Who said what? “Everything comes from water.” “Everything comes from water.” Thales of Miletus “Everything comes from the indeterminate boundless.” “Everything comes from the indeterminate boundless.” Anaximander “All things come from air.” “All things come from air.” Anaximenes “Everything comes from numbers.” “Everything comes from numbers.” Pythagoras “No one can step on the same river twice.” “No one can step on the same river twice.” Heraclitus “Change is an illusion.” “Change is an illusion.” Paramenides of Elea There are four changeless elements: earth, fire, air and water There are four changeless elements: earth, fire, air and water Empedocles I think, therefore I am. I think, therefore I am. Rene Descartes The purpose of life is to find pleasure and avoid pain. The purpose of life is to find pleasure and avoid pain. Epicurus What do these quotes tell us about? Man’s search for… Wisdom Meaning Truth Philosophy Love of wisdom Why we need to study philosophy? The Different Branches of Philosophy Main Areas: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Metaphysics Epistemology Ethics Social Philosophy Political Philosophy Aesthetics Logic Philosophies-of-Discipline: ● ● ● ● ● ● Science Mathematics Law Education Biology Psychology The Different Branches of Philosophy Philosophies-of-Subject ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Mind Religion History Sport Love Culture Women Philosophical Traditions: ● ● ● Analytic Philosophy Existentialism Phenomenology Logic Science of correct thinking The study of Logic ● ● ● ● ● Inference Natural logic Science and Art The Art of All Arts Mental Operations ○ ○ ○ Simple Apprehension Judgement Reasoning Types of Inference ● Inductive ● Deductive Syllogism - A group of propositions or truth claims One is claimed to follow from the other ● Premise ● Conclusion Ex. If A=B. B=C. Then, C=A Why is logic important? Application