely ch.i,:, fixed or tiei . Fi1.2.27. Energy diagram for intrinsic opposite direction. intrinsicallq ;.'.-.: number of co:.: band is incre.;;: Consequentlr' ,: shown in Fig i (pure) semiconductor at absolute zero Fig. 2.27 shows the energy diagram for intrinsic (pure) semiconductor at absolute zero 2.2.4. Extrinsic Semiconductor In a pure semiconductor, which behaves like an insulator under ordinary conditions, "' small amount of certain metallic impurity rs added it attains current conducting properti, The impure semiconductor is then called "impurity semiconductor" or "extrins semiconiuctor". The process of aricling inryurity (extremely in small amounts, about 7 part in 7t' to a semiconductor to make it extrinsic (hnpurity) semiconductor is called Doping. Generally following doping agents are usecl \i) Pentaualent stom having fir.e valence electrons (arsenic, antimony, phosphorus) called donor atoms. (ii) Trioalent atomshaving three valence electrons (ga11ium aluminium, boron) ... callerl of holes inc:e: considerably ;,.::; o It is worth nc::: I : I l acceptor atoms. still it is electr::.; of electrons ava holes availat'-e I PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor change becauof electrons) a= Note. In terms of e: -.lr level) just belc',,, 'iuction band for :: ::sic and Digital Electronics -- ',!echatronics 55 With the addition of suitable impurities to semiconductor, two type of semiconi:::--:. :..:.ed enOUgh (i) N-type semiconductor. ri) P-type semiconductor. ,l ---:-s lt is the :iiied with N-type semiconductor: The presence of eaen a minute quantity of impurity, can produce N-type semiconductor. :',e impurity atoms has one aalence electron more than the semiconductor atom which it " ,. substituted, this extra electron will be loosely bound to the atom. For example, an atom : .: -s occuPied : ,: ihe lowest {-: ' .:rmanium possesses pur aalence electrons ; when it is replaced in the crystal lattice of -= substance by an impurity atom of antimony (Sb) which hras oalence electrons, tine '.: :r) have an - .:- :he valence fiae ':: r'alence electron (free electron) produces extrinsic N-type conductivity eaen at room ,:ience and - . conducting properties of germanium will depend upon the amount of antimony (i.e., - ':'ersture. Such an impurity into a semiconductor is called donor impurity (or donor). I .Llnduction : urity) added. This means that controlled conductivity can be obtained by proper addition :rpurity. Fi9.2.28 (a) shows the loosely bound excess electron controlled by the donor - -: ill) almost :1. Conduction band . :--ectrons are I ;-:iare behaae: aaaaaai tr I Fermr level LI] t E" Donor s) co level C) E C 6 m ooooo oooo ooo Valence band (a) (b) Energy diagram Fig. 2.28. N-type semiconductor o It may be noted that by giving away its one electron, the donor atom becomes possitaely charged ion. But it cannot take part in conduction because it is firmly lrlie0 fixed or tied into the crystal lattice. In addition to the electrons and holes .- 'c( intrinsic ':sclute ' intrinsically aaailable in germanium, the addition of antimony greatly increases the number of conduction electrons. Hence, concentration of electrons in the conduction band is increased and exceeds the concentration of the holes in the oalence bsnd. zero. :,:nditions, t' l'',-{ proPertie: '' " extrinsi' ' : I ltort in 10' -- --iro . :,..D. ' ::osPhorus) ' r- :irron) ... calle: Consequently, Fermi leoel shifts upwards towards the bottom of the conduction band as shown in Fig. 2.28 (b). [Since the number of electrons as compared to the number of holes increases with temperature, the position of Fermi leael also changes considerably with temperature). o It is worth noting that even though N-type semiconductor has excess of ele-trons, still it is electrically neutral.It is so because by addition of donor impurity, number of electrons avaiiable for conduction purposes becomes more than the number of holes available intrinsically. But the total charge of the semiconductor does not change because the donor impurity brings in as much negative charge (by wav of electrons) as positive charge (by way of protons). lJote. In terms of energy levels, the fifth antimony electron has as energy level (called -rr level) just below the conduction band. Usually, the donor level is 0.01 eV below :uction band for germanium and 0.054 eV for silicon. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 56 : .: 3 and Dig,:a : -s in the re.-. , P-type semiconductor: . P-type extrinsic semiconductor can be produced if the impurity atom has o,ir unlence electron /ess than the semiconductor atom that it has replaced in the crystai lattice. This impurity atom cannot fill all the interatonzlc bonds, and the free bond can accept ar electron from the neighbouring bond ; leaving behind a vacancv of hole. Such an impuritr is called an acceptor impurity (or acceptor) Fig. 2.29 (o) shorvs structure of P-type semiconductor (Germanium and Boron). r ln this type of semiconductor, conduction is by means of holes in the valence band Accordingly, lnles form the majority carriers whereas electrons constitute rtrinoritt1 carriers. The process of conduction is called deficit conduction. o Since the concentration of holes in the valence band is more than the concentratior of electrons in the conduction band, Fermi level shifts nearer to the valence band [Fig 2.29 (b)). The acceptor level lies immediately above the Fermi level. Cottduction is by rnean: , - lhe junct. - :: )tt Cttc t,-. . . . Constructi o: , :'.e most ., :i .:.-;l;i (ali:.-._ r .)--\ ju:-,: -:- -.n, forn-,=: ^- .'-',. ,t-1i;,,i-; ...... ,: ragion as :a of hole moaement at the top of aalence band, the acceptar leael readily nccepting electrons fron the ualence band. Ge AI I I :a ,71-l'i.'..' l::.-. aa aaa taoa ' .,..,1 bin.r.:. iie comn-..:--. - I Ll_l Lre nt B . ::ninals o: , j Ge --,] Er. 6-" oC trr Hole (6 co ue (a) :n,! qlLU fi\- r .:.r.tic st/nii-.- =, '-- ooooo oooooo oooo (b) Energy diagram Fig, 2.29 P-type sem icond uctor. It may be noted again that even though P-type semiconductor has excess of holes fo: conduction Purposes, as a whoie it is electrically neutral for the same reasons as dicusse earlier. 2.2.5. P-N Junction Diode In an N-type material (Fig. 2.30) the electron is called the majorittl ctlrrier and the hole a: the minority carrier. In a P-type material (Fig. 2.31) the hole is the majority crrier and tire electron is titi minority carrier. The N- and P-type materials represent the bnszc building blocks o' semiconductor deaices. - Donor ions 9- -+\r-@ -@ *^-@ @ Fig. 2.33 sho.,., . Malority carriers Refer to F:: ends. The e: end, obvio: - Minority carrier Minority carrier Fig. 2.30 N-type material. Fig. 2.3f P-type material The semiconductor diode is simply bringing these materials together (constructei from the same base-Ge or Si). At instant the two materiais are " joined" the electrons anci PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Refer to F:: cathode (,( The diodes of F_ low current diode RfutoFig.- near the blue is shown big :, )ratronlcs I has one ai lattice. accept an impurity ri P-type nce band. *iers. The :entration :.s c and Digital Electronics i7 es in the region of the junction will combine resulting in a lack of carriers in the regiort .: the junction.This region of unconoered positiae and negatiue ions is called the depletion :ion due to the depletion of carriers in this region. Construction and types of P-N jgnction diodes : The most extensively used elements in the.manufacture of junction diodes are gern'mnitmt ' ;rlicon (although some other materials are also assuming importancejn recent years). \ P-l/ junction diode (known as a semiconductor or crystal diode) consists of a P-N ':iion, formed either in germanium or silicon crystal. The diode has two terminals -:'elv anode and cathode. The anode refers to the P-type region and cathode refers the n- .-: region as shown in Fig. 2.32 (a) :and [Fig. -'by rneans :rons fron; o"h"--D-E#"0. (a) (b) SYmboi Construction Fig.2.32 P-N junction diode. - Tlrc arrow head, shown in the ciruit symbol, points the direction oJ current flow, when it is -;nrd biased" (It is the same direction in which the movement of holes takes place). : :3pto r :.'e1 _- --: ' The commercially available diodes, usually have some notations to identify the P and ::rminals or leads. The standerd notation consists of type numbers preceded by lN, such as 110 and IN 1250. Here 240 and 1250 correspond to colour bands. In sonrc diodes, the ..rntic symbol of a diode is painted or the colour dots are nurked on the body. A ir el t"-l Red :: holes for :s dicusst -; ::t hole a: i-:.Jtt is tht l: irlocks c ::'rstructec , :::rOnS anc d-l-) tsueY il-H (a) (b) (,l )f dl \ K (c) (d) (a), (b) = Low current diodes ; (c) = Medium current diode (d) = High current or power diode. ; Fig.2.33 LoW medium and high current diodes. Ftg.2.33 shows low, medium and high current diodes. fu to Fig.2.33 (a). The diode shown has a colour band located near one of the - Rends. The end, which is near the colour band, is identified as cathode, and other end, obviously, is the anode (A). fu to Fig 2.33 (b). The diode has a schematic symbol actually painted at its - Rcathode (K) and the other end as anode. The diodes of Fig. 2.33 (a) and (b) can pass a forward current of 100 mA and are known .iu current diodes. R*, to Fig. 2.33 (c). The diode has colour dots marked on its body. The end lying - near the blue dot is a cathode, while the other end is an-ode. Sometimes this ciiode is shown bigger in size than that of diodes shown in Fig. 2.33 (a) and (b). The diodes PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 58 A Textbook of Mechatronics Basic and Digita ! of this size can pass a forrttarcl atrrent of 500 mA and are known as medium curent Reverse biai The junchr: diodes. o Rrfu to Fig. 2.33 (d). It shows a diode, which can pass a forward urrent of seaern, amperes. Therefore it known as a power diode or a high current diode. batterv termin": The outstanding property of P-N junction / crystal diode to conduct current in one direction only permits it to be used as a rectifier. ffons move ri:..:: .liode current .. Potential barrier and biasing : A P-N junction diode which consists of P- and N-type semiconductors formed together to make a P-N junction is shown in the Fig 2.34. The place diaiding tlrc two zones is knowr as a " junction". Potential barrier : As a result ol diffusion some electrons and holes migrate across the junction therebr forming a depletion latler on either side of the junction by De pletion neutralisation of holes in the P-regional and of free electrons in the N-region. This diffusion of holes sttd electrons across the junctiort continues till potentisl barrier is deaeloped in the oao ooo ttrepletion latler which then preztents furtlrcr diffusion. By the aaa ooo application of an external voltage this potential barrier is aaa ooo either irtcrensed or decreased. aaa The barrier voltage of a P-lr/ junction depends upon F|$ three factors namely density, electonic chttrge and temperature. For a given P-N junction, the first two factors are constant, thus making the value of Vu dependent only on temperature. It has been observed that for both gemanium and silicon the value of V, decreases by 2mY /"C. Nlathematically, the decrease in barrier voltage, LVB = - 0.002 x Af, where A/ is the increase in temperature in "C. I I I I I I o o o o aa a aa a aa a aaa Diode curre: The matl;:'." :atniconductar ., Let Heighl (v I I --+l WrclthF- T For a fon;.. -' Fi1.2.34 Forward biasing : The junction is said to be biased in the forward direction when then positive batterr terminal is connected to P-type region and the negative battery terminal to the N-type (Fig 2.35). This arrangement permits the flou, of current across the P-N junction. The holes nrt repelled by the positiae battery terminal artd electrons by the negatiue battery terminal witlt tht resttlt that both holes and electrons will be drit,en tousrds the junction uhere they will recombine Hence as long as the battery voltage is applied large current flows. In other words, the foruard bias lowers the potential barrier across the depletion layer thereby alloruing more curreil: to flou across the junction. oo oo oo oo ltotential barrii. .'. t I Potentral reversed. as sl-.-. aa a aaa aaa aaa Substitutir.: : .'. Diode :.. and, for silicol: When the-.,: the rapidly inci.", and silicon, The currenr changing the sig, When V >>-.' under retterse bio. :, its breakdozun r,,i..., Example 2.1. 1.8 x 10-' A, itl::"" forward bias is n:': Potentral barrier decreased Potential barrrer rncreased Fig. 2.35 Forward biasing. FiE. 2.36 Reverse biasing PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Solution" G:.. The current : r' ',lechatronics -, -''".:.l.irttn curtent rE,: :. -i ;" :':t of seaeral -l--,i." -1'-: : ." -".,"tttt in one -:- . " -- ' :::',ed together - '..s is known {: -::--t1on therebl ..-.. Basic and Digital Electronics Reverse biasing (Zener diode) : The junction is said to be reversed biased when battery connection to the battery are reversed. as shown in Fig. 2.36. In this arrangement holes are attracted by the negative batterv terminal and electrons by the positive battery terminal so that both holes and electrons move away from the junction. Since there is no recombintion of electron-hole pairs, diode current is negligible and the junction has high resistance. Reverse biasing increases the potential bqrrier at the jr.rnction, thereby allowittg aery little current to flow through the junction. Diode current equation : The mathemntical equation, which describes the forward snd reuerse characteristics of a samicondttctor diode is called the diode current equation. 1 = Forward (or reverse) diode current, Let lRs = Re"erse saturation current, 7 = External voitage (It is positive for forward bias and negative for reverse bias), .1 a aa oa a .O a aa a : it:::'J:nium diode s,2 forsilicon diodes for relative totu uatue of diode current (i.e., at or below the knee of the curve) = l for germanium and silicon for higher leaels of diode current (i,e,, in the rapidly increasing section of the curve), and Vr = Volt-equivalent of temperature. Its value is given by the relation, l 1 T - . 1.51 .. : --sitive batter" :^e \-tYPe (Fig : :- The holes nr. .'";nsl toith tli' . -,:ill recombin; ' - ::.er u'ords, th. :: !t10te curreli where T is the absolute temperature mY at room temperature (300 K). "r*, = 26 Height (V +-l T .E- 59 For a foruard-biased diode, the current equation is given by the relation, I - Ir. [eYlt'"Y') -1] (r) Substituting the value of V, = 26 mY or 0.026 V (at room temperature) in eq. (i), we get / = los @aovtn, .'. Diode current at or below the knee, for germanium, 1 = lns @n"- 7) (' r=1) l=Ins.ezov ( / 1\ / = los @'o'- 7) rnd, for silicon, \ 't 't When the value of applied voltage is greater than unity (i.e., for the diode current tn the rapidly increasing section of curve), the equation of diode current for germanilrm or and silicon, l=2) The current equation for a reverse biased diode may be obtained from eqn. (l) by changing the sign of the applied aoltage (If . Thus the diode current for reeerse bias, 1 = 1o, 1r-v/(n"vr) - 11 v/(n"vr) << 1. Therefore I = Ins. Thus the diode current When V >> Vr, then the term e under reaerse bias is equal to the reaerse saturation current as long as the external aoltage is below rts breakdown aalue. Example 2.'1,. The curret'Lt flowing in a certain P-N junction diode at room temperature is 7.8 x 10-/ A, when large reaerse ooltage is applied. Calculate the current flowing, when 0.72 V bruard bias is applied st room temperature. !"i : lslng Io5 = 1.8 x 70-7 A; V, = 0.1,2Y Solution. Giaen : The current flowing through the diode under forward bias is given by, PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechalronics , 40v-r-l) i = lRS(e I = 1.g x 107 (d40'012- 1) = 21.6g x10-{ A = 21.69 pA. (Ans.) Example 2.2, Detennine the germanium P-N jttnction diode current for the forward bias aoltage of 0.2 V at room temperature 24"C tuith reaerse saturstion cttrrent ei1ual to 7.1 mA. Take I = 1. Basic and Digita = L. Bulk res: diode is made :' introduced br' ::, conductor, con::: MathemaC::where, Vr = 02Y; T = 24 + 273 = 297 K; Solution. Gizren Ior= 1.1 mA=1.1 x10tA,n=1 Vr = We krrow that, T 297 11600:11600 = .'. The diode current, I = Ins fevr/h" 'r1 - 11 0.0256 Y (i.e.,25.6 mV) The typicaFor high pc:_." Loru-poruer .;, ' Thetotal r-- - 1l = 2.717 A. (Ans.) = 1.1 x 1g3 Troz/(t " Static and dynamic resistance of a diode : 1 Refer to Fig. 2.37. Static forward resistances (R.). A diode has I a definite value of resistance when forward t biased. It is given b,v the ratio of the D.C. uoltage :i ocross the diode to D.C. current flowing throttgtr it. I 2. Junctior, junction depen: E Mathematically, R, = L. ' ; lF where, Mathemah::-. 3 Ro may be obtained gra phically from the diode I forward characteristics as shown in Fig 2.37. From the operating point P, the static forward Example 2.3. What is the act:,.;. resistance, Fi1.2.37 Static and dynamic p. = --!t-=50E2. ' 16x10' forward resistances of a diode from the characteristic curve. Dynamic or A.C. resistance. In practice we don't use static forward resistance, instead, we use the dynamic or A.C. resistance. The A.C. resistance of a diode, at a particular D.C. voltage, is equal to the reciprocal of the slope of the characteristic at that point; i.e., the A.C. resistanie, tar-= 1 =LV, - N F / LVF AIr Change in voltage Resulting change in current' Owing to the non-linear shape of the forward characteristic, the value of A.C. resistance of a diode is in the range of 1 to 25 Q. Usually it is smaller thon D.C. resistance of a diode. Reverse resistance. When a diode is reoerse biased, besides the forward resistance, it also possesses another resistance known as reoerse resistance.It can be either D.C. or A.C. depending upon whether the reverse bias is direct or alternating voltage. Ideally, the reverse resistance of a diode is infinite. However, in actual practice, the .",ierse resisiance is never infinite. Itis due to the existence of leakage current in a reverse biased diode. Its value for germanium and silicon diodes is of seaeral megaohms. The A.C. resistance of a diode may also be determined from the followin g two resistances: 1. Bulk resistance. 2. ]unction resistance. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Solution. C:. . Now, Equivalent cir The equivale: given below : Basic and Digital Electronics 61 1". Bulk resistance rB. The resistance of P- and N-semiconductor materials of which tl*: diode is made of, is known as "bulk or body resistance". It also includes the resistance ,',1 bicts t. Take introduced by the connection between the semiconductor material and external metallic conductor, contact resistance. f-= f^+r^, Mathematically D t' t\ rp = Ohmic resistance of P-type semiconductor, and where, 6", = Ohmic resistance of N-type semiconductor. The typical values of bulk resistance may be : For high power deuices .......0.1 f) Low -pow er general p urpose dio des.................................2 e) The total voltage drop across the diode, \ns.) 4i ...(2.1) = 0.6 + Ir. rn = 0.2 + Ir. ra ...For silicon diode ...12.1 (a)l ...For germanium diode ...t2.1 (b)1 2, junction resistance r,. The value of junction resistance for a forward-biased P-N .nction depends upon the value of forward D.C. current and is given by relation, i.,,, _t 26 t ". 1.2 -: -,-:mic "":t=:Ode ...(2.2) l- 1r = Forward current in 'milliampers' Mathematically, the A.C. resistance, here, rA.c. = rl + I . Vr = Vn+ l,' r, rB ...(2 3) Example 2.3. A silicon diode has a bulk resistance of 2.2 {l and a forward current of 17 mA. '.;hat is the actual ualue of V, for the deoice? rn = 2.2 e); Ir= 11 mA = 11 x 10-3 = 0.011 A Solution. Giaen : ...[Eqn. 2.7 (a)) Vr = 0.6 + lr. r, Now, = 0.6 + 0.011 x 2.2 = 0.6242 {L. (Ans.) a\/p Equivalent circuits of P-N iunction diode : --.. .:-'.:fCe. The ': ' .: llrc slope The equivalent circuits of various models of P-N junction diode in a tabular form is *iven below : S. No. :l-.i . :esistance .. :.i s diode. -Volt- 1. Approximate model ,i---] -"',ar--+------ t ldeal diode :=.tStanCe, it - C or A.C. .:eally, the .::esistance Characteristic Model Typ" -Vo ,r---] l---+-_< 2. t Simplified model ldeal diode ,: -ode. . -tsistances: +- 3. ldeal model o_____Dt____o + I ldeal diode )V. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 62 A Textbook of Mechatronics o An ideal diode is a deuice, which conducts with zcro resistance appears as an infinite resistance when reaerse when forward biased and biased. as matter of fact, an ideal diode cannot be manufactured in actual practice. It is onlya theoieucal approximation of a real diode' However, in a-well iesigned electric ,iit"ii,, ia diode behaaes almost like an ideal diode because the ,Zhog, across the input and output stages. forward the d-ioi, i s*att as compared to where, ...(2.4) ;'" "i", j' (i) Io=2n14 (il Io = 20 mA (iil Vo=-70 1 where Vn and I. 'espectiuely. PoR = Toxlo Solution. (i) R 7R = Reverse voltage drop, and IR = Reverse current. (i) R, (iii) R3 The maximum oalue of power, which a diode r:,-.1' [igher Ievel of de equiaalent in the ra germanium. diode characteristics Similarly, power dissipation for a reaerse biased diode, where, Typical values power and current Example 2.4. I Power and current ratings of a diode : The power dissipation for a forward biased diode is gioen by, Por= vrxI, Por = Power dissipated by the diode, 7r = Forward voltage drop, and Ir = Forwrd current. Basic and Digital El can dissipate without faiture, is calledifs rating. Thus the power dissipation should not exceed power .uti.,ji., any case, otherwise the diode will get destroyed. The diode manufacturers more ofteniy list the maximum current, which a device can handle' (called current rating), rather than power rating. It is because of the fact that it is easy to measure current rating than powe, roting Applications of a diode : An important characteristic of the P-N junction diode that it conducts well in forward and poorly in reverse direction has made it useful in several apptications $:i:*:" 1. As zener diodes in voltage stabilising circuits. 2. As rectifiers or power diodes in D.C. power supplies. 3. As a switch in logic circuits in compulers. 4. As signal diodes in communication circuits. 5. As varactor diodes in radio and T.V. receivers. tisted Silicon versus germanium : silicon diodes haae, in general, higher PIV and current rating and wider temperature ' ranges than germanium diodes. Prv ratings for silicon can be in the neighbourhood of 100014 whereas maximum varue foiger*oriuiir.ior". o silicon can be used for applicafions in which the temperatureto 400 v. may rise to about 200"c, whereas germaniim has a much lower maximi- ,uur,g (100.c). The disaduantage of silicon, however, as compared to germanium is higher forward_ bias voltagerequired to reach the region of upward r*rif"i curve. It is typically of the order of magnitud u oio.r Y "r.aracteristic for commeirniif ,iirbte siticon diodes, and 0.3 V for germanium diodes (when rounded off to nearest tenths). Temperature effects : It has been found experimentally that the reaerse saturation current Io, of a silicon diode, will just double in magnitude 'r-O"C increas, i" tripiiot:"rr. for eaery PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Example 2.5.M 1,') shown in Fig. 2.39 12V ._t* L I Solution. The ban circuit is shown in Fi6 .. Current flowir Example 2.6. Catc 2.4L. Assume the diodes Jiode is 7 e. Solution. Refer to I Dn are reaerse biased. Ct Replacing D, and D D, and e open'we ge Net circuit r Total circuit res ,:'','echatronics -* .:. !'iased and :. -, - -:eal diOde :. :: :: --rimation r-,.1: . - . :.'. iS almost : ': -."',ltAfedtO lasic and Digital Electronics 63 Typical values of 10, for silicon are much lower than that of germanium for similar --,)\\,er and current levels-a verv important reason that silicon devices enjoy a significantly ;.gher level of development and utilisation in design. Fundamentally, the open-circuit - Lioalent in the reoersebias region is better realised at any temperatwe with silicon than with -ltlarLtulTt. Example 2.4. Determine the resistance leaels for the ,,1e characteristics of Fig. 2.38 at. (i) Ir=2ryn (24) C o : (ii) lD = 20 rtA riii) Vo = - 10 V ,ohere V, and Io sre bias aoltages nnd diode currents C o l ....tctiaely. O Solution. (i) Rr = "r ::,i rating. \: :- =:lf iSe thg - - .- ievice can --- . j,:.t that it is (ri) Rz = iii) R: = J ''t , =I.to'=250o 2x 10-' 2 0.8 05 10 Fig.2.38 o't , =9'10=40ct 20x10' 2 1'0 , =1.0x100 =10MCl. 1x 10-n Example 2.5. Determine the cttrrent floruing through the silicon diode (Barrier aoltnge = 0.7 .)rowtt itt Fig. 2.39. Assume resistance to be zero. forward 4.8 k() 4.8 k() : iorward : rs listed = Fi9.2.39 Fig.2.39 Fi9.2.40 Solution. The barrier potential acts in opposite direction to the supply aoltage. A simplified --r.rit is shown in Fig 2.40. .. Current flowing through the circuit or diode, :- "-.'-lerature : - lrrurhood -r:. to about =: forward- :urve. It is ,.i:s, nnd 0.3 ' ..'.icon diode [ = 12-0'7 =2.354x10-3 A = 2.354 mA. (Ans.) 4.8 x 10' Example 2.6. Calculate the current through resistor of 50 A in the circrLit shoun in Fig. --. Assume the diodes to be of silicon (Barrier aoltage = 0.7 V) and foruard resistance of eaclt :, is 1 C). Solution. Refer to Fig.2.41. Diodes D, and D, are forward biased while diodes D, and )re reoerse biased. Consider the branches containing D, and D, as 'open'. Replacing D, and D, by their equivalent circuits and making the branches containing :rrd Dn open we get the circuit shown in Fig. 2.42. Net circuit voltage = 10 - 0.7 - 0.7 = 8.6 V Total circuit resistance = 1 + 50 + 1 = 52 C) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 64 2.2.6 Zener E A properly tl::-. D2 ' tde which hqs o ;::." 10v 10v - asic and Digital Ete: torL)fl as Zener dio D3 The uoltage-rc-;... .;!led a 'Zener' clio,it Fi9,2.42 Fi9.2.41 .'. Circuit current; I = 9'6 = 0.165 A or 165 mA. (Ans.) "..rde that has some : ith the older vo1:: -:i seryes a much -,."-- 52 Example 2.7. Determine the current in the circuit shown in Fig. 2.43. Assume the diodes tc be of silicon (Barrier aoltage = 0.7 V) and forward resistance of the diodes to be zero. Solution. Refer to Fig2.43. Diode D, is forward biased and diode D, is reverse biased Consider the branch containing diode D, as open and D, can be replaced by its simplifiec equivaient circuit. .-:idus€ the device. : i'oltages and pc',.. Performance/O1 The electrical :: .ode is basec :trncteristics of ti-.. '.'prsse direction qr.= 0.7 v ; ":\'erse potentiai :s . ell developed at :. , low value and the :nited by an exter --:mains essentiallr' ; 4 '. long as the rate,i Fi1,2.43 Fig 2.44 I - \-E2-o'7 =-24- 4-0.7 = 7.72 mA. (Ans.) R 2.5 Current, Example 2.8. Find the aoltage Vo in the circuit shown in Fig 2.45. Use simplified model 24V Si (Vs = 0.7 V) (Ve = 0.3 V) 0.3 v "-. Externally, the : .-ectrically it is car: The following :, (i) It looks like sharp break: (il) It is alwavs (iii) It has sharp (lei) When forrr-a (a) It is not imrr. current is iir: diode). . The location increase in d.-t . the Zener po:: Zener diodes ratings frorr. Fi1,2.45 Fig.2.45 rig.z.ao Solution. Refer to Figs. 2.45 and2.46.It appears that when voltage is switched on, both the sides will turn on, but it does not happpen. When voltage is applied, germanium diode (Barrier voltage = 0.3 V) will turn on first and a level of 0.3 V is maintained across the parallel circuit. The silicon diode never gets the opportunity to have 0.7 V across it and therefore remain in open state (Fig. 2.46) Va = 24- 0.3 = 23.7 V (Ans.) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor silicon is usti: Applications of Zener diode sen.- 1. Voltage refer The primary use shows the fundament circuit, diode elemen increases, the curren. -' ',iechatrontcs br:r 65 Basic and Digital Electronics 2.2.6 Zener Diode A properly doped P-N junction crystal aa- :iode whiclt has a sharp breakdoun ooltage is .tlown as Zener diode. at- The aoltage-regulator diode is commonly *-l :illed a 'Zener' diode. It rs a aoltage limiting ,rode that has some applications in common .r'ith the older voltage-regulator gas tubes zener .'Lrt seryes a much wider field of application, vo tage "G Lrs ' :',,.t diodes to :- . ,l;i- r, -, :l["!- : . irse biased. .:. simPlified n:{ -). Heverse btas {- \ Zener knee I ----} Forward bias o :'ecause the devices cover a wide spectrum : ,i voltages and power levels. 0) Perf ormance/Operation : The electrical performance of a zener :iode is based on the soalanche O o o cr Fig, 2,47 Zener diode characteristics. :Llracteristics of the P-N junction. When a source of voltage is applied to a diode in the -.'ersse direction (negative to anode), a reverse current Io is observed (see Fig 2-.47). As the .\'erse potential is increased beyond the "Zener knee" avalanche breakdown becomes ell developed at zener voltage Vz. At voltage Vr, the high counter resistance drops to low value and the junction current increases rapidly. The current rnust of necessity be rrited by an external resistance, since the voltage 1/, developed across the zener diode :rilains essentially constant. Aaalanchebreakdoron of the opernting zener diode is not destructiue . long as the rated power dissipation of the junction is not exceeded. Externally, the zener diode looks much iike other silicon rectifying devices, and .ectrically it is capable of rectifying alternating current. : .r-1 r, {rs.) - :'.:ied model --1 _j 0.3 v The following points about the Zener diode are worth noting : (l) It looks like an ordinary diode except that it is properly doped so as to have a sharp breakdown voltage. (ii ) It is always reverse connected Le., it is always reaerse biased. (iii) It has sharp breakdown voltage, called Zener voltage Vr. (lu) When forward biased, its characteristics are just those of ordinary diode. (2,) It is not immediately bumt just because it has entered the breakdown region (The current is limited only by both extemal resistance and power dissipation of Zener diode). a The location of Zener region can be controlled by varying the doping levels. An incresse in doping, producing an incresse in the number of added impurities, will decrease the Zener potential. . Zener diodes are available having Zener potentials of 1.8 to 200 V with power 1 r q i.45 rrrl' , -, : :-".--ichedon,both s ir; ' ": l::irtaniumdiode : -:-::red across the l* - ',' across it anc rll: tr i temperature and current capabilitu, ratings from I to 50 W. Because of its higher silicon is usuatly preferred in the manufacture of Zener diodes. Applications of zener diode : Zener diode serves in the following variety of applications : 1. Voltage reference or regulator element : The primary use of a zener diode is as a aoltage reference or regulator element. Fr: I =: - rrvs the fundamental circuit for the Zener diode employed as a shunt regulalc: -: ::= ::uit, diode element and load R. draw current through the series resista:,;e :. ,: : -:eases, the current through the Zener elerrlent will increase and thus ::..:::.::-, : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 66 A Textbook of Mechatronics essentially fixed voltage across Rr. This ability to maintain the desired voltage is determined bv the temperature coefficient and the diode impedance of the zener device. RS Basic anci Di: :: this region ; -. at 7, even t: ideal Zener :_ is quite snt,;... shown in 2.i, Bs = Series resistance, Rr = Load resistance, Fig. 2.48 Basic zener-diode regulator circuit. s# 2. Shunt transistor regulator ! o The Zener diode may also be used to control the reference voltage of a transistor regulated power supply. An example of this in a shunt transistor reguiator is shown in Fig. 2.49, where Zener element is used to controi the operating point of the transistor. The advantages of this circuit over that Fig, 2,49. Shunt transistor regulator. shou,n in Fig. 2.118 are increased pouer lurtdling cttpnbility and a regtilating factor improoed by utilizing the current gain of the transistor. 3. Audio or r-f application : The Zener diode also finds use in audio or r-f (radio frequency) applications whert a source of stable reference voltage is required, as in bias supplies. Frequently, Zener diodc, are connected in series package, with, for example, one junction operating in the reversr within a single direction and possessing a positive temperature V, coefficient; the remaininE diodes are connected to operate in the forward direction and exhibit negative temperaturr 7, coefficient characteristics. The net result is close neutralization of V, drift versu, temperature change; such reference units are frequently used to replace standard uoltage cell: 4. Computer circuits : Zener diodes also find use in comT2uter circuits designed for xuitching about the auslnncl. uoltage of the diode. Design of the Zener diode permits it to absorb oaerload surges an. thereby seraes the function of protecting delicate circuitry from orteraoltage. The usual uoltage specifications V, of Zener diodes are 3.3 to 200 V with t 7,2, : - 70 or 20"k tolerances. Typical poruer dissipation ratings are 500 - mW, 1, 10 and 50 W The temperature coefficient range on V, - is as low as 0.001% "C. Equivalent circuit of zener diode : The complete equivalent circuit of the Zener diode in the Zener region includes a small dyrramic resistance and D.C" battery equal to the Zener potential, as shown in Fig. 2.50. ' /ON// state. When reverse voltage across a Zener diode is equal to or more than breakdown voltage Vr, the current increases very sharply. In vz T i 1t, "oFF,, sta: greater than '. diode can be _. Example ? c in Fig. 2.53, ,- Solution. . Output I't - :. Voltage d:-: Current th: I Load curr.:: Current tli- 1 (a) , aolts, R, = f .i (b) . Example 2.i. circuit shozun ii: : uoltage = 32 \. -. Fig. 2.50. Zener equivalent circuit : (a) Complete; (b) Approximately. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Solution. Ii= - ' ','echatronics Basic and Digital Electronics ,. -letermined this region curve is almost vertical; it means that voltage across Zenet diode is constant at V, even though the current through it changes. Therefore, in the breakdown region, an ideal Zener diode (this assumption is fairly reasonable as the impedance of Zener diode rs qtrite small in the breskdown region) can be represented by a battery of voltage \/, as shown in 2.51 (b). Under such conditions, the Zener diode is said to be in the "ON" state. o- a 67 V2V, Equivalent circuit o{ zener for "ON state (a) (b) Fig.2.51 "OFF" state. When the reverse voltage across the Zener diode is less than Vrbut greater than 0 V the Zener diode is in the "OFF" stage. Under such conditions, the Zenet diode can be represented by an open circuit as shon'n in Fig. 2.52 (b). t ----a-- ---------- ::" '=;ulator. " -..;istor, :rons where kner diode: :- :he reverse ::'.'remaining : :emPeraturt lrift versu: .- -.'ttltage cell: vz>v > 0 Equivalent circuit o.f zener for "OFF" state. (a) (b) Fi1.2.52 Example 2.9. Determine the current flowing through the Zener diode for the circuit shoun t Fig. 2.53, if RL = 4000 A, input aoltage is 50 'o/fs, R, = 7800 e) and output aoltage is 32 aolts. . :ite sunlancl',' .' j. surges an: rth+1,2,5 Solution. Input voltage, V;, = 50 V Vn,,, = 32 Y Output voltage, Voltage drop in series resistor, Rs = Vi,,- Vuut = 50 - 32 = 18 V Current through series resistance, T Variable input voltage, V,,, Fig.2.53 I = Vu,-Vou, = 18 = .01 A or 10 mA 1 I R Load current, I I 1800 Ir 1/ A) Rr 4o0o Current through Zener diode, 1 I ' (b) ,alent circuit: : croximatelY. I,= I -Ir.=10-8=2mA. (Ans.) Example 2.10. Determine the maximum and minimum aalues of Zener ctrrent if in :;:: rcuit shotun in Fig. 2.53 the load resistance, Rr - 4000 A, series resistance = 8000 e), ott!'--. : )ltage = 32 V and source aoltage aaries between 100 V and 128 V. Solution. Refer to Fig. 2.53. Giaen : Rr = 4000 O; Rs = 8000 a) Vout = 32Y PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 68 BasicandD::: As the .- -, , when the .--:: = o.oo8 or 8 mA tt1 = - R; - 2+OOO vn,,t Load current, TheZenercurrentwillbemaximumwheninputvoltageismaximumi.e,,\28Y. Corresponding current through series resistance' Vi"(tu')-7"'t *128-32 ,, - '- Rs = 0.012 A or 12 mA lf a s-: .. remain cc: :: i : current th:- ..: Exampi: i at 12 V ris .' Sooo CorresPonding Zener current' (Ans') (I7)-u,. - I-It=12-8=4mA' Thezenercurrentwillbeminimumwheninputvoltageisminimuml,e.,l00V' Corresponding, current through I' = series resistance' y;,i*i,.r -%ur _ 100 - 32 800 ttoltage ro:. .' = 0.00g5 = 8.5 mA -R] (Ans') (rr)n,n = I' - Ir-= 8'5 - 8 = 0'5 mA' shown in Fig' 2'54 a 5'6 - CorresPonding Zener currertt ' Zener.-diode based ooltage regulator Example 2.1L. tr.t nr) 'i'irlil, reri\ur,e oyi.iL11:""' v,0.25 w zener diode is used'-For "Ay\ffiin'!il'!,i::r::,,::Z;':1, toltage tegtLlotor. Solution. (i) Let Rs = 20 A .F8{ t - 2!=0.r, e Solutior. , ing the r€:.-. : values of , -: is to be o.. ,, Zener dio;= ' 12 V. (Ans. The r'; .:: . constant a: : changes f:::Zener cw'r:'-,: ' is mexinttt',. 10v 20 r? _ 10-5.6 Rs (ll) Let, 0.28 + 0.001 = 15.66 O - 16 O. 50 f) Rs Fi1.2.54 2!=o.ttz t I Maximu:Example 1 50 10-5'6 =38.93o-39f) Rs= diodes qre cot:"'... 0.112 + 0.001 (Ans') R ranges from 16 Cl to 39 O' t, Solution. The worst ca:. carry the mn:::" the giaen lig .? Example 1.n. safe and. reliab,le R, of ringe the for find tne ooeration of the regulator ctrcutt' U iiri*u* Zener-diode curren! is LmA' ?!. R.= 25 Qto 50 () Solution. The equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 2.56' Zener diode 6.0 V, 0.25 W The value of load current willbe mini{) mum, when the load is maximum i'e''50 .,. fi\,Ltmm. \ = 9 50 = t2o *A I The value of load current will be maxi10 v= 25 a mum, when the toual'-*inimum i'e'' (ty)*o,.= Voltage ::: Current :, Input un:= Regulatec Rr= 25 () to (n() *=24omA PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Now ser::. hatronlcs Basic and Digital Electronics 69 As the load current changes from 120 to 240 mA the Zener current will be minimum, when the load current is maximum. , 1?8 v. 10-6 V,,t -Vn R^J 4x103 (1+240)10-3 247 (I, )-' + (I. )-", = 15.59 Q. (Ans.) If a series resistance of 76.59 C) is inserted in the circuit, the output voitage will remain constant. If the load current decreases the Zener current will increase, but the current through R, will remain the same. 1,10 v. Example 2.13. ln the circuit shown in Fig. 2.57, the uoltage across the load is to be maintained at 12 V qs load current aaries from 0 to 250 mA. Desigtt the regulator. Also find the maximum uoltage rating of Zener diode. Solution. Refer to Fig. 2.57. By design- -)+43.o '*:. T|rc load ';::,-': of the ing the regulator here means to find the r.alues of Vrand Rr. Since the load voltage is to be maintained at 72 V, we will use a Zener diode of Zener voltage 12Y, i.e., V, = !2V. (Ans.) The voltages across Rr is to remain constant at 16 - 72 = 4 V as the load current changes from 0 to 250 mA. The minimum Zener current will occur uhen the load current is maximum. Rs= Vu, -Vou, Fig.2.57 - Vi,, -Vu,t I (lr)*," *(1.)-", (16-1.2) 16 dt. (Ans.) - (0 + 250)mA 250 x 10-' = Maximum power rating of Zener diode = 12 x (250 " 10-3) = 3 W. (Ans.) Example 2.14. What aalue of series resistance is required when three 10 W, 10 V, 800 mA iiocles areionnected in series to obtain a 30 V regulated output from a 45 V D.C. powe:r source? Solution. Fig. 2.58 shows the desired circuit. The worst case is at no load because then Zener diodes .try the maximum current. 25(:to50() Voltage rating of each Zener diode = 10 V Current rating of each Zener diode v,"=45V Vo., = 30 V = 800 mA Input unregulated voltage, vi' = 45 Y Fig. 2.58 Regulated output voltage, 2t Bi= 25 () to qn () Now series resistance, Vou,=70+10+10=30V V,,-V*, R. '- l, = 18.75 o. (Ans.) =li:!L 800 x 10-' I PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 70 Basic and D(; 2.2.7. Tunnel Diode 2.2.8. B Tunnel diode is a heavily doped P-N junction type germanium having an extremely narrow iunction. Because the junction is extremely narrow, the electrons can tunnel through it from one side of the junction to the other. The electrons are able to tunnel through it even if they have insufficient energies to overcome the barrier. V/I Characteristic : The voltage current (V/I) characteristic of such a diode is shown in Fig. 2.59. The diode conducts even during the reverse bias (less than Zener voltage) - and tunnel a reverse current is produced. For low forward voltages the current is high, and at a certain value of (low) voltage Vr, the current reaches its peak value. When the forward bias increases beyond Vr, the tunnel diode current begins to decrease and reaches a minimum value for a voltage Vr. The portion of the curve represents a negatiae resistance characteristic of the - tunnelLMdiode. A tunnel diode when operated in this region may be used as an amplifier, or oscillator, or as switch for timing circuits. When forward voltage is increased beyond the value Vr,the current starts increasing just as in a conventional diode. cq) (Current peak) Begion of f o E negative (6 Introduc A transir . chnr, A transi "The ma triode is a v The tran 1947. Althou of a technolt complex ele early develc The hvc 1. Bipx 2. Fielr IL The brp I I I I +- into A',l' o Reverse bias (Trar - Whe - t.vFe . The slope) 3 The' (l) .4-. ; (ii) As; I Vr P-N-Pa V2 -----| Forward bias I the follorrin 1. Sinc 2. Fir;, E g f o o bate 9. ,' ' () o) G. Fig. 2.59. V/l char acteristic of a tu n nel d iode. Advantages: 1. It is a special type of diode which can withstand very large temperature changes. 2. It can be very efficiently used in microwave region. 3. lts consumption is veryJ low (about \ *,n 1000 4. Its cost is low. 5. It is of small size 6. It has a long life. of a transistor) 3. Coil ,,re: 4. Se; to !; The at'c Workin common-ba and collectt iuhereas tlie , positive bat junction is : the N-tvpe i 95%) are at balance oi 5 holes whid up by the n PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Basic and Digital Electronics K)nlcs 71 2.2.8. Biepolqf junction transistor (BJT) Introduction : A transistor may be defined as follows : word transistor was derived from the two word combination , transfer-resistance - The (Tiansfer + resistor ----+ Transistor). A transistor is a deuiie to transfer a low resistance . into a circuit haaing a high resistance. is a semiconductor dwice in which current flows in semiconductor materials. - A'transistor' a thin layer of P-type or N-type semiconductor is between a pair of opposite - \A/hen types it constitutes a transistor. o The transistor is a solid state det;ice, whose operation depends upon the flow of electric charge carriers within the solid. A transistor is a semiconductor deaice haaing both rectifuing and amplifuing properties. "The main difference between a vacuum triode and a transistor is that while a vacuum triode is a voltage controlled device, a transistor is a current controlled device". The transistor was invented by a team of three scientists at Bell Laboratories, USA in 1947. Although the first transistor was not a bipolar junction device, yet it was the begiming of a technological revolution that is still continuing in the twenty first century. All of the complex electronic devices and systems developed or in use today, are an outgrowth of early developments in semiconductor transistors. The two basic types of transistors are : 1. Bipolar junction transistor (BlT) 2. Field-effect transistor (FET) T}ae bipolar junction transistor is used in the following two broad area of electronics : O ,as c linear amplifier to boost an electric signal. (ii) As an electronic switch. P-N-Pard N-P-N transistors. To understand the basic mechanism of transistor operation the following facts need to be kept in mind. 1. Since emitter is to praoide charge carriers, it is always "forruard biased". rmely rough ugh it rltage) s high, value. gins to c of the lasan hge is ntional 2. First letter of transistor type indicates the polarity of the eruitter ooltage ititlt respect to base. 3. Collector's job is to collect or attract those carriers through the base, herrce it is alttsys ' I tchanges. i. S. Second letter of transistor type indicates the polarity of coilector aoltnge uith respect to the base. The above points apply both to P-N-P and N-P-N transistors. Working of P-N-P tansistor. Fig. 2.60 shows a P-N-P transistor connected in the common-base (or grounded-base) configuration (it is so called because both the emitter and collector are returned to the base terminals). The emitter junction is forruard-biosed whereas the collector junction is reaerse-biased. The holes in the emitter are repelled by the positive battery terminal towards the P-N or emitter junction. The potential barrier at the junction is reduced due to the forward-biased, hence holes cross the junction and enter the N-type base. Because the base is thin and lightly-doped, majority of the holes (about 95'h) are able to drift across the base without meeting electrons to combine with. The balance of 5"/, of holes are lost in the base region due to recombination with electrons. The holes which after crossing the N-P collector junction enter the collector region are swept up by the negative collector voltage V.. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 72 A Textbook of Mechatronics Basic and Dig 3. Enti! . The, eIec t, Note. fri ':uatts. Tb : Emitter (E) '.: I microiL.;:: Tiansisto :erminals nar and two for transistor is : of configurat , Base (B) Fig. 2.60. P-N-P transistor. The following points are worth noting : 1. trn a P-l'/-P transistor inajority charge carriers are holes. 2. The collector current is always less than the emitter current because some recombination o.f holes and electrons take place. (i) Corn: (ll) Corn: (iii) Corn: The term output circui (tc=te-lil. operation are 3. The current amplification (cr") (or gain of P-N-P transistor) for steady conditions when connected in common base configuration is expressed. as : o = I9 (:ollector current) . r. 1. (emitter current) configuralion Each circr here that regr :thile the coile. 4. Emitter arrow shows the direction of flow of conaentional current. Evidently, electron flow will be in the opposite direction. Working of N-P-N transistor. Fig2.67 shows aN-P-N junction transi.sfor. The emitter is forward-biased and the collector reverse-biased. The electrons in the emitter region are repelled by the negative battery terminal towards the emitter or N-P juncti on.The"electrons cross ol)er into the P-type base region because potential barrier is reducid due to forwarcl bias, Since the base is thin and lightly doped, most of the electrons (about 95%) cross over to the collector iunction and enter the cpllector region where they are readily swept up by the positive collector voltage 7.. Only about 5% of the emitter electrons combine with the holes in the base and are lost as charge carriers. Emitter(E) o-----------+ = (a) CB ::-: I. Comn In this cin taken from cc output circui, configuration a Base (B) Fig. 2.61 . N-P-N tran sistor. t The following points are worth noting : 1. ln a N-,i)-N transistor, majority change carriers are electrons. 2. I, (collector current) is less than ly'emitter current) so that a < L. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Fig.2.6i :hatrcnics 73 3asic and Digital Electronics 3. Emitter arroto shows the direction of flow of conaentiottal current o The choice of N-P-N transistor is made more often because ntaicri u;llrtrgr cnrriers are r-. C,t > -o :;mbination conditions electrons whose ruobility is much more than that of holes. Note. The iunction transistors haae been made in power ranges fi'om a.fet ,rtil!!;tt!ts to tens : ':.,tttts. The tiny junction transistor is unparalleled in that it can be made to ii'ori: ,;: '-1i'il'er leuel ': I microwatt. Transistor circuit configurations. A transistor is a three-terminal device (having three :=:nrinals namely emitter,base andcollector)brtt we require four terminals-two for the input .. 1 two for the output for connecting it in a circuit. Hence one of the terminals of the ":-:nsistor is made common to the input and output circuits. Thus there are three tr-pes : ;onfigurations for operation of a transistor. These configurations are : (i) Common-base (CB) configuration. (ii) Common-emitter (CE) configuration. till) Common-collector (CC) configuration. The term'common' is used to denote the electrode that is common to the input and -:ryut circuits. Because the common electrodes is generally grounded, these modes of :eiation are frequently referred to as ground-base, ground-emitter and grounded-collector - :figurations as shown in Fig. 2.62 for a N-P-N transistor. Each circuit configuration has specific advantages and disadvantages. It may be noted -::e that regrdless of circuit connection, tlne emitter is always biased in the forruard direction, .le the collector always has a reoerse biase. tlr', electron The emitter r region are The electrons ;s--.'.ird bias. ross over to ;rvept up bY rhe u'ith the : te ::: r {C) - <t- ia) CB configuration (c) CC conf iguralrcn (b) CE configuration Fig,2,62. Different circuit configurations for N-P-N transistor' I. Common-base (CB) configuration : In this circuit configuration, input is applied between emitter and base and oulput is .:n from collector and base. Here, base of the transistor is common to both input and -:rut circuits and hence the name common base configuration. A common-base :iguration for N-P-N transistor is shown in Fig 2.63. _T tpul _t_ V,, Fig" 2.63. Common-base N-P-N transistor. Fig.2.64 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor I 74 A Textbook of Mechatronics iasic and Digital Electronic Current amplification factor (cr.). If is the rqtio of output current to input urrrent.InCB configuration, the input current is the emitter current 1. and output current is the collector current 1a. The ratio of change in collector current to the change in emitter current at constant collectorbase aoltage V* is known as current amplification factor i.e., :ttit is open, the colle;:i, Solution. Giuen : g = N._s at constant V.u Example 2.16. In a :: Collector current, ..(2.s) aIE If only D.C. ztalues are considered, then o = L (2 6) IF Exmple 2.17. ln n J.. 'lich is connected in tli; Solution. Gioen : Tl,. : i5. it less than unity.This value can be increased (not more than unity) by decreasing _o the base current. This is accomplishedby making thebase thin and doping it lightty. The voltage drop a:: In commercil transistors, practical value of cr varies from 0.9 to 0.99. Collector current (I.) : Total collector current, l, = al, + ltrnkrg, (o1, is the part of emitter current that reaches the collector i Now, terminal) where, Ir = Emitter current, and = Leakage current (This current is due to movement of .- Itrokog, minority carriers across base-collector junction on Also, .'. account of it being reversed; it is much smqller than crls) When emitter is open (Fig. 2.6a) lr. = 0, but small leakage current still flows in the collector circuit. This llrrrrs, is abbreviated as 16s6, meaning iollector-base current with "' or, ( o )r-*'.,o b= " (1-c) or, - \1.-a) . I, Example 2.18. For :;. emitter open. 16= crla+Icso Ic = 0(1c + Ir) + lruo 1.(1 - o) = alu + lruo .- ,r of a silicon transistor ..(2.7) ( :::ermine I, and Vru. lr=lr+lr) Solution. Gioen : R. Rc = 1 kO, V., = 1;Since the transistor r. ..(2.8) In view of improved construction techniques, the magnitude of 1.ro for generalpurpose and low-powered transistors (especially silicon transistors)"iirrrrIly ,r".y small and may be neglected in calculations. For high power calculations, Iruo appears in pA range. :: 1.: Applying Kirchhoff's :e emitter-side loop, we gt Icso is temperature dependent, therefore, at high temperature it must be considered in calculations. Example 2.15. In a common-base configuration, current amplification factor is 0.92. If the entitter current is 7.2 mA, determine the ualue of base current. Solution. Giaen : s" = 0.94;1r = 1.2 mA We know that, Ct = --!- Applyig Kirchhoff,s u I. : IE or. A1so, [6 = al, = 0.92 x 1.2 = 1.1 mA I, = lr+ lu ls = Ie-I,^ = 7.2 - 1.1 = 0.1 mA. (Ans.) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Characteristics of Cor representing tlrc , dCurues tr : alle :urves: ansistor characteris 'a:-atronlcs . :: InCB -. :!)llector ': . ilector- : =s c and Digital Electronics Example 2.16. In a c\mmon-base configuration, the emitter curretlt is r, : ' ,. . ,it is open, the collector current is 45 p.A. Find the totsl collector ctrrrent. C.,. Ir = 0.g mA; I.uo = 45 pA = 45 x 10-3 mA; ' Solution. Gioen: ,.Lf Ic = alr + Icso Collector current, 0.9 x 0.9 + 45 ,. 10-3 = 0.855 mA. (Ans.) -.- = /a tr\ ...\L.) I Exmple 2.17.ln a CB configuration, a = 0.92. The aoltage drop across 2.5 ka ri'j:i:, ':t is connected in the collector is 2.5 V. Find the base current' Solution. Giaen: The common-base configuration of the transistor is shown in Fl: : (2 6) -::aIeasing The voltage drop across R. ( = 2.5 kO) = 2.5 Y .' .:.,,t. Ic= -. :ollector :'lr€nt Of -.:-:ilon on ::'.;rn cr/E) : in the , :rt with (27) =.:+is) Now, \1so, = 1mA loutput =25k() tl=zsv IC -I. IP = Ir-tI, Ia = Ir-lc=1,.087- 1=0.087mA. (Ans.) Example 2.1.8. For the CB configttra' of a silicon transistor shown in Fig. 2.66, ,nLine I, and Vru. Solution. Giaen : RE = 1'6 kQ; Rc = 1 kf), YEE = 10 V; Vrr= 20Y Since the transistor is of silicon, R^ RE , 1 k() =16k() Vcc= 20 V Vu, = 0.7 Y. -{pplying Kirchhoff's voltage law to :rrtitter-side loop, we get Fig.2.66 Vrr= IrRr+vm 10V= lrx1.6(kO) +0.7V . -: .:ilt' very . ...lcrcd in .. ' '. :'). If the 2.5 kf' T Rc 1 =r.o87mA L' = I.cr 0.92 (2 8) " : generai- cl= 2.5 V ...(Given) 10 -0.7 5'81 mA = I, = 1i- Ic = Ir = 5.81. mA. (Ans.) Applyig Kirchhoff 's voltage law to tlrre collector-side loop, we get Vcc= IrRa+V* 20Y = 5.8 mA x 1 KO + Vcn Vcs = 20 V - 5'81 mA x 1 kO = 14'19 V' (Ans') Characteristics of Common-base transistor : -trces representing the aariation of current with aoltage in a transistor triode circuit are .l transistor characteristic curves. There are the following two types of characteristic 'es: PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 76 :: and Digital Ex A Textbook of Mechatronics 1. Input characteristic curves of l, oersus emitter-base ooltage (Vrr). 2. Output characteristic curyes of collector current (Ir) aersus collector-base aoltage (Vru Fig. 2.67 shows the circuit of an N-P-N junction triode (common-base) studying The crrr.'* low colie"r - appreciab. characteristic curve. / ^,lR ='t t'-! . te collector V.,, Emitter (E) = Forward biased ci' .: :erv holes anc Collector (C) = Reverse biased I Feed back ]hese curves r, - -rnstant-emitt, Fig.2,6l. Circuit of an N-p-N junction triode. i. Input characteristic curves : To plot these curves the collector voltage is first put at zero potential (say), i.e. Vcs = o' The emitter-base voltage (Vcs) is now increased from zero onwards and emitter current (Ir) is recorded. A graph is plotted between 1, and Vuuas shown in Fig.2.68. ::urementS are t 3 _o ;c 2 g ) o 1: I Vca = 30 volts Vco = 0 o O 1 ;_oc J -o Emitle- : =: g l O J. o E LL] IO le = 4mA -9 Ir = 2mA o O Emitter base voltage, V.u -___| Collector_base voltage, Vcn * Fi9.2.68. lnput characteristic curves. Fig.2.69.Output characteristic curves. - Another similar graph is plotted for Vr, = 30 volts (say). From the graph we observe that: (i) For a given collector voltage, the emitter current rises rapidly even with a very small increase in emitter potential. It means that ihe input resistoru i, ( tv."at | I '' = A1' ) I constant Vr, of the emitter-base circuit is -")Y"*""' Fig.2.70. Feel Forward c lr = 6mA l O 'l Refer to Fig. I .:;e rroltage at corx IL Common-e' In CE confipr: --:se and emitter ::'llector and emiti r common to bot: -:nce the name cc: - -2 shows cofiuxo .- Base current nfiguration, inpl : i ^. The ratio oi c;-uertl low. (li) The emitter current is nearly independent of collector-base voltage. 2. The output characteristic curves : These curves obtained by plotting the variation of collector current (1.) with collectorbase voltage (vcr) at different constant values of emitter current (16). curaes shown in Fig. 2.69 indicate that some collector current is present - These even when the collector votge is zero. To make the collector current zero, we have to give a certain amount of negatiae potential to the collector. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor '-iirye in base it,-, ; ':vlification fnc::, If D.C. vaiues '.'echatronlcs ' '.:nge (V661 ..src and Digital Electronics - 77 The curres also indicate that the collector current attains a l',r*h r.alue even at a very low coliector voltage and further increase in collector voitage tioes not produce any appreciable increase in collector current. It means that the output resistance -: studying t AV-^ *':'' at constant t, ) RI of the colltctor-hsse circrtit /i . i' ., .i, ..,' A1. I, ) "r "" The collector current is always a little less than the enitter current because .-.i :r',e r',er-ttralisation ,: few hoies and electrons within the base due to recombination. I Feed back characteristic curves : ' These curves represent the variation of collector current (1a) with entitttr-:';.. . :.;.' '1,'--.) :onstant-emitter current. A number of emitter current values are sele.:.: .::'.'.i-ricl-r .-sllrements are nlade. The nature of curves is shown in Fig.2.70. , (say), t.e., I 1 : :nd emitter c g o o s l o IO o 6 Io o o O O Emrtter base voltage, V,n4 Emitter curre nt Fig. 2.7 1. Forward characteristics. Fig. 2.7 O, Feed back ch.aracteristics. lr = 6mA I l, = 4mA Refer to Fig.2.77. This type of curve is a graph between e nitter current (/.) and collector- lr, = 2mA .'oltage at constant value of collector current. 13 Vcr 4 a curves. \\.ith a verr ':sistance R Forward characteristic curves : II. Common-emitter (CE) configuration : .n CE configuration, input is applied between -: dfld emitter and output is taken from the =ctor and emitter. Here, emitter of the transistor ,rnmon to both input and or-rtpout circuits and --e the name common-emitter configuration. Fig. -- shows common-emitter N-P-N transistor circuit. T Output t Base current amplification factor (F). In CE ':rguration, input current is I, and output current The ratio of change in collector current (Nr) to the ,;a in base current (LI) is known as "base current iicntion factor" i.e., oN. P'.r ith collector- ::ent is Present .. zeto, we have (14) ]: Fig. 2,7 2. Common emitter N-P-N transistor. NB t D.C. vaiues are considered, I --: B= ' ta lz.e (a)l PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 78 A Textbook of Mechatronics lasic and Digitat E In almost every transistor 57o of emitter current flows as the base current. Therefore the value of B is generally greater than 20, fl usually varies from 20 to 500. It may be no: CE conftguration is frequently used as it giaes appreciable current gain as well as ooltage Example 2.19 ' :ie of I, usuta :, o gain. Relation between p and o. The relation between B and o is derived as follows : Solution. Rei R- N-' LI, " AI. CL = ----l- .,.(ii) Llr. Ir= Iu+1, A1. = AI, + A1. or Now or, or, or, ot, AIr=A1r-O7. Inserting the value of A1, in (l), we get AI' B= ' aJE - alc Also, Dividing the numerator and denominator of R.H.S. by A,lu, we get p= Llc / NE (NE / ^tE)-(u. CX, /u') 0= -gl-cr ( ar^) l'.' CI,= ' [ ^1.i I 1- cr ...(2.10) It is evident from the above expression th-at when o, approaches unity, B approaches infinity. In other words the current gain in CE configuration is aery high. it is d"e b this reason that this circuit arrangement is used is about 90 to 95 prrceni of atl transistor applications. Collector current. In CE configuration, I, is the input current and I. is the output current : Now, Ir= Ir+1, lg= alr+lcso 16= u(lr+lr)+Irro and, ot, Of, The aalue o_i i,,-. (i) Collector-,(ii) Base utr-,-: Solution. C::,- The require; alues is shortn :: (i) Collector< L/-i 'cE (li) Base curre 1.(1-cr) = alu+lrro OT, I.= -L d l-* 7 ,1-o.'o 1-cr'cBo It is evident from (iii) that if ln = 0 (i.e., base circuit is open), the collector current will be the current to the emitter. This is abbreviated as.I..o meaning collector-emitter current with base open. Inserting the value of frr.ro l. = or/ Example 2.20. ..i.ector supphl :: . . c.6 v. = lczo in (iii), we get *Ir*tcro Ic= !ls+Icr.o PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Now .'. Base curre: Characteristics Fig. 2.75 shos', study of characterj: 1" Input chara emitter voltage I,'.. 79 . f,techatronics 3asic and Digital Electronics I:.erefore the It may be noted that, . :-'.,1 ns uoltage Example 2.19. Find the u rating of the transistor shown in Fig. 2.73 Hence deterrnine the Icr.o= (B+1)/.re ...(2.12) ' ,.iue of l, using both rx and $. Solution. Refer to Fig.2.73. := i..Ilows : .(, ..(,i) g = ;: CT ...[Eqn.(2.10)l I -C[ ot B(1 -o)=61 or, P-ctp = ct p=ct(1+P) OI, lr - 10mA g _4e ct= 1+p=l+49 =0.98 ...(iit) '' cI=-lN.) Nr) .'. Also, Fis.2.73 Ic = sle = 0'98 x 10 mA = 9'8 mA' (Ans') I, = lla = 49 x 200 pA = 19 x 0'2 mA = 9'8 mA' (Ans') Example 2.20. A transistor is connected in common-emitter (CE) configuration in iuhich nor stryply is 1.0 V and ooltage drop across resistqnce R, connected in the collector circuit ,.6 V. The aalue of Rc = 600 O. lf a = 0.95, determine : (i) Collector-emitter aoltage. ...(2.10) : :pproaches .. due to fhis ,ill transistor r: the outPut .. (,) (.ii) Base current. Solution. Giaen : Vcc = 10 V; Rc = 600 Q; ct = 0.95. The required CE configuration with various ues is shown in Fig. 2.74. (l) Collector-emitter voltage V.u: Vcp. = Vcc- 0.6 = 10 - 0.6 = 9.4 V. (Ans.) (ii) Base current IB: .. (,,) ... (i,i r--+::..r current wili ":..:-emitter current . Base current, ^ ll=- ' V- =10\/ Fig.2.74 0.5 v I^_ _=ImA ' 600 f) )'Jow, V,. G _ 0.95 _1o 1 - cr. 1- 0.95 III-= IJB19 1 0.0526mA. (Ans) [ ,=f) Characteristics of common-emitter transistor : Fig. 2]5 shows the circuit of a N-P-N common-emitter iunction transistor for the -:r' of characteristic curves. i lnput characteristic curves. It is the curve between base current I, and the base:ter voltage Vro at constant collector-emitter voltage V6. (Refer toFig.2.76). la l'.' B=- \ 1-cr PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 80 ql A Textbook of Mechatronics !.Bslc 1!*" {fmltl frryut cur is ilE I niltr? t141ta2 t hm gr 'r:lr.t 0.7 Fig.2.75. Circuit of N-P-N common emitter junction transistor. Input resistance, R, ohms. utB 1.4 2.1 V", (Votts) Fig.2,76 This cfuruit @itEr corrfigu g@u rs alavivs I lctaCon U at constant V.r. Its value is of the order of a few hundred r Fig. 2.77 shows the graph of collector current (1c) with base current (1r) at constant collector-emitter voltage. It may be noted from the curve that there is a collector current even when the basic current is zero. This is knolvn as collector leakage current : # islih' "- qfi It increases with rise in temperature and also arises due to the reverse biasing between base and collector. The value of leakage current ranges from 100 pA to 500 p,{ I I' Qq ^. a 5 _o c 5o f C g o Now, G, tnsating ilr Dividing ilr I a2 o 60) -o ir I Collector o o We know ffre (J Base current, I" (pA) Collector-emilter voltag.e, Vce.--_--} -----f 2. Output characteristic curves. The collector-emitter voltage (V..) is varied and the corresponding collector current (16) is noted for various fixed valles oi"bur" current (e. The shape of the curves is shown in Fig 2.7g. such common-emitter characteristics are widely used It may be noted Ic r, /, Output resistance n, = {9 " d' Also, OT, oI, OT, for ilesign purpose. 19 Commonlyr at constant Ir. Its value is of the order of 50 ko (less than that of CB circuit). III. Common-collector (CC) configuration : In this type of configuration,-inp_ut is applied between base and collector while output is taken between the emitter and collecto.. Here, collector of the transistor is common to both input and output circuits and hence the name common-collector connection. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Out of the ttnt about 90 to 91o/o o 7. High cura 2. High aoltuy 3. Moderated makes thiso lllechatronics Basic and Digital Electronics 81 Fig.2.79 shows the common-collector N-P-N transistor. Current amplification factor y. In CC configuration, the input current is the base current I, and output current is the emitter current lr. The ratio of change in cmitter current (Nr) to the change in base current (AIr) ls {nou)n as "current amplification factor" i.e., d' ,= ,N, H Lr V.. (Volts) L, This circuit provides the same gain as the commonemitter configuration as AI. = AIc. However, lfs uoltage ;ain is always less than one. Vau -c9 Fig. 2.7 9. Com mon-collecto r N-P-N transistor. Relation between y and a : AI. r fuw hundred V=- (Is) at constant r is a collector cf = ----:- allcctor leakage (0 'Nu N. ...(,,) a/E lr= lu+Ir, Now, A1.=A1, 1tr1. Inserting the value of AI, in (l), we get or, Sasing between m FA. or AI, = 41. - 61. d, ^,_ '- alr-ar. Dividing the numerator and denominator of R.H.S. by Nr,we get NE/NE 1 r= 5O -A v- (NE /NE)-(u. /alu) 1-s 9, v- 1-" i -- rl0 -A ( A1. ) Ct=-l Nr) 1 o= 3O ::A ...(2.73) Collector current : We know that, ,a---4-------..+- ! :0 12 i""-' Sraried and the pcurrent (Ir). l I I I I [50 k() (less than i hr while output br is common to rtor connection. Also, or, oL ot, lc = rl.lr+ Irro l, = ls * lc = ln + (oI. + Igs6) I.(L - a) = I, + Irro IB lrro h 1-cr 1-cr lc, lE = (p + 1)Iu + (B + 7)lrro ...(2.14) [s=o..'B+1=0+1=-f-"1 1-o 1-o_l L' 1-a B Commonly used transistor connection : Out of the three configuration, the CE configuration is the most efficient.Itis used in rnout 90 to 95'/" of all transistor applications. This is due to following reasons : 1. High current gain; it may range from 20 to 500. 2. High uoltage and power gain. 3. Moderate output to input impedance ratio (this ratio is small, to the tune of 50). This makes this confguration an idcal one for couplingbehpeen aarious transistor stages. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor / //\ I \ 82 A Textbook of Mechatronics Power rating of transistor : power that a transformer can handle without deterioration is known,aspower -maximum rating cif thre transistor. The and Digital E1'efl In addition to flr Examples : I 2 When a transistor is in operation, almost all power is dissipated at reaerse biased * 2 collec tor-base j u nc tion. { The power rating or maximum power dissipation is given by, 2.2.9 Fietd-Eff Po = Collector current x Collector-base voltage = Irx vG Va = Vce+Vae, Now, Since Vr. is very small, Va = Vce Po = lrxVr, ...(20) o While connecting a transistor in the circuit it must be ensured that its power rating is not exceeded otherutise it may get destroyed due to oaerheating. Semiconductor devices numbering system : From the day the semiconductor devices come into existence different numbers were used in different countries. However, the numbering system announced by Protection Standardisation Authoity in Belgium has been accepted and adopted internationally. According to this numbering system : (i) Every conductor device is numbered by fiae alpha-numeric symbol, comprising either two letters and three numbers (e.g. BF 194) or three letters and two numbers (e.9. BFX 63). r - The devices comprising tuto letters and three numbers k$. nf 194) are intended for - The devices comprising three letters and two numbers (e.g. BFX 63) are intended for industrial or professional equipment entertainmeat or consumer equipment. (ii) The first letter indicates the nature of semiconductor ma{erial. Example.A = Germanium, B = Silicon, C = Gallium arsenide, R = compound material (e.9. cadmium sulphate) Thus AC 125 is a germanium transistor whereas BC 149 is a silicon transistor. (lii) The second letter indicates the device and its circuit function e.g., A-Diode M-Hall effect modulator B-Varactor (variable capacitance diode) C-Audio-frequency (AF) low power transistor D-AF power transistor E-Tunnel diode F-High frequency (HF) low power transistor G-Multiple device H-Magnetic sensitive device K-Hall -effect device L-High-frequency (HF) power transistor P-Radiation sensitive diode FRadiation generating diode R-Thyristor (SCR or Tiiac) S-Low power switching transistor T-High power transistor U-Power switching transistor X-Diode, multiplier Y-Power device Z-Zener diode. Power dissipated at the base-emilter junction is negtigibte [The basg-emitter junction -"q,"91t^urbgut tfe same current as the collection-baie |ulction (, * 16), but vr. is very small (0.3 V and 0.7 Y for Ge and Si transistors respectively.)j " PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Introduction ; "i In an ordinary trz and so it is someti_u*i Itwo main disadoanilIi euritter junction), and has, by virtue of its o n 100 MQ. The FE Types of Fieldd A field-effect trr dmbein case of an N-chawu r transistor. In a broad sens€, 1. Junction fetdl (i) N-channel (ii) P-channel. 2. Metal oxiite i transistor (lGFt (i) Depletion t;lp (a) N-channet (b) P-channetr (ii) Enhancemffj (a) N-chann{ (b) P-channet 1". Junction field The junction fidd re into the twol 1. N-channel IFEI 2. P-channel JFEI Construction: l . The basic conil fi an N-type semicondq tf its middle part, The pl ., N-type regions) b a a single wire is tah ions (called off are taken out in d Basic and Digital Electronics as Power biased 88 In addition to the above system, other numbering system also exits : ...Silicon diode Examples: 1N4001 ...Silicon N-P-N general purpose transistor 2 N 3903 ...N-Channel FET deflection mode designed for 2 N 5457 general purpose audio and switching applications. 2.2.9 Field-Effect Transistor (FET) Introduction : In an ordinary transistor both holes and electrons play part in the conduction Process and so it is sometimes called abipolar transistor. This ordinary transistor has the following [rvo main disadoantages : (l) It has a lon' input impedance (because of forward biased erritter junction), and (il) It has considerable noise level. The field-effect transistor (FET) hras, by virtue of its construction and biasing, large input impedance (which may be more fhan 100 MQ. The FET is generally much less noisy than the BII). Types of Field-effect Thansistors : A field-effect transistor (FET) is a three terminal fuamely drain, source and gate) were by Protection Ily. comprising two numbers smiconductor detice in which current conduction is by only one type of majarity carriers klectrons w cqse of an N<hannel FET or holes in a P-channel FET).It is also sometimes called the .r,: i pol a r t ransistor. In a broad sense, following are two main types of field-effect transistors : 7. lunction field-ffict transistor UFET) 111 I-:n'*"1 \ intended for '? ';i;Xli).r rr*irorauctor fietd-ffict transistor (tvtospir\ or insuhted gate fietd-effect intended for (i) Depletion type : transistor ]CFET). (a) N-channel (b) P-channel material tor diode diode (ii) Enhancement type : (a) N-channel (b) P-channel 1. |unction field-effect transistors (IFET) : The junction field-effect transistors flFETs) can be divided dgpending upon their re into the two following categories 1. N-channel IFET : Triac) 2. P-channel IFET ine transistor Construction: o The basic construction of a N-channel IFET is as shown in Fig. 2.80 (a).It consists transistor an N-type semiconductor bar with two P-type heaoily doped regions diffused on opposite sides its middle part.The P-fpe regions form two P-N junctions. The spacebetween the junctions ., Nlype regions) is called a channel. Both the Plype regions are connected internally a single wire is taken out in the form of a terminal callhd the gate (G). The electrical iunction but V* is verY ons (called ohmic confacfs) are made to both ends of the N-type semiconductor are taken out in the form of two "terminals called drain (D) and source (Sl. The in (D)" is a terminal through whieh the electrons leaoe the semiconductor and "source (S)" a terminal through which the.electrons enter the semiconductor. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ,i\ I &4 \\ A Textbook of and Digital Electrod - Fig. 2.81 (a) sho towards the veil :-Similarly, Fig-t, The arrow points a ET polarities : Fig.2.82 (a) showsl{ Source {S) Source (S) polarities. It mayl that the gate is ra* source terminals dr for high frequenck Drain (D) channel P. type channel 8-type gates N. type gates te (G) P Source (a) N-Channel JFET ) (b) P-Channel JFET Fig.2.80. JFETs. Whenever a voltage is applied across the drain and source terminals, a current through the N-channel. The current consists of only one type of cairiers (i.e., elecl therefore, the FET is called a unipolar daice. (This distingriit ur FET from BJT where current consists of the flow of both the electrons and holes). . A P-channel JFET is shown in Fig. 2.80 (b). Its constructi,on is similar to that of channel JFE-f,_except that it consists o{ a p-channel anil N-type junctions. The Working I ., Fig. 2.83 shows the d as follows (al 1, N-channel JFET (a) P-channel JFET (b) Fig. 2.81. Symbols forJEETs. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor (a) \A/hen a voltage.tl on the gate is zil establish deptecfi a channel betwq of the channel atii I Mechatronics 3asic and Digital Electronics A5 Fig. 2.81 (a) shows the schematic symbol for a N-channel /FET. The arrow points towards the vertical line. The oerticcrl line represents the N-channel. Similarly, Fig. 2.81 (b) shows the schematic symbol for a P-channel |FET. The arrow points away from the vartical line. Here the vertical line represents the P- - :rannel. IFET polarities: Fig.2.82 (a) shows N-channel JFET polarities whereas Fig.2.82 (b) shows the P-channel FET polarities. It may be noted that in each case, the voltage between gate and source is .uch that the gate is reaerse biased. This is the normal way of JFET connection. The drain Source (S) :rd source terminals are interchangeable (This is generally valid for low frequencies but -ot for high frequencies applications). P-tyre channel *r{pe gates 7 Fig. 2.82, J F ET po la rities. Working: ,l fllrrent flows i(ir., electrons), Fig. 2.83 shows the circuit N-channel iFET with normal polarities. The circuit action s as follows : p BJ-t where the N r + hr to that of N- ll il4r lr-.Th" current li pnel. i v.. - ri a N i I . (a) Fi9.2.83 when a voltage vm is applied between drain and source terminals and voltage on the gate is zero [Fig. 2.83 (a)], the two P-N junctions at the sides of the bar establish deplection layers. The electrons will flow from source to drain through a channel between the depletion layers. The size of these layers determines the width of the channel and herice the current conduction through the bars. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor / I 86 A Textbook of (b) when a reverse voltge v", is applied between Lne gate and source tFig. 2.83 (b) the width of the depletion layers is increased. This reduces the width of conducti channel, thereby increasing the resistance of N-type bar. Consequently, the cu from the source to drain is deueased. on the other hand if the reverse voltage the gate is decreased, the width of depletion layers also decreases. This incrLa the width of the channel and source to drain current increases. From the above discussion it is evident that current from source to drain can controlled by the application of potential br electric field on the gate. It is due to reason that this device is called field-effect transistor. Note that a P-channel JFET opera in the same manner as an N-channel |FET except that channel current caruiers utill be ihe ht instead of electrons and the polarities of Vcs and Vo, are reversed. 2. Metal oxide semiconductor FET (MOSFET) : o MOSFET is an important semiconductor device and is widely used in many applications. Since it is constructed with the gate terminal insulated from the channel, is sometimes called irywl ut edgnteE ET gqLETL -P'@ . Like a JFET, a MOSFET is also a three-terminal (source, gate and drain) deoice drajncurrentinitisalsocontrolledbygatebias. The operation of MOSFET is similar to that of |FET. It can be employed in any r the circuit covered for the JFET and, therefore, all the equations apply equaliy well totl MOSFET and JFET in amplifier eonnections. However, MOSpff iis'lowir capicitance ar input impedance much more than that of a IFET owing to small le*knge current.In case of MOSFET the positive voltage may be applied to the'gate and stiltlhe gate current the zero. Construction : Fig. 2.84 (a) shows constructional details of n-channel MOSFET. It is similar to except with the following modifications : 7-\ \ and Digital Etecff Working: Fig. 2.85 shows-fl gate diode as in p small capacitor- 0d and the other ph ide as the dielectrit - - When ncgatit gate, electru electrons rrel electrons in I lesser number made avail* through the negative vol& drpin. WAen the g{ N-ihannel- Cr Regaiding MOd o AMOSFEf,,T the deaice wiff . In a MOSffi formed at tlt i . As the gatefr - ve voltageis is aery high (t 2.2.1A Unijund A unijunction tra tional transish lts characteristicr ry sililq it does, not beloq SourQe (a) (b) Fig. 2.84. N-chan nel MOSFET. (r) There is only a single P-region. This region is called Subtrate. (r0 e thin layer of metal oxide (usually silicon oxide) is deposited over the left of the channel. Ametalic gate is.deposited ooer the oxidelayers. As silicon d is an insulator, therefore, gate is insulated from the channel. (r4 Like IFET, a MOSFET has three terminals oiz, source, gate and, drain. Fig. 2.84 (b) shows the symbolic symbol of N-channel MOSFET. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor (a)& ol Mechatronlcsl [Fi9.2.83 (b)], of conducting y, the current voltage on This increases Easic and Digital Electronics 87 Working: Fig. 2.85 shows the MOSFET circuit. Instead of gate diode as'in jFE! here gate is formed as a small caphcitor. One plate of this capacitor is the yte and the other plate is the channel with metal wxide as the dielectric. drain can is due to t - IFET O utill be the inmany When negatiae ooltage is applied to the gate, electrons accumulate on it. These v electrons repel the conduction band electrons in the N-channel. Therefore, lesser number of conduction electrons are Fig. 2.85. MOSFET circuits. made available for current conduction through the channel. The greater the negative voltage on the gate, the lesser is the current conduction from sorftce to . the channel, driin. fuaiil deaice a in anv y well to capacitance a . In case of cufient rema When the gate is given positioe ooltage,more electronr'ur" *ud" available in the '' N-channel. Consequently, current from source to drain increases. . , Regarding MOSFET, the followin g points are worth noting : - o A MOSFEI unlike the |FEl has no gate ilioile. Therefore, it is possible to operate the deaice with positiue or negatiae gate ooltage. r In a MOSFET, the source to drain current is controlled by thq electilc field of capacitor . formed at the gate. As the gate forms a capacitor, therefore, negligible currents flows whether + ve or - ve voltage is applied to the gate. Conseguently, the input impedance of MOSFET is aery high (varyng from 10* MO to 10o MO). 2.2.10 Unijunction Transistor (UJTL A unijunction transistor, unlike a bipolar transistor has only one junction Like other ruanventional transistors, it also processes the transistor action and works like a switch. Its characteristics are similar to those of a silicon uniltgral switch (SUS) and a ocrmplementary silicon controlled rectifier (CSCR). Its construction is, however, different tud it does not belong to the thyristor family. B. (Base) B, (Base) E (Enritter) N type silicon base B, (Base) over the left silicon B, (Base) drain. (a) Construction of a UJT (b) Symbolic diagram of a UJT Fi9..2.86. Unljunction Transistor (UJT). PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor /' 88 A Textbook of Mechatronics o Basically, a UIT is a three-terminal silicon diode. As its name indicates, it has only i Easic and Olgitat iEct voltage V, is current incr:i This regiur o one P-N junction. It differs from an ordinary diode in that it has three leads and it differs from a FET in that it has no ability to amplifu. However, it has the abi to control a large A. C. power with a small signal.It also exhibits a negatiae characteristic which mkes it useful as an oscillator. Construction : Refer to Fig. 2.86 portion pV o A unijunction transistor (UJT) consists of a lightly doped silicon bar with a heaaily doped !-typ, material alloyed to its one side (closer to Br) for producing single P-N junction. There are three terminals : one emitter, E and two bases B, and A, it tne bottom and top of the silicon bar. Interbase resistance (Rur): Refer to Fig.2.87. The interbase resistance (Ras) is the total resistance of the silicon bar from one end to -= the other with emitter terminal open; from equivalent circuit (see Fig. 2.87), we have Rrr=Rrr+Rr, The point C is such that Rr, > Rs, (usually Rr, is 60 percent of Rs6). Rr, hasbeen'shown as a variable resistor becaude its value varies inversely as I.. Let the voltage drop across Rr, is V.. Then, V, = Vrrx Rn R* +Rr, (a) (b) Fi1.2.87 ...using voltage binder relations = \.Vsa where, ' RB. ) R* +Rr, q is called the instuinsic stand ratio. value of 11 d-epends on two factors namely : (i) Construction of the U!! and - The (li) spacing between the emitter junction and the two base contacts. - The value of q is always less than unity (lies between 0.51 and 0.g1) - The interbase resistance of the N-type silicon bar (Rrr) has a value ranging 4 kCl and 12 kO. Working/Operation. Fig. 2.88 shows the characteristics of a UJT. the point P, there is no conduction of the device. The region before this point - isUgto known as'cut-off reglon'because in this region the device reLains in cut-off itate Just at the point P, the device starts conducting. Point P demarcates between cu state and the conduction state of the device and is called its peak point. region, P-N diode being reverse biased, the device does not conducl - In theucut-off negligibly small amount of current Iro flows through the device which is }ly known as reoerse biased leakage current. ThiJiurrent is no{sufficient for the deoie to conduct. The portion OP of the characteristic is called the'cut-off'region of the - 1r, = Leakage crm Vv =Yalley poiril, t = Emittel cur€! device. When the peak point P is reached, the increase in charge carriers causes decrease in resistance Rr, and the device starts conducfing. Lithe conduction state, the device depicts d negative resistance charcteristiis. This means, as the emi PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor After reachirq further fall tul and current bo emitter point is "oltat calleil A set of y-I ctprz roltage 7rr. o It is seen that terminal i.e., iti r Generally, UIT emitter. It can i Applications. One ortput can be taken ftu I, of the UJT increasi extemal plyer supp$ circuit applications; sri 1. Pulse generatir 2. Sine *ar. geni 3. Saw tooth wau 4. Switching; 2.2;11; Thyristor 2.2;11.l. Introducfi Ample pioneering u hter came to be known d Mechatronics lbs, it has only 'firee leads and t has the ability lflatioe resistance Basic and Digital Electronics 89 voltage V, is further increased, the voltage across the device decreases, but the current increases. This region of conduction is called the negatioe resistance region. This region continues till the valley point V is reached in the characteristic. The portion PV of the characteristic is called the negatiae resistance regian. ' V- lvnlts) haheaaily doped h P-N junction bottom and top Negalive resistance reqg--+-s1:Yltlonk--regron ' Peak Cut-off re$lOn y" poinl *it , p '+r" (b) t 5er rela Ledkage current (lEo FA) Vp = Peak point voltage; Ip = Peak point current; Iro = Leakage current ; Vy = Valley point voltage; , Iv = Valley point current; Vr = Emitter voltage ; Ir = Emitter current. Fig.2.88. Characteristics of UJT. After reaching the valley point, the device goes to its saturation state where - further fall in the voltage across the device does not take place. The device voltage and current both reach standard values and do not change any more even if the emitter voltage is changed. This portion of the characteristic beyond the valley point is called 'saturation region'. A set of V-I characteristic for UII can be obtained for different values of interbase ,,:'{tage Vrs. . It is seen that only terminals E and B, are acthse terminals whereas B, is the bias terminal i.e., it is meant only for applying external voltage across UlT. o Generally, UIT is triggered into conduction by applying a suitable positioe pulx at its emitter. It can be brought back to OFF state by applying a negatiae trigger pulse. Applications. One significant property of UIT is that it can be triggered by (or an rbefore this b in cut-off sta p between cut I funot pdevice which h*nt for the ptff region of ts causes iluction state, 6, as the emi ., of the UJT increases regeneratively till it reaches a limiting value determined by the rn&mal po-vver supply. Owing to their particular behaviour, UIT is used in variety of erruit applications; some of these are : 5. Phase control; 1. Pulse generation; 6. Voltage or current regulated supplies; 2. Sine wave generator; 7. Timrng and trigger circuits. 3. Saw tooth wave generator; 4. Switching; 2.2.11. Thyristor L2.11.1,. Introduction : Ample pioneering work on theory and fabrication of the power-switching deviae, which hmr came to be known as a tlryristor (because its characteristics are similar to those of the PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 90 Basic and Digital Ela A Textbook of gas-tube thyratron), was done at the Bell Laboratories in the U.S.A. The first prototype v introduced by the General Electric Company (usA) in 79s7. since then,^ma improvements have been made, both in the technique of its fabrication and in ada it to numerous industrial appplications. with the development of a number of devices of similar type and characteristics, the whote family of such power-switching deai has come to be known as "thyristors". Since the basic semiconductor material used the device is silicon, it is also designated as a silicon-controlled rectifier (sCR). Tfte SCR ls often the oldest member of the thyristor family which is the most widely .used for power-switching deaice. 2.24L3. Const Construction: o The cross€ consists o[ . . Silicon rs u added. Tlx The planer technique i all the jurr The rating of SCR has been very much improved since its introduction and now of voltage rating 10 kV and current rating 500 A are available, corresponding to a pow handling capacity of about 5 MW. This deoice can be switched by a lozu-ztoltage zuppty iy aU, 1 A and 10 w, zohich shows the tremendous control capability of the deaice. Because SCR is compact and hns high reliability and lotn losses, it has more or less the thyratron and the magnetic amplifier as a switching deaice in many applications. 2.2.1'1,.2. Advantages of a thyristor over thyratron : It comparison with the thyratron, thyristor possesses the follwing adaantages : 1. It is more robust and smaller in size. 2. It has a longer working life. 3. It has no filament. 4. The voltage drop in the forward direction is only about 1 to 2 volts, compared to 15 volts for the thyratron. 5. The triggering and recovery periods are much shorter, so that it is more sui for high-frequency switching operations. 6' The_arc ionizing and deionizing timesfor a thyratron are comparatively large a so the device applications are limited to a frequency of 1 *ru2. e thyrislor t operate ooer a much greater range of frequency. Comparison between transistors and thyristors : The comparison between transistors and thyristors is given in Table 2.1. Table 2.1. Comparison between ,,Transistors,, 3-layers, 2-junction devices 4:layer, 2-or more junction devices Fast Efficiency High Reliability Highly reliable Voltage drop Small voltage drop Long life Small to medium power ratings Very fast Very high Very highly reliable Very small voltage drop Very long life Very small to very large power ratings Conducting state Power consumption Control capability ON, OFF timings Require a continuous flow of current to remain in conducting Require only small pulse for state remaining in conducting. state. Very low power consumption High control capability Very small tum-ON and turn-OFF Low power consumption Low control capability Small turn-ON and turn-OFF timings triggering and Fig.2.O o The other t high-pounr! outer two t greter meclr and ,,Thyristors,, Type of deoice Power ratings (a) large curren Reponse Ltfe Cathode Anode thereafter PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor aluminium an efficient medium. Tl thermal fatig medium an or casing, r absorbs ttre by differr provides ag transfer. Il arrangemc highpower hockey pm which provi or water cq o Fig. 2.9O. configuratio of a SCR. I I t I h'of Mechatronics prototyPe was then, manY in adaPting of other ching dettices material used for (SCR). The term most widelY used Basic and Digital Jl Electronics 2.2.ll.g.Construction, operation and characteristics of a thyristor : Construction: o The cross-sectional view of a typical SCR is shown in Fig. 2'89. Basically, the SCR consists of a four-layer pallet of Ptype and N-type Semiconductor materials. Silicon is used as the intrinsic semiconductor to which the proper impurities are added. The iunctions are either difused or alloyed. o The planer construction shown in Fig 2.89 (a) is used for low-power SCRs.-This technique is useful for making u nr*b"t of units for a single silicoB wafer. Here, all the junctions are diffused. Cathode and now toa Base for heat sink attachment supply of or less compared cathode Anode is more sui y large thyristor A Gate (b) (a) Fig.2.89. (a) Planer type (all diffused), (b) Mesa type (alloy diffused). o The other technique the mesa construction is shown in Fig. 2.89 (b). This is used for high-power sCRs. Here, the inner iunction /, is obllngd by diffusion, and then the o,it"i t*o layers are alloyed to i[. Because the PNPN pallet is required to handle large currents, it is properly braced with tungsten or molybdenum plates to provide gre-ter mechanical itrength. One of these plates is handsoldered to a coPPer or an aluminium stud, which is threaded for attachment to a heat sink. This provides an efficient thermal path for conducting the internal losses to the surrounding medium. The use of hand solder between the pallet and back up plates minnimises thermal fatigae when the SCRs are subiected to temperature-induced stresses. For medium und lo--power SCRs, the pallet is mounted directly on the copper stud -' "'- '-' ' '"A --or casing, using soft-solder which absorbs the thermal stresses set-up A = Anode P by differential exPansion and G Gate = C = Cathode J, J2, J3 = Junctions provides a good thermal path for heat transfer. When a larger cooling arrangement is required for highpower SCRs, the press-Pack or hockey pack construction is used, which provides for double-sided air or water cooling. o Fig. 2.90 shows the terminal configuration and symbolic diagram of a SCR. N J2 P J^ N Termihal conliguration Fig. 2.90. Schematic diagram of a SCR PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor !n, .- ftg. 2.91 shows a thyristor. layers alternately.f iril tayers heaaely dofed. A Textbook of Mechatronics It has four N;i;;;, The"."o"i."rr*, g,enerally applied ura middle p luv", dnq /v emttter. lunctions +++++ ++++++ ++++++ +++++ ++++++ ++++++ biase.d. If the ztottag, JJI ts J, and l".are iiiri f' ii r,rl,r"r * fo n u a r d b i a s e d wi i t e j u r r: anode and cathode ii griair:;,'br;;;;" rtl ltJ llt ilr toi higtl tnr"-al,r"t" increased inherept rrrrrnj.i iir'-tiiiir* may be szoitched on. . Fig. 2.92 shows theforward and, characteristics of a ihyristo Forward characteristics Basic and Digtt a small currenl ;haracteristics. I of depletion la increases to a r reverse breakd As the oute of depletion Ia reoerse thickness of der Gate rrrttttl lttttttt : anode is positiae compared Reverse b If the catht breakdown voi Thyristor f Yl::-* o unctions /, u.,i ;; ; ;.*; f :;;"oilr", :rj? Ir.is :, reverie , j to the bi;;J.-U;";"ffi i irl' rr;,;;; JJ ;; ,'ll^:::t111",' inherent conductivitri "v'wi\ *,;il flow n^,1,' :;.'j:..1I*,,'o There ardse 1. DrAc il 2. TRIAC 3. scR (sil 4. sus (sil 1:! 1 ." through the dcrri.o -.,r^:^r i; :- . .,' j:::ll::l niw,,i i,Ii,, i' i#ffi, iil" tontin;;r; Cathode I Surrix .s'denores stro -tng doping; J,. Jr, J.-junctions iy, is '# '-t l'13*.,:.:lode inherent currerlt is increased of the Fig.2.91. Thyristor. ;,i.;#;I h" ,"a s. sBS (sili .r" i l$e it szuitcltes on the dre,yice.-T\e ", 6. SCS (sili 7. LASCR ( 8. LASCS I ;,:;;;trf";w;:.:;;i;:,7::,i,T;,;:;:frT:,;{, device results because of the 'switching on' breakdo.on of rpne""o h;--^) :-.-gradient' rhe 'switching o1' condiuon oi"ri;{r:*yr'i:ur':r:l#r!'1! I: dy, ,o. i,sh-r&*s, during this state current through duringrhisstater"riiit;;;r;;i';;':;*";r,It:;l;";r;,;;r;;rrri,::":;;:fr*;,: , as cinducting'rtni, una iiiii:j;:i,il*i,r,3i,,1ffi the dpztire i< n-t.,,:---:a-1, -tcT, &:$, " ;.i li Forward characteristics I Forward breakdown voltage as a function of gate current c 0) f () Holding current Voltage --+ Typicat SCR, 1. Forward 2. Maximu J. Peak ren 4. Holding 5. Forward 6. Peak fon 7. Holding r 8. Turn-on a Dynamic Dynamic r r Van = Reverse breakdown voltage Fig. 2.92. Thyristor characteristics. :$",:?l*t:ff 1#,H,1."i:;;:l;;;i:il,:7;::11":,,,'.th'f orward "",.:'":iffi will start appearing orror, lurcriiiir';;;;; deuice wilt b, ,bt"rk ;,:rrent the aenirl;;'rrr* Diac Refer to Fig. 2.9 A Diac is a two f f;:"';t!.* itv of tta "T PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ilechatronics Basic and Digital Electronics 93 Reverse blocking characteristics : lf the cathode is positiae as compared to anode, the junction 12 is reaerse biased and only a small current flows through the device and the characteristfcs are called reuerse blocking characteristics. If the voltage is continuously increased at one stage it may result in breaking of depletion layers at junctions /1 and /3 and the current through the device suddenly increases to a very high value. This is called reoerse breakdown and the voltage is called *""ff,i:";j,1?il].Jlll?,i,,klo,,,u highry doped compared to inner rayers, the thickness of depletion layers at /, during forward bias is much more as comPared to the total thickness of depletion layer at junctions /r and /3 during reverse bias. Hence, the forward breakdown voltage V ro is normally greater than reaerse breakdown aoltge V ,o. Thyristor Family i There are several members in the thyristor family, some of them are mentioned below: . J.. J.-juncttons' ]or. 'switching on' b high aoltage Xing state and E. 1. DIAC (Bidirectional Diode Thyristor) 2. TRIAC (Bidirectional Tiiode Thyristor) 3. SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) 4. suS (silicon unilateral switch), also known as complementry sCR (CSCR) 5. SBS (Silicon Bilateral Switch) 6. SCS (Silicon Controlled Switch) 7. LASCR (Light Activated SCR) 8. LASCS (Light Activated SCS). 2.2.1'1.4. Typical SCR parameters : Typical SCR parameters are given in the table 2.2 Table 2.2. Typical SCR parameters i t S. No. 1. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I 10. Typical Parameters Forward breakover voltage, Vr* Maximum on-state voltage Peak reverse voltage, PRV Holding voltage, V, Forward breakover current Peak forward current Holding current Turn-on and turn-off times Dynamic resistance in cut-off region Dynamic resistance in saturation region. 50 to 500 volts About 1.5 V Upto 2.5 kV 0.5 to 20 volts Less than a few hundred pA 30 A to over 100 A A few mA to few hundred mA A few tenths of prs for fast acting SCRs; A few ps for slow acting SCRs A few MO to a few hundred MO Lesser than 1 C) for currents of several amPeres; I Lesser than 10 Q for large currents. i ; n ffi the forward Y depletion layer 2.2.1'1.5. Diac Refer to Fig.2.93. A Diac is a two terminal, three layer bi-directional deoice which can be switched to ON stqte for either polarity of the applied aoltage.It is, therefore, also known as a'bi-directional aaalanche diode'. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 94 A Textbook of Mechatronics Basic and Digit A triac ls current in lmt One major switch and car in either directit Constructi The triac i: MT, and the,( (a) Symbolic diagram 2.e4 (a), (b) (c) r (b) Layer diagram Conduction state for positive hall cycle Blocking state for negative half cycle MTro+ -V". # +Veo Conduction state tor negative' half cycle e (a) Syrn. Blocking state lor positive half cycle Ieo = Breakover current (c) V_t characteristics Fig.2.93. Diac. Fig. 2.93 (a, b) shows the construction of diac. - Adiac is a PNPN structured four layer, two terminal semconductor device. device. - - Mt and MT, ate the two main terminals oi the device. There is ro control terminal in this It has two junctions l, and lr. It is evident from the layer diagram (Fig. 2.gg (b)) that, a diac unlike a diode resembles bipolar transistor. However, the centrai iayer of the diac is free from any connection with the terminals. The doping level ai the two ends of the device is the same which leads to identical V-i cliaracteristics in both Ist and IIIrd quadrants. Fig.2.93 (c) shows the v-I characteristics of a diac. When positiae or..negatiae aoltage is applied across the terminals leaknge current zoill continue to of a diac, only small flow throigh the deaice. As the appliei ooltage is inirearced, the leakage current will continue to flow until the aoltage ,roriu tne uriakdowi jii"r. At this point, arsalanche breakdoutn of the reoerse biasid junctions occurs and current through the deoice increases sharply. Applications' Diacs are used primarily for triggering'biacs in adjustable o, ": mains supply phase control Working/Ope Fig. 2.94 shon - A kiac,lil reached. E flows thro - The 1st qtri of a triac i terminals d PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor I Mechatronics Basic and Digital Electronics 95 Triac A triac is a three terminal semiconductor switching deaice ruhich can control alternating current in load. One major difference between an SCR and triac is that whereas SCR is a unidirectional switch and can conduct in one direction only, a triac is bi-directional switch and can conduct in either direction. Construction : The triac is a three terminal, four layer semiconductor deuice.Its three terminals are MT1, MT, and the 'Gate'. Its symbol, layer diagram and pin configuration are shown in Fig. 2.94(a), (b) (c) respectively. MT, (a) Symbolic representation (b) Layer diagram , MT, (c) Pin conf iguration Quadrant 1 ON state MT, (Positive) -vso +Vno----; +V levice. MT, and hrminal in this OFF state OFF state MT, (Positive) ON state hmrc a diode iac is free from ds of the device h Ist and IIIrd Quadrant 3 (d) V-t characteristics Fig.2.94.Triac. diac, only small @e is increased, point. Irukdown 'wrs and current blc phase control Working/Operation of a triac : Fig. 2.94 shows the V-I characteristics of a .triac. triac, like an SCR, also starts conducting only when the breakover voltage is - A reached. Earlier to that, the leakage current which is very small in magnitude, flows through the device and therefore it remains in the OFF state. The 1st quadrant characteristic is just like an SCR, but 3rd quadrant characteristic - of a triac is ,identical to its 1st quadrant, except that, as polarities the of the main . terminals change, the direction of current changes. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 96 MT, is positive with respect to MT, in the 1st quadrant and it is negative in the 3rd quadrant. The device, when starts conducting, allows very heavy amount of current to flow through it. This high inrush of current must be limited by using external resistance, or it may otherwise damage the device. The 'gate' is the control terminal of the device. By applying ProPer signal at the gate, the firing SCS ('sili, controll switch) angle of the device can be changed thus, the phase control prcicess can be changed. The great adaantage of triac is that by adjusting the gate current to a proper value, any portion of both positive and negative half cycles of A.C. supply can be maqe_ to flow through the load. This permits to adiust the transfer of A.C. poTaer from the SUS (silit source to the load. . unilatet Its rtain limitation in comparison to SCRs is, its low power handling capacity. Tiiacs of 16 kW rating are readily available in the market. switcD Applications: It is one of the most widely used thyristors. In fact, in several control aPplications, it has replaced SCRs by virtue of its bidirectional conductivity. Its main applications are: L. Temperature control ; 2. Illumination control ; 3. Liquid level control ; 4. Motor speed regirlations ; 5. Power switches, etc. 2.2.12 Optoelcr 2.2.11..7. Symbol and V-I characteristics of some important thyristors : The symbols and respective 7-I characteristics of some important thyristors are shown Fundamentals o,f As per QuarU The energy (I . in table 2.3. Table 2.3. Symbols,and V-l chara?teristics of some important thyristors S.No. Device Symbol V-I Charcteristics No. of terminals s +" fwhere, L ft=l f =l A SCR (silicon 1. controlled rectifier) 2. Diac i lg. I i I Triac +" +' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor or/ lwhere, c = 1 L r.=r If E is in eV (eled I4trhen the P-Nj the junction. Dt sorne energy b of light energyN bands, this behq lechatronics gf Basic and Digital Electronics ltive in the r amount of ed by using SCS kilicon gate' is the L the firing controlled switch) be changed. loper value, mn be made ruer from the SUS (silicon 5. unilateral npacitY. switch) pplications, it r applications LASCR (light actiuated SCR) 2,2.12 Optoelectronic Devices Fundamentals of Light: . As per Quantum theory, light consists of discrete packet of energy called phototrs. The energy (E) contained in a photon is given by; E=hf Iwhere, tyristors I lr = Planck'sconstant (=6.OZS110-] joule-second), andl f = frequency of light (in Hz) l sf terminals = h*!l" hc ot, -E metres [where, c = Velocity of light (= 3 x 108m/s), and-l r= Wavelength of light (metres). ] L _ 6.625x10-3 x3x108 _ 19.875x10a6 ...E in joules -EE IfE is in eV (electron - volt), then since L eV = 1.6 x 10-1e J 19.875x10-2' r .1 Lv 12.42*1,0-' '' = E;G;oro=^ O lvhen the P-N the junction. -,.v, E- metre = 1.242 r.. E l'* junction is forn ard biased, both the electrons as well as holes cross hl"g this process some eleckons recombine with holes, corrsequently some energy is lost by the electrons. The amount of energy lost (giuen off in the form of light energy) is equal to the dffirence in energy between the coniuctioi and oa'lence bqnds, this being lcnown as the semiconductor energy band gap Er. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 98 ...1.1eV ...1.43 eV E, for silicon E, for Ga As ...0.36 V E, for In As Example. The waoelength of light emitted by silicon P-N iunction, 1..242 1,.242 = :-_ Er =_1.1 = 1.13 pm o The wavelength of light determines its colour in visible range and whether it is ultraviolet or infrared outside the visible. o The various optoelectronic devices in use are : Emitting Diode (LED) - Light Crystals Displays (LCD)r' - Liquid P-N junction photo diode.r' - Dust Sensor - Photoconductioe cell - Phototransistor.,' - Photodarlington - Photoooltaic or Solar cell - Laser Diode - Optical Disks - Hologram Scanners - Light actiaated SCR (LASCR) - Optical lsolators - Optimal Modulators etc. Some of these devices are discusses hence forth. 1. Light'Emitting Diode (LED): A P-N junction can absorb light energy and produce electric current. The opposite process is also possible, that is a junction diode can emit light. The emission of light occurs under forward bias condition due to recombination of electrons and holes. The emitted light may be visible or invisible. A P-N junction diode, which emits light when forward biased is known as a light emitting diode (LED). The amount of light output is directly proportional to the foward current. Thus, higher the forward current, higher is the light output. A q Anode Light energy K A Cathode (a) Fig.2.95r away from d the junction Fig. 2.e5 In a forw region. Once Thus the fiee valence elecir from conducti electrons lose b arsenide and g electrons is giu I E =rfl o i l o p5{ 6 o = LL * Diodes r and srrc Fig. 2.96 slx - Fig.2.% alarms. . current Fig.2.% ouput p radiant a Applicatioru Since LEDs o solid state circuil (t) panel ind (ii) Digital w (iii) Catculato $ LED Basic and tlg Symbol (b) Basic structure Fig.2.95. Light emitting diode (LED). PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor (ia) Multimer (o) Interconrs (oi) Switch bo (t:ii) Burglar_al (ztiii) Opticat trl I Mechatronics d n'hether it is Basic and Digital Electronics 99 Fig.295 (a) shows the schematic symbol of a light emitting diode. The arrows pointing away from the diode symbol represent tiire light, which is being transmitted away from the lunction. Fig. 2.95 (b) shows the basic structure of a light emitting diode. In a forward based P-N junction, free electrons from N-type material diffuse into Pregion. Once in P-region these free electrons encounter holes and eventually recombine. Thus the free conduction electron fills a vacancy in valent structure and thus becomes a r-alence electron. In doing so the electron loses a certain amount of eneigy as it jumps from conduction band to the valence band. In Si or Ge diode, the energy that recombining electrons lose is dissipated in the form of heat. But if other semiconductor material such as gallium nrsenide and gallium phosphide are used to form P-N diode, the energy lost by recombining electrons is giaen off in the form of light energy. I t I I E 100 tz l o Es0 6 C E o 3 g o O - .g L tr o(6 o Forward voltage, volts ---------f (a) - Forward current. mA --------| (b) Fig. 2.96. Operating characteristics-LED. Diodes made of gallium arsenide (GaAs) emit infrared radiatior-r invisible to eyes and such diodes are referred to as IRED-Infrared emitting diodes. r c light emitting Fig.2.96 shows two curves used to determine LED operating characteristics. 296 (a) is forward bias V-l curve for a typical IRED, the type used in burglar - Fig. alarms. Forward bias of around 1 V is required to produce significant forward current. 2.96 (b) is a plot of radiant output power as forward current. The radiant - Fig. output power is rather small (pW) and indicates a aery low efficiency of electrical to rtzf. Thus, higher Applications : mt. The oPPosite ertission of light r and holes. The radiant energy conaersion. bde Since LEDs operate at voltage levels 1.5 V to 3.3 V, they are highly compatible with solid state circuitry. Their uses include the following : (l) Panel indicator (ll) Digital watches (iii) Calculators he i (la) Multimeters (a) Intercoms (ui) Switch boards (ail) Burglar-alarm systems (aiii) Optical fibre communication system etc. . PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 100 2, Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) o A liquid crystal is a materiaf usually an organic compound, which flows like a Basic and Digital El liquid at room temperature; its molecular structure has some properties normally associated with solids (e.g. chloesteryl nonanoate and pazoxyanisole). (i) Automati (ll) Televisim (lil) Sound nx o \Ay'hen light is incident on an activated layer Electrode Spacer of a liquid crystal, itis iither absorbed or else is scattered by the dinriented molecules. o A liquid crystal 'cell' (Fig. 2.97) consists of - Photo-voltaic 4. ,(-NJund o It.is a two junction a a thin layer (about L0 pm) of a liquid crystal sandwiched between two glass sheets with transparent electrodes deposited on their inside faces. Uses : o The activr standard i Fig.2.97. A liquid crystaltelli When both glass sheets are transparent, the iell is known as transmittioe type cetl. one glass is transparent and the other has a reflective coating, the cell - When is called reflectiae type. o Liquid crystal display produces no illumination of its own; it depends entirely on illumination falling on it from an extemal source for its visual effect. Advantages : 1. Extremely low power requirement. 2. Long life time-about 50,000 hours. Uses : o A photod of the frst Applications The following (i) Logic ciro (ii) Switching I (iii) Detection r (ia) Optical crr (u) Demodulat (oi) Encoders. (zli) Character I 5. Laser diod 1. Cellular phone display. 2. Desk top LCD monitors. 3. Note book computer display. 4. Watches and portable instruments. 5. Pocket T.V. receiver. The word LA! Radiation. 3. Photo-voltaic cell: o In this cell sensitive element is a semicsrductor (not metal) which generates voltage in proportion to the light or any radiant energy incident on it. The most commonly used photo.voltaic cells are barrier layer type like iron-selenium cells or Cu-CuOrcells. o Fig. 2.98-shows a typical widely used photo-voltaic cell-selenium cell.It consists of a metal electrode on which a layer of selenium is deposited; on the top of this a barrier layer is formed which is coated with very thin layer of gold. The latter serves as a transluscent electrode. \A/hen light falls, a negative charge will build up on the gold electrode and a positive charge on the bottom electrode. Laser diodes,li Laser diodes a 1. Surface-en of the P-N 2. Edge-emifi P-N junctio gold (top electrode) Layer of selenium Metal base (bottom electrodei Fig. 2.99 shows i When an extenu junction and usual production of photort which drift at randd surface in the perpen PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor gchatronics Basic and Digital Electronics 101 Uses : bws like a rnormally Photo-voltaic cells are widely used in the following fields : (i) Automatic control systems. ). (il) Television circuits. (lii) Sound motion picture and reproducing equipm6nt. Iode Ghss L_ __l w-: -1 __) fstaltelli ing, the cell ieitirely on L 4. P-N |unction photodiode : o It is a two-terminal junction device which is operated first by reverse-biasing the junction and then illuminating it. r The active diameter of these devices is about 2.5 mm but they are mounted in r standard TO-5 packages with a window to allow maximum incident light. A photodiode can turn its current ON and OFF in nanoseconds, hence it is one of the fastest phtotodetectors. Applications : The following are the fields of application of P-N junction photodiode : (l) Logic circuits that require stability and high speed. (ii) Switching. (ili) Detection (both visible and invisible). (ia) Optical communication system. (u) Demodulation. (ai) Encoders. (uil) Character recognition etc. 56'tt 5. Laser diode : The word LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. ; i' I generates ft The most :ium cells or Laser diodes, like LED, are typical P-N junction devices used under a forward bins. Laser diodes are of the following two types : 1. Surface-emitting laser diodes. These diodes emit light in a directionperpendicular of the P-N junction plane. 2. Edge-emitting laser diodes. These diodes emit light in a direction parallel to the P-N junction plane. I Highl'ly ref lecltiv( itop of this p. The latter witt Uuita end |. It consists iitde. I i l Partially reflective end P Depletion regron AA 1t1t1t1t1 -------.d dl P.N d 6 +- tF <F <F <F <F <FF<F Laser beam junction Fig, 299. Edge-emitting laser diode. l ,Xr" I Fig.2.99 shows an edge-emitting laser diode (called Fabry-Petrot type laser). U/hen an extemal voltage forward biases the P-N junction the electons move across the :unction and usual combination takes place in the depletion region, resulting in the :roduction of photons. With the increase in forward current, more photons are produced ',vhich drifi at random in the depletion region. Some of these photons strike the reflective =urface in the perpendicular direction. These reflected photons enter the depletion region, PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronlcs 102 Basic and Digital Elecfr strike other atoms and release more photons. These photons move back and forth between reflective surfaces. The photon activity becomes so intense that at some point, a strong beam of laser light comes out of the partially reflective surface of the diode. The beam of laser light is coherent, monochromatlc and is collimated. o The schematic symbol (Fig. 100) of a laser diode is similar to that of LED; a filler or lens is necessary to view the laser beam. Applications : 1. Medical equipment used in surgery. 2. Compact disk (CD) players. 3. Laser printers. 4. Hologram scanners. 5. Parallel processing of ilformation. 6. Parallel interconnections between computers etc. Fig. 2.100. Schematic symbol of a laser diode. A The main disadoad 6. Light Activated SCR (LASCR): . It is just an ordinary SCR except that it can also ...J.- be light-triggered. o Most LASCRs also have a gate terminal for being "I triggered by an electronic pluse just as conventional SCR. Fig. 2.101 shows the two _ LASCR symbols commonly used. o These are manufactured mostly in relatively lowcurrent ranges. Applications : 1. Used for triggering laser SCRs and triac. It is evident frorn A.C. input ooltage, fha Disadvantages : K K Fig. 2.101. LASCR symbols. 2. Used in optical light controls, relays, motor control and a aariety of computer applications. 2.2.13. Rectifiers A rectifier is a circuit, tohich uses one or more diodes to conaert A.C. rsoltage into pulsating D.C. aoltage. A rectifier my be broadly categorized in the followign two types : 1. Half-wave rectifier, and 2. Full-wave rectifier. 1. Half-wave rectifier : Fig.2.1.02 (a) shows a half-wave rectifier circuit. It consists of a single diode in series with a load resistor" A P-N junction diode can easily be used as a rectifier because it conducts current only when forward biased voltage is acting, and does not conduct when reverse bias voltage is acting. The input to the half-wave rectifier is supplied from the 50 Hz A.C. supply, whose wave form is shown in Fig. 2.102 (b). Operation: When an A.C. voltage source is connected across the junction diode as shown in Fig. 2.102 (a) the positiae half cycle of the input acts as forward bias aoltage and the output across the load resistance varies correspondingly. The negatiae half cycle of the input acts as a rc'oerse bias and practically no current flows in the circuit. The output is, therefore, i nt ermit tent, pulsating and unidirectional. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor (i) The A.C. supl (ii) The pulsating frequency is e required to prr 2. Full-wave red A full-toaae rectifi load during the entire in For the positive half-cy the negative half-cycle through the load. For full-wave recti 1. Centre-tapped 2. Full-wave brid Centre-tapped fu! Fig. 2.103 shows tr diodes (D, and Dr) the transformer. 'x1 A E E E )< E E B (a rchatronics Basic and Digital Electronics 1(B L D I (a) LSchematic of a laser Dde. A 1 m GI I symbols. (b) Fig. 2.1 02. Half-wave rectifier. It is evident from the above discussion, that as the circuit uses only one-half cycie of the A.C. input aoltage, therefore, it is popularly known as a "half-waae rectifier". Disadvantages : The main disadt:antages of a half-wave rectifier are : (i) The A.C. supply delivers power only half the time; therefore, its output is low. (ll) The pulsating current in the load contains alternating component whose basic frequency is equal to the supply frequency. Therefore, an elaborate filtering is required to produce steady direct current. 2. Full-wave rectifier : A full-waoe rectifier is a circuit, which sllouts a unidirectional current to flora through the Ioad during the entire input cycle. This can be achieved with two diodes wuking alternately. For the positive half-cycle of input voltage, one diode supplies current to the load and for the negative half-cycle, the other doide does so; current being always in the same direction tfuough the load. For full-wave rectification the following two circuits are commonly used 1. Centre-tapped full-wave rectifier. 2. Full-wave bridge rectifier. Centre-tapped full-wave rectifier : Fig. 2.103 shows the circuit of a centre-tapped full-wave rectifier. The circuit uses two diodes (D, and D2) which are connected to the centre-tapped secondary winding AB of : r tpplications. Snlo pulsating the transformer. Dr --+-| ----| fode in series I I kr because it lnput A.C I I i osrduct when A,C ilppiy,whose Bectified output shown in Fig. rortput across ryut acts as a i is, therefore, BD, (a) Full-wave rectifier. (b) Wave forms of full-wave rectifier. Fig. 2.103. Centre-tapped full-waVe rectifier. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 104 A Textbook of Mechatronics Basic and Digital Elecf Operation: . During the positiae half-cycle of secondary voltage, the end A of the secondary winding is positive and end B negative. This makes the diode D, forward biased and diode D, reverse biased. Therefre, diode D, conducts while diode D, does not. The conventional current flows through diode Dr, load resistor R. and the upper half of secondary winding as shown by the dotted arrows. o During the negatiae half-cycle, the end / of the secondary becomes negative and end B positive. Therefore, D, conducts while diode D, does not. The conventional current flow is through D2, R, and lower half winding as shown by solid arrows. It may be noted [Fig. 2.103 (a)] that the current in the load R. is in the same direction for both the cycles of input A.C. voltage. Therefore, D.C. is obtained from the load R.. AIso, Peak inverse voltage (PIV) = TWice the maximum voltage across the half-secondary , winding PIV = 2 V^u*. Le., Advantages : 1. The D.C. output voltage and load current values are twice than those of halfwave rectifiers. 2. The ripple factor is much less (0.482) than that of half-wave rectifier (1.21). 3. The efficiency is twice that of half-wave rectifier. For a full-wave rectifier, the maximum possible value of efficiency is81.2% while that of half-wave rectifier is 40.6%. Disadvantages : 1. The diodes used must have high peak inverse voltage. 2. It is difficult to locate the centre tap on the secondary winding. 3. The D.C. output is small as each diode utilises only one-half of transformer These two di secondary *roltuge. Full-wave bridge rectifier. It uses four diodes (D1, D2, D3, D a) across the main supply, as shown in Fig. 2.1,04 (a). The A.C. supply to be rectifier is appplied to the diagonally opposite ends of the bridge through the transformer. Between other two ends of the bridge, the load resistance R. is connected. Secondary The current I Dft o During therr M positive- 1 reverse bia* be in series r AtoB thro$ output is obt Further it may no secondary aoltage of ta Advantages : 1. It can be uss i.e., no outpu 2. The transforu an equivaled 3. No centre-t{ 4. The output t Disadvantages: 1. It uses four <fi 2. Since duringr therefore, vol twice as great voltage is sm . These da1 them as I t) external c Comparison of ri The comparison d Aspeclr D] D3 D2 D4 Dl D3 (a) (b) Fig. 2.104. Full-wave bridge rectifier. T"#lrlg: positioe hatf-cycteof secondary voltage, the end L of the ,l.onoury winding 'becomes positive and end M negative. This makes D, and D, fodvard biased while diods Drand Dnare reverse biased. Therefore, only diodes D, and Drconduct. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor No. of itid kansfornu Max. effic* Ripple fafr Output froq Peak inaeq Basic and Digital Electronics 105 These two diodes will be in series through the load {i. as shown in Fig. 2.1,A5 @). The current flows (dotted arrows) from A to B through Rr. secondary biased -v ----) D, does aI R. and the I I I a-B and end ventional arrows. (a) direction (b) load R.. Fig.2.105. o During the negatioe half-cycleof the secondary voltage. end L becomes negative and M positive. This makes Drand Dnforward biased whereas diodes D1 and Drare reverse biased. Therefore, only diodes D, and Dnconduct. These two'diodes will be in series with R. as shown in Fig. 2.105 (b). The current flows (solid arrows) from A to B through R. i.e., in the same direction as for positive half-cycle. Therefore, D.C. of half(1.21). while that transformer supply, diagonally ends of the output is obtained across Rr. Further it may noted that peak inoerse ooltage (PIV) of each diode is equat ti the maxinnnr secondary ooltage of transformer. Advantages : 1. It can be used with advantage in applications allowing floating input terminals i.e., no output terminal is grounded. 2. The transformer is less costly as it is required to provide only half the voltage of an equivalent centre-tapped transformer,used in,a fuItr-wave rectifier circuit. 3. No centre-tap is required on the transfomer. 4. The output b twice that of the centre-tapped circuit for the secondary voltage. Disadvantages : 1 . It uses four diodes' as compared to two diodes for centre-tapped:full wave rectifier. 2. Since during each half-cycle of A.C. input two diodes that conduct are in series, therefore, voltage drop in the internal re.sistance of the rectifying unit will be twice as great as in the centretapped circuit. Trhis is o$ectionable when secondary voltage is small. . These days, the bridge rectifurs are so common that manufactnrers arepacking them as a single unit with bakelite or some other plastic encapsulation with externai connections brought out. Comparison of rectifiers : The comparison of various types of rectifiers is given below : S. No. Aspects 1. winding ard biased Drconduct. Half-rgave Centre.tap Bridge t5rpe 1 2 4 2. Transformer necessary No Yes No 3. Max. fficiency 40.6/" 8'j,.2"/" 81.2"/; 4. Ripple factor 1:21 0.48 0.48 5. Output frequency f^ LJ in LJ in 6. Peak inaerse aoltage. V,, 2Vn, vn, ,' ,,{ 1( PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 106 2.3. DIGITAL ELECTRONICS 2.3.1 lntroduction Basic and Digital Elec! Therefore, digitd -digital'. The number ltstem. . As a digital c The branch of electronics which deals with digital circuits is called digital electronics. o A continuously zsarying signal (aoltage or current) is called an "analog signal". numbers ; d! Advantages of d Example. A sinusoidal aoltage. In an analog electronic circuit, the output voltage changes continuously according to the input voltage variations i.e., the output voltage can have an infinite number of aalues. . A signal (ooltage or current) which can haoe only tuso discrete aalues is called a "digital 7. Noise free as q a current, cir 2. Capabilities of Disadvantages: signal". 1. Slower speed d 2. The .circuits I Example, Asquarewaae. o An electronic circuit that is designed for two-state operation is called a digital circuit. . These days digital circuits are being used in many electronic products such as r:ideo games, microwaae oaens, oscilloscopes etc. -\ number oJ cant Advantages of i/ 1. More close b 2. A voltage levr 2.3.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Digitat Electronics The advantages and disdvantages of digital electronics are listed below : Advantages : 1. Digital system can be normally easily designed. 2. Digital circuits are less affected by noise. 3. Storage of information is easy with digital circuits. 4. Digital circuits provide greater accuracy and precision. 5. More digital circuitry can be fabricated on integrated chips. Disadvantages : 1. The digital circuits can handle only digital signals ; it requires encoders and decorders, due to which cost of the equipment is increased 2. Under certain situations the use of only the analog techniques is simpler_-f,nd economical (e.9. the process of signal amplification). However, since the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, therefore, we are switching to digital techniques at a faster pace. 2.3.3. Digital Circuit An electronic circuit that handles only a digital signal is called a digital circuit. Or An electronic circuit in which a state switches between the two states with time or with the change of the input states, and it is its state at the inputs and the outputs which has a signific:ance is called a digital circuit. "Digital" is derived from "digitus". In Latin, the latter means "fLnger". A finger is either up or down. Similarly an electronic circuit may have one of the states as : (0 'QN' (conduction) or'OFF' (poor conduction), or (ii) 'High'voltage or'Lolt)'voltage between two terminals, or (iii) 'High'current through a circuit or 'Low'current through a circuit, or (io) 'High'frequency signal or'Lo'u)' frequency signal, or (u)'Negative' potential,difference or'Positioe' potential difference, or (ai) "1" or "0" etc. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Disadvantages : Lack of definitenr 2.3.A. Number ! In the field of rligi trequently. However, I different stages of the In digital circuits I 1. Decimal. It ha the number 2. Binary. It has 3. Octal. It has a 4. Hexadecimal All the above men that : Decimal systel - Binary system - Octal system - Hexadecimal u s -. Decimal nunh o BinarA systeat operate on binm . Octal systemti to get informatio and print out d . Hexadecimal m 2.3.4.'t. Decimal m The dicimal numbs that value of digit depe fiatronics Basic and Digital Electronics 107 - Therefore, digital circuit is one that expresses the oalues in digits 1's or 0's, hence the name digital'. The number concept that uses only the two digits f a"na O is the binarv numbering ;rtstem. I}nlCS. lal". ording to of ualues. r "digital { circuit. h as aideo As a digital is based opon the two states, it is used in dealing with binary |i1cu-rt ' numbers ; digital circuit is therefore used in computers. Advantages of digital circuit : 7, Noise free as outPut is measured in terms of its state, not in terms of a voltage, or a current, or a frequency. A state has a difiniteness. 2. Capabilities of logical decision, arithmetic and Boolean operation on the binary numbers. Disadvantages : 7. slower speed due to greater number of components to represent a state. 2. The circuits have complexities also. To represent a big decimal number, a large number of components needed. Advantages of "Analog circuit,, : 1. More close to physical system values. 2. A voltage level may represent temperature, wind, speed etc. Disadvantages : Lack of definiteness, preciseness and reliability. 2.3.4. Number Systems mders and brpler-and e switching rit tor with the tsigtificance " A finger is BAS: . In the field of digital electronics and computers, the number systems are used quite requently. However, the type of numler system used in computers could be different at lifferent stages of the usage. In digital circuits the followingfour systems of arithmetic are often used : 1. Decimal. It has a base (or radix) of 10 i.e., it uses 10 dffirent sysmbols to represent the number. 2. Binary. It has a base of 2 r.e., it uses only two dffirent sysmbors. 3. Octal. It has a base of I i.e., it uses eight dffirent symbols. 4. Hexadecimal. It has base of 76 i.e., it uses sixteen dffirent symbols. All the above mentioned systems use the same type of positional notation except that : Decimal system uses powers of L0 - Binary system uses powers of 2 - Octal system uses powers of g - Hexadecimal system uses pozuers of 16 - Decimal numbers are used to represent quantities which are outside the digital system. 'o BinarU system is e-xtensively used by digital system like digital computers which operate on binary information. system has.certain adoantages in digital work because it requires less circuitry ' toOctal get information into and out of a digital system. and print out octal numbers than binary numbers. Moreover it is easier to read, record . Hexadecimal number system is particularly suited for micro-computers. Decimal number system The dicimal number system has a base of 10 and is a'position-oalue system, (meaning that value of digit depends on it positior). It has the foilowin g characteristics : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics Basic and Digital El (l) Base or radix. lt is defined as the number of dffirent digits zohich can occur in each Stei 2. Direcd5 right to left. 108 position in the number system. The statement 'The decimal number system has a base of 10' implies that it contains ten unique symbols (or digits) i.e., 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8, and 9. Any one of these may be used in each position of the number. The ten digits do not limit us to express only ten different quantities because we use the various digits in appropriate positions within a number to indicate the magnitude of the quantity. (li) Position value. The absolute value of each 4igit is fixed but its position aalue (or place aalue or weight) is determined by its position in the overall number. For example, value of 4 in 4000 is not the same as in 400. Consider the number 7654 (seven thousand six hundred and fifty four). The total value of this number is obtained by adding 4 unit values, 5 tens, 6 hundreds, and 7 thousands. Expressed more formally, it can be written as : 7654 = 7 x 1O3 + 6 + 102 + 5 x 101 + 4 x 100 It will be noted that in this number , 4 is the least significant digit (LSD) whereas 7 is the most significant digit (MSD). Again, the number 7654.358 can be written as 7654.358 =7 x 703 + 6 x 7.02+ 5 x 101 + 4 x 100 + 3 x 10-1 + 5 x 10-2 + 8 x 10-3 It may be noted that position aalues are found by raising the base to the number system (i.e., 10 in this case) to the potoer of the position. AIso powers are numbered to the left of the decimal point starting with zero and to the right of the decimal point with -L. Binary number system The binary number system, like decimal number (or denary) system, has a radix and uses the same type of position value system. (i) Radix. The base or radix of the system is 2 because it uses only two digits 0 and 1 (the word 'binary digit' is contracted to bit). All binary numbers consists of strings of 0s and 1s. Examples. 10, 101 and 1011-reads one-zero-one-one respectively (to avoid confusion with decimal numbers). Confusion can also be avoided by adding a subscript of 10 for decimal numbers and 2 for binary numbers as mentioned below : 1010, 10110, 6785n.......... Decimal numbers 702, 1012,1100012 .......... Binary numbers. Step 3. Cross a Step 4. Add tr Example 2.2L Solution. The. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. It is seen that Table 1 shows Table Decimal 1 2 J 4 :5 e , o Binary numbers need more places for counting because their base is small. (ii) Position ialue. The binary system, like the decimal system, is also positionally- r weighted. In this case, however, the position value of each bit corresponds to some power of 2. In each binary number, the value increases in powers of 2 starting with 0 to the left of the binary point and deueases to the right of the binary point starting with power of -1. The decimal equivalent of the binary riumber may be found as under : 1101.0112=(\ x 23) + (1 x22) + (0 x z1; + 1t x 20) + (0 x 2-1) + (1 x 241 + 1t*z-31 7 8 9 10 o In binary nr Bit is - Nibbleused - Byte is ais a. bir Binary fractions weights are used fo )n .rZ 1l L = 8+4+o+1+o+f *$ = 13.g7src Binary-to-decimal conversion In order to convert a given binary integer (whole number) into its equivalent decirnai number, the following four steps are involved. Step 1. Write the binary number i.e., all its bits in a rcw. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Example 2.22. C Solution. The fo Step 1. 0 Fhatronics Basic and Digital Electronics fru in each Step 2. Directly under the bits, write 1(20), 2(21), 4{22),8(23), 16(24),.......... starting from .ight to left. i h contains may be p only ten p b within a 1ff) Step 3. Cross out the decimal weights which lies under 0 bits. Step 4. Add the remaining weights to get the decimal equivalent. Example 2.2'1. Conoert 10011 to its equiztaleni decimal number. Solution. The four steps involved in conversion are: 10011 16 8 4 2 1.6 g / 2 76+2+1=19 h oalue (or knber. For Step 1. L I Step3. 7 Step4. 100112 = 19ro' (Ans') "' It is seen that number contains 1 sixteen, 0 eight, 0 four's, 1 two's and 1 one fwhereas 7 Table 1 shows the equivalent binary numbers of decimal numbers. s The total eds, and 7 I Step 2. I Table 1. Equivalnent binary numbers of decimal numbers t^ +8x10-' l 1 Decimal Binary Decimal Binary Decimal Binary 1 1 11 1011 27 10101 I 2 10 12 1100 22 10110 ; Fi radix and J 11 13 1101 23 10111 4 100 t4 1110 24 11000 Eigits 0 and 5 101 15 1111 25 11001 J 6 110 16 10000 26 11010 7 111 17 10001 27 11011 8 1000 18 10010 28 11100 9 1001 19 10011 29 11101 10 1010 20 10100 30 1111 0 'system (i'e., f the decimal I i: ts confusion t tf" pprbers and I' F l'. itionallyponds to bbwers of 2 the binary o In binary number system, some terms like bit, nibble.andbyte are used. Bit is used for a single binary digit. - Nibble is a binary number with four bits. - Byte is a binary number with eight bits. Binary fractions. The procedure is same as for binary integers except thai the following ',reights are used for different bit positions : # 2"...22 21 20 h + (1 x 2-3) Hent decimal I 2-1 tr111 Binarypoint i t l.- . , 2-z 2-3 Z-4 + n E 16 -)' Example 2.22. Conaert the binary fraction 0.101 into its decimal equioalent. Solution. The followin g four steps will be used : Step 1. 0 1 i PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 110 Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. 111 Example 2.25.C ,48 11/ + 2/48 11 1* a = o'ozs Basic and DigitatEld Solution. lVe sfia br fraction. 1 (a) Integer 0.1012 = 0.62510 (Ans.) Decimal-to-binary coversion A decimal-to-binary conversion can be achieved by using the so-called double-ilabble method.It is also known as diaiile-by-fruo method. (a) Integers. In this case, we progressively dioide the given ditimal number by 2 and write down the remainders after each division. These remainders taken in the reverse order (i.e., from bottom-to-top) form the required number' Example 2.23. Conaert L9ro into its binary equiaalent. 79 + 2 =.9 + remainder of l Solution. To1.r 4, 9-2= 4+remainderofl 4+2= 2+remainderof0 2+2= 1+remainderof0 'Bottorrt 1, +2 = 0 + remainderof 1 1210 = lt Considering the Example 2.26. Ct Solution. I I I L9ro = 10011 (Ans.) The above process may be simplified as under 2510.. Considering the't Binary O1 Reading the remainders from bottom to toP, we get : 19ro = 10011. (D) Fractions. In this, Multiply-by-two rule is used i.e., we multiply each bit by 2 and record the carry in ihe integer form. These carries taken in the foruard (top-to-bottom) direction give the required binary fraction. Example 2.24. Conoert 0.65n into its binary equiaalent. Solution. 0.65 x 2 = L.3. = 0.3 with a carry of 1 0.3 x 2 = 0.6 = 0.6 with a carty of 0 0.6 x 2 = L.2 = 0.2 with a earry of 1 0.2 x 2 = 0.4 = 0.4 with a carry of 0 0.4 x 2 = 0.8 = 0.8 with a carry of 0 0.8 x 2 = L.6 = 0.6 with a carry of 1. 0.6 x 2 = 1..2 = 0.2 with a carry of 1 0.2 x 2 = 0.4 = 0.4 with a carry of 0 0.6510 = 0.X.01001102 (Ans.) r PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor In a decimal nuq addition, subtractiorl on binary numbers, i because here only twr The addition, in H addition, subtractiorL : be reduced to additiqr in hardware because cin nothing but repeated d Gl Binary adilitiot There are four rul (1) 0+0=0 (2) 0+1=1 (3) 1+0=1 (4) 1+1=10(Tli 111 Easic and Digital Electronrcs Example 2.25. Conaert the following decimal number into binary : D.A625. Solution. We shall carry out the conversion in two steps, (i) First for integer and (ii) then : r" ior fraction. i (a) t. lnteger t I' ble-dabble lr per by 2 and h the reverse ti (b) Fraction 12 0.0625 x 2 = 0.125 with a carry of 0 5-0 3-0 0.L25 x 2 = 0.25 with a carry of 0 1-1 0-1 0.5 x 2 = 1.0 with a carry of 1 1'2rs = L1'002 0.25 x 2 = 0.5 with a carry of 0 0.062510 = 0.00012 Considering the complete number, we have :12.0625r, = 1100.0001, (Ans.) Example 2.26. Conaert 25.625n into its binary equioalent. h Fraction Solution. h L 0.625 x 2=1.25 = 0.25 + I F ,l 0.25 x 2=0.5 = 0.5 + 0 L 0.5 x 2=L.0 = 0.0 + 1 I I t* 0.625n = 0.1012 25.625fi we have number, the complete Considering = L1001.101, (Ans.) 2.3.4,5. Binary Operations In a decimal number system, we ar€ familiar with the arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Similar opeiations can be performed on binary numbers, infact, binary arithmetic is much simpler than decimal arithmetic because here only two digits, 0 and 1. are involved. The addition, in binary number system, is the most important of the four operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.By using'complements', subtraction can be reduced to addition. Most digital computers subtract by complements.lt leads to reduction :n hardware because circuitry is required only for addition operation. Similarly, multiplication is nothing but repeated addition and, finally diaision is nothing but repeated subtraction, 25ro = 1100L2 bit by 2 and (il Binary aililition: There are four rules/cases, described below for addition of binary numbers l (1) 0+0=0 (2) 0+1=1 (3) 1+0=1 (4) 1 + 1 = 10 (This sum is not 'ten' but'one-zero) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 112 A Textbook of Mechatronics Example 2.27. Add 1100L12 to 101101r. Solution. 110011 Basic and Digital El Example 2.3L Solution. 101101 1100000 1st column : 1 + 1 = 0 with a carry of 1 2nd column : 1 + 0 = 1 combined with carry 1 = 0 with carry 1 3rd coumn : 0 + 1 = 1 combined with carry 1 = 0 with carry L 4thcolumn:0 + 1= L combinedwithcarryl =0with ca.r.yl 5th column : 1 + 0 = 1 combined with carry 1 = 0 with carry 1 6th coumn : i + 1'= carry of 1 = 112 (Ans.) (ii) Binary subtraction : The four rules for binary subtraction are : 1.0-0=0 2. 1-A=1 3. 1-1=0 4.10-1=1 Example 2.28. Subtract 01L1,2 from 1,001-r. Solution. (ia) Binary ilioi The rules of tir 1.0+1=0r 2.7+ 1=1t 1001 Example 2.32 I - 0111 SoIution. 0010 lstcolumn:1-1=0 2nd column : 0 - 1 = 1 with a borrow of 1 3rd column : 1 (after borrow) - 1 = 0 4th column.: 0 (after borrow) - 0 = 0. (iii) Binary multiplication : The four rules are : 1.0x0=0 3. 1x0=0 2.0x1=0 4. 1x1='i. Example 2.29. Multiply lllrby 101, using binary muhiplication method. Solution. 111 x 101 111 Solution. .....shift left no add .....shift left and add (Ans.) Shifting the ple As in a decimal s corresponds respeqtir 10.11 point by one place t Example. 1011.02 corresponds to 5.510" Complement of i tr digital work, tc 1101 subtraction: 100011 Example 2.30. Multiply or diaision by decinul Example. t /henl to the left, it beconrq If the given number decimal number I{ 111 000 Shifting ir n rml Shiftingbinarym 11.012 by 10.1L2. 11.01 (0 l's complernr itseach0intoalatd 1101 000Q 1101 1000.1111 (Ans.) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Example. I's conq (ii1 Z's complemc 7 to-its 1's complementl I Mechatronics Basic and Digital Electronics 113 Example 2.31. Multiply (L0001.101) 2 x (111.001) 2. f' Solution. 10001.101 111.001 10001101 B 00000000 00000000 10001101 10001101 I 10001101 I I ;, 1111101.100101 i (ia) Binary dioision i' The rules of binary division are : i l Ans.) z 1.0+1=0or9=O 1 2. 1 + 1 = 1 or I = t. 1 Example 2.32. Diaide 1.110101 by 1001. Solution. root., rrroioiil1or 1001 1011 1001 1001 1001 Shifting a number to left or right: Shifting binary numbers one step to the left or right corresponds respectiaely to multiplicatian w lioision by decimal 2. Example. \rVhen binary nurnber 111002 corresponding to decimal 28 is shifted one step w the left, it becomes 111000 which corresponds to decimal number 56 i.e., it is doubkd. I[ the given number is shifted one step to the right it becomes 1L10 which corresponds to .dr:cimal number 1.4, i.e., it is halaed. Shifting the place point : As in a decimal system, moving of a dicimal point from one place to the right or left urresponds respectively to multiplication or division by L0, similarly shift of the binary :'cint by one place to the right or left multiplies or diaides by 2. Example. 1011.02 corresponds to 11ro but 10110, corresponds to 22ro while 101.1, :r''rresponds to 5.5rn. Complement of a number: In digital work, two types of complements of a binary number are used for complemental ;-btraction : (i) 1's complement. The 1's complement of a binary number is obtained by changing $s each 0 into a 1 and each 1 into a 0. It is also called 'radix-minus-one' complement. Example.l's complement of L00, is 011, and of 1L10, is 0001.r. (ii1 2's complement. The 2's complement of a binary number is obtained by adiling I to its'1.'s complement. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 114 A Textbook of Mechatronics 2's complement = 7's complement +'L isic and Digitat Eb 2's Compleme It is also known as true complement. The steps for s Example. 2's complement of 7071, is found as follows : 1's component of 1011 is 0100. Step 1. Find th Step 2. Add tl'.i Step 3. Drop th Step 4.If the ca Step 5.If there - Next adding 1 we get 2's complement or 01012. Hence 2's complement of 1011, is 0101, The complement method of subtraction reducelsubtraction to an addition process. This method is popular in digital compufers because of the following reasons : 1. With digital circuits, is is easy to get the complements. 2. Only adder circuits are needed, thus circuitry is simplified. 1's complemental subtraction : Example 2.36. Solution. The 1 will add it to l In this method, instead of subtracting a number, we add its 1's complement to the minuend. ti ,-\ The last carry (whether 0 or 1) is then added to get the final answer. The steps for subtraction by 1's complement are as under : Step 1. Compute the 1's complement of the subtrahend by changing all its 1's to 0's and all its 0s to 1s. Step 2. Add this complement to the minuend. Step 3. Perform the end-around carry of the last 1 or 0. Step 4. If there is no end-around carry (i.e., 0 carry), then the answer must be recomplemented and negative sign attached to it. Step 5, If the end-around carry is 1, no recomplementing is necessary. Example 2.33. Subtract l0lrfrom 111r. Solution. 111 + 010 (- 1's complement of subtrahend (i.e., 101r) 1001 1 <- end-round carry 010 Example 2.34. Subtract 7L01"rfrom 1010. 1010 0010 <-- 1's complement of 1101 since there ,, .,o carry in this case, therefore, answer must be recomplemented (step-S)"I]-;i:T". to get 0011 and a negative sign attached to it. .'. Final answer is : - 0011. Example 2.35. Using'L's complement method, subtract 0110L2from 17011r. Solution. 11011 <-- 1's complement of subtrahend (i.e.,011012) 101101 1 In this case ther :rpose/ we first sub Next we compla :omes - 00112. (Taking in terms, Octal nu :al number system 1. In digital sys -.e octal number sr 'us from u"e.s'poi ; output data of a d 2. The print-out: 3. Conoersion frt 1100 + 10010 Solution. The 1' The number systa Since end-around carry is 7, the final answer (step 5) is 010. Solution Since the carn. erefore the final a Example 12. U: <- end-around carry 1110 Since end-around carry is 1, the final andwer is 1110. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor o Since digital r conoerted into, before being (i) Radix a base unting digits : These digirs 0 thr For counting be1,c .ttrst, the second dit umber is 10 (secon< d so on. Hence diff Elronics Basic and Digital Electronics 115 2's Complemental subtraction : The steps for subtraction by 2's complement are as under Step 1. Find the 2's complement of the subtrahend. Step 2. Add this complement to the minuend. Step 3. Drop the final carry. step 4. If the carry is 1, the answer is positive and needs no recomplementing. Step 5. If there is no carry, recomplement the answer and attach minus sign. Example 2.36. Using 2's complement subtract 1010rfrom 1101r. Solution. The 1's complement of 1010 is 0101. The 2's complement is 0101 + 1 = 01i0. : is. E: We will add it to 1101 1101 + 0110 inttend. 's to 0's <- 2's complement 10011 Since the carry is 1, the answer is positive and needs no recomplementing (step-4), therefore the final answer is 0011r. Example 17. Using 2's complement subtract 1101rfrom 1010r. Solution. The 1's complement of 1101 is 0010. The 2's complement is 0010 + 1 = 0011. 1010 tust be + 0011 <- 2's complement of 1101, 1101 In this case there is no carry, hence we have to recomplement the answer. For this purpose/ zue first subtract 1 from it to get 1100. 1012) Next we complement lf to get 0011. After attaching the minus sign, the final answer becomes - 00112. (Taking in terms of decimal numbers, we have subtracted 13 from 10 i.e,,70 - 13 = - 3). Octal number system The number system with base (or radix) " eigh{' is known as the octal number system. The octal number system entails the following merits, 1. In digital systems, it is highly incontsenient to handle long strings of binary numbers. ust be The octal number system requires one-third in length as compared to binary numbers. Thus from users'_point of view it would be comparatively muih easier to handle the input and output data of a digital computer in octal form. 2. The print-o4ts are more compact and easy to reqd. 3. Conaersion from binary-to-octal and octal-to-binary is quick and simple. . Since digital circuits can process only zeros and ones, the octal numbers haoe to be conaerted into binary formemploying special circuits known as octal-to-binary conaerters before being processed by the digital circuits. (i) Radix a base. It has radix or base of 8 which means that it has eight distinct counting digits : 0,1,2,3, 4,5, 6,7 These digits 0 through 7,have exactly the same plrysical meaning as in decimal system. 011012) fo. co_unting bgyond 1,2 digit combinations are formed taking the second digit fottowed by the first, the second digit followed by the second and so on. Hence after,7, the next octal' . nuumber is 10 (second digit followed by the first), 11 (second digit followed by second) and so on. Hence different octal numbers are : 0, L, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 116 A Textbook of 10, 77, 20, 21, 12, 13, t4, 15, 16, Basic and Digital E \7, 22, (ii) Position value. The position value or (or weight) for each digit is given by different powers of 8 as shown below. <-- g2 83 g1 go . 8-1 8-1 t 81 Example 24i Solution. 8-3 ----+ Octal point The carries n For example, decimal equivalent of octal 314 is 3140 82 g1 648 0.53656 i.e, Octal. go 1 Since 8 (the h =3x64+1x8+4=204n 3148 = 3 x 82 + 1 x 81 + 4 x go = 192 +8+4=204:r or, Similarly decimal equivalent of 127.24 is 127.24 = 1 x 82 + 2 x 81 + 7 x go + 2 x g1 + 4 , 8-2 conversion from, binary equivalent. below: t = 64+16+7 +2 d* 64 = 87.3725n Octal digi Octal-to-decimal conversion An octal number can be easily converted to its decimal equivalent by muttiptlying each octal digit by its positional weight. Example 2-38- Conaert 206.104 into its decimal equiaalent number. Solution.206 82 g1 104 go g-1 g2 Binary qt Using these o converting each c Example 242 Solution- g-3 206.7048 = 2 x 82+ 0 x 81 + 6 x 80 + 1 x 8-1 + 0 x 8-2 + 4 x g-3 = 128+o+f*fr=(*n#),, (Ans.) Decimal-to-octal coversion .e $eciyt integer can be converted to octal by using the same repeated-division method called the double-dabble method, that was usedin thelecimal-to-binary conversion, but with a dit;ision factor of I rather than 2. Example 2.39. Conaert 1375rc into its octal equiaalent. Solution. Hence 4767r, Example 241 Solution. Hence 37.73s Using positio are shown in the Octal Taking the remainders in the reaerse order, we have, Equivalent octal number of 737510 = 2SZ7a (Ans.) (Note ihat first remainder bec6mes the least significant digit (LSD) of the total numbeq, and the last remainder becomes the most signifiiant aigit 64sby. Example 2.4O. What is octal equiaalent oy O.lSrol Solution. 0.15 x 8 = 1.20 = 0.20 with a carry of 1 0.20 x 8 = 1.60 = 0.60with a carryof 1 oiXo,X.i-n or 4 X1;: = fi.ifl'; ^ "u"Y 1 2 3 4 5 | etc I (Here carries have been taken in the forward direction i.e., 0 | from top to bottom). PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 6 n 10 11 il Mechatronics Er by different 117 Basic and Digital Electronics Example 2.4'1.. Find the octal equiaalent of the decimal fraction 0.685. Solution. 0.585 x 8 = 5.48 = 0.48 with a carry of 5 0.48 x 8 = 3.84 = 0.84 with a carry of 3 0.84x8=6.72=0.72 withacarryof 6 0.72 x 8 = 5.76 = 0.76 with a carry of 5 0.76 x 8 = 6.08 = 0.08 with a carry of 6 6 - ------) | | | i The carries read in the forward direction i.e., from top to bottom give the octal fraction 0.68510 = 0.535558 (Ans.) 0.53656 i.e, Octal-to-binary conversion ,8-4=204n Since 8 (the base of octal numbers) is third power of 2 (the base of binary number), the conversion from octal to binary can be performed by conaerting each octal digit to its 3-bit binary equiaalent. The eight possible digits are converted as indicated in the table 2 below: . 8-l tultiplying each Table 2 Octal digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Binary equiaalent 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Using these coversions, any octal number can be converted to binary by individually converting each digit. Example 2.42. Conaert 41618 into binary. Solution,8-r+4x8-3 r) 4 7 J.'J 100 001 6 1 .t 001 110 Hence 41.618 = (100 001 110 00L)2 (Ans.) Example 2.43. Conoert 37.138 into binary. peated-division En'conversion, Solution. 3 011 13 001 7 111 011 Hence 37.138 = (001 111.001 011)2 (Ans.) Using positional notation, the first few octal numbers and their decimal equivalents are shown in the table 3 below : Table 3 he total number, p to bottom). Octal Decimal Octal Decimal Octal Decimal 0 0 12 10 24 20 1. 1 11 1"1 25 27 2 2 1.4 72 26 22 J J 15 13 27 23 4 4 16 14 30 24 5 5 17 15 31 25 6 6 20 16 32 26 7 .7 21 17 JJ 27 10 8 22 18 34 28 11 9 23 79 35 29 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics Basic and Digital Elecn The conversion of a binary number to octal number is simply the reverse of the foregoing process. The bits of the binary number are grouped into groups of three bits This system is an to represent the digit Table 4 shows Or 118 Binary-to-octal conversion starting at the LSB (least significant bit). Then each group is converted to its octal equivalent. Example 2.44. Conaert the binary number 1010112 to its octal equiaalent. 1010112 -) Solution. 101 011 .L .t 5 J Table3f. Il 101 011, = 53r (Ans') Example 2.45. Conaert binary number 10L0L.112 into its octal equioalent. Soution. Here we will have to add one 0 infront of the integer part as well as to the fractional part 10101.112 + 010 ,',101 TJ 25 . .J 110 o$ 10101.112 = 25.6e (Ans.) Example 2.45. Conoert the binary number L1.0111.00.101010, to octal equipment. Solution. 11011100.101010 -+ 011 011 100 .tJ.tJ .'. 101 010 T 33{c5 = 334.528 (Ans.) Example 2.47. Perform 17668- 23s. Solution. 17668 = 001 111 110 1.e., . 2 11011100.1010102 77668 - 23a 010 238 001 1102 Counting beym A usiral, we reso followed by the first iL on, as mentioned bd 10,77, \2,13, 11 20,27,22,23 ,2 0172 110 110 010 ilil 001 177 100 011 111 .tJ.tJ 7743 17668 t.€., 30,31,,32,33,y With two he - 23r = 1743, (Ans.) - Hexadecimal number system For the two-state systems, the binary number system forms the naturalrhoicsFUtih hexadecimal number system, the numbers tend to get short rather@Hence fo reduce the length of a giaen number it is quite common to use hexadecimal system. o The chief use of this system is in connection with byte-organised machines. The maxiuru memory. This system has the following characteristics : 1. lthas base o/16. Hence it uses sixteen distinct counting digits 0 through 9 and A through F as detailed below : 0,7,2,3, 4,5, 6,7,9,9, A, B, C, D, E, F. 2. The place aalue (or weight) for each digit is in'ascending powers of L6' for integers and'descending powers of 1.6' for fractions. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Example.lfi - Hexada A hexadecimal I o It is used for specifuing addresses of different binary numbers stored in computer o This system is extensively used in microprocessor work. For countinl I I hexdigit by its weightr are increasing po\rc For a four-digit I l I Example 2.48. C Solution. il Mechatronics ] rrverse of the ;r of three bits rtal equivalent. l'- t r n'ell as to the 119 Basic and Digital Electronics This system is an alphanumeric system since numeric digits and alphabets both are used to represent the digits. Table 4 shows the relationship between hexadecimal, decimal and binary. TableJ. Decimal and Binary Equivalents of Hexadecima! Number Hexadecimal decimal Binary 0 0 0000 1 1 0001 2 2 0010 J J 0011 4 4 0100 ( 0101 6 7 6 0110 7 0111 8 8 1000 9 9 1001 A 10 1010 B 11 1011 5 *ment. 101 010 JJ :5 2 drhoice. Fuf in re fo reduce the I srachines. tGd in computer lrough 9 and A { 16' for integers C 12 1100 D 13 1101 E t4 1110 F 15 1111 Counting beyond F in Hex number system : A usual, we resort to "2-digit combinations". After reaching F, we take the second digit followed by the first digit, the second followed by second, then second followed by third and so on, as mentioned below : 70,1L,12, 1.3, L4, L5, 16, 17,18,79, LA, 1,8, LC, LD,7E, 1,F 20, 21, 22, 23 , 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 24, 28, 2C, 2D,2E, 2F 30, 37, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 34, 38, two hexadecimal digits, we can count upto FF* which is equal to 25510. - With For counting beyond this, three hexadecimal digits are required - Example.1001u = 256fi,701M = 25710 and so on. The maximum three-digit hexadecimal number is FFFru which is equal to 409510. - Hexadecimal-to-decimal conversion A hexadecimal number can be converted to its decimal equivalentby multiplying each hexdigit by its weight and then taking the sum of these products. The weights-of a hex number are increasing powers of 16 (from right to left). For a four-digit hex number the weights are as follows : L63 162 761 160 4096 256 16 1 Example 2.48. Conaert F6D9rc into decimal equiaalent. F6D/M = r(163) +6(1,6\2+D(1.6)t +9(16)0 Solution. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 120 A Textbook of Mechatronics = 15x163+6r162+ 13x161 +9x160 = 67440 + 1536 + 208 + 9 = 63193rn (Ans.) Example 2.49. Conaert 2B"1FA into decimal equioalent. Solution. 2B.1FArc:='Z x.161 +11 x 160+ 1x 16-i + 15x 1.6-2 + 10x 16-3 ,, .-d i+rr''+a*-ll* 1,6 256 4096 1o = 43.12353515610 (Ans.) Bir Conversion . The t moving toward hex representat part", the abovt towards the right Example Li Decimal-to-hexadecimal conversion Repeated division of a decimal number by 16 will pfoduce the equivalent hex number formed by the remainder of each division. This is similar to the repeated division by 2 for decimal-to-binary conversion and repeated division by 8 foi decimal-to-octal conversion. Example 2.50. Conaert 1983ru into hexadecimal. Solution. Basic and Digital Solution. 1011010 It may be n Ft BI Example 2r Solution. ?l Hence 1983i0 = TBFru (Ans.) Example 2.5'J,. Conaert decimal number 374.37 to hexadecimal. Solution. 7. lnteger 374 : + ..' 100101i Example 2j Solution- 1010.011 .'. Equivalent hex number of 37410 = 7266. 2. Fraction 0.37 : Cot 0.37 x 16 = 5.92 = 0.92 with a carry of 5 0.92 x 16 = 74.72 = 0.72 with a carry of 14 0.72 x 16 = 77.52 = 0.52 with a carry of 11 0.52 x 16 = 8.32 = 0.32 with a carry of g . .'. Equivalent hex number of 0.37 = 0.5E88 Hence 374.37rc = 176.5E881u (Ans.) Hexadecimal-to-binary conversion Hexadecirru can be conrertt; binary and then. lc Example Li Solutioni.e., 1375r = ffil Now, ( Hex numbers can be converted into equivalent binary number by replacing each hex digit by its equiaalent 4-bit binary number. Example 2.52. Conaert 2iA16 into its binary equiaalent. Solution. 2 4 A 0010 0011 1010 JJJ i.e.,7375, = ffill Example Z! Solution. A, .'. 234rc = 0010 0011 10102 (Ans). Example 2.53. Conaert 524.3616 into its binary equiaalent. Solution.52436 JJ.l,JJ 0101 0010 0100 0011 0110 Hence 524.36$ = 0101 0010 0100 0011 01102 (Ans.) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ABCDb Example 2! : llechatronics r) 2 + 10 ,. 16*3 121 Basic and Digital Electronics Binary-to-hexadecimal conversion Conversion from binary to hex is first the reverse of the process discussed in Art. . The binary number is grouped into groups of 4-bits starting from LSB and moving toward MSB for "integer part" and then each group of four bits is replaced by its hex representation. Zeros are added, as required to complete a 4-bit group. For the "fractional part", the above procedure is repeated from the bit next to the binary point and mooing towards the right. Example 2.54. Conaert 10L1.01011L, to hexadecimal. thex number ision by 2 for Solution. 10110101112 -) tl conversion. 0010 1101 0111 J J J 2 D 7 .'. 1011010111.., = 2D7r,- (Ans.) It may be noted that two 0s have between added to complete the 4-bit SrouPS. Example 2.55. Conaert 100L01L01.0101., to hexadecimal. 0001 0010 1101 0101 J.IJJ Solution. 10010110101012 -) .'. 10010110101012 = 12D5.* (Ans.) 72D5 Example 2.56. Conrsert L01"0.011L to hexadecimal. Solution. 1010.0111 1010 0111 J J 7 1010.01112 = A.7rs (Ans.) 2.3.4JL6. Conversion from Hex-to-octal and vice-versa Hexadecimal numbers can be converted to equivalent octal numbers and octal numbers can be conuerted to equiaalent hex numbers by conaerting the hex/octal number to equiaalent binary and then to octal/hex respectiaely. The procedure is illustrated in the following examples. Example 2.57. Conaert 73758 = .....,.,.. 2 = ..........-16. Solution. 1375-r1375 001 011 111, 101 i.e., 1375, = 001 011 111 1012. (Ans.) : Now, 001011111101 -+ 0010 1.1"11 1101 JJJ Tach hex digit 2FD i,e., 1375r = 0010111111012 = 2FD16 (Ans.) l Example 2.58. Conoert ABCD hexadecimal number to octal through binary. Solution.ABCDru-+ A B C D JJ.t.t 1010 1011 1100 1101 -) "' 001 010 101 111 001 101 1.25775 ABCDM = 125715s (Ans') Example 2.59. Perform the operation : 4,5936r, - 8.3158rc. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 122 ta Solution. 0011 0110 0011 0110 0101 1000 A.5936k = 1010;0101 1001 -) 1010.0101 1001 - 8.315916 = - 1011.0011 0001 -+ + 0100.1100 1110 , Barlril di; AIii AI loio' , 0111 2's complement of B 3158 o 1111.0010 0111 1101 1101No carry, 2's complement of result 00J0 0000.1101 - ,To oTo i.e., 0D822 A.5936rc - 8.315816 = -O.D8226 (Ans.) a 2.3.5. Digital Coding In digital circuits, each number of piece of informati on is defined by an equiualent combination of binary digits. A cotmplete group of these combinations which represent numbers, letters or symbols is called a digital code. The group of 0s and 1s in the binary number can be thought of as a code representing the decimal numbers. \zVhen a decimal number is represented by its equivalent binary I number, it is called a straight binary coding. ,' , In modern digital equipment, codes are used to represent and process numerical information. Types of codes. The various types of codes are enumerated and briefly discussed . below : 1. BCD Code It is also known as 'natural BCD' and is very convenient for representing {ecimal digits in digital circuits. . It consists of four bits from 0000 to 1001 representing the decimal numbers from 0 to 9.1010 to 1111 are don't care conditions since they do not have any meaning j I inBCD. Z. Excess-g Code '" : . The code can be derived from BCD L,v adding 3 to each coded number. 'i t (!L It is useful when it is desired to obtaili the 9's complement of a decimal digit represented by this code. The 9'siomplement is obtained simply by complementing each bit. r This code can be conoeniently ubbil for:performing substracting operations in digital com)puters. 3. Gray Code a In this code ony one bit changes betWee4 any two successive,numbers. . It is mainly used in the location,of angular positions of,a rotating shaft. :.. t tr (rmil (3t $x uL L i 4. Octal Code o The octal system is a 8 base system. 3. t '5. :Q 5. Hexadecimal Code o The hexadecimal system is a base 16 system. . lt uses four bits to represgnt one hexadecimal di5:t. o The hexadecimal digits are represented as 0 to 9 continued by aphabetical characters from A to F. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor mdfi courfr h u a cird Basic and Digital Electronics Mechatronics 123 2.3.6. Logic Gates General aspects : A digital circuit with one or more input signals but only output signal is called a logic gate. A logic gate is an electronic circuit which makes logic decision. o Logic gates are the basic building blocks from which most of the digital systems are built up. They implement the hardware logic function based on the logical algebra developed by George Boolean which is called Boolean algebra in his honour. A unique characteristic of Boolean algebra is that variables used in it can - assume only one of the two values i.e., either 0 or 1. Hence, every variable is either a 0 or a 1 (Fig. 2.106-limits on TTLIC's). o Each gate has distinct graphic symbol and its operation can be described by means of ent of B 3158 rrent of result Boolean algebraic function. 1 an equiaalent wnt numbers, e representing rivalent binary 'rcal 2V information. eflr' discussed O.B V o :nting decimal Fig. 2.106. Voltage assignment in a digital system. o The table which indicates output of gate for all possible combinations of input is known numbers from as a truth table. e any meaning o These gates are available today in the form of various IC families. The most popular families are : tr-. r r decimal digit I I complementing I lions in digital rrbers. Jt. (l) Tiansistor-transistor logic (TTL) (ii) Emitter-coupled logic (ECL) (lli) Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) (lu) Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS). Applications of logic gates : The following are lhe fields of application of logic gates : 1. Calculators and computers. 2. Digital measuring techniques. 3. Digital processing of communications. 4. Musical instruments. 5. Games and domestic appliances, etc. 6. The logic gates are also employed for decision making tn automatic control of machines and aarious industrial processes and for building more complex deaices such as binary counters etc. Positive and negative logic : etical characters The number symbols 0 and 1 represent, in gomputing systems, two possible states of a circuit or device. It does not make any difference if these two states are referred to as PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 124 Basrc 'ON' and 'OFF', 'Closed' and 'Open', 'High' and 'Low', 'Plus' and 'Minus' or 'True' and 'False' depending upon the situations. The main point is they must be symbolized by two opposite conditions. In positiae logic a '1' represents : an 'ON cirurit' ; a 'Closed szoitch'; a 'High uoltage', a Plus sign' , 'True statement' . Consequently, a 0 represenf : an 'OFF circuit' ; an'Open stoitch', a 'Low aoltage' ; a 'Minus sign', a'False statement'. ln negatiae logic, the just opposite conditions prevail. Example. A digital system has two voltage levels of 0 V and 5 V. If we say that symbol 1 stands for 5 V and symbol 0 for 0 V then we have positiae logic system.If on the other hand, we decide that a 1 should represent 0 V and 0 should represent 5 V then we will get negative logic system. Main point is that in'positae logic' the more positioe of the two voltage levels represents the 1 while in'negatiae logic' the more negatiae voltage represents the 1. Types of Logic Gates : Refer to table 2.4 (page 126) In the complex circuits, the following slx different digital electronics gates are used as A tr. I I basic elements : 1. NOTGate 3. AND Gate 5. NORCate - 2. NANDGate 4. OR Gate 6. XORCate. A iruth table has 2' rows. It gives in each of its row m outputs for a given combination of r inputs. 1. NOT Gate : r Nof operation means that the output is the complement of inpuf. If input is logic '1', the output is logic '0' and if input is logic '0', the output is logic '1'. I ( B basit L lopc onli o Fig. 2.107 shows the symbol of NOT Gate.It is generally represented by a triangle z followed by a bubble (or a bubble followed by a triangle). o NOT gate is used when an output is desired to be complement of the inptLt. o If all inputs of NAND gates are joined it shall act as NOT gate. o NOT gate is also called'inoerting logic circuit.It is also called a 'complementing circuit'. lt 2. NAND Gate: o A NAND gate can said to be basic building block of the all digital TTL logic gates and other digital circuits. . It is represented by the symbol shown in Fig. 2.108. o lts unique property is that output is high '1-' if any of the input is at low '0' logic leztel. Let us consider two inputs with the states A and B at the NAND gate. The answer (output) X=-A-V. Bar denotes a NOT log operation on A.B. The meaning of A.B, called AND operation, is given in 3 below. 3. AND Gate: o A NAND gate followed by a NOT gate gioes us AND gate. . o It is represented by a symbol in Fig. 2.109. Its symbol differs from NAND only by omission of a bubble (circle). o lts unique property is that its output is '0' unless all the inputs to it are at the logic 7's. . A two inputs, AND gate has X = A.B. Dot between the two states indicates 'AND' logic operation using these. 4. OR Gate: o An'OR'operation means that the output is'0' only if all the inputs are'0s'. . It is represented by a symbol shown in Fig. 2.110. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor :' Fr resPfr Blronics te' and .by two a'High n'Open symbol re other we will presents r used as Basic and Digital Electronics 125 r If any of the inputs is '1' the output is '1'. A two inputs 'OR' gate has X = A + B. Sign + between the two states indicates an'OR'logic operation. 5. NOR Gate: o An 'OR' circuit followed by a NOT circuit gives a 'NOR' gate (Fig. 2.111). o ts unique property is that its output is'0' if any of input is'7'. r A NOR gate is a basic building blockfor other types of the logic gates than TTLs. In the TTL circuits, a NOR is fabricated in an IC by the several NANDs. A two input NOR has X = A + B. 6. XOR Gate: o A XOR gate (Fig. 2.112) is called 'Exclusive OR' gate. o lts unique property is thnt the output is'7' only if odd number of the inputs at it are'7's. o The 'Exclusive OR' can be written as : X = ,4.8 +A. g or A @ B. o Exclusive OR gate is important in the circuits/or addition of two binary rutmbers. 7. Coincidence Gate: o This gate (Fig. 2.113) can be written as : X =A.B + A.B. o Output available to those states when the inputs are identical. a Srven ic'1', the Basic building blocks. AND, OR and NOT gates are called basic building blocks or basic gates because they are essential to realize any boolean expression. Universal gates. NAND and NOR gates are known as uniaersal gates becatse any logic gate can be constructed either by using NAND gates only or by using NOR gates only. a triangle 2.3.7. Universal Gates ng circuit'. NAND and NOR gates are known as universal gates. The AND, OR, NOT gates can be realized using only NAND or NOR gates. Demorgan's theorem afford a convenient method to use these two gates in loglc - design. The entire logic system can be implemented by using any of these two gates. c gates and logic leael. he answer LB, called These two gates are easier to realize and consume less power than other gates. -(l) Realization of logic gates using NAND gates : Fi1.2.774 (a), (b), (c) shows realization of NOT AND, OR gates using NAND gates respectively, which is self explanatory. o*fl-r=n (a) Realization of NOT gate using NAND gate ,ffix=AB (b) Realization of AND gate using NAND gate ID only by )e logic 7's. X=A.B=A+B rtes'AND' e '0s'. (c) Realization of OR gate using NAND gate Fig. 2,114. Realization of NOT, AND and OR gates using NAND gates. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 126 RaqC It trl ea U zII.l an o U z t,l o o o ta lca trl t< lt T N q xEl N or u- .9 gvt ltlE F E t<* il ,J@ :< o z 6 r.- (oo** o 6€ 3.5= u+ s {-*+qr CQOdOd X{rr lFo XnOOO FQc>dOd N l{ E'i il II X o co + {oo** EN t! c \oaaa cQoioi N la ^0J )-.^u -(grE(u B.sorJdqqJ o5 \< ;}.Ep ;.f.i ? o* e i.iF(t- ll X doo*'< ! !..EE , j 6 e* 5 ;E 5 o Or o t-J z N ur tr II G o o o 6 E @ o z z N E'T l& tn { N g -o lE F R hi I:hrr rg trt o I * (6 i'tr= ta .Ct L- I|,86> O o 3.9 .9 J! ar - O U ) a - S o-c 0.6 lo@ tr l! x UJ rr.lt O .r e .= HUFUF \UUFF l+ F t, CL (g s,=o- G o i X U (, .c EN o + N ll. }(*oo* 1 +OoeC) €O-r != 3 I6 ea il X It l< CQOi<>H dc>or= cQodOH doo** Itr iOq -otr (d- 9:=,s* Et F o N z trl lt t< lt X X-'o do.. rh {\D I r\D 3 O c36 OOCQA\ !AG 'ti tr= o::, 3-E asS- +_E a !/- = L,/.5(60J(6(g .HAi! o arrd G c,, E \*ae6 II X o5 Xooo* or lo.-.; h5 q,lyi\ +.o€B (U -.b = lf'! 0i O !(9P- o 6 3.e o B6 I bo o hJ v) ii\ :tk o PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor hoth ur lu3tL t gate -t Tru6 t '1 lechatronics 127 Basic and Digital Electronics (li) Realization of logic gates using NOR gates : The realization of NOT, OR and AND gates using NOR gates is shon'n inFis I- _l r (a), (b), (c) respectively. 1 I I (a) Realization of NOT gate using NOH gate -t n---{.-..- \t---\ I )O------C --7_---z>o-X B---L_--.' A+B = A+B (b) Realrzatron ot OR gate usrng NOR gate X=A+B=A.B (c) Bealization ot AND gate using NOR gate Fig. 2.115. Realization of NOT, OR and AND gates using NOR gates. 2.3.8. Half Adder (HA) It is a 1-bit adder and carries out binary addition with the help of XOR and AND gates. Ith'as tu^to inputs and two outputs. It can add 2binary digits at a time and produce a 2-bit data i.e.,2-bit data i.e., SUM and CARRY according to binary addition rules. The circuit of a half adder is shown in Fig. 2.71.6. (a).It consists of an Ex-OR gate and AND gate. The outputs of the Ex-OR gate is called the SUM (S), while the output of the AND gate is known as CARRY (C). As the AND gate produces a high output only when both inputs are high and Ex-OR gate produces a high output if either input (not both) is high, the truth table of a half adder is developed by writing the truth table output of AND gate in the CARRY column and the output truth table of Ex-OR gate in SUM column. Truth table for half adder is given in table 2.5. a a '= '! I A i B CARRY=AB rn#ct ,nnu'.{ | SUM=AOB IAffSJ I I no | [o,'n,,' I I (b) Logic symbol (a) Logic circuit I I I Fig. 2.1 16. Half adder. I I I PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 128 r Table 2.5. Truth table for Half Adder Inputs Outputs A B C S 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 The logicalexpressions for CARRY and SUM can be written from the truth table for a half adder as follows : _ CARRYC=A.B SUM,S,= A@B o This circuit is called half-adder, because it cannot accept a CARRY-IN from previous additions. Owing to this reason the half-adder circuit can be used for binary addition of lower most bit only. For higher-order columns, 3-input adder called full adder are used. 2.3.9. Full Adder (FA) A full adder has three inputs and two outputs.It can add 3 digits (or bits) at a time. The bits A and B which are to be added come from the two registers and the third input C comes from the 'carry'generated by the previous addition. It produces two outputs, SUM and CARRY-OUT (going to next higher column). CAFIFIY=AB+BC+CA o ]-:= \ote': ..^;,- --..-r,\ SUM=AoBoC (a) Logic circuit A CARRY 2.3.10. B C SUM (b) Logic symbol Ce..:ie ! -'l=.r.L : --;^r, -.-i: - -- : :E ]}-.- v^i.<- _-:.1 ,]rc?:- _ u j :'i--'- a*-- .,- r-:_- . PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Ehatronics Basic and Digital Electronics 12!' Full adder D OCr (c) Full adder circuit Fig.2.117. Full adder. h table for Table 2.6. Truth table for Full Adder A n Prevrous vy addition t time. The rd input C puts, SUM B C CARRY St.Iil4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 7 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 7 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 A simple circuit of a full adder is shown in Fig. 2.777 (a),though other designs are also possible. It uses 3 AND-gaies, one Ex-OR gate and one OR gate. The final CARiRy is given by the OR gate while the final SUM is given out by the Ei-OR gate. Fig.2.117(b) shows the logic symbol for a full adder. Tiuth table for full adder for all possible inputs/outputs is given in Table 2.6. Truth table can be checked easily for its validity. A full adder can.be made by using two half adders and an OR gate. The circuit is shown in Fig. 2.177(c). . The full adder can do more than a million additions per second. Besides that, it never get tired or bored or asks for a rest. Note : Binary additions; Following are the four rules/cases for addition of binary numbers: (1) 0+0=0 (2) 0+1=1 (3) 1+0=1 (a) 1 + 1 = 10 (This sum is not ten but one-zero). 2.3.10. Boolean Atgebra George Boolean in 1854 developed a mathematics now referrlefl as Boolean algebra. lt , is-the algebra of logic presently applied to the operation of computer d)eaices..rfhe rules"of this algebra are based on human"reasoning. Digital circuits P"1l the binaryarithmetic operations with binary digits 1 an; ,q1* These operations are called logic functions or logic operations. The algebra ttid describe logic functions is called Boolean algebra. Booiean algebra ls - ti synr1.:,:r ... i set of niles orid t,rr...,*. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 130 in equation form and be manipulated 3. and variables differs from ordinary algebra in that Boolean constant o a by tuhich logical operations can be expressed symbolicalty mathematicallY. Basic arr Boolean algebra can hazte onlY two aalues : '0' and'7' : AN are used : In Boolean algebia the following fout connecting symbols to the standard 1. Equal sign (=). In Boolean algebra the 'equal sign' refers is identical on on6 side of the sign mathematical equality. In other words, thelogical value to the logical ,rilr" ott the other side of the sign' Eqo Example,WearegiventwologicalvariablessuchthatA=B,ThenifA=l,thenB= landifA=0thenB=0. 2. Plus sign (+). In Boolean algebra the 'plus sign' refers to logical OR operation' the origir .1. t Thes either A = 1 1 means A ORed with B equals 1. Consequently, The statement A + B = or B = 1 or both equal to 1. to AND operation' 3. Multiply sign (.). In Boolean algebra the'multiply sign' refers 1. Consequenrly, A = 1 and The statement A.B = 1 means A ANDed with B equals B = 1. ThefunctionA.BoftenwrittenasAB,omittingthedotforconvenience' The NOT 4. Bar sign (-).In Boolean algebra the'bar sign'refers to NOT operations' has the effect of inverting (complementing) the logic value' 5. Th€s 6. I T?r€s Thusif A=l,then 7 =0' 2.3.11. Boolean Laws (For Outputs from Logic Inputs)' algebra : The following Laws can said to be associated with Boolean 1. 'OR'Laws The 'OR' Laws are described by the following equations : x..l = I A+A= A A+A= 1, o An 'OR' operation is denotedby plus sign' o 'OR'Law means ...12u(a)l ...12.1.4(b)l ...12.1.a@)1 ...12.14(d)l The, usual al1 23.: Firsl inputs (I : (l) Any number (0 or 1) is a first input to an OR gate and another member secbnd inPut is 1 then answer is 1, (li) If another is 0 then answer is as first input' and at the (iii) If two inputs to an OR gate complement then output is '1'' 2. 'AND'Laws 'AND' operation is denoted by the dot sign' a True and true make true . True and false make false . False and false make false. A.1" = A A.0 = 0 A.A= A A.A = o ...[2.1s(a)] ...[2.1s(b)] Seco ...[2.15(c)] inputs as ...t2.15(d)l PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor echatronics 131 Basic and Digital Electronics nanipulated 3. 'NOT'Laws (Laws of Complementation) cl variables A NOT operation is denoted by putting a bar over a number. . The NOT true means false. . The NOT false means true. 1=0 A=A e standard is identical ...[].16(n)l ...[2.16(1,)] Eqn.12.76(b)] means that if A is inaerted (complemented) and then again inaerted, ile gef 1, then B = the original number. 4. Commutative Laws ', operation. gither A = 1 lD operation, ;A=1and u. The NOT These Laws mean that order of a logical operation is immaterial. A+B=B+A A.B=B.A ...[2.77(a)) ...12.17(b)l 5. Associative Laws These laws allotu a grouping of the Boolean aariables. A+(B +C) = (A+B)+C A.(B.C)= (A.B).C ...12.18(a)) ...[2.18(1,)] 6. Distributive Laws These laws simplifu the problems in the logic disigns. A.(B +C) = (A.B) +(B.C) A+(B.C)= (A+B).(A+C) A+(A.B) = A+B ...12.1e(a)) ...12.1e(b)l ..12.1e (c)l The last two equations are typical to the Boolean algebra, and are not followed in the usual algebra. ...12.7a@)l ...12.14(b)) ...[2.1a(c)] .12.1,+(d)) 2.3.12. De Morgan's Theorems First theorem shows an equivalence of a NOR gate with an AND gate having bubbled inputs (Fig. 2.118), and is given by the equation : A+B = A.B ...(2.20) rember at the NOT ...12.75(a)l ...t2.1s(b)l ...[2.1s(c)] ...t2.15(d)l Fig. 2.118. De Morgan's First theorem showing an equivlence of a NOR gate (same holds for multiple inputs). Second theorem shows an equivalence of a NAND gate with an OR having bub'b.e; inputs as shown in Fig. 2.179 and is given by the equation : A.B = A+B PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 132 Basbr z NOT Fo i Fig.2.119. De Morgan',s second theorem shoruing the equivalence of a NAND gate (same holds for the multiple inputs)' h fact the eqns. (2.20) and (2.21) also hold for the cases of the multipld (more than two) inputs. EI par€ril [i.e., B EI So l- T;Eie +..... = A.B.e A. B. C ..... = A+E+e .:.12.22(a)l ...t2.22(b)l The purpose of these theorems is to enable digital circuit designers to implement all the othet togic gatis with tie help of either NOR gates only or NAND gates.only. For example., 1 NOI git" i'r implementable by a NAND or a NOR as shown in the left part or lower rightpart 6f fig. 2.1i8 respectively. This theorem finds wide use in the digital logic circuits as these irI hL Er S! arc iirplementable on one single basic logic gate considered as a basic building unit. o The 'first statemenf ' (De Morgan's) says that the complement of a sum equals the product of thicomplements.The'secondstatement' saysthat thecomplementof aproducte_quals ilrc sum of the complements. In fact, it allows transformation from a sum-of-products form to a product-of-sum form. The procedure required for taking out an expression from under a NOT sign is as - follows : 1. Complement the gioen expression i.e., remoae the ooerall NOT sign. 2. Change all nnd ANDs fo ORs and all the ORs to ANDs. 3. Complement or negate all individual variablesExamples:(i) T+Ee = A+BC ...Step 1 A(B + C) ...Step 2 A(n +e) ...Step 3. & sd (ii) (A+B+C){A+B+C)= (A+B+e)(Z+B+C) = ABE + ,qgC =A_BC +AF/c. = AN + ABC This process is called demorganizatitin. may be noted that the opposite proeedure would be followed to bring an - Itexpression under the NOT sign.' ,'SteP 3 A +E +e = 7 *E *e Example , = A+B+C = ABC ...Step 2 =Me 'Step 1 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor trF sd lronics Basic and Digital Electronics 13{l 2.3.13. Operator Precedence For evaluating Boolean expression, the operator precedence is : (i) parenthesis, (li) NOT, (ll,) AND and (io) OR. In other words : The expression inside the parenthesrs must be evaluated before all other operations, I - an two) .12.22(a)l The next operation that holds precedence is the complement, Then follows the AND, and Finally the OR. Example. In the Boolean expression ,l+ ng + D), and expression inside the parenthesis will be evaluated first, then B will be evaluated, then the results of the two [i.e , B and (C + D)] will be ANDed and finally, the result of the product ORed with A. Example 2.60. Proae the follouing identity : AC + ABC = AC. Solution. Taking the left hand expression as X, we get X = AC + ABC = AC(1 +B) 1+B= 1 Now, [Eqn. 2.14(a)] X= AC.1=AC ...Proved. AC + ABC = AC .12.22(b)1 the other , a NO'I ight part as these ; unit. v product rct equals products ign is as ...Step 1 Example 2.61. Proae the follouing Boolean identity : (A + B) (A + C) = A + BC. Solution. Putting the left hand side expression equal to X, we get X= (A+B)(A+C) = AA+AC+AB+BC = A+AC+AB+BC = A+AB+AC+BC =A(1+B)+AC+BC = A+AC+BC = A(1+ C) + BC = A+BC (A + B) (B + C) = A + BC. ...Proved. .. Example 2.62. Proue the following identity : A +A B = A + B. x - A+AB=A.t+As = 4(1+ D +AB ...Step 3, = A.7+AB+AB - A+BA+BA = A+ B(A+A) = A+8.1 o bring an = A+B A+AB = A+8. ('.' 1 + B = 1) (. 1+C=1) [Eqn. 2.15(n)] [Eqn. 2.1a(n)] [Eqn. 2.19(a)] [Eqn. 2.19(n)] ' [Eqn. 2.1-1(i IEqn. 2.15t.r,' ...Proved. Example 2.63. Simplifu the followtng Boolean expression to a mintmnm of literat: ...Step 2 ...Step 1, IAA= A... (2.1s(c))] Solution. Putting the left hand expression equal to X, we get ...Step 2 ...Step 3 ...[Eqn. 2.19(a)) Solution. X _ Atr+EC+gC. X - AB+A C+BC = AB +AC + BC(A+A) IE;: PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ---t\ A Textbook of Mechatronics = AB+AC+ABC+ABC = AB (1+ C) +a C1r + f; = AB +AC X= AB+AC. (Ans.) ...[Eqn.21a@)l Example 2.6a. Simplifu the following Boolean expression : ABe + ABe +Anc + nsC + ABC. Solution. Let, X = ABe + Ane +A nC + ABC + a n c Bringing together those terms which have two cammon letters, we get X = ABC + AB C + ABC + ABC + ABC ,= AB(C+e)+ ABG+c)+ABC = AB+ an+AnC ...[Eqn. 2.14(d)) = A(B +81+Anc = A+AgC=A+BC. (Ans.) ...[Eqn. 2.7e(c)l Example 2.65. Using Boolean algebra techniques, simplifu the following expression : X = A.B.C.D +A.B.C.D +A.B.C.D + A.B.C.D. ,{r il* Soution. x- eeD(a+7;+ BCD(A+A) ...Taking out the common factors ...[Eqn. 2.14 (d)) = BCD+BCD ...Again factorize = BD+(C+-) = B D.7= B D ...(Simplified form) (Ans.) ...[Eqn. 2.14(d)) tu rl Example. 2.66. Simplifu the following expression and show the minimum gate implementation. \ = A.B.e .D+A.B.eD+n.e.o Solution. X - B.e .D (A+ D + g.e .O = B.e.D.t+ n.e .o B 2,4 (d)1 = B.e .D + B. e .;'ttn"' = B.e . (o + Dy = B.e .1= B.e U ...[Eqn. 2.14 (d)l Minimum gate implementation is shown in Fig. 2.120 Example 2.67. Determine output exprission for the circuit shozpn in Fig. 2.12L. Solution. The output expression for the circuit A shown in Fig. 2.121. is: X = l(A + B). C. DI. Example 2.68. Simplifu the following Boolean expression and draw the logic circurt for simplified o'ri" -d,r.* expression : X= -B(A+C)+C(7+B)+AC. B 3. la 3r C 3r D Fi9.2.121 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor itronics Solution. 2.7a\a)l rs Basic and Digital Electronics X= B(A+C)+c(7+B)+AC = AB+trC+Ac+nc+ec = AE+C(B +A +B+A) = AB + C.1= AB + C ...Simplified expression. (Ans.) Logic circuit for the simplified expression is shown in Fig. 2.122 - Fig,2,122 Example 2.69. Simplifu the expression : (AB + C) (AB + D). Solution. Let .214(d)l r 2.19(c)l m: .'. n factors rzla(d)l nentation. = ABAB+ABD+ABC+CD = AABB + ABD + ABC + CD = AB+ABD+ABC+CD = AB(1+ D) + ABC + CD = AB+ABC+CD = AB(1+ C) + CD (AB + C) (AB + D) = AB + CD. (Ans.) ...[Eqn. 2.19(a)) ...[Eqn 2.1s(c)] ...[Eqn.2.7a@)\ Example 2.70. Drata the logic circuit represented by the expression : X= AB+A.B+A.B.C. 2.14 (d)l factorize Y= (AB+C)(AB+D) Solution. A circuit using gates can simply be designed by looking at the expression and finding out the basic gates which can be used to realize the various terms and then correct these gates appropriately. In the given expression there are three input logical variables and X is the output. o The first term A. B is obtained by ANDing A with B as shown in Fig. 2.723 (i). o The second term 7. B is obtained by using two INVERTERs and one AND gate and connecting them as shown in Fig. 2.123. 5 B As*A.e.c >Fig,2.124. Logic Aate implementation of expression A.B+A.E+A.s.c. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor \ 136 A Textbook of Mechatronics . The last term is used by using one INVERTER, one AND gate and connecting them as shown in Fig. 2.123(iii). BFEGI (r) (n) Now, the complete logic expression is realised by ORing the three outputs of the arrangements explained above i.e., by pRing. A.B, A. B and A . g. C. The logic gate implementation for the given expression is shown n Fig. 2.724. The Sm Example 2.71., Show that : (0 @+B)(Z+C)=AC+AB (ii) AB+ ABC+A B+ AEC=B+ AC (iii) ABC + ABC + ABe = A(B+C). Solution. (,)(A + B) (Z + C) = AA+ AC+ BA+ BC (.. A.A=o) = AC+BA+BC Multiplying the third term by @+A), we get = AC + BA + BC(A +Al I e + Z, being equal to 1 does not make any effect] = AC + BA + ABC +ABC ...[Eqn. 2.14(d)) = AC(1+B) +BA(1+C) il | rllll lll[il = AC+BA Er S=affi -:?czd E ...[Eqn. 2.14(d)) = AC +-,48. ...Proved. (") AB + ABC +A n olu'.n ;- B + AC(B + B) : J,fii,:i:::#, ...[eqn. 2.14(d)) (iii) ABC + Ak + *='- o, (B +B) + ABe . '== AC+ABe ...[Eqn. 2.14(d)) A(C+ne) = A(C+B) - A(B + C). ...Proved. sff d btr. rffi ...[Eqn. 2.14(d)) ...[Eqn. 2.1e(c)1 Example 2.72. Simplifu the expression AA+ C@+ C) + AC. Solution. AA+ C1* C) + AC 0+C(A+C)+AC c(A.e) + ec CAe + AC 0+AC ...[Eqn. 2.15.(d)l ...[Eqn. 2.20] ...[Eqn. 2.1,5(d)1 AC. (Ans.) 2.3.14. Duals _ In Boolean algebra each expression has its dual which is as true as the original expression. For getting the dual of a given Boolean expression, the procedure involvei conversion of PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Iho t ijtatronics 137 Basic and Digital Electronics iting them 0) all 1s to 0s and all 0s to 1s. (li) all ANDs to ORs and all ORs to ANDs. uts of the logic gate The dual so obtained is also found to be true. Some of the Boolean relations and their duals are given in Table 2.7. Table 2.7. Dual relation Relation B+ AC .4.0 = 0 A+1. = 1 A.A = 1 A.A = A.7 = A A+A = A A+A-1 A+0 = A Q A.A= o) A.(A+B) = A A+(A+B\ = AB any effectl p.21a@)l A+AB = L A+AB = A+B Example 2.73. Determine the Boolean expression for the logic circuit shown in Fig. 2.125. Simplifu the Boolean expression using Boolean laws and De Morgan's theorem. Redraw the logic circuit using the simplified Boolean expression. p.2.1a@)) A o : Vu 2.1a@)) *.21a@)l Fi1.2.125 Solution. The output of a given circuit can be obtained by determining the output of each logic gate while working from left to right. With reference to Fig. 2.126, the o1tP", ., the cifcuit is : X = BC(ar+-) 'ry,L 2.14(d)l hn.2.1e(c)l A B gu 2.1s.(d)l .- .[Eqn. 2.20] hr. z.ts(41 X=BC(AB+C) Fi1.2.126 The output X can be simplifiedby De Morganizing the term (aA + e) as follorss I expression. nversion of PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 138 A Textbosk of ,Mechatronics ...''..............: +e) BC(A+ B).C ...SIE-Z = BC-{A+B).C ., ..,Step-,1 = nclA+n1c BC(AB + C) = ,= BC@B -.Step-l, 'A ...tEqn.2.16(b)l BC(A+B) ...8q":i.rsfrX :.1 -. = ABC + BCB Fig.2;127 APC + 0 ...tEqn.2.15(d)l ABC ...[Eqn. 2.14(b)l The logic circuit with a simplified Boolean expfession X = A BC is as shown in Fig.2.727. Example 2.74. Determine the butput X of a logic circuit shoutn in Fig. 2.L28.'Simplifu the output A expression using Boolean Laws and theorems. B Redraw the logic circuit with the simplified expression, i , ,'.' Solution. The output of the given logic circuit can be obtained by determining the output of each logic gate while working from left to right. As seen from Fig. 2.129, the output; Fig.2.128 x = (AB+eBfi(a+r) = ABA+ ABA+-,488 + enB ...[Eqn. 2.L5(d)l = AB+.A8. , ,; -Ab ,. .. [Eqn. 1(b),2.1s(c)] ...[Eqn,2.1a?)l Using the simplified Boolean expregsiori, the logic eircuit is as shown irir Fi 2.L30, Fig.2.129 2.3.15. Logic System The logic system may be of the following two types : 1. Combinational. 2. Sequential. - ;::.. , .l The essential charateristics of combinational and sequential logic systemq are compared as follows : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ratronics Basic and Digital Electronics Combinational '1. Simple logic gates only carry out the implementation. J. 4. F- n. 2.1s(d)l f), 2.1s(c)l p.2.1a(c)l Eg. 2.130. The system is described by a set of output functions only. Output of the system depends only on the present input. -< To carry out the implementation along- with the logic gates, flip-flops, counters, registers memory cores are also used. It is described by a set of output functtions and also next state functions. Output of the system depeds on the present input as well as on the present state of the system. Combinational circuits : Combinational outputs A combinational circuit consists of logic gates whose outputs at any time are determined directly from the combination of inputs without regard for preaious input. The circuit possesses a set of inputs, a memoryless logic network to operate on the inputs and a set of outputs as shown in Fig. 2.131. Moreover, output combinational networks are used to make logical decisions and control the operation of different External inputs circuits in digital electronic systems. For a given set of input Fig. 2.131. Combinaconditions, the output of such a circuit is the same. Consequently, tional logic circuit. truth table can fully describe the operation of such a circuit. Examples. Examples of a combinationai circuit are : (l) Decoders (ii) Adders (iii) Multiplexers (ir;) Demultiplexersetc. o Multiplexers and demultiplexers : - := AB Possesses memory or storage capacity. capacity. Ijj'c hown in Possesses no memory or storage Transmission of a large number of information units ooer a small number of lines is known as "Multiplexing". /'psslllltiplexing" ts a reaerse operation and denots receioing information from a small number of channels and distributing it oaer a large number of destinations. Design procedure of combinational circuit : Following operations are involved in the design procedure : 1. To state the problem. 2. To determine the number of available input variables and required output variables. 3. To assign letter symbol to each input and output variable. r compared 4. To derive the truth table that defines the required relationship between inputs and outputs. 5. To obtain the simplified Boolean function for each output. 6. To draw the logic diagram. o A circuit that adds two bits is called a hyA adder. o Afull adder consists of three inputs and two outputs. The outputs are designated by the symbol S for sum and C for carry. o A two bit subtractor has two inputs X (minuend) and Y (subtrahend). PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 140 o A full subtractor (FS) is a comb:national circuit that performs a subtraction between tzoo blfs. This circuit has three inputs and two outputs. Code conversion: r A variety of codes are used by different digital systems. It is sometimes necessary to use the output of one system as input to the other. a A conversion circuit must be inserted between the two systems if each uses different codes for the same information. o To convert from binary code A to binary code B, the input lines must supply the bit combinations of elements as specified by code A and the output lines must generate the corresponding bit combination of code B. A combination circuit performs this transformation by means of logic gates. Comparator. A comparator is a combinational circuit that compares two number A aqrd B and determine their relative magnitude. The outcome of the comparison is displayed in'three outputs that indicate A > B :- X, A = B = Y, A < B = Z. Decoders and encoders : A degoder is a combination circuit that converts a binary code of n variables - into m output lines,. one for each discrete element of information. An encoiler is a combination circuit that accepts minput lines, one for each - element of information, and generates a binary code of r output lines. Sequential circuits : Such circuits have inputs, logic network, outputs and a' memory, as shown in Fig. 2.132. Their present output depends not only on their present inputs but also on the pevious logic states of the outputs. Outputs (from memory elements) Outputs (from Combinational Circuits) Basic and I A nul and D flip in comput .A l"t fer frt The h : R.: ,G -1 Dr I l-x i. Tt R-S f,i Fig. ZI :ai]ed 5 (- ::rput of th *z.chrcmatrc ..{l . Al . Ifb '.fr The tnr ,R- Combinational eircuit S_ External inputs Fig. 2.132. Block diagram of a sequential circuit. Examples. Examples of sequential circuits are : (,) Latches (,,) Ftip-ftops. (a) Gr Fig. 2.13 is seen tlt The two main types of sequential circuits are : 1. Synchronous sequential circuits ..... referred to as clocked-sequential circuits 2. Asynchronous sequential circuits. . The synchronous sequential circuits are built to operate at a clocked rate whereas asynchronous ones are without clocking. 2.3.16. Flip-Flop Circuits The memory elements used in clocked sequential circuits are called flip-flops. These circuits are binary cells capable of storing one bit of information. It has two outputs, one Jbr tke normal aalue and one for the complement ztalue of the bit stored in if. Binary information can enter a flip-flop in a variety of ways. Hence there different types of flip-flops. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor t s_ t (a) Cin Electronics tschatronics Basic and Digital betueen tzoo A number of flip-flops are available in IC form. Some of these are SR (Set-Reset), /-K and D flip-flops. They are widely used as switches,latches, counters, registers and memory cells in computers. o A salient feature of the flip-flop is that output can exist in one of the two stable states, logic 1 and logic 0, simultaneously. This is ensured by the appropriate crossed feedback connections associated with the most elementary form of the flip-flop known as a latch. s necessary ;es different supply the r lines must rtion circuit r number A is displayed I n variables n. one for each rt lines. in Fig. 2.132. the pevious 141 The following flip-flops will be discussed in the following articles : 1. R-S flip-flop. 2. Clocked R-S flip-flop" 3. D flip-flop. 4. I-K flip flop. 5. T flip-flop. R-S flip-flop : Fig. 2.133 shows a R-S flip-flop using NOR gafes. There are two inputs to the flip-flops called S (set) and R (reset). The cross-coupled connection from the output of one gate and input of the other constitutes a feedback path. For that reason, the circuit is classified as synchronous circuit. o A low R and a high S results in the sef state. o A high R and a low S give the reset state. o If both R and S are high, the output becomes indeterminate and this is known as 'race condition ', This condition is aaoided by proper design. The truth table is shown in Table 2.8. Table 2.8. Truth table for NOR latch (a) Circuit diagram R S a 0 0 0 NC 1 7 1 0 0 1 1 Comment No change Set Reset Race (b) Truth table Fig. 2.133. R-5 flip-flop using NOR gates. Fig. 2.734 shows a R-S flip-flop using NAND gates. Table 2.9 shows the truth table. It is seen that the inactive and race conditions are reversed. Table 2.9.Truth table for NAND latch circuits R S d rate whereas 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Set Reset 1 1 NC No change , These circuits uts, one Jbr the (ormation can flops. 0 Comment Race (a) Circuit diagram (b) Truth Tiuth table Fig.2.134. R-5 flip-flop using NAND gates. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 142 . . . . When R is low, output Q is high. When R is high, output Q is low. When both R and S are low, we get race condition which must be attoided. When both R and S are high - no change condition. Clocked R-S flip-flop: A large number of flip-flops are used in a computer. In order to coordinate their working a square waae signal known as clock is applied to the flip-flop. This clock signal (indicated as CLIQ peaents the flip-flop changing state till the right instant occurs. h-dtItI D!.=air.* Lp r:od: rq 35 @-dcpr T I o Nr,N2,N3,N4 = NAND gates (a) Circuit diagram (b) Symbol Fig.2.135. Clocked R-S flip-flop Fig. 2.135(a) shows a clocked R-s flip-flop using NAND gats (N, and Nr). This circuit uses two NAND gates \ and N. to apply CLK signal. r When CLK is low the flip-flop output Q ndicates no change. r If S is high and R is low, the flip-flop must wait till CLK becomes high before Q can be set on 7. r If S is low and R is low, the flip-flop must wait for CLK to be high before Q is reset I to low (0). Clocked R-S flip-flop is a synchroneous sequential logic circuit because output state of the circuit changes at discrete clocked instant of time. Fig. 2.135(b) shows a symbol for clocked R-S flip-flop. Level clocking and edge triggering: In a clocked flip-flop, the output can change state when CLK is high. When CLK is low, the output remains in the same state. Thus, the output can change state during the entire half cycle when CLK is high. This may be a disadaantage in seaeral situations. lt is necessary thal the output should change state only at one instant in the positiae half cycle of the c/ock. This is known as edge triggering and the resulting flip-flop is knoutn as edge triggered ftip-fiop. Edge triggering can be made feasible by the use of an RC circuit. The time constant RC is made much smaller than the width of the clock pulse. Therefore, the capacitor can charge fully when CLK is high. The exponential charging produces a narrow positive voltage strike across the resistor. The input gates are actiaated at the instant of this positiae strike. D flip-flop: A D flip-flop is an improvement over the R-S flip-flop to aooid race condition. It can be letsel clocked or edge triggered. The edge triggered one causes the change in output state at a unique instant. ln a clocked R-S flip-flop two input signals are required to drive the flip-flop which PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Fig.2-136! -ryectivelr: h r i-T _ I\herr t Q urril - Itm:vl Eets at I flop Ua the r.ttl r Thefli s dclayr o The Dt infond Edge tritt: Fig.2.t37-Q Itre c/crck rrrri4, =ggering r<ru *:cause of inru strike, input D, >irorts the fudr o When C r On ther o On trel Disl. lechatronics Basic and Digital Electronics ooided. is a disadvantage with many digital circuits. In some events, both input signals become luglr which is again an undesirable condition. So these shortcomings/drawbacks of clocked R-S flip-flop are overcome in D flip-flop. 14it lheir working wl (indicated (b) Circuit diagram (b) Symbol lnpul Output Dn Qn*r 0 0 1 1 (c) Truth table ). Thit circuit Fig.2.136. D flip-flop bbefore Q can Fig.2.736(a), (b), (c) show the circuit diagram, symbol and truth table of D flip-flop respectively. It may be observed that only single data bit, D is required to drive the flipt1op. lore Q is reset rrt state of the p'hen CLK is |} during the 'fituations. It is Uf cycle of the dge tiggeted ltime constant I capacitor can rrrow positive I $ this positiae mdition.It can .in outPut state Oip-flop which When the clock signal is at low level, data bit D is prevented to reach at output Q until clock signal becomes high at next pulse. It may be noted from the truth table that when data bit Dnis high, Q, *, - gets at highlevel and when data bit D, is low, Q, *1 gets at low level. output Thus D flipflop transfers the data bit D to Q as it is, and Q remains in the same state until the next pulse of the clock arrives. o The flip-flop is named (D) flip-{lop since the transfer of data from the input to output is delayed. o The D-type flip-flop is either used as a delay deaice or as a latch to store L-bit of binary - information. Edge triggered D flip-flop : Fig.2.137.(a) shows the circuit diagram and symbols of an edge triggered D flip-flop. The clock proaides the square waae signal. RC circuit conaerts this signal into strikes so that triggering occurs at the instant of positive strike. The data bit D dritses one of the inputs. Because of inverter, the complement D driaes the other output At the instant of positive strike, input D and its complement D cause the output Q to set or reset. Fig.2.737(b) shows the truth table. o When CLK is 0 or 1, the D input is not there and there is no change in state of Q. o On the negatiue edge of the clock (marked J) the ouput remains in the same state. . On the positiae edge of the clock (marked t; p changes to 0 if D is 0 and to 1 if Dis1. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics CLK No change No change 1 x J x No change 0 0 t Nr,N2,N",N4= NAND o D 0 1 .t hrt 1 (b) Truth table (a) Circuit diagram oll cl oYt Negative or trailing Symbols c il ow .w Fi1.2.137. Edge triggered D flip-flop. (I Edge triggered J-K flip-flop : I-K fip-flop is aery aersatile and is perhaps the most widely used type of flip-fl0p. - The and K designations for the inputs have no known significance except that - they/are adjacent letters in the alphabet. flip-flop functions identically lo R-S flrp-flop. - I-K The difference is that the /-K flip-flop has no inaalid state as does the R-S flip-flop. It is widely used in digital devices such as counters, registers, arithmetic logic units, - and other digital systems. Fig.2.1,38(a) shows the circuit diagram of a edge kiggered /-K flip-flop used in digital counters. The CLK input is through an RC circuit with a short time constant. The RC circuit converts the rectangular clock pulse to narrow spikes as shown. Due to double inversion through NAND gates, the circuit is positive edge triggered. Usingr circuits u* ;oupled cbx . -Et -4 -EG ilI (b)Symbol for positive edge triggered J.K. flip-flop Th T flip{ T Aipl connected r Fig.2l edge trigge PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Mechatronics Basic and Digital Electronics 145 No change No change No change 0 1 (c)Symbol for positive edge triggered J.K. flip-flop with preset and clear (d)Symbol lor negative edge triggered J.K. f lip-f lop Fig. 2.138. Edge triggered J-K flip-flop. When both inputs / and K are low, the circuit is inactive at all times irrespective of the presence of CLK pulse. When / is low (i.e.,0) and K is high (i.e.,7), the circuit will be reset when positive CLK edge strikes the circuit and Q = 0. The flip-flop will remain in reset state if it is already in reset state. a When / = 1 and K = 0, the circuit sets at the arrival of next positive clock edge. a When / = 1 and K = 1, the flip-flop will toggle (means to switch to opposite state) on the next positive CLK edge. The action is illustrated in the table 2.10 : pe of flip-fiop. Table 2.10. Positive edge triggered J-K flip-flop ce except that CLK J K a J x x X 0 0 0 1 No change No change No cahnge No change 0 (reset) 1 0 1 (set) 1 1 toggle 0 R-S flip-flop. 1 Xic logic units, used in digital t t t *ant. The RC )ue to double Using of RC circuit for edge triggering is not very convenient for fabrication. Actual circuits use additional NAND gates for edge triggeriirg, such circuits are known as direct coupled circuit. lor positive gered J.K. .nop Fig.2.738(b) shows the symbol for positive edge triggered /-K flip-flop. Fig. 2.138(c) shows a positive edge /-K flip-flop with present (PR) and clear (CLR). Fig. 2.138(d) shows the symbol for negative edge triggered /-K flip-flop with PR and CLR. The small bubble at CLR indicates negatiae triggering. T flip-flop : T flip-flop is basically a l-K flip-flop, in this circuit input terminals / and K are connected with each other and this input is named as T. Fi1.2.739(a) and (b) show the circuit diagram and symbol respectively of a trailing edge triggered T flip-flop. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook oI Mechatronics 146 lnput T" Output Tn. 0 Qn 1 0" Sasc :rt D : \le : Ca: 2.3.rt -:- rcgis -ai,::a-. > --f diagram (a) Circuit diagram - (b) Symbol (c) Truth table Fig.2.139. Trailing edge triggered T flip-flop. When low leael signal is applied to the input terminal T, then initial state of output -_ -.-- -! A.:: of flip-Jlop remains the same. When high level signal is applied to the input terminal T, output of the flip-flop toggles after arrival of every new clock pulse. So the frequency of output signal is half of the clock signal frequency. This flip-flop can be treated as frequency divider or a device which takes the input frequency at the clock terminal and divide itby two. * .--" -+ - . \-€ . :ne .{; :ir 23.r9. 2.3.17. Counters A counter is a sequential circuit that goes through a prescribed sequence of states upon the application of input pulses. The input pulses, called count pulses, may be clock pulse or may originate from - an external source and may occur at prescribed intervals of true or random. The sequence of states in a counter may follow a binary count or any other - sequence of states. Th"y are used for counting the number of occurrences of an event and are useful - for generating time sequences to control operations in a digital system. Straight binary sequence counter.It is the simple and most straight forward. An n-bit binary counter has n flip-fops and can count in binary from 0 to 2" - t. Binary ripple couter.It consists of a series connections of T flip-flops without any logic gates. Each flip-flop is triggered by the output of its preceding flip-flop goes from 1 to 0. The signal propagates through the counter in a Ripple manner, i.e., the flip-flop essentially changes once at a time in rapid succession. It is the most simplest and most straight forward. It, howevet has speed limitations ; an increase in speed can be obtained by the use of a parallel or a slmchronous counter. Synchronous 3-bit binary counter. Lr this all flip-flops are triggered simultaneously by count pulse. The flip-flop is complernented only if its T input is equal to 1. Counter-decoder circuits : Counters together with decoders are used to generate timing and sequencing - signals that control the operation of digital systems. The counter-decoder can be designated to give any desired number of repeated - timing sequence. Applications of counters : The fundamental applications of counters are given below : 1. Measurement of time interval. 2. Direct counting. 3. Measurement of speed. 4. Measurement of frequency. - PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 2320. Generd -i': inta :-.:':sls::-;; '-;:-':;;:i;..r -{n.C r: ---'':r;4.-::::i -t ::.e der':;s :-,r'o main ; ,' I- , -omponents ,::, I:..r :eliabilir' Tr started a dn - I.S Krl ;ircuit - : s llechatronics H lortprt T;;l Iruth table state of outPut I the flip-flop Dutput signal rich takes the t of states uPon riginate from E random. or any other and are useful Istem. rard. An n-bit hout any logic Es from 1 to 0. lop essentiallY J most straight ltained bY the I bltaneously bY b1. nd sequencing Der of repeated Basic and Digital Electronics 147 5. Measurement of distance. 6. Gating a counter. 2.3.18. Registers A register is a group of memory elements which work together as one unit. The simple registers only store a binary word. The other registers modify the stored word by shifting its bits to left or right. The registers can be classified as : (l) Accumulator. (il) General purpose registers. (lll) Special purpose registers. Acounter is a special kind of register to count the number of clock pulses arriving - at the input. 2.3.19. Logic Families The basic building block for digital systems is the logic gate. Logic circuits have evolved rnto logic famllles. Usually a system is fabricated with circuits from one logic famiy. When circuits from more than one family are to be used to implement a given function, it is necessary to ensure that output of one family is compatible with input of the other. The logic famfies are classified as follows : 7. Bipolar families : (i) DTL (Diode Transistor Logic) (r0 TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic) (iii) ECL (Emitter Coupled Logic) 2. MOS families : (i) PMOS (P-channel MOSFET Logic) (1l) NMOS (N-channel MOSFET Logic) (,1i) CMOS (Complementary MOSFET Logic) Note. The PMOS and DTL are now obsolete. 2.3.20. lntegrated Circuits General aspects : An integrated circuit (/C) ,s a complete electronic circuit in which both the *actioe (e.g. transistors and FETs) and passiae components (e.g. resistance, capacitors and inductors) are ,fabricated on a tiny single chip of silicon. An IC is different from a discrete (1.e., distinct or separate) circuit, which is built by connecting separated deoices. In this case, each device is fabricated separately and then all the devices are assembled together to make an electronic circuit. Discrete circuits have two main disadaantages : (i) In a large circuit (e.g. T.V. circuit, computer circuit) there may be hundreds of components and consequently discrete assembly would occupy large space, (ii) There will be hundreds of soldered points posing a ccinsiderable problem o{ reiiability. To overcome these drawbacks of space conservation and reliability, engineers started a drive for minintured circuits. This led to the development of integrated circuits. - j.S. Kilby of Texas Instruments was the first person to develop in1959 an integrated circuit - a single monolithic silicon chip in which active and passive components were PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 148 A Textbook of Mechatroni= fabricated by successive deposition, etching and diffusions. He was soon followed bt Robert Noyce of fair-child who successfully fabricated a complete IC including the interconnections on a single silicon chip. Since then a lot of progress has been madeAdvantages and disadvantages of Integrated Circuits (ICs) : As compared to standard printed circuits which use discrete components ICs have the following aduantages : 7. Exteremely small size (physical)-Often the size is thousands of time smaller than a discrete circuit. 2. Very small weight (owing to miniaturised circuit). 3. Reduced cosf (since many identical circuits can be built simultaneously on a single wafer). 4. Extremely high reliability (IC logic gate has been found to be 100 000 times more reliable than a vacuum tube and 100 times more reliable than a transistor logic gate. 5. lncreased response time and speed. 6. Low power consumption (due to smaller size). 7. Easy replacement. 8. Higher yield (Because of the batch production, the yield is very high). 9. Improoed functional performance as more complex circuits can be fabricated for achieving better characteristics. 70. Greater ability of operating at extreme temperatures. Disadvantages : 1. They are quite delicate and cannot withstand rough handling or excessiae heat. 2. They function at fairly low rsoltages. 3. They handle only limited amount of power. 4. If any comPonent in an IC goes out of order, the whole IC has to be replaced bv the new one. 5. It is not possible to produce high power /Cs (greater than 10 W). 6. Coils or inductors cannot be fabricated. 7. There is a lack of flexibility in an IC, i.e., it is not generally possible to modify the parameters within which an integrated circuit will operate. 8. In a /C, it is neither convenient nor economical to fabricate capacitances exceeding 30 pF. Therefore, for high values of capacitance, discrete components exterior to /C chip are connectted. 9. High grade P-N-P assembly is not possible. 10. Difficult to produce an IC with low noise. 11. Voltage dependence of resistors and capacitors. Scale of Integration : The number of electonic circuits or components, which can be fabricated on a standard size of a silicort chip is called the Scale or level of integration. The scale of integration is generally classified on two basis : (i) The number of circuits, and (il) The number of components. The various types of scale of integration are : 7. Small scale integraflon (SSI) : No. of circuits per package .......... Less than 12 No. of components ......... Less than 50 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor .tsra :.r r_ u --t -= \ \ lirl \k \ l_& Et : \b -ig s \L! fa---.I:a i .::s=3:r6h : :dr \h :k :: -*!t :- .r.ra _ -,tI j \L.tr llod l:* xu ;:-.-::t-; tn --:--a:T i -.;ti :-':tPongrts \lonolid r ir .\{rr ,:: I I-Af t:::r Hgi Comrrs -lp l'&r - .{ - Ll-tt - C.t4 -Limitetfl (i) lrh(,0 tack Mechatronics followed by rcluding the een made. nts ICs have smaller than lv on a single 0 times more logic gate. ,h). fabricated for Basic and Digital Electronics 149 2. Medium scale integratior (MSI) : Beteween 30 and 100 No. of circuits per package Between 50 and 5000 No. of components 3. Large scale integration (LSI) : Between 100 and 10 000 No. of circuits per package Between 5000 and 100 000 No. of components (YLSll t Very large scale integration Between 10 000 and 100 000 No. of circuits per package Between 100 000 and 1 000 000 No. of components 5. Ultra large scale integrafior (ULSI) : Between 100 000 and 1 000 000 No. of circuits per package Between 1 000 000 and 10 000 000 No. of components (GSll : 6. Giga scale integrntion 1 000 000 or more No. of circuits per package No. of components Classification of Integrated Circuits : There are many ways of classifying integrated circuits but the following two classifications are important from subject point of view : 7. Fabrication or structure : site heat. (l) Monolithic integrated circuits. (il) Thick and thin film integrated circuits. (lll) Hybrid or multichip integrated circuits. 2. Application or function : be replaced bY r to modify the rrces exceeding rior to IC chiP (li) Linear (or analog) integrated circuits. (ll) Non-\inear (or digital) integrated circits. Monolithic Integrated Circuits : The word 'monolithic' means 'single stone' or more appropriately 'a single solid structure'. Lr this IC, all circuit components ftoth active and passive) are fabricated variably within a single continuous piece of silicon crystalline material called water (or subtrate). All components are atomically part of the same chip. Monolithic /Cs are by far the most common type of lCs used in practice because of : (i) Mass production ; (ii) Lower cost ; (iii) Higher reliability. Commercially available ICs of this type can be used is : Amplifiers t a standard size mber of circuits, ; - Voltage regulators - A. M. receiaers ; ; - T. V. circuits; - Computer circuits. Limitations of monolithic ICs : (l) Low power rating. (li) Lack of flexibility in circuit design. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 150 A Textbook of Mechatronics eE-- (lli), Poorer isolation between components. (lz) Small range of values of passive components used in the ICs. (o) No possibility of fabrication of inductors' Thick and thin film Integrated Circuits: The essential difference between thick-film and thin-film ICs is not their relatiae thickness but the method of depositing the film. Both have similar appearance, properties and general characteristics. . These devices are larger than monolithic ICs but smaller than discretes circuits. o These lCs can be used when power requirement is comparatiaely higher. MOS Integrated Circuits : Integrated circuits (ICs) based upon the active devices are of the following two types : 1. Bipolar ICs using bipolar active devices such as BlT. 2. Unipolar ICs using unipolar active devices like FET. MOS lCs based on MOSFET structure find wide applications particularly in digital field, because of the following " aduantages" over bipolar ICs : (i) Fabrication process is simple and cheaper comparatively. (li) Occupy less area (the MOS IC typically occupies only 5 percent of the surface required by an expitaxial double-diffused transistor in conventional IC ; a MOS resistor occupies 1 percent of the area of a conventional diffused resistor). (iii) Low pozuer consumption. (io) Less costly to fabricate. (a) MOS transistor has a higher bandwidth than bipolar transistor. (ai) High packing density. Disadvantage : The major demerit of MOS lCs is that their operating speed is smaller than that ofbipolar ICs and as such they are not suitable for ultra high-speed applications. Applications: MOS lCs find wide applications in LSI and VLSI chips such as : Calculator chips - Memory chips ; ; - Micro processors (pP) ; - Single-chip computers. IC symbols : j In general, no standard symbol exist 2 for /Cs. Oftenly, the circuit diagram merely shows a block with numbered terminals. 6 7 8 I However, sometimes standard symbols are used for operational amplifiers or digital logic gates. Some of the symbols used with ICs are shown inFig.2.740. o IC symbol does not show the internal circuit. }e ft'r r:.r -€t tEcir-l (i) 10 (ii) Fig.2.140. /C symbols. The Integrated Transistor Amplifier : Fig.2.741,. (i) shows the schematic diagram of an integrated transistor amplifier ; the cross section view and top view of +he intqqolnections are shown in Fig. 2.747 (ii) and (iii) respectively. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ll{- ; a m-,ctil Errjf A ofb de -{p?..r Ea pt :ry Echatronics 'oe Basic and Digital Electronics thickness md general es circuits. inuo rypes : ?= (l) Schematic diagram. digital field, the surface KJS resistor Transistor P-substrate (li) Cross-sectional view showing each eiement. nt ofbipolar (iii) Top view showing the interconnections Fig. 2.1 41. lntegrated transistor amplifi er. 8 (ii) bols. mplifier; the L141 (ll) and The five circuit elements-one capacitor, three resistors and one transistor-and all the interconnections are created by the same masking, etching, and diffusion process. In actual IC the circuit elements would not appear in the tandem arrangement shown in Fig. 2.147 (ii) and (iii); rather the elements usould be so placed that as to make aptimum use of the az:ailable space nnd to reduce the length of the interconnections to the minimum possible. The tandem arrangement is used here merely for convenience and classification. o The total area on the chip covered by this amplifier is only a very small fraction of a square mm. Applications of ICs : The popular applications of lCs are : 1. Digital watch ; PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 152 A Textbook of Mechatronics 2. Electronic calculator ; 3. Pocket PC; 4. Personal digital assistant (PDA) ; 5. MP3 players ; 6. Digital cameras ; 7. Mobile phones; 8. Digital dictionaries ; 9. Digital translators ; hdEt - Lr -fl :- -{cr fc :! Lr tu tu 1Ll 10. CD (compact disk) player ; 11. DVD (Digital versatile disk) players. 2.3.21. Operational Amplifiers -ait = _tr: Refer to Article 4.8.6 '1 {'rll 'l lh :d h HIGHLIGHTS ir tb 1. When electricity flows through open space or vacuum as in the case of lightning or -.:', t vacuum tubes instead of being confined to metallic conductors, it is termed as electronic. 2. Semiconductors are solid materlals, either non-metallic elements or compounds, which allow electrons to pass through them so that they conduct electricity in much the same way as a metal. 3. A pure semiconductor is called instrinsic semiconductor. 4. The process of adding impurity (extremely in small amounts, about 1 part in 108) to a semiconductor to make it extrinsic (impure) semiconductor is called doping. 5. The N- and P-type materials represent the basic buitding blocks of semiconductor devices. 6. The outstanding property of P-N junction diode to conduct current in one direction onlv permits it to be used as a rectifier. 7. P-N junction diodes usually made of germanium or silicon, are commonly used as potlo recti-fiers. 8. A properly doped P-N junction diode which has a sharp breakdown voltage is known as Zener diode. 9. Tunnel diode is a heavily doped P-N junction type germanium having an extremely narron' junction. 10. A "transistor" is a semiconductor device having both rectifying and amplifying properties. 11. The two basic types of transistors are : (i) Bipolar junction transistor (BlT) (ii) Field-effect transistor (FET). 12. Transistor circuit configurations : (i) Common-base (CB) configuration (li) Common-emitter (CE) configuration (iii) Common-collector (CC) configuration. 13. A FET is a three terminal (namely drain, source, gate) semiconductor device in which current conduction is by only one type of majority carriers (electrons in case of an Nchannel FET or holes in a P-channel FET). 14. In a broad sense, following are two main types of FETs : (4 lFEr (ii) MOSFET 15. Metal oxide semiconductor FET (MOSFET) is an important semiconductor device and is widely used in many circuit applications. It is also called insulated gate FET (IGFET). PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor :-r ll! 7,f :{ }t -{i- .1 Thq; = "lrE I 1-I T.'-{- r :9 .{{ +ir f,. trhr gr dr Thr IhB ': riL rrl E ld rtl ri li ,r) It clr-" t 1 -{ P{i ut cl li tb lechatronics Basic and Digital Electronics 153 15. The term SCR is often used for the member of the thyristor family which is the most widely used power-sutitching device. !7. Arectifier is a circuit which uses one or more diodes to convert A. C. voltage into pulsating D. C. voltage. A rectifier may be half-wave or full-wave. 18. The ratio of D.C. power output to the applied A.C. iriput power is known as rectifier efficiency. 19" The ratio of D.C. power oulput to the applied A.C. input power is knorm as recti.fier efficiency. 20. The A"C. component present in the output is called a ripple. 21. The branch of electronics which deals with digital circuits is called digital electronics. 22. An electronic circuit that handles only a digital signal is called a digitat circuil. tn digrtal circuits the following four systems of arithmetic are often used : Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal. 23. A digital circuit with one or more input signals but only one output signal.is called a /qgrc gate. In the complex circuits, the following six different digital electronics gates are used as basic elements : I I as electronic. (i) NOT gate (ii) AND gate lrnds, which (o) NOR gate 'lightning or rh the same t in 108) to a ))' rctor devices. lirection only d, as potL,ter (ii) NAND gate (io) OR gate (oi) XOR gate. 24. The algebra used to symbolically describe logic functions is called Boolean algebra. 25. A combinational circuit consists of logic gates whose outputs at any time are determined directly from the combination of inputs without regard for previous input. 26. The synchronous sequential circuits are built to operate at a clocked rate whereas asynchronous ones are zoithout clocking. 27. The memory elements used in clocked sequential circuits are called flip-flops 28. A counter is a sequential circuit that goes through a prescribed sequence of states upon the application of input pulses. 29. A integrated circuit (1C) is a complete electronic circuit in which both the active (e.g. transistors and FETs) and passive components (e.g. resistors, capacitors and inductors) are I is known as fabricated on a tiny single chip of silicon. 30. The number of electronic circuits or components, which can be fabricated on a standard mely narrow size of a silicon chip is called the scale or leoel of integration. The various types of scale of integration are : SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI, ULSI, GSI. 31. The lCs can be classified as follows : (i) Monolithic integrated circuits. (ii) Thick and thin-film integrated circuits. (lii) Hybrid or multichip integrated circuits. Or (i) Linear (or analog) integrated circuits. ry properties. (il) Non-linear (or digital) integrated circuits. rice in which ase of an N- OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS Choose the correct answer : P-N iunction diode device and is ET (TGFET). 1. A P-N junction diode has .......... (a) one P-N junction (c) three P-N junctions (b\ two P-N junctions (d) none of these. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 154 2. A crystal diode has forward resistance of the order of ...... (a) kf) (b) c, (d) none of these. k) Mo 3. The.schematic symbol for a P-N junction diode is (a) o->---: (c).-_f 4. (b) (d) "-J+- *)r- The resistance of a diode is equal to (a) ohmic resistance of P- and N- semiconductors (b) junctionresistance (c) reverse resistance (d) algebraic sum of (a) and (b). 5. An ideal crystal diode is one which behaves as a perfect .... when forward biased. (a) conductor (c) resistancematerial 6. A crystal diode is ..........device. (a) non-linear (c) linear (a) (E (c) *.r 16. ATtt (a) nEr (c) eit 17' Azn (al .rlr (c) arr 18. In tE t (a) qr (c) o(r 19. Ttre dq (a\ ilE (c) r 20. A ZEG (a) ar (c) .ml (b) bilateral @ noneofthethese. (b) an ON switch @ noneofthese. 8. The reverse current in a diode is of the order of .......... (a) kA (c) uA 15. A 7sa (b) insulator (d) algebraic sum of (a) and (b) 7. When a diode is reverse biased, it is equivalent to (a) an OFF switch (c) a high resistance Basic and t)iil (b) mA (d) A. 9. The conventional current in a P-N junction diode flows (a) from positive to negative (b) from negative to positive (c) in direction opposite to the electron flow (d) both (a) and (c) above. 2r. 23 (b) majority carriers (d) none of the above 24. (b) 0.6 v (d) 1.0v. 12. A crystal diode is used as .......... (a) an amplifier (b) a rectifier (c) anoscillator - (d) A voltage regulator 13. If the doping level of a crystal diode is increased, the breakdown voltage .......... (a) remains the same (b) isincreased (c) is decreased (d\ none of the above. 14. The knee voltage of a crystal diode is approximately equal to .......... {a) applied,voltage (c) forward voltage (b) breakdown voltage (d) barrier potential PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Inara (a) e!- (c) cgf 25. In a trr (a) €ri (c) ail 11. The cut in voltage (or knee voltage) of a silicon diode is (a) 0.2Y (c) 0,8 V In a trr (a) Fri (c) aot 10. The leakage current in a crystal diode is due to (a) minority carriers (c) junctioncapacitance In P+t{ (a) Pr (c) eit 22. In a trr @) €tri (c) d 26. lnatn (a) Fi (c) d 27. Addr (a) eri (c) d 28. Inata transisl (a) P+l (c) enl il Mechatronics 155 Basic and Digital Electronics 15. A Zener diode has ........... (b) twoP-N junctions (d) none of these. (a) one P-N junction (c) three P-N junctions 76. A Zener diode is always ........... conrtected. (a) reverse (c) either reverse or forward (b) forward (d) none of these. 17. A Zener diode is used as ......"... (a) an amplifier (c) a rectifier (b) a voltage regulator (d) a multivibrator. 18. In the breakdown region, a Zener diode behaves like a ........... souree. (a) constant voltage (c) constant resistance (b) constant current (d) none of these. 19. The doping level in a Zener diode is .......... that of a crystal diode. (b) less than (d) none of these. (a) the same as (c) more than rard biased. nd (b) 20. A Zener diode is .......... device. (b) a linear (d) none of these. (a) a non-linear (c) an amplifying Transistors (BJB FET, etc.) 2L. In P-N-P transistor, base will be of (a) P material (c) either of the above (b) N material (d) none of these. 22. ln a transistor symbol, slant line to bar without any arrow head represents (a) emitter (c) collector (b) base (d) none of these. 23. ln a transistor symbol, slant line to the bar with arrow head represnts ;" L (a) emitter (c) collector (b) base (d) none of these. 24. ln a transistor highly doped part is (a) emitter (c) collector (b) base (d) none of these. 25. In a transistor lightly doped part is (a) emitter (c) collector (b) base (d) none of these. 26. ln a transistor largest dimension is that of lage .......... (b) base (a) emitter (d) none of these. (c) collector 27. A dot near the transistor pin denotes (b) base (a) emitter (c) collector (d) none of these. 28. In a transistor symbol, if slant line arrow head is drawn towards the bar, then the transistor is. (a) P-N-P (c) either of these (b) N-P-N (d) none of these. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 1s6 29. A notch or a tab on the transistor cap denotes (a) emitter pin (b) base pin (c) collector pin @) none of these. 30. Resistance across which of the following;tlro pairs of transistor be nearly equal? (n) Emitter base, emitter collector (c) Base collector, collector emitter- ' _ (b) Emitter base, base collector (d) None of these. Basb and fi {2. !\-rt diod (4) (b) (c) ([, 31. Which of the following is valid= for both P-N-P as well as N-P-N transistors? 43. Curr (a) The emitter inlects holes into the base region (b) The,electrons are the minority carriers in the base region (c) The EB junction is forward biased for active operation (d) When biased in the active region, current flows into emitter terminal. 44. Ma* 32. In a transistor with normal bias 33. Which region of a transistor is lightly doped? (b) Base (d) All regions are equally doped. 34. Semiconductor is a material which (a) allows one type of carriers to pass through it (b) has conductivity greater than insulator (c) allows curent to flow in one direction but not in the opposite direction (d) none of these. 35. ..... is the region of a transistor which has highest conductivity. (a) Base (c) Collector (b) Emitter (d) Any of the above. 36. Bipolar transistor is a (a) three terminal semiconductor device (c) three junction semiconductor device (b) three layer semiconductor device (d) none of these. (b) triode family (d) non of these. 38. Current flow through a bipolar transistor is by means of (a) electrons (c) both electrons and holes (b) holes (d) none of these. 39. Tiansistor works as an open switch when emitter junction is .....biased and collector junction is ..... biased. (a) forward, reverse (c) reverse, forward (b) reverse, reverse (d) forrvard, forward. 40 Transistor works as a closed switch when emitter junction is .,... biased and collector junction is .....biased. (a) forward, reverse (b) reverse, reverse (c) reverse, forward {d] forward, forward. 4L' Transistor works as a variable rheostat whgn emitter lunction is ..... biased and collector iunction is ..... biased. (a) forward, reverse (b) revefse, reverse (c) reverse, forward (a) l -(D (cl i (dl t 45. The I (n) (c) I i6. A P-t (a) G (c) t 17. Regl (a) I .(b) t (c) I (d) I 48, The a r+'hki 37. Silicon controlled rectifier belonls to (a) diode family (c) thyristor family (c) r \a) the emitter junction offers high resistance (b) the emitter iunction is reverse biased (c) the emitter junction has a low resistance (d) none of the above. (a) Collector (c) Emitter (a) (d) forward, forward. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor (a) G (b) b (c) d (d). h 49. Thesr is -.._ (a) ol (c) or 50. WtEr (a) x (b) lt (c) u (d) ra 51. In aq (a) fr (b) €s (c) en (d) €u llechatronics 157 Basic and Digital Electronics 42. With two diodes connected back to back with emitter diode forward biased, and collector diode reverse biased l equal? br rs? (a) emitter and collector currents are nearly equal and base current is very small (b) emitter and base currents are nearlyequal and collection current is very small (c) base and collector currents are nearly equal and emitter current is large (d) any of the above. 43. Current base part of a transistor behaves like (a) constant current source (c) a resistance (&) forward biased diode @ none of the above. 44. Majority carriers emitted by the emitter uerse biased (a) mostly recombine in base region $) mostly pass through the base region (c) are stopped by the collector junction barrier (d) recombine in the collector region. -15. The following relationship between cr and B ate correct except oped. 1B (a) ,-"=r*p (b) "=dp -cr (c) p=1_,r @'t o= 0 1-B 46. A P-N-P transistor has (a) only acceptor ions (c) two-P-regions and one N-region (b) only donor ions (d) three P-N junctions. 47. Regarding corunon emitter configuration which of the following statements is incorrect? r device \a) Its output resistance is very high. (b) It is the only circuit which has voltage and current gains higher than unity. (c) Its power gain is the best. (d) It is the only configuration which provides inversion. 48. The active region of the output characteristics for a corunon base transistor is that in which (a) emitter is forward-biased but collector is reverse-biased (b) both emitter and collector are forward-biased (c) collector is forward-biased and emitter is reverse-biased (d) both emitter and collector are reversed-biased. 'and collector 49. The set of transistor characteristics that enables o to be determined directly from the slope is ..... characteristics. (a) common emitter transfer (c) common base transfer (b) conunon emitter outPut (d) corunonbase input. 50. When a common emitter transistor is cut off which of the following happens? and collector (a) Maximum voltage appears across the collector. (r) Maximum collector current flows. (c) Minimum voltage appears across the collector. q I and collector Miximum voltage appears across the load resistor. 51. In amplifier circuit, biasing of transistor is necessary to (a) fix the value of current amplification (b) establish suitable D.C. workig conditions (c) ensure that transistor is saturated (d) ensure that transistor is cut off. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 158 A Textbook of Mechatronics 52. The configuration in which current gain of transistor amplifier is lowest is (a) common base (c) common emitter (b) common collector (d) any of these. 53. The configuration in which voltage gain of transistor amplifier is lowest is (a) common base (c) common emitter (b) corimon collector (d) any of these. 54. The configuration in which input impedance of transistor amplifier is lowest is (a) common base (c) common emitter (b) corunon collector (d) any of these. 55. The configuration in which output impedance of transistor amplifier is highest is (a) common base (c) common emitter (b) corunon collector (d) any of these. 56. The configuration which provides both high current gain and high voltage gain of transistor amplifier is (a) common base (c) common emitter (b) common collector (d) any of these. 57. A transistor-terminal current is positive when the (a) current is due to flow of electrons (b) current is due to flow of holes (c) electrons flow into the transistor at the terminal (d) electrons flow out of the transistor at the terminal. 58. A transistor is said to be in quiescent state when (a) no signal is applied to the input (b) no currents are flowing (c) it is unbiased (d) emitter junction and collector-junction biases are equal. 59. The most noticeable effect of a small increase in temperature in the CE transistor is the (a) increase in the A.C. current gain (c) increases in I.r, (b) decrease in the A.C. current gain (d) increases in the output resistance. 60. FETs have similar properties to (a) thermionic valves (c) P-N-P transistors (b) unijuncliontransistor (d) N-P-N transistors. 61. A IFET can operate in (a) depletion mode only (b) entrancement mode only (c) depletion and enhancement modes (d) neither enhancement nor depletion mode. 62. ln a ]FET ..... is usually the point of reference (a) gate (c) source (b) drain (d) either (b) or (c). 63. The primary control on drain current in a IFET, is exerted by which of the following? (a) Gate reverse bias (c) Voltage drop across channel (b) Channel resistance (d) Size,of depletion regions. 64' For the operation of enhancement-only N-channel MOSFET, value of gate voltage has to be (a) zero (c) high positive (b) low positive {d) high negative. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor gaet a6 1 65 trt r.O (el (bt (c) @t 65 ..1 I (ol (r) (cl 57 InI (al (c) 68. The (al GI 69. trhc rrill (a) (c) t r 70. A FE (a) ! (c) t 71. AFE (a) f (c) ! 72. NdE (a) d (b) d (c) ! (ilr 73. LrIr b (a) tE (c) cl 74. The tfi (a) qt (b) ou (c) E (d) tu 75. On saq (a) itr (b) itr (c) itr (d) rrr iMechatronics Basic and Digital Electronics 159 b 65' Which of the following statements is correct regarding a JFET operating above pinch-off 'is (a) The depletion regions become smaller. (b) The drain current starts decreasing. , (c) The drain current remains practically constarlt. (d) The drain current increases steeply. voltage? hrest is iighest is 66. A FET can be used as a variable (,a) inductor (c) resistor (e) current source. (b) capacitor (d) voltage source 67. ln FET the drain voltage above which there is no increases in the drain current is called ..... voltage nltage gain of (a) pick off (c) breakdown (b) pinch off (d) critical. 68. The operation of |FET involves a flow of (a) minority carriers (c) recombination carriers { holes (b) majority carriers (d) any of the above. 69' When the positive voltage on the gate of a P-channel ]FET is increased, the drain current will (a) increase (c) remain the same @) decrease @ any of the above. 70. A FET differs from a bipolar transistor as it has B (a) simpler fabrication (c) high input impedance @) negative resistance @) any of the above. 71. AFET, for its operation, depends on the variation of lransistor is the rrent gain hesistance. I I ltY .. 1 t I I the following? rls. ts voltage has to (a) forward-biased junction (c) magnetic field (b) reversed-biased junction @) The depletion-layer width with reverse voltage. 72. N-channel FETs are superior.to p-channel FETs because (a) they have a higher switching time (b) they have a higher input impedance (c) mobility of electrons is greater than that of holes (d) all of the above. 73. UIT is also called a (a) transistorized junction (c) current controllable device (b) voltage controllable device (d) relaxationoscillator. 74. The difference between a thyristor and a silicon diode is that the thyristor (a) conducts when it is triggered in addition to being forward biased (b) conducts when it is forward biased (c) blocks when it is reverse biased .' (d) none of the above. 75. On stopping the gate pulse to a SCR (a) it will stop conduction (b) it will continue conduction in the same direction (c) it will continue conduction in the opposite direction (d) none of the bove will happenr PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbock of Mechatronics 160 76. SCR is used for current control in (a) D.C. circuit only (c) both (a) and (b) 77 (b) bi-directional (d) none of these. (b) D.c. (d) none of these. The normal way to turn on a diac is by (a) gate current (c) either of these 81 t' A diac is ..... switch. (a) an A.C. (c) either of these 80 (b) three layer three terminal device (d) four layer three terminal device. A triac is a ..... switch. (a) undirectional (c) either of these 79. (b) A.C. circuit only (d) none of these. SCR is (a) three layer two terminal device (c) four layer two terminal device 78 Lr (b) breakover voltage (d) none of these. A diac is equivalent to a (a) triac with two gates (c) pair of SCRs t (b) diode and two resistors (d) pair of four-layer SCRs. 82. Regarding triac which of the following statements is incorrect? (:a) it is not particularly suited for A.C. or mains power control. 'l$ (b) It is a S-layer bi-directional semiconductor device. (c) Any one of its main terminals can be used either as cathode or as anode. (d) It can be triggered in response to both positive and negative gate terminals 6J. { t: .t ..... is the best electronic device for fast switching. (a) MOSFET (c) BfI (b) lFEr (d) Triode. 84. Which semiconductor device acts like a diode and two resistors ? (a) UII (c) diac (b) scR (d) triac. rl t t: t G tf I 85. ..... is the device which acts like an N-P-N and P-N-P transistor corurected base-to-baand emitter-to-collector. (a) SCR (c) diac (b) ulr (d) triac. 86. An SCR may be considered to be diodes back-to-back consisting of an anode, cathode anc (n) two, plate (c) three, gate 87 88. (b) can also be light-triggered (d) cannot be pulse-triggered. Which semiconductor device behaves like two SCRs? (n) MOSFET (c) UjT B9 (b) three, plate (d) four, base. A LASCR in just like a conventional SCR except that it (a) has no gate terminai (c) cannot carry large current I (b) JFET (d) Triac. An SCR conducts appreciable current when (,1) gate is negative and anode is positive with respect to cathode (lr) anode is negative and gate is positive with respect to cathode PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor I .G rI a I IE II T t G a AL rl t' bchatrontcs Basic and Digital Electronics 161 (c) anode and gate are both negative with respect to cathode (d) anode and gate are both positive with respect to cathode. 90. An SCS has which of the following? device device. (a) One anode, one cathode and two gates (c) Four layers and three terminals , (b) Two anodes and two gates (d) Three layers and four terminals. (a) positive pulse at its anode gate G, (c) negative pulse at its cathode (b) positive pulse at its cathode gate G, (d) positive pulse at its anode. 91. An SCS may be switched ON by a 92. Which of the following methods used for protecting MOSFET against damage from stray voltage developing at the gate is incorrect? (a) Only source terminal is earthed during transit. (b) Bach-to-back Zener diodes are formed into the monolithic structure of MOSFET. (c) Grounding rings are used which are removed only when it is wired securely into the circuit. (d) It is inserted into conducting sponge during visit. 93. Regarding MOSFET which of the following statements is incorrect? (a) It can operate in depletion mode. (b) It can operate in enhancement mode. (c) It can operate in depletion and enhancement modes. (d) It can operate in depletion-only-mode. (e) It can operate in enhancement-only mode. E. Lrals. 94. The main factor which differentiates a DE MOSFET from an E-only MOSFET is the absence of (a) P-N junctions (c) electrons (b) insulated gate (d) channel. 95. The input gate current of a FET is (a) a few amperes (c) a few microamperes (b) a few milliamperes (d) negligibly small. 96. Silicon devices are preferred at high temperature operations as compared to germanium Ed base-to-base lde, cathode and because (a) silicon can dissipate more power (b) reverse saturation current is less in case of silicon (c) silicon is more thern-rally stable (d) all of the above. 97. F{.all effect can be used to measure (a) carrierconcentration (c) magnetic field intensity (b) electric field intensity (d) none ofthe above. 98. Which of the following statements is correct in case of a properly biased transistor? F*d H (a) The emitter to base depletion region is small and collector to base depletion region is large (b) The emitter to base depletion region is large and collector to base deplection region is small (c) both depletion regions are srnall (d) both depletion regions are large. 99. Ebers-Moll equations for transistors proiride (a) true terminal currents regardless of junction biases (b) true terminal voltages dependent on junction biases PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 162 3-r fq (c) separate input and output circuits (d) all of the above. ,r 100. In the symbols of P-N-P transistors and N-P-N transistor the arrow on the emitter shorr's the direction of flow of (b) holes, holes (d) electrons, holes. (a) electrons,electrons (c) holes, electrons ANSWERS ,,{l 1. (a) 8. (c) 2. (b) e. (d) 1s. (a) 22. (c) 29. (a) 36. (b) 43. (a) 50. (n) s7. (d) 64. (c) 77. (d) 78. (b) 8s. (a) e2. (a) 99. (a) 76. (a) 23. (a) 30. (b) 37. (c) 44. (b) 51. (a) s8. (a) 6s. k) 72. (c) 7e. (q) J. (b) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (a) 10. (a) 72. (b) 13. (c) 17. (b) 11. (b) 18. (a) 25. (b) 32. (c) 3e. (b) 46. (c) 1.e. (c) 20. (a). 26. (c) 27. (c) 14. (d) 21. (b) 28. (a) 33. (b) 40. (d) a7. @) 5a. @) 34. (b) 3s. (b) 41. (a) 55. (a) 61.. (a) 62. (c) 68. (b) 75. (b) 82. (a) 8e. (d) e6. (b) 69. (b) 76. (c) 83. (c) 90. (a) 97. (c) 42. (b) 49. (c) 56. (c) 63. (a) 70. (c) 77. (d) 84. (a) e7. (b) 98. (a) 24. (a) 31. (c) 3d. (c) 45. (d) 52. (a) 59. (c) 66. (c) / 3. (b) 80. (b) 86 (c) 87. (a) e3. (d) 100. (b). 94. (d) s3. (b) 60. (a) 67. (b) 74. (a) 81. (d) 88. (d) e5. (d) 48. (a) &t t It Irl 'GI r. .3 xt 3t 1& I,E,I a.& a.& 3I {Er FN hr-1 THEORETICAL QUESTIONS 1. Define a'semiconductor'. * 2. List the important characteristics of semiconductors. 3. Give examples of semiconducting materials. 4. What is the difference between a semiconductor and an insulator? 5. What is an intrinsic semiconductor? 6. What do you mean by the term doping? 7. How does an extrinsic semiconductor differ from an intrinsic semiconductor? 8. Exptain the structure of a P-type semiconductor with help of neat sketches' 9. Explain briefly about 'atomic binding in semiconductors'. 10. How are holes formed in semiconductors? 11. Derive an expression for electron conductivity of a metal. 12. Derive expressions for conductivity of N-type and P-type semiconductors. 13. What do you mean by conductivity modulation ? 14. Explain briefly the following : (i) Thermistors and sensitors (ii) Photoconductors. 15. List the applications of semiconductor materials. 16. How is germanium prepared? 17. What is a P-N junction diode? How its terminals are identified? 18. Draw the V-I characteristics of a junction diode when it is (af'forward biased and (b) reverse biased. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 11 }:h r- ix *-fu -T -;,. 7. ih h r&i € ;E' i illl {. I ir : rlb rrE rDr Jrir (; ffu :: :" : lan :- ho I of Mechatronics Basic and Digital Electronics 163 19. Draw the graphical symbol of a crystal diode and explain its significance. How the I the emitter shows polarities of function diode are identified ? 20. Draw the equivalent circuit of a crystal diode. 21. What is an ideal diode and a real diode? 22. Explain the following terms : - (l) Static resistance (ir) Sutk resistance (iii) Junction resistance 7. (a) t | I 14. (d) 21. (b) 28. (a) ) ) ) ) t, , I 77.(d) 84. (a) ) I I 3s. (b) 42. (b) 4e. (c) s6. (c) 63. (a) 70. (c) e1 (b) *@) I i brductor? I l&tches. ; I ; &rtors. t I E. i : rrvard biased and (b) I (,zr) A.C. or dynamic resistance (o) Reverse resistance of a diode. 23. What are the important applications of a diode? 24. Write a short note on the power and current ratings of a diode. 25. What is a Zener diode ? Draw its equivalent circuit. 26. Explain briefly the applications of a Zener diode. 27. What do you understand by Zener voltage? 28. Explain why Zener diode is always operated in reverse biasing. 29. Explain how a Zener diode can stabitize the voltage across the load. 30. Explain the process of Zener breakdown. 31. Draw and explain a Zener diode voltage regulator. 32. Define the term 'Tiansistor'. 33. What are the various types of transistors? 34. Explain the function of emitter in the operation of a junction transistor. 35. What is the significance of arrow in the transistor symbol? 36. Why is emitter wider than collector and base? 37. Why is base made thin? 38. Draw N-P-N and P-N-P transistors. 39. Explain the working of a p-N-p transistor. 40. Differentiate between P-N-P and N-P-N transistors. Why are collector and emitter currents nearly equal in these transistors? 41. Define a and B of a transistor and derive the relationship between them. 42. Draw three basic configurations of N-p-N transistor. 43. Draw input and output characteristics of CB transistor configuration. 44. Dtaw the circuits of the various transistor configurations. List their important features. Why CE configuration is mainly used? 45. Explain the construction and working of a IFET. 46. What is the difference between a IFET and a Bft? 47. How will you determine the drain characteristics of JFET? What do they indicate? 48. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fFET? 49. Whgt are the applications of FETs? 50. What is the difference between MOSFET and JFET? 51. Define the following terms for a ]FET : (l) The pinch-off voltage. (ll) Channel ohmic resistance. (ili) Drain resistance. 52. Draw the 7-I characteristics of an N-channel FET. 53. Discuss briefly, the construction, working, characteristics and applications of SCR. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of 'Mechatronics 164 54. Explain the forward and reverse characteristics of a thyristor' 55. What is the difference between SCR and Triac? CHAPT 56. List the applications of thyristor? 57. Describe a half-wave rectifier using a crystal diode' Derive arid expression for the efficiency of a half-wave rectifier. 59. With neat sketch, explain the working of the following : (i) Centre-tapped full-wave rectifier. (il) Full-wave bridge rectifier. an expression for the efficiency of a full-wave rectifier. Derive 60. 61. What is a ripple factor? What is its value for a half-wave and a full-wave rectifier? 58. 4 62. What is 'digital electronics'? 63. State the advantages and disadvantages of digital electronics? 54. What is a 'digital circuit'? 65. Why binary system is preferred in 'digital system'? 66. Discuss the importance of 1's and 2's complement numbers' 67. Explain the Gray code and alphanumeric codes' 68. What is meant by a radix (or base of a number system)? 69. Draw the diagram of a clocked R-S flip-flop and give the truth table' 70. show that a R-S flip-flop results when two NoR gates are cross-coupled. 71. What is a flip-flop? Explain the principle of operation of S-R flip-flop with truth table. 72. Wlth the aid of a neat sketch, explain the operation of ]-K flip-flop' 73. Briefly describe I-K, D- and T-type flip-flops. 84. Write short notes on "logic families". 3.1 lntn transdu for tran mechaE potentio gauges; ! t]"e-E transdrrc (rt'DD; area of 1 plates; I of piezo disadvan - Hall e transduc cell - Pk gauBes - gauges 3.16 Prs, optical a of sensa SYSIEITE - i - Unsolr', 3.1 TNTRO Theprhn and autornati lroduce on ct :,ier1A of tlv y tme control d trutput of the Exampla o In*r displ else. o The fr Prerq displ: PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ol'Mechatronics CHAPTER Sensors and Transducers rave rectifier? 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Mechanical detector-trSnsducer elements; 3.3 Definition of transducer; 3.4 Classification of transducers - Tiansducer sensitivity - Specification for transducers; 3.5 Electromechanical transducers; 3.6 Transducer actuating mechanisms; 3.7 Resistance transducers - Linear and angular motion ! pled. ) with truth table. potentiometers - Thermistors and resistance thermometers - Wire resistance strain gauges; 3.8 Variable inductance transducers - Self generati.g type - Electromagnetic $pe - Electrodynamic type - Eddy current type - Passive type - Variable reluctance transducer - Mutual inductance transducer - Linear variable-differential transformer (LVDT); 3.9 Capacitive transducers - Capacitive transducers - Using change in area of plates - Capacitive transducers - Using change in distance between the plates; 3.10 Piezoelectric transducers - Piezoelectric materials - desirable properties of piezoelectric materials - working of a piezoelectric device - advantages and disadvantages of piezoelectric transducers; 3.L1. Hall effect transducers - Hall effect - Hall effect transducers; 3.12 Thermoelectric transducers; 5.13 Photoelectric transducers - principle of operation - applications - classification - Photoemissive cell - Photovoltaic cell - Photoconductive cell; 3.14 Strain gauBes - Types of strain gauges - Wire wound strain gauges - Foil strain gauges - Semiconductor strain gauges - Capacitive strain gauges - Theory of strain gauges; 3.15 Load cells; 3.16 Proximity sensors; 3.17 Pneumatic sensors; 3.18 Light sensors; 3.19 Digital optical encoder; 3.20 Recent trends - Smart pressure transmitters; 3.21 Selection of sensorsl 3.22 Static and dynamic characteristics of transducers - Measurement systems * Inskuments. Highlights - Objective Ty'pe Questions - Theoretical Questions - Unsolved Examples. 3.1 INTRODUCTION The primary sensing element (smsor) is the first and foremost requirement for measurement and automatic controls. The sensors sense the condition, state or oalue af the process aariable and produce on output which reflects this condition, state or aalue. The transducers transform the energy of the process ztariable to an output of some other type of energy which is able to operate some control deaice. Sometimes a secondary transducer may be employed to transform the output of the primary sensor to still another type of energy. Examples : o In the ordinary dialindicator the indicating spindle acts as a sensor/detector for displacement. It simply performs the function of sensor/detector and nothing else. r The function of a Bourdon tube of a pressure gauge ig twofold: Firstly to sense the pressure and secondly to give the resulting effect or output in the form of displacement. Here the tube acts a sensor/detector transducer. 165 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 156 o I In a compressiae load cell, the platform detects the force and gives an output in the form of deflection. This deflection may be further converted into an electrical output by strain gauges (called secondary transducer). For the measurement of particular quantity, different types of sensors and transducers are available and the choice of a suitable unit depends upon the static and dynamic performance characteristics. 3.2 MECHANICAL DETECTOR.TRANSDUCER ELEMENTS The various mechanical detector-transducer elements may be enumerated and discussed as follows: 1. Elastic members/elements 2. "Mass" sensing elements 4. Hydro-pneumatic elements' 3. Therinal detectors 1. Elastic members/elements: These elements utork on the'principle of direct tension or compression, bending and totsion. These are invariably used to change force into displacement. The following elastic ! members/elements are commonly used : (i) Prooing ring (stress ring).Ilis a ring of known physical dimension and mechanical properties. An external tensile or compressive force applied across the ring diameter causes distortion which is proportional to that force. The distortion is measured by means of a dial gauge, a sensitive micrometer, or a strain $auge. The proving rings have been used as standards for calibrating tensile testing machines and for accurate measurement of large plastic loads. (ii) Elastic torsion member. Several times torque meters make use of elastic torsion members which twist in proportion to applied torque and deformation is used as a measure of torque. (iii) Springs. In a spring type indicating scale, unknown weight applied to the free end of spring causes displacement which is indicated by the pointer. (ia) Bourdon tube, bellows, dinphragm. Most pressure measuring devices use either a Bourdon tube, bellows or diaphragms. The action of these devices is based on the elastic deformation brought about by the force resulting from pressure summation. 2. "Mass" sensing elennents: o The inertia of a concentrated mass provides another basic mechanical detectortransducer element, which is used in the accelerometers and aibration pick-ups and serves to measure the characteristics of dynamic motion (e.g., displacement, velocity, acceleration, frequency, etc.) through application of Newton's second law of motion. e Any simple mechanically vibrating member (e.g.,a pendulum) would sever as a time or frequency transducer, chopping the passage of time into discrete bits. o Further the manometer, used for pressure measurement, also works on the principle of mass displacement. 3. Thermal detectors: These are the device employed to measure the temperatare of solids, liquids and gases They sense the temperature by employing one of the following primary fficts: (li) Change in chemical state; (i) Change in physical stage; (ili) Change in electrical properties; (lu) Change in radiating ability PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 13 I -, DI I : .1 rchatronics put in the ) electrical t lr*dr.".t I dynamic ) 167 Sensors and Transducers The following thermal detectors are most commonly used (r) Glass thermometers (ii) Pressure gauge thermometers (lli) Bimetallicthermometers (iu) Resistance thermometers (o) thermistors (ul) Pyrometers (rrll) Thermocouples. 4. Hydro-pneumatic sensors: rrated and ,ond torsion. ving elastic lmechanical s the ring distortion is [ain gauge. ling machines iestic torsion gr is used as o the free end ; ! use either a tbased on the tszummation. lcal detector- Following are the common examples of the hydro-pneumatic sensor's. (a) Applieil to static conditions: (fl Simple floaf. A simple float converts the fluid level into diqplacemenU it makes no allowance for change in the density of the supporting liquid. (ii) Hydrometer. It senses specific gravity and converts it into displacement. It uses the immersion depth as a means for detecting variation in specific gravity of the supplying liquid. (b) Applied to dynamic conditions: (i) Orifices and aenturies. These are used for flow measurement in pipes and provide information in the form of pressure change as a result of ira nsformation of energy. (ii) Pitot tube. It measures the pressure resulting from total-flow rate rather than the change of rate. (iii) Vanes in the form of air foils or turbine wheels. These are also used to sense fluid flow. 3.3 DEFINITION OF TRANSDUCER A broad definition of a transducer is as follows: "A transducer is a deaice which conuerts the energy from one form to another". Most of the transducers either convert electrical energy into mechanical displacement and/or convert some non-electrical physical quantity (e.g., force, sound, temperature etc.) to an electrical signal. A transducer performs the followingfunctions in an electronic instrumentation system : 7. Detects or senses the presence, magnitude and changes in physical quantity being measured. 2. Proaides a proportional electrical output signal (see Fig. 3.1".) SVick-uPs and Excitation [isplacement, fton's second : bet/er as a time Ebits. I*" PrinciPle Physical quantity Electrical output Fig.3.1. Transducer. o A transducer can be broadly defined as a dmice which conaerts a non-electrical quantity into an electrical quantity. uids and gases. fiects: b; ility. An inverse transducer is defined as a deoice which conoerts an electrical quantity into a ':rt-electrical quantity. It is a precision actuator which has an electrical input and a low rolver non-electrical output. Apiezoelectrlc crystal acts as an inverse transducer because .. hen a voltage is applied across its surfaces, it changes its dimensions causing a mechanical ::-<placement. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 168 Sensors a (i 3.4 CLASSIFTCATION OF TRANSDUCERS A. Tiansducers are broadly classified into two grouPs as follows: L. Actioe transducers. They are also known as self-generating type trarLsducers. These transducers deaelop their own aoltage or current. The energy required for production of an output signal is obtained from the physical phenomenon being measuted. Examples: Thermocouples and thermopiles, piezoelectric pick-up, photoaoltaic cell. Z. Passiae transduces. They are known as externally-powered transducer. These transducers derizte the power required for the energy conaersion from an external power source. However, they may absorb some enerry from the physical phenomenon under (ti (rri (rz-, S. \o- o b( study. Examples: Resistance thermometers and thermistors, potentiometric deaices, dffirential transformer, photoemission cell etc. B. Classification based on the type of output : 1,. Analogue transducers. These transducers convert the input physical phenomenon into an analogous output which is a continuous function of time. v Examples: Strain gauge, a thermocouple, a thermistor or an LVDT (linear voltage differential transformer). 2. Digital transducers. These transducers convert the input physical phenomenon into an electrical output which may be in form of pulse' C. Classification based on electrical principle involved : 1. Variable-resistance type : (i) Strain and pressure gauges. (li) Thermistors, resistance thermometers' (iir) Photoconductive cell etc. 2. Variable-inductance type : (l) Linear voltage differential transformer (LVDT). (ll) Reluctance pick-up. (ill) Eddy current gauge. 3. Vartable-capacitance tyPe : (i) Capacitor microphone. TI t.{ ,b. (il) Pressure gauge. (lli) Dielectric gauge. 4. Voltage-generating trype : (i) Thermocouple. (il) Photovoltaic cell. (ill) Rotational motion tachometer' (fti) Piezoelectric pick-up. .fft! F-r 5. Voltage-ilioider type : " (l)' Potentiometer position censor' (ll) Pressure-actuated voltage divider. Table 3.1. shows the measurements versus transduction methods' ll/hile describing a particular transducer the information must be available about the r following aspects : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor r tthi tob (rj Mechatronics Sensors and Transducers (l) The measurand. (ii) The sensing element which responds directly to the measurand. (ili) The principle of operation of the transducer and where the output of the ducers. These transducer originates. t production of (io) The useful range. wd. nltaic cell. ducer. These aternal power Table 3.1. Measurements versus Transduction Methods S. No. wnenon under Quantity to Type of be measured transducer 1 Displacement 2. Thickness rc, differential rphenomenon linear voltage 169 rphenomenon 3. 4 Velocity Acceleration 5. Mass 6. Force Resistive - Inductive - Capacitive - Piezoeleckic - Magnetoelectric - Radioactive - Electron tube. - Inductive - Capacitive - Piezoelectric - Photoelectric Radioactive. - Resistive - Inductive - Capacitive Piezoelectric - Photoelectric - Magnetoelectric Radioactive -* Electron tube. - Resistive - Inductive - Capacitive Piezoelectric - Magnetoelectric - Electron tube. - Inductive Piezoelectric - Magnetoelectric ltadioactive. - Resistive - Inductive - Piezoelectric - Radioactive. S. No. Quantity to Type of transducer Pressure Resistive - Inductive - Capacitive - Piezoelectric - Thermoelectric - Magnetoelectric - Magnetostrictive - Radioactive - Electron tube. - Resistive Inductive - Capacitive - Piezoelectric - Magnetoelectric - Radioactive. - Resistive - Capacitive Piezoelectric - Photoelectric - Radioactive. - Resistive - Photoelectric Thermoelectric - Radioactive. - Resistive - Capacitive. - Resistive - Capacitive - Piezoelectric - Magnetostrictive. - be measured Flout 9. Leoel 10. Temperature 11. Humidity t2 Viscosity o While selecting a dector-transducer element, the following major consideraiion need ilable about the to be looked into: (l) Mechanical suitability in terms of Physical size, weight and shape; PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor >a sors arE I A Textbook of Mechatronics 170 5. Cm, arrangement; - Mounting - Ruggedness. (ll) Electrical suitability in terms of: 6 Feasi - .{ma i ; - SensitivitY Frequency resPonse; - Ease of signal transmission' (ili) Environmental suitability in terms of 3.6 TRAT: -----:--.-i._\--l -:- ::'. = :..., Sensitivity to temperature and self-heating effects; Magnetic fields; Vibration; dust and humiditY; - SupPlY frequencY etc. (lo) Transducer performance in terms of calibration accuracy' .1+: .. T:.:.=, a : (o) Desired measurement accuracy and range' power requirements' overload protection and vulnerability to sudden failure' =! (z;l) Purchase asPects. 3.4.1 . Transducer SensitivitY The relationship betzueen the measurand and the transducer " transducer sensitiaity" . 1.e., Transducer sensitivi* P.-S:ri , -1 output signal is referred to as =m sensitivity of a transducer should be usually as high as possible easier to take the measurements' since then it becomes 3.4,2. Specifications for Transducers ordering the transducers' \Alhite selecting the proper transducer for any applications,or considered: the following spelifications should be thoroughly (li) Squaring sYstem. (i) Ranges available. (io) Maximum working temperature' (lll) SensitivitY. (rr) Method of cooling employed' (ol) Mounting details' (uiii) LinearitY and hYsteresis (r,li) Maximum dePth. (x) Temperature coefficient of zero drift' (lx) Output for zero inPut. !;i:* .**r, = ..: _ty (il) Natural frequencY. 3.5 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL TRANSDUCERS These days electrical/electronic techniques of measurement are being increasingly engineering' These applied to the ,r,"ur.rru*"nts in many fields other than in electrical m"thods claim the following adoantages : Adaantages : 1. Less power consumption and less loading on the system to be measured' 2. Friction and mass inertia effects minimum' 3. More comPact instrumentation' 4. Possibility of non-contact measurements' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor !-7 REststr --E -:=Sr r - !ft-? -irsd llechatronics Sensors and Transducers 17',| 5. Good frequency and transient response. 5. Feasibility of remote indication and recording. 7. Amplification greater than that produced by a mechanical contrivance. 8. Possibility of mathematical processing of signals like summation, integration etc. 3.6 TRANSDUCERS ACTUATING MECHANISMS Transducers are also known as gauges, pick-ups and signal generators. Most of the pickups have following two basic elements : (i) Activating device. (ll) Transducing element. Fig. 3.2. shows some typical actuating mechanisms nts, overload s referred to as sr it becomes WN= Capsules C tr Corrugated *Mm** diaphragms I I pressrre I Bellows Circular Bourdon he transducers, Flat pressure tube Corrugated Bourdon tube Mass t erafure. Arm r-- Arm --l MaSS -l rvrass t $1''*' : f zero drift. Pivot-torque tvt Canritarror r cantilever r- fW*^" I ll lJ I+- --Pressure ISUaight tube Mass cantilever Fig. 3.2. Transducer actuating mechanisms. lg increasinglY ineering. These 3.7 RESISTANCE TRANSDUCERS The resistance of a metal conductor is expressed by a simple equation that involves : few physical quantities. The relationship is given Uy R = neasured. .. here, ff; R = Resistance, O, p = Resistivity of conductor materials, O-2, L = Length of conductor, m, and A = Cross-sectional area of the conductor, *' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 172 Any method of varying one of the quantities involved in the above relationship can be the designed basis of an electrical resistance transducer. There are a number of ways in which resistance can be changed by a physical phenomenon. The translational and rotational "potentiometers" which work on the basis of change in the value of resistance with change in length of the conductor can be used for measurgment of translational or rotary displacements, "Strain gauges" utork on the principle that the resistance of a conductor or a semiconductor changes when strained. This property can be used for measurement of displacement, force and pressure. The resistivity of materials changes with the change of temperature thus causing a change of resistance. This property may be used for measurement of " temperature" . In a resistance transducer an indication of measured physical quantity is given-by a change in the resistance. lt may be classified (as discussed above) as follows : 1. Mechanically varied resistance - Potentiometer 2. Thermal resistance change Resistance thermometers 3. Resistivity change Resistnnce strqin gauge. - 3.7.1. Linear and Angular Motion Potentiometers 4titi Such potentiometers conaert the linear motiott or the angular motion of a rotnting shaft into clunges in resistance. The device is a variable resistor whose resistance is varied by the movement of a slider over a resistance element. Tlanslatory devices have strokes from 2.5 mm to 5 mm. Rotational devices have full scale from 10o to 60' full turn. The potentiometer shown in Fig. 3.3 and 3.4 form a part of the bridge circuit whose output voltage is changed by the slider position. -f-r=:rt --t= l:l !-?:.8 .e! : --e9 . tra - :cI - I:u: -. itE bs€ .}*&.u -rl -t .i.rz -' l- r- :-:a ?:"ra7 p .E f:E i: :-€'- .g:( ]-rEiar--rlrtle i -r5 --w :f :e i:!+2a- f .-c;-.:-* * !lE:tl- a':=r rfao=ilr --t. Jr'-.-j i: =.itE iru! I hurl Resistance element --E =llr= o -r.ttrrr, Slider O rr.'t- a irr3all . c@, l+- vo -+l Fig. 3.3. Linear motion potentiometer. - Fig. 3.4. Rotary motion potentiometer. The slider is powered by the mechanical part on which the linear displacement or angular measurement are to be made. Due to arm movement, the slider moves over the resistance element and thus shorts out a portion of the resistance. The change in resistance in the potentiometer is then an indication of the amount of motion and the direction of mooement is indicated by whether the resistance is increasing or decreasing. The unbalanced voltage is measured directly or fed into an amplifier and recorded. The potentiometers are used in many transducers designed to measure : (i) Pressure (lil) Acceleration (ll) Force (lu) Liquid level. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor - ..Il - ilr 1,i :i: -= l-:r - {: ' \;a-21l --r-€ lE:r? I ]e -ua:z .=@, a --r- :llr'r Xechatronics tbnship can r of ways in of change in neasurement Sensors and Transducers 173 The potentiometers have the folowign adaantages and disadaantages : (i) High output. (li) Less expensive. (ili) Available in different sizes, shapes and ranges. us causing a (lu) Simple to operate. (o) Their electrical efficiency is very high. (ai) Rugged construction (uli) Insensitivity towards vibration and temperature. crature". Disadaantages: s given-by a (l) Limited life due to early wear of the siiding ram. (ii) The output tends to noisy and erratic in high speed operation or when in high emiconductor ement, force : vibration environment. (iii) In wire wound potentiometers the resolution is limited while in cermet and metal film potentiometers, the resolution is infinite. Power rating of potentiometers : ting shaft into raried by the circuit whose The potentiometers are designed with a definite power rating which is related directly to their heat dissipating capacity. The manufacturer normally designs a series of potentiometers of single turn with a diameter of 50 mm with a wide range of ohmic values ranging from 100 Q to 10 kQ in steps of fiO A, These potentiometers are essentially of the same size and of the same mechanical configuration They have the same heat transfer capabilities. Their rating is typically 5 W at an ambient temperature of 21"C. This limits their input excitation voltage. Materials used for potentiometers : ESaStanCe Ernent The materials used for potentiometers may be classified as wire wound and non-wire wound as follows: 1. Wire uound potentiometers : The materials used are: o Platinum; o Nickel chromium; e Nickel copper; a Other precious resistance elements. ntiometer. dis6rlz6srnsnl tr 1 srt and thus I potentiometer ant is indicated rd voltage is Ie: - These potentiometers carry relatively large currents at high temperatures. Their terrrperature coefficients of resistance is usually small, of the order of 20 x 704 /"C or less. Their resolution is about 0.025 - 0.05 mm and is limited by the number of - turns that can be accommodated on the body. The response is limited to about 5 Hz. - The maximum speed with which a wire wound potentiometer may be turned - is about 300 r.p.m. 2. Non-zoire uound potentiometers : These are also called continuous potentiometers. The materials used are : o Cermef o Hot moulded carbon; PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook ol Mechatronics 174 Sersors and ? :: Cl-::. o Carbon film; e This metal film. (since resolution is no These potentiometers provide improaed resolution and lit'e b"S"Jh*i"a Uy ,f," "umber oi tt"'-tt that can be wrapped onto a body) . pQtentiometer may be turned at a speed of 2000 r'p'm' The 3r-o t Resolutio A continuous . These are more sensitiae to temperature changes and have a higher wiper contact currents' resistance, which is variable and can carry only moderate Example3.l'.Explainbrieflythetypesoferrorsencounteredinatransducer. briefly discussed below: solution. The types of errors encountered in a transducel are . 1. Scale errors. 2. DYnamic errors' 3. Noise and drift errors' process {r* -1,; determination' for 1.. scale effors. Calibration in general may be defined as the scale reading of by measurement or comparisin with a stindard, of the correct aalue .each a control of settings the of determination on the measuring instrument.It is the frequency' current, voltage, of Pressure values device that corr;spond to particular or some other outPut' of closene-ss z. Dynamic errors. Fidelity of an instrument system is defined as thLeit.degree to the It refers upon *ith *hirh the system records the signal *iirh it impressed input' the as form same ability of the system to reproduci the output in the with changing quantity ;"oyio*i, a the dffiience between the^true aalue of error,i is is nssumed' time and the aalue indicat'iel by the instrument if no static error 3. Noise and drift etrors, Drift is undesired change or a gradual variation in output conditions o*r", , period of time thatis unrelated to chan[es in output, operating or some random' systematic, be either can device or load. Drift for a measuring as a specified and measured is drift devices, combination of the fwo. Forkost Percentage of ouput sPan' unifurmly wound with Example 3.2. Alinear resistance potentiometer -is 50 mm long and is is at the centre of the slider the conditions, normal wire haztinlg a resistance of 1.0000 Q.'tlnder as measured potentiometer the of resistance the when potentiom&er. Find the liiear displacement 'byaWheatstonebridgefortz'tsocasesisG)3850O(ii)75604' to measure a minimum aalue Are the two displacements in the same direction? lf it is possible of the potentiometet in mm' of L0 g resistance with the abooe arrangements, find the resolution (Anna University) it is given that the slider is at the centre of the Solution. Under normal condition, of the potentiometer potentiometer, hence under normal position the resistance 10000 2 = 5000 C) The resistance of the potentiometer wire per unit length 10000 50 = 200 O/mm (,) Change in resistance of potentiometer from its normal position = 5000 - 3850 = 1150 O .'. Displacement = # = 5'75 mm (Ans') PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 3.7.2. Th The= =a ::.i ceran{c-j -i.. ,v--..- -.---. _x-rY J Thermisfl -ar-;:::-? -'<-i':fL -:r€ ia.€ $E - <:s:i:cl:glt Thenr.sro --:-rei, cob.ait, ::s l5 si .{pplicdi l i - .r.1:+z Te=.5 -;--u .: L - I \!e=: I l. \'- t=rJ!--- 5 \leasr : \teasr 1: : :€3.738 R*g -*- ru Salient fo - l---* = Mechatrontcs Sensors and Transducers 175 (ll) Change in resistance of potentiometer from its normal position = 7560 - 5000 = 2650 O (in the optytttsite tlircctiotr) solution is no rto a bodY) r.P.m. r ;t'iPet contact .'. Displacement = 49 = 12.8 mm. (Ans.) 200 The two displacements are in the opposite direction. Resolution of the potentiometer ::i. Min. measurable resistance Q/mm scussed below: ', determination, .;;ii scsle reading rts of a control iuency, pressure ;i;'ce of closeness . it refers to the -. as the inPut' ::'' ;ltanging with l:.:,tted ' ,r'iation in outPut :ating conditions ::ndom, or some rJ specified as a :'-":'.tt toound with ',ri centre of the 10 = 200 = 0.05 mm. (Ans. ) 3,7.2. Thermistors and Resistance Thermometers These transducers are thermally sensitive variable resistors made of certain conducting and ceramic-like semiconducting materials. They are used as temperature detecting elemetri: used to sense temperature for the purpose of measurements and control. Thermistors are essentially semiconductors which behave as resistors with a higlt negatioe temperature coefficient of resistance. The high sensitivity to temperature changes ,oik" th" thermistors extremely useful for precision temPerature (-60'C to + 15"C) measurements, control and compensation. Their resistance ranges from 0.5 (-) to 0.75 MO. Thermistors are composed of sintered mixture of metallic oxides such as manganese, nickel, cobalt, copper, iron and uranium. Fig. 3.5. shows the commercial forms of thermistors. Applications of thermistors : (maior application)' 1. Measurements of temperature 2. Temperature compensation in complex electronic equipment, magnetic amplifiers and instrumentation equiPment. 3. Measurement of power at high frequencies. 4. Vacuum measurements. 5. Measurements of level, flow and pressure of liquid. 6. Measurement of thermal conductivity. a:Jr as measured n: .; ',tinimutn aalue Glass coated bead tt,::'ltnrcter in mm' tAnna UniversitY) t the centre of the :ntiometer Leads ffL (a) Bead <(b) Disc (c) Probe Lead (d) Rod Fig. 3.5. Commercial forms of thermistors. 3.7.3, Wire Resistance Strain Gauges Refer to article 3.14. Salient features of thermistors : 1. The thermistors are comPact, rugged and inexpensive. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 176 Sil fi 2. They have good stability, when properly 4ged' 3. Their response time can vary from a fraction of a second to minutes depending on the size of the detecting mass and thermal capacity of the thermistors. It varies inaersely with dissiPation factor. 4. The upper limit of temperature for thermistors is dependent on physical changes in the material or soldei used in attaching the electrical connections and is usually 400'C or less. 5. These can be installed at a distance from their associated measuring circuits if elements of high resistances are used such that the resistance of leads is negligible. 6. The measuring current should be maintained to as low a value as possible so that self-heating of thermistors is avoided otherwise errors are introduced on account qffi b of change of resistance caused by self-heating. Example 3.3. @) As thermistor has a resistance temperuture coeficient of -5_7" ^ooer a temperatuie range of 25"C b Sa"C. lf the resistance of the thermistor is 1-00 W at 25" C, what is the resistance at 35"C? b) Suggest a complete instrumentation schune in block diagram form to measure the temperature in'a closed ooen with the help of thermistor. , Solution. (a) Ras=R25[1 + cr(35-25) = 100[1 -0.05(35-25)] = 50Q (Ans.) (b) Fig. 3.6. shows the complete instrumentation scheme for the measurement of temperatuie with the help of a thermistor. Thermistor is mounted in the oven at a place where temperature is to be sensed. With the increase in temperature, resistance of the thermistor dec.eases causing imbalance in Wheatstone bridge circuit whose output balance voltage is amplified by signal conditioning device, the amplified output when connected to a suitable output device gives the value of the temperature of the even. Single phase supply oven (l Wheatstone bridge Signal conditioner (fr 'J :u q T ITI rh Output meter Thermistor Fig.3.6. ru E 3.8 VARIABLE INDUCTANCETRANSDUCERS These are based on a change in the magnetic characteristic of an electrical circuit in response to a measure and which may be displacement, velocity, acceleration etc. Variable inductive transducers may be classifud as follows : 1. Self-generating type. ln this type aoltage is gurerated because of the relatiae motion between a conductor and a magnetic field. These may be further classified as follows: (i) Electromagnetic type. (il) Electrodynamic type. (lii) Eddy current type. 2. Passive type. In this type the motion of an object results in changes in the inductanct of the coils of the transducer. These may be further classifted as follows i (i) Variable reluctance. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor q -f t q I -il,f t,t I ,Q r.'!ifl,!) &rl l Mechatronics es depending (ii) Mutual inductance. (lii) Differential transfer type. hermistors. It 3.8.1. Self-generating TyPe pical changes and is usually ing circuits if s is negligible. csible so that rd on account Frg.3.7 shows an electromagnetic type of selfSenerating variable inductance transducer. - + .Ferromagnetic It consists of a Permanent magnet core on which a coil is directly wound. a plate of iron or other - When ferromagnetic material is moved with respect to the magnet, the flux field exphnds or collapses and a voltage is induced in the coil. - lo measure the (Ans.) easurement of ren at a place sistance of the otrtput balance lten connected tI Motron 3.8.L.1. Electromagnetic type q -5% ouer a ct 25" C, what 177 Sensors and Transducers This device is used for indication of angular speed. The measurements of speed can be made with great accuracy when the pickup is placed near the teeth of a rotating Permanent magnet Fig. 3.7 . Self-generating va riable inductance transducerElectromagnetic tYPe. gear. 3.8.L.2. Electrodynamic type This type of transducer (linear and rotational is shown in Fig. 3.8). \H/ :IL W i+- vo --+l Permanent magnet Electrodynamic (linear) lrical circuit in ltion etc. . H Fig.3.8. Self-generating variable inductance transducer-Electrodynamic type. In this type, coil moves within the field of the magnet. The turns of the coil are perpendicular to the t rclatiae motion Electrodynamic (rotational) intersecting lines of force. When the coil moves it induces a voltage which at any moment is proportional to the aelocity of the coil. The principle of these transducer is ' <------+ Non{errous Motion used in the magnetic flow meters. n the inductance 3.8.L.3. Eddy current type Fig. 3.9 shows an eddy current type of self-generating variable inductance transducer. Fig. 3.9. Se!f-generating variable inductance transducer-Eddy current type. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 178 A Textbook of Mechatronics Eddy current or drag cup tachometer: In this type of tachometer (Fig. 3.10) the test-shaft rotates a permanent magnet and this induces eddy currents in a drag cup of disc held close to the magnet. The eddy currents produce a torque which rotates the cup against the torque of a spring. The disc turns in the direction of rotating magnetic field until the torque developed equali that of the spring. A pointer attached to the cup indicates the rotational speed on a calibrated scale. gJ ::=o Ii lS ,fr l--- franpir FJ1 t.j rrE-r sE: Aluminium cup tFF Fig.3.10. Eddy current or drag type tachometer. r The automobile speedometers operate on this principle. o These tachometers are used for measuring rotational speeds upto 12000 r.p.m. with an accuracy of + 3 per cent. 3.8.2. Passive Type ifii Variable reluctance transducer In these transducers (comprising of a magnetic field and core with a gap between the core and the fixed coils) a change in the reluctance of the magnetic circuitly a mechanical input results in a similar change both in the inductance u.rd inductive reactance of the coils. The change in inductance is then measured by suitable circuitry and related to the value of mechanical input. --e i,'"-:!nir-.: l :' -:.{ ' a*q"* airy [u;ff :f . Armature .lr- c dr -il l+- nir gap Fig.3.1 1. Variable reluctance transducer. The magnetic circuit reactance may be changed by affecting a change : (r) in the air gap or (ii) in the amount/type of core material. - Transducers which make use of air gap change are referred as reluctance type. Transducers which utilize a aariable core are referred as permeance type. A variable reluctance transducer is shown in Fig. 3.12. Here the inductance of a single coil is changed through the- variable air gap. The change in inductance may be calibraied in terms of movement of the armature. This principle of variable reluctance is used for the measurement of dynamic quantities such as : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor E t{!a I &e =rr: G? ::tD&-- Ftf Jg.-i iar fr !i3 N?+f hatronics ;and this .currents turns in n spring. rle. 179 Sensors and Transducers (r) Pressure (ii) Force (lil) Displacement (io) Acceleration (a) Angular position etc. Example 3.a. Fig. 3.L2 shows a --'ariable reluctance type proximity inductioe :ransducer in which the coil has inductance ;f 2 mH when the irriri *"i, if' 1'. sap ''erromagnetic material is 1km away. JT (i) Calculate the aalue of inductance when a displacement of 0.02 mm is applied to the target in a direction moaing it towards the core. (iil Show that the change in induct ance is line arly proportional p.m. with :tween the irechanical nce of the ited to the Fig. 3.12. Variable reluc- to the displacement. Neglect the i tance i nductive transducer. reluctance of the iron parts. Solution. Inductance with air gap length of 1.00 m.m, L = 2 mH (l) Value of inductance when a displacement of 0.02 mm is applied : Length of air gap when a displacement of 0.02 mm is applied towards the core = 1.00 - 0.02 = 0.98 mm Now, the inductance is inversely proportional to the Iength of air gap as the reluctance -.f flux paths through iron are neglected. Since the gap length decreases the inductance increases :-, AL. L+A,L - r, ot, 1 O* =2.04mH(Ans.) LL = 2.04 - 2 = 0.04 mH (ii) LL a displacement : The ratio of change in inductance to the -.r-iginal inductance o'04 = o.o2 = aL L2= Also, the ratio of displacement to original :ap length ! = 0'02 = o.oz 1 I 'tlance type. ? type. I of a single p calibrated h quantities Hence the AL cr displacement .... Proaed. o This relationship, however, is true of only aery small oalues of displacement. Variable permeance transducer : Fig. 3.13 show a aariable permeance transducer -r which the inductance of coil is changed by '.'.trying the core material. Fig. 3.13. Variable permeance transducer (self inductance arrangements). PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 180 A fextbook of Mechatronics The transducer consists of a coil of many turns of wire wound on a tube or. insulating material with a moveable core of magnetic material. the coil is energized and the core enters the solenoid cell, the inductance of - When the coil increases in proportion to the amount of metal within the coil. It is primarily used for the measurement of : (l) Displacement; (ii) Strain; (lll) Force. Mutual inductance transducer A two-coil mutual inductance transducer is illustrated in Fig. 3.14. It consists of an energising coil X and a pick-up coil Y. A change in the position of the armature by a mechanical input changes the air gap. This cause a change in the ouput from coil Y, which may be used as measure of the displacement of the armature i.e., the mechanical input. - b- qiIfc rii The ELt -rlLE, el _ rt"h but i TtE fuulrfr drin* Ihrs. frr ,&Er? fE Excitor -:df,seis tt: 3-r5( E I Motion + X = Energising coil Y = Pick-up coil Fig. 3.14. Mutual inductance transducer. Linear-variable-differential transformer (LVDT) :actt cd +ior F{... t\\\s\r : LVDT is a passiae inductioe transducer and is commonly employed to measure force (or weight, pressure and acceleration etc. which depend on force) in terms of the amount and direction of displacement of an object, Movable core Movable core N aa rN. a -{ro.dttt 1. Itgic aryE 1 Thek 3. It sha Secondary (a) (b) Fig. 3.1 5. Linear-variable-differential transducer (LVDT). Construction. Refer to Fig. 3.15(a). consists of one primary winding (P) and two secondary windings (s, and sr) - Itwhich are placed on either side of the primary mounted on the same magnetii core. The magnetic core is free to *ot u axially inside the coil assembly aid the motion being measured is mechanically coupled to it. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor { Mdc 5. t.s" 6 6. The r,ritho 7- It can < 8. It is.T Dlydofrt l. Ttrcse t This b l Mechatronics gr a tube or. 7 inductance of Sensors and Transducers 181 - Mtsists of an mrature by a lcoil Y, which [anical input. The two secondaries.s, and s, have equal number of turns but are connected in series opposition so,that e.m.fs, (E, and^Er) induced il thur. are 1g0o out of phase with each other and hence,.un."i each 5ther out. [See Fig.3.l5 (e)] The primary is energised from a suitable A.C. source. Working: the core is in the centre (called reference position) the induced voltages E, and - when Erate equal and opposite. Hence they cancel out and the output voltages vois zero. the external applied force moves the core towards - when coil s2, E, is increased r, is decteased in magnitude though they are stltt *t antiprrase with each other. The net voltage available is (E, _ Er)"and il i" piiri *i.rn fr. similarly, when the magnitude core moves towards coil sr, Er, Erand vo = Et - Ez Thus, from above discussion, we find that the-magnitude ::stance moaed by the core arrd its polarity =oved. of vo is a function of the or phaseindicat?s r; i; i" which direction it has If core is attached to moving object, the magnitude Fig. 3.15(c) shows the pressure measurement Secondary coil - 1 of vo giaes the position of that object. bv LVDT_ Secondary coil - 2 Output aaaaaa sure force (or Pressu r'e I and direction lnpui I vo l primary coil Fig.3.15 (c). pressure measurement by LVDT. Adoantages: 1' It gives a high output and therefore many a times there is no need for intermediate amplification devices. 2. The transducer possesses a high sensitivity as high y /mm. 3' It-shows a low hysteresis and hence repeatability is excellent under as 40 4. Most of the LVDTs consume a power of less than 1 W. all conditions. 5' Less friction and less noise (due to absence of sliding contacts). 6. These transducers can-usualy tolerate a high aegree of p (S, and Sr) me magnetic nbly and the shock and vibration without any adverse effects. 7. It can operate over a temperature range from _26S"Cto 600"C. 8' It is available in radiation-resistant design for operation in nuclear reactors. Disadoantages: 1' These transducers are sensitive to stray magnetic fields but This is done by providing magnetic ri'tiaaI witir shielding is possible. rongituairiut "torr. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook ol Mechatronics 182 2. Relatively large displacements are required for appreciable differential output' 3. The receiving instrument must be selected to operate on A.C. signals or demodulator network must be used if a D.C. output is required. 4. several times, the transducer performance is affected by vibrations. 5. The dynamic response is limited mechanically by the mass of core and electrically Sensors and Tr 3.9 CAPA( The princi :,-.r capacitan< by the frequency of applied voltage. The frequency of the carrier should be at least ten times the highest frequency component to be measured. Applications: 1. Measurement of material thickness in hot strip or slab steel mills. 2. In accelerometers. 3" ]et engine controls in close proximity to exhaust gases. Note. LVDT is not suited for fast dynamic measurements on account of mass of the core. Example 3.5. ln a linear aoltage dffirential transformer (LVDT) the output ooltage is 1.8 V at tnaximim displacement. At a certain load the deaiation from linearity is maximum and it is + 0.0045 V from a straight line through the origin. Find the linearity at the gitten load. Solution. Giaen : The output voltage of LVDT at maximum displacement = 1.8 V The deviation from a straight line through the origin = t 0.0045 V {f, .'. %agelinearity' = 19!9€1100 = t0.25% (Ans.) 1.8 Example 3.6. The output of a I-VDT is connected to a 4 V aoltmeter through an amplifier whose amplification factor is 5(i0. An output of 1..8 mV appears across the ter-minals o[.L.V.DT uhen the'core moaei through a distance of 0.6 mm, lf the milliaoltmeter scale has 700 diuisions and the scale can be read to L of a diaision, calculate: Any phys :;t';citance gau The displa,, (i) Chang (ii) Chang Tlrc change -::,id artd gas ! 3.9.1. Cap Figure 3.16 :.:nsducer rvh Since capoc, : ;Lsteru is lina Fig. 3.16(c) 4' (D The sensitirsity of LVDT. (ii) The resolution of the instrument in mm. Fire A Iu/ Solution. (l) The sensitivity of LVDT : The sensitivitv of LVDT = ?tPyt ' t'oltaSe = g Dlsplacement U.6 = 3 mv/mm (Ans.) (li) The resolution of the instrument : Sensitivity of measurement = Amplification factor x sensitivity of LVDT =500x3= 1500mV/mm 1 scale division - 4 V = 40 mV 100 Minimum voltage that can be read on the voltmeter = 1x40 =10mV I t-i r lt I N Frxed ptate d( 4 .'. Resolution of the instrument = ,0,(#) = o.oooz mm (Ans.) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Fig.3.16. Capa 183 Sensors and Transducers J Mechatronics ntial outPut. r demodr.rlator 3.9 CAPACITIVE TRANSDUCERS The principle of operation of capacitive transducers is based upon the familiar equation for capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor : Capacitance,, = 5. rnd electricallY r should be at +=*f ...(3.1) € = €,,€o = Permittivity of mediurn,Ffrr., €, = Relative permittivity, (for air e, = 1), €, = Permittivity of free spdce = 8.85 x 70-12 F/m, A = OverlaPping area of plates, and d = Distance between the two plates. where, I Any physical quantity which can cause a change in e, A or d can be measured by the nass of the core. iooltage is L.8 V maximum and I the giaen load. rtent = 1.8 V capacitance gauge. The displacement is measured by measuring the change in capacitance brought about by : (l) Change in area, or (ll) Change in distance between the plates. The change in capacitance on account of change in dielectric is used to measure change in liquid and gas leaels. tgh an amplifier rminals of LVDT lus 700 diaisions 3.9.1. Capacitive Transducers-Using Change in Area of Plates Figure 3.76(a), (b) shows the elementary diagrams of the arrangements of a capacitive transducer where capacitance change occurs because of change in the area of plates. Since capacitance is directly proportional to the ffictioe area of the plates, response of such d system is linear. Fig. 3.16(c) shows variation of the capacitance. re Fixed metal block Ans.) I Output Moving tube <-+ Capacitance increases Capacitance decreases (a) Max. 1 oo ;LvDr I c H E Displacement i o d () uin I Displacement Capacitance increases Capacitance decreases Fig.3.16. Capacitive transducers working on the principle of change of capacitance with change of area. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 184 3.g.2. Capacitive Transducer-Using Change in Distance Between the Plates Fig,.3.lZ shows the basic form of a capacitive transducer utilizing the effect of change of capacitance with change in distance between the plates. Fixed plate Fig. 3.17. Capacitive tra nsd ucer' One is a fixed plate and. the displacement to be measured is applied to the other plate which is moaable. Since, the capacitance, C varies inversely as the distance between the plates the response of this transducer is not linear. Differential capacitor sYstem: In a differential capacitor system, let the normal position of the central plate be represented by a solid iitt"t ,t shown in Fig. 3.L8' The capacitances C, and C, are then identical. Cr= Cr=Q- eA , 1.e., ...(3.2) u ,.tl 1 c1 Normal position of central plate -JL T Fig. 3.1 8. Differential capacitor system. When the central plate is displaced parallel to itself through a distance r, the capacitances are c,=.A.C^=.4 ' d+x' " d-x ...(3.3) For an alternating voltage E applied between the terminals 1 and 2, tt:.e voltages across C, and C, are given by r - EC, -d+x ' Cr+C, U g1 - and, I-- E _ EC, _rd_x " Cr+C, U ...(3.4) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor >g-s:rs a1: .Jl€ .i:€:t - : , :-i f Mechatronics in the Plates rffect of change Sensors and Transducers 185 \Alhen the differential measurement circuit is fed with output from the terminals pairs 1 and 3, and 2 and 3, the difference voltage would be recorded. E,-E"= EL Lzd ..(3.s) The difference voltage is a linear function of the displacement of the linear plate. The differential method can be used for displacement of 10-8 mm to 10 mm with an accuracy of 0.7%. Advantages and disadvantages of capacitive transducers : Advantages. The major adaantages of capacitive transducers are: 1. Require extremely small force for operation (hence very useful for use in small tre other plate e between the rntral plate be nd C, are then ...(3.2) systems). 2. Extremely sensitive. 3. Require small power for operation. 4. High input impedance; therefore, loading effects are minimum. 5. Frequency response is good. 6. A resolution of the order of 2.5 x 10-3 mm can be obtained. 7. Can be used for applications where stray magnetic fields render the inductive transducers useless. Disadvantages. The principal disadaantages of capacitive transducers are: 1. The metallic parts must be insulated from each other. The frames rnust be earthed to reduce the effects of stray capacitances. 2. They show non-linear behaviour several times on account of edge effects ; guard rings must be used to eliminate this effect. 3. The cable connecting the transducer to the measuring point is also a source of error. The cable may be source of loading resulting in loss of sensitivity. Also loading makes the low frequency response poor. Uses of the capacitive transducers. The, capacitive transducers are used for the :ollowing purposes I 1. To measure both linear and angular displacements. 2. To measure force and pressure. 3. Used as pressure transducers in all those cases where the dielectric constant of a 3 distance l, the ...(3.3) 2, the voltages medium changes with pressures. 4. To measure humidity in gases. 5. Used in conjunction with mechanical modifiers for measurement of oolume, density, weight, input letsel etc. Example 3.7. A parallel plate capacitiae transducer uses plates of area 300 mm2 which are ;ttarated by a distance 0.2 mm. (i) Determine the aalue of capacitance when the dielectric is air haaing a permittiaity of 8.85 * 1[12 F/m. (ii) Determine the change in capacitance if a linear displacement reduces the distance between ...(3.4) the plates to 0.18 mm. Also determine the ratio of per unit change of capacitance to per unit change of dis,placement. (iiil lf a mica sheet 0.01 mm thick is inserted in the gap, calculate the aalue of original capacitance and change in capacitance for the same displacement. Also calculate the ratio PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 186 of per tmit change in capacitance to per unit change in displacement. The dielectric constant Sensors sn 3.9.3., Refur of mica is 8. 300 x 10{ rr.2; d" = 0.2 mm; eo = 8.854 x 10 Solution. Gioen: A = 300 **'= F/m; e, (mica) = 3 (r) Value of capacitance: plates, frren tank so the pulses thus ee A e A ;rnif or to a Vntue of capacitance, C = --!;-=-d = ,*r#;#of t 'end of the F = 13.z7spF (Ans.) To rcct ctu'tta, treeu€r[ (ll) Change in capacitance, AC: rt:gle, Change is displacement Ad= 0.2 - 0'18 = 0.02 mm. Capacitance after application of displacement, C + AC _ g.g5x10-12x309x10{ p= 0.18 x I0-' 14.75 pF L3.275 = 1-475 pF (Ans.) Change in capacitance, LC = 74.75 Ratio of per unit change of capacitance to per unit change of displacement, - 3 LC/C _$.475173.275) / d (o.o2lo.2) ^d (iii') C, AC Ratio (LCIC)l(Ldld) when mica sheet is inserted: Initially, the displacement between the plates is 0.2 mm. Since the thickness of mica is 0.01 mm, the length of air between the plates = 0.2 - 0.01 = 0.19 mm. Initial capacitance of transducer, eA u d"l a^L EC "rz -t ot, C_ 8.85x 10-12 x 300 x 10-6 (FH;,- 3.10.t. A "piczt of a crvstol il This potenti: i.e., converst = 1.L11 (Ans.) a_ U_ 3.10 PtE change the piezoeledrir Elemert elements. C-q salts,lithius t A and B. There an 1. N.A F = 13.88 pF (Ans.) When a displacement of 0.02 mm is applied, the length of air gap is reduced to 0.19 - 0.02 = 0.17 mm. Capacitance with displacement applied s.as4q+#9tlq1F = 15.5 pF :- -704@l;10-, 8l \1 Change in cnpacitanc€, L(. = 15.5 - 13.88 = 1.62 pF (Ans.) (Ans.) Ratio Lc / c = 0.62113.8_8) (uw.z) = r:t57 ^d/d 2. Syd 3.102.I The dasiz (, Stabn (1,) H*h (,1l) Insen (lo) The: Natwel c (4 Hidr (i0 Abilr (iii) I.ow I (iz) Good Synthct* o "Qts smaIL PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor nk of Mechatronics : lJu diele ctr ic cons t an t €o=8'854x10-12 ('.' e, = 1; Sensors and Transducers Refer to Fig. 3.19. A capacitive pick-up tachometer consists of a vane attached to one 'end of the rotating machine shaft. When the shaft rotates between the field capacitive plates, there occurs a change in'the capacitance. The capacitor forms a part of an oicillator tank so.that number of frequency-changgs per unit of fim; is a measure oi the shaft speed, The pulses thus produced are amplified and squared, and may thenbe to measuring fed frequeicy unit or to a digital counter so as to provide a digital analog of ine shafi rot#on. I fF (Ans.) I 187 3.9.3. Capacitive Tachometer To timer/ counter/ frequency meter I t Shaped oulses tnduced r- putses \ I *_fL[LfLfL \4, - Ftotarins I ly' snafi <--nA/\n ._\ '--=!-q-vun" Shaper/Am plif ier capacrror prates Fig. 3.19. Capacitive pick-up tachometer. i I wvnt, ! I |e thickness of mica I mm. I L i I i (Ans.) Y- ri 3.10 PIEZOELECTRIC TRANSDUCERS 3.10.1. Piezoelectric Materials A "piezotelectric mateial" is one in which an electric potentinl appears across certain surfaces of a crystal if the dimensions of the crystals are changed by the appliciation of a mechanical jorce. This potential is produced by the displacement oiextemal charges. Theeffect is reversible, i.e., conversely,if a varying potential is applied to the proper axis of the crystal, it will change the dimensions of the crystal th&eby deforming it. This effect is known as piezoelectric effect. Elements exhibiting piezoelectric qualities are sometimes known ag. electro-resistiae ele_ments..Co*T9. piezoelectric materiils are : Ammonium dihydrogen piosphate, R\chelle salts,lithium sulphate, dipotassium tartrate, potassium dihydrogen piospiate,'quar'tz and ceramics A and B. There are two main groups of piezbelectric crystals: 'l.,. Natural crystals..... such as quartz and tourmaline. 2- Synthetic crystals..... such as Rochelle salt, lithium sulphate, dipotassium tartrate etc. 3.10.2. Desirable Properties of piezoelectric Materiats Tlte desirable properties of piezoelectric materials are : i (i) Stability. (ii) High output. (ill) Insensitivity to temperature and humidity. I (izr) The ability to be formed into most desirable shape. f Natural crystals entail the following adaantages : (i) Higher mechanical and thermal stability. (ii) Ability to withstand higher stresses. (lil) Low leakage. (io) Good frequency response. synthetic maturtab, in general, have a higher aoltage sensitiaity. o "Quartz" is the most stable piezoelectric material. However, its output is quite fp is reduced to 0.19 I small. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 188 A TextbooK of Mechatronics . "Rochelle" salt provides the highest output but it can be worked over a limited . humidity range and has to be protected against moisture. The highest temperature is limited to 45.C. "Barium titanate" has the advantage that it can be formed into a variety of shapes and sizes since it is polycrystalline. It has also a higher dielectric constant. 3.10.3. Working of a Piezoetectric Device A typical mode of operation of a piezoeleckic device employed for measuring varying force applied to a simple plate is shown in Fig. 3.20. The magnitude and polaiity if the induced charge on the crystal surface is proportional to the magnitude and direction of thi aiplied force. The charge at the electrode gives rise to voltage (E), given by, Sluosl ZPr JR {.cl 5. Pl 6. C) 7. tn 8. Li 3.ro.! Rek I --<.i trotg Force Electrodes .t Fig. 3.20. Piezoelectric transducer. l t- ltF " - 7=g'P Const where, 8 = Voltage sensitivity in Vm/N, and has m are to be d against the F = Force in N (newton), A = Area of the crystal in m2, and acts upwa! p = pressure (=;) - N/m2. quantity, th Workir Newton's s the upwan 3.10.4. Advantages and Disadvantages of piezoelectric Transducers acceleratiq Adaantages: acceleratiqr 1. High frequency response. 2. Small size. Ailod. Disadaantages: 1. Sdr 2. H4 3. Clr 4. Hit s. Hit 1. Output affected by changes in temperature. 2. Carrnot measure static conditions. Disadu 1. Urs 3. High output. 4. Rugged construction. 5. Negliible phase shift. Applications: These transducers find the followingf etds of apptication: 1. Acceleroeters. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 2. S"bt 3. S€rl Sensors and Transducers 189 IOnrcs 2. Pressure cells. 3. Force cells. 4. Ceramic microphones. 5. Phonographpick-up. 6. Carkidges. 7. Industrial cleansing apparatus. 8. Under-water detection system. 3.10.5. Piezoelectric Accelerometer hrited nture hapes L lrying of the Refer to Fig.3.21,. A piezoeleckic accelerator is probably the simplest and most commonly ryplied used transducer for measuring acceleration. Acceleration Fig. 3.21. Piezoelectric accelerometer. I t,l l"l.l Construction. It consists of a piezoelectric crystal sandwitched between two electrodes and has mass placed on it. The unit is fastened to the base whose acceleration characteristics are to be obtained. The can threaded to the base acts as a spring and squeezes the mass against the crystal. Mass exerts a force on the crystal and a certain aoltage output b generated. Working. When the base is accelerated downward inertial reaction force on the base acts upward against the top of the can. This relieves stress on the crystal. According to Newton's second law of motion, force = mass x acceleration, since the mass is a fixed quantity, the decrease in force is proportional to the acceleration. Similarly, an acceleration in the upward direction would increase the force on the crystal in proportion to tl're acceleration. The resulting change in the output voltage is recorded and correlated to the acceleration imposed on the base. ' Adaantages: 1. Small size and a small weight. 2. High output impedance. 3. Can measure acceleration from a fraction of g to thousands of g. 4. High sensiiivity. 5. High frequency response (10 Hz to 50 kHz). Disadaantages: 1. Unsuitable for applications where the input frequency is lower than 10 Hz. 2. Subject to hysteresis errors. 3. Sensitive to temperature changes. .i PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 190 A Textbook of Mechatronics SG.SS 16 Example 3.8. A 2.5 mm thick quartz piezoelectric crystal haaing a uoltage intensity of Vru/I'J is subjected to a pressure of 1.4 MN/m'.If the permittiaity of quartz is 40.6 x 10-"^0.055 F/m, r:r Ctr.r calculate: (i) Voltage output. (ii) Charge sensitiztity of the crystal. Solution. Giaen: t = 2.5mm or 2.5 x 10-3 m; g = 0.055 Vm/N ) p = 1.4MN/m2; e (= e,€,) = 40.6 x 10-12 F @ Voltage output, E: E = Stp ...[Eqn. (3.6)] :::J. = 0.055 x 2.5 x 10-3 x 1.4 x 105 = 192.5 V (Ans.) (i) Charge sensitivity of the crystal: Charge sensitiaity = eo€, I = eg = 40.6 r, 10-12 x 0.055 C/N 3T = 2.233 pC/N (Ans.) Example 3.9. A piezoelectric crystal measuring 6 mm x 6 mm x 1.8 mm is used to measure a force. Its aoltage sensitioity is 0.055 Vw/I'I. Calculate the force if aoltage deaeloped is L20 V. Solution. Giaen: A = 6mm x 6 mm = 36 x 104 m2;, = 1.8 mm or 1.8 x 10-3 m; 8 = 0.055 Vm/N; E = 720 Y "q Force F: We know that, T HAL] 3.11.1. I ','.hen a r rcq=ri. Thrs e : n--;':r:lc-t .4' - ,:;,i1 1: p .:. ..ther , i-,':.-: J, ;:- :.t--:-:;-irl E = gtp 120 = 0.055 x (1.8 x 10-3) x p 120 --p = -:--==----- OI ' 0.055 x 1.8 x 10-' ...[Eqn. (3.6)] N/m2 = 7.272 MN/m2 F = p x A = 1..21,2 x106 x 36 x 10{ = 43.63N (Ans.) Example 3.1A. The following data relate to a barium titanate pick-up: Dimensions 6 mm x 6mm x L.5 mm Force acting on the pick-up ................,. 6N The charge sensitioity of the crystal .................. 150 pC/In Permittiaity Modulus of elasticity L2.5 x 10-s F/m 12 x 106 N/m2 Calculate the following: ?'tTltl:'I.-rl i h the Fi1 -.nrimen bar : :he positi ; :-.a5nehc fr r :re prositirr .r;Llrding to l l::s ererteJ =:::ers lrrtx -r,:ies ) in :--a-tion. Thi ::e to hole: r,-itive-.r or c :-..\'ing in (i) The strain. :.:ection (ii) The charge and capacitance. Solution. Gioen: A = 6 x 6 = 36 mm2 or 36 x 10a lrr-2; t = 1.5 mm or 1.5 x 10-3 m; ties or electrr for\Tr i. Fig- e = 72.9 x 10-e F/m; F - 6 N; d(charge sensitivity) = 150 pClN; Modulus of elasticity = 12 x 106 N/m2. = 150 pClN; e = 12.5 x 10-e; E = '12 x 105 N/m2. Gl The strain, e: Pressure, p = *= Strain, e = *k N/m2 = 0.167 MN/m2 Young's modulus r*.:tLlnduclor The currcl :s a result of I =-ative to sid I :nd is caller r-itive at sur :: surface l. I The Polant =o'l!'\tr.' = o.oL3e (Ans.) 12x 10" PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ::,::tmen iS Of . dtatronics ry of 0.05s (ll) Charge and capacitance; Q, C: 70-" F/m, Voltage sensitivity, g = d €o€,-de -150x10-11 12.5x10-e = 12 x 10-3 Vm/N Voltage generated, E = qtP = 72 x 10-3 x 1.5 x 10-3 x 0.767 x 106 = 3V Flence, charge,Q = d x F = 150 10-12' 6 C = 900 pC (Ans.) ' le1= .r.,; Fqn. (3.6)l 191 Sensors and Transducers and, Capacitance,6 = 9004012 F = 300 pF (Ans.) ns.) 3.11 HALL EFFECT TRANSDUCERS 3.11.1. Hall Effect I to measure d is L20 V. 10-3 m; lEqn. (3.6)l When a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, a transaerse ffict is roted. This effect is called Hall effect (discovered by Hall inL879). Hall found that: "When ; magnetic field is applied at right angles to the direction of electric current an electric field is set :,p ;hich ii perpendicular to both the direction of electric current and the applied magnetic field" . In other words: "When any specimen carrying a current I is placed in the transtserse magnetic field B, then ;n electric field E is induced in the specimen in the direction perpendicular to both I and B. The :trcnomenon is known as Hall effect". In the Fig. 3.22 is shown a specimen bar carrying a current . in the positive-r direction. Let Semiconductor bar : magnetic field B, be applied (Ans.) n .r the positive-z direction. Then :ccording to Hall effect, a force iets exerted on the charge :arriers (whether electrons or roles) in the negative-y lirection. This current I may be lue to holes moving in the Y :ositive-x or due to free electrons Fig.3.22. Current carrying semiconductor bar noving in the negative-x subject to transverse magnetic field. lirection through the <miconductor specimen. Hence irrespective of the nature of the charge carriers, whether roles or electrons, these charge carriers get passed downwards totaards face 1 of the specimen I [5 x 10-3 m; ( elasticitY = N/m2. shown in Fig.3.22. The current, in an N-type specimen, is carried almost fully by electrons. These electrons, :s a result of Hall effect, accumulate on side 1 which surface then gets negatively charged -lative to side 2. Consequently, a potential difference develops between surfaces 1 and I and is called the'Hall ooltage' (Va). This Hall voltage in an N-type semiconductor is :ositive at surface 2. On the qther hand, in a P-type specimen, the Hall Voltage is positive rt surface 1. These two results have been verified eiperimentally. The Polarity of Hall uoltage enables us to determine experimentally whether the semiconductor ;.-tecimen is of N-type or P-type. [Ans.) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 192 A Textbook of Mechatronrcs The magnitude of Hall voltage (Vr) is given by the expression : v-,,b= R'BI where, Rlr = Hall coefficient, B = Magnetic field strength, I = Current carried by the specimen, and b = Width of the specimen along the magnetic field. Tlre Hall ffict may be used for: 1. Determining whether a semiconductor is N-type or p-type. 2. Determining the carrier concentration. 3. Calculating the mobility having measured the conductivity. 4. Magnetic field meter. The Hail voltage Vn for a given current is proportional to 6 Hence measurement df V, measures the magnetic field B. 5. Hall ffict multiplier. The instrument gives an output proportional to the produc: of two signals. Thus if current I made proporiiortul to one input and if B is proportional to the second input, then Hail riltog, Vn is proportioial to the produc of the two inputs. i=-sors and Tra 2. Current :lall effe.r : -=:iupting th, --::rt and the '.\henaD( -- -:.d. This ": - : slotted fer-:, : .,tttltu! :,-' ' ..:.rrctlt,.1'.--: ,. The ma= 'r :-is fairlv s:: . -.--h can be i o This melh 3. Magneti< The magne - -. :;Onductrrr -::retic lines c -=ut voltage 3.1 1.2. Hall Effect Transducers Follon'ing : Hall effect transducers are the transducers in which Hall effect is utilised to measure various eleckical or non-electrical quantities. .ldaantages: ri) The sr-st Commercial Hall ffict transducers are made from germanium or other semiconductor materinls. The following are the applications of Hall effect transducers : 1. Displacement measurement: Hall effect transducer may be used to measure a linear displacement or to locate a structural element is cases where it is possible to change the magnetii field strength by aariation in the geometry of a magnetic structure. Fig. 3.23 shows the arrangement of Hall-effect displacement (linear) transducer . The Hall effect element is located in the gap, adjacent to the permanent magnet. The field strength produced in the gap due to the permanent member is changed b! changing the position of a ferromagnetic plate. The voltage output of the Hall effect ete-meit is proportional to the field strength in the gap which is function of the position (i.e., displacement) of ferromagnetic plate with respect to the structure. o With this method the displacements as small as 0.025 mm can be measureil. permanent l-__--l masner\lJ* l--__o't''"tu'"n' I lpFerromasnetic ; ",, ._-J--* I I p,ate ------------I--ll I n II tit---r ll ! u Half-effect element Fig. 3.23. Hall-effect displacement transducer. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor r thus tht meaSUr€ ii) The Ha.i the ma6r Disadaantag High ser i:-:rperafure vari.i - .efficient mav r ' plate n'hic -:ividual calib,: -i:e. 4. Fluid level HalI effect s --d as position. .-J proximih' se ::ing sensed r :trmanent magrx Such a sen_so -' Cetermine the :: automobiie : z. 3.24 shorts :.tector. l llechatronics 193 Sensors and Transducers 2. Current measurement: Hall effect transducer can be used to measure current in a conductor rvithout : field. :nterrupting the circuit and without making electrical connection between the conductor :ircuit and the meter. When a D.C. or A.C. current flows through the conductor, it sets up a magnetic field .rround. This magnetic field is proportional to the current. A Hall effect transducer is inserted n a slotted ferromagnetic tube which acts as a magnetic concentrator. The aoltage produced 't the outptrt terminals is proportional to the magnetic field strength and hence is proportional to ':rc current, ortional to B. r the product tandifBis to the product flozuing through the conductor. The magnetic concentrator can be omitted at high current ievels since the magnetic -reld- is fairly strong in the vicinity of the Hall element and thus can cause output voltages detected easily. ' hich can be r This method can be used to measure current from less than a mA to thousands of aruperes. 3. Magnetic flux measurement: The magnetic flux can be measured by using Hall effect transducer. Here, a -emiconductor plate is inserted into the magnetic field which is to be measured. The :ragnetic lines of force are perpendicular to the semiconductor. The transducer gives an Lrtput voltage which is proportional to the magnetic field intensity (B). Following are the adr.tantages and disadaantages of the system: ld to measure Adaantages: uctor materials. (i) The system requires a very small space in the direction of the magnetic field and thus the Hali effect element can be inserted in narrow gaps for magnetic measurements in air spaces. (ll) The Hall effect element gives out a continuous electric signal in direct response to the magnetic field strength. or to locate a gth by aariation Disaduantages: High sensitivity 5net. The field y changing the ect element is to ':inperature variations, and Hall 'efficient may vary from plate plate which may need lividual calibration in each Magnet r position (1.e., ':se. ansducer . The Ground 4. Fluid level measurement: asured. Hall effect sensors can be .sed as position, displacement rd proximity sensors if object 'eing sensed with a srnall --ermanent rnagnet. _ Such a sensor can be used I ' , determine the level of fuel in n automobile fuel tank. ".,g. 3.24 shows a fluid level .:etector. r---_-- Fig.3.24. Fluid level detector. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 194 A magnet is attached to a float and as the level of fuel changes and so the float distane from the Hall sensor changes. The result is a Hall voltage output which is a measure o{ the distance of the float from the sensor and hence the level of the fuel in the tank. Example 3.11. The resistitsity of semiconductor material was known to be 0,00912 Q m d room temperature. The flux density in the Hall model was 0.45 Wb/m2. Calculate the Halt angle for a Hall co-efficient of 3.55 x L0a m3/coloumb. Solution. Refer to Fig. 3.25. 2 Resistivity of the semiconductor B = 0.48 Wbim material, P = 0.00912 flm Flux density in the Hall model, B = 0.48 'Nb/mz Hall co-efficient, Ra = 3.55 10+ m3lc Hall angle,0r: Resistivity, " p=+ 0.0as72 = R,, N= Also, L Fig.3.25 I* \orr-, c Hall co-e( ,V ito jrurctittns-' :his ooltnge d4 !enrperature. €Y Any nurrd E, = 3.55 x 104 x 0.48 I* = 7.704 * lOa J* tan 0,, - "E, 3.12 THER B I, 0.481x W Voltage b Tr,r,o dissir at different E 3.55x10+= Now, Ha -:nd, iultqp E, = 0'00972 ], i': Solutiqr. I J, .G Seasors and fi E combinations i 7. Iron m 2. Chrom Y nickc{) 3.13 PH(m = 0.01868 3.13.1. Pri 0a = 1o 4'(Ans') Example 3.12. Figure 3.26 shows a specimen of silicon doped semiconductor hatsing the HaIl co-efficient of 3.55 x 70n m"fcoloumb. Calculate the uoltage between contacts when a current a{ 15 mA is flowing. The photo combination of r (i) Electm (li) A r-ott (,i, A re{s 3.13.2. Ap lmm s__:_ mmx 1 mm) These traru 1. Contru 2" Precisx 3. Exposu 4. Solar b machin 5. Satellir PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor k of Mechatronics '1 Sensors and Transducers the float distance 3: Solution. h is a measure of I in the tank. Hall co-efficient, R, = 3.55 x 104 m3lc Current, I = 15 mA = 0.015 A Atea, A = 15mmx1mm= 15x10{m2 Flux density, B = 0.48 rNb/m2. i,t0.009L2Qmat ; i,. Voltage between contacts: Now, current density,J'"I" = \A 0'015-15x10-o = 1000 A/m2 Hall co-efficient is given by the relation: t?-v " 3.55 x 10+ = and, E BI" 0.48 x 1000 E. = 3.55 * 10{ x 0.48 x 1000 =0.7704Y/m aoltagebetween contactvs=0.7.704 x (15 x 10-3) = 0.002556 V (Ans.) 3.12 THERMOELECTRIC TRANSDUCERS Two dissimilar metal conductors when joined at the ends and the two junctions kept at different temperatures, then a small e.m.f. is produced in the circuit. The magnitude of this aoltage depends upon the rnaterials of conductors and the temperature difference betrueen the troo junctions. This thermoelectric effect is used in thermocouples for the measurentent of ternperature. Any number of combination of metals may be used. Two commonly employed combinations are: 1. lron qnd constantan (an alloy of copper and nickel). 2. Cfuomel (an alloy of chromium and nickel) and alumel (an alloy of aluminium and nickel). 3.13 PHOTOELECTRICTRANSDUCERS 3.13.1. Principle of Operation ';t;tor haaing the Hall ;:s iDhen a current of The photoelectric transducers operate on the principle that when light strikes specitl combination of materials then following may result: (i) Electrons may flow (lr) A voltage may be generated. (iii) A resistance change may take place. 3.13.2. Applications r,m) These transducers find the followinglelds of application: 1. Control engineering. 2. Precision measuring devices. 3. Exposure meters used in photography. 4. Solar batteries as sources of electric power for rockets machines etc. 5. Satellites used in space research. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 196 A Textbook of Mechatronics F-; i5 :r: :t=] el 3.1 3.3. Classification Photoelectric transducers may be grouped as follows: 1. Photoemissive cell. r'g 2. Photovoltaic cell. 3. Photoconductive cell. rc--r=rxe -slu!-ETrlof t :.r::e qt th I*:.ott>r-o : Auto :: Teler ::: iLrr This cell is also known as photo tube.It is based on the emission of electrons from a metal cathode (or photo-sensitive surface) rvhen it is exposed to light or other 3.13.A I radiation. Lighl Refer.to Fig. 3.27. It consists of two metailic electrodes (i.e., a cathode and an anode) supported in an evacuated glass bulb fitted with a base like a thermionic valve. The cathode is either semi-cylindrical ,l{ +: rS iqZ a 3.1 3.4. Photoemissive Cell ..fr SErse= :rt: calhode -trr:ari.tiil -n't:. :li .iJ -i=.:u::: sul F:: 13 ,r suir a cri : i--= rr-o eieCt or V-shaped and is made of a metal coated with an emissive material. The anode is in the form of a thin wire facing the cathode. When the light falls on the cathode photo-electrons are emitted which are -=.:aLrndu(tl :-e::'.. -\-s:<ur -:i rsistance =:r.ugh the ci =eape of the :-. so made as attracted by the positive anode. Subsequently current is produced whose magnitude (for a given cathode) depends jark to light' A cadmiu eiectrodes rth on (i) intensity of incident radiation and (ii) anode cathode voltage. Photo-emissive cell finds use in: (i) fietd of photometry and calorimetry, (ii) sound Fig. 3.27. Photoemissive cell, reproduction from a motor-picture film, (iii) 'on and off' circuits and other circuits concerning the counting or sorting of objects on a conveyor belt, automatic opening of a door etc. 3.1 3.5. Photovoltaic Cell nter-digital pr :he contact a raterial. It h :atio. Photoconc -;iuen out bv lh 3.13.7. Pt In this cell sensitive element is a semiconductor (not metal) which generates voltage in proportion to the light or any radiant energy incident on it. The most commonly used photo-voltaic cells are barrier layer type like iron-selenium cells or Cu-CuO, cells. r t t t [J:il:iff:?:i?1"J.]' Fig. 3.3Ct s G \-+ I 1 i J l.-,'-e"'i"''l'v'' Layer of selenium Metal base (bottom electrode) a It consi Fig. 3.28. Photovoltaic cell. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor The du t'lechatronics Sensors and Transducers Fig. 3.28 shows a typical widely used photo-voltaic cell-"Selenium cell". It consists of a metal electrode on which a layer of selenium is depositedi on the top of this a barrier layer is formed which is coated with a very ihin layer of gotd. The latter serves as a translucent electrode through which light can impinge on the layer below Under the irrfluence of this light, a negative charge will build up on the gold electrode and a positive charge on the bottom electrode. Photo-voltaic cells are widely used in the followingfields: (i) Automatic control systems. (ll) Television circuits. (iii) Sound motion picture and reproducing equipment. .a-'- 3.1 3.6. Photoconductive Cell Lioht -,^-' Anode --- "Photoconductiae" cell Ltses a semiconductor material whose resistance changes in accordance ;ttith the radiant energy receiaed. The resistivity of semiconductor materials like selenium, cadmium sulphide, lead sulphide and thalmium sulphide is decreased when irradiated. Fig.3.29 shows the simplest form Badiations of such a cell using selenium. There are two electrodes provided with the -^il -tr11. : rrbjects on a semiconductor material attached to them. As soon as the cell is illuminated its resistance decreases and current lhrough the circuit becomes large. The shape of the semiconductor material is so made as to obtain a large ratio of 'dark to light' resistance. A cadmium sulphide cell has two electrodes which are extended in an inter-digital pattern in order to increase the contact area with the sensitive rnaterial. It has high 'dark to light' Fig. 3.29. Photoconductive cell. ratio. Photoconductive cells are generally used for detcctirtg slips and aircrafts by the radiations ;ioen otrt by their exhausts or (firnnels) and for ttleptltortrl bu ntodulated infrared lights. 3.1 3.7. Photoelectric Tachometer ::es voltage in Fig. 3.30 shows a photoelectric tachometer. :.monly used l- cells. , :'ot '-:ie) Light sensor r-----\ 'a____) j .94{c , i \IF Lroht fi.S so*ce : :_ Uftl Opaque disc . ::"ode) Fig. 3.30. Photoelectric tachometer It consists of an opaque disc mounted on the shaft whose speed is to be measured. The disc has a number of equivalent holes around the periphery. On one side of PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 198 A Textbook of Mechatronics I the disc there is a source of light (L) while on the other side there is a light sensor (may be a photosensitive device or phototube) in line with it (light-source). o On the rotation of the disc, holes and opaque portions of the disc come alternatorv in between the light source and the light sensor. When a hole comes in between the two,light passes through the holes and falls on the light sensor, with the result that an output pulse is generated. But when the opaque portion of the disc comes in between, the light from the source is blocked and hence there is no pulse output. Thus wheneaer a hole comes in line with the light source and sensor, a pulse is generated. These pulses are counted/measured through an electric counter. The number of pulses generated depends upon the following factors : (l) The number of holes in the disc; (ii) The shaft speed Since the number of holes are fixed, therefore, the number of pulses generated depends on the speed of the shaft only. The electponic counter may therefore be calibrated in terms of speed (r.p.m ) Adztantages. It is a digital instrument. Disadaantages. It is required to replace the light source periodicaliy and if the grating period is small then errors might creep in the output. 3.'I4 STRAIN GAUGES 3.14.1. lntroduction When a metal conductor is stretched or compressed, its resistance changes on account of the fact that both length and diameter of conductor change. The ztalue of resistioity of the conductor also changes. When it is strqined its property is called piezo-resistance. Therefore, resistance strain gauges are also known as piezo-resistiae gauges. The strain gauge is a measurement transducer for measuring strain and associated stress in experimerLtal stress analysls. Secondly many other detectors, and transducers, notably the Ioad cells, torque meters, diaphragm type pressure gauges, temperature sensors, accelerometers and flow meters, employ a strain gauge as a secondary transducer. 3.14.2. Type of Strain Gauges Four types of strain gauges are: 1. Wire-wound strain gauges. 2. Foil-type strarn gauges. 3. Semiconductor strain gauges. 4. Capacitive strain gauges. (Although these strain gauges have been discussed in chapter 4 they are being dealt with in details again for better understanding by the reader.) Wire-wound strain gauges There are two main classes of wire-wound strain gauges: 1. Bonded strain gauge. 2. Unbonded strain gauge. Bonded strain gauge: It is composed of fine wire, wound and cemented on a resilient insulating support, usually a wafer unit. Such units may be mounted upon or incorporated in mechanical PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor _-+EG .E >' ,lechatronics 199 Sensors and Transducers lrght sensor rurce). alternatory in between th the result :lements or structures whose deformations under stress are to be determined. While there ,rre no iimits to the basic values which may be selected for strain-gauge resistances/ a :r'pical example may be taken as of the order or 100 to 500 f)' Fig. 3.31 shows the commonly used form of resistance wire strain gauges. disc comes is no pulse Carrier (base) is ",r, s pulse Besistance \nter. w ire :ttends on the ms of speed (a) Linear stratn qauge .: the grating Wire grid Terminals ;;count of the ::te conductor :e, resistance Base ::.i!ed stress in , notably the :Jre sensors/ :_ -.., ..aLLI. (d) Helical gauge (c) Torque gauge Fig.3.31. Resistance wire strain gauges. Unbonded strai.n gauge: Fignre 3.32 shows an unbonded strain gauge. M and N are attached by rods rfl anrl ': respectively, to points between which displacement is to be measured. Pick-up and measr-t:-:' . networks ire energized from similar but isolated source. Unbalance originating in :-:. up is detected andbalanced by servo-actuated measuring network, prouiding n r:;-; - strain on graduated scale. :e being dealt ating support, in mechanical Fig. 3.32. Unbonded strain gauge PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 200 A Textbook of Mechatron,;. In the unbonded strain gauge the resistance structure comprises of fine wire windi:-: stretched between insulating supports mounted alternately on the two members betvvee: which displacement is to be measured (see Fig. 3.32). These wires comprise the four arr-. of a Wheatstone-bridge network of which two opposite arms are tightened and the other t. slackened by the displacement. - '1;l/lrl . While a bonded gauge tends to respond to the aaerage strain in the surface to which it cemented, the unbonded form measures displacement between the two points to whiclt t::, respectiae supports are attached. . Unbonded wire strain gauges are usually operated on input potentials ranging upi. 35 V direct or alternating current. Under conditions of extreme balance corresponding to full operating range, the open-circuit e.m.f. may be of the orde: of 8 to 10 mV and closed circuit current upto 100 pA. Strain gauges for use on A.C. circuits are supplied in both capacitive and inductile - forms, wherein the corresponding characteristics of A.C. circuit components are varied br the displacement to be measured. Requirementsl Characteristics of resistance wire strain gauges: The resistance wire strain gauges should haae the following characteristics to haae excellen! and reproducible resul ts. 1. The strain gauge should have a high ualue of gauge factor. A high value of gauge factor indicates a large change in resistance for a particular strain resulting in high sensitivity. 2. The resistance of strain gauge should be as high as possible since this minimizes the effects of undesirable variations of resistance in the measurernent circuit. 3. The strain gauges should have a low resistance temperature co-efficient. This is essential to minimize efrors on account of temperature variations which affect the accuracy of measurements. 4. The strain gauge should not haoe any hysteresis effect in its response. 5. In order to maintain constancy of calibration over the entire range of strain gauge, it should have linear characteristics i.e., the variations in resistance should be a linear function of the strain. 6. The strain gauges are frequently used for dynamic measurements and hence their frequency response shouid be good. The linearity should be maintained within accuracy limits over the enfue frequency range. 3J1,4.2.2. Foil strain gauges In these gauges the strain is sensed with the help of metal foil. Foil gauges have a much greater dissipation capacity as compared with zoire wound gawges on account of their greater surface area for the same aolurrte. Due to this reason they can be employe d for higher opernting temperature range. In these gauges, the bounding is better due to large surface area of the foil. The bonded foil gauges find a wider field of action. Fig. 3.33 shows a typical foil gauge. r The characteristics of foil type skain gauges are sirnilar to those of wire wound strain gauges and their gauge factors are typically the same as that of wire wound strain gauges. r The resistance value of foil gauges which are commercially available is between 50 and 1000 O" PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ij ilir"!5;Fl .!- '1 - 201 Sensors and Transducers tronlcs nding The aduantage of foil type strain gauges is that they can be fabricated econonr:ca..', ..': .; mass scale. tween r arms er two ich it is ilch the rg upto alance, e order ductive ried by Fig.3.33. Foil gauge. excellent 3 J1.4.2.3. Semiconductor rf gauge rlting in rizes the it. strain gauges o. Semiconductor strain gauges depend for their action upon piezo-resistiae ffict i.e., the change in aalue of the resistance due to change in resistiaity. o These gauges are used where a tsery high gauge factor and small enaelope are required. Base Base . This is rffect the Gold wire Semiconductor in gauge, ruld be a Terminals I errce their I<-Terminals -.."'t ed within 567 t ve a much ._ Terminals lltebonded ire wound 'ire wound is befween .'-r' r -\1 / ' 't\''/ eir grenter r operating Fig. 3.34. Semiconductor strain gauges. For semiconductoi strain gauges semiconducting materials such as ,<j.':,,'': ::,; germanuium are used. A typical strain gauge consists of a strain sensitiae crystal material and ,:;;: :':: ;'. sandwiched in a protectiae matrix. The production of these gauge S :rr r , . : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 2O2 ilr"i wafers or filaments conventional semiconductor technology using semiconducting which have a thickness of 0.05 mll and bonding them on suitable insulating making the contacts substances, such as teflon. Gold, lead are generally applied for Fig. 3.34 shows some typical semiconductor strain gauges' Adoantages: 1. These gauges have high gauge factor' 2. Excellent hysteresis characteristics' 3. Fatigue life is in excess of 10 x 105 operations and the frequency resPonse is upto 7o\t Hz. 4' These gauge can be very small ranging in length from 0.7 to 7 mm. They are aer:, useful for measurement of local strains' Disadt;antages: tt 1. The tmjor and serious disadaantage is that these Sauges are TJery sensitiae to change le rnPero t tt re. 2. Linearity of these gauges is poor' 3.L4.2.4. Capacitive strain Sauges -Fig. 3.35 shows a capacitive strain gauge. It,uses Orc principle of aariation of capncit.anct strips of about with oiriation of distance'between electrodis. ihe electrodes are flexible metal changes the This plate. top the to is applied 0.1 mm thickness. The strain to be measured of capacitance. in change resulting distance between the curved electrodes lilrl Test piece Fi9. 3.35. Capaciiive strain gauge. in dimensions The strain-capacitance relationship, in general, is not linear but variations capacitance of range the match to as and shape allow gauge characteristi.t to U" chosen so to be measured with a good degree of accuracy' o A capacitance strain gauge has a capacitance of about 0'5 pF' o Its overall size is 5 mm x 17 mm x 1 mm' o It uses a polyamide film of insuiating material' o It can be used upto a temperature of 300'C' 3.14.3. Theory of Strain Gauges When a strain gauge is subjected to tension (1.e., positive strain) its length incteases while its cross-sectionulur"u deireases. Since the resistance of a conductor is proportional to its length and inversely proportional to its area of cross-section, the resistance of the gauge inlreases with positive itrain. The change in the value of resistance of strained PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor '- ! ',lechatronics or fiiaments .' insulating lhe contacts. Sensors and 203 :onductor is more than what can be accounted for an increase in resistance due to ,iimensional changes. The extra change in the value of resistance is attributed to a cliarlgt' ,t the aalue of resistiaity of a conductor when strained; this property is known as piezo-tesistit't :ffect. Strain gauges are most commonly used in wheatstone bridge circuits to measure the -lrange of iesistance of grid of wire for calibration proposes; the "gauge factot" is defined '; the ratio of per unit change in resistance to per unit change inlength' Gauge factor (G) = :onse is uPto Tlrcr1 are oerY Transducers AR/R .(3.8) AL/ L ,'here, AR = Corresponding change in resistance R, and AL = Change in length per unit length L. wire of strain gauge R is given by the The resistance of : , to change in R= PL A p = Resistivity of the material of wire (of strain gauge), here, L = Lengih of the wire, and A = Cross-sectional area of the wire, = KDz, K and D being a constant and diameter of : ...i capqcitance 'trips of about is changes the l. the wire respectively. As earlier stated, when the wire is strained its length increases and lateral rmension is reduced as a function of Poisson's ratio (p); consequently there is an rcrease in resistance. R= _PL Now, KD' Differentiating it, get we 4p = xoz (p.dt + t.dp)=-=pr(zxo.do) (KD,), dD) _1 - -------5 (p dL+ L . dp) -ZpL KD' . _t . D) . :r.r dimensions : .)f caPacitance KD2 - dL,dp ndD LpD Now, Poisson's ratio, ,ength increases r is proportional :esistance of the :nce of strained p= Lateral strain _dD/D Longitudinal strain dL / L dD = DL -urL For small variations, the above relationship can be written as: AR _ LL _7,,AL _ Ap R L,.*L P PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 204 Cauge factor, Gf= AR= or, R iesors and Trans Adhesing ta ^R/RL ^L/ For proper m AL ut' t =Gf xe 1. Before n: ...(3.10, cleaned I 2. Remor.e 3. Sr,r,ab the where, e = strain =AL L The gnuge factor can be written as; Gf = 7-+2p+ - 1 ...(3.11 "! + = Resistance change due to change of lqngth 2p + Resistance change due to change in area LP/P e Resistance change due to piezo-resistive effect Gf = 1'+21t+ OT, Lp/p ...(3.12 The strain is usually expressed in terms^L/L of microstrain; 1 micro strain = 1 pm/m If the change in the value of resistisity of a material when strained is neglected, the gauge factor can be rewritten as: Gf = 1+2$ ...(3.13, Eqn. (3.13) is valid only when piezo-resistiae ffict (i.e., change in resistisity due to strain) is almost negligible. e The Poission's ratio for all metals lies between 0 and 0.5. This giv'e G, as 1 approximately. In case of wire wound strain gauges where the common value for Poisson's ratio is 0.3, the value of G, amounts to 1.6. o The value of the gauge factor varies from material to material but it is generallv assumed that it remains constant in the working range of strain required. lts ualw is determined experimentally. o ktowing the gauge factor (G/, the strain in the member can be directly found out by tlu change of resistance. Properties of gauge materials: The grid material for its proper functioning must possess the following desirable properties: 1. High resistivity. 2. High gauge factor. 3. High mechanical strength. 4. High electrical stability. 5. Low temperature sensitivity. 6. Low hysteresis. 7. Low thermal e.m.f. when joined with other materials. 8. Good corrosion resistance. 9. Cood weldabililty. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor that rhe i {. Applv a place the there is n should he the paper 5. Allorv tlx a slight r. :. After ceni and rr-eld Example 3.13. I *-: . .liameter :; 4 Solution. G:,\'hen the nl= Erample 3.1{-. - _ :: bonded t,. ::e - , JN/nt2. Citlci; :, due to ,z :r_ ::l due to ;);t tempera!t.: Solution. G;:t:..icity = 200 G\ Change in resi :) Chani Modulus c Gaug of Mechatronlcs ...(3.10) ...(3.11) tp /p e Resistance change due to piezo-resistive effect ...(3.12) ain = L pm/m I is neglected, the Sensors and This giVe G, as 2 common value for I but it is generallY n required. lts ualue dly found outbY the fiollowing desirable 205 Adhesing techniques: For proper mounting of the strain gauges, the followin g steps should be strictly follon ed: 1" Before mounting the strain gauge on the surface, the surface must be preferably cleaned by emery cloth and base material exposed. 2. Remove the various traces of grease or oil etc. by using a solvent like acetone. 3. Swab the back of the strain gauge by cotton dipped in acetone once, to ensure that the back is free from grease etc. a. Apply a generous quantity of cement to the cleaned resistancd and then simply place the cleaned gauge on it and excess cement worked out. Make sure that there is no bubble between the surface and the gauge, if any one is there, that should be removed. Avoid using heavy pressure, otherwise cement may puncture the paper and short the grid. 5. Allow the gauge to sit for at least eight or ten hours before using it. If possible a slight weight might be placed by keeping a strong rubber on the gauge. 6. After cement has been fully cured, check the continuity of wire by an ohmmeter and weld the electric leads. Example 3.13. The gatrge factor of a resistance wire strain gauge using a soft iron wire of 'nll diameter is 4.2. Neglecting the piezo-resistiae ffict, calculate the Poisson's ratio. Solution. Giaen: Gf = 4.2 when the piezo-resistiae effect is neglected,,the gauge factor is given by: Gt= L+2p 4.2= 7+2p ...(3.13) r resistisitY due to Transducers ... [=T ...[Eqn.(3.13)] =1.6(Ans.) Example 3.14. A simple electrical strain gauge of resistance 120 Q snd haaing a gauge factor 2 is bonded to steel hazsing an elastic limit stress of 400 MN/*, and modului oirtrJtility i, ) GN/m2. Calculate the cilange in resistance, O due to a change in stress equal '10to I the elastic range; "f (ii) due to change of temperature of 20'C if the material is adoance alloy. The resistance temperature cofficient of adaance alloy is 20 x 104/.C. Solution. Giaen: R^= 120 {l; G, = 2; Elastic limit stress = 400 MN/m2; Modulus of :sticity = 200 GN/m'; Resistance temperature coefficient, ao = 20 x 104 /"C. Change in resistance: (l) Change in stress = # >< 400 MN/mz = 40 x 106 N/m2 Modulus of elasticity = 200 GN/m2 = 200 x 1012 N/m2 Strain, e = Gauge factor G, = Gf Stress Modulus of elasticity _ aOxi01_ =1*10-6 200 x 10" 5 Per unit change in resistance Per unit change in length or AR = R G/e - AR/R e PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of MechatrcAR = 120x 2xLr7O-6 = 48 x 10{ Q = 45 pcl (Ans.) 0r, R,z = R6 [1 + o6(i2 - f1)l (r,) .. Change in resistance R,z - R,r = R* uo(f, - f1) AR = R,2 - Rr1. = 120 x 20 x 10+ x (20) ot, = 48 x 10*3 Q = 48 mo (Ans.) Example 3.1,5. A strain gnuge is bounded to a beam which is 12 cm long and has a c sectional area of 3.8 cm2. Thi ttistrained tesistance and gauge factor of the strain gau.q' 220 O anrl 2.2 respectiaely. on the application of load the.resistance of the gauge chang, 0.075 O. lf the modulus of elasticity for steel is 207 GN/m-, calcrtlate: (i) The change in length of the steel beam' (ii) The affioLtnt of force applied to the beam. Solution. Giaen: L=12cm =0'12 m;A=3.8cm2 =3'B x 104m2; R=220Q;G,= AR = 0.015 Q; E = 207 GN/m2. (r) The Change in length of steel beam. AL: Gauge factor, ... "t = #i A1 = (l&n).r _Q.0151?9)x0.12 Gf 2.2 = z.z2 x t0{ m (Ans.) (ll) The arnount of force applied to the beam, F: Stress o r L- Strain e L x e = tx-AL L = (207 x 10)e , .'. 3'72-\7-0 0.72 6 = 6.417 x 106 N/m2 tlrce,F = o'A= 6.417 x106x3"8 x 10{N=2'438kN(Ar 3,1 4.4, Strain-ga uge Circuits The following strain gauge circuits will be discussed 1. Ballast circuit. 2. Wheatstone bridge circuit. (l) Balanced (nu11) condition (li) Unbalanced (defleciion) condition bridge - Quarter Half bridge - Full bridge. 9.L4.4jt. Ballast-circuit (Voltage-sensitive potentiometric circuit) : Fig. 3.36 shows a ballast circuit-voltage-sensitive potentiometric circuit. Here, ?i = InPut supply voltage, tto = Output voltage, Ra = Ballast resistance, and PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ( of Mechatronlcs 207 Sensors and Transducers R.q rQ (Ans.) = Resistance of the unstrained resistance gauge. Ballast resistance ':: nnd has a cross:: strsin gauge are . .:auge changes bY Fig. 3.36. Ballast circuit-voltage-sensitive potentiometric circuit. The output voltage, when no sfress is applied to the strain gauge, is given by " :. = 220 {t; Gt= 2.2; = (Rn) (314) [i11'' When the gauge is strained, the gauge resistance changes to (R - - dR.) and the output voltage becomes, .\ 10{ m (Ans.) u t . A.i u t (R., + dR,) I I d 6 (3.1s) l-, - [(nr*dRr)+Rr_] ' The change in the output aoltage, , " t (R,+dR,) R, l L(R, + dRr)+ R1, R, + R, ' _.1 , i0" N/m2 .' = 2.438 kN (Ans't an".no =I "l Rn.R, dRo l,^,-R,Jz]''=G,-R;z &'' ...(3.16) ... Multiplying numerator and denominator by Rr. Also, condition of maximum sensitittity is given by : R, = R, rit) :: circuit. Here, Hence, dr, -16 o, Also, 4L = Gf ^e dR" 4R, R, PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 208 A Textbook of Mechatronics .'. dr. = [?le zr, ...where, Grdenotes the gauge factor ...(3.154) " [4,) From eqn. (3.76a) it is evident that change in output-aoltage when gauge is strained is directly proportional to strain. The ballast circuit is used for dynamic strain mmsurements where static strain c:omponents nrc ignored. br "rtIEt Di. I- iri o Limitati ons of pot:entiometric circuits: (l) No possibility of compensation for temperature variations. (li) High sensitivity to A.C. interference giving hum due to ground loops, induction from high current lines and poor connections. 3|1"4.4.2. Wheatstone bridge circuit The wheatstone bridge technique can be used in the following two ways: (i) Null mode; (ll) Deflection mode. E:fi. rf srltr- .H .n1E{t +r.uuhrrm lln: "mv L. Null mode: Refer to Fig.3.37. The resistance, with no straining, are so arranged that a, = ?rp orld the galvanometer gives zero deflection. rhen, #.t{b t = fr ...(3.77) .a where, Rr = Rs = Unstrained resistance of the t 8auge. In measurement of strains, generally R, is the strain gauge, R, and Rn are the fixed resistances and R, is a variable resistor. When the gauge is strained, its resistance R, changes by an amount dRr. This change unbalances the bridge resulting into the deflection of the galvanometer. The balance is then regained by adjusting R, by an amount dRr. The rebalanced conditions gives: - r;'t Qr i.: 'j Fig. 3.37. Wheatstone ::rei sLt bridge circuit. &+d& R, Rr+dR,= R4 o{, i:=:--3-€=Tt <1 5i i.-d =t€3i.r C'::rsl R,+dR,=(R,+rOJfr 'i'--i=ge R.+dR,= r.Rn'Rn R-rR2+dR.r& R1 +dRr= o{, dRl = RrJR4 +dR^r& *,.[fr) t t &= ff* n, from eqn. (3.10] ::-:-ar: ...(3.18) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Mechatronics actor ...(3.164) . ;s strained is .:': Sensors and Transducers If the resistances, of all the limbs of the wheatstone bridge ar.i elr,.-: :---: Rr = Rz-Ra=R+=R,c rnd, dR, = 711t The change in resistance dR, in terms of strain, is given by dR1 = Gte Rr where Gris the gauge factor and e is the str.:l: ::tt components dRs = Gt e Rr ".(3.2t1 Eqn. (3.20) indicates that the change in the aalue of resistance R, is direct measlffement o.' ;trriln. ..r,s, induction ,rys: (l) Null 2. Deflection mode: Initially the bridge resistances are so adjusted that the bridge is in balanced. The equilibrium gets disturbed when the gauges are strained. Then, the voltage uo is measured under this unbalanced condition. et i,u = aD and Cantilever beam Strain Force (F) oauoe (R^. ) 8,, R., R, = ""9 = Fixed resistances ----+ l=lr+lz Fig. 3.38. Single gauge used for strain measurement (Quarter-bridge). (il Quafier-bridge: Fig. 3.38 shows single gauge used for strain measurement (quarter-bridge). In this .rrrangement only one strain gauge is used and the other three elements of the bridge are :ixed resistors. Let us assume that the galvanometer (measuring instrument) has infinite impedance nd therefore no current flows through it. Then, a3tstone Current flowing through the limbs AB and BC, , ' u; Rr1 +Ra ...(3.21) Voltage drop in limb AB (or voitage at terminal B), D o.-=I"R UAB = t1 'txr = rom eqn. (r.rD] Similarly, r-ai t2 "AD - E' q, *O'ui 1tr-R- ...(3.18) rd, t\. ...(3.22) /? "i R, Rr+Rn 'i -.7' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 210 Initially, R.*r = Rz - Ra = R+ = R "na - and, _ai "ao- 2 ..(3.2s) uo = Voltage across the terminals B and D = AAB-aao=0 Obviously, the bridge is balanced under unstrained conditions, Whenthegaugeisstrained(seeFig'3.38),theresistanceR,1changesbyanamount dR.*r. Then, ",= [ffiffi],,={,H*),, 0,,o = ( n- ) ['.' Rgr - R: = R and dRp = dR) ,. [ffi ),,=; ('.' R, = R+ = R) The changed output voltage, ao+duo= = Since dR << R and "r (ffi_+),, (zn+ztn-zn-an) I dR \ |.ffif,=\+i;ufl,, = 0 (under unstrained conditions), therefore a,.dR dro - 4R dro = (9L), , or, (4,] ...(3.26) ...(3.27) t ...in terms of gauge factor G, and applied strain e From eqn. (3.27) it is obvious that the output aoltage is directly proportional to the applied strain. (iil Half-bridge: Fig. 3.39, shows two gauges used for strain measurement (Half-bridge). In this arrangement two of the bridge elements are strain gauges and the other two are fixed resistors. The strain gauge-1 is bonded to the upper surface of the cantilever beam and a second strain gauge-3 is bonded to the Iower surface and located precisely underneath the gauge-1. These Bauges are connected electrically to form adjacent limbs of the Wheatstone bridge circuit. The temperature effects are cancelled out by having Rz = R+ and using two identicsl gauges in the opposite arms of the bridge. Suppose, R*1 = Rra-Rz=R+=R Under no strain conditions: UAB - UAD - ai. 2' aB=aDandun=Q. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Mechatronics z Sensors and Transducers ...(3.25) Canlilever beam bv an amount rd dRrl = dRl Fig. 3.39. Two gauges used for strain measurement (Half-bridge). Rz=Ra=R) On the application of load to the cantilever beam, the resistance of the gauge R.sr lcreases due to tensile load whrlst Rru decreased due to eqlual campressiae strain so that, r1d, Now, Resistance of gauge - 1 = Rsr + dR*t Resistance of gauge - 3 = R*e - dR : R., v^D - u.t R-, gf +R^. YJ It+ dR (R+dR)+(R-dR) ...(3.28) -. ...(3.26) rrd, aAD = .-.(3.27) The changed output voltage, :pplied strain e ao+ du, = ...;. to the applied R' -ai n;11nat=1 ...(3.2e) (... Rz = R+) Y.r,-+ 1\ lLR-UR- 2R, = lR+dR ''\ zn -rl= '.t +n / ::idge). ln this r tu,o are fixed .ever beam and .elr underneath '.: iimbs of the .:,g two identical lt, dR , ao+auo= ...(3.30) i'n Since under unstrained conditions o0 = 0, therefore, change in ouput voltage due to :plied strain becomes, ,A,dR aao= T.R a,^" = (9J-),., l2) ...(3.31) t which is ttuice the output of Wheatstone bridge using one gauge only. The eqn. (3.31) can be rewritten as: PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatro: -: 212 u,f4L-(J8\l ,,, rruo\R/l +i R or, ll chanee in I - JFractional i'; I lFractional change in , limb util in , g'ilge of limb 'qsl- 1'"titi';le nuo = li \resistance of gairge in ,. ...(r. - The-vesignwithfractionalchangeinresistanceofthegaugeinlimbBCisduetot striin are of opposite signs' fact that compressive ur^rJ t"r'ttit" Ittgeneral,forthe,*ogo,,g,,connectedintheacljacentlimbsofabridgecircuit,weha.. r^gl ...(3 ' _ A., _ uvo4[ R R ) u,(dR,*, ort the top of the cantileaer Ihus,tohen both the gauges are mounted zero' aoltage is each other ancl the output beam, the tluo effects c1,.,. tiiil Full-bridge: ,^^^^r /E,,,-l-,ri,ise\ In trio?40-showsfourgaugesusedforstainmeasurement(Full-bridge)'In r15'J''"'"":ro""t""*"'itofthebridgearestraingauges' arrangement ail the four elements or trrc urrubL qrv rra+r:- o ( B /.o" Crd' Strain gauges (Under tension) '1 Force (F) 4 !ou t I &o",, T "".i .....'a- Strained 23 Cantilever beam i-'"$ cantilever Strain gauges (Under comPression) Fig.3.40.FourgaugesusedforStrainmeaSUrement(Full-bridge). Alithefourgaugesaresimilarandhaveequalresistanceswhenunstained,l.e., R*r = Rrz=Rrl=Rg+=R' Under no-strain condition I oAB = 'oo = \.; When the Ioad is applied to the cantilever ."I,fi;; aB = uD and uo = g' beam, the resistance R'' and Roo increase c' strain' Wb"ia-l ,"J nrr'i"'ioi'' a"" to equal cokpressiu[ to tensitclonrt whitst gauges are strained the resistances of the various Rr1 = Rg,l =R+dR(tension) Rr2 = Rg: = R - dR (comPression) and, R,st '* = 4F\,, "' 0AB = dR R+dR ,\ |/i-- R+2R -t (R+dR)+(R-dR) ...(J -'- PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation-.ll,copy of CVISION PDFCompressor I Mechatronics l:rsors and Transducers 213 D '1. vAn - tl rbBCfl J is due to the Rsz + Rx+ (R-dR)+(R+dR) R_dR .v =-.v '2Rl The changed output voltage, vo+dvo = R+dR.v 2R '--rrlf, we have: ',, ' -R-dR 2R = ''f4!R-R-dR'l=r'dR I\ 2R 2R ) 'R ...(3.33) '..'o effects cancel t R _dR Yao ...(3.32) 1\^o ..gV. Since the output voltage under unstrained conditions, v0 = 0, therefore, change in tput voltage due to applied strain becomes, dvn - = ,dR ,R :idge). In this duo - G, e.v, ...(3.36) -"vhich is the four times the output of Wheatstone bridge using orze gauge only. o It may be noted that all the relations derived above are subject to the following rrditions : (l) the values of the resistances of all the four limbs of the bridge are initially -:ual, and (ll) the galvanometer has infinite impedarrce and no current flows through it. Important points - uorth noting 1. If there are more than one strain gauge active, the output of the bridge and hence 'e sensitivity of the system increases. In general, if there are n active strain gauges in the :idges, then the output voltage is given by : d,o = ,fr'r, duo = =:ained, t, 1.e., 3 .rincrease due "(+), ", ...(3.37) (G, and e are gauge factor and strain respectively). The increased bridge output is expressed in terms of "bridge constant" (it represents re ratio of the actual bridge output to that if only one gauge were effective). The bridge .rrstants for the three arrangements discussed above are 7,2 and 4 respectively. 2. High gauge sensitioity can be obtained rvith : (i) High gauge factor: It depends upon : The gauge material; ,:"; strain. When The configuration of the gauge wire; The mechanical loading. . In general thefoil andwire gauses have gauge factor of about 2 and semiconductor gauges have typical values of about - 100 to + 200 (approx). (ii) Large excitation aoltage. It depends upon current or power rating of the gauge; typical values being 15 mA and 15 mW respectively. ...(3.34) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor *-<-- A Textbook of Mechatronics 214 i 3.15 LOAD CELLS a_ Load cells are elastic deoices that can be used for measurernent of force throt,tgh indirec: methods i.e., through use of secondary transducers. 3.1 5 Load ceils utilize an elastic member as the primary transducer and strain gauges as secondary transducer. When the combination of the strain gauge-elastic member is used for weighing, it is called a "load cell". While designing load cells using strain gauges the following factors should be considered : (i) Stiffness of the elastic element. o- (ii) Optimum positioning of gauges on the element. (lli) Provision for compensation of the temperature. a- When large loads are to be measured, the direct tensile-compressive member may be used, whereas, in case of small loads, strain amplification provided by bending may be useC with advantage. 3.15.1. Hydraulic Load Cell Fig. 3.41 shows a hydraulic load cell. Pressu re <\.:. - gauge (p- F) {, I \ ; \ Fluid filled space Fig. 3.41. Hydraulic load cell. Here the force variable is impressed upon a diaphragm which deflects and therebr' transmits the force to a liquid. The liquid medium contained in a confined space, has a preload pressure of Zbal On the application of the force the liquid pressure increases and equals the force magnitude diuided by the ffictiae area of the diaphragm. The pressure is transmitted to and read on an accurate F,'ressure gauge calibrated directly on force units. o These cells have been used to measure loads upto about 25 MN (with an acctnaa, of 0.1% of full scale); resoiution is about 0.02 per cent. 3.15.2. Pneumatic Load Cell This cell operates on the force-balance principle.It employs a nozzle-flapper transducer similar to the conventional relay system. For any constant applied foiie, the system attains equilibrium at a specific nozzle opening and corresponding pressure is indicsted w the height of mercury column in a manometer. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 't: = j = -- .n--: E -- :.-: _E --.r " -- 'i-r- I a' Uechatronics :' : Sensors and Transducers o The commercially available load cells (operating on this principler -.':' loads upto 25 kN with an accuracy of 0.5% of full scale. .,qh indirect in gauges as . r is used for '. should be 3.15.3. Strain-Gauge Load Cells These cells convert weight or force into electrical outputs which are provided by the strain gauges; these outputs can be connected to various measuring instruments ior indicating, recording and controlling the weight or force. Usually tlne strain gauges are directly applied to the force-deaeloping deaice and the deaice is calibrated against strain-gauge output. o These are excellent force-measuring devices, particularly for transient and non-steady forces" r These are used in conjunction with CRO (for display purposes) for measurement :mber maY be '.Jing maY be of rapidly changing loads. Construction and working of the load cell : Fig.3.42 shows a simple strain gauge load cell. It consists of a steel cylinder, on which are mounted four identical strain gauges. The gauges 1{r, and Ron are along the direction of appiied load and the gauges R.., and Rr, are attached circumferentially to gauges 11,rr ,rnd Rn*. A11 the four gauges are c6nnected'electrically to the four limbs of a Wheatstorlc :rridge circuit. Load (force) Steel cylinder Strain gauge V KEY (b) Whealslone bridge circuit (a) Load cell Fig. 3.a2. Strain gauge load cell. c:s and thereby .d space, has a :e increases and When there is no load on the cell, all the four gauges have the same resistance (i.e., Ro, . - = R5l = Rr+). Obviously the terminals B and D are at the same potential, the bridge '.ilanced and the ouput voltage is zero. fhe pressure is . on force units. YAB = uo'=l ith an accuracv YAB-vAD = vo=Q ... v ...(3.38) ...(3.3e) On the application of a compressive load to the unit, the aertical gauges (Rr, and R.+) -.r,rgo compression (i.e., negative strain) and, therefore, there is decrease in resistanct .:per transducer .:ce, the sYstem ,-: is indicated'oY -ircumferential gauges R", and R*r, simultaneously, undergo tension (1.e., positive slrair', :rng to increase in resistance. The two strains are not equal; these are related to ea:: .r by a factor, p, the Poisson's ratio. Thus when strained, the resistances of r'.::.. -.. les are : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Textbook of Mechatronics 216 Rgt=Rra=R- dR Rr2=Rg:=R+ dR ...(tension) (R - dR)+ (R + p.dR) R.ct + R,ce R_dR 2R - dR(1- rr) Potent'al at terminal D, vao= ...(compression) R-dR Potential at terminal B, u,o=-&-r= Fraction d XV XV R^, ...(r) R + p.dR 2R - dR(1- p) Hence, the xv .(,,) The changed output voltage, 3.r6 PROXT A proximit R + pr.dR R-dR xv2R - dR(1- p) 2R-dR(1-p) .then it is clo* Magnetic, e ...[Using (i) and (il)] = 4l#rl =z(t+r,(f ;) ..(3.40) ...in magnitude Since the output voltage vo = 0 under unloaded conditions, therefore, change in output voltage due to applied load becomes : du, Oul "- (R + p.dR)+(R -dR) I{-+R. gz 8a R + p.dR vo + dvo Sensors and Tn suited to the dr . Aphott reflectw emitter Common aV, (i) Countir (ir) Limitinl - ztr.rrl$S f) 3.16.1. Edd Obviously, this aoltage is a measure of the applied load. The use of four identical strain gauges in each arm of the bridge proaides futl temperature compensation and also increases the sensitiztity of the bridge 2 (7 + 1t) times. Calculate the sensitiaity of the load cell. Working pr When a ccil produced. If the then eddy curru eddy currents magnetic field rt field responsibl Consequentll; d changes and x alternating curra preset leael, can h Fig. 3.43. sho eddy current pro .for the detectior Solution. Girsen: d = 60 mm = 0.06 m;- R, (each gauge) = 720 Q; GJ = 2.0, v = 6V; conductioe materb Uses : The strain gauge load cells find extensive use in the following : (i) Road vehicle weighing devices. (li) Draw bar and tool-force dynamometers. (iii) Crane load monitoring etc. Example 3.16. The follouting data relate to strain gauge load cell arranged uith four identicat strain gauges as shown in Fig. 3.42. of the steel culinder = 60 mm; Nominal resistance of each gauge = 120Q; Gauge _ Diameter (v) 2.0; Supply factor = = 0.3. aoltage = 6V; Modulus of elasticity for steel = 200 GN/ml; Poisson's ratio E=200GN/m2;F=0.3. Sensitivity of the load cell : Consider a load of 1 kN applied to the load cell. Stress (o) = Load Cross-sectional area = -1x103 - =o.3537x1ouN/*' L"Q.06)2 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Adaantages: (i) SmaI in: (ii) Relativelr (iii) High flex (izr) High senr of Mechatronics . . . Sensors and Transducers (compression) L Strain, e = ...(tension) Stress (<r) Modulus of elasticity (E) 200 x 10- Fraction change in resistance, dR R/ = 2.0 x 7.7685 x 10{ = 3.537 x 10{ --U.AE (, Output voltage, dvo = 2(7-r(f ;) = 2(t+o.sl(a.saz x 10-6 x f;)=rc.zox 10-6\ Hence, the sensitiaity of the load cell = 13.79 pV/kN (Ans.) ..(,0 3.16 PROXIMITY SENSORS A proximity sensor consists of an element that changes either its stste 0r an ariai: -: . :' .'.. .uhen it is close to, but often not actually touching, an object. Using (l) and (ll)l ...(3.40) ...in magnitude Magnetic, electrical capacitance, inductance, and eddy current methods are partic'.r,.:: '. suited to the design of a proximity sensor. o A photoemitter-detector pairs represents another approach, where interruytti,'t: :" reflection of a beam of light in used to detect an object in a non-contact manner. The emitter and detecter are usually a phototransistor and a photodiode. Common applications for proximity sensors and limit switches include : :hange in output (i) Counting moving objects; (ll) Limiting the traverse of a mechanism. ...(3.4i) 3.16.1. Eddy Current Proximity Sensors fiil teruperature ::'.E Working principle : When a coil is supplied with an alternating current an alternating magnetic field is '-.roduced. If there is a metal object in close proximity to this attending magnetic field, :hen eddy currents are induced in it. The .ddy currents themselves produce a nagnetic field which distorts the magnetic : '. .ilr four identical ,;. -= 120Q; Gauge , ";-; Poisson's ratio -1 .=2.A,v=6V; ce coil :ield responsible for their production. -onsequently, the impedance of the coil ::tanges and so the amplitude of the -.ternating current. This change, at some . "eset leael, can be used to trigger a switch. conducting Fig. 3.43. shows the basic form of an object :ddy current proximity sensor. It is ttsed :-'r the detection of non-magnetic but .nductioe materials. Adaantages : (i) Small in size. (il) Relatively inexpensive. Fig.3.43. Eddy current proximity sensor. (ill) High flexibility. llil * 106N/m2 (la) High sensitivity to small displacements. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 218 A Textbook of Mechatronics 3.16,2. Capacitive Proximity Sensor -::..:":c:a.s Fig. 3.44. shows a schematic diagram of a capacitance proximity sensor. It consists of a simple plate (one of - the forms), with the object (earthed) acting as the other plate. As the oblect approaches the sensor, - separation between the plate of the papacitor and object changes which becomes significant as the object is close to the sensor. 3.18 U lPt : Sensor p late (Actinq as other plate) 3.16.3. lnductive Proximity Switch Fig. 3.44. Capacitance proximity sensor. - An inductive proximity switch consists of a coil wound round a core. When the end of the coil is close to a metal object its inductsnce changes. This change - can be monitored by its effect on a resonant o yso..sif .h circuit and the change used to trigger a switch. It can only be used/or the detection of metal objects and is best with ferrous metals. 2. Ph Th lst is :,:lr L*t 3.17 PREUMATIC SENSORS ff'.a.1 ) Air dragged out of port and so drop rn system pressure G( These sensors involve the use of compressed air, displacement or proximity of an object being transformed into a change in air pressure. Fig. 3.45. shown the basic form of a preumatic sensor. Low pressure air is allowed to - escape through a port in front of the sensor. escaping air, in the absence of - This any close by object, escapes and in doing so also reduces the pressure in the nearby -----------f I and result is that the pressure increases in the I :ie,"up,ns lr-__l\ a'r fr o .\1, ino (a) Object blocking escaping air increases pressure in system Bisein- Z-, .-ra i - pressu re j \ sensor output port. The output pressure from the sensor thus depends Escaping air on the proximity of objects. ,g Low-pressure air inlet sensor output port. However, if there is a close by object, the air cannot so readily escape 3. Ph( Ith (b) Fig. 3.45. Preumatic proximity sensor. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 3.19 DtG A digite Bv counting or absolute I a Encr is ro . Rota (it . I (iit I Most ro ohotograplui rchatronics Sensors and Transducers 219 o Pneumatic sensors are used for the measurement of the displacements o.f .i,.-i:::.', millimeters in ranges which typically are about 3 to 12 mm. - Coaxial 3.18 LIGHT SENSORS cable Air D ielectric) I rl 1. Photodiodes: "Photodiodes" are semiconductor junction diodes which are connected into a circuit in reverse bias, so giving a \rerv high resistance, so that when light, falls on the junction the diode resistance drops and the current in the circuit rises appreciably A photodiode can be used as a variable resistance device controlled by the - light incident on it. I ( ry sensor. e. fhis change d to trigger 'ous metals. , These diodes have a aeru .fast response to light. 2. Phototransistors : The phototransistors have a light-sensitive collector-base P-N junction. When there is no incident light there is a verv small collector-to-emitter current. When light is incident, a base current is produced that is directly proportional to the light intensity. This leads to the production of a coliector current which is then a measure of the light intensity. - Phototransistors are often available as integrated packages with the phototransistor connected in a Darlington arrangement with a conventional transistor (Fig. 3.46), Since this arrangement gives a higher current gain, the device gives a much greater collector current for a giuen light intensity. \ -.} 3. Photoresistor: It has a resistance which depends on the intensity of the ,, Escaornq --+ \ alr light falling onit, decreasing linearly as the intensity increases. cadmium sulphide photoresistor is most - The responsive to light having wavelengths shorter than about 515 nm and the cadmium selinide photoresistor Fig.3.46. Photo for wavelengths less than about 700 nm. Darlington. o An array of light sensors is often required in a small space in order to determine the variations of light intensity across that space. \ 3.19 DIGITAL OPTICAL ENCODER sensor. A digital optical encoiler is a deaice thst conaerts motion into a sequence of digital pulses. By counting a single bit or decoding a set of bits, the pulses can be converted to relative Llr absolute position measurements. o Encoders have both linear and rotary configurations, but the most common tvpe is rotary. o Rotary encoders are manufactured in two basic forms : (fl Absolute encoder - Here a unique digital word corresponds to each rotational position of the shaft. (ii) lncremental encoder - Here digital pulses are produced as the shaft rotates, allowing measurement of relative displacement of the shaft. Most rotary encoders are composed of a glass or plastic code disc with a '-.hotographically deposited radial pattern organised in lracks. As radial lines in each PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 220 A Textbook of Mechatronics kack interrupt the beam between a photoemitter - detector pair, digital pulses are produced The optical disc of absoltrte encoder is designed to produce a digital word that distinguishes N distinct positions of the shaft. The incremental encoder, sometimes cailed a relatioe encode: is simpler in design than the absolute encoder. - lncremental encodes prouide more resolution at louer cost than absolute encoders, bu: - Absoltrte encoders are chosen in applications where establishing a reference positiot: is inryracticnl or wtdesirable. they measw'e only relatiae motion and do not prouide absolute position directly. However. an incremental encoder can be used in conjunction with a limit switch to define absolute position relative to a reference position defined by the switch. 3.20 RECENT TRENDS-SMART PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS The microprocessors are now being used in transmitters also; as a consequence of the availability of computing power the transmitters have become more intelligent. The output in case of smart transmitters is 4-20 mA on 2-wire but with the added capability of digital communication from a hand-held interface connected anywhere on 4-20 mA signal, the remote adjustment of the transmitter data base and acquisition diagnostic information to minimise loop downtime is possible. Ithas high rangeability and nruch better performance. o The transmitter senses all the three parameters. 'dffirential pressure' , 'static pressure' and temperature. The meter body is pre-programmed in manufacturing to characterise the unit for linearity, static pressure and temperature effects, and it cornputes a highly repeatable and accurate pressure measurement These characteristics are held in PROM memory and being specific to one meter are kept with the meter body. The combination of characterised meter body and digital electronics has enabled a quantum leap forward in performance. o The rangeability to smart transmitters is very high (a00 : 1). Thus only 3 sensors wouid be required to cover the entire range of 2.5 millibar to 700 bar. r The reliability is very high due to use of minimum number of components and protection against all foreseeable damping like radio frequency, reverse polarity, overpressure, surge voltage and lightning. Advantages of digital transmitters : The major advantages of digital (so called "smart") transmitters over their conventional analog counterparts are : (i) Increased rangeability (400 : 1 against 6 : 7 of analog transmitters). (li) Higher accuracy. (iil) Self-diagnostic facilities. (ia) Almos no drift with time. (z) Reduced cabling cost due to the use of a field bus cuts. (zri) Better noise immunity. (uii) Economical, because of improved overall performance. (alil) Ambient temperature compensation-. (lx) Remote adjustability of range, damping, polarity etc. (This makes the commissioning of the entire system simpler). 3.21 SELECTION OF SENSORS A number of factors need to be considered for selecting of a sensor for a particular application are : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor :.Lt hatronics roduced. Sensors and Transducers 1. The nature of the measurement required e'g'' nguishes -Thevariabletobemeasured,itsnomialvalue,therangeofr.ai,.l.- --'cncodes, t,lers, bttt However, to define :t positiott The accuracy required; The required speed of measurement; - The reliabilitY required; -Theenvironmentalconditionsunderwhichthemeasurementistobemade. signal 2. The nature of the output required from the sensor, this determining the from the conditioning ,"qriru;ents in order to give suitable output signals measurement. factors as their Then possible sensors can be identified taking into account such power supply life' maintainability' iange, accuracy, linearity, speed of re?P.ol:e, reliability' :eqiirements, ruggedness, cost, availability' o ::1Ce of the :t. 3.22 STATIC AND DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF TRANSDUCERS/ MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS-INSTRUMENTS :he added v*'here on :cquisition :,tbilitY and ','ssllre'and :se the unit '-'t,ttable and , and being '.:racterised eriormance' 1,. 3 sensors l!)nents and =e polaritY, ;..nventional 3.22.1. lntroduction are o The static characteristics pertain to a system whete the quantities to be measttred (inrtoluing relations dynamic on based iriteria :ortstant or aarU slowly i1tt ,i*r. berfor*arce ch ar act efi stics' ' ry idly a ary in g quantilies) constitute dyn amic - of measurement The static characteristics, in a real sense, also influence the quantity ttp as non-linear under dyanmic conditions, but these characteristics (static) show in otherwise linear differential equations giving the dynamic or statisticul fficts characteristii!. inrt, effects would make the differential equations analytically the problem and so the ionrtentional approach is-to treat the ttuo aspects of unmanageable dynamic behaviour, the separateiy. Thus, even though these efiects influence the of dry equations of dy"namic performance generally neglect the effects differential friction, backlash, hysteresis statistical scatter etc' o The oaerall performance of an instrument is ittdged by a semiquantitatiae superimposition ..i the static and dynamic characteristics' 3.22.2. Performance Termi nologY systemsSome important terms used in connection n'ith transducers/measurement : instruments are discussed below l.Trueoractualvalue.Theactttalnugttittdeofasignalinputtoameasuring,system or actual aalue' can onty b, approached a,rcl ,rc,ilc, et,alurtted is termed as true which 2. tndicated value. It is the magttttrtde oi a t'.trinble indicated by a measuring irtstrument' 3. Correctio n. The reaision appliecl tt't the criticctl aalue os that the final result obtained improaes the worth of the result is crilleti correction' 4.overallerror.Ifisthedffirenceofthescnlereadingandthefuueoalue' ' makes the the consistent When the instrument is properl,v designed and correctly adjusted bias in error is very rare' to opetate 5. Range. The region between the limits within ruhich an instrument is designed of the range the ieasuringT indicating or recordittg a physical quantity is called - for instrument. rr a particular 6. Sensitivrty. The ratio of output resp\nse to a specified change in the input is called sensitiaitY. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 222 A Textbook of Mechatronics l:-S:-: o The minimum change in the measured variable which produces an effectir e response of the instrument is called "Resolution sensitiaity". It is also cailec " discrimination" . o The lowest level of measured variable which produces effective response of the instrument is cailed "Thresltold sensitiaittl". 7. Scale sensitivity. lt is defirted ns the rntio of n change in scale reading to the corresponding change in pointer deflection. 8. Scale readability. The scale readability (in analog instruments) indicates the closeness .\:: tLtith iuhiclt the scale can be read. 9. Repeatability. It is defined as the aariation of scale reading; it is random in nature. o It is a measure of closeness with which a giaen input can be measured oaer and ooer again. 10. Accuracy. It may be defined as conformity tuith or closeness to an accepted standar,i ualue (true ualue). . Accuracy of an instrument is influenced by factors like static error, dynamic -.{ error, reproducibility, dead zone. 11. Uncertainty. Uncertainty denotes the range of error, i.e., the region in which one guesses the error to be. 12. Precision. It refers to the degree of agreement within a group measurements. o It is usually expressed in terms of the deztiation in measurement. 13. Drift. An undesired gradual departure of the instrument output oaer a period of time that is unrelated to changes in input, operating conditions or lead is called drift. 14. Linearity or non-linearity. Deaintion of transducer output curae f'rom a specified straight line. The "non-linearity" may be : (i) Terminal linearity (deviation from a straight line through the end points; (ii) Best-fit linearity (deviation from the straight line which gives minimum errors, both plus and minus). 15' Dead zone. lt is the range within which aariable can oary ruithout being detected. 16. Dead time. If is the time before the instrument begins to respond after the measured quantity has been changed. 17. Speed of response . The quickness of an instrument to read the measured aariable is called speed of response. 18. Reproducibility. The degree of closeness with which the ssme aalue of a aariable may be measured at different times is called reproducibility. 19' Tolerance. lt is the range of inaccuracy which can be tolerated in meqsurements. 20. Backlash. It is defined as the maximum distance or angle through which any part of a mechanical system may be moaed in one direction without applying appreciible force or motion to the next part in a mechanical system. 21. Stiction (static friction). It is the force or torque that is necessary just to initiqte motion from rest. 22. Noise. It may be defined extraneous disturbance generated in a measuring system which conoey no ff'&aninyful information w.r.t. desirei:d signal. 3.22,3. Static Characteristics Measurements of applications in which parameter of interest is more or less constant; or paries aery slowly with time are called static measurements. A set of criteria (e.g., "accuracy" "error,, , , PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor :::: \i: lechatronics ln effective also called -: : rsors and Transducers :roducibility", "drift", "sensitiaity", "dead zone") that prouide meaningirti ';. ;sttrements under static conditions sre called static characteristics. The main static characteristics may be summed up as follows (ii) Sensitivity (i) Accuracy (ia) Drift , rll) Reproducibility (ai) Dead zone. (a) Static error Range and span : : :onse of the :,responding :1rc closeness :r in nature. 'i'rr and oaer Range" The dffirence between the largest and the smq,llest reading of the transducer/instrtrment illed ihe Range of an instrumettt. The range is expressed by stating the lower and upper : -ues. Span represents the algebraic dffirence between the upper and lozoer range aalues of the -, t sducer /instrument. ':tti standard If the highest point of calibration is s,,,n, units while the lowest is s,,,,, units and that c calibration is cbntinuous between the points, then we say that the instrument tange is .-rr, dynamic :.L,een 5,,,,,, and S,,rnr, ' t,hich one 'ements. '.i o.f time that itt. : -:.fied straight ,n a straight straight line : 'letected. :irc measured -..1 uarilble is ; . tlriable may :."tntents. '.::: anA part of ':',tciable force :,:itiate motion ii'.trtn{ system ::.tttt; or uaries '.tcy", "error", The instrument span is given by, Srrn, - Sn,ir. The above definitions apply both to analog as well as digital instruments. Examples : (l) Range :2 kN/m2 to 50 kN/m2; Span :50 - 2 = aS kN/m2 (ii) Range: -5oC to 90'C; SPan :90 - (-5) = 95"C. Repeatability and reproducibility : Although the meaning of the terms repeatability and reproducibility is same but thev :e applied in different contexts. Repeatability pertains to the closeness of output readings when tlrc same input is ttytplied :,etitiaely oaer a short period of time zuith the same measurement conditiorts, sLtrrtt iiistrunrcnt :.1 obseraer, same location and same conditions of use maintained tfuttugltorLt. Reproducibility relates to the closeness of output readings for tltt satrtc irtptLt itthen there : changes in the method of measurement, obseraer, measuring irrstrinrtcttt,locstion, conditions t ttse qnd time of measurement. Sensitivity : The ratio of the magnitude of outTtut slgrunl to tlrc ir+:'.,: sjgira/ or response of measuring ;tem to the quantity being meastrred is ctlled sensitivity. It is represented by the slope of the calibration curve if the ordinates are expressed actual units. Hysteresis : The maximum differences in output at nnu nttLlsured talue within the specified range uhen :.roaching the point first zuith increasing and tlrn iuith decreasing input may be termed as i steresis. o It is a phenomenon which shows different output effects when loading and unloading. It is non-coincidence of loading and unlosding curues.' Fig.3.47 (a) shows output and input curves (loading and unloading) for an instrument '.ich has no friction due to sliding parts. The non-coincidence of loading and unloading ..:r'es is on account of internal friction or hystereses damping. Fig.3.47 (b) shows the input-output relations of instruments which do not have internal .:tion but have external sliding friction. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatror' : 224 1 =o ,l 5 O I = -o l o lnput ---> (a) Fig. 3.47 . Hy ste re si s effects. o The numerical value of hysteresis can be specified in terms of either outpui input and is usuaily given as "/.age of full scale. c Hysteresis results from the prcsence of irreaersible phenomenon strch as : Mechanical friction; - Siack motion in bearings; Magnetic and thermal effects. Dead band/time : o The dead band or dead space of a transducer is the range of input values for wh. there is no output. o The deaC time is the length of time from the application of an input until the oui-begins to respond and change. Resolution or Discrirnination : l\hen tlte input is slowly increased from some nrbitrary (non-zero) input aalue, it is obser-. thnt the oulptLt dces not change at all until a certain increment is exceeded; this increment is ca.. Resolution or discrirnination of the instrur.ent. Thus resolution defines the smallest chtt,. of input for ialriclr tlterc iuill be a change of output, In case of r/rrr?L',( instrwrterts, the resolution is determined by the observer's abil- to judge the position of a pointer on a scale. Resolution is usually reckoned to : no better than +0.2 of the smallest division of the scale. In case of digital instruments, resolution is - tubes taken to shou' the measured rralue. determined by the number of ne o Threshold defines the snnllest measurable input while the resolution defines : smallest measurable input clnnge. o "Tltreshoid" and"resoltttiott" may be expressed as an actual aalue or as afractioi: percentage of full scale ,onlue. 3.2?.4. Eynamic Responses/Analysis of Measurement Systems The dynamic behaviour of measurement systems is studied in the following t., domains 1. Time dornain analysis" 2. Frequency domain analysis. 1. Tirne domain analysis : In this the input signai is applied to the measurement systern and the behaviour the system is studied as a function of time. The dynamic response of the system to differe. : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Mechatronics -::rs and Transducers 225 . of inputs, u.hich are a function of time is analysed at different intervais of time after :pircation of the input signals. In most cases, the actual input signals vary in random 'n rvith respect to tihe and therefore cannot be mathematically defined. Consequently :.rformance of a system can be analysed (in the time domain analysis) by using the .. ir-rg standard test signals/inputs :r Step input; ';t Ramp input; . r Parabolic input; r lmpulse input. l. Frequency domain analysis: This type of analysis of a system pertains to the steady state response of the system to a ;oidal input. Here, the system is subjected to a sinusoidal input and the system resPonse -:r-rdied with frequency as the independent aariable. . Frequency respofise.It is the maximum frequency of the measured variable that an instrument is capable of following without error. The usual requirement is that the frequency of measurand should not exceed 60 per cent of the natural frequency of the measuring instrument. Standard test signals/inputs : The most common standard inputs used for dynamic analysis are discussed below : iher output or ii : : -:ir-res for which until the outPut ..,t, it is obserr)ecl '.:rcnrcnt is callea . ;nallest change i server's abilitl . reckoned to be L. Step function; Refer to Fig. 3.68 (a). It is a sudden changefrom one steady aalue to nnother. It is mathematically represented by the relationship : x=0atf<0 x= xratf>0 '"vhere x. is a constant value of the input signal x,. o The " transient response" indicates the capacity of the system to cope with changes in the .,t signal. 2. Ramp or linear function t In this case (see Fig. 3.48 (b)) the input aaries linearly with time. This input is mathematicaily represented as r= 0ati<0 x=Vatt>0 : -rmber of neon rtion defines the : :rere V is the slope of the input versus time reiationship. :- ns a fraction or I 5 .F c rs l t I ^i .oo7 E o .. following two :re behaviour oi . stem to different (a) (b) Fig. 3.48. Standard input function. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatrc- 226 . The ramp-response becomes indicatiae of the steady state error in follozuing the chang, the input signal. 3. Sinusoidal function t In this case (see Fig. 3.68 (c)) the input aaries sinusoidally with a constant maxi" amplitude. o a It is represented mathematicailv as follows I,= Asinrof, A = Amplitude, and where, cD = Frequency in rad/s. : a o The frequency or harmonic respotlsL' is 0 measure of the capability of the system to re s; to inputs of cylic nature. A general measurement system can be mathematically described by the follorr differential equation : (A,,D" +Ar-tD'" +.....+ ArD+Ar) I0 =(8,,D"' *Br,-7D"" +.....* BrD+Bs)li ...(3= where, A's and B's = Constants, depending upon the physical parameters of the syst.f/ = OPerative derivatir-e of the order k, 1o = The information out of the measurement system, and Ii = The inPut information. The order of the measurement system is generallr' classified by the value of the por. of n. a Zero-order system : n = 0 and Ar, A., -\. ..... A,, = 0 o First-order system : n = 7 and Ar, A., A, ..... A, = 0 o Second-order system : Nt = 2 and A3, Ar, A; ..... A, = 0 The above method of classification is used for most of the instruments and syste: Although general equation can be solved by various methods, we shall be us:: method of D-operator for getting its solution. Zero, First and Second Order Systems : 7. Zero order systems : Fig. 3.49 shows the block diagram of a 'Zero-order system'. In this case the output of the measuring system (ideal) is directly proportional to input, no matter how the Fig. 3.49. Block diagrarr input varies.The output is faithful reproductiott of input zuithout for zero-order system. any distortion or time lag. The behaviour of the zero-order system is represented by the follorving mathematii solution. /s = SI, 1o = Information out of the measuring system, S = Sensitivity of the system, and I, = Input information. This equation is obtained by putting n = 0 in the general equation (3.42) ...(J.= where, o a a a Aolo = Bsl; a p or, lo = !9-1,=SI , : ...(3.; 11{ PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Mechatronics ::t clnnges iti ;.tt maximum ..1 Sensors and Transducers The zero-order system is characterised only by the static sensitioity (parametcrt, :':. '. '.'lich is obtained through the process of static calibration. Examples of zero-order system: r Mechanical levers; o Amplifiers; . Potentiometer (It gives an output voltage which is proportional to wiper's displacement) etc. 2. First-order systems : Fig. 3.50 shows the block diagram of a'First-order :int to resPonti :he following . ...(3.42 oi the sYstem , -\'stem'. The behaviour of a first-order system rs SIVen ,by ,,llowing first-order differential equation J--Tl---------*, t*tD I I Fig.3.50. Block diagram folfirst-order system. : ,q,**.Aolo = Bol, 'dt ...(3.4s) (This equation is obtained by inserting n = 1 in the general equation) Eqn. (3.45) may be written in standard form as follows : ...(3.46) Ardlo-, = Bo,'r A\ dt -'o - nd 4r :e of the Powe: dln., = )/, Ti*10 -cI or' ...(3.17) ,A Irere, t=:;.L= Time constant, and Ao :s and sYstems shall be usin: S = &=Sensitivity. ,4" Using D-operator, we get f r 12 1 lwhere, D=L,andD'z =+l I . 3lock diagram :rder sYstem. :.g mathematica dt dr) tDlo+I0 = SIi loftD + 1) = 57- IoT s 7+rD ...(3.48) Equation (3.48) gives the standard form of transfer operator for first-order system. ."(3'4i :em, ,3.42) Examples of first-order system : o Velocity of a true falling mass; o Air pressure build-up in bellows; o Measurement of temperature by mercury-in-glass thermometers; . Thermrsters and thermocouples; o l{esistance-capacitancenetwork. ...(3.41 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatror 3. Second-order sYsterns : Fig. 3.5i., shows the block diagram of 'second-order system' : Fi9. 3.51. Block diagranr for second-order system' differentiai equat The behavioi.lr of a second-ordel system is given by the following equation); general (obtained by putting n = 2 in the . d'In At'ff+ ^ dln Antn = 8,,t, Arff+ ..(3 =: . Dividing the above equation by An,w'e have A= tlg* At dlo * /^ =irl A,, dtt \ ...(3.qq dt o" = Let, rad'/s' trr=Undampednaturalfrequency' vI = - -4L:= t f7--i-- Damping ratio, dimensionless, and' _tl , \, ,2 S = + = Static sensitivity or steady-state gain' rr0 Then, by substituting these values in eqn' (3'49 a), we get I .d21, -zy dl^ = sl C,di* *'i+to or, in terms of D-operator, we have t', D+tl/n = sl, u._ .\ \t, u)' l t. ...(3 = 1.).r , I. (.; n-' -; Drl 0u Examples of second-order sYstem " o Piezoelectric Pick-uP ; oSpring-masssystem(usedforaccelerationandforcemeasurements) o Pen control system on X-Y plotters; o U.V. galvanometer, etc. Damping ratio : "damping ra; ln the design of instruments a term which is very frequently-used is the and moaement in aiscous of friction (y) defined ,, Ihu ratio of the actual aatue of cofficient ualtre required to produce critical damping' A, | - Lz^[A\A2 \,_ PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Mechatronics Sensors and D Transducers This dimensions term is very useful because to determine its value, it is not necessan. that the values of Ar, Ao and A, may be known. In practice it is not easy to determine accurately the values of A, and Ar. Further, even if these values are known; they do not in themselves specify whether the instrument is under, over or critically damped, since a numerical caliulation has to be performed with them first. Therefore, designers find " damping ratio" as a very convenient measure of the amount of the damping present in rtial equation ..(3.4e) the movement. The terms damping ratio (y) and underdamped natural frequency (ron) immediately conjure up a physical picture of the response of an instrument and both of the quantities are very to measure. Thus g and r,t, easily do away with quantities Az, At and Ar' "iry3.22.4.2. First-order System Responses : The complete solution of an equation which describes the dynamical behaviour of a system consists of the following two parts (i) Complementary function. It corresponds to the short time or transient response. '. ...Q.a9 a) (il) Particular integral. lt refers to the long time steady state response. The transfer operator form of the first-order system is given by d /s. : /o= li s, and 7+rD When S (static sensitivity or steady state gain) equals unity,we get ...(3.52) (1 +tD)Io=li Now we shall obtain the solution of this equation for different standard inputs (The solutions are not mathematically rigorous, but are practical). ain. ...(3.50) ...(3.51) Transient rcsponse (complementary function) : The transient response from the auxiliary equation is obtained by putting input I, equal to zero; ,..(3.53) (1 + tD) lo,, = 1 i.e ., (subscript f refers to the transient value) Let the solution be of the form : Io,t = Ae'n' u,here, m is an algebraic variable (1 + tD) A en't = 0 or, or, Ae*t + r.fi{ar*') = o )r, Ae''t +t.Ame*t = 0 nts) Ae'nt11 +t'm) = Q *= ! T ne " damPing ratio" mooement and the .' '3 1'l' lo,, = A e^' = Ae-'/' The transient response of i firsforder system is same for dffirent standi.ard irprtt: Then, Steady state response (Particular integral) : The steady state response is given by : (1 + rD) Io,, = I, PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 230 (Subscript s refers to the steady state value) 1o,, = (1 + rD)-1 l, ot, = (1 - rD + terms in D2 and higher) I, ...(3.s6) 1. Step input : Since the input I, is a step of constant magnitude; its differential equals zero, and subsequently, we get ...(3.s4 Io,, = (1 + rD)-l l,= l. Total response = Transient response + steady state response lo= Ae-'/t+sI, At or, li lo = li (1 - s-t/'1 ...(3.5e) l-o ...(3.60) li any irE 1c,i) The sg Trmient ,t"Id-rut" or, (a) In case : I.=0 or, A=-Sli 1 = -l,e-t/'+ or, ot, ...(3.58) The constant A is evaluated from the initial conditions as follows f =0, 0= A+Sli Sensors and Tra = (l- r-,,r) by the: the fuu Typical Fot unit stel --i rime. This ta Table 3. ... in non-dimensional form. Salient features (with step input) : Following are the salient features of first-order system with step input (l) The transient response of the first-order system is time dependent ; as the time passes, grows its value decreases (Refer to eqn.3.60) and afler a very long time the value becomes zero approximately. Thus magnitude of output (1.) will be same as input (I) when the time is very large. (li) The speed of response relates to the time constant t. A large t indicates that : response of the system is slow, whereas a small t represents a fast system response. Thus in order to get good fidelity (i.e., for accurate dynamic Thus, 5oo ::re which is -tr measurements) efforts should be made to minimise the value of r. (iii) Refer to Fig. 3.52, which shows the time response of a first-order system to a step-input when T t = r;? = 11-r-'; =0.632. Thus, 1i the time constant (r), for a rising +r, I 0.632 Output response ' Io=Sli('l -e I I 5o- ) .E Consider tlri -escribed bv th cc-uation is give o0) a Now, Tran-sr exponential function, is defined as the time to reach 63.2o/" of its steady t=0 state value. The time constant, for Fig. 3.52. Time response of a a decaying function would -Ut 2. Ramp In1 t=t Time-------) first-order system to step input. correspond to the time taken to fall to 36.8% of its initial aalue. (iu) Dynamic error (i.e., vertical difference between the input and output respons€ curve). PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor lri. steady state A Textbook of Mechatronics 2gZ The value of constant A can be evaluated by applying the initial condition' t=0 At 1o=o 0 = A-ryr {IiTEF' .'. A = \tX I, = yf -ryt +r4,r*e-t/' =,4t(t-r)+yre-t/' 1o Fu.r t fu aarr The dynamic error. ',,, + 'o = Vf - [V, -y,, +r4,re-'/'1 I t -t /t i&-rt Yt, - Yt'" - steadY ...(3.68) .'I Tran'sient r 2 Ldu. vr = -l-P -t/r t i ...(3.6e) ...(in dimensionless form) Frl t j, I order system to a ramP inPut. ' :' : F=.:*t tr:,r-rl = V[r-t(1 -r-'/')7 Fig. 3.53 shows the time resPonse of a first- E-If Ldu imsr :e Salient features (with ramp input) : t=t Time.t ----f Fig.3.53. Time respgnse of a firstorder system to a ramP inPut. (l) The term yr being independent of time continues to exist and so it is called the steady state error. The term \,, {'/' gradually decreases with time and hence is called the transient error. the steady state error is directly proportional to t (time constant), - Since therefore, the larger the value of t the larger will be the magnitude of the error. t is made small the transient error decreases rapidly; this implies, that - When the system attains the steady state at a faster pace. (ll) The output response curve always lags behind the input curve by a constant amount known as lag. 3. Sinusoidal (Harmonic) inPut : The frequency analysis of a system pertains to the steady state resPonse of the system to a sinusoidal input. In this analysis, the system is subjected to a sinusoidal input and the system responie studied with frequency as the independent variable. The sinusoid is , ,r,iqr" inpui signal and the resulting output_signal for a linear system is sinusoidal in the steady siate. However, the output signal differs from the input waveform in amplitude ti$1! :t t and phase. In order to determine the frequency response of sinusoidal input to a first-order system, let us replace the transfer operator D by a factorfr,r in the input/output relationship; then we get, .l t lo 1 1 li = 1.+Dr- 1+ jr.rr where, ro = Lrput frequency, rad,/s, and i = Je1) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ( =rl 7R ol Mechatronics Sensors and Transducers rdition. In a frequency response the following two lmaginary axis -:uantities are of interest : Refer to Fig. 3.54' /t ...(3.67) .(3.67 (a)) :rescribes the size of the output amplitude :elative to the input amplitude. (ii) Phase shift of output relative to input. For the first-order system represented by :he equation (3.70), Modurus = =r.at-t)+\yre " I ,Forf not be the same (as the input one). The ratio of the amplitude (often called attenuation) is given as : -e 1 ----| lr input. ...(3.72) li onse of a first- "mp Tv ...(3.71) Argument/Phase angle= tan-1 (or) (with Fig' 3.55' sinusoidal input) : Refer to Salient features (il When a system is subjected to a sinusoidal input with frequency co, jts output will also be sinusoidal, but the magnitude of the output amplitude necessarily may _1. - r(r r) .lcut \ (r) Amplitude ratio or modulus i(I,/ + i It Thus, with the increase in input frequency, the amplitude rstio decreases. time and hence (time constant), Lagnitude of the his implies, that e by a constant L<€ of the system nidal input and - The sinusoid is Fig.3.55. Relationship between an input frequency and corresponding output frequency. (ll) The output from the system may not necessarily be in phase u'ith the input; and the phase difference is given by $ (Phase angle) = - tan-l (rot) r is sinusoidal in ...(3.73) rrm in amplitude 1 -ve indicates that output lags behind the input. 11t1.,"r't ,', = T the phase lag is to a first-order 7 or 45'. lput relationship; ...(3.70) It As the accuracy of an instrument measuring dynamic input depends upon the time constant, therefore, smaller the time constant, greater the accuracy; for phase shift to be small, the time period t should be small. (lli) When the input and output signals are given by the relations Ii = A sin olt, and /o = B sin (rot + il --zA sin (<ot + $), : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 234 rr' A Textbook of Mechatronics Then the amplitude ratio may be represented as follows : . lr"l v - , l-!Ll : l1,l Jt+1orr,y2 l*r= ...(3.71, -rr: ,ihr-. In order to produce amplitude of sinewave without any attenuation (K = 1) we must a =E o use an instrument whose time constan t, , . i g.22.4.g. Second-order System Responses : In case of typical second-order system having, unit static sensitivity, the homogeneous equation is given by : Io t, -- ol r----r1: 1 a: .r ) fr_!_tD,+i:LjD+l " /rr (rii t ai Uf,& \<,r,, frr-1 l)o'.{?Lln+rit \on/ j =Ii or, L.; ...(3.7s) (where, Y = damPing ratio) (a) Transient response (complimentary function). It is obtained from the auxiliary equation by replacing D(transfer operator) by an algebraic variable s and putting I, equal to zero; we get the auxiliary equation as : -{:c= a>f o _-=E 1rr2Yr+1 =o ,S a; (Dn The roots are, -:--E - -2, sL, s? = a \,-.r-f - [J! -&n *'\/t4) : The sl 2 -, on = -YOr t or/ 51, 52 :2 -a)n = -yon t ,rJ| I ...(3.76) The transient solution has the accepted form, Io,t = Aet't +Bet't where, A and B = Arbitrary constants to be determined from initial conditions, and sy s2 = Roots of the auxiliary equation (The roots may be real and different, real and equal or imaginary and that determines the nature of traniient response of the system). The resPonse of the system is of the following three types depending upon the roots of the characteristic equations : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 1. Step inl Frg. 3.56. : S:::ce the r : lechatronics :^sors and Transducers 235 (i) Over-damped systems. ...(3.74) 1) we must :r) Critically-damped systems. ::i) Under-damped systems. 'i) Oaer-damped systems. In this case y > 1 and the roots are real and uneqri.r. o There isheaay damping and the system responds to the final steady-state r aiue without any oscillations but in a sluggish manner. o No oaershoot in step response and no "resonance" (resonance refers to the output signal greater in magnitude than the ideal outpui) in the frequency response. o The overdamped systems, owing to their sluggish response/ are usually )mogeneous unsuitable for several control applications. i) Critically-damped systems, In this case y = 1 and the roots are real and equal. o The system has a quick and smooth response to the final steady state aalue without any oscillations. o No ottershoot in the step response and no resonance in the frequency response. j) llnder-damped systems. For an undamped system y < 1 and roots of the characteristics equation are a complex conjugate pair; these are given as ...(3.75) S1r 52 mping ratio) he auxiliary tting I, equal = -Y@n+ j@n = -yiu ,r+ jlo, .(3.77) ':ie, 0),i = r,,,fr-r1; this quantity is called "damped nntural frequency" of the system is the frequency at which the damped system freely oscillates when disturbed). o Such systems take a long time to reach steady state, but haae quick initial response. o In these systems, there are oscillations in the step response and resonance effects in the frequency response for values of y < 0.707. o Maiority of instruments and control systems are generally underdamped (light damping). 't The steady state response (particular integral).It is given by : /\ 1o' *1o* (ri 0, 1)1r,,, = I i ...(3.76) ,, = [, *4o.#r')-'r, = (r-*"+terms in D2and frierr"r)1, tions, and rent, real and t system). ...(3.78) L Step input: :.9. 3.56. shows the time response of a second-order system to a step input. -.rce the input I, is a step of constant magnitude, its differential equals zero and we rpon the roots Ir., = (,-?r,),, =,, PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mecha 236 The complete response Io Io,, * Io,t Io I,Aeu't + Bettt Under-damped response. y< .l + I o ! !o- Over-damped response, Y)' 1 E Critically-damped resPonse, ]= 1 49.3.57.-.2- Tims -), Fig. 3.56. Time response of a second-order system to a step input. For the under-damped system, the complex coniugate pair of roots are given by Sy 52 = -Y,:J,X j@d _ Sinusoida ,'. hen a si:-.- - :=:iacing :;:: lo = I,+ ,4g-0'',*iaa)t * 6r-Qa,,-iot)t Replacing the complex exponentials by sines and cosines, we get ln = li+ e-Ya'l (Acos rodr+ Bsinorf) By applying the initial conditions, t = o unaff=o -:re, {o = Inp::: we get the values of the constant A and B as : The denomi::: Atf=0, A- - l,and Inserting these values in equation (3.81), we have ro = r,1, - rr*,,'{.or rr,. The ampiir: 6r," rr,i] Fig. 3.57. shows the transient response of a second-order system to a unit step func for different values of damping facto,r y; the curaes indicate the oaershoot and oscillat increase with a reduced damping in the system, PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor the system p: ( of Mechatronics 237 ...(3.7e: + I ;9 *o : *o o= ('\I Fig. 3.57. Transient response of a second-order system to a unit step function input for different values of damping factor y. 2. Sinusoidal (Harmonic) input: input. s are given bY When a sinusoidal input is given to the system, its steady state response is determined replacing the operator D by ja in the input/output relationship, as giaen below : lr= ..(3 e 1 0]; _@, - ", 0, 2 2 - ,.^2-t;----;t-r-T= (/r,r)2 + 2yo rl ,(ja)+ 0), @1, - o') + j(21c>,,at) ... (3.E3r ir€, rD = Input frequency in rad/s, and i =fi The denominator is a complex number having : Modulus = Jltri - rr),, (27o,.c0)21 Argument The amplitude ratio, rslroot and oscillat ...(3.84) 2 CD, I o a unit steP 21.,-ct . -, I[--;--------; r = tan lon-o ' : the system phase lag, /rri- ,'y'*plr,r7'1 . -r(L2yr,r.ro = tan 1l ) \ ro, - ol',i ...(3.85) ...(3.86) ...[using eqn. (3.84)] PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mecha 238 + I i o E o 3 E a a 1O FrequencY ratio (try'rrq) FiE" 3.58. Step response of a second-order system. -; 4 I I I ono G aJ O a co 0_ '{t<12<\3<to 1 80" .1 0 Frequency ralio (cry'rr;) ----r Fig. 3.59. Flot between phase lag and frequency ratio for a second-order system. Fig. 3.58. and Fig. 3.59. show the variation of arnplitude ratio and phase iag ver frequenc'i, ratio (at/ro,) for various values of damping ratio (y). From these graphs obseru'e thgt the salient features of the steady state resplnse of a second-order system a: (i) As frequency ratio -+ 0 : Amplitude ratio -+ 1; Phase 1ag -+ 0o" (ll) As frequency ratio -+ co Amplitude ratio -+ 0; Phase lag -+ 180'. (ill) When frequency ratio = 1: Amplituderatio+min undarnped systems (y = 0) tr)hase lag -+ - 90q in all the systems. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor - - cf Mechatronics 239 Sensors and Transducers This condition is known as "resonance" and can result in destructitte ttsctllntittrr in lightly damped system. (,iu) When the amplitude ratio is unity for all frequencies the frequency resplnse is considtti,l ',' to be ideal. The nearest response to this effect is achieved when the value oi inputs. sinusoidal (damping ratio) lies between 0.6 and 0.7 for both the step and WORKED EXAMPLES-FIRST-ORDER SYSTEMS Example 3.17. (a) How is the order o.f tlrc systett determined ? ft) The following equation chsrncterises tlrc dynamic response of a temperature ;trttment : dt rlefe, mcasuring = c(l'-lo) " = Indicated tenrperature, I, - Input temperature, and C = A numerical constant. tro (i) Determine the transfer operator fotm of the equation, (ii) What is the order of the system ? Solution. (b) Given equation = *=Cgi-1,) (l) Tiansfer operator form: The given equation can be rewritten as !.d1, = r,-t LAt 1, I : U T dlu , r tlr e dtTto - 'r, + ' l-l:der system. r .- (tD + 1) lo = li LI, = J(rD -: phase lag verses : |) .'. The transfer operator form of the equation is given by : ' :- these graPhs we - -:--.rder system are (rune.", t = iime.onstunt = l'\+1. = I, dtot r, - 1) (.{ns.) (ll) Order of the system : Since the highest differential in the denominator of the transfer operator is unity, :rerefore, the temperature measuring instrument has a first-otder system. (Ans.) The grouping of the measurement and control systems is done according to the order ' the highest dffirential in the denominator of the system transfer operation. Examples: o First-order system Io t, = 1+3D PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatrc 244 r Second-order system I- 1r, I, : or, 6 D'+3D+4 I 74 i (1+ 0.3D)(1 + 0.2D) Example 3."1.8. Formulate the glr)erltit1g equation for a first-order system-tempera; rneasurement by a thermal measuring element (say a thermlftrcter or thermocouple). Solution. Refer to Fig. 3.60. Thermal measuring element l\.4edium lemperature 6i temperature 0o Fi9.3.60. Thermal element, ii = Ternperature of the medium, Io = Temperature indicated by the thermal measuri Let, instrument (say a thermometer or thermocouple), A = Exposed area of the thermal measuring element, /r = Convective heat transfer coefficient, ru = Mass of thermal element, and c = Specific heat of the element. Then, ihe rate of heat flux into the eiement is, Q= hA (0i-0.) The rate of eirthalpv gain by the elernent d0 U = 'LL aa Since the rate of heat flow equals the rate of enthaipy gain by the element, therefc equating (i) and (li) we get : *r+dt = hA(O,-0,,) !1! ryn*s() - e, hAdt I .dto *a() - o.-r dt where, 1= mc is known as time constant of the system L,A PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor * of Mechatronics 241 ::rsors and Transducers In terms of D-operator (where 'dt D: +), we have (tD+1)0, = S- %= 0, rystem-temperature rouple). 1 rD+7 ...Requfued equation. rich is an equation of first-order. (Ans.) Example 3.19. A thermometer, idealised as a .first-order sqstem with a time constant of 2.2 :onds, is suddenly giaen an input of 1.60"C .front 0"C. (i) What will be reading of the thernronteter a-fter 1.2 secorrds ? (ii) Determine its reading if it is initiallv lrcld at 20'C. Solution. Giaen : li = 760"C; t = 7.2s ; r = 2.2si lintr"l = 20'C. (l) Thermometer's reading after 1.2 s : We know that, ln= li$-s-tt', .IEqn. 3.5e] = 160 11 - e4t'ztz'z)f = GT.z7"c (Ans.) (li) Thermometer's reading if it was initially held at 20"C : For a step input from 20'C to 760"C, we have Io = Ii + (Ii.i iut + 1,1 e-'/' ...[Eqn. 3.62] = 160 + (20 - 7601 ;0'z/z'21 = L60 + (20 - 160) x 0.5796 = 78.86oC (Ans.) rrmal measuring rcrmocouple), Example 3.20. A temperature sensing deoice can be modelled as a first-order system with a .rc constant of 5 seconds. lt is suddenly subjected to a step input of 30"C to 160"C. Calculate ing element, : temperature indicated by the deoice after 10 seconds after the start of the process. Solution. Giaen : t = 5s i li.r,iur = 30oC; /i = 160"C ; t = 10s. Temperature after 10 seconds is calculated as follows : lo = li + (Iir,rur - li) et/' = 160 + (30 - 160) s-10/s = 160 - 130 x 0.1353 =1.42.4C (Ans.) ...(0 ...(,0 {ement, therefore, ...[Eqn. 3.63] Example 3.21,. A temperature sensitiae transducer when subjected to sudden temperature :.urge takes 9 seconds to reach equilibrium conditions (Three time constants). Calculate the time ::en b! the transducer to read half of the temperature dffirence. Solution. Time taken to reach equilibrium condition = 3r = 9s (Giaen). t - .'. Time constant, o -=JS J Time taken by the transducer to read half of the temperature difference is calculated ' follows : lo = li (1 - ...IEqn. 3.59] L = t-e-t/'"/'-) li iI, -rJ, tla 0.5 = 1-e"" e-t/3 = 0.5 ot, e'R = 2 t = 2.08 s (Ans.) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mecha:r. 242 SECOND-ORDER SYSTEMS Example 3.22. Formulate the gouerning equation for a second-order system-spring systetrt roith damping. Solution. Refer to Fig. 3.61. Let, ri = Input displacement, r,, = Output displacement, k = Stiffness of the spring, C,l = Viscous damping coefficient, and Y = Damping ratio. The forces acting on the mass are (l) As both ends of the spring are free to move, therefore T, : Spring force = Spring stiffness x displacement of one end of the spring relative to other = k (xr - x,,), acting downward. Fig. 3.61. Spring-mass (il) One end of the dashpot fixed; there is a reaction force acting in the upzuard direction. Damping force = Damping coefficient x velocity dxo = c., "dt For translational systems, the Newton's law states that, ax I Force = Mass x acceleration - m----+ dt' )2 ^. ojrru ^ dx^ ()r, n, ot, mD2xr,+C.,Dxo+kxu = kx, rtt- = k(x,-x^ ")-Lai (r of, Y, iwhere, D=*,andDz =- \ = l+o' .lo* r) ," ,/l .i: Required equatt which is an equation of second-order type. (Ans.) Comparing the above expression r,r,ith the standard second-order form, we have Undamped natural frequency, or= F - l- \tn and, )v c,t ,r- ,( Dampingratio,y = or, t_ Coo" coE 2k 2k\m C. ffi ..Required equatic PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ol Mechatronics Sensors and Transducers 243 Example 3,23. (a) Write down the expressions describing the motion of linear and rotstional .n-spttnS mass a1* 1 Vv 3' displacement systems of the second-order. (b) The pen arrangement of U.V. recorder (second-order system) has a mass of a.5 g. Calculate the percentage reduction in mass if it is desired to hoae 15 percent increase in natural frequency of the recorder. Solution. (a) o The expression for linear displacement (spring-mass-damper) system is given by f sn,,ns = kt, *t+*c,**kt^ "dt dt' I i - I--r-I J,. : .(i) o Mass (kg), Viscous damping force (Ns/m), cd k Spring stiffness (N/m), Io Output reading, and Ii Input reading. o For the rotational system, the expression may be written as : -)- where, I I Damper I 7m/7V7777mm77 , Spring-mass d't dt I= oi*coit*4to=4ti I= Inertia (kg m2), and stem. rvhere, Torsional stiffness. Comparing these expressions with differential equation in the standard form. Ll - y d2l, .2y dl, = Ii' we eet C ii.;'i*'' Natural frequency, 0r= (b) Giaen : m = 4.5 g; Percentage increase required = 15oh. Using subscripts 1. and 2 for initial and final values respectively, we have L.andD2 = -d1") t dt') quired equation zk,2k o-r = mr"mz -,ana,0)--- )rrn, we have : '-, tnn L = m,| xl 2l \tuJr2) , I r,l But, ,? '\ urr, = 7.75 an tn. L ...(Cr:i'': ) '" \,' =o.ruu*, = *.r( | \1.15<rl,r/ I .'. Percentage reduction in mass =(r#) =(1:{*),.,00=z+ f o (Ans.) Example 3.24, A second-order system follows the dffirent equatiott gt;'lt beloit, : 'quired equation. *.r*.3oto = 3s1 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 244 A Textbook of Mechatronics uhere, 1,, and I, are the output and input quantities respectiaely. Determine the (il Damping ratia, (c) Static (b) Damped natural sensitiuity, Sensors and Transduo c. following : frequency, (l] \: (iii) \ : (2,) \; (d) Time constant. Solution. The standard form of the differential equation of a second-order system is given as : I dzl(' t j-]_ ?v tll __1 0,, qt -u,l -__!t )L uL I , - t.r trI, ...(i) 1. LVDT is a Since the term 1, in eqn. (i) has a unit coefficient, therefore to recast the given equation in the standard form, let us divide the given equation throughout by 30; we gei ++-++.r, 30 dt' l0 dt =ti ...(ii) ,2, 0.7; k=1 ,,, ,, = 30;4=+= 10 Natural frequency, o, = .60 =5.477rad,/s < t (,a) capacit... = (c) induch-.: Comparing eqns. (i) and (ii), we get (a) Damping ratio, y : tfi Choose the Corre 2. The size oi : (a) smalle: (c) same 3. LVDT winc::: (a) steel sl^.a.: (c) ferrite 4. Piezoelectric (a) static (c) static a:.: 5. Piezoelectnl :: (a) When e':= (b) when er:=: (c) when ra:_. (d) when thr 6. Piezoelectric --: (a) tempera:-_ (c) sound -- . t: 2Y 0n ot = 0.1, or | =\x0.1 t = ff"0.7=o.274 (Ans.) (b) Damped natural frequency, ro, : @d = ,,JG =5.477J1-L2742 =S.2GZrudts (Ans.) (c) Static sensitivity : Static sensitiaity, k (d) Time constant t : - 1 (Ans.) 1=-L=0.1826s (Ans.) '= 0), 5.477 HIGHLIGHTS 1. The technology of using instruments to measure and control the physical and chemical properties of materials is called instrumentation. 2. Modes of measurements are : (, Primarymeasurements (iii) Tertiary measurements. (ii) Secondarymeasurements 3. A transducer is a device which converts the energy from one from to another. 4. Transducers may be classified as follows : A. B. (l) Active transducers (, Variable-resistance type (ii) Passivetransducers (ii) Digitaltransducers. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor the abo', . 7. In the given --.: (a) 0V @) .av (e) 3.33 V 8. Capacitive tra:-(a) variation -: (b) variarion -: (c) variation .: between:... (d) all of the ;: 9. Capacitive tra:. (a) static (c) both stat:. : 10. The thermo-e--: (a) Seebeck (c) Pirani ol Mechatronics .follouing : 245 i+-sors and Transducers C. (,) Variable-resistance type (iii) Variable-capacitance type (ii) Variable-inductance type (ia) Voltage-generatingtype (a) Voltage-divider type. crder system is OBJECTIVE TYPE QUEST "'(0 given equation r: we get ...(ii) Choose the Correct Answer : 1. L\zDT is a (b) resistivetransducer (a) capacitivetransducer (d) none of them. (c) inductivetransducer 2. The size of air-cored transducers in comparison to their iron-cored counter parts (b) bigger (a) smaller (c) same 3. LVDT windings are wound on (a) steel sheets (laminated) (c) ferrite (d) unpredicatable. (b) aluminium (d) copper. 4. Piezoelectric crystals are used for measurement of ......... changes. (b) dynamic (a) static (c) static and dynamic s (Ans.) (d) any of these. 5. Piezoelectric crystals produce an e.m.f. (a) When external mechanical force is applied (b) when external magnetic field is applied (c) when radiant energy stimulates the crystal (d) when the junction of two such crystals is heated. 6. Piezoelectric crystals are used for the measurement of (b) velocity (a) temperature (d) none of (c) sound the above. 7. In the given circuit, how much the voltmeter will read ? (b) 10v (a) 0V (c) 'aV he physical and (d) sv (e) 3.33 v. 8. Capacitive transducers oPerate upon the principle (s) of (a) variation of over-lappirg area of plates (b) variation of separation of plates (c) variation of relative permittivity of dielectric material Fig.3.62 between two plates (d) all of the above. rts 9. Capacitive transducers are normally employed for ........ measurements. (b) dynamic (a) static (d) transient. (c) both static and dynamic rom to another. 10. The thermo-electric effect was first observed by cers (a) Seebeck (c) Pirani (b) Thomas Young (d) Thermus. ETS. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 246 A Textbook of Mechatronrcs SSlr: il 11. Thermocouples are .............. transducers (a) active (c) adhesive (b) passi.ve (d) both (a) and (c). : 12. Nitro-cellulose cement is used in strain gauges as (a) carrier (c) adhesive (b) base (d) lead. 13. A resistance thermometer is basically a/an (a) active transducer (c) potentiometer (b) passive transducer (d) none of these. 14. Platinum resistance thermometer can be used upto (a) 200'C (c) 1200"C 15. (b) 850"c (d) 1500"c which of the following should be incorporated in the RTD to make a temperatur€ sensitive bridge most sensitive to temperature ? (a) Platinum (c) Thermistor (b) Nickel (d) Copper 16. Bourdon tubes have the advantages of (a) high accuracy and good dynamic response (b) high sensitivity and good repeatability (c) not being prone to shock vibrations (d) not being susceptible to hysteresis. 17 A transducer is basically a device which converts (a) mechanical energy into electrical (b) energy or information from one form to another (c) mechanical displacement into electrical (d) none of these. 18 .: : C:--.: i -. . . !E The gauge factor of a strain gauge is given as (a) c=*ff (c) c - AR/R AD /D Al/t Ihl U=\-/ AR/R (d) none of these. 19. The gauge factor G and the poisson,s ratio p are related as (a) 8=1+F (b) G=F (c) G=2+p U\ G=t11. 2 (b) 5s0.c (d) 3500.c. 21. For surface temperature measurement 6ne can use (a) strain gauges (c) RTD (b) diaphragm (d) thermocouple. 22. LVDT can be used for (a) vibrationmeasurement (c) force measurement in beam i. Prezi ... -11. Piez.. L {--r i 20. Thermocouples are generally used for accurate temperature measurement upto (a) 350" (c) 1400'C .-: (b) angular velocity measurement (d) load measurement on a column. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 13. In -r ,1n 1- (,; r -, !;, I 3-l Th,e ; (at r! (c) d 35. Inan resL:t: (n) d (c) L< :-," of Mechatronics Sensors and Transducers 247 23. The principle of operation of LVDT is based on variation of (a) seif inductance (c) reluctance (b) mutual inductance (d) permeance. 24. An LVDT has an output in the form of (,a) linear displacement of core (b) pulse (c) rotary movement of core (d) none of the above. 25. Ha]l effect transducers have the drawbacks of (a) high-sensitivity to temperature variation (b) variation of Hall's coefficient from plate to plate (c) poor resolution (,7) both (a) and (b). 26. A Hall's effect pick-up can be used tor measurlng ,\c a temperature (a) pressure (c) relative humidity (&) magnetic flux (r;l) current. 27. Self generating transducers are ........ transducers. (a) active (c) secondary (b) passive (d) inverse. 28. The transducer that converts the input signal into the output signal, which is a continur:i"1, function of time, is known as ....... transducer. (a) active (c) analog (b) passive (d0 digital. 29. A transducer that converts measurand into the form of pulse is cailed the ........ transducer. (a) active (c) digital (b) analog (d) pulse. 30. Certain types of materials generate an electrostatic charge or voltage when mechanical force is applied across them. Such materials are called the (a) Piezo-electric (c) thermo-electric (b) photo-electric (d) none of these. 31. Piezo-electric transdcuers are .......... transducers. (a) active (c) inverse (b) passive (d) both (a) and (c) 32. Piezo-electric transducers work when we apply to it (a) heat (c) vibrations (b) mechanicai force (d) illumination. 33. In semiconductor strain gauges, the change in resistance on application of strain is mainly on account of change in =nent upto (a) length of wire ic1 resistivity (b) diameter of wire (d) both (a) and (b). 34. The rlrar,r,backs of semiconductor strain gauges are {a} lor,v iatigue life (c) that they are expensive and brittle (b) poor linearity (d) none of these. 35 ln a resistance potentiometer, the nonJinearity .............. the ratio of potentiometer trr . --,,: resistance :surement :', a column. (a) decreases with the increase in (c) is independent of (e) increases with the increase in (d) none of the above. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of 248 36. High value pot resistance leads to (b) highsensitivity (d) less error. (a) lowsensitivitY (c) low non-linearitY 37. A strain gauge is a passive transducer and is employed for converting (a) mechanical displacement into a change of resistance (b) pressure into a change of resistance (c) force into displacement (d) none of the above. Semiconductor strain gauges have (b) very small size (0.7 to 7 mm) (a) high gauge factor (-100 to 150) (d) all of these. (c) higher fatigue value low have gauges should 39 The strain (b) resistance (a) gauge factor (d) all of the above. (c) resistancetemPeraturecoefficient 40. The carrier material employed with strain gauges at room temperature is (b) bakelite (a) impregnated paPer 38. fr *tu -t i J r- 41. Seismic transducer is used for measurement of (b) angular velocity (d) pressure. (a) linearvelocity (c) acceleration J : :: :br ::ft :, 1-l irl li (b) being contactless device (d) all of these. (a) high natural frequencY (c) better resolution ,..t_! )t n 42. The accelerometer using LVDT has the advantage of --l 56 43. Bonded strain gauges are hr 2l (a) exclusively used for construction of transducers (b) exclusively used for stress analysis (c) used for both stress analysis and for construction of transducers (d) none of the above. 44. A load cell is essentiallY a (b) thermistor (d) inductivetransducer. (a) strain gauge (c) resistive potentiometer 45. A load cell is an electro-mechanical device and is widely used for measurement of )t Tlx iJl (al 58 \lrr l:t 1.-l 59. EIe (b) dynamic forces (a) static forces (c) temperature (d0 both (a) and (b). 46. Which of the following can be used for pressure measurement ? (b) Pyrometer (d) Piezoelectriccrystal. (a) Thermometer (c) Bolometer 47. Radiation pyrometers are used for measuring temPerature in the range of - (b) 1000-2000"c (d) above 4000'C. 48. The best method of measuring the temperature of hot bodies radiating energy in the visible spectrum is (a) thermocouple (c) RTD -I (d) ePoxy. (c) aluminiumfoil (a) 500 - 1000"C (c) 1200 - 3500'C Fr: (b) optical pyrometer (d\ thermistor. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor (;t 60 tu\ (a) (fl 6t. AI (rl (c) 62. DI (at (!t (.- ) (dl Dok of Mechatronics Sensors and Transducers 49. Pirani gauge is used for measuring ........ pressure. (a) very high (c) very low erting (b) high (d) atmospheric. 50. Pirani gauge are used for measurement of pressure ranging from (a) 10+ to 1 torr (c) 10 to 100 torrs (b) 1 to 10 torrs (d) above 100 torrs. 51. The ionization vacuum gauge, in construction, is similar to a (a) vacuumdiode (c) thyratron 07to7mm) (b) vacuum triode (d) none of these. 52. The device used for measuring temperatures exceeding 1500"C is (a) radiationpyrometer (c) thermocouple (b) RrD (d) bimetallic thermometer. 53. The most suitable device for measuring temperature of a furnace is :rature is (a) RTD (c) optical pyrometer (b) thermistor (d) bimetallic thermometer, 54' Which of the following devices cannot be used for measurement of temperature ? (a) RTD (c) LVDT (b) Thermocouple (d) Pyrometer. 55. which o{ the following is not the drawback of radiation pyrometers ? s device (a) Their initial as well as installation costs are high (b) Poor precision and slow response (c) They need maintenance (d) Each pyrometer needs individual calibration. 56. Pyrometer is used to measure (a) strain (c) displacement (b) pressure (d) temperature. 57. The device used for measuring low pressure, of the order of 10-2 torr, is (a) strain gauge (c) ionization gauge 58. Moving-coil pick-up is used for measuring hxer. r measurement of (a) linearvelocity (c) displacement (b) Pirani gauge (d) any of these. (b) vibrations (d) pressure. 59. Electronic counters are used for measuring (a) linearvelocity (c) acceleration (b) angular velocity (d) pressure. 60. Angular velocity is measured by (a) strain gauge (c) A.C. tacho-generator (b) solarcell (d) none of the above. stal. r range of 61. A wheatstone bridge circuit using strain gauges can be used for measuring diating energy in the 62. Dummy strain gauges are used for ET (a) static strains (c) both (a) and (b) (b) dynamic strains (d) none of these. (a) calibration ofstrain gauges (b) compensation of temperature variations (c) increasingbridgesensitivity G) all of the above. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 250 A Textbook of Mechatronics 63. In measurements using two strain gauges, the second strain gauge is provided for (a) temperature compensation (c) stability (e) both (n) and (b). (b) increasingsensitivity (d) linearity H 64. Which of the following additional devices is required for measuring pressure with an : LVDT ? (a) Beliows (c) Bolometer (e) either (a) or (&). { trhr (b) Bourdon tubes (d) rotameter .rta 5.s 65. which of the following devices cannot be used for measuremerrt of pressure ? (a) LVDT (c) Piezo-electrictransducers 66 a (b) RTD (d) Piezo-resistive transducers. & The transducers used for measurement of linear displacement are 68 .ff e :Ytb S :'I :l .:L Rotational displacement can be measured by (a) strain gauges (c) reluctancetransducers (b) resistive potentiometers (d) both (b) and (c). '.r1,8 Temperature compensation, in bridge circuit arrangement, is affected by il-iI (a) using dummy strain gauges (b) using strain gauges of smaller gauge factor (c) reversing strain gauges (d) any of these. 69 C:ie: 'rtiI <a-rt Htl-, Err.lai which oie of the following devices cannot be used to measure pressure ? (a) Strain gauge (c) Piezoelectriccrystal rih :9.r }s .: :- I (a) strain gauges and resistive potentiometers (b) LVDTs, capacitive transducers and Hall effect transducers (c) thermocouples, thermistors and RTDs (d) both (a) and (b). 67. -.s 1- .- ,. (b) LVDT (d) Pyrometer. ,:::l 70. Which of the following additional is required for measuring pressure with piezoelectric l\}rai crystal ? ErpLar (a) Bellows (c) Rotameter 1. (c) 8. (d) 2. (b) e. (c) 1s. (c) 22. (c) 2e. (c) 36. (b) 43. (c) s0. (a) s7. (b) 64. (e) 16. (b) 23. (b) 30. (a) 37. (a) 44. (a) s1. (b) s8. (a) 6s. (b) (b) Strain gauges t;t ' @ RTD. 3. (c) 10. (a) 17. (b) 24. (a) 31. (d) 38. (d) 45. (d) s2. (a) se. (b) 66. (d) 4. (b) 11. (a) 18. (a) 25. (d) 32. (b) 39. (c) 46. (d) 53. (c) 60. (c) 67. (d) s. (a) 12. (e) 19. (c) 26. (d) 33. (c) 40. (a) 47. Q) 5a. (c) 6t. (c) 68. (a) 6. (a) 7. A lirE (e) har ug 1.3. (b) 74. (b) 20. (c) 27. (a) 3a. (c) 2t. (d) 35. (b) (,, I,f 41,. (c) 42. (d) an 48. (b) 49. (c) ss. (b) 56. (d) 62. (b) 6e. (d) 63. (e) potent (r) h 28. (c) 70. (a). PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor b1 2. Inalu displa< * 0.0O{ rct of Mechatronics r is provided for Sensors and Transducers 251 THEORETICAL QUESTIONS uity lg pressu.e with an I pressure ? lrsducers. 1. Define the term "instrumentation". 2. List the various modes of measurement. 3. Enumerate the elements of a measurement system. 4. What is transducer ? 5. What are the functions of a transducer in an electronic instrumentation system ? 6. How are transducers classified ? 7. What are the advantages of electromechanical transducers ? 8. Explain briefly with diagrams important transducer actuating mechanisms. 9. Describe briefly the following (0 Thermistors and resistance thermometers. (ii) Wire resistance strain gauges. : 10. Give the classification of variable inductance transducers. 11. Explain briefly any two of the following transducers : (i) Self-generating variable inductance transducer - Electromagnetic type (ii) Variablereluctancetransducer (iii) Mutualinductancetransducer (it ) Linear-variable-differential transformer (LVDT). lEters 12. What is the principle on which a capacitive transducer works ? 13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of capacitive transducers ? 14. Give the applications of capacitive transducers. 15. What is a piezo-electric transducer ? List the advantages and disadvantages of piezo- dbv electric transducers. 16. How are photoelectric transducers classified ? 17. Explain briefly the following srre ? : (l) Photoemissive cell (lii) Photovoltaic cell. r: n'ith piezoelectric 18. (ii) Photoconductivecell What is a strain gauge ? 19. Explain briefly with neat diagrams, any two of the following : (l) Wire-wound strain gauges (iil Foil-type strain gauges (lll) Semiconductor strain gauges (ia) Capacitive strain gauges. UNSOLVED EXAMPLES D D , r) I ) 7. (e) 14. (b) 27. (d) 28. (c) 3s. (b) 42. (d) D 49. (c) ,) s6. (d) ,) 63. (e) D 70. (a). 1. A linear resistance potentiometer is 50 mm long and is uniformly wound r,r'ith a wire having a resistance of 10000 Q. Under normal conditions, the slider is at the centre of the potentiometer. (i) Find the linear displacements when the resistances of the potentiometer are measured by a wheatstone bridge for two cases are : (a) 3800 ohms and (b) 7500 ohms. (ii) If it is possible to measure a minimum value of 12 ohms resistance with the above arrangement, find the resolution of the potentiometer in mm. [Ans. (i) 6 mm, 12.5 mm; (il) 0.06 mm] In a linear voltage differential transformer the output voltage is 2.0 V at maximum displacement. At a certain load, the deviation from linearity is maximum and it is + 0.004 V from a straight line through origin. Find the linearity at the given load. [Ans. +2%] PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 252 A Textbook of Mechatror- 3. The.9-ltput of a LVDT is connected to a 5V voltmeter through an amplifier wher amplification factor is 250. An output of 2 mV appears across the tlrminals oi LVDT whs the core moves through a distance of 0.5 mm. If ihe multimeter has 100 divisions and the 5 ::. ..{ sit adi a distance 0.2 mm. (, Calculate the value of capacitance when the dielectric is air having a permittivitv cr ?.0 c l€C€ cakr: 8.85 x 10r'?Flm. (i4 Calculate the change in capacitance if a linear displacement reduces the distance between the plates to 0.18 mm. Also calculate the ratio of per unit change oi capacitance t.per unit change of displacement. (iii) If a mica sheet 0.01 mm thick is inserted in the gap, calculate the value of originacapacitance and change in capacitance for the same displacement. Also calculate tlr ratio of per unit change of capacitance to per unit change in displacement. The dielectric constant of mica is 8. [Ans. (i) 11.06 pF; (ii) 1.23 pF, 1.11; (iii) 11.57 pR 1.35 pF, 1.16; 5. A capacitive transducer uses two quartz diaphragms of area 675 mm2 separated bv : distance of 3.8 mm. A pressure of 850 kN/m' when applied to the top diaphragm produces a deflection of 0.55 mm. The capacitance is 330 pF when no pressure is applied to thr diaphragms. Determine the value of capacitance after the application of a pressure of 85i - kN,/m'. [Ans. 3g5.8 kN/m:] A capacitive transducer, used in pressure measuring instrument has a spacing of 4.2 mm between its diaphragms. A pressure of 600 kN/m'produces an average defleition of 0.21 of the diaphragm of the transducer. A transducer which has a capacitance of 250 pF 1T before the application of pressure is connected in an oscillation circuit having a frequeno of 1'20 kHz. Determine the change in frequency of oscillator after the application of pressure to the transducer. 10. resP [Ans. (l) 4 m V,/mm, (ii) 0.01 mm. 4. A parallel plate capacitive transducer uses plates of area 250 mm2 which are separated br 9. erf { stee{ (4 The sensitivity of LVDI and 7. :: -\ sr tlre r scale can be read ,o u I of a division. Calculate : (ir) The resolution of the instrument in mm, Sa-s:rs arE [Ans. 4.1 kHz approx] A,2 mm thick quartz piezoelectric cJystal having a voltage intensity of 0.055 Vm/N L. subiected to a Pressure of 1.8 MN/m'. Calculate the voltage output and charge density or the crystal. Take the permiitivity of quartz as 40.6 x 10-12 F/m. [Ans. 198 v, 2.23 pclN-l A piezoelectric material measuring 5 mm x 5 mm x 1.5 mm is used to measure a forceIts voltage sensitivity is 0.055 Vm/N. Calculate the force if voltage developed is 110V. {Ans. 33N; The following data relate to a barium titrate pick-up : Dimensions : 5 mm x 5 mm x 1.25 mm; Force acting on the pick-up = 5N. The charge sensitivity of the^crystal = 150 pClN; Permittivity = 12.5 x 10-' F,/m; Modulus of elasticitr = 12 x 10" N/m'. Calculate strain, charge and capacitance. [Ans. 0.0167 : 750 pC;250 pF] A strain of 5 micro-strain is caused in a structural member when subjected to a compressive force' Two separate strain gauges are attached to the structural member, one is nictel wire strain gauge (gauge factor: -12.1) and other is nichrome wire strain gauge (gauge factor = 2).If the resistance of strain gauges before being strained is 130 Cl, &t."tut" thJ change in the value of resistance of the gauges after they are strained. tAns. 7.865 mC) (increase); 1.3 mO (decrease)l PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ok of Mechatronics Sensors and Transducers 253 rn amplifier whose 11. A strail gauge is bonded to a beam which is 10 cm long and has a cross-sectional area inals of LVDT when D0 divisions and the of 4 cm'. The unstrained resistance and gauge factor of the strairr gauge are 220Q and 2.2 respectively. On the application of load the resistance of the gauge changes by 0.0134. ff the modulus of elasticity for steel is 207 GN/m', calculate : (i) the change in length of the steel beam, and (ll) the amount of force applied to the beam. V/mm, (ll) 0.01mml rich are separated bY ing a permittivitY of [Ans. (i) 2.68 x 1,04 m; (ii) 2.219 kN] 12. A single strain gauge having resistance 144 Q is mounted on a steel cantilever beam at a distance of 0.15 m from the free end. The beam dimensions are 25 cm (length) x 2.0 cm (width) x 0.3 cm (depth). An unknown force applied at the free end produces a deflection ol 127 mm of the end. If the change in gauge resistance is found to be 0.18240, calculate the gauge factor. Take Young's modului foi steel as 200 GN/m2. [ans. 2.3] r.lces the distance be- rnge of capacitance to the value of original nt. Also calculate the lacement. The dielec- I57 pF, 1.35 pR 1.1671 mm2 separated bY a r diaphragm produces ure is applied to the n of a pressure of 850 [Ans. 385.8 kN/m"l r a spacing of 4.2 mm nge deflection of 0'28 capacitance of 250 PF dt having a frequency pplication of pressure Ans. 4.1 kHz approxl in' of 0.055 Vm/N is and charge densitY of ns" 198 Y,2.23 pclNl ed to measure a force. p developed is 110V. {Ans. 33Nl r-up = 5N. The charge u Modulus of elasticitY 0/167 :750 pC; 250 PFI irted to a comPressive nber, one is nickel wire rin gauge (gauge factor fL calculate the change se); 1.3 mO (decrease)l PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor CHAPTER Signal Conditioning, Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation /Displuy 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Functions of signal conditioning equipment; 4.3 Amplification 4.4 Types of amplifiers; 4.5 Mechanical amplifiers; 4.6 Fluid amplifiets; 4.7 optical ampiflers; 4.8 Electrical and electronic amplifiers; 4.9 Data acquisition; 4.10 Data Signal transmission; 4.11. Data presentation/display. Highlights - Obiective Type Questions - Theoretical Questions Sqra Cmdt< /r.12. Si lne nr-e . Sisn; 1. Sigru I Si.-: I Qi-n' qi--f : = ^ Ii m.: 4.1.3. Pr ir.lItrrr'iLr 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4.1.1. General Measurement System Components Fig. 4.1 shows the general measurement system components 1. Prote it r-ne Lran darru (!t Inpul Physical phenomenon) g h ( (::l u (;itt e 'ii'r u 2. Cetti -T t( - - Fig.4.1. Components of a general measuremen#t:, The "first stage" of the instrumentation or measurement system which detects the measurand @nicn is basically a physical quantity) is termed as detector-transducer stage. In this stage, in most of the cases, the quantity is detected and is transduced into an electrical form. The output from the first stage needs certain modifications before it becomes compatible with the data presentation stage. The necessary modification is carried out in the " intermediate stage", more commonly referred to as the signal conditioning stage. The "last stage" of the measurement system may consist of indicating, recording, - displaying, data processing elements or may consist of control elements. o Measurement of dynamic mechanical q-uantities places special requirements on the elements in the signal conditioning stage. -T ir 3. Getti -T n a. -F 4. Elimi -S el n -S 5. Mani Large amplifications, as well good transient response, are often desired, both of which are need difficult to obtain by mechanical hydraulic, or pneumatic methods. Consequently, electrical or electronic elements are usually required. 4.1.4. m. 2s4 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Limitatio In the fie -rJommon t ng; Data imlssl()n tDisplry ; rt.3 Amplification pliriers; 4.7 Optical pisition; 4.10 Data s - Objective Type ;-a Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 4.1.2. Signal Conditioning and its Necessity 255 SignaI conditioning ntay be defined as the process af modifying the output signals from the '.|ucer into Ltsable and satisfactory signal using amplification, atterutation, non-linearisation, -,isation or multiplication by another function. Tlre necessity of signai conditioning may be due to following reasons i 1. Signals may be too noisy due to electromagnetic interference. 2. Signals may be too small, usually is mV range. 3. Signals may be non-linear and require to be converted into digital form. -1. Signals may be analog one and require to be converted into digital form. 5. Signals may be digital one and need to be converted into analog signals. tr. It may be required to improve the quality of digital signals. 4.1.3. Process Adopted in Signal Conditioning Following processes are usually adopted in signal conditioning : 1. Protection. The range of the output signals from the transducer may be so high that it may damage the next unit or element which needs to be protected. Example: If a high voltage/current signals are fed to the microprocessor, it will get damaged. The microprocessor can be protected by : (l) emploving a series of current limiting resistors, fuses to break if current is too high; ;;-_l resentation unit (li) using a step down transformer if the voltage is too high; (iii) employing polarity protection; I I 'e: rs Erin. Vrtt ;cltich detects the detector-transducer nd and is transduced (irr) using voltage limitation circuits etc. 2. Getting right type of signals: output signals of a transducer is of analog type, this needs to be conr.erted - to D.C. voltage or current. The signal of a microproces.sor is of digital nature, it needs to be conr-erted - into output analog form to feed it to an actuator for process controlling. The 3. Getting correct level of signals: - also be difficult to measure such low 1evel signals. s tefore it becomes tolification is carried trl to as the signal ndicating, recording, - d. both of which are rnsequ ently, el e c t r i c al For amplification operational amplifiers (op-amp) are *-idelv used. 4. Elimination of interferences - trol elements. requirements on the The level of the output signal may be too small (to the tune of fen' mV), this needs to be amplified for feeding it into an analog-to-digital conr-erter. It may - : Some undesired signals or disturbances (sar. noise disturbance due to electromagnetic interference) mav be associated n'ith the output signals, these need to be eliminated. Such interferences are elimina.ted bv the use of filters. 5. Manipulation of signals: The output signals may be non-linear in nature, these need to be linearised and vice versa. 4.1.4. Mechanica! Amplification and Erectricar signal conditioning Limitations/disadvantages of mechanical amplification: In the field of dynamic measurements, strictly, mechanical systems are much more -ncommon than they were in the years past, largely because of several inherent PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics Signal Conditim or cams if dynamic particularly magnitudes immense of problems (these eleirents Present design inputs are to be handled) is quite limited because of the following reasons : The r.r,hole 256 disadaantages. Mechanical amplification by the elements such as linkages, gearing, (l) \44ren amplification is requiredy'ictional forces are also amplified, resulting in considerable r.tndesirabTe signal loading. These effects, coupled with backlash and elastic deformations, result in poor response. (li) Initial loading results in reduced frequenry response and in certain cases, depending on the partic"ular configuration of the system, phase response is also a problem. Advantages of electrical signal conditioning: In several detector-transducer combinations which provide an outPut in electrical form, it is convenient to perform further signal conditioning electrically' o Such conditioning may typically include: resistance changes to voltage changes; - Converting offset voltages; - Subtracting signal voltages; - Lrcreasing Removing unwanted frequency components' o Electrical methods are also preferred for their ease of power amplification. power may be fed into the system to prooide a greater output power than - Additional users of "pi*u amplifiers", which have no important,mechanical by the input counterpart in most instrumentation. (It is true that hydraulic and pne-umatic systems may be set up to increase signal power; however, their use is limited to relativelyilow-acting control applications, primarily in the fields of chemical processing and electrii power generation)- This technology is of a particular value wtien recording procedures employ stylus-type recorders; mirror galvanometers, or magnetic-disc methods. 4.2 FUNCTIONS OF SIGNAL CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT The signal conditioning equipment may be required to perform the followingfunctions (i) Ingenr. (ii) Proper (ili Faithfl o The el i nserrsi desigr'l. o In ser-r excit'i:. srptcm brougl and rt' o In cas thermr these I provic o The'.. UPS ar since t voltag The excita e D.C. r ' A.C. r Figures {-. D.C. sigru Refer to Fi than one arm rridge can be :onditions. on the transduced signal: 2. Modification or modulation 4. Data processing 1. Amplification 3. Impedance matching 5. Data transmission. 1. Amplification. It means enhancement of the signal leael which is often in the low levei range. The amplification system must bring the ftjvel of transducer signal to a value idequate enough to make it useful for conaersion, processing, indicating and recording. 2. Modification or modulation. It means to change the fotm of signal. The signal may be smoothened, linearised, filtered or conaerted into digital form. 3. Impedance matching. The signal conditioning equipment arranges the input, and output impedanies of the matching device so as to prevent loading of the transducer and to maintain a high signal level at.the recorder. 4. Data processing. To carry out mathematical operations (e.g., addition, subtraction, differentiation, integration etc.) before indication or recording of data. 5. Data transmission. To transmit signal from one location to another without changing th€ contents of the information. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Characten (i) It shor (li) It ma' (CMR shoulti Adaantagt (i) D.C. a (li) It is al Disadaanl o Them drift. .a proble r TheD comFrc I Mechatronics aring, or cams rly if dynamic ;: tg in considerable sh and elastic rses, depending o a problem. lut in electrical Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 257 The whole task of signal conditioning requires the following: (i) Ingenuity; (li) Proper selection of components; (ili) Faithful reproduction of signal. o The elemerlts of signal conditioning are designed in such a fashion as to be insensitiae to all extrqneous inputs. The accuracy, range and dynamic response are all designed to be compatible with the detector transducer. o In several situations the "signal conditioning" or "data acquisition equipment" is an excitation and amplification system for passioe transducers. it may be an amplifico-tion system for actioe transducers. In both the applications, the transducer output is brought upto adequate level to make it useful for conuersion, processing, indicating and recording. o In case of "passiae transducers" (e.9., strain gauges, potentiometer resistance thermometers, inductive and capacitive transducers) excitation is needed because these transducers do not generate their own voltage or current; the excitation is olification. rutput power than rtant mechanical c and pneumatic eir use is limited Eelds of chemical is of a particular Pcorders, mirror >llowing functions provided from external sources. o The "actiue transducers" (e.9., technogenerators, thermocouples, inductive pickups and piezoelectric crystals) do not require excitation from an external source since they produce their own electrical output. However, these signals have a low voltage level and as such they need to be amplified. The excitation sources may be: . D.C. voltage source. . A.C. voltage source. Figures 4.2 and 4.3 show D.C. and A.C. signal conditioning systems respectively. D.C. signal conditioning system: Refer to Fig. 4.2. The resistance transducers like strain gauges constitute one or more than one arm of a Wheatstone bridge which is excited by an isolated D.C. source. The bridge can be balanced by a potentiometer and can also be calibrated for unbalanced conditions. r often in the low rnsducer signal to rcasing, indicating d. The signal maY ranges the inPut, mt loading of the r. ilition, subtraction, ; of data. r another without Characteristics of a D.C. amplifier: (l) It should have extremely good thermal and long term stability'. (li) It may require balanced differential inputs giving high mode rejection ratio (CMRR); CMRR is a measure of ratio of desired signal to undesired signal, this aalue should be as high as possible. Adaantages: (, D.C. amplifier is easy to calibrate at low frequencies. (ll) It is able to recover from an overload condition unlike its A.C. counterpart. Disaduantages: o The major disadvantage of a D.C. amplifier is that it suffers from the problem of drift. As a result, the low frequency spurious signals come o*t as data information. This problem is overcome by the use of the drift amplifiers. o The D.C. amplifier is followed by a lowpass filter which eliminates high frequency components or noise from the data signal. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 258 Signal Conditioning; D sufficient cu circuits. - The signal, amplified si - Several appl linear and n instruments. 4.3 AMPLIFICAI An amplifier Calibration r_. -:.',ote on mechantc;: and zeroing :::ronic principles. network The ratio of ouri emplification or me{ I Phase sensitive modulator 5rnce * are in t t, Invariably, in ordr : .eries/cascades. Th -- given by the prodr i.e., D.C. output D.C. output Fig.4.2. D.C. signal conditioning system. Fig.4.3. A.C. signal conditioning system. 1.4 TYPES OF Ar Uses. D.C. systems are generally used for common resistance transducers such as potentiometers and resistance strain gauges. The amplifiers, or A.C. signal conditioning system: Refer to Fig. 4.3. The problems which are encountered in D.C. systems are overcome through carrier type A.C. signal conditioning system. The transducer parameter variations amplitude modulate the carrier frequencies at the bridge output and the waveform is amplified and demodulated. The demodulation is phase sensitive so that polarity of D.C. output indicates the direction of the parameter change in the bridge output. In carrier systems, it is oery easy to obtain aery high rejection of mains frequency pick-up. Active filters be used to reject this frequency and prevent overloading of A.C. - amplifier. can The carrier frequency components of the data signal are filtered out by the phase- sensitive demodulators.' Uses. A.C. systems are used for variable reactance transducers and for systems where srgnals have to be transmitted long via cables to connect the transducers to,the signal conditioning equipment. The physical quantities like pressure, temperature, acceleration, strain etc. after - having being transduced into their analogous electrical form and amplified to 2. Fluid amplifie 3. Optical amplir 4. Electrical and PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 1. Mechanical ar ..5 MECHANICAL The mechanical ar (i) Simple and cor together so tlu Example. The mechanical amt magnification k (ii) Simple and ca quite frequentl rotary speed. A"compound gc change in the -tli Mechatronics Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 2Sg sufficient current or voltage levels (say 1 to 10 V) are further processed bv electronic circuits. - l - !Erence 4.3 AMPLIFICATION An amplifier is a deaice which is used to increase or augment the weak signal. ntay operate on mechanical (leaers, gears etc.) optical, pneumatic and hydraulic, or electrical and lt electronic principles. ----I I Power I I .rpprv I --T-_-| The signal, in some applications, does not need any further processing and the amplified signal may be directly applied to indicating or recording or control instruments. Several applications, however, involve further processing of signals which involr-e linear and non-linear operations. The ratio of output signal (lo) to input signal (l) for an amplifier is termed as gain, amplification or magnification. The gain of amplification (G) is expressed as: G= I I I rd Since ! I, are in the same units, the gain G is a dimensionless quantity. Invariably, in order to get greater magnification, two or more amplifiers are arranged in series/cascades. The overall gain of the arrangement (assuming that no loading occurs) is given by the product of individual gains of the amplifying units, ? = "r. 1.e., ning system. ducers such as ns are overcome r frequencies at ilemodulation is { the parameter bequency pick uP' :rloading of A.C. ,ut by the PhaseDr systems where Ers to the signal r, strain etc. after and amplified to ...(4.1) Ii Gr. G2..... ...(L2) 4.4 TYPES OF AMPLIFIERS The amplifiers, on the basis of principle of working, may be categorised as follows: 1. Mechanical amplifiers. 2. Fluid amplifiers. 3. Optical amplifiers. 4. Electrical and electronic amplifiers. 4.5 MECHANICAI AMPLIFTERS The mechanical amplifiers may be further classifted as follows: (i) Simple and compound leoers; The compound lever has two or more levers linked together so that output from one lever provides the input to the other. Example. The Huggenberger extensometer is one of the most popular and accurate mechanical nmplifier. It uses a system of compound leveis 1o give aery high magnification to the order of 2000 or e.oen more. (ii) Simple and compound gears; The simple and compound gear trains are used quite frequently fo prooide mechanical amplification o|-either aigular displacement or rotary speed. A " compound gear train" gives greater modification usith the additional adaantage of no change in the direction of input signal. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 260 in the Examples. The gear trains are used for the magnification of displacement linear movement is BourdZn tube pretrsure gauge and in the dial-test indicator where translated into rotation by means of rack and pinion' Limitations of mechanical amplificatian: The mechanical amplification, as earlier stated, usually suffers from the errols caused by the following factots : (l) Internal loading; (ll) Friction at the mating Parts; (lll) Elastic deformation; Signal Conditionin 4.8.2. Elect o The follov eristent) electror (i) lnfinite (ii) Infinite i 1 or der-io (iii) Zero out (lo) Backlash' 4.6 FLUID AMPLIFIERS (irt) Insiant rr (u) Zero out (i,i) Abilitv tr Of course, n ::proach them, o In an elec , Fluid amptifiers may be cl,assified as follows: (i) Hydraulic amplifier: when a small displacement is applied to a piston operating of the in"side a cylir,ie, containing some liquid, thete_occurs a large displacement diameter' liquid in ihe output tube which has a small and lhe Example. This principle is employed in the mercury-in-glass thermometer =.av exceed the Here, : sin gl e- column manome t er s. lii\ Pneumatic amplifier; Pneumatic methods are extensively used and can be applied to anY tYPe of measurement. Then 4.7 OPTICAL AMPLIFIERS : l.and In optical amplification, a ray of light strikes a mirror with an angle of incidence the mirru gets reflected with angle of reflLction equal to the angle of incidence' When of tlre rotation (l Before + 0)' to iotates through un ung"lu 0, the angle of incidence change mirror, the aigle bet ieen the incident ray and reflected ray is 2i and after rotation it B reflected 2(l + 0). Obvioirsly there is angular magnification of 20 between the incident and may be surfaces mirrors of number more rays. In order to get a greater magnification, used. Examples. This principle to amplify the input signals is used in the following cases Optical levers; Voltage Currmt a Another rr The commqr - U.V. galvanometers; - Mechanical-pointer galvanometers' 4.8 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC AMPLIFIERS The electrical amplifiers are used to increase the magnitude of weak aoltage or curretd. signals resulting from electromechanical transducers' 4.8.1. Desirable Characteristics of Electronic Amplifiers The following are the desirable characteristics of electronic amplifiers: (i) High input impedance so that its loading effect on.the transducer in minimum' (ii) Low output impedance so that the amplifiet is not unduly loaded by the display recording deuice. (iii) Frequency response should be as good as that of the transducer. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor If the hvo po * of Mechatronics splacement in the near movement ls r the errors caused Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 261 4.8.2. Electronic Amplification of Gain o The following are the several generalities that can be listed for the ideal (but nonexistent) electronic amplifier: (l) Infinite gain (Iower gain can be obtained by adding attenuation circuits). (ii) Infiniie input impedance; no input current, hence no load on the previous stage or device. (iii) Zero output impedance (low noise). (lu) Instant response (wide frequency bandwidth). (o) Zero output for zero input. (al) Ability to ignore or reject, extraneous inputs. Of course, none of these aims can be completely reabzed, it is often possible to approach them, and their assumption simplifies circuit analysis. r a piston oPerating lispiacement of the 'herntometer and the I and can be aPPlied o In an electronic amplifier, separate power is provided so that the output power may exceed the input if that is required. Here, if a, = Input voltage, ii = InPut current, ?o = OutPut voltage, and i, = OutPut current, Then : le of incidence i and e. \{hen the mirror iefore rotation of the d after rotation it L< the following cases Power output _ zroio Power input ...(4.3) aiii voltage amplification = Y?lla8e:utput = a, ...(4.4) Current amplificatio, = ?rrent gutPut = in . .(4.5) Voltage input ai Current input ii rident and reflected ors surfaces maY be -^:- = \raln- o Another way of expressing power gain is through the use of decibe!. The common logarithm (log to the base 10) of power gain is known as bel pouer gain. Power gain = r.g,.[]'lb"r \ri ) 7 bel = 1.0 dB ak uoltage or currea .'. rorog,of]'lan ...(4.6) \rt,/ If the two powers are developed in the same resistance or equal resistance, then r, = $=(x rplifiers: ducer in minimumntud by the disPlaY n- power gain = - ,,2 n, = !a=1l,11 .'. Voltage gain = totogro4*=zotogrrfda (4 7\ PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 262 Currentgain = 1OlogrrS =ZOtognlan S'gnal Conditiorr The measur ...(4 8) Inthe{ - tlrc nii;,: Inthel - Example 4J1.. A three-stage amplifier has a first aoltage gain of 1"00, second stage aoltage gnit, of 200 and third stage aoltage gain of 400. Find the total ooltage gain in dB. Solution. First-stage voltage gain in dB = 20logro100=20x2=40 tJrc ,,:,.t: The most f; *',.idcnsting Second-stage voltage gain in dB = 20 logro 200 = 20 x 2.3 = 46 Third-stage voltage gain in dB = 20 log,n 400 = 20 x 2.6 = 52 Total voltage gain = 40 + 46 + 52 = 738 dB (Ans.) Example 4.2. (i) A multistage amplifier employs fiae stages each of which has a power ga::. of 30. What is the total gain of the amplifier in dB? (ii) lf a negatiae feedback of 10 dB is emptoyed, find the rextltant gain. Solution. Absolute gain of each stage = 30 Number of stages = 5 (i) Power gain of one stage = 10 logro 30 dB = 1,4.77 .'. Total power gain = 5 x 74.77 = 73.85 dB (Ans.) (ii) Resultant power gain with negatiae feedback = 73.85 - 10 = 63.85 dB (Ans.) 4.8.3. A.C. and D.C. Amplifiers The instrumentation systems usually employ the following two types of electronic amplifiers. (, A.C. coupled amplifiers. (r0 D.C. coupled amplifiers. o For an "A.C. amplifiers" bandwidth is the range of frequencies between which gain or amplitude ratio is constant to within - 3dB (3dB down points). This corresponds to the frequencies at which the voltage output amplitude falls bv 29.3% to 70.7'/. of the maximum value. The "A.C. amplifiers" are only capable of dealing with rapid, repetitiae signals but - are usually simpler and cheaper when compared with their D.C. counterparts. In an "A.C. amplifier system" the amplifier drift and spurious noise arc not - significant; the rnains frequency pick-up rejection is aery high. o The "D.C. amplifiers" are capable of amplifuing static, slozuly changing or rapidrepetitiae input signals. "D.C. amplifier systems" are easy to calibrate at low frequencies, and haae - The the ability to recoaer rapidly from oaerload conditions, 4.8.4. Modulated and Unmodulated Signals The measurands may be "pure" in the sense that analog electrical signal contains nothing more than the real time aariation of the measurand information itself. on the other hand, the signal may be "mixed" with a carrier which consists of a aoltage oscillation at some frequency higher than that of the signal. A common rule of thumb is that the frequency ratio should be at least 10:1, PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor l\'hen "-:..;: ;rr ---.rirr1..f - i7 \ea:-..- : :::: I r-io -:.-.-.lr -{.C. erc -: :id:Isr-: 5r€ :::ain S3ui -: :> re\l:::-,j o Tt.;s rT= _ Th€ .-:--i-- _ \lorr ,..; . o F\l ,jerrx the u- o - Freqt - Raho ICph 4.8.5. lntegr The integrate :,.mbined to perto ; --''les, resistors, an :.ug-in units. ICs from the i - Differenti; - Mixers (fc Timers; - Filters; - Audio pre - Auto-porr-, - Voltage ret - Regulaton - Several di1 4.8.6. Operati An operatione, :':)tage gain, a high i of Mechatronics Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 263 The measurand affects the carrier by varying either its amplitude or its frequency: ...(4.8) 'stage aoltage gain 1. In the former case the carrier frequency is held constant and its amplitude is oaried by the measurand. This process is knotan as Amplitude modulation (or AM). the latter case the carrier amplitude is held constant and its frequency is aaried by - In the measurand. This is known as Frequency modulation (or FM). The most familiar use of AM and FI\{ kansfer of signals is in AM and FM radio - :roadcasting. When "modulntion" is used in instrumentation "amplitude modulation" (AM) is the ',rore common form. Nearly any mechanical signal from a passive pick-up can be transduced into an analogous AM form. Sensors based on either inductance (e.g. differential transformer) or capacitance (e.g. capacitance pickup for liquid level) require an A.C. excitation. In addition, however, resistance-type sensors may also use an A.C. excitation, as with \rme strain gauge circuits. It is required to extract signal information from the modulated carrier. r This operation, when AM is used, may take several forms: The simplest is merely to display the entire signal using an oscilloscope or - oscillograph, and then to "read" the result from the envelope of the carrier. More commonly, the mixed signal and carrier are "demodulated" by "rectification - and filtering". . FM demodulation is more complex operation and may be accomplished through the use of -- Frequency discrimination, Ratio detection, or - IC phase-locked loops. - h has a power 8a1n lpes of electronic - 4.8.5. lntegrated Circuits (lCs) rmplitude falls bY The integrated circuits (ICs), as the name implies, are groups of circuit elements :ombined to perform specific purposes. For the most part the elements consist of transistors, i:odes, resistors, and, to lesser extent, capacitors, all cormected and packaged in convenient eytitiue signals but : rs between which own points). This D.C. counterParts. rious noise are not gh. changing or rapidquencies, and haae cal signal contains atf. vhich consists of a mon rule of thumb :lug-in units. ICs from the building blocks are used to constrtrct more complex circuits such as Differential amplifiers; - Mixers (for combining signals); - Timers; Filters; Audio preamps; Auto-power amplifiers; Voltage references; Regulators and comparators; Several digital devices. 4.8.6. Operational Amplifiers (Op-amp) An operational amplifier'(Op-amp) is a linear integrated circuit (lO that has a aery high .tage gain, a high input impedance and a low output impedance. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 264 A Textbook of Mechatronics It is so called because it can be employed to carry out many different mathematical operations like "addition". "sltbtraction", "multiplication", "dioision", "integration", "dffirentiation" etc. o Operational amplifiers are linear integrated circuits that work on relatiaely low supply aoltage. o They are reliable and inexpensioe. o An deal operational amplifier is device of infinite voltage gain, infinite bandwidth, These plu: :ataTand i'. I ' : imply that : i'erting term - {act amplifer : -ifput voltag, = 4. 4.4(a). infinite input impedance (open) and zero output impedance. Operationa) o An Op-amp may contain two dozen transistors, a dozen resistors and one or two capacitors. Examples : pA709, LM 108-LM 208, CA 741. CT and CA741T. Specifications/Characteristics sill - --nsitiaity to o The vol :e voltage dif of an Op-amp The output :,ltage differer While selecting an Op-amp, the following characteristics need to be considered: L. lnput offset aoltage. It is the voltage that must be applied at the input terminals to make the output voltage zero (This is about 2 mV for a747 amplifier). The offset voltage changes with temperature. -car one of th 2. lnput ffiet currenf. It is defined as the net difference in current that must be -earby power applied at the input terminals to make the output voltage zero (This is 20 nA for a 741 amplifier). 3. lnput check currenf. It is the mean of the two input currents to make the voltage zero. 4. Slew rate.lt is the maximum rate at which the output can change. It is expressed as volts/microseconds. 5. Unity gain frequency. This is the frequency at which the open loop gain of the o The dtfe : -:iiminates o.ff, ::-.plifier. Such :reaviour is kr :: a voltage-ser :-'.'iders are ca Limitations t rvhich thev r ::tnded residw amplifier becomes unity. - 6. Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR). It is the ratio of desirable signals to undesirable signals. o An Op-amp is the basic building block.for: - Amplifiers - Integrators - Summers - Differentiators - Comparators A/O and D/A converters - Active - Samplefilters and hold amplifier{. - Op-amp desciption Fig. 4.4(a) shows a standard symbol (a trianglq having two input labelled differently and a single ouput) for an Opamp, the one shown in Fig. 4.4(b) is also oftenly used. The mu ftrlter F zero 'tn1 amp is MCEIIIS .Another liu ;:nals each irx The finite cr --\tRR)" in der i--)7.")/ "l*_l\ "__l\ ruopnrerthgg!9(a) " _l_- L (b) Fi1,4.4. Op-amp symbol One input terminal is designated by -oe sign, it is called inaerting end while other input terminal is designated by a +oe sign, it is called non-inaerting end. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Since typica =-n is typicalll' ,;t::rable. r Furthec t u-d external cir .sually include: .4. wide var i-empts to rmpt { Mechatronics :mathematical " integration" , S gnal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 265 These plus (+) and minus (-) polarities indicate phase reaersal only. It does not mean ':.at at and orlFig. a.a@)l are negative and positive respectively. Additionally, it also does n relatioely low ': imply that a positive input voltage has to be connected to the plus-marked non.r'erting terminal 2 and negative input voltage to negative-marked inverting terminal 1. : fact amplifier can be used either zuay up so to speak.It may also be noted that all input and ite bandwidth, : 4. 4.4(a). and one or two Operational amplifier operating with -ae feedback possesses stable closed loop gain and also ':ensitiaity to aariation of supply aoltage and ambient temperature. -rtput voltages are referred to a common reference usually the ground shown in o The voltage at the output terminal oo, is the product of the amplifier gain G, and '- e voltage difference : tso= G(o*-z:_) :onsidered: >ut terminals to rfier). The offset rt that must be ]ris is 20 nA for nke the voltage :. It is expressed oop gain of the rlsto undesirable ..(4e) The output voltage is roughly limited to the power supply voltages V.. and V",, as the -ltage difference increases; if the voltage difference becomes too large, the output saturates -:ar one of these values and remain constant. o The dffirential characteristic of op-amp has great importance in instrumentation because :liminates offiet ooltages and noise signals common ta both input terminals. For example, -earby power lines may induce S0-cycle noise in the exterior circuitry leading to the :rplifier. Such line noise is often present in identical form at both input terminals. Thi-q :ehaviour is known as common-mode rejection. If, instead, an op-amp receives the output - a voltage-sensitive Wheatstone bridge, the common offset voltages of the two voltage :'.'iders are cancelled, and only the desired difference voltage is applied. Limitations of Op-amp : Most of the Op-amps have a nonideal characteristic according rvhich they do not completely satisfy the dffirential amplifuing property. With both inputs ' tnded residual output r.toltage remains. - The multitude of transistors, resistors, and other elements within the Op-amp are netser perfectly matched, so the amp output actually reaches zero at some small nonzero inplut voltage. To accommodate this input offset voltage, the common op- amp is provided with pins marked "offset null" or "balance" which provides a means for adjusting the unwanted offset voltage towards zero. Another limitation is that the actual common-mode rejection is finite. If the two input - :nals each include a common-mode voltage ur*, the Op-amp's actual voltage will be, tso = G(a* - a_) + Gr^ ar* ...(4.10) The finite common-mode rejection is characterised by the "common-mode rejection ratio -\IRR)" in decibels: -+\ l-> -a = (b) r symbol red by a +ae sign, CMRR = zor"s,,(fi)an ,..(4.11) Since typical Op-amps have a CMRR of 60 to 120 dB, therefore, the common-mode :.-r is typically 103 to 106 times smaller than the differential gain, hence a high CMRR is -,':'Able, o Further, the performance of Op-u*p may be limited by thermal drift. Both internal -: j external circuit elements may be temperature sensitive, and design of each circuit -. :ally includes compensating features. A wide variety of Op-amps are available, and their differences largely represent .-::mpts to improae: \- PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 266 A Textbook of Mec - llga 3.:,:or:;:e -r3 Thermal stability; CMRR; Offset voltages; Frequency response .... These refinements, however, increase the cost. Applications of Op-amp Operational amplifiers may be used as the basic components of . Linear voltage amplifiers; o Differentialamplifiers; o Integrators and differentiators; . Voltage comparators; o Function generators; o Filters; . Impedancetransformers; I Man/ other devices. : s/\,^!\L Op-amp circuits used in Instrumentation Some of the commonly used Op-amp circuits are described below: : 1. Inverter; IfRf=Rr=R: 2. Adder; rilt given by 3. Subtracter; 4. Multiplier and divider; 5. Integrator; 6. Differentiator; 7. Bufferamplifier; 8. Differential amplifier. 1. Multiplier a 1. Inverter. Fig. 4.5, shows the circuit of an Op-amp used as inaerter. The feedback resistance R, is made equal the resistance Rr, connected to tlie inverting end of the amplifiea Ouput voltage, a, = -!r, l\1 .: case R. > i. Fig. a.5. Op-amp as an inverter. r {:i as a dir i,ier llus, bv chu:: r :*rigned for m::. = -r, .------\ (... R, = R,; Rr /^-___i- Obviously, the output voltage is 180. out of phase with the input voltage 2. Adder. Fig. 4.6 shows an Op-amp circuit that performs the signals with u, amplification (if desired); using superposition theorem, we get I l -J- v2 = Output voltage, Fig.4.8. Op-amp v3 uo (R' Rr \ ...(4.13) -[&* *t,,* R, ,r,,') If Rl - R2=Rr=Rrthen a,, = -(at+ltr+u^) 5. Integrator. Fig :t integral of the in Fig.4.6. Op-amp as an adder. ...(4.14) i'e', sum of the individual input voltages. The inversion that occurs In order to shorr. \:rchoff's Current L cannot be avoided. 3' Subtracter' The Op-amp circuit used for subtraction of two input signals is shown in Fig. 4.7. The output of the 2nd Op-amp is given by : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor or, For infinite differt I Mechatronics Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and presentation/Display uo 267 ( R, Rr R,) = -l-r,& -r, & ...(4.1s) &J R 06t 2nd Op-amp Fig.4.7. Op-amp as a subtractor. lf Rr = Rr = Rz = Rc, the circuit acts as a pure subtractor and the oubput, in this case, s given by Ao= 07-A2 ...(4.16) 4. Multiplier and divider. The output of an Op-amp in the inverting mode is given by |,Rr) " Uo= -[&r"'' as an inverter. In case {t i .Rr, the circuit shown in Fig. 4.8 acts as a multiplier and in case Rr. R, : acts as a divider. Thus, by choosing the values of R, and R, the multiplier and the divider circuits can :e designed for multiplication and division by any number. ...(4.72\ roltage. R. == Fig.4.9. Op-amp as an integrator. 5. Integrator. Fig. 4.9. shows a circuit in which the output voltage is proportional to := integral of the input voltage. s an adder. In order to show that the circuit shown in Fig. 4.9. acts as an integrator using KCL . .:choff's Current Law) at node z_, we have, in= ic annot be avoided I signals is shoul or, a--ut cl(r, -, R = LV\ao-a-) For infinite differentinl gains, a_ = 0 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 268 Signal Conditioning Here, where, The signal ir, -? = ,*," By integration, we have u, = -fr1rlurdt ...(4.77) It can be prov The convenient values of R and C are Mf) and pF range resPectivelY' 6. Differentiator. The differential amplifier circuit is obtained bY When the firv ( interchanging the positions of resistance vl R and capacitor C as shown in Fig' 4.10' clown as "Comm, -iowever, in actui + ^:put aoltage is nc -::roaolts) on accol Common mod At node 7),t we have : lc= i- o-u c{P--a,1 = dt' JR Now, a_ -L^d, dtpl) o!, 0 Fig. 4.1 0. Op-amp as differentiator. where, ao The "Comnton R Output voltage, t:, =. -RCf:$.tt) ...(4.18) Thus, the output voltage is equal to the differentiated input voltage. o The Op-amps are normally used as differentiators as they tend to deuease the signal to noise (S/I'l) ratio. 7. Buffer amplifier. The buffer amplifier is essentially an impedance transformer which converts a voltage at high impedance to the same voltage at low impedance. The circuit of a unity gain buffer vl amplifier also called a "uoltage follower" is shown in Fig. 4.11. Fig.4.11. Unity gain buffer o The use of unity gainbuffer amplifurs greatly reduces amplifier voltage follower. Also, Advantages ol 1. Noise imnr r These a and osc 2. Drift immt o The difl o The diff the loading effects in measurements systems. 8. Diff erential amPlifier. A and elea differential amplifier (an Op-amp) is of significant importance in an instrumentation system In its basic form it has two inPuts Instrumentatio i:.plifier with extre -rt useful in receiir These amplifier and outputs. Ttre signals available to the two ouputs are identical except that - the two are 180" out-of-phase with each other. The output aoltage of the amplifier is proportional to the dffirence between the two input aoltages. Fig. 4.72, shows an OP-amP used as a differential amplifier. - The first stq to set the g The second feedback ar 4,8.7. Attenua Fig.4.12. Op-rrp rrud as a differentialamplifier' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor An attenuator is r;ttnt. I Mechatrontcs Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 269 Here, ao= Gs(a*-a_) where, Ga = Differential gain. The sippal ao= (a* - a_) is called "Dffirence Mode Signal" or simply "Difference Signal" l-- ...(4.77) = a7) o a.f-u-u - u ...(4.19) a, lt can be proved that, -l >--r/vo rso = Go(ar- u1) ...(4.20) When the two input aoltages are equal, the output voltage is zero. Equal inputs are (nown as "Common mode signals" because the input signal is common to both inputs. -Jowever, in actual practice when equal input voltages are applied to the inputs, the 'utput aoltage is not exactly equal to zero (dffirence is typically of the order of seaeral hundred 'ricrozsolts) on account of dffirence in response of the two inputs to common mode signals. Common mode gain, I Gr* = oo ...(4.21) acn where, Gr* = Common mode gain, and ?.,, = Common mode input signal. The "Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR)" is defined as differentiator. G, Gr* ...(4.22) cMRR = 2oros,o(*)* ...(4.22a) CMRR = ...(4.18) F. rease the signal to AIso, ... when expressed in dB. Advantages of differential amplifiers : 1. Noise immunity: o These amplifiers are extensively used in equipment such as electronic ztoltmeters and oscilloscopes. 2. Drift immunity : hity gain buffer r The differential amplifier has inherent capabilities of eliminating problem of drift. ottage follower. o The differential amplifier construction is used for the early stages of oscilloscope and electronic oolttneter amplifiers, where lout drift is extremely important. Instrumentation amplifiers; The instrumentation amplifier is a dedicated differential - -plifier wit}l. extremely high impedance. The high common mode rejection makes this amplifier -, useful in receiaing small signals buried in large common-mode offsets and noise. These amplifiers consist of two stages: - The first stage offerc very high input impedance to both input signals and allows to set the gain with a single resistor. The second stage is a differential amplifier (unity gain) with ouput, negative feedback and ground connections all throughout. 4.8.7. Attenuators differential amPlifier- .1n attenuator is a two-port resistiae network and is used to reduce the signal leaet by a giuen ,r'.,'tt. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ' A Textbook of Mechatronics Signal Condition In a number of applications, it is necessary to introduce a specified loss between the source and a matched load without altering the impedance relationship. Attenuators may be used for this purpose. Attenuator mav be symmetrical or asymmetrical, and can be erther fixed or aarinble. A fixed attenuator with constant attenuation is called a pad. r Variable attenuators are used as control volumes in radio broadcasting sections. r Attenuators are also used in laboratory to obtain small rsalue of aoltage or current for 4. Band 270 . Thr reje frec B. On the ,tOfr*,r[$] , 1. Consta stunt il testing circuits. The attenuation is expressed in decibels (dB) or, in naper. The attenuation offered by a network in decibels is given bY Attenuation in dB = s where, 2. m-dei, imped; ...(4.23) corresP \ro ) the output power. P, is and where, P, is the input power The attenuators may be of the following types: 2. Symmetrical T-attenuator. 1. Resistance attenuator. 4. n-type attenuator. 3. L-type attenuator. o Fig ten res cha 4.8.8. Filters Filtering is the process of attenuating unwanted components of a measurement while permitting the desired component to pass. The filter is an electronic circuit which can pass or stop a particular band of frequencies through if. The filters was first designed by G.A. Campbell and D.Z. Zobel at Bell laboratories. The band of frequencies which will pass through filter is called the pass band and the band of all remaining frequencies is called altenuationbqnd.Incase of ideal filter, all frequencies 1 CO ! I g f (5 of pass band rvill pass without suffering from any attenuation while the band of all remaining frequencies of attenuation band will be suppressed completely. Classification of filters: The filters may be classified as follows: A. On the basis of passing and attenuating of frequencies: L. Low pass filters: o These are those filters which pass only low frequencies through them and which reject all high frequencies above the cut-off frequencies. o A low pass filter is also called "Iag network" because it causes a phase lag in the output signal. o This type of filter is also called "integrating netzoork". 2. High pass filtets : o These are those filters which pass only high frequencies through them and which reject all low frequencies below the cut-off frequehcy. lg/lt (where to a doublin o Fig. l^ (, o The high pass filter is a differentiating network and is also called as "lead network" because it wilt cause a phase lead in the output signal. 3. Band pass filters o These are those filters which pass a band of frequencies through them and which reject all other frequencies to pass through them. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor o pk of Mechatronics Signal Conditionlng; Data Acquisition, Transmission and 271 4. Band stop filters : d loss between the r These filters, which are also known as "bsnd elirnination filters" , are those which p. Attenuators may ' Presentation/Display reject a band of frequencies to pass through them and which allow the other frequencies to pass though them. .tiretl or aariable. A B. On the basis of relation betzoeen series and shunt impedances : 1. Constant filters (or prototype filters). In this filter the series impedance z, and stunt impedance zz are interrelated by the relation: ndcasting sections. r,/fage or current for z1z2=K, muation offered bY ...(4.24) where, k is a constant independent of frequency. 2. m-derived filters. These filters do not have the product of series and shunt impedances equal to k2, but have the same chaiacteristic impedance as the corresponding k section, with sharper attenuation characteristic. o Fig. a.B@) shows some terminology as applied to a low pass filter (Similar ...(4.23) terms are applicable to the high pass and notch or band reject filters, respectively) while in the Fig. a.13(b) are shown the band-pass filter characteristics. , nrcasurement while t, t1 - t2 I rr band of frequencies D.Z. Zobel at Bell sbsnd and the band filter, all frequencies ilrile the band of all Bandwidth at AdB, down ---+--- 1 CD o : I m E 3 (, c= L ,\ Uppe skirt ^("*' _s\ pletely. FrequencY l, tg/,\f, measured ----> in dBioctave 1, Fre q u e n cy -------------) (where one octave corresponds to a doubling, or a halving, ol lrequency) (a) s through them and grcies. (b) Fis.4.13 o Fig. 4.14 shows the ideal characteristics of filters. Ezruses a phase lag in es through them and Ercy. s also called as "lead rut signal. ies through them and o)" (l). o ------> (, ------) (i) Low pass filter (ii) High pass Iilter T. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 272 A Textbook of Mechatronics 3gnal Conil 4.9 DATI 4.9.1. I Now-a- l^ :.:crocontro '':;h, it is i E (, --:ormation Conside O 0)c, 0|, 0)cr (l) -----) ::se there a 0)", . (t) -----t (iii) Band pass filter r Fig.4.14. ldeal characteristics of filters. Although not all-inclusive, the following types of input circuits are used for signal conditioning of electrical transducers : 1. Simple current-sensitive circuits. 2. Ballast circuits. 3. Voltage-dividing circuits. 4. Bridge circuits. 5. Resonant circuits. 6. Amplifier input circuits. Measures L (best Measures L (best of for aL1/R, < L0) aLolR, > 10) Balance equations : Balance equations : L, = RrR3C, L*= Measures C Meausres L or C Balance equations Bslance equations : ^R, a, = L, O, = R,= Rr9 -L3 , R, If inductive, L, = "tR, Ort I -'l If capacitive, C, = t'R, Measures (f known), f (L and C Balance equations : f 1 rt_- z"WoctCn R1_R3,C4 Balance equations : =XcorL. u--r1 1 0) Wien or RC frequency bridoe In order x transformt tstants in tia of discrete v Measures L or C known) HeSOnant crrcurt 1+ a'Cini I Comparison with series constants (iu) o r\--_ Rr- (,,) (itil =o ," _ ,'cfR,RrR. R,R. (0 Io - = ---4--!. K ,R, Secr is ca 4.8.9. lnput Circuitry Maxwell circuit Firsl (rth (iv) Band stop filter &-&-E - bcJLC Fig. 4.15. lmpedance bridge arrangeinents. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Data At The output quantities sr Data ac< (0 Ana (li) Ds Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display il Mechatronics 273 4.9 DATA ACQUISITION 4.9.1. lntroduction Now-a-days, in mechatronic and measurement systems, microprocessors, microcontrollers, single-board computers, and personal computers are widely used. As such, it is increasingly important for engineers to understand how to directly access information and analog data from the surrounding environment with these devices. Consider a signal from a sensor as illustrated by the analog signal in Fig. 4.16. In this case there are two options : . . used for signal Firstly, one could record the signal with an analog device such as chart recorder (whiih physically plots the signal on the paper) or display it with an oscilloscope. Secondly, the data may be stored by using a microprocessor or computer. This process is called computer "data acquisition" and entails the following merits: (l) Can result in greater data accuracy; (ll) Provides more compact storage of the data; (lll) Enables data processing long after the occurrence of the events; (lo) Allows use of the data in real time control system. Digitzed point ; L (best of , 10) Analog signal quations : Llit:, Digitized signal a) Sampled point g 'c) L1I(1 o 4R,RrR, *.'cfnf sLorC quations & Time-------f 'R, R" fir'e, L, = Lr-R, citive, C, = C, R Fig.4.16. Analog signal and sampled equivalent. In order to input analog data to a digiial circuit or microprocessor, the analog data must -: transformed into digitat oaloes. The first step is to numerically ettaluate the signal at discrete ,:stctnts in time. This process is called " sampling!' , and the result is " digitized signal" composed :f discrete values corresponding to each sample (See Fig' 4.16). af 'cquations : ffi 1 '",Cn [-E 4.9.2. Data Acquisition (DAQ) Systems Data Acquisition is the process of using output signals and inputting that into a computer. .he output signal may be one that originates from direct measurement of electrical :uantities such as voltage, frequency, resistance etc. or that originates from sensors. Data acquisition systems are of the following two types: (l) Analog data acquisition system. (ll) Digital data acquisition system. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 274 A Textbook of Mechatronics Fig. 4.17, shows the block diagram of elements of analog data acquisition system: This system consists of a sensor-transducer the output - of which is connected to DAC board (this is a ptB) through a signal conditioning unit. The DAC board is plugged to a computer. The DAC board consists of a multiplexer, amplifier, ADC , register and control circuitry, the output of control circuitry connected to a computer system. - A software is employed to control the acquisition of Signal Conditio Sensor Signal conditioninq oAc board data through DAC. When the program requires input from a particular sensor, it activates the beC boird by sending control word to the control and status register. The control word indicates what type of Processor or Computer operation the board has to carry out. Automated data acquisition systems may take the following forms: 1. Data loggers; 2. Computer with plug-in boards. 1. Data loggers : - 4.9.3. Ani Output The majori device 1- Monitor printer\ [- Recorder t Fig. 4.17. Block diagram of analog data acquisition A data logger can monitor the inputs from a larse u system. number of sensors. Inputs from individual sensors, after suitable signal conditioning, are fed into the multiplexer. The multiplexer is used fo select oie signal which i"s then fed, after amplification, to the analog-to-digital converter. The digital signal is then processed by a microprocessor. The microprocessor is able carry out simple arithmetic operations, perhaps taking the average of a -to number of measurements. The output of the system might be displayed on a digital meter that indicates the output and channel number, used to give a perminent record with a printer, stored on a floppy disc or transferred to perhips a computer for analysis. As data loggers are often used with thermocouples, there are often special ' inputs for thermocouples, these providing cold junction compensation and linearisation. The multiplexer can be switihed to each sensor in turn and so the output consists of a sequence of samples. Scanning of the inputs can be selected by programming the microprocessor to switchlhe multipiexer to just sample a single channel, carry out a single scan of all channels, a continuous scan of all channels, or perhaps carry out a periodic span of all channels. 2. Computer with plug-in boards : Fig' 4'18, shows the basic elements of a data acquisition system using plug-in boards with a computer. The signal conditioning prior to the inputs to the board depends on the sensors - concerned. Examples: (i) Thermocouples Amplification, cold junction compensation and linearisation; S^yyn gauges - Wheatstone bridge, voltage suppty for bridge and linearisation; .(.i.t.l - supply, circuitr| and lin-earisition. (iii) RTDs Current PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ) tfilctoprocesglr :rom the senso :he microproce .,utput from a rsed as input t r AD The "analog :crm. This pra G) Quanti: of discn (ii) Coding- Procedure < Analog-to4i1 :.9. 4.79 shorvs :. 'D conversion ADC (analog-lt : samples the cr, . arious stages ol = 20: o Fig. 4.20 o Fig. .1.20 time sig o Fig. 4.20 the resul o Fig.4.20 is obtain is necess amount ( analog s sampled ot Mechatronics 275 > 3nal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display Sensor -r-I I Sisnal I onditioning I l-- DAC board lnputs lrom SENSOTS I I + I Processor I orl Computer I J I Output device I I Honitor printer\ Recorder I 17. Block diagram B data acquisition ; are fed into the s then fed, after nicroprocessor is the average of a that indicates the d rvith a printer, [or analysis. are often sPecial omPensation and or in turn and so the inputs can be nultiplexer to just rels, a continuous oi all channels. ng plug-in boards ls on the sensors rd linearisation; and linearisation; Fig. 4.1 8. Data acquisition system. 4.9.3. Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC) Digital signals The majority of sensors supply the i:utput which tends to be in analog form. Where ::croprocessor is used as part of the measurement or control system, the analog output :rr the sensor has to be conaerted into a digital formbefore it can be used as an input to microprocessor. Similarly, most actuators operate with analog inputs and so the digital :rut from a microprocessor has to be converted into an analog form before it can be ,J as input by the actuator. ADC process The " analog-to-digital conaersion" process changes a sampled analog voltage into digital ':n. This process, conceptually involves the following tzoo steps: (i) Quantizing, lt is defined as the transformation of a continuous nnalog itrput into a set of discrete output states. rii\ Coding. It is assignment of a digital code word or number to eLtch output state. Procedure of conversion: .\nalog-to-digital conaersio,? involves converting analog signals into binary words. - 1.79 shows the basic elements of analog-to-digital conversion. The procedure of I conversion is that a clock supplies regular time signal pulses lnput, analog )C (analog-to-digital conaerter) and eoery time it receiaes a pulse ''uples the analog signal. The types of signals involved at -)us stages of analog-to-digital conversion are shown in Fig. o Fig. 4.20(a), shows the analog signal; o Fig. 4.20(b), shows the clock signals which supply the time signals at which the sampling occurs; o Fig. 4.20(c), shows a series of various pulses which is the result of sampling (sampled signal); o Fig. 4.20(d), shows the sampled and held signal which is obtained by using a sample and hold unif. (This unit is necessary because A,/D converter requires a finite amount of time, termed lhe'conaersion time' , to convert analog signal into a digital one) which holds each sampled value until the next pulse occurs. Output, digital srgnal Fig. 4.19. Basic elements of A/D conversion. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 276 A Textbook of Mechatronics S+gnal Condtb cotlivl (a) Analog f sional electro I Oryin; n'hen uncerl sampl - (b) Sampling pulses (Clock signals) the dt outpu lnasil - (c) Sampled comPl( A/D t signal Ar (d) Sampled An analog :.. a digital cal ler.ices such a and held signal Fig.4.20. Signals : (o) Analog; (b) Clock; (c) Sampled; (d) Sampled and held. H Components used in A/D conversion In order to acquire an analog voltage for digital processing, it is imperative to properly select the following components and apply them this sequence: (i) Buffer amplifier; (li) Low-pass filter; (iii) Sample and hold amplifier; (lu) Analog-to-digital (A/D) converter; (a) Computer. Figure 4.21, shows the components used in A/D conversion: o The buffer amplifier provides a signal in a range close to but not exceeding the full input voltage range of the A/D converter. o The low-pass filter is necessary to remove any undesirable high-frequency components in the signal that could produce aliasing. The out-off frequency of the low-pass filter should not be greater than half the sampling rate. o The sample and hold amplifier maintains a fixed input value (from an instantaneous sample) during the short conversion time of the A/D converter. r The A/D conaerter should have a resolution and analog quantization size appropriate to the system and signal. The computer must be properly interfaced to A/D converter system to store and process the data. The analog-to-digital conversion process requires a small but finite interval of time that must be taken into consideration when assessing the accuracy of the results. The conaersion time depends on the design of the The "resol :;c analog i,alw .-ombinations I where, \- The numb 1) The ":, :v the nuntber t Design pri Analog-to:ircse are: (i) Succes: (ii) Flash o (iii) Single'l (ia) Sr,r,itclx (u) Delta s Some of th (i) Successi The succesl o It is fas . Ithash . It is les The variorx - Fig.4.21. Components used in A/D conversion - The "c& counted analog t and is c When t from th output I voltage- PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ol Mechatronics Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 277 conaerter, the method used for con:)ersion, und the speed of the components used in t::i electronic design. Owing to the continuous change in the analog signals, the uncertainty about - whenln the sample time window the conversion occurs causes corresponding ,rative to ProPerly D) converter; uncertainty in the digital value. This is of significant importance if there_ is no sample and hold otnplifi"r on the A/D input. The term "apetture time" tefers to the duration of the time window and is associated with any error in the digital output due to changes in the input during this time' In a signal, sampling at or about Nyquist frequency will yield the correct frequency - components. In order to obtain accurate amplitude resolution, we must have an A/D converter with an adequately small aperture time' Analog-to-digital (A/D) converter An analog-to-digital (AID) conoerter is an electronic deoice that conaerts an analog aoltage :o a cligital ciie. ThJ ottput of the A/D converter can be directly interfaced to digital levices such as microcontroller and computers. T1.e "resolution" of an AD conaerter is the number of bits used to digitally apptoximate bit :lrc analog aalue of the input. The number of possible states N is equal to the number of N 2" ;ombinations that can be output from the converter : = n = the number of bits. where, The number of analog " decision points" that occur in the process of quantizing is \ - 1). The " analog quantiiation size" Q is defined as the full scale range of the AD conaerter 'v the number of output states, Design principles: Analog-to-Digital (AtD) conaerters are designed based on a number of dffirent principles; :ltese are: exceeding the full (l) Successive apProximations. (ll) Flash or parallel encoding. (lil) Single-slope and dual-slope integration' (fu,) Switched capacitor. (u) Delta sigma. Some of these are discussed below: (i\ Successioe approximation AID conoertet : The successive approximation A/D converter is very widely used because : . It is fast in operation; o It has high- resolution; o It is less expensive. The various subsystems involved in this type of converter ate shown in Fig. 4.22. The " clock" generates a voltage, emitting a regular sequence of pulses which are - 21. Components n A/D conversion - counted, inAbinary manner, and the resulting binary word is converted into an analog voltage by a "DAC" (digital-to-analog conaerfer). This voltage rises in step: and is compared with the 'analog input aoltage'from the sensor' When the clock-generated voltage passes the input analog voltage the pur.: from the clock aie stopped from being counted by a "gate" being closed. }.. output from the counter at that time is then a digital representation of the ana-.-: voltage. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 278 A Textbook of Mechatronics Signal Conditic- _ A rei.. the t.:i appli.. is ap: 4-ttit storage register grea te: Controls the admission of pulses to the storage register - those : The re. digita. (iii) Single.-, c.i.__,..-. ;A;h",pFig, 4.22. successive approximations ana log-to-digita I converter (ADC) Note: when frequency of the clock is l, the time taken between the pulses is 1 t .=gt ; hence the taken to generate the word, i.e., the conversion time is n f (ii) Flash AID conaerter : The fastest type of A/D conzterter is known as a flash conaerter. Fig. a.B, shows a flash ADC: For an n-bit converter, 2"-1. separate voltage comparators are used in paralle. - with each having the analog input voltage as one input. Comparator Analog input Beference rnput L \\'her. :: = - coiln:.: i o G Ladder ol resistors to step down reference voltage bit by bit I $c1tB r-, ---' C the sa::-: Digital outpul (bl Dnal-slo:, This tvpe : G A T E S Fig. .1.25, .l-.:erence inpu: .. .. -... itch. These t'... Fig, 4.23. Flash analog-to-digital converter (ADC) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor . -l :iLt. i The fire: The inte:: measure; rt Mechatronics Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 279 A re-ference ooltage is applied to a ladder of resistors so that the voltage applied as the other input to each comparator is one bit larger in size than the voltage applied to the previous comparator in the ladder. Thus when the analog voltage is applied to the ADC, all these comparators for which the analog voltage is greater than the reference voltage of a comparator will give a /zrglr output and those for which it is less will be loar. The resulting outputs are fed in parallel lo a logic system which translates into a - digital w'ord. (iii) Single-slope and dual-slope integration : (al Single-slope or ramp or ztoltage-to-time AID conaerter : Fig. 4.24 shows the schematic of a ramp ADC: A ramp converter (ADC) involves an analog voltage which is - increasedanalog-to-digital at constant rate (and hence called ramp voltage) and is applied to a comparator where it is compared u,ith the analog voltage from the sensor. The time consumed by the ramp voltage to increase to the value of the sensor voltage will depend on the size of the sampled analog voltage. - ADC) hence the time Comparator 1 o :sed in parallel, E F Digital oulput (a) Ramp ADC circuit Voltage-+ (b) Graphical representation Fig. 4.24. Single slope or ramp ADC. When the ramp voltage starts, a gate is opened which starts a binary counter counting the regular pulses from a clock. When the two voltages are equal, the gate closes and the word indicated by the counter is the digital representation of the sampled analog voitage. (b\ Dual-slope integration ADlconaerter or dual ramp conaerter : This type of converter, as compared to single ramp converter, is more commonly - Digital output .:ed. Fig. 4.25, shows the dual slope/dual ramp ADC. The analog input voltage and the '.:erence input voltage are successively connected to the integrator with the help of a . itch. These two voltages (analog input and reference input) must be of opposite polarities. ' - The fixed voltage is integrated for a fixed sample time" The integrated value is then discharged at a fixed rate and the time to do thrs .. measured by a counter. The count is then a measure of the analog input vol::i= PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 280 A Textbook of Mechatronics Signal Condition r The " adoantage" of these converters is that thev have excellent noise rejection because the integral action averages out random negative and positive conkibutions over the sampiing period. Their "limitation" is that they arc aery slow in operation. ln te g rato r Analog input Comparalor Count Digital output (a) Dual ramp ADC circuit Digital muh Fig. 4.27 :: multiplexer. Tht to the select inr AND gate is en: input passes thr the output. A numt'e 1 multiplexers ,: :I packages. l a "Detnult o B multiple action. I signal tiand the: control r s O) IC r.nu --+i< cor.l+ (b) Graphical representation 4.9.4. Digir Fig,4,25. Dualslope/dual ramp A/D converter. Multiplexers: The "multiplexer" is essentially an electronic switching deaice which enables each of the inputs to be sampled in turn. A"multiplexer" is a circuit that is able to have inputs of data from a number of sources and then, by selecting an input channel, give an output from just one of them. t In applications where there is a need for measurement to be made at a number of different locations, rather than use a separate ADC and microprocessor of each measurement, a "multiplexer" can be used to select each input in turn and switch it through a single ADC and microprocessor (Fig. 4.26). Invariabil' rr changing a digita. A D/A convt analog circuits at:- o The inpu an analo; by the rr' Example: by an iny Digital-to-an PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Figure -1.. weighted of Mechatronics 281 Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display rcjection because Channel ntributions over Multiplexer Digital output Signal conditioner Fig. 4.26. M u lti plexer. Digital multiplexer : Fig. 4.27 shows a two channel multiplexer. The logic level applied to the select input determines which .{ND gate is enabled so that its data input passes through the OR gate to Digital data inputs the output. A number of forms of multiplexers are available in IC packages. o "Demultiplexer" is similar to multiplexer but with reaersed action. It accepts a digital Fig. 4.27.Two channel multiplexer. signal through its one input and then channelises it to a particular output selected by binary value at the control port. 4.9.4. Digital-to-Analog (D/A) Conversion eaables each of the rumber of sources ,of them. ile at a number of processor of each turn and switch it Invariably we have to reverse the process of analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion by changing a digital value to an analog value. This is called digital-to-analog (DIA) conaersion. A D/A converter (DAC) allows a computer or other digital deaice to interface zoith external nalog circuits and deaices. o The input to a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is a binary word; the output is an analog signal that represents the weighted sum of the non-zero bits represented by the word. Example: An output of 0010 must give an analog output which is twice that given by an input of 0001. Digital-to-analog converters : Figure 4.28, shows a simple form of DAC using a summing amplifier to form the - weighted sum of all the non-zero bits in the input word. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 282 A Textbook of Mechatronics Signal Conditio o Fig. { illustrz play tn _Ar a' t.a -Thalt an m( bei Pulse-Mod Electronic switches Fig. 4.28. Weig hted resistor digita l-to-analog converter. The reference voltage (V.") is connected to the resistors by means of electronic switches which respond to binary 1. The values of input resistances depend on which bit in the word a switch is - responding to, the value of the resistor for successive bits from the LSB being halved. Hence the sum of the voltages is a weighted sum of the digits in thE work. o Such a system is referred to as a weighted-resistor network. o The limitations of the weighted-resistor network is that accurate resistances have to be used for each of the resistors and it is difficult to obtain the required wide - IiIl range of such resistors. As such this form of DAC tends to be limited to 4-bit-conoersions. \ /hile deali signals from sr that the gain ot :mplify them r This problem c :tulses rather th achieved in tlx 1. Pulse a 2. Pulse v 1. Pulse am - In this shorrn heighs called ' o R-2R ladder network is the more commonly used version (Fig. a.29). This version overcomes the problem of obtaining accurate resistances over a - wide range of values, only two aalues being requlred. - Th" output voltage is generated by switching sections of the ladder to either the reference voltage or 0 v according to r.ihether there is a 1 or 0 in the digital input. _-> - After a [Fig. aJ 2. Pulse wir Outpul This type o{ tmplitude deperr Fig. 4,29.R" 2R ladder digital-to-analog converter. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor P\ nvI ts value ol ol Mechatronics 283 Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display o Fig. 4.30 shows computer control hardware, illustrating the roles that AD and D/A cont;erters play in a mechatronic conttol system. An analog voltdge signal from a sensor (e.g., - a thermocouple) is converted to a digital - value. The computer uses this value in a control algorithm, and the computer outputs an analog signal to an actuator (e.g.,an electric motor) to cause some change in the system being controlled. ans of electronic vord a switch is n the LSB being the digits in the r resistances have he required wide Pulse-Modulation: \A/hile dealing with the transmission of low-level D.C. signals from sensors, a problem that is encountered is :hat the gain of Op-amp (operational amplifier) used to :mplify them may drift causing a drift in the output. This problem can be solved if the signal is a sequence of .'tises rather than a continuous-time signal. This can be :chieved in the following two ways: 1. Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) 2. Pulse width modulation (PWM). - In this method of conversion, D.C. signal (Fig. 4.31(a)l is chopped in the way as shown in Fig. 4.37(b). The ou@ut from the chopper is a chain of pulses, the heights of which depends on the D.C. level of the input signal. This process is called "pulse amplitude modulation". resistances over a E/ c ol cl Dl o isalor0inthe Fig. a.30. Computer control hardware. 1. Pulse amplitude modulation: t.2e). e ladder to either Analog signal o .9 a o o ol ol at =l Di o O o Time (a) Time (b) (0 -:o ol E E o o o Time (c) o Time (d) Fig. 4.31. Pulse amplitude modulation. - After amplification and any other signal conditioning, the modulated signal [Fig. a.3i(c)] can be demodulated [Fig. 4.31(d)) to give a D.C. output. 2. Pulse width modulation (PWM) : This type of modulation is used where the width, i,e., duration of a pulse ratlrcr than its :plitude depends on the size of the voltage, as shown in Fig. 4.32. PWM is widely used with control systems as a means of controlling the average - value of a D.C. voltage. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 284 A Textbook of Mechatronics S ,-nal Conditron,' - Io Ttre toi 4.10.1. Me o E The " rack .;,: O ::uge and ,/u.' ,: :,llacement ani o o 4.10.2. Hyr rTime I -*_} I Fig. 4.33 sht :..ur bellows are ' .ur bello'vvs art quid. When th 6 E :1en one beilort' €: !?o :.-rmmunicatC ., '? rurpose of usin =E ol olf lu ^C ::mperature. Time ---| Fig.4.32. Pulse width modulation (pWM). silr 4.1O DATA SIGNAL TRANSMISSION The terms "measuring deoices" and "transmitters" generally go side by side and it is very difficult to make any distinction between them. A measuring device converts a primary indication into some form of energy that can easily be displayed on a scale; some transmitters also do the same things. tni'he stricter sense "ttansmitters" could be considered as deaices zohich transmit the aalie of the primary aariable at a considerable distance from the primary element. If transmission is to be carried over rery long distances, then devices are known as ,,telemeters,,. The terms data transmission and "telemetry" refer to the process by which the measurand is transfetred to a remote location for the purpose of being procissed, recorded and displayed. For transmission purposes, the measured variable is converted into a transmittable signal (either pneumatic or electrical), so that it can be received by a remote indicating, recording, or controlling device. Tlhe selection of transmission deuice depends upon the nature of the aariable and the distance the signal is required to be sent. For data transmission various methods have been developed; the choice of a particular method depends upon (i) The physical variable; (ii) The distance involved. The hydraulic and pneumatic methods are employed for transmission over a : ' short distance. - The pneumatic type transmission devices are generally suitable for transmission upto maximum distance of 200 m. o The electrical/electronic methods are suitable equatly for short as well as long distance transmission - Generally short transmission is carried out on own corrununication connections between sending and receiving devices. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 4.10.3. Pne Fig. -1.3{ si'.c. =echanism) It consisrs r - .zzle n,hich - ..:th air :: -:striction / ori: ::.:meter being s - . zzle diame:e: ---ctioning). [n : - :zzle there :s ::ch is posi:-.-: - =asuring elems - '}e flapper :s : . :::nsducer rt':.:: -:, ut a point 3:-. \\'hen the i:: ::>ses to the amr of Mechatronics Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display - 285 The telemeters which are designed for long-distance transmission may be designed to transmit over their own wires or over phone wires or by microrvave. 4.1 0.1. Mechanical Transmission The " rack and pinion arrangement" and the " gear trains" as used in Bourdon-tube pressure gauge and dial indicator gauge constitute mechanical transmission., They anrpli.fu tlrc displacement and also transmit the signal to a pointer uthich mooes across a calibrated tlin!. 4.1 0.2. Hydraulic Transmission Fig. 4.33 shows the hydraulic method of transmission, which is commonly used. Here four bellows are employed, two at the transmission end and two at the receiving end. The iour bellows are connected by an impulse pipeline and the whole system is filled with Iiquid. When the actuating link, on the transmission end, is operated by the me_asurand, then one bellow is expanded and other is contracted. This expansion and contraction is communicate.t +o receiving end, which moves the receiving pointer an equal amount. The purpose of using two bellows on either side is to compensate for changes in ambient temperature. side and it is very Graduated scale rf energy that can rgs. In the stricter Iue of the primary n is to be carried Transmitting end end Fig. 4.33. Hydraulic method of transmission. htch the measurand 4.1 0.3. Pneumatic Transmission il and displayed. Fig. 4.34 shows the one of the pneumatic methods of transmission (Flapper nozzle to a transmittable €mote indicating, bpends upon the oice of a particular rnsmission over a allv suitable for aull as long distance ication connections mechanism). It consists of an open tozzle which is supplied ',vith air through a :estriction/orifice (its liameter being smaller than tozzle diameter for proper :unctioning). In front of the tozzle there is a flapper ..'hich is positioned by the Linear movement transduced from measurand Restriction (Orifice) Y Balancing To amplifier cou nter Pivot weight Fig.4.34. Schematics of pneumatic neasuring element. The force transmission-Flapper nozzle mechanism. --n the flapper is produced by ,: bransducer which converts the measurand into linear displacement. The flapper is pivoted :bout a point and at the other end, it contains some balancing counter weight. When the flapper is moved against the nozzle the air cannot escape and maximum air :asses to the amplifier, and when flapper is moved away from the nozzle, minimum air PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 286 A Textbook of Mechatronics passes to the amplifier as most of the air escapes to atmosphere. Thus, the movement o: flapper from one extreme position to another serves to control the amplifier, which produce: an air pressure proportional to the measurand of adequate strength for transmission over the required distance. 4.1O.4. Magnetic Transmission Fig. 4.35 shows the schematics of magnetic transmission. In this arrangement/device, an armature is attached at the end of the mechanical moving part whose movement is to be transmitted outside the armature moving inside a non-magnetic tube. A magnet is placed around the armature outside the tube. The magnet follows the movement of the armature and repositions a pneumatic transmitter. The magnet movement could also be utilised to operate an electronic transmitter. Pivot a^' 'nto r To pneumatic or electronic transmitter Non-magnetic_ tutle Mechanically moving element Saltn Fig. 4.35. Schematics of magnetic transmission. 4.10.5. Electric Type of Transmitters Irlost of the electric type of transmitters employ A.C. bridge circuits in which degree of coupling between inductances is varied by changing the amount of iron core within a coil. The common examples are 2. Inductance bridge. 1. Wheatstone bridge transmitter. 4. Differential transformer. 3. Impedance bridge. (Selsyn) 6. Resistance manometers. motor 5. Self synchronous 4.10.6. Converters The converters are series of transducers which play an important role in the modern instrumentation, linking electrical (voltage and current based) and pneumatic controi systerns together. Follolving are the most commonly used converters : 1. Current-to-pneumaticconverters. 2. Pneumatic-to-currentconverters. 4. Voltage-to pneumatic convelters. 3. Voitage-to-current converters. 4.1O.7. Telemetering According to the primary measurement involved, the telemetering system can be classified as follows: 1. Voltage telemetering. 3 l)ositr<.,;r or ratio telemetering. 2. Current telemetering. 4. Impulse telemetering. 5. Frequency telemetering. 1. Voltage telemetering : o In these systems the measurand is converted to A.C. or D.C. voltage PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ( of Mechatronics Signal Conditioning: Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 287 the movement oi :. rvhich produces o For such systems, the self-balancing potentiometers are the usual receivers. o These svstems are affected by line resistance, leakage, interfering sources neariy, ransmission over noise and require higher-quality circuits than current systems, especially for low voltages. The voltage telemetering system is lintitad .for transmissiott upto 300 nrcters distqnces. ngement/device, e movement is to rbe. A magnet is movement of the ent could also be "t n n s in rvhich degree rron core within a 2. Current telemetering : o This system is also not stritable for lorrt tlistttrtce-s since the current output is varied by means of an adjustable resistance in the 1ine. Adaantages: (i) The current systems can develop higher voltages than most voltage systems and, consequently, it can be made more immune to the effect of thermal and inductance voltages in the interconnecting leads as well as line resistance. (ll) Simple D.C. milliammeters can be used with special calibration ior line resistance. (lil) Several receivers can be operated simultaneously. (lu) The received signals can be added or subtracted directly. (a) Changes in line resistance are compensated by basic feedback method. (ol) The response of the system to an input change is almost instantaneous. (uii) The energy leve1 is adequately high to minimise the effects of extraneous voltages 3. Position or ratio telemetering : The synchromotor (selsyn) telemetering system is the most common example of this ,.itegory. Another example being the inductance bridge. In this system angular input displacement is conaerted into relatiue magnitude of three ,,lnse A.C. aoltages. Adaantages: 1er pit, in the modern pneumatic control t ionverters. c converters. rng system can be (i) Require no intermediate amplifiers or conversions. (ii) Relatively inexpensive. (iil) Minimum moving parts, so the maintenance is low. (ir,) Instantaneous response. (2,) Power taken for their operation directly from the line. Limitation r These systems are fficted by excessiae line resistance. 4. Impulse telemetering : An impulse telemetering may be used ouer extreme distance by operating a carrier or radio 'nnsmitter. The four typical systems commonly used in impulse telemetering are (i) Impulse amplitude. (li) tmpulse spacing. (lil) Impulse duration. : (iu) lmpulse rate. These systems have the advantages of giving accuracy independent of supply-tolta*c I ;oltage. irnt tttns. 5. Frequency telemetering : In frequency telemetering , the frequency of an A.C. signal is aaried in accord.nncc tuith tlu, losured quantity. I PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 288 4.1 A Textbook of Mechatronics S:nal Ccnd 1 DATA PRESENTATION/DISPLAY a...: -\-. .a.-i 4.11.1. Genera! Aspects The main purpose of any measurement system is to provide information concerning the state and condition of the physical phenomenon being investigated. The measuring systems may be activated either directly from the measuring means (e.g. bellows, pressure spiral etc., to which indicating pointer is attached directly through level and leverage system) or by means of a servo-operated system (null-balance system which incorporates a feedback circuit in a closed loop). The last stage of a measurement system is the daf,r presentation stage; if the results of the system are meaningful they must be displayed for instant obseraation by a display deaice or for storage for obseraqtion at s later stage by a recorder (Ttre data presentation devices may be called "output deoices"). The following factors decide about the choice between the display deuices and recorders : (l) The information content of the output. (ii) The expected use of the output. The output devices may be categorized as follows: 1. Single number output devices. 2. Time domain output devices. Iilt ,-rL- 4.11.2. Quai::.: . --ent, r'c: 1i 1-. .1.! l. Drg -\nalog : :e r.f :ht '..;'1 '1r'i)2 "'-.i ";aia' ;i Digital Tab,.e { Table S\O 1. Single number output devices: Such devices indicate the value of some particular quantity under condition such thar the value to be measured can be regarded as time variant over the time interval durinE which measurements are made; thus a single number will represent measurement. "lndicating instruments" and digital display unitsbelong to this class. 2. Time domain output devices: The indicating instruments or the digital display units (suitable only when the outpu: uaries at a oery slozu rate) do not serve the purpose when the aalues of the quantity are to k taken as a function of time. o For fast changing outputs (where signal waveform or shape is the desirec . :rt information) .... "Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) is used. For keeping a permanent record of the aariation of the output with time "Cathode ray tube photographs", direct zuriting recorders "strips chart recorders", magnet-; taperecorders etc. are used. The machine interpretable outputs can be had from: (i) Magnetic tapes; (ii) Punched paper tapes; (ill) Punched cards; !: (lu) Pulsed signals. o The information available from an instrument may take the following forms: (i) Quantitatioe information (e.g., angular spread in r.p.m.; force in newtons). (ii) Qualitatitte information (e.g., the approximate value or direction of change o: some variable, a check reading). (iii) Status informations (e.9., On/Off, inlout). (iu) Alphanumeric and symbolic information (e.g., the labels and instructions; letters A to Z, the numerals 0 to 9, punctuation marks and various other simpie symbols can be generated and interpreted). PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor _ra { l- i Mechatronics SignatConditioning;DataAcquisition'TransmissionandPresentationiDisplay2S9 CAgooddisplay,t'unctionally,is.onewhichpermitsthebestcombinationofspeedaccuracy the instrument to the traniferring rh.';';rl:;;:;;"inp'iitio" from and sensitiaity"wnen oPerator' [on concernrng The measuring dlows, PressurE el and leverage ich incorPorates stem is the dntr be disPlaYed for tage bY a recordr 4.11.2. Elecftical lndicating lnstruments u" classified as follows : Qualitativelytheelectricalindicatinginstrumentsarewidely'usedformeasurementof *;;;;;''ih#i*;"''tt' "u't ..:ient, voltage, '"t**t" 1. Analog instruments :v,l:::'^nsement 1'9':rlY'h" iJi:Ti:"::'H:I';," ,*1"::1.::edre.(pointer) *"::',iiiiirii';;i;t,;Zl:::;,!,':::,':l;::';:;i"':i1" -.ueorthemeas'ri';;;'f ".i electro-mechanrc 1,,,rth,' actuates some cx and recorder: S. No. lnformation form ondition such that ne interval during Digital tYPe instruments As a number' dial. PossibilitY of human t>urement, Does not exist' Exists error ss. rlv rvhen lhe outPut Analog tYPe instruments of a pointer As the oosition 'a calibrated scale or against J. Best Possible accuracY 4. Resolution 5. Presence of mooing lu quantitY are to be parts rpe is the desired 6 Construction ;rttlr time One Part in several hundred thousands. instruments can be One in several hundreds' These made without moving Parts' Moving Parts involved' and can tYPe; reading SimPle in construction direct ;;;l;.* 4 rt'corders" , magnetic t 0.005% or better' t 0.25"h unde-r favourable conditions. Rate of change of parameter These instruments enable the to judge the rate. of obserae the reading e foliowing forms: fiorce in newtons)' lirection of change of AuxiliarY Power requirement are essential' i Change of digital *'O]19 i does not give an\'l "r".r,", .hut g. of Parameter bY seetng knowledge of rate of change If exact reading is required as he Reading of digital meters the needle movement' Time required to Since these instruments involve electronics, ProPer env ironmental conditions of parameter' is or"ruao. takes more time verY fast. tenths Jf small division These instruments require-no ,"*ifiutY source of Power for These instruments requ;re h'as to guess the aPProximate auxiliarv'source ot Po\\ er' actuation but derive driving power for indicating systern rd instructions; letters various other simPle from the Process' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 290 A Textbook of Mechatronics S. No. 10. Analog type instruments Aspects Signai Q3- Digital type instruments Mobility Can be portable also. Usually stationary type. Examltles Examples of pointer-dial output devices are: Examples of Digital output devices are: s\' .-\ o Micrometer and platform o Digital ammeters and = .A A' =- voltmeters; scales; o Manometers and Bourdontube pressure gauge; O Mercury in glass and filled system thermo-meters; o Speedometer of an automobile; (l Common voitmeters and '-:z O Electronic and mechanical counters; o Odometers; o Yes-No light The :<. a T-: (On or.Off); o Time on a scoreboard o T.a Ti- etc. ammeters etc. o T- Pointer-scale analog indicators: In analog instruments the value of the measured parameter is indicated by positioning of the indicating pointer again a calibrated scale. This purpose can be achieved either bv moving the pointer with relation to a stationary scale (fixed-icale moving-pointer indicator,. or the scale may be moved with reiation to a fixed reference (moving-scale fixed-pointer indicators). 1. Single-point indicators: The fixed-scale and moaable-pointer indicators, available in a variety of forms, are shorn,n in Fig. 4.36. Figure 4.37 shows the fixed-pointer and movable-scale indicators. (i) Circular scale (ii) Circular scale eccentric (iii) Circular scale. part circle (iv) Straight horazontal scale Essen ti a '- l.------ 7. Dtri,e t. :-. . r, 3. D,:,';; I ..]::. : 4.1 1.3. A It{rrulu,r*r,,,,*,,r,,,,r,,,,t,,',1""1"' (v) Stra ght vertical scale (vi) Horizonlal arc (vii) Vertical arc sca le scale (viii) Segmental scale Fig. 4.36. Fixed-scale and movable-pointer indicators. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor \loving-: Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display Mechatrontcs 291 ;tr--;rl ;;;--l gitot ortPrt I I meters and I ndl I counters; (i) Fixed pointer (ii) Precision pointer (iii) Drum type i Fig. 4.37 . Fixed-poi nter and movable-scale ind icators. ,,\ I ;coreboard The readability of graduated dials is influenced by the following factors: o The shape and length of the pointer. o The number, spacing, Iength and thickness of scale marking. o The system of numbering of the scale marks. o The size and design of the numerals. 2, Multi -p o int, multi-p o int er an d mult i - r ang e in di c at o r s : br positioning eved either bY inter indicators e iixed-Pointer rrns, are shown ators. , r-1 lorizontal Multi-point indicator. In this system the indicator pointer can be connected to a rrumber of inputs, one at a time with the help of a selector switch. The selector switch may be operated either manually or automatically after a pre.ieiermined time. The observed reading is multiplied by a factor corresponding to the particular measurand. Gerrerally such systems are confined where measurable variables are of electrical signals as the selection is accomplished by switching electricai circuits. Hou'ever, gas selector switches also exist which connect one gas pipe at a time to the measurrng rrrstrument and are well designed to avoid leakage of gas. Multi-pointer indicator. This type of indicator contains more than one number of Lrointers and above each point the identification number of the medium being measured is marked. Usually this arrangement is used in recorders and not in indicators. Multi-range indicators. An instrument with multi-range indicators has different scales ',.r dffirent ranges; the choice of a particular scale is made by a selector switch. Essential features of indicating instrurnents: lndicating instruments possess three essential features: 1. Deflecting deoice. ..... Whereby a mechanical force is produced by the electric current, voltage or power. 2. Controlling deaice...... Whereby the value of deflection is dependent upon the magnitude of the quantity being measured. 3. Damping deaice...... To prevent oscillation of the moving system and enable the latter to reach its final position quickly. 4.1 1.3. Analog lnstruments S?gmental scale Moving-iron instruments (Ammeters and voltmeters): Moving-iron instruments are commonly used in laboratories and switch board at -r)mmercial frequencies because they are aery cheap and can be manufactured uith required '-curacy. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 292 Signal Conditrcx o It can Moving-iron instruments can be divided into two tlpes: 1. Attraction type ....... in which a sheet of soft iron is attracted totoards a solenoid. 2. Repulsion type ....... in which two parallel rods or strips of soft iron, magnetised inside a solenoid, are regarded as repelling each other. Moving-coil instruments: The moving-coil instruments are of the following two types: 1. Permanent-magnet tyPe ....... can be used for D.C. only. 2. Dynamometer tlpe ....... can be used both for A.C. and D.C. A.C r .ltise. . It dce o It u'or Multimetr Fig. 4.40 sl in Fig. 4.41. Megger : Meggers (or megohmmeters) are instruments which measure lhe insulation resistance of electric circuits relatiae to earth and one another. A megger consists of an e.m.f. source and a ooltmeter. The scale of the voltmeter is calibrated in ohms (kilo-ohms or megohms, as the case may be). In measurements the e.m.f. of the self-contained source must be equal to that of the source used in calibration. G = Generalor C = Crank 1, 2 = Coils P = Pointer 1 = Current coil 2 = Pressure/Voltage coil srr Rx = Unknown resistance R, = Fixed resistance Rz = Satety resislancE Fig.4.40. L Main part: 1. One ..: Fig. a.38. Circuit diagram of megger. Fig. 4.38 shows diagrammatically a megger whose readings are independent of the speed of the self-contained generator. The moving system incorporates two coils 1 (current coil) and 2 (pressure coil) mounted on the same shaft and placed in the field of a permanent nmgnet (not shown) 90o apart. The generator energizes the two coils over separate wires. Connected in series with one coil is a fixed resistance R1 (or several different resistances in order to extend the range of the instrument). The unknown resistance R, is connected in series with the other coil. The currents in the coils interact with the magnetic field and produce opposing 2. 72po. 3. Movin 4. Differr 5. Rectiht 6. Manr', 7. Case. This nrete, Voltmete, ' , Ampere',::: torques. :lso. The deflection of the mooing system depends on the ratio of tlrc currents in the coils and is independent of the applied uoltage. The unknown resistance is read directly fuom Ohmmete, the scale of the instrument. (The accuracy of :re taking reac :re actual read measurement is unaffected by variations in the speed of the generator between 60 and 180 r.p.m.). Applicatiu The mulhr Electronic insulation tester: Fig. 4.39 shows an electronic insulator tester : o These days electronic tester is used to test the insulation. o D.C. 10\ Fig.4.39. Electronic insulator tester. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor .D.C, o D.C voltage Uechatronics Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 293 o It can also measure Iow resistance 0 to 2 k0, high resistance 0.05 to 100 NIQ an; A.C. voltage upto 0 to 100 V. .t solenoid. o It is easy to use. o It does not require hand rotation. o It works on six cells of 1.5 V each. magnetised Multimeter (AVO): Fig. 4.40 shows a Multimeter (AYO meter). The basic circuit of the multimeter is shown irr Fig. 4.41. ::tr resistance r voltmeter is rrent urements the in calibration. Fig.4.40. Multimeter. pendent of the coils 1 (current i "tf a permanent Fig.4.41. Basic circuit of a multimeter. Main parts. The foilowing are the main parts of a multimeter : 1. One or two cells 1.5 V. 2. 12 position rotary switch. 3. Moving coil meter. 4. Different types of resistances. 5. Rectifier. 6. Many condensers. 7. Case. -parate wires. This meter can work as voltmeter, ammeter or ohmmeter. Voltmeter. Ten ranges,5 for D.C. and 5 for A.C. Ampere meter. Due to several ranges in this meter, we can measure mA (milliampere also. ahmmeter. When using it as ohmmeter 3 ranges are available x 1, x 10, x 100 If "": are taking reading on x 10, we are to multiply the reading by 10, e.g., if reading is 5 Q the actual reading will be 10 x 5 = 50 f2" :\ TESTER . Electronic or tester. Applications: The multimeter can be used to accomplish the following iob"' o D.C.0 to 10 V scale. To test one or two cells voltage or to test radio voltage upto i0v o D.C.0 to 30 V scale, To test 6 coils storage battery or to test hearing aid machrr. o D.C. 0 to i00 V scale. To measure supply voltage and to measure raCit' D i. voltage. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 294 o D.C. 0 to 1000 V scale. To test the voltage of photo-flash battery. o A.C. 0 to 10 V scale. Bell transformer, night lamp voltage testing. o A.C. 0 to 30 V scale. To check bell, or toy train transformer. o A.C. A b 300 V scale. To check house meter voltage, radio voltage. Testing purpose, \r'y'hen using as ohmmeter, this meter can be used to nleasure the resistance and to test the continuity of wires etc. Electronic voltmeters: Almost all electronic voltmeters make use of the rectifuing properties of diodes whether vacuum tubes or metal rectifiers or semiconductor diodes. . Vacuum tube diode was first used in electronic voltmeters way back in 1895 and is still popular as sensing element of Vacuum Tube Voltmeters (VTVM). o With the introduction of the transistor and other semiconductor devices vacuum tubes are on their way out. Solid state models with junction field effect transistor (IFET) input stages arb known as Transistor Voltmeter (TVM) and Field Effect Transistor Voltmeters (FETVM) are taking their place. The electronic voltmeters claim the foliowing adaantages: 1. Detection of low level signals. 2. Low power consumption. 3. High frequency range. Signal Co. 4'lt' A recr may sho'.' rvith time The :t (l) t: (ii ) r: (iii) r: Types Inan: .. hich the '. pe of s'. :lrrtique: 'r .'i fnl ri;.- Trto :-. 1. An,t (i) G: 4.1 1 .4. Digital lnstruments The digital instruments indicate the rtalue of the measured in the form of decimal numLta' (whereas the analog instruments display the quantity to be measured in terms of deflectioiof a pointer, i.e., an analog displacement or an angle corresponding to the electrica. quantity). The digital meters work on the principle of "qantization".The analog quantity to bt measured is first subdivided or quantized into a number of small intervals upto man', decimal places. The objective of the digital instrument is then to determine in whici portion of the subdivision the measured can thus be identified as an integral]multiple o: the smallest unit called the quantum, chosen for subdivision. The measuring procedurt thus reduces to cne of counting the number of quanta present in the measurand. A digital instrument can be considered as a counter which counts the pulses in predetermined time. Digital transducers whose output is in the form of pulses are used t; monitor the desired parameter. Accuracy of digital instrument is dependent on the number -' pulses generated by trnnsducer because the fraction of pulse cannot be generated and in countir.. there can be ambiguity of only one pulse or start/stop. Hence more are pulses corresponding ta measure less the possibility of error corresponding to one pulse and more the accuracl The information in the electronic digital read-out (display) devices is presented as : series of digits on tubes, screen or printed on a piece of paper. The relevant characters (letter. of alphabet from A to Z, numerals from 0 to 9, punctuation mark and other symbols ;: common use) can be generated by : (l) Semiconductor light emitting diodes (LED). (il) Liquid crystal displays (LCD). (lii) Numerical indicators tubes (NIT). (fu,) Hot filament or bar tubes. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor .:, c\. 1. Digr: lle::.: 1. Strip rr Mechatronics Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 295 4.1 1.5. Recorders "l the resistance 'iiodeswhether .:ck in 1895 and \.TVM). i.'r'ices vacuum eiiect transistor .r:rd Field Effect A recorder records electrical and non-electrical quantities as afunction of time. The record rnay show how one variable varies with respect to another, or how the input signal varies rvith time. The record serves the following, objectiaes : (i) It preserves the details of measurement at a particular time. (ii) It provides at a glance the overail picture of the performance of unit. (iii) k provides immediate reflection on the action taken by the operator. Typ"r of recorders : In an instrumentation system, one of the important considerations is the method by ivhich the data required is recorded. The recording method should be consistent with the fvpe of svstem. If we are clealing with a wholly analog system, then analog recording rchn.iques should be used. While, on the other hand, if the system has a digital output, iigital recording deaices are employed. Two types of recorders are: 1. Analog recorders : (l) Graphic recorders (a) Strip chart recorders o Galvanometer type o Null type ' .icimal number ::ls of deflection :., the electricai : quantitY to be -..;r1s upto manY .:inine in which :.{ral multiple of -..:it'tg procedure ::'easurand. Potentiornetric recorders - Bridge recorders LVDT recorders (b) X-Y recorders (li) Oscillographic recorders. (iii) Magnetic tape recorders. 2. Digital recorders : The above recorders are discussed briefly below : 1. Strip chart recorders : Fig. 4.42 shows the basic constructional features of a strip -hart recorder. lndrcation scale :. llrc pulses in a ::.ses are used to .: ..it the number of .', LTnd in counting .orresponding to ':ore the accuracY. -:: tS PreS€ttted as a -: ;haracters (letters -: other sYmbols in -itylus drive system Stylus To control circuit (optional) Bange selector lntormation I to be recordedl Paper drive Fig.4.42. Strip chart recorder. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook o{ Mechatronics Signal Conc A strip chart consists of the following: o A long wall of graph paPer moving aertically' . A svstem for driving the paper at some selected speed' a o A stylus for marking Paper on the moving graph paPer (Most recorders use thus scale a calibrated poir*er attached to tte stytrs, which (pointer) moves over showlng instantaneous value of the quantity being measured)' or analog r A stylus driving system which moves the stylus in nearby exact replicaused but in be may of the quantity"being measured (A spring wound mechanism paper)' the most of the recordeis a synchronous ttrotor is used for driving for marking Marking mechanisms. The most commonly used mechanisms employed (i) -r.r- 296 (ii) rl rn< (iii) T: fr.: Single. o 1';,: rec o.{r ta 2. X-)', marks on the PaPer are : AX.\: (i) Marking with ink filled stylus' (ll) Marking with heated stYlus' (lii) Chopper bar. '-to t,nri:,:'., (lzr) Electric stYlus marking. (c,) Electrostatic stYlus. (r,l) Optical marking method. two tyPes ot Tracing systems. For producing graphic representations, the following tracing systems are used: (i) Curviiinear sYstem. (ll) Rectilinear sYstem. .r riting p:: ::e pen :: .:ctuate-c:.tomat. a: ,: J )rviou..'. ,:'plied ..:: . rn.f. The:, .: rrtrtr'.-- \ ;^- .-1 ;C.1 t i. Galvanometer type strip chart recorders : oThistypeofrecorderoperatesonthe"deflectionprinciple"' r The deflection is produced by a galvanometer, (d'Arsonval) which produces a torque on accounttf a current passing through its coil. This currenf is proportionai to the quantitY being measured' o These recorders can work on ranges for a few mA to several mA or from a fe$ :-,1: : i-:* mV to several mV. o The moving galvanometel tyPe recorder is comparatiuely inexpensiae instrumen: o: having , ,,uri* bandwidth of O to 70 Hz.It has a sensitivity of 0.4 mV/mm from a chart of 100 mm width a full scale deflection of 40 mV is obtained' Linea: amplifiersarertsedformeasurementofsmallervoltages. o This type of recorder is not useful for recording fast variations in either currer': or voltage or Power' Null type striP chart recorder: o This type of recorder operates on " comparison basis" ' The null type strip chart recorders are of the following types : 1. Potentiometric recorders. 2. Bridge recorders. 3. LVDT recorders. The most common application of potentiometric recorder is for recording and cont'of process temperatures, Seiibalancing potentiometers are unduly used in industry becauof the following reasons: PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor l. L'lt:a _ -.-- - : -: ,l.i:ii:.! ol Mechatronics Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 297 (l) Their action is automatic and thus eliminates the constant operation of an operator. (ll) They draw a curve of the quantity of being measured with the help of recording recorders use a rrated scale thus eplica or analog ,r'be used but in re paper). ved for marking mechanism. (iil) They can be mounted on switchboard or panel and thus act as mounting devices for the quantity under measurement' Single-point and multi-point recorders: o lnstruments that record changes of only one measured aariable are called single-point recorders. o A multi-point recorder may have as many as 24 inputs, with traces displaced in 6 colours. 2. X-Y recorders: 'ing two tyPes of shich produces a nt is proportional nA or from a few rrrsiue instrument, of 0.-1mV/mm or s obtained. Linear A X-Y recorder is an instrum ent wltich giues a graphic record of the relationship between tiuo iariables. This system has a pen which can be positioned along the two axes with the writing paper remaining stationary. There are fzuo amplifier units, one amplifier actuates the pen in the Y-direction as the input signat is applied, while the second amplifier actuites the pen in X-direction. The movements of the pen in X-and Y-directions are automatically controlled by means of a motor, pulleys and a linear potentiometer. Obviously, trace of the marking pen will be due to the combined effects of two signals applied simultaneously. In these recorders, an e.m.f. is plotted as a function of another e.m.f. There are many variations of X-Y recorders. With the help of these recorders and Llppropriate transducers a physical quantity may be plotted against another physical quantittl. A few examples in which use of X-Y recorders is made are as under: (i) Plotting of stress-strain curves, hysteresis curves and vibrations amplitude against swept frequency. (ll) Pressure-volume diagrams for I.Q. e)rgines. (lli) Pressure-flow studies for lungs. I (fur) Lift drag wind tunnel tests. (o) Electrical characteristics of materials such as resistance \/ersus temperature and plotting the output from electronic calculators and computers. (ai) Speed-torque characteristics of motors. (oil) Regulation curves of power supplies. (olil) Plotting of characteristics of vacuurr, tubes, zener diodes, rectifiers and transistors etc. s in either current :cording and control n industry because 3. Ultraviolet (U.V.) recorders: These recorders are basically electro-mechanical oscillographic recorders and modified i'ersion of Duddel's oscillographs. An ultraviolet recorder consists of a number of galvanometer (moving coil) elements mounted in a single magnet block as shown in Fig. 4.43. Apaper sensitive to ultraviolet light is used for producing a trace for the purpose of recording. The u.v. light is proiected on the paper with the help of mirrors attached to the moving coils. Working. When a current is passed through the moving (galvanometer) coil, it deflects under the influence of the magnetic field of the permanent magnet. The ultraviolet light falling on the mirrors is deflected and projected on to the u.v. light sensitive paper through a lens and mirror systbm. The paper is driven past the moving high spot and thus a trace of variation of current with respect to time is produced. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 298 Signal Conditrc (ii) \Aide (iiil widc (ia) The r, recora n'itho (2,) N{ult: 5. Cathod A catln.i, :lso useful f-.: A CRO e.;' ace Lighl 'i!1ti?::l:"') Sensitive paper : .tttoseconris ,;,: .ts the abilitu : ':.tq be Contl,i-t Fig. 4,43, U ltraviolet (u.v.) recorder. The recorder, in addition to the input currents, may have the following additional A block ;: traces: (l) Grid lines. (ii) Timing lines. (iii) Trace identification. a The ultraviolet (u.v.) recorders, compared to the mechanical and pen recorders, have better frequency and response characteristics; the typical values are Frequency response = 0 to 300 Hz; 0 to -72 kHz (maximum) Response time = 16 ps maximum frequency that may be recorded depends upon the frequency - The response of the galvanometer used. When high frequency signals are to be recorded, the marking paper is moved with sufficient speed so as to spread : out the trace along the time-axis. The u.a. recorders haae an additional adaantage of multi-trace recording. o "Typical applications" of U.V. recorders are in recording: (l) Regulation transients of generators. (li) Output of transducers. (lii) Control system performance. I s"*-r L:1 Cathode ra. A cathoce : ..:e in a tele.. . Fig. -1.{5 s: o These recorders are also used for recording the magnitude of low frequency signals which cannot be measured with analog (pointers) type instruments. 4. Magnetic tape recorders: These recorders have response characteristics which enable them to be used at higher frequencies; hence they find an extensioe use in lnstrumentation systems. A magnetic tape recorder consists of the following basic components: 1. Recording head. 2. Magnetic tape. 3. Reproducing head. 4. Tape transport mechanism. 5. Conditioning devices. Adoantages: (i) Low distortion. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor r _-- - I ol Mechatronics signal conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and presentationiDisplay 2gg (li) Wide frequency range from D.C. to several MHz. (lil) Wide dynamic range which exceeds 50 dB. (iz') The recorded signal is immediately available with no time lost in processing. The recorded signal can be played back, or reproduced as many times as desired without loss of signal. (?r) Multi-channel recording possible. 5. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO): A cathode-ray oscilloscope is an instntment which presents signal waueforrns oisually. It is also useful for comparing two signals in phase, frequency or amplitude A CRO can operate upto 50 MHz, can allow aiewing of signals within a time span of a few runoseconds and can prooide a number of uaoeform displays simultaneously on the screen. lt also lns the ability to hold the displays for a short or long time (for many hours) so that original signal may be compared with one coming on later. :rsing additional A block diagram of cathode-ray oscilloscope is shown inFig.4.44. Vertical def lection plates Cathode ray tube nd pen recorders, [es are : naximum) pon the frequencY ' signals are to be al so as tq sPread d.li!ional adaantage Fig. 4.a4. Cathode-ray oscilloscope. Cathode ray tube (CRT): A cathode ray tube is the 'heart' of an oscilloscope and is verv similar to the picture :ube in a television set. Fig. 4.45 shows the cross-sectional view of a general-pulpose electrostatic C.R.T. Vertical deflectron Clates Horizontal Q' .'equency signals t. to be used at higher e*"g$ Tube pins nts: anode Tube Fig.4.45. Cathode ray tube. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatrontcs 300 It has the following four major components: of electrons 1. Electron gun ' """""" it produces a stream they produce a narrow and sharply2. Eocusing and accelerating anodes focused beam of electrons' for the path of beam' 3. Horizontal and tsettical deflecting plates 4.Aneoacuateilglassenoelolpeuithap.ho.sphores,cent;1teen.,..........,.producesa velocity electron beam' bright spot wh"en struck bv a high Working of a C'R'O : WhenasignalistobedisplayedorviewedontheScreenitisappliedacrosstheY. it is essential to spread io_::e its waveform or pattern, plates of a cathode *f t U" Blit voltage wave is achieved uy applying a sawtooth it to horizontally fronileft to right. This t -,iiltJ; from left to right to repetitive of the input signal-yelsus time' Due would move uniformly these conditions, the erectron beam thereby graphing "urii.rr variations tracingoftheviewedwaveform,wegetu.o,'ti,',o-,sdisplaybecauseofpersistenceo: uision. However,togetastablestationarydisplayonthescreen,itisessentialtosynchronizc t"i'ft in" input signal across Y-plates' The signal The frequency efuab tie sweep-Senerator frequency' will be properly ,y;:J ody wtren'its input signal to input signai is to use a portion of the usual method of synchronizing the of the sweep signal is locked ot trigger the sweep g;u,o, Io that^the-ii"qr"r'r"y is It is called i"t""tuisync because the synchronization synchronized to theffiirig"^r. as shown in Fig' 4'46' obtained by internal *i'i"g-toolrections the horizontal sweeping of the beam(sync) Sronal Cond.: :- Exampie {. ',:rlntlorr:. Solution. C :' .i, rtttd .ft,-i .;.'. .a tipe tr,i.:. ^ld:c)l'rtltdg. s (i) This:.-: tli ) It ha= : sPeeJ ) It h:: : :") It c,:: : ::i info::-: l') It is --. ire.: --. - Lintit rtt i tt -.: :) It is .,. .)r, a ::r 11 '. . ' Erample {.. Solution. A : I Tl^re :::: ^r. .:L- . UI ;: I Dat: : :, Thes= :, lirr.::::: of ii.= : . ::') Relai'. = : O..'...,+ \1a:.'. char: Fig' 4'a6' Applications of C.R.O'I i.'t ucir,g of an actual waveform of current or voltage' 2. Determination of amplitude of a variable quantity' 3. Comparison of phase and frequency' 4. In televisions. 5. In radar" 6. For finding B.H. curves for hysteresis loop' 7. For engine Pressure analYsis' etc' 8. For studying the heart beats' nervous reactions 9. For tracing transistor curves' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Disadcont; : , The =.. circu-:: ::r Ob<,e-'circu-.:: Example {.! Solution. ]-: - , :abular f..- pk of Mechatronics Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 301_ Example 4.3. What do you mean by "Direct recording"? State also its afuiantages and limilatrons. rrrow and sharPlY&r oi beam. Produces a pplied across the Y; essential to sPread :tooth voltage wave ilv lrom left to right Pr" to rePetitive "ruse of Persistence of sential to sYnchronize ;\'-plates. The signal y7;spr frequencY. The rf the input signal to signai is locked or re svnchronization is Solution. Direct recording. It is the simpiest method of recording and usually requires one tape track for each channel. The signal to be recorded is amplified, mixed with a high frequency bias and fed directly to the recording head as a uarying electric current. Adoantages: (i) This recording process requires only simple, moderately priced electronic circuitry. (ll) It has a wide frequency response ranging from 50 Hz to about 2MHz for a tape speed of 3.05m1s. It provides the greatest bandwidth obtainable flom a giaen recorder. (iii) k has a good dlmamic response and takes overload without increase in distortion. (ia) It can be used for recording voice and multiplexing a number of channels of information into one channel of tape recolding. (o) It is used to record signal where information is contained in the relation between frequency and amplitude, such as spi:ctrum analysis of noise. Limitations : (i) It is used only when maximum bandwidth is required and when loiiiiart in amplitude are acceptable. 567t \ (li) It is mainly used for recording of speech and music. Example 4.4. What are the adaantages and disadaantages of strip chart regorders ? Solution. Advantages of strip chart recorders: (i) The rate of movement of the chart can easily be changed to spread out the trace of the variable being observed. (ii) Data conversion is easier when rectangular coordinates are used. (iii) These recorders require the use of servo-mechanisms to position the pointer or pen. Therefore more than adequate power is available, there being no real E.r€ 'ay trG limitations on the weight of the pen, pressure between pen and paper or length of the pointer. / (lo) Relatively large amount of paper can be inserted at one time in the form of a nell. (zr) Many more separate variables can be recorded on a strip chart than on circuiar chart. Disadaantages : (i) The mechanism is considerably more complicated than is required to drir-e a circular chart. (ii) Observing behaviour several hours or days back is not as easy as picking out one circular chart which covers the desired period of time. Example 4.5. How do "Circular chart recorders" dffir from "Strip chart recorders"? Solution. The differences between circular chart and strip chart recorders are given, .n a tabular form, on page 302: PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 302 A Textbook of Mechatronics Table 4.2 S. No. Aspects Circular chart recorders Strip chart recorders 1. Handling and storing Easy Very easy 2. Shape and size of chart Circulat varying in size from 100 mm to 250 mm diameter. Curvilinear type, available in the form of long strips usually rolied on to a drum. .f- Usable recording area 40 to 50% area of chart is calibrated and rest is the space covered by mechanism involved. 4. 5 6. Strictly limited amount. Exhibition of information It shows all the information recorded at a glance. pa-st records. It is possible to simulta- It is possible to record upto 4 Facility to record Cost Range of chart speeds Low initial cost. Usually the circular chart moves at one constant speed and high speed phenomenon cannot be recorded. 9. Chart speed It can be packed with information. rate variables. 8. being taken up by punched holes for guide purposes. Amount of information that can be carried. neously record on the fullchart range upto four sepa7 90'lo or more of the chart width is usable recording area, very small position The chart speed is limited and as such recording cycle takes longer time for multiple points. It needs to be unrolled to see to 6 points simultaneously and thus afford saving a lot of panel space. Cost though high is justified, considering its versatility, predictive diagnostic capability, invaluable tool for analysing the overall dynamic response. It is possible to have wide range of chart speeds and records fast changing phenomenon. The availability of wide range of chart speeds enables the recording of greater number of points and at a much higher speed than is practical rlith circular chart instru- ments. 10 Type of operators required Less skilled operators can do the job since it is easy to adjust and repair Skilled operators are required. instruments. 4.11.6. Printers The printers prooide a record of data on paper. Such printers are available in the following versions: 1. The dot matrix printer. 2. The ink jet printer. 3. The laser printer. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor l. The l: - : :,. _'. -.!. : ol Mechatronics I __1al conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 303 1. The dot matrix Printer : "tt t *rd" npe, available in r.ng striPs usuallY ..l clrum. Fig. 4.47 shows the head mechanism of a dot matrix printer' It consists of either 9 ot 24 pins in a vertical line' Pil Each pin is controlted by an electromagnet which when turned on propels - onto ihe inking ribbon. This transfers a small bob of ink onto the paper lh: behind lines the ribbon. A character is formed by moving the print head in horizontal pins' appropriate the back-and-forth across the papet and firing 're of the chart Return spring s,rble recording >n.ra11 position r up by Punched Print needle -_-l Guide ude purPoses. tube I linkec-zn : packed with ribbon I be unrolled to see S, le to record uPto 4 -. simultaneously rrord saving a lot )aae. 3h high is justified, I rs versatilitY, Preiqnostic caPabilitY, tool for analYsing ivnamic resPonse. ::le to have wide chart speeds and jast Fig.4.47. Head mechanism of a dot matrix printer' 2. The ink jet printer : This type of the Printer uses a ..nductive ink which is forced through a :rall nozzle to produce a jet of very small :ops of ink of constant diameter at a -.nstant frequency. In one form a constant stream of - ink passes along a tube and is pulsed to form fine droPs bY a changing piezoelectric crYstal which b:li:r' of wide range ;ceeds enables the ci greater number r and at a much - Er.1 than is Practical :::l:r chart instruPiators are required. rt'le in the following G vibrates at a frequencY of about 100 kHz. (Fig. a.a8). In another form is used a small heater in the Print head with vaporized ink in a caPillarY tube, so producing gas bubbles which push out'ink droPs'. Fig.4.48. Production of stream of droPs. 3. The laser Printer : Figure 4.49 shows the basic elements of a laser printer' It has a photosensitive drum which is coated with a selenium-based light sensitive - materiaf. The selenium, in the dark, has a high resistance and consequently becomes and charged as it passes close to the charging wire; this is a wire at a high voltage - off which charge leaks. A light beam is made to scan along the length of the drum by a small rotating strikes the selenium its resistance drops and it can eighi-sided mirror. When light -By controlli.,g th9 brightness of the beam of light, so ,,Jlor,g". remain charged. points-on the drum can be discharged or left charged' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 304 A Textbook of Mechatronics Charging : 3nal ConOr: r Selenium wue -2 Thel -' anu: - \IF\: coaled drunt ut:.... 2. \{agne Corona Digiia, :r The dig::, -ie disc :. wire4 Toner transferred paIe, to paper Fusing roller to fix toner on paper - -l:-rc€ and .:. Fi1.4.49. Laser printer's basic elements. - As the drum passes the toner reservoit the charged areas attract particles of toner which thus stick to the areas that have not been exposed to light and do not stick on the areas that have been exposed to light. The paper is given a charge as it passes another charging wire, the so called corona wire, so that as it passes close to the drum it attracts the toner off the drum. A hot fusing roller is then used to melt the toner particles so that, after passing between rollers, they finely adhere to paper. 4,1 1,7. Magnetic Recording - Jloppy disc and hard cliscs The basic principles are that a recording head, zuhich responds to the input signal, produces corresp7_t'tding magnetic patterns on a thin layer of magnetic material and a read"head'gioes an o-utput.by conaerting the magnetic patterns oi tlr, *ogirtic material to electricalslgnals. "Besides these heads the systems require a transport system which moves in a controlled way under the heads. ttre magieti.,*"r".ur 1. Magnetic recording codes : o In digital recording, the signals are recorded as a coded combination of bits. ' ' A bit cell is the element of the magnetic coating where the magnetism is either completely saturated in one direction o, .o*pl"tely saturated in the reverse direction. Saturation is when the magnetising field hal been increased to such an extent that the magnetic material has reached its maximum amount of magnetic flux and further increases in magnetising current produce no further cnarige. For getting proper flux reversals, some of the commonly used methods (involving encoding) are : (i) Phase encoding (pE); (ii) Non-return-to-zero (NM); (iii) Frequency modulation (FM); too close together. "Hard dr: :'.aentric ii:: Aha: - IId *t- r The: - rt'ritr Larg. orde: 4.11.8. Di Several:. :.ltanumeria Some of :-: i. Light : 2. LED: -1. A I :'. .1. Liqur; 1. Light in For such i: litting dioir: o Neon ..; from :: o lncatt,i: compa. require, o LEDs -: (lzr) Modified frequency modulation (MFM); (zr) Run length limited (RLL). optimum code is the one that allows the bits to be packed as close as possible be re{td without error. The read head can locate reversals The 3.: - The use of 'magnetic recording' is restored to store clatn on the of computers. -:.cess dii:< :. tlnto :,:: onl which cart quite easily tut they must not be - The \ {'1r The Ir'--' l \ --' 2. LED disp Withat - current PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor i Mechatronics S:gnal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and - PresentationiDisplay 305 The RLL code has the advantage of being mlre compacf than the other codes, PE and FM taking up the most sPace. MFM and NRZ take up the same amount of space. l/RZ has the disadvantage of, unlike the other codes, not being self locking' 2. Magnetic discs : articles of toner i:.d do not stick Digital recording is commonly done on a floppy or hard disc' 'the digital data is stored on the disc surface along concentric circles called iracks, a :rgle disc having many such tracks. A single read-write head is used for each disc . ,rrface and heads are moved, by means of a mechanical actuators, backwards and forn'ards , .lccess different tracks. The disc is spum by the drive and the read/write heads reotl c't itc data into a trsck. The 3.5 "floppy disc" used in the personal computer can store 7.4Mbytes of data, "Hard discs". These are sealed units with data stored on the disc surface along ,ncentric circles. e. the so called - 1e toner off the e. so that, after - ';: artd hard discs ,: :ignal, produces ;.i.1 lrcad giaes an i. :rgnals. Besides r:gnetic material ;::;'it of bits. 3etism is either c in the reverse re:sed to such an .rrunt of magnetic :-rriher change' e'.hods (involving A hard disc assembly has more than one such disc and the data is stored on magnetic coatings on both sides of the discs' The discs are rotated at high speeds and tracks assessed by moving the readwrite heads. Large amounts of data can be stored on such assemblibs of discs; storage of the order of many G bytes are now common. 4.1 1.8. Display Systems '-r Several display systems use light indicators to indicate on-off status or give hanumeric displays. Some of these display systems are enumerated and briefly discussed below: 1. Light indicators. 2. LED displays. 3. A 5 bv 7 dot matrix LED display. 4. Liquid crystal displays. 1. Light indicators : For such displays, the light indicators may be neon lamps, incandescent lamps, lightlitting diodes (LEDs) or liquid crystal displays (LCDs). o Neon lamps need high voltages and low currents and can be powered directly from the mains voltage but can only be used to give a red light. o lncandescent lamps can be used with a wide range of voltages but need a comparatively high current. They emit white light to use lenses to generate any required colour. Their main advantage is their brightness. o LEDs (light-emitting diodes) require low voltages and low currents and are cheap. These diodes when forward biased emit light over a certain band of - :::'le and which can : rhey must not be - wavelengths. The most commonly used LEDs can give red, yellow or green colours. With microprocessor-based systems, LEDs are the most cotntnon form of indicators, 2. LED displays: With a LED a current-limiting resistor is generally required in order to limii the - current to below the maximum rated current of about 10 to 30 mA. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 306 A Textbook of Mechatronics - Some LEDs are supplied with built in resistors so they can be directly connected tt - LEDs are available as s.ingle light disptays, seaen-and-sixteen-segment alphanumeric displays, in dot matrix format and bar graph form. nticroprocessor systems. : -: Condii,c - li) i--. iii) D.: l. Instru:L) 3. A 5 by 7 dot matrix LED display: In this type of display the array consists of five column connectors, each connecting the anodes of seven LEDs. Each row connects to the cathodes of five LEDs. To turn on a particular LED, power is applied to its column and its row is grounded. 4. Liquid crystal displays : Such displays are used in battery-operated devices such as watches and calculators. ()l1i: dispi.:-. .+. ,.t -\-_, betrtec: ',5. Cotli:.;. r.isua-.'. ampll;.-.' - Five by seven dot matrix forms are also available. HIGHLIGHTS A. Choose ri 1. The signal conditioning equipment may be required to perform the following 1. The ct, -.. (i) Amplification (iii) Impedance matching (c) i: :: : (ii) Modification or modulation 2. An amplifier is a device which is used to increase or augment the weak signal. 3. An operational amplifier (Op-amp) is a linear integrated circuit (IC) that has very high voltage gain, a high input impedance and i ro* output impedance. 4' Filtering is process of attenuating unwanted components of a measurement while permitting the desired component to pass. 5. A good display, functionally, is one which permits the best combination of speed, accuracy and sensitivity when transferring the necessary information from the instrument to the operator. 6. The electrical indicating instruments may be classified as: (i) Analog instruments. (ii) Digital instruments. 7. Essential features of indicating instruments are (l) Deflecting device. (il) Controlling device. (iii) Damping device. 8' The digital instruments indicate the value of the measurand in the form of decimal numbers whereas the analog instruments display the quantity to be measured in terms of deflection of a pointer i.e., an inutog displacement or an angle corresponding to the electrical quantity. 9. The digital meters work on the principle of ,,quantization,,. 10' A digital instrument can be considered as a counter which counts the pulses in a predetermined time. 11' A numerical indicator tube (NIT) consists of a gas filled glass tube having ten cathodes in the form of numbers and an anode. 12' A recorder records electrical and non-electrical quantities as a function of time. Two types of recordeis are : : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor -- ter::' .. (1) is .:, :. (iu) Data processing (u) Data transmission. . (i) irr ::., functions on the transduced signal ini.::. a a }.,..- - (n) in:.. . (c/ ur:::. -1. A.L. a:- : (n) stt.r -: . (c) r.:r:-: {. The ar::- : (a) a.c. (c) cha:i.5. In a c.:r:..: (a) bec:..-. (&) bec:..-. (c) bec.: -. .. (d) non. : 6. When u... . should := (a) l kHz (c) 600 F-- 7. The in;.,.:: . (a) simp.. (c) cornp. _ 8. What is ::. (a) High (c) good ::= 9. Charge a::: (a) induc:-.., (c) resistr... (d) piezo-=.. cf Mechatronics : :ral Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display ,-::r connected to c,!: alphafiumeric each connecting EDs. To turn on led. and calculators. .13. 307 (i) Analog recorders. (il) Digitalrecorders. instruments that record change of onlv one measured varia$le are called single point recorders. A multi-point recorder mav have as many as 24 inputs, with traces dispiaced in 6 colours. i 4. A X-Y recorder is an instrument which gives a graphic record of the relationship between two variables. 15. Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) is an instrument which presents signal waveforms visually. It is also useful for comparing two signals in phase, frequency or amplitude. OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS n the following tion he iveak signal. Cr that has ver\, A. Choose the Correct Answer : 1. The closed loop gain of an Op-amp is dependent upon whether the Op-amp is used (a) in inverting mode _ (Il) in non-inverting mode (c) is independent of the fact whether the input is corLnected to inverting or non-inverting terminal. (d) is dependent upon the fact whether the input is connected to inverting or the noninverting terminal. A buffer amplifier has gain of (a) infinity A.C. amplifiers are best suited for rsurement while nation of speed, nation from the (b) zero (d) dependent upon the circuit parameters (c) unity npedance. (a) steady-state signals (c) rapidly varying signais 4. (&) low frequency signals (d) none of these. The amplifier drift and spurious noise signals are not significant in (a) a.c. amplifiers (c) charge amplifiers (&) d.c. amplifiers (d) none of thr.se. In a carrier system, drift and spurious signals are important (a) because they modulate the carrier (&) because they do not modulate the carrier (c) because it is easier to achieve a stable carrier than a stabilizecl d.c. source. (d) none of the above. When using d.c. signal conditioning system, with a carrier of 3 kHz, the data frgquency should be limited to : form of decimal ,be measured in nt or an angle ; the pulses in a tube having ten unction of time. (a) 1. kHz (b) SHz (c) 600H2 (d) 2MHz 7. The input and output displacements are of opposite phase in (a) simple lever (b) compound lever (c) compound gear trains (d) none of these. 8. What is the desirable feature in an electronic amplifier? (a) High output impedance (b) Low input impedance (c) good frequency response (d) All of these. 9. Charge amplifiers are used in order to amplify the output signals of (a) inductive (&) capacitive (c) resistive (d) piezo-eiectric and capacitive transducers. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 308 A Textbook of Mechatronics 10. Filters that transmit all frequencies below a defined cut-off frequency are known as (a) loi.r,-pass filters (c) band-pass filters 11 (b) high-pass filters (d) any of these. Excitation and amplification systems are needed (a) for active transducers only (c) for both active and passive transducers (d) for both passive and output transducers. 72. A d.c. amplifier ; (b) tor passive transducers only (a) needs to have a balanced differential inputs with a high common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) to give very good thermai and long term stability. (b) easy to calibrate at low frequencies and has ability to recover from overload conditions. (c) is immune to drift and low frequency spurious signals come out as data information. (d) is followed by a low pass filter to eliminate high frequency components including noise from the data signal. (e) all of the above. 13 I+ 15. / The output from frequency-modulation systern is (a) a.c. voltage (b) d.c. voltage (c) a.c. and d.c. voltage (d) any of these. The data transmission with synchro systems empioys telemetering to convey the requisite information. r.. (n) frequency (b) position (c) impulses (d) voltage. When using a.c. signal conditioning system for capacitive transducers, the carrier ': frequencies (a) range between 50 Hz and 20kHz (b) should be of the order of 0.5 MHz (c) should be of the order to 20MHz (d) none of the above. 16. An a.c. signal conditioning system is normally used for (a) resistive transducers like strain gauges (b) inductive and capacitive transducers (c) piezoelectrictransducers (d) all of the above. 17. The overall gain or amplification of a system of two amplifiers arranged in series is (a) G, + G, (c) G, x G, @) G" t (b) G.- G' where G, and G, are the two gains expressed as pure numbers The properties of an ideal Op-amp are : (a) It should have zero input impedance (b) It should have high input impedance (c) It should have a zero open loop gain (d) None of the above. 19. The moving iron voltmeters indicate : (a) the same value of d.c. and a.c. voltages. (b) lower values for a.c. voltages than the corresponding values of d.c. voltages. (c) higher value for a.c. voltages than the corresponding values of d.c. voltages. (d) none of the above. 20. Which of the following is the visual display unit? 18 (a) Cathode any oscilloscope 21 (b) U.V. recorder (c) Storage oscilloscope (d) Moving coil oscillograph. Which of the following units has a high frequency response but presents difficulty in getting a permanent record? PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 19. Thc:, r.; + '.'t-, 30. -{ \., (.?' (; t -: 31. The :.: tu) : I LJ :;1 -12. Whic: signa- (n) L ', (c) S:c 33. X-\', rr; (n) rr:: (c / !ri. iJ. In ar, < (n) th. (c) an'. 15. An a'. r: of sen- \ i oI Mechatronics are known as ers only Signal Condition\ng; Data Acquisition, Transmission and (a) Servo recorder (c) X-Y recorder Presentation/Display 309 (b) Moving coil oscillograph (d) Cathode ray oscilioscope 22. 'Ihe switching time of LEDs is of the order of (a) 1s (b) 1ms (d) 1 ns. (c) 1 ps 23. LEDs emit light (b) only in yellow colour (a) only in red colour (d) in red, green yellow and amber colours, (c) only in green colour 24. The advantages of F.M. magnetic tape recording are (D) It is free from dropout effects (a) It can record from d.c. to several kflz (c) It is independent of amplitude and accurately reproduces the waveform of input : node rejection ratio terload conditions. data information. nts inciuding noise Ering to conveY the ducers, the carrier signal (d) All of the above. 25. The source of emission of electrons in a CRT is (a) PN junction diode (b) a barium and strontium oxide.coated cathode (d) post accelerating anodes. (c) acceleratinganodes 26. The pointer-scale instruments have a (&) very low (a) very high (d) (c) linerar stable frequencies response. 27. The operation of a moving-coil current recording instruments is based on (b) D' Arsonval principle (a) photo-electric principle (d) thermo-electric principle. (c) piezo-electricprinciple 28. The turn on and turn off times of a LCD are of the order of (b) 1ms (a) 1s (d) 10 ns. (c) 10 ms 29. The power requirement of an LED is (a) 40 mW per numeral (b) a0 pW per numeral (d) 10 pW per numeral (c) 10 W per numeral 30. A Nixie tube requires (b) 12 cathodes (a) 10 cathodes (d) 20 cathodes. (c) 15 cathodes 31. The time bases of an oscilloscope are generated by (b) vertical amplifier (a) horizontal amplifier (d) (c) sweep generators storage oscilloscope. 32. Which of the following devices requires a matching network to avoid overloading of the : : der of 0.5 MHz rcitive transducers xrged in series is t- fr input impedance signal source and prevent damage from excessive current? (a) U.V. recorder (c) Storageoscilloscope c voltages. c- voltages. bgraph. prcsents difficultY in (b) X-Y recorder (d) Servo recorder. 33. X-Y recorders record a quantity (b) on X axis with respect to time on Y axis. (a) with respect to another quantity (c) on Y axis with respect to time on X axis (d) any of these. 34. In an electrodynamometer type of wattmeter (a) the current coil is made fixed (b) the pressure coil is made fixed (c) any of the two coils can be made fixed (d) both the coils should be movable. 35. An average reading VTVM uses one diode with an external series resistance. A high value of series resistance is used so that the instrument should have PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 310 (a) a high input impedance (c) 1ow power consumption (b) alinearo-i characieristics (d) all of the above. ! 3nal Conditionrng: C 11. When "moli 36. In a CRT the focusing anode is located (a) bet-ween pre-accelerating and accelerating anode (b) after accerating anode (c) before pre-accelerating anode (d) none of the above. 37. Post acceleration is needed in a CRO if the frequency of the signals is (a) less than 1 MHz (b) more than 1 MHz (c) more than 10 MHz (d) more than [0 Hz. 38. The slewing speed in an x-y recorder refers to (a) time base (b) maximum constant velocity that the marking pen achieves (c) frequency response (d) relationship between inputs to x and y charurels. 39. Which of the following recorder/display units has the highest frequency response anc ' least response time? form. 12. More comm!13. An ............ : impedance a 14. An-amps are 15. .............. am; impedance. 76. ;;;;;" " 17. Variabie atter 18. .............. is ar through it. 79. A low pass i )n Current telen The last siag, 22. A good discl 21. (a) X-Y plotters (c) Pen recorders 40. An LCD requires a power of approximately (a) 20W (c) 20 pW (b) U.V. recorders (d) cRo. .............. rthc: a1 '............ t)'P. Almost ali ei, 25. The ........ (b) 20 mW ?4. (d) 20 nW. number. 26. The analog :: An analog r: predetermine 28. A P-N junc:tr diode (LED, 27. A. Choose the correct answer 1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 8. (c) e. (d) 10. (a) 1s. (b) 16. (b) 17. (c) 22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (d) 2e. (a) 30. (c) 31. (c) (a) 36. 37. (c) 38. (b) 4. (a) 5.(n) 6.(c) 7. (a) 11. (d) 18. (b) 12. (e) 13. (b) 20. (a) 22. (b) 3a. @) 14. (b) 2s. (b) 32. (a) 3e. (d) le. (b) 26. (b) 33. (a) 2r. (d) zB. (c) 3s. (d) 40. (c). 29. 30. Liquid crvsta A.............. inc of numbers a Digclampter I A.............. r< JJ. ............. tl'pe 31. J./-. 1. The first stage of the instrumentation or measurement system which detects the measuranc 34. Instruments & is termed as .............. stage. 2. Amplification means enhancement of the signal level which is given in the low leve. 35. A.............. re 36. A X-Y recor,lr two variables range. 3. Modulation means to change the form of signal. 4. .............. transmission means to transmit signal from one location to another withou: changing the contents of the information. 5. D.C. amplifier is difficult to calibrate at low frequencies. 6. The major disadvantage of a D.C. amplifier is that it suffers from the problem of drift 7. .............. is a device which is used to increase or augment the weak signal. 8. The ratio of output signal to input signal for an amplifier is termed as gain or amplification 9. A "Compound gear train" gives small modification. 10. The D.C. amplifiers are capable of amplifying static, slowly changing or rapid-repetitir.e input signals. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Magnetic tapt ............. frequ 38. A CRO is ar. 5/. 39. 40. A CII.O canno A CltrO can h B. Fill in the B 1. detector,tranx 5. No. rk of Mechatronics ristics 311 Signal Conditioning, Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 11. When "modulation" is used in instrumentation, frequencv nlodLrlation is the more common form. 12. More commonly, the mixed signal and carrier are demdulatr-i L'r' rectification and filtering. is a linear integrated circuit that has a ver" l'.i*:. .' ..ltaqe gain, a high input 13. An impedance and a low voltage output impedance. supply voltage. 14. An-amps are linear integrated circuits that work on relati".'.'. 15. .............. amplifier converts a voltage at high impedance tri ti^.< :i:le voltage at Iow srs impedance. 76. .............. is a two-port resistive network and is used to reduce the ::i----:. .''el bv a given amount. 17. Variable attenuators are used as control volumes in radio broadcastir.: -:--.:. :'.> 18. .............. is an eiectronic circuit which can pass or stop a particular ban.: : ::=.1',:en.ies through it. luency resPonse anc 19. A low pass filter is also called lag network. 20. Current telemetering is quite suitable for long distances. 21. The last stage of a measurement system is the .............. presentation stage. 22. Agood display, functionally, is one which permits the best combination of ... -'.:-: when transferring the necessary information from the instrument to the oper-r:. : 23. .............. type meters indicate the reading in exact numerals. 24. Almost all electronic voltmeters make use of the rectifying properties of .............. instruments indicate the value of the measurand in the form of decima, 25. The number. 26. The analog meters work on the principle of quantization. 27. An analog instrument can be considered as a counter which counts the pulses in a predetermined time. .-) tr rr) ilr la t 7. (a) 1,4. (b) 21. (d) 28. (c) 3s. (d) detects the measuranc ;iven in the low leve- n to another withou r the problem of drift 28. A P-N junction diode, which emits light when forward biased is known as a light emitting diode (LED). 29. Liquid crystal displays (LED) have extremely low power requirement. 30. A .............. indicator tube consists of a gas filled glass tube having ten cathodes in the form of numbers and an anode. 31. Digclampter gives reading in .............. form. 32. A .............. records electrical and non-electrical quantities as a function of time. 33. .............. type strip chart recorder operates on "comparison basis". recorders. 34. Instruments that record changes of only one measured variable are called 35. A .............. recorder may have as many as 24 inputs, with traces displaced in 6 colours. 36. A X-Y recorder is an instrument, which gives a graphic record of relationship between two variables. 37. Magnetic tape recorders have response characteristics which enable them to be used at frequencies. 38. A CIIO is an instrument which presents signal wave-forms visually. 39. A CI{O cannot be used to compare two signals in phase, frequency or amplitude. 40. A CRO can be used for tracing transistor curves. rak signal. s gain or amplificatior. +ng or rapid-rePetitir-i B. Fill in the Blanks or say "Yes" or "No" 3. Yes 1. detector-transducer 2. Yes 7. Amplifier 5. No. 6. Yes 4. Data 8. Yes PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 312 A Textbook of 'Mechatronics 9. No 13. Op-amp 77. Yes 21. data 24. diodes 28. Yes 32. recorder 36. Yes 40. Yes. 10. Yes 14. low 11. No 15. Buffer 18. Filter 19. Yes 22. speed, accuracy, sensitivity 25. digital 26. No 29. Yes 30. Numerical 33. Null 34. single point 37. higher 38. Yes 12. Yes 16. Attenuator 20. No 23. Digital 27. No 31. digital 35. multipoint 39. No THEORETICAL QUESTIONS 1' What do you mean by the following terms as applied to instrumentation or measureme:system? (i) Detector-transducer stage. (ii) Signal conditioning stage. 2. State the limitations of mechanical amplification. 3. What are the advantages of eiectrical signal conditioning? 4. Explain briefly the following functions of signal conditioning equipment: (i) Amplification (li) Modification or modulation (lii) impedancematching (io) Dataprocessing (zr) Data transmission. 5. Explain briefly the following: (0 D.C. signal conditioning system. (ri) A.C. signal conditioning systems. 6. Describe briefly the term ,,Amplification,,. 7. Explain briefly any two of the following amplifiers: (l) Mechanical amplifiers (ii) Fluid ampiifiers (iii) Electrical and electronic amplifiers 8. state the generalities that can be listed for an ideal electronic amplifier. 9. What are A.C. and D.C. amplifiers? Explain briefly. 10. What do you mean by ,,Modulated and unmodulated signals,,? 11. What is an Op-amp? State its limitations as well. 12. Explain briefly the term ,,Common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR). 13. State the applications of Op-amp. 14. Enumerate some of the commonly used Op-amp circuits. 15. Expiain briefly the following: (l) Buffer amplifier. (ll) Differential amplifier. 16. State the advantages of differential amplifiers. 17. What is an attenuator? How are the attenuators classified? 18. What do you mean by the terms ,,Filtering,, and ,,Filter,,? 19. How are filters classified? 20. What .1o you mean by ,,Signal transmission,,? 21. Explain briefly any three of the following types of transmission ? (i) Mechanical transmission (iii) Pneumatic transmission (ii) Hydrautic transmission (lu) Magnetic transmission. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Signal Corx 22. Gi 23. \\.1 24. Ht 25. E.. 1:' ( iti 26. \\-1 27. \\'i s)'j 28. Hc 29. H: 30. Hc 31. L-rs 32. Hc 33. Hc 34. Gi, 35. Ci' 36. Er' t: 37 E.l J6 De ( ::: 39. \\l 40. \\l 41. Ert t,- \\l 43. Eia 44. \\t 45. Etl t\T 46. Dr.: 47. \\-1 48. Etl 49. \\t aPl 50. E.r (cl 51. De 52- 1\-l of 'Mechatronics \es Attenuator \o Dgital \o Jigital multipoint \o n or measurement ent itr fl Signal Conditioning; Data Acquisition, Transmission and Presentation/Display 313 22. Give five examples of electric type of transmitters. 23. What do you mean by "Converters"? 24. How are telemetering systems classified? 25. Explain briefly any two of the follo$.ing tvpes of telemetering systems: \ (ii) Current telemetering (i) Voitage telemetering (iu) Frequency telemetering. (lil) Irnpulse telemetering system? measurement anv of main 26. What is the Purpose of a generalised measurement recording element 27. What is the function o{ the displav or sVStem? 28. How does a display unit differ from a recorder? 29. How are the output devices categorized? Explain briefly. 30. How can we get machine interpretable outputs? 31. List the different forms in rvhich the display is available from an instrument. 32. How are electrical indicating instruments classified? 33. How analog dispiay meters differ from digital type meters? 34. Give a comparison beti,r,een analog type and digital type instruments. 35. Give four examples each of the anaiog type and digital type instrumentation' 36. Explain briefly the following: (i) Single-point indicators. (li) Multi-point multi-pointer and multi-range indicators. 37. Exptain briefly the essential features of indicating instruments. 38. Describe briefly any two of the following : (i) Moving-ironinstruments; (ili) Rectifier instruments. (li) Moving-coil instruments; 39. What are advantages of electronic voltmeters? 40. What are digital instruments? State their principle of operation. 41. Explain briefly any two of the following: (i) Semiconductor light emitting diodes (LED); (il) Liquid crystal displays; (lil) Hot filament or bar tubes; (izr) Numerical indicator tubes (NIT). 42. What is a recorder? 43. Elaborate the difference between a display unit and a recorder. 44. What is meant by a direct reading instrument? 45. Explain the functioning of a basic type of strip chart recorder. Enumerate the different types of marking mechanisms used in it. 46. Distinguish between single point and multipoint recorders. 47. What is a X-Y recorder? State its applications' 48. Explain the moving of an ultraviolet (U.V) recorder. State its applications. 49. What are the basic components of a magnetic tape recorder for instrumentation applications? List its advantages and disadvantages. 50. Explain with neat diagram the construction and working of a cathode ray oscilloscc:. (cRo). 51. Describe the different parts of a cathode ray tube (CRT). 52. What are the applications of a CRO? PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor CHAPTER Microprocesso Generatir First genr Microprocessors 5.1 Computers-Brief description - History and development of computers - Definition of a computer - Characteristics of a computer - Classification of computers - Analog computers - Digital computers - Differences between analog and digital computers - Block diagram of a digital computer - Rating of chips - Computer peripherals - storage devices - Hardware, software and liveware - Translators - computer languages * Computeq programming process for writing programs - Computing elements of analog computers; 5.2 Microprocessors - Microprocessor - General aspects - Definition and brief description - Characteristics of microprocessors Important features - uses of microprocessors - Microprocessor systems - The microprocessor - Buses - Memory - Input/Output - lntel 8085 Microprocessor Brief history - Introduction - Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) - Timing and control unit - Registers - Data and address - Pin configuration - opcode and operands Microprocessor programming - Microcontrollers. 5.1 COMPUTER-BRIEF DESCRIPTION 5.1.1. History and Development of Computers o Charles Babbage (an English Mathematician) was responsible for conceiving the concept of the Modern computer, and is called "Father of Computers". o He designed the early computer called "Dffirence Engine" in the year 1g22, witb. which reliable tables could be produced. In 1833 he improved upon the machine and put forth new of idea of " Analytical Engine" which could perform the basic arithmetic functions automatically. In this machine punched cards were used as input/output devices for basic input and output. The concept of use of punched cards was developed further by Horman Hollerith in _ the year 1889. o Leonards Torres demonstrated a digital calculating machine in Paris in 7920. o ln 7944 Prof. Howard Aiken (Howard University) developed Electromechanical calculators known as Mark-I. This machine could handle about a sequence of 5 arithmetic operations by using memory for previous results. . On the basis of research done for U.S. army during the World War-II in 1946, the first electronic computer, ENiAC (Electric Numerical Integer and Computer) was designed in7946. This computer was about 15 metres long and 2 metre high and weighed about 50 tons. It consumed about 200 kW power. This machin" did .,ot have any facility for storing program. o In 1949, the concept of stored program was adopted. o In 1951, was introduced the commercial version of stored program computer UNlvAc-(universal Automatic Computer)-the first digital computer. 314 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor o I'hese o Very. o Big ir . Short o Frequ o High . Small o Limitr Examples Second g, o These o Faster . Small, o More o Consr o Gener o Auxilr Erampl*: Third gen o These o \,luch . Nlore a Faster a Less e o Emplc o !\,ide . Make larryu; Examples: Fourth ge . These micro; o Posrs o Lon'n o Faster o High o Ven. l o Less e o Small r ric-gprocessors Generations of computers: First generation ........ Developed during the years 1951-1959' r These computers are "based" on "Vacuum tubes". o Very slow in operation (103 operations/sec.) o Big in size and unreliable. o Short span of life. )ssors :*f*"-r'\ rters - Analog I hl comPuters I -peripherals - ComPuter I - Computing I sor - General I oproa"rrort - | ystems - The I toprocessor - | | irg and control I nd operands 315 - | I n conceiving the lputers". e vear 1822, with pon the machine prform the basic rds were used as rman Hollerith in o Frequent breakdowns. o High power consumption and great amount of heat generation' o Small primitive memories and no auxiliary storage. o Limited programming capabilities. Examples: UNIVAC-1 and IBM 650' Second generation. Developed during the years 1960-1965' r These computers are based on "Tiansistors". o Faster in operation, comparatively (106 operations/sec.) r Smaller in size. o More reliable. o Consume less power. o Generate less heat than vacuum tubes. o Auxiliary memory in the form of magnetic taPe was introduced' Examples: UNIVAC 1107, IBM 7090, CDC 1604, Honeywell 800 etc' Third generation. .......... Introduced during 7965-7970, also being used presently. o These computers are based orr"Integtated circuits", based on silicon technology. o Much more smaller in size. o More reliable. o Faster in operation (10e operation/sec). o Less expensive. o Employ higher capacity internal storage. o Wide range of peripheral used' o Make use of new concepts like multi-programming, multi-processing, high leael languages. hris in 1920. Examples: IBM-360 / 370, Honeywell 6000. Ilectromechanical I a sequence of 5 Fourth generation Introduced in 70s. o These computers are based on VLSI (Very large scale integration) chips and rVar-II in 1946, the d Computer) was .2 metre high and s machine did not aogram comPuter omputer. microprocessors chiPs. Possess high processing Power. . o Low maintenance. a Faster in operation. o High reliability. o Very low power consumption. o Less expensive. o Small size. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 316 This generation also includes the following Microcomputers; Office automation systems; Microprocessc.r 2. On : - Distributed processing systems. Fifth generation ........... Introduced during late 1990s. o These computers use optic fibre technology to handle Artificial lntelligence, Expert Systents, Robotics etc. (,) . Possess very high processing speeds. . More reiiable. (ii) 4. On 5.1"2. Definition of a Computer (i) (ii ) A computer is a machine that processes data according to set of instrtLctions stored ruithir 5. On I itc ;ttttcittne. o It receiues data as input, processes the data, i.e., performs arithmetic and logical operations on the same and produces outpttt in the desired form on output deaice n, per the instrtrctions coded in the program. o The processing function of the computer is directed by the stored program, a set c'.; codes instructions stored in the memory unit, which guides the sequence of steps to be $r fol lotucd during processing. (i) (ii) '.1: 6. On thr (i) c(ii) .(,. 5.1.5. Ana 5.1.3. Characteristics of a Computer The following are the characterlsfics which make a computer an indispensable unit (il (ii) (iii) (iu) 3. On o The :-' : 1. Speed 2. Consistenc-v 3. Accuracy 4. Fiexibility 5. Reliability 6. Large storage capacity 7. Automatic operation B. Diligent 9. No emotional ego and psychological problems. Limitations of a computer : A computer entails the following limitations : 1. It does not work on itself, a set of instructions is required for its operation. 2. It cannot take decision on its own, it has to be programmed as per requirements. 3. It is not intelligent, it has to be instructed in detail for the performance of each and every task. matl::- o Meas-: o Use s: speec. o The ri-. o These . Example: S 5.1.6. Digi o The cir; o Receir t voltage . The d; high re o The dr: I The r':--: device 4. It cannot learn by experience, as human beings do. stored 5.1.4. Classification of Computers 'Ihe computers may be classified as follows: 1. On the basis of the type of data : (.i) Analog computers (These computers process the data in analog form). (ii) Digital computers (These computers process the data in digital form). tasks. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ; Example: D Digital cor General purpos On the bas: 1. Super c I Mechatronics 317 vlrcroprocessors 2. On the basis of the size and capacity : (i) MicrocomPuters (ii) Mini cottPutets (iii) Main frame lligence, Experl (iu) Super comPuters. 3" On the basis of the type of application : (i) Special PurPose comPuters (ii) General Purqose comPuters. ns stored within tic and logical ontpttt deaice as orogram, a set o.f rce of steps to be 4. On the basis of the number of users : (i) Single user comPuters (ii) Multi-user comPuters. 5. On the basis of the number of processors : (i) Single Processor comPuters. {ii) MultiProcessor comPuters. 6. On the basis of the type of instructions set : (i) Comptex Instruction Set Computers (CISC)' (ii) Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC)' 5.1.5. Analog ComPuters o The principle of operation of analog computers is to creqte a physical analog of spensable unit msthematical Problems. '/ I o Use signals as input (which may be supplied by devices like barometers, Measure physical variables continuously. speedometers, thermometers etc.). o The result givenby an analog computer is not aery precise, accurate and consistent. o These computers find limited applications. Example: Speedometer of a vehicle (here speed varies continuously). 5.1.6. Digital Computers o The digital computers accept digits and nlphabets as input' o Receive data in the form of discrete signals representing ON (high) or OFF (iow) voltage. o The data input can be. represented as sets of o's and 1's representing low and ils operatron. rcr requirements. brmance of each high respectivelY. o The digital computers convert data into discrete form before operating on it. r The most important characteristic of a digital compulg11s that it is general Purpose device capable of being used in a number of dffirent applications. By changing the stored program, the same machine can be used to implement totally different tasks. Example: Digital watches. ilog form). ital form). Digital computers may be further classified based upon : (l) Purpose of use (e.9., General purpose, special purpose); (ll) Size and capabilities' On the basis of size and capabilities, the digital comPuters are classified as : 1. Super computers. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 318 A Textbook of Mechatronics l,4icroprocess 2. Mainframe computers. 3. Medium sized computers. 4. Mini computers. 5. Micro computers. 1. Super computers : o These computers are the fastest (speed of calculations upto 1.2 billion instructions per second) and have very high processing ,p"udr. I Thet are very large in size and most powerfur and costliest. Their fields of applications include processing weather data, geological data, ' genetic engineering etc. . Word length : 64 bits and more. o These computers can receive input from more than 1000 individual work .l .l .( tl Note:'. Drocessing i .iltltlicatitttt: t *Its ,r,/,.; 5.1.7. D The diii. Tal stations. Example: PARAM (a super computer developed in India). S. No. 2. Main frame computers : o These are large scale general purpose computer systems. o Possess large storage capacities in several million words. '. Secondary storage directly accessible-of the order of several bilion words. Can support a large number of terminals (upto 100 or more). o Faster in operation (100 million instructions/sec. approx). o Accept all types of high level languages. o Word length-16 or 32 or 64 bits. 1 3. Medium sized computers : o Mini versions of mainframe computers. j They have smaller power than mainframes. o Processing speeds relatively high with support for about 200 remote systems. 4. Mini computers : o These are general purpose computer systems. o Reduced storage capacity and performance (as compared to main frame). o CPU speed-few million instructions/sec. o Word length-16 or 32 bits. . Can accept all types of high level languages. o Can support upto about 20 terminals. Note: In view of fast development in electronics it is difficult to draw a line of demarcation between small main frame computers and large mini_computers. 5. Micro-computers : o These are small sizer computers utilising microprocessors. These are popularly known as personal computer (pC). . CPU is usually contained on one chip. o Possess low storage capacity (maximum being 256 K words). . Slow in operation (10s instructions/sec.). PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor These da: A htlbr:.i : ;imulatiort ,it-:- 5.1.8. Blo rrgure r.l of Mechatronics 319 Microprocessors o Usually provided with aideo display unit, floppy driue md printer. Some micro- rpto 1.2 billion ds. geological data, computers can support hard disc also. o Maximum word length is 16 bits; however most of these use 8-bit words. o Commonly used Ianguage-BASIC. However these computers can also accept other high level languages viz., PASCAL, FOI{.TRAN etc. Note: *A single chip microcomputer consists of a single chip on which the central processing unit, input/output and memory units are integrated. This is used for industrial .iptplications and also in product calculators. "Its adaantage is the reduction in cost and size, increase in perfonnance and reliability. 5.1.7. Differences between Analog and Digitdl Computers The differences between analog and digital computers are given in Table 5.1. individual work AI biilion words. Table 5.1. Differences between Analog and Digita! Computers S. No. Digital computer 1 It performs calculations by counting It processes work electronically by and thus counts directly. It is the most uersntile machine. analogy. It does not produce number but produces its results in the form of graph. lt ts more efficient in continuous calculations. It operates on inputs which are on-off It accepts variable electrical signals type (being digits 0 or 1) and its output is in the form of signals. is also in the form of anaiog electrical 2 P). Analog computer (analog values) as inputs, and its output signals. .)_ It is based on counting operation. It operates by measuring analog signals. These days digital computers are being widely used. A hybrid computer is combination of both analog and digital computers. It is used for , i tn ulqtion applications. 0 remote sYstems. 5.1.8. Block Diagram of a Digital Computer Figure 5.1 shows a block diagram of a typical digital computer. o main frame). r line of demarcation Final results .instructions I rrce are popularlY itli l-----________l Fig.5.1. Block diagram of a digital computer. ls). PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 320 !.f ,_ - _,-. The following are the fiae basics elements of a computer system : 1. Input: r The data and instructiorrs are first recorded on a machine readable mediurr like punchecl card, and then fed into the computer via a device that code' them in a manner which is suited to conversion into electrical puises befor. entering memory. o The input supplies clata to the computer in digital (binary) form. 2. Memory: o The memory section within the computer is where data are stored o: memorized. o Problem to be solved, inputs for the problem, a plogram of instruction, workin5 data, intermediate results and final results aae types of memory data' o The memory section holds data between high speed computer operation anc slower inPut and outPut devices' 3. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) : {. o ALU performs necessary arithmetical operations on the data and ensures tha: instructions are obeYed. r It also performs logical operations' o The ALU combined with control unit is callecl Central Pracessing Unit (CPU. 4. Control Unit: c It fetches instructions from main memory, interprets them and issues the necessarv signals to the components making up the system' . It issues commands for all hardware operations necessary in obeyin5 instructions. 5. OutPut : o The output is the path for data out of the comput", ,r,d may include device-for reading out answers 5.1.9. Rating of ChiPs Chips are rated in terms of their capacity and speed' o Capacity of a chip refers to the amount of kilo-bites it can store. o Chip speed refers to the rate at which the microprocessor can write to the chip' It is usually measured in nano-seconds (ns). As the chip speed increases, its cost I ;. t ( I ( also goes uP. 5.1.1 0" ComPuter FeriPherals A peripher al is any deoice comntonly used with a CPl.l of a computer for input -or output detachable' of infoimation or for *i*ory functionally separate from the CPU and electronically Input devices I 1. Keybaard : o lt is the most common and simplest input device' oitiSmerelvacollectionofmomentaryswitches.Theoutputsofthekeyswitches are fed to electronic circuitry known as keyboard encodes which converts them PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 8. 1 a a a 9.7 a Microprocessors Mechatronlcs rable medium, ice that codes i pulses before fTn. are stored or uction, working y dnta' :r oPeration and 321 into binarv coded values. The values are then fed into the computer which interprets the key which was pressed. Thus the function of the key changes with the type of work we are doing. 2. Mouse : o It is a pointing device and its size i,c about the size of palm. a It is a hand-held device that cotrtrols a lioititer orr the scl'een, o It rolls on a small ball. A mouse has one or more buttons on the top. When the user moves the mouse over a flat surface, the screen cursor moves in the direction of the mouse movement. 3. Digitizer (or Graphic tablet) : . It is similar to light pen. o It consists of a glass plate on which digitizing tablet is moved. . It is used for fine drawing works and for image manipulation applications such as Auto-cad. 4. Optical Mark Reqder (OMR) : and ensures that xing Unit rcP0' m and issues the t. ssary in obeYing o OMR is being used for reading the answer sheet by means of light. It can read upto 150 documents per minute; when on-line with respect to the computer system, can read upto 2000 documents per minute. o OMR can also be used for such applications as order writing paqroll, inaentory control, instrrance, questionnaires etc. 5. Magnetic Ink Character Reader (MICR) : o MICR uses a special ink to print character. These characters can be decoded by special magnetic devices. o This system is employed by banks for processing cheques. 6. Scanner: o It is used for getting existing graphical image (like photographs, mats, etc.) at. rt'rite to the chiP' It d increases, its cost W for inPut or outP-ut trtron ic allY de tachable' into computer. o Once the graphical image is scanned and brought into the computer user can include them into documents or can edit them. 7. Light pen : . It consists of a pen like device and photoelectric cell. o It is used to draw pictures.on the screen. . When light pen is in contact with screen, the electron beam activates the photoelectic cell which in turn sends signals into the computer and ultimately a mark is made on the screen where light pen contacted the screen. . It is screen-pointing device. o A stick is present with a button at the top. It can be held in the hand and bent in any one of the four directions. As the stick is moved, the action on the screen changes in the appropriate direction. uts of the keY switches them ; rvhich converts o A joy-stick is zuidely used for playrng computer games. 9. Touch screen ." o The touch screen technique involves beam and ultrasonic waves. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 922 t.r ci.oDr(x o By using touch screen we can issue command to the computer by touching the 1. In F. I :\ .:l screen. o Limited amount of data can be entered via a terminal or a microcomputer that has a touch screen. '.. T '1.0. Compact Disk Read Only Memory GDROM) : :.i . ' It is a 120 mm diameter disc with a polycarbonate subtrate, a reflective metalised laver on one side, with a protective lacquer finish. o Here a laser beam is used to burn a small hole or pit which represent binarv '1'. The absence of pit represents '0'. In this way digital information is stored on the disc in large quantities (in Giga Bytes)' 1L. Voice Recognition System or Voice Synthesizer : o Voice recognition techniques, along with several other techniques, are used to convert the voice signals to appropriate words and device the correct meanings of words. There has been a limited success in this area and these days devices are available commercially io recognize and interpret human voices. Output devices : "1. Printer : o A printer is deaice that produces copies of text and graphics on paper. o The printers are classified/categorised as follows: A. lmpact printers : (i) Solid font (ii) Dot matrix. 2. .{u Th" i .\ .\ ., .\ \ ;:. l. 1r. Meth The f, (,) K (iit K, (irir k, Memt ',r'hener e: t: I i-- 1. Pri B. Non-irupact printers : (l) Thermal printer (lll) Laser printer r F. (i') u (li) Inkjet printer a (io) Electrographic printer (o) Electrostatic printer. 2. Plotters : a o Plotters are those devices which reproduce drnwings using pens that are attached to moaable arms. l. Se< .. o Platting in different colours is possible. 3. Monitors or Visual Display Unit (WU) : o A monitor is a television like device, which is used to display information, . output and input data. It consists of a cathade ray tube (CRT), on which the information is displayed. When the user processes any key on the keyboard, the keyboard encoder generates code of that key which is depressed. This code is then fed to the computer; from there VDU system takes that code and displays it on the screen. 5.1.1 1. Storage Devices The memory devices in a memory unit (which stores the data, instructions and intermediate results) may be of the following types : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor a. : Differe R {\l r. RO\T : O 1;, TB Microprocessors Lnn as main or prtmarl y storage device. ^r^^ known also device ""' storage 1. Internal are : currently in use in computers devices primary The "ot'g" core memorY device ol Mechatrontcs bv touching the (l) Magnetic (il) Thin film memorY device (iii) Thin rod memorY device (;r) Ptr,"a wire memorY device' rocomPuter that flective metalised 2. AuxiliarY storage device deaices ate " popula r secondary memory The r rePresent binarY (l) Magnetic taPe drive (li) Magnetic disk drive (iil) Magnetic drum (iu) FIoPPY disk rmation is stored riques, are used to (u) Winchester disk' Stores : Methods of InPut to Backing are generally used : The following methods e correct mearungs these daYs devices ran voices' (l) KeYto-taPe (li) KeY-to-cassette /cartridge :: ::::.:'::Tl*.*j:,3so "#"ff1;:';i:Yliil,I",,are,,"q mainly iwo types of memones rvhenever ,"q't"a"in"tJ on paper. that it can be retrieved : 1. PrimarY memory 2. Secondary memory' 1. Primary memory: (Random Access memory, main memory' RAM core as known also o It is Memory). in the devices' data is stored o It is constructed using purely semiconductor rrinter graPhic Printer form voltages' non-volatile (Read Only Memories) are o It is a volatile memory whereas ROM memories' t F'',s that are sttached 2' secondary memory nprnoru. is used to store large ^ auxiliary ^..*itinvtt ffiemory as ' known also memory' o Secondary . ;"];l?;r::ff*" o disPIaY information' can be stored (in the secondary memory) for large Periods' Access Memory Memory (RoM) and Random only Read between Difference (RAM). iormation is disPlaYed' the keYboard encoder to the code is then fed ia aitPtrYs it on the e data, instructions form of magnetic enersy and and ., Ll-^t *^-{^rmq the read operatron ROM : o As the name implies Ro{,o capab 1.T;Tr"ill'i,,$ili",ltIH"Tti':T::fr":;:i* only; it does not haae a write )noi'urt*n oi tfri unit ana permanent durrng the hardw'are'::::'{O;f i',*""r'')' *'d' i' ROM in stored it' whereas a RAM is a generat' ' writing aiSrurt"*",rit into cannot be altered by purpose o**;'lrrzlrr;;;r:;r;';; be aJtered dttring the computationat process' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 324 o ROM is a type of memory chip that we can read only and we cannot write on ir o ROM provides permanent storage for program instructions. o The most important ROM chip in any computer is ROM BIOS (Basic Input/Outpu: 5c, i't Systern). o ROM is most oftenly used in microprocessors that always execute the same prograrr. such as boot strap loader. Disadoantage of ROM : (i) A ROM is prepared by the manufacturer and cannot be altered once the chip has been made. (li) It is slow. The ROM memory may be classified as follows: (i) Programmable Read Only Memory @ROM). Here, the information can be altered b:ut not as easily as in,the ordinary memory. Once the operatiorls to be performec have been written into a PROM chip, they are permanent and cannot be changed (ii) Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM). T'his type of ROM can be : Lir er ..- 5.1.1 erased and programmed with the help of special equipment. It has a window ai its top, which if exposed to uitraviolet light, allows data to be erased. (iii) Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM (EEPROM). In order to erase anc reprogramme this type of ROM, it is required to be removed frr:rn the socket. (ia) Flash EPROM.It is the latest tlpe of l(OM. A manufacturer can make changes to the flash EPROM while it remains in the PC, by running a special program. RAM : r This memory is so named since memory registers can be accessed for information 5.1.tr transfer as required. . RAM chip is made with Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS). o RAM chips may be classified as : (i) Dynamic Ram:It provides volatile storage (i.e., the data stored is trost in the event of a power failure). (ii) Static RAM: These chips are more complicated and take up rnore space for a given storage capacity than dynamic RMA chips. These chips are also volatile in nature but as long as they are supplied with power, they need not require special regenerator circuits to retain the stored data. o Static RAM chips are thus used in specialised applications while Dynamic RAM cl'tips are used in the primary locations. o Owing to the volatile nature of these storage elements, a back up Uninterruptea 1. \f t-- 1 r:i. .:: i. Hrr ...: :I.i: I),,; u...9- - (-- ..'- Power System (UPS) is often installed along with larger computer systems. 5.1.12. Hardware, Software and Liveware Hardware: The set of physical components, modules and periphera-ls comprising a computer system is called Hardware. Apart from wires and nut bolts, the major hardware components of computer are : (i) Input-output devices (li) Control unit PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor t :.'; l-.:- Microprocessors tschatronics write on it. g25, (lli) Memory (lc,) ALU. put/OutPut Software: The software is a sef of programs required for data processing actiaities of the computer. In other rvords, the program written in any.one of the computer languages, is called software. System software includes the following (l) Operating systems (li) Language processors (assembles, compilers, interpreters) (lii) Utility program (izr) Subroutine program. Liveware : AIl persons concerned with computers, i.e., complier, programmer, etc. are called me Program : the chiP has m be altered, litteruare. De Performed t be changed' 5.1.13. Translators ROM can be ; a window at A translator is a software program which converts statements written in one language into another e.9., converting assembly language to machirte code etc. The assembly language Program is called 'source prcgram' and the machine code program is called 'object program'. There are three types of translators : 1. Assembler rs€d. to erase and m the socket' ake changes to 2. Compiler 3. Interpreter. al program' 5.1,14. Computer Languages for information 1,. Machine language. It is a programming language in which the instructions are in a form which allows the computer to perform them immediatelr; rvithout any further translation. Instructions in machine language are in thc fonn oi n binary code, also called machine code and are known as machine in-sf nrcl jrrris. 2. Lottt leoel language. Low level languages are machine-oriented languages in n,hich each instruction corresponds or resembles a machine instruction. The low level language must be translated into machine language before use. 3" High leael language. The development of high level language was intended to overcome main limitations of level language. The high lei,el languages have an extensive vocabulary of word, symbols and sentences. ed is lost in the more sPace for a l are also volatile need not require namic RAM cltiPs Different tvpes of high level languages are (i) Commercial languages. ... The most well commercial language is CoBoL (Commercial Business Oriented Language). (ii) scientific language.... The most well-known ianguages among this group are : (a) ALGOL (Arithmetic Oriented Language) (b) FORTRAN (Formula Translation) (c) BASIC (Beginner All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). : rp t)ninterruPted swteffis. comPuter sYstem rs ; of comPuter are tiii) Special purpose language. : (ia) Cornmand language. (it) Multiptrrpose language. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatrortics 926 5.1.15. Computer Programming Process for Writing Programs The compiete computer programming process followed by programmer for writing comprises the following stePs : 1. Analysis 2. Flow charting 3. Coding 4. Debugging 5. Documentation 6. Production. 5.1.16. Computing Elements of Analog Computers 1. Attenuatols ......are used to multiply a variable quantitv by a constant. Z. Suruming amptifiers ...... are used to add or subtract variables as required. 3. Serao multipliers...... aie used to multiply two variables' 4. Ftmction generators...... are used to simulate the arbitrary behaviour of variables. 5. lntegrating amplifiers...... are used to integrate a variable with respect to time' s.2 MTCROPROCESSORS 5.2.1 . Microprocessor-General Aspects 5.2.1|1. Definition and brief description Amicroprocessor is a large scale integration (LSI) chip that is capable of performing arithmetic and logic t'unctions as defined by a giaen programme. This system by itself does not form an operaiional computer, and additional circuit for menrory and input/output must be supplied and interfaced with the system. The software (it is the programme for controlling the operation of the microprocessor itself) is also to be provided. Or A state machine on a single lC chip with aery large scale integration, capqble at a tiesired instant of working as per programme or an instruction of a programme, and wh'ich is driaen bu s clock of frequency of i MHz or more, is called a microprocessor. Such machine is also called a central processing unit (CPU). A CPU forms main part of a computer. The microprocessor consists of the following three segments (See Fig. 5.2) Microproces 3. Co to. rhe In sho: . Co: o Cor o per: r In nearl potential fo microprocs, blocks, and : digital integ Some o: 1. Ir /:; 2. It co: 3. It cor (R.{\ Ir The imx 1. Lorr. 2. Sma.. 3. Lorr : 4. Verr:: moie 5. Extre: Nofer prci: srnall size nn.i .. however, be u:.. similar to that --r are powerful m 5"2.1.4. Usr The procc: the requireme: nicroprocess.:rrogrammabiii:-, Some imp.- 1. 2. Fig.5.2. Block diagram of a microcomputer. Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU). In this area of the microprocessof/ computin: functions are performed on data. The ALU performs arithmetic operations suci as addition and subtraction, and logic operations such as AND, OR and exclusir = OR. Results are stored either in registers or in memory or sent to output device= Register unit. This area of the microprocessor consists of various registers. T|. registers are used primarily to store data temporarily during the execution oi : program. Some of the registers are accessible to the user through instructions PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 1. Freque: 2. Funcho 3. Freque: 4. Spectr.:: 5. Intell:;:6. Digitai : 7. Oscillc,- Microprocessors Mechatrortics 327 3. Control unit. The control unit provides the necessary timing and control signals i to all the operations in the microcomputer. It controls the flow of data betrt'een the microprocessor and peripherals including memory. In short a microprocessor performs the following functions : o Communicates with all peripherals (memory and I/O) using system. o Controls timing of information flow. o Performs the computing tasks specified in a programme. er for writing 5.2.1,.2. Characteristics of microprocessot In nearly every type of design, with any complexity at all, microprocessors have potential for drastically reducing component count and shortening design time. ln fact a microprocessor is considered to represent long-awaited next generation of digital building blocks, and that microprocessor will provide the best single approach to the system-level lstant. digital integrated circuit. Some of the characteristics of a microprocessor are listed below : 7. lt handles shorter words than other computers, usually 4 to as many as 16 bits. 2. It consists of integrated circuits from 1 to 30 in number. 3. It contains arithmetic logic unit (ALU), registers, control, random access memory (RAM), data buses and read only memory (ROM) with programmes. equired. ur of variables' spect to time' 5.2|1,.3. Important features The important features of the microprocessors are bnning arithmetic loes not form an output must be re for controlling : 1. Low cost 2. Small size 3. Low power consumption 4. Versatile (The versatility of a microprocessor results from its 'stored programme' mode of operation). 5. Extremely reliable. ryable at a desired which is dtiaen bY [ine is also called r. t 5.2) Nofer Probably the term 'micro' in the\ame of the device can be contributed to lts low cost, small size and low power. consumption. The processing capability of a microprocessor should not, however, be underestimated. Currently available 32-bit microprocessors have a processing poh'er similar to that of the mainframe computer of a few years ago. Even the early 8-bit microprocessors are powerful enough to perform several applications. Uses of microprocessor The processing power of the 8-bit microprocessors is more than adequate to satisfy the requirements of most of the instrumentation applications. By making an instrument microprocessor-based, it can be made intelligent by incorporating neu features like programmability which cannot be easily provided in its hard-wired counterpart. Some impofiant uses of microprocessors in instrumentation area are listed below : cessor, comPuting Ec oPerations such ), OR and exclusive i to outPut devices' rious registers. The ; the execution of a 1. Frequency meters. 2. Function generators. 3. Frequency synthesizers. 4. Spectrum synthesizers. 5. lntelligent instruments CRT terminals 6" Digital millimeters. 7. Oscilloscopes. ough instructions' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 328 Microproo 8. Counters. 9. Process control hrstrumentation Monitoring and control Data acquisition Logging and processing. Electronics Medical 10. Patient-monitoring in intensi"'e care unit Pathological analysis Measurement of parameters like blood Pressure and temperature. Under this heading the following instruments/machines are included: (i) Microprocessor based medical instrument' - Foll.- 1..{n 2.Rrg io store in (i ) .''- (irt _;:. (il) Microprocessor based ECG machines. (lll) Microprocessor based EEG machines etc. Other Applications of microprocessors : (i) High level language computers. (li) Replacing hard-wired logic by a microprocessor. (lii) Control of automation and continuous processes. (lu) Computer peripheral controllers. (u) Home entertainment and games. (ol) Inventory control system, pay roll banking etc. (iii) P-' (i ir) .\ l.- (ir) 1r:-.: 5.2.2. Microprocessor Systems Microprocessor systems consist of the following three parts : 7. Centrsl processing unit (CPU) : part uses the microprocessor. - This It recognises and carries out program instructions. 2. Input and output interfaces : - These interfaces handle communications between the computer and the outside world. porf is used. - For the intorface, the term 3. Memory; to hoid the program instructions arii-i llata. - Its function iszohich o "Microprocessors" haae memory and aarious input/output arrangements on the same chip are called microcontrollers. I (iti) Genc -, -t c -1 5.2.2J1,. The microprocessor The microprocessor (generally referred to as CPU) is that part of the processor system which carries out the following functions : (i) Processes the data ; (ll) Fetches instructions from memory; (lll) Decodes and executes the instructions. a :,ii) S/aci S The num Bt Buses are - Abus It mi5 In a micrc PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ol Mechatrontcs Microprocessors g2g Following are the various parts of a microprocessor : 1' Arithmetic and logic unit (ALlr): This part of the microprocessor 2' Registers: Registers are memory locations.within :o store information involved in program execution. (i) Accumulator register : ature le'l: m and the outside mattipulntes the data. the microprocessor and are employed The various'types of registers used are : It is a temporary holding-register for data to be operated on by the arithmetic and logic unit and also, aftei the operation, the register for holiingth" .";rltr. It deals with all data transfers associated with the execution of arithmetic and logic operations. (ii\ Status register : The status register (also called flag register or condition code register) contains information concerning the result-of Ihe latest process carried out in the ALU. It contains individual bits with each bit having special significance; the bits - are called flags. The status of the ratest- operation is-indicated by each flag with each flag - being set or reset to indicite a specific status. (iii) Progrnm counter register (pC) : This register, also called instruction pointer (IP), contains the address of the - memory location that contains the nlxt p.ogru* instruction. register is updated after the execi"rtion of each instruction, so that it contains - This the memory location wherd' the next instruction to be executed is stored. (ia) Memory address register (MAR) : contains the address of daia. - This register (u) Instruction register 0R) : This register stores an instruction. - The control processing unit (CPU), after fetching an instruction from the - memory via the data sus, stores it in the iistruction register. The microprocessor, after each such fetch, increm"r"rt, tn" p.ogram counter bv one with the result that the program counter points t. thu;;;:;;";;;;;j,#g to be fetched' The instiuction can then te decoded and used to execute an operation. This sequence is known as fetch_execute oycle. - (ai) General purpose registers : - These.registers serve as temporary storage-for data or addresses and used in operations inaolaing transfers between othei registers. (aii) Stack pointer register (Sp) : tnangements on the E processor sYstem - The stack is a special area of the memory in which program count_er varues "'"= can be stored when a subroutine part oi the progra'm;^il;;;;;: contents of this register form an address *hi"r, defines in" top of the - The stack in RAM. The number and form of the registers depends on the microprocessor concernecl. Buses Buses are the paths along which digitar signals moue from one section to another. A busis just a number of conductors alorrg which electrical signals can be carried. - It might be tracks on a printed circuit bJard or wires in a ribbon cable. In a microprocessor system there are the following three forms of bus : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor \-t,l'1Cr A Textbook of Mechatronics 330 1. Data bus; 2. Address bus; 3. Control bus. L. Data bus : The data bus carries the data associated with the processing - function of the 1 CPU. lengths used may be 4,8,76' 32 or 64' - Word wire in the bus carries a binary signal' i'e'' a0 or a7' - Each that can be used' The more wires the data bus has the longer the word length and such devices 76) o The earliest microprocessors were 4-bit (word length :24 = washing machines-etc. 4_bit microp.o."rrtrc are still used in such devices as toys, 6800, the Intel 8085A They wereiollowed by g-bit microprocesro.rr_!r..s:l Motorola are available' and the zrto,gleol. Niow 16-bit, s'2-uit and 64-bit mircroProcessors 2. Address bus : - the selection It carries signals which indicate where data is to be found and so of certain memory locations or input or output ports' identification' Each storage location within a memory device has a unique instruction or a particular to select is able termed its lddress, so that system data item in the memory' Each input/output interface also has an address' J. -Whenaparticularaddressisselectedbyitsaddressbeingplaced-onthe the CPU' The address ius, orly that location is open to the communications from a time. at location, one with iust CpU is thus rfuli to communicate - bus, l'e'' 16 A computer with an 8-bit data has typically a 16-bit wide address is 65 536 wires. This size of address enables ifu lo.riion, to be addressed. 216 locationsandisusuallywrittenas64K,yzhereKisequaltoT024. 3. Conttol bus : - This bus crrries the signals relating to control actions' the It is also used to carry the system clock signals; these are to synchronise all actions of the microprocessor system' Memory In a microprocessor, the memory unit stores binary data and takes the more integrated circuits (ICs). * form of one oI -Thedatamaybeprograminstructioncodesornumbersbeingoperatedon. in the addtess bus' The size of the memory is determined by the number of wires -Following are the variousJorms of memory unit : 4. EEPROM 1. ROM 5. RAM. . 2. PROM 3. EPROM L. ROM: - Diffe ROM (Read OnlY MemorY) is a memory device in which data is store; permanentlY. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor -:! ,:_:_ r - fr.a.! :-:.e:nel 5.1-z{ l::l :-. tullut op -Ti - I:: ::.1: ,- t!. :]t tlechatronics Microprocessors - 331 While manufacturing the integrated circuit ROMs are programmed with the required contents. No data then can be written into this memory chip in the computer. The data can only be read and is used for fixed progra,rTs; memory is not iost n'hen power is removed. . Programs stored in ROM are termed as firmware. nction of the 2. PROM: (Programmable ROM) is used for ROM chips that canbe programmeLl bu - PROM the user. 3. EPROM; \ EPROM (Erasable and programmable ROM) is employed for ROMs that can l,e - programmed and their contents altered. I I can be used' ices and such machines etc' A typical EPROM chip contains a series of small electronic circuits, cells, - which can store charge. re lntel 8085A are available' o the selection identification, : instruction or placed on the ,i tH, cpu. ttt" ne. hess bus, i.e.,1'6 'rf..216 is 65 536 o 1024. mhronise all the lp form of one or ; operated on' t address bus. The Program is stored by applying voltages to the integrated circuit connecting pins and producing a pattern of charged and uncharged cells. The pattern remains permanently in the chip until erased by shining ultraaiolet light through a quartz window on the toV of the deoice. 4. EEPROM: (Electrically erasable PROM) is similar to EPROM; erasure, however, - isEEPROM done by the application a relatively high voltage rather than using ultraviolet light. - 5. RAM: RAM (Random-access memory) is a read/write memory in which data - currently being operated on (temporary data) is stored. Such a memory can be read or written to. - When RAM is used for program storage then such programs are referred to - as softzoate. When the system is switched on, software may be loaded into RAM from some other peripheral equipment such as a keyboard or hard disc or floppy disc. Difference between a software of a computer and a microprocessor : In computer software is loaded into the computer at the beginning of each computation, software in microprocessor is stored within the computer itself ln a ROM .^nip. Th" modification of the program is achieved by merely replicing ROM IC with anothei nOVt IC containing a different control program. This as a very notuble advantage of software implementation in microprocessor. Input/Output The transfer of data between the microprocessor and the external world is termed as the inpuil' output operation. The pieces of equipment that exchange data with a microprocessor system are - ich data is stored called peripheral deoices. In input operations the input device places the data in the data register of the interface chip; this holds the data until it is read by the microprocessor. In outputoperations the microprocessor places the data in the registeruntil it is read Uy i6e peripheral. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ,., A Textbook of Mechatronics 332 croprcc 5.r.3. 5.2.3. lntel 8085 MicroProcessor Brief history oL o.: rl: oi: Intel Corporation in early seventies introduced the first microprocessor, lntel 4004. This micioprocessor was a single chip device which was capable of performing simple arithmetic and logic operations such as addition, subtraction, comparison, ANb, and OR. Its control unit could perform various functions such as fetching of an instruction from the memory, decoding it and generating control pulses for executing it. It was a 4-bit microprocessor operating upon -bits 6f data at a time. Intel introduced 4040 as modified version of microprocessor 4004. Intel, later on, introduced 8-bit microprocessors called 8008 and 8080 which could - perform arithmetic and logic operations on 8-bit n'ords. These days, modified and better version of 8-bit microprocessor is lntel 8085 - which is most widely used and most popular micrcprocessor. Now-a-days 12,bit, 16-bit and 32-bit microprocessors are also available. Fig. 5.3, shows the block diagram of lntel 8085 microprocessor. - ii ALL I 1. At 2. Su 3. Lo 1. L." 5. L.-, Control bus Control bus _ T:.: lr i _ r! lns: T. / | -t Ir lt -. - F. - _ 8-bit lnternal data bus oi ;: I. .. I Register: : data ari_i :, . 0 devices o l\lan. as .,1 . Op". der-:-- to eai Activatic,: Registers . tmbined r-e: in ;';- flops . the op comF,l Timing and control Control bus A,r- A, Address bus AD7- ADo Address/data bus Fig.5.3. Block diagram of lntel 8085 microprocessor. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Serial operah of reql Intel 8085 l. One S- : I Mechatrontcs s*t,lntel 4004' of performing n, comParison, uch as fetching ntrol Pulses for f data at a time' Ir. Microprocessors 333 o Intel 8085 is an 8-bit, NMOS microprocessor. o It is a 40 pin I.C. package fabricated on a single LSI chip. . It uses a single +5 Vr. supply for its operation. o Its clock speed is about 3 MHz. The clock cvcle is of 320 ns. The time for the clock cycle of the Intel 8085 AH-Z version is 200 ns. It has 80 basic instructions and 246 op-coda. Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) ALU performs the following arithmetic and logical operations 1. Addition 6. Comp_fement (logical NOT) 2. Subtraction 7. Increment (add 1) 3. Logical AND 8. Decrement (subtract 1) 4. Logicai OR 9. Left shift, Rotate left, Rotate right. / : SO rvhich couid or is Intel 8085 5. Logical EXCLUSIVE CR able. 10. Clear etc. Timing and control unit - This unit is a section of CPU. It generates timing and control signals which are necessan- for the execution of instructions. It controls data flow between Cpu and peripherals (including memon.). It provides status, control and timing signals which are required for the operation of memory and input/output devices. It controls the entire operations of microprocessor and peripherals connected ttt it. Registers are digital deaices used by the microprocessor for temporary storage ancl nnniltriatiort - .Registers qf data and instructions. Data remain in the registers iiU tney are sent to the memory I/0 devices. or o Many registers use the D-type flip-flop although J-K flip-flop is commonlr. used as well. Both types are readily available us co.t.*"rclai MSI units. o OPerationally, registers orhibit two notable characteristics: they are edge-kiggered devices and all switchilrg of flip-flops is synchronised by applying the clock lulse to each flip-flop simultaneously. Activation of the register itself is achieved by rneans of an appropriate conkol signal. Registers like counters may be either parallel registers or serial (shift) registers, although --ombined versions are also possible. I-" parallel registers aJl th9 binary data that appear at input terminals of the fllp- flops are transferred to the ouput terminalJ in a single clock pulse. This makes the operation of the register very fast; it is the ,euson for its prlference in digital - us AD7- ADo Adclress/data bus computers. Serial or shift register processes each bit of word in succession and, therefore, operation is slow. However the shift register does offer the compensating advantage of requiring less equipment. Intel 8085 microprocessor has the following registers : 1. One 8-bit accumulator (ACC), 1.e., register A. Y. -: PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 334 2. Six 8-bit general purpose registers (8, C,D, E, H and L)' 3. One 16-bit stack pointer, SP. 4. One 16-bit program counter, PC. 5. Instructionregister. 6. Temporary register. These registers are described below : 1". Accumulator (ACC): o It is an S-bit special Purpose register that is a part of the ALU. It is also identified as register A. o In arithmetic and logical operations the accumulator may store the operand, execute an instruction with the help of other registers, and memory and finallr' store the result of the operation. In the former case it acts as a source, and in the latter a destination. ir: : o The 8085 microprocessor contains six 8-bit general purpose registers. These are identified as B, C, D, E, H and L as shown in Fig' 5.3' o These registers are used in microprocessor for temporary storage of operands or intermediate data in calculations. o These registers can be used either simply for storage of 8-bit data or in pairs for storage of 16-bit data. When used in pairs, only selected combination can be used for pairing, i.e.,B-C, D-E and H-L. When registers are used in pairs the high order byte resides in the first register and low order byte in the second register. 3. Stack pointer (SP) : . It is a 16-bit special function register. r The stack is a sequence of memory locations set aside by a programmel tc store,/retrieve the contents of accumulator, flags, program counter and generapurpose registers during the execution of a program. Any portion of the memor. can be used as a stack. o In this register, data is stored temporarily on first come and last go basis. 4. Program counter (PC) : o It is a 1,6-bit special-purpose register and is used to hold the memory addres' of the next instruction to be executed. r The contents of the PC are automatically updated by the microprocessor durin: the execution of an instruction so that at the end of execution it points to th: address of the next instruction in the memory. o The microprocessor uses the PC for sequencing the execution of instruction. 5. lnstruction register : o During the execution of a program, microprocessor addresses some memor, which supplies an 8-bit data of instruction code to the data bus which gestored in the register called the instruction register. o The instruction register holds the op-code (operation code or instruction coi. of the instruction which is being decoded and executed. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 1D+- { -i irr!' --j '{,--{rr' - :-.e=. .*. ol Mechatronics 335 Microprocessors 6. Temporary register: . It is an S-bit register associated with ALU. o It holds data during an arithmetic/logical operation. o It is used by the microprocessor and is not accessible to programmer. ALU. It is also lore the oPerand, :mory and finallY i a source, and in Flags, There are five-flops in Intel 8085 microprocessor to serve as status flags; these are: (i) Carrv Flag (CS), (li) Parity Flag (P), (iii) Auxiliary Carrv Flag (AC); (ia) ZeroFlag lZ), and (o) Sign Flag (S). flip-flops are set or reset according to the conditions rvhich arise during an - The arithmetic or logical operation. lf a flip-flop for a particular flag is set, it indicates 1. When it is reset, it indicates 0. -lnstruction decoiler. Data from the instruction register is sent to the instruction decoder, n here microprocessor decodes it and then translates into specific actions. Data and address bus egisters' These are orage of oPerands rit data or in Pairs d combination can s are used in Pairs order bYte in the The data bus of Intel 8085 microprocessor is 8-bit wide and hence, 8 bits of data can be transmitted in parallel from or to the microprocessor. This microprocessor requires a 16-bit wide address bus as the memory addresses are of 16-bits. The 8 most significantbits of the address are transmitted by the address bus, A-bus (pins A, to A15). The 8 least significant bits of the .address are transmitted by address/_data bus, AD-bus (pins ADo- oD,)' llhe address/data bus transmits data and address at different movements. At particular moment it transmits either data or address. Thus AD-bus opirates in time shared mode. This technique is called multiplexing. Pin configuration Fig. 5.4. shows the schematic diagram of Intel 8085 microprocessor. I a programmer to counter and general rtion of the memorY V"s V"" xr - A,u x2 CLK (OUT) Hesetm rnd last go basis' Reset out 1 0/M so tre memorY address ricroprocessor during utlon it Points to the ution of instructions' nesses some memory' data bus which gets le or instruction code) l. D1 HOLD INTEL BO85 A microprocessor HLDA TRAP RD FIST 7.5 WR RST 6.5 ALE SID FIST 5.5 INTR SOD iNB BEADY Fig.5.4. Schematic diagram of lntel 8085 microprocessor. ADo-AD, ( lnputlOutput): They are used for the least significant 8-bits of the memory address of I/O address during the first clock cycle of a machine cycle. Again they are used for data during second and third clock cycles. As-Ar, (output): These are address bus and are used for the most significant bits of the memory address of 8-bits of I/O address. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 336 A Textbook of Mechatronics Microprocessors lolill(Output): It is a status signal which distinguishes whether the address is for memory or l/O. When it goes high the address on the address bus is for an I/O device, whereas, when it goes low the address on the address bus is for a memory location. nEsr7rru r _ When tl Interrup register ALE (Outpuf); It is an address latch enable signal.It goes high during first clock cycle of a machine cycle and enables the lower bits of the address to be latched either into the memory or external latch. Sn S, (Outpzf); These are status signals sent by the microprocessor to distinguish the various types of operations given in the table below, _ The Cpt RESEr OtrI _ This is a as a s!.st sl so OperationslMachine cycle _ The sign 0 0 HALT Xy Xz enput 0 1 WRITE 1 0 READ 1 1 FETCH _ Xr and X. drives an the opera CLK (Output tA (Output) : It is a signal to control READ operation. When it goes low the selected memory or l/O device is read. Itisaclo - Its _ freque SID and SOD Wn(Output): It is a signal to control WRITE operation. When it goes low the data on the data bus is written into the selected memory - or I/O location. - READY INPUT; is used by the microprocessor to sense whether a peripheral is ready to transfer - Itdata or not. is high the peripheral is ready, if it is low the microprocessor waits till - Ifit READY goes high. A slow peripheral may be connected to the microprocessor through READY line. - The microprocessor after having received a HOLD request relinquishes the use of the buses as soon as the current machine cycle is completed. Internal processing Each instructio (i) Operation (ii) Operand. as g_bit or mem _ In sorne The processor regains the bus after the removal of the HOLD signal. HLDA (Output) : This signal indicates that the HOLD request has been received. After the removal of a HOLD request the HLDA goes low. The CPU takes over the buses half clock cycle after the HLDA goes low. INTR (Input); ttri.rA : INTR signal indicates an interrupt request. The INTR line is sampled in the last state of the last machine cycle of an instructionThe microprocessor acknowledges the interrupt signals and issues an IMIA signal PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor r o Opcode sy o Operand b _ The opr may continue. - and SOD t data is accr Opcodr It indicates that another device is requesting for the use of the address and data bus. called SRt In Intel g0 instructiar HOLD (lnput): - SIDisani be idenrifi it is unc Instructi An instruction:-. -,:Lt- In order to p^rfor ::lled a program. pn -:struction from the l:ogram one by one An instruction q Microprocessors Mechatronics ddress is for r I/O device, 7 location. clock cYcle of ither into the istinguish the :lected memory eady to transfer xessor waits till rgh READY line' RESET lN (OutPut): - When this signal is applied the program counter is set to zero and resets the Interrupt Enable and HLOa flip flops. Except the instruction register no other register or flag is affected. The CPU remains in the reset condition as long as reset is applied. RESET OUT: This is an output signal which shows that CPU is being reset. This can be used as a system RESET. The signal is synchronised to the microprocessor clock. -Xy X2 $nput) : and X, are the terminals to be connected to an external crystal oscillator thi-ch - X1 diives an internal circuitry of the microprocessor to produce a suitable clock for the operation of microprocessor. CLK (Output) : a clock output for user, which can be used for other digital ICs. - ItItsisfrequency is same at which Processor operates. -SID and SOD line : is an input line and it is for serial input data. The serial input data at SID can - SID be identified by an instruction called RIM and serial data can be an instruction called SIM. Intel 8085 microprocessor only serial transmission facility is available. The SiD - In and SOD lines pursuit the input and output serial data. The actual transfer of the clata is accomplished by software using the RIM and SIM instructions. Both these instructions are single byte and are also used to read or set/reset interrupt masks. - Opcode and operands Each instruction contains the following two parts : (l) Operation code (opcode); (ii) Operand. t Opcode specifies the task to be performed by the computer. c Operand is the data to be operated on. operand (or data) given in the instruction may be in various forms such - The as 8-bit or 16-bit data, 8-bit or 16-bit address, internal registers or a register rddress and data pishes the use of Ernal Processmg signal. - t. e CPU takes over 337 or memory location. In some instructions the operand is implicit. When the operand is a register it is understood that data is the content of the register. 5.2.3.g. Instruction cycle An instruction is a command giaen to the computer to perform a specified operation on giaen .;.tta. le of an instruction :san M signal' In order to po1forrn a particular task a programmer writes a sequence of instructions, :alled a program. Program and data are stored in the memory. The CPU fetches one rstruction from the memory at a time and executes it. It executes all instructions of a :rogram one by one to produce the final result. An instruction cycle consists of a fetch cycle and execute cycle. Tlire total time required PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 338 A Textbook of Mechatronics to execute an instruction is the some of time required to fetch an opcode and the time required to execute it. opcode (the Ist byte of an instruction is its opcode; the instruction may be more - The than one byte long) fetched from the memory goes to the data register, DR (datal address buffer in Intel 8085 microprocessor) and then to instruclion register, IR. From the instruction register it goes to the decode circuitry which dicodes the instruction. The decoded circuitry is within the microprocessor. After the instruction is decod ed, execution begins.If the operand is in the general - purpose registers, execution is immediately performed. The time taken in decoding and execution is one clock cycle. If an instruction contains data or operand address which are still in the memory, the CPU has to perform ro*e r"ud operations to get the desired data. After receiving the data it performs execute operation. A read cycle is similar to a fetch cycle. In case of a read cycle the quantity received from the memory are data or operand address instead of an opcode. In some instructions write operation is performed. In write cycle data are sent from Cpu to the memory or an output device. In some cases an execute cycle may involve one or more read or write cycles or both. necessary steps carried out to perform a fetch, a read or write operation - The constitute a "Machine cycle". An instruction cycle consists of several machine Microprocessors . Microcont and broad all of netr Examples: (i) 9-bit mioo - The \! _ The In pt - The (ii) 16-bit mic,t _ TheM (iii) 32-bit nitcr; The -\fi a Microcontn embedded co o A microprc suitable fbr Applications: Microcontrollen cycles. a Entertainrnr o Home appli o Automobile a Trucks. Microprocessor programming Prior to performing to task, a microprocessor has to be programmed (Program is a sequence of instruction that operates the microprocessor on a certain data to achieve desired results). o The Program written for performing a particular task, is stored in the semiconductors memory that is accessible to the microprocessors. o During the execution of the program, microprocessor fetches one instruction at d time from the memory and executes it. r MicroProcessor understands only instructions written in sequence by using 0s and 1s, and this type of program is known as machine langiage program. Tiese types of programs are very difficult to write. So first of all programs ire written is assembly language using mnemonic operation codes and symbolic addresses. After that this program is translated into machine language programme manually or by using some special translator known as an assembler. 5.2.4. Microcontrollers The microcontrolle.r the integration of a microprocessor with memory and input/output .is interfaces,-and_other peripherals such as timers, on a single chip.It is basicaliy a microcomputer on a single lC. Fig, 1.13 (Atticle 1.3) shows the general block diagram of a microcontroller. Microcontrollers entails the followin g ,,characteristics,, . All these produ< r)n various inputs; f PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor In a micrtt:;ai updates the cooking funi - including .r In aft AutL)tr.*1 environmert A toy robot d, - on board mir on their inpu office fax n - aAnpage, sen& complete rr-id All the above rre ':rttning on them. o Typically, .rrn (i) Low cost; (li) Versatility; (iii) Ease of programming; (lo) Small size. - Program prem in megabytes a used for micrw - A selected mrc memorv to s i Mechatrontcs 339 Microprocessors and the time o Microcontrollers are attractive in mechalronic systern design since their small size r maybe more and broad functionality allow them tobe physically embedded in a system to perform all of necessary control functions. ter, DR (datal rn register, IR. ich decodes lhe iin the general ien in decoding perand address d operations to e operation. antitY received me instructions device. e cycles or both' write oPeration teveral machine d (Progtam is a data to achieve s stored in the )rs. re instruction at a srce bY using 0s te program. These rams are written ts 'drrrrrr. After that nually or bY using ty and inPutloutPut lly a microcoffiPuter ocontroller. Examples: (i) 9-bit microcontrollers (data path ?-bit wide) : Motorola 68 HC11; - The Intel 8051; - The The PIC16 C6 X/7X. - microcontroller : (ii) 16-bit The Motorola 68 HC 16. - microcontroller : (iii) 32-bil The Motorola 68300. o Microcontrollers have limited amounts of ROM and RAM. These are widely used for embedded control systems. r A microprocessor system with separate memory and input/ouput chips is more suitable for processing information in a computer system. Applications: Microcontrollers are used in wide array of applications including . Entertainment equipment; o Air planes; o Home appliances; o Toys; o Automobiles; o Office equipment; : o Tiucks. All these products involve devices that require some sort of intelligent control based on various inputs; Examples being : In a miuowaae oaen, the microcontroller monitors the control panel for user input, - updates the graphical displays when necessary', and controls the timing and cooking functions. In an atttomobile, there are many microcontrollers to controi various subsystems, - including cruise control, antilock braking, ignition control, keyless entry, environmental control, and air and fuel florn. Atoy robot dog has various sensors to detect inputs from its environment and an - on board microcontroller actuates motors to mimic actual dog behaviour based on their input. An office fax machine controls actuators to feed papers, use photo sensors to scan - a paget sends or receives data on a phone [ine, and provides a user interface complete with rnenu-driven controls. A1l the above mentioned devices are controlled by 'microcontrollers' and the 'software' ,unning on them. o Typically, 'microcontrollers' have less than 1 kilobyte to seoeral tens of kilobytes of program rn-emory, compared with'microcomputers'whose ram memory is measured in megabytes or gigabytes. Also, microcontroller clock speeds are slower than those used for microcomputers. A selected microcontroller, for some applications, may not have enough speed or - memory to satisfy the needs of the application. The manufacturers of PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 340 Microproces microcontrollers usually provide a wide range of products to accorunodate different Fill in 1. Ck applications. When more memory or Input/Output capability is required, the functionality of the microcontroller canbe expanded with additional components, e.g., RAM or EEPROM chips, external A/D and D/A converters, and other microcontrollers. - ,r the 3. Sp. 4. ... 5. Air 6. Ch:r 7. R{\ 8. .. 9. Ser. Microchip controllers : The microchip microcontrollers use a form of architecture termed Haraard architecture (Fig. 5.5). Wittr ttris architecture, instructions are fetched from program memory using accessible variables. Harvard architecture enables faster execution speeds to be achieved for a given - clock frequencY. 10. .{ an.i 11. \Iir sar.i 72. lnstruction Fig. 5.5. Harvard architecture. 13. \t-{; 14. Ge:< OnP-l Selection of a microcontroller : While selecting a microcontroller the following factors should be considered 15. 1. Number of input/outPut Pins. 2. Interfaces required. 3. Memory requirements. 4. The number of interrupts required. 5. Processing speed required. 17. The: 18. 19. R{\l 10. In:<- 1A . HIGHLIGHTS I 1. 2. a .-). A computer is a machine that processes data according to set of instructions store: within the machine. The principle of operation of analog computers is to create a physical analog cr mattrematical problems.The digital computers accept digits and alphabets as inpu:: The complete programming process followed by programmer for writing comprl'e: the following steps: (l) Analysis; (li) Flow charting; (lii) Coding; (io) Debugging; (u) Documentatic:. (zrl) Production. 4. A "miuoprocessor" is a large scale integration (LSI) chip that is capable r performing arithmetic and logic functions as defined by a given Programme- t microprocessor consists of: (l) ALU; (li) Register uniU (ili) Control unit. Registers are digital devices used by the microprocessor for temporary stora:: and manipulation of data and instructions 6. The microcontroller is the integration of a microprocessor with memory and inpu: output interfaces, and other peripherals such as liners, on single chip. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor )e: : )+ \- 341 Microprocessors I Mechatronics VE TYPE QUESTIONS odate different tionalitY of the MoTEEPROM ers. wrd architecture ,8Fam memory ved for a given Fill in the blanks or Say'Yes'or 'No' 1. Charle's Babbage is called "Father of computers". 2. A .............. is a machine that processes data according to set of instructions stored within the machine. 3. Speedometer is an example of analog comPuter. 4. .............. are popularly known as personal computer (PC). 5. A hybrid computer is a combination of both analog and digital computers. and .............. 6. Chips are rated in terms of their 7. RAM chip is made with Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS). 8. .............. are used to multiply a variable quantity by a constant, 9. Servomultipliers are used to multiply two variables. 10. A .............. is a large scale integration (LSI) chip that is capable of performing arithmetic and logic functions as defined by a given progranune. 11. Microprocessors which have memory and various input/output arrangements on the same chip are called t2. .............. are memory locations within the microprocessor. 13. MAR (Memory address register) contains the address of data. 14. General purpose registers serve as storage for data or addresses and used in rnsidered : rstructions stored hysical analog of iphabets as inPuts. .*riting comPrises r) Documentation; hat is caPable of rcrr programme. A ntrol unit. EmporarY storage Emory and inPut/ ryle chiP' operations involving transfers between other registers. 15. .............. are the paths along which digital signals move from one section to another. 16. .............. bus carries the signals relating to control actions. 17. The size ol the memory is determined by the number of wires in the address bus. 18. .............. is a device in which data is stored permanently. 19. RAM is a memory that can be read only. 20. Intel 8085 is an 8-bit, NMOS microprocessor. 1. Yes 5. Yes 9. Yes 13. Yes 17. Yes 2. Computer 6. Capacity, speed 3. No 7. Yes 4. Microcomputers 8. Attenuators 10. microprocessor 14. temporary 18. ROM 11. microcontroller 15. Buses 19. No 12. Registers 16. Control 20. Yes. THEORETICAL QUESTIONS 1. What is a 'Computer'? Explain. 2. List the characteristics of a computer. 3. What are the limitations of a computer? 4. How are computers classified? 5. How are digital computers classified on the basis of size and capabilities? 6. Explain briefly the following : Super computer; Main frame computers; Minicomputer; Microcomputers. 7. What are the differences between analog and digital computers? 8. Draw the block diagram of a computer and explain briefly its various parts. 9. How are chips rated? PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 342 A Textbook of Mechatronics 10, What do you mean by the term 'Peripheral'? Explairr briefly the following devices: (i) Inputdevices; CHAPT (li) OutpLrtdevices. Explain briefly 'storage devices'. 72. List the steps which are required for computer programming process for writing programs. 13. What is a "Microprocessor"? 11. 74. 15. Draw the block diagram of a microcomputer and explain briefly the three segments (ALU, Register and Control unit) of a microprocessor. What are the characteristics of microprocessor? 16. Mention the important features of the microprocessors. What are the uses of microprocessors? Explain briefly the various parts of a microprocessor system. 79. Explain briefly the following registers: Accumulator register; Status register; Program counter register (PC); memory address register; Instruction register; General purpose registers; Stack pointer register. 20. What are 'buses'? Explain briefly the following buses: Data bus, Address bus, Control bus. 27. Explain briefly the following forms of memory unit: 77. 18. ROM; PROM; EPROM; EEPROM; RAM. Explain briefly Intel 8085 microprocessor with the help of a block diagram. 23. Write a short note on 'Microprocessor programming'. 24. What are 'Microcontroller'? Explain briefly. 25. What are 'Microchip controller'? 22" .G, I Rotation; blocks - II blocks | - Brilai. ) o.z syst I Electrorn I I I I II I.,t od.r.t mode rD, nigitat tc Introduc: - Obiectrr 5.1 BASTC 6.1.1. lnr This chapr behave w,ith t the systems, a The rr - and 0, - Theb - These /air,s tl under Systems c; etc.) from a nt Here follo' thermal systen 6.1.2. Mer The basis I 1. Spring 2" Dashp 3" Masse: 1. Springs. subjected to for compression is PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor I Mechatronics CHAPTER 'ing devices: riting Programs. System Models and three segments Controllers memory address egister. tlam' 6.1 Basic system models - Introduction - Mechanical system building blocks Rotational systems - Building up a mechanical system - Electrical system building blocks - Building up a model for an electrical system - Fluid system buildin[ blocks - Building up a model for a fluid system - Thermal system building blocki - Building up a model for a fluid system - Thermal system building blocks; 6.2 system models - Introduction - Rotational - Translation systems Electromechanical systems - Hydro-mechanical systems; G.3 Conirollers Inkoduction * Control modes - TWo-steps mode - Proportional mode (p) - Derivative mode (D) - PD controllers - Integral mode (I) - PI controllers - PID controllers Digital controllers - Adaptive control system - Programmable logic controllers Introduction - Special features - Basic structure - Selection of a pLC - Highlights - Objective Type Questions - Theoretical Questions. 6.1 BASIC SYSTEM MODELS 6.1.1. lntroduction This chapter relating to system models in mainly concerned to determine how systems with time when subject to some disturbance. For understanding the behaviour of the systems, mathematical models are needed : The mathematical models are equations which desuibe the relation between the input 'cehave - and output of a system. - The basis for any mathematical model is provided by the fundamental physical laws that govern the system's behaviour. - These models can be used to enable forecasts to be made of the system's behaviour under specific conditions. Systems can be made up from a range of building blocks (as a child builds houses, cars etc.) from a number of basic building blocks. Here follows the description of building blocks for mechanical, electrical, fluid and :hermal systems. 6.1.2. Mechanical System Building Blocks The basis building blocks of the models used to represent mechanical systems are : 1. Springs; 2 Dashpots; 3. Masses. 1. Springs. The springs represent tlire stffiess of a system. Figure 6.1 shows a spring . .::bjected to force F. In the case of a linear spring (i.e., where the extension/elongati-on or :cmpression is proportional to the applied force), 343 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 344 where, F = kx ...(6.1) F = Appliedforce, k = Aconstant,and r = Extension (or compression). Eqn. (6.f ), indicates, that as per Newton's third law, the force F is equal in size and in the opposite direction to the force exerted by the stretched spring (i.e., kx). 'N '4 2 Spring 1. Tors fft With s Change in length 1.Ato torque (f), lnput. F -t + Output. x lKxl length. Fig. 6.1. Spring. i.e. , o "Et Spring a "Energy stored" when there is an extension r, 2. Rota E = !kx2 =L!:- (.. F = kx) ...(6.2) 2k torque (T) i 2. Dashpots. The dashpots represent the forces opposing motion, i.e., frictional or damping effects. Fig. i.e., 6.2 shows a dashpot. Here, the faster the object is pushed o greater becomes the opposing forces. In an ideal case, the damping or resisting force F is proportional to the velocity u of the piston. Thus, F = c.a ...(6.3) k---,TI * wherecisaconstant. Further, since velocity is the rate of change of J 6.1.Lt In me< F (Force) The spring when stretched stores energy, the energy being released when the spring springs back to its original 2 System tt o 3. Momr that the gre angular accr Change in length displacement r, therefore, ot, Dashpol f-dx = C.- ...(6.4) dt ln a dashpot no energy is stored. It does not return Fig.6.2, Dashpot. to its original position when there is no force input. The dashpotdissipates energy rather storing it. . "Power dissipated", P =caz the force required to a specific acceleration. As per Newton's, law: F-ma or, Several s Net force da d tdx\ F_ mx-=mx-l-l dt\dt ) .*l-h ,2 F = m*a: dt' 6.1.2.L B shown in Fig ...(6.6) dt ('.' angu the rate of d a "Ene ..(6 s) 3. Masses. The masses represent the inertia or resistance to acceleration. Fig.6.3 shorvs a mass; the mass building block exhibits the property that the bigger the mass the greater or, ...(6.7) o "Energy (kinetic energy) stored" in the mass when where, Change in displacement Hence, it is moving with a velocity r, and released when it stops moving, ot, -12 L=-ma 2 "P$ ..(6.8) Mass (m) Fig.6.3. Mass. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor System Models and d Mechatronics F (Force) " m 6 J1,.2.'1,. Rotational 345 systems In mechanical systems, when rotatior is involved, the three building blocks are 1. Torsional spring; 2. Rotary damper; 3. Moment of inertia. With such building blocks, the inputs are torque and the output angle rotated. 1. A torsional spring.In a torsional spring the angle rotated (0) is proportional to the : tr_t Change tength .in OutPut, x kxl Controllers l--------> torque (T), ...(6.9) T=kO i.e., a "Energy stored" by the torsional spring when twisted through an angle 0, E = lkez =LT' 2 2k (... T = ke) ...(6.10) 2. Rotary damper. In the rotary damper, a disc is rotated in a fluid and the resistive torque (T) is proportional to the angular velocity (o), ...(6.2) d0 I = C(D = ,.At i.e., Cyhnder . Flurd (since rrl is the rate of change of angular displacement) I . l \l ...(6.11) I "Power dissipated" by the rotary damper when rotating with an angular velocity ro, P=cll2 -l --:-#rston that the greater the moment of inertia I the greater the torque needed to produce an angular acceleration cr. Change length n T=1..a OutPut x <t-- ...(6.12) 3. Moment of inertia (I). The moment of inertia of building block exhibits the property 4e-=l@eJdt)=t4 r - 1 dt dt dt' [------] !esrstance I Dashpot 12. DashPot. Etes energy rather ...(6.13) ...[6.13(a)] ('.' angular acceleration is rate of change of angular velocity and angular velocity is the rate of change of angular displacement) . "Energy stored" by the mass rotating with an angular velocity, rrr 7, z [m. Fig. 6.3 shor'vs E mass the greater W 72 Acceleralton'a 1 Change in lbplacement ...(6.74) = - I(r) ...(6.s) 2 Building up a mechanical system Several systems can be considered to consist of a mass, spring and a dashpot as shown in Fig. 6.4. Net force applied to the mass (m) to cause the mass to accelerate = F - kx - co. where, z = The velocity with which the piston in the dashpot, and hence rr is moving, x The change in length of the spring, and k Stiffness of the spring. Hence, oI/ F-kx-ca f-Kx-(.- dx dt ma ax mx_ dt I/ ,2\ AXl l'"=i7 ) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 346 A Textbook of Mechatronics On rearranging, we get dx 1" tc?+kx m.-dzx =F dt' dt System Mode ...(6.15) wher Force due to spring (kx) Force due to spring 6.1.3. Et For elech Sp ring 1. Resistc 1. Resistr Dashpot <lForce due to dashpot (cv) current I thrc Force due to dashpot where R Mass (m) a "poi* Mass (a) Arrangement of (c) Free body diagram (b) Schematic the syslem components 2. Inductc Fig. 6.4. Mechanical system. the rate of ch; It is second-order dffirential equation (because of the term d2{ ; dt' - i.e., Many systems can be built up from suitable combinations of the mass, spring and dashpot building blocks. As an example, Fig. 6.5 shows a mathematicafmodel of a wheel of a car moving along a road. The procedure of analysing such a model is same as discussed above. where L r: The direct difference use. By rearran Output, displacemenl Mass of car c o 'a a "Energt C o a @ l <-- Dashpol 3. Capacito :he capacitor p a Mass Torque (T) where C is Since currer re capacitor pl Torsional Road Input, force Fig. 6.5. Mathematical model of a car moving on a road. Fi.g.6.6. Building block model (rotational). Similar models can be constructed for rotating systems; such a model is shown - in Fig. 6.6. This is a comparable situation to that analysed above for linear displacements and yields a similar equation given as follows therefore, to and : . PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor "Energy lt of Mechatronics System Models and Controllers 347 tfl*r.@+ko = T dr ...(6.1s) where, dt ...(6.16) 0 = Angulardisplacement. 6.1.3. Electrical System Building Blocks For electrical systems, the building blocks are : 1. Resistors; 2. Inductors; 3. Capacitors. 1. Resistors. The potential difference across a resistor at any instant depends on the current I through it. V= lxR ...(6.17) where R is the resistance. . Mass "Power dissipated" by a resistor, P=l*V=v rc) Free body diagram a R ...(6.18) 2. Inductors. The potential difference I/ across an inductor at any instant depends on the rate of change of current !e mass, spring and &matical model of rsing such a model (a) tfrrouSfr iU v - L.dl t.e., ...(6.1e) dt where L is the inductance. The direction of the potential difference is in the opposite direction to the potential difference used to drive the current through the inductor, hence the term back e.m.f. By rearranging the eqn. (6.19), we have t= llvat . "Energy stored" by an inductor = ...(6.20) *rr' ...(6.21) 3. Capacitors. The potential difference across a capacitor depends on the charge e on the capacitor plates at the instant concemed V=QC \]*"' Ulrorque(r) Moment where C is the capacitance. Since current i to or from the capacitor is the rate at which chaige moves to or from the capacitor plates, i.e., i = l!_, of rnertia (l) I model (rotational). h a model is shown d above for linear 5: ...(6.22) therefore, total charge Q on the plates is given by and . Q= fo' v= tliat "EnerU stored" by a capacitor = lCVz ...(6.23) ... from eqn. (6.19) ...(6.24) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 348 A Textbook of 'Mechatronics System Modet 6.1.3.L. Building up a model for an electrical system 1. Resistt The various electrical building blocks can be combined by using Kirchhoff's laus; these are as follows: 7. Kirchhoff's current law (KCL): It states as follows: "The sum of currents entering a junction is equal to the sum of the currents leaving the junction". 2^ Kirchhoff's aoltage law (KVD: It states as follows: "The sum of the e.m.fs. (rises of potential) around any closed loop of a circuit equals the sum of the potential drops in that loop". The convenient method of using KCL is "node analysls" and that of using KVL is "urcsh anolysls". To illustrate these two methods of analysis, let us consider the circuit shorvn in Fig. 6.7. o To illustrate the use of "node analysis" (all components being resistors) let us pick up a principal node point A on the figure and let the value at this node point be \/o with reference to some other principal node that has been picked up as the reference. According to Kirchhoff's KCL, we have: lt= lr+1, Now /rRr = V-Vo o{, l.t = Y! & and, "(0 and, or. ...(ii) Since, Then, the 2. Resista Consider a 'l where V. i resistor and lr, Now, l,B13 vA Fig. 6.7. Node analysis. Rr+Rn Now substituting for the currents in eqn.. (i), we get v-vt _vA. & Since, therefore, of a resistor a Applied voltage VA I" = where, V, and I/. that a Applying lzRz = VA Ir(R, + RJ= ApPlvinE Fig. 6.10. I,= -R2 YA ot, Fig. 6.9 sl a resistor an< vA ...(6.2s) R, Rr+Rn a To illustrate the use of "mesh analysis" for the circuit in Fig. 6.7 we assume there are currents circulating in each mesh in the way shown in Fig. 6.8. Then by applying KVL to each mesh, we have: This gives d equation. 3. ResistotFigure 6.11 Applying K 'l oR2 or, For the mesh with current I, circulating and source of e.m.f. V : Fig' 6'8' Mesh analysis' v = t1R' + (I' - Ir)R, ...(,) For the mesh with current I, circulating, there being no source of e.m.f. ...(il 0 = IrR, + lrRn + (ir- Ir)R, Now the two mesh currents I, and I, can be found out from the above two equations. In general, it is easier to employ mesh analysis when the number of nodes in a - is less than the number of meshes. circuit PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor But, dl a 349 System Models and Controllers iechatronics "1.. Resistor-inductor (R-L) sAstem : Fig. 6.9 shows a simple electrical system consisting of s Inius; these a resistor and an inductor in series. t Applying KVL to circuit loop gives : V = Vo.+ Vt the currents vl where, Vo is potential difference across the resistor R and Vr, that across the inductor. > of a circuit therefore, rsing KVL is er the circuit system. t = L'!v'at Since, ;istors) let us e point be V o re reference. Fig. 6.9. Resistor-i nd uctor Vn=IR V = IR+Vr Since, l*-r" ---tl ,..[Eqn. 6.20)] Then, the relationship between the input and output is v= ...(6.26) +!vrat*v, 2. Resistor-capacitor system : Consider a simple electrical system consisting of a resistor and capacitor in series as shown in a Fig. 6.10. t Applying KVL to the circuit loop gives: I l V = Vo+V, where Vo is the potential difference across the resistor and 7. that across the capacitor. Vn = IRandl= C Now, l.j Fig.6.10. Resistor-capacitor system. dYe dt v - Rcdvc *v^ analysis. ...(6.27) dtL This gives the relationship between output V. and the input and isfirst-order differential equation. ...(6.25) 3. Resistor-inductor-capacitor system : Figure 6.11 shows a resistor-inductor-capacitor system. Applying KVL to the circuit loop, we get : V= Vn+Vr+V, or, V= tR+t.ff+r, (' '' ='#) alysis. t- ^ dv. But, Fig. 6.1 1. Resistor-inductorcapacitor system. dt rf e.m.f. ...(,, dI ve two equations' dt ber of nodes in a I ^d(dv. / dt\ ^dzv. ' L dt '-' L dt. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 350 A Textbook oI Mechatronics Then. r v = Rc+*rc$+vc Hence, System Mor ...(6.28) This is a second-order differential equation. This nr 6.1.4, Fluid System Building Blocks The three basic building blocks of a fluid flow systems (Fig. 6.72), canbe consiclered be equivalent of electrical resistance, inductance-and capacltance. oL Fluid system can be considered to fall into two categories : (i) Hydraulic: Here the fluid is a liquid and is considered to be incompressible. (ii) Pneumatic: Here it is a gas which can be compressed and consequently shows a change of density. Also, rr But. the Output Pressure difference or, Equivalent ofl electrical potential drflerence I where C I l Fig.6.12. Fluid system o "Ent 1. Hydraulic systems : (i) Hydraulic resistqnce (R/. It is the resistance to flow which occurs as a result of a liquid flowing through valves or changes in a pipe diameter. The following relation holds good: where, Pr-Pz= Rn*Qt pt - pz = Difference of pressure, ...(6.2e) (iii) Hyd :o describe t .tored in the Conside 'hown in Fi1 Rr = A constant, called hydraulic resistance, and. Let, Ql = Volume rate of flow of liquid. Hydraulic linear resistances occur with orderly flow through capillary tubes and - plugs but non-linear resistances occur porous with flow through sturp-eagei orifices or when the flow is turbulent. . The,,energy dissipated,,, n = ...(6.30) fi{nr_rr), (ii) Hydtaulic intefiance (l). k is equivalent of inductance in electrical systems or a spring in mechanical systems. Consider a block of liquid of mass, rn, as shown in @: Fig. 6.13. Liquid Let, Intensity of pressure at section-1, I Pt F,I Force acting at section-1, I F,=P, A i.Fz=Pz'A Intensity of pressure at section-2, -.--} Pz Mass (m) I F2 Force acting at section-2, I A Cross-sectional area, and o L Length of the block of liquid. w . Qr,,( Then, ol I |_-L_-,* Fig. 6.1 3. Hydraulic inertance. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ot, Also, or, where p u of Mechatronics System Models and Controllers 351 Then, net force acting on the liquid is : , F, - F, = Pt'. A - Pz' A = (h - Pz)A ...(6.28) This net force causes the mass to accelerate with an acceleration a, and therefore, (h-Pz)A = ma rn be considered ot, (pt - p)A = *.ff (...a is the rate of change of velocity ff) Also, mass of the liquid, m = ALp :ompressible. @r - pz)A quently shows a' - AL.p # But, the volume rate of flow, q = 17s (pr-p)A - Lp# or, Pr - Pz = ,r# ...(6.31) where the hydraulic intertance I,, is defined urt \ = ff 1 "EnergA stored" by intertancr-, E = Irrd mrs as a result of bllowing relation ...(6.2e) F Jp Giil Hydraulic capacitance (Cy). This term is used to describe energy storage with a liquid when it is stored in the form of potential energy (P.E.). Consider a container filled with a liquid as shown in Fig. 6.14. Let, t, and ...(6.32) A = Cross-sectional area of the . container, H = Height of liquid in the container, Qn, Qn= The rates of liquid flow at the apillary tubes and >edged orifices or entrance and exit of the container V = Volume of liquid in the container, p = Pressure difference between the input and output. ...(6.30) I I H O, -------+' Qrz Fig. 6.1 4. Hydraulic capacitance. lrical systems or a Then, @l I lFr=pr.A (m) ----f Iass i -L-_---n@ firaulic inertance. ...(6.33) (where 4 = rateof change of volume I/ in the container) Lquid i Qtt-Qn= # or Qu- Qn = ry=A # Also, ,p = p*H, 0r, H= l-p8 (...v=A H) where p is the liquid density and g is the acceleratio4 due to gravity PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 352 A Textbook of Mechatronics System Mr If the liquid is assumed incompressible then p does not change with pressure. Then, or, Q,, - Q,, = O!!rP=* # rvhere The hydraulic capacitance C, is defined as being : Giil P A t=- ,r'iltc g,ts p8 Thus, . Let us Qtr-Qtr='r'* ...(6.34) Let, By integrating this equation we get, e= ...(6.35) +lon-Q,,)a, o "Energy stored" by the capacitance, , = lr*rr-pr)' ...(6.36) . Since t 2. Pneumatic systems : Like hydraulic systems, pneumatic systems also have three base building blocks: Resistance, inertance and capacitance. Ul Pneumatic resistance (Rp,).lt is defined in terms of the mass rate of flow 4J' 61ri, dt' normally written as m) and the pressure difference (p, - pr) u", Pt - Pz = Ron'# = or, * Rate tr: Since, ...(ffin o "Powcr dissipated", P = !@t-pr)'. ...(6.38) "pn (ii) Pneumatic inertance (lrn). The pneumatic inertance is due to the pressure drop and, nacessary to accelerqte a block of gas. Then, r; According to Newton's second law, (p, - pr)A = ma = *. dy = d(ry.a) dt where, Also, (h - pz) = Pressure difference, A - Area of cross-section, and a = Acceleration of the gas. o mA= (pLA)xa= pU"ff=oLQ* But where. Non,, thr f_ L_ Length of the block of gas being accelerated, A= Velocity of gas, and o Volume rate of gas flow. <Pn where, Thus, dt (pr - pz)A = , L- d(oQr,) dt ...from eqn. (6.39 ?il - PQp,, therefore L .dm lh- pz) = Adt PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor where, il Mechatronics or, Pressure. 353 System Models and Controllers (Pt - P) = ...(5.40) 'r,,'# where, I,,,, tpneumatic inertance) = * Gii) Pneumatic capacitance (C,,). The pneumatic capacitance is due to the compressibility o.i the gas and is comparable to the ruay in which the compression of the spring stores energy. Let us consider a container containing gas. ...(6.34) 7 = Volume of gas entering the container, Let, OT, dt = Mass rate of flow entering the container, O? = Mass rate of flow leaving the container, and ...(6.3s) dt building blocks: p = Density of the p;as in the container. Since the gas can be compressed, both p and V can vary with time. Hence, Rate of change of mass in container dV ..do of flow 4L6ti, Since, ...(6.36) dt -- OV*'fr' 4V- = +"+ and, for an ideal gas, dp dt dt pV = mRT P = (#)^, or PRro. P = lhe pressure droP and, 4P - dt # t (ap\ IRTIdf./ Then, rite of change of mass in container dp,V dp = e dV de at*nritr where, R = The gas constant, and 7 = Absolute temperature, (K). Now, the rate at which the mass in the container is changing is given as : d*, d*r. _ ( dV V\dp ...(6.47) dt dt ln do' g:/ RT ldt I --! I c'"' 'c""') = Cp,r.t = The pneumatic capacitance due to change of e # I celerated, where, volume of the container, and ...from eqn. (6.39) Cp,z = The pneumatic capacitance due to the # = compressibility of the gas. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 354 A Textbook of Mechatronics Hence, System Models and Substituting r, dm, _ lCpnl*Cr,r)V - dY dt -dm' at ...(6.42) \-tu2 - (Co,t*Crdff But, dp= ,-:. Lpn1,+ Lpn2 @l-mz).dt On integration, we get pt1f. - Pz = d;.d;l(ry-m2)dt ...(6,43) 1 "Energ! stored" by capacitance, E = ...(6.44) |Cr,{pr-pr), 6J1,.4.'t. Building up a mo&el for a fluid system Eqn. (6.45) con rnput of liquid intr Pneumatic sys, The example o r system can be co o A capacitor. . A resistor_ c Inertance ne. Hydraulic system: Fig. 6.15, shows a simple hydraulic system in which a liquid is entering and leaving a container, such a system can be considered to consist of : . A capacitor-the liquid in the container, o A resistor-the valve; o Inertance neglected-since flow rates change only very slowly. where, T All the gas that -:-.m the bellorvs. Container I (C ross-section al H Area A) I The rate of mas The capacitance I Since the mass flo :-d the mass lear.ing Fig. 6.15. A hydraulic system. Fig.6.l6. A pneumatic system. For the capacitor, we can write the following equation : Qn-Qn = cn'# ...(0 This eqn. conve\.s For the resistor, we have : h-Pz = Rten ...since the rate at which liquid leaves the container Q12 eeuals the rate at which it leaves the valve. Since, Pt-Pz Qn or, s an input of a prese Since bellows are l:essure changes insic P = P&H, pgH Rh PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor where, 355 System Models and Controllers ol Mechatronics Substituting for Q,rin eqn. (l), we get - d(pgH) a,r-W - wh--1- ...(6.42) But, ch _A p8 err = o ...(6.43) ...(6.44) ering and leaving #-Y ...(6.4s) Eqn. (6.45) conveys that how the liquid height in the container depends on the rate of input of liquid into the container. Pneumatic system: The example of a simple pneumatic system is thebellows as shown in Fig. 6.16. Such .r system can be considered to consist of : o A capacitor-the bellows itself;' o A resistor-a constriction which restricts the rate of flow of gas into the bellows; o Inertance neglected-since the flow rate changes only slowly. The rate of mass flow ( h) into the bellows is given by: Pt-Pz- Rpnm where, ...(6.46) Pr = Pressure prior to the constriction, pz = Pressure after constriction, i.e., the pressure in the bellow, and Rr, = Resistance provided by the constriction. All the gas that flows into the bellows remains in the bellows, there being no exit rrom the bellows. The capacitance of the bellows is given by: \-hz = (C*t*Co,r)ff Area, A ...(6.47) Since the mass flow rate entering the bellows is given by the equation for the resistance :nd the mass leaving the bellows is zero, therefore, T = (C*t*cr*)ff rEtic system. or, ...(,) p, = Rp(C*r*C*r)ff+f, ...(6.48) This eqn. conveys that how the pressure in the bellows p, varies with time when there .s an input of a pressure pr. k*r liquid leaves the , the rate at which it leaves the valve' Since bellows are just a form of spring (the bellows expands or contracts due to rressure changes inside it), we can write: F=kx where, F = The force causing expansion or contraction of the bellows, r = The resulting displacement (due to force F), and k = The spring constant for the bellows. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 356 System Models Also, where, Thus, F . Pz= A A = Cross-sectional area of the bellows. pzA= F=kx IzVhen where, Hence substituting for prin eqn. (6.48), we get hdx * k pt = R1,(Cpa+C*))' fr i' * Thus, with ...(6.4e) Eqn. (6.a9) is afirst-order differential equation, and describes how the value of r (extension or contraction of bellows) changes with time when there is an input of a pressure pr. The pneumatic capacitance due to change in volume of the contaiirer Ce,l is p dv dp2 andsinceV=Ax, . Thermal ca, in a system. Thus, if the :hen i .dx ^ = Po Cprt But for the bellows p/ thus dp, = kx, where, dx pA2 d(k* / A)= k -A - = Po Lpnt Crr2, the pneumatic capacitance due to the compressibility of the air, is given by : /-VAx -pnz- RT=RT 6.1.5. Thermal System Building Blocks For thermal systems, there are only two building blocks: where C,,, {d 1. Resistance (Rit). 2. Capacitance (Ci1,). Thermal resistance (Rt),lf Q1;, is the rate of flow of heat and (T2 - Tr) the temperature difference, then ...(6.s2) The value of R,, depends on the mode of heat transfer. . In the case of conduction through a solid, for unidirectional conduction, Q,, = where, M9* Let us consid I which has jus Then, er,. where, e_ R,, ...(6. k = Therrnal conductivity, A = Cross-sectional area of the material through which the heat is being conducted, L = The length of the material between the points at which temperatures are T, and Tr. Hence, with this mode of heat transfer, n,r= Builr system :emperature f., T-T ,* = T Eqn. (6.55) r ...(6.51) * PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor The therma ':ermometer is g: Here, ol Mechatronics System Models and Controllers . 357 When the mode of heat transfer is conoection, as with liquids and gases, then Qtn = Ah(Tz-Tt) A = The surface area across which there is the temperature difference, (T, - Tr), and where, ...(6.54) ft = The heat transfer coefficient. ...(6.4e) Thus, with this mode of heat transfer R.,ttt e of r (extension a Pressure p1. dv ter Cpnr i, P ap, = Ah 1 Thermal capacitance (Cs,). "Thermal capacitance" is a measure of the store of internal energy in a system. Thus, if the rate of flow of heat into a system is Q,,,, and the rate of flow out is Q,rz, then Qtnt-Qtnz= *'# where, ...(6.5s) ,7, = MASS, c = Specific heat capacity, and ...(6.s0) fr, is given bY : +dt = Rate of change of temperature. Eqn. (6.55) can be written as: ...(6.51) Qurr-Qtnz= C"# ,..(5.s6) where C,1, (thermal capacitance) = mc. ,) the temPerature ...(6.52) Building up a model for a thermal system Let us consider a thermometer at temperature l" which has just been inserted into a liquid at temperature 77, Then, Qr, = Tt-T ...(6.57) R,, where, Qtt = Net rate of heat flow from liquid to thermometer, and utduction, R,/, = Thermal resistance to heat flow from the liquid to the thermometer. Ithrough which Fig.6.17, A thermal system. The thermal capacitance (Crl) of the thermorneter is given by: ^dT -_ Q,n - Qtr,z = a-th dt r the points at Here, Qttt = Q,n ...(6.58) (since there is only a net heat flow from the liquid to the thermometer), and Qtnz = 0 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 358 Thus, System Msdels Qtn = C,r.# Substituting the value of Qtt in eqn. (6.55), we have T,-T , .dr _ - dt . (6 60) & By rearranging this equation, we get ^ ^ t<mL*7, dT+T =7, This is afirst-order differential equation and describes how the temperature indicated by the thermometer T will vary with time when thermometer is inserted into a hot liquid. Nofe: In the above thermal system, the parameters have been considered to be lumped (i.e., the temperatures are only functions of time and not position within the body). The summary of mechanical, electrical, fluid and thermal systems building blocks is given in Table 6.1. Table 6.1. Summary of Mechanical, Electrical, Fluid and Thermal Systems Building Blocks S. No. Building blocks Working equation Energy stored or power dissipated 1 Mechanical systems : 6.2 SYSTET (i) Translational : . Spring F=kx E= 1F2 2k . Dashpot - ^dx f=L- P=co2 O Mass F=mg+ rL' dt dt' (ii) Rotational : . Spring , T=lcg o Rotational damper -dt o Moment of inertia r= 14 ^de dr 1 6.2.1. lntro In the prer-l =.eckical and flu --lvolve aspects 2 -m7) 2 O Inductor o Capacitor --uilding blocks trz Usually "lia (i) Most o( t P=crl2 (ii) Most co !,2 perfectlv - L= r, = __ 2k the elenu the uaria 2 , 6.2.2. Rotat Electrical .systeffis : o Resistor :s well as meci ,,2 ,_V D_ v R R r= flvat t= cdv dt E = LLIL 2 r = Lcv2 2 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor In several rrx . :ae versa is inr-< In order to al . Fig. 6.18. The r :e rack. Let, I Mechatronics 359 System Models and Controllers Fluiil systems : J. ...(6.5e) (i) Hydraulic systems: a vt-- Pt-Pz ^ o Resistance D r- l(1, ..(6.60) a, = Inertance ...[6.60(a)] .2 2'hvt 7^. .2 1efiP1- P2) (i0 Pnettmatic systems: .'- - Pt-P-t ature indicated rto a hot liquid' o Resistance c lumped (i.e., the Inertance ,n = !lrpt-p.ytt Capacitance m = L-,,---r" D_ R,,, rilding blocks is Dd -oal 1r n2 + !e,-r,)at ,i(pr - p:) o El = ,^ u,,---- x o Capacitance 7. t\,|, -ln. 1.2 - lPr- Pz) ^p, 1. 2' Ptt lpn J d(p, p',) dt E= .2 t'' 1r 1L,.,\ltt -pz) Thermal systems : 4. stored or dissipated Tt-Tz l\n O Resistance o,,, ^ - o CaPacitance Q,r,t - Q,t,z = 4,, ^dT dt E = C,1,7 6.2 SYSTEM MODELS 6.2.1.lntroduction In the previous article we have discussed the basic building blocks for mechanical, electrical and fluid systems separately. However, in engineering many systems encountered involve aspects of more than one of these systems (e.g., electric motor involves electrical as well as mechanical elements). In this article we shall discuss how single-discipline building blocks can be combined to give models for such multi-discipline systems. Usually "linearised" mathemqtical models are used because of the following reasons: (i) Most of the techniques of control systems are based on there being linear relationships for the elements of such systems. (li) Most control systems are maintaining an output equal to some reference value, the aariations from tliis oalue tend to be rather small and so tlrc linearised model is perfectly appropriate. 6.2,2. Rotational-Translational Systems In several mechanisms the conversion of rotational motion to translational motion or vice versa is involved (e.g., Rack-and-pinion, shafts with lead screws etc.) In order to analyse such a system let us consider a rack-and-pinion system as shown in Fig. 6.18. The rotational motion of the pinion is converted into translational motion of the rack. Let, ii," = Input torque, Tort = Torque outPut, I = Moment of inertia of the pinion, PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 360 System Models ar r = Radius of the pinion, ro = Angular velocity of the pinion, and u = Output velocity of the rack ot, = 0)f ot This equahor :o the input. Tour (Output torque) 6.2.3. ElecE The eleckom Examples : (i) An electn ' rotation r (i0 A generut v (Output velocity) differencr (iii) A potentir Fig. 6.18. Rack and pinion. differencr Fig. 6.19 shor For pinion element : T*-Tor, = l'# ... assuming (wnere/ or, da df negligible damping = cr = angular acceleration) ...(6.61) T* - 7or, = L.'y, % V where, lr, ...(6.62) rat . u/=wr, and da ('.' dw o, dw=;.A) 7 du. dt=r.E dt Eor rack element: o-. Due to the movement of the pinion, the rack element will be subjected to a force of I. lf ca is the frictional force then the net force is : _r, rdt = *,4g_ Tou, o{, or, r ...(6.63) ('.' As per Newton's second law, F = ma) Tour- rctJ = , ,*,4 dt lorrr = rca+rm. au dt Substituting the value of Tout in eqn. (6.62) we get, 1,ur-rca-fmOT, :_,_ dt = rdt r^- rca = (i. *r)# PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 6.2.4. Hydral These systems trotion, or aice ters Example: The involves the transfr notion output. 6.3 CONTROU. 6.3.t.lntrodu Whereas th" r, eut with a closed-l tith the required con o The digital c control in t o The term p, I Mechatronics 361 System Models and Controllers ( t **r'\d, I. -fCA = l-l-rn l. r 4y- = )dt (--:-)rq-r.ry ...(6.64) dt lt**rz ) This equation is a first-order differential equation describing how the output is related to the input. 6.2.3. Electromechanical Systems The electromechanical devices transform electrical signals to rotation or vice versa: Examples : (4 An electric motor gets an input of a potential difference and gives an output of rotation of a shaft. (10 A generator receives rotation of shaft as input and gives an output'of a potential rry) difference. (iii) A potentiometel gets an input of a rotation and supplies an output of a potential difference. Fig. 6.19 shows a rotary potentiometer which is potential divider. Thus, igible damping rration) ...(6.61) %*0-* V e where, V*t = Output voltage for input 0, V = Potential difference across the full ...(6.62) length of the Potentiometer track, 0 = Angle swept for Vou,, and 0-u* = The total angle swept out by the I du, o' dw at=;' dt) to a force of I. r ...(6.63) ndlaw,F=ma) ...(6.63) slider in being rotated from one end of the track to the other. 6.2.4. Hydraulic-mechanical Systems e Fig. 6.19. Rotary potentiometer. These systems inaolae the transformation of hydraulic signals to translational or rotational motion, or aice oersa. Example: The movement of a piston in a cylinder as a result of hydraulic pressure involves the transformation of a hydraulic pressure input to the system to a translational motion output. 6.3 CONTROLLERS 6.3.1. lntroduction \zVhereas the open-loop control is essentially just a switch on-switch off form of control, but with a closed-hop control systems a controller is used to compare the output of n system with the required condition and contsert the error into a control action designed to teduce the error. o The digitat control is used when the computer is in the feedback loop and exercising control in this way. o The term prograffimabte logic control (PLC) is used for a simple controller based on PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 362 A Textbook of Mechatronics a microprocessor and operates by examining the input signals from sensors and carrying out logic instructions which have been programmed into the memory. Here we shall discuss about closed-loop control. 6.3.2, Control Modes The various types of control modes (i.e., the ways in which controllers can react to error signals) are: 1. Tw,o-step mode. 2. Proportional mode (P). 3. Derivative mode (D). 4. Integral mode (I). 5. Combinations of modes: PD, pI and pID. System Models and Proportional fu which the Iinear n output and error t straight line withir represented by : Change in outr Point=(r., where, Io 1or, , Kt, = The above modes can be achieved by a controller by means of pneumatic circuits, analogue electronic circuits involving operational amplifiers or by the programming of a microprocessor or computer. €= . Fig. 6.22 sh proportional r 6.3.3. Two-step Mode In such a mode the controller is essentially just a switch which is activated by the error signal and supplies just as an on-off correcting signal. Example: The 'bimetallic strip' that may be used with a simple temperature control Sumn R2 V" system. o In this type of mode control action is discontinuous. HAAAzt V.HAAAA B, 6.3.5. Derivative In this type of cor Temperature (a) One controller switch point :,oportional to the rate Controller switch point o) =quations: (b) Two controller switch points Fig.6.20. Two-stop control with one and two controller switch points. Fig.6.20(a, b) shows two-step conkol with one controller switch point and switch points respectively. two controller where, 6.3.4. Proportiona! Mode (p) - In a proportional-mode rnethod of control, the size of the controller is proportional to the size of the ertor (whereas in a two-step method of control the control output is either an 'on' or an 'off' signal, irrespective oithe magnitude of the error). Fig' 6.27 shows the output variations of a proportional-mode controller, with the size and sign of error. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor .Fig. 6.23, sholvs the change of error with lechatronics ;ensors and ire memory. can react to System Models and Controllers 363 Proportional band is the range of errors over which the linear relationship between controller output and error tends to exist. The equation of straight line within the proportional band can be represented by : Change in output of the controller from set point=Ko.e where, Io = rhe controller ;Jl'il 1 0?o -0) o .:C o o Set o point 5 _o- l o percentage at zero error, Iort = The controller output percentage at etror e, Kp = Aconstant,and ratic circuits, amming of a -o+ Error ------' Fig, 6.21. Proportional band. e = The error. o Fig. 6.22 shows a summing operational amplifier with an inverter used a5a proportional controller. Summing amplifier ivated bY the ature control Fig, 6.22. Proportional control ler. ]'**' 6.3.5. Derivative Mode (D) In this type of control the change in controller output from the set point value is '-,roportional to the rate of change with time of the error signal. This can be represented by two equations: points ants. d hvo controller Iout-lo - KD# where, 1, = The set point output value, and = The output value that will occur when the 1o,,, error e is changing at the rute s proportional to output is either ...(6.67) ff, and Ko = Constant of proportionality. Fig.6.23, shows the output of controller that results when there is.a constant rate -rf change of error with time. er, with the size PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 364 System Models ar or, t 1 o) 0) o o C C o o o Inr, - where, o o O 5 I. c= -c f Fig. 6.25 sh< f o controller when to the controller Fi1.6.24. PD control. Fig. 6.23. Derivative control. 6.3.5.L. PD controller Since derivative controllers do not respond to steady-state error signals (as with these signals the rate of error change with time is zero), the deriaatiae control is always combined with proportional control. derivative part responds to the rate of change; - The proportional part gives a response to all error signals (including steady signals). -In a The PD (proportional plus derivative) controller the change in the output of controller from the set point value is given bY: When th the error When th value. PI co Normally, tlrr rvith the proport Fig. 6.26, shc fort-I, = Kpe**o# where, : ...(6.68) reacts when there io a constant errc 1or, = The outPut when error is e' - In = The output at the set point, Kp = The ProPortionalitY constant, e = The error, Ko = The derk;atioe constant, and - The errc proportio which rer there is n On this is a steadilv output d *dt = n " rate of change of error. action. Fig. 6.24 shows the variation of the output of controller when the error changes 6.3.7. PID co constantly. PID controller I) and Derivatir-e 6.3.6. lntegral Mode (l) In this type of control the rate of change of the output of the control I is proportional to the input error signal e. t.€., 4! = K,e Kr = The constant of proportionality. Integrating the above equation we get where, o, = I Io t - lx,e The equation ...(6.69) dtt Io,j ind tendency for os at o PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor where, , I Mechatronics 365 System Models and Controllers t or, ./T Iort - /n = lx,, at ...(6.70) Jt + I I I 0) ProPortional element where, I T Derivative element t ol. :o Iout = The output of controller at time f. E Ftg. 6.25 shows the action of an integral controller when there is a constant error input to the controller: When the controller ouput is constant, - the error is zero; : rals (as with ntrol is alw;aYs itre ortprt of controller at zero time, and Io = C o O = -o dr" Time ------> Fig. 6.25. lntegral control. When the controller output varies at a constant rate the error has a constant value. 6.3.6."1.. PI controllers Normally, the integral mode is not used alone but is frequently used in conjunction rvith the proportional mode. The equation of the PI control system is given as : steady signals). put of controller In,t - I, = Kre+ lXpat ...(6.71) Fig. 6.26, shows how the system ...(6.68) reacts when there is an abrupt change to a constant error: - - The error gives rise to a le error changes lntegral element 0.) o proportional controller output Co o which remains constant since o there is no change in error; = oOn this is then superimposed ol a steadily increasing controller output due to the integral o action. T I _J_ t t oortional elemenl Itme ---------f Fig.6.26. Pl control. 6.3,7. PID controllers PID controller is one in which all the three modes of control, Proportional (P), Integral I I is proPortional (l) and Derivative (D) are combined together. In such a controller there ls no ffiet error nd tendency for oscillations is reduced. The equation of this controller is written as : Io,t - 1, where, = Kpe+x,te at * xo# ...(6.72) Ior, = The output from the controller, I, = The set point output when there is no error, KP = The proportionality constant, = Error, KI = The integral constant, and KD = The derivative constant. e PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 366 A Textbook of Mechatronics _ These Fig.6.27, shows an operational amplifier PID circuit. Here, ", RD microp = #h, ; Ko=RoCp;I(, =4h Cr System Models _ Theen - Rr and di The dil genera Basicalh., a o Sample . Compar o Makes t and ou o Sends tl . Waits u Advantage: The microy F19.6.27. PID circuit. 6.3.8. Digita! Controllers The *digital controllers require inputs which are digital, process controllers : 1. The fon the information in digital form and giae an o.utput in digital form. The controller performs the following functions: (i) Receives input from sensors; (ii) Executes control programs; (ili) Provides the output to the correction elements. several control systems have analogue measurements an analog-to-digital - As converter (ADC) is used for the inputs. Fig. 6.28 shows the digital closed-loop control system which can be used with a continuous process: by pure 2. No alter 3. Wherea: being co controlle o As comp amplifiers and o with time and te drift in the same 6.3.9. Adap{ An "adaptiw fit the preaailing c; This system cons (il fo start I condition (ii) Tocompa the syster (iii) To adjust i in order tr of the sr-s Out of the se Output Fig. 6.28. Digital closed-loop control system. commonly used : 1. Gain-scha The clock supplies a pulse at regular time intervals and dictates when samples of controlled variables are taken by the ADC. parameten variable. The term digital control is used when the digital controller, basically microprocessor, is in control of the closed-loop control system. made - PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor o The aa Mechatronics System Models and Controllers - 367 These samples are then converted to digital signals which are compared by the microprocessor with the set point value to give the error signal. The error signal is then processed by a control mode (tritiated by the microprocessor) and digital output is produced. The digital output, generally after processing by an ADC since correcting elements generally require analog signals, can be used fo initiate the correctiae action. Basically, a digital controller carries out the following sequence of operations: o Samples the measured value. . Compares this measured value with the set value and establishes the error. o Makes calculations based on the error value and stored values of previous inputs and outputs to obtain the output signal. o Sends the output signal to the digital-to-analog converter (DAC). o Waits until the next sample time before repeating the cycle. Advantages of microprocessors as controllers over analog controllers : The microprocessor, as controllers, claim the following adoantages oLter anolog conlrollers : 1. The form of controlling action (e.g., proportional or three mode) can be changed by purely a change in the computer software. rution in digital 2. No alteration in hardware or electrical wiring is required. 3. Whereas with analog control, separate controllers are required for each Process being controlled, however, with a microprocessor many separate Processes can be controlled by sampling processes with a multiplexer. o As compared to analog control, digital control giaes better accuracy because the nalog-to-digital n used with a amplifiers and other components used with analog systems change their characteristics with time and temperature and so show drift, while digital control does not suffer from drift in the same way since it operates on signals in only the on-off mode. 6,3.9. Adaptive Control System An "adaptizte control system" is one which adapts to changes and changes its parameters to the preaailing circumstances.lt is based on the use of a microprocessor as the controller. .fit This system consists of the following three stages of operation : (0 To start to operate with controller conditions set on the basis of as assumed condition. (ll) To compare continuously the desired performance n ith the actual performance of I the system. (iii) To adjust automatically and continuously the control system mode and parameters t EL OutPut vhen samples of in order to minimise the difference between the desired and actual performance of the system. Out of the several forms of the adaptive control systems, the following three are commonly used : 1,. Gain-scheduled control.In this type of control preset changes in the controller's parameters are made on the basis of some auxiliary measurement of some process variable. o The adoantage of this control is that the changes in the parameters can be roprocessor, is in made quickly when the conditions change. However, the limitation of this PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 368 A Textbook of Mechatronics system is that the control parameters have to be determined for many operating conditions so that the controller can select the one to fit the prevailing conditions. 2. Self-timizg. This system (also being referred to as auto-timing) continuously times its own parameters based on monitoring the variable that the system is corttrolling and the output from the controller. . It is often being used in commercial PID controllers. 3. Model-reference adaptiae systems : o In this system an accurate system model is developed. o The set value is then used as input to both the actual and the model systems' and the difference between the actual output and the output from the model compared. o The difference in the above signals is then used to adjust the parameters of System Models and Spec Although pL( to their use as cor 1. The interf 2. Easily prog progra 3. Rugged an< Archi Fig.6.30 shonr (PLC): A PLC consist 1. Central pn 6.3.10. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) 2, Memory; 3. Input/Or-rt Introduction '1.. Central the controller to minimise the difference. PLCs are specialised industrial deoices for interfacing to and controlling analog and digital pn a It conts deaices. - Th"y are designed with a small instruction set suitable for industrial control - Th"y are usually programmed with "ladder logic", which is graphical method of laying out the connectivity and logic between system inputs and outputs. Th"y are designed with industrial control and industrial environments specifically in mind. Therefore, in addition tobeingflexible and easy to program, they are robust applications. - and relatiaely immune to external interference. . A programmable logic controller (first conceived in 1968), is shown in Fig. 6.29.It is a "digital lnput electronic deiice" that ,ri, , ojllLT., programmable memory to store instructions and to implement functions such as logic sequencing, timing, counting and arithmetic in order to control machines and Output (to devices) Control prograrn Fig. 6,29. Programmable logic controller, processes. It has been specifically designed to makr programming easy. Adaantages : (0 Th9 primary adaantage of the PLCs is that it is possible to modifu a control system without haaing to rewire the connectians to the input and output deaices, the only requirement being that an operator has to kE in dffirent set of instructions. (il) PLCs are also much faster than relay-operated systems. Uses. PLCs are widely used and extend from small-contained units for use with perhaps 20 digital inputs/ouputs to modular systems which can be used for large numbers of inputs/outputs, handle digital or analog inputs/output, and also carry out FtO control modes. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Fig.6.30 It is pror-i MHz. This the timing Mechatronics rny oPerating r prevailing ruouslY times L is controlling System Models and Controllers 369 Special features Although PLCs are similar to computers, yet they have the following specific features to their use as controllers: 1. The interfacing for inputs and outputs is inside the controller. 2. Easity programmable. They have an easily understood programming language. Programming is mainly concemed with logic and switching operation. 3. Rugged and designed to withstand vibrations, temperatures, humidity and noise. Architecture basic structure nodel sYstems' rom the model parameters of ulog and digital Fig. 6.30 shows the architecture/intemal structure of a programmable logic controller (PLC): A PLC consists of the following main components : 1. Central processing unit (CPU); 2. Memory; 3. Input/Output circuitry. l, Central processing unit (CPU) : o It controls and processes all the operations within the PLC. dustrial control hical method of d outPuts. urts sPecificallY a, theY are robust ----t I Output ----* I) (to devicesl *l I --> k controller' Ittr lnput channels ify a control sYstem I deuices, the onlY f instructions. nits for use with I for large numbers rry out PID control lIll OutPut channels Fig.6.3O. Architecture of a programmable logic controller (PLC). . It is provided with a "clock" with a frequency of typically between 1 and 8 MHz. This frequency determines the operating speed of the PLC and provide the timing and synchronisation for all elements in the system. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 370 A Textbook of Mechatronics o A "bus svstem" carries information and data to and from the CPU, memory and input/output units. 2, Memory; The various memory elements available in a PLC are: (r) A system ROM to give permanent storage for the operating system,and fixed data. (,r) RAM for user's program. (ill) Temporary buffer stores for input/output channels. o The programs in RAM can be changed by the user. However, to prevent the loss of these programs when the supply is switched off a battery is likely to be used in the PLC to maintain the RAM contents for a period of time. . Specifications for small PLCs often specify the program memory size in terms of the number of program step (A program step is an instruction for some event to occur) that can be stored. Typically the number of steps that can be handled by a small PLC is of the order of 300 to 1000, which is generally more than adequate for most control situations. 3. lnputlOutput (llO) circuitry: The I/O unit provides the interface between the system and outside world. o Programs are entered into the I/O unit from a panel which can vary from small keyboards with liquid crystal displays to those using a visual display unit with keyboard and screen display. The programs, alternatively, can be entered into the system by means of a link to a personal computer which is loaded with an appropriate software package. o The I/O channel provides signal conditioning and isolation functions so that sensors and actuators can be generally directly connected to them without the need for other circuitry. o The basic form of programming commonly used with PLCs is ladder programming. This involves each program task being specified as though a rung of a ladder. Following methods can be used for l/O processing : 1. Continuous updating. 2. Mass I/O copying. Timers: The timers are commonly regarded as relays with coils which, when energised, result in the closing or opening of input contacts after some preset tirne. A timing circuit is specified by stating the interval to be timed and the conditions or events that are to start and/or stop the timer. o PLCs are generally provided with only delay-on timers, i.e., a timer which comes on after a time delay. Intental relays: o These relays are often used when there are programs with multiple input conditions. o The internal relays are also used for the starting of multiple outputs. Counterc: The use of counters is restored to when there is a need to count a specified number of contact operations. . Counter circuits are supplied as an internal feature of PLCs. Shift registers: Several internal relays can be grouped together to form a register PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor System Models and r ivhich can provide : S-bit registers rr.c The term s/rifr : :here is a suitabie r Shift registers I a One to loar a One as the a One for res Selecti For selection of l. Types of inp Isolation - Out-boa-r Signal cc 2. Input/Outpu 3. Size of memt complexitv r 4. Speed and p instructions 1. The matheru input and or 2. Mechanical : 3. Electrical srr 4. Fluid system 5. Thermal sr.sl 6. Various tr'pe derivative m, 7. PLCs (progra to and contrr Fill in the Blanks 1. Systems can h 2. The output of a sr-: 3. The mechanica 4. In a dashpot n 5. Energy stored i 6. The electrical s. 7. The various eie 8. Hydraulic .. of Mechatronics 'U, memorY and ;vstem and fixed r, to Prevent the attery is likelY to :riod of time. rory size in terms mction for some steps that can be 'hich is generallY face between the ch can varY from g a visual disPlaY emativelv can be omputer which is n functions so that I to them without &r PLCs is ladder cified as though a System Models and Controllers 371 ivhich can provide a storage area for a series sequence of individual bits. Thus a 4-bit and a S-bit registers would be formed by using four and eight internal registers respectively. The term shift register is used because the bits can be shifted along by one bit when there is a suitable input to the register. Shift registers have three inputs : o One to load data into the first element of the register (OUT); o One as the shift command (SFT); . One for resetting (RST). Selection of a PLC For selection of a PLC, the following criteria need to be considered: 1. Types of inputs/outputs required, such as: - Isolation; Out-board power supply for inputs/outputs; - Signal conditioning. 2. lnput/Output capacity required. 3. Size of memory required. This is linked to the number of inputs/outputs and the complexity of program used. 4. Speed and pou;er required for CPU-This is linked to the number of types of instructions that can be handled by a PLC. HIGHLIGHTS 1. The mathematical models are equations which describe the relation between the input and output of a system. 2. Mechanical system building blocks are: Springs; dashpats; masses. 3. Electrical system building blocks are: Resistors; ind,-ictors; capacitors. 4. Fluid system building blocks are: Resistance; inertanca, ctpacitance. 5. Thermal system building blocks are'. Resistance; cnpacitttnce. 6. Various types of conkol modes are: T'wo-step mode; proportional mode (P); derivative mode (D); integral mode (I); combinations of modes. 7. PLCs (Programmable logic controllers) are special industrial devices for interfacing ch, r+'hen energised, to and controlling analog and digital devices. ine. d the conditions or timer which comes OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS Fill in the Blanks or Ray 'Yes' or 'No' 1. Systems can be made up from a range of 2. The models are equations which describe the relation between the input and output of a system. rith multiple inPut 3. The mechanical system building blocks are: Springs, dashpots and .................. 4. In a dashpot no energy is stored. ! outPuts. 5 Energy stored by the mass rotating with an angular velocity, , = 1Ir' d to count a sPecifred L :r to form a register . 2 6. The electrical system building blocks are resistor, inductors and capacitors. 7. The various electrical building blocks can be combined by using .................. laws. is equivalent of a spring in mechanical systems. 8. Hydraulic PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 372 A Textbook of Mechatronics 9. The pneumatic inertance is due to the pressure drop necessary to accelerate a block of gas. 10. Open-loop control is just a switch on-switch off form of control. 11. In a two-step mode control action is continuous. 12. In proportional mode (P) method of control the size of the controller is .................. to the size of the error. / 13. The derivative control is always combined with proportional control. 14. The controllers require inputs which are digital, process the information in digital form and give an output in digital form. 15. As compared to digital control, the analog control gives better accuracy. 16. .................. are specialised industrial devices for interfacing to and controlling analog and digital devices. 77. PLC consists of CPU, memory and .................. circuitry. i8. The are commonly regarded as relays with coils which, when energised, result in the closing or opening of input contacts after some preset time. 19. Internal relays are often used when there are programs with muttiple lnput conditions 20. PLCs are rarely provided with delay-on timers. 1. building blocks 5. No 9. Yes 13. Yes 17. Input/Output 2. mathematical 6. Yes 3. masses 7. Kirchhoff's 10. Yes 14. digital 18. timers 11. No 1.2. proportional 15. No 19. Yes 16. PLCs 20. No 4. Yes 8. Inertance THEORETICAL QUESTIONS 1. What are mathematical models? Explain briefly. 2. Explain briefly the following basic building blocks of a mechanical system: (l) Springs; (ii) Dashpots; (ili) Masses. 3. Enumerate and explain briefly the three building blocks of a rotational system. 4. Explain briefly a mathematical model of a car moving on a road. 5. Explain briefly the following building blocks of an electrical system: (i) Resistors; (li) Inductors; (iii) Capacitors. 6. How can Kircfrhoff's laws be used for combining building blocks of electrical systems? Explain briefly. 7. Discuss briefly the various fluid systems building blocks. 8. What is a hydraulic inertance? Explain briefly. 9. What is pneumatic inertance? Explain briefly. 10. Explain briefly building up models for the following systems: (l) Mechanical system. (il) Hydraulic system. (iii) Pneumaticsystem. , 11. Explain briefly the following thermal system building blocks: (0 Resistance; (il) Capacitance. 12. How is the model for a thermal system built up? Explain. 13. Write a short note on system models. 14. Explain briefly the following: (i) Rotational-translational systems. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor System Models and C (ir) Electrom (iii) Hydro_m 15. Explain brie{ (r) Two_step (fir) Derivatirr 16. Discuss brief (0 PI control (ii) pDconru (44 PID contn 17. What are digi 78. What the adr. i9. Discuss brieflr 20. What are prot 21. State the adr.a 22. State the speci 23. Discuss brieflv 24. Explain brieAl, Timers; Cormt 25. What criteria C * of Mechatronics krate a block of gas r is .................. to the il. r the information in racy. ntrolling analog and ilren energised, result ple input conditions 4. Yes E. Inertance 12. proPortional System Models and Controllers 373 (li) Electromechanical systems. (ili) Hydro-mechanical systems. 15. Explain briefly any two of the control modes: (i) Two-step mode; (ir) Proportional mode (P); Derivative mode; (ia) tntegral mode (I). Qli) 16. Discuss briefly the following controllers: (i) PI controllers; (,, PD controllers; (rifi PID controllers. 17. What are digital controllers? Explain briefly. 18. What the advantages of microprocessors as controllers over analog controllers? 19. Discuss briefly 'Adaptive control system'. 20. What are programmable logic controllers? Explain. 21. State the advantages and uses of PLCs. 22. State the special features of a PLC. 23. Discuss briefly with a neat sketch the architecture of a PLC. 24. Explain briefly the following: Timers; Counters; Shift registers. 25. What criteria should be considered while selecting a PLC? 15. PLCs 20. No el system: lional sYstem. t llsr: r of electrical systems? PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor -:-- a:3:S-r.r* CHAPTER - Actu ators-M e chanic al, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic ' - r- l^ - -. --. i _ -ri - : i'ertec :: '- : irives e:_- Cam_. : - in.^rrr q - j Pa.a-.e: 7.1 Introductton; 7.2 Mechanical actuators - General aspects - Machine - Kinemat: link or element - Kinematic pair - Kinematic chain - Mechanism - Inversion c: Belt ar': mechanism - TYpes of kinemalic chains and their inversions - Gear drive Gener: actuators Electrical 7.3 Bearings; belt drives - chiln, and chain drives motors D.C. motors Electric systems aspects - Mechanical switches - Drive moto:: series D.C. motors shunt D.C. Permanent magnet (PM) - D.C. motors Torque motors - Brushless D.c motors coil Moving motors .o*por"rld D.C. motors - single phase motors - Three phase induction motors - Electronic contr; : ar: of A.C. (inauition) motors - Synchronous motor types, starting, speed control Gener: actuators 7.4 Hydraulic motors; braking - Digital control of electric valr-.-aspects"- Hy&auhc power supply - Pumps - Pressure regulator- Hydraulic contr' Flow valves control Pressure symbols - Classiflcaiion of ,rilrut - Valve valves - Drection control valves - Linear actuators - Rotary actuators 7'5 Pneumad: actuators - Introduction - Components of a pneumatic system - Pneumatic valr ''' - Examr': - Linear and rotary actuators - Special features of pneumatic actuators Theoretic: Type objective Questions of fluid control system - Highlights Questions. usec aL- - Rack-a: .{ tot i_-. - aris :.- : :--.,,",' -.... . . :'.':,lg O::.;it '.:.:.E sha;t -... , -iltrllS SUif - .rrrF a -.<j- ' : -, jir"rl -. t!:i :-.-ar\'evei -., - : .. ide s:_-.- Cha: s: Spec:--. lm^'- - : Trans:e: 7.2.2. Madri -' 7.1 INTRODUCTION il :r. -'- - , a.;alt i:.;:-:,:.- In most mechatronic systems, motion or action of some sort is involved; it is cre:: by a force or torque that results is acceleration and displacement. This motion or ,;:' (which can be uppn"a to anything from a single atom to large articulated structu:: produced by the deaices known as activators. Actuators produce physical changes such as linear and angulat displacement. Thr. modulate the rate and power associated zuith these changes' The proper selection of the appropriate type of actuator is an important aspe'mechatronic system design. We shall discuss briefly the following actuators: 2' Electrical actuators 1. Mechanical actuators Pneumatic actuators 4. 3. Hydraulic actuators 7.2 MECHANICAL ACTUATORS 7.2.1. General AsPects Mechanical actuators or mechanisms are deuices which canbe considered to be " conuerters in that they transfarm motion from one form to some other required form, Fot exa:: they might transform linear motion into rotational motion, or motion in one directio: 374 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor : :-. ,f r7.:.:--, : - - -{ \faclrr -iildaa,.i:... \{achine: .4 hr./: :: .: These b:.: motion an 7.2.3. Kinema leiinition arrr lefinition. f,rr -..;.;1 11 71,i,. -. -{ kinem:: - rlhich iir. : effect on :-member= :: Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic mical, ic and rmatic 375 a motion in a direction at right angles, or perhaps a linear reciprocating motion into rotary motion, as in the internal combustion engine where the reciprocating motion of the pistons is converted into rotation of the work and hence the drive shaft. Mechanical elements include the use of linkages, carns, gears, rack-and-pinion, chains, belt drives etc. For example: Cams and linkages can be used to obtain motions which are prescribed to vary - in a particular manner. Parallel shaft gears might be used to reduce a shaft-speed. Bevel gears might be used for the transmission of rotary motion through 90". can be used to convert rotational motion to linear motion. - Rack-and-pinion belt or chain drive might be used to transform rotary motion about one - Aaxistoothed to motion about another. Seaeral actions which were earlier obtained by use of mechanisms are, howeaer, often noro lays being obtained by the use of "microprocessor system". For example earlier, cams on a rotating shaft were used for domestic rvashing machines in order to give a timed squence of actions such as opening a valve to let water into the drum, switching the water oif, srvitching a heater on etc. But now-a-d ays modern washing machines employ a microprocess:-'ased system with the microprocessor programmed to switch on outputs in the required sequence. However, mechanisms,/mechanical actuators still have a role in mechatronic systems to provide such functions as: (l) Change of speed, e.g., that given by gears. (ii) Specific type of motion, e.g., that given by a quick-return mechanism. (ill) Amplification of force, e.g., that given by levers. (iur) Transfer of rotation about one axis to rotation about anothet, e.9., timing belt. - ine - Kinematic - lnversion of lrive - Belt and ators - - General .D.C. motors l. series motors Brushless D.C. ectronic control eed control and ltors - General lvdraulic valves s - Flow control ; 7.5 Pneumatic neumatic valves ators - ExamPle ns - Theoretical 7.2.2. Machine "lt is an apparatus for applying mechanical poiller, consisting of a number of interrelated :trts, each haaing a definite function." hclved; it is created his motion or actiotr Or "lt is a deoice by means of which aaailable enerry can be comterted into desired form of useful ulated structure) is '.'ork". ilacement. TheY alx - A Machine is the assembly of resistant bodies or links whose relatioe motions are successfully constrained so that aaailable enerry can be conaerted into useful work. mportant asPect of - Machines are used to transmit both motion and force. Abody is said to be resistant if it can transmit the required force with negligible deformntion. These bodies are the parts of the machines which are employed for transmitting motion and forces. 7.2.3. Kinematic Link or Element msidered to be motioa ed form. For examPle in one direction int'o Definition and characteristics : Definition. Kinematic element is a resistant body or an assembly of resistant bodies which :t to make a part or parts of a machine connecting otlrcr parts which haae motion 'relatioe' to it. -- A kinematic link is assumed to be completely rigid. The machine components which do not fit this assumption of rigidity, such as springs, usually have no effect on the kinematics of device but do play a role in supplying forces. Such members are not called links. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 376 A Textbook of Mechatronics Example. Fig.7.7 shows a reciprocating steam engine. Here, - Piston, piston rod and cross head ... one link. - Connecting rod with big and small end bearings ... second link. - Crankshaft and flywheel ... third link. Cylinder, engine frame and main bearings ... fourth link. Actuators-Mechanic 7.2.4. Kinema 4 kinematic pa - - Cylinder Small end bearrng - Flywheel Connecting rod The relatir.e be complekl The degree coordinates are called - Big end bearing o Completely Crank definite direc said to be a Piston rod Crankshaft Fig.T,l.Reciprocating steam engine. Characteristics of a link. A link should have two characteristics : 1. It should have relatiae motion. 2. It must be a resistant body (need not be rigid body). Types of links: The various types of links are : 1' Rigid link. A link which does not undergo any deformation while transmitting motion (r) is called a "rigid link". Strictly speaking, rigid links do not exist. Howevet since the deformation of a connecting rod, crank etc. of a connecting rod, crank etc. of reciprocating steam engine is not appreciable, they canbe considered as rigid links. 2' Flexible link. Aflexible tink in one which is partly deformed in a manner not to - Example : Belts, ropes, chains and wires (these link transmit tensile 3' Fluid link. Afluid link is one which is formed by haaing a fluid'by ,prrrrLrr, Example : Hydraulic presses, jacks and brakes. forces only). ftuid in receptacle oni th, o, 7ro*prrrrion, only Examples. A railway bridge, a roof truss, machine frames etc. Examples. Shaper, lathe etc. o Incompletely r Examples. A r is an example in a hole. tabular form below. o Successfully c 1. The members of a structure do not mooe rclatle to one another. 2. No energy is transformed into useful elements, forr The differences between a'machine' and.'structure' are given in and motion. reciprocate) fu motion". Structute is an assemblage of a number of resistant bodies (known as members)having no relatiae motion between them and meant for carrying load iaaing straining oriion. to each other. 2. It transforms the available energy into some useful work. 3. The links may transmit both power - The motion ct in which the I in more than Difference between Machine and Structure : 1. Parts of a machine moae relative motion. ffict the transmission of motton. motion is transmitted through the Examples: Tl of a shaft wit work. 3. The members of a struciure transmit forces only. Examples. Roof iruss frame etc. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor motion. The said to be sr constrained motion betr is such that o motion is not by itself, but melns. I of Mechatronics Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 377 7.2.4. Kinematic Pair A kinematic pair is a joint of two links that permits relatiae motion. _- The relative motion between the elements or links that form a pair is required to - rheel Big end bearing Crank . be completely constrained or successfully constrained. The degree of freedom of a kinematic pair is given by the number of independent coordinates required to completely specify the relative motion. These coordinate are called "aariables". Completely constraineil motion. When the motion between a pair is limited to a definite direction irrespective of the direction of force applied, then the motion is said to be a completely constrained motion. Square hole Square bar (i)(ii) transmitting motiott Fig, 7.2, Completely constrained motion. the deformation of tc. of reciprocating i rigid links. manner not to ffict hsile forces only). ia receptacle and the *m'only (iii) Examples : The motion of a square bar in a square hole [Fig. 7.2(i)], and the motion of a shaft with collars at each end are the examples of the completely constrained motion. The motion of the piston and cylinder, (forming a pair) in a steam engine (Fig. 2.1) in which the motion of the piston is limited to a definite direction (i.e., itwill only reciprocate) is also an example of completely constrained motion. Incompletely constrained motion. \rvhen the motion between a pair can take place in more thaln one direction then the motion is called an "incompletely constrained motion". tas members) having $raining action. tabular form below. slructure do not r another. Examples. A circular bar or shaft in a circular round role, as shown rnEig.7.3, is an example of incompletely constrained motion as it may either rotate or slide in a hole. Successfully constrained Round hole motion. The motion is said to be successfully constrained when the motion between the --- formed into useful elements, forming apair, is such that constrained motion is not completed structure transmit by itself, but by some means. Fig. 7.3. lncompletely constrained motion. ss frame etc. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 378 A Textbook of Mechatrons Example. Refer to Fig. 7.4. The shaft may rotate in the bearing or it may move upwards. This is the case of incompletely constrained motion. However, if the load is placed on the shaft to preaent axial upward moaement of the shaft, then the motion of the pair is said to be successfully Loa d o A slidinl (ii) Turning pai constitute a Examples. -t crank mech constrained. Classification of kinematic pairs : The kinematic pairs may be classified on the following considerations : 1. Nature of relative motion between the elements. 2. Nature of contact between the elements. 3. Nature of the mechanical arrangement for complete or successful constraint between the elements. 1. Classification based on nature of relatiae motion between the elements : (i) Sliding pair (ii) Turning pair (lll) Rolling pair (ia) Screw pair Actuators-Mechamc (iii) P,;1;nt O ' form a rollir Examples.B shaft constit rolling pair. Foot step bearing Fig.7,4. Successfully constrained motion. (ia) Screw (or h a way that o as 'scrett' y,rc: Example. \t (2,) Spherical p: element iL,ith (u) Spherical pair. (i) Sliding pair. If two links have a sliding motion relatiue to each other, they form a sliding pair. Examples. Piston and cylinder pair, rectangular rod in rectangle hole (Fig. 7.5(i),. etc. Bearing formed is ca Examples.T stand etc. 2. Classification (i) Lower pairs (i) Lower pair. I a 'lower pair' Examples. * (ii) Higher pair. between the r two elernmts Examples. A and rope driu (i) Sliding pair (ii) Turning pair (iii) Rolling pair etc. 3. Classification I (i) Closed pairs (r) Closed pairs mechanicallv. I Examples. .,{I (li) Unclosed pair mechanicallv, i are connected Example. Can 7.2.5. Kinematk When a number af l (iv) Screw pair (v) Spherical pair Fig.7.5 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor .z link with respect to t kinematic chain. ol Mechatronics Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 379 . A sliding pair has a completely constrained motion. (li) Turning pair. When one link has turning or reuolaing nntiott relotit;e to the other, they constitute a turning or revolving pair. Examples. A shaft rotating in a bearing [Fig. 7.5(ii)]. Rotation of a crank in a slider crank mechanism is another turning pair. (It is also knon'n as hinged pair). (ill) Rolling pair. When the links of a pair harre a rolling motion relatite to each other, they form a rolling pair. Examples. Ball and roller bearings. In a ball bearing [Fig. 7.5(lir)], the ball and the shaft constitute one rolling pair whereas the ball and the bearing is the second I la rrn g Successfully ned motion. rolling pair. (it) Screw (or helical) pair. When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that one element can turn about the other by screw threads, the pair is kno'rvn as 'screw pair'. Example. Nut and bolt arrangement [Fig. 7.5(ia)1. (r,) Spherical pair. When two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that one element with spherical shape turns or swioels about the other fixed element ; the pair formed is called a'spherical pair'. Examples. The ball and socket joint [Fig, 7.5$t)); attachment of a car mirror, pen ther, they form a stand etc. 2. Classification based on the nature of contact between elements : : hole (Fig. 7.5(i)1, (l) Lower pairs (ll) Higher pairs. (i) Lower pair. If a pair in motion has a surface contact between its elements it is called l;'ff'r:r'.ou'^ur r*urng in a bearing , orr,o., moving ir, u .yri.J". @,n, N lolhng pair (ll) Higher pair. In a higher pair there is a line or point contact "t.. between the elements of a pair. The contact surfaces of the two elements are not alike or similar. Examples. A pair of friction discs, toothed gearing, belt and rope drives, cam and follower, ball and roller bearings etc. 3. Classification based on the nature of mechanical constraint : (i) Closed pairs (ii) Unclosed pairs. (i) Closed pairs. If the elements of the pair, are held together mechanically, they constitute a' closed pair'. Examples. All lower pairs. (li) Unclosed pairs. \A/hen the two elements are not held together mechanically, it forms an'unclosed pair'. The two elements are connected together by grat:ity or spring force. Example. Cam and follower pair (Fig. 7.6). I Fi1.7.6, Cam and follower. 7.2.5. Kinematic Chain When a number of links are connected in space such that, the relatiae motion of any point on a link with respect to any other point on the other link follows a law the chain is called a kinematic chain. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 380 A Textbook of Mechatronics Actuators-Mect In order to determine whether the assemblage of links and pairs form the kinematic chain or not, the following two equations for lower pairs are available : Eqn. 1. I = 2p -4 where, / = Number of. links, and p = Number of pairs. 7.2.6. Mer Eqn.2. I- When one a It may be u Examples-l lti . zt where, j = Number of joints. If the above equations are satisfied, the links form a kinematic chain. Refer to Fig. 7.7.There are three members and Mechanism Simple me Compound mechanism. It m a When a there is no relatiae motion between them. Therefore, it forms a "structure" only ; it cannot be chain. Here, l= 2p-4=2x3-4=2 But / = 3, therefore, eqn. 1 ts not satisfied and hence it is not a kinemstic chain. Using Eqn. (2), we have j= t 3 - lti *zt=ltz*z) or I=f .Ur 1. Transmits an 2. Skeleton ouil definite motr 3. When kinem: mechanisms : given to the proportions c the assemblv Examples. Clo which is not true. Since the eqn. (2) is not satisfied, hence it not a kinematic chain. Refer to Fig. 7.8. If a definite displacement is given to link 4(AD), keeping link 1(AB) fixed, the restiltant motion of the two remaining links is perfectly definite. Thus the relative motion is completely constrained, and it is the basis of all machines; dotted lines show the displacement. Inthiscase, I - 4,p=4,i=4. Using eqn. (1), we have ot, Difference P= 3)l=3 Using Eqn. (1), we have Here it then I I - 2p-4 I - 2x4-4=4whichistrue. Using eqn. (2), we get t - lV*rl=|rn+2)=4 which is again true. Thus, both the eqns. (1 and 2) are satisfied for kinematic chain. Thus, the links and pairs from the kinematic chain. Refer to Fig. 7.9. In this case, I = 5, p = 5, / = 5; with the given data the eqns. (1) and (2) are not satisfied, hence a kinematic chain is not formed. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 7.2.7. lnvet As we knou mechanism, thm chain by fixing, in mechanismsby fir' 7.2,8. Typer Important kir .t turning pair; fo) 1. Four bar 2. Single sli 3. Double s Four This is also l - It has /crr. tuming u Links are One of ttx or driver, rocker. Th and the f< rod and t d Mechatronics 381 Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 7,2.6. Mechanism n the kinematic When one of the links of a kinematic chain is fixed, the chain is lcnown as mechqnism. It may be used for transmitting or transforming motion. Examples. Engine indicators, typewriter etc. Mechanisms are of two types: Simple mechanism. A mechanism with/our links is known as simple mechanism. Compound mechanism. The mechanism with more thanfour links is known as cornpound mechanism. It may be made by adding two or more simple mechanisms. o When a mechanism is required to transmit power or to do some particular type of work, it then becomes a machine. Difference between mechanism and machine : Machine Mechanism 7J -f. L. Modifies mechanical work. 2. May have several mechanism for Transmits and modifies motion. Skeleton outline of the machine to produce definite motion between various links. When kinematic chain is analysed as mechanisms so special consideration need given to the forms and the cross-sectional proportions of the links except in so far as the assembly locations are involved. Examples. Clock work, tlpe writer. transmitting mechanical work or power. 3. As to the machine cross-sectional and proportion requirement to give skength, stiffness, clearance etc. make it necessary to consider links in their details. Examples. Shaper etc. 7.2.7. lnversion of Mechanism As we know that when one of the links in a kinematic chain is fixed, it is called a zr I I mechanism, therefore, we can obtain as many mechanisms as the number of links in a kinematic chain by fixing, in turn dffirent links in a kinematic chain. This method of obtaining dffirent mechanisms by fixing dffirent links in a kinematic chain, is lcnoum as inversion of the mechanism. 7.2.8. Types of Kinematic Chains and their lnversions Important kinematic chains have four louter pairs, each pair being either a sliding pair or a turning pair; following are the three important types of kinematic chains. 1. Four bar or quadric cyclic chain 2. Single slider crank chain 3. Double slider crank chain - All four turning pairs. Three turning and one sliding pair. Two turning and two sliding pairs. Four bar chain. Refer to Fig.7.10. This is also known as quadric cycle chain. It has links and four pairs which are - tumingfour in nature. Links are of different length. O:re of the rotating links is known as crank - or driver and the other link as follower or rocker. The member connecting the crank and the follower is known as connecting rod and fixed link is the frame. Connecting Frame Fig.7.10. Four bar chain. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 382 Some important inversions of the four bar chnin are Slider '. 1. Beam engine 2. Coupled locomotive 3. Pantograph 4. Watt mechanism. (Crank 1. Beam engine and letser mechanism): Refer to Fig. 7.11. In this mechanism, when the crank rotates about the fixed centre A, the lever oscillates about a fixed centre D. The end E of the lever CDE is connected to a piston rod which reciprocates due to the rotation of the crank. In other words, the purpose of this mechanism is to conaert rotary motion into reciprocating motion. Oscillating motion Rotarv ,, This type of mecfu In a single slid and 4 form three f Some importar 1. Pendulum 2. Oscillating 3. Rotary I.C. 4. Crank and Fi1,7.11. Beam engine. Fig. 7 .12. Coupled locomotive. Coupled locomotioe (Double uank mechanism) : Refer to Fig. 7.72. In this mechanism, links AD and BC (having equal length) act as cranks and are connected to the respective wheels. The link CD acts as a coupling rod and the link AB is fixed in order to maintain a constant centre to centre distance between them. This mechanism is meant for transmitting rotary motion from one wheel to the other 3. A single slider sliding pair and thm 5. Whitworth Vertical reciprocating motion - -'g/motion > Actuators-Mechari Cylinde. wheel. First three inr.er Pantograph. Refer to Fig. 7.13. o It is a device used to reproduce a displacement in a reduced or an enlarged scale. It is used for duplicating the drawing maps, plants, etc. o It is basically a quadric cycle in the form of a parallelogram as shown in Fig. 7.t3; al1 the four pairs are turning in nature. '1,. According to the geometry of the figure: +=+ Displaced position AC' Pendulum W When crank (lin to the fixed link.l a AE' Fig.7.13. Pantograph. 4. Watt mechanism (Double leaer mechanlsm). Refer to Fig.7.14. This mechanism was invented by watt for his steam engine to guide the piston rod. Links OA and BC are parallel in the mean position of the mechanism. They ine connected with links AB. oA and BC are levers, the ends of which are at o and C. For a small displacement of levers oA and BC, D will trace an approximate straight line where point D is located on AB such that #=# PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Fig.7.16. Pendutu lechatronics Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 383 Slider crank chain A, the lever tnected to a r words, the motion. A single slider crank chain is a modification of the basic four bar chain. It consists of one sliding pair and three turning pairs.It is, usually, found in reciprocating steam engine mechanism. This type of mechanism conaerts rotary motion into reciprocating motion and aice aetsa. In a single slider crank chain (Fig.7.15), the links 1 and2,links 2 and 3 and links 3 and 4 form three turning pairs while links 4 and 1 form a sliding pair' Some important inversions of slider crank chain are 1. Pendulum pump. 2. Oscillating cylinder engine. 3. Rotary I.C. engine. 4. Crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism. 5. Whitworth quick return motion mechanism. Crank (Link 2) Connecting rod (Link 3) Piston rod bcomotive. Frame ranks and are g rod and the hnce between wt to the other t enlarged scale. (Link 1) Cylinder Crosshead (Link 4) Fig. 7.15. Single slider crank chain. First three inversion of mechanisms will be discussed here. '1.. Pendulum pump (or Bull engine). Refer to Fig. 7.76. When crank (link 2) rotates, the connecting rod (link 3) oscillates about a pin pivoted the fixed link 4 at A and the piston attached to the piston rod (link 1) reciprocates. ;shown in Fig' C ylind e r (Link 4) C o nn ectin g rod (Link 3) hanism. C ylind e r (Link 4) b the piston rod. misrz. TheY are kfi are at O and an apProximate P iston Fig. 7.1 6. Pendulum pump. rod (Link 3) Fig. 7,17. Oscillating rylinder er'9,-E C ,A PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics Actuators*Mect 2. Oscillating cylinder engine. Refer to Fig. 7.17. This arrangement is employed to conaert reciprocating motion into rotary motion. In this mechanism, the link 3 forming the turning pair is fixed (The link 3 corresponds to the connecting rod of a reciprocating steam engine mechanism). When crank (link 2) rotates, the piston attached to piston rod (link 1) reciprocates and the cylinder (link ) oscillates about a pin pivoted to the fixed link at A. 3. Rotary internal combustion engine (or Gnome engine). Refer to Fig. 7.18. two sliding blo except the mid. and B move in 384 -- I --I Fig.7.t9. 2. Scotch uok sliding o, recip"roca Fig.7.t8. Rotary internal combustion engine. It consists of seven cylinders in one plane and all revolve about the fixed centre, while the crank (link 2) is fixed. Here, when the connecting rod (link 4) rotates, the piston (link 3) reciprocates in the cylinders lorming link 1. Double slider crank chain. A kinematic chain which consists of tuto turning pairs nnd two sliding pairs is known as double slider crank chain. o Fig. 7.19 shows the arrangement of a double slider crank chain. Two slide blocks, links 1 and 3, slide along the slots in a frame, link 4, which is fixed, and the turning pairs formed at pins A and B are connected together by a link 2. Each of the slide blocks forms a sliding pair with the frame, i.e., link 4 and the turning pair with the link 2. Such a kinematic chain has three inaersions : 1. Elliptical trammel. 2. Scotch yoke mechanism. 3. Oldham's coupling. 1. Elliptical trammel. Frame, i.e.,link 4, is fixed and the slide blocks'form sliding pairs with the link 2 in Fig. 7.79. An application of such an inversion is the Elliptical trammel (Fig. 7.20). A plate is taken and two slots at right angles are cut on it. In the slots, PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor In Fig. 7.27,|i crank) rotates abot fixed link 1 guide 3. Oldham,s cor This coupling b r small. The shafts are rotates at the same Fig.7.22(a). _ The two shafts t forged at the ends. I pairs wirh link 2. Th in Fig. T.Zz(b). The inr (i.e., diametrical prcf, ' Mechatronics Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic -'.-ttion.In this two sliding blocks are fitted. And these siide blocks are connected by a link. Any point except the mid-points of AB or points A and on the link will trace "ellipse". The points A and B move in straight line. The mid-point of AB traces a circle. sponds to the 385 :lprocates and ;.18. Fi9,7.19. Elliptical trammel. Fig,7 ,20 2, Scotch yoke mechanism. Thts inversion is used for conaerting rotary n1sliL)ti :tii.t sliding or reciprocating motion. ln Fig. 7.21,link 1 is fixed. In its mechanism when, the link 2 (which corresponds to crank) rotates about A as centre, the link 4 (which corresponds to frame) reciprocates. The fixed link 1 guides the frame. 11 eJ centre, whiie ::rocates in the '.::-s ls known as '.'.r slide blocks, . :!red, and the : .rnk 2. Each of ::rd the turning Fig,7.21, Scotch yoke mechanism. 3. Olilham's eoupling. Refer to Fig. 7.22. This coupling is used for connecting two parallel shafts when distance between the shafts is small. The shafts are coupled in such a way that if one shaft rotates, the other shaft also rotates at the same speed. This inversion is obtained by fixing the link 2, as shown in :is form sliding ' is the Elliptical ::'. it. In the slots, Fig.7.22(a). The two shafts to be connected have flanges rigidly fastened to the shafts, generally forged at the ends. These flanges form links 1 and 3. These links (1 and 3) forrn tr:rning pairs with link 2. These flanges have diametrical slots cut in their inner faces as shown in Fig. 7,22{b). The intermediate piece (link ) which is a circular disc, having two tongues (1.e., diametrical projections) T, and T, on each face at right angles to each other, as shown PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 386 A Textbook of Mechatronics in Fig. 7.22(c). The tongues on the link 4 closely fit into the slots in the two flanges (link 1 and link 3). The link 4 can slide or reciprocate in the slots in the flanges. Link 1 (Fiange) lntermedrate prece {Link 4) Actuators--lrr 10. The frict surf Disadoa lnlermediate piece Flange (Link 3) ilven shatt 1.Spo 2. Whe 3. Noi: Definitir Refer to Supporting rame (a) T,. T, = Tougues (b) {c) F19.7,22. Oldhamt coupling. When the driven shaft is rotated, the flange (link 1) causes the intermediate piece (link 4) to rotate the same angle through which the flange has rotated, and it further rotates the other flange (link 3) at the same angle and thus the driven shaft rotates. The distance between the axes of the shafts is constant and, therefore, the centre of intermediate piece will follow the path of a circle with diameter equal to the distance between the axes of the shafts. Therefore, maxiffium sliding speed of each tongue of intermediate piece in the slot will be gioen by the peripheral aelocity of the centre of the disc along its circular path. 7.2.9.Gear Drive Introduction : _l LI = =i C cl =a c E o, o ! Cr . A gear is a wheel proaided with teeth which mesh with the teeth on another wheel, or on to a rack, so as to gfue a positiae transmission of motion from one component to another. o Gears constitute the most commonly used device for power transmission or for 1. Pitch changing power-speed ratios in a power system. They are used for transmitting motion and power from one shaft to another when they are not too for apart nnd when a constant oelocity ratio is desired. Gears also afford a convenient way of changing the direction of motion. o A number of devices such as dffirentials, transmission gear boxes, planetary driaes etc., used in many construction machines employ gears as basic component. Advantages and disadvantages of toothed gearing : The following are the adaantages and disaduantages of toothed gearing/gear drive : actual The d: Adoantages: 1. High efficiency. 2. Long service life. 3. High reliability. 4. More compact. 5. Can operate at high speeds. 6. Can be used where precise timing is required. 7. Large power can be transmitted. 8. Constant speed ratio owing to absence of slipping. 9. Possibility of being applied for a wide range of torques, speeds and speed ratios. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 2. Adilea ends t< The di 3. Adden 4. Dedeat bound 5. Dedent circle. 6. Cleara (of the 7. Workit 8. Circ-ula a gear t of tooth 9. Tooth s along p t of Mechatronics two flanges (link L Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 387 10. The force required to hold the gears in position is much less than in an equivalent friction drive. This results in lower bearing pressure, less wear on the bearing surface and efficiency. Disadaantages: 1. Special equipment and tools are required to manufacture the gears. 2. When one wheel gets damaged the whole sgt up is affected. 3. Noisy in operation at considerable speeds. late prece Definitions: Refer to Fig.7.23. 1 T, = Tougues Addondum ci mediate piece (link t further rotates the trt !l=t CI rtes. EI efore, the centre of ual to the distance ongue of intermediate itong its circular Path. ol ol ot -t !l ! ol ol ol ol Y snother wheel, or on omponent to another. transmission or for sed for transmitting not too for aPart and convenient waY of ores, planetarY dri'tes basic comPonent. nring/gear drive : ----Face Root or dedendum Fig. 7.23. Terms of gears. l. Pitch circle.ltis an imaginary circle which would transmit the same motion as the actual gear,by pure rolling action. The diameter of the pitch circle is known as pitch circle diameter. 2. Addendum circle. A circle concentric with the pitch circle and bounding the outer ends to the teeth is called an addendum circle. The diameter of the addendum circle is known as addendum circle diameter. 3. Addenilum.It is the radial distance between the pitch circle and addendum circle. 4. Dedendum (Or root) circle. It is a circle concentric with the pitch circle and bounding the bottom of the tooth. 5. Dedenilum.It is the radial distance between the pitph circle and the dedendum circle. 6. Cleatance. The difference between the dedendum (of one gear) and addendum (of the mating gear) is called as clearance. 7. Working depth. It is the sum of the addenda of the two mating gears. 8. Circular thickness (or Thickness of tooth). The length of arc between the sides of a gear tooth, measuled on the pitch circle is known as circular thickness (or thickness of tooth). 9. Tooth space. It is the width of tne-recqss betweentwo ad;acent teeth measured along pitch circle. eds and sPeed ratios. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 388 A Textbook of Mechatronics 1.0. Backlash. It is the difference between the tooth space and the tooth thickness. 17, Face, It is the action or working surface of the addendum. 12. Flank. The working face of the dedendum is called the flank. 13. Top land. It is the surface of the top of the tooth. 14. Bottom land.lt is the surface of the bottom of the tooth space. 15. Whole depth.It is the total depth of the tooth space, equal to addendum plus dedendum; also it is equal to the working depth plus clearance,_'1.6. Tboth fillet. It is the radius which connects the root circle to the tooth profile. 77. Circular pitch. The distance measured along the pitch circle from a point on one tooth to the corresponding point on an adjacent tooth is called circular-pitch. lt is represented by p.. nD Pr= ...(7.1) T where p = pitch diameter, T = number of teeth. 18. Pitch diameten It is the diameter of a pitch circle. It is usually represented by d, or dr for pinion and gear respectively. 19. Diametral pitch. Number of teeth on a wheel per unit of its pitch diameter is called the diametral pitch. It is denoted by p, .'. 0,= T ...(7.2) Pr'Pa = n ...(7.3) *= 2T ,..(7.4) D From eqns. (7.1) and (7.2), we have Actuators-Me< 2. Helical parallel with : more accurate t Fig. A disadaan neutralising th bone gears) sho 3. Bevel gr which intersect mitre gears; if t gears. Spiral t applications, h 20. Module. It is the rel)erse of the diametral pitch. Ratio between the pitch diameter and the number of teeth is known as module, it is denotedby m. Types of gears : The types of gear are discussed below : 1. Spur gear. A spur gear is a gear wheel or pinion for transmitting motion between two parallel shafts. Tlis is the simplest form of geared drive. The teeth are cast or machined parallel with the axis of rotation of the gear. Normally the teeth are of ihvolute form. Fig. 7.24 illustrates a spur gear drive, consisting of a pinion and a spur wheel. The efficiency of power transmission by these gears is very high and may be as much as 99"/o in case of high-speed gears with good material and workmanship of construction and good lubrication in operation. Under average conditions, efficiency of 96-98% are commonly attainable. The Fig.7 4. Worm ger shafts which are t part of a screw, r ratio is the ratio One of the p that high gear ri worm to that o, Worm gearing is 5. Rack and spur gear of infin of a straight gea pinion to conoerl Types of gea disadaantages are that they are liable to be more noisy in operation and may wear out and develop backlash more readily than the other types. F19.7.24, Spur gear. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor The combinan motion is transmtt lllechatronics thickness. Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 389 2. Helical gear. Refer to Fig. 7.25, helical gear is one in which teeth instead, of being parallel with shaft as in ordinary spur gears, are inclined. This ensures smooth action and more accurate maintenance of aelocity ratto. lendum plus rcth profile. point on one ilar pitch.lt is ...(7.r) resented bY d, !l Fig, 7,25. Helical gear. Fig, 7,26. Double helical gear. A disadaantage is that the inclination of the teeth sets up a lateral thrust. A method of neutralising this lateral or axial thrust is to use double-helical gears (also known as Herring bone gears) shown in Fig. 7.26. 3. Bevel gear. Refer to Fig.7.27. Abevel gear transmits motionbetween two shafts which intersect.If the shafts are at right angles and wheels equal in size, they are called mitre gears; if the shafts are not at right angles, they are sometimes called angle bevel gears. Spiral toothed bevel gears are preferred to straight-toothed bevels in certain applications, because they will run more smoothly and make less noise at high speeds. h diameter is ...(7.2) ...(7.3) dtch diameter / ...(7.4) Pinion L \a )< /; J \rou, . wheel pitr gear. Fi9.7.27. Bevelgear. Fig.7.28. Worm gear. 4. Worm gear. Refer to Fig. 7.28. Worm gears connect two non-parallel, non-intersecting shafts which are usually atright angles. One of the gears is called the'roorm'.It is essentiallv part of a screw meshing with the teeth on a gear wheel, called ttte "Taorm wheel". The gear ratio is the ratio of number of teeth on the wheel to the number of threads on the rlonn. One of the great advantages of worm gearing in that high gear ratios (i.e., ralro of rotational speed of worm to that of worm wheel) are easily obtained. Worm gearing is smooth and quiet. 5. Rack and pinion. Refer to Fig. 7.29. A rack is a spur gear of infinite diameter, thus it assurnes the shape of a straight gear. The rack is generally used with a pinion ta conaert rotary motion into rectilinear motion. Types of gear trains : The combination of gear wheels by means of which Fi9.7.29. Rack and pinion. motion is transmitted from one shaft to another shaft is called a gear train. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 390 The gear trains are of the following types: 2. Compound gear train 1. Simple gear train 3. Epicyclic gear train. Simple gear train: A simple gear train is one in which each shaft carries one wheel only (Fig. 7.30)' simple in which guu, ,*i* aie employed ryhere a small oelocity ratio is required The gear- train geat ihe drl'ir,g and ttre diiven shafts are co-axial or coincident is known as the reaerted train \Fig. 7.37). Refer to Fig. 7.30. 1 is the driving wheel and 4 the driven wheel' Nr = SPeed of driver in r'P'm', Let, Nz = SPeed of the idle gear 2 in r'p'm', Na = Speed of the idle gear 3 in r'p'm', N+ = Speed of the driven (or follower) in r'p'm' and 71, 72,73' and Tn be the number of teeth on the gears 1, 2,3 and 4 respectively. Actuators-Me From eqn Similarlr Multiplvir .'. Speed r Tiain valt Similarlu number of inte ffict the speetl speed ratio an The idle g 1. To br:; insteac 2. To hel; Fig. 7.31 s transmissiorrs. l, Compounr A compout as thefollozter t used for ftlglr ; small diameter need arises, car Fig.7.31. Reverted gear train. Fig. 7.30. Simple gear train' Let D, and, Drbe the pitch diameters of wheels 1 and 2' Since gears 1 and 2 are meshing together, therefore, nDrN, = nDzNz Nr=D, N2 Dl (i.e., in one line gearing is emp Refer to Fi1 ...(t) The gear 1 which are mou mounted on sh Let, and diametral pitch of gear 1 = diametral pitch of geat 2' Tr= T" T^ D" L D1 Dz ^f Z- T1 Dl PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor i lechatronics 391 Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic From eqns. (i) and (ii), we have Nr=L (1) N2 N" T^ Ar, T2 Nr=ln N4 T3 T1 730). Simple rin in which reuerted gear Similarly, ..(2) ...(3) Multiplying eqns. (1), (2) and (3), we get NrrNr*N, = Tr*TrrT, o. Nr=L N2 N. N4 T1 T2 T3 N4 T' speed (or velocity) ratio = respectivelY. ...(7.s) ffi##ffi H.::1E:HH*3;H = Tiain value. It is the reciprocal of aelocity ratio )ompound Gear I Speed of driver I's _r.r\ p)' 2,'\\ _ Speedofdriven _ No. of teeth on driver \\ -:-/ i I No. of teeth on driven Similarly, it can be proved that the above equation holds_good even if there are any number of intermediate gears. These intermediate gears are called idle gears, as they do not the affect the speed ratio or triin aalue of the system.In simple train of gears (as seen above) gears. intermediate/idle of number and the size sieed ratio and train.value is independent of The idle gears are provided for the following purposes : 7. To bridge the distance between the driving and driven wheels of moderate sizes insteaJof providing two wheels (driving and driven) of extra-ordinary big sizes. 2. To help achieving the required direction of driaen wheeL ,R] ffiiI t! dihto [J fted gear train. ...(0 ...(t0 Fig. T.3l shows a reverted gear train. The reaerted gear trains are used in automotii'e transmissions, lathe back gears, industrial speed reducers etc. Compound gear train: A compound gear train is one in which each shaft carries tuto wheels, one of uhich .i;!s as the follower andlhe other acts as a driaer to the other shaft (Fig.7.32). These gear trains are ,sed ?or high z;elocity ratio and the same can be obtained with wheels of comparativelr small diam"eter and, moreover, the driver can be had in smaller and limitecl space and if need arises, can be brought back so that the driving and driven wheels axes are coincident (i.e., inone line). Usually for a speed reduction in excess of 7 to 1 a compound train or \\'Lrrm gearing is employed (instead of a simple train)' Refer to Fig. 7.32. The gear 1 is driving gear mounted qn shaft L, gears 2 and 3 are compound gears which are mountea on snift M. The gears 4 and 5 are also compound gear rshich are mounted on shaft P and gear 6 is the driven geal mounted on shaft Q. Nr = Speed of driving gear 1 in r'p'm', Let, Tr = No. of teeth on driving gear 1, N2, N3, N4, N5, No = SPeed of respective Sears in r'p'm'' and 72, 73, 74,75, Ts = No' of teeth on respective gears' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 392 Actuators-Meche Driven (or Follower) 6ly' Example 7.1 (i) Pitch dia (iii) Module o. Solution. Nu Circular pitc @ Pitch di: Git Diametr: (dll)Module, Fi5.7.32. Compound gear train. Since gear 1 meshes with gear 2, therefore its speed (or velocity) ratio is Nr=7i N2 T1 ...(0 shaft L. Similarly, for gears 3 and 4, speed ratio is Ng=?, N4 T3 Exarnple 72 motor shaft which ...(ii) and for gears 5 and 6, speed ratio is Nr=ru ...(iii) N.4 The speed ratio of the compound gear train is obtained by multiplying eqns. (i), (ii), and (iil). , r'J, * N, = T, *Tn *Tu N, N4 N. T1 T3 Ts & = N, ('.' gears 2 and 3 are mounted on shaft M) Ns = Nn ('.' gears 5 and 4 are mounted on shaft P) N, But, Tr,qr4 = N6 ?i T3 4 l\1, i.e., Speed (or velocity) ratio = Speed of the first driver Speed of the last driven or follower Product or the number of teeth on drivens Product of the numbers teeth on the drivers PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Solution. Nul Number o Number o Number o Number o Number o Speed of d 393 Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic r.techatronics tain varue i=tr) _ Speed cf the last driverl olfollcv/el Speed of the first driver Product of the number of teeth on the drivers =. Example 7.1. A toothed gear has 72 teeth and circular pitch of 26 mm, find the following: (il Pitch diameter. (ii) Diarnetrnl pitch. (iiil Module of the gear. Solution. Number of teeth, T = 72 p, = 26 mm Circular pitch, (r) Pitch diameteq D : 0-= _nD 'L T r-\ -,e ... u 2g= "72 . a; . -a 595.87 mm (Ans.) (ll) Diametral pitch, pn; f c l.: - = 0.12 teeth/mm (Ans.) (iiilModule, m: *= 2_ 595'87 = 8.27 mm/tooth (Ans.) T72 -is ...(0 Exarnple 7.2. Fig.7.33 shows the gearing of a machine tool. The gear A is connected to the motor shaft which rotates at 1000 r.p.m. Eind the speed of the gear F mounted on the output shaft L. ...(,r) ...(,i0 r,g eqns. (0, (ii), ir'lotor O utput shaft I shaft Fig.7.33. :.ted on shaft M) rnted on shaft P) rer Solution. Number of teeth of gear A, Number of teeth of gear B, Number of teeth of gear C, Number of teeth of gear D, Number of teeth of gear E, Number of teeth of gear F, Speed of the motor shaft, TA 40 TB 100 TC 50 TD 150 T.L T.r 52 NA 1000 r.p.m. 130 r on drivens n the drivers PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 394 Speed of the output shaft, N.: lL_ _ T^xTrxT, We know that, N/ NF ^. 1000 ToxTnxT, 40x50x52 100x150x130 Nr = 53.33 r.p.m. (Ans.) Actuators-Mecharic bending sr their width textile, balat o Leather belts used vert r Epicyclic (or Planetary) gear train : So far we have discussed those gear trains in which axes of the wheels remain fixed relative to one another. But there is another system of gear train in which there is relstiae motion between two or more of the axes of the wheels (constituting the train); such an arrangement of wheels is kno'arn as "epicyclic gear train". The wheels are usually carried on an arm or link pivoted about a fixed centre and itself capable of rotating. For example, in Fig. 7.34 gear Stationary rolls around the outside of the,stationary gear 2 as the arm gear A revolves. Epicyclic kains are sometimes called as planetary gear trains because of the fact that gear 1 goes round and round the gear 2 just like a planet moving round the sun. The motion of the planets around the sun is called planetary Fig.7.34 motion, so the motion of gear 1 around gear 2 is called planetary motion. Epicyclic gear trains are also simple as well as compound exactly in the same manner as explained earlier. The following points are worth noting : o Rubber belt: exposed to leather. Tlv o Textile belts o Balata belts than 100.C. . Steel belts at unaffected I The puller.s used, the b pressure on Nofe: The pullercamber or crown and V-belts : A V-belt is a belr the belt. The normat 1. The epicyclic gear trains are useful for transmitting oery high aelocity ratios, with gears of moderate size in a comparatiaely lesser space. 2. These trains are of great practical importance and find use in almost all kinds of workshop and electrical machines; e.g. back gear of lathe, dffirential gears and gear boxes for motor aehicles, cyclometers etc. 7.2.1O. Belts and Belt Drives A belt is a continuous band of flexible material passing ooer pulleys to transmit motion from one shaft to another. Belts are available : (i) with a narrow rectangular cross-section-Flat belts [Fig. 7.35(i)]. (li) with a trapezoidal cross-section-V-belts [Fig. 7.35(li)] and multiple V-belts [Fig. 7.35(io)1. o V-belts are us They are 'sr drives. Orviru the pullel; ttr same belt ten_<t Round belts: (i) (ri) (i'i) (iv) Fi9.7.35 (iii) Round cross-section-Round belts [Fig. 7.35(iii)]. Chiefly used in machinery are flat and V-belts. Flat belts : o Flat belts are used for their simplicity and because they are subjected to minimum PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Round belts are er :ools, machinery of tlu c as a rule. They mav t to 12 mm, usuallr. tn smaller pulley to ihe Belt drive : A belt drive consis on the pulleys with a c il Mechatronics Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic, 395 bending stress on the pulleys. The load capacity of flat belts is varied by varying their width, and only one is used in each drive. They are made of leather, rubber, els remain fixed , there is relatiae textile, balata and steel. o Leather belts have the best pulling capacity. Because of high cost of leather they are used very rarely. c Rubber belts made of rubber on a cotton-duck base are used where the belt is exposed to the weather or steam, as they do not absorb moisture so readily as leather. They get destroyed if kept in contact with oil or grease. o Textile belts are made of cotton and are used for rough and short service. o Balata belts are acid and water proof and cannot withstand temperature higher than 100"C. o Steel belts are claimed to transmit more horse power per cm width, and to remain unaffected by dampness or heat and be immune from stretching and slipping. fur" 734 he same manner The pulleys on which they are mounted do not haae camber. Steel belts are sometimes used, the belt being subjected to considerable initial tension, to maintain the pressure on the pulley, on which the friction depends. Nofer The pulley of the flat belts is made conaex at centre. This feature of the pulley is called camber ot croTotl and due to it the lateral displacement of belt is prevented. V-belts : A V-belt is a belt of trapezoidal section running on pulleys with grooves cut to match the belt. The normal angle between the sides of the groove is 40 deg. Fig.7.36(a, b). 1 ratios, with geats :|:|tl::///i) !!4/',/ ii/ lmost all kinds of tial gears and gear fr/11/i,t 'i',!,','//'/) msmit motion t'rom Wearing cover (a) Fig. l. Itiple V-belts [Fig. 7.36. V-belt. o V-belts are usually made of fabric coated rvith rubber. Th"y are silent and resilient. They are used when the distance betn een the shafts is too short for flat-belt drives; Owing to the wedge acfion between the belt and the sides of the groove in the pulley, the V-belt is lesg likely to slip, hence more power can be transmitted for the same belt tension. Round belts: Round belts are employed to transmit low power, mainly in instruments, table-type machine :ttols, machinery of the clothing industry andhouseh.old applinnces. Round belts are used singly, :s a rule. They may be made of leather, cAnT)as and rubber. The diameter range is from 3 frted to minimum :o 12 mm, usually from 4 to 8 mm. The minimum allowable ratio of the diameter of ,maller pulley to the belt diameter is about 20, the recommended ratio is 30. Belt drive : A belt drive consists of the driving and driven pulleys and the belt which is mounted on the pulleys with a certain amount of tension and transmits peripheral force by friction. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics Actuators-Mectra Open belt driaes fFig.7.37(a)j are applied, as a rule, between parallel shafts whichrotate (1) Medium t gears/ or (2) Drives v 396 . Belt drives may be: Chains drivr (l) Open belt drive (ll) Crossed belt drive. in the same direction. Here the belt is subject to tension'and bending. transmiss Fo llow e r Fo llow e r I I There are trtr (i) Roler ch (ii) Inverted 7.2.12. Bean Introduction o A bearintr (a)Open belt drive (b)Cross belt dnve I Fig.7.37. Belt drives. ln crossed belt driaes fFig.7.37(b)l the power is transmitted between small shafts rotating opposite direction. Since the angle of contact in this type of drirse is more, it can transmit more power than open belt drirse. However there is more wear and tear of the belt in this driae. Applications of belt drives : The main applications of belt drives are: (l) fo transmit power from low or medium capacity electric motors to operative machines. (li) To transmit power from small prime movers (internal combustion engines) to electric generators, agricultural and other machinery. 9.2.11. Chains and Chain Drives o The mater lining bein White metal or Jirectly in the casl as these is that tlq :t insufficient cleari Classi Bearings ma1. I L. Plain bean (a) Journal be: (c) Collar or d 2. Ball and m . Achain consists oflinks connected by joints which prooide for articulation or flexibility of the chain. o A chain drive consists of two sprockets and chain (Fig. 7.38). Chain drives, or transmissions, with several driven sprockets are also employed. Besides the enumerated components, chain drives may also include tensioning devices, lubricating devices and guards. Fig. 7.39. Jou Plain bearin . A jount the beari @ of the slw which is journal. . A piaot I is paralle! the end surface. Fig.7.38. Chain drive. . In collar parallel to and extent PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ,lechatronics Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 397 Chains drives are used for: rvhich rotate (7) Medium centre to centre distances which, in the case of a gear drive, would require idle gears, or intermediate stages not necessary to obtain the required speed ratio. (2) Drives with strict requirements as to overall size or ones requiring positiae transmission withottt slippage (preventing the use of V-belts drives). There are two principal types of chain drives: (l) Roller chain drive, and (ii) Inverted tooth or silent chain drive. 7.2.12. Bearings shafls rotating :ransmit rtore ,'. this driae, Introduction o A bearingis a deaice which suTtTtorl-<. grrides and restrains moaing elements. o The material used for bearing is commonly cast-iron for slotu speeds, bronze or brass lining being fitted for higher syteels. White metal or antifrication metal is used as a lining for the bronze, or it may be held -iirectly in the cast-iron or in the steel of a connecting rod. The value of soft metals such .rs these is that they do not roughen th€ ;c':,, ,:.i., ard they are able to flow slightly under pressure ; insufficient clearance has been alloice,i i- :j:r:. shaft is aery slightly out of line. 7.2.12|1,. Classification of Bearings Bearings may be classified as folloils 1. Plain bearings : (a) ]ournal bearing. (bt Pir ot bearing. : s to oPerative on engines) to (c) Collar or thrust bearing. 2. Ball and roller bearings. Bearing Shaft :::r; or flexibilitY Bush -:..ain drives, or e.1. Besides the Cast iron block :lrning devices, Disc Fig. 7.39. Journal bearing. 1. F19. 7.4O. Pivot bearing. Plain bearings. o A journal bearing (Fi9.7.39) is one in which the bearing pressure is perpendicular to the axis of the shaft. The portion of the rotating element which is in contact with the bearing is called - - journal. o A piaot bearing is one in which the pressure is parallel to the axis of the shaft (Fig. 7.40) and the end of the shaft rests on the bearing surface. . ln collar bearing (Fig. 7.a\ the pressure is parallel to the axis of the shaft, rahich is passed and extended through the bearings. Fig.7.41. Collar or thrust beiring. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics Actuators-Med r These bearings are employed to take up unbalanced axial loads on the horizontai inl d4 398 shaft.lf the load is light, a single collar thrust bearing may serve the purpose but in case of large loads the use of multiple collar bearings is restored to. 2. Bqll and roller bearings ; Refer to Figs. 7.42 and 7.43 r Ball and roller bearings are also known as rolling contact bearings or rollingelement bearings because the bearing elements especially are in a rolling contact. Sometimes these are also referred to as " antifrication bearings" , through some friction is always present owing to rolling resistance between the balls/rollers and the races. retainers and contacting parts etc. The starting friction in ball and roller bearings is lower than that in an equivalent journal bearing in which metal-to-metal rubbing takes place at the time of starting. The ball and roller bearings are also quite suitable at moderate speeds but at high speeds it is found that a properly designed and lubricated journal bearing has less friction. Outer race Uses of be The uses ot High I shafts Pressu HiSh I and ha .). Turbo6 4. Table f. 5. Ceiling (Fixed ) 6. Roller Mediur: horizon Mediua vertical Mediur horizont placed i 7.3 ELECTRIC 7.3.1. Gener Actuator: ,{ .tctuator. (a) (b) Fig. 7.43. Roller bearings. Fig. 7.42. Ball bearing. o The friction-speed relationship for various cases is shown in Fig. 7.44. It mat be noted that in the case of ball and roller bearings, the coefficient of friction uarb: little with load qnd speed, except at extreme aalues; this property makes the ball and roller bearings extremely suitable for machines that are started and s topped frequently, especially large bearing loads. However, in case of roller bearings the Electrical ach .zctuators. Electrical actu I. Switching r 1. Mechanic; o Solenc o Rela)-s 1 under laad. Since in case of c .9 ball bearing only a kinematic '= point contacf is made, and in r case of roller bearing a kinematic li:te contsct, the latter is frequently used for Actuation $s -:tttion to an act} Journal beartng Roller bearing Ball bearing Shafl speed ------) Fig. 7 .44. Friction-speed relationship. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 2. Solid state o Dode: o Tyristc a Tiansis Here the contrr II. Drive syste 1. D.C. motor 2. A.C. motor pk of Mechatronics 399 Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic inherent disadoantage is the variation of pressure along lhe band of contact, due to deflection of shaft and mountings. tds on the horizontql / s€rve the PurPose Uses of bearings : The uses of bearings in electrical equipment are given in tabular form below : ings is restored to. I bearings ot rolling- rin a rolling contact. High H.P. motors, generators or alternators whose ngs", through some lournnl bearing shafts are horizontal and have no thrust. (end een the balls/rollers pressure) rting friction in ball : purnal bearing in ;tarting. The ball and High H.P. electrical machines with horizontal shafts Thrust or roller bearings and having end thrust. high speeds it is t'ound 3. Turbogenerator sets with verticai shafts. Foot sttp or pit'ot benrings as friction' 4. Table fans. Bnil I'e.irin.,s (Radial type) 5. Ceiling fans. Bal! ttearntgs (Thrust type) 6. Medium H.P. motors or generators (shafu r+'ith horizontal axis without end thrust). Roller bearntgs (Radial type) Medium H.P motors or generators (shafts with vertical axis). Roller bearing (Thrust type) Medium H.P. motors and generators (shafts with horizontal axis and having end thrust or shafts placed in an inclined position). Roller bearing (Tapered Typet Trape red rolle r 7.3 ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS 7.3.1.General Aspects Actuator: A mechanical deaice or a system which has motion or moaement is called an nctuqtor. (b) I bearings. m in Fig. 7.44.ItmaY f,sient of friction aaries Actuation system: A group of elements which is responsible directly or indirectly for imparting motion to an actuator is called an actuation system. Electrical actuator: An actuator receiaing electrical energy for motion is called an electrical actuators. Electrical actuators systems include the following: I. Switching devices: 1. Mechanical switches: o Solenoids. o Relays. 2. Solid state switches: o Diodes. o Tyristors. o Tiansistors. Here the control signal switches on or off some electrical deaice, perhaps a heater or motor. 'ed ----| II. Drive systems: 1. D.C" motors. 2. A.C. motors. peed relationshiP' PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 400 7.3.2. Switching Devices Actuators-M 1. Mechanical switches : Mechanical switches are elements which are often used as sensors to give input to systems e.g., keyboards. Here we are concerned with their use as actuators to perhaps switch on electric motors or heating elements or switch on the current to actuate solenoid ualoes controlling httdraulic or pneumatic cylinders. Mechanical sutitches sre those where in switching action is by the apptication of force on tlrc xuitch and dwing switching action mechanical elements moae with the switch. These switches consists of one or more pair of contacts which are mechanically closed or opened and in doing so make or break electrical circuit. o Mechanical switches are specified in terms ol number of poles and throus. Poles (P) are number of separnte cirurits that can be completed by the same switching - action. (T) sre ntrmber of indiuidual contacts for each pole.. - Throzos o There are many designs for limit "switches" including push-button and levered microswitches. A1l switches are used to open or close connections within circuits. As illustrated in Fig. 7.45, switches are characterised by the number of poles throws snd whether connections are "normally open (NO) or "normally closed (NC)". I I -----€ o- .K .Nt .Tl (b) Sofhot to detr ms). I positic (c) Hardu o Se! . Dr .ftt ) I b) Specir ---___d o__ SPST NO push butlon Fig. 7.47, st _'o-NC L 4 NC push button from multiple I o_No SPDT . Fig.7.45.Switches. SPST switch is a single pole (SP), single throw (ST) device that opens or - The closes a single connection. The SPDT switch changes the pole between two different throw positions. There are many variations on the pole and throw configurations of switches, but their function is easily understood from the basic terminology. g- Bouncing and debouncing : When mechanically switches are opened or closed, there are brief current oscillations due to mechanical bouncing or electric arcing; this phenonon is called switch bounce. Fi9.7.46, illustrates that the mechanical contact associated with a switch closing results in multiple voltage transitions over a short period of time. Bouncing can occur when the switch is opened. - Generally the bouncing time is about 20 ms. The problem of bouncing can be solved by using the following methods (a) Specially designed switches. (b) Software solution. (c) Hardware solution. : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor As the sr a small < occurs oI Qisasir The circu :: Mechatronics 401 Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic il:ffiL 5VQ I . give input to .rrs to perhaPs l.tuate solenoid .i:ion of force ot1 These switches ..pened and in ; iltrotus. .. :tlfirc switching :.-n and levered . x'ithin circuits. umber of Poles ". ,losed (NC)". I: / Switch ----o---l Fig.7.46 (al Specially designed switches: Specially designed switches include the following : o Keys of a keyboard (toggle switch); o Membrane switch; o The keys used in calculators, mobile phones and telephones. (b\ Softu:are solution: In this method, the microprocessor is programmed with a software to detect that the switch is closed and then wait for the bouncing period (say 20 ms). After checking that bouncing has ceased, the switch being in the closed position processing of next instruction can take place. Hardware solution: The hardware solutions to the bouncing problem are kl o Set reset flip-flop circttit @lso cqlled latch circuit); o D flip-plop circuits : o Schmitt trigger. Fi1.7.47, shows the sequential logic circuit which can provide an output that is free from multiple transitions associated with switch bounce. .:e that opens or :::o$, positions. ','. :tches, but their ::illations due to lfr'. : switch closing .5b7 r Fig. 7.47. Switch debounce circuits. .':ltods As the switch breaks contact n'ith B, single bounce occurs on the B line. There is a small delay as the switch moves from contact B to A, and then single bounce occurs on the A line as contact is established n,ith A. The output of the debouncer Q is a single transition from 0 V to 5 V. The circuit functions very much like a flip-flop. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 402 Actuators-Med (r) Solenoids: Refer toFig.7.48. The inl comm( A "solenoid" consists of a coil and a movable iron core called the armature. When the current is passed through the coil it gets energizbd and consequently the core moves to increase the flux linkage by closing the air gap between the cores. The movable core is usually spring-loaded to allow the core to retract when the current is switched off. The input; and gr input c force generated is approximately proportional to the square af the current and inaersely proportion to the square of the width of the air gap. o The r?r_i 2. Solid st Following e (i) Diodes (iii) Bipolar Movable armature (l) Diodes: diodt - Abiased :rrward . sufficientlv n If an altr ': iulren the tlirt: ::,ectton. o General used for lron core (li) Thyristr (Station ary) (a) Plunger typ.e (b) Nonplunger type Thyristors: :iode which has n. Fi1.7.48. Solenoids. . The por. o Solenoids are inexpensive. o Solenoids can be used to provide electrically operated actuators. Solenoid aalaes are an example of such devices, being used to control fluid flow in hydraulic or pneumatic systems. The use of solenoids is limited to on-off applications such as latching,locking, and triggering. They are frequently used in: appliances (e.9., washing machine valves). - Home Automobiles (e.g., door latches and starter solenoid) - Pinball machines (e.9., plungers and bumpers). - Factory automation. - Relays: (ii) Relays are electrically operated switches in which changing current in one electrical circuit switches a current on or off in another circuit. Relays are often used in control systems; the output from the controller is a relatively small current and a much larger current is needed to switch on or off the final connection element, e.g., the current required by an electric heater in a temperature control system or a motor. Relays are used in'power szaitches' and'electromechanical control elements'. o A relay performs a function similar to a power transistor szuitch circuit but has the capability to switch much larger currents. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor for sir.r..c Thyristo D.C. - Elecfr - Electr - Lamp (a) D.C. ct'tri: l C. control cirrr - The thrrr off the de An inten chopping alternate value'of varied a alternatin (b) Thyristor , Fig. 7.50, sho .ntrol circuit) an -- A.C. supp Mechatronics Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 403 The input circuit of a relay is electrically isolated form the output circuit, unlike the common-emitter transistor circuit, where there is a common ground between the input and output. Since the relay is electricallv isolated, noise, induced voltages, and ground faults occurring in the or.rtprut circr.rit have ltinimal impoct on the 'i. When the L-rre mOVeS tO ri'able core is ched off. The <lq proportion input circuit. o The disnduantage of the relays is that thev har e sirr.{t'r' s.r'ltc/l ing tinres than transistors. 2. Solid state switches: Following are the solid-state devices n'hich can be used to electronicalll' switch circuits: (ri) Thr-ristors and triacs (i) Diodes (lil) Bipolar transistors (BPT) (ii') Porver, MOSFETs. (i) Diodes: A diode can be regarded as a 'directional element', only passing a cttrreut u'hen iorward biased (1.e., with the anode being positive with respect to the cathode). Ii diode :s sufficiently reverse biased, it will breakdown. If an alternating voltage is applied across a diode, it can be regarded as only szuitclting - the direction o.f the aoltage is such as to forward bias it and being olf in the reuerse biased ,ti uthen -l r.recttot'I. r Generally diodes are not used as switches, but are used as rectifiers.lt can also be used for full-wave rectification by forming a bridge using diodes. (ii) Thyristors and triacs: Thyristors: The thyristot or silicon-controlied rectifier (SCR) can be regarded as a liode which has a gate controlling the condition under which the diode can be switched -)n. o The power-handling capability of a thvristors is high and thus it is widely used for switching high power applications. Thyristors are employed in: D.C. controls; Electric heaters; Electric motors; Lamp dimmers etc. '.:,toid oalaes are ::. hvdraulic or *.i.locking, and E - (a) D.C. control : Fig,.7.49 shorvs the thvristor l.C. control circuit and output : : electrical circuit er is a relativelY 'final connection e control sYstem ,ietlts' . ::rcuit but has the - (a) D. C. control circuit The thyristor is used as a switch to on and off tlr.e device. An intermittent voltage is generated br- 1u"", chopping of the supply voltage using an Time ---------+ alternate signal to the gate. The average value of the D.C. voltage can thus be (b) Output varied ariC hence controlled by the Fig. 7,49. Thyristor a ppl icatior-r. alternating signal at the gate. (h) Thyristor application in lamp dimmer (A.C. ctrcuit) : Fi1.7.50, shows the circuit using thyristor for a lamp dimmer (also called phase .rrtrol circuit) and output of the thyristor. -- A.C. supply is applied across R. (may be a lamp or an electric heater) in series PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ryr A Textbook of Mechatronics 404 with a thyristor. Ro is the potentiometer (resistance) which sets the voltage at which the thyristor is triggered. Diode prevents the neg;ative part of A.C. supplied to the gate. By adjusting the triggering voltage to the thyristor (using potentiometer), it can be made to trigger at any point between 0o and 90o in the +ve half cycle of A.C. When the thyristor is triggered at the beginning of the cycle i.e.,0" full power supply is applied to the load and by varying the triggering voltage the supply to the load can be varied. Actuators--{l a lnu: gl\.el requ drive / o Bipol sutitc oftt! (io) MOS MOSFETs and the P-clu The main R, = Current limiting resistance FL = Load resistor Ro = Potentiomeier resistance FL that no curren signal. Thus c about the sizt with Mo: Thy ristor tuith a microy, Control o1 MOSFET ( as compared voltage level t Figure 7.5 , (a) Phase control circurt lnput to thyristor (A. C. supply) -fl, j_ m rc.:: Wr,r :, ic .- Output of thvrjstor (b) lnput to and output of thyristor Fig.7.50. Thyristor application in lamp dimmer. Thus thyristor can be employed to control the A.C. supply to seaeral deoices. Triac : - The triac is similar to the thyristor and is equivalent to a pair of thyristors connected in reverse parallel on the same chip. triac can be turned on in either forward or reverse direction. - The Tiiacs are simple, relatively inexpensive, methods of controlling A.C. power. - Bipolar transistor (BPT): (iii) Bipolar transistors come in two forms, the NPN and the PNP. For the NPN transistor, the main current flows in at the collector and out at the emitter, a controlling signal being applied to the base. The PNP transistor has the main current flowing in at the emitter and out at the collector, a controlling signal being applied to the base. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Fig. 7.3.3. Driv Electric motr control systems. Electric motc as follows : 1. D.C. Mo (l Pern (ii) Seria mk of Mechatronics tre voltage at which ) ntiometer), it can be half cycle of A.C. h i.e., 0o full Power oltage the supPlY to Actuators-Mechanical,,Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 405 o In using transistor switched actuators with a microprocessor, attention has to be given to the size of the base current required and its direction. The base current can be too high and so a buffer might be used. The buffer increases the '- required drive current to the lequired value. It might also be used to invert. o Bipolar transistor switching is implemented by base currents and higher frequencies of switching are possible than with thyristors. The power handling capacity is less than that of thyristors. (fu) MOSFETs: MOSFETs (Metal-oxide field-effect kansistors) are available in two types, the N-channel and the P-channel. The main difference between the use of a MOSFET for switching and a bipolar transistor is g ,esista nce r resistance that no current flows into the gate to exercise the control. The gate aoltage is the controlling signal. Thus drive circuitry can be simplified in that there is no need to be concerned about the size of the current. With MOSFETs, aery high frequency switching is possible, up to 1 MHz, and interfacing uith a microprocessor is simpler than with bipolar transistors. Control of D.C. motor using MOSFET : MOSFET can be employed as a control switch for a D.C. motor as on-off switch. Here, as compared to BIT for D.C. motor control, a level shifter buffer is used to raise the voltage level to that required for the MOSFET. Figure 7.51 shows the circuit diagram for D.C. motor control using MOSFET. O utput of m icroprocessor I t. will be lnpul to the level ---+-= Level shifler shifte r I 12V I kaices. Fig.7.51. MOSFET (N-channel type) application in D.C. motor control. iltryristors connected Ltction. Dtling A.C. power. ir the NPN transistor, ntolling signal being g in at the emitter and 7.3.3. Drive Systems-Etectric Motors Electric motors are frequently used as the final control element in positional or speed control systems. Electric motors for mechatronics applications, can be classifudby elechical configuration as follows : 1. D.C. Motors: (i) Permanent magnet. (ii) Series wound. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 406 A Textbook of Mechatronics Actuators-Me (iii) ShLrnt ruound. (iir) Compotmd wound. 3.- 2. A.C. Motors (i) Single phase: I (a) lnduction: . Squirrelcage: l Split phase I Capacitor start Permanent split capacitor Shaded pole capacitor' I i I I . ;iilalve Repulsion Repulsion start Repulsion induction. Fig. i (b) Synchronous: o Shadedpole o Hysteresis o Reluctance a Permanentmagnet. - AP\I field > - (ii) Polyphase: the ci,- o The p\ o Squirrelcage. (b) Synchronous. torque. When - feedbai . PMmc (ili) Universalmotors. , a ln modern control systems D,C. motors are mostly used. limited 7.3.4. D.C. Motors Adztantaga As comparr reuersible. (i) More ef (ii) More re (iii) More sn These motors can respond quickly since they have a high ratio of torque to rotor- (ra) .The fiel configurations. The speeds of the D.C. motors can be smoothly controlled and in most cases are - PM n:c Applicatia . Wound rotor - equir.a PMm< (a) Induction: D.C. (Direct current) motors find wide applications in a large number of mechatronic designs because of the torque-speed characteristics achievable with different electrical The ra inertia. characte 'Dynamic braking'(where motor generated energy is fed to a resistor dissipater) (o) In a sepi and 'regeneratiae braking' (where rnotor-generated energy is fed back to the D.C. power supply) can be implemented in applications where quick stops and high efficiency are desired. Permanent magnet (PM) D"C. motors In these motors (See Fig. 7 "52) field excitation is obtained by suitably mounting permanent magnets (which require no power source and therefore produce no heating) on the stator. Magnets made from ferrites or rare earth (cobalt samarium) are used. does nol - PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Limitation- . speed. D.C- Refer to Fig. In these md by the same supl '.'=cnatronlcs Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 407 t I C O = g -a Fi1.7.52. Permanent magnet D.C. motor schematic and torq-=-:c=ed and current-torque curye5. PM motor is lighter and smaller than others, equivaient D,C n.,.,iors l.ec.:trse the - A field strength of permanent magnets is high. radial width of a typical permanent magnet is roughly one-fourth th.rr tii .rn - The equivalent field winding. nrotors are easily reuersed by switching the direction of the applied uoltage ,l,t'c,i jl.ir' - PM the current and field change direction only in the rotor. PM motors can be brushed, brushless, or stepper motors. Applications: o The PM motor is ideal in compttter control applications because of the linearity of its torque-speed relation. When a motor is used in a position or speed control application with sensor - feedback to a controller, it is referred to as "seruomotor". o PM motors are used only in lou-pouer applications since their rated power is limited to 5 H.P. or less, with fractional horsepower ratings being more common. ' :lechatronic -.-:rt electrical Adoantages: As compared to field wound motors, these motors possess the following adaantages: 'r'.rst cases are (i) More efficient. (ii) More reliable. (iii) More study and compact. : ,.ltLe to rotor- (izr) The field flux remains constant for all loads giving a more linear speed-torque ::trr dissipater) .,:k to the D.C. r:trps and high (z;) In a separately excited motor, failure of field can lead to runaway condition. This does not happen in PM motors. Limitation. As the flux is constant in these motors, speed cannot be controlled aboae bsse characteristic. speed, D.C. Shunt motors: .rL,lr., mountrng .:.e no heatiug) are used. Refer to Fig. 7.53. In these motors armature and field windings are connected in parallei and ptrrlered by the same supply. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor bi A Textbook of Mechatronics 408 Actuators-lr,le . Thet rnver a urid D Nearly c0nstant to C o -g J o F o ) C Va raab le resistor Speed ----| I, = Line current (= Iu + 116)i l,r = Shunt current; 1,, = Armalure current Fig. 7.53. D.C. shunt motor schematic and torque-speed and current-torque curves. r These motors exhibit nearly constant speed over a long range of loading. . They have starting torques about 1.5 times the rated operating torque. o They have lowest starting torque of any of D.C. motors. r They can be economically converted to allow adjustable speed by placing a potentiometer in series with the field windings. D.C. Series motors in this type of motor (See Fig. 7.54) armature and field windings are connected in series so the armature and field currents are equal. F' Refer to Fi1 series winding is the resultant .flux so producei the winding dira assist each othet other, it is said r Fig. 7.56 stx wound motor. Tl comprises relati la 1 o f E F Speed -------| Torque -------l Fig,7.5a. D.C. series motor schematic and torque-speed and . current-torque curves. These motors exhibit oery high starting torques, highly aarinble speed depending on load, and aery high speed when the load is small. In fact, large series motors can fail catastrophically when they are suddenly - unloaded (e.g., in a belt drive application when the belt fails) due to dynamic forces at high speeds; this is called "run-Awfly". As long as the motor remains loaded, this poses no problem. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Fig.7.56. Fietd r compound moto ,lechatronics Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 409 o The torque-speed curve for a series motor is hyperbolic in shape, implving an inverse relationship between the torque and speed and nearly constant poTuer ol)er a wide range" 7,3.4.4. D.C. Compound motors 1 =C I f O e curves. i'no :ie. :r' placing a ;onnected in Speea ----) To rque Fig. 7.55. D.C. compound motor schematic and torque-speed and current-torque cu rves. Refer to Fig. 7.55. The compound motor has a shunt field winding in addition to the series winding so that the number of magnetic lines of force produced by each of its poies is the resultant of the flux produced by the shunt coil and that due to the series coil. The flux so produced depends not only on the current and number of turns of each coil, but also on the winding direction of the shunt coil in relation to that of the series coil. When the two fluxes assist each other the machine is a cumulatiae compound motor, while if they oppose each other, it is said to be differential compound motor. Fig. 7.56 shows the field windings and interpole connections of a dffirential compound wound motor.The shunt coil is made up of many turns of fine wire, whilst the series coil c_omprises relatively few turns of thickwire. Series coil = -----l -,,:nding on load, rv are suddenlY due to dynamic e motor remains Fig.7.56. Field windings of a differential compound motor. Fi1,7.57. Field windings and interpole connections of a cumulative compound wound motor. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 410 Actuators-{v Fig, 7 .57 , shows the field windings of a cumulntiae compound nrotor. The flow of currenl< fielc in the shunt and series coil is worth noting in Fig. 7.56 and Fig. 7.57. . Tlrc maximtun speed of compound motor is limited, unlike a series motor, but-its spee: regulation is not as good as with a shunt motor. . Tlrc torque produced by compound motors is somewhat louer than that of series motor: of similar size. Nofe: Unlike the permanent magnet motor, when voltage polarity for a shunt, series, or compound D.C. motor is changed, the direction of rotation does not change. The reason for this is that the polarity of both the stator and rotor changes, because the field and armature windings are excited by the same source. Stepper motors d"Fl 1. Permi In the ca :he rotor pol rrg. ,.:1, motor. Introduction; A stepper motor, n sltecial type of D.C. motor, is an incremental motiort rnacline. It is a permanent magnet or tarinble reluctatce D.C. nntor and has the following clfiracteristics: (i) It can rotate in both directions. (ii) It can move in precise angular increments. (iii) k can sustain a holding torque at zero speed. (lu) It can be controlled with digital circuits. - A stepper motor moves in accurate equal angular increments, known as steps, ir. response to the application of digital pulses to an electric drive circuit. The number and rate of the pulses control the position and speed of the motor shaft. Generally, motors are manufactured with steps per revolution of 12,21 - 72, 114, 180,stepper and 200, resulting shaft increments of 30o, lS", 5,, 2.5", Zo, and 1.6, per step. Special micro-steppfug circuitry can be designed to allow many more steps per revolution, often 10,000 steps,/revolution or more. stepPer motor is used in digitatly controlled position control system in oper: - th" loop mode. The input command is in the form of a train of pulses io turn a shan through a specified angle. Stepper motors are either bipolar, requiring two power sources or a switchable - polarity power source, or unipolar, requiring only one power source. They are powered by D.C. sources and require digital circuitry to produce coil energising sequences for rotation of the motor. Feedback is not always required for control, but the use of an encoder or other position sensor can ensure accuracy when exact position control is critical. o Generally, stepper motors produce less than 1H.P. and are therefore used only in - Them The st: - V\rhen - the ph: r rF. lrrg. . .: still en< step of fonvarc It can be e; reversed. * lotu-power position control applications. Construction and working: o A stePPer motor consists of a slotted stator haaing multi-pole, multi-phase winding and a rotor structure carrying no winding. They typically use three and four phase windings, the number of poles depends upon the required angular change per input pulse. o The rotors may be of the permanent magnet or aariable reluctance type. o StepPer motors operate with an external driae logic circuit. When a train of pulse is applied to the input of the drive circuit, the circuit supplies currents tb the stator windings of the motor to make the axis of the air-gap field around in coincidence with the input pulses. The rotor follows the axis of the air-gap magnetic PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Each ph (which This trp r torque. e 2. Variable r - A variab the rotor - The large axes drz, some stal - position ' Fig. 2.59, With this i.e., few.er Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic :' fvlechatron : ' field by virtue of the permanent magnet torque and/or the reluctance torque, depending upon the pulse rate and load torque (including inertia effects). :. -rr'of currel':' - 411 i,rrt-lfs sl.'., 1. Permanent magnet stepper motor : In the case of a permanent magnet stepper motor, the stator consists of wound poles, the rotor poles are permanent magnets. Fig. 7.58, shows the phases or stacks of a 2-phase, 4-pole permanent magrret stepper : :; series nlot' rnotor. .i',ltnt, series, .-r redsol.\ for tl'''' ,:::-.atL1re windin:' .':lttet*al ffiotit -.-,r th€ follort'in: r:.o\\:n aS steqs, 11' '.::,rit. The numbe: :-.-ror shaft. .'. ,..rr,ttion of 72,71 :.a" , 2" , and 1'6' -iiiow many more ::11 sYstem in oPer' -..:es to turn a shatt 1,r'S or a switchable =i Sr)LlrC€. TheY are . ..'rtlsirg sequence: (i) Phase Fig. 7.58. Permanent magnet stepper motor. :eversed. :rreiore L$ed onlV it - : :rngular change Per - - ',\ hen a train of Pulse currents to th€ rplies .rf the air-gaP magnetlc Each phase is provided with double coils to simplify the switching arrangement (which is electronically accomplished). This type of motor has the adaantage of small residual holding torque, called detent torque, eaen when stator is not energized. 2. Variable reluctance stepper motor : A variable-reluctance stepper motor has no permanent magnet on the rotor and :: .i'1ce tVpe. i gap field around ir (ii) Phase ll The rotor is made of ferrite or rate-earth material which is permanently magnetised. The stator stack of phase II is staggered from that of phase I by an angle of 90". When the phase 'I' is excited, the rotor is aligned as shown in Fig. 7.58(i),If now the phase 'II'is also excited, the effective stator poles shift anti-clockwise by 22.5" [Fig. 7.58(ii)] causing the rotor to move accordingly. Now, keeping the phase 'II' still energised, if the phase 'I' is now de-energised, the rotor will move another step of 22.5". The reversal of phase 'I' winding current will produce a further forward movement of 22.5", and so on. It can be easily observed,/visualised as to how the direction of movement can be - ':'rtrol, but the use '... :-.eI1 exact position .';ttlti-Phase windittg ::ree and four Phase I - the rotor employed is a ferro-magnetic multi-toothed one. The large differences in magnetic reluctances that exist between the direct and quadrature axes deaelop the torque. The stationary field developed by the direct current in some stator coils tends to develop a torque which causes the rotor to move to the position where the reluctance of the flux path is minimum. Fig.7.59 shows the basic form of the aaritfule reluctance stepper mglor. With this form the rotor is made of soft-steel and is cylindrical with four poles, i.e., fewer poles than on the stator. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 412 A Textbook of Mechatronics Actuators-Mechan Torque-speeo Fig. 7.61 show characteristics of .,/rr In the - rotor decr even com each step. the m( instantan, stopped ra losing step (i) This pair ol poles energised by (ii) This pair ol poles energised by current being switched to them and rolor rotates to position shown (ii) current being switched to them to give next step. - When an opposite pair of windings has current switched to them, a magnetic field is produced with lines of force which pass from the stator poles through the nearest set of poles on the rotor. Since lines of force can be considered to be rather like elastic thread and always trying to shorten themselves, the rotor will move until the rotor and stator poles line up. This is termed the position of minimum reluctance. -o Stepping angle, irrespectitse of the type of stepper motor is given as stopping, r rotor mu! accelera te mode and rotor is in : The curue bet-trw troaide at dffirent s1 the Advantages an, 350 np ...(1 ) Adoantages:llt 1. Compatibil 2. The angul,a arrangemen 3. Hybrid stepper motor: 3. No sensors 4. It can be re: This is infact a permanent magnet stepper motor with constructional features of toothed and stacked rotor adopted from the uariable-reluctance motor. The stator has only one set of winding-excited poles which interact with the two rotor stacks. The permanent magnet is placed axially along the rotor in the form of an annular cylinder ooer the motor shaft (See Fig. 7.60). speed is t ,egrcn represents This form of stepper generally gives step angles of 7.5" or 15o. 360' Cf,= Number of phases x number of poles ..-<.1 instantan Fig.7.59. Variable reluctance stepper motor. - In the Applications: g 1. Paper feed r 2. Positioning 3. Pens in X\:f 4. Recording h 5. Positioning equipment. 6. Also emplou blending, stin r end caps magnel Fig.7.60. Hybrid motor rotor. The stacks at each end of the rotor are toothed. So all the teeth on the stack at one end of the rotor acquire the-same polarity while the teeth of the stack at the other end of the rotor acquire the opposite polarity. The two sets of the teeth are displaced from each other by one half of the tooth pitch (also called pole pitch). The primary advantage of the hybrid motor is that if stator excitation is remoaed, the rotor continues to remain locked into the same position, as before remoaal of excitation. This is due to the reason that the rotor is prevented to move in either direction by torque because of the permanent excitation. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Servomot Introduction: Th ^'hich the controlled - Mechanical p - Time dertr.ab Following charactr (i) High accuracr cf Mechatronics Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 413 Torque-speed characteristics of a stepper motor: Fig.7.6l shows the torque-speed characteristics of a stepper motor. " \ .stator { - In the "locked step mode', the rotor deceierates and may even come to rest between each step. Within this range, ,) - the motor can be o instantaneously started, stopped or reaersed without o F i:urfl of minimum Locked step mode speed is too fast to allow stopping, or reversing. The ...es through the iered to be rather : rotor will move = g losing step integrity. In the "slezoing mode", the instantaneous starting, rotor must be graduallv accelerated to enter this a magnetic field I Speed --------) Fig. 7.61, Torq ue-speed cu rves of stepper motor. mode and gradually decelerated to leave the mode. While in slewing mode, the rotor is in synch with the stator ireld rotation and does not settle between steps. The curae betzueen the regions in t/r .c.-::,',' irt'licates the maximum torques that the stepper can proaide at different speeds without sleiti,:a Ti:e curue bordering the outside of the slewing mode region represents the obsolute maxintutt: :.-'.;:iis tlrc stepper motor csn prooide at different speeds. Advantages and applications of stepper motor: Adoantages; The stepper motor t.? 1'1';;1;.,71 control deaice) entails the following advantages: 1. Compatibilitv with digital svsrenrs. 2. The angular displacement ;an be precisely controlled without any feedback ...(1) arrangement. 3. No sensors are needed for posihon and speed sensing. 4. It can be readily interfaced n-ith n',icroprocessor (or computer based controller). reeth are displaced Applications: Stepper motors har-e a rlide range of applicatioizs, mentioned below : 1. Paper feed motors in typeu'riters and printers. 2. Positioning of print heads. 3. Pens in XY-plotters. 4. Recording heads in computer disc drives. 5. Positioning of worktables and tools in numerically controlled machining equipment. 6. Also employed to perform many other functions such as metering, mixing, cutting, blending, stirring etc. in several commercial, military and medical applications. pitch). Servomotors Permanent magnet :,id motor rotor. rn the stack at one stack at the other ::itation is remoaed, ;,noaal of excitation. either direction by Introduction: The term seruo or serL)o nteclt:tr,ism refers to a feedback control system in rvhich the controlled variable is: Mechanical position, or Time derivatives e.9., velocity and acceleration. Following characteristics are usually required for a feedback control system: - (l) High accuracy. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor triit 414 A Textbook of Mechatronics (ii) Remote operation. (iii) Fast-response. Actuators-Mec thr (iu) Unattendedcontrol. Following are the essentials of a feedback control system : 7. An ertor detecting deoice.It determines when the regulated quantity is different from the reference quantity and sends out the error signal to the amplifier. 2. An amplifier. The amplifier receives the error signal and then supplies power to the error-correcting devices, which in turn changes the regulated quantity so that it matches the reference input. A serao-motor should entail the following characteristics : 7. The output torque of the motor should be proportional to the aoltage applied (i.e., the control voltage which is developed by the amplifier in response to an error signal), 2. The direction of the torque deaeloped by the serao-motor should depend upon the instantaneous polarity of the control aoltage. Types of servo-motors : The servo-motors are of the following two types : 1. D.C. sento-motors. 2. A.C. serao-motors. .Th ant are . 141 inp are (iu) Perman . Itis pen . Itsl 2. A.C. seru Application o These rr o Precisiq 1. D.C. servo-motors : These motors are preferred for aery high poruer systems since they operate more efficiently (as compared to A.C. servo-motors). These motors may be of the following types : Series motors; Split series motors ; Shunt control motors ; - Permanent magnet (fixed excitatlor) shunt motor. (0 Series motors : - Instn - Comy Inerti, o - The mec hundral o An A.C. special d phase m< o This motor has a high starting in the 4t character torque. o It draws large current. o The speed regulation is poor. o Reversal can be obtained by (;ril Shunt Constant currenl s0u rce reversing field voltage polarity with split series field winding. (ll) Split series motor : o The D.C. series motor with split To load field (small fraction kW) may be operated as a separately excited field-controlled motor (Fig.7.62). The armature may be supplied from a constant current source. o A typical torque curve shows o- Fi1.7,62, From D.C. amplifier. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Description of )< of Mechatronics 415 Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic the following: High stall torque ; Rapid reduction in torque rt'ith increase in speed. -:antity \s dffirent :'te amplifier. .upplies Power to .: quantity so that :;; Ltpplied (1.e., the :.) an error signal), ; ,lepend uPon the (llil Shunt control motor: o This type of motor has tuto sepLlrnte windings : Field winding placed ort the stator and the annature winding placetl on the rotor of the machine. Both the u'indings are connected to a D.C. supplv source. o Whereas in a conventional D.C. shunt motor, the two windings are connected in parallel across the D.C. supplr' mains, but in a serao-application in windings are driven by separate D.C. stt,Plies. (lo) Permanent magnet shunt motor : o It is a fixed excitation shtrnt rnotor where the field is actually supplied by a per'manent magnet. o Its performance is similar to that of armature controlled fixed field motor. 2. A.C. servo motors : Applications : a These motors are best suite; rrrr Joil poruer applications. o Precision servo-motors are rsed in Instrument ser\-os Computers ; Inertial guidance svstenrs et. o The mechanical output po\\'e: r.i {.C. servo-motor varies from 2 watts to a few hundred watts. . An A.C. servo-motor is basicailr. a tn'o-phase induction motor except for celtain special design features. The ,r:.;:': lirtportant difference between a standard splitphase motor and anA.C. servo nlotor is that thelatterhas thinner conductingbars in the squirrel cage motor, so thn: :ttt rtrotor resistance is higher. The torque-speed characteristics should be linenr as shorvn by the curve II inFig.7.63. : ; rtore efficiently (as Normal-split phase motor =or or with larger X/R ratio For servo motor or .'. rn small X/R ratio 1 F )g o, o F To load Synchronous speed Speed, N --------+ Fig. 7.63. Torq ue-speed cha racteristics. ;m D.C. amplifier. Description of A,C. servo-motors : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor firI 416 A Textbook of Mechatronics ictuators-Mecha 1. Drag-cup rotor seryo-motor. Refer to Fig.7.64. o Drag-cup construction is used for aery lozu inertia applications. o [n this type of motor the rotor construction is usually of squirrel cage or drag-cup type; here only a light cup Stationary rolol core rotates while the rotor core is stationary (thus inertia is quite small). o The servo-motors contains Drag two windings namely, main cup motor winding (sometimes called fixed or reference winding) Stato r and control winding. The voltage applied to the Fig. 7.64. Drag-cu p rotor servo-motor. windings are at right angles to one another. Usually one winding is excited with a fixed voltage while the other one is excited by the control voltage (which is the output from servo-amplifier). o While in operation, the output torque of the motor is roughly proportional to the applied control aoltage, and the direction of torque is determined by the polarity of the control uoltage. 2. Shaded-pole type servo-motor : o This type of motor employs a phase-sensitiae relay to actuate those contacts which produce a short-circuit of the shaded-pole winding to produce rotation in the desired direction. o The main shortcoming of this motor is that it responds only when the amplifier error signal is of adequate magnitude to cause the relay to operate. 7.3.4..7. Moving coil motors There are certain applications which require acceleration much higher than what can be achieved in a conventional D.C. servo-motor. The armatures of moving coil D.C. motors have special conskuctions which allow a substantial reduction in armature inertia and inductance, permitting very high accelerations. Moving coil motors are of the following two types : 1. Shell type. 2. Disc or Pancake tytre. 1. Shell type moving coil motor. Refer to Fig. 7.65. o In this type of motor, the rotor consists of only armature winding due to which it has very low inertia ; consequently high acceleration is obtained. Armature winding consists of conductors assembled to form a thin walled cylinder. The commutator may have a cylindrical construction as in conventional D.C. motors or disc type conskuction. Low reluctance path for the stator field is provided by a stationary magnetic material cylinder. In such a motor the current is axial and flux is radial. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor o Micromo consisthg commutal Such motors i In bigger si:t , .rsing polymer res 2. Disc or par In this motor resemble spokes o irom a sheet of cq Conductor segmer Here ihe direc fvpe conventional :' Mechatronics 417 Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Shell lype armatur-o Stationary magnets \ Statronary ron core 'F-1 Dlsc type :crnmulal0r Fi9.7,65. Shelltype moving coil motor. o Micromotors (Tiny motors with diameters arowtd I ,-rr:' have armature winding consisting of simply varnished wires arranged in cr lin.iir;.'.1 lorm and a disc type '. o-motor. :.': by the control ' .:.i! to the aPPlied .:-::'.t of the control ';: contacts which ::.,:. in the desired commutator. Such motors find wide applications in card reqders, i'r,i:r ::;.ji":-i --.,-',r.r',?s etc. lnbigger size motors the armature winding is made bv bondrng cor.,cluctors together using polymer resins and fibre glass to pror'lde adequate mecharricai sh-ength. 2. Disc or Pancake type moving coil motor. Refer to Fig. 7.66 ln this motor armature is made in disc or pancake form, and armature conductors resemble spokes on a wheel. The armature n inding is formed bv stamping conductors from a sheet of copper, welding them together and placing them on a light weight disc. Conductor segments are then joined with a commutator at the centre of the disc. Here the direction of flux is axial and armature current is radial (just opposite to shell type conventional motors). I :::. nmplifier error .:e: than what can -: coil D.C. motors ::!ure inertia and Brushes :':-; due to which it ,\rmature winding ier The commutator :'otors or disc tYPe ::riionary magnetic I I Fi9.7.66. Disc or Pancake type moving coil motor. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor f ,i,: 418 A Textbook of Mechatronics The principle of operation is same as thnt of a conuentional D.C. motor. o These motors are more robust and available in sizes upto few kilowatts. o TheY find applications where axial space is at a premium such as machine tools, disc driztes etc. 7"3.4.8. Torque motors "Torqtte motors" are the D.C. motors designed to run Actuators-Mecharc Fig. 7.68 shorr.> D.C. motor" An inaerter feJ brushless D.C. mo{ because inverter tr D.C. motor i.e., to si for long periods in a stalled or s low fields stationar\-, ar speed conditioz. Some torque motors are designed to operate at low speeds intermittently. The torque motor applications can be divided into the following three types : (l) Motor is required to operate in stalled condition. - The purPose of the motor is to develop the required tension or pressure on a material, similar to spring. (il) Motor is required to moae through only a few reaolutions or degrees of reaolution.' Examples. Opening of valves, switches, clamping devices etc. (iii) This category involves continuous moaement of the motor at low speed. Example. Reel drive. Brushless D.C. (or trapezoidal PMAC) motors Fig. 7.67 shows the cross-section of a 3-phase 2-pole trapezoidal PMAC motor. AA', BB', CC' concentred phase windings Permanent magnet rotor Fig.7.67. Cross-section of a trapezoidal pMAC motor. The stator has three concentrated phase windings (AA', BB' and CC,) which are displaced by 120" and each phase winding spans 60o on each side. The voltages induced in three phases are shown in Fig. 7.68. The reason for getting trapezoidal waveforms is explain below : When revolving in the counter-clockwise direction, upto 120'rotation from the position shown in Fig. 7.67, all top conductors of phase A will be linking the S-pole and all bottom conductors of phase A will be linking the N-pole. Hence the voltage induced in phase A will be the same during 120o rotation (Fig.7.67). Beyond 120", some conductors in the top link N-pole and others the S-pole. Same happens with bottom conductors. Hence, the voltage induced in phase A linearly reverses in next 60" rotation. Rest of the waveform of plrase A and waveforms of B and C can be explained on the same lines. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Fig.7.5& r Adaantages: Owing to the aL.s,r following aduantnsz> : (i) Long life. (ii) Require prar-r (iil) High reliabilit liK of Mechatronics Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 419 Fig. 7.68 shows the induced voltage, phase current and torque waveforms of a brushless -.:loiostts. t. trtttchine tools, disc , :,: a stalled or a loiL') D.C. motor. An interter fed trapezoidal PMAC mltor Llrii't operating in self-controlled mode is called a brushless D.C. motor. This motor is also conceir ed. as electronically commutated D.C. nrotor, because inverter here performs the same functior-r as the brushes and commutator in a D.C. motor Lc., to shift currents between arrraturc conductors to keep the stator and rotor fields stationary, and in quadrature with respect trr each other. :eeds intermittentlY' :hree tYPes : ->lon or pressure on :: r rdes of reaoltttion'' :4. . '..' speed. :. PMAC motor' rre I :'.4(. . .rnd CC') which are , The voltages induced ,:czoidal waveforms is Fig,7.68.lnduced voltage, phase current and torque waveforms of a brushless D.C. motor. Aduanfages: ':.ltion from the Position re S-pole and all bottom :ge induced in Phase A ^t conductors in the toP :onductors. Hence, the ' Rest of the waveform Owing to the absence of brushes and commutator, brushless D.C. motors claim the following adaantages ouer the conztentiorml D,C. nrctors : (r) Long life. (ii) Require practicatrly no maintenance. (lli) High reliability-. same lines. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 420 A Textbook of Mechatronics (ia) Low inertia and friction. (a) Low radio frequency interference and noise. (ai) Because armature windings are on the stator, cooling is much better, i.e., high specific outputs can be obtained. (aii) They have a faster acceleration (due to low inertia and friction) and can be run at much higher speeds-upto 100000 r.p.m. and higher are (uiii) High efficiency, exceeding 75 percent (whereas wound field ratings have much lower efficiency). common. motors of low power 4. Much mor 5. Conhol ra 6. High reliat 7. Economica 8. Highly pro 9. In electron ..machines, i Disadaantages: (i) High cost. (ii) Low stalling torque. D.C. Motor sp The size of a brushless D.C. motor is nearly the same as that of the conventional D.C. motor. Applications: Actuators-Mechari i o The field of rectifier. o The armatun ; (ia) Low cost and low power drives in computer peripherals, systems. L, Armature ool This is also calle :his scheme is shorn The brushless D.C. motor finds applications in : (l) Tape drive for video record.ers ; (ii) Turn table drives in record players ; (iii) Spindle drives in hard disk drives for computers There are severa :tsing thyristols, sotr instruments and control (a) Gyroscope motors ; (ui) Cryogenic coolers ; (aii) Artificial heart pumps i (uifi) Cooling fans for erectronic circuits and heat sinks. Electronic control of D.C. motors Introduction : Normally, it is essential to vary the speed of electrical drives in different fields of application. usually, in all process industries, it is desired that the system be set at slow speed in the beginning ura then graduully i";;";;;; to meet the maximum production rate, e.g., neTDspaper printing press. 9u.tlt" majorachievements of thyristor technology in the field of control is the control of D'C' and A.C motor drives. rhyristor controlteiicnrl*irt ur"totally aorr,*ui"a the field of control of D.C. as wel as a.t. motors because of the forowini ad;;;rs;, , bridge. Volta6 the full_wat-e diode D, rvill conduct. Gafr in the Fig.7 ( ff"r (i) Compactness. (ii) Fast responser (iii) More efficiency. (io) More control capabilities. (a) More retiability. (ai) Less cost etc. Advantages of electronic control systems : The electronic control system claims the followin g 1. Very compact and small in size. 2. Consumes very less power. 3. Very fast in response. adoantages ooer conaentional methods : PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Fig.7.69. Complete ci o The wave shapq are shown in e ( of Mechatronics : better, i.e., high : and can be run rnon. :ors of low power Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 421 4. Much more accurate and efficient than a conventional svstem. 5. Control ranges are much more than any other systems. 6. High reliability comparatively. 7. Economical, since maintenance cost in minimum. 8. Highly protective. 9. ln electronic systems more automation, as required for highly sophisticated . machines, is possible. D.C. Motor speed control : There are several methods by which the speed of a D.C. shunt motor can be controlled :rsing thyristors, some of the commonly used methods are discussed below :onventional D.C L, Armsture aoltage control method : This is also called the phase control method of speed control, The complete diagram for this scheme is shown inFig.7.69. o The field of motor is excited bv a constant D.C. obtained from the fttll-waae rectifier. o The armature voltage is aaried by oarying the firing angle of the SCRs o/ the thyristor ::',ents and control bridge. Voltage across the armature terminals will be variable D.C. obtained from the full-wave half-controlled thyristor bridge. ln the positive half-cycle SCR, and diode D, will conduct whereas in the negative half cycle SCR, and diode D. n ill conduct. Gates of SCRs will be given signal from the triggering circuit (not shorln in the Fig. 7.69). irives in different : :h.e system be set scB I eet the maximum 50 : of control is the Hz o oioo'? o :otally dominated .-',r'ing adaantages : Fu ll-w ave rectifrer M = Shunt mclc: 0,, D2, D". D. D. l, = Drodes SCR j, SCF, = S'"ccn-controlled rectifiers noentional methods: Fig.7.69. Complete circuit diagram for the armature voltage control method for speed control of D.C. shunt motor. o The wave shapes for the A.C. input voltage and controlled D.C. armature voltage are shown in Fig,. 7.70. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 422 A Textbook of Mechatronics lctuators-Mechar .:urations for the --rrcuit is obtaine< The speec A C. input voltage - to signal br signal is o g voltage. I o Fu ll-wave rectified voltaqe across the armature - which is the ON. ( Choppen circuitn.r becattse ,..: to Fig.7.72: - An L-C n o o input. D< [e- ---+ Trme---] I Fig.7.7O. Wave shapes for A.C. input voltage and controlled D.C. armature voltage. 2. D.C. chopper speed control : AD.C. choppercangiaeaarisbleD.C.atitsotrtput. Thisvariablecanbeutilisedforthe purpose of speed control of D.C. shunt motors. This method of speed control has gained popularity since the introduction of semiconductor devices. Tachogenerator s-pnase 1 A.C. inputI -l- 3-pha se rectilier L.C. f ilter Fig. 7.73 : speed of a Comparator Logic circuit or firing control circuit Reference voltag e r- Fig.7.71. Block diagram representation of a D.C. chopper speed control scheme for D.C. shunt motors. Figure 7.7L shows the block diagram representation of a D.C. chopper speed control scheme for D.C. shunt motors. In this scheme the 3-phase A.C. is rectified into D.C. by means of a 3-phase - rectifier. - The ripples are minimised with the help of a proper 'LC filter,. This filtered rectified D.C. serves as the input for the chopper circuit. There is a'logic circuit' which decides the firing of the thyristors used in the chopper. The oN, oFF PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Fig.7.73.1 Variation c which rvrll Diode D h ( ci Mechatronics 423 Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic durations for the thyristors used are decided bv this unit. The input signal to this logic circuit is obtained from a 'comparator' through an'errlr amplifier'. The speed feedback from the D.C. shunt motor is converted into equivalent voltage - signai by means of a'tachogenerator'. The speed feedback in the form of voitage signal is given to the comparator rlhere it ls compared with the set reference voltage. If there is a difference betn-een the tn'o, ii wiil generate an error signal which is amplified by the error amplifier ..:nrl sent to the logic circuit to decide the ON, OFF durations of the thyristors .('r-,rr.ected in the chopper. Choppers are built by using one or t\" o SCIIs .lepending upon the tyPe and - circuitry used. T.Lls is auery e.fficicttt,'i.rir i . - :.i,'lir irscd in industries tlrcse days because of its fast response. Fig.7.72shows a simple circuit di.-lgr;l;'ir r.'r:'.'...i .rr:rtrol of a D.C. shunt motor. - An L-C filter is used in the inprpl >j.:e c:::-u .:'.,'-'...er' :,'r ','.itt.r' riTtplts ir-r the D.C. input. Diode is the freetvheelitrq .ii.'.ic. L Choppef crrc!rt ,red ru.t :' be utilised for the i control has gained Tachogenerator ,C ir ler c Fig.7.72. Circuit diagram of a D.C. chopper for speed control of a D.C. shunt motor. Fig. 7.73 shows a simple chopper circuit which may be used for controlling the speed of a D.C. series motor. Chopper circu it Series flied Armature ^.rrol scheme for D'C' ;hopper sPeed control L-C filter )\' means of a 3-phase LtLCt ' circuit. There is a'logic hopper' The ON, OFF Fig"7.73. D.C. chopper application for speed control of a D.C. series motor. Vanation of To* and 7o* will vary the load voltage at the output of the chopper which will change the speed of the motor accordingly. Diode D has been used as a freewheeling diode to prooide lou resistance path .fctr titt PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 424 A Textbook of Mechatronics - current which zaill florlr eaen at the OFF period of the thyristors. This current flows for a little time due to the stored energy in the winding which is inductive in nature. An L-C filter has been used in the input side of the chopper to reduce the ripples in the D.C. input voltage. In this ca generated in 3. Speed control by using a dual conoerter : A dual converter, as the name indicates, uses two converters a rectifier and an inoerter. Both the bridges are built by using SCRs. A dual converter may be used to obtain the mains supply Therefore, in r and fed back following controls of a D.C. motor : o Reversible speed control. Actuators-Me 2. Regene the inoerter m 7.3.5. Sin o Plugging. r Regenerative braking. Gr . Thenr The above controls are discussed below. Fig. 7.74 shows the circuit diagram for speed control a D.C. shunt motor using a dual conaerter. other r smalle at lou motots. analysi o Singlei office, wherer 1 -phase 1 -phase A,C, r differ s of suclr deman frequen Bridge-l L-C lilter ridg e-2 Bridge-2 B Fig.7.74. circuit diagram for speed control of a D.c. shunt motor using a dual converter. 1". Reaersible speed control and plugging : . Four SCRs, 1, 2,3 and 4 form the first bridge (Bridge-1) which serves as a 1-phase full-wave fully-controlled bridge and rectifies the 1-phase A.C. into D.C. This D.C. is filtered by an L.C. filter to remove the ripples. In the positive half cycle SCRs 1 and 2 conduct simultaneously and in the negative halfcycle SCRs, 3 and 4 conduct simultaneously. The direction of flow of armature current I is clockwise as shown in Fig. 7.74. . For rcoersing the direction of rotation of the motot the second bridge (Bridge-2) is gated after commutating the first bridge. The Bridge-2 is constituted by the SCRs 5, 6,7 and 8. SCRs 5 and 6 conduct simultaneously in the positive half cycle and SCRs 7 and 8 conduct simultaneously in the negative half cycle. Thus, the direction of flow of armature current is reversed in this case and the motor tries to rotate in the opposite direction i.e. in the anticlockwise direction. Becauqe the motor was originally running in the clockwise direction, the inertia would oPPosg the torque developed in the anticlockwise direction. When the two torques become equal, the motor becomes stationary proaided bridge-2 is commutated. This process of stopping the motor is called plugging.If the bridge-2 further continues to ionduct, the motor would start-running i1 opposite direction resulting in speed reversal. In the opposite the direction of rotation of the motor, the speed can be controlled by varying the firiif angle of the second bridge. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor of load not cap to mak 7.3,5.2. App Applicatiot o Single.p fractiona They an such as r where a . There is a fractioa Disadvanteg Though thes powers as they s phase machines The main d& r 1. Their out temperah 2. They hav 3. Lower-efl 4. These mo 5. More exp x of Mechatronics i current flows for riuctive in nature. reduce the riPPles ':,'' and aninoerter. .lied to obtain the Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 425 2. Regeneratiae braking : In this case, after bridge-1 is commutated and bridge-2 is triggered the counter e.m.f. generated in the armature of the motor acts as input for bridge-2 which is connected in the inaerter mode, The output of bridge-2 which is l-phase A.C. may be fed back to the mains supply. Thus, we see that bridge-1 acts as a rectifier and bridge-2 acts as inverter. Therefore, in regenerative braking the K.E. of the motor is converted into electrical energy and fed back to the supply system thereby saving energy. 7.3.5. Single-Phase Motors General aspects o The number of machines operating from single-phase supplies is greater than all rnotor usin7, a dunl other types taken in total. For the most part, however, they are only used in the smaller sizes, less than 5 kW and mostly in the fractional H.P. range. They operate at lower power-factors and are relatively infficient when compared with polyphase motors. Though simplicity migh,t be expected in view of the two-line supply, the analysis is quite complicated. o Single-phase motors perform a great variety of useful services in the home, the l'-chase V rn l3r usrng a : -n'es as a 1-Phase r C. into D.C. This e cositive half cYcle r.: l-cle SCltrs, 3 and :-rrent I is clockwise : f, bridge (Bridge-2) : .onstituted bY the ^r positive half cYcle :alf cycle. Thus, the , and the motor tries :irection. rrn, th€ inertia would he fiuo torques become s process of stoPPing conduct, the motor ersal. In the oPPosite rn-ing the firing angle office, the factory, in business establishments, on the farm and many other places where electricity is available. Since the requirements of the numerous applications differ so widely, the motor-manufacturing industry has developed several tvpes of such machines, each type having operating characteristics that meet definite demands. For example, one type operates satisfactorily on direct current or anv frequency upto 60 cycles ; another rotates at absolutely constant speed, regardless of load ; another develops considerable starting torque and still another, although not capable of developing much starting torque, is nevertheless exrremelv cheap to make and very rugged. Applications and Disadvantages Applications : o Single-phase induction motors are in very wide use in industry especially in fractional horse-power field. They are extensively used for electric drive for low power constant speed apparatus such as machine tools, domestic apparatus and agricultural machinery in circumstances where a three-phase supply is nof readily available. o There is a large demand for single-phase induction motors in sizes ranging from a fraction of horse-power upto about 5 H.P. Disadaantages: Though these machines are useful for small outputs, they are not used for large powers as they suffer from many disadvantages and are never used in cases where threephase machines can be adopted. The main disadaantages of single-phase induction motors are : 1. Their output is only 50% of the three-phase motor, for a given frame size and temperature rise. 2. They have lower power factor. 3. Lower-efficiency. 4. These motors do not have inherent starting torque. 5. More expensive than three-phase motors of the same output. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 426 A Textbook of Mechatronics Actuators-Mecfii Construction and working Construction: o A single phase induction motor is similar to a 3-$ squirrel-cage induction motor in physical aPpearance. Its rotor is essentially the same as that used in 3-$ induction motors. Except for shaded pole motors, the stator is also very similar. There is a uniform air-gap between the stator and rotor but no electrical connection between them. It can be wound for anv even number of poles, two, four and six beint most common. Adjacent poles have opposite magnetic property and synchronous speed equation, { - 120f also applies. I o The stator windings differ in the follon,ing two aspects \ \ : Firstly single phase motors are usually provided with concentric coils. Secondly, these motors normally have two stator windings. In motors that - operate with both n,indings energised, the winding with the heauiest wire is known as the main winding and the other is called the auxiliary winding. If the motor runs rvith auxiliary winding open, these windings are usuallr referred as runtirtg and storting. In rnost of ntotors tlrc main ioinding is placed at the bottom of the slots and the - storting u,inding on top but slifted 90" from the running winding. Working : When the stator winding of a single phase induction motor is corurected to single phase A.C. supply, a magnetic field is developed, zahose axis is alzuays along the axis of stator coils. The magnetic field produced by the stator coils is pulsating, varying sinusoidallrwith time. Currents are induced in the rotor conductors by transformer action, these currents being in such a direction as to oppose the stator m.m.f. Then the axis of the rotor m.m.f. wave coincides with that of the stator field, the torque angle is, therefore , zero and nrt torque is deaeloped on starting. However, if the rotor is given a push by hand or by other means in either direction, it will pick-up the speed and continue to rotate in the same direction developing operating torque. Thus a single phase induction motor is not inherently self starting and requires some special means for starting. The above mentioned behaviour of this type of motor can be explained by any one of the following theories : 1. Double revolving field theory 2. Cross-field theory. The results given by both the theories are approximately same. Double rcaolaing field theory is described below The magnetic field produced by the stator coils is pulsating, varying sinusoidally with time. Ferrarl pointed out that such a field can be resolaed into two equal fields but rotating in \ and, By expanding which is the r ,:ngle-phase indu CW tc.:-: + +. l- : CCW torc-: opposite directions with equal angular aelocities. The maximum aalue of each component is equal to half th.e maximum of the pulsating field. If the initial time is such that the rotating vectors of the two component fields are along the Y-axis in the positive direction, the two component waves $f and 02 coincide. The resultant of these two is 0-u*. After a short interval of time the two *r".tb.s rotate, through an angle 0 in their respective directions and the waves are shown to occupy the positions in Fig. 7.75. These waves intersect at A on the Y-axis and as the waves trivel ,4 moves along the Y-axis. Hence the resultant of these two component waves at any instant is equal to 2OA. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Fig.7.76" The existence ol :an be verified bv s :-rted voltage. The u :irection, the rotor r.4echatronics 427 Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 'Jction motor i-o induction ..'rr. There is a .l- --tron between 0, :nd six being l svnchronous ,:ric coils. .n motors that .,'.r;'lesf uire rs Fig.7.75. ,iary winding. $r = OA = $r(-u,) cos (of - e) 0z = OA = 02(-u*) cos (orf + 0) i> are usuallY :, .1ofs and the : and, 0r1-a*y = 02(-ur) By expanding and adding (i) and (li), e.ted to single :::,' nrls of stator ': sinusoidally :: .:tction, these :ris of the rotor :efore, zero and ::..1 or by other .:L' in the same :. motor is not 0r + 0z = 20r(-u*) cos e cos cDf ...(iii) 2 OA = 01,,,u*y cos 0 cos rof which is the equation of the pulsaiing field ar.d proaes "Ferrlri's statement". Thus a single-phase induction motor is not inherently self-starting. CW torque :e.1 by any one ::.usoidallY with .;. but rotating in ; ,:t)onent is equal B esu lta nt torque CCW torque Slrp --------------+ 7l--- / Tl owing to Or CW = Clockwise CCW = Counter clockwise rr)rleflt fields are Fig.7.76, Balanced torque at standstill in squirrel cage rotor excited by a :nd $, coincide. single-phase winding. n to occuPY the r, \\'dv€S travel A ,-es at anY instant The existence of these two fluxes (forward and backward) rotating in opposite directions :n be verified by supplying a fractional horsepower single-phase induction motor u.ith :ted voltage. The motor does not start, but if the shaft is turned by hand, say in clocku'ise :irection, the rotor picks up speed. This means that the rotor conductors are rotating in .-. r'ectors rotate, .. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 428 A Textbook of Mechatronics Actuators-Me< 7.3.6. Th the direction of that field which rotates in clockwise direction. When the motor is braked and stopped without switching off the supply, the rotpr remains at rest. If now the shaft is turned by hand in anti-clockwise direction, the motor picks up speed in that direction. This means that the rotor conductors are now rotating in the direction of the other field. This behaviour of the motor is due to the presence of two opposing torques due to the two fields. When the rotor is at rest, (1.e., slip = 1) the two torques are equal but opposite in direction. Hence the net torque is zero and therefore.the rotor remains at rest. Fig.7.76 shows the torque variations due to the two fields. If 'thb rotor is made to speed up in one direction, say in that in which T, increases, T, exceeds t\e opposing torque T, and the motor begins to accelerate. T, goes on diminishing until at the working speed it is negligibly small. Hence the single-phase induction motor rotates in the direction in which it is made rttotors is that th to run. of be ing supplte, Thus, if the rotor is made to run at speed N by some external means in any direction, sav in the direction of forward field, the two slips are now s and (2 - .c), as shown below : tnachines. The slip of the rotor w.r.t] the forward rotating field Fr, -r ". ^---4_t, N, N" - (-N) 2N" -(N" -N) N, N. Adoantaga applications be ..{2\ Application Induction r factor. The corresponding opposing rotor m.m.f., owing to stator impedance, causes the backward field to be greatly reduced in strength. On the other hand, the lowslip forward roiating field induces smaller currents of a high power factor in the rotor than at standstill. This leads to greatly strengthening of forward field. The weakening of backward field and strengthening of forward field depends upon the slip or speed of rotor and the difference increases with the decrease in slip w.r.t. the forward field or with the increase in rotor speed in forward direction. In a single-phase induction motor, the increase in rotor resistance increases the ffictiaeness of the backward field, which reduces the breakdown torque, lowers the efficiency and increases the slip corresponding to maximum torque. r The performance characteristics of a single phase induction motor are somewhat inferior to that of a 3-phase induction motor due to the presence of backward rotating field. A sirrgle-phase induction motor has a louter breakdown torque at larger slip and - The essent:. 3. Reliat,lt 5. Easv op 7. Simple field rotor currents are much larger than at standstill and have a low power - to the poztter lhr ...(1) o Under normal running condition (2 - s) >> s and as a consequence the backward . latter is sltort-ci primary and s, 1. Simple Nr-N=, The slip of the rotor w.r.t. the backward rotating field Fr, "b An inductr by an air gap other the secor an electric por i lctnds : (i) The sta:. torque. I (ii) For start against : ttoice no, (iii) For drirr presses a is availal fttnctionn (iz,) By the u connecta starting t torque. _( speed tlr:: to ouerct rt increased power losses. Const Greater power input. The speed regulatior tends to be poorer than that for a polyphase motor. The power factor tends to be lower (since the normal slip of a single-phase The Stator : induction motor under load conditions is rather greater than that of the corresponding 3-phase motor). o In view of the above factors, a single phase induction motor lnas a larger frame sizt than that of 3-phase motor. o Single-phase motors tend to be somezuhat noiser than 3-phase motors which haue no sttclr pulsating torque. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor . The stator substantra ii. The stat loss elec assemble Pressure laminatior r{ Mechatronics notor is braked f now the shaft r that direction. the other field. s due to the two but opposite in rt rest. Fig. 7.76 peed up in one que T, and the d it is negligiblY vhich it is made n any direction, s shown below : Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 429 7.3.6. Three Phase lnduction Motors 7.3.6.l.Introduction An induction motor is simply an electric transformer whose magnetic circuit is separated by an air gap into two relatively movable portions, one carrving the primary and the other the secondary winding. Alternating current supplied to the primary winding from an electric power system induces an opposing current in the secondary winding, when latter is short-circtLited or closed throtrgh nn external irupedance. Relative motion between the primary and secondary structures is produced by the electromagnetic forces corresponding to the portter thus transferred across the air gapt b11 induction. The essential feature which distinguishes the irduction machine frott other ttlpes of electric ntotors is that the secondary currents are crcatetl solely br1 induction, as in a transforruer instead of being sttpplied by a D.C. exciter or otlrcr d-rl.r,lr/ poiller soltrce, as in synchronoLrs and D.C. machines. Adoantages; Three-phase induction motor is the nlo-sf comntonly used ntotor in industrial applications because of the aduantages listed belou' 1. Simple design. 2. Rugged construction. : ...(1 ) 3. Reliable operation. 3. Lon initial cost. 5. Easy operation and simple maintenance 6. High efficieno-. 7. Simple control gear for starting and speed control. ...(2) Applications : Induction motors are available lvith torque characteristics suitable for a ri,irTr i,.tri{lll re the backward ve a low Power of loads : (i) The standard motor has a starting torque of about 120 to 150 per cent oi full-load torque. Such motors are suitable for most applications. (ii) For starting loads such as small refrigerating machines or plunger pumps operating against full pressure or belt conveyors, high torque motors ruith a starting torque of twice normal full-load torque, or more, are used. (lii) For driving machines that use large flywheels to carry peak loads, such as punch presses and shears, a high-torque motor with a slip at full-load up to 10 per cent is available. The high slip permits enough change in speed to make possible the proper functioning of the flywheel. npedance, causes er hand, the low- nt'er factor in the nvard field. The tepends upon the €ase in sliP w.r.t. d direction. ance increases the Wlws the efficiencY tor are somewhat :nce of backward (ia) By the use of a wound-rotor with suitable controller and external resistances connected in series with the rotor winding, it is possible to obtain any value of starting torque up io the maximum breakdown torque. Such motors are ruell adapted as constantspeed driztes for loads thnt haae large friction loads c at larger sliP and ,phase motor. of a single-Phase : than that of the s a larger t'rame sizt ilors which haae no to ouercome at starting. 7,3,6,2. Constructional details The Stator : o The stator frame consists of a symmetrical and substantial casting, having feet cast integral with it. The stator core, consisting of high grade, low Ioss electrical sheet-steel stampings, is assembled in the frame under hydraulic pressure. The thickness of stampings / laminations is usually from 0.35 to 0.6 mm. The Fig. 7.77. Stator stamping PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 430 A Textbook of Mechatronics stator laminations are punched in one piece for small induction motor (Fig.7.77). In induction machines of large size the stator core is assembled from a large number of segmental laminations. The slots are sometimes of the 'open type (i.e., having parallel walls) for the accommodation of former wound coils. But the usual practice is to have practically 'enclosed slots' in order to reduce the ffictiae length of air-gap. o The stator windings are given the utmost care to make them mechanically and electrically sound, so as to ensure long life and high efficiency. After the winding is in position it is thoroughly dried out whilst still hot and is completely immersed in a high grade synthetic resin varnish. It is then acid, alkali, moisture and oil proof. For small motors working at ordinary voitages, single layer mush winding is used. For medium size machines double layer lap winding uith diamond shaped colls is used. Single layer concentric windings are used .for large motors working at high ooltages. a Frames of electrical machines house the stator core. F'rames of small and medium sizes of induction motors have hollorv cylindrical form and that of large motors have the shape of a circular box. /n small induction motors, having a frame diameter of up to about 150 cm, the frame also supports the end shields. The frame should be strong nnd rigid as rigidity is very important in the case of induction motors of large dimensions. Thls is because of the length of the air gap is oery small and if the .frame is not rigid, it would create an irregular air gap around the machine resulting in production. of unbalanced magnetic pull. Frames for small machines are made as a single unit and are usually cast. The frames of medium and large sized machines are fabricated from rolled steel plates. The Rotor : The rotors are of two types : 1. Squirrel-cage ; 2. Wound rotor. 1. Squinel-cage.The squirrel-cage rotor is made up of stampings (Fig. 7.78), which are keyed directly to the shaft. The slots are partially closed and the winding consists of embedded copper bars to which the short-circuited rings Actuators-Mecharr 2. Wound rot former rLvut speed contr completel-r. winding ca the three s brushes fro is running the shaft an; proaided :t=! thus redua,t Sa Stator grrr 4._-5 () Q"A are brazed. The squirrel cage rotor is so robust that it is almost indestructible. The great majority of present day induction motors are manufactured with squirrgl-cage Fig. 7.78. Rotor stamping. rotors, a colnmon practice being to employ winding of cast aluminium.ln this construction the assembled rotor laminations are placed in a mould after which molten aluminium is forced in, under pressure, to form bars, end rings and cooling fans as extension of end rings. This is known as die cast rotor and has become very popular as there are no joints and thus there is no possibility of high contact resistance. In this type of rotor, it may be noted that slots are not made parallel to the shaft but they are'skewed' to serve the following purposes : (i) To make the motor run quietly by reducing the magnetic hum. (ii) To reduce the locking tendency of the rotor. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Outer dust cap Fig.7.79.C The number of stcrts If they are, there r+.ouJ rvhen teeth are opposll rlux pulsations wou-ld l period for a tooth to oc .nly cause extra iron lo ss :eeth are opposite teeth :eeth prime to each otlvt o{ Mechatronics rotor (Fig.7.77)' rl from a large n'alis) for the have PracticallY rechanicallY and fter the winding rletely immersed tire and oil ProoJ' ;,'inding is used' ii,t'e7 coils is used' ;: high aoltages. Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and pneumatic 431 2. Wound rotor. The wound rotor has also slotted stampings and the windings are former wound. The zuound rotor construction is employed for iiduction motors ,rqriring speed control or extremely high aalues of starting torque. The wound rotor hai completely insulated copper windings very much like the stator windings. The winding can be connected in star or delta and the three ends are broughi out at the three slip rings. The current is collected from these slip rings wiih carbon brushes from which it is led to the resistances for starting purposes. When the motor is running, the slip rings are short-circuited by means of a collnr, which is pushed along the shaft and connects all the slip rings together on the inside.lJsually the brushes aie prooided with a deoice for lifting them from the slip rings when the motor has started up, thus reducing the wear and the ,frictional losses. nall and medium rt of large motors Terminal box a irame diameter : irame should be iuction motors of *t snrall and if the u:i::te resulting'.-' xes are made as a si:ed machines are Air deflector and inner dust cap ./ t------ I ( /t v/ .tr-/ lotor stamPing. otor laminations are r. under Pressure, to gs This is known as irnts and thus there u,allel to the shaft but t4. Outer dust cap wa ^N{Terminal box cover . Outer dust cap Fi1.7.79. Component parts of a small squirrel-cage induction motor. number of slots in the rotor should neaer be equal to the number of slots in the stator. if they are, there would be a aariation of reluctance of the magnetic path from maximum, ;vhen teeth are opposite slots, to minimum when teeth are opposite teeth. The resulting :1ux pulsations would have a high frequency, since the periodic time would be the interval reriod for a tooth to occupy similar positions opposite two successive teeth. This will nof 'nly cause extra iron loss but the rotor will tend to lock roith the stator if at the time of starting :eeth are opposite teeth. The best plan is to make the number of the stator and the rotor 'eeth prime to each other. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor A Textbook of Mechatronics 432 Actuators-Mechan and the bearing o allow the three cc Shaft and bea the shaft is made deflection, as el.en Skewed rotor lead to productiort c fouling Loith each o,: centering is mucl; : Fig.7.80. lnduction motor with phase-wound rotor, showing the three slip rings on the rotor shaft. Figs. 7.81 and7.82 show squirrel-cage and phase-wound induction motors respectively. Main Stator reduced. For snull bearing at the non Theon When a three.: sweeps past the rot the conductors rr.h-i, circuit, a current t'i, change causing it. Now, f/ze cltitr ;c this, the rotor run:-i,. that torque must h currents flout itr tlt. .: field. Fig. 7.83 shorr-s Starting resistance Fig. 7.81. Squirrel-cage motor. Fi9.7.82. Phase -wound motor connected to a three phase star-connected starting resistance. Advantages of a squirrel-cage motor over a phase-wound induction motor. As compared with a wound rotor a squirrel-cage induction motor entails the following Stator I ,' : l t' adaantages : 1. Slightly higher efficiency. 2. Cheaper and rugged in construction. 3. No slip rings, brush gear, short-circuiting devices, rotor terminals for starting rheostats are required. The star-delta starter is sufficient for starting. 4. It has better space factor for rotor slots, a shorter overhang and consequently a :mall copper loss. 5. It has a smaller rotor overhang leakage which gives a better power factor and a greater pull out torque and overload capacity. 6. It has bare end rings, a large space for fans and thus the cooling conditions are better. The major 'disadaantage'of squirrel-cage motor is that it is not possible to insert resistance in the rotor circuit for the purpose of increasing the starting torque. The cage rotor has a smaller starting torque and large starting currents as compared with wound rotor. Slip rings. The slip rings for wound-rotor machines are made of either brass or phosphor bronze. They are shrunk on to a cast iron sleeve with moulded silica insulation. This assembly is passed on to the rotor shaft. The slip rings are rotated either between the core PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor t:, I I I Hotor When the mo the mechanic HoWever, the if it does so, : be no torquc. I If the motor si rotor with res; the rotor rr-in< increase the ele ( cf Mechatronics Actuators-Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic 433 and the bearing or on the shaft extension. in the latter case the shaft is made hollow to allow the three connections from rotor to slip rings to pass through bearings. Shaft and bearings. ln an inductiln motor tlrc air gnp is nmde as smsll as possible. Therefore the shaft is made short and stiff in order that the rotor may not have any significant deflection, as eaen a small deflection rlould crLtltc lnrge irregularities in the air gap which would 'nd to production of an unbalanced magnetic TttLll. There is olso o possibility of rotor and stator {ottling ruith each other. Ball and roller bearirtgs are generally used as ioith their use, accurate centering is much simpler than with jourtnl bearings. Also the oaerall length of machine is tcduced. For small ruotors, a roller bearing may be used at the driving end and a ball bearing at the non-driving end. For lttrge nttd heauy rotors journal bearings are used. e three, Theory of operation of an induction motor ..tors respectively. Main When a three-phase is given to the stator winding a rotating field is setup. This fieid sweeps past the rotor (conductors) and by uirtue of relatiae motion, an e.m.f. is induced in the conductors which form the rotor winding. Since this winding is in the form of a closed circuit, a current flows, the direction of which is, by Lenz's law, such as to oppose the change causing it. Now, flze change is the relstiue motion of the rotating field ana the rotor, so that, to oppose this, the rotor runs in the same direction as the field and attempts to catch up with lf . It is clear that torque must be produced to cause rotation, and this torque is due to the fact that ;ttrrents J7ou, in the rotor condttctors which are situated in, and at right angles to, a magnetic field. Fig. 7.83 shows the induction motor action. ::^nected to a three: starting resistance. rduction motor. As '::ils the following . = Sin:hronous speed, r,p.m '. = Roior speed. r.p.m. ::-ina1s for starting ' ::srting' 3, = South Pole. ',. = North pole. .,:',d consequentlY a : iower factor and a :..iing conditions are ::".; to insert resistance '.;1c rotor has a smaller :::trer brass or phosphor .:iica insulation. This :rer between the core Fi9.7.83. lnduction motor action. o When the motor shaft is not lootletl, the machine has only to rotate itself against the mechanical losses and the rotor speed is aery close to the synchronous speed. HoWever, the rotor speed cannot become equal to the synchronous speed because if it does so, the e.m.f. induced h tlrc rotor winding would become zero and there will be no torque. Hence the speed remains slightly less than the synchronous speed. If the motor shaft is loaded, the rotor will slow down and the relative speed of the rotor with respect to the stator rotating field will increase. The e.m.f. induced in the rotor winding will increase and will produce more rotor current which will increase the eleckomagnetic torque produced by the motor. Conditions of equilibrium PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ri;.I 434 A Textbook of Mechatronics Actuators-Mecfr are attained when the rotor speed has adjusted to a new value so that the electromagnetic torque is sufficient to balance the mechanical or load torque applied to the shaft. The speed of the motor when running under full load conditions is somewhat less than the no-load speed. is increased to i due to increase reduced. This s Slip o As earlier stated, the rotor speed must always remain less than the synchronous speed. The dffirence between the synchronous speed and the rotor speed is known as 'slip'. It is usually expressed as a fraction of the synchronous speed. Thus slip s is D-- of, where, N- _N N, N = Nr(1 -s) N, = Synchronous speed (r.p.m.) N = Motor speed (r.p.m.) independentty by requires 'oariable conaerter system, as a variable vo, However, it deaices are rich in ...(7.6) ...(7.6a) Spee The most cor stator ztoltage cont In practice the value of slip is very small. At no-load, slip is around 1% or so and at full-load it is around 3%. For large efficient machines the slip at full-load may be around 1% only. The induction motor, is therefore, a motor with substantially constant speed and fills the same role as D.C. shunt motor. o lAlhen the rotor is stationary (standstill) its speed is zero and s = 1. The rotor cannot run at slmchronous speed because then their will be no rotor e.m.f. and no rotor current and torque. If the rotor is to run at syncfuonous speed an external torque is necessary. lf the rotor is drioen such that N > Nr, the slip becomes negatiae, the rotor torque opposes the external driaing torque and the machine acts as induction genetator. r The induction motor derives its name from the fact that tl:te current in the rotor circu