Aspen HYSYS Unit Operations Reference Guide

Aspen HYSYS Unit Operations
Reference Guide
Version Number: V10
June 2017
Copyright (c) 1981-2017 by Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
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1 Unit Operations Overview
About this Guide
Integrated Steady State and Dynamics Simulation
Multi-Flowsheet Architecture
Extensibility and Customization
Model Categories
Degrees of Freedom
Adding Unit Operations
Basic Unit Operation Property View
Object Inspect Menu
Logical Connections For... Property View
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Graph Control Property View
Heat Exchanger Page
Duty Radio Button Options
Heater Type Group
Duty Source/Source Group
Tube Bundle Radio Button
Holdup Page
Holdup Property View
Nozzles Page
Notes Pages or Tabs
Notes Manager
Holdup Model
Assumptions of Holdup Model
Non-Equilibrium Flash
Heat Loss Model
Chemical Reactions
Related Calculations
Advanced Holdup Properties
Stripchart Page
Adding a Strip Chart from the Navigation Pane or Ribbon
Adding a Strip Chart from a Unit Operation
Using the Data Logger Property View
Controls in the Displayed Strip Chart
User Variables Page
Adding a User Variable
Variable Navigator (Multi-Select)
Variable Navigator (Single-Select)
Select Type Dialog Box
Using the Select Type Dialog Box
Changing the Fluid Package for Multiple Unit Operations
Worksheet Tab
Stream Conditions
Stream Properties
Stream Compositions
PF Specs
3 Column Input Experts
Column Reboiler Pre-configurations
Reboiler Once-Through
Reboiler Circulation Without Baffle
Reboiler Circulation With Baffle
Reboiler Circulation with Auxiliary Baffle
Distillation Column
Liquid-Liquid Extractor
Reboiled Absorber
Refluxed Absorber
Three Phase Distillation
4 Side Operations Input Expert
Reboiled Side Stripper
Steam Stripped Side Stripper
Side Rectifier
Vapor Bypass
5 Column Operations
Using Column Subflowsheets
Isolation of the Column Solver
Independent Fluid Package
Ability to Construct Custom Column Configurations
Use of Simultaneous Solution Algorithm
Dynamic Mode
Column Property View
Main Flowsheet and Column Subflowsheet Relationship
Main Flowsheet / Subflowsheet Concept
HYSYS Column Theory
Three Phase Theory
Basic Column Parameters
Pressure Flow
Condensers and Reboilers
Column Installation
Input Experts
Column Specification Types
Cold Property Specifications
Component Flow Rate
Component Fractions
Component Ratio
Component Recovery
Cut Point
Draw Rate
Delta T (Heater/Cooler)
Delta T (Streams)
Duty Ratio
Feed Ratio
Gap Cut Point
Liquid Flow
Physical Property Specifications
Pump Around Specifications
Reboil Ratio
Reflux Feed Ratio
Reflux Fraction Ratio
Reflux Ratio
Stream Property
Tee Split Fraction
Tray Temperature
Transport Property Specifications
User Property
Vapor Flow
Vapor Fraction
Vapor Pressure Specifications
Column Stream Specifications
Column-Specific Operations
Condenser Unit Operation
Reboiler Unit Operation
Column Tower
Running the Column
Column Troubleshooting
Heat and Spec Errors Fail to Converge
Equilibrium Error Fails to Converge
Equilibrium Error Oscillates
6 Column Property View
Column Runner
Column Convergence Sequence
Design Tab
Connections Page (Main Flowsheet)
Tower Details Property View
Connections Page (Column Runner)
Monitor Page
Specs Page
Specification Property View
Advanced Solving Options
Specs Summary Page
Subcooling Page
Notes Page
Parameters Tab
Profiles Page
Estimates Page
Efficiencies Page
Solver Page
Col Dynamic Estimates Property View
2/3 Phase Page
Fluid Pkgs Page
Amines Page
Side Ops Tab
Side Strippers Page
Side Rectifiers Page
Pump Arounds Page
Vap Bypasses Page
Side Draws Page
Internals Tab
Rating Tab
Towers Page
Vessels Page
Equipment Page
Pressure Drop Page
Worksheet Tab
Performance Tab
Summary Page
Column Profiles Page
Feeds/Products Page
Plots Page
Properties View for Plots and Tables
Data Control Property View
Condenser/Reboiler Page
Flowsheet Tab
Setup Page
Flowsheet Variables Page (Main)
Internal Streams Page
Mapping Page
Lock Page
Reactions Tab
Stages Page
Column Reaction Property View
Results Page
Dynamics Tab
Vessels Page
Equipment Page
Holdup Page
Perturb Tab
Column Internals Tab
Adding a New Internals Option
Creating Column Sections
Duplicating Column Sections
Using Auto Sectioning
Selecting an Active Option
Adding a New Geometry Option
Updating Pressure Drops
Calculating the Pressure Drop Across a Sump
Including Static Vapor Head Correction
Viewing Internals Summary Results
Initializing from the Rating Tab
Sending to the Rating Tab
Importing and Exporting Column Section Templates
Viewing Internals Results
7 Column Analysis Overview
Column Analysis Workflow
Column Internals Manager
Column Design Ribbon
Column Analysis Flowsheet Icons
Removing Column Analysis Flowsheet Icons
Creating a Column Internals Configuration
Creating Column Sections
Duplicating Column Sections
Using Auto Sectioning
Updating Pressure Drops
Calculating the Pressure Drop Across a Sump
Including Static Vapor Head Correction
Viewing Internals Summary Results
Initializing from the Rating Tab
Sending to the Rating Tab
Importing Column Section Templates
Exporting Column Section Templates
Geometry Details
Tray Geometry Workflow
Packing Geometry Workflow
Specifying Tray Geometry
Specifying Picket Fence Weirs or Swept Back Weirs
Viewing the Tray Geometry Summary
Specifying Tray Geometry Design Parameters
Viewing Tray Summary Results
Viewing Tray Geometry Results By Tray
Specifying Packing Geometry
Specifying Packing Geometry Design Parameters
Specifying Packing Constants
Viewing Packing Summary Results
Viewing Packing Results By Stage
Geometry Messages
Hydraulic Plots
Accessing Hydraulic Plots
Trayed Hydraulic Plots
Packing Hydraulic Plots
Hydraulic Plots Ribbon Tab
Importing Column Analysis Variables into a Spreadsheet
Exporting Column Results to Vendor Packages
Using Column Analysis Report Builder
Methods Used in Column Analysis
Swept-Back Weir Calculations
Chan and Prince Dump Point Correlation
Liquid Entrainment Correlations
Discharge Coefficient
Downcomer Relative Froth Density
Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
Downcomer Backup Calculations
Maximum Capacity Calculations for Packing
Liquid Holdup Calculations for Packing
Foaming Calculations
Packing Types and Packing Factors
Downcomer Choke Flooding
Flooding Calculations for Trays
Kister & Haas Jet Flood Correlation
Fair and Fair72 Jet Flood Correlations
Smith, Dresser, and Ohlswager Jet Flood Correlation
Pressure Drop Calculations for Packing in Column Analysis
Sherwood/Leva/Eckert GPDC Pressure Drop Correlation for Packing
Aspen GPDC85 Pressure Drop Correlation for Packing
Wallis Pressure Drop Correlation for Packing
Billet-99 Correlation for Packing
Pressure Drop Calculations for Trays
8 Electrolyte Operations
Electrolyte Operations
9 Crystallizer Operation
Boundary Condition
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Solver Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Worksheet Tab
Dynamics Tab
10 Neutralizer Operation
Boundary Condition
Solving Options
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Solver Page
Rating Tab
Dynamic Tab
11 Precipitator Operation
Boundary Condition
Solving Options
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Solver Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Worksheet Tab
Dynamic Tab
12 Heat Transfer Operations
13 Air Cooler
Steady State
Rigorous Air Cooler Functionality
Heat Transfer
Dynamic Specifications
Pressure Drop
Air Cooler Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Specs Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Sizing Page (Simple Design)
Sizing Page Rigorous Air Cooler
Nozzles Page
Worksheet Tab
Performance Tab
Performance Results Page
Performance Profiles Page
Performance Plots Page
Performance Tables Page
Performance Setup Page
Dynamics Tab
Model Page
Specs Page
Holdup Page
Stripchart Page
Rigorous Air Cooler Tab
Simulation Calculation Options
Exchanger Page
Process Data Page
Property Range Page
Results Summary Page
Setting Plan Page
Tube Layout Page
Profiles Page
14 Cooler/Heater
Steady State Operation
Dynamic Operation
Pressure Drop
Dynamic Specifications
Heater or Cooler Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Nozzles Page
Heat Loss Page
Worksheet Tab
Performance Tab
Profiles Page
Plots Page
Tables Page
Setup Page
Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Duty Fluid Page
Holdup Page
Stripchart Page
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Fired Heater Steady State Operation
Fired Heater Dynamic Operation
Switching Modes
Fired Heater Theory
Combustion Reaction
Heat Transfer
Radiant Heat Transfer
Convective Heat Transfer
Conductive Heat Transfer
Pressure Drop
Minimum Specifications
Fired Heater Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Nozzles Page
Heat Loss Page
Worksheet Tab
Performance Tab
Performance Details Page
Performance Plots Page
Performance Tables Page
Performance Setup Page
Dynamics Tab
Tube Side PF Page
Flue Gas PF Page
Holdup Page
EDR Fired Heater Tab
Summary Page
Streams Page
Fuel Page
Flue Gas Page
Tube Banks Page
Operation Page
Property Table Page
16 Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchanger Theory
Steady State
Pressure Drop
Dynamic Specifications
Heat Exchanger Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Specs Page
Specification Property View
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Worksheet Tab
Heat Exchanger Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Parameters Page
Detailed Heat Model Properties Property View
Nozzles Page
Heat Loss Page
Performance Tab
Details Page
Plots Page
Tables Page
Setup Page
Error Msg Page
Dynamics Tab
Model Page
Specs Page
Holdup Page
Stripchart Page
Rigorous Shell&Tube Tab
Specifying Application Information for Rigorous Shell&Tube
Specifying Exchanger Information for Rigorous Shell&Tube
Specifying Process Information for Rigorous Shell&Tube
Specifying Property Ranges for Rigorous Shell&Tube
Viewing Results Summary for Rigorous Shell&Tube
Viewing a Setting Plan for Rigorous Shell&Tube
Viewing Tube Layout Information for Rigorous Shell&Tube
Viewing Rigorous Shell&Tube Profiles Information
Specifying Find Fouling Calculation Options for Rigorous Shell&Tube
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Heat Transfer
Pressure Drop
Convective (U) & Overall (UA) Heat Transfer Coefficients
Dynamic Specifications
LNG Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Specs Page
Specification Property Views
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Sizing (dynamics) Page
Layers (dynamic) Page
Heat Transfer (dynamics) Page
Worksheet Tab
Performance Tab
Results Page
Plots Page
Tables Page
Setup Page
Summary Page
Layers Page
Dynamics Tab
Model Page
Specs Page
Holdup Page
Estimates Page
Stripchart Page
About the LNG Wound Coil Heat Exchanger
Wound Coil Heat Exchanger (WCHE) Reference Page
Wound Coil Heat Exchanger - Plate Fin Equivalents Reference
LNG EDR PlateFin Overview
EDR PlateFin Tab
Exchanger Design Ribbon Options
EDR PlateFin Process Page
EDR PlateFin Property Ranges Page
EDR PlateFin Results Summary Page
EDR PlateFin Results Geometry
LNG EDR CoilWound Overview
EDR CoilWound Tab
Exchanger Design Ribbon Options
Specifying LNG EDR CoilWound Process Information
Specifying LNG EDR CoilWound Property Ranges
Viewing LNG EDR CoilWound Results Summary
Viewing LNG EDR CoilWound Results Geometry
Modifying LNG EDR CoilWound Convergence Parameters
18 Plate Exchanger
Heat Transfer
Plate Exchanger Design Tab
Specifying Plate Exchanger Connections
Specifying Plate Exchanger Parameters
Plate Exchanger Specifications
Rigorous Plate Overview
EDR Rigorous Plate Tab
Exchanger Design Ribbon Options
Specifying Rigorous Plate Process Information
Specifying Rigorous Plate Property Ranges
Viewing Rigorous Plate Results Summary
Viewing Rigorous Plate Setting Plan
Viewing Rigorous Plate Profiles
19 Logical Operations
Common Options
ATV Tuning Technique
Controller Face Plate
20 Adjust Operation
Connections Tab
Connections Page
Notes Page
Parameters Tab
Parameters Page
Simultaneous Adjust Manager
Options Page
Monitor Tab
Tables Page
Plots Page
User Variables Tab
Starting the Adjust
Individual Adjust
Multiple Adjust
21 Balance
Balance Property View
Connections Page
Parameters Tab
Worksheet Tab
Stripchart Tab
User Variables Tab
22 Boolean Operations
Boolean Logic Blocks Property View
Logical Operation Face Plate Property View
Boolean Connections Tab
Adding/Editing Process Variable (PV) Source
Adding/Editing Output Target
Boolean Monitor Tab
Not Gate
Xor Gate
On Delay Gate
Off Delay Gate
Latch Gate
Counter Up Gate
Counter Down Gate
Boolean And Gate
Specifying Boolean And Gate Connections
Monitoring Boolean And Gate Input and Output Values
Boolean Or Gate
Specifying Boolean Or Gate Connections
Monitoring Boolean Or Gate Input and Output Values
Cause and Effect Matrix
Configuring a Cause and Effect Matrix
Connecting the Inputs
Connecting the Outputs
Changing the Order of the Inputs or Outputs
Viewing the Inputs and Outputs Specifications
Viewing Status Messages
Viewing Trace Messages
23 Control Ops
24 Split Range Controller
Connections Tab
Parameters Tab
Operation Page
Configuration Page
Advanced Page
Autotuning Page
IMC Design Page
Scheduling Page
Alarms Page
Signal Processing Page
Initialization Page
Split Range Setup Tab
Stripchart Tab
User Variables Tab
25 Ratio Controller
Connections Tab
Parameters Tab
Configuration Page
Range Page
Advanced Page
Autotuning Page
IMC Design Page
Scheduling Page
Alarms Page
Signal Processing Page
Initialization Page
Stripchart Tab
User Variables Tab
26 PID Controller
Connections Tab
Process Variable Source
Remote Setpoint Source
Output Target Object
Parameters Tab
Configuration Page
Advanced Page
Autotuner Page
IMC Design Page
Scheduling Page
Alarms Page
PV Conditioning Page
Signal Processing Page
FeedForward Page
Model Testing Page
Initialization Page
Monitor Tab
Stripchart Tab
User Variables Tab
Algorithm References
HYSYS PID Controller Algorithms
Foxboro PID Controller Algorithms
Discrete Time Domain Implementation of the Foxboro Algorithms
Honeywell PID Controller Algorithms
Discrete Time Domain Implementation of the Honeywell Algorithms
Yokogawa PID Controller Algorithms
27 MPC Controller
Connections Tab
Process Variable Source
Remote Setpoint
Output Target Object
Parameters Tab
Operation Page
Configuration Page
Advanced Page
Alarms Page
Signal Processing Page
MPC Setup Tab
Basic Page
Advanced Page
Process Models Tab
Basic Page
Advanced Page
Stripchart Tab
User Variables Tab
28 DMCplus Controller
Connections Tab
Controlled Variable (CV)
Manipulated Variable (MV)
Feed Forward (FF)
Model Test Tab
Performing DMCplus Model Testing
Operation Tab
Operation Page
FF Variable Page
Stripchart Tab
User Variables Tab
Control Valve Window
Control OP Port
29 Digital Point
Connections Tab
Parameters Tab
Off Mode
Manual Mode
Auto Mode
Stripchart Tab
User Variables Tab
Alarm Levels Tab
30 External Data Linker
Connections Page
Configuration Page
Properties Page
Revision History Tab
31 Recycle
Recycle Property View
Connections Tab
Connections Page
Notes Page
Parameters Tab
Variables Page
Numerical Page
Convergence Page
Worksheet Tab
Monitor Tab
User Variables Tab
Reducing Convergence Time
Recycle Advisor
Using the Recycle Advisor
Recycle Setup Tab
32 Selector Block
Connections Tab
Parameters Tab
Selection Mode Page
Scaling Factors Page
Monitor Tab
Stripchart Tab
User Variables Tab
33 Set
Set Property View
Connections Tab
Parameters Tab
User Variables Tab
34 Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet Functions
General Math Functions
Calculation Hierarchy
Logarithmic Functions
Trigonometric Functions
Logical Operators
IF/THEN/ELSE Statements
Spreadsheet Interface
Importing and Exporting Variables by drag and drop
Enumeration in Spreadsheet
Importing Variables by Browsing
Exporting Formula Results
View Associated Object
Spreadsheet Tabs
Connections Tab
Parameters Tab
Formulas Tab
Spreadsheet Tab
Calculation Order Tab
User Variables Tab
Function Help and Spreadsheet Only Buttons
35 Stream Cutter
Stream Cutter Property View
Changing the Fluid Package
Changing the Fluid Package in the Unit Operation Property View
Changing the Fluid Package Using the Object Inspect Menu
Changing the Fluid Package from the Fluid Package Manager
Design Tab
Connections Page
Specifying Stream Cutter Transition Information
Fluid Package Transitions
True to Apparent Transition
36 Black Oil Translator
Connections Tab
Transitions Tab
Simple Method
Three Phase Method
Infochem Multiflash
Transition Types
37 Transfer Function
Transfer Function Property View
Connections Tab
Parameters Tab
Configuration Page
Integrator Page
Delay Page
Lag Page
Lead Page
2nd Order Page
Ramp Page
Rate Limiter Page
Stripchart Tab
User Variables Tab
38 Piping Operations
Piping References
39 Compressible Gas Pipe
Model for a Single Phase Compressible Flow
Governing Equations
Compressible Gas Pipe Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Heat Transfer Page
Worksheet Tab
Performance Tab
Profiles Page
Properties Tab
Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Stripchart Page
40 Liquid-liquid Hydrocyclone
Oil Droplet Distribution
Hydrocyclone Liner Dimensions
Hydrocyclone Hydraulics
Oil Droplet Migration Probability
Hydrocyclone Separation Efficiency
Liquid-liquid Hydrocyclone Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Liner Details Page
Droplet Distribution Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Performance Tab
General Page
Geometric Page
Overflow Page
Underflow Page
Tables Page
Plots Page
Worksheet Tab
Dynamics Tab
41 Mixer
Mixer Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Nozzles Page
Worksheet Tab
Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Holdup Page
Stripchart Page
42 Pipe Segment
Calculation Modes
Pressure Drop Mode
Length Mode
Diameter Mode
Flow Mode
Incremental Material and Energy Balances Mode
Pipe Segment Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Summary of Methods
Emulsions Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Pipe Segment Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Pipe Fittings Property View
Dynamics Tab
Parameters Page
Holdup Page
Stripchart Page
Rating Tab
Heat Transfer Page
Pipe Segment Heat Model Page
Pipe Segment Performance Tab
Profiles Page
Pipe Profile View Property View
Insulation Page
Pipe Segment Performance Tab (Dynamics Mode)
Viewing Segments Performance Results
Viewing Holdups Performance Results
HYSYS Piping Flow Assurance
Pipe Flow Assurance - CO2 Corrosion
Pipe Flow Assurance - Erosion
Pipe Flow Assurance - Hydrates
Specifying P/T Options: Hydrate Formation Profile
Pipe Flow Assurance - Slug Analysis
Pipe Flow Assurance - Wax Deposition
Profes Wax Property View
CO2 Corrosion Rate Correlations Reference
Pipe Flow Correlations
Fitting Pressure Loss
Pipe Emulsion Viscosity Methods
43 Relief Valve
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Nozzles Page
Worksheet Tab
Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Holdup Page
Advanced Page
Stripchart Page
44 Tee
Tee Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Nozzles Page
Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Holdup Page
Stripchart Page
45 Valve Operation
Valve Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Characteristic Curve Property View
Control Valve Calculation Theory
Nozzles Page
Options Page
Flow Limits Page
Worksheet Tab
Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Pipe Page
Holdup Page
Actuator Page
Flow Limits Page
Stripchart Page
46 Reactor Operations
47 Reactor Operations: CSTR and General Reactors
General Reactors Property Views
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Conversion Reactor Reactions Tab
Details Page
Results Page
CSTR Reactions Tab
Details Page
Results Page
Equilibrium Reactor Reactions Tab
Details Page
Results Page
Gibbs Reactor Reactions Tab
Overall Page
Details Page
Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Nozzles Page
Heat Loss Page
Worksheet Tab
Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Holdup Page
Stripchart Page
Heat Exchanger Page
49 Yield Shift Reactor
Product Stream Mass Fractions
Yield Shift Reactor Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Model Config Tab
Design Parameters Page
Design Variables Page
Heat of Reaction Page
Composition Shift Tab
Design Data Page
Design Data: Base Page
Design Data: Datasets Page
Base Yields Page
Base Shifts Page
Efficiencies Page
Results Page
Property Shift Tab
Properties Page
Design Data Page
Design Data: Base Page
Design Data: Datasets Page
Base Shifts Page
Efficiencies Page
Results Page
Worksheet Tab
Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
50 Plug Flow Reactor
Newton’s Method
Plug Flow Reactor (PFR) Property View
PFR Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Heat Transfer Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Reactions Tab
Overall Page
Details Page
Results Page
Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Nozzles Page
Worksheet Tab
Performance Tab
Conditions Page
Flows Page
Reaction Rates Page
Transport Page
Compositions Page
Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Holdup Page
Duty Page
Stripchart Page
51 Rotating Equipment
52 Centrifugal Compressor or Expander Unit Operations
Typical Solution Methods
Compressor - Expander Theory
Steady State
Equations Used
Compressor Efficiencies
Expander Efficiencies
Compressor Heads
Expander Heads
Using Momentum Equations
Methods Used
Compressor Performance Curves: Off Design Corrections
Compressor Curve Interpolation Details
Huntington Method
Multiple IGV Curves
Multiple MW Curves
Quasi-Dimensionless and Non-Dimensional Curves
Schultz Method Reference
Compressor - Reference Method
Single Curve Compressor Options
Compressor or Expander Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Surge Analysis
Links Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Compressor or Expander Rating Tab
Curves Page
Flow Limits Page
Nozzles Page
Inertia Page
Electric Motor Page
Compressor or Expander Performance Tab
Results Page
Power Page
Compressor or Expander Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Surge Controller
Holdup Page
Stripchart Page
53 Reciprocating Compressor Unit Operation
Reciprocating Compressor Theory
Rod Loading
Maximum Pressure
Reciprocating Compressor Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Links Page
Settings Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Reciprocating Compressor Rating Tab
Nozzles Page
Inertia Page
Reciprocating Compressor Performance Tab
Results Page
Power Page
Reciprocating Compressor Dynamics Tab
54 Screw Compressor
Screw Compressor Theory
Volumetric Efficiency and Leakage Flow Calculation
Performance Curve Calculation
Screw Compressor: Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Links Page
Settings Page
Screw Compressor: Rating Tab
Curves Page
Nozzles Page
Inertia Page
Screw Compressor: Performance Tab
Results Page
Power Page
Screw Compressor: Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Holdup Page
Stripchart Page
55 Pump Unit Operation
Pump Theory
Pump Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Curves Page
Links Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Pump Rating Tab
Curves Page
Curve Property View
Curves Profiles Property View
Generate Curve Options Property View
Nozzles Page
Inertia Page
Electric Motor Page
Design Page
Pump Performance Tab
Results Page
Power Page
Pump Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Holdup Page
Stripchart Page
56 Separation Operations
57 Component Splitter
Component Splitter Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Splits Page
TBP Cut Point Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Nozzles Page
Worksheet Tab
Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
58 Separator, 3-Phase Separator, and Tank
Energy Balance
Physical Parameters
Separator Ops General Property Views
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Reactions Tab
Results Page
Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Nozzles Page
Heat Loss Page
Level Taps Page
Option Page
C.Over Setup Page
C. Over Results Page
Worksheet Tab
Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Holdup Page
Stripchart Page
Heat Exchanger Page
59 Shortcut Column
Shortcut Column Property View
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Rating Tab
Worksheet Tab
Performance Tab
Dynamics Tab
60 Solid Separation Operations
61 Baghouse Filter
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Worksheet Tab
Performance Tab
Results Page
Dynamics Tab
62 Cyclone
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Solids Page
User Variables Page
Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Constraints Page
Worksheet Tab
Performance Tab
Results Page
Dynamics Tab
63 Hydrocyclone
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Solids Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Constraints Page
Worksheet Tab
Performance Tab
Results Page
Dynamics Tab
64 Rotary Vacuum Filter
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Sizing Page
Cake Page
Worksheet Tab
Dynamics Tab
65 Simple Solid Separator
Design Tab
Connections Page
Parameters Page
Splits Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Rating Tab
Worksheet Tab
Dynamics Tab
66 Material Streams
The "Spec Stream As..." Property View
Worksheet Tab
Conditions Page
Properties Page
Composition Page
Input Composition Property View
Oil & Gas Feed Page
Petroleum Assay Page
K Value Page
User Variables Page
Notes Page
Cost Parameters Page
Normalized Yields Page
Acid Gas Page
PSD Properties Page
Sulfur Recovery Page
Attachments Tab
Unit Ops Page
Analysis Page
Dynamics Tab
Specs Page
Stripchart Page
67 Energy Streams
Stream Tab
Unit Ops Tab
Dynamics Tab
Stripchart Tab
User Variables Tab
68 Subflowsheet Operations
Subflowsheet Property View
Adding a Subflowsheet
Connections Tab
Parameters Tab
Transfer Basis Tab
Variables Tab
Notes Tab
Lock Tab
1 Unit Operations Overview
About this Guide
The Aspen HYSYS Unit Operations Guide provides detailed information regarding:
Common Property Views
Input Experts
Column Operations
Column Analysis
Electrolyte Operations
Heat Transfer Operations
Logical Operations
Piping Operations
Reactor Operations
Rotating Equipment
Separation Operations
Solid Separation Operations
Subflowsheet Operations
For information related to other aspects of HYSYS:
For information regarding HYSYS Petroleum Refining operations, please
refer to the Aspen HYSYS Petroleum Refining Unit Operations & Reactor
Models Reference Guide or the HYSYS Help.
For information on using Assay Management in HYSYS, please refer to
the Assay Management in Aspen HYSYS Petroleum Refining Reference
Guide or the HYSYS Help.
For information regarding the Properties Environment, HYSYS Upstream
operations, Sulsim (Sulfur Recovery) operations, Acid Gas Cleaning, Simulation and Analysis Tools, Safety Analysis, BLOWDOWN Technology,
1 Unit Operations Overview
HYSYS Dynamics, and HYSYS Equation Oriented (EO) Solving, please
refer to the HYSYS Help.
Integrated Steady State and
Dynamics Simulation
HYSYS uses an integrated steady state and dynamic modeling capability in
which the same model can be evaluated from either perspective with full sharing of process information.
The components that comprise HYSYS provide a powerful approach to steady
state process modeling. The comprehensive selection of operations and property methods lets you model a wide range of processes with confidence. Perhaps even more important is how the HYSYS approach to modeling maximizes
your return on simulation time through increased process understanding. The
key to this is the Event Driven operation. By using a ‘degrees of freedom’
approach, calculations in HYSYS are performed automatically. HYSYS performs
calculations as soon as unit operations and property packages have enough
required information.
Any results, including passing partial information when a complete calculation
cannot be performed, is propagated bi-directionally throughout the flowsheet.
What this means is that you can start your simulation in any location using the
available information to its greatest advantage. Since results are available
immediately - as calculations are performed - you gain the greatest understanding of each individual aspect of your process.
Multi-Flowsheet Architecture
The multi-flowsheet architecture of HYSYS is vital to this overall modeling
approach. Although HYSYS is designed to allow the use of multiple property
packages and the creation of pre-built templates, the greatest advantage of
using multiple flowsheets is that they provide an extremely effective way to
organize large processes. By breaking flowsheets into smaller components, you
can easily isolate any aspect for detailed analysis. Each of these sub-processes
is part of the overall simulation, automatically calculating like any other operation.
The design of the HYSYS interface is consistent, if not integral, with this
approach to modeling. Access to information is the most important aspect of
successful modeling, with accuracy and capabilities accepted as fundamental
requirements. Not only can you access whatever information you need when
you need it, but the same information can be displayed simultaneously in a variety of locations. Just as there is no standardized way to build a model, there is
no unique way to look at results. HYSYS uses a variety of methods to display
1 Unit Operations Overview
process information - individual property views, the PFD, Workbook, graphical
Performance Profiles, and Tabular Summaries. Not only are all of these display
types simultaneously available, but through the object-oriented design, every
piece of displayed information is automatically updated whenever conditions
Extensibility and Customization
The inherent flexibility of HYSYS allows for the use of third party design options
and custom-built unit operations. These can be linked to HYSYS through OLE
This section covers the various unit operations, template and column subflowsheet models, optimization, and dynamics. Since HYSYS is an integrated
steady state and dynamic modeling package, the steady state and dynamic
modeling capabilities of each unit operation are described successively, illustrating how the information is shared between the two approaches. In addition
to the physical operations there is a chapter for logical operations, which do not
physically perform heat and material balance calculations, but that impart
logical relationships between the elements that make up your process.
Model Categories
The following is a brief definition of categories used in this volume:
Physical Operations
Governed by thermodynamics and mass/energy balances, as well as
operation-specific relations.
Logical Operations
The Logical Operations presented in this volume are primarily used in
Steady State mode to establish numerical relationships between variables. Examples include the Adjust and Recycle. There are, however,
several operations such as the Spreadsheet and Set operation which
can be used in Steady State and Dynamic mode.
You can define processes in a subflowsheet, which can then be inserted as a “unit operation” into any other flowsheet. You have full
access to the operations normally available in the main flowsheet.
Unlike the other unit operations, the HYSYS Column is contained
within a separate subflowsheet, which appears as a single operation in
the main flowsheet.
Integrated into the steady state modeling is multi-variable optimization. Once
you have reached a converged solution, you can construct virtually any objective function with the Optimizer. There are five available solution algorithms for
both unconstrained and constrained optimization problems, with an automatic
1 Unit Operations Overview
backup mechanism when the flowsheet moves into a region of non-convergence.
HYSYS offers an assortment of analysis tools which can be attached to process
streams and unit operations. These tools interact with the process model and
provide additional information.
In this guide, each operation is explained in its respective chapters for steady
state and dynamic modeling. A separate guide has been devoted to the principles behind dynamic modeling. HYSYS is the first simulation package to offer
dynamic flowsheet modeling backed up by rigorous property package calculations.
Note: The HYSYS Dynamics license is required to use the features in the HYSYS dynamics
HYSYS has a number of unit operations, which can be used to assemble flowsheets. By connecting the proper unit operations and streams, you can model a
wide variety of oil, gas, petrochemical, and chemical processes.
Included in the available operations are those which are governed by thermodynamics and mass/energy balances, such as Heat Exchangers, Separators,
and Compressors, and the logical operations like the Adjust, Set, and Recycle.
A number of operations are also included specifically for dynamic modeling,
such as the Controller, Transfer Function Block, and Selector. The Spreadsheet
is a powerful tool, which provides a link to nearly any flowsheet variable, allowing you to model “special” effects not otherwise available in HYSYS.
Degrees of Freedom
In modeling operations, HYSYS uses a Degrees of Freedom approach, which
increases the flexibility with which solutions are obtained. For most operations,
you are not constrained to provide information in a specific order, or even to
provide a specific set of information. As you provide information to the operation, HYSYS calculates any unknowns that can be determined based on what
you have entered.
For example, consider the Pump operation. If you provide a fully-defined inlet
stream to the pump, HYSYS immediately passes the composition and flow to
the outlet. If you then provide a percent efficiency and pressure rise, the outlet
and energy streams is fully defined. If, on the other hand, the flowrate of the
inlet stream is undefined, HYSYS cannot calculate any outlet conditions until
you provide three parameters, such as the efficiency, pressure rise, and work.
In the case of the Pump operation, there are three degrees of freedom, thus,
three parameters are required to fully define the outlet stream.
1 Unit Operations Overview
All information concerning a unit operation can be found on the tabs and pages
of its property view. Each tab in the property view contains pages which pertain
to the unit operation, such as its stream connections, physical parameters (for
example, pressure drop and energy input), or dynamic parameters such as vessel rating and valve information.
Adding Unit Operations
You can use the Model Palette to add HYSYS unit operations, streams, and subflowsheets to the main flowsheet or a sub-flowsheet. Operations can also be
installed and set up from the Workbook, which is a spreadsheet style view of
the simulation environment.
Note: The standard Model Palette is available for the main flowsheet and the Standard
Sub-Flowsheet. However, Column Sub-Flowsheets, EO Sub-Flowsheets, Aspen Hydraulics
Sub-Flowsheets, and Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU) Sub-Flowsheets feature different model
palettes. These palettes feature different unit operations depending on the sub-flowsheet
To access the Model Palette:
Press F4.
Press F12.
From the View ribbon tab | Show group, click the Model Palette
To add a stream:
On the Model Palette, in the upper-right corner, click the desired
stream type.
Material Stream
Energy Stream
The upper-right corner of the model palette also allows you to add a Standard
Sub-Flowsheet or an EO Sub-Flowsheet.
1 Unit Operations Overview
Standard Sub-Flowsheet
EO Sub-Flowsheet
To add other unit operations or sub-flowsheets:
1. On the Model Palette, select one of the following Views:
Text View
: Display the icon, name, and description for each
unit operation.
Grid View
: Displays only the icon for each unit operation.
You can hover over a unit operation to view the associated tooltip.
2. You can either:
Type a search term in the search bar, and then click
Searches are filtered based on the name and description.
Select one of the categories on the left-hand side.
Associated Unit Operations/Sub-Flowsheets
Shows all available unit operations and sub-flowsheets.
1 Unit Operations Overview
Dynamics & Control
External Model
1 Unit Operations Overview
Associated Unit Operations/Sub-Flowsheets
Split-Range Controller
Ratio Controller
PID Controller
MPC Controller
DMCPlus Controller
Digital Control Point
Transfer Function Block
Boolean Not Gate
Boolean And Gate
Boolean Or Gate
Boolean XOr Gate
Boolean Off Delay Gate
Boolean On Delay Gate
Boolean Latch Gate
Boolean Count Up Gate
Boolean Count Down Gate
Cause-and-Effect Matrix
CAPE-OPEN 1.0 Unit
CAPE-OPEN 1.1 Unit
Equilibrium Unit
External Data Linker
ACM Operation
User Unit Op
Mach Number Unit
Virtual Stream
Wellhead PQ Unit Operation
SULSIM Extension
Heat Transfer
Piping & Hydraulics
Associated Unit Operations/Sub-Flowsheets
Heat Exchanger
Fired Heater
Air Cooler
LNG Exchanger
Plate Exchanger
Stream Saturator
Stream Cutter
Petroleum Feeder
Assay Manipulator
Product Blender
Black Oil Translator
Pipe Segment
Gas Pipe
Aspen Hydraulics Sub-Flowsheet
Petroleum Experts GAP
PipeSim Link Unit
PipeSim Net Unit
1 Unit Operations Overview
Pressure Changer
1 Unit Operations Overview
Associated Unit Operations/Sub-Flowsheets
Control Valve
Relief Valve
Continuously Stirred Tank
Plug Flow Reactor
Conversion Reactor
Equilibrium Reactor
Gibbs Reactor
Yield Shift Reactor
HF Alkylation
H2SO4 Alkylation
Naphtha Hydrotreater
Catalytic Reformer
Hydroprocessing Bed
Fluidized Catalytic Cracking (FCC)
CatGas Hydrotreater SHU
CatGas Hydrotreater HDS
Delayed Coker
Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU) Sub-Flowsheet
Petroleum Shift Reactor
HYPlan Model
Associated Unit Operations/Sub-Flowsheets
3 Phase Separator
Distillation Column
Blank Column
Component Splitter
Refluxed Absorber
Reboiled Absorber
Three Phase Distillation
Shortcut Column
Refining Short-Cut Column
Liquid-Liquid Extractor
3 Stripper Crude
4 Stripper Crude
Vacuum Resid Tower
FCCU Main Frac
Simple Solid Separator
Liquid-liquid Hydrocyclone
Baghouse Filter
Rotary Vacuum Filter
Note: The electrolyte operations are only available if your case is an electrolyte system; the selected fluid package must support electrolytes.
3. Select the desired unit operation or sub-flowsheet. To add it to the PFD:
Drag and drop the icon onto the PFD.
Double-click the icon.
1 Unit Operations Overview
Basic Unit Operation Property
Although each unit operation differs in functionality and operation, in general,
the unit operation property view remains consistent in its overall appearance.
Most operation property views contain the following common objects:
Delete button. This button lets you delete the unit operation from the
current simulation case. Only the unit operation is deleted, any streams
attached to the unit operation is left in the simulation case.
Status bar. This bar displays messages associated to the calculation
status of the unit operation. The messages also indicate the missing or
incorrect data in the operation.
Ignore check box. This check box lets you toggle between including and
excluding the unit operation in the simulation process calculation.
To ignore the operation during calculations, select the check box.
HYSYS completely disregards the operation until you restore the
operation to an active state by clearing the check box.
Note: You can also right-click and select the Ignore/Restore Unit Operation command to ignore or restore multiple selected flowsheet operations.
The Operation property view also contain several different tabs which are operation specific, however the Design, Rating, Worksheet, and Dynamics tabs
can usually be found in each unit operation property view and have similar functionality.
Connects the feed and outlet streams to the unit operation. Other parameters such as pressure drop, heat flow, and solving method are also specified on the various pages of this tab.
Rates and Sizes the unit operation vessel. Specification of the tab is not
always necessary in Steady State mode, however it can be used to calculate vessel hold up.
Displays the Conditions, Properties, Composition, and Pressure Flow values of the streams entering and exiting the unit operation.
Sets the dynamic parameters associated with the unit operation such as
valve sizing and pressure flow relations. Not relevant to steady state modelling.
For information on dynamic modeling implications of this tab, refer to the
HYSYS Dynamics section.
Note: If negative pressure drop occurs in a vessel, the operation will not solve and a warning message appears in the status bar.
1 Unit Operations Overview
Object Inspect Menu
To access the Object Inspect menu of a unit operation property view, right-click
on any empty area of the property view.
The unit operation property view all have the following common commands in
the Object Inspect menu:
Print Datasheet
Lets you access the Select DataBlocks to Print property view.
Open Page
Lets you open the active page into a new property view.
Find in PFD
Lets you locate and display the object icon in the PFD property view.
This command is useful if you already have access to an object's property view and want to see where the object is located in the PFD.
This command is only available in the Object Inspect menu of the HYSYS
stream & operation property views.
Lets you access the Logical Connections For... Property View.
Logical Connections For... Property View
The Logical Connections for... property view lets you determine simulation
dependencies between objects which are not otherwise shown via connecting
lines on the PFD. Certain HYSYS operations can write to any other object and if
the user is looking at the object being written to, they have no way of telling
this, other than that the value might be changing. For example, one can determine if one spreadsheet is writing to another.
Note: The Logical Connections for... property view is different if accessed from a Spreadsheet property view since there is an additional column (This Name) in the table. The This
Name column displays the spreadsheet cell that contains the information/variable connected to the spreadsheet.
The table in the Logical Connections for... property view contains the following
Remote Name column displays the name of the operation or stream
being written to or read from the active object.
Double-click on a particular entry of the Remote Name column
to open the property view of the operation or stream.
Remote Type column displays the operation type (pump, valve,
stream, and so forth) of the remote object from the current/active property view.
1 Unit Operations Overview
The Show All check box lets you toggle between displaying or hiding all the
other operations and streams that the selected object knows about. Duplicate
connectivity information may be shown otherwise (either via a line on the PFD
or elsewhere in a Logical operations property view, for example). Usually, you
do not need to select this check box.
Note: There is only one Show All check box for your HYSYS session. When the check box
is changed, the current setting is effective for all Logical Connections For... property view.
To access the Logical Connections for… view of a HYSYS PFD object:
1. Open the object's property view.
2. Right-click in an empty area of the object's property view. The Object
Inspect menu associated to the object appears.
3. Select Connections command from the Object Inspect menu.
Note: The information displayed in the Logical Connections for... property view is primarily use for the Spreadsheet, Cause and Effect Matrix operation, Event Scheduler operation, and any other operations that read/write from/to these property views.
1 Unit Operations Overview
1 Unit Operations Overview
2 Unit Operation Common
Property Views
Each unit operation in HYSYS contains some common information and options
grouped into common property views, tabs, and pages. The following sections
describe the common objects in HYSYS operation property view.
Graph Control Property View
The Graph Control property view and its options are available for all plots in
The options are grouped into five tabs:
Data - Modify the variable characteristics (type, name, color, symbol,
line style, and line thickness) of the plot.
Axes - Modify the axes characteristics (label name, display format, and
axes value range) of the plot.
Title - Modify the title characteristics (label, font style, font color, borders, and background color) of the plot.
Legend - Modify the legend characteristics (border, background color,
font style, font color, and alignment) of the plot.
Plot Area - Modify the plot characteristics (background color, grid
color, frame color, and cross hair color) of the plot.
To access the Graph Control property view, do one of the following:
Right-click any spot on an active plot and select the Graph Control command from the Object Inspect menu.
Click in the plot area to make the plot the active object. Then, either
double-click on the plot Title or Legend to access the respective tab of
the Graph Control property view.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Heat Exchanger Page
The Heat Exchanger page on the Dynamics tab for most vessel unit operations in HYSYS contains the options use to configure heat transfer method
within the unit operation.
There are three options to choose from:
None radio button option indicates that there is no energy stream or
heat exchanger in the vessel. The Heat Exchanger page is blank and you
do not have to specify an energy stream for the unit operation to solve.
Duty radio button option indicates that there is an energy stream in the
vessel. The Heat Exchanger page contains the HYSYS standard heater or
cooler parameters and you have to specify an energy stream for the unit
operation to solve.
Tube Bundle radio button option indicates that there is heat exchanger
in the vessel and lets you simulate a kettle reboiler or chiller. The Heat
Exchanger page contains the parameters used to configure a heat
exchanger and you have to specify material streams of the heat
exchanger for the unit operation to solve.
Note: The Tube Bundle option is only available in Dynamics mode.
Note: The Tube Bundle option is only available for the following unit operations: Separator, Three Phase Separator, Condenser, and Reboiler.
Duty Radio Button Options
When you select the Duty radio button the following options are available.
Heater Type Group
In the Heater Type group, there are two heating methods available to the general vessel operation:
Vessel Heater
Liquid Heater
If you select the Vessel Heater radio button, 100% of the duty specified or calculated in the SP field is applied to the vessel’s holdup.
Q = total heat applied to the holdup
QTotal = duty calculated from the duty source
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
If you select the Liquid Heater radio button, the duty applied to the vessel
depends on the liquid level in the tank. You must specify the heater height in
the Top of Heater and Bottom of Heater cells that appear with Heater
Height as % Vessel Volume group.
The heater height is expressed as a percentage of the liquid level in the vessel
operation. The default values are 5% for the Top of the Heater and 0% for the
Bottom of the Heater. These values are used to scale the amount of duty that is
applied to the vessel contents.
L = liquid percent level (%)
T = top of heater (%)
B = bottom of heater (%)
The Percent Heat Applied can be calculated as follows:
It is shown that the percent of heat applied to the vessel’s holdup directly varies with the surface area of liquid contacting the heater.
Duty Source/Source Group
In the Duty Source/Source group, you can choose whether HYSYS calculates
the duty applied to the vessel from a direct energy source or from a utility
If you select the Direct Q radio button, the Direct Q group appears,
and you can directly specify the duty applied to the holdup in the SP
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
The following table describes the purpose of each object in the Direct Q
The heat flow value in this cell is the same value specified in the Duty
field of the Parameters page on the Design tab. Any changes made
in this cell are reflected on the Duty field of the Parameters page on
the Design tab.
Lets you specify the minimum amount of heat flow.
Lets you specify the maximum amount of heat flow.
If you select the Utility radio button, the Utility Properties group
appears, and you can specify the flow of the utility fluid.
The duty is then calculated using the local overall heat transfer
coefficient, the inlet fluid conditions, and the process conditions.
The calculated duty is then displayed in the SP field or the Heat
Flow field.
If you select the Heating radio button, the duty shown in the SP
field or Heat Flow field is added to the holdup. If you select the
Cooling radio button, the duty shown in the SP field or Heat
Flow field is subtracted from the holdup.
For more information regarding how the utility option calculates
duty, refer to the Logical Operations.
Tube Bundle Radio Button
When you select the Tube Bundle radio button, the Tube Bundle options are
Note: The Tube Bundle option is only available in Dynamics mode.
Note: If you had an energy stream attached to the unit operation, HYSYS automatically
disconnects the energy stream when you switch to the Tube Bundle option.
The Tube Bundle option lets you configure a shell tube heat exchanger (for
example, kettle reboiler or kettle chiller).
In the kettle reboiler, the process fluid is typically on the shell side and
the process fluid is fed into a liquid "pool" which is heated by a number
of tubes. A weir limits the amount of liquid in the pool. The liquid overflow is placed under level control and provides the main liquid product.
The vapor is circulated back to the vessel.
In the kettle chiller, the process fluid is typically on the tube side with a
refrigerant on the shell side. The refrigerant if typically pure and cools
by evaporation. The setup is similar to the reboiler except that there is
no weir or level control.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
The unit operation icon in the PFD also changes to indicate that a heat
exchanger has been attached to the unit operation.
The following table lists and describes the options available to configure the
heat exchanger:
Parameters group
Tube Volume
Lets you specify the volume of the tubes in the heat exchanger.
Vessel Liquid
U cell
Lets you specify the heat transfer rate of the liquid in the shell.
Vessel Vapor
U cell
Lets you specify the heat transfer rate of the vapor in the shell.
Tube Liquid U
Lets you specify the heat transfer rate of the liquid in the tube.
Tube Vapor U
Lets you specify the heat transfer rate of the vapor in the tube.
Heat Transfer
Area cell
Lets you specify the total heat transfer area between the fluid in the
shell and the fluid in the tube.
Bundle Top
Height cell
Lets you specify the location of the top tube/bundle based on the
height from the bottom of the shell.
Bundle Bottom Height
Lets you specify the location of the bottom tube/bundle based on the
height from the bottom of the shell.
Specs group
Tube Dp cell
Lets you specify the pressure drop within the tubes. You have to select
the associate check box in order to specify the pressure drop.
Tube K cell
Lets you specify the pressure flow relationship value within the tubes.
You have to select the associate check box in order to specify the pressure flow relationship value.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Tube UA
Flow cell
Lets you set a reference point that uses HYSYS to calculate a more realistic UA value. If no reference point is set then UA is fixed.
UA is the product of overall heat transfer multiply with overall heat
transfer area, and depends on the flow rate.
If a value is specified for the Reference Flow, the heat transfer coefficient is proportional to the (mass flow ratio)0.8. The equation below is
used to determine the actual UA:
Reference flows generally help to stabilize the system when you do
shut downs and startups as well.
Flow Scale
Factor cell
The ratio of mass flow at time t to reference mass flow is also known as
flow scaled factor. The minimum flow scaled factor is the lowest value
which the ratio is anticipated at low flow regions. This value can be
expressed in a positive value or negative value.
A positive value ensures that some heat transfer still takes
place at very low flows.
A negative value ignores heat transfer at very low flows.
A negative minimum flow scale factor is often used in shut downs if you
are not interested in the results or run into problems shutting down
the heat exchanger.
If the Minimum Flow Scale Factor is specified, the actual UA is calculated using the
ratio if the ratio is greater
than the Min Flow Scale Factor. Otherwise the Min Flow Scale Factor is
Calculate K
Lets you calculate the K value based on the heat exchanger specifications.
Shell Dp cell
Lets you specify the pressure drop within the shell.
Summary group
Actual UA cell
Displays the calculated UA in Dynamics mode.
Shell Liq. Percent Level
Displays the calculated liquid level in the shell at percentage value.
Tube Liq.
Volume Percent cell
Lets you specify in percentage value the volume of liquid in the tube.
Shell Duty
Displays the calculated duty value in the shell.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Use Tube
Trivial Level
and Fraction
Calc. radio
Lets you select the volume percent level variable for the vessel fraction
Use Tube
Normal Level
and Fraction
Calc. radio
Lets you select the liquid percent level variable for the vessel fraction
View Tube
HoldUp button
Lets you access the tube HoldUp Property View.
This option uses a variable that is independent of the vessel shape or
This option uses a variable that is dependent of the vessel shape and orientation.
Holdup Page
Each unit operation in HYSYS has the capacity to store material and energy. The
Holdup page contains information regarding the properties, composition, and
amount of the holdup.
Most Holdup pages contains the following common objects/options:
Displays the phase of the fluid available in the unit operation’s holdup
Each available phase occupies a volume space within the unit operation.
Displays the rate of change of material in the holdup for each phase.
Moles column
Displays the amount of material in the holdup for each phase.
Displays the holdup volume of each phase.
Total row
Displays the sum of the holdup accumulation rate, mole value, and
volume value.
Advanced but- Lets you access the unit operation’s HoldUp Property View that
provides more detailed information about the holdup of that unit operation.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Holdup Property View
The Holdup property view displays the detailed calculated results of the holdup
data in the following tabs:
General tab. Displays the phase, accumulation, moles, volume, duty
and holdup pressure of the heat exchanger.
Select the Active Phase Flip Check check box to enable
HYSYS to check if there is a phase flip between Liquid 1 (light
liquid) and Liquid 2 (heavy liquid) during simulation and generate
a warning message whenever the phase flip occur. If the check
box is clear, HYSYS generates a warning only on the first time
the phase flip occur.
Refer to Advanced Holdup Properties in the HYSYS Dynamic
Modeling section for more information.
Nozzles tab. Lets you modify nozzle configuration attached to the heat
Efficiencies tab. Lets you modify the efficiency of the recycle, feed
nozzle, and product nozzle of the heat exchanger.
Properties tab. Displays the temperature, pressure, enthalpy, density,
and molecular weight of the holdup in the heat exchanger.
Compositions tab. Displays the composition of the holdup in the heat
For detailed technical information on the Holdup Model is, refer to
Holdup Model.
Nozzles Page
The Nozzles page (from the Rating Tab) in most of the operations property
view lets you specify the elevation and diameter of the nozzles connected to the
Note: The Nozzles page is only available if the HYSYS Dynamics license is activated.
Depending on the type of operation, the options in the Nozzles page varies.
The following table lists and describes the common options available in the
Base Elevation Relative
to Ground Level field
Lets you specify the height/elevation between the bottom
of the operation and the ground.
Diameter row
Lets you specify the diameter of the nozzle for each material
stream flowing into and out of the operation.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Elevation (Base) row
Lets you specify the height/elevation between the nozzle
and the base of the operation.
Elevation (Ground) row
Lets you specify the height/elevation between the nozzle
and the ground.
Notes Pages or Tabs
Use the Notes tab or any Notes page to enter or revise notes.
Notes can be useful for informing other people working with your case about
changes and assumptions you have made. You can:
Enter notes in the Notes window.
Make use of all common formatting options, bold, italic, indents, fonts,
Use the Notes Manager to search across multiple notes locations.
To enter notes:
1. Click anywhere in the Notes window to make it active.
2. Type in any relevant notes you have regarding such things as fluid packages, assays, user properties, operations, and so on.
Notes Manager
The Notes Manager lets you survey and edit notes associated all objects on the
Flowsheet from a central location.
1. From the View ribbon tab > Show group, select Notes Manager.
2. In the list of available objects select the object that contains the note
you want to view. Click the Plus icon to expand the tree browser revealing more selections.
3. If a valid note is present in the object the note appears in the Note
group. From here you can view and modify the note.
Tip: You can also access the Notes Manager by pressing the CTRL G hot key.
Select the View Objects with Notes Only check box to display only
objects that contain a valid note.
Click Clear to delete the entire note from the selected object.
Click View to open the property view of the selected object.
Select the Search notes containing the string check box and enter a
string in the corresponding field to filter the list of available objects to
objects that contain the specified string.
Select the Search notes modified since check box and enter month,
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
day and year to filter the list of available objects to objects whose notes
modified since the specified date.
Holdup Model
Dynamic behavior arises from the fact that many pieces of plant equipment
have some sort of material inventory or holdup. A holdup model is necessary
because changes in the composition, temperature, pressure or flow in an inlet
stream to a vessel with volume (holdup) are not immediately seen in the exit
stream. The model predicts how the holdup and exit streams of a piece of equipment respond to input changes to the holdup over time.
In some cases, the holdup model corresponds directly with a single piece of
equipment in Aspen HYSYS. For example, a separator is considered a single holdup. In other cases, there are numerous holdups within a single piece of equipment. In the case of a distillation column, each tray can be considered a single
holdup. Heat exchangers can also be split up into zones with each zone being a
set of holdups.
Calculations included in the holdup model are:
Material and energy accumulation
Thermodynamic equilibrium
Heat transfer
Chemical reaction
The new holdup model offers certain advantages over the previous HYSYS
dynamic model:
An adiabatic PH flash calculation replaces the bubble point algorithm
used in the previous holdup model. Adiabatic flashes also allow for more
accurate calculations of vapor composition and pressure effects in the
vapor holdup.
Flash efficiencies can be specified allowing for the modeling of non-equilibrium behavior between the feed phases of the holdup.
The placement of feed and product nozzles on the equipment has physical meaning in relation to the holdup. For example, if the vapor product
nozzle is placed below the liquid level in a separator, only liquid exits
from the nozzle.
Assumptions of Holdup Model
There are several underlying assumptions that are considered in the calculations of the holdup model:
Each phase is assumed to be well mixed.
Mass and heat transfer occur between feeds to the holdup and material
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
already in the holdup.
Mass and heat transfer occur between phases in the holdup.
The lagged response that is observed in any unit operation is the result of the
accumulation of material, energy, or composition in the holdup. To predict how
the holdup conditions change over time, a recycle stream is added alongside
the feed streams. For example, the material accumulation in a holdup can be
calculated from:
The recycle stream is not a physical stream in the unit operation. Rather, it is
used to introduce a lagged response in the output. Essentially, the recycle
stream represents the material already existing in the piece of equipment. It
becomes apparent that a greater amount of material in the holdup means a larger recycle stream and thus, a greater lagged response in the output.
The holdup model is used to calculate material, energy, and composition accumulation. Material accumulation is defaulted to calculate at every integration
time step. The energy of the holdup is defaulted to calculate at every second
time step. The composition of the holdup is defaulted to calculate at every tenth
time step.
Non-Equilibrium Flash
As material enters a holdup, the liquid and vapor feeds can associate in different proportions with the existing material already in the holdup. For
instance, a separator’s vapor and liquid feeds can enter the column differently.
It is very likely that the liquid feed mixes well with the liquid already in the holdup.
The vapor feed is not mixed as well with the existing material in the vessel
since the residence time of the vapor holdup is much smaller than that of the
liquid. If the feed nozzle is situated close to the vapor product nozzle, it is possible that even less mixing occurs. In the physical world, the extent of mixing
the feeds with a holdup depends on the placement of the feed nozzles, the
amount of holdup, and the geometry of the piece of equipment.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
In HYSYS, you can indirectly specify the amount of mixing that occurs between
the feed phases and the existing holdup using feed, recycle, and product efficiencies. These feed efficiency parameters can be specified on the Efficiencies
tab of the unit operation’s Advance property view. Click the Advance button on
the Holdup page under the Dynamics tab to open the Advance property view.
Essentially, the efficiencies determine how rapidly the system reached equilibrium. If all efficiencies are 1, then all feeds reach equilibrium instantaneously. If the values are lower, it takes longer and the phases cannot be in
equilibrium and can have different temperatures.
A flash efficiency can be specified for each phase of any stream entering the holdup. A conceptual diagram of the non-equilibrium flash is shown for a two
phase system in the figure below:
As shown, the flash efficiency, η, is the fraction of feed stream that participates
in the rigorous flash. If the efficiency is specified as 1, the entire stream participates in the flash; if the efficiency is 0, the entire stream bypasses the flash
and is mixed with the product stream.
The recycle stream (and any streams entering the holdup) participates in the
flash. You can specify the flash efficiency for each phase of the recycle stream
and any feed entering the holdup. The flash efficiency can also be specified for
each phase of any product streams leaving the holdup.
Note: Product flash efficiencies are only used by the holdup model when reverse flow
occurs in the product flow nozzles. In such cases, the product nozzle effectively becomes a
feed nozzle and uses the product flash efficiencies that you provided.
The default efficiencies for the feed, product, and recycle streams is 1, and this
value is sufficient in the vast majority of cases. The flash efficiencies can be
changed to model non-equilibrium conditions. For example, the efficiency of
vapor flowing through a vessel containing liquid can be reduced if the residence
time of the vapor is very small and there is little time for it to reach thermodynamic equilibrium with the liquid. Also, in some narrow boiling systems,
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
lower efficiencies can be used to reduce the rate at which material can condense or evaporate. This can help to stabilize the pressure in certain difficult
cases such as narrow boiling systems like steam.
For example, a water system is heated by pure steam (no inerts) can encounter
problems if the stream efficiency is specified as 1. If the holdup material is significantly larger than the stream flow, all the steam condenses and the holdup
temperature increases accordingly. No vapor is present which can complicate
pressure control of the system. In the physical world, typically not all of the
steam condenses in the water and there are also some inerts (e.g., nitrogen or
air) present in the system. Using lower efficiencies can help to model this system better.
In HYSYS, you can specify the feed and product nozzle locations and diameters.
These nozzle placement parameters can be specified in the unit operation’s
Nozzles page under the Rating tab.
The placement of feed and product nozzles on the equipment has physical meaning in relation to the holdup. The exit stream’s composition depends partially on
the exit stream nozzle’s location in relation to the physical holdup level in the
vessel. If the product nozzle is located below the liquid level in the vessel, the
exit stream draws material from the liquid holdup. If the product nozzle is located above the liquid level, the exit stream draws material from the vapor holdup. If the liquid level sits across a nozzle, the mole fraction of liquid in the
product stream varies linearly with how far up the nozzle the liquid is.
Static Head Contributions
When the Static Head Contributions check box is selected on the
Options tab of the Integrator property view, Aspen HYSYS calculates static
head using the following contributions:
Levels inside separators, Towers, and so forth
Elevation differences between connected equipment
Note: Including static head contributions in the modeling of pressure-flow dynamics is an
option in Aspen HYSYS.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
For unit operations with negligible holdup, such as the valve operation, Aspen
HYSYS incorporates only the concept of nozzles. There is no static head contributions for levels, unless the feed and product nozzles are specified at different elevations.
You can specify the elevation of both the feed and product nozzles. If there is a
difference in elevation between the feed and product nozzles, Aspen HYSYS
uses this value to calculate the static head contributions. It is recommended
that static head contributions not be modeled in these unit operations in this
way since this is not a realistic situation. Static head can be better modeled in
these unit operations by relocating the entire piece of equipment.
Static head is important in vessels with levels. For example, consider a vertical
separator unit operation that has a current liquid level of 50%. The static head
contribution of the liquid holdup makes the pressure at the liquid outlet nozzle
higher than that at the vapor outlet nozzle. Nozzle location also becomes a
factor. The pressure-flow relationship for the separator is different for a feed
nozzle which is below the current liquid holdup level as opposed to a feed which
is entering in the vapor region of the unit.
It is important to notice that exit stream pressures from a unit operation are calculated at the exit nozzle locations on the piece of equipment and not the inlet
nozzle locations of the next piece of equipment.
Heat Loss Model
The heat loss experienced by any piece of plant equipment is taken into consideration in Aspen HYSYS. The heat loss influences the boundaries and holdups
inside the equipment by contributing extra terms to the energy balance equations.
There are two heat loss models available: Simple and Detailed. These models
can be specified for most unit operations under the Rating tab | Heat Loss
page. You can choose to neglect the heat loss calculation in the energy balance
by selecting the None radio button.
Simple Model
The Simple model allows you to have the heat loss calculated from specified values: Overall U value and Ambient temperature. The heat transfer area A and
the fluid temperature Tf are calculated or available to HYSYS. The resulting
heat loss is then:
Detailed Model: Cartesian one-dimensional version
Heat is lost (or gained) from the holdup fluid through the wall and insulation to
the surroundings. There are several underlying assumptions that are considered during a heat loss calculation:
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
There is heat capacity associated with the wall (metal) and with insulation housing the fluid
There is thermal conductivity associated with the wall and with insulation
housing the fluid
The temperature across the wall and the temperature across the insulation are assumed to be constant (lumped parameter analysis)
You can have different heat transfer coefficients on the inside of a vessel
for the vapor and the liquid: the heat transfer coefficients between the
holdup and the wall are not the same for the vapor and liquid
The calculation assumes natural convection heat transfer on the inside
and outside of the vessel
The calculations do not take into account that temperatures vary along
the height of the vessel depending on the phase they are in contact with
at the corresponding height: this is what is meant by a one-dimensional
In the figure above, we show the heat flow through the different material
layers. A first balance can be performed across the wall:
and the balance across the insulation:
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
heat transfer area
mass density
heat capacity
thermal conductivity
convective heat transfer coefficient
thermal resistance for conductive h. transfer
rate of heat transfer
The temperature at the wall/insulation interface is calculated using a pseudo
steady state assumption for viewing purposes
Detailed Model: radial one-dimensional version
Since HYSYS V7.3.1, HYSYS has used a radial model for pipe segments which
yields considerably different predictions from those of the Cartesian model
when the insulation thickness is comparable to the wall thickness. The radial
model is active by default in all newly created pipe segments in dynamics
mode, in the pipe segment property view, Rating tab | Heat Model page, as
shown below.
In the analysis below, the Cartesian one-dimensional version figure is still useful if representing a small angular section of a long pipe. A balance across the
wall would be:
and the balance across the insulation:
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
pipe length
pipe inner radius
pipe outer radius
insulation outer radius
mass density
heat capacity
thermal conductivity
convective heat transfer coefficient
thermal resistance for conductive h. transfer
rate of heat transfer
Chemical Reactions
Chemical reactions that occur in plant equipment are considered by the holdup
model in HYSYS. Reaction sets can be specified in the Results page of the
Reactions tab.
The holdup model is able to calculate the chemical equilibria and reactions that
occur in the holdup. In a holdup, chemical reactions are modeled by one of four
Reactions handled inside thermophysical property packages
Extent of reaction model
Kinetic model
Equilibrium model
Related Calculations
There are calculations which are not handled by the holdup model itself, but can
impact the holdup calculations. The following calculations require information
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
and are solved in conjunction with the holdup model as described in the following table:
Vessel Level
The vessel level can be calculated from the vessel geometry, the molar
holdup and the density for each liquid phase.
Vessel Pressure
The vessel pressure is a function of the vessel volume and the stream
conditions of the feed, product, and the holdup. The pressure in the holdup is calculated using a volume balance equation. Holdup pressures
are calculated simultaneously across the flowsheet.
Tray Hydraulics
Tray Hydraulics determines the rate from which liquid leaves the tray,
and hence, the holdup and the pressure drop across the tray. The Francis Weir equation is used to determine the liquid flow based on the
liquid level in the tray and the tray geometry.
Advanced Holdup Properties
Each Dynamics tab | Holdup page on the unit operation property view contains an Advanced button. This button accesses the Holdup property view that
provides more detailed information about the holdup of that unit operation.
Right-click anywhere in the property view to bring up the object inspect menu.
Selecting the Open Page command displays the information on the Holdup
page in a separate property view.
General Tab
This tab provides the same information as shown in the Holdup page of the
Dynamics tab. The accumulation, moles, and volume of the holdup appear on
this tab. The holdup pressure also appears on this tab.
Select the Active Phase Flip Check check box to enable Aspen HYSYS to
check if there is a phase flip between Liquid 1 (light liquid) and Liquid 2 (heavy
liquid) during simulation and generate a warning message whenever the phase
flip occur. If the check box is clear, Aspen HYSYS generates a warning only on
the first time the phase flip occur.
Nozzles Tab
Note: The Nozzles tab requires HYSYS Dynamics license.
The Nozzles tab displays the same information as shown in the Nozzles page
of the Ratings tab. The nozzle diameters and elevations for each stream
attached to the holdup appear on this tab. This section also displays the holdup
elevation which is essentially equal to the base elevation of the piece of equipment relative to the ground. Changes to nozzle parameters can either be made
in this tab or in the Nozzles page of the Ratings tab.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Efficiencies Tab
Note: The Efficiencies tab requires HYSYS Dynamics license.
The nozzle efficiencies can be specified in this tab. In Aspen HYSYS, you can
indirectly specify the amount of mixing that occurs between the feed phases
and existing holdup using feed, recycle and product efficiencies.
A flash efficiency, η, is the fraction of feed stream that participates in the rigorous flash. If the efficiency is specified as 100, the entire stream participates
in the flash; if the efficiency is 0, the entire stream bypasses the flash and is
mixed with the product stream.
Nozzle Efficiency
The efficiencies of each phase for each feed stream into the holdup can be
specified in these cells. These efficiencies are not used by the holdup
model if there is flow reversal in the feed streams.
Nozzle Efficiency
Product nozzle efficiencies are used only when there is flow reversal in the
product streams. In this situation, the product nozzles act as effective
feed nozzles.
Essentially, the recycle stream represents the material already existing in
the holdup. Recycle efficiencies represent how much of the material in
the holdup participates in the flash.
Properties Tab
The following fluid properties for each phase in the holdup appear on the Properties tab:
Molar Fraction of the specific phase in the holdup
Molecular Weight
Compositions Tab
The compositional molar fractions of each phase in the holdup appears on the
Compositions tab.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Stripchart Page
Strip charts let you monitor the behavior of process variables in a graphical
format during dynamics calculations.
Current and historical values for each strip chart are also tabulated for further
examination. You can create strip charts directly from a unit operation property
view, or in the Strip Charts folder on the navigation pane. You can have multiple strip charts, each having an unlimited number of variables charted. The
same variable can be used in more than one Strip Chart.
To delete a variable from a strip chart, select the variable you want delete from the
list of available variables and press DELETE. To replace the variable deleted, reselect the variable set from the Variable Set drop-down list.
Right-click anywhere within the plot area to access the plot’s object inspection
Adding a Strip Chart from the Navigation
Pane or Ribbon
This method lets you select objects and variables from the Variable Navigator:
1. Click Strip Charts in the Simulation navigation pane, or in the Dynamics
ribbon tab | Tools | Strip Charts.
2. Click the Add button. A new strip chart is added to the list of available
strip charts.
3. In the Sample Int. field, specify the amount of time in between taking
data samples. The HYSYS default value is 20 seconds
4. Select the new strip chart and click Edit.
5. Use the Add button and the Variable Navigator to set up each variable
that you want to appear in this strip chart.
Adding a Strip Chart from a Unit Operation
Depending on the object property view, the strip chart sets contain variables
appropriate for the object. For example, the strip chart set ToolTip Properties for a mixer will contain the following variables: Product Temperature,
Product Pressure, and Product Molar Flow. The strip chart set ToolTip Properties for a separator will contain the following variables: Vessel Temperature,
Vessel Pressure, and Liquid Volume Percent, as shown below.
1. Open the object’s property view, and access the Stripchart page or tab.
2. From the Variable Set drop-down list, select the desired strip chart.
3. Click the Create Stripchart button. The new strip chart property view
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
appears. By default, the new stripchart is named <object name> DL
(n). To display the stripchart itself, click Display.
Using the Data Logger Property View
When you first create a strip chart, the Data Logger property view appears.
For the new strip chart, or any existing stripchart, this lets you display the results in tabular or chart form.
Use this view to add or remove variables from the strip chart.
Use the Edit button to edit a selected variable.
Click Display to view the actual strip chat.
Historical Tab
To view data points stored in the strip chart in tabular format, click Historical.
The Historical Data property view appears, which allows you to you to save/export the results to a CSV file and to a DMP file.
Current Tab
To view the current conditions reflected in the strip chart, select the Current
Controls in the Displayed Strip Chart
Showing the Strip Chart
1. Select the strip chart under the Strip Charts folder in the navigation
2. In the strip chart’s Data Logger window click Display.
Note: Right click within the strip chart for display-specific commands.
Selecting Curves
1. Right-click in the strip chart. The object inspect menu appears.
2. Click the Select Curve command. The Select Curve sub-menu appears.
3. From the sub-menu click the variable curve you want to select.
Tip: You can click on any part of the variable curve in the plot to select that curve.
Manipulating the X-axis Range
1. Place the cursor over any part of the x-axis.
2. Left-click and hold the mouse button. Drag the strip chart right if you
want to display a lower range of values on the x-axis. Drag the strip
chart left if you want to display a higher range of values.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Note: Using the Log Controller bar, you can also manipulate the range of sampled data displayed in the strip chart. A set of colors indicates what range of sampled data is displayed
in the strip chart. You can increase or decrease the range of sampled data or you can scroll
the strip chart over a range of recorded strip chart data. The following colors make up the
Log Controller bar:
Gray - No data in that section of the strip chart.
Dark blue - Data recorded in that section of the strip chart.
Red - The Red marker labels where the first data point displayed in your
strip chart is located in the overall data set. You can expand the range of
display by "dragging" the red marker to the left (away from the yellow
marker) and decrease the displayed range by dragging the red marker
right (towards the yellow marker).
Light blue - Indicates where the data displayed on the strip chart is located in the overall data set.
Yellow - The Yellow marker labels where the last data point displayed in
your strip chart is located in the overall data set. You can expand the displayed range by "dragging" the yellow marker to the right (away from
the red marker) and decrease the displayed range of data by dragging
the yellow marker left (towards the red marker).
Manipulating the Y-axis Range
1. Place the cursor over any part of the y-axis.
2. Left-click and hold the mouse button. Drag the strip chart up if you want
to display a lower range of values on the y-axis. Drag the strip chart
down if you want to display a higher range of values.
By default, strip chart curves are grouped into their unit sets. For
instance, all temperature variables are associated and displayed with
the same y-axis range and units. By manipulating the range of a temperature variable in the strip chart, you change the range of all temperature variables associated with that axis.
If you want to associate a different range to a variable in the strip chart,
you must first create your own axis. Refer to the Graph Control section
for more information.
Creating Interval Markers
1. Ensure that the most recent strip chart data is displayed on the strip
chart. (The light blue part of the Log Controller Bar should be located at
the far right of the x-axis.)
2. Place the cursor on the right edge of the strip chart.
3. Press the left mouse button and drag the interval marker across the strip
chart. Release the mouse button when the interval marker is in the
desired location.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Interval markers are used to measure variables at certain instances in
the strip chart. The strip chart variable value appears next to where the
interval marker intersects the strip chart variable curve.
You can add up to four interval markers to the strip chart.
To remove the interval marker, drag the marker back the right hand
edge of the strip chart.
Saving the Data to a .CSV File
1. From the list of available strip charts, select the strip chart you want to
2. Click the Historical button. The Historical Data window appears.
3. Click the Save To .CSV File button. The Save File window appears.
4. From the Save File window, specify a name of your CSV history file and
the location of your file.
5. Click Save.
User Variables Page
The User Variables page or tab lets you create and implement custom variables in the HYSYS simulation.
The following table outlines options in the user variables toolbar:
Current Variable
Filter drop-down
Lets you filter the list of variables in the table based on
the following types:
Code Only
Create a New
User Variable
Lets you create a new user variable and access the
Create a New User Variable property view.
Edit the Selected
User Variable
Lets you edit the configuration of an existing user variable in the table.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
You can also open the edit property view of a user variable by double-clicking on its name in the table.
Delete the Selected User Variable icon
Lets you delete the select user variable in the table.
Sort Alphabetically icon
Lets you sort the user variable list in ascending alphabetical order.
Sort by Execution Order icon
Lets you sort the user variable list according to the order
by which they are executed by HYSYS.
HYSYS requires confirmation before proceeding with the
deletion. If a password has been assigned to the User
Variable, the password is requested before proceeding
with the deletion.
Sorting by execution order is important if your user variables have order dependencies in their macro code. Generally, we recommend that you avoid these types of
Move Selected
Variable Up In
Execution Order
Lets you move the selected user variable up in execution order.
Move Selected
Variable Down
In Execution
Order icon
Lets you move the selected user variable down in the
execution order.
Show/Hide Variable Enabling
Check box icon
Lets you toggle between displaying or hiding the Variable Enabling check boxes associated with each user
By default, the check boxes do not appear.
Adding a User Variable
1. Access the User Variables page or tab in the object property view.
2. Click the Create a New User Variable icon.
The Create New User Variable property view appears.
3. In the Name field, type in the user variable name.
4. Specify the rest of the user variable parameters, such as data type,
dimension type, and unit type. You can define your own filters on the Filters tab of the User Variable property view, or set a password to lock
it for security purposes.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Variable Navigator (MultiSelect)
The Variable Navigator property view lets you browse for and select variables to add to operations; for example, a process variable for a controller or a
strip chart. You can add multiple variables at a time and easily search for specific variables.
Note: Depending on the position in the flowsheet from which you access the Variable
Navigator, the user interface may differ from the below description.
To use the Variable Navigator:
1. From the Context drop-down list, from the following options, select the
area/location containing the variable you want:
Flowsheet: This is the default value.
2. From the list below the Context drop-down list, select the flowsheet/case/basis object/utility containing the variable(s) that you want.
The type of objects available in this list depends on your selection from
the Context drop-down list.
3. From the Object Type drop-down list, you either:
Filter by general type by selecting Streams, UnitOps, Logicals,
or ColumnOps.
Select Custom and select a specific unit operation from the
Select Type window. When you select an object type in this window and click OK, the objects available in the Variable Navigator
are limited to those contained within the object type you selected.
4. Perform one of the following tasks:
In the Objects field, type part of the object name. Objects that
match the text appear in the Objects list.
From the Objects list, select the desired object.
5. Select or clear the Input and Output check boxes depending on whether
you want to view Input variables, Output variables, or both.
6. From the Physical Type drop-down list, select a physical type by which
to filter the Variables list. The available options may vary depending on
the position in the flowsheet from which you access the Variable Navigator. The default selection is All, which shows all objects.
7. You can either:
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
In the Variables field, type part of the variable name. Variables
that match the text appear in the Variables tree.
From the Variables tree, select the desired variables. You can
use the Ctrl key to select multiple variables. You can use the
Shift key to select a range of variables.
Variables appear in the Selected list corresponding to the order
in which you added them.
Note: Within the Object list, when switching from one Object to another
of the same type (such as moving from one stream to another), any Variables that were selected in the Variable tree will remain selected. This
makes it easy to add the same set of Variables for several objects of the
same type.
8. Click the
button to add the selected variables to the Selected list.
Note: To remove variables from the Selected list, click the
9. Click the Done button.
10. The Description field is automatically populated with the default name
of the Variable that is selected in the Selected list. You can provide a
custom name for this selected variable by editing the default name.
Note: When a variable is selected in the Variable Navigator property view, a Disconnect button may appear. You can use the Disconnect button to remove/disconnect
the selected variable and close the property view.
Variable Navigator (Single-Select)
The Variable Navigator property view lets you browse for and select variables to add to operations; for example, a process variable for a controller or a
strip chart. You can easily search for specific variables.
Note: Depending on the position in the flowsheet from which you access the Variable
Navigator, the user interface may differ from the below description.
To use the Variable Navigator:
1. From the Context drop-down list, from the following options, select the
area/location containing the variable you want:
Flowsheet: This is the default value.
2. From the list below the Context drop-down list, select the flowsheet/case/basis object/utility containing the variable that you want.
The type of objects available in this list depends on your selection from
the Context drop-down list.
3. From the Object Type drop-down list, you either:
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Filter by general type by selecting Streams, UnitOps, Logicals,
or ColumnOps.
Select Custom and select a specific unit operation from the
Select Type window. When you select an object type in this window and click OK, the objects available in the Variable Navigator
are limited to those contained within the object type you selected.
4. Perform one of the following tasks:
In the Objects field, type part of the object name. Objects that
match the text appear in the Objects list.
From the Objects list, select the desired object.
5. Select or clear the Input and Output check boxes depending on whether
you want to view Input variables, Output variables, or both.
6. From the Physical Type drop-down list, select a physical type by which
to filter the Variables list. The available options may vary depending on
the position in the flowsheet from which you access the Variable Navigator. The default selection is All, which shows all objects.
7. You can either:
In the Variables field, type part of the variable name. Variables
that match the text appear in the Variables tree.
From the Variables tree, select the desired variable.
You can only select a single variable.
8. The Description field is automatically populated with the default name
of the Variable that is selected in the Selected list. You can provide a
custom name for this selected variable by editing the default name.
9. Click the Select button.
Note: When a variable is selected in the Variable Navigator property view, a Disconnect button may appear. You can use the Disconnect button to remove/disconnect
the selected variable and close the property view.
Select Type Dialog Box
Use the Select Type dialog box to fine tune a selection within an object picker
such as the Variable Navigator, the Object Navigator, or any Add or View
Variable or Object function with a Custom option. The Select Type list, sorted by object type, (for example, Vessel, Reactor, Column, and so on) lets
you select specific objects to use in defining the filter mechanism for the
Object, Variable, or other Navigator in use.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
The objects within the Select Type list are always limited to the types of objects
relevant to the current case or environment.
When you select an object from the Select Type view, only the selections associated with that object are allowed into the parent selector.
In the case of the Variable Navigator, for example, if you wanted to limit the
Variable Navigator Variables pane to show only variables associated with a certain mixer, you would use the Select Type dialog box to select the Mixer type
of object from the Piping Equipment selections. Your Variable Navigator
Object selections would then be limited to only the mixer or mixers in the
case. You would then make your variable selections from those objects.
Using the Select Type Dialog Box
To use the Select Type dialog box:
1. On the Navigator window, select Custom (or Setup Custom depending upon the parent navigator type) in the Object Filter field.
2. On the Select Type dialog box, expand the top-level options to view
potential variables. Select the object type to which you want to limit
your object search, and then click OK.
Changing the Fluid Package for
Multiple Unit Operations
To change the fluid package for multiple unit operations at the same time:
1. Select the desired objects on the flowsheet.
2. Right-click one of the unit operations and select Change Fluid
3. On the Change Fluid Pkg dialog box, from the drop-down list, select
the fluid package that you want to apply to the selected objects.
4. Click OK.
Note: Any changes you make within the Change Fluid Pkg dialog box are applied to all
highlighted unit operations except columns.
Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab presents a summary of the information held by a stream or
an operation object. The Worksheet tab on each unit operation provides access
to the streams attached to the unit.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
Worksheet pages contain analytical information on the Worksheet and/or Performance tabs. The type of analytical information found in operation property
views depends on the operation type. Regardless of what the operation is, the
displayed information is automatically updated as conditions change.
For Streams, you can use the Worksheet tab Composition page to define a
material stream. The Worksheet tab Properties page contains detailed property
correlation information. The Conditions page is a subset of the information
provided in the Properties page. The pages are described below:
Stream Conditions
This page lets you define streams that are incomplete, or modify stream values
if you require changes in the simulation. Any blue colored value may be modified. This lets you easily define or modify a stream without opening the property view of each stream that is attached to the unit operation. This page also
lets you quickly see how the streams connected to the unit operation are acting
throughout the simulation.
Any changes made to this page are reflected in the stream’s property view. The
PF Specs page is relevant to dynamics cases only.
Stream Properties
This page lets you quickly see how the streams connected to the unit operation
are acting throughout the simulation. Any value that is blue in color indicates
that the value may be modified. Any changes made to this page are reflected in
the stream’s property view.
Stream Compositions
This page lets you define or modify the composition of streams attached to the
unit operation. Any value that is blue in color indicates that the value may be
modified. This lets you easily define or modify a stream’s composition without
opening the property view of each stream that is attached to the unit operation.
When you define or modify a composition, the Input Composition property view
property view appears. Any changes made to this page are reflected in the
stream’s property view.
PF Specs
PF (Pressure Flow) applies to dynamic simulations only.
Note: The Heat of Vaporization for a stream in HYSYS is defined as the heat required for
the stream to go from saturated liquid to saturated vapor.
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
2 Unit Operation Common Property Views
3 Column Input Experts
The Column Input Experts guide you through the installation of a Column. The
Input Expert is available for the following standard column templates:
Liquid-Liquid Extractor
Reboiled Absorber
Refluxed Absorber
Three Phase Distillation
The Input Expert contains a series of input pages. You must supply the required
information for the page before advancing to the next one. When you have
worked through all the pages, you will have supplied the basic information
required to build your column, and the Column property view appears.
It is not necessary to use the Input Experts to install a column. You can disable
the use of Input Experts by deactivating the Use Input Experts check box on the
Options page in the Simulation tab of the Session Preferences property view. If
you do not use the Input Expert, the Column property view appears when you
install a new column.
Column Reboiler Pre-configurations
For the distillation column and the reboiled absorber, the following predefined
reboiler pre-configurations (below) are available on page 2 of the column configuration wizard. Depending on the configuration you can specify a HYSYS
Reboiler, a Heater, or a heat exchanger model as the reboiler type.
Thermosiphon reboilers can be simulated rigorously using Aspen Shell & Tube
Exchanger (formerly Tasc+). Using this operation as the reboiler, you can
select different types of EDR-Shell and Tube heat exchangers such as thermosiphon, kettle, and forced circulation.
3 Column Input Experts
The heat exchanger is integrated with the column so that rigorous calculations
can be done in both the column and the reboiler. The heat exchanger is treated
as part of the column, and both the column and the heat exchanger are solved
When the selections are complete, move to the next page to specify top and
last stage pressures.
For a thermosiphon reboiler, both fixed-flow and find-flow options are implemented.
Some specs related to the EDR-Shell and Tube heat exchanger are automatically
defined to minimize user input.
A damping factor is added for EDR-Shell and Tube heat exchangers inside the
column sub-flowsheet to improve the convergence of the solver.
Each configuration is shown both as an approximation of the way it might be
arranged in an actual column and in detail showing how it is represented using
heat exchangers, flash drums, mixers, and splitters. In these diagrams, NT represents the number of trays (stages).
Reboiler Once-through
Reboiler Circulation without baffle
Reboiler Circulation with baffle
Reboiler Circulation with auxiliary baffle
When done, click Next to proceed to page 3.
Reboiler Once-Through
3 Column Input Experts
This configuration is available when using the kettle reboiler. The liquid coming
from the stage above the reboiler passes through the reboiler once and is
returned to the bottom of the column as a mixture of liquid (which goes into the
sump, to be drawn as bottom product) and vapor (which goes up to the stage
Reboiler Circulation Without Baffle
The liquid coming from the stage above the reboiler enters the sump, from
which the bottoms and the reboiler feed are both drawn (with the same composition). The reboiler product is returned above the sump. Vapor may also be
produced when the hot liquid return from the reboiler contacts the liquid in the
3 Column Input Experts
Reboiler Circulation With Baffle
The sump is divided into two sections with different compositions. The liquid
from above the reboiler enters one section, from which the reboiler feed is
drawn. The reboiler liquid product enters the other section, from which the bottoms stream is drawn.
Excess reboiler liquid return (above the flow rate of the bottoms stream) overflows into the first section. Vapor from the first section (along with that from
the reboiler product) passes up to the stage above.
Reboiler Circulation with Auxiliary Baffle
3 Column Input Experts
The sump is divided into three sections by a main baffle and an auxiliary baffle.
Liquid from the tray above enters the section from which the reboiler feed is
drawn. Reboiler return enters above the middle section, overflowing over the
main baffle into the section from which the bottoms stream is drawn. Liquid can
flow under the auxiliary baffle into or out of the middle section, depending on
flow rates. The composition of the middle section is the same as one of the
other two sections, depending on the direction of flow.
In this configuration, the sump is modeled as two stages, representing the different compositions of the reboiler feed and the bottoms stream.
Because the flow under the baffle is reversible, the effective flowsheet pattern
depends on the direction of this flow. This diagram shows both possible configurations, with the dashed lines representing one configuration and the dashdot lines representing the other.
In the case when the liquid is flowing upward in the middle section, this overflowing liquid mixes with the reboiler return liquid and both of these enter stage
NT. In this case, vapor may be produced by the mixing of these two streams
(the vapor stream shown leaving the sump middle section). Since the sump's
middle section is not a stage in and of itself, this vapor stream is reported as a
vapor flow from stage NT. Since such a flow would normally go to stage NT-1
but in this case goes to stage NT-2, it is treated as a total vapor draw from
stage NT returned above stage NT-1 (so that it enters stage NT-2), and this
appears as a vapor product and vapor feed in the column results.
3 Column Input Experts
These two diagrams show the separate configurations for the different directions of the reversible middle section flow. Note that only two vapor streams
enter stage NT-2, one from the reboiler return and one from the meeting of
cold sump and hot sump liquid, but the location for the meeting of this liquid varies; at the other point liquid is meeting liquid flowing away from it and assumed
to be at the same conditions as the entering liquid.
The switch between the two configurations is handled via a smoothing equation.
Though only one of the two vapor streams from stage NT-1 or from stage NT-2
actually exist, a trace amount of vapor may be seen in the other stream due to
this smoothing method.
The flow in the middle section is reported as Cold sump to hot sump flow or Hot
sump to cold sump flow, as appropriate.
Absorber Input Expert Connections Page
This is the first page in the Absorber Input Expert.
1. In the Column Name field, specify a name for the Absorber.
2. In the # Stages field, specify the number of stages (or trays) in the
3. In the Top Stg. Reflux group, click either the Liquid Inlet or Pumparound radio button.
3 Column Input Experts
If you click the Liquid Inlet radio button, either type the name
of the stream in the Top Stage Inlet field or, if you have predefined your stream, select it from the Top Stage Inlet dropdown list.
If you click the Pump-around radio button, select the stage you
want to draw the pump-around stream from the Draw Stage
drop-down list.
4. In the Bottom Stage Inlet drop-down list, either type in the name of
the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the
drop-down list.
5. In the Ovhd Vapor Outlet drop-down list, either type in the name of
the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the
drop-down list.
6. In the Bottoms Liquid Outlet drop-down list, either type in the name
of the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the
drop-down list.
At this point, you can click on the Next > button to proceed to the Pressure Profile page or you can specify any extra inlet streams or draws
streams you may require for your Absorber.
7. In the Optional Inlet Stream list, click the <<Stream>> cell. A
drop-down list appears. From the drop-down list, either select a predefined stream or click the empty space at the top of the list and type in
the name of the stream. Repeat this step if you have multiple feed
8. For each optional inlet stream, select the stage the stream is entering
the column from the Inlet Stage drop-down list.
9. In the Optional Side Draws list, click the <<Stream>> cell. A dropdown list appears. From the drop-down list, either select a pre-defined
stream or click the empty space at the top of the list and type in the
name of the stream. Repeat this step if you have multiple side draw
10. For each optional side draw stream, select the type of draw stream from
the Type drop-down list and select the stage the stream is leaving the
column from the Draw Stage drop-down list.
11. Click the Next > button to proceed to the Pressure Profile page.
The radio buttons in the Stage Numbering group are used to specify the way the
column is numbered.
Click the Top Down radio button to set the top stage as stage 1 and the bottom
stage as stage n.
Click the Bottom Up radio button to set the bottom stage as stage 1 and the top
stage as stage n.
3 Column Input Experts
Absorber Input Expert Pressure Profile Page
This is the second page in the Absorber Input Expert.
1. In the Top Stage Pressure field, specify the pressure of the overhead
vapor stream.
2. In the Bottom Stage Pressure field, specify the pressure of the bottoms liquid stream.
3. Click the Next > button to proceed to the Estimates page.
Tip: Click the < Prev button to return to the Connections page.
Absorber Input Expert Estimates Page
This is the third page in the Absorber Input Expert.
On this page, you can provide initial temperature estimates. These estimates
are optional values that help the HYSYS algorithm converge to a solution. The
better your estimates, the quicker HYSYS converges.
1. In the Optional Top Stage Temperature Estimate field, specify the
temperature of the top stage of the column.
2. In the Optional Bottom Stage Temperature Estimate field, specify
the temperature of the bottom stage of the column.
Click the Done button to accept the entries made in the input expert and proceed
to the Absorber property view.
Click the < Prev button to return to the Pressure Profiles page.
Click the Side Ops > button to access the Side Operations Input Expert.
Distillation Column
Distillation Input Expert Connections Page
This is the first page in the Distillation column input expert.
1. In the Column Name field, specify a name for the Distillation column.
2. In the # Stages field, specify the number of stages (or trays) in the
3. In the Inlet Streams list, click the <<Stream>> cell. A drop-down
list appears. From the drop-down list, either select a pre-defined stream
or click the empty space at the top of the list and type in the name of the
stream. Repeat this step if you have multiple feed streams.
4. For each inlet stream, select the stage the stream is entering column
from the Inlet Stage drop-down list.
5. In the Condenser Energy Stream drop-down list, either type in the
3 Column Input Experts
name of the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it
from the drop-down list.
6. In the Condenser group click one of the following radio buttons: Total,
Partial, or Full Rflx.
If you click the Total radio button, either type in the name of the
stream in the Ovhd Liquid Outlet field or, if you have predefined your stream, select it from the Ovhd Liquid Outlet
drop-down list.
If you click the Partial radio button, either type in the name of
the streams in both Ovhd Outlets fields or, if you have predefined your streams, select them from the Ovhd Outlets dropdown lists.
If you click the Full Rflx radio button, either type in the name of
the stream in the Ovhd Vapor Outlet field or, if you have predefined your stream, select it from the Ovhd Vapor Outlet
drop-down list.
7. The Water Draw check box appears when either the Total or Partial
radio button is selected. Select this check box to add a water draw to
your condenser. In the corresponding drop-down list, either type in the
name of the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it
from the drop-down list.
8. In the Reboiler Energy Stream drop-down list, either type in the
name of the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it
from the drop-down list.
9. In the Bottoms Liquid Outlet drop-down list, either type in the name
of the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the
drop-down list.
At this point you can click on the Next > button to proceed to the
Column Reboiler Pre-configurations page.
10. In the Optional Side Draws list, click the <<Stream>> cell. A dropdown list appears. From the drop-down list, either select a pre-defined
stream or click the empty space at the top of the list and type in the
name of the stream. Repeat this step if you have multiple side draw
11. For each optional side draw stream, select the type of draw stream from
the Type drop-down list and select the stage the stream is leaving the
column from the Draw Stage drop-down list. You are given three
options: L (Liquid), V (Vapor), and W (Water).
12. Click the Next > button to proceed to the Reboiler Configuration
3 Column Input Experts
The radio buttons in the Stage Numbering group are used to specify the way the
column is numbered.
Click the Top Down radio button to set the top stage as stage 1 and the bottom
stage as stage n.
Click the Bottom Up radio button to set the bottom stage as stage 1 and the top
stage as stage n.
Distillation Input Expert Pressure Profile Page
This is the second page in the Distillation column input expert.
1. In the Condenser Pressure field, specify the pressure at the condenser.
2. In the Condenser Pressure Drop field, specify the pressure drop
across the condenser.
3. In the Reboiler Pressure field, specify the pressure at the reboiler.
4. Click the Next > button to proceed to the Optional Estimates page.
Distillation Input Expert Estimates Page
This is the third page in the Distillation column input expert.
On this page, you can provide initial temperature estimates. These estimates
are optional values that help the HYSYS algorithm converge to a solution. The
better your estimates, the quicker HYSYS converges.
1. In the Optional Condenser Temperature Estimate field, specify the
temperature at the condenser.
2. In the Optional Top Stage Temperature Estimate field, specify the
temperature of the top stage of the column.
3. In the Optional Reboiler Temperature Estimate field, specify the
temperature at the reboiler.
Click the Next > button to proceed to the Specifications page.
Click the < Prev button to return to the Pressure Profile page.
Distillation Input Expert Specifications Page
This is the fourth page in the Distillation column input expert.
This page suggests possible specifications that can be set for the column. These
specifications are optional and not exhaustive. See the Specs page of the
Design tab for more information regarding column specifications.
1. To add the reflux ratio specification, specify a value in the Reflux Ratio
3 Column Input Experts
2. To add the liquid draw rate specification, specify a value in the Liquid
Rate field. (Available when a total and partial condenser is modeled.)
3. To add the vapor draw rate specification, specify a value in the Vapor
Rate field. (Available when a full reflux and partial condenser is
The Flow Basis drop-down list allows you to specify the basis for the reflux ratio,
liquid rate and vapor rate specifications. You are given the following options:
Molar, Mass, and Volume.
Click the Done button to accept the entries made in the input expert and proceed
to the Distillation column property view.
Click the < Prev button to return to the Estimates page.
Click the Side Ops > button to access the Side Operations Input Expert.
Liquid-Liquid Extractor
Liquid-Liquid Extractor Input Expert Connections
This is the first page in the Liquid-Liquid Extractor input expert.
1. In the Column Name field, specify a name for the Liquid-Liquid
2. In the Number of Stages field, specify the number of stages (or trays)
in the column.
3. In the Top Stage Inlet drop-down list, either type in the name of the
stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the dropdown list.
4. In the Bottom Stage Inlet drop-down list, either type in the name of
the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the
drop-down list.
5. In the Ovhd Light Liquid drop-down list, either type in the name of the
stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the dropdown list.
6. In the Bottoms Heavy Liquid drop-down list, either type in the name
of the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the
drop-down list.
At this point you can click on the Next > button to proceed to the Pressure Profile page or you can specify any extra inlet streams or draws
streams you may require for your Liquid-Liquid Extractor.
7. In the Optional Inlet Streams list, click the <<Stream>> cell. A
drop-down list appears. From the drop-down list, either select a predefined stream or click the empty space at the top of the list and type in
3 Column Input Experts
the name of the stream. Repeat this step if you have multiple feed
8. For each optional inlet stream, select the stage the stream is entering
the column from the Inlet Stage drop-down list.
9. In the Optional Side Draws list, click the <<Stream>> cell. A dropdown list appears. From the drop-down list, either select a pre-defined
stream or click the empty space at the top of the list and type in the
name of the stream. Repeat this step if you have multiple side draw
10. For each optional side draw stream, select the type of draw stream from
the Type drop-down list and select the stage the stream is leaving the
column from the Draw Stage drop-down list. You are given three
options: L (Liquid), V (Vapor), and W (Water).
11. Click the Next > button to proceed to the Pressure Profile page.
The radio buttons in the Stage Numbering group are used to specify the way the
column is numbered.
Click the Top Down radio button to set the top stage as stage 1 and the bottom
stage as stage n.
Click the Bottom Up radio button to set the bottom stage as stage 1 and the top
stage as stage n.
Liquid-Liquid Extractor Input Expert Pressure Profile Page
This is the second page in the Liquid-Liquid Extractor input expert.
1. In the Top Stage Pressure field, specify the pressure of the overhead
vapor stream.
2. In the Bottom Stage Pressure field, specify the pressure of the bottoms liquid stream.
3. Click the Next > button to proceed to the Optional Estimates page.
Liquid-Liquid Extractor Input Expert Estimates
This is the third page in the Liquid-Liquid Extractor input expert.
On this page, you can provide initial temperature estimates. These estimates
are optional values that help the HYSYS algorithm converge to a solution. The
better your estimates, the quicker HYSYS converges.
1. In the Optional Top Stage Temperature Estimate field, specify the
temperature of the top stage of the column.
2. In the Optional Bottom Stage Temperature Estimate field, specify
the temperature of the bottom stage of the column.
3 Column Input Experts
Tip: Click the Done button to accept the entries made in the input expert and proceed to
the column property view.
Reboiled Absorber
Reboiled Absorber Input Expert Connections Page
This is the first page in the Reboiled Absorber input expert.
1. In the Column Name field, specify a name for the Reboiled Absorber.
2. In the # Stages field, specify the number of stages (or trays) in the
3. In the Top Stg. Reflux group, click either the Liquid Inlet or Pumparound radio button.
4. If you click the Liquid Inlet radio button, either type in the name of the
stream in the Top Stage Inlet drop-down list or, if you have predefined your stream, select it from the Top Stage Inlet drop-down list.
5. If you click the Pump-around radio button, select the stage you want to
draw the pump-around stream from the PA Draw Stage drop-down list.
6. In the Ovhd Vapor Outlet drop-down list either type in the name of the
stream or if you have pre-defined your stream select it from the dropdown list.
7. In the Reboiler Energy Stream drop-down list either type in the name
of the stream or if you have pre-defined your stream select it from the
drop-down list.
8. In the Bottoms Liquid Outlet drop-down list either type in the name of
the stream or if you have pre-defined your stream select it from the
drop-down list.
9. At this point, you can click on the Next > button to proceed to the
Reboiler Configuration page, or you can specify any extra inlet
streams or draws streams you may require for your Reboiled Absorber.
10. In the Optional Inlet Streams list, click the <<Stream>> cell. A
drop-down list appears. From the drop-down list, either select a predefined stream or click the empty space at the top of the list and type in
the name of the stream. Repeat this step if you have multiple feed
11. For each optional inlet stream, select the stage the stream is entering
the column from the Inlet Stage drop-down list.
12. In the Optional Side Draws list, click the <<Stream>> cell. A dropdown list appears. From the drop-down list, either select a pre-defined
stream or click the empty space at the top of the list and type in the
name of the stream. Repeat this step if you have multiple side draw
13. For each optional side draw stream, select the type of draw stream from
3 Column Input Experts
the Type drop-down list and select the stage the stream is leaving the
column from the Draw Stage drop-down list. You are given three
options: L (Liquid), V (Vapor), and W (Water).
14. Click the Next > button to proceed to the Reboiler Configuration
The radio buttons in the Stage Numbering group are used to specify the way the
column is numbered.
Click the Top Down radio button to set the top stage as stage 1 and the bottom
stage as stage n.
Click the Bottom Up radio button to set the bottom stage as stage 1 and the top
stage as stage n.
Reboiled Absorber Input Expert Pressure Profile
This is the third page in the Reboiled Absorber input expert.
1. In the Top Stage Pressure field, specify the pressure of the overhead
vapor stream.
2. In the Reboiler Pressure field, specify the pressure of the Reboiler
energy stream.
3. Click the Next > button to proceed to the Optional Estimates page.
Reboiled Absorber Input Expert Estimates Page
This is the fourth page in the Reboiled Absorber input expert.
On this page you can provide initial temperature estimates. These estimates
are optional values that help the HYSYS algorithm converge to a solution. The
better your estimates, the quicker HYSYS converges.
1. In the Optional Top Stage Temperature Estimate field, specify the
temperature of the top stage of the column.
2. In the Optional Reboiler Temperature Estimate field, specify the
temperature of the Reboiler energy stream.
3. Click the Next > button to proceed to the Specifications page.
Reboiled Absorber Input Expert Specifications
This is the fifth page in the Reboiled Absorber input expert.
This page suggests possible specifications that can be set for the column. These
specifications are optional and not exhaustive. (See the Specs page of the
Design tab for more information regarding column specifications.)
3 Column Input Experts
To add the boilup ratio specification to the Reboiled Absorber, specify a value in
the Boil-up Ratio field.
Click Done to accept the entries made in the input expert and proceed to the
Reboiled Absorber property view.
Click the < Prev button to return to the Estimates page.
Click the Side Ops > button to access the Side Operations Input Expert.
Refluxed Absorber
Refluxed Absorber Input Expert Connections Page
This is the first page in the Refluxed Absorber input expert.
1. In the Column Name field, specify a name for the Reboiled Absorber.
2. In the # Stages field, specify the number of stages (or trays) in the
3. In the Condenser Energy Stream drop-down list, either type in the
name of the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it
from the drop-down list.
4. In the Bottom Stage Inlet drop-down list, either type in the name of
the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the
drop-down list.
5. In the Condenser group, click one of the following radio buttons: Total,
Partial, or Full Rflx.
If you click the Total radio button, either type in the name of the
stream in the Ovhd Liquid Outlet field or, if you have pre-defined
your stream, select it from the Ovhd Liquid Outlet drop-down
If you click the Partial radio button, either type in the name of the
streams in both Ovhd Outlets fields or, if you have pre-defined
your streams, select them from the Ovhd Outlets drop-down lists.
If you click the Full Rflx radio button, either type in the name of
the stream in the Ovhd Vapor Outlet field or, if you have predefined your stream, select it from the Ovhd Vapor Outlet dropdown list.
6. The Water Draw check box appears when either the Total or Partial
radio button is selected. Select this check box to add a water draw to
your condenser. In the corresponding drop-down list, either type in the
name of the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it
from the drop-down list.
7. In the Bottoms Liquid Outlet drop-down list, either type in the name
3 Column Input Experts
of the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the
drop-down list.
At this point you can click on the Next > button to proceed to the Pressure Profile page or you can specify any extra inlet streams or draws
streams you may require for your Reboiled Absorber.
8. In the Optional Inlet Streams list, click the <<Stream>> cell. A
drop-down list appears. From the drop-down list, either select a predefined stream or click the empty space at the top of the list and type in
the name of the stream. Repeat this step if you have multiple feed
9. For each optional inlet stream, select the stage the stream is entering
column from the Inlet Stage drop-down list.
10. In the Optional Side Draws list, click the <<Stream>> cell. A dropdown list appears. From the drop-down list, either select a pre-defined
stream or click the empty space at the top of the list and type in the
name of the stream. Repeat this step if you have multiple side draw
11. For each optional side draw stream, select the type of draw stream from
the Type drop-down list and select the stage the stream is leaving the
column from the Draw Stage drop-down list. You are given three
options: L (Liquid), V (Vapor), and W (Water).
12. Click the Next > button to proceed to the Pressure Profile page.
The radio buttons in the Stage Numbering group are used to specify the way the
column is numbered.
Click the Top Down radio button to set the top stage as stage 1 and the bottom
stage as stage n.
Click the Bottom Up radio button to set the bottom stage as stage 1 and the top
stage as stage n.
Refluxed Absorber Input Expert Pressure Profile
This is the second page in the Refluxed Absorber input expert.
1. In the Condenser Pressure field, specify the pressure at the condenser.
2. In the Condenser Pressure Drop field, specify the pressure drop
across the condenser.
3. In the Bottom Stage Pressure field, specify the pressure of the bottom stage of the column.
4. Click the Next > button to proceed to the Optional Estimates page.
3 Column Input Experts
Refluxed Absorber input expert estimates page
This is the third page in the Refluxed Absorber input expert.
On this page, you can provide initial temperature estimates. These estimates
are optional values that help the HYSYS algorithm converge to a solution. The
better your estimates, the quicker HYSYS converges.
1. In the Optional Condenser Temperature Estimate field, specify the
temperature at the condenser.
2. In the Optional Top Stage Temperature Estimate field, specify the
temperature of the top stage of the column.
3. In the Optional Bottom Stage Temperature Estimate field, specify
the temperature of the bottom stage of the column.
Click the Next > button to proceed to the Specifications page.
Click the < Prev button to return to the Pressure Profiles page.
Refluxed Absorber input expert specifications page
This is the fourth page in the Refluxed Absorber input expert.
This page suggests possible specifications that can be set for the column. These
specifications are optional and not exhaustive. Refer to the Specs page of the
Design tab for more information regarding column specifications.
1. To add the reflux ratio specification, specify a value in the Reflux Ratio
2. To add the liquid draw rate specification, specify a value in the Liquid
Rate field. Available when a total and partial condenser is modeled.
3. To add the vapor draw rate specification, specify a value in the Vapor
Rate field. Available when a full reflux and partial condenser is
The Flow Basis drop-down list allows you to specify the basis for the reflux ratio,
liquid rate, and vapor rate specifications. You are given the following options:
Molar, Mass and Volume.
Click the Done button to accept the entries made in the input expert and proceed
to the Refluxed Absorber property view.
Click the < Prev button to return to the Estimates page.
Click the Side Ops > button to access the Side Operations Input Expert.
3 Column Input Experts
Three Phase Distillation
Three Phase Distillation configuration page
This is the first page in the Three Phase Distillation input expert.
1. Click one of the following radio buttons to specify the type of column you
want to model: Distillation, Refluxed Absorber, Reboiled
Absorber, or Absorber.
2. Click the Next > button to proceed to the Liquid Phase Check page.
Tip: Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
Three Phase Distillation liquid phase check page
This is the second page in the Three Phase Distillation input expert.
1. In the Column Name field, specify a name for the column.
2. In the Number of Stages field, specify the number of stages (or trays)
in the column.
3. In the Two Liquid Phase Check group, select the Check check boxes
for the stages that you want to check for two liquid phases.
The radio buttons in the Stage Numbering group are used to specify the way the
column is numbered.
Click the Top Down radio button to set the top stage as stage 1 and the bottom
stage as stage N.
Click the Bottom Up radio button to set the bottom stage as stage 1 and the top
stage as stage N.
Click the Next > button to proceed to the Three Phase Condenser Setup page.
(This page is only available if the column model has a condenser.)
Three Phase Distillation condenser setup page
This is the third page in the Three Phase Distillation input expert. This page is
only available if the column model has a condenser.
1. In the Condenser Energy Stream drop-down list, either type in the
name of the stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it
from the drop-down list.
There are a number of ways that you can model the column’s condenser.
2. The Condenser Type group enables you to model the following condenser types: Total, Partial, or Full Reflux.
If you click the Total radio button there is no vapor product
stream. Refer to step 3 for configuring the outlet streams.
3 Column Input Experts
If you click the Partial radio button, the condenser has both a
vapor stream and a liquid stream leaving it. To define the vapor
stream, either type in the name of the stream in the Vapor Outlet field or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from
the Vapor Outlets drop-down list. To define the liquid streams,
refer to step 3.
If you click the Full Reflux radio button, there are no liquid
product streams. To define the vapor stream, either type in the
name of the stream in the Vapor Outlet field or, if you have
pre-defined your stream, select it from the Vapor Outlet dropdown list. The Outlet Streams group is hidden when this radio
button is selected.
3. The Outlet Streams group enables you to model the following outlet
stream configurations: Light, Heavy, or Both.
If you click the Light radio button, either type in the name of the
light liquid stream in the Light Outlet field or, if you have predefined your stream, select it from the Light Outlet drop-down
list. You cannot select this radio button if the Light radio button
in the Reflux Streams group is selected.
If you click the Heavy radio button, either type in the name of
the heavy liquid stream in the Heavy Outlet field or, if you
have pre-defined your stream, select it from the Heavy Outlet
drop-down list. You cannot select this radio button if the Heavy
radio button in the Reflux Streams group is selected.
If you click the Both radio button, either type in the name of the
light and heavy liquid streams in the Light Outlet and Heavy
Outlet fields or, if you have pre-defined your streams, select
them from the Light Outlet and Heavy Outlet drop-down lists.
4. The Reflux Streams group enables you to model the following reflux
stream configurations: Light, Heavy, or Both.
If you click the Light radio button, either type in the name of the
light reflux stream in the Light Reflux field or, if you have predefined your stream, select it from the Light Reflux drop-down
list. HYSYS provides a default stream name for you. You cannot
select this radio button if the Light radio button in the Outlet
Streams group is selected.
If you click the Heavy radio button, either type in the name of
the heavy reflux stream in the Heavy Reflux field or, if you
have pre-defined your stream, select it from the Heavy Reflux
drop-down list. HYSYS provides a default stream name for you.
You cannot select this radio button if the Heavy radio button in
the Outlet Streams group is selected.
If you click the Both radio button, either type in the name of the
light and heavy reflux streams in the Light Reflux and Heavy
Reflux fields or if you have pre-defined your streams, select
3 Column Input Experts
them from the Light Reflux and Heavy Reflux drop-down
lists. HYSYS provides default stream names for you.
5. Once you have specified all of the condenser streams, click the Next >
button to proceed to the Condenser Specs page.
Click the <Prev button to go back to the Liquid Phase Check page.
Three Phase Distillation condenser specifications
This is the fourth page in the Three Phase Distillation input expert. This page is
only available if the column model has a condenser.
This page suggests possible specifications that can be set for the column. These
specifications are optional and not exhaustive (see the Specs page of the
Design tab for more information regarding column specifications). The specifications displayed on this page are dependent on the condenser configuration.
To add the condenser vapor rate specification, specify a value in the
Vapor Rate To Condenser field.
To add the light liquid reflux rate specification, specify a value in the
Light Reflux Rate field.
To add the heavy liquid reflux rate specification, specify a value in the
Heavy Reflux Rate field.
To add the vapor draw rate specification, specify a value in the Vapor
Rate field.
To add the light liquid draw rate specification, specify a value in the
Light Liquid Rate field.
To add the heavy liquid draw rate specification, specify a value in the
Heavy Liquid Rate field.
To add the light reflux fraction specification, specify a value in the Light
Reflux Fraction field.
To add the heavy reflux fraction specification, specify a value in the
Heavy Reflux Fraction field.
The Flow Basis drop-down list allows you to specify the basis for the flow
specifications. You are given the following options: Molar, Mass and
Click the Next button to proceed to the Connections page of the selected
column’s Input Expert property view.
Click the Prev button to return to the Three Phase Condenser Setup
Note: The Degrees of Freedom field displays the number of degrees of freedom on the
column. To help reach the desired solution, unknown parameters can be manipulated in
the attached streams. Each parameter specification reduces the degrees of freedom by
one. The number of constraints must equal the number of unknown variables. When this
is the case, the degrees of freedom equals zero, and a solution can be calculated.
3 Column Input Experts
4 Side Operations Input
The Side Operations Input Expert guides you through the installation of column
Side equipment such as pump-arounds, side strippers, and side rectifiers.
Clicking the Side Ops > button on the last page of the Absorber, Reboiled
Absorber, Refluxed Absorber and Distillation input experts accesses Side Operations Input Expert property view.
It is not necessary to use the Side Operations Input Experts to install a side
operation. If you do not use the Side Operation Input Expert, you can install
column side equipment from the Side Ops tab in the columns property view.
The Side Operations Input Expert provides templates for following operations:
Reboiled Side Stripper Connections Page
Reboiled Side Stripper Pressure Specifications Page
Reboiled Side Stripper Specifications Page
Steam Stripped Side Stripper Connections Page
Steam Stripped Side Stripper Pressure Specifications Page
Steam Stripped Side Stripper Specifications Page
Side Rectifier Connections Page
Side Rectifier Pressure Specifications Page
Side Rectifier Specifications Page
Pump-Around Connections Page
Pump-Around Pressure Specifications Page
Pump-Around Specifications Page
Vapor Bypass Connections Page
Vapor Bypass Specifications Page
4 Side Operations Input Expert
Reboiled Side Stripper
Reboiled Side Stripper Connections Page
This is the first page in the Side Operations Input Expert.
1. Click the Add Side Stripper button.
2. In the Name field, specify a name for the Side Stripper.
3. In the k= field, specify the number of stages (or trays) in the Side Stripper.
4. In the Return Stage drop-down list, select the stage you are returning
the stream to. This stage can be located in the column, a side stripper,
or a side rectifier.
5. In the Draw Stage drop-down list, select the stage you are drawing the
stream from. This stage can be located in the column, a side stripper, or
a side rectifier.
6. In the Draw Product drop-down list, either type in the name of the
stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the dropdown list.
7. Click the Install button. The Side Stripper appears in the Reboiled
Side Strippers group.
8. You can then click the Add Side Stripper button to add another Side
Stripper or click the Next > button to proceed to the Steam Stripped Side
Stripper Connections page.
Click the Clear button, before the Side Stripper is installed, to delete the current
Side Stripper from the column.
Click the Return > button to return to the Column Input Expert property view.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
Note: The Reboiled Side Strippers group displays all of the Reboiled Side Strippers
attached to the column. For each Side Stripper listed, you can modify the number of
stages, the draw stage, and the return stage.
Reboiled Side Stripper Specifications Page
This page only appears when one or more Reboiled Side Strippers have been
added to the column. You must proceed through the Reboiled Side Stripper,
Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier, Pump-Around, and Vapor Bypass
connection pages to access this page.
Perform the following steps for each Reboiled Side Stripper listed in the
Reboiled Side Stripper Specs group. These specifications are optional.
1. From the Flow Basis drop-down list, select the flow basis for the draw
stream. You are given the following options: Molar, Mass, Volume and
4 Side Operations Input Expert
Std Volume.
2. In the Draw Spec field, specify the rate that material is drawn from the
3. From the 2nd Spec Type drop-down list, select the type specification
you want to use for the remaining degree of freedom. You are given the
following options: Boilup and Duty.
4. In the 2nd Spec Value field, specify either the boilup rate in the
reboiler or the duty of the reboiler.
5. Click the Next > button to proceed to the next side operation’s specification page.
Click the Prev > button to return to the Vapor Bypass Connections page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
Reboiled Side Stripper Pressure Specifications
This page only appears when one or more Reboiled Side Strippers have been
added to the column. You must proceed through the following pages to access
this page:
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier,
Pump-Around and Vapor Bypass connection pages
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier,
Pump-Around and Vapor Bypass specifications pages (not all of the specification pages may be available)
Perform the following steps for each Reboiled Side Stripper listed in the
Reboiled Side Stripper Pressure Specs group.
1. In the Top Stg. Pressure field, specify the pressure at the top stage of
the side stripper.
2. In the Reb. dP field, specify the pressure drop across the reboiler.
3. Click the Next > button to proceed to the next side operation’s pressure
specification page or click the Done button to close the Side Operations
Input Expert property view and access the Column property view.
Click the Prev > button to return to the next available side operation’s specification page or the next available side operation’s pressure specifications page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
4 Side Operations Input Expert
Steam Stripped Side Stripper
Steam Stripped Side Stripper Connections Page
This is the second page in the Side Operations Input Expert. You must proceed
through the Reboiled Side Stripper Connections page to access this page.
1. Click the Add Side Stripper button.
2. In the Name field, specify a name for the Side Stripper.
3. In the k= field, specify the number of stages (or trays) in the Side Stripper.
4. In the Return Stage drop-down list, select the stage you are returning
the stream to. This stage can be located in the column, a side stripper,
or a side rectifier.
5. In the Draw Stage drop-down list, select the stage you are drawing the
stream from. This stage can be located in the column, a side stripper, or
a side rectifier.
6. In the Stream Feed drop-down list, either type in the name of the
stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the dropdown list.
7. In the Draw Product drop-down list, either type in the name of the
stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the dropdown list.
8. Click the Install button. The Side Stripper appears in the Steam
Stripped Side Strippers group.
9. You can then click the Add Side Stripper button to add another Side
Stripper or click the Next > button to proceed to the Side Rectifier Connections page.
Click the Clear button, before the Side Stripper is installed, to delete the current
Side Stripper from the column.
Click the Prev > button to return to the Reboiled Side Stripper Connections page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
Note: The Steam Stripped Side Strippers group displays all of the Steam Stripped Side
Strippers attached to the column. For each Side Stripper listed, you can modify the number of stages, the draw stage, and the return stage.
Steam Stripped Side Stripper Specifications Page
This page only appears when one or more Steam Stripped Side Strippers have
been added to the column. You must proceed through the following pages to
access this page:
4 Side Operations Input Expert
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier,
Pump-Around and Vapor Bypass connection pages
Reboiled Side Stripper specifications page (if available)
Perform the following steps for each Steam Stripped Side Stripper listed in the
Steam Stripped Side Stripper Specs group. These specifications are optional.
1. From the Flow Basis drop-down list, select the flow basis for the draw
stream from the following options: Molar, Mass, Volume, and Std
2. In the Draw Spec field, specify the rate that material is drawn from the
3. Click the Next > button to proceed to the next side operation’s specification page.
Click the Prev > button to return to the Reboiled Side Stripper Specifications page
(if available) or the Vapor Bypass Connections page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
Steam Stripped Side Stripper Pressure Specifications Page
This page only appears when one or more Steam Stripped Side Strippers have
been added to the column. You must proceed through the following pages to
access this page:
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier,
Pump-Around and Vapor Bypass connection pages
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier,
Pump-Around and Vapor Bypass specifications pages (not all of the specification pages may be available)
Reboiled Side Stripper pressure specification page (if available).
Perform the following steps for each Steam Stripped Side Stripper listed in the
Steam Stripped Side Stripper Pressure Specs group.
1. In the Top Stg. Pressure field, specify the pressure at the top stage of
the side stripper.
2. Click the Next > button to proceed to the next side operation’s pressure
specification page or click the Done button to close the Side Operations
Input Expert property view and access the Column property view.
Click the Prev > button to return to the next available side operation’s specification page or the next available side operation’s pressure specifications page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
4 Side Operations Input Expert
Side Rectifier
Side Rectifier Connections Page
This is the third page in the Side Operations Input Expert. You must proceed
through the Reboiled Side Stripper Connections page and the Steam Stripped
Side Stripper Connections page to access this page.
1. Click the Add Side Rectifier button.
2. In the Name field, specify a name for the Side Rectifier.
3. In the k= field, specify the number of stages (or trays) in the Side Rectifier.
4. In the Draw Stage drop-down list, select the stage you are drawing the
stream from. This stage can be located in the column, a side stripper, or
a side rectifier.
5. In the Return Stage drop-down list, select the stage you are returning
the stream to. This stage can be located in the column, a side stripper,
or a side rectifier.
6. In the Vapor Product drop-down list, either type in the name of the
stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the dropdown list.
7. In the Liquid Product drop-down list, either type in the name of the
stream or, if you have pre-defined your stream, select it from the dropdown list.
8. Click the Install button. The Side Rectifier appears in the Side Rectifiers group.
9. You can then click the Add Side Rectifier button to add another Side
Rectifier or click the Next > button to proceed to the Pump-Around Connections page.
Click the Clear button, before the Side Rectifier is installed, to delete the
current Side Rectifier from the column.
Click the Prev button to return to the Steam Stripped Side Stripper Connections page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any
entries made.
Note: The Side Rectifiers group displays all of the Side Rectifiers attached to the column.
For each Side Rectifier listed, you can modify the number of stages, the draw stage, and
the return stage.
Side Rectifier Specifications Page
This page only appears when one or more Side Rectifiers have been added to
the column. You must proceed through the following pages to access this page:
4 Side Operations Input Expert
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier,
Pump-Around and Vapor Bypass connection pages
Reboiled Side Stripper and Steam Stripped Side Stripper specifications
pages (not all of the specification pages may be available)
Perform the following steps for each Side Rectifier listed in the Side Rectifier
Specs group. These specifications are optional.
1. From each of the Flow Basis drop-down lists, select the flow basis for
the vapor outlet and liquid outlet streams. You are given the following
options: Molar, Mass, Volume and Std Volume.
2. In the Vap. Rate field, specify the flow rate of the outlet vapor stream.
3. In the Liq. Rate field, specify the flow rate of the outlet liquid stream.
4. In the Ref. Ration field, specify the reflux ratio.
5. Click the Next > button to proceed to the next side operation’s specification page.
Click the Prev > button to return to the next available side operation’s specification page or the Vapor Bypass Connections page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
Side Rectifier Pressure Specifications Page
This page only appears when one or more Side Rectifiers have been added to
the column. You must proceed through the following pages to access this page:
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier,
Pump-Around and Vapor Bypass connection pages
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier,
Pump-Around and Vapor Bypass specifications pages (not all of the specification pages may be available)
Reboiled Side Stripper and Steam Stripped Side Stripper pressure specification pages (not all of the specification pages may be available).
Perform the following steps for each Side Rectifier listed in the Side Rectifier
Pressure Specs group.
1. In the Top Stg. Press. field, specify the pressure at the top stage of the
side stripper.
2. In the Cond. dP field, specify the pressure drop across the condenser.
3. Click the Next > button to proceed to the next side operation’s pressure
specification page or click the Done button to close the Side Operations
Input Expert property view and access the Column property view.
4 Side Operations Input Expert
Click the Prev > button to return to the next available side operation’s specification page or the next available side operation’s pressure specifications page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
Pump-Around Connections Page
This is the fourth page in the Side Operations Input Expert. You must proceed
through the Reboiled Side Stripper Connections page, the Steam Stripped Side
Stripper Connections page, and the Side Rectifier Connections page to access
this page.
1. Click the Add Pump-Around button.
2. In the Name field, specify a name for the Pump-Around.
3. In the Return Stage drop-down list, select the stage you are returning
the stream to. This stage can be located in the column, a side stripper,
or a side rectifier.
4. In the Draw Stage drop-down list, select the stage you are drawing the
stream from. This stage can be located in the column, a side stripper, or
a side rectifier.
5. Click the Install button. The Pump-Around appears in the PumpArounds group.
6. Click the Add Pump-Around button to add another Pump-Around or
click the Next > button to proceed to the Vapor Bypass Connections
Click the Clear button, before the Pump-Around is installed, to delete the current
Pump-Around from the column.
Click the Prev > button to return to the Side Rectifier Connections page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
Note: The Pump-Arounds group displays all of the Pump-Arounds attached to the
column. For each Pump-Around listed, you can modify the draw stage and the return
Pump-Around Specifications Page
This page only appears when one or more Pump-Arounds have been added to
the column. You must proceed through the following pages to access this page:
4 Side Operations Input Expert
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier,
Pump-Around and Vapor Bypass connection pages
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper and Side Rectifier
specifications pages (not all of the specification pages may be available)
Perform the following steps for each Pump-Around listed in the Pump-Around
Specs group. These specifications are optional.
1. From the Flow Basis drop-down list, select the flow basis for the draw
stream from the following options: Molar, Mass, Volume and Std
2. In the PA Rate field, specify the rate that material is drawn from the
3. From the 2nd Spec Type drop-down list, select the type specification
you want to use for the remaining degree of freedom. You are given the
following options: Temperature Difference, Return Temperature,
Duty, and Return Vapor Fraction.
4. In the 2nd Spec Value field, specify a value for the selected specification.
5. Click the Next > button to proceed to the next side operation’s specification page.
Click the Prev > button to return to the next available side operation’s specification page or the Vapor Bypass Connections page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
Pump-Around Pressure Specifications Page
This page only appears when one or more Pump-Arounds have been added to
the column. You must proceed through the following pages to access this page:
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier,
Pump-Around and Vapor Bypass connection pages
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier,
Pump-Around and Vapor Bypass specifications pages (not all of the specification pages may be available)
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper and Side Rectifier
pressure specification pages (not all of the specification pages may be
Perform the following steps for each Pump-Around listed in the Pump-Around
Pressure Specs group.
1. In the Cooler dP field, specify the pressure drop across the cooler.
2. Click the Done button to close the Side Operations Input Expert property
view and access the Column property view.
4 Side Operations Input Expert
Click the Prev > button to return to the next available side operation’s specification page or the next available side operation’s pressure specifications page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
Vapor Bypass
Vapor Bypass Connections Page
This is the fifth page in the Side Operations Input Expert. You must proceed
through the Reboiled Side Stripper Connections page, the Steam Stripped Side
Stripper Connections page, the Side Rectifier Connections page, and the PumpAround Connections page to access this page.
1. Click the Add Vapor Bypass button.
2. In the Name field, specify a name for the Vapor Bypass.
3. In the Return Stage drop-down list, select the stage you are returning
the stream to. This stage can be located in the column, a side stripper,
or a side rectifier.
4. In the Draw Stage drop-down list, select the stage you are drawing the
stream from. This stage can be located in the column, a side stripper, or
a side rectifier.
5. Click the Install button. The Vapor Bypass appears in the Vapor
Bypasses group.
6. You can then click the Add Vapor Bypass button to add another Vapor
Bypass or click the Next > button to proceed to the side operation’s specification pages.
The page that appears next depends on the side operations that have
been added to the column. If no side operations have been added, then
the Column property view appears.
Click the Clear button, before the Vapor Bypass is installed, to delete the
current Vapor Bypass from the column.
Click the Prev button to return to the Pump-Around Connections page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any
entries made.
Note: The Vapor Bypasses group displays all of the Vapor Bypasses attached to the
column. For each Vapor Bypass listed, you can modify the draw stage and the return
4 Side Operations Input Expert
Vapor Bypass Specifications Page
This page only appears when one or more Vapor Bypasses have been added to
the column. You must proceed through the following pages to access this page:
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier,
Pump-Around and Vapor Bypass connection pages
Reboiled Side Stripper, Steam Stripped Side Stripper, Side Rectifier and
Pump-Around specifications pages (not all of the specification pages may
be available)
Perform the following steps for each Vapor Bypass listed in the Vapor Bypass
Specs group. These specifications are optional.
1. From the Flow Basis drop-down list, select the flow basis for the draw
stream from the following options: Molar, Mass, Volume and Std
2. In the VBP Rate field, specify the rate that material is drawn from the
3. Click the Next > button to proceed to the next side operation’s pressure
specification page.
Click the Prev > button to return to the next available side operation’s specification page or the Vapor Bypass Connections page.
Click the Cancel button to close the input expert without accepting any entries
4 Side Operations Input Expert
4 Side Operations Input Expert
5 Column Operations
Using Column Subflowsheets
The Column is a special type of subflowsheet in HYSYS. A subflowsheet contains
equipment and streams, and exchanges information with the parent flowsheet
through the connected internal and external streams. From the main simulation
environment, the Column appears as a single, multi-feed multi-product operation. In many cases, you can treat the column in exactly that manner.
You can also work inside the Column subflowsheet. You can do this to focus
your attention on the Column. When you move into the Column build environment, the main simulation is cached. All aspects of the main environment are
paused until you exit the Column build environment. When you return to the
Main Environment, the Desktop re-appears as it was when you left it.
You can also enter the Column build environment when you want to create a custom column configuration. Side equipment such as pump arounds, side strippers, and side rectifiers can be added from the Column property view in the
main simulation. However, if you want to install multiple Towers or multiple
columns, you need to enter the Column build environment. Once inside, you can
access the Column-specific operations (Towers, Heaters/Coolers, Condensers,
Reboilers, and so forth) and build the column as you would any other flowsheet.
Note: By design, the parent flowsheet does not solve when you are in the subflowsheet
environment. You must instead go to the parent flowsheet to let the solver run, and then
return to the subflowsheet and run the solver.
If you want to create a custom column template for use in other simulations,
from the File menu, select New | Column. Since this is a column template,
you can access the Column build environment directly from the Properties environment. Once you have created the template, you can store it on disk. Before
you install the template in another simulation, make sure that the Use Input
Experts check box in the Session Preferences property view is cleared.
Note: In this section, the use of the Column property view and Column Templates are
explained. Column-Specific Operations describes the unit operations available in the
Column build environment.
5 Column Operations
Having a Column subflowsheet provides a number of advantages:
Isolation of the Column Solver.
Optional use of different Property Packages.
Construction of custom templates.
Ability to solve multiple towers simultaneously.
Isolation of the Column Solver
One advantage of the Column build environment is that it allows you to make
changes, and focus on the Column without requiring a recalculation of the entire
flowsheet. When you enter the Column build environment, HYSYS clears the
Desktop by caching all property views that were open in the parent flowsheet.
Then the property views that were open when you were last in the Column build
environment are re-opened.
Once inside the Column build environment, you can access profiles, stage summaries, and other data, as well as make changes to Column specifications, parameters, equipment, efficiencies, or reactions. When you have made the
necessary changes, simply run the Column to produce a new converged solution. The parent flowsheet cannot recalculate until you return to the parent
build environment.
The subflowsheet environment permits easy access to all streams and operations associated with your column.
Click the PFD icon to view the column subflowsheet.
If you want to access information regarding column product streams,
click the Workbook icon to view the Column workbook, which displays
the Column information exclusively.
Independent Fluid Package
HYSYS allows you to specify a unique fluid package for the Column subflowsheet. Here are some instances where a separate fluid package is useful:
If a column does not use all of the components used in the main flowsheet, it is often advantageous to define a new fluid package with only
the components that are necessary. This speeds up the column solution.
In some cases, a different fluid package can be better suited to the
column conditions. For example, if you want to redefine Interaction
Parameters such that they are applicable for the operating range of the
In Dynamic mode, different columns can operate at very different temperatures and pressures. With each fluid package, you can define a different dynamic model whose parameters can be regressed in the
appropriate temperature and pressure range, thus, improving the accuracy and stability of the dynamic simulation.
5 Column Operations
Ability to Construct Custom Column Configurations
Custom column configurations can be stored as templates, and recalled into
another simulation. To create a custom template, select File | New | Column.
When you store the template, it has a *.col extension.
Note: Complex custom columns and multiple columns can be simulated within a single
subflowsheet using various combinations of subflowsheet equipment.
There exists a great deal of freedom when defining column configurations, and
you can define column setups with varying degrees of complexity. You can use
a wide array of column operations in a manner which is straightforward and
Column arrangements are created in the same way that you build the main flowsheet:
Accessing various operations.
Making the appropriate connections.
Defining the parameters.
Use of Simultaneous Solution Algorithm
The Column subflowsheet uses a simultaneous solver whereby all operations
within the subflowsheet are solved simultaneously. The simultaneous solver
permits you to install multiple unit operations within the subflowsheet (interconnected columns, for example) without the need for Recycle blocks.
Dynamic Mode
There are several major differences between the dynamic column operation
and the steady state column operation. One of the main differences is the way
in which the Column subflowsheet solves.
In steady state if you are in the Column subflowsheet, calculations in the main
flowsheet are put on Hold until the focus is returned to the main flowsheet.
When running in dynamics, calculations in the main flowsheet proceed at the
same time as those in the Column subflowsheet.
Another difference between the steady state column and the dynamic column is
with the column specifications. Steady state column specifications are ignored
in dynamics. To achieve the column specifications when using dynamics, control schemes must be added to the column.
Finally, although it is possible to turn off static head contributions for the rest of
the simulation, this option does not apply to the column. When running a
column in Dynamic mode, the static head contributions are always used in the
column calculations.
5 Column Operations
Column Property View
The Column property view (the representation of the Column within the main or
parent flowsheet) essentially provides you with complete access to the Column.
From the Column property view, you can change feed and product connections,
specifications, parameters, pressures, estimates, efficiencies, reactions, side
operations, and view the Profiles, Work Sheet, and Summary. You can also run
the column from the main flowsheet just as you would from the Column subflowsheet.
Note: Side equipment (for example, pump arounds and side strippers) is added from the
Column property view.
If you want to make a minor change to a column operation (for example, resize
a condenser) you can call up that operation using the Object Navigator without
entering the Column subflowsheet. Major changes, such as adding a second
Tower, require you to enter the Column subflowsheet.
To access to the Column build environment, click the Column Environment button at the bottom of the Column property view.
Note: Enter the Column subflowsheet to add new pieces of equipment, such as additional
Towers or Reboilers.
5 Column Operations
Main Flowsheet and Column Subflowsheet
Unlike other unit operations, the Column contains its own subflowsheet, which
in turn, is contained in the Parent (usually the main) flowsheet. When you are
working in the parent flowsheet, the Column appears just as any other unit operation, with multiple input and output streams, and various adjustable parameters.
Note: If you make a change to the Column while you are working in the parent, or main
build environment, both the Column and the parent flowsheets are automatically recalculated.
When you install a Column, HYSYS creates a subflowsheet containing all operations and streams associated with the template you have chosen. This subflowsheet operates as a unit operation in the main flowsheet. Figure 2.2 shows
this concept of a Column subflowsheet within a main flowsheet.
Main Flowsheet / Subflowsheet Concept
Consider a simple absorber in which you want to remove CO2 from a gas
stream using H2O as the solvent. A typical approach to setting up the problem
would be as follows:
1. Create the gas feed stream, FeedGas, and the water solvent stream,
WaterIn, in the main flowsheet.
2. Click the Absorber icon from the Object Palette.
3. Specify the stream names, number of stages, pressures, estimates, and
specifications. You must also specify the names of the outlet streams,
CleanGas and WaterOut.
4. Run the Column from the main flowsheet Column property view.
When you connected the streams to the tower, HYSYS created internal streams
with the same names. The Connection Points or “Labels” serve to connect the
main flowsheet streams to the subflowsheet streams and facilitate the information transfer between the two flowsheets.
Note: A subflowsheet stream that is connected to a stream in the main flowsheet is automatically given the same name with “@subflowsheet tag” attached at the end of the
name. An example is the stream named “WaterIn” has a subflowsheet stream named
For instance, the main flowsheet stream WaterIn is connected to the subflowsheet stream WaterIn.
5 Column Operations
Note: The connected streams do not necessarily have the same values. All specified values are identical, but calculated stream variables can be different depending on the fluid
packages and transfer basis (defined on the Flowsheet tab).
When working in the main build environment, you “see” the Column just as any
other unit operation, with a property view containing parameters such as the
number of stages, and top and bottom pressures. If you change one of these
parameters, the subflowsheet recalculates (just as if you had clicked the Run
button); the main flowsheet also recalculates once a new column solution is
However, if you are inside the Column subflowsheet build environment, you are
working in an entirely different flowsheet. To make a major change to the
Column such as adding a reboiler, you must enter the Column subflowsheet
build environment. When you enter this environment, the main flowsheet is put
on “hold” until you return.
Note: If you delete any streams connected to the column in the main flowsheet, these
streams are also deleted in the Column subflowsheet.
HYSYS Column Theory
Multi-stage fractionation towers, such as crude and vacuum distillation units,
reboiled demethanizers, and extractive distillation columns, are the most complex unit operations that HYSYS simulates. Depending on the system being simulated, each of these towers consists of a series of equilibrium or nonequilibrium flash stages. The vapor leaving each stage flows to the stage above
and the liquid from the stage flows to the stage below. A stage can have one or
more feed streams flowing onto it, liquid or vapor products withdrawn from it,
and can be heated or cooled with a side exchanger.
5 Column Operations
The following figure shows a typical stage j in a Column using the top-down
stage numbering scheme. The stage above is j-1, while the stage below is j+1.
The stream nomenclature is shown below.
More complex towers can have pump arounds, which withdraw liquid from one
stage of the tower and typically return it to a stage farther up the column.
Small auxiliary towers, called sidestrippers, can be used on some towers to
help purify side liquid products. With the exception of Crude distillation towers,
very few columns have all of these items, but virtually any type of column can
be simulated with the appropriate combination of features.
It is important to note that the Column operation by itself is capable of handling
all the different fractionation applications. HYSYS has the capability to run cryogenic towers, high pressure TEG absorption systems, sour water strippers, lean
oil absorbers, complex crude towers, highly non-ideal azeotropic distillation
columns, and so forth. There are no programmed limits for the number of components and stages. The size of the column which you can solve depends on
your hardware configuration and the amount of computer memory you have
The column is unique among the unit operations in the methods used for calculations. There are several additional underlying equations which are used in
the column.
The Francis Weir equation is the starting point for calculating the liquid flowrate
leaving a tray:
LN = liquid flowrate leaving tray N
C = units conversion constant
ρ = density of liquid on tray
lw = weir length
h = height of liquid above weir
The vapor flowrate leaving a tray is determined by the resistance equation:
5 Column Operations
Fvap = vapor flowrate leaving tray N
k = conductance, which is a constant representing the reciprocal of resistance to flow
ΔPfriction = dry hole pressure drop
Note: For columns the conductance, k, is proportional to the square of the column diameter.
Note: The pressure drop across a stage is determined by summing the static head and
the frictional losses.
It is possible to use column stage efficiencies when running a column in dynamics. The efficiency is equivalent to bypassing a portion of the vapor around the
liquid phase, as shown in the figure below, where n is the specified efficiency.
5 Column Operations
5 Column Operations
HYSYS has the ability to model both weeping and flooding inside the column. If
ΔPfriction is very small, the stage exhibits weeping. Therefore it is possible to
have a liquid flow to the stage below even if the liquid height over the weir is
For the flooding condition, the bulk liquid volume approaches the tray volume.
This can be observed on the Dynamics tab | Holdup page of either the Column
Runner or the Tower property view.
Three Phase Theory
For non-ideal systems with more than two components, boundaries can exist in
the form of azeotropes, which a simple distillation system cannot cross. The
formation of azeotropes in a three phase system provides a thermodynamic barrier to separating chemical mixtures.
Distillation schemes for non-ideal systems are often difficult to converge
without very accurate initial guesses. To aid in the initialization of towers, a
Three Phase Input Expert is available to initialize temperatures, flows, and compositions.
Note: For non-ideal multicomponent systems, DISTIL is an excellent tool for determining
process viability. This conceptual design software application also determines the optimal
feed tray location and allows direct export of column specifications to HYSYS for use as an
initial estimate. Contact your local AspenTech representative for details.
Detection of Three Phases
Whenever your Column converges, HYSYS automatically performs a Three
Phase Flash on the top stage. If a second liquid phase is detected, and no associated water draw is found, a warning message appears.
Note: View the Trace Window for column convergence messages.
If there is a water draw, HYSYS checks the next stage for a second liquid
phase, with the same results as above. This continues down the Tower until a
stage is found that is two phase only.
Note: If there is a three phase stage below a stage that was found to be two phase, the
three phase stage is not detected because the checking would have ended in the previous
two phase stage.
HYSYS always indicates the existence of the second liquid phase. This continues
until the Column reverts to VLE operation, or all applicable stages have water
draws placed on them.
Refer to the Section Templates for further details on the three phase capabilities in HYSYS.
5 Column Operations
Initial Estimates
Initial estimates are optional values that you provide to help the HYSYS
algorithm converge to a solution. The better your estimates, the quicker HYSYS
There are three ways for you to provide the column with initial estimates:
Provide the estimate values when you first build the column.
Go to the Profiles or Estimates page on the Parameters tab to provide
the estimate values.
Go to the Monitor or Specs page on the Design tab to provide values for
the default specifications or add your own specifications.
It is important to remember, when the column starts to solve for the first time
or after the column has been reset, the specification values are also initial
estimates. So if you replaced one of the original default specifications (overhead vapor flow, side liquid draw or reflux ratio) with a new active specification, the new specification value is used as initial estimates. For this
reason it is recommended you provide reasonable specification values initially
even if you can replace them while the column is solving or after the column
has solved.
Note: Although HYSYS does not require any estimates to converge to a solution, reasonable estimates help in the convergence process.
Temperature estimates can be given for any stage in the column, including the
condenser and reboiler, using the Profiles page in the Parameters tab of the
Column property view. Intermediate temperatures are estimated by linear
interpolation. When large temperature changes occur across the condenser or
bottom reboiler, we recommend that you provide an estimate for the top and
bottom column sections in the Tower.
Note: If the overhead product is a subcooled liquid, it is best to specify an estimated
bubble-point temperature for the condenser rather than the subcooled temperature.
Mixing Rules at Feed Stages
When a feed stream is introduced onto a stage of the column, the following
sequence is employed to establish the resulting internal product streams:
1. The entire component flow (liquid and vapor phase) of the feed stream is
added to the component flows of the internal vapor and liquid phases
entering the stage.
2. The total enthalpy (vapor and liquid phases) of the feed stream is added
to the enthalpies of the internal vapor and liquid streams entering the
3. HYSYS flashes the combined mixture based on the total enthalpy at the
5 Column Operations
stage Pressure. The results of this process produce the conditions and
composition of the vapor and liquid phases leaving the stage.
In most physical situations, the vapor phase of a feed stream does not come in
close contact with the liquid on its feed stage. However if this is the case, the
column allows you to split material inlet streams into their phase components
before being fed to the column. The Split Inlets check box can be selected in
the Setup page of the Flowsheet tab. You can also set all the feed streams to
a column to always split, by selecting the appropriate check box in the
Options page from the Simulation tab of the Session Preferences property
Basic Column Parameters
Regardless of the type of column, the Basic Column Parameters remain at their
input values during convergence.
The pressure profile in a Column Tower is calculated using your specifications.
You can either explicitly enter all stage pressures or enter the top and bottom
tray pressures (and any intermediate pressures) such that HYSYS can interpolate between the specified values to determine the pressure profile. Simple
linear interpolation is used to calculate the pressures on stages which are not
explicitly specified.
You can enter the condenser and reboiler pressure drops explicitly within the
appropriate operation property view. Default pressure drops for the condenser
and reboiler are zero, and a non-zero value is not necessary to produce a converged solution.
If the pressure of a Column product stream (including side vapor or liquid
draws, side stripper bottom streams, or internal stream assignments) is set
(either by specification or calculation) prior to running the Column, HYSYS
“backs” this value into the column and uses this value for the convergence process. If you do specify a stream pressure that allows HYSYS to calculate the
column pressure profile, it is not necessary to specify another value within the
column property view. If you later change the pressure of an attached stream,
the Column is rerun.
Note: Recall that whenever a change is made in a stream, HYSYS checks all operations
attached to that stream and recalculates as required.
Number of Column Sections
The number of column sections that you specify for the Tower does not include
the condenser and bottom reboiler, if present. If sidestrippers are to be added
to the column, their column sections are not included in this number. By
default, HYSYS numbers column sections from the top down. If you want, you
5 Column Operations
can change the numbering scheme to bottom-up by selecting this scheme on
the Connections page of the Design tab.
HYSYS initially treats the column sections as being ideal. If you want your
column sections to be treated as real stages, you must specify efficiencies on
the Efficiencies page of the Parameters tab. Once you provide efficiencies for
the column sections, even if the value you specify is 1, HYSYS treats the stages
as being real.
The feed stream and product stream location, conditions, and composition are
treated as Basic Column Parameters during convergence.
Pressure Flow
In the following sections, the pressure flow specifications presented are the
recommended configurations if no other equipment, such as side strippers, side
draws, heat exchanger, and so forth, are connected. Other combinations of
pressure flow specifications are possible, however they can lead to less stable
Regardless of the pressure flow specification configuration, when performing
detailed dynamic modeling it is recommended that at least valves be added to
all boundary streams. Once valves have been added, the resulting boundary
streams can all be specified with pressure specifications, and, where necessary, flow controlled with flow controllers.
The basic Absorber column has two inlet and two exit streams. When used
alone, the Absorber has four boundary streams and so requires four Pressure
Flow specifications. A pressure specification is always required for the liquid
product stream leaving the bottom of the column. A second pressure specification should be added to the vapor product of the column, with the two feed
streams having flow specifications.
The column below shows the recommended pressure flow specifications for a
standalone absorber column.
5 Column Operations
If there are downstream unit operations attached to the liquid product stream,
then a column sump needs to be simulated. There are several methods for simulating the column sump. A simple solution is to use a reboiled absorber, with
the reboiler duty stream specified as zero in place of the absorber. Another
option is to feed the liquid product stream directly into a separator, and return
the separator vapor product to the bottom stage of the column.
Refluxed Absorber
The basic Refluxed Absorber column has a single inlet and two or three exit
streams, depending on the condenser configuration. When used alone, the
Refluxed Absorber has three or four boundary streams (depending on the condenser) and requires four or five pressure-flow specifications; generally two
pressure and three flow specifications. A pressure specification is always
required for the liquid product stream leaving the bottom of the column. The
extra specification is required due to the reflux stream and is discussed in
Column-Specific Operations.
The column below shows the recommended pressure flow specifications for a
standalone refluxed absorber with a partial condenser.
5 Column Operations
If there are downstream unit operations attached to the liquid product stream,
then a column sump needs to be simulated. There are several methods for simulating the column sump. A simple solution is to use a distillation column, with
the reboiler duty stream specified as zero in place of the refluxed absorber.
Another option is to feed the liquid product stream directly into a separator, and
return the separator vapor product to the bottom stage of the column.
Reboiled Absorber
A Reboiled Absorber column has a single inlet and two exit streams. When used
alone, the Reboiled Absorber has three boundary streams and so requires three
Pressure Flow specifications; one pressure and two flow specifications. A pressure specification is always required for the vapor product leaving the column.
The column below shows the recommended pressure flow specifications for a
standalone reboiled absorber.
5 Column Operations
Distillation Column
The basic Distillation column has one inlet and two or three exit streams,
depending on the condenser configuration. When used alone, the
Distillation column has three or four boundary streams but requires four or five
pressure-flow specifications; generally one pressure and three or four flow specifications. The extra pressure-flow specification is required due to the reflux
stream, and is discussed in Column-Specific Operations.
5 Column Operations
The column above shows the
The column below shows the
recommended pressure flow spe-recommended pressure flow specifications for a standalone dis- cifications for a standalone three
tillation column with a partial
phase distillation column with a
partial condenser.
The Three Phase Distillation column is similar to the basic Distillation column
except it has three or four exit streams. So when used alone, the Three Phase
Distillation column has four to five boundary streams, but requires five or six
pressure-flow specifications; generally one pressure and four to five flow specifications.
Condensers and Reboilers
The following sections provide some recommended pressure-flow specifications for simple dynamic modeling only. The use of flow specifications on
reflux streams is not recommended for detailed modeling. If the condenser
liquid level goes to zero, a mass flow specification results in a large volumetric
flow because the stream is a vapor.
It is highly recommended that the proper equipment be added to the reflux
stream (for example pumps, valves, and so forth). In all cases, level control
for the condenser should be used to ensure a proper liquid level.
5 Column Operations
Partial Condenser
The partial condenser has three exit streams:
overhead vapor
All three exit streams must be specified when attached to the main Tower. One
pressure specification is recommended for the vapor stream, and one flow specification for either of the liquid product streams. The final pressure flow specification can be a second flow specification on the remaining liquid product
stream, or the Reflux Flow/Total Liquid Flow value on the Specs page of the
Dynamics tab of the condenser can be specified.
Fully-Refluxed Condenser
The Fully-Refluxed condenser has two exit streams:
overhead vapor
A pressure specification is required for the overhead vapor stream, and a flow
specification is required for the reflux stream.
Total Condenser
A Total condenser has two exit streams:
There are several possible configurations of pressure flow specifications for
this type of condenser. A flow specification can be used for the reflux stream
and a pressure flow spec can be used for the distillate stream. Two flow specifications can be used, however, it is suggested that a vessel pressure controller be setup with the condenser duty as the operating variable.
5 Column Operations
The Reboiler has two exit streams:
boilup vapor
bottoms liquid
Only one exit stream can be specified. If a pressure constraint is specified elsewhere in the column, this exit stream must be specified with a flow rate.
Column Installation
The first step in installing a Column is deciding which type you want to install.
Your choice depends on the type of equipment (for example, reboilers and condensers) your Column requires. HYSYS has several basic Column templates
(pre-constructed column configurations) which can be used for installing a new
Column. The most basic Column types are described in the table below.
Tower only.
Tower only.
Tower and a bottom stage reboiler.
Tower and an overhead condenser.
Tower with both a reboiler and condenser.
Three Phase
Tower, three-phase condenser, reboiler. Condenser
can be either chemical or hydrocarbon specific.
There are also more complex Column types, which are described in the table
5 Column Operations
3 Sidestripper Crude
Tower, reboiler, condenser, 3 sidestrippers, and 3 corresponding pump
around circuits.
4 Sidestripper Crude
Tower, reboiler, condenser, an uppermost reboiled sidestripper, 3 steamstripped lower sidestrippers, and 3 corresponding pump around circuits.
Tower, condenser, an upper pump around reflux circuit and product
draw, a mid-column two-product-stream sidestripper, a lower pump
around reflux circuit and product draw, and a quench pump around circuit at the bottom of the column.
Tower, 2 side product draws with pump around reflux circuits and a
wash oil-cooled steam stripping section below the flash zone.
Input Experts
Input Experts guide you through the installation of a Column. The Input Experts
are available for the following six standard column templates:
Liquid-Liquid Extractor
Reboiled Absorber
Refluxed Absorber
Three Phase Distillation
Details related to each column template are outlined in Templates. Each Input
Expert contains a series of input pages whereby you must specify the required
information for the page before advancing to the next one. When you have
worked through all the pages, you have specified the basic information required
to build your column. You are then placed in the Column property view which
gives comprehensive access to most of the column features.
It is not necessary to use the Input Experts to install a column. You can disable
and enable the Input Experts option on the Options page in the Simulation tab
of the Session Preferences property view.
If you do not use the Input Experts, you move directly to the Column property
view when you install a new column.
5 Column Operations
HYSYS contains a number of column templates which have been designed to
simplify the installation of columns.
A Column Template is a pre-constructed configuration or “blueprint” of a common type of Column, including Absorbers, Reboiled and Refluxed Absorbers,
Distillation Towers, and Crude Columns. A Column Template contains the unit
operations and streams that are necessary for defining the particular column
type, as well as a default set of specifications.
All Column templates can be accessed using the Model Palette.
When you add a new Column HYSYS gives you a choice of the available templates. Simply select the template that most closely matches your column configuration, provide the necessary input in the Input Expert property view (if
applicable), and HYSYS installs the equipment and streams for you in a new
Column subflowsheet. Stream connections are already in place, and HYSYS
provides default names for all internal streams and equipment. You can then
make modifications by adding, removing or changing the names of any streams
or operations to suit your specific requirements.
Clicking the Side Ops button on the final page of the Column Input Expert opens
the Side Operations Input Expert wizard, which guides you through the process
of adding a side operation to your column.
In addition to the basic Column Templates which are included with HYSYS, you
can create custom Templates containing Column configurations that you commonly use.
HYSYS Column Conventions
Column Towers, Overhead Condensers, and Bottom Reboilers are each defined
as individual unit operations. Condensers and Reboilers are not numbered
stages, as they are considered to be separate from the Tower.
Note: By making the individual components of the column separate pieces of equipment,
there is easier access to equipment information, as well as the streams connecting them.
The following are some of the conventions, definitions, and descriptions of the
basic columns:
A HYSYS unit operation that represents the series of equilibrium stages
in a Column.
5 Column Operations
Stages are numbered from the top down or from the bottom up,
depending on your preference. The top stage is 1, and the bottom stage
is N for the top-down numbering scheme. The stage numbering preference can be selected on the Connections page of the Design tab on
the Column property view.
The overhead vapor product is the vapor leaving the top stage of the
Tower in simple Absorbers and Reboiled Absorbers. In Refluxed
Absorbers and Distillation Towers, the overhead vapor product is the
vapor leaving the Condenser.
The overhead liquid product is the Distillate leaving the Condenser in
Refluxed Absorbers and Distillation Towers. There is no top liquid
product in simple Absorbers and Reboiled Absorbers.
The bottom liquid product is the liquid leaving the bottom stage of the
Tower in simple Absorbers and Refluxed Absorbers. In Reboiled
Absorbers and Distillation Columns, the bottom liquid product is the
liquid leaving the Reboiler.
An Overhead Condenser represents a combined Cooler and separation
stage, and is not given a stage number.
A Bottom Reboiler represents a combined heater and separation stage,
and is not given a stage number.
Default Replaceable Specifications
Replaceable specifications are the values which the Column convergence
algorithm is trying to meet. When you select a particular Column template or as
you add side equipment, HYSYS creates default specifications. You can use the
specifications that HYSYS provides or replace these specifications with others
more suited to your requirements.
The available default replaceable specifications are dependent on the Basic
Column type (template) that you have chosen. The default specifications for the
four basic column templates are combinations of the following:
Overhead vapor flowrate
Distillate flowrate
Bottoms flowrate
Reflux ratio
Reflux rate
Note: The specifications in HYSYS can be set as specifications or changed to estimates.
The provided templates contain only pre-named internal streams (streams
which are both a feed and product). For instance, the Reflux stream, which is
named by HYSYS, is a product from the Condenser and a feed to the top stage
of the Tower.
5 Column Operations
Note: The pressure for a Tower column section, condenser, or reboiler can be specified at
any time on the Pressures page of the Column property view.
In the following schematics, you specify the feed and product streams, including duty streams.
Absorber Template
The only unit operation contained in the Absorber is the Tower, and the only
streams are the overhead vapor and bottom liquid products.
The following is a schematic representation of the Absorber:
There are no available specifications for the Absorber, which is the base case
for all tower configurations. The conditions and composition of the column feed
stream, as well as the operating pressure, define the resulting converged solution. The converged solution includes the conditions and composition of the
vapor and liquid product streams.
Note: The Liquid-Liquid Extraction Template is identical to the Absorber Template.
Note: The remaining Column templates have additional equipment, thus increasing the
number of required specifications.
Reboiled Absorber Template
The Reboiled Absorber template consists of a Tower and a bottom reboiler. Two
additional streams connecting the Reboiler to the Tower are also included in the
Figure 2.11
5 Column Operations
When you install a Reboiled Absorber (in other words, add only a Reboiler to
the Tower), you increase the number of required specifications by one over the
Base Case. As there is no overhead liquid, the default specification in this case
is the overhead vapor flow rate.
Note: The Column Input Expert for Reboiled Absorber offers advanced pre-configurations
for the reboiler including the HYSYS Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger. See the Reboiled
Absorber section of the Aspen HYSYS online help for updated information on these functions.
Refluxed Absorber Template
The Refluxed Absorber template contains a Tower and an overhead Condenser
(partial or total). Additional material streams associated with the Condenser
are also included in the template. For example, the vapor entering the
Condenser from the top stage is named to Condenser by default, and the liquid
returning to the Tower is the Reflux.
Figure 2.12
When you install a Refluxed Absorber, you are adding only a Condenser to the
base case. Specifying a partial condenser increases the number of required specifications by two over the Base Case. The default specifications are the overhead vapor flow rate, and the side liquid (Distillate) draw. Specifying a total
condenser results in only one available specification, since there is no overhead
vapor product.
Either of the overhead vapor or distillate flow rates can be specified as zero,
which creates three possible combinations for these two specifications. Each
combination defines a different set of operating conditions. The three possible
Refluxed Absorber configurations are listed below:
Partial condenser with vapor overhead but no side liquid (distillate)
Partial condenser with both vapor overhead and distillate draws.
Total condenser with distillate but no vapor overhead draw.
Distillation Template
If you select the Distillation template, HYSYS creates a Column with both a
Reboiler and Condenser. The equipment and streams in the Distillation tem-
5 Column Operations
plate are therefore a combination of the Reboiled Absorber and Refluxed
Absorber Templates
Figure 2.13
Note: The Column Input Expert for the Distillation column offers advanced pre-configurations for the reboiler including the HYSYS Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger. Refer to
Column Property View for further details.
Reflux Ratio
The number of specifications for a column with both a Reboiler and Condenser
depends on the condenser type. For a partial condenser, you must specify three
specifications. For a total condenser, you must specify two specifications. The
third default specification (in addition to Overhead Vapor Flow Rate and Side
Liquid Draw) is the Reflux Ratio.
The Reflux Ratio is defined as the ratio of the liquid returning to the Tower
divided by the total flow of the products (see the figure above). If a water draw
is present, its flow is not included in the ratio.
As with the Refluxed Absorber, the Distillation template can have either a Partial or Total Condenser. Choosing a Partial Condenser results in three replaceable specifications, while a Total Condenser results in two replaceable
The pressure in the tower is, in essence, a replaceable specification, in that you
can change the pressure for any stage from the Column property view.
Note: The pressure remains fixed during the Column calculations.
The following table gives a summary of replaceable column (default) specifications for the basic column templates.
Reboiled Absorber
5 Column Operations
Vapor Draw
Distillate Draw
Reflux Ratio
Vapor Draw
Distillate Draw
Reflux Ratio
Refluxed Absorber
Total Condenser
Partial Condenser
Total Condenser
Partial Condenser
Three Phase Distillation Template
If you select the Three Phase Distillation template, HYSYS creates a Column
based on a three phase column model.
Note: The same standard column types exist for a three phase system that are available
for the “normal” two phase (binary) systems.
Using the Three Phase Column Input Expert, the initial property view allows you
to select from the following options:
Refluxed Absorber
Reboiled Absorber
Each choice builds the appropriate column based on their respective standard
(two phase) system templates.
If the Input Expert is turned off, installing a Three Phase column template
opens a default Column property view for a Distillation type column equipped
with a Reboiler and Condenser.
The key difference between using the standard column templates and their
three phase counterparts lies in the solver that is used. The default solver for
three phase columns is the “Sparse Continuation” solver which is an advanced
solver designed to handle three phase, non-ideal chemical systems, that other
solvers cannot.
When using the Three Phase Column Input Expert some additional specifications can be required when compared with the standard (binary system)
column setups.
Clicking the Side Ops button on the final page of the Three Phase Column Input
Expert opens the Side Operations Input Expert wizard, which guides you
through the process of adding a side operation to your column.
5 Column Operations
Column Specification Types
This section outlines the various Column specification (spec) types available
along with their relevant details. Specs are added and modified on the Specs
Page or the Monitor Page of the Design tab.
Adding and changing Column specifications is straightforward. If you have created a Column based on one of the templates, HYSYS already has default specifications in place. The type of default specification depends on which of the
templates you have chosen.
Cold Property Specifications
Allows you to specify the Flash Point temperature (ASTM D93 flash point
temperature closed cup) for the liquid or Vapor flow on any stage in the
Allows you to specify the ASTM Pour Point temperature for the liquid or
Vapor flow on any stage in the column.
Allows you to specify the Research Octane Number for the liquid or Vapor
flow on any stage.
Component Flow Rate
The flow rate (molar, mass or volume) of any component, or the total flow rate
for any set of components, can be specified for the flow leaving any stage. If a
side liquid or Vapor draw is present on the selected stage, these are included
with the internal Vapor and liquid flows.
5 Column Operations
Component Fractions
The mole, mass or volume fraction can be specified in the liquid or Vapor phase
for any stage. You can specify a value for any individual component, or specify
a value for the sum of the mole fractions of multiple components.
Component Ratio
The ratio (molar, mass or volume fraction) of any set of components over any
other set of components can be specified for the liquid or Vapor phase on any
5 Column Operations
Component Recovery
Component recovery is the molar, mass or volume flow of a component (or
group of components) in any internal or product stream draw divided by the
flow of that component (or group) in the combined tower feeds. As the recovery
is a ratio between two flows, you specify a fractional value.
Cut Point
This option allows a cut point temperature to be specified for the liquid or Vapor
leaving any stage. The types are TBP, ASTM D86, D1160 Vac, D1160 ATM, and
ASTM D2887. For D86, you are given the option to use ASTM Cracking Factor.
For D1160, you are given an Atmospheric Pressure option. The cut point can be
on a mole, mass or volume fraction basis, and any value from 0 to 100 percent
is allowed.
5 Column Operations
Note: While initial and final cut points are permitted, it is often better to use 5 and 95 percent cut points to minimize the errors introduced at the extreme ends of boiling point
Draw Rate
The molar, mass or volume flowrate of any product stream draw can be specified.
Delta T (Heater/Cooler)
The temperature difference across a Heater or Cooler unit operation can be specified. The Heater/Cooler unit must be installed in the Column subflowsheet,
and the HYSIM Inside-Out, Modified HYSIM Inside-Out or Sparse Continuation
solving methods must be selected on the Solver page of the Parameters tab.
Delta T (Streams)
The temperature difference between two Column subflowsheet streams can be
5 Column Operations
You can specify the duty for an energy stream.
Duty Ratio
You can specify the duty ratio for any two energy streams. In addition to
Column feed duties, the choice of energy streams also includes pump around
duties (if available).
Feed Ratio
The Feed Ratio option allows you to establish a ratio between the flow rate on
or from any stage in the column, and the external feed to a stage. You are
prompted for the stage, flow type (Vapor, Liquid, Draw), and the external feed
5 Column Operations
Note: This type of specification is useful for turn down or overflash of a crude feed.
Gap Cut Point
The Gap Cut Point is defined as the temperature difference between a cut point
(Cut Point A) for the liquid or Vapor leaving one stage, and a cut point (Cut Point
B) on a different stage.
Note: This specification is best used in combination with at least one flow specification;
using this specification with a Temperature specification can produce non-unique solutions.
You have a choice of specifying the distillation curve to be used:
D1160 Vac
D1160 ATM
ASTM D2887
You can define Cut Point A and Cut Point B, which together must total 100%.
The cut points can be on a mole, mass or volume basis.
5 Column Operations
Liquid Flow
The net molar, mass or volume liquid (Light or Heavy) flow can be specified for
any stage.
Physical Property Specifications
The mass density can be specified for the liquid or Vapor on any stage.
Pump Around Specifications
Flow Rate
The flow rate of the Pump Around can be specified in molar, mass, or
liquid volume units.
5 Column Operations
Allows you to specify the temperature drop across a Pump Around
exchanger. The conditions for using this specification are the same as
that stated for the Pump Around return temperature.
Return Temperature
The return temperature of a Pump Around stream can be specified.
Ensure that you have not also specified both the pump around rate
and the duty. This would result in the three associated variables (flow
rate, side exchanger duty, and temperature) all specified, leaving
HYSYS with nothing to vary in search of a converged solution.
You can specify the duty for any Pump Around.
Return Vapor
You can specify the return Vapor fraction for any Pump Around.
Duty Ratio
To specify a Pump Around duty ratio for a Column specification, add a
Column Duty Ratio spec instead, and select the Pump Around energy
streams to define the duty ratio.
Note: The Pump Around Rate, as well as the Pump Around Temperature Drop are the
default specifications HYSYS requests when a pump around is added to the column.
Reboil Ratio
You can specify the molar, mass or volume ratio of the Vapor leaving a specific
stage to the liquid leaving that stage.
The Recovery spec is the recovery of the total feed flow in the defined outlet
streams (value range between 0 and 1).
5 Column Operations
Reflux Feed Ratio
The Reflux Feed Ratio spec is the fraction of the reflux flow divided by the reference flow for the specified stage and phase.
Reflux Fraction Ratio
The Reflux Fraction Ratio spec is the fraction or % of liquid that is being
refluxed on the specified stage (value range between 0 and 1).
Reflux Ratio
The Reflux Ratio is the molar, mass or volume flow of liquid (Light or Heavy)
leaving a stage, divided by the sum of the vapor flow from the stage plus any
side liquid flow.
5 Column Operations
The Reflux Ratio specification is normally used only for top stage condensers,
but it can be specified for any stage. For a Partial Condenser:
Selecting the Include Vapor check box, gives the following equation for
the reflux ratio:
Clearing the Include Vapor check box, gives the following equation for
the reflux ratio:
R = liquid reflux to column
V = vapor product
D = distillate product
Stream Property
To be able to add a specification to a stream:
The Modified HYSIM Inside-out solving method must be chosen for the
The stream must be a draw stream.
Note: Only one stream specification can be created per draw stream.
See Column Stream Specifications for more information.
5 Column Operations
Tee Split Fraction
The split fraction for a Tee operation product stream can be specified. The Tee
must be installed within the Column subflowsheet and directly attached to the
column, for example, to a draw stream, in a pump around circuit, and so forth.
Also, the Modified HYSIM Inside-Out solving method must be selected.
Tee split fraction specifications are automatically installed as you install the tee
operation in the Column subflowsheet; however, you can select which specifications become active on the Monitor page or Specs page. Changes made to
the split fraction specification value are updated on the Splits page of the tee
Tray Temperature
The temperature of any stage can be specified.
5 Column Operations
Transport Property Specifications
The viscosity, surface tension or thermal conductivity can be specified for the
liquid leaving any stage. The viscosity or thermal conductivity can be specified
for the vapor leaving any stage. A reference temperature must also be given.
Note: The computing time required to satisfy a Vapor viscosity specification can be considerably longer than that needed to meet a liquid viscosity specification.
User Property
A User Property value can be specified for the flow leaving any stage. You can
choose any installed user property in the flowsheet, and specify its value. The
basis used in the installation of the user property is used in the spec calculations.
Vapor Flow
The net molar, mass or volume vapor flow can be specified for any stage.
Feeds and draws to that tray are taken into account.
5 Column Operations
Vapor Fraction
The vapor fraction of a stream exiting a stage can be specified.
Vapor Pressure Specifications
Two types of vapor pressure specifications are available:
True vapor pressure (@100 °F)
Reid vapor pressure.
The true Vapor pressure at 100 °F can be specified for the Vapor or liquid
leaving any stage.
Reid Vapor pressure can be specified for the Vapor or liquid leaving any
stage. The specification must always be given in absolute pressure units.
Column Stream Specifications
Column stream specifications must be created in the Column subflowsheet.
Unlike other specifications, the stream specification is created through the
stream’s property view, and not the Column Runner Specs page. To be able to
add a specification to a stream:
The Modified HYSIM Inside-out solving method must be chosen for the
Note: Only one stream specification can be created per draw stream.
The stream must be a draw stream.
5 Column Operations
The Create Column Stream Spec button on the Conditions page of the Worksheet tab is available only on Stream property views within the Column subflowsheet. When you click on the Create Column Stream Spec button, the
Stream Spec property view appears.
For draw streams from a separation stage (Tower, condenser, or
reboiler) only a stream temperature specification can be set.
For a non-separation stage streams (from pumps, heaters, and so forth)
either a temperature or a vapor fraction specification can be set.
For any given stage, only one draw stream specification can be active at
any given time.
Note: Creating a new stream specification for a stage, or activating a specification
automatically deactivates all other existing draw stream specifications for that
Once a specification is added for a stream, the button on the Conditions page of
the Worksheet tab changes from Create Column Stream Spec to View Column
Stream Spec, and can be clicked to view the Stream Specification property
Note: You can only add Column Stream Specifications via the Stream property view of a
draw stream within the Column subflowsheet.
Column-Specific Operations
To install unit operations in a Column subflowsheet, press F4 or F12 to access
the Model Palette.
The unit operations available within the Column subflowsheet are listed in the
following table.
Operation Category
3-Phase Condenser, Partial Condenser, Reboiler, Separator, Total
Condenser, Tower
Heat Transfer
Cooler, Heater, Heat Exchanger
Rotating Equipment
Piping Equipment
Balance, Digital Pt, PID Controller, Selector Block, Transfer Function Block
Most operations shown here are identical to those available in the main flowsheet in terms of specified and calculated information, property view structure,
and so forth.
5 Column Operations
Note: Only the operations which are applicable to a Column operations are available
within the Column subflowsheet.
There are also additional unit operations which are not available in the main
flowsheet. They are:
Condenser (Partial, Total, 3-Phase)
The Bypasses and Side Operations (side strippers, pump arounds, and so forth)
are available on the Side Ops page of the Column property view.
Note: You can open a property view of the Column PFD from the main build environment.
This PFD only provides you with the ability to modify stream and operation parameters.
You cannot add and delete operations or break stream connections. These tasks can only
be performed in the Column subflowsheet environment.
Condenser Unit Operation
The Condenser is used to condense vapor by removing its latent heat with a
coolant. In HYSYS, the condenser is used only in the Column Environment, and
is generally associated with a Column Tower
There are four types of Condensers:
Feed is partially condensed; there are vapor and liquid product streams.
The Partial Condenser can be operated as a total condenser by specifying the vapor stream to have zero flowrate.
The Partial Condenser can be used as a Total Condenser simply by specifying the vapor flowrate to be zero.
Feed is completely condensed; there is a liquid product only.
- Chemical
There are two liquid product streams and one vapor product stream.
- Hydrocarbon
There is a liquid product streams and a water product stream and one
vapor product stream.
When you add a Column to the simulation using a pre-defined template, there
can be a condenser attached to the tower (for example, in the case of a Distillation Column).
To add a Condenser:
In the Column environment, press F4 or F12 and select a Condenser
icon from the Column Palette.
5 Column Operations
The Condenser property view uses a Type drop-down list, which lets you switch
between condenser types without having to delete and re-install a new piece of
When you switch between the condenser types, the pages change appropriately. For example, the Connections page for the Total Condenser does not
show the vapor stream. If you switch from the Partial to Total Condenser, the
vapor stream is disconnected. If you then switch back, you have to reconnect
the stream.
The Condenser property view has the same basic five tabs that are available on
any unit operation:
It is necessary to specify the connections and the parameters for the
Condenser. The information on the Dynamics tab are not relevant in steady
Condenser Design Tab
The Design tab contains options to configure the Condenser.
Condenser Connections Page
On the Connections page, you can specify the operation name, as well as the
feed(s), vapor, water, reflux, product, and energy streams.
The Connections page shows only the product streams, which are appropriate
for the selected condenser. For example, the Total Condenser does not have a
vapor stream, as the entire feed is liquefied. Neither the Partial nor the Total
Condenser has a water stream.
The Condenser is typically used with a Tower, where the vapor from the top
stage of the column is the feed to the condenser, and the reflux from the condenser is returned to the top stage of the column.
Condenser Parameters Page
The condenser parameters that can be specified are:
Pressure Drop
Subcooling Data
Note: It is better to use a duty spec than specifying the heat flow of the duty stream.
5 Column Operations
Pressure Drop
The Pressure Drop across the condenser (Delta P) is zero by default. It is
defined in the following expression:
P = vessel pressure
Pv = pressure of vapor product stream
Pl = pressure of liquid product stream
Pfeed = pressure of feed stream to condenser
ΔP = pressure drop in vessel (Delta P)
Note: You typically specify a pressure for the condenser during the column setup, in
which case the pressure of the top stage is the calculated value.
The Duty for the energy stream can be specified here, but this is better done as
a column spec (defined on the Monitor page or Specs page of the Column property view). This allows for more flexibility when adjusting specifications, and
also introduces a tolerance.
Note: If you specify the duty, it is equivalent to installing a duty spec, and a degree of freedom is used.
The Duty should be positive, indicating that energy is being removed from the
Condenser feed.
The steady state condenser energy balance is defined as:
Hfeed = heat flow of the feed stream to the condenser
Hvapor = heat flow of the vapor product stream
Hliquid = heat flow of the liquid product stream(s)
In some instances, you want to specify Condenser SubCooling. In this situation,
either the Degrees of SubCooling or the SubCooled Temperature can be specified. If one of these fields is set, the other is calculated automatically.
Note: In steady state, SubCooling applies only to the Total Condenser. There is no
SubCooling in dynamics.
5 Column Operations
Condenser Estimate Page
On the Estimate page, you can estimate the flows and phase compositions of
the streams exiting the Condenser.
You can enter any value for fractional compositions, and click the Normalize
Composition button to have HYSYS normalize the values such that the total
equals 1. This button is useful when many components are available, but you
want to specify compositions for only a few. HYSYS also specifies any <empty>
compositions as zero.
HYSYS re-calculates the phase composition estimates when you click the
Update Comp. Est. button. Clicking this button also removes any of the estimated values you entered for the phase composition estimates.
Click the Clear Comp. Est. button to clear the phase compositions estimated
by HYSYS. This button does not remove any estimate values you entered. You
can clear the all estimate values by clicking the Clear All Comp. Est. button.
Condenser User Variables Page
The User Variables page enables you to create and implement your own user
variables for the current operation.
Condenser Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor where you can record any comments or
information regarding the specific unit operation, or your simulation case in general.
Condenser Rating Tab
The Rating tab contains options that are applicable in both Steady State and
Dynamics mode.
Condenser Sizing Page
The Sizing page contains all the required information for correctly sizing the
You can select either vertical or horizontal orientation, and cylinder or sphere.
You can either enter the volume or dimensions for your condenser. You can also
indicate whether or not the condenser has a boot associated with it. If it does,
then you can specify the boot dimensions.
Condenser Nozzles Page
The Nozzles page contains information regarding the elevation and diameter of
the nozzles. The information provided in the Nozzles page is applicable only in
Dynamic mode.
5 Column Operations
Condenser Heat Loss Page
The Heat Loss page allows you to specify the heat loss from individual sections in the Tower. You can choose either a Direct Q, Simple, or Detailed
heat loss model or no heat loss from the Heat Loss Mode group.
Direct Q Heat Loss Model
The Direct Q model allows you to either specify the heat loss directly, or have
the heat loss calculated from the Heat Flow for the condenser.
Simple Heat Loss Model
The Simple model allows you to calculate the heat loss from these specified values:
Overall U value
Ambient Temperature
Detailed Heat Loss Model
The Detailed model allows you to specify more detailed heat transfer parameters.
Condenser Level Taps page
The information on this page is relevant only to dynamics cases. Since the contents in a vessel can be distributed in different phases, the Level Taps page lets
you monitor the level of liquid and aqueous contents that coexist within a specified zone in a tank or separator.
Level Tap
Name of the level tap
PV High (m)
Upper limit to be monitored. (Meters)
PV Low (m)
Lower limit to be monitored. (Meters)
OP High
Upper limit of the output of the normalization scale
OP Low
Lower limit of the output of the normalization scale
The normalization scale can be expressed in negative values. In some cases,
the output normalization scale is manually set between -7% to 100% or -15%100% so that there is a cushion range before the level of the content becomes
unacceptable (i.e., too low, or too high).
By default, a new level tap is set to the total height of the vessel, and the height
is normalized in percentage (100-0). All the upper limit specifications should
not be smaller than or equal to the lower limit specifications and vice versa; otherwise no calculations will be performed.
In the Calculated Level Taps Values (Dynamics) group, the level of liquid and
aqueous are displayed in terms of the output normalization scale you specified.
5 Column Operations
Whenever the level of a content exceeds PV High, HYSYS automatically outputs
the OP High value as the level of that content. If the level is below the PV Low,
HYSYS outputs the OP Low value. The levels displayed are always entrained
within the normalized zone.
Condenser Options Page
Use this page to specify the PV Work Term Contribution in percent. It is approximately the isentropic efficiency. A high PV work term contribution value results
in lower pressures and temperatures. The PV work term contribution value
should be between 87% to 98%. Use the check box to enable or disable the
Condenser Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information contained in the
stream property view for all the streams attached to the Condenser.
Note: The PF Specs page is relevant to dynamics cases only.
Condenser Performance Tab
The Performance tab has the following pages:
From these pages you can select the type of variables you want to calculate and
plot, view the calculated values, and plot any combination of the selected variables. The default selected variables are temperature, pressure, heat flow,
enthalpy, and vapor fraction. At the bottom of the Plots or Tables page, you can
specify the interval size over which the values should be calculated and plotted.
(The same instructions apply to the Reboiler operation.)
Note: In steady state, the displayed plots are all straight lines. Only in Dynamic mode,
when the concept of zones is applicable, do the plots show variance across the vessels.
Plots Page
This page lets you view results for the unit operation displayed in plot format.
From the X Variable drop-down list, select the variable you want to use
for the x-axis.
From the Y Variable drop-down list, select the variable you want to use
for the y-axis.
Tip: Right-click anywhere within the plot area to access the plot’s object inspection menu.
Note: Use the Performance > Setup Page to determine number of plot points (intervals) and the variables that may be read into the X or Y axis of the Plot. The page lists all
available variables in the simulation, and lets you select which ones to use within the plot.
5 Column Operations
The same instructions apply to the Reboiler operation.
Tables Page
This page lets you view results for the unit operation displayed in table format.
Use the Phase Viewing Options to selectively examine results for a particular
phase or phases.
Note: Use the Performance > Setup Page to determine number of plot points (intervals) and the variables that may be read into the X or Y axis of the Plot. The page lists all
available variables in the simulation, and lets you select which ones to use within the plot.
The same instructions apply to the Reboiler operation.
Plots Setup Page
Use the Performance - Setup Page to determine number of plot points (intervals) and the variables that may be read into the X or Y axis of the Plot. The
page lists all available variables in the simulation, and lets you select which
ones to use within the plot.
The table below describes the options for the heat curve.
Number of points on the plot
Include or exclude dew/bubble points in the curves
Step Type
Set the points on the plot to be based on equal temperature or equal
enthalpy intervals
Set heat curves to be calculated at a specific constant pressure independent of the feed or product pressures. Specify Linear, Inlet Pressure,
or Outlet Pressure.
Properties Selection Windows
Use the arrow buttons to add or remove calculated variables from the results
set. You can single select, drag a series to group select, or hold down the Ctrl
key to create a multiple selection of individual variables. Once selected, click
the Add arrow to add them to the Selected Viewing variables list.
The same instructions apply to the Reboiler operation.
Condenser Dynamics Tab
The Dynamics tab contains the following pages:
5 Column Operations
Heat Exchanger
You are not required to modify information on the Dynamics tab when working
in Steady State mode.
Condenser Dynamics Specs Page
The Specs page contains information regarding initialization modes, condenser
geometry, and condenser dynamic specifications.
Model Details
In the Model Details group, you can specify the initial composition and amount
of liquid that the separator should start with when you start dynamics. This is
done via the initialization mode which is discussed in the table below.
Initialize from
The composition of the holdup is calculated from a weighted average
of all products exiting the holdup. A PT flash is performed to determine
other holdup conditions. The liquid level is set to the value indicated in
the Liq Volume Percent field.
Dry Startup
The composition of the holdup is calculated from a weighted average
of all feeds entering the holdup. A PT flash is performed to determine
other holdup conditions. The liquid level in the Liq Volume Percent
field is set to zero.
Initialize from
The composition of the liquid holdup in the condenser is user specified.
The molar composition of the liquid holdup can be specified by clicking
the Init Holdup button. The liquid level is set to the value indicated
in the Liq Volume Percent field.
Note: The Initialization Mode can be changed any time when the integrator is not running. The changes cause the vessel to re-initialize when the integrator is started again.
The condenser geometry can be specified in the Model Details group. The following condenser geometry parameters can be specified in the same manner
as the Geometry group on Sizing page of the Rating tab:
Height (Length)
Geometry (Level Calculator)
The Liquid Volume Percent value is also displayed in this group. You can modify
the level in the condenser at any time. HYSYS then uses that level as an initial
value when the integrator is run.
5 Column Operations
The Fraction Calculator determines how the level in the condenser and the elevation and diameter of the nozzle affects the product composition. There is only
one Fraction Calculation mode available, it is called Use Levels and Nozzles.
The calculations are based on how the nozzle location and vessel liquid level
affect the product composition.
Dynamic Specifications
The Dynamic Specifications group contains fields, where you can specify what
happens to the pressure and reflux ratio of the condenser when you enter
dynamic mode.
The Fixed Pressure Delta P field allows you to impose a fixed pressure drop
between the vessel and all of the feed streams. This is mostly supported for
compatibility with Steady State mode. In Dynamic mode, you are advised to
properly account for all pressure losses by using the appropriate equipment
such as valves or pumps or static head contributions. A zero pressure drop
should preferably be used here otherwise you may get unrealistic results such
as material flowing from a low to a high pressure area.
The Fixed Vessel Pressure field allows you to fix the vessel pressure in
Dynamic mode. This option can be used in simpler models where you do not
want to configure pressure controllers and others, or if the vessel is open to the
atmosphere. In general the specification should not be used, because the pressure should be determined by the surrounding equipment.
The Reflux Flow/Total Liquid Flow field provides you with a simple reflux ratio
control option, and the ratio determines the reflux flow rate divided by the sum
of the reflux and distillate flow rates.
Note: This option allows you to set up simple models without having to add the valves,
pumps, and controller that would normally be present. This option does not always give
desirable results under all conditions such as very low levels or reversal of some of the
The Add/Configure Level Controller button installs a level controller on the
distillate (liquid) outlet stream if one is not already present. If this stream has
a valve immediately downstream of the vessel, the controller is configured to
control the valve rather than the stream directly. In any case, the controller is
configured with some basic tuning parameters, but you can adjust those.
The default tuning values are as follows:
Kp = 1.8
Ti = 4 * Residence time / Kp
Condenser Holdup Page
The Holdup page contains information regarding the properties, composition,
and amount of the holdup.
5 Column Operations
The Levels group displays the following variables for each of the phases available in the vessel:
Level. Height location of the phase in the vessel.
Percent Level. Percentage value location of the phase in the vessel.
Volume. Amount of space occupied by the phase in the vessel.
Condenser StripChart Page
The Stripchart page allows you to select and create default strip charts containing various variable associated to the operation.
Condenser Heat Exchanger Page
The Heat Exchanger page opens a list of available heating methods for the unit
operation. This page contains different objects depending on which configuration you select.
If you select the None radio button, this page is blank and the
Condenser has no cooling source.
If you select the Duty radio button, this page contains the standard cooling parameters and you have to specify an energy stream for the
If you select the Tube Bundle radio button, this page contains the parameters used to configure a kettle chiller and you have to specify the
required material streams for the kettle chiller.
Note: The Tube Bundle options are only available in Dynamics mode.
Note: If you switch from Duty option or Tube Bundle option to None option,
HYSYS automatically disconnects the energy or material streams associated to the
Duty or Tube Bundle options.
Duty Radio Button
When the Duty radio button is selected, the following heat transfer options are
5 Column Operations
The Heater Type group has two radio buttons:
Gas Heater. When you select this radio button, the duty is linearly reduced so
that it is zero at liquid percent level of 100%, unchanged at liquid percent level
of 50%, and doubled at liquid percent level of 0%.
The following equation is used:
Q = total heat applied to the holdup
L= liquid percent level
QTotal = duty calculated from the duty source
The heat applied to the Condenser operation directly varies with the surface
area of vapor contacting the vessel wall.
5 Column Operations
Note: The Gas Heater method is available only for condensers, because the heat transfer
in the Condenser depends more on the surface area of the vapor contacting the cooling
coils than the liquid.
Vessel Heater. When you select this radio button, 100% of the duty specified
or calculated in the SP cell is applied to the vessel’s holdup. That is:
Q = total heat applied to the holdup
QTotal = duty calculated from the duty source
Note: The Vessel Heater method is a non-scaling method.
The Duty Source group has two radio buttons:
Direct Q
From Utility
When you select the Direct Q radio button, the Direct Q Data group appears.
The following table describes the purpose of each object in the group.
The heat flow value in this cell is the same value specified in the Duty field
on the Parameters page of the Design tab. Any changes made in this cell are
reflected on the Duty field on the Parameters page of the Design tab.
Allows you to specify the minimum amount of heat flow.
Allows you to specify the maximum amount of heat flow.
When you select the From Utility radio button, the Utility Flow Properties
group appears.
5 Column Operations
In the cells:
Black text indicates that the value is calculated by HYSYS and cannot be
Blue text indicates that the value is entered by you, and you can change
the value.
Red text indicates that the value is calculated by HYSYS, and you can
change the value.
The following table describes the purpose of each object that appears when the
From Utility radio button is selected.
Heat Flow
Displays the heat flow value.
Displays the overall heat transfer coefficient.
Displays the amount of holdup fluid in the condenser.
Displays the amount of fluid flowing out of the condenser.
Min. Flow
Displays the minimum amount of fluid flowing out of the condenser.
Max. Flow
Displays the maximum amount of fluid flowing out of the condenser.
Displays the heat capacity of the fluid.
5 Column Operations
Displays the temperature of the stream flowing into the condenser.
Displays the temperature of the stream flowing out of the condenser.
Displays the value of the operation outlet temperature minus the outlet
temperature of the Utility Fluid. It is only used when one initializes the
duty valve via the Initialize Duty Valve button.
Allows you to initialize the UA, flow, and outlet temperature to be consistent with the duty for purposes of control.
Reboiler Unit Operation
If you choose a Reboiled Absorber or a Distillation column template, it includes
a Reboiler which is connected to the bottom stage in the Tower with the
streams to reboiler and boilup.
The Reboiler is a column operation, where the liquid from the bottom stage of
the column is the feed to the reboiler, and the boilup from the reboiler is
returned to the bottom stage of the column. The Reboiler is used to partially or
completely vaporize liquid feed streams. You must be in a Column subflowsheet
to install the Reboiler.
To install the Reboiler operation:
In the Column environment, press F4 or F12 and select the Reboiler icon
from the Column Palette.
It is necessary to specify the connections, and the parameters for the Reboiler.
The information on the Dynamics tab are not relevant in steady state.
Design Tab
The Design tab contains the following pages:
User Variables
Reboiler Connections Page
On the Connections page, you must specify the Reboiler name, as well as the
feed(s), boilup, vapor draw, energy, and bottoms product streams. The vapor
5 Column Operations
draw stream is optional.
Reboiler Parameters Page
On the Parameter page, you can specify the pressure drop and energy used by
the Reboiler. The pressure drop across the Reboiler is zero by default.
The Duty for the energy Stream should be positive, indicating that energy is
being added to the Reboiler feed(s). If you specify the duty, a degree of freedom is used.
Note: It is recommended to define a duty specification on the Monitor page or Specs page
of the Column property view, instead of specifying a value for the duty stream.
The steady state reboiler energy balance is defined as:
Hfeed = heat flow of the feed stream to the reboiler
Hvapor = heat flow of the vapor draw stream
Hbottoms = heat flow of the bottoms product stream
Hboilup = heat flow of the boilup stream
Reboiler User Variables Page
The User Variables page enables you to create and implement your own user
variables for the current operation.
Reboiler Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor where you can record any comments or
information regarding the specific unit operation, or your simulation case in general.
Reboiler Rating Tab
The Rating tab contains the following pages:
Heat Loss
Level Taps
Note: The Rating tab for a Reboiler is the same as the Rating tab for the Condenser.
5 Column Operations
Reboiler Sizing Page
The Sizing page contains all the required information for correctly sizing the
reboiler. You can select either vertical or horizontal orientation, and cylinder or
sphere. You can either enter the volume or dimensions for your reboiler. You
can also indicate whether or not the reboiler has a boot associated with it. If it
does, you can specify the boot dimensions.
Reboiler Nozzles Page
The Nozzles page contains information regarding the elevation and diameter of
the nozzles. The information provided in the Nozzles page is applicable only in
Dynamic mode.
Reboiler Heat Loss Page
The Heat Loss page allows you to specify the heat loss from individual sections
in the Tower. You can choose either a Direct Q, Simple or Detailed heat loss
model or no heat loss from the Heat Loss Mode group.
Direct Q Heat Loss Model
The Direct Q model allows you to either specify the heat loss directly, or have
the heat loss calculated from the Heat Flow for the reboiler.
Simple Heat Loss Model
The Simple model allows you to calculate the heat loss from these specified
Overall U value
Ambient Temperature
Detailed Heat Loss Model
The Detailed model allows you to specify more detailed heat transfer parameters.
Reboiler Level Taps page
The information on this page is relevant only to dynamics cases. Since the contents in a vessel can be distributed in different phases, the Level Taps page lets
you monitor the level of liquid and aqueous contents that coexist within a specified zone in a tank or separator.
Level Tap
Name of the level tap
PV High (m)
Upper limit to be monitored. (Meters)
PV Low (m)
Lower limit to be monitored. (Meters)
OP High
Upper limit of the output of the normalization scale
OP Low
Lower limit of the output of the normalization scale
5 Column Operations
The normalization scale can be expressed in negative values. In some cases,
the output normalization scale is manually set between -7% to 100% or -15%100% so that there is a cushion range before the level of the content becomes
unacceptable (i.e., too low, or too high).
By default, a new level tap is set to the total height of the vessel, and the height
is normalized in percentage (100-0). All the upper limit specifications should
not be smaller than or equal to the lower limit specifications and vice versa; otherwise no calculations will be performed.
In the Calculated Level Taps Values (Dynamics) group, the level of liquid and
aqueous are displayed in terms of the output normalization scale you specified.
Whenever the level of a content exceeds PV High, HYSYS automatically outputs
the OP High value as the level of that content. If the level is below the PV Low,
HYSYS outputs the OP Low value. The levels displayed are always entrained
within the normalized zone.
Reboiler Options Page
Use this page to specify the PV Work Term Contribution in percent. It is approximately the isentropic efficiency. A high PV work term contribution value results
in lower pressures and temperatures. The PV work term contribution value
should be between 87% to 98%. Use the check box to enable or disable the
Reboiler Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information contained in the
stream property view for all the streams attached to the Reboiler.
Note: The PF Specs page is relevant to dynamics cases only.
Reboiler Performance Tab
The Performance tab of the Reboiler has the same pages as the Performance
tab of the Condenser. Click on a page for instructions:
From these pages you can select the type of variables you want to calculate and
plot, view the calculated values, and plot any combination of the selected variables. The default selected variables are temperature, pressure, heat flow,
enthalpy, and vapor fraction. At the bottom of the Plots or Tables page, you can
specify the interval size over which the values should be calculated and plotted.
Reboiler Dynamics Tab
The Dynamics tab contains the following pages:
5 Column Operations
Heat Exchanger
Notes: The Dynamics tab for a Reboiler is the same as the Dynamics tab for the
You are not required to modify information on the Dynamics tab of the Reboiler when
working in Steady State mode.
Reboiler Specs Page
The Specs page contains information regarding initialization modes, reboiler
geometry, and reboiler dynamic specifications.
Model Details
In the Model Details group, you can specify the initial composition and amount
of liquid that the separator should start with when you start dynamics. This
done via the initialization mode which is discussed in the table below.
Initialize from
The composition of the holdup is calculated from a weighted average
of all products exiting the holdup. A PT flash is performed to determine
other holdup conditions. The liquid level is set to the value indicated in
the Liq Volume Percent field.
Dry Startup
The composition of the holdup is calculated from a weighted average
of all feeds entering the holdup. A PT flash is performed to determine
other holdup conditions. The liquid level in the Liq Volume Percent
field is set to zero.
Initialize from
The composition of the liquid holdup in the reboiler is user specified.
The molar composition of the liquid holdup can be specified by clicking
the Init Holdup button. The liquid level is set to the value indicated in
the Liq Volume Percent field.
Note: The Initialization Mode can be changed any time when the integrator is not running. The changes cause the vessel to re-initialize when the integrator is started again.
The reboiler geometry can be specified in the Model Details group. The following reboiler geometry parameters can be specified in the same manner as
the Geometry group on the Sizing page of the Rating tab:
Height (Length)
Geometry (Level Calculator)
5 Column Operations
The Liquid Volume Percent value is also displayed in this group. You can modify
the level in the condenser at any time. HYSYS then uses that level as an initial
value when the integrator is run.
The Fraction Calculator determines how the level in the condenser, and the elevation and diameter of the nozzle affects the product composition. There is only
one Fraction Calculation mode available, it is called Use Levels and Nozzles.
The calculations are based on how the nozzle location and vessel liquid level
affect the product composition.
Dynamic Specifications
The Dynamic Specifications group contains fields where you can specify what
happens to the pressure of the reboiler when you enter dynamic mode.
The Feed Delta P field allows you to impose a fixed pressure drop between
the vessel and all of the feed streams. This is mostly supported for compatibility with Steady State mode. In Dynamic mode, you are advised to properly account for all pressure losses by using the appropriate equipment such as
valves or pumps or static head contributions. A zero pressure drop should
preferably be used here otherwise you may get unrealistic results such as
material flowing from a low to a high pressure area.
The Fixed Vessel Pressure field allows you to fix the vessel pressure in
Dynamic mode. This option can be used in simpler models where you do not
want to configure pressure controllers and others, or if the vessel is open to the
atmosphere. In general the specification should not be used, because the pressure should be determined by the surrounding equipment.
Reboiler Holdup Page
The Holdup page contains information regarding the properties, composition,
and amount of the holdup. Refer to the Holdup Page section for more information.
The Levels group displays the following variables for each of the phases available in the vessel:
Level. Height location of the phase in the vessel.
Percent Level. Percentage value location of the phase in the vessel.
Volume. Amount of space occupied by the phase in the vessel.
Reboiler StripChart Page
The Stripchart page allows you to select and create default strip charts containing various variable associated to the operation.
Reboiler Heat Exchanger Page
The Heat Exchanger page opens a list of available heating methods for the unit
operation. This page contains different objects depending on which radio button
5 Column Operations
you select.
If you select the None radio button, this page is blank and the
Condenser has no cooling source.
If you select the Duty radio button, this page contains the standard heating parameters and you have to specify an energy stream for the
If you select the Tube Bundle radio button, this page contains the parameters used to configure a kettle reboiler and you have to specify the
required material streams for the kettle reboiler.
Note: The Tube Bundle options are only available in Dynamics mode.
Note: If you switch from the Duty option or Tube Bundle option to the None option,
HYSYS automatically disconnects the energy or material streams associated to the Duty
or Tube Bundle options.
Duty Radio Button
When the Duty radio button is selected the following heat transfer options are
The Heater Type group has two radio buttons:
Liquid Heater
Vessel Heater
When you select the Liquid Heater radio button, the Heater Height as % Vessel
Volume group appears. This group contains two cells used to specify the heater
Top of Heater
Bottom of Heater
For the Liquid Heater method, the duty applied to the vessel depends on the
liquid level in the tank. The heater height value must be specified. The heater
height is expressed as a percentage of the liquid level in the vessel operation.
The default values are 5% for the top of the heater, and 0% for the bottom of
the heater. These values are used to scale the amount of duty that is applied to
the vessel contents.
L = liquid percent level (%)
T = top of heater (%)
B = bottom of heater (%)
5 Column Operations
The Percent Heat Applied may be calculated as follows:
It is shown that the percent of heat applied to the vessel’s holdup directly varies with the surface area of liquid contacting the heater.
When you select the Vessel Heater radio button, 100% of the duty specified or
calculated in the SP cell is applied to the vessel’s holdup:
Q = total heat applied to the holdup
QTotal = duty calculated from the duty source
The Duty Source group has two radio buttons:
Direct Q
From Utility
When you select the Direct Q radio button, the Direct Q Data group appears.
The following table describes the purpose of each object in the group.
The heat flow value in this cell is the same value specified in the Duty field of
the Parameters page on the Design tab. Any changes made in this cell is
reflected on the Duty field of the Parameters page on the Design tab.
Allows you to specify the minimum amount of heat flow.
Allows you to specify the maximum amount of heat flow.
When you select the From Utility radio button, the Utility Flow Properties
group appears.
5 Column Operations
In the cells:
Black text indicates that the value is calculated by HYSYS and cannot be
Blue text indicates that the value is entered by you, and you can change
the value.
Red text indicates that the value is calculated by HYSYS, and you can
change the value.
The following table describes the purpose of each object that appears when the
From Utility radio button is selected.
Heat Flow
Displays the heat flow value.
Displays the overall heat transfer coefficient.
Utility Holdup
Displays the amount of holdup fluid in the reboiler.
Mole Flow
Displays the amount of fluid flowing out of the reboiler.
Min Mole
Displays the minimum amount of fluid flowing out of the reboiler.
Max Mole
Displays the maximum amount of fluid flowing out of the reboiler.
Heat Capacity
Displays the heat capacity of the fluid.
5 Column Operations
Inlet Temp.
Displays the temperature of the stream flowing into the condenser.
Displays the temperature of the stream flowing out of the condenser.
Duty Valve
Allows you to initialize the UA, flow, and outlet temperature to be consistent with the duty for purposes of control.
Column Tower
At the very minimum, every Column Template includes a Tower. An individual
stage has a vapor feed from the stage below, a liquid feed from the stage
above, and any additional feed, draw or duty streams to or from that particular
stage. The property view for the Tower of a Distillation Column template is
shown in the figure below.
The Tower property view contains the five tabs that are common to most unit
operations. You are not required to change anything on the Rating tab and
Dynamics tab, if you are operating in Steady State mode.
Design Tab
The Design tab contains the following pages:
Side Draws
5 Column Operations
User Variables
Tower Connections Page
The Connections page of the Tower is used for specifying the names and locations of vapor and liquid inlet and outlet streams, feed streams, and the number of stages (see Figure above). When a Column template is selected, HYSYS
inserts the default stream names associated with the template into the appropriate input cells. For example, in a Distillation Column, the Tower vapor outlet
stream is To Condenser and the Liquid inlet stream is Reflux.
A number of conventions exist for the naming and locating of streams
associated with a Column Tower:
When you select a Tower feed stream, HYSYS by default feeds the
stream to the middle stage of the column (for example, in a 20-stage
column, the feed would enter on stage 10). The location can be changed
by selecting the desired stage from the drop-down list, or by typing the
stage number in the appropriate field.
Streams entering and leaving the top and bottom stages are always
placed in the Liquid or Vapor Inlet/Outlet fields.
Note: Specifying the location of a column feed stream to be either the top stage (stage 1
or stage N, depending on your selected numbering convention) or the bottom stage (N or
1) automatically results in the stream becoming the Liquid Inlet or the vapor Inlet,
respectively. If the Liquid Inlet or vapor Inlet already exists, your specified feed stream is
an additional stream entering on the top or bottom stage , displayed with the stage number (1 or N). A similar convention exists for the top and bottom stage outlet streams
(vapor Outlet and Liquid Outlet).
Tower Side Draws Page
On the Side Draws page, you can specify the name and type of side draws
taken from the Tower of your column. Use the radio buttons to select the type
of side draw:
Select the cells to name the side draw stream, and specify the stage from
which it is taken.
Tower Parameters Page
You can input the number of stage on the Parameters page.
Note: By default, the Use Tower Name for Stage Name check box is selected.
5 Column Operations
The stages are treated as ideal if the fractional efficiencies are set to 1. If the
efficiency of a particular stage is less than 1, the stage is modeled using a modified Murphree Efficiency.
You can add or delete stages anywhere in the column by clicking the Customize button and entering the appropriate information in the Custom Modify
Number of Stages group. This feature makes adding and removing stage
simple, especially if you have a complex column, and you do not want to lose
any feed or product stream information. The figure below shows the property
view that appears when the Customize button is clicked.
You can add and remove stages by:
Specifying a new number of stages in the Current Number of Stages
field. This is the same as changing the number of theoretical stages on
the Connections page. All inlet and outlet streams move appropriately;
for example, if you are changing the number of stages from 10 to 20, a
stream initially connected to stage 5 is now stage 10, and a stream initially connected at stream 10 is now at stages 20.
Adding or removing stages into or from an individual Tower.
Note: When you are adding or deleting stages, all Feeds remain connected to their current stages.
Adding Stages
To add stages to the Tower:
1. Type the number of stages you want to add in the Number of Stages
to Add/Delete field.
2. In the Stage to add after or delete first field, specify the stage number after which you want to add the stage.
3. Click the Add Stages button, and HYSYS inserts the stages in the appropriate place according to the stage numbering sequence you are using.
All streams (except feeds) and auxiliary equipment below (or above,
depending on the stage numbering scheme) the stage where you inserted is moved down (or up) by the number of stages that were inserted.
5 Column Operations
Removing Stages
To remove stages from the Tower:
1. Enter the number of stages you want to delete in the Number of
Stages to Add/Delete field.
2. In the Stage to add after or delete first field, type the first stage in
the section you want to delete.
3. Click the Remove Stages button. All stages in the selected section are
deleted. If you are using the top-down numbering scheme, the appropriate number of stages below the first stage (and including the first
stage) you specify are removed. If you are using the bottom-up scheme,
the appropriate number of stages above the first stage (and including the
first stage) you specify are removed.
4. Streams connected to a higher stage (numerically) are not affected; for
example, if you are deleting 3 stages starting at stage number 6, a side
draw initially at stage 5 remains there, but a side draw initially connected to stage 10 is now at stage 7. Any draw streams connected to
stages 6, 7, or 8 are deleted with your confirmation to do so.
If you select the Side Stripper radio button or Side Rectifier radio button at
the bottom of the property view, this affects the pressure profile. The pressure
of the main Tower column section from which the liquid feed stream is drawn is
used as the side stripper pressure, which is constant for all column sections.
The pressure of the main Tower column section from which the vapor feed
stream is drawn is used as the Side Rectifier pressure, which is constant for all
column sections.
Tower Pressures Page
The Pressures page displays the pressure on each stage. Whenever two pressures are known for the Tower, HYSYS interpolates to find the intermediate
pressures. For example, if you enter the Condenser and Reboiler Pressures
through the Column Input Expert or Column property view, HYSYS calculates the top and bottom stage pressures based on the Condenser and
Reboiler pressure drops. The intermediate stage pressures are then calculated
by linear interpolation.
Tower User Variables Page
The User Variables page enables you to create and implement your own user
variables for the current operation.
Tower Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor where you can record any comments or
information regarding the specific unit operation, or your simulation case in general.
5 Column Operations
Tower Rating Tab
The Rating tab contains the following pages:
Heat Loss
Pressure Drop
Tower Sizing Page
The Sizing page contains the required information for correctly sizing column
tray and packed sections. If the Sieve, Valve, Bubble Cap radio button with the
Uniform Tray Data are selected, the following property view is shown.
The Tower diameter, weir length, weir height, and the tray spacing are required
for an accurate and stable dynamic simulation. You must specify all of the
information on this page. The Quick Size button allows you to automatically
and quickly size the tray parameters. The Quick Size calculations are based on
the same calculations that are used in the Tray Sizing Analysis.
Note: The required size information for the Tower can be calculated using the Tray Sizing
HYSYS only calculates the tray volume, based on the weir length, tray spacing,
and tray diameter. For multipass trays, simply enter the column diameter and
the appropriate total weir length.
5 Column Operations
When you select the Packed radio button and the Uniform Tray Data radio
button, the Sizing page changes to the property view shown below.
The stage packing height, stage diameter, packing type, void fraction, specified
surface area, and Robbins factor are required for the simple dynamic model.
HYSYS uses the stage packing dimensions and packing properties to calculate
the pressure flow relationship across the packed section.
Void Fraction
Packing porosity, in other words, m3 void space/m3 packed bed.
Specific Surface Area
Packing surface area per unit volume of packing (m-1).
A packing-specific quantity used in the Robbins correlation, which is
also called the dry bed packing factor (m-1). The Robbins correlation is
used to predict the column vapor pressure drop. For the dry packed bed
at atmospheric pressure, 2 the Robbins or packing factor is proportional
to the vapor pressure drop.
Static Holdup
Static liquid, h st, is the m 3 liquid/ m 3 packed bed remaining on the
packing after it has been fully wetted and left to drain. The static liquid
holdup is a constant value.
Include Loading Regime
Loading regime term is the second term in the Robbins pressure drop
equation, which is limited to atmospheric pressure and under vacuum
but not at elevated pressures. When pressure is high, (in other words,
above 1 atm), inclusion of the loading regime term may cause an
unrealistically high pressure drop prediction.
5 Column Operations
To specify Chimney and Sump tray types, the Non Uniform Tray Data Option
must be selected from the Section Properties group. The Non Uniform Tray
Data Option allows you to model a column with high fidelity by adjusting tray
rating parameters on a tray by tray basis.
For a Trayed section of a column, you can adjust the Internal Type of tray, Tray
Spacing, Diameter, Weir Height, Weir Length, DC Volume, Flow Path and Weeping factor. For a Packed section of a column, you can adjust the Stage Packing
Height, and Diameter.
From the Internal Type drop-down list in the Detailed Sizing Information group,
you can select alternative internal tray types on a tray by tray basis.
The Chimney and Sump internals along with the weeping factor details are mentioned below.
Detailed Sizing Information
Internal Type
Chimney - This allows a higher liquid level and does not have any
liquid going down to the tray below. Although vapor can go up through
it but it does not contact the liquid. The Chimney tray type can be designated on any tray. By default, the weeping factor is set to 0 and the
stage efficiency is set to 5% on the Efficiencies page. The weir height
and tray spacing is increased for a Tower. For a packed section, stage
packing height is increased.
Sump - Only the bottom tray can be designated as a sump. By default,
the efficiency is set to 5%. The tray spacing for a Tower and the stage
packing height in a packed section are increased when using a Sump.
The weeping factor can be adjusted on a tray by tray basis. It is used to
scale back or turn off weeping. By default the weeping factor is set to 1
for all internal types except the sump.
Tower Nozzles Page
The Nozzles page contains the elevations at which vapor and liquid enter or
leave the Tower.
Tower Heat Loss Page
The Heat Loss page allows you to specify the heat loss from individual sections
in the Tower. You can select from either a Direct Q, Simple or Detailed heat
loss model or have no heat loss from the Towers.
Direct Q Heat Flow Model
The Direct Q model allows you to input the heat loss directly where the heat
flow is distributed evenly over each Tower. Otherwise, you have the heat loss
calculated from the Heat Flow for each specified Tower.
5 Column Operations
Using the check box, you can temporarily disable heat loss calculations without
losing any Heat Loss data that is entered.
Simple Heat Flow Model
The Simple model allows you to calculate the heat loss by specifying:
The Overall U value
The Ambient Temperature
Detailed Heat Flow Model
The Detailed Heat Flow model allows you to specify more detailed heat transfer
parameters. The detailed properties can be used on a tray to tray basis based
on the temperature profile, conduction, and convection data specified.
Tower Level Taps Page
The information on this page is relevant only to dynamics cases. Since the contents in a vessel can be distributed in different phases, the Level Taps page lets
you monitor the level of liquid and aqueous contents that coexist within a specified zone in a tank or separator.
Level Tap
Name of the level tap
PV High (m)
Upper limit to be monitored. (Meters)
PV Low (m)
Lower limit to be monitored. (Meters)
OP High
Upper limit of the output of the normalization scale
OP Low
Lower limit of the output of the normalization scale
The normalization scale can be expressed in negative values. In some cases,
the output normalization scale is manually set between -7% to 100% or -15%100% so that there is a cushion range before the level of the content becomes
unacceptable (i.e., too low, or too high).
By default, a new level tap is set to the total height of the vessel, and the height
is normalized in percentage (100-0). All the upper limit specifications should
not be smaller than or equal to the lower limit specifications and vice versa; otherwise no calculations will be performed.
In the Calculated Level Taps Values (Dynamics) group, the level of liquid and
aqueous are displayed in terms of the output normalization scale you specified.
Whenever the level of a content exceeds PV High, HYSYS automatically outputs
the OP High value as the level of that content. If the level is below the PV Low,
HYSYS outputs the OP Low value. The levels displayed are always entrained
within the normalized zone.
5 Column Operations
Tower Efficiencies Page
As with steady state, you can specify stage efficiencies for columns in dynamics. However, you can only specify the overall stage efficiency; component
stage efficiencies are only available in steady state.
To specify the efficiency of the overall stage:
1. Click the Overall radio button.
2. For each stage in the Overall Efficiencies table, specify the efficiency of
the stage in the appropriate field. Values must be between 0 and 1, with
1 corresponding to 100% efficiency.
To specify the component specific efficiencies:
1. Click the Component radio button.
2. Specify tray by tray component efficiencies in the Component Efficiencies table. Values must be between 0 and 1, with 1 corresponding to
100% efficiency.
Tower Pressure Drop Page
The Pressure Drop page displays the information associated with the pressure
drops (or pressures) across the Tower.
In the Pressure column, specify the pressure for each of the stages in the
column. You are only required to specify a top stage (or condenser) and bottom
stage (or reboiler) pressure in order for HYSYS to solve the column (This normally done through the Column Input Expert or Column Property view).
However, the more data you can input, the faster the column will solve. The
remaining stage pressures are calculated by linear interpolation.
The same calculation in the Tray Sizing analysis is used to calculate the pressure drop for the Towers when the column is running (in other words, using the
traffics and geometries to determine what the pressure drop is). The Tray Sizing analysis calculates a pressure drop across each tray, but you need to fix
one end of the column (top or bottom), allowing the other trays to float with the
calculations. Select the end of the column to be fixed by selecting the Top Tray
Fixed For Update or Bottom Tray Fixed For Update radio button.
The Tower Pressure Drop field displays the calculated pressure drop across
the Tower.
Selecting the Rating Enabled check box turns on the pressure drop calculations as part of the column solution.
Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information contained in the
stream property view for all the streams attached to the Tower.
Note: The PF Specs page is relevant to dynamics cases only.
5 Column Operations
Performance Tab
The Performance tab contains the following pages:
Tower Performance - Pressure Page
The Pressure page contains a table that lists all the pressure for each stage.
The table also includes the names of any inlet streams associated to a stage
and the inlet stream’s pressure.
Tower Performance - Temperature Page
The Temperature page contains a table that lists all the temperature for each
stage. The table also includes the names of any inlet streams associated to a
stage and the inlet streams’ temperature.
Flow Performance - Page
The Flow page contains a table that lists all the liquid and vapor flow rates for
each stage. The table also includes the names of any inlet streams associated
to a stage and the inlet stream's flow rate. You can also change the unit of the
flow rates displayed by selecting the unit from the Flow Basis drop-down list.
There are four possible units:
Standard Liquid Volume
Actual Volume
Tower Performance - Summary Page
The Summary page contains a table that displays the flow rates, temperature,
and pressure for each stage.
Tower Performance - Hydraulics Page
The Hydraulics page contains a table that displays the height and pressure of
Dry Hole DP, Static Head, and Height over Weir, and tray residence time.
The tray residence time is computed as:
5 Column Operations
Where the Tray Liquid Molar Flow Rate is the maximum between the liquid
molar flow rate from above the tray plus the liquid side feed molar flow rates
and the liquid molar flow rate to below the tray plus the liquid side product
molar flow rates.
The residence time of every tray is permanently compared against the column
(composition) integrating step size to verify the accuracy of the dynamic simulation. The adopted criterion is:
Note: Every tray residence time must be at least four times as long as the column integrating step.
Tower Dynamics Tab
The Dynamics tab contains the following pages:
Static Head
Tower Specs Page
The Specs page contains the Nozzle Pressure Flow k Factors for all the stages
in the Tower.
1. In the Calculate K Values group:
Click the All Stages button to have HYSYS calculate the k value
for all of the stages.
If you want HYSYS to calculate the k values for certain stages
only, select the desired stages and click the Selected Stages
button. HYSYS only calculates the k values for the selected
2. Select the Use tower diameter method check box if you want
HYSYS to assume k is proportional to the diameter squared and use the
tower actual diameter to calculate k values.
When the Use tower diameter method check box is cleared, the k values are calculated using the results obtained from the steady state
model, providing a smoother transition between your steady state model
and dynamic model.
3. Select the Use detailed internal method check box if you want
HYSYS to calculate k values based on each stage's fluid information,
such as vapor flow rate, pressure drop, and density.
4. Select the Model Weeping check box if you want HYSYS to take into
account any weeping that occurs on the Towers and add the effects to
your model.
Note: Weeping can start to occur on a tray when the dry hole pressure loss drops
below 0.015 kPa. It allows liquid to drain to the stage below even if the liquid
height is below the weir height.
5 Column Operations
5. In the Initialization Options group:
The Perform dry start up check box allows you to simulate a
dry start up. Selecting this check box removes all the liquid from
all the trays when the integrator starts.
The Initialize From User check box allows you to start the simulation from conditions you specify. Selecting this check box activates the Init HoldUp button. Click the Init HoldUp button to
specify the initial liquid mole fractions of each component and the
initial flash conditions.
The Fixed Pressure Profile check box allows you to simulate
the column based on the fixed pressure profile.
Pressure Profile
The Fixed Pressure Profile check box lets you run the column in Dynamic
mode using the steady state pressure profile. This option simplifies the column
solution for inexperienced users, and makes their transition from the steady
state to dynamics simulation a bit easier.
Note: You do not have to configure pressure control systems with this option. This option
is not recommended for rigorous modeling work where the pressure can typically change
on response to other events.
The pressure profile of a Tower is determined by the static head, which is
caused mostly by the liquid on the trays, and the frictional pressure losses,
which are also known as dry hole pressure loses.
The frictional pressure losses are associated with vapor flowing through the
Tower. The flowrate is determined by the following equation.
In HYSYS, the k-value is calculated by assuming:
However, if the Fixed Pressure Profile option is selected, then the static
head contribution can be subtracted and hence the vapor flow and the frictional
pressure loss is known. This allows the k-values to be directly calculated to
match steady state results more closely.
Tower Holdup Page
The Holdup page contains a summary of the dynamic simulation results for the
column. The holdup pressure, total volume, and bulk liquid volume results on a
stage basis are contained in this property view. Double-clicking on a stage
name in the Holdup column opens the stage property view.
You can double-click on any cell within each row to view the advanced holdup
properties for each specific Tower.
5 Column Operations
Tower Static Head Page
The Static Head page enables you to select how the static head contributes to
the calculation.
Since static head contributions are often essential for proper column modeling,
internal static head contributions are generally considered for the column
model in any case, and should only be disabled under special circumstances.
Refer to the Static Head Section in the HYSYS Dynamics section for more
Tower StripChart Page
The Stripchart page allows you to select and create default strip charts containing various variable associated to the operation.
The property view for the Tee operation in the Column subflowsheet has all of
the pages and inherent functionality contained by the Tee in the Main Environment with one addition, the Estimates page.
On the Estimates page, you can help the convergence of the Column subflowsheet's simultaneous solution by specifying flow estimates for the tee
product streams. To specify flow estimates:
1. Select one of the Flow Basis radio buttons: Molar, Mass or Volume.
2. Enter estimates for any of the product streams in the associated fields
next to the stream name.
There are four buttons on the Estimates page, which are described in the table
Related Setting
Replaces all estimates except user specified estimates (in blue) with values obtained from the solution.
Clear Selec- Deletes the highlighted estimate.
Clear Calculated
Deletes all calculated estimates.
Clear All
Deletes all estimates.
If the Tee operation is attached to the column (for example, via a draw
stream), one tee split fraction specification is added to the list of column specifications for each tee product stream that you specify. As you specify the split
fractions for the product streams, these values are transferred to the individual
5 Column Operations
column specifications on the Monitor page and Specs page of the column property view.
The additional pieces of equipment available in the Column subflowsheet are
identical to those in the main flowsheet. For information on each piece of equipment, refer to its respective chapter. All operations within the Column subflowsheet environment are solved simultaneously.
Refer to Piping Operations for more details on the property view of the Tee.
Refer to the section on the General Features of the Solving Methods for information on which method supports the Tee operation.
Running the Column
Once you are satisfied with the configuration of your Column subflowsheet and
you have specified all the necessary input, the next step is to run the Column
solution algorithm.
The iterative procedure begins when you click the Run button on the Column
property view. The Run/Reset buttons can be accessed from any page of the
Column property view.
Note: When you are inside the Column build environment, a Run icon also appears on
the toolbar, which has the same function as the Run button on the Column property view.
Note: On the toolbar, the Run icon and Stop icon are two separate icons. Whichever icon
is toggled on has light gray shading.
When the Run button on the Column property view is clicked, the Run/Reset buttons are replaced by a Stop button which, when clicked, terminates the convergence procedure. The Run button can then be clicked again to continue from
the same location. Similarly, the Stop icon switches to a gray shading with the
Run icon on the toolbar after it is activated.
When you are working inside the Column build environment, the Column runs
only when you click the Run button on the Column property view, or the Run
icon on the toolbar. When you are working with the Column property view in the
Main build environment, the Column automatically runs when you change:
A specification value after a converged solution has been reached.
The Active specifications, such that the Degrees of Freedom return to
The Run command begins the iterative calculations necessary to simulate the
column described by the input. On the Monitor page of the Column property
view, a summary showing the iteration number, equilibrium error, and the heat
5 Column Operations
and specification errors appear. Detailed messages showing the convergence
status are shown in the Trace Window.
The default basis for the calculation is a modified “inside-out” algorithm. In this
type of solution, simple equilibrium and enthalpy models are used in the inner
loop, which solve the overall component and heat balances, vapor-liquid equilibrium, and any specifications. The outer loop updates the simple thermodynamic models with rigorous calculations.
When the simulation is running, the status line at the bottom of the screen first
tracks the calculation of the initial properties used to generate the simple models. Then the determination of a Jacobian matrix appears, which is used in the
solution of the inner loop. Next, the status line reports the inner loop errors and
the relative size of the step taken on each of the inner loop iterations. Finally,
the rigorous thermodynamics is again calculated and the resulting equilibrium,
heat, and spec errors reported. The calculation of the inner loop and the outer
loop properties continues until convergence is achieved, or you determine that
the column cannot converge and click Stop to terminate the calculation.
If difficulty is encountered in converging the inner loop, the program occasionally recalculates the inner loop Jacobian. If no obvious improvement is
being made with the printed equilibrium and heat and spec errors, click Stop to
terminate the calculations and examine the available information for clues.
Refer to the Column Troubleshooting section for solutions to some common
troubles encountered while trying to achieve the desired solution.
Any estimates which appear in the Column Profile page and Estimates page are
used as initial guesses for the convergence algorithm. If no estimates are
present, HYSYS begins the convergence procedure by generating initial estimates.
The Reset command clears the current Column solution, and any estimates
appearing on the Estimates page of the Column property view. If you make
major changes after converging the Column, it is a good idea to Reset to clear
the previous solution. This allows the Column solver to start fresh and distance
itself from the previous solution. If you make only minor changes to the
Column, try clicking Run before Resetting.
Once the column calculation has started it continues until it has either converged, has been terminated due to a mathematically impossible condition, (for
example being unable to invert the Jacobian matrix), or it has reached the maximum number of iterations. Other than these three situations, calculations continue indefinitely in an attempt to solve the column unless the Stop button is
clicked. Unconverged results can be analyzed, as discussed in Column
5 Column Operations
Column Troubleshooting
Although HYSYS does not require any initial estimates for convergence, good
estimates of top and bottom temperatures and one product accelerate the convergence process. Detailed profiles of vapor and liquid flow rates are not
However, should the column have difficulty, the diagnostic output printed during the iterations provides helpful clues on how the tower is performing. If the
equilibrium errors are approaching zero, but the heat and spec errors are staying relatively constant, the specifications are likely at fault. If both the equilibrium errors and the heat and spec errors do not appear to be getting
anywhere, then examine all your input (for example the initial estimates, the
specifications, and the tower configuration).
In running a column, keep in mind that the Basic Column Parameters cannot
change. By this, it is meant that column pressure, number of trays, feed tray
locations, and extra attachments such as side exchanger and pump around locations remain fixed. To achieve the desired specifications the Column only
adjusts variables which have been specified as initial estimates, such as reflux,
side exchanger duties, or product flow rates. This includes values that were originally specifications but were replaced, thereby becoming initial estimates. It
is your responsibility to ensure that you have entered a reasonable set of operating conditions (initial estimates) and specifications (Basic Column Parameters) that permit solution of the column. There are obviously many
combinations of column configurations and specifications that makes convergence difficult or impossible. Although all these different conditions could
not possibly be covered here, some of the more frequent problems are discussed in the following sections.
Heat and Spec Errors Fail to Converge
This is by far the most frequent situation encountered when a column is unable
to satisfy the allowable tolerance. The following section gives the most common ailments and remedies.
Poor Initial Estimates
Initial estimates are important only to the extent that they provide the initial
starting point for the tower algorithm. Generally, poor guesses simply cause
your tower to converge more slowly. However, occasionally the effect is more
serious. Consider the following:
Check product estimates using approximate splits. A good estimate for
the tower overhead flow rate is to add up all the components in your
feed which are expected in the overheads, plus a small amount of your
heavy key component. If the tower starts with extremely high errors,
check to see that the overhead estimate is smaller than the combined
feed rates.
5 Column Operations
Poor reflux estimates usually do not cause a problem except in very narrow boiling point separations. Better estimates are required if you have
high column liquid rates relative to vapor rates, or vice versa.
Towers containing significant amounts of inert gases (for example, H2,
N2, and so forth), require better estimates of overhead rates to avoid initial bubble point problems. A nitrogen rejection column is a good
Note: To see the initial estimates, click the View Initial Estimates button on
the Monitor page of the column property view.
Input Errors
It is good practice to check all of your input just before running your column to
ensure that all your entries, such as the stage temperatures and product flow
rates, appear reasonable:
Check to ensure that your input contains the correct values and units.
Typical mistakes are entering a product flow rate in moles/hr when you
really meant to enter it in barrels/day, or a heat duty in BTU/hr instead
of E+06 BTU/hr.
When specifying a distillate liquid rate, make sure you have specified the
Distillate rate for the condenser, not the Reflux rate.
If you change the number of trays in the column, make sure you have
updated the feed tray locations, pressure specifications, and locations of
other units such as side exchangers on the column.
If the tower fails immediately, check to see if all of your feeds are
known, if a feed was entered on a non-existent tray, or if a composition
specification was mistakenly entered for a zero component.
Note: Clicking the Input Summary button on the Monitor page of the column
property view displays the column input in the Trace Window.
Incorrect Configuration
For more complex tower configurations, such as crude columns, it is more
important that you always review your input carefully before running the tower.
It is easy to overlook a stripping feed stream, side water draw, pump around or
side exchanger. Any one of these omissions can have a drastic effect on the
column performance. As a result, the problem is not immediately obvious until
you have reviewed your input carefully or tried to change some of the specifications.
Check for trays which have no counter-current vapor-liquid traffic.
Examples of this are having a feed stream on a tray that is either below
the top tray of an un-refluxed tower or a tower without a top lean oil
feed, or placing a feed stream above the bottom stage of a tower that
does not have a bottom reboiler or a stripping feed stream below it. In
both cases the trays above or below the feed tray become single phase.
Since they do not represent any equilibrium mass transfer, they should
be removed or the feed should be moved. The tower cannot converge
5 Column Operations
with this configuration.
The tower fails immediately if any of the sidestrippers do not have a
stripping feed stream or a reboiler. If this should occur, a message is
generated stating that a reboiler or feed stream is missing in one of the
Make sure you have installed a side water draw if you have a steamstripped hydrocarbon column with free water expected on the top stage.
Regardless of how you have approached solving crude columns in the
past, try to set up the entire crude column with your first run, including
all the side strippers, side exchangers, product side draws, and pump
arounds attached. Difficulties arise when you try to set up a more simplified tower that does not have all the auxiliary units attached to the
main column, then assign product specs expected from the final configuration.
Impossible Specifications
Impossible specifications are normally indicated by an unchanging heat and
spec error during the column iterations even though the equilibrium error is
approaching zero. To get around this problem you have to either alter the
column configuration or operating pressure or relax/change one of the product
You cannot specify a temperature for the condenser if you are also using
If you have zero liquid flows in the top of the tower, either your top
stage temperature spec is too high, your condenser duty is too low, or
your reflux estimate is too low.
If your tower shows excessively large liquid flows, either your purity
specs are too tight for the given number of trays or your Cooler duties
are too high.
Dry trays almost always indicate a heat balance problem. Check your
temperature and duty specifications. There are a number of possible
solutions: fix tray traffic and let duty vary; increase steam rates;
decrease product makes; check feed temperature and quality; check
feed location.
A zero product rate could be the result of an incorrect product spec, too
much heat in the column which eliminates internal reflux, or the absence
of a heat source under a total draw tray to produce needed vapor.
Conflicting Specifications
This problem is typically the most difficult to detect and correct. Since it is relatively common, it deserves considerable attention.
You cannot fix all the product flow rates on a tower.
Avoid fixing the overhead temperature, liquid and vapor flow rates
because this combination offers only a very narrow convergence
5 Column Operations
You cannot have subcooling with a partial condenser.
A cut point specification is similar to a flow rate spec; you cannot specify
all flows and leave one unspecified and then specify the cut point on that
missing flow.
Only two of the three optional specifications on a pump around can be
fixed. For example, duty and return temperature, duty and pump around
rate, and so forth.
Fixing column internal liquid and vapor flows, as well as duties can
present conflicts since they directly affect each other.
The bottom temperature spec for a non-reboiled tower must be less than
that of the bottom stage feed.
The top temperature for a reboiled absorber must be greater than that of
the top stage feed unless the feed goes through a valve.
The overhead vapor rate for a reboiled absorber must be greater than
the vapor portion of the top feed.
Heat and Spec Error Oscillates
While less common, this situation can also occur. It is often caused by poor initial estimates. Check for:
Water condensation or a situation where water alternately condenses
and vaporizes.
A combination of specifications that do not allow for a given component
to exit the column, causing the component to cycle in the column.
Extremely narrow boiling point separations can be difficult since a small
step change can result in total vaporization. First, change the specifications so that the products are not pure components. After convergence, reset the specifications and restart.
Equilibrium Error Fails to Converge
This is almost always a material balance problem. Check the overall balance.
Check the tower profile. If the overhead condenser is very cold for a
hydrocarbon-steam column, you need a water draw.
Normally, a side water draw should be added for any stage
below 200 °F.
If the column almost converges, you may have too many water draws.
Equilibrium Error Oscillates
This generally occurs with non-ideal towers, such as those with azeotropes.
Decreasing the damping factor or using adaptive damping should correct this
5 Column Operations
1. Sneesby, Martin G. Simulation and Control of Reactive Distillation, Curtin
University of Technology, School of Engineering, March 1998.
2. Kister, Henry. Distillation Design, (1992), pp 497-499.
5 Column Operations
6 Column Property View
The column property view is sectioned into tabs containing pages with information pertaining to the column. The column property view is accessible from the
main flowsheet or Column subflowsheet.
The column property view is used to define specifications, provide estimates,
monitor convergence, view stage-by-stage and product stream summaries, add
pump-arounds and side-strippers, specify dynamic parameters and define
other Column parameters such as convergence tolerances, and attach reactions
to column stages.
The column property view is essentially the same when accessed from
the main flowsheet or Column subflowsheet. However, there are some
The Connections page in the main flowsheet column property view displays and allows you to change all product and feed stream connections.
In addition, you can specify the number of stages and condenser type.
Note: The number of stages specified should be equal to the actual number of
stages installed or built, rather than theoretical stages, since HYSYS calculates
stage efficiencies.
The Connections page in the subflowsheet Column property view
(Column Runner) allows you to change the product and feed stream connections, and gives more flexibility in defining new streams.
In the main flowsheet Column property view, the Flowsheet Variables and Flowsheet Setup pages allow you to specify the transfer basis for stream connections, and permit you to view selected column variables.
Column Runner
When you are inside the column subflowsheet environment, the column properties can be viewed using the Column Runner. The Column Runner lets you
access the column property view from inside the column subflowsheet, so you
don't have to continuously go back and forth between the parent and subflowsheet environments for the column.
6 Column Property View
To show the column runner from the column subflowsheet, click Column > Runner > Show Column Runner on the subflowsheet Ribbon options.
Note: In order to make changes or additions to the Column in the main simulation environment, the Solver should be active. Otherwise HYSYS cannot register your changes.
Column Convergence Sequence
The Run and Reset buttons are used to start the convergence algorithm and
reset the Column, respectively. HYSYS first performs iterations toward convergence of the inner and outer loops (Equilibrium and Heat/Spec Errors), and
then checks the individual specification tolerances.
The Monitor page displays a summary of the convergence procedure for the
Equilibrium and Heat/Spec Errors. An example of a converged solution is shown
in the following figure:
A summary of each of the tabs in the Column property view are in the following
Design Tab
The following sections detail information regarding the Column property view
pages. All pages are common to both the Main Column property view and the
Column Runner, unless stated otherwise.
Note: Column Runner is another name for the subflowsheet Column property view.
Connections Page (Main Flowsheet)
The main flowsheet Connections page allows you to specify the name and location of feed streams, the number of stages in the Tower, the stage numbering
scheme, condenser type, names of the Column product streams, and Condenser/Reboiler energy streams.
Note: If you have modified the Column Template (for example if you added an additional
Tower), the Connections page appears differently than what is shown below.
6 Column Property View
Note: Click the Design and Specify Column Internals button to hydraulically design
and rate tray or packing internals for your column. We recommend that you select this
option for rigorous column analysis.
The streams shown in this property view reside in the parent or main flowsheet; they do not include Column subflowsheet streams, such as the Reflux or
Boilup. In other words, only feed and product streams (material and energy)
appear on this page.
When the column has complex connections, the Connections page changes to
the property view shown in the figure below, an example of the Connections
page for an atmospheric crude tower.
6 Column Property View
You can also split the feed streams by selecting the Split check box associated
to the stream.
Note: Click the Design and Specify Column Internals button to hydraulically design
and rate tray or packing internals for your column. We recommend that you select this
option for rigorous column analysis.
Tower Details Property View
Click the Edit Trays button on the (Complex) Column Design / Connections
page to open the Tower Details property view. You can edit the number of
trays in the column, and add or delete trays after or before the tray number of
your choice in this property view. In the example below, ten trays are being
added after the 12th stage of the main tower.
6 Column Property View
Connections Page (Column Runner)
The Connections page displayed in the Column Runner (inside the Column subflowsheet) appears as shown in the following figure.
All feed and energy streams, as well as the associated stage, appear in the left
portion of the Connections page. Liquid, vapor, and water product streams and
locations appear on the right side of the page.
Monitor Page
The Monitor page is primarily used for editing specifications, monitoring
Column convergence, and viewing Column profile plots. An input summary, and
a property view of the initial estimates can also be accessed from this page.
6 Column Property View
Optional Checks Group
The Optional Checks group displays the iteration number, step size, and equilibrium and heat / spec errors during the iteration process. You will also find the
following two buttons:
Provides a column input summary in the Trace Window. The summary lists
vital tower information including the number of trays, the attached fluid
package, attached streams, and specifications.
You can click the Input Summary button after you make a change to any
of the column parameters to view an updated input summary. The newly
defined column configuration appears.
View Initial Estimates
Opens the Summary page of the Column property view, and displays the
initial temperature and flow estimates for the column. You can then use
the values generated by HYSYS to enter estimates on the Estimates page.
These estimates are generated by performing one iteration using the current column configuration. If a specification for flow or temperature has
been provided, it is included in the displayed estimates.
Profile Group
During the column calculations, a profile of temperature, pressure or flow
appears, and is updated as the solution progresses. Select the appropriate
radio button to display the desired variable versus tray number profile.
6 Column Property View
Specifications Group
Each specification, along with its specified value, current value, weighted error,
and status is shown in the Specifications group.
You can change a specified value by typing directly in the associated Specified
Value cell. Specified values can also be viewed and changed on the Specs and
Specs Summary pages. Any changes made in one location are reflected across
all locations.
Note: New specifications can also be added via the Specs page.
Double-clicking on a cell within the row for any listed specification opens its
property view. In this property view, you can define all the information associated with a particular specification. Each specification property view has three
Spec Type
This property view can also be accessed from both the Specs and Specs Summary pages.
Spec Status Check Boxes
The status of listed specifications are one of the following types:
The active specification is one that the convergence algorithm is trying to
meet. An active specification always serves as an initial estimate (when
the Active check box is selected, HYSYS automatically selects the Estimate and Current check boxes). An active specification always exhausts
one degree of freedom.
An Active specification is one which the convergence algorithm is trying
to meet initially. An Active specification has the Estimate check box selected also.
An Estimate is considered an Inactive specification because the convergence algorithm is not trying to satisfy it. To use a specification as an
estimate only, clear the Active check box. The value then serves only as
an initial estimate for the convergence algorithm. An estimate does not
exhaust an available degree of freedom.
An Estimate is used as an initial “guess” for the convergence algorithm,
and is considered to be an Inactive specification.
6 Column Property View
This check box shows the current specs being used by the column solution. When the Active check box is selected, the Current check box is
automatically selected. You cannot alter this check box.
When Alternate specs are used and an existing hard to solve spec has
been replaced with an Alternate spec, this check box shows you the current specs used to solve the column.
A Current specification is one which is currently being used in the column
To disregard the value of a specification entirely during convergence, clear
both the Active and Estimate check boxes. By ignoring a specification
rather than deleting it, you are always able to use it later if required. The
current value appears for each specification, regardless of its status. An
Inactive specification is therefore ideal when you want to monitor a key
variable without including it as an estimate or specification.
A Completely Inactive specification is ignored completely by the convergence algorithm, but can be made Active or an Estimate at a later
The degrees of freedom value appears in the Degrees of Freedom field on the
Monitor page. When you make a specification active, the degrees of freedom is
decreased by one. Conversely, when you deactivate a specification, the
degrees of freedom is increased by one. You can start column calculations
when there are zero degrees of freedom.
Variables such as the duty of the reboiler stream, which is specified in the Workbook, or feed streams that are not completely known can offset the current
degrees of freedom. If you feel that the number of active specifications is
appropriate for the current configuration, yet the degrees of freedom is not
zero, check the conditions of the attached streams (material and energy). You
must provide as many specifications as there are available degrees of freedom.
For a simple Absorber there are no available degrees of freedom, therefore no
specifications are required. Distillation columns with a partial condenser have
three available degrees of freedom.
Specification Group Buttons
The four buttons which align the bottom of the Specifications group allow you to
manipulate the list of specs. The table below describes the four buttons.
Move to one of the specification cells and click the View button to display its
property view. You can then make any necessary changes to the specification.
To change the value of a specification only, move to the Specified Value cell
for the specification you want to change, and type in the new value.
You can also double-click in a specification cell to open its property view.
6 Column Property View
Opens the Column Specifications menu list, from which you can select one
or multiple (by holding the CTRL key while selecting) specifications, and
then click the Add Spec(s) button.
The property view for each new spec is shown and its name is added to the
list of existing specifications.
Updates the specified value of each inactive specification with its current
Arranges all active specifications together at the top of the specifications list.
Specs Page
Adding and changing Column specifications is straightforward. If you have created a Column based on one of the templates, HYSYS already has default specifications in place. The type of default specification depends on which of the
templates you have chosen.
Note: The active specification values are used as initial estimates when the column initially starts to solve.
Column Specifications Group
The following buttons are available:
Opens the property view for the highlighted specification. Alternatively, you
can object inspect a spec name and select View from the menu.
Refer to the section on the Specification Property View for more details.
Opens the Add Specs property view, from which you can select one or multiple (by holding the CTRL key while selecting) specifications, and then click
the Add Spec(s) button.
The property view for each new spec is shown, and its name is added to the
list of existing specifications.
Refer to Column Specification Types for a description of the available specification types.
Removes the highlighted specification from the list.
From the Default Basis drop-down list, you can choose the basis for the new
specifications to be Molar, Mass or Volume.
The Update Specs from Dynamics button replaces the specified value of
each specification with the current value (lined out value) obtained from Dynamics mode.
6 Column Property View
Specification Property View
The figure below is a typical property view of a specification. In this property
view, you can define all the information associated with a particular specification. Each specification property view has three tabs:
Spec Type
This example shows a component recovery specification which requires the
stage number, spec value, and phase type when a Target Type of Stage is
chosen. Specification information is shared between this property view and the
specification list on both the Monitor and Specs Summary pages. Altering
information in one location automatically updates across all other locations.
For example, you can enter the spec value in one location, and the change is
reflected across all other locations.
The Summary tab is used to specify tolerances, and define whether the specification is Active or simply an Estimate.
6 Column Property View
The Spec Type tab (as shown above) can be used to define specifications as
either Fixed/Ranged or Primary/Alternate. A ranged spec allows the solver to
meet a spec over an interval (defined according to the upper and lower spec values.) An alternate spec can replace another hard-to-solve spec in situations
where the column is not converging.
By default, all specifications are initially defined as Fixed and Primary.
Advanced solving options available in HYSYS allow the use of both Alternate
and Ranged Spec types.
The following section further details the advanced solving options available in
Advanced Solving Options
Ranged and Alternate Specs
The reliability of any solution method depends on its ability to solve a wide
group of problems. Some specs like purity, recovery, and cut point are hard to
solve compared to a flow or reflux ratio spec. The use of Alternate and/or
Ranged Specs can help to solve columns that fail due to difficult specifications.
Note: If the Column solves on an Alternate or Ranged Spec, the status bar reads “Converged - Alternate Specs” highlighted in purple.
Configuration of these advanced solving options are made by selecting the
Advanced Solving Options button located on the Solver page. The advanced solving options are only available for use with either the Hysim I/O or Modified I/O
solving methods.
6 Column Property View
Fixed/Ranged Specs
For a Fixed Spec, HYSYS attempts to solve for a specific value. For a Ranged
Spec, the solver attempts to meet the specified value, but if the rest of the specifications are not solved after a set number of iterations, the spec is perturbed
within the interval range provided for the spec until the column converges.
Note: When the solver attempts to meet a Ranged spec, the Wt. Error becomes zero
when the Current Value is within the Ranged interval (as shown on the Monitor page).
Any column specification can be specified over an interval. A Ranged Spec
requires both lower and upper specification values to be entered. This option
(when enabled), can help solve columns where some specifications can be varied over an interval to meet the rest of the specifications.
Primary/Alternate Specs
A Primary Spec must be met for the column solution to converge. An Alternate
Spec can be used to replace an existing hard to solve specification during a
column solution. The solver first attempts to meet an active Alternate spec
value, but if the rest of the specifications are not solved after a minimum number of iterations, the active Alternate spec is replaced by an inactive Alternate
Note: When an existing spec is replaced by an alternate spec during a column solution,
the Current check box is cleared for the original (not met) spec and is selected for the
alternate spec.
Note: The number of active Alternate specs must always equal the number of inactive
Alternate specs.
This option (when enabled), can help solve columns where some specifications
can be ignored (enabling another) to meet the rest of the specifications and converge the column.
Note: Both Ranged or Alternate Specs must be enabled and configured using the
Advanced Solving Options Button located on the Solver page of the Parameters tab before
they can be applied during a column solution.
Specification Tolerances for Solver
The Solver Tolerances feature allows you to specify individual tolerances for
your Column specifications. In addition to HYSYS converging to a solution for
the Heat/Spec and Equilibrium Errors, the individual specification tolerances
must also be satisfied. HYSYS first performs iterations until the Heat/Spec
(inner loop), and Equilibrium (outer loop) errors are within specified tolerances.
The Column specifications do not have individual tolerances during this initial
iteration process; the specification errors are “lumped” into the Heat/Spec
Error. Once the Heat/Spec and Equilibrium conditions are met, HYSYS proceeds
to compare the error with the tolerance for each individual specification. If any
6 Column Property View
of these tolerances are not met, HYSYS iterates through the Heat/Spec, and
Equilibrium loops again to produce another converged solution. The specification errors and tolerances are again compared, and the process continues
until both the inner/outer loops and the specification criteria are met.
Specific Solver Tolerances can be provided for each individual specification.
HYSYS calculates two kinds of errors for each specification:
an absolute error
a weighted error
Note: When the Weighted and Absolute Errors are less than their respective tolerances, an Active specification has converged.
The absolute error is simply the absolute value of the difference between the
calculated and specified values:
The Weighted Error is a function of a particular specification type. When a specification is active, the convergence algorithm is trying to meet the Weighted
Tolerances (Absolute Tolerances are only used if no Weighted Tolerances are
specified, or the weighted tolerances are not met).
Therefore, both the weighted and absolute errors must be less than their
respective tolerances for an active specification to converge. HYSYS provides
default values for all specification tolerances, but any tolerance can be
changed. For example, if you are dealing with ppm levels of crucial components, composition tolerances can be set tighter (smaller) than the other specification tolerances. If you delete any tolerances, HYSYS cannot apply the
individual specification criteria to that specification, and Ignore appears in the
tolerance input field.
The specification tolerance feature is simply an “extra” to permit you to work
with individual specifications and change their tolerances if desired.
Specification Details Group
For a highlighted specification in the Column Specifications group, the following
information appears:
Spec Name
Convergence Condition. If the weighted and absolute errors are
within their tolerances, the specification has converged and Yes appears.
Status. You can manipulate the Active and Use As Estimate check
Dry Flow Basis. Draw specifications are calculated on a dry flow basis
by selecting the Dry Flow Basis check box. This option is only available for draw specifications. The check box is grayed out if it does not
apply to the specification chosen.
Spec Type. You can select between Fixed/Ranged and Primary/Alternate specs.
6 Column Property View
Specified and Current Calculated Values.
Weighted/Absolute Tolerance and Calculated Error.
Note: You can edit any specification values (in the Column property view) shown in blue.
Specs Summary Page
The Specs Summary page lists all Column specifications available along with
relevant information. This specification information is shared with the Monitor
page and Specs page. Altering information in one location automatically
updates across all other locations.
Note: You can edit any specification details shown in blue.
Note: You can double-click in a specification cell to open its property view.
Refer to the section on the Specification Property View for more details.
Subcooling Page
The Subcooling page allows you to specify subcooling for products coming off
the condenser of your column. You can specify the condenser product temperature or the degrees to subcool. For columns without condensers, such as
absorbers, this page requires no additional information.
Note: The Subcooling page is not available for Liquid-Liquid Extractor.
Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor where you can record any comments or
information regarding the specific unit operation, or your simulation case in general.
Parameters Tab
The Parameters tab shows the column calculation results, and is used to define
some basic parameters for the Column solution. The Parameters tab consists of
six pages:
2/3 Phase
6 Column Property View
Profiles Page
The Profiles page shows the column pressure profile, and provides estimates
for the temperature, net liquid and net vapor flow for each stage of the column.
You can specify tray estimates in the Temperature column, Net Liquid column
and Net vapor column, or view the values calculated by HYSYS.
The graph below depicts the pressure profile across the column.
Use the radio buttons in the Flow Basis group to select the flow type you want
displayed in the Net Liquid and Net vapor columns. The Flow Basis group contains three radio buttons:
Note: At least one iteration must have occurred for HYSYS to convert between bases. In
this way, values for the compositions on each tray are available.
The buttons in the Steady State Profiles group are defined as follows:
from Solution
Transfers the current values that HYSYS has calculated for the trays into
the appropriate cells. Estimates that have been Locked (displayed in blue)
are not updated. The Column Profiles page on the Performance tab allows
you to view all the current values.
Deletes values for the selected tray.
Clear All
Deletes values for all trays.
6 Column Property View
Changes all italicized values for Optional Estimates (unlocked estimates,
current values, and interpolated values) to bold (locked), which means
that they cannot be overwritten by current values when you click the
Update from Solution button.
Changes all bold values (locked) to italicized (unlocked). Unlocked values
are overwritten by current values when you click the Update from Solution button.
Displays the temperature, molar flow, and enthalpy of all streams attached
to the column operation.
Although the Profiles page is mainly used for steady state simulation, it does
contain vital information for running a column in dynamics. One of the most
important aspects of running a column in dynamics is the pressure profile.
While a steady state column can run with zero pressure drop across a Tower,
the dynamic column requires a pressure drop. In dynamics, an initial pressure
profile is required before the column can run. This profile can be from the
steady state model or can be added in dynamics. If a new Tower is created in
Dynamic mode, the pressure profile can be obtained from the streams if not directly specified. In either case, the closer the initial pressure profile is to the
one calculated while running in dynamics, the fewer problems you encounter.
Note: If you opt to use the Internals tab to analyze different column Internals configurations with Column Analysis, all liquid results apply to the liquid leaving a tray and
include any liquid draw from the tray. All vapor results apply only to vapor entering a tray.
Estimates Page
The Estimates page allows you to view and specify composition estimates.
Note: To see the initial estimates generated by HYSYS, click the View Initial Estimates button on the Monitor page.
When you specify estimates on stages that are not adjacent to each other,
HYSYS cannot interpolate values for intermediate stages until the solution
algorithm begins.
Note: Estimates are not required for column convergence.
You can specify tray by tray component composition estimates for the vapor
phase or liquid phase. Each composition estimate is on a mole fraction basis, so
values must be between 0 and 1.
HYSYS interpolates intermediate tray component values when you specify compositions for non-adjacent trays. The interpolation is on a log basis. Unlike the
temperature estimates, the interpolation for the compositions does not wait for
the algorithm to begin. Select either the Vap or Liq radio button in the Phase
group to display the table for the vapor or liquid phase, respectively.
6 Column Property View
The Composition Estimates group has the following buttons:
Clear Tray
Deletes all values, including user specified (blue) and HYSYS generated
(red), for the selected tray.
HYSYS does not ask for confirmation before deleting estimates.
Clear All
Deletes all values for all trays.
Transfers the current values which HYSYS has calculated for tray compositions into the appropriate cells. Estimates that have been locked
(shown in blue) cannot be updated.
Removes all HYSYS updated values from the table, and replaces them with
your estimates and their corresponding interpolated values. Any cells that
did not contain estimates or interpolated values are shown as <empty>.
This button essentially reverses the effect of the Update button.
HYSYS does not ask for confirmation before deleting estimates.
If you had entered some estimate values, click the Unlock Estimates button, and click the Update button. All the values in the table appear in red.
You can restore your estimated values by clicking the Restore button.
Normalizes the values on a tray so that the total of the composition fractions equals 1. HYSYS ignores <empty> cells, and normalizes the compositions on a tray provided that there is at least one cell containing a
Changes all red values (unlocked estimates, current values, interpolated
values) to blue (locked), which means that they cannot be overwritten by
current values when the Update button is clicked.
Changes all blue values (locked) to red (unlocked). Unlocked values are
overwritten by current values when the Update button is clicked.
Efficiencies Page
The Efficiencies page allows you to specify Column stage efficiencies on an
overall or component-specific basis. Efficiencies for a single stage or a section
of stages can easily be specified.
Note: Fractional efficiencies cannot be given for the condenser or reboiler stages.
Note: The functionality of this page is slightly different when working with the Amine
Property Package.
HYSYS uses a modified Murphree stage efficiency. All values are initially set to
1.0, which is consistent with the assumption of ideal equilibrium or theoretical
stages. If this assumption is not valid for your column, you have the option of
specifying the number of actual stages, and changing the efficiencies for one or
more stages.
The modified Murphree stage efficiency equation is as follows:
6 Column Property View
E = Efficiency
Vn = Total vapor flow leaving stage n (if the stage has a side vapor
draw, then the side vapor draw flow is included)
y = Vapor mole fraction
Kn × xn = Composition of vapor in equilibrium with the stage liquid
x = Liquid mole fraction
n = Stage number (measured top-down)
This equation applies to both component and overall stage efficiencies. If you
specify an overall stage efficiency, HYSYS will assign each component the same
Note: If the vapor flow is constant (in other words, Vn = Vn+1, constant molar overflow),
then the modified efficiency reduces to the standard Murphree stage efficiency.
To specify an efficiency to multiple cells, highlight the desired cells, enter a
value in the Eff. Multi-Spec field, and click the Specify button.
The data table on the Efficiencies page gives a stage-by-stage efficiency summary.
Note: The efficiencies are fractional. In other words, an efficiency of 1.0 corresponds to
100% efficiency.
Overall stage efficiencies can be specified by selecting the Overall radio button
in the Efficiency Type group, and entering values in the appropriate cells.
Component-specific efficiencies can be specified by selecting the Component
radio button, and entering values in the appropriate cells.
Application Considerations for Murphree Efficiencies
Stage efficiencies or component efficiencies can be calibrated to match a given
set of column operating data. You can adjust the Murphree efficiency to match
column operating data when:
Efficiency is unknown
Actual column operating data is available
Note: Adjusted efficiencies are not predictive and will not necessarily give good results if
column operating conditions change.
Use of Murphree efficiencies has certain limitations and implications. Non-judicious specification of these efficiency values can lead to unrealistic column results. They should be used with care. Whenever possible, efficiency values
should be calibrated against plant data. The following implications should be
6 Column Property View
When stage Murphree efficiencies are specified, the calculated vapor
phase may not be at saturation.
When component Murphree efficiencies are specified, both the calculated
vapor and liquid phases may not be at saturation.
Special Case - Amine Property Package
Starting in HYSYS V8.3, you can no longer add an Amine property package
when creating a new case. For cases created prior to V8.3 that include an
Amine package, you can opt to continue using the Amine package. However, we
recommend that you switch to the Acid Gas - Chemical Solvents package.
Note: HYSYS now offers seamless conversion from the Amine package to the Acid Gas Chemical Solvents package. When you open a HYSYS case which includes the Amine
Pkg selection, a dialog box appears, recommending that you switch to the new Acid Gas
package for gas treating. The Acid Gas package provides an easy to set up and accurate
column solver and offers superior thermodynamics and mass transfer rate-based distillation.
If you select the Switch Amines to Acid Gas button, your case is converted to
Acid Gas. A backup of your current case is created, ensuring that none of your data
is lost in this conversion. A conversion report is also logged, informing you about
any warnings or errors that occurred during the conversion.
Only Amine property packages that are used in the flowsheet are converted, since
for an unused package, there is no unit operation with which to associate it.
Depending on the unit operation, either Acid Gas - Chemical Solvents or Acid
Gas - Liquid Treating may be used.
When solving a column for a case using the Amine Property Package, HYSYS
always uses stage efficiencies for H2S and CO2 component calculations. If
these are not specified on the Efficiencies page of the Column property view,
HYSYS calculates values based on the tray dimensions. Tray dimensions can be
specified on the Amines page of the Parameters tab. If column dimensions
are not specified, HYSYS uses its default tray values to determine the efficiency
If you specify values for the CO2 and H2S efficiencies, these are the values that
HYSYS uses to solve the column. If you want to solve the column again using
efficiencies generated by HYSYS, click the Reset H2S, CO2 button, which is
available on the Efficiencies page. Run the column again, and HYSYS calculates and displays the new values for the efficiencies.
Select the Transpose check box to change the component efficiency matrix so
that the rows list components and the columns list the stages.
Note: The Reset H2S, CO2 button, and the Transpose check box are available only if
the Efficiency Type is set to Component.
6 Column Property View
Solver Page
You can manipulate how the column solves the column variables on the Solver
Note: The Solving Method Group, Acceleration Group, and Damping Group will have different information displayed according to the options selected within the group.
Solving Options Group
Specify your preferences for the column solving behavior in the Solving
Options group.
Maximum Number of Iterations
The Column convergence process terminates if the maximum number of iterations is reached. The default value is 10000, and applies to the outer iterations. If you are using Newton's method, and the inner loop does not converge
within 50 iterations, the convergence process terminates.
Equilibrium and Heat/Spec Tolerances
Convergence tolerances are pre-set to very tight values, thus ensuring that
regardless of the starting estimates (if provided) for column temperatures,
flow rates, and compositions, HYSYS always converges to the same solution.
However, you have the option of changing these two values if you want. Default
values are:
Inner Loop. Heat and Spec Error: 5.000e-04
Outer Loop. Equilibrium Error: 1.000e-05
Because the default values are already very small, you should use caution in
making them any smaller. You should not make these tolerances looser (larger) for preliminary work to reduce computer time. The time savings are usually minor, if any. Also, if the column is in a recycle or adjust loop, this could
cause difficulty for the loop convergence.
Equilibrium Error
The value of the equilibrium error printed during the column iterations represents the error in the calculated vapor phase mole fractions. The error over
each stage is calculated as one minus the sum of the component vapor phase
mole fractions. This value is then squared; the total equilibrium error is the
sum of the squared values. The total equilibrium error must be less than
0.00001 to be considered a converged column.
Heat and Spec Error
The heat and specification error is the sum of the absolute values of the heat
error and the specification error, summed over each stage in the tower.
6 Column Property View
This total value is divided by the number of inner loop equations. The heat error
contribution is the heat flow imbalance on each tray divided by the total average heat flow through the stage.
The specification error contribution is the sum of each individual specification
error divided by an appropriate normalization factor.
For component(s) flow, the normalization factor is the actual component
(s) flow.
For composition, it is the actual mole fraction.
For vapor pressure and temperature, it is a value of 5000.
And so forth.
The total sum of heat and spec errors must be less than 0.0005 to be considered a converged column.
The allowed equilibrium error and heat and spec error are tighter than in most
programs, but this is necessary to avoid meta-stable solutions, and to ensure
satisfactory column heat and material balances.
Save Solution as Initial Estimate
This option is on by default, and it saves converged solutions as estimates for
the next solution.
Super Critical Handling Model
Supercritical phase behavior occurs when one or more Column stages are operating above the critical point of one or more components. During the convergence process, supercritical behavior can be encountered on one or more
stages in the Column. If HYSYS encounters supercritical phase behavior, appropriate messages appear in the Trace Window.
HYSYS cannot use the equation of state or activity model in the supercritical
range, so an alternate method must be used. You can specify which method you
want HYSYS to use to model the phase behavior. There are three choices for
supercritical calculations:
Simple K
The default method. HYSYS calculates K-values for the components based
on the vapor pressure model being used. Using this method, the K-values
which are calculated are ideal K-values.
When supercritical conditions are encountered, HYSYS reduces the pressure on all trays by an internally determined factor, which can be seen in
the Trace Window when the Verbose option is used. This factor is gradually
decreased until supercritical conditions no longer exist on any tray, at which
point, the pressure in the column is gradually increased to your specified
pressure. If supercritical conditions are encountered during the pressure
increase, the pressure is once again reduced and the process is repeated.
6 Column Property View
When supercritical conditions are encountered on a tray, HYSYS searches
for the closest tray above which does not have supercritical behavior. The
non-supercritical conditions are substituted in the phase calculations for
the tray with supercritical conditions.
Trace Level
The Trace Level defines the level of detail for messages displayed in the Trace
Window, and can be set to Low, Medium, or High. The default is Low.
Initialize from Ideal K’s
When this check box is selected, HYSYS initializes its column solution using
ideal K values which are calculated from vapor pressure correlations. The ideal
K-value option, which is also used by HYSIM, increases the compatibility
between HYSIM and HYSYS.
By default, the Initialize from Ideal K's check box is cleared. HYSYS uses
specified composition estimates or generates estimates to rigorously calculate
Two Liquids Check
The Two Liquids Check drop-down list lets you specify a check for two liquid
phases in the column. You can select from the following options:
No 2 Liq Check: Disables the two liquid check.
2 Liquid Check: The calculation is based on the overall composition of
the fluid in the column.
Tighten Water Tolerance
When this check box is selected, HYSYS increases the contribution of the water
balance error to the overall balance error in order to solve columns with water
more accurately. The default setting for this check box is cleared.
Solving Method Group
The Solving Method drop-down list allows you to select the column solution
The display field, which appears below the drop-down list, provides explanations for each method, and is restated here:
General purpose method, which is good for most problems.
6 Column Property View
General purpose method, which allows mixer, tee, and heat
exchangers inside the column subflowsheet.
Newton Raphson InsideOut
General purpose method, which allows liquid-phase kinetic reactions
inside the Column subflowsheet.
An equation based solver. It supports two liquid phases on the trays,
and its main use is for solving highly non-ideal chemical systems and
reactive distillation.
Simultaneous method using dogleg methods. Good for chemical systems. This method also supports reactive distillation.
OLI Solver
Only used to calculate the column unit operation in an electrolyte system.
Only a simple Heat Exchanger Model (Calculated from Column) is available in the Column subflowsheet. The Simple Rating, End-Point, and
Weighted models are not available.
With the “inside-out” based algorithms, simple equilibrium and enthalpy models
are used in the inner loop to solve the overall component and heat balances as
well as any specifications. The outer loop updates the simple thermodynamic
models with rigorous model calculations.
Sparse Continuation Solver Control Panel
When the Sparse Continuation Solver is selected, the Control button becomes
available. This button brings up the Sparse Continuation Solver Control Panel.
This panel gives you the following options:
Liquid Fugacity Model
Temp Only
Temp and Composition
Property Package
Vapor Fugacity Model
Temp Only
Temp and Composition
Property Package
Liquid Enthalpy Model
Simple Liquid Model
Property Package
Vapor Enthalpy Model
Simple Liquid Model
Property Package
6 Column Property View
Select the Chemical Defaults radio button in the Phase Fugacity Models group
to use the following default settings:
Liquid Fugacity Model - Property Package
Vapor Fugacity Model - Temp and Composition
Liquid Enthalpy Model - Simple Liquid Model
Vapor Enthalpy Model - Simple vapor Model
Select the Hydrocarbon Defaults radio button in the Phase Fugacity Models
group to use the following default settings:
Liquid Fugacity Model - Temp and Composition
Vapor Fugacity Model - Temp Only
Liquid Enthalpy Model - Simple Liquid Model
Vapor Enthalpy Model - Simple vapor Model
Note: Whenever you modify any of the default settings, the User Specified radio button
becomes active.
General Features of the Solving Methods
The following table displays the general features of all the HYSYS column solving methods.
Total Efficiency
Side Draw
Side Stripper
Side Rectifier
6 Column Property View
Mixer &
Tee in
Acceleration Group
When selected, the Accelerate K value & H Model Parameters check box
displays two fields, which relate to an acceleration program called the Dominant Eigenvalue Method (DEM).
The DEM is a numerical solution program, which accelerates convergence of the
simple model K values and enthalpy parameters. It is similar to the Wegstein
accelerator, with the main difference being that the DEM considers all interactions between the variables being accelerated. The DEM is applied independently to each stage of the column.
Note: Use the acceleration option if you find that the equilibrium error is decreasing
slowly during convergence. This should help to speed up convergence. Notice that the
Accelerate K value & H Model Parameters check box should NOT be selected for Azeotropic
columns, as convergence tends to be impeded.
The listed DEM parameters include:
Select either Conservative or Aggressive. With the Conservative
approach, smaller steps are taken in the iterative procedure, thus
decreasing the chance of a bad step.
Allows you to choose the number of data points from previous iterations
that the accelerator program uses to obtain a solution.
Damping Group
Choose the Damping method by selecting either the Fixed or Adaptive radio button.
6 Column Property View
Fixed Damping
If you select the Fixed radio button, you can specify the damping factor. The
damping factor controls the step size used in the outer loop when updating the
simple thermodynamic models used in the inner loop. For the vast majority of
hydrocarbon-oriented towers, the default value of 1.0 is appropriate, which permits a full adjustment step. However, should you encounter a tower where the
heat and specification errors become quite small, but the equilibrium errors
diverge or oscillate and converge very slowly, try reducing the damping factor
to a value between 0.3 and 0.9. Alternatively, you could enable Adaptive Damping, allowing HYSYS to automatically adjust this factor.
Note: Changing the damping factor has an effect on problems where the heat and spec
error does not converge.
There are certain types of columns, which definitely require a special damping
Use the following table as a guideline in setting up the initial value.
Type of Column
All hydrocarbon columns from demethanizers to debutanizers to crude
distillation units
Non-hydrocarbon columns including air separation, nitrogen rejection
Most petrochemical columns including C2= and C3= splitters, BTX
Amines absorber
Amines regenerator, TEG strippers, sour water strippers
0.25 to 0.50
Highly non-ideal chemical columns without azeotropes
0.25 to 0.50
Highly non-ideal chemical columns with azeotropes
0.50 to -1.0*
Note: The Azeotropic check box on the Solver page of the Parameters tab must be selected for an azeotropic column to converge.
As shown in the table above, an azeotropic column requires the azeotrope
check box to be enabled. There are two ways to indicate to HYSYS that you are
simulating an azeotropic column:
Enter a negative damping factor, and HYSYS automatically selects the
Azeotropic check box.
Enter a positive value for the damping factor, and select the Azeotropic
check box.
Note: The absolute value of the damping factor is always displayed.
6 Column Property View
Adaptive Damping
If you select the Adaptive radio button, the Damping matrix displays three
fields. HYSYS updates the damping factor as the column solution is calculated,
depending on the Damping Period and convergence behavior.
Specifies the starting point for adaptive damping.
The default Adaptive Damping Period is ten. In this case, after the tenth
iteration, HYSYS looks at the last ten errors to see how many times the
error increased rather than decreased. If the error increased more than
the acceptable tolerance, this is an indication that the convergence is likely
cycling, and the current damping factor is then multiplied by 0.7. Every
ten iterations, the same analysis is done to see if the damping factor
should be further decreased. Alternatively, if the error increased only once
in the last period, the damping factor is increased to allow for quicker convergence.
Reset Initial Damping Factor
If this check box is selected, the current damping factor is used the next
time the column is solved.
If this check box is cleared, the damping factor before adaptive damping
was applied is used.
Initialization Algorithm Radio Buttons
There are two types of method for the initialization algorithm calculation:
Standard Initialization radio button uses the traditional initialization
algorithm in HYSYS.
Program Generates Estimations radio button uses a new functionality that handles the cases where the traditional initialization does
The following list situations when the Program Generates Estimations (PGE) initialization method is used:
The PGE initialization handles systems with more than 25 components
while the standard initialization does not handle systems with more than
25 components without the user’s initial estimation.
When column does not converge with the standard initialization method
(default), switching to PEG may converge the column. The new algorithm
eliminates the discrepancy in the temperature and component estimates, which may exist in standard initialization.
Initial Estimate Generator Parameters
You can enable the initial estimate generator (IEG) by selecting the Dynamic
Integration for IEG check box. The IEG then performs iterative flash
6 Column Property View
calculations (NRSolver, PV, and PH) to provide initial estimates for the temperature and composition profiles. No user estimates are required when the
Dynamic Integration for IEG check box is selected.
Click the Dynamic Estimates Integrator button, and the Col Dynamic
Estimates property view appears.
Col Dynamic Estimates Property View
The Col Dynamic Estimates property view allows you to further define the
dynamic estimates parameters.
You can set parameters for the time period over which the dynamic estimates
are calculated, as well as set the calculation tolerance. A selected Active check
box indicates that the Dynamic Integration for IEG is on. Select either the Adiabatic or Isothermal radio button to set the dynamic initialization flash type.
If you want to generate the dynamic estimates without running the column, you
can do so from this property view by clicking the Start button. If you want to
stop calculations before the specified time has elapsed, click the Stop button.
You do not have to manually click the Start button to generate the estimates; if
the Dynamic Integration for IEG option is active, HYSYS generates them automatically whenever the column is running.
The Shortcut Mode check box allows you to bypass this step once a set of estimates is generated, that is, once the column has converged.
Note: If you are running simulation with an iterative solving procedure where the column
has to be calculated several times, it is a good idea to select this option to save on calculation time.
Advanced Solving Options Button
When you click the Advanced Solving Options button, the Advanced Solving
Options property view appears.
6 Column Property View
The Sequence to Apply Advanced Options is the order in which the solving
options are executed is based on the priority. The “Can be used” check boxes
must be selected in order to enable a particular option. These check boxes are
only enabled if the corresponding spec type exists.
All the Alternate active specs can be replaced on an individual spec basis or
all specs simultaneously. The alternative (active) spec with the larger error is
replaced with an alternative inactive spec with minimum error.
Note: If the Column converges on an Alternate or Ranged Spec, the status bar reads
“Converged - Alternate Specs” highlighted in purple.
On the Advanced Solving Options property view, each solving option (for
example, Alternate, Ranged, and Autoreset) has a solving priority and also a
check box option. To use a particular solving option, you have to select the corresponding check box. You must also specify the priority of the solving method.
This is the order in which the solving options are executed (either first, second
or third).
6 Column Property View
Advanced solving options cannot be used until the minimum number of iterations are met. If the column is not solved after the minimum number of iterations, the solver switches to an advanced solving option according to the
solving priority. This process is repeated until all the solving options have been
attempted or the column converges.
Note: When a column is in recycle, by default, the solver switches to the original set of
specs after each recycle iteration or the next time the column solves.
2/3 Phase Page
The 2/3 Phase page is relevant only when you are working with three-phase distillation. On this page, you can check for the presence of two liquid phases on
each stage of your column.
Note: This page is not available for Liquid-Liquid Extractor.
The Liquid Phase Detection table lists the liquid molar flow rates on each tray of
the Tower, including the reboiler and the condenser.
In order for HYSYS to check for two liquid phases on any given stage, select the
check box in the Check column. If a second liquid phase is calculated, this is
indicated in the Detected column, and by a calculated flowrate value in the
L2Rate column. The buttons in the Liquid Phase Detection group serve as aids in
selecting and clearing the trays that you want to check.
Note: Checking for liquid phases in a three phase distillation tower greatly increases the
solution time. Typically, checking the top few stages only, provides reasonable results.
The 2nd Liquid Type group allows you to specify the type of calculation HYSYS
performs when checking for a second liquid phase. When the Pure radio button
is selected, HYSYS checks only for pure water as the second phase. This helps
save calculation time when working with complex hydrocarbon systems. When
you want a more rigorous calculation, select the Rigorous radio button.
Note: By default, HYSYS selects Pure for all hydrocarbon, and Rigorous for all chemical
based distillations. This default selection criteria is based on the type of fluid package used
but you can always change it.
Auto Water Draws Button
The Auto Water Draws (AWD) option allows for the automatic adding and removing of total aqueous phase draws depending on the conditions in the converged
Note: The Auto Water Draws facility is available for IO and MIO solvers.
AWD updating process is based on direct check of stage fluid phases. The direct
check follows the Two Liquids Check Based on control criteria for detecting the
aqueous phase. AWD mode is not available if No 2 Liq Check option is selected.
6 Column Property View
Note: The Two Liquids Check Based on drop-down list is located in the Parameters tab of
the Solver page in the Solving Options group.
To manipulate the AWD option, click the Auto Water Draws button to open the
Auto Water Draws property view.
Note: The Auto Water Draws button is available in both column subflowsheet and main
The Auto Water Draws property view contains the following objects:
Select this check box to activate the Auto Water Draws mode.
The threshold value allows variation of the condition for 2nd liquid phase.
The default value in this cell is 0.001 (same as for Two Liquids Check
based on control).
If you delete the value in this cell, the threshold is set to minimum possible
If this check box is selected, the added draws are not removed.
If this check box is selected, the converged values are preserved as estimates for the next column run.
If this check box is selected, the column Reset option is performed before
each column run.
There are three options of strategy to select from in the Strategy group:
All. All required changes in water draw configuration are done simultaneously.
From Top. Updates on the topmost stage from required is performed.
From Bottom. Updates on the bottommost stage from required is
The All option results typically in multiple water draws with small flows,
and the From Top or From Bottom option results typically in fewer water
All existing water draws are converted to AWDs.
Converts all AWDs to regular draws.
Restores the last successful (in other words, column equation were solved)
AWD configuration.
Deletes all AWDs.
Two more columns are added in the table on the 2/3 Phase page when in Auto
Water Draws mode. These two columns are called AWD and No AWD
6 Column Property View
Set AWD mode for attached water draw by selecting the check boxes
under the AWD column.
If the check box in the No AWD column is selected, no AWD will be
attached to corresponding stage.
Fluid Pkgs Page
A column can use different fluid packages for different stages, including the condenser and the reboiler. The Parameters tab | Fluid Pkgs page property view
lets you change the fluid package for each stage. Use the Change Fluid Pkgs button to change the fluid packages for a range of stages in one click. Note: Multiple fluid packages must be assigned the same component list to be substituted
within the column.
Change Fluid Package Property View
On the parameters - Fluid Pkgs page, click Change Fluid Pkgs... Use this dialog to highlight a target tower and select the range of trays, starting and ending, to accept the new fluid package.
Amines Page
The Amines page appears on the Parameters tab only when working with the
Amines Property Package.
Starting in HYSYS V8.3, you can no longer add an Amine package when creating
a new case. For cases created prior to V8.3 that include an Amine package, you
can opt to continue using the Amine Package. However, we recommend that
you switch to the Acid Gas package.
Note: HYSYS now offers seamless conversion from the Amine package to the Acid Gas
package. When you open a HYSYS case which includes the Amine Pkg selection, a dialog
box appears, recommending that you switch to the new Acid Gas package for gas treating.
The Acid Gas package provides an easy to set up and accurate column solver and offers
superior thermodynamics and mass transfer rate-based distillation. If you select the
Switch Amines to Acid Gas button, your case is converted to Acid Gas. A backup of
your current case is created, ensuring that none of your data is lost in this conversion. A
conversion report is also logged, informing you about any warnings or errors that occurred
during the conversion.
6 Column Property View
There are two groups on the Amine page:
Tower Dimensions for Amine Package
Approach to Equilibrium Results
Tower Dimensions for Amine Package
When solving the column using the Amines package, HYSYS always takes into
account the tray efficiencies, which can either be user-specified, on the Efficiencies page, or calculated by HYSYS. Calculated efficiency values are based
on the tray dimensions specified. The Amines page lists the Tower dimensions
of your column, where you can specify these values that are used to determine
the tray efficiencies in the Tower Dimensions for Amine Package group.
The list includes:
Weir Height
Weir Length
Tray Volume
Tray Diameter
If tray dimensions are not specified, HYSYS uses the default tray dimensions to
determine the efficiency values.
Approach to Equilibrium Results
Approach to Equilibrium values are used for the design, operation, troubleshooting, and de-bottlenecking for the absorption and regeneration columns in an
amine plant. When you are modeling an amine column in HYSYS, you can calculate the Approach to Equilibrium values after the column converges. With this
capability, you can adjust the flowrate of amine to achieve a certain Approach
to Equilibrium value recommended by literature or in-house experts for the
amine column. The extension is compatible with all of the major amine and mixtures of amines (in other words, MEA, DEA, TEA, DGA, DIPA, MDEA, and any
mixtures of these amines).
Note: The extension can only be used on a pre-converged amine treating unit simulation
with the Amine Property Package.
The Approach to Equilibrium extension calculates the Approach to Equilibrium
value of rich amine from the bottom of the absorber column in two methods:
Partial Pressure
Amine Molar Loading
Method 1 Partial Pressure
In this method, the Approach to Equilibrium is defined as the partial pressure of
the acid gas in the rich amine stream exiting the absorber relative to the partial
pressure of the acid gas in the main feed gas stream entering the absorber.
6 Column Property View
The Approach to Equilibrium calculation are as follows:
The Approach to Equilibrium results based on H2S and CO2 are expressed in percentages. When both H2S and CO2 are present, the highest Approach to Equilibrium percentage is usually reported, although both values should be
Amine Molar Loading
Amine Molar Loading is defined as the loading of the rich amine solution leaving
the absorber divided by the equilibrium amine loading, assuming that the
amine is at equilibrium with the feed gas and is at the same temperature as the
rich amine leaving the absorber. The temperature of the rich amine and the
amine in equilibrium with the feed gas are the same. The result is expressed as
a percentage as follows:
In general, the Approach to Equilibrium value calculated by the Partial Pressure
method is greater than the one calculated by the Amine Molar Loading method.
Side Ops Tab
Side strippers, side rectifiers, pump arounds, and vapor bypasses can be added
to the Column from this tab. To install any of these Side Operations, click the
Side Ops Input Expert button or on the appropriate Side Ops page, click the Add
If you are using the Side Ops Input Expert, a wizard guides you through
the entire procedure of adding a side operation to your column.
If you are using the Add button, complete the form which appears, and
then click the Install button.
Specifications that are created when you add a side operation
are automatically added to the Monitor page and Specs page.
For instance, when you add a side stripper, product draw and boilup ratio specs are added. As well, all appropriate operations are
added; for example, with the side stripper (reboiled configuration), a side stripper Tower and reboiler are installed in the
Column subflowsheet.
6 Column Property View
You can view or delete any Side Operation simply by positioning the cursor in
the same line as the Operation, and clicking the View or Delete button.
Note: If you are specifying Side Operations while in the Main simulation environment,
make sure that the Solver is Active. Otherwise, HYSYS cannot register your changes.
Note: The Side Ops tab is not available in the Liquid-Liquid Extractor.
Note: Some solver methods do not allow side ops.
Side Strippers Page
You can install a reboiled or steam-stripped side stripper on this page. You
must specify the number of stages, the liquid draw stage (from the Main
Column), the vapor return stage (to the Main Column), and the product stream
and flow rate (on a molar, mass or volume basis).
For the reboiled configuration, you must specify the boilup ratio, which is the
ratio of the vapor to the liquid leaving the reboiler. For the steam-stripped configuration it is necessary to specify the steam feed.
The property view of the side stripper is shown in the figure below.
When you click the Install button, a side stripper Tower is installed, as well as a
reboiler if you selected the Reboiled configuration.
6 Column Property View
By default, the Tower is named SS1, the reboiler is named SS1_Reb, and the
reboiler duty stream is named SS1_Energy. As you add additional Side strippers, the index increases (for example SS2, SS3, and so forth).
Note: To change the side stripper draw and return stages from the Column property view,
the Solver must be Active in the Main simulation environment.
Side Rectifiers Page
As with the side stripper, you must specify the number of stages, the liquid
draw stage, and the vapor return stage.
The vapor and liquid product rates, as well as the reflux ratio are also required.
These specifications are added to the Monitor page and Specs page of the
Column property view.
When you install the side rectifier, a side rectifier Tower and partial condenser
are added. By default, the Tower is named SR_1, the condenser is named SR_
1_Cond, and the condenser duty stream is named SR_1_Energy.
Pump Arounds Page
When you install the pump around, a Cooler is also installed. The default pump
around specifications are the pump around rate and temperature drop. These
are added on the Monitor page and Specs page of the Column property view.
After you click the Install button, the Pump Around property view allows you to
change pump around specifications, and view pump around calculated information.
Note: When installing a Pump Around, it is necessary to specify the draw stage, return
stage, molar flow, and duty.
Vap Bypasses Page
As with the Pump Around, it is necessary to specify the draw and return stage,
as well as the molar flow and duty for the vapor bypass. When you install the
vapor bypass, the draw temperature and flowrate appear on the vapor bypass
property view.
The vapor bypass flowrate is automatically added as a specification. The figure
below shows the vapor bypass property view once the side operation has been
6 Column Property View
Side Draws Page
The Side Draws page allows you to view and edit information regarding the side
draw streams in the column. The following information is included on this page:
Draw Stream
Draw Stage
Type (Vapor, Liquid, or Water)
Mole Flow
Mass Flow
Volume Flow
Internals Tab
Refer to Column Internals Tab for information regarding the Internals tab.
6 Column Property View
Rating Tab
The Rating tab has several pages, which are described in the table below.
Provides information regarding Tower sizing. On this page, you can specify
the following:
Tower (Name)
Uniform Section. When this option is selected all tray stages have
the same physical setup (diameter, tray type, and so forth).
Internal Type (tray type)
Tray/Packed Space
Tray/Packed Volume
Disable Heat Loss Calcs
Heat Model
Rating Calculations
Hold Up (ft3). If you delete the weir height, you can then enter the
hold up value, and the weir height is back-calculated.
Weeping Factor. The value is used to adjust the weeping in
dynamic mode for low pressure drops.
Tray Sizing Analysis for Costing. Select which tray sizing utility
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer needs to use for sizing.
Note: No HYSYS calculations change as a result of selecting a tray
sizing utility associated with costing.
Provides information regarding vessel sizing. On this page, you can specify
the following:
Vessel (Name)
Vessel has a Boot
Boot Diameter
Boot Length
Hold Up (ft3)
Contains a list of Other Equipment in the Column flowsheet.
6 Column Property View
Contains information regarding pressure drop across the column. On this
page you can specify the following information:
Pressure Tolerance
Pressure Drop Tolerance
Damping Factor
Maximum Pressure Iterations
Top and Bottom column pressures
Towers Page
The Towers page contains all the required information for correctly sizing the
column Towers.
Note: The required size information for the Tower can be calculated using the Tray Sizing
The Tower diameter, weir length, weir height, and the tray spacing are required
for an accurate and stable dynamic simulation. You must specify all the information on this page. With the exception of the tray volume, no other calculations
are performed on this page. (The required size information for the Tower can
be calculated using a Tray Sizing Analysis.)
For multipass trays, simply enter the column diameter and the appropriate
total weir length.
To complete the Tower Sizing form:
1. Specify the following sizing information for each Tower: Diameter and
Tray/Packed Space. The Tray Volume is calculated from these parameters.
2. Select the Disable Heat Loss Calcs check box to ignore the effects of
heat loss.
3. From the Heat Model drop-down list, select one of the following models: None, Direct Q, Simple, or Detailed.
4. Select the Rating Calculations check box to enable rating calculations.
5. Use the Tray Sizing Analysis for Costing drop down list to select the
tray sizing utility Aspen Process Economic Analyzer (APEA) must use for
sizing for a particular tray / packed section.
Note: This entry is only relevant to APEA - no HYSYS calculations change as a result of selecting a tray sizing utility associated with costing.
6 Column Property View
Vessels Page
The Vessels page contains the necessary sizing information for the different
vessels in the column subflowsheet.
To complete the Vessels form:
1. From the Orientation drop-down list, select one of the following vessel
orientations for each vessel in the Vessel Sizing table: Horizontal or
2. For each vessel in the Vessel Sizing table, specify two of the following
sizing parameters: Diameter, Length/Height, or Volume.
3. Select the Vessel has a Boot check box to simulate the vessel with a
boot. Specify the Boot Diameter and Boot Length in the appropriate
Equipment Page
The Equipment page contains a list of all the additional equipment, which is
part of the column subflowsheet. The list does not contain equipment, which is
part of the original template. Any extra equipment, which is added to the subflowsheet (pump arounds, side strippers, and so forth) is listed here. Doubleclicking on the equipment name opens its property view on the Rating tab.
Note: This page is not available in the Liquid-Liquid Extractor.
Pressure Drop Page
The Pressure Drop page allows you to specify the pressure drop across individual trays in the Towers. The pressure at each individual stage can also be
specified. The Pressure Solving Options group allows you to adjust the following
Pressure Tolerance
Pressure Drop Tolerance
Damping Factor
Maximum Pressure Iterations
To specify the tray pressure profile:
1. In the Pressure column, specify the pressure for each of the stages in
the column. You are only required to specify a top stage (or condenser)
and bottom stage (or reboiler) pressure in order for HYSYS to solve the
column. However, the more data you can input, the faster the column
will solve. The remaining stage pressures are calculated by HYSYS.
2. In the Pressure Tolerance field, specify the tolerance you want to use
when calculating the pressures of each stage.
3. In the Pressure Drop Tolerance field, specify the tolerance you want
6 Column Property View
to use when calculating the pressure drops of each stage.
4. In the Damping Factor field, specify the damping factor.
5. In the Max Press Iterations field, specify the maximum number of
iterations you want the solver to try before failing.
Damping Factor Guidelines
Type of Column
All hydrocarbon columns from demethanizers to debutanizers to crude
distillation units.
Non-hydrocarbon columns including air separation, nitrogen rejection.
Most petrochemical columns including C2= and C3= splitters, BTX
Amines absorber
Amines regenerator, TEG strippers, sour water strippers
0.25 to 0.50
Highly non-ideal chemical columns without azeotropes.
0.25 to 0.50
Highly non-ideal chemical columns with azeotropes.
0.50 to -1.0
Note: This page is not available in the Liquid-Liquid Extractor.
Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information contained in the
stream property view for all the streams attached to the unit operation. The PF
Specs page contains a summary of the stream property view’s Dynamics tab.
Note: The Column Environment also has its own Workbook.
Performance Tab
On the Performance tab, you can view the results of a converged column on the
Summary page, Column Profiles page, and Feeds/Products page. You can also
view the graphical and tabular presentation of the column profile on the Plots
Note: You can view the results in molar, mass or liquid volume, by selecting the appropriate basis radio button.
6 Column Property View
Summary Page
The Summary page gives a tabular summary of the feed and product stream
compositions, flows or the % recovery of the components in the product
streams. When you select the Recovery radio button, the Feed table displays
the feed stream flowrate.
The Products table displays the flow rate of each of the column product
streams and either the composition (Composition radio button is active), flow
rate (Flows radio button is active), or percent recovery (Recovery radio button is active) of each of the components in the product streams.
Column Profiles Page
The Column Profiles page gives a tabular summary of Column stage temperatures, pressures, flows, and duties.
The Reflux Ratio and Reboil Ratio are displayed in the upper left
corner of the page.
If the Flows radio button is selected, the table displays the Temperature, Pressure, Net Liquid Flow, Net Vapor Flow, Net Feed
Rate, Net Draw Rates, and Duty.
If the Energy radio button is selected, the table displays the Temperature, Liquid Enthalpy, Vapor Enthalpy, and Heat Loss. The
Heat Loss column is empty if no heat loss model has been selected (see
the Towers page on the Rating tab).
You can change the basis for which the data appears by selecting the
appropriate radio button from the Basis group.
Note: The liquid and vapor flows are net flows for each stage.
Note: The Heat Loss column is empty unless you select a heat flow model in the column
subflowsheet of Main TS property view on the Rating tab.
Feeds/Products Page
The Feeds/Products page gives a tabular summary of feed and product streams
tray entry/exit, temperatures, pressures, flows, and duties.
You can change the basis of the data by selecting the appropriate radio button
from the Basis group. For the feeds and draw Streams, the VF column to the
right of each flow value indicates whether the flow is vapor (V) or liquid (L). If
the feed has been split, a star (*) follows the phase designation. If there is a
duty stream on a stage, “Energy” appears in the Type column. The direction of
the energy stream is indicated by the sign of the duty.
Note: You can split a feed stream into its phase components either on the Setup page of
the Flowsheet tab in the column property view or on the Options page of the Simulation
tab in the Session Preferences property view.
6 Column Property View
Plots Page
On the Plots page, you can view various column profiles or assay curves in a
graphical or tabular format.
Select the Live Updates check box to update the profiles with every pass of
the solver (in other words, a dynamic update). This check box is cleared by
default, because the performance of the column can be a bit slower if the check
box is selected and a profile is open.
Tray by Tray Properties Group
To view a column profile, follow this generalized procedure:
1. Select a profile from the list in the Tray by Tray Properties group. The
choices include: Temperature, Pressure, Flow, Transport Properties,
Composition, K Value, Light/Heavy Key, and Electrolyte Properties.
Note: Electrolyte Properties are only available for cases with an electrolyte system.
2. In the Column Tray Ranges group, select the appropriate radio button:
Displays the selected profile for all trays connected to the column
(for example, main Tower, side strippers, condenser, reboiler, and so
From the drop-down list, select a Tower.
Use the drop-down lists to specify a specific range of the column. The
first field contains the tray that is located at a higher spot in the
tower (for example, for top to bottom tray numbering, the first field
could be tray 3 and the second tray 6).
The main Tower along with the condenser and reboiler are considered one section, as is each side stripper.
3. After selecting a tray range, click either the View Graph button or the
View Table button to display a plot or table respectively.
To make changes to the plot, right-click in the plot area, and select Graph Control from the object inspect menu.
Note: Plots and tables are expandable property views that can remain open without the
column property view.
Depending on the profile selected, you have to make further specifications. For
certain profiles, there is a Properties button on both the profile plot and table.
By clicking this button, the Properties property view appears, where you can
customize the display of your profile. Changes made on the Properties property
view affect both the table and plot.
6 Column Property View
A description of the specifications available for each profile type are outlined in
the following table.
Profile Type
Temperature Profile
Displays the
for the tray
range selected.
No further specification is
Pressure Profile
Displays the
pressure of
each tray in
the selected
range. No further specification is
6 Column Property View
Profile Type
Flow Profile
Displays the
flow rate of
each tray in
the selected
range. You can
customize the
data displayed
using the Properties property
In the Basis
group, select
molar, mass or
liquid volume
for your flow
profile basis.
In the Phase
group, select
the check box
for the flow of
each phase
that you want
to display. Multiple flows can
be shown. If
three phases
are not
present in the
column, the
Heavy Liquid
check box is
not available,
and thus, the
Liquid check
box represents
the liquid
In the Tray
Flow Basis
group, you can
specify the
stage tray flow
basis by selecting the appropriate radio
6 Column Property View
Profile Type
The net
includes interstage
includes draw
6 Column Property View
Profile Type
Transport Properties Profile
Displays the
selected properties from
each tray in
the selected
range. You can
customize the
data displayed
using the Properties property
6 Column Property View
In the
or mass
for the
In the
box for
the flow
of each
want to
on the
can be
If three
are not
in the
Profile Type
n, the
box is
all of
for the
In the
selecting a
the values of
property to
the left
To dis-
6 Column Property View
Profile Type
play a
right yaxis
of the
property. If
want to
property on
6 Column Property View
Profile Type
Composition Profile
Displays the
selected component’s mole
fraction for
each stage in
the selected
range. You can
customize the
data displayed
using the Properties property
In the
mass or
for the
In the
box for
the flow
of each
want to
can be
If the
are not
6 Column Property View
Profile Type
in the
column, the
box is
box represents
6 Column Property View
Fractions or
Flows in
selecting the
a list of
all the
Profile Type
You can
of any
selecting the
The plot
combination of
6 Column Property View
Profile Type
K Values Profile
Displays the K
Values for each
stage in the
selected range.
You can select
which components you
want included
in the profile
using the Properties property
6 Column Property View
Profile Type
Light/Heavy Key Profile
Displays the
fraction ratio
for each stage.
You can customize the
data displayed
using the Properties property
In the
mass or
for the
In the
for the
In the
you can
the key
(s) to
in your
6 Column Property View
Profile Type
Electrolyte Properties Profile
Displays the
pH and ionic
strength or the
scale index
depending on
which radio
button you
select in the
Graph Type
When you
select the pH,
Ionic Strength
radio button,
you can see
how the pH
value and ionic
decrease or
increase from
stage to stage.
The Solid Components group
displays a list
of the solids
that could
form in the distillation
column. You
can select or
clear the check
boxes to display or hide
the scale tendency index
value for the
solid components in the
table or graph.
The scale tendency index
value refers to
its tendency to
form at the
given conditions. Solids
with a scale
6 Column Property View
Profile Type
index greater
than 1 form, if
the solid formation is governed by
equilibrium (as
oppose to kinetics), and if
there are no
other solids
with a common cation or
anion portion
which also has
scale tendency
greater than 1.
Assay Curves Group
From the Assay Curves group, you can create plots and tables for the following
Boiling Point Assay
Molecular Weight Assay
Density Assay
User Properties
For each of the options, you can display curves for a single tray or multiple
trays. To display a plot or table, make a selection from the list, and click either
the View Graph button or the View Table button. The figure below is an
example of how a Boiling Point Properties plot appears.
6 Column Property View
Properties View for Plots and Tables
The Properties view is available to certain plots and tables generated from the
Tray By Tray field. Use it to control the contents of the generated table or plot.
Click the Properties button on the lower left corner of these tables or plots to
open the Properties view. The Properties view options change depending on the
property type of plot or table you are generating. For example, the figure below
shows the dialog when Composition is the selected property. For a selected
property, all changes made on the Properties view effect the data of both the
plot and the table. See the table above for specifics on each property plot type.
6 Column Property View
Data Control Property View
Click the Profile Data Control button on the bottom of every generated assay
curve plot and table to open the Data Control property view. For the selected
curve, all changes made on the Data Control property view affect the data of
both the plot and table.
The Data Control property view consists of the groups as shown in the figure
6 Column Property View
The following table describes each data control option available according to
group name.
Select either the Multi Tray or Single Tray radio button. The layout of the
Data Control property view differs slightly for each selection.
For the Single Tray selection, you must open the drop-down list and select
one tray.
If you select Multi Tray, the drop-down list is replaced by a list of all the
trays in the column. Each tray has a corresponding check box, which you
can select to display the tray property on the plot or table.
Displays the properties available for the plot or table. Each Curve option
has its own distinct Properties group. For a single tray selection, you can
choose as many of the boiling point curves as required. Select the check
box for any of the following options: TBP, ASTM D86, D86 Crack Reduced,
D1160 Vac, D1160 ATM, and D2887.
When multiple trays have been chosen in the Style group, the check box
list is replaced by a drop-down list. You can only choose one boiling point
curve when displaying multiple trays.
6 Column Property View
Select molar, mass or liquid volume for the composition basis.
Select the check box for the flow of each phase that you want displayed.
Multiple flows can be shown. If there are not three phases present in the
column, the Heavy Liquid check box is not available, and thus, the Light
Liquid check box represents the liquid phase.
The radio buttons in the Visible Points group apply to the plots only. Select
either the 15 Points or 31 Points option to represent the number of data
points which appear for each curve.
TBP Envelope Group
The TBP Envelope group contains only the View Graph button. You can click
the View Graph button to display a TBP Envelope curve.
Note: The curve allows you to view product stream distillation overlaid on the column
feed distillation. This gives a visual representation of how sharp the separations are for
each product. The sharpness of separation is adjusted using section and stripper efficiencies and front and back end shape factors.
Click the Profile Data Control button located on the property view above to
open a property view for customizing your TBP Envelope curve.
Condenser/Reboiler Page
Use this page to view the performance of condensers or reboilers associated
with the column.
Flowsheet Tab
The Flowsheet tab contains the following pages:
Internal Streams
Setup Page
The Setup page defines the connections between the internal (subflowsheet)
and external (Parent) flowsheets.
To split all material inlet streams into their phase components before being fed
to the column, select the Split All Inlets check box.
If one of the material feed stream Split check box is clear, the Split All
Inlets check box is cleared also.
6 Column Property View
If you clear the Split All Inlets check box, none of the material inlet
stream Split check boxes are affected.
Note: Split functions are incompatible with the Sparse Continuation solver, and are
grayed out when Sparse Continuation is selected as the solving method.
The Labels, as noted previously, attach the external flowsheet streams to the
internal subflowsheet streams. They also perform the transfer (or translation)
of stream information from the property package used in the parent flowsheet
into the property package used in the Column subflowsheet (if the two property
packages are different). The default transfer basis used for material streams is
a P-H Flash.
Setup Page Fields
The Inlet Streams group displays the name of the internal stream (subflowsheet stream), the name of the external stream (parent flowsheet
stream), and the transfer basis for each of the streams entering the
column. By default, both the internal and external streams are the same.
The Inlet Streams group also enables you to add new streams to the
Column or modify existing streams using the drop-down lists in the
External Stream and Transfer Basis columns.
The Outlet Streams group displays the name of the internal stream
(subflowsheet stream), the name of the external stream (parent flowsheet stream), and the transfer basis for each of the streams exiting the
column. By default, both the internal and external streams are the same.
The Outlet Streams group also enables you to add new streams to the
Column or modify existing streams using the drop-down lists in the
External Stream and Transfer Basis columns.
The Transfer Basis is significant only when the subflowsheet and parent flowsheet Property Packages are different. The Transfer Basis dropdown lists contain the following options: T-P Flash, VF-T Flash, VF-P
Flash, P-H Flash, User Specs, and None Required.
The Flowsheet Topology group displays stage information for each element in the Column’s flowsheet.
The Transfer Basis is significant only when the subflowsheet and parent flowsheet Property Packages are different.
The pressure and temperature of the material stream are passed between
flowsheets. A new vapor fraction is calculated.
The vapor fraction and temperature of the material stream are passed
between flowsheets. A new Pressure is calculated.
The vapor fraction and pressure of the material stream are passed between
flowsheets. A new temperature is calculated.
6 Column Property View
The pressure and enthalpy of the material stream is passed between flowsheets. This is the default transfer basis.
You can specify the transfer basis for a material Stream.
No calculation is required for an energy stream. The heat flow is simply
passed between flowsheets.
When the Split check box for any of the inlet material streams is selected, the
stream is split into its vapor and liquid phase components. The liquid stream is
then fed to the specified tray, and the vapor phase to the tray immediately
above the specified feed tray.
Note: See the Summary page of the Performance tab to verify the split feed streams. An
asterisk (*) following the phase indicator in the VF column indicates a split stream.
Energy streams and material streams connected to the top stage (condenser)
cannot be split. The check boxes for these variables appear grayed out.
The Flowsheet Topology group provides stage information for each element in
the flow sheet.
Flowsheet Variables Page (Main)
The Variables page allows you to select and monitor any flowsheet variables
from one location. You can examine subflowsheet variables from the outside
Column property view, without actually having to enter the Column subflowsheet environment.
You can add, edit or delete variables in the Selected Column flowsheet Variables group.
Note: You can also use the Specifications page to view certain variables. Select the variable by adding a specification, and ensure that the Active and Estimate check boxes are
clear. The value of this variable appears in the Current value column, and this “pseudospecification” do not affect the solution.
Adding a Variable
To add a variable in the Selected Column Flowsheet Variables group:
1. Click the Add button.
2. From the Variable Navigator, select each of the parameters for the variable.
3. Click the OK button.
4. The variable is added to the Selected Column Flowsheet Variables group.
6 Column Property View
Editing a Variable
You can edit a variable in the Selected Column Flowsheet Variables group as follows:
1. Highlight a variable.
2. Click the Edit button.
3. Make changes to the selections in the Variable Navigator.
4. Click the OK button.
If you decide that you do not want to keep the changes made in the variable navigator, click the Cancel button.
Deleting a Variable
You can remove a variable in any of the following ways:
Select a variable, and click the Delete button.
Select a variable, click the Edit button, and then click the Disconnect
button on the Variable Navigator.
Internal Streams Page
On the Internal Streams page, you can create a flowsheet stream that represents any phase leaving any stage within the Column. Streams within operations attached to the main Tower (for example, side strippers, condenser,
reboiler, and so forth) can also be targeted. Each time changes occur to the
column, new information is automatically transferred to the stream which you
have created.
Example: add a stream representing the liquid phase flowing from stage 7 to
stage 8 in the main Tower of a column:
1. Click the Add button.
2. In the Stream drop-down list, type the name of the stream named
3. In the Stage drop-down list, select stage 6 or simply type 6, which locates the selection in the list.
4. In the Type drop-down list, select the phase that you want to represent.
The options include Vapor, Liquid or Aqueous. Select Liquid in this case.
5. From the Net/Total drop-down list, select either Net or Total. For the
stage 6 liquid, select Net.
Net represents the material flowing from the Stage you have
selected to the next stage (above for vapor, below for liquid or
aqueous) in the column.
Total represents all the material leaving the stage (for example,
draws, pump around streams, and so forth).
6 Column Property View
Mapping Page
The Mapping page contains a table that displays the inlet and outlet streams
from the column subflowsheet, and component maps for each boundary
If the fluid package of the column is the same as the main flowsheet, component maps are not needed (because components are the same on each side
of the column boundary). None Req'd is the only option in the drop-down list of
the Into Sub-Flowsheet and Out of Sub-Flowsheet columns. If the fluid
packages are different, you can choose a map for each boundary stream.
HYSYS lists appropriate maps based on the fluid package of each stream across
the boundary.
Click the Overall Imbalance Into Sub-Flowsheet button or Overall Imbalance Out of Sub-Flowsheet button to view any mole, mass, or liquid volume
imbalance due to changes in fluid package. If there are no fluid package
changes, then there are no imbalances.
Lock Page
The Lock page lets you lock or unlock the subflowsheet and displays the lock
status of the subflowsheet.
When the flowsheet is locked, you cannot create or delete objects, or change
the topology. You can add Set, Adjust, and Spreadsheet operations; manipulate
variable values; or copy the contents of the flowsheet and create your own
modifiable version.
Note: Subflowsheets inside a locked subflowsheet have to be specifically locked.
To lock a subflowsheet, enter a password in the Lock Status field and
press ENTER.
To unlock a subflowsheet, enter the correct password in the Lock
Status field and press ENTER.
Reactions Tab
Note: This tab is not available for the Liquid-Liquid Extractor.
Reactive distillation has been used for many years to carry out chemical reactions, in particular esterification reactions. The advantages of using distillation
columns for carrying out chemical reactions include:
The possibility of driving the reaction to completion (break down of thermodynamic limitations for a reversible reaction), and separating the
products of reactions in only one unit, thus eliminating recycle and
reactor costs.
The elimination of possible side reactions by continuous withdrawal of
6 Column Property View
one of the products from the liquid phase.
The operation at higher temperatures (boiling liquid), thus increasing the
rate of reaction of endothermic reactions.
The internal recovery of the heat of reaction for exothermic reactions,
thereby replacing an equivalent amount of external heat input required
for boil-up.
You can only use reactions with the following Column solving methods: Sparse
Continuation Solver, Newton Raphson Inside-Out, and Simultaneous
Note: For any column in an electrolyte flowsheet, there is no option to add any reaction
(reaction set) to the column. Conceptually, electrolyte thermo conducts a reactive and
phase flash all together. HYSYS does not provide options to allow you to add external reactions to the unit operation.
The Reactions tab allows you to attach multiple reactions to the column. The tab
consists of two pages:
Stages. Allows you select the reaction set, and its scope across the
Results. Displays the reaction results stage by stage.
Before adding a reaction to a column, you must first ensure that you are using
the correct column Solving Method. HYSYS provides three solving methods
which allow for reactive distillation.
Reaction Type
Kinetic Rate, Simple Rate, Equilibrium Reaction
Newton Raphson InsideOut
Kinetic Rate, Simple Rate
Kinetic Rate, Simple Rate, Equilibrium Reaction
This is an equation based solver. It supports two liquid
phases on the trays, and its main use is for solving highly
non-ideal chemical systems and reactive distillation
General purpose method that allows liquid-phase kinetic
reactions inside the Column subflowsheet.
Simultaneous method using dogleg methods, good for
chemical systems. This method also supports reactive distillation.
Note: The Sparse Continuation Solver method allows you to attach a reaction set to your
column, which combines reaction types. Other solvers require that the attached reactions
are of a single type.
6 Column Property View
Stages Page
The Stages page consists of the Column Reaction Stages group. The group contains the Column Reaction Stages table and three buttons.
Column Reaction Stages Table
The table consists of four columns, which are described in the table below.
The name you have associated with the column reaction. This is not the
name of the reaction set you set in the fluid package manager.
First Stage
The highest stage of the stage range over which the reaction is occurring.
Last Stage
The lowest stage of the stage range over which the reaction is occurring.
Activates the associated reaction thereby enabling it to occur inside the
The property view also contains three buttons that control the addition, manipulation, and deletion of column reactions.
Allows you to add a new column reaction set via the Column Reaction property view.
Allows you to edit the column reaction set whose name is currently selected
in Column Reaction Stages table. The selected reaction’s Column Reaction
property view appears.
Allows you to delete the column reaction set whose name is currently selected in the Column Reaction Stages table.
Column Reaction Property View
The Column Reaction property view allows you to add and revise column reactions.
The Column Reaction property view consists of two groups:
The Reaction Set Information group allows you to select the reaction set,
and the scope of its application.
The Reaction Information group contains thermodynamic and stoichiometric information about the reaction you are applying to the selected section of the column.
Reaction Set Information Group
The Reaction Set Information group consists of six objects:
6 Column Property View
The name you would like to associate with the column reaction. This is the
name that appears in the Column Reaction Name column of the Column
Reaction Stages table.
Allows you to select a reaction set from a list of all the reaction sets attached
to the fluid package.
The upper limit for the reaction that is to occur over a range of stages.
The lower limit for the reaction that is to occur over a range of stages.
Deletes the Column Reaction from the column.
Allows you to enable and disable the associated column reaction.
Reaction Information Group
The Reaction Information group contains the Reaction field, which allows you to
select a reaction from the reaction set selected in the Reaction Set field.
Click the View Reaction button to open the selected reaction’s Reaction property view. This group also contains three sub-groups, which allow you to view
or specify the selected reactions properties.
Allows you to view and make changes to the stoichiometric formula of
the reaction currently selected in the Reaction drop-down list. The
group contains three columns:
Components. Displays the components involved in the reaction.
Mole Wt. Displays the molar weight of each component
involved in the reaction.
Stoich Coeff. Stoichiometric coefficients associated with the
Consists of two fields:
Base Component. Displays the reactant to which the reaction
extent is calculated. This is often the limiting reactant.
Reaction Phase. Displays the phase for which the kinetic rate
equations for different phases can be modeled in the same
reactor. To see the possible reactions, click the Reaction Information button in the View Reaction group.
You can make changes to the fields in these groups.
These changes affect all the unit operations associated with this reaction. Click the View Reactions button for more information about the
attached reaction.
6 Column Property View
Heat and Balance Error
Consists of two fields:
Reaction Heat. Displays the reaction heat.
Balance Error. Displays any error in the mass balance around
the reaction.
Results Page
The Results page displays the results of a converged column.
The page consists of a table containing six columns. The columns are described
in the following table:
Displays the name/number of the column stage.
Rxn Name
The name of the reaction occurring at this stage.
The name of the reactant component to which the calculated reaction
extent is applied.
The consumption or production of the base component in the reaction.
Spec %
Displays the percentage of conversion specified by you.
Act %
Displays the percentage of conversion calculated by HYSYS.
If you have more than one reaction occurring at any particular stage, each reaction appears simultaneously.
Note: The Rxn Extent results appear only if the Sparse Continuation Solver is chosen as
the Solving Method.
Design Tips for Reactive Distillation
Although the column unit operations allows for multiple column reactions and
numerous column configurations, a general column topography can be subdivided into three sections:
Rectifying Section
Reactive Section
Stripping Section
6 Column Property View
While the Rectifying and Stripping Sections are similar to ordinary distillation, a
reactive distillation column also has a Reactive Section. The Reactive Section of
the column is where the main reactions occur. There is no particular requirement for separation in this section.
There are several unique operational considerations when designing a reactive
distillation column:
The operating pressure should be predicated on the indirect effects of
pressure on reaction equilibrium.
The optimum feed point to a reactive distillation column is just below the
reactive section. Introducing a feed too far below the reactive section
reduces the stripping potential of the column and results in increased
energy consumption.
Reflux has a dual purpose in reactive distillation. Increasing the reflux
rate enhances separation and recycles unreacted reactants to the reaction zone thereby increasing conversion.
Reboiler Duty is integral to reactive distillation as it must be set to
ensure sufficient recycle of unreacted, heavy reactant to the reaction
zone without excluding the light reactant from the reaction zone, if the
reboiler duty is too high or too low, conversion, and purity can be compromised.
Dynamics Tab
The Dynamics tab contains the following pages:
6 Column Property View
If you are working exclusively in Steady State mode or your version of HYSYS
does not support dynamics, you are not required to change any information on
the pages accessible through this tab.
Vessels Page
The Vessels page contains a summary of the sizing information for the different
vessels contained in the column subflowsheet. In addition, it contains the possible dynamic specifications for these vessels.
Equipment Page
The Equipment page displays the same information as the Equipment page on
the Rating tab. The difference is that double-clicking on the equipment name
opens its property view on the Dynamics tab.
Note: This page is not available for the Liquid-Liquid Extractor.
Holdup Page
The Holdup page contains a summary of the dynamic information calculated by
Displays the calculated stage pressure.
Total Volume
Displays the stage volume.
Bulk Liq Volume
Displays the liquid volume occupying the stage.
Refer to the Holdup Page section for more information.
Perturb Tab
The Perturb tab is only available in the Column Runner property view.
To show the Perturb tab:
1. From the PFD, double-click the Column icon. The Column property view
2. Click the Column Environment button. The Column build environment
3. Click Column > Runner > Show Column Runner in the Ribbon. The
Column Runner property view appears.
4. Click the Perturb tab.
6 Column Property View
The Perturb tab allows you to control the way column solver calculates the partial derivatives. There are two types of independent controls.
The Analytic property derivatives check box allows you to turn On and Off
Level Ana- low level analytic derivatives support (in other words, derivatives of therlytic
modynamic properties like Fugacity, Enthalpy, and Entropy by Temperature, Pressure, and Composition).
At present this facility is available for Peng Robinson or Soave-RedlichKwong property packages in Sparse Continuation Solver context.
Optimizer HYSYS Optimizer (RTO+) allows calculation of column analytic derivatives
Level Ana- by stream Temperature, Pressure, Component Flow, Column Spec spelytic
cified value, and Tear Variables.
The Sparse Analytic page allows you to select a particular method of column
analytic derivatives calculation.
The Perturb method parameters group provides tuning parameters for analytic column derivatives calculator.
Rigorous properties check box. If active, rigorous thermodynamic
properties are applied in Jacobi matrix calculation. If inactive, simple
models (controlled by Control panel of Sparse solver) are applied
instead for Enthalpy and Fugacity of thermodynamic phases. The last
option may expedite derivative calculations.
Warm restart check box. If active, additional Sparse linear solver
information is preserved between Analytic derivative calculator calls
(faster solution of linear system). If inactive, no Sparse linear solver
information is stored (memory economy).
Skip Sparse Solve check box. If active, Column solution phase is
skipped (may allow faster execution).
Column Internals Tab
You can use the Internals tab for the Column to explore multiple column configurations.
The Internals tab includes pages for each tower within your column subflowsheet:
Main Tower
Side Strippers
Side Rectifiers
To learn more about the fields/buttons on this page, refer to the following table.
6 Column Property View
Refer to
Active drop-down list
Selecting an Active Option
Add New button
Creating Column Sections
Auto Section button
Using Auto Sectioning
Duplicate button
Duplicating Column Sections
Import Template button
Importing and Exporting Column
Section Templates
Export Template button
Importing and Exporting Column
Section Templates
View Internals Summary button
Viewing Internals Results
Include Static Vapor Head in Pressure Drop
Calculations check box
Including Static Vapor Head Corrections
Calculate Pressure Drop Across Sump check
Calculating the Pressure Drop
Across a Sump
View Hydraulic Plots button
Hydraulic Plots
Export Pressure Drop from Top button
Updating Pressure Drops
Export Pressure Drop from Bottom button
Updating Pressure Drops
Initialize from Rating button
Initializing from the Rating Tab
Send to Rating button
Sending to the Rating Tab
Adding a New Internals Option
On the Internals tab of the Column property view, you can add a new option.
From the Active drop-down list, select the <Add New> option. An
empty Internals form appears. The new option will also appear in the
Internals Manager. You can rename this option in the Internals Manager.
For further details, refer to Column Internals Manager.
Creating Column Sections
Note: If there are two liquid phases in a column, the total liquid flow rate (light and heavy
liquids) is used in calculations. The transport properties are weighted averages of the light
and heavy liquids for each liquid phase.
To create column sections within your column:
1. Select the Internals tab.
2. Click the Add New button to create a new internals section.
A row appears, named CS-1 by default.
3. Optionally, type a Column Description for the Column Internals configuration. You can use this to record the purpose for this internals configuration when you have multiple configurations that may implement
different design choices.
6 Column Property View
4. Specify the desired Start Stage and End Stage for the section from the
list of available stages. To complete the Column Internals configuration,
you must define a set of sections which include all stages (except for the
condenser and reboiler). If you previously specified a particular stage, it
will no longer be available as an option unless you modify the previous
section to not include that stage.
The column diagram on the left displays the layout of the column with
adjacent sections in alternating colors. Any gaps in the column are visible as white sections. A message at the top right of the sheet indicates
where these gaps are located. If the column sections are of different diameters, the sections are depicted with widths proportional to those diameters. Arrows left and right of the diagram indicate feeds, products,
side draws, and pumparounds (which are indicated with blue connected
arrows on the right side of the diagram). When there are multiple feeds,
draws, and/or pumparound returns on the same or near stages such that
the arrows would overlap, you can hover the mouse over the arrow to
see information about the connections there.
6 Column Property View
If all stages are accounted for and there are no gaps in the
column, an Internals Input Complete message appears.
If you specified section boundaries but there are gaps within the
column, a message appears, indicating where the gaps are located.
5. Specify the Mode:
Interactive Sizing: If the mode is Interactive Sizing, which is
the default, once you specify the start and end stages,
HYSYS generates reasonable defaults for the section:
Trays: HYSYS calculates a default for:
6 Column Property View
Number of passes
o Downcomer geometry and locations
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further
Packing: HYSYS calculates a default for:
Section diameter
Note: You must specify section packing height.
Rating: Diameter and downcomer geometry and location are not
calculated by HYSYS.
This will apply to all sections in this object.
6. In the Details column, click the View button to specify detailed geometry information on the Geometry form.
When you create sections adjacent to one another, they will be shaded in different
colors in the diagram on the Internals tab or form.
Click the X to delete a section.
Click the View button in the Details column to specify Geometry details on the
Geometry form.
Click the View Hydraulic Plots button to view hydraulic operating diagrams for
the current Internals configuration.
Click the Import Template button to:
Create a new section using the geometry and design parameters specified
in a template.
Update an existing section using the geometry and design parameters specified in a template.
You can import the same template to multiple sections at a time.
Click the Export Template button to export an XML template with geometry and
design parameters based on an existing internals section.
Duplicating Column Sections
You can duplicate geometry and design parameters from a selected column section to a new column section.
To duplicate an existing column section:
1. On the Internals tab or form, select the desired section to duplicate.
Note: If you select multiple sections, HYSYS duplicates the first section.
2. Click Duplicate. A new row appears in the table, with a new name that
you can change by clicking its cell and typing over it in the grid. Values
of <empty> appear for the Start Stage and End Stage. All other
user-specified values will be duplicated.
3. If desired, modify the Description and Mode for the new section.
6 Column Property View
4. Double-click the row and make changes to the sections to complete specifications for the new section.
Using Auto Sectioning
If you click the Auto Section button, HYSYS automatically creates column sections based on feed and draw locations or internal flow rates.
Note: You can only click the Auto Section button if there are no internal sections defined
If you click the arrow next to the Auto Section button, you can opt to auto section the column:
Based on Feed/Draw Locations (default)
Based on Flows
Selecting an Active Option
To select an active option:
From the Active drop-down list, select the primary internals configuration for analysis.
Note: Only one internals configuration can be set as Active.
Adding a New Geometry Option
To add a new geometry option without accessing the Internals Manager:
From the Active drop-down list, select <Add New>.
A new option is automatically created, and an empty Internals form
appears. You can rename this option on the Internals Manager.
Updating Pressure Drops
You can update pressure drops in your column using results from the hydraulic
calculations. Your column must be converged and cannot include any overlapping sections or gaps.
To update pressure drops in your simulation:
1. Specify sections and geometry for the entire column.
2. On the Internals form or tab, click the Export Pressure Drop from
Top button or the Export Pressure Drop from Bottom button.
The column's pressure profile is updated based on the calculated pressure drops, and the pressure specification for the each stage is overwritten.
6 Column Property View
When Export Pressure Drop from Top is selected, the condenser/top
stage pressure is retained, and the pressures for the other stages are
updated using the calculated pressure drops.
When Export Pressure Drop from Bottom is selected, the reboiler
pressure is retained, and the pressures for the other stages are updated
using the calculated pressure drops.
Calculating the Pressure Drop Across a
Since sumps are commonly used at the bottom of distillation towers,
HYSYS allows you to specify liquid holdup and a sump diameter on the Internals form or tab.
To calculate the pressure drop across a sump:
1. Open the Internals form or tab for your column.
2. Select the Calculate Pressure Drop Across Sump check box.
3. In the Sump section, you can specify the Diameter. The default value is
the diameter of the section adjacent to the sump.
4. In the Sump section, select one of the following radio buttons and specify a value in the corresponding field:
Liquid Residence Time: This is the default selection. The
default value is 60 seconds.
Liquid Level
When Liquid Residence Time is specified:
Including Static Vapor Head Correction
If you want to include the static vapor head in the pressure drop calculations,
select the Include Static Vapor Head in Pressure Drop Calculations
check box.
The rating results will account for the static vapor head.
The pressure drop due to the static vapor head on a particular stage is calculated as follows:
Trays: Static vapor contribution to pressure drop = Vapor mass density
* Gravitational acceleration * Tray Spacing
Packing: Static vapor contribution to pressure drop = Vapor mass density * Gravitational acceleration * Packed Height per stage
6 Column Property View
Viewing Internals Summary Results
Click the View Internals Summary Results button to view Internals results
data for the entire Tower. Refer to Viewing Internals Results for further details.
Initializing from the Rating Tab
You can use specified column geometry information from the column's Rating
tab as an initial estimate for the Column Internals for Hydraulic Analysis.
Before performing this workflow, you must specify geometry information on
the Rating tab.
To initialize from the Rating tab:
1. Open the Internals tab or form.
2. Click the Initialize from Rating button.
Information from the Sieve, Bubble Cap, and Valve tray types are transferred to Internals. Sump Trays and some HYSYS packing types are not
transferred; a message notifies you that you cannot initialize from these
internal types.
Sending to the Rating Tab
You can use Geometry information specified in the Internals to populate the
Rating tab of the Column property view.
The Send to Rating button is enabled when no gaps currently exist and you have
specified the necessary information for the Tower.
When Send to Rating is used for an Acid Gas column, the column is resolved
using the updated geometry information from the Internals tab/form. This could
lead to a change in the vapor-liquid traffic in the column. If the Internals section is
in Interactive Sizing mode, this triggers a recalculation of the diameter and
other results on the Internals tab/form.
To send information to the Rating tab:
6 Column Property View
1. Open the Internals tab or form.
2. Specify Internals information for a given HYSYS Tower. There must be
no gaps or overlaps between Tower sections.
3. Click the Send to Rating button.
For a column with one section that encompasses every stage:
HYSYS populates the Rating tab for that column with the
Tray/Packing Type and other parameters, such as Diameter and
Tray Spacing.
The Uniform Section check box is selected, indicating that all
stages of the column share the same geometry characteristics.
For a column with multiple sections with different characteristics:
HYSYS populates the Internal Type, Diameter Fields, and the
Tray/Packed Space and Volume fields for that column with Multiple if there are multiple options selected for each parameter.
The Uniform Section check box is cleared.
A message on the Rating tab indicates that multiple Sections are
detected and lets you know where to locate further information.
Refer to Rating Tab for further details.
Importing and Exporting Column
Section Templates
You can:
Import a template with geometry and design parameters into an existing
internals section.
Create a new internals section with the geometry and design parameters
from a template.
Export a template with geometry and design parameters based on the
internals section that is currently selected.
A section template is an .xml file containing:
User-specified geometry for a section
User-specified design parameters for a section
To import an existing template:
1. Open the Internals tab or form for your column.
2. Click the Import Template button.
3. On the Import Template dialog box, click the button next to the
Import To field. On the Import Template dialog box, navigate to the
desired template, and then click Open.
4. Perform one of the following tasks:
6 Column Property View
Select the Create new section from imported template
radio button to create an entirely new section based on your
selected template.
Select the Import to section radio button, and then select the
check boxes for sections which you want to be overwritten with
the geometry and design parameters saved in the selected template.
5. Click the Import button.
To export an existing template:
1. Open the Internals tab or form for your column.
2. Click the Export Template button.
3. On the Export as Template dialog box, from the Export section dropdown list, select the section that you want to export as a template.
4. Click the button next to the to File field. On the Save Template dialog
box, navigate to the desired location, and the click Open.
5. Click the Export button.
Geometry and design parameter information for the selected template is
saved as an .xml file in the specified location.
Viewing Internals Results
On the Performance tab | Internals Results page for your column, you can
view Internals results data for the entire Tower when you use Column Analysis.
Note: If you did not specify internals, this page is empty.
To view Internals results:
1. From the Tower drop-down list, selected the Tower for which you want
to view Internals results.
2. From the Selected Internals drop-down list, select the Internals configuration for which you want to view results.
3. In the Column Internals Summary section, you can view the following values:
Number of Stages: Total number of trays or packed stages in
the selected tower
Total Height: Height of tower = Sum of the height of all defined
Total Head Loss: Total head loss across the tower = Sum of
head loss over all defined sections
Total Pressure Drop: Total pressure drop across the tower =
Sum of pressure drop over all defined sections
Number of Sections: Number of defined sections
Number of Diameters: Number of sections with different
6 Column Property View
Pressure Drop Across Sump: HYSYS calculates this value
using the values that you specified for Diameter of Sump and
either Liquid Residence Time or Liquid Level.
4. In the Sections Summary section, you can view the following values
for each section in the selected Tower. Click the View button to access
the Geometry form for the section.
Internal Type
Tray or Packing Type
Section Pressure Drop
Approach to Flood: Highest approach to flood in the section
Limiting Stage: Stage number of the stage with the highest
Approach to Flood
Note: Click the View button in a row to open the Results tab of the Geometry
form for the selected row.
Viewing Transport Properties
1. On the Performance tab | Internals Results page, click the Transport Properties button.
Note: If there are two liquid phases in a column, the total liquid flow rate (light
and heavy liquids) is used in calculations. The transport properties are weighted
averages of the light and heavy liquids for each liquid phase.
2. On the Profile Table: Properties Profile form, you can view the following physical properties for each stage:
Surface Ten
Mole Weight
Therm Cond
Heat Cap
Note: Click the Properties button to adjust the Basis, Phase, and/or Axis
Viewing the Total Flow Profile
1. On the Performance tab | Internals Results page, click the Flows
2. On the Profile Table: Total Flow Profile form, you can view the profile of vapor and mass flows for each stage.
6 Column Property View
Note: Click the Properties button to adjust the Basis, Phase, and/or
Tray Flow Basis.
6 Column Property View
7 Column Analysis Overview
Column Analysis lets you analyze different column Internals configurations.
You can use Column Analysis for Acid Gas columns.
If there are two liquid phases in a column, the total liquid flow rate (light and heavy
liquids) is used in calculations. The transport properties are weighted averages of
the light and heavy liquids for each liquid phase.
Column Analysis Workflow
1. Create a Column Internals configuration.
2. Specify Sections within the column internals.
3. Click the View button in the Geometry column to specify Geometry
details on the Geometry form.
4. View results on the Geometry form.
5. Use the Hydraulic Plots form to view tray operability diagrams for the
6. Export column hydraulics results and internals geometry to vendor packages.
7. Use the Column Analysis Report Builder.
Note: If you are using Activated Economics, information from Column Analysis is picked
up by APEA, including:
Tray/Packing Type
Tray Spacing
Packed Spacing
Packing Material
Valve Material for Valve Trays
Tray Thickness
APEA uses the geometry for the Active column option in Column Internals.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Column Internals Manager
You can use the Internals Manager to create and analyze multiple Internals
configurations within the same HYSYS simulation.
To access the Internals Manager:
1. From the Column Design ribbon tab, click the Internals Manager
2. You can click the Add button to add a new configuration option. From the
Tower drop-down list, select the desired Tower. The default Status is
Active if no Internals are defined for the column. The default Status is
Inactive there are already Internals defined for the column.
3. Double-click the row to access the Internals form and create a Column
Internals configuration.
When you set up a HYSYS column, an Internals Manager option is automatically created for each tower associated with the column flowsheet.
Note: Click the X in the Delete column to delete a Column Internals configuration.
You can also create a new Column Internals configuration by duplicating an
existing one. To do so:
1. Click the existing object in the table.
2. Click Duplicate. A new row appears in the table, with a new name that
you can change by clicking its cell and typing over it in the grid.
3. If desired, you can modify the Description for the new configuration.
4. Double-click the row and make changes to the sections to complete specifications for the new configuration.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Column Design Ribbon
If you double-click a HYSYS column, the Column Design ribbon appears.
Plots button
View the hydraulic operating diagram for the active column option. Refer
to Hydraulic Plots for further details.
Customize and create printable reports for this column. Refer to Using
Column Analyzer Report Builder for further details.
Create and analyze multiple Internals configurations within the same
HYSYS simulation. Refer to Column Internals Manager for further details.
to Vendor
Export geometry and column results from Column Internals to thirdparty vendor software (KG Tower, SulCol, and FRI-DRP). Refer to Exporting Column Results to Vendor Packages for further details.
Plots gallery
View the following plots:
Flow Rate
Boiling Point
Column Analysis Flowsheet
When you open a HYSYS case that includes a column, icons on the flowsheet
indicate whether:
No internals are specified
Internals have been specified and Column Analysis has not detected any
7 Column Analysis Overview
Internals have been specified and Column Analysis has detected errors
Columns without Internals Specified
For columns without internals, a gray icon appears to the left of the column.
Double-click the gray icon to open the Internals tab and begin configuring
Column Internals.
Columns with Internals Specified (No Errors)
For columns with internals specified and without errors, a blue icon appears to
the left of the column. This indicates that the Column Internals are configured
and the column is operating within specified hydraulic limits.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Double-click the blue icon to open the Internals tab and review Internals results.
Columns with Internals Specified, with Errors
For columns with internals specified and with errors, a red icon appears to the
left of the column. This indicates that the Column Internals are configured, but
the column is operating outside specified hydraulic limits.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Double-click the blue icon to open the Internals tab and review Internals results in order to resolve the errors.
Removing Column Analysis Flowsheet
If desired, you can remove the icons on the flowsheet that provide information
regarding Internals using the Preferences form.
To remove the column flowsheet icons:
1. Click File | Options.
2. Select the Equipment page.
3. Clear the Display Decoration on PFD check box.
Creating a Column Internals
You can use the Internals form to explore multiple column Internals configurations.
7 Column Analysis Overview
The Internals form includes the complete configuration of tray and/or packing
specifications for an entire column. This configuration consists of one or more
sections, each of which represents trays or packing of a single type and size.
To learn more about the fields/buttons on this page, refer to the following table.
Refer to
Add New button
Creating Column Sections
Auto Section button
Using Auto Sectioning
Duplicate button
Duplicating Column Sections
Import Template button
Importing and Exporting Column
Section Templates
Export Template button
Importing and Exporting Column
Section Templates
View Internals Summary button
Viewing Internals Results
Include Static Vapor Head in Pressure Drop
Calculations check box
Including Static Vapor Head Corrections
Calculate Pressure Drop Across Sump check
Calculating the Pressure Drop
Across a Sump
View Hydraulic Plots button
Hydraulic Plots
Export Pressure Drop from Top button
Updating Pressure Drops
Export Pressure Drop from Bottom button
Updating Pressure Drops
Initialize from Rating button
Initializing from the Rating Tab
Send to Rating button
Sending to the Rating Tab
Creating Column Sections
Note: If there are two liquid phases in a column, the total liquid flow rate (light and heavy
liquids) is used in calculations. The transport properties are weighted averages of the light
and heavy liquids for each liquid phase.
To create column sections within your column:
1. Select the Internals tab or form.
2. Click the Add New button.
A row appears, named CS-1 by default.
3. Optionally, type a Column Description for the Column Internals configuration. You can use this to record the purpose for this object when
you have multiple configurations which may implement different design
4. Specify the desired Start Stage and End Stage from the list of available stages. To complete the Column Internals configuration, you must
define a set of sections which include all stages (except for the condenser and reboiler). If you previously specified a particular stage, it
will no longer be available as an option unless you modify the previous
7 Column Analysis Overview
section to not include that stage.
The column diagram displays the layout of the column with adjacent sections in alternating colors. Any gaps in the column are visible as white
sections. A message at the top right of the sheet indicates where these
gaps are located. If the column sections are of different diameters, the
sections are depicted with widths proportional to those diameters.
Arrows left and right of the diagram indicate feeds, products, side
draws, and pumparounds (which are indicated with blue connected
arrows on the right side of the diagram). When there are multiple feeds,
draws, and/or pumparound returns on the same or near stages such that
the arrows would overlap, you can hover the mouse over the arrow to
see information about the connections there.
7 Column Analysis Overview
If all stages are accounted for and there are no gaps in the
column, an Internals Input Complete message appears.
If you specified section boundaries but there are gaps within the
column, a message appears, indicating where the gaps are located.
5. Specify the Mode:
Interactive Sizing: If the mode is Interactive Sizing, which is
the default, once you specify the start and end stages,
HYSYS generates reasonable defaults for the section:
Trays: HYSYS calculates a default for:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Number of passes
o Downcomer geometry and locations
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further
Packing: HYSYS calculates a default for:
Section diameter
Note: You must specify section packing height.
Rating: Diameter and downcomer geometry and location are not
calculated by HYSYS.
6. In the Details column, click the View button to specify Geometry
details on the Geometry form.
When you create columns adjacent to one another, they will be shaded in different
colors in the diagram on the Internals tab or form.
Click the X in the Delete column to delete a Column Internals section.
Click the View Hydraulic Plots button to view hydraulic operating diagrams for
the current Internals configuration.
Click the Import Template button to:
Create a new section using the geometry and design parameters specified
in a template.
Update an existing section using the geometry and design parameters specified in a template.
You can import the same template to multiple sections at a time.
Click the Export Template button to export an XML template with geometry and
design parameters based on an existing internals section.
Duplicating Column Sections
You can duplicate geometry and design parameters from a selected column section to a new column section.
To duplicate an existing column section:
1. On the Internals tab or form, select the desired section to duplicate.
Note: If you select multiple sections, HYSYS duplicates the first section.
2. Click Duplicate. A new row appears in the table, with a new name that
you can change by clicking its cell and typing over it in the grid. Values
of <empty> appear for the Start Stage and End Stage. All other
user-specified values will be duplicated.
3. If desired, modify the Description and Mode for the new section.
4. Double-click the row and make changes to the sections to complete specifications for the new section.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Using Auto Sectioning
If you click the Auto Section button, HYSYS automatically creates column sections based on feed and draw locations or internal flow rates.
Note: You can only click the Auto Section button if there are no internal sections defined
If you click the arrow next to the Auto Section button, you can opt to auto section the column:
Based on Feed/Draw Locations (default)
Based on Flows
Auto Sectioning Based on Feed Draw Locations
If you select Auto Section | Based on Feed/Draw Locations, HYSYS uses
the following logic to auto section the column:
1. HYSYS starts Section 1 from the top tray.
2. The Stage Number is increased by 1 until a Feed, Product, Pump
Around Draw, or Pump Around Return is encountered.
If a Feed or Pump Around Return is encountered at Stage I,
HYSYS ends Section 1 at Stage I-1 and starts Section 2 at Stage
If a Product or Pump Around Draw is encountered at Stage I,
HYSYS ends Section 1 at Stage I and starts Section 2 at Stage
3. HYSYS repeats the same logic until the bottom tray is reached. If there
is no reboiler, this is the Nth stage. Otherwise, it is the (N - 1)th stage.
Note: If a Feed or Pump Around Return and a Product or Pump Around
Draw exist in the same tray:
The Feed logic is used if the Feed has a higher flow than the Product flow.
The Product logic is used if the Product has a higher flow than the Feed
Auto Sectioning Based on Flows
If you select Auto Section | Based on Flows, HYSYS uses the following logic
to auto section the column:
1. HYSYS starts Section 1 from the top tray. If there is no condenser, it
starts with Stage 1. Otherwise, it starts with Stage 2.
2. The Stage Number is increased by 1.
3. If the liquid flow from Stage I differs from the flow of stage I-1 by more
than 20%, a new section is started at Stage I.
4. HYSYS repeats the same logic until the bottom tray is reached.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Updating Pressure Drops
You can use information calculated from Column Analyzer to update pressure
drops in your simulation. Your column must be converged and cannot include
any overlapping sections or gaps.
To update pressure drops in your simulation:
1. Specify sections and geometry for the entire column.
2. On the Internals form or tab, click the Export Pressure Drop from
Top button or the Export Pressure Drop from Bottom button.
The column's pressure profile is updated based on the calculated pressure drops, and the pressure specification for the each stage is overwritten.
When Export Pressure Drop from Top is selected, the condenser/top
stage pressure is retained, and the pressures for the other stages are
updated using the calculated pressure drops.
When Export Pressure Drop from Bottom is selected, the reboiler
pressure is retained, and the pressures for the other stages are updated
using the calculated pressure drops.
Calculating the Pressure Drop Across a
Since sumps are commonly used at the bottom of distillation towers,
HYSYS allows you to specify liquid holdup and a sump diameter on the Internals form or tab.
To calculate the pressure drop across a sump:
1. Open the Internals form or tab for your column.
2. Select the Calculate Pressure Drop Across Sump check box.
3. In the Sump section, you can specify the Diameter. The default value is
the diameter of the section adjacent to the sump.
4. In the Sump section, select one of the following radio buttons and specify a value in the corresponding field:
Liquid Residence Time
Liquid Level
When Liquid Residence Time is specified:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Including Static Vapor Head Correction
If you want to include the static vapor head in the pressure drop calculations,
select the Include Static Vapor Head in Pressure Drop Calculations
check box.
The rating results will account for the static vapor head.
The pressure drop due to the static vapor head on a particular stage is calculated as follows:
Trays: Static vapor contribution to pressure drop = Vapor mass density
* Gravitational acceleration * Tray Spacing
Packing: Static vapor contribution to pressure drop = Vapor mass density * Gravitational acceleration * Packed Height per stage
Viewing Internals Summary Results
Click the View Internals Summary Results button to view Internals results
data for the entire Tower. Refer to Viewing Internals Results for further details.
Initializing from the Rating Tab
You can use specified column geometry information from the column's Rating
tab as an initial estimate for the Column Internals for Hydraulic Analysis.
Before performing this workflow, you must specify geometry information on
the Rating tab.
To initialize from the Rating tab:
1. Open the Internals tab or form.
2. Click the Initialize from Rating button.
Tray types, including Sieve, Bubble Cap, and Valve, are mapped to the
Column Analyzer. Sump chimney trays and some HYSYS packing types
will not be mapped; a message appears, notifying you that you cannot
initialize from these internal types.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Sending to the Rating Tab
You can use Geometry information specified using the Column Analyzer to populate the Rating tab of the Column property view.
The Send to Rating button is enabled when no gaps currently exist and you have
specified the necessary information for the Tower.
When Send to Rating is used for an Acid Gas column, the column is resolved
using the updated geometry information from the Internals tab/form. This could
lead to a change in the vapor-liquid traffic in the column. If the Internals section is
in Interactive Sizing mode, this triggers a recalculation of the diameter and
other results on the Internals tab/form.
To send information to the Rating tab:
1. Open the Internals tab or form.
2. Specify Internals information for a given HYSYS Tower. There must be
no gaps or overlaps between Tower sections.
3. Click the Send to Rating button.
For a column with one section that encompasses every stage:
HYSYS populates the Rating tab for that column with the
Tray/Packing Type and other parameters, such as Diameter and
Tray Spacing.
The Uniform Section check box is selected, indicating that all
stages of the column share the same geometry characteristics.
For a column with multiple sections with different characteristics:
HYSYS populates the Internal Type, Diameter Fields, and the
Tray/Packed Space and Volume fields for that column with Multiple if there are multiple options selected for each parameter.
The Uniform Section check box is cleared.
A message on the Rating tab indicates that multiple Sections are
detected and lets you know where to locate further information.
Refer to Rating Tab for further details.
Importing Column Section Templates
You can import a template with geometry and design parameters into a column
A section template is an .xml file containing:
User-specified geometry for a section
User-specified design parameters for a section
To import an existing template:
7 Column Analysis Overview
1. Open the Internals tab or form for your column.
2. Click the Import Template button.
3. On the Import Template dialog box, click the button next to the
Import To field. On the Import Template dialog box, navigate to the
desired template, and then click Open.
4. Perform one of the following tasks:
Select the Create new section from imported template
radio button to create an entirely new section based on your selected template.
Select the Import to section radio button, and then select the
check boxes for sections which you want to be overwritten with
the geometry and design parameters saved in the selected template.
5. Click the Import button.
Exporting Column Section Templates
You can export a template with geometry and design parameters based on a
column section.
A section template is an .xml file containing:
User-specified geometry for a section
User-specified design parameters for a section
To export an existing template:
1. Open the Internals tab or form for your column.
2. Click the Export Template button.
3. On the Export as Template dialog box, from the Export section dropdown list, select the section that you want to export as a template.
4. Click the button next to the to File field. On the Save Template dialog
box, navigate to the desired location, and the click Open.
5. Click the Export button.
Geometry and design parameter information for the selected template is
saved as an .xml file in the specified location.
Geometry Details
You can use the Geometry form to specify Geometry details for the column.
Tray Geometry Workflow
On the Tray Geometry form, you can perform the following tasks:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Specify tray geometry.
Specify Picket Fence Weirs or Swept Back Weirs.
View the tray geometry summary.
Specify tray geometry design parameters.
View tray geometry summary results.
View tray geometry results by stage.
Troubleshoot potential issues.
Packing Geometry Workflow
On the Packing Geometry form, you can perform the following tasks:
Specify packing geometry.
Change packing geometry design parameters.
Specify packing constants.
View packing geometry summary results.
View packing geometry results by stage.
Troubleshoot potential issues.
Specifying Tray Geometry
On the Geometry tab | Geometry page, you can specify tray geometry.
Note: If you opted to initialize the Tower from the Rating tab using the Initialize
from Rating button, the default values on this page may differ from those described
To specify tray geometry:
1. On the Geometry form, select the Geometry tab | Geometry page.
2. For Section Type, select the Trayed radio button.
3. From the Tray Type drop-down list, select the desired valve or tray
type. The default option is Sieve.
If you are using Activated Economics, this information is sent to APEA.
Refer to the table below to view a list of subtypes for valves and how the
valve or tray types are mapped within APEA.
Note: Dump point calculations are performed for Sieve trays only. The dump
point is determined using the Chan and Prince Dump Point Correlation.
Liquid entrainment correlations are performed for Bubble Cap trays and Sieve
trays only. To learn more about liquid entrainment correlations, refer to Liquid
Entrainment Correlations.
Tray Type
7 Column Analysis Overview
Valve or
Tray Type
Valve Subtype
Mapped to in APEA
Bubble Cap
Bubble Cap
Note: Koch-Glitsch S valves are made of the
same material and thickness as the tray.
4. In the Number of Passes combo box, if desired, you can specify a
value between 1 and 4. In Interactive Sizing Mode, HYSYS automatically determines the default Number of Passes so that the weir loading does not exceed the Maximum Weir Loading specified on the
Geometry tab | Design Parameters page. If you specified the Diameter, HYSYS uses the following heuristic to determine if an increase in
the number of passes is justified:
Number of Passes = 2, Minimum Diameter = 5 ft
Number of Passes = 3, Minimum Diameter = 8 ft
Number of Passes = 4, Minimum Diameter = 10 ft
Note: In Interactive Sizing Mode, if the column is in a sized model, the model is
resized whenever the value for Number of Passes is changed.
5. Specify the Mode:
Interactive Sizing: This is the default mode. If you do not specify Diameter, Number of Passes, Downcomer Width, and
Downcomer Location, these values will be calculated by
7 Column Analysis Overview
Note: You can specify the Diameter and have HYSYS calculate the downcomer widths/locations and number of passes based on standard column
design rules. When you specify diameter, number of passes and downcomer geometry and locations, the Interactive Sizing mode effectively
behaves the same as the Rating mode.
Rating: Diameter and downcomer geometry and location are not
calculated by HYSYS.
Note: When you switch from Interactive Sizing mode to Rating mode, the calculated values for Diameter, Downcomer Widths, and Downcomer Locations fields are retained and appear as defaults (in blue italics). If you delete one
or more of these values in Rating mode, the simulation becomes incomplete. You
can specify your own values or switch to Interactive Sizing and back to Rating
to populate these fields and make the simulation complete.
6. Adjust values for the following, if desired. The fields are dependent upon
your Tray Type selection.
Hole Diameter
0.5 inches
Applicable for Sieve tray types.
Number of
Area To Active Area
Applicable for Sieve tray types. Calculated
when the Hole Area To Active Area is specified. When you update the Hole Diameter,
this value changes.
Cap Diameter
Number of
-orNumber of
Caps Per
Active Area
Applicable for Sieve tray types. Value must be
less than 1. This value is not impacted when
you change the Hole Diameter. Refer to Discharge Coefficient to learn how this value
impacts the discharge coefficient.
Applicable for Bubble Cap tray types.
50 (for 3 in cap
diameter), (28
(for 4 in cap diameter), 12 (for
6 in cap diameter)
Applicable for Bubble Cap tray types.
Select the radio button to specify this value. If
you specify Number of Caps, the Number
of Caps Per Active Area is calculated by
Applicable for Bubble Cap tray types. Select
the radio button to specify this value. If you
specify Number of Caps Per Active Area,
the Number of Caps is calculated by HYSYS.
Skirt Height
Applicable for Bubble Cap tray types.
Leg Length
Applicable for all Sulzer-Nutter, KochGlistch Ballast, or Koch-Glistch Flexitray
tray types, except Flex-S.
Valve Material
Applicable for all Sulzer-Nutter, KochGlistch Ballast, or Koch-Glistch Flexitray
tray types, except Flex-S.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Valve Thickness
Applicable for all Sulzer-Nutter, KochGlistch Ballast, or Koch-Glistch Flexitray
tray types, except Flex-S (since the FlexS Valve Thickness is equivalent to Deck
Number of
Applicable for all Sulzer-Nutter, KochGlistch Ballast, or Koch-Glistch Flexitray
tray types.
Select the radio button to specify this value. If
you specify Number of Valves, the Number of Valves Per Active Area is calculated
Number of
Valves Per
Active Area
Applicable for all Sulzer-Nutter, KochGlistch Ballast, or Koch-Glistch Flexitray
tray types.
Select the radio button to specify this value. If
you specify Number of Valves Per Active
Area, the Number of Valves is calculated
Note: You can click the View Hydraulic Plots button to view hydraulic operating diagrams for the column.
7 Column Analysis Overview
For 1-pass trays:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Adjust values for the following, if desired:
Deck Thickness
10 gauge
If you specify a deck gauge, the thickness is automatically calculated.
If you select Other, you must manually type the
Active Area
Under Downcomer check
When this check box is selected, the area under
the downcomer is included in the active (bubbling) area.
Weir Modifications
You can select between the following options:
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
No weir modifications: This is the
default selection.
Picket weirs: Used to accommodate
lower loads.
Swept-back weirs: Used to accommodate higher loads.
Refer to Specifying Picket Fence Weirs or Swept
Back Weirs for further details.
Side Downcomer
Width: Top
For the Side and Center downcomers, either top
width or weir length can be specified. If top width
is specified, the weir length is calculated and vice
versa. When any one of these mutually exclusive
fields (say top width) is selected for modification,
the related field (say weir length) will be highlighted in yellow. Refer to Tray and Downcomer
Area Calculations for further details.
The limits on side downcomer width for 1-pass
trays are as follows:
0.025D to 0.4D
where D is the diameter of the column.
Side Downcomer
Width: Bottom
Defaults to the same value as the Side Downcomer Width: Top. When the top width is modified, the bottom width will change accordingly
unless explicitly modified by the user. Refer to
Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
The limits on side downcomer width for 1-pass
trays are as follows:
0.025D to 0.4D
where D is the diameter of the column
7 Column Analysis Overview
Side Weir
For the Side and Center downcomers, either top
width or weir length can be specified. If top width
is specified, the weir length is calculated and vice
versa. When any one of these mutually exclusive
fields (say top width) is selected for modification,
the related field (say weir length) will be highlighted in yellow. Length of outlet weir of side
downcomer. Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area
Calculations for further details.
Weir Height
(Tray Spacing)/12
0.75 * Weir
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
In Interactive Sizing Mode, for Sieve and
Bubble Cap trays, the calculation of the Diameter is performed based on the following parameters specified on the Geometry tab |
Design Parameters page:
the Jet Flood Method (where the
default is Glitsch6)
the Percent Jet Flood by Design
(where the default is 80%)
the Minimum Downcomer Area / Total
Tray Area (where the default is 0.1)
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Note: Weeping is not accounted for in the sizing
Tray Spacing
0.6096 m
(2 ft)
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
In Rating Mode, if you update the Tray Spacing, the tray section is automatically re-rated
with the new tray spacing.
The maximum value is 2 m (6.562 ft).
Note: We do not recommend a Tray Spacing
value larger than 1 m, since the correlations may
not be reliable in this case.
7 Column Analysis Overview
For 2-pass trays:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Adjust values for the following, if desired:
Deck Thickness
10 gauge
Available options:
If you specify a deck gauge, the thickness is automatically calculated.
If you select Other, you must manually type the
7 Column Analysis Overview
Based On
Adjusts downcomer widths/locations to balance
load among downcomers. This drop-down list is
only available in the Interactive Sizing mode
and is enabled only if downcomers are not balanced.
You can select:
Maximum Downcomer Loading:
Downcomer widths and locations will be
adjusted to ensure that the top and bottom areas for all downcomers are equal
and loading for each downcomer equals
the maximum loading. For Sieve and
Bubble Cap trays, the maximum downcomer loading will be computed using the
Maximum Downcomer Loading
Method selected on the Geometry tab |
Design Parameters page. For the other
tray types, vendor specified correlations
will be used.
All user-specified downcomer geometry
will be overwritten by HYSYS.
Side Downcomer: Widths and locations
will be adjusted for the center and off-center downcomers to ensure that the top
and bottom areas (and hence the loading) are equal to that of the side downcomer.
User-specified downcomer geometry/locations for the Center and OffCenter downcomers will be overwritten
Center Downcomer: Widths and locations will be adjusted for the side and
off-center downcomers to ensure that
the top and bottom areas (and hence the
loading) are equal to that of the center
User-specified downcomer geometry/locations for the Side and OffCenter downcomers will be overwritten
Click the Rebalance Downcomers button to
update the downcomer geometry and layout to
ensure an equal liquid load (flow per unit area)
across all downcomers. The diagram updates to
display the new dimensions, and the graphs displaying downcomer and weir data update.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Active Area
Under Downcomer check
When this check box is selected, the area under
the downcomer is included in the active (bubbling) area.
Weir Modifications
You can select between the following options:
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
No weir modifications: This is the
default selection.
Picket weirs: Used to accommodate
lower loads.
Swept-back weirs: Used to accommodate higher loads.
Refer to Specifying Picket Fence Weirs or Swept
Back Weirs for further details.
Side Downcomer
Width: Top
For the Side and Center downcomers, either top
width or weir length can be specified. If top width
is specified, the weir length is calculated and vice
versa. When any one of these mutually exclusive fields (say top width) is selected for modification, the related field (say weir length) will be
highlighted in yellow. Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
The limits on side downcomer width for 2-pass
trays are as follows:
0.025D to 0.25D
where D is the diameter of the column
Side Downcomer
Width: Bottom
Defaults to the same value as the Side Downcomer Width: Top. When the top width is modified, the bottom width will change accordingly
unless explicitly modified by the user. Refer to
Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
The limits on side downcomer width for 2-pass
trays are as follows:
0.025D to 0.25D
where D is the diameter of the column
Side Weir
For the Side and Center downcomers, either top
width or weir length can be specified. If top width
is specified, the weir length is calculated and vice
versa. When any one of these mutually exclusive fields (say top width) is selected for modification, the related field (say weir length) will be
highlighted in yellow. Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Center Weir
For the Side and Center downcomers, either top
width or weir length can be specified. If top width
is specified, the weir length is calculated and vice
versa. When any one of these mutually exclusive fields (say top width) is selected for modification, the related field (say weir length) will be
highlighted in yellow. Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
Center Downcomer
Width: Top
For the Side and Center downcomers, either top
width or weir length can be specified. If top width
is specified, the weir length is calculated and vice
versa. When any one of these mutually exclusive fields (say top width) is selected for modification, the related field (say weir length) will be
highlighted in yellow. Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
Center Downcomer
Width: Bottom
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Weir Height
(Tray Spacing)/12
The default value is 2 inches. Refer to Tray and
Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
0.75 * Weir
The default value is 1.5 inches. Refer to Tray and
Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
In Interactive Sizing Mode, for Sieve and
Bubble Cap trays, the calculation of the Diameter is performed based on the following parameters specified on the Geometry tab |
Design Parameters page:
the Jet Flood Method (where the
default is Glitsch6)
the Percent Jet Flood by Design
(where the default is 80%)
the Minimum Downcomer Area / Total
Tray Area (where the default is 0.1)
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Note: Weeping is not accounted for in the sizing
7 Column Analysis Overview
Tray Spacing
0.6096 m
(2 ft)
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
In Rating Mode, if you update the Tray Spacing, the tray section is automatically re-rated
with the new tray spacing.
The maximum value is 2 m (6.562 ft).
Note: We do not recommend a Tray Spacing
value larger than 1 m, since the correlations
may not be reliable in this case.
7 Column Analysis Overview
For 3-pass trays:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Adjust values for the following, if desired:
Deck Thickness
10 gauge
If you specify a deck gauge, the thickness is automatically calculated.
If you select Other, you must manually type the
7 Column Analysis Overview
Based On
Adjusts downcomer widths/locations to balance
load among downcomers. This drop-down list is
only available in the Interactive Sizing mode
and is enabled only if downcomers are not balanced.
You can select:
Maximum Downcomer Loading:
Downcomer widths and locations will be
adjusted to ensure that the top and bottom areas for all downcomers are equal
and loading for each downcomer equals
the maximum loading. For Sieve and
Bubble Cap trays, the maximum downcomer loading will be computed using the
Maximum Downcomer Loading
Method selected on the Geometry tab |
Design Parameters page. For the other
tray types, vendor specified correlations
will be used.
All user-specified downcomer geometry
will be overwritten by HYSYS.
Side Downcomer: Widths and locations
will be adjusted for the center and off-center downcomers to ensure that the top
and bottom areas (and hence the loading) are equal to that of the side downcomer.
User-specified downcomer geometry/locations for the Center and OffCenter downcomers will be overwritten
Center Downcomer: Widths and locations will be adjusted for the side and
off-center downcomers to ensure that
the top and bottom areas (and hence the
loading) are equal to that of the center
User-specified downcomer geometry/locations for the Side and OffCenter downcomers will be overwritten
Click the Rebalance Downcomers button to
update the downcomer geometry and layout to
ensure an equal liquid load (flow per unit area)
across all downcomers. The diagram updates to
display the new dimensions, and the graphs displaying downcomer and weir data update.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Active Area
Under Downcomer check
When this check box is selected, the area under
the downcomer is included in the active (bubbling) area.
Weir Modifications
You can select between the following options:
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
No weir modifications: This is the default
Picket weirs: Used to accommodate
lower loads.
Swept-back weirs: Used to accommodate higher loads.
Refer to Specifying Picket Fence Weirs or Swept
Back Weirs for further details.
Side Downcomer
Width: Top
For the Side and Center downcomers, either top
width or weir length can be specified. If top width
is specified, the weir length is calculated and vice
versa. When any one of these mutually exclusive fields (say top width) is selected for modification, the related field (say weir length) will be
highlighted in yellow. Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
The limits on side downcomer width for 3-pass
trays are as follows:
0.025D to 0.25D
where D is the diameter of the column
Side Downcomer
Width: Bottom
Defaults to the same value as the Side Downcomer Width: Top. Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details
The limits on side downcomer width for 3-pass
trays are as follows:
0.025D to 0.25D
where D is the diameter of the column
Side Weir
For the Side and Center downcomers, either top
width or weir length can be specified. If top width
is specified, the weir length is calculated and vice
versa. When any one of these mutually exclusive fields (say top width) is selected for modification, the related field (say weir length) will be
highlighted in yellow. Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
7 Column Analysis Overview
For Off-Center downcomer, two of the following
must be specified:
Top width
Inside weir length
Outside weir length
Off-Center Downcomer Location (distance from center) When any one of
these fields is selected for modification, all
four fields will be highlighted in yellow to
indicate the relationship.
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
For Off-Center downcomer, two of the following
must be specified:
Top width
Inside weir length
Outside weir length
Off-Center Downcomer Location (distance from center) When any one of
these fields is selected for modification, all
four fields will be highlighted in yellow to
indicate the relationship.
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Width: Top
For Off-Center downcomer, two of the following
must be specified:
Top width
Inside weir length
Outside weir length
Off-Center Downcomer Location (distance from center) When any one of
these fields is selected for modification, all
four fields will be highlighted in yellow to
indicate the relationship.
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Width: Bottom
Weir Height
7 Column Analysis Overview
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
(Tray Spacing)/12
The default value is 2 inches. Refer to Tray and
Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
0.75 * Weir
The default value is 1.5 inches. Refer to Tray and
Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
In Interactive Sizing Mode, for Sieve and
Bubble Cap trays, the calculation of the Diameter is performed based on the following parameters specified on the Geometry tab |
Design Parameters page:
the Jet Flood Method (where the
default is Glitsch6)
the Percent Jet Flood by Design
(where the default is 80%)
the Minimum Downcomer Area / Total
Tray Area (where the default is 0.1)
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Note: Weeping is not accounted for in the sizing
Tray Spacing
0.6096 m
(2 ft)
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
In Rating Mode, if you update the Tray Spacing, the tray section is automatically re-rated
with the new tray spacing.
The maximum value is 2 m (6.562 ft).
Note: We do not recommend a Tray Spacing
value larger than 1 m, since the correlations
may not be reliable in this case.
For Off-Center downcomer, two of the following
must be specified:
Top width
Inside weir length
Outside weir length
Off-Center Downcomer Location (distance from center) When any one of
these fields is selected for modification, all
four fields will be highlighted in yellow to
indicate the relationship.
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
7 Column Analysis Overview
For 4-pass trays:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Adjust values for the following, if desired:
Deck Thickness
10 gauge
If you specify a deck gauge, the thickness is automatically calculated.
If you select Other, you must manually type the
7 Column Analysis Overview
Based On
Adjusts downcomer widths/locations to balance
load among downcomers. This drop-down list is
only available in the Interactive Sizing mode
and is enabled only if downcomers are not balanced.
You can select:
Maximum Downcomer Loading:
Downcomer widths and locations will be
adjusted to ensure that the top and bottom areas for all downcomers are equal
and loading for each downcomer equals
the maximum loading. For Sieve and
Bubble Cap trays, the maximum downcomer loading will be computed using the
Maximum Downcomer Loading
Method selected on the Geometry tab |
Design Parameters page. For the other
tray types, vendor specified correlations
will be used.
All user-specified downcomer geometry
will be overwritten by HYSYS.
Side Downcomer: Widths and locations
will be adjusted for the center and off-center downcomers to ensure that the top
and bottom areas (and hence the loading) are equal to that of the side downcomer.
User-specified downcomer geometry/locations for the Center and OffCenter downcomers will be overwritten
Center Downcomer: Widths and locations will be adjusted for the side and
off-center downcomers to ensure that
the top and bottom areas (and hence the
loading) are equal to that of the center
User-specified downcomer geometry/locations for the Side and OffCenter downcomers will be overwritten
Click the Rebalance Downcomers button to
update the downcomer geometry and layout to
ensure an equal liquid load (flow per unit area)
across all downcomers. The diagram updates to
display the new dimensions, and the graphs displaying downcomer and weir data update.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Active Area
Under Downcomer check
When this check box is selected, the area under
the downcomer is included in the active (bubbling) area.
Weir Modifications
You can select between the following options:
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
No weir modifications: This is the
default selection.
Picket weirs: Used to accommodate
lower loads.
Swept-back weirs: Used to accommodate higher loads.
Refer to Specifying Picket Fence Weirs or Swept
Back Weirs for further details.
Side Downcomer
Width: Top
For the Side and Center downcomers, either top
width or weir length can be specified. If top width
is specified, the weir length is calculated and vice
versa. When any one of these mutually exclusive fields (say top width) is selected for modification, the related field (say weir length) will be
highlighted in yellow. Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
The limits on side downcomer width for 4-pass
trays are as follows:
0.025D to 0.2D
where D is the diameter of the column
Side Downcomer
Width: Bottom
Defaults to the same value as the Side Downcomer Width: Top. When the top width is modified, the bottom width will change accordingly
unless explicitly modified by the user. Refer to
Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
The limits on side downcomer width for 4-pass
trays are as follows:
0.025D to 0.2D
where D is the diameter of the column
Side Weir
For the Side and Center downcomers, either top
width or weir length can be specified. If top width
is specified, the weir length is calculated and vice
versa. When any one of these mutually exclusive fields (say top width) is selected for modification, the related field (say weir length) will be
highlighted in yellow. Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Center Weir
For the Side and Center downcomers, either top
width or weir length can be specified. If top width
is specified, the weir length is calculated and vice
versa. When any one of these mutually exclusive fields (say top width) is selected for modification, the related field (say weir length) will be
highlighted in yellow. Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Width: Top
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Width: Bottom
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Center Downcomer
Width: Top
For the Side and Center downcomers, either top
width or weir length can be specified. If top width
is specified, the weir length is calculated and vice
versa. When any one of these mutually exclusive fields (say top width) is selected for modification, the related field (say weir length) will be
highlighted in yellow. Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
Center Downcomer
Width: Bottom
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Weir Height
(Tray Spacing)/12
The default value is 2 inches.
0.75 * Weir
The default value is 1.5 inches. Refer to Tray and
Downcomer Area Calculations for further details.
7 Column Analysis Overview
In Interactive Sizing Mode, for Sieve and
Bubble Cap trays, the calculation of the Diameter is performed based on the following parameters specified on the Geometry tab |
Design Parameters page:
the Jet Flood Method (where the
default is Glitsch6)
the Percent Jet Flood by Design
(where the default is 80%)
the Minimum Downcomer Area / Total
Tray Area (where the default is 0.1)
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Note: Weeping is not accounted for in the sizing
Tray Spacing
0.6096 m
(2 ft)
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
In Rating Mode, if you update the Tray Spacing, the tray section is automatically re-rated
with the new tray spacing.
The maximum value is 2 m (6.562 ft).
Note: We do not recommend a Tray Spacing
value larger than 1 m, since the correlations
may not be reliable in this case.
Refer to Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
for further details.
Rebalancing Downcomers
Note: The Rebalance Downcomers button is only enabled when Interactive Sizing
Mode is selected and the downcomers are not balanced.
To rebalance downcomers for multi-pass trays:
1. Adjust the desired dimensions.
2. From the Balance Downcomers Based On drop-down list, select the
parameter from which downcomer loading is balanced.
Maximum Downcomer Loading: Downcomer widths and locations will be adjusted to ensure that the top and bottom areas
for all downcomers are equal and loading for each downcomer
equals the maximum loading. For Sieve and Bubble Cap trays,
the maximum downcomer loading will be computed using the
Maximum Downcomer Loading Method selected on the Geometry tab | Design Parameters page. For the other tray types,
vendor specified correlations will be used.
7 Column Analysis Overview
All user-specified downcomer geometry will be overwritten by
Side Downcomer: Widths and locations will be adjusted for the
center and off-center downcomers to ensure that the top and bottom areas (and hence the loading) are equal to that of the side
User-specified downcomer geometry/locations for the Center and
Off-Center downcomers will be overwritten by HYSYS.
Center Downcomer: Widths and locations will be adjusted for
the side and off-center downcomers to ensure that the top and
bottom areas (and hence the loading) are equal to that of the center downcomer.
User-specified downcomer geometry/locations for the Side and
Off-Center downcomers will be overwritten by HYSYS.
3. Click the Rebalance Downcomers button to update the downcomer
geometry and layout to ensure an equal liquid load (flow per unit area)
across all downcomers.
The geometry is calculated with balanced downcomers. The diagram
updates to display the new dimensions, and the graphs displaying downcomer and weir data update.
Specifying Picket Fence Weirs or Swept
Back Weirs
When Picketed or Swept-back is selected as a Weir Modifications option
on the Geometry tab | Geometry page, use this sheet to specify the geometry
information for picketed or swept-back weirs.
Swept-back weirs are used to accommodate higher loads, whereas Picketed
weirs are used to accommodate lower loads.
Specifying Picket Fence Weirs
Use Picketing to increase the weir loading for single-pass trays or balance the
weir loading for multi-pass trays. The picketing fraction represents the fraction
of the weir length that is “blocked” by the picket. Picketing reduces the effective weir length exposed to the liquid and increases the weir loading:
Effective picketed weir length = (1 – Picketing fraction) * Actual weir length
Single-Pass Tray
In Interactive Sizing mode, a default Picketing Fraction is calculated as follows:
If the weir loading for the unpicketed weir is less than the Minimum
Weir Loading specified on the Geometry tab | Design Parameters
page, the picketing fraction is calculated based on the extent of picketing
7 Column Analysis Overview
required to raise the weir loading to the specified Minimum Weir Loading:
Picketing Fraction = 1 - Liquid Volumetric Flow Across Weir/(Unpicketed
weir length * Minimum Weir Loading)
If the weir loading for the unpicketed weir is greater than the Minimum
Weir Loading, the picket fraction defaults to 0.
Multi-Pass Trays
In Interactive Sizing mode, a default Picketing Fraction is calculated as follows:
The picketing fraction for center and of-center weirs are calculated
based on the extent of picketing required to make the weir loading
across all weirs equal:
Picketing Fraction = 1 - Side Weir Length/Unpicketed weir length
Rating Mode
In Rating Mode, a default value of 0 is used for the Picketing Fraction.
Specifying Picket Fence Weirs
To specify picket fence weirs:
1. On the Geometry tab | Geometry page of the Geometry form, in the
Weir Modifications section, select Picketed.
2. Select the Picketed/Swept-Back Weirs page.
3. Specify the Picketing Fraction according to the following guidelines:
For one-pass trays, update the Side Picketing Fraction as
desired. The default value is the fraction required to move the
load on each weir above the Minimum Weir Loading.
Note: If the weir loading is higher than the minimum weir loading, the calculated Picketing Fraction will be 0.
For two-pass trays, update the following as desired: Side Picketing Fraction and Center Picketing Fraction. The default
value for the Side Picketing Fraction is 0.
For three-pass trays, update the following as desired: Side Picketing Fraction, Off-Center Outside Picketing Fraction, and
Off-Center Inside Picketing Fraction. The default value for
the Side Picketing Fraction is 0.
For four-pass trays, update the following as desired: Side Picketing Fraction, Off-Center Outside Picketing Fraction, OffCenter Inside Picketing Fraction, and Center Picketing
Fraction. The default value for the Side Picketing Fraction is
7 Column Analysis Overview
Specifying Swept-Back Weirs
Use swept-back weirs to increase the effective length of the side weirs and
decrease the weir loading.
To specify swept-back weirs:
1. On the Geometry tab | Geometry page of the Geometry form, in the
Weir Modifications section, select Swept-back weirs.
2. Select the Picketed/Swept-Back Weirs page.
3. Specify values depending on your selection in the Compatibility section. Refer to Swept-Back Weir Calculations for further details. Three different shapes for swept-back weirs are available, corresponding with
designs offered in vendor programs SulCol, KG-Tower, and FRI-DRP.
Choose one of these shapes, and then specify the geometry parameters
in the diagram.
SulCol: This is the default selection. For SulCol, you can specify
lengths A, B, and S, which define the size and shape of the
swept-back portion of the weir.
In Interactive Sizing mode, if the side weir loading exceeds the
Maximum Weir Loading, S is calculated to ensure that:
Effective weir loading of the swept-back weir = Maximum
weir loading
Effective weir loading of the swept-back weir = Volumetric
flow rate of liquid across the weir/ Projected weir length
A and B are defaulted as follows:
A = (2/3) * Width of side downcomer
B = (2/3) * A
KG Tower: In the Swept Back Weir field, specify the depth
from the main part of the weir at the point where it is most swept
back. The other geometry parameters are defined relative to this
Note: In Interactive Sizing mode, if the side weir loading exceeds the
Maximum Weir Loading, the Swept Back Weir is calculated to
ensure that:
Effective weir loading of the swept-back weir = Maximum weir loading
Effective weir loading of the swept-back weir = Volumetric flow
rate of liquid across the weir/ Projected weir length
FRI-DRP: Specify the lengths of the three different segments of
the weir: Parallel Chord Segment, Swept-Back Weir Chord,
and Angled Chord Segment.
The following calculated values appear below the diagram:
Tray with Maximum Weir Loading
Maximum Weir Loading
7 Column Analysis Overview
Maximum Allowable Loading in Section: The value for the
Maximum Weir Loading specified on the Geometry tab |
Design Parameters page is used. For further details, refer to
Specifying Tray Geometry Design Parameters.
Actual Side Weir Length
Effective Side Weir Length: Considered in the hydraulic calculations.
Lost Area: The percentage of tray area lost due to the sweptback weirs
Viewing the Tray Geometry Summary
On the Geometry tab | Geometry Summary page of the Tray Geometry
form, you can view the results for values specified on the Geometry tab
| Geometry page.
Specifying Tray Geometry Design Parameters
To specify design parameters:
1. Select the Geometry tab | Design Parameters page.
2. In the Sizing Criterion section, adjust the following values as desired:
Percent Jet
Flood and
Choke Flood
Percentage approach to jet flood and downcomer
choke flood used to compute diameter in Interactive Sizing mode. Refer to Flooding Calculations for Trays.
Area / Total
Tray Area
Minimum fraction of total tray area occupied by
downcomers. Used in Interactive Sizing mode.
3. In the Hydraulic Plots / Limits section, adjust the following values as
desired. Changing these parameters will affect the boundaries drawn on
the stability (operating) diagrams.
Pressure Drop
Maximum acceptable pressure drop per stage. The
final pressure drop reported for a stage also
includes static vapor head losses. This and other
limits below determine the stability region on the
hydraulic plot, and violations of the limits are indicated there.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Maximum Percent Jet Flood
Maximum acceptable approach to jet flooding on
any stage, in percent; 100 indicates the vapor velocity equals the velocity at which flooding is predicted to begin.
Maximum Percent Downcomer Backup
Maximum acceptable height of aerated froth in
any downcomer compared to the height of the
downcomer (sum of tray spacing and weir height),
in percent. Refer to Downcomer Backup Calculations for further details.
Maximum Percent Liquid
Maximum acceptable percentage of liquid
entrained in the rising vapor as droplets. This limit
is only applied where information is available from
experiments on liquid entrainment as a function of
tray hydraulics (currently bubble cap and sieve
Minimum Weir
per inch
Minimum acceptable volumetric flow rate of aerated liquid per unit length of weir, calculated on
the basis of total liquid flow divided by total weir
length. Changing the Minimum Weir Loading
affects the boundaries drawn on the stability (operating) diagrams for the Picketing Fraction. Refer
to Specifying Picket Fence Weirs or Swept Back
Weirs for further information.
Maximum Weir
Maximum acceptable weir loading, calculated in
the same way as for the minimum. Default is
based on the tray spacing (Resetarits & Ogundeji,
When tray spacing is 12 in., maximum weir
loading is 3 gal/min per inch.
When tray spacing is 15 in., maximum weir
loading is 5 gal/min per inch.
When tray spacing is 18 in., maximum weir
loading is 8 gal/min per inch.
When tray spacing is 21 in., maximum weir
loading is 10 gal/min per inch.
When tray spacing is 24 in., maximum weir
loading is 13 gal/min per inch.
When you update the Tray Spacing on the Geometry tab | Geometry page, HYSYS recalculates
the Maximum Weir Loading.
Changing the Maximum Weir Loading affects
the boundaries drawn on the stability (operating)
diagrams for the swept-back weir dimensions.
Status (Percent to Limit)
7 Column Analysis Overview
For each of the specified maximum or minimum
values, if the value is within this percentage of the
limit, a warning appears (indicated in yellow) in the
hydraulic plots. Refer to Hydraulic Plots for further
4. In the Design Factors section, adjust the following values as desired:
System Foaming Factor
Adjustment factor to the maximum density-corrected vapor load at flood, CSf , calculated from a
jet flood correlation. Typical non-foaming systems
should use a value of 1. Lower values indicate
more foaming. See Foaming Calculations for typical values.
Aeration Factor
Adjustment factor to the aeration parameter β
used in the calculation of pressure drop through
the aerated liquid on a tray. Adjust this parameter
to get better agreement between calculated and
measured tray pressure drops.
Multiplier to adjust the liquid flow leaving a tray
and the vapor flow going to a tray. This parameter
can be used to examine turnup/turndown behavior.
Override Downcomer Froth
Density (0 to
1) check box
Select this check box to override the calculated
value for the downcomer froth density. This is a
dimensionless value which represents the volume
fraction of liquid in the froth. To learn how
HYSYS calculates downcomer relative froth density, refer to Downcomer Relative Froth Density.
5. In the Calculation Methods section, adjust the following values as
7 Column Analysis Overview
Method used to calculate weeping. For
sieve trays, select between correlations suggested by Hsieh &
McNulty (Hsieh) or Lockett (Lockett).
Weeping on valve trays is calculated by
modifications to the Hsieh & McNulty
equation for sieve trays which these
researchers suggested. Bubble cap
trays do not weep significantly.
Lockett and Banik (56) and Hsieh and
McNulty (63) proposed correlations for
predicting weep rates from sieve trays.
Both correlations are based on pilot
scale data, mainly with the air water
system. The Hsieh and McNulty correlation is based on a broader data
bank, which includes the experimental
data by Lockett and Banik. Hsieh and
McNulty used an even wider, non-airwater, proprietary data bank for testing some of their predicted trends.
Note: HYSYS does not explicitly calculate the weep rate. The above correlations are used to determine the
vapor load at which weeping starts
(weep rate = 0).
Jet Flood
Method used to calculate jet flooding.
This is not available for certain tray
types where a method provided by the
vendor is always used.
Available options:
7 Column Analysis Overview
GLITSCH6: Refer to Flooding
Calculation for Trays for further
KISTER: Refer to Kister & Haas
Jet Flood Correlation for further
FAIR72: Refer to Fair and
Fair72 Jet Flood Correlations for
further details.
SDO72: Refer to Smith,
Dresser, and Ohlswager Jet
Flood Correlation for further
Maximum Downcomer
Method used to calculate downcomer
loading. For bubble cap and sieve trays,
select between correlations suggested
by Glitsch, Koch, or Nutter. For specific
valve tray types, the correlation appropriate to the valve type is used.
Ballast Tray Design Manual, Glitsch,
Inc. Bulletin No. 4900, 3rd ed. Dallas,
Koch Flexitray Design Manual, Koch
Engineering Co., Inc. Bulletins No.
960, 960-1, Wichita.
Nutter Float Valve Design Manual,
Tulsa: Nutter Engineering Co., 1976.
Lockett, M. J. and Banik, S., “Weeping from sieve trays,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 25(2), pp. 561-569, 1986.
Hsieh, C. Li. and McNulty, K. J., “Predict weeping of sieve and valve trays,”
Chem. Eng. Prog., V. 89, No. 7, p. 71-77, 1993.
Hsieh, C. L., and McNulty, K. J., Paper presented at the annual Meeting of the
AICHE, Miami Beach, Florida, November 2-7, 1986.
Resetarits, M.R. and Ogundeji, A.Y. "On Distillation Tray Weir Loading." AIChE
Spring National Meeting, Tampa, FL (April 26-30, 2009).
Viewing Tray Summary Results
On the Results tab | Summary page of the Tray Geometry form, you can
view the following results for the section.
Section Starting Stage
You can change this value on the Internals tab.
Section Ending Stage
You can change this value on the Internals tab.
Tray Type
This value is set on the Geometry tab | Geometry page.
Number of Passes
This value is set on the Geometry tab | Geometry page.
Tray Spacing
Section Diameter
Section Height
Section Pressure Drop
Section Head Loss
7 Column Analysis Overview
Trays With Weeping
Lists the trays (if any) that include weeping. If there are no
trays with weeping, None appears in this field.
Limiting Conditions
Maximum % Jet Flood
Lists the maximum acceptable approach to jet flooding on any
stage, in percent, and the tray in which it occurs. 100 indicates the vapor velocity equals the velocity at which flooding is
predicted to begin. Refer to Flooding Calculations for Trays.
Maximum % Downcomer Backup
Lists the maximum downcomer backup in percent, and the
tray in which it occurs. Refer to Downcomer
Backup Calculations.
The Location column lists one of the following results:
Maximum Downcomer
Off-Center Inside
Off-Center Outside
Lists the maximum downcomer loading and the tray in which
it occurs.
The Location column lists one of the following results:
Maximum Weir Loading
Lists the maximum weir loading and the tray in which it
Maximum Aerated
Height Over Weir
Lists the maximum aerated height over weir and the tray in
which it occurs.
Maximum % Approach
To System Limit
Lists the maximum % approach to system limit and the tray
in which it occurs.
System Limit, or ultimate capacity, for a given system represents an upper limit of the superficial vapor velocity beyond
which a column cannot operate without flooding. The System
Limit is independent of column diameter and internals design
and depends only on the physical properties and the liquid
Percent Approach to system limit = (Capacity factor / Capacity
factor at system limit) * 100
Maximum Cs Based
On Bubbling Area
7 Column Analysis Overview
Lists the maximum Cs based on bubbling area and the tray in
which it occurs.
Maximum % Downcomer Choke Flood
Lists the highest calculated downcomer choke flood and the
tray and location in which it occurs.
Downcomer choke flood is a problem in high liquid rate applications in trayed columns. It occurs when the downcomer top
area is not large enough to handle the froth flow, and vapor
cannot disengage properly from the liquid. Choke flooding on
certain trays reduces the capacity and efficiency of the trays
and other trays in the immediate vicinity, which can sometimes lead to serious operability issues for the entire column.
Stupin, W. J. and Kister, H. Z., “System Limit: The Ultimate Capacity of Fractionators,” Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 81, Issue 1, 136
– 146, 2003.
Viewing Tray Geometry Results By Tray
You can use the Results tab | By Tray page to view tray-by-tray results for
tray rating calculations. For each tray in this section, many results are shown.
Use the View drop-down list to select which results are shown. Selecting All
shows all of these results.
You can scroll, filter, and sort the tabular results.
State Conditions
All liquid results apply to the liquid leaving a tray and include any liquid draw
from the tray. All vapor results apply to vapor entering a tray.
Liquid Temperature
Vapor Temperature
Liquid Mass Flow (liquid from tray, including any liquid draw from the
Vapor Mass Flow (vapor to tray)
Liquid Volume Flow (liquid from tray)
Vapor Volume Flow (vapor to tray)
Physical Properties
All liquid results apply to the liquid leaving a tray. All vapor results apply to
vapor entering a tray.
Liquid Molecular Weight
Vapor Molecular Weight
Liquid Mass Density
Vapor Mass Density
Liquid Viscosity
7 Column Analysis Overview
Vapor Viscosity
Surface Tension
Hydraulic Results
This is the default selection. Hydraulic results are reported on a tray-by-tray
% Jet Flood: Refer to Flooding Calculations for Trays.
Dry Pressure Drop: Average pressure drop for a tray when the liquid
flow is zero, reported in pressure drop units.
Total Pressure Drop: The sum of dry pressure drop, clear liquid height
on the tray, and any residual pressure drop terms that might apply.
Reported in pressure drop units.
Dry Pressure Drop (Head Loss): Average pressure drop for a tray
when the liquid flow is zero, reported in liquid head units.
Total Pressure Drop (Head Loss): The sum of dry pressure drop,
clear liquid height on the tray, and any residual pressure drop terms that
might apply. Reported in liquid head units.
Downcomer Backup (Aerated): Average height of aerated liquid in
the downcomers. Refer to Downcomer Backup Calculations for further
Downcomer Backup (Unaerated): Average height of unaerated liquid
in the downcomers. Refer to Downcomer Backup Calculations for further
% Downcomer Backup (Aerated): Downcomer backup divided by
the total of tray spacing and weir height, expressed as a percentage,
reported for aerated liquid. Refer to Downcomer Backup Calculations for
further details.
% Downcomer Backup (Unaerated): Downcomer backup divided by
the total of tray spacing and weir height, expressed as a percentage,
reported for unaerated liquid. Refer to Downcomer Backup Calculations
for further details.
Mass Rate/Column Area
Volume Rate/Column Area
Fs (Net Area):
Fs (Bubbling Area):
Cs (Net Area):
Cs (Bubbling Area):
Approach to System Limit (as a percentage): System Limit, or
7 Column Analysis Overview
ultimate capacity, for a given system represents an upper limit of the
superficial vapor velocity beyond which a column cannot operate without
flooding. The System Limit is independent of column diameter and internals design and depends only on the physical properties and the liquid
Percent Approach to system limit = (Capacity factor / Capacity factor at
system limit) * 100
Height Over Weir (Aerated)
Height Over Weir (Unaerated)
For each downcomer type (depending on number of tray passes): Refer
to Downcomer Backup Calculations for further details.
Residence Time
Velocity from Top
Velocity from Bottom
Exit Velocity
Downcomer Choke Flood [%]: Downcomer choke flood is a
problem in high liquid rate applications in trayed columns. It
occurs when the downcomer top area is not large enough to
handle the froth flow, and vapor cannot disengage properly from
the liquid. Choke flooding on certain trays reduces the capacity
and efficiency of the trays and other trays in the immediate vicinity, which can sometimes lead to serious operability issues for
the entire column. The reported Downcomer Choke Flood
[%] is the percentage of the maximum acceptable liquid velocity
at the downcomer entrance.
Hydraulic Results (Short)
Hydraulic results are reported on a tray-by-tray basis.
% Jet Flood: Refer to Flooding Calculations for Trays.
Total Pressure Drop: The sum of dry pressure drop, clear liquid height
on the tray, and any residual pressure drop terms that might apply.
Reported in pressure drop units.
Downcomer Backup (Aerated): Average height of aerated liquid in
the downcomers. Refer to Downcomer Backup Calculations for further
Liquid Mass Flow
Vapor Mass Flow
Liquid Mass Density
Vapor Mass Density
Liquid Viscosity
Vapor Viscosity
Surface Tension
7 Column Analysis Overview
Stupin, W. J. and Kister, H. Z., “System Limit: The Ultimate Capacity of Fractionators,” Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 81, Issue 1, 136
– 146, 2003.
Specifying Packing Geometry
To specify packing geometry:
1. On the Geometry form, select the Geometry tab | Geometry page.
2. For Section Type, select the Packed radio button.
3. Specify the Mode:
Interactive Sizing: This is the default selection. If you specify
Packing Type, Vendor, and Dimension, HYSYS calculates the
Diameter. If you specify the Diameter, the column behavior is
the same as in Rating mode.
Rating: You must specify the Section Diameter.
4. From the Packing Type drop-down list, select the desired packing type.
The default selection is Pall.
5. If desired, select values for the following:
If you do not change the default Packing Type, the
default selection is Generic. Options are dependent on
the Packing Type selected.
If you do not change the default Packing Type, the
default selection is Metal. Options are dependent on the
Packing Type selected.
If you do not change the default Packing Type, the
default selection is 1.5-in or 38-mm. Options are
dependent on the Packing Type selected.
Section Diameter
In Interactive Sizing Mode, the diameter is calculated
based on the constraints that you specified on the Geometry tab | Design Parameters page. For further
details, refer to Specifying Packing Geometry Design Parameters. By default, HYSYS uses a Fractional Approach
to Maximum Capacity of 0.8 to calculate the diameter.
Packing Factor
If you choose a GPDC-based Pressure Drop Calculation Method on the Design Parameters page, and
the Packing Factor is missing, you must specify it.
6. You must perform one of the following tasks:
Select the Section Packed Height radio button and adjust the
value in the field. Packed Height per Stage (HETP) is automatically calculated.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Select the Packed Height per Stage (HETP) radio button and
adjust the value in the field. Section Packed Height is automatically calculated.
Note: You can click the View Hydraulic Plots button to view hydraulic operating diagrams for the column.
Specifying Packing Geometry Design Parameters
To specify Packing Geometry design parameters:
1. Select the Geometry tab | Design Parameters page.
2. Specify or view values for the following fields:
% Approach to
Maximum Capacity
If selected, in Interactive Sizing Mode, the section diameter
is computed such that the maximum value of the fractional
approach to maximum capacity
in the section equals this value.
Design Capacity
If selected, in Interactive Sizing Mode, the section diameter
is computed such that the maximum capacity factor in the section equals this value.
Sizing Criterion
Note: The Design Capacity
Factor is used for sizing (diameter) calculations, which are
performed using the conditions
from the stage with the highest
Design Factors
Optional Capacity
Factor at Flooding
If desired, you can type a value
in this field. If you do not specify
a value, HYSYS calculates the
capacity factor at flooding from
the correlations.
System Foaming
Specifies the degree of foaming
which occurs. Typical non-foaming systems should use a value
of 1. Lower values indicate
more foaming. See Foaming Calculations for typical values.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Factor used to multiply column
loadings to reflect expected minimum of maximum loadings.
Cannot be used if HYSYS
updates the pressure drop during calculations.
Hydraulic Plot/Pressure Drop
Minimum Liquid
Flow Rate per Unit
Pressure Drop at
Flood per Unit
Packed Height
7 Column Analysis Overview
0.25 gpm/ft2
for sheet metal
structured packings, glass,
ceramic, or carbon
0.5 gpm/ft2 for
random packings
0.1 gpm/ft2 for
wire gauze
structured packings
0.5 gpm/ft2 for
metal random
1 gpm/ft2 for
plastic random
0.5 gpm/ft2 for
plastic structured packings
Determines the minimum liquid
flow rate boundary on the
hydraulic plot. The default
depends on the type of packing,
but can be overridden by specifying a value here.
Displays the calculated value of
pressure drop at flooding per
unit packed height. This value
cannot be edited, but see
Allowable Pressure
Drop per Unit
Packed Height
Pressure Drop at Flood
Limit on pressure drop per unit
packed height. By default, this
is the pressure drop at flooding
(see above). Depending on the
option selected for Pressure
Drop Calculation Method:
Wallis or Stichlmair:
You cannot exceed the
maximum suggested
Pressure Drop at Flood.
Any of the GPDC methods: You can overwrite
the maximum pressure
drop value up to 4"
Minimum Pressure
Drop per Unit
Packed Height
0.05 in-water/ft
Lower limit on pressure drop
per unit packed height.
Determines a limit on the stability plot.
Number of Curves
(<= 50)
Number of curves displayed on
the hydraulic plots for packed
stages. There are always curves
drawn at minimum and maximum allowable pressure drop;
additional curves are roughly
evenly spaced between these
Warning Status
(% to Limit)
For each of the specified maximum or minimum values, if
the value is good but within this
percentage of the limit, a warning appears (indicated in yellow)
in the hydraulic plots. Refer to
Hydraulic Plots for further
7 Column Analysis Overview
Pressure Drop Calculation Method
Correlation method used to calculate pressure drop.
Available options:
Note: The Pressure Drop
Calculation Method is blank
when proprietary correlations
are used. This occurs when
Sulzer or Raschig is selected
as the Vendor on the Geometry tab | Geometry page.
If you choose a GPDC-based
method and the Packing Factor
is not available in the database
for your chosen packing, then
you must specify it on the Geometry tab | Geometry page.
Specifying Packing Constants
To specify packing constants:
1. On the Packing Geometry form, select the Geometry tab | Packing
Constants page.
2. In the Surface Area field, adjust the value as desired.
3. In the Void Fraction field, adjust the value as desired.
4. You can adjust the following Stichlmair Constants:
If your column is an Acid Gas column, the Acid Gas results (available on
the Parameters tab | Acid Gas page) are only impacted if all of the following conditions are met:
The Internals tab includes packed sections.
You manually modified the Stichlmair constants on this page.
The Acid Gas column is in rate-based mode.
You click the Send to Rating button.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Viewing Packing Summary Results
On the Results tab | Summary page of the Packing Geometry form, you can
view the following Packed Section Rating Results for the worst-case tray in the
Section Starting Stage: You can change this value on the Internals
Section Ending Stage: You can change this value on the Internals tab.
Column Diameter
Packed Height Per Stage: This value is set on the Geometry tab | Geometry page.
Section Height: This value is set on the Geometry tab | Geometry
Maximum % Capacity
Maximum Capacity Factor
Section Pressure Drop
Average Pressure Drop / Height
Maximum Stage Liquid Holdup
Maximum Liquid Superficial Velocity
Surface area: This value is set on the Geometry tab | Packing Constants page.
Void Fraction: This value is set on the Geometry tab | Packing Constants page.
1st Stichlmair Constant: This value is set on the Geometry tab | Packing Constants page.
2nd Stichlmair Constant: This value is set on the Geometry tab | Packing Constants page.
3rd Stichlmair Constant: This value is set on the Geometry tab | Packing Constants page.
Viewing Packing Results By Stage
You can use the Results tab | By Stage page to view stage-by-stage results
for tray rating calculations. For each stage in this section, many results are
shown. Use the View drop-down list to select which results are shown. Selecting All shows all of these results.
You can scroll, filter, and sort the tabular results.
State Conditions
All liquid results apply to the liquid leaving a stage and include any liquid draw
from the stage. All vapor results apply to vapor entering a stage.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Liquid Temperature
Vapor Temperature
Liquid Mass Flow (liquid from stage, including any liquid draw from
the stage)
Vapor Mass Flow (vapor to stage)
Liquid Volume Flow (liquid from stage)
Vapor Volume Flow (vapor to stage)
Physical Properties
All liquid results apply to the liquid leaving a stage. All vapor results apply to
vapor entering a stage.
Liquid Molecular Weight
Vapor Molecular Weight
Liquid Mass Density
Vapor Mass Density
Liquid Viscosity
Vapor Viscosity
Surface Tension
Hydraulic Results
This is the default selection. Hydraulic results are reported on a stage-by-stage
Packed Height
% Capacity (Constant L/V): Based on constant L/V ratio
% Capacity (Constant L): Based on constant liquid rate
Pressure Drop: Includes static head, if applicable.
Pressure Drop / Height (Frictional): Frictional pressure drop per
height. Does not include static head contribution.
Liquid Holdup
Liquid Viscosity
Approach to System Limit [%]: System Limit, or ultimate capacity,
for a given system represents an upper limit of the superficial vapor velocity beyond which a column cannot operate without flooding. The System
Limit is independent of column diameter and internals design and
depends only on the physical properties and the liquid load.
Percent Approach to system limit = (Capacity factor / Capacity factor at
system limit) * 100
7 Column Analysis Overview
Hydraulic Results (Short)
Hydraulic results are reported on a stage-by-stage basis.
% Capacity (Constant L/V): Based on constant L/V ratio
Pressure Drop / Height (Frictional): Frictional pressure drop per
height. Does not include static head contribution.
Liquid Mass Flow
Vapor Mass Flow
Liquid Mass Density
Vapor Mass Density
Liquid Viscosity
Vapor Viscosity
Surface Tension
Stupin, W. J. and Kister, H. Z., “System Limit: The Ultimate Capacity of Fractionators,” Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 81, Issue 1, 136
– 146, 2003.
Geometry Messages
The Messages tab of the Geometry form displays messages related to
column behavior. These messages appear next to an icon indicating the severity of the message:
Message: This indicates potentially useful information, such as general design guidelines which are violated, which do not necessarily indicate a problem.
Warning: This indicates a problem which may cause operational
issues with the column.
Error: This indicates a problem which will almost certainly prevent
proper operation of the column.
Hydraulic Plots
Accessing Hydraulic Plots
To access the hydraulic plots, perform one of the following tasks:
On the Internals tab of the Column property view, click the View
Hydraulic Plots button.
On the Internals form, click the View Hydraulic Plots button.
7 Column Analysis Overview
On the Geometry form, click the View Hydraulic Plots button.
The Hydraulic Plots form is divided into these main sections: The column diagram appears on the upper left. Below it, when a tray is selected, the downcomer loading relative to choke flood and weir loading diagrams appear. The
large plot on the right is the stability diagram. Below it is the carousel, which
shows a small version of the stability diagram for each of several stages.
If you right-click within the stability diagram, the following contextual menu
Note: Click the
icon in the upper-right corner to access the legend.
Trayed Hydraulic Plots
Refer to the following topics for more information regarding the correlations
Chan and Prince Dump Point Correlation
Liquid Entrainment Correlations
Downcomer Relative Froth Density
Downcomer Backup Calculations
Flooding Calculations for Trays
Kister & Haas Jet Flood Correlation
Fair and Fair72 Jet Flood Correlations
Smith, Dresser, and Ohlswager Jet Flood Correlation
7 Column Analysis Overview
7 Column Analysis Overview
Section of
Column Diagram
In the column diagram, click the tabs at the top to switch between the
Stages, Vapor, and Liquid views.
The Stages view depicts the stages in proportion to their diameters, and
indicates the locations of feeds and products.
The Vapor and Liquid views depicts the range of stable vapor or liquid
flow rate on each stage, and the current flow rate with a dot. Blue color
of one of these bars indicates stable behavior. Yellow indicates that the
column is near a stability limit. Red indicates the stage is outside the
stable region. The stages surrounded by a box are the ones shown in the
Stability Diagram
Stability diagram for the selected stage. Shows the actual vapor and
liquid flow rates as the Operating Point, marked with a small diamond,
and the boundaries of the stable region. Click the icon at the upper right
to display a legend explaining the lines. You can drag the legend to move
it to a convenient location.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Right-click and select Show errors/warnings to view a window
displaying error/warning messages associated with the current
stage. This option is only available when errors or warnings exist
for the current stage.
Section of
Loading Relative to
Choke Flood
The downcomer loading diagram shows a bar chart of the Downcomer
Loading value (left axis) mapped against the Downcomer Choke Flood
Percent (right axis).
In Interactive Sizing mode:
The bar chart shows the 100% value and the value based on sizing criteria (Percent Jet Flood and Downcomer Choke
Flood on the Geometry tab | Design Parameters page). The
default value based on sizing criteria is 80%.
The downcomer choke value for sizing appears as a dashed line.
Hover over the bar chart to view a tool tip that shows the downcomer
loading value, with the percent downcomer choke flood appearing.
The numerical value of downcomer loading is volumetric flow per time
per cross-sectional downcomer area.
Weir Loading
The weir loading diagram shows a bar chart of the weir loadings, with
lines at the minimum and maximum acceptable weir loadings. These diagrams are most meaningful for multiple-pass trays, so you can see
whether the downcomers and weirs are balanced. Weir loading is volumetric flow of liquid over the weir per time per length of weir.
Note: For 3 and 4 pass trays:
The label OCIn designates the off-center inside weir (the weir on
the off-center downcomer for the panel towards the center of the
The label OCOut designates the off-center outside weir.
The carousel on the bottom scrolls though individual stages with an indicator of which stage is selected. Small diagrams for each of the stages
highlighted on the Column Diagram are shown at the bottom of the form
in the Carousel.
Click the Stages with Errors/Warnings tab to only the stages with
errors or warnings.
Click the following icons to view details regarding the reason for the
Note: For the Stability Diagram, Downcomer Loading Relative to Choke Flood diagram,
and Weir Loading diagram, you can perform the following tasks:
Right-click and select Print Plot to print the plot or diagram.
Right-click and select Copy Plot to copy the plot or diagram to the clipboard.
Packing Hydraulic Plots
Hydraulic plots for packed sections are similar to those described above.
However, packed sections do not include the Downcomer Loading and Weir
7 Column Analysis Overview
Loading charts.
Refer to the following topics for more information regarding the correlations
Pressure Drop Calculations for Packing
Sherwood/Leva/Eckert GPDC Pressure Drop Correlation for Packing
Aspen GPDC85 Pressure Drop Correlation for Packing
Wallis-Aspen Pressure Drop Correlation for Packing
Maximum Capacity Calculations for Packing
Liquid Holdup Calculations for Packing
Note: For packing plots, pressure drop curves correspond to the frictional pressure
drop/ht and do not include the contribution due to static vapor head.
On the left side of the plot vapor flow diagram, the minimum vapor flow
bound will be where the constant L/V line intersects with either the vertical minimum liquid flow rate line or the minimum pressure drop curve,
whichever is higher. The maximum vapor flow bound will be where the
L/V line intersects with the maximum pressure drop line or the line for
ultimate capacity, whichever is lower. The yellow bar will appear when
the operating point is between the upper or lower bound but is very close
(default 10%) to the limit.
The following picture depicts the main hydraulic plot:
Three views are available:
Volume flow
Mass flow
7 Column Analysis Overview
CS /CL: Density Corrected Vapor Superficial Velocity/Liquid Superficial Velocity Plot
The legend assigns a different color to the pressure drop curve, the minimum liquid rate curve, and the curve for ultimate capacity. Ultimate
capacity only appears if it intersects with the pressure drop curves. If it
does not intersect with the pressure drop curves, you must select the
Draw all curves check box from the Hydraulic Plots ribbon tab to
view the ultimate capacity.
Hydraulic Plots Ribbon Tab
While using the Hydraulic Plots form, the Hydraulic Plots ribbon tab is available. This provides many controls for adjusting the appearance of the hydraulic
Hydraulic Plots Ribbon Tab
Plot Font Group
(plot feature
Choose which text feature of the plot to format with the other commands in this group: Axis Labels or Legend.
Choose the font for the text in the selected feature.
(font size
Choose the size for the text in the selected feature.
Diagram Group
Draw all
When checked, stability plots show all curves. Otherwise, only the
curves which bound the stable region are shown.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Shade diagram
When checked, stability plots shade the stable region.
When checked, stability plots label the boundaries of the stable region.
Flow Basis Group
Specify the flow basis for liquid data in plots.
Specify the flow basis for vapor data in plots.
Scaling Group
Scale plot axes automatically.
Scale plot axes as specified in Axis group.
Axis Group
Min, Max
Specify the range displayed on this axis
Origin at
If selected, then the origin of the plot is forced to be at zero on this axis.
Otherwise, the indicated minimum is used.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Importing Column Analysis Variables into a Spreadsheet
To import variables from Column Analysis into a Spreadsheet unit operation:
1. From the model palette or the UnitOps property view, add the Spreadsheet unit operation.
2. Click the Add Import button. The Variable Navigator (Multi-Select) view
3. From the Context drop-down list, select Analysis.
4. From the Objects list, select the desired Internals option.
5. From the Variables list, select the desired variable(s).
6. Click the
button to add the selected variables to the Selected list.
7. Click Done.
Exporting Column Results to
Vendor Packages
You can export results from Column Analyzer to vendor packages to confirm
and validate the Column Analyzer results.
You can export your results to:
Koch Glitch KG Tower
Sulzer SulCol
Exporting Results to KG Tower
To export your results to KG Tower:
1. Open the Column property view.
2. From the Column Design ribbon, in the Column Analyzer group, click
the Export to Vendor
3. On the Export Results to Vendor Packages dialog box, select the KG
Tower (*.kgt) radio button.
4. From the Select option to export drop-down list, select the results
that you want to export.
5. Click the Export button.
7 Column Analysis Overview
6. On the Export to KG Tower dialog box, you can select up to five stages
to export to KG Tower. From the Select Section drop-down list, you can
filter the stages. The default selection is All. Select the Export check
box for the desired stages.
7. Click the Export button.
8. On the Export dialog box, navigate to the desired location and specify
the file name, and then click Save. Your results are exported in a .kgt
You can open the exported results in the KG Tower program. However, if
you adjust the geometry data within the vendor package, you must enter
the updates manually in HYSYS. Geometry information will only be transferred if the vendor supports the specified tray and packing types.
Exporting Results to SulCol
To export your results to SulCol:
1. Open the Column property view.
2. From the Column Design ribbon, in the Column Analyzer group, click
the Export to Vendor
3. On the Export Results to Vendor Packages dialog box, select the
SulCol (*.sulcol) radio button.
4. From the Select option to export drop-down list, select the results
that you want to export.
5. Click the Export button.
6. On the Export dialog box, navigate to the desired location and specify
the file name, and then click Save. Your results are exported in a
.sulcol file.
You can open the exported results in the SulCol program. However, if
you adjust the geometry data within the vendor package, you must enter
the updates manually in HYSYS. Geometry information will only be transferred if the vendor supports the specified tray and packing types.
For export of valve trays to SulCol, only Sulzer-Nutter BDP and BDH valve
trays are supported. Other valve trays, sieve trays, and bubble cap trays
are not supported for export to SulCol.
Only Sulzer-Nutter packing types are supported for export to SulCol.
Exporting Results to FRI-DRP
To export your results to FRI-DRP:
7 Column Analysis Overview
1. Open the Column property view.
2. From the Column Design ribbon, in the Column Analyzer group, click
the Export to Vendor
3. On the Export Results to Vendor Packages dialog box, select the
FRI-DRP (*.xml) radio button.
4. Click the Export button.
Note: FRI-DRP only imports simulation results.
5. On the Export dialog box, navigate to the desired location and specify
the file name, and then click Save. Your results are exported in an .xml
You can open the exported results in the FRI-DRP program. However, if
you adjust the geometry data within the vendor package, you must enter
the updates manually in HYSYS. Geometry information will only be transferred if the vendor supports the specified tray and packing types.
Using Column Analysis Report
Before creating a Column Analysis report, the following conditions must be
Your column is converged.
Sections with hydraulics results exist within your column.
You have specified the geometry for your column.
To create a Column Analyzer report:
1. Select the desired column.
2. From the Column Design ribbon tab, in the Column Analyzer section,
click the Reports
log box appears.
button. The Column Analyzer Reports dia-
3. In the Page header information section, specify the following information:
Project name
Company name
Job code
7 Column Analysis Overview
4. In the Page display options section, you can select the Black and
white tables check box if you want the tables in the report to be black
and white only. If this check box is cleared, gray shading is used in
alternate rows.
5. In the Report contents (column) section, you can edit the following:
Profiles check
Select this check box to display the profile of
Temperatures, Pressures, Flows and Transport
properties along the column.
Column internals summary
check box
Select option
to report dropdown list
Selected the desired Internals option.
6. In the Report contents (sections) section, you can edit the following:
Select this check box to include Tray/Packing Geometry information in the report.
Select this check box to include information from the
Geometry tab | Design Parameters page in the
Select this check box to include information from the
Results tab | Summary page in the report.
Select this check box to include information from the
Results tab | By Tray page (for tray sections) or the
Results tab | By Stage page (for packed sections) in
the report.
Select this check box to include the operating plots for
each stage in the report.
7. Click the Generate report button to create and view the report. The
Save As dialog box appears, allowing you to specify the name and location of the report file.
A customized PDF report is created, containing the column hydraulic
7 Column Analysis Overview
Methods Used in Column Analysis
Swept-Back Weir Calculations
For swept-back weirs in the SulCol design, the length of the swept-back downcomer lsbw is calculated as follows:
Where wsdc is the width of the side downcomer, R is the radius of the column,
and A, B, and S are the specified geometry parameters.
The projected length of the swept back weir is
For sizing, S is determined as follows:
For the KG Tower design, the Swept Back Weir Length is the same as S for
For FRI:
Parallel Chord Segment Length is the same as B in the SulCol design.
Swept-Back Weir Chord Length = Unswept weir length – 2A
Angled Chord Segment =
where Z = 0.5(Projected weir length – Swept-back weir chord length) –
Chan and Prince Dump Point Correlation
Column analysis uses this correlation to find the dump point for sieve trays.
7 Column Analysis Overview
vH is the vapor velocity through the sieve hole.
H.Z. Kister, Distillation Design, 1992. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Liquid Entrainment Correlations
For bubble cap trays, the following correlation is used:
7 Column Analysis Overview
%EBC is the percent liquid entrainment for a bubble cap tray.
f is the fractional approach to jet flood.
X is the flow parameter.
For sieve trays, the correlation used is:
7 Column Analysis Overview
%ES is the percent liquid entrainment for a sieve tray.
f is the fractional approach to jet flood.
X is the flow parameter.
H.Z. Kister, Distillation Design, 1992. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Discharge Coefficient
For sieve trays, this correlation is used to calculate the discharge coefficient:
7 Column Analysis Overview
CV is the discharge coefficient.
ttod is the ratio of tray thickness to hole diameter.
ahtoab is the ratio of hole area to active area.
H.Z. Kister, Distillation Design, 1992. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Downcomer Relative Froth Density
The relative froth density in downcomers is calculated using this correlation:
7 Column Analysis Overview
φ DC is the relative froth density in the downcomer.
ρL is the liquid density in kg/m3.
ρV is the vapor density in kg/m3.
The relative froth density on bubble cap trays, sieve trays, and valve trays is
calculated using this correlation:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Downcomer froth density: M. Lockett, Distillation Tray Fundamentals, 2009.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Tray froth density: E.E. Ludwig, Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants (3rd ed., vol. 2), 1997. Houston, TX: Gulf Professional Publishing
Tray and Downcomer Area Calculations
There are three commonly used concepts of tray area:
Cross-sectional area is the entire area of the column, including all downcomer areas. This is πR2 where R is the radius of the column.
Net area is the cross-sectional area of a tray less the bottom areas of
the downcomer(s) from the tray above.
Active area, also called bubbling area, is the cross-sectional area of a
7 Column Analysis Overview
tray less the top areas of downcomers on that tray and the bottom areas
of downcomers from the tray above.
This diagram illustrates the difference between net area and active area for a
one-pass crossflow tray:
Note: When the Active Area Under Downcomer check box is selected on the Geometry tab | Geometry page, the active area is the same as the net area.
Downcomer Widths and Positions
The default layouts for multipass trays are based on equal flow path lengths for
panels. Trays with equal bubbling areas per panel can be modeled only by entering the geometry for these trays manually.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Flow Path Length
One-pass trays
Two-pass trays
Three-pass trays
Four-pass trays
One- and three-pass trays are symmetrical in the sense that all trays have the
same dimensions, though alternate trays are oriented differently. Two- and
four-pass trays are unsymmetrical; two alternating designs are necessary.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Trays
One-pass trays
Two-pass trays
Three-pass trays
Four-pass trays
Downcomer Area Calculations
In these formulas, R is the radius of the column, D = 2R is the diameter of the
column, L is the length of a weir, θ is the angle indicated (in radians), zocdc is
the distance from the center of the column to the center of an off-center downcomer, and A is the area of the indicated downcomer.
Side downcomer
7 Column Analysis Overview
Center downcomer
Off-center downcomer
For the off-center downcomer, first the position of the downcomer must be
determined. For the default positioning, the flow path length is equal on each
Three-pass trays:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Four-pass trays:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Then the area can be calculated:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Downcomer Backup Calculations
hdc is the downcomer backup, the height of aerated froth inside the downcomer
hT is the total head loss across the tray
hc is clear liquid height on the tray
hhg is the hydraulic gradient across the tray
hda is the head loss for flow through the downcomer clearance
αD is the relative froth density in the downcomer
Percent downcomer backup (%DCB) is calculated as:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Where TS is the tray spacing.
These other properties are also used in evaluating downcomers:
Downcomer exit velocity: The superficial velocity of the liquid exiting
from the downcomer, based on the cross-section area formed by the
downcomer clearance and the downcomer edge length across the bottom
of the tray.
System limit (also called ultimate capacity): The condition where the settling velocity of liquid drops is overcome by the upward drag force on
those same drops caused by the flow of vapor.
Downcomer volume: The volume of clear liquid contained in a downcomer.
Downcomer residence time
Downcomer top velocity: The volumetric clear liquid flow rate entering a
downcomer divided by the top cross-sectional area of the downcomer.
Downcomer bottom velocity: The volumetric clear liquid rate exiting a
downcomer divided by the bottom cross-sectional area of the downcomer.
Maximum Capacity Calculations for Packing
HYSYS provides several methods for maximum capacity calculations. For random packings you can use:
For this type of packings
Mass Transfer, Ltd. (MTL)
Norton IMTP
All other random packings
7 Column Analysis Overview
The Eckert method is a generalized pressure drop correlation similar to Figure
9-21C in Ludwig (1997).
For structured packings, HYSYS provides vendor procedures for each type. If
you specify the maximum capacity factor, HYSYS bypasses the maximum capacity calculations.
The definition of approach to maximum capacity depends on the type of packings.
For Norton IMTP and Intalox structured packings, approach to maximum capacity refers to the fractional approach to the maximum efficient capacity. Efficient capacity is the operating point at which efficiency of the packing
deteriorates due to liquid entrainment. The efficient capacity is approximately
10 to 20% below the flood point.
For Sulzer structured packings (BX, CY, Kerapak, and Mellapak), approach to
maximum capacity refers to the fractional approach to maximum capacity. Maximum capacity is the operating point at which a pressure drop of 12 mbar/m
(1.47 in-water/ft) of packing is obtained. At this condition, stable operation is
possible, but the gas load is higher than that at which maximum separation efficiency is achieved.
The gas load corresponding to the maximum capacity is 5 to 10% below the
flood point. Sulzer recommends a usual design range between 0.5 and 0.8 for
approach to flooding.
For Raschig random and structured packings, approach to maximum capacity
refers to the fractional approach to maximum capacity. Maximum capacity is at
the loading point.
For all other packings, the flood point is considered to be the maximum capacity, and approach to maximum capacity refers to the fractional approach to
the flood point.
Because there are different definitions for approach to maximum capacity, sizing results are not on the same basis for packings from different vendors, even
when you use the same value for approach to maximum capacity. Direct performance comparison of packings from different vendors is not recommended.
The capacity factor is:
= Capacity factor
= Superficial velocity of vapor to packing
= Density of vapor to packing
= Density of liquid from packing
7 Column Analysis Overview
1. Billet, R., and Schultes, M., "Modeling of Packed Tower Performance for
Rectification, Absorption and Desorption in the Total Capacity Range."
Paper presented at the 3rd Korea-Japan Symposium On Sep. Tech., October 25-27, 1993 in Seoul, Korea.
2. Cascade Mini-Ring Design Manual (Tokyo: Dodwell & Company, Ltd.,
3. Ernest E. Ludwig, Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Volume 2, 3rd edition, 1997, p. 283.
4. Intalox High-Performance Separation Systems, Bulletin IHP-1 (Akron:
Norton Company, 1987).
5. McNulty, K.J., "Hydraulic Model for Packed Tower Design." Paper presented at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Spring Meeting in
Houston, 1993.
Liquid Holdup Calculations for Packing
HYSYS performs liquid holdup calculations for both random and structured packings. For Raschig and Sulzer packings, HYSYS uses the vendor procedure. The
required parameters are void fraction and surface area. If you do not provide
these parameters, HYSYS will retrieve them from the built-in databank.
For other packings, HYSYS uses the Stichlmair correlation. The Stichlmair correlation requires these parameters:
Packing void fraction and surface area
Three Stichlmair correlation constants
When the Stichlmair correlation is used, Aspen Plus provides these parameters
for a variety of packings in the built-in packing databank. Stichlmair constants
for Koch-Glitsch packings were updated in Aspen Plus 2006.5 using KGLP Bulletins KRP-5 (2000), KRP-6 (2000), KCP-7 (2003), KMF-6 (2003), KG-IMTP2
(2003), KGMRP-1 (2003), KGSS-1 (2003), and KGPP-1 (2003). Stichlmair constants for Sulzer packings were also updated. If these parameters are missing
for a particular packing, Aspen Plus will not perform liquid holdup calculations
for that packing.
You can also enter these parameters to provide missing values, or to override
the databank values.
When the Stichlmair correlation predicts that the column is beyond the flood
point, it cannot predict liquid holdup. This can happen even when the flooding
correlation predicts that the column is below flooding since the correlations are
different. In this case, the liquid holdup at flooding predicted by Stichlmair is
multiplied by the fractional approach to flooding predicted by the flooding correlation.
Foaming Calculations
7 Column Analysis Overview
Suggested values for Ballast trays are:
System Foaming
Non-foaming systems
Fluorine systems
Moderate foamers, such as oil absorbers, amine, and glycol
Heavy foamers, such as amine and glycol absorbers
Severe foamers, such as MEK units
Foam stable systems, such as caustic regenerators
Suggested values for Flexitrays are:
System Foaming Factor
Vacuum towers
Amine regenerators
Amine contactors
High pressure deethanizers
Glycol contactors
Suggested values for Float valve trays are:
System Foaming Factor
Non foaming
Low foaming
Moderate foaming
High foaming
The following values for the system foaming factor are summarized from H.Z.
Kister, Distillation Design, McGraw-Hill 1992, pp. 292-293. The values were calculated for trays, but it is common practice to use them for packing as well:
7 Column Analysis Overview
System Foaming
Non-foaming regular systems
High pressure (ρG > 1.8 lb/ft3)
Low Foaming Systems
H2S strippers
Fluorine systems
Hot carbonate regenerators
Moderate Foaming Systems
Demethanizers and deethanizers, top section (refrigerated
Demethanizers and deethanizers, top section (absorbing
Demethanizers and absorbing type deethanizers, bottom
Refrigerated type deethanizers, bottom section
Oil absorbers
0.85 (0.8-0.95 below
Crude towers, crude vacuum towers
Furfural refining towers
Sulfolane systems
Amine regenerators
Glycol regenerators
Hot carbonate absorbers
Caustic wash
Heavy Foaming Systems
Amine absorbers
Glycol contactors
Sour water strippers
Oil reclaimer
MEK units
Stable Foam Systems
7 Column Analysis Overview
System Foaming
Caustic regenerators
Alcohol synthesis absorbers
Packing Types and Packing Factors
HYSYS can handle a wide variety of packing types, including different sizes and
materials from various vendors.
For random packings, the calculations require packing factors. HYSYS stores
packing factors for the various sizes, materials, and vendors allowed in a
databank. If you provide the following information, HYSYS retrieves these packing factors automatically for calculations:
Packing type
Is the
Aspen uses
The packing factor published by the vendor.
Packing factors for Koch-Glitsch packings were updated in Aspen 2006.5
using KGLP Bulletins KRP-5 (2000), KRP-6 (2000), KCP-7 (2003), KMF-6
(2003), KG-IMTP2 (2003), KGMRP-1 (2003), KGSS-1 (2003), and KGPP1 (2003).
A value compiled from various literature sources (also updated in
J.R. Fair, et al., "Liquid-Gas Systems," Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, R.H. Perry and D. Green, ed., 6th ed. (New York: McGraw Hill,
Tower Packings, Bulletin No. 15 (Tokyo: Tokyo Special Wire Netting Company).
H. Kister, Distillation Design.
S.M. Walas, Chemical Process Equipment.
And other sources in the open literature
You can enter the packing factor directly to override the built-in values.
Aspen uses the packing type to select the proper calculation procedure.
Downcomer Choke Flooding
Downcomer choke flooding is a problem in high-liquid-rate applications in
trayed columns. It occurs when the downcomer top area is not large enough to
7 Column Analysis Overview
handle the froth flow, and vapor cannot disengage properly from the liquid.
Choke flooding on certain trays reduces the capacity and efficiency of those
trays and other trays in the immediate vicinity, which can sometimes lead to
serious operability issues for the entire column.
If avoiding downcomer choke flood requires that the downcomer area exceeds
25% of the cross-sectional area of the column, a warning will appear, as this
limit is a standard good design practice.
Flooding Calculations for Trays
HYSYS provides the following procedures for calculating the approach to jet
Methods available for sieve and bubble cap trays
The Fair72 method. This is a new, much better fit to the original graphical correlation by Fair.
The Glitsch ballast tray procedure. All hydraulic calculations besides the
approach to flooding are based on the Fair and Bolles methods. The original
Glitsch method (available only for rating) is based on version 3 of Glitsch bulletin 4900. Version 6 is also available. For sizing, Glitsch refers to version 6.
The Kister & Haas method (not for bubble cap trays).
The Smith, Dresser, and Ohlswager method.
Methods available for Glitsch Ballast trays
Only the Glitsch version 3 (rating only) and version 6 methods, described above
under sieve and bubble cap trays.
Methods available for Koch Flexitray and Nutter Float Valve
For Koch Flexitray and Nutter Float Valve trays, HYSYS uses procedures from
vendor design bulletins.
Two versions of vendor design bulletins are available for Koch Flexitray:
Bulletin 960
Bulletin 960-1
Note: These bulletins apply to earlier versions of Koch Flexitrays. Koch-Glitsch does not
release information which would allow their current tray designs to be precisely modeled
Ballast Tray Design Manual, Glitsch, Inc. Bulletin No. 4900, 3rd ed. and 6th ed.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Smith, B.D., "Tray Hydraulics: Bubble Cap Trays" and "Tray Hydraulics: Perforated Trays," Design of Equilibrium Stage Processes, New York: McGraw Hill,
1963, pp. 474-569.
Ballast Tray Design Manual, Glitsch, Inc. Bulletin No. 4900, 3rd ed. Dallas, 1980.
Koch Flexitray Design Manual, Koch Engineering Co., Inc. Bulletins No. 960,
960-1, Wichita.
Nutter Float Valve Design Manual, Tulsa: Nutter Engineering Co., 1976.
Kister & Haas Jet Flood Correlation
Kister & Haas developed a correlation for jet flooding on sieve or valve trays.
The correlation takes into account the effects both of physical properties and of
tray geometry. Its predictions more closely match experimental data that those
of Fair or Smith, Dresser, and Ohlswager. The correlation is given below:
Density-corrected superficial vapor velocity at flooding,
based on the net area of the tray
h cl
Clear liquid height on the tray, calculated by the correlation of Jeronimo and Sawistowski
Hole diameter
Liquid surface tension
ρL, ρV
Liquid and vapor densities
Tray spacing
Fractional hole area per unit active bubbling area
Liquid load per length of weir
The Kister & Haas correlation is applicable over the following ranges:
Pressure 1.5 to 1500 psia (10.3 kPa to 10.3 MPa)
Vapor velocity 1.5 to 13 ft/s (0.46 to 3.96 m/s)
7 Column Analysis Overview
Liquid Load 0.5 to 12 gpm/in of outlet weir (1.24 to 29.8 liters/sec per
meter of outlet weir)
Vapor density 0.03 to 10 lb/ft3 (0.48 to 160 kg/m3)
Surface tension 5 to 80 dyn/cm
Liquid viscosity 0.05 to 2.0 cP
Tray spacing 14 to 36 in (0.36 to 0.91 m)
Hole diameter 1/8 to 1 in (3.2 to 25.4 mm)
Fractional hole area 0.06 to 0.20
Weir height 0 to 3 in (0 to 76.2 mm)
If any of these conditions is violated, HYSYS uses the Glitsch method instead,
and prints messages in the history file indicating which conditions were violated. If hole diameter is not available, the correlation uses a hole diameter of
3/8 inch (9.5 mm).
In sizing mode, the Glitsch correlation for maximum downcomer velocity is
used to establish the area of the downcomers. The design velocity (in gpm/ft2,
multiply by 0.679 for liters/sec-m2) is set to the smallest of:
Where ts is the tray spacing in inches.
H.Z. Kister and J.R. Haas, Chem. Eng. Prog. 86(9), 1990, p. 63.
Fair and Fair72 Jet Flood Correlations
The Fair72 correlation is a greatly improved fit to the graphical correlation by
The Fair correlation uses this equation:
The Fair72 correlation uses this equation:
Flow parameter (minimum 0.01 for Fair72)
Tray spacing, meters
7 Column Analysis Overview
Reduced flooding velocity
The following plot compares the Fair72 and original Fair methods to the graphical correlation over a range of typical conditions:
7 Column Analysis Overview
J.R. Fair, Petro/Chem Eng. 33(10), 1961, p. 45.
J.R. Fair, et al., "Liquid-Gas Systems," Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook,
R.H. Perry and D. Green, ed. 6th ed., New York: McGraw Hill, 1984.
Smith, Dresser, and Ohlswager Jet Flood
The Smith, Dresser, and Ohlswager jet flood correlation is represented as the
SDO72 jet flood method in HYSYS. The following equation to fit the curves they
presented (1963):
Flow parameter ≥ 0.02
Settling height, inches = tray spacing - weir height - height
of liquid over the weir ≥ 2 inches. Height of liquid over the
weir is calculated by HYSYS based on tray geometry.
Density-corrected superficial vapor velocity at flooding,
based on the net area of the tray, ft/sec
The following plot compares the SDO72 method to the graphical correlation
over a range of typical conditions:
7 Column Analysis Overview
R.B. Smith, T. Dresser, and S. Ohlswager. Hydrocarb. Proc. & Pet. Ref., 40(5),
1963, p. 183.
Pressure Drop Calculations for Packing
in Column Analysis
HYSYS provides several built-in methods to compute the pressure drop.
Vendor correlations for random packing: Raschig, Sulzer
Vendor correlations for structured packing: Sulzer BX, CY, Mellapak, Kerapak,
BXPlus, MellapakPlus, MellaCarbon, and MellaGrid; Raschig Super-Pak, RaluPak, Sheet-Pack, Wire-Pack, and Grid-Pack
To specify one of these vendor correlations, specify the appropriate packing
type and vendor, and leave Pressure drop calculation method blank. See
below for details on which methods are used for each packing.
Note: These correlations are based on vendor bulletins that apply to earlier versions of
Koch and Sulzer packings. Koch-Glitsch and Sulzer do not release information which
would allow their current packing designs to be precisely modeled in HYSYS.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Other methods: Eckert GPDC, Norton GPDC, Prahl GPDC, Tsai GPDC, Aspen
GPDC-85, Sherwood/Leva/Eckert GPDC (SLE), Robbins GPDC, Wallis, Stichlmair
If you choose one of the GPDC-based methods, a packing factor is required.
If you specify vendor Sulzer, the vendor correlation will be used unless you
select the User method. If you specify vendor Raschig, only the vendor correlation is available.
If you specify a vendor other than Raschig or Sulzer, the Wallis method is the
The pressure drop calculated for stage N is the pressure difference between
stage N and stage N+1. In columns without reboilers where the last stage is
included in a pressure update section, the pressure drop for the last stage is not
used because there is no stage below to receive the updated pressure.
R. Billet & M. Schultes, I. Chem. E. Symp. Ser. 104, p. B255, 1987.
R. Billet & M. Schultes, I. Chem. E. Symp. Ser. 104, p. A159, 1987.
Fair, J.R. et al., "Liquid-Gas Systems," Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook,
R.H. Perry and D. Green, ed., 6th ed. (New York: McGraw Hill, 1984), pp. 1822.
McNulty, K.J. and Hsieh, C. L., "Hydraulic Performance and Efficiency of Koch
Flexipac Structured Packings." Paper presented at American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, 1982.
This is a cubic spline interpolation, a 6th order polynomial representation of
Correlation supplied by the Norton Company, subsequently acquired by SaintGobain, and then sold to Koch-Glitsch. Uses a log-log interpolation.
Robbins, L.A., "Improved Pressure Drop Prediction with a New Correlation,"
Chemical Engineering Progress, May 1991, pp. 87-91.
Tsai, T. C., "Packed Tower Program Has Special Features," Oil and Gas Journal,
Vol. 83 No. 35 (September, 1985), p. 77.
See usage in, for example, Unit Operations Handbook: Volume 1 - Mass Transfer, 2nd Edition, edited by John J. McKetta, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1993, p.
Sherwood/Leva/Eckert GPDC Pressure
Drop Correlation for Packing
The Sherwood/Leva/Eckert (SLE) correlation is a fit to the graphical correlation
in Packed Tower Design and Applications; Random and Structured Packings.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Flow parameter
Pressure drop in inches of water per foot
Capacity parameter
Plots comparing model predictions with actual data for Sherwood/Leva/Eckert
GPDC Pressure Drop Correlation for Packing:
7 Column Analysis Overview
R.F. Strigle Jr., Packed Tower Design and Applications; Random and Structured
Packings, 2nd ed. Gulf Publishing Co., 1994 p. 19.
7 Column Analysis Overview
Aspen GPDC85 Pressure Drop Correlation
for Packing
The GPDC85 is a fit to the graphical correlation in Applied Process Design for
Chemical and Petrochemical Plants.
= Flow parameter
= Pressure drop in inches of water per foot
= Capacity parameter
= 7.8282
= 1.087
= 2.5292
= 0.34185
= 1.7976
= 1.0557
= -0.95216
Plot comparing model predictions with actual data for Aspen GPDC85:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Vol. 2, 3rd Edition, Gulf Professional Publishing, Houston, 1997, p. 285. Figure 9-21E"
7 Column Analysis Overview
Wallis Pressure Drop Correlation for Packing
The new model for pressure drop and flood in packed columns is based upon
the observation that renormalizing air/water pressure drop data to the flood
point generally collapses that data onto a single curve. This behavior is shown
below for 1/2-inch ceramic INTALOX saddles [1].
The pressure drop has also been rescaled by the liquid static head, ρLg, so that
the functional form taken by the data is dimensionless. The pressure drop for
any system can now be determined quite accurately so long as a good method
for estimating flood points in that system is available. HYSYS uses this form:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Where the Ai are the fitting coefficients (built into HYSYS) and x is the approach
to flood at constant liquid load:
Here CS is the density-corrected superficial vapor velocity, and CSF is the density-corrected vapor velocity that would flood the column at the liquid load in
Prediction of Flood Points
The Wallis equation, originally derived for two phase flow in pipes, has been
found to correlate flooding data for packed columns quite well [2].
Here, CL is the liquid load. The Wallis parameters c and m have been found to
vary with the physical properties of the liquid. Therefore semi-empirical corrections based on the liquid’s physical properties are usually applied to the air/water values of c and m. Unfortunately, these corrections do not always work
The air/water values of c and m vary in a predictable way with the size of the
packing within a given packing family. This has profound implications. If a
dimensionless parameter, like m, changes in response to a parameter that has
dimensions, then m must depend on other physical quantities in such a way that
their product has no dimensions. Similarly, c has dimensions of
, but
it depends on a parameter with dimensions of length. Again, it can be inferred
that c must depend on other physical quantities in such a way that the net result
is a quantity with the dimensions of
7 Column Analysis Overview
It is not too difficult to show, via dimensional analysis, that
where g is the acceleration due to gravity, ρL is the liquid phase density, and σ
is the interfacial tension. The analysis suggests no form for the functions Φc and
Φm so we are free to choose any form that reproduces the data best. In general, Φc and Φm can be adequately represented by power laws. Thus, a complete description for the flood point has been developed by application of
renormalization and scaling principles.
Aspen Technology has collected and analyzed air-water pressure drop data for
a great number of packing styles and sizes, resulting in better pressure drop
estimates for packed sections. For other fluids, using the proportionality above:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Where c1W and m1W are the values of c and m for air-water systems, and POWC
and POWM are exponents in the power laws.
Aspen Technology has also verified the predictive capabilities of the new
model. Shown below are some comparisons of experimental data taken on different systems with different packings with estimates of the pressure drop
based on the new Aspen model as well as on the GPDC [3]. While the GPDC predicts reasonable pressure drops it misses flooding rather severely. On the other
hand, the new Aspen model succeeds in predicting both pressure drop and flood
point, even for historically difficult systems, like high pressure debutanizers.
7 Column Analysis Overview
1. http://www.rauschert-vt.de/cms/upload/td_fk_en/Saddles_12_
2. McNulty, K.; Hsieh, C.; Hydraulic Performance and Efficiency of Koch
Flexipac Structured Packings, presented at the 1982 AIChE National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
3. Data taken from the following sources: "Distillation Pilot Plant Design,
Operating Parameters, and Scale-Up Considerations"
http://www.cheresources.com/distillationmodel4.shtml; Sulzer structured packing brochure; Fitz Jr., C.W; Shariat, A.; Kunesh, F.G.; Performance of Structured packing in a Commercial Scale Column at
Pressures of 0.02 to 27.6 Bar, Distillation and Absorption ’97, Maastricht,
the Netherlands, 8-10 September 1997.
Billet-99 Correlation for Packing
HYSYS supports the following correlations:
7 Column Analysis Overview
Billet-99 correlation for pressure drop
Billet-99 correlation for mass transfer
Billet-99 correlation for mass interfacial area
Billet-99 correlation of holdup
The Billet-99 correlation is supported for the packings described in the table
Packing Type
1-IN OR 25-MM
2-IN OR 50-MM
1-IN OR 25-MM
2-IN OR 50-MM
1-IN OR 25-MM
2-IN OR 50-MM
Pressure Drop Calculations for Trays
Normally, Columns treat the stages you enter as equilibrium stages. You must
enter overall efficiency to:
Convert the calculated pressure drop per tray to pressure drop per equilibrium stage
Compute the column pressure drop
If you do not enter overall efficiency, these models assume 100% efficiency. If
you specify Murphree or vaporization efficiency, you should not enter overall
efficiency. The Column will treat the stages as actual trays.
The pressure drop calculated for stage N is the pressure difference between
stage N and stage N+1. In columns without reboilers where the last stage is
7 Column Analysis Overview
included in a pressure update section, the pressure drop for the last stage is not
used because there is no stage below to receive the updated pressure.
B.D. Smith, Design of Equilibrium Stage Processes, Chap. 14, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1963.
Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 5th ed., Chap. 18, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1973.
7 Column Analysis Overview
7 Column Analysis Overview
8 Electrolyte Operations
Most HYSYS unit operations can be used when working with the OLI_Electrolyte
property package. The following HYSYS unit operations are not available in the
OLI_Electrolyte property package:
Pipe Segment
Short Cut Column
Three Phase Distillation
Compressible Gas Pipe
Electrolyte Operations
There are three electrolyte simulations specific to OLI Electrolyte property package. The electrolyte operations are only available if your case is an electrolyte
system (the selected fluid package must support electrolytes). The table below
describes the electrolyte simulations.
Neutralizer operation is used to control PH value for a process
material stream.
Precipitator operation is used to achieve a specified aqueous
ionic species concentration in its product stream.
Crystallizer operation is used to estimate and control solid concentration in a product stream.
8 Electrolyte Operations
8 Electrolyte Operations
9 Crystallizer Operation
The Crystallizer operation models the crystallization of a fully defined inlet
stream to attain a specified amount of selected solids concentration that is
present in the effluent. The Crystallizer operation contains four tabs:
The figure below represents the crystallizer model. A Crystallizer has a product
stream that contains liquid and solid. By adjusting the operation condition like
Crystallizer temperature and pressure or heat duty, the amount of solid or solid
component product in the liquid stream can be controlled or estimated.
The Crystallizer vessel is modeled as a perfect mixing in HYSYS. Heat can be
added or removed from the Crystallizer, and a simple constant duty model is
9 Crystallizer Operation
Boundary Condition
Since the electrolyte flow sheet implements a forward calculation only, the
Crystallizer does not solve until the Inlet Stream is defined. If the energy
stream is not specified, the crystallizer is treated as an adiabatic one. You must
specify two of the following to define the boundary condition for crystallizer
solver to proceed:
T: Crystallizer temperature
P or DeltP: Crystallizer’s pressure or pressure drop
E. Heat Duty
Fcry. Crystal product flow rate (total or a specific component)
Fvap. Vapor flow
The crystallizer solves under the constraint of mass and energy balance equations:
with the target solid equation:
Fsolid(product stream) = solid flow rate in the outlet liquid stream
Fsolid(specified) = desired solid flow rate in the outlet liquid stream
E = energy/heat transfer rate
M = mass flow rate
Design Tab
The Design tab contains the following pages:
User Variables
9 Crystallizer Operation
Connections Page
You can specify the inlet stream, outlet stream, and energy stream on the Connections page.
You can change the name of the operation by typing a new name in the
You can enter one or more inlet streams in this table, or use the dropdown list to select the streams you want.
Vapor Out- You can enter the name of the vapor product stream or use the drop-down
list to select a pre-defined stream.
You can enter the name of the product stream in this field or use the dropdown list to select a pre-defined stream.
You can add an energy stream to the operation by selecting an energy
stream from the drop-down list or typing the name for a new energy
Fluid Pack- Displays the fluid package currently being used by the operation. You can
select a different fluid package from the drop-down list.
Parameters Page
On the Parameters page, you can specify the pressure drop and solid output
flow rate.
Note: The flow rate of crystal product depends on the solubility of the product at the crystallizer’s operation condition.
The four radio buttons allow you to control the specified solid output in the
liquid stream by crystallization operation:
Mole Flow. Select this radio button to specify the flow rate value in
mole basis.
Mass Flow. Select this radio button to specify the flow rate value in
mass basis.
Component. Select this radio button to control a specified solid component in the operation.
Total. Select this radio button to control the total solid flow rate in the
liquid stream.
This page also displays the degrees of freedom for the operation at the current
9 Crystallizer Operation
Solver Page
On the Solver page, you can specify the upper and lower bounds of the manipulated variable, the tolerance of specified variable, and the maximum iterations/steps of calculations the solver performs before stopping.
Crystallizer operates on various boundary conditions. The following table lists
all the possible options. As soon as the operation condition (as listed in the Specified Variables column) is known, the crystallizer will start to solve. The Crystallizer Calculates column lists some of the calculation variables for the
Specified Variables
Crystallizer Calculates
Temperature & Pressure
Heat Duty, Crystal product flow rate, Vapor flow
Temperature & Heat Duty
Pressure, Crystal product flow rate, Vapor flow
Temperature & Crystal product flow
Pressure, Heat Duty, Vapor flow rate
Temperature & Vapor flow rate
Pressure, Crystal product flow rate, Heat Duty
Pressure & Heat Duty
Temperature, Crystal product flow rate, Vapor
flow rate
Pressure & Crystal product flow rate
Temperature, Heat Duty, Vapor flow rate
Pressure & Vapor flow rate
Temperature, Crystal product flow rate, Heat
The bounds for the Manipulated Variables and tolerances for the Target Variables are shown on the Solver tab and are user-modifiable. As well, the Active
status for the Manipulated Variable used by the solver is shown. However, this
flag is meant for displaying information only thus cannot be changed.
User Variables Page
The User Variables page enables you to create and implement your own user
variables for the current operation. Click here for more information.
Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor where you can record any comments or
information regarding the specific unit operation, or your simulation case in general. Click here for more information.
9 Crystallizer Operation
Rating Tab
The Crystallizer operation currently does not support any rating calculations.
Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information contained in the
stream property view for all the streams attached to the Crystallizer. Click here
for more information.
Note: The PF Specs page is relevant to dynamics cases only.
The Crystallizer Worksheet tab also has one extra page called the Solids
page. On the Solids page, you can view the precipitate molar and mass flow
Dynamics Tab
The Crystallizer operation does not support dynamic mode.
9 Crystallizer Operation
9 Crystallizer Operation
10 Neutralizer Operation
The Neutralizer operation models the neutralization of a fully defined inlet
stream, and allows you to adjust the pH value in the effluent stream. The Neutralizer property view contains four tabs:
The figure below represents the neutralizer model. Through adjusting the
Reagent Stream variables (flow rate), the PH value for the targeting stream
(Liquid Stream) could be controlled at the level as required.
Inlet Stream. At least one inlet stream.
Reagent Stream. Reagent stream must be a free stream, that is, not
attached to any other unit operations.
Product Stream. A Neutralizer has two product streams, a vapor
stream and a liquid stream. The liquid stream controls the pH value.
pH. The liquid stream’s pH value that is to be controlled must fall in the
range between the pH values of the Reagent and inlet streams to guarantee the solution.
10 Neutralizer Operation
Q. The energy stream is optional. When no energy stream is attached,
an adiabatic operation is assumed.
The Neutralizer vessel is modeled as perfect mixing. Heat can be added or
removed from the Neutralizer, and a simple constant duty model is assumed.
Boundary Condition
Since the electrolyte flow sheet implements a forward calculation only, the
Neutralizer does not solve until both inlet and Reagent streams are defined. If
the energy stream is not specified, the neutralizer is treated as an adiabatic
one. If the energy stream is specified, you must specify either the Neutralizer
temperature or the duty of the energy stream.
Pressure drop of the neutralizer must be specified or can be calculated out from
the inlet and product streams.
Solving Options
The Neutralizer has two different solving options, depending on what you specify.
Option 1 (Targeting pH Value is Not Specified)
If the targeting pH value is not specified, the Neutralizer operates as a mixer
for the inlet and Reagent streams. The product stream accepts the mixed result
as is.
Option 2 (Targeting pH Value is Specified)
If the targeting pH value is specified, the flow rate of the Reagent stream must
be left unspecified. The Reagent stream is used as an adjusting variable for
neutralizer solver to search for a solution to meet the targeting pH value at the
outlet stream.
The Neutralizer solves under the constraint of the following equations.
E = energy/heat transfer rate
10 Neutralizer Operation
M = mass flow rate
Design Tab
The Design tab contains the following pages:
User Variables
Connections Page
You can specify the inlet stream, outlet stream, and energy stream on the Connections page.
You can change the name of the operation by typing a new name in the
You can enter one or more inlet streams in this table, or use the dropdown list to select the streams you want.
You can enter a name for the reagent stream or use the drop-down list.
Reagent stream must be a free stream, that is, not attached to any other
unit operations.
Vapor Out- You can type the name of the vapor product stream or use the drop-down
list to select a pre-defined stream.
You can type the name of the product stream in this field or use the dropdown list to select a pre-defined stream.
You can add an energy stream to the operation by selecting an energy
stream from the drop-down list or typing the name for a new energy
Fluid Pack- Displays the fluid package currently being used by the operation. You can
select a different fluid package from the drop-down list.
Parameters Page
On the Parameters page, you can specify the pressure drop and an initial pH
value. This page also displays the degrees of freedom for the operation at the
current setting, and the actual pH balance in the operation when the operation
reaches a solution.
10 Neutralizer Operation
Delta P
You must specify the pressure drop for the Neutralizer or specify inlet and
product streams with known pressure.
You can specify the product stream’s pH value in this field.
The pH value that is to be controlled must fall in the range between the pH values of the Reagent and Inlet Streams for calculations to converge.
The pH value in a solution is defined in a mathematical format:
[H+] = concentration of H+ in a solution, mol/l
According to Equation (2), the pH (specified) value must be specified between
the pH values of the inlet and the Reagent streams. An adjustment of Reagent
Stream’s variables, for example, temperature, pressure, and compositions,
can bracket the pH (specified) value to meet the constraint Equation (2). As
soon as the specified pH value is bracketed according to Equation (2), the pH
value of the product stream in Equation (1) can be obtained by adjusting the
flow rate of the Reagent stream.
Solver Page
On the Solver page, you can specify the upper and lower bounds of the manipulated variable, the tolerance of specified variable, and the maximum iterations/steps of calculations the solver performs before stopping.
Currently only the flow rate of a defined Reagent stream is used as an
adjustable variable to the solver. Here a defined Reagent stream means that
the stream can be flashed to get a solution with the specified variables meeting
the degree of freedom. According to HYSYS, a defined stream can have the following variables:
T. Stream Temperature
P. Stream Pressure
F. Stream Flow Rate
x. Stream Component Compositions
H. Stream Enthalpy
V. Stream Vapor Fraction
Rating Tab
The Neutralizer operation currently does not support any rating calculations.
10 Neutralizer Operation
Dynamic Tab
The Neutralizer operation currently does not support dynamic mode.
10 Neutralizer Operation
10 Neutralizer Operation
11 Precipitator Operation
The Precipitator models the precipitation of a selected ion in a stream entering
the operation to achieve a specified target concentration in the effluent stream.
The Precipitator operation contains four tabs:
The figure below represents the precipitator model.
Through adjusting the flow rate of the Reagent stream, the concentration of the
targeting ion could be controlled at the desired level as you require in the outlet
stream. To ensure that the Precipitator functions properly, the ions in the
Reagent stream must be capable of reacting with the target ion under the specified operation condition. The formation of a precipitate in the outlet stream
reduces the target ion concentration that entered the operation in the inlet
Inlet Stream. At least one inlet stream.
Reagent Stream. Reagent stream must be a free stream, that is, not
11 Precipitator Operation
attached to any other unit operations.
Liquid Stream. A Precipitator must have one liquid stream (contains
liquid and solid) that is a targeting stream for the control of ion concentration through precipitation.
Ion Concentration. The product stream’s ion concentration value can
be controlled by dilution or precipitation.
Q. The energy stream is optional.
The Precipitator is modeled as a perfect mixing in HYSYS. Heat can be added or
removed from the precipitator through a duty stream, and a simple constant
duty model is assumed.
Boundary Condition
Since the electrolyte flow sheet implements a forward calculation only, the Precipitator does not solve until both inlet and Reagent streams are defined. If the
energy stream is not specified, the precipitator is treated as an adiabatic one.
If the energy stream is specified, you must specify either the Precipitator temperature or the duty of the energy stream. Pressure drop of the Precipitator
must be either specified or can be calculated from the inlet and product
Solving Options
The Precipitator has two different solving options, depending on what you specify.
Option 1 (Targeting Ionic Species Not Specified)
If the targeting ionic species is not specified, the Precipitator simply mixes the
inlet stream with the Reagent stream. The product stream accepts the mixed
result as is.
Option 2 (Targeting Ionic Species is Specified)
If the targeting ionic species is specified for the control of its concentration, the
flow rate of the Reagent stream is used as iterative variables for the precipitator solver to search for a solution.
The precipitator solves under the constraint of the following equations:
11 Precipitator Operation
Cion = concentration of the targeting ion species
E = energy/heat transfer rate
M = mass flow rate
Design Tab
The Design tab contains the following pages:
User Variables
Connections Page
You can specify the inlet stream, outlet stream, and energy stream on the Connections page.
You can change the name of the operation by typing a new name in the
You can enter one or more inlet streams in this table, or use the dropdown list to select the streams you want.
You can enter a name for the reagent stream or use the drop-down list.
Reagent stream must be a free stream, that is, not attached to any other
unit operations.
Vapor Out- You can enter the name of the vapor product stream or use the drop-down
list to select a pre-defined stream.
You can enter the name of the product stream in this field or use the dropdown list to select a pre-defined stream.
You can add an energy stream to the operation by selecting an energy
stream from the drop-down list or typing the name for a new energy
Fluid Pack- Displays the fluid package currently being used by the operation. You can
select a different fluid package from the drop-down list.
Parameters Page
On the Parameters page, you can specify the pressure drop, select the ion to be
controlled, and specify the ion concentration in the liquid stream. This page also
displays the degrees of freedom for the operation at the current setting, and
11 Precipitator Operation
the actual ion concentration value in the operation when the operation has
reached a solution.
Delta P
You must specify the pressure drop for the Precipitator or specify
inlet and product streams with known pressure.
Controlled Ion
Select the ion component you want to control from the drop-down
list, or type the name of the ion component in the field.
Ion Spec
The concentration of ion from the inlet stream can be controlled via
the following exercises:
Dilution. If the mixing of reagent and inlet streams does not
produce the ion to be controlled and the ion concentration in
the Reagent stream is less than that in the inlet stream, an
increase of flow rate of the Reagent stream can achieve the
target. In this case, the Chemistry Model does not have to
include Solid.
Precipitation. Form precipitator by mixing inlet and
Reagent streams. The change of Regent stream variables:
temperature, pressure, flow rate or composition may achieve
the target. To form precipitator, OLI chemistry model must
include Solid.
If an energy stream is attached to the Precipitator select either the
Heating or Cooling radio button. If you know the duty of the energy
stream specify the value in the Duty field.
Solver Page
On the Solver page, you can specify the upper and lower bounds of the manipulated variable, the tolerance of specified variable, and the maximum iterations/steps of calculations the solver performs before stopping.
Currently, the flow rate of the Reagent stream is the manipulated variable used
by the precipitator solver to search for a solution.
User Variables Page
The User Variables page enables you to create and implement your own user
variables for the current operation. Click here for more information.
Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor where you can record any comments or
information regarding the specific unit operation, or your simulation case in general. Click here for more information.
11 Precipitator Operation
Rating Tab
Precipitator operation currently does not support any rating calculations.
Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information contained in the
stream property view for all the streams attached to the Precipitator. Click here
for more information.
Note: The PF Specs page is relevant to dynamics cases only.
Dynamic Tab
Precipitator operation currently does not support dynamic mode.
11 Precipitator Operation
11 Precipitator Operation
12 Heat Transfer Operations
The next chapters will describe the following Heat Transfer Operations:
Air Cooler
Fired Heater
Heat Exchanger
Plate Exchanger
12 Heat Transfer Operations
12 Heat Transfer Operations
13 Air Cooler
The Air Cooler unit operation uses an ideal air mixture as a heat transfer
medium to cool (or heat) an inlet process stream to a required exit stream condition. One or more fans circulate the air through bundles of tubes to cool process fluids. The air flow can be specified or calculated from the fan rating
information. The Air Cooler can solve for many different sets of specifications,
Overall heat transfer coefficient, UA
Total air flow
Exit stream temperature
Steady State
The Air Cooler uses the same basic equation as the Heat Exchanger unit operation; however, the Air Cooler operation can calculate the flow of air based on
the fan rating information.
The Air Cooler calculations are based on an energy balance between the air and
process streams. For a cross-current Air Cooler, the energy balance is calculated as follows:
Mair = air stream mass flow rate
Mprocess = process stream mass flow rate
H = enthalpy
The Air Cooler duty, Q, is defined in terms of the overall heat transfer coefficient, the area available for heat exchange, and the log mean temperature difference:
13 Air Cooler
U = overall heat transfer coefficient
A = surface area available for heat transfer
ΔTLM = log mean temperature difference (LMTD)
Ft = correction factor
The LMTD correction factor, Ft, is calculated from the geometry and configuration of the Air Cooler.
Rigorous Air Cooler Functionality
In Steady State mode, you can also access certain Aspen Exchanger Design and
Rating functions on the Rigorous Air Cooler tab.
You must install and license the EDR functions.
In dynamics, the Air Cooler tube is capable of storing inventory like other
dynamic unit operations. The direction of the material flowing through the Air
Cooler operation is governed by the pressures of the surrounding unit operations.
Heat Transfer
The Air Cooler uses the same basic energy balance equations as the Heat
Exchanger unit operation. The Air Cooler calculations are based on an energy
balance between the air and process streams.
For a cross-current Air Cooler, the energy balance is shown as follows:
Mair = air stream mass flow rate
Mprocess = process stream mass flow rate
ρ = density
H = enthalpy
V = volume of Air Cooler tube
13 Air Cooler
Dynamic Specifications
HYSYS requires three overall specifications in order for the Air Cooler unit operation to fully solve in Dynamic mode:
Dynamic Specifications
Overall UA
The Overall UA is the product of the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
(U) and the total area available for heat transfer (A). You can specify
the value of UA on the Parameters page of the Design tab.
Fan Rating
The Fan Rating information characterizes the flow rate and cooling
properties of the air flowing through the Air Cooler. HYSYS provides
two methods to determine the Fan Rating information.
For the Air Cooler Simple Design method, specify the following
variables in the Sizing page of the Rating tab:
Demanded Speed
Design Speed
Design Flow
Max Acceleration (optional)
For the ACOL Design method, specify:
Pressure Drop
The Air Mass Flow Rate variable in the Sizing page of the Rating tab
The various Fan parameters in the HTFS - ACOL tab
HYSYS provides two options to determine the pressure difference
between the inlet and outlet process streams:
Specified pressure drop (constant value)
Calculated pressure drop from K-value (value may vary with
These pressure drop specifications can be made on the Specs page of
the Dynamics tab.
Pressure Drop
The pressure drop of the Air Cooler can be determined in one of two ways:
13 Air Cooler
Specify the pressure drop. This method assumes the pressure difference between the inlet process stream and outlet process stream is
constant. This method is applicable to both Steady State and Dynamic
Define a pressure flow relation in the Air Cooler by specifying
a k-value. This method assumes the pressure difference between the
inlet process stream and outlet process stream varies with time. This
method is applicable only to Dynamic mode.
If the pressure flow option is chosen for pressure drop determination in the Air
Cooler, a k-value is used to relate the frictional pressure loss and flow through
the exchanger. This relation is similar to the general valve equation:
The general flow equation uses the pressure drop across the Heat Exchanger
without any static head contributions. The quantity, P1 - P2, is defined as the frictional pressure loss which is used to “size” the Air Cooler with a k-value.
Using the pressure flow option, you must have an accurate k-value to generate
valid/accurate results.
HYSYS also provides a feature than enables you to calculate the k-value of the
Air Cooler at steady state. This k-value can then be used in Dynamic mode to
calculate the varying pressure difference between the inlet and outlet process
The Calculate K option is located on the Dynamics tab | Specs page of the
Air Cooler property view.
The following information is required for HYSYS to calculate the k-value in
Steady State mode:
Completely defined inlet or outlet process stream (to obtain the flow and
density variable value)
Pressure difference between the inlet and outlet stream
Solved Air Cooler operation
HYSYS assumes no pressure difference in the air flowing through the Air Cooler
Air Cooler Property View
Design Tab
The Design tab contains the following pages:
User Variables
13 Air Cooler
Connections Page
On the Connections page, you can specify the feed and product streams
attached to the Air Cooler. You can change the name of the operation in the
Name field. You can also select the fluid package you want to use for the air
cooler. The fluid package that is associated with the flowsheet is selected by
If you want to take advantage of the activated Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating calculations, you can quickly convert the air cooler to a rigorous heat
exchanger model using the Convert to Rigorous Model options.
Size Air Cooler lets you size the model automatically or interactively,
optionally starting with a template file for either choice.
Specify Geometry lets you use the EDR interface to directly enter key
geometry to the model, or select values saved in an .edr file.
Parameters Page
On the Parameters page, the following information appears:
Air Cooler
Allows you to select the air cooler model from Air Cooler Simple
Design and Rigorous Air Cooler.
HTFS - ACOL or EDR models are available if they are installed and
licensed as options. To use these models, select the Rigorous Air
Cooler option.
13 Air Cooler
Stream Delta
Allows you to specify the pressure drops (DP) for the process stream
side of the Air Cooler. The pressure drop can be calculated if both the
inlet and exit pressures of the process stream are specified. There is no
pressure drop associated with the air stream. The air pressure through
the Cooler is assumed to be atmospheric.
Overall UA
Contains the value of the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient multiplied
with the Total Area available for heat transfer. The Air Cooler duty is
proportional to the log mean temperature difference, where UA is the
proportionality factor. The UA can either be specified or calculated by
Displays the possible tube pass arrangements in the Air Cooler. There
are eight different Air Cooler configurations to choose from. HYSYS
determines the correction factor, Ft, based on the selected Air Cooler
The inlet and exit air stream temperatures can be specified or calculated by HYSYS.
Air Intake
The inlet air stream pressure has a default value of 1 atm.
Specs Page
Use the Air Cooler Design tab Specs page to enter values for the solver controls
Max Iterations and Tolerance. Current Iteration and Current Error are read
out as the solver progresses.
User Variables Page
The User Variables page enables you to create and implement your own user
variables for the current operation.
Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor where you can record any comments or
information regarding the specific unit operation or the simulation case in general.
Rating Tab
The Rating tab allows you to specify the fan rating information. The steady
state and dynamic Air Cooler operations share the same fan rating information.
Note: In dynamics, the air flow must be calculated using the fan rating information.
The Rating tab contains the following pages:
Sizing page. The content of this page differs depending on which option
you selected in the Air Cooler Model drop-down list on the Parameters
page of the Design tab. If you selected ERD or HTFS-Engines, this page
displays only one field: Air Mass Flow Rate.
Nozzles page. This page appears only if the HYSYS Dynamics license is
Sizing Page (Simple Design)
In the Sizing page, the following fan rating information appears for the Air
Cooler operation when the HYSYS-Engines option is selected on the Parameters
page of the Design tab.
Fan Data
Number of
Number of fans in the Air Cooler.
Actual speed of the fan in rpm (rotations per minute).
13 Air Cooler
Fan Data
Desired speed of the fan.
Steady State mode. The demanded speed is always equal the
speed of the fan. The desired speed is either calculated from the
fan rating information or user-specified.
Dynamic mode. The demanded speed should either be specified
directly or from a Spreadsheet operation. If a control structure
uses the fan speed as an output signal, it is the demanded speed
which should be manipulated.
Max Acceleration
Applicable only in Dynamic mode. It is the rate at which the actual speed
moves to the demanded speed.
The reference Air Cooler fan speed. It is used in the calculation of the
actual air flow through the Cooler.
Design air
The reference Air Cooler air flow. It is used in the calculation of the actual
air flow through the Cooler.
Current air
This can be calculated or user-specified. If the air flow is specified no
other fan rating information needs to be specified.
Fan Is On
By default, this check box is selected. You have the option to turn on or
off the air cooler as desired. When you clear the check box, the temperature of the outlet stream of the air cooler will be identical to that of
the inlet stream.
The Fan Is On check box has the same function as setting the Speed to
0 rpm.
The air flow through the fan is calculated using a linear relation:
In dynamic mode only, the actual speed of the fan is not always equal to the
demanded speed. The actual fan speed after each integration time step is calculated as follows:
Each fan in the Air Cooler contributes to the air flow through the Cooler. The
total air flow is calculated as follows:
Sizing Page Rigorous Air Cooler
The Sizing page for the Rigorous Air Cooler appears when the Rigorous Air
Cooler option is selected on the Parameters page of the Design tab. HYSYS
13 Air Cooler
air coolers can have multiple fans, and HYSYS calculates the airflow from the
sum of the airflows of each fan. For the Rigorous Air Cooler, you can only enter
the total air mass flow rate for the air cooler.
Nozzles Page
The Nozzles page contains information regarding the elevation and diameter
of the nozzles. The information provided in the Nozzles page is applicable only
in Dynamic mode.
Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information contained in the
stream property view for all the streams attached to the Air Cooler.
Note: The PF Specs page is relevant to dynamics cases only.
Performance Tab
The Performance tab contains pages that display the results of the Air Cooler
Note: The Profiles page is relevant to dynamics cases only.
Performance Results Page
The information from the Results page is shown as follows:
Working Fluid
This is defined as the change in duty from the inlet to the exit process
LMTD Correction
Factor, Ft
The correction factor is used to calculate the overall heat exchange in
the Air Cooler. It accounts for different tube pass configurations.
The product of the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, and the Total Area
available for heat transfer. The UA can either be specified or calculated
13 Air Cooler
The LMTD is calculated in terms of the temperature approaches (terminal temperature difference) in the exchanger, using the following
uncorrected LMTD equation:
ΔT1 = Thot,out - Tcold,in
ΔT2 = Thot,in - Tcold,out
Process Temperatures
The inlet and outlet process stream temperatures can be specified or
calculated in HYSYS.
Air Temperatures
The inlet and exit air stream temperatures can be specified or calculated in HYSYS.
Air Inlet Pressure
The inlet air stream pressure has a default value of 1 atm.
Total Air flow
The total air flowrate appears in volume and mass units.
Performance Profiles Page
The Dynamic Results table displays the temperature and vapor fraction of
each zone in the Air Cooler.
Performance Plots Page
From the X Variable and Y Variable drop-down lists, select the variables you want to use for the x and y-axes.
Use the Setup page to determine number of plot points (intervals) and
the variables that may be read into the X or Y axis of the Plot. The page
lists all available variables in the simulation, and lets you select which
ones to use within the plot.
Performance Tables Page
13 Air Cooler
Use the Setup page to determine the intervals (plot points) and variables to be made available to the Performance Table x and y axes. The
page lists all available variables in the simulation, and lets you select
which ones to use within the table.
Use the Phase Viewing Options to selectively examine results for a
particular phase or phases.
Performance Setup Page
Use the Setup page to determine the intervals (plot points) and variables to be
made available to the Performance Table x and y axes. The page lists all available variables in the simulation, and lets you select which ones to use within
the table.
Dynamics Tab
The Dynamics tab contains the following pages:
In dynamics, the air flow must be calculated using the fan rating information.
Note: If you are working exclusively in Steady State mode, you are not required to
change any of the values on the pages accessible through this tab.
Model Page
The Model page allows you to define how UA is defined in Dynamic mode. The
value of UA is calculated as follows:
UAsteadystate = UA value entered on the Parameters page of the Design
The Model page contains the UA Calculation group, which contains four
13 Air Cooler
The steady state value of UA. This should be the same as the value
entered on the Parameters tab.
Reference air
The reference flowrate for air. It is used to calculate the value of f1 as
shown in Equation (3).
Reference fluid
The reference flowrate for the fluid. It is used to calculate the value of
f2 as shown in Equation (4).
Minimum flow
scale factor
The minimum scale factor used. If the value calculated by Equation
(2) is smaller than this value, this value is used.
Specs Page
The Specs page contains information regarding the calculation of pressure drop
across the Air Cooler. You can specify how the pressure drop across the Air
Cooler is calculated in the Dynamic Specifications group.
Dynamic Specifications
Overall Delta P
A set pressure drop is assumed across the valve operation with this
specification. The flow and the pressure of either the inlet or exit
stream must be specified or calculated from other operations in the
flowsheet. The flow through the valve is not dependent on the pressure drop across the Air Cooler. To use the overall delta P as a
dynamic specification, select the corresponding check box.
The Air Cooler operations, like other dynamic unit operations, should
use the k-value specification option as much as possible to simulate
actual pressure flow relations in the plant.
Overall k Value
13 Air Cooler
The k-value defines the relationship between the flow through the
Air Cooler and the pressure of the surrounding streams. You can
either specify the k-value or have it calculated from the stream conditions surrounding the Air Cooler. You can “size” the Cooler with a kvalue by clicking the Calculate K button. Ensure that there is a nonzero pressure drop across the Air Cooler before the Calculate K button is clicked. To use the k-value as a dynamic specification, select
the corresponding check box.
Dynamic Specifications
Pressure Flow
Reference Flow
The reference flow value results in a more linear relationship
between flow and pressure drop. This is used to increase model stability during startup and shutdown where the flows are low.
If the pressure flow option is chosen the k value is calculated based
on two criteria. If the flow of the system is larger than the k Reference Flow the k value remains unchanged. It is recommended that
the k reference flow is taken as 40% of steady state design flow for
better pressure flow stability at low flow range. If the flow of the system is smaller than the k Reference Flow, the k value is given by:
where Factor is determined by HYSYS internally to take into consideration the flow and pressure drop relationship at low flow regions.
The Dynamic Parameters group contains information about the holdup of the Air
Cooler, which is described in the table below.
Dynamic Parameters
Fluid Volume
Specify the Air Cooler holdup volume.
Mass Flow
The mass flow of process stream through the Air Cooler is calculated.
Exit Temperature
The exit temperature of the process stream.
Holdup Page
The Holdup page contains information regarding the properties, composition,
and amount of the holdup.
The Overall Holdup Details group displays the following information for each
phase contained within the volume space of the unit operation:
Accumulation: The rate of change of material in the holdup.
Moles: The amount of material in the holdup for each phase.
Volume: The holdup volume of each phase.
The Zone drop-down list enables you to select and view the holdup data for
each zone in the operation. Click the Advanced button to access the Advanced
Holdup view for the selected zone.
Note: The Air Cooler operation only has one zone.
13 Air Cooler
Stripchart Page
The Stripchart page allows you to select and create default strip charts containing various variable associated to the operation.
Rigorous Air Cooler Tab
The Rigorous Air Cooler tab contains the following pages:
Process Data
Property Range
Result Summary
Setting Plan
Tube Layout
You can use the Import - Export buttons to use data saved in an .edr file
format from Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating. The View EDR Browser button lets you use the Exchanger Design and Rating program interface to access
advanced settings for the model parameters.
Simulation Calculation Options
The Simulation calculation option is an EDR option that does not appear on
the HYSYS form. This option helps the EDR engine determine which type of output (temperature or mass flow) EDR should calculate.
If you open the EDR Browser within a rigorous air cooled exchanger by clicking
View EDR Browser, and then select Air Cooled | Input | Problem Definition | Application Options and select the X-side flow and X-side outlet
temperature option from the Simulation calculation drop-down list, HYSYS
will keep that option unless you manually change it. If the X-side flow and Xside outlet temperature option is no longer selected, HYSYS will automatically select the most appropriate option. When the X-side flow and Xside outlet temperature option is selected, the air cooler is expected to have
specified inlet and outlets for the tube side. EDR will calculate an outside air
temperature and flow rate based on that information.
If you import an EDR file with the X-side flow and X-side outlet temperature option selected under Application Options, the option will be
changed to the default. You must manually change the Simulation calculation option to X-side flow and X-side outlet temperature within the
EDR Browser.
13 Air Cooler
Exchanger Page
On the Rigorous Air Cooler tab | Exchanger page:
Use the Transfer UA to simple design button to send the effective UA
to the simple design model.
Use the Unit, Tubes, and Bundle radio buttons to set up their respective geometries for the air cooler:
Number of Bays per Unit
Tube OD
Number of Passes
Bundles per bay
Tube Wall Thickness
Number of Rows
Fans per bay
Tube Length
Number of Tubes
Frame Type
Fin Type
Type of Bundle
Fan diameter
Fin Frequency
Transverse Pitch
Fan configuration
Fin Tip diameter
Tube layout angle
Tube Side Flow Orientation
Fin Thickness
Note: You can specify any size for the tube outside diameter. However, the correlations
have been developed based on tube sizes from 10 to 50 mm (0.375 to 2.0 inch). The
most common sizes in the U.S. are 0.625, 0.75, and 1.0 inch. In many other countries,
the most common sizes are 16, 20, and 25 mm.
If you do not know what tube diameter to use, start with a 20 mm diameter
(ISO standards) or a 0.75 inch diameter (American standards). This size is readily available in nearly all tube materials. The primary exception is graphite,
which is made in 32, 37, and 50 mm, or 1.25, 1.5, and 2 inch, outside diameters.
For integral low fin tubes, the tube outside diameter is the outside diameter of
the fin.
Process Data Page
On the Rigorous Air Cooler tab | Process Data page, you can specify or
view the following process information for the streams:
Total Mass Flow: You should normally enter the total flow rates for the
hot and cold side streams.
You can omit a flow rate if the stream inlet and outlet conditions are specified, and the heat load is known, either because it has been input, or it
can be deduced from the implicit heat load of the other stream.
In the special variant of Simulation, where the flowrate is to be calculated, any value specified in this field is treated as an initial estimate.
This type of Simulation is used in thermosiphon reboilers, where the
flowrate of the thermosiphon stream must be calculated, or for
13 Air Cooler
simulating condensing steam where the flowrate adjusts itself to give
complete condensation to liquid water, according the heating requirements of the cold stream.
Inlet Temperature
Estimated Outlet Temperature
Inlet Mass Quality
Inlet Pressure
Estimated Pressure Drop: You can enter an estimated pressure drop
for each side. This can be important in low pressure and vacuum applications, where outlet pressures can significantly affect outlet pressures.
In other cases, the program-supplied default is usually acceptable.
Supplying an outlet pressure is an alternative to supplying an estimated
pressure drop. One will be calculated from the other, once the inlet pressure (mandatory) is specified.
If you specify neither outlet pressure nor pressure drop, default values
will be calculated using the Allowable Pressure Drop.
The exchanger inlet and outlet pressure will be used to set defaults for
the range of pressures at which physical properties are calculated. If you
are unsure of the pressure drop, a higher rather than a lower estimate
may be appropriate. If the pressure range is large, additional default
pressure levels for properties will be defaulted. You can add more pressure levels for properties yourself, but this is rarely necessary.
In the unusual case of a vertical exchanger with liquid down flow, gravitational pressure increases could exceed frictional losses. The outlet
pressure would be above the inlet pressure, and the pressure change
would be negative. Negative pressure change inputs are allowed; a warning message appears, but you can ignore it if the case described above
Allowable Pressure Drop
Fouling Resistance: Enter the process-side fouling resistance. This resistance is assumed to apply wherever the process fluid flows, in convection banks or the firebox. This is required for the calculation of the
effective (dirty) heat transfer coefficient.
The fouling resistance is based on the inside surface area of the tubes.
If omitted, the program will assume that the surface of the tubes is
clean, so that the fouling resistance is 0.0.
Property Range Page
The following numerical ranges for the shell side and the tube side appear on
the Property Ranges page:
13 Air Cooler
Temp. Range (End)
Temp. Range (Start)
Number of Temperatures
No. of Pressure Levels
Pressure Level 1
Pressure Level 2
Pressure Level 3
Pressure Level 4
Pressure Level 5
Results Summary Page
The following results appear on the Rigorous Air Cooler | Results Summary
Total Heat Load
Effective Surface Area
Effective MTD: The Effective MTD is calculated using the following
You can check the calculation of the Effective MTD using the values
The LMTD (log mean temperature difference) may appear on the Performance tab | Results page. This value is calculated after the heat
load is passed from the Rigorous Air Cooler model to HYSYS. The LMTD
and Effective MTD may have different values, since they are calculated
using different formulas. The LMTD is calculated using the following
ΔT1 = Thot,out - Tcold,in
ΔT2 = Thot,in - Tcold,out
Overall Dirty Coeff
Overall Clean Coeff
The following results appear for the Tube Side and Air Side:
Film Coefficient
Calculated Pressure drop
Allowable Pressure drop
Velocity In (Highest)
Velocity Out (Highest)
13 Air Cooler
Setting Plan Page
The Rigorous Air Cooler tab | Setting Plan page lets you view a dimensional
drawing of the heat exchanger. To view further details, click View
EDR Browser and navigate to Results | Mechanical Summary | Setting
Plan / Tube Layout for a more detailed and configurable view of the mechanical layout of the exchanger.
Tube Layout Page
The following is an example of the information shown on the Rigorous Air
Cooler tab | Setting Plan page.
Right-click within the display to show the diagram configuration and printing
Profiles Page
The following is an example of the display on the Rigorous Air Cooler tab |
Profiles page.
13 Air Cooler
Right-click within the plot and select Properties to access the Plot properties dialog box for plot customization.
13 Air Cooler
14 Cooler/Heater
The Cooler and Heater operations are one-sided heat exchangers. The inlet
stream is cooled (or heated) to the required outlet conditions, and the energy
stream absorbs (or provides) the enthalpy difference between the two streams.
These operations are useful when you are interested only in how much energy
is required to cool or heat a process stream with a utility, but you are not interested in the conditions of the utility itself.
Note: The difference between the Cooler and Heater is the energy balance sign convention.
Note: The Cooler and Heater use the same basic equation.
Steady State Operation
The primary difference between a cooler and a heater is the sign convention.
You specify the absolute energy flow of the utility stream, and HYSYS then
applies that value as follows:
For a Cooler, the enthalpy or heat flow of the energy stream is subtracted from that of the inlet stream:
For a Heater, the heat flow of the energy stream is added:
Dynamic Operation
The Cooler duty is subtracted from the process holdup while the Heater duty is
added to the process holdup.
For a Cooler, the enthalpy or heat flow of the energy stream is removed from
the Cooler process side holdup:
14 Cooler/Heater
For a Heater, the enthalpy or heat flow of the energy stream is added to the
Heater process side holdup:
M = process fluid flow rate
ρ = density
H = enthalpy
Qcooler = cooler duty
Qheater = heater duty
V = volume shell or tube holdup
Pressure Drop
The pressure drop of the Cooler/Heater can be determined in one of two ways:
Specify the pressure drop manually.
Define a pressure flow relation in the Cooler or Heater by specifying a kvalue.
If the pressure flow option is chosen for pressure drop determination in the
Cooler or Heater, a k value is used to relate the frictional pressure loss and
flow through the Cooler/Heater.
The relation is similar to the general valve equation:
This general flow equation uses the pressure drop across the heat exchanger
without any static head contributions. The quantity, P1 - P2, is defined as the frictional pressure loss which is used to “size” the Cooler or Heater with a k-value.
Dynamic Specifications
In general, two specifications are required by HYSYS in order for the Cooler/Heater unit operation to fully solve in Dynamic mode:
14 Cooler/Heater
Dynamic Specifications
Duty Calculation
The duty applied to the Cooler/Heater can be calculated using one of
three different models:
Supplied Duty
Product Temp Spec
Duty Fluid
Specify the duty model in the Model Details group on the Specs page
of the Dynamics tab.
Pressure Drop
Either specify an Overall Delta P or an Overall K-value.
Specify the Pressure Drop calculation in the Dynamic Specifications group on the Specs page of the Dynamics tab.
Heater or Cooler Property View
Design Tab
The Design tab contains the following pages:
User Variables
Connections Page
The Connections page is used to define all of the connections to the Cooler/Heater. You can specify the inlet, outlet, and energy streams attached to the
operation on this page. The name of the operation can be changed in the Name
Parameters Page
The applicable parameters are the pressure drop (Delta P) across the process
side, and the duty of the energy stream. Both the pressure drop and energy
flow can be specified directly or can be determined from the attached streams.
HYSYS uses the proper sign convention for the unit you have chosen, so you can
enter a positive duty value for both heater and cooler.
You can specify a negative duty value, however, be aware of the following:
14 Cooler/Heater
For a Cooler, a negative duty means that the unit is heating the inlet
For a Heater, a negative duty means that the unit is cooling the inlet
User Variables Page
The User Variables page enables you to create and implement your own user
variables for the current operation.
Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor that allows you to record any comments
or information regarding the specific unit operation, or the simulation case in
Rating Tab
You must specify the rating information only when working with a dynamics simulation.
Nozzles Page
On the Nozzles page, you can specify nozzle parameters on both the inlet and
outlet streams connected to a Cooler or Heater. The addition of nozzles to Coolers and Heaters is relevant when creating dynamic simulations.
Heat Loss Page
Rating information regarding heat loss is relevant only in Dynamic mode. The
Heat Loss page contains heat loss parameters that characterize the amount of
heat lost across the vessel wall.
In the Heat Loss Model group, you can choose either a Simple or Detailed
heat loss model or no heat loss through the vessel walls.
Simple Model
The Simple model allows you to either specify the heat loss directly, or have
the heat loss calculated from the specified values:
Overall U value
Ambient Temperature
The heat transfer area, A, and the fluid temperature, Tf, are calculated by
HYSYS using the following equation:
14 Cooler/Heater
For a Cooler, the parameters available for the Simple model appear in the figure below.
The simple heat loss parameters are as follows:
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
Ambient Temperature
Overall Heat Transfer Area
Heat Flow
The heat flow is calculated as follows:
U = overall heat transfer coefficient
A = heat transfer area
TAmb = ambient temperature
T = holdup temperature
Heat flow is defined as the heat flowing into the vessel. The heat transfer area
is calculated from the vessel geometry. The ambient temperature, TAmb, and
overall heat transfer coefficient, U, can be modified from their default values
shown in red.
Detailed Model
The Detailed model allows you to specify more detailed heat transfer parameters. For further information, refer to Detailed Heat Loss Model.
Note: The HYSYS Dynamics license is required to use the Detailed Heat Loss model.
Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information contained in the
stream property view for all the streams attached to the unit operation.
Note: The PF Specs page is relevant to dynamics cases only.
Performance Tab
The Performance tab contains pages that display calculated stream information. By default, the performance parameters include the following stream
14 Cooler/Heater
Vapor Fraction
Other stream properties can be viewed by adding them to the Viewing Variables group on the Setup page.
All information appearing on the Performance tab is read-only. The Performance tab contains the following pages:
Profiles Page
In Steady State mode, HYSYS calculates the zone conditions for the inlet zone
only, regardless of the number of zones specified.
The pressure, temperature, vapor fraction, and enthalpy are calculated for
each zone in the cooler.
For a heater, you can specify the number of zones you want on the Specs page
on the Dynamics tab.
Plots Page
On the Plots page, you can graph any of the default performance parameters
to view changes that occur across the operation. In Steady State mode, stream
property readings are taken only from the inlet and outlet streams for the plots.
As such, the resulting graph is always a straight line. The property values are
not calculated incrementally through the operation.
All default performance parameters are listed in the X Variable and Y Variable
drop-down lists below the graph. Select the axis and variables you want to compare, and the plot appears. To graph other variables, select the Setup page and
add them to the Selected Viewing Variables group from the Available Variables list. You can right-click on the graph area to access the graph controls
and manipulate the graph appearance.
Tables Page
The Tables page displays the results of the Cooler/Heater in a tabular format.
All default values for the pressure, temperature, vapor fraction, and enthalpy
calculated for each interval are listed here.
Note: Information on the Tables page is read-only, except the Intervals value.
14 Cooler/Heater
Setup Page
The Setup page allows you to filter and add variables to be viewed on the Plots
and Tables pages.
In the Curve Options section, you can edit values for the following:
The default value is 10.
Dew/Bubble Pts
check box
This check box is cleared by default.
Step Type
The following options are available:
Equal Temp: This is the default selection.
Equal Heat Flow
Equal Vap Frac
Note: Only Equal Temp and Equal Heat Flow are available within an SRU sub-flowsheet.
Pressure Profile
The following options are available:
Linear: This is the default selection
Inlet Press.
Outlet Press.
In the Additional Const Pressures field, you can specify a value.
The variables that are listed in the Selected Viewing Variables group
are available in the X and Y drop down list for plotting on the Plots page.
The variables are also available for tabular plot results on the Tables
page based on the Phase Viewing Options selected.
Dynamics Tab
Note: If you are working exclusively in Steady State mode, you do not need to change
any of the values on the pages accessible on the Dynamics tab.
In the Dynamic mode, the values you enter in the Dynamics tab affects the calculation. The Dynamics tab contains the following pages:
Duty Fluid
14 Cooler/Heater
Specs Page
The Specs page contains information regarding the calculation of pressure drop
across the Cooler or Heater:
Zone Information
HYSYS has the ability to partition heat transfer operations into discrete sections
called zones. By dividing the unit operation into zones, you can make different
heat transfer specifications for individual zones, and therefore more accurately
model the physical process.
Specifying the Cooler/Heater with one zone provides optimal speed conditions,
and is usually sufficient in modeling accurate exit stream conditions.
Model Details
The Model Details group must be completed before the simulation case solves.
The number of zones and the volume of a Cooler/Heater can be specified in this
HYSYS can calculate the duty applied to the holdup fluid using one of the three
different methods described in the table below.
If you select the Supplied Duty radio button,
you must specify the duty applied to the Cooler/Heater. It is recommended that the duty
supplied to the unit operation be calculated
from a PID Controller or a Spreadsheet operation that can account for zero flow conditions.
Temp Spec
If you select the Product Temp Spec radio button, you must specify the desired exit temperature. HYSYS back calculates the required
duty to achieve the specified desired temperature. This method does not run as fast as
the Supplied Duty model.
Duty Fluid
If you select the Duty Fluid radio button, you
can model a simple utility fluid to heat or cool
your process stream. The following parameters
must be specified for the utility fluid on the
Duty Fluid page of the Dynamics tab:
Mass Flow
Holdup Mass
Mass Cp
Inlet temperature
Average UA
14 Cooler/Heater
Dynamic Specifications Group
The Dynamic Specifications group allows you to specify how the pressure
drop is calculated across the Cooler or Heater unit operation. The table below
describes the specifications.
Overall Delta P
A set pressure drop is assumed across
the Cooler or Heater operation with this
specification. The flow and the pressure
of either the inlet or exit stream must
be specified, or calculated from other
unit operations in the flowsheet. The
flow through the valve is not dependent on the pressure drop across the
Cooler or Heater. To use the overall
delta P as a dynamic specification,
select the corresponding check box in
the Dynamic Specifications group
Overall k Value
The k-value defines the relationship
between the flow through Cooler or
Heater and the pressure of the surrounding streams. You can either specify the k-value, or have it calculated
from the stream conditions surrounding the unit operation. You can
“size” the Cooler or Heater with a kvalue by clicking the Calculate k button. Ensure that there is a non-zero
pressure drop across the Cooler or
Heater before you click the Calculate k
button. To use the k-value as a
dynamic specification, select the corresponding check box in the Dynamic
Specifications group.
Note: The Cooler or Heater unit operation, like other dynamic unit operations, should use
the k-value specification option as much as possible to simulate actual pressure flow relations in the plant.
Zone Dynamic Specifications
If the Cooler or Heater operation is specified with multiple zones, you can click
the Spec Zones button to define dynamic specifications for each zone.
In the Delta P Specs and Duties group, you can specify the following parameters:
14 Cooler/Heater
Dynamic Specification
dP Value
Allows you to specify the fixed pressure drop value.
dP Option
Allows you to either specify or calculate the pressure drop across the
Cooler or Heater. Specify the dP Option
with one of the following options:
user specified. The pressure
drop across the zone is specified by you in the dP Value
non specified. Pressure drop
across the zone is calculated
from a pressure flow relationship. You must specify a kvalue, and activate the specification for the zone in the
Zone Conductance Specifications group.
A fixed duty can be specified across
each zone in the Cooler or Heater unit
In the Zone Conductance Specifications group, you can specify the following
Dynamic Specification
The k-value for individual zones can
be specified in this field. You can
either specify the k-value or have it
calculated by clicking the Calculate
k button.
Activate the specification if the kvalue is to be used to calculate pressure across the zone.
Duty Fluid Page
The Duty Fluid page becomes visible if the Duty Fluid radio button is selected
on the Specs page.
The Duty Fluid page allows you to enter the following parameters to define
your duty fluid:
14 Cooler/Heater
Mass Flow
Holdup mass
Mass Cp
Inlet Temperature
Average UA
The Counter Flow check box allows you to specify the direction of flow for the
duty fluid. When the check box is selected, you are using a counter flow.
The View Zones button displays the duty fluid parameters for each of the
zones specified on the Specs page.
Holdup Page
The Holdup page contains information regarding the Cooler or Heater holdup
properties, composition, and amount.
The Overall Holdup Details group displays the following information for each
phase contained within the volume space of the unit operation:
Holdup Accumulation is the rate of change of material in the holdup.
Holdup Moles are the amount of material in the holdup for each phase.
Holdup Volume is the holdup volume of each phase.
The Individual Zone Holdups group contains detailed holdup properties for
each holdup in the Cooler or Heater. In order to view the advanced properties
for individual holdups, you must first choose the individual zone in the Zone
drop-down list. Click the Advanced button to access the Advanced Holdup
view for the selected zone.
Stripchart Page
The Stripchart page allows you to select and create default strip charts containing various variable associated to the operation.
14 Cooler/Heater
14 Cooler/Heater
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
The Fired Heater (Furnace) operation performs energy and material balances
in steady state or dynamic modes to model a direct Fired Heater type furnace.
This type of equipment requires a large amount of heat input. Heat is generated
by fuel combustion and transferred to process streams. A simplified schematic
of a direct Fired Heater is illustrated in the figure below.
In general, a Fired Heater can be divided into three zones:
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Radiant zone
Convective zone
Economizer zone
Note: To define the number of zones required by the Fired Heater, enter the number in #External Passes field on Connections page of the Design tab.
The Fired Heater operation allows multiple stream connections at tube side in
each zone and optional economizer, and convection zone selections. The operation incorporates a single burner model, and a single feed inlet and outlet on
the flue gas side.
Fired Heater Steady State Operation
The Fired Heater in steady state is based only on the energy balance and the
system is limited to one degree of freedom.
Fuel and air streams: The steady state fired heater supports multiple, simultaneous fuel streams and an independent air stream.
Note: The dynamic mode does not support multiple fuel streams, but uses one combined
fuel/air stream. If there are multiple fuel streams defined for steady state, when switching
from steady state to dynamics a new stream is created from the sum of the fuel streams
and the air stream defined in steady state. When switching back to steady state, one fuel
and one air stream is created from the dynamic settings.
Variables supported as possible unknown/calculated variables are:
Outlet temperature of the process streams
Flow rate of the process streams
Flow rate of one fuel stream. The ratio fuel/air as well as the fuel compositions should be fully defined by the user.
Flue gas temperature
Economizer and Convection Zone - In steady state mode, by default the
external passes in the economizer and convection zone are set to zero and the
number of external passes in the radiant zone is set to 1. If you set more than
one external pass in the radiant zone, the heat energy is divided equally
between all the process streams in the radiant zone.
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Fired Heater Dynamic Operation
The following are some of the major features of the dynamic Fired Heater operation:
Flexible connection of process fluid associated in each Fired Heater
zone. For example, radiant zone, convective zone, or economizer zone.
Different Fired Heater configurations can be modeled or customized
using tee, mixer, and heat exchanger unit operations.
A pressure-flow specification option on each side and pass realistically
models flow through Fired Heater operation according to the pressure
gradient in the entire pressure network of the plant. Possible flow
reversal situations can therefore be modeled.
A comprehensive heat calculation inclusive of radiant, convective, and
conduction heat transfer on radiant zone enables the prediction of process fluid temperature, Fired Heater wall temperature, and flue gas temperature.
A dynamic model which accounts for energy and material holdups in
each zone. Heat transfer in each zone depends on the flue gas properties, tube and Fired Heater wall properties, surface properties of
metal, heat loss to the ambient, and the process stream physical properties.
A combustion model which accounts for imperfect mixing of fuel, and
allows automatic flame ignition or extinguished based on the oxygen
availability in the fuel air mixture.
Switching Modes
When switching the fired heater to dynamic mode, any fuel streams and the air
stream in steady state will be combined into one stream. When switching from
dynamic to steady state, a yellow warning message states that only the radiant
zone in considered in the steady state heat balance. The combined fuel/air
stream in Dynamics is split into two streams for the fuel and the air.
Fired Heater Theory
Combustion Reaction
The combustion reaction in the burner model of the Fired Heater performs pure
hydrocarbon (Cx Hy ) combustion calculations only. The extent of the combustion
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
depends on the availability of oxygen which is usually governed by the air to
fuel ratio.
Air to fuel ratio (AF) is defined as follows:
You can set the combustion boundaries, such as the maximum AF and the minimum AF, to control the burner flame. The flame cannot light if the calculated
air to fuel ratio falls below the specified minimum air to fuel ratio. The minimum air to fuel ratio and the maximum air to fuel ratio can be found on the
Parameters page of the Design tab.
The heat released by the combustion process is the product of molar flowrate,
and the heat of formation of the products minus the heat of formation of the
reactants at combustion temperature and pressure. In the Fired Heater unit
operation, a traditional reaction set for the combustion reactions is not
required. You can choose the fuels components (the hydrocarbons and hydrogen) to be considered in the combustion reaction. You can see the mixing efficiency of each fuel component on the Parameter page of the Design tab.
Heat Transfer
The Fired Heater heat transfer calculations are based on energy balances for
each zone. The shell side of the Fired Heater contains five holdups:
Three in the radiant zone
A convective zone
An economizer zone holdup as outlined previously in the simplified
schematic above.
For the tube side, each individual stream passing through the respective zones
is considered as a single holdup.
Major heat terms underlying the Fired Heater model are illustrated in the figure
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
The heat terms related to the tubeside are illustrated in the figure below.
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Taking Radiant zone as an envelope, the following energy balance equation
= energy accumulation in radiant zone holdup shell side
= energy accumulation in radiant zone process fluid holdup (tube side)
(MRPFHRPF)IN = total heat flow of process fluid entering radiant zone tube
(MRPFHRPF)OUT = total heat flow of process fluid exiting radiant zone tube
(MFG HFG )IN = total heat flow of fuel gas entering radiant zone
(MFG HFG )OUT = total heat flow of fuel gas exiting radiant zone
QRadToCTube = radiant heat of radiant zone to convective zone’s tube bank
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Qrad_wall_sur = radiant heat loss of Fired Heater wall in radiant zone to surrounding
Qcon_wall_sur = convective heat loss of Fired Heater wall in radiant zone to
Qrad_wall_to_tube = radiant heat from inner Fired Heater wall to radiant
zone’s tube bank
Qrad_flame_wall = radiant heat from flue gas flame to inner Fired Heater wall
Qcon_to_wall = convective heat from flue gas to Fired Heater inner wall
Qreaction = heat of combustion of the flue gas
Radiant Heat Transfer
For a hot object in a large room, the radiant energy emitted is given as:
δ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 5.669 × 10-8 W/m2K4
ε = emissivity, (0-1), dimensionless
A = area exposed to radiant heat transfer, m2
T1 = temperature of hot surface 1, K
T2 = temperature of hot surface 2, K
Convective Heat Transfer
The convective heat transfer taking part between a fluid and a metal is given in
the following:
U = overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K
A = area exposed to convective heat transfer, m2
T1 = temperature of hot surface 1, K
T2 = temperature of surface 2, K
The U actually varies with flow according to the following flow-U relationship if
this Flow Scaled method is used:
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Uspecified = U value at steady state design conditions.
The ratio of mass flow at time t to reference mass flow is also known as flow
scaled factor. The minimum flow scaled factor is the lowest value, which the
ratio is anticipated at low flow region. For the Fired Heater operation, the minimum flow scaled factor can be expressed only as a positive value.
For example, if the minimum flow scaled factor is +0.001 (0.1%), when this
mass flow ratio is achieved, the Uused stays as a constant value. Therefore:
Conductive Heat Transfer
Conductive heat transfer in a solid surface is given as:
k = thermal conductivity of the solid material, W/mK
ΔT = thickness of the solid material, m
A = area exposed to conductive heat transfer, m2
T1 = temperature of inner solid surface 1, K
T2 = temperature of outer solid surface 2, K
Pressure Drop
The pressure drop across any pass in the Fired Heater unit operation can be
determined in one of two ways:
Specify the pressure drop - delta P.
Define a pressure flow relation for each pass by specifying a k-value
If the pressure flow option is chosen for pressure drop determination in the
Fired Heater pass, a k value is used to relate the frictional pressure drop and
molar flow, F through the Fired Heater. This relation is similar to the general
valve equation:
This general flow equation uses the pressure drop across the Fired Heater pass
without any static head contribution. The quantity, (P1-P2) is defined as the frictional pressure loss which is used to “size” the flow.
The k value is calculated based on two criteria:
If the flow of the system is larger than the value at kref (k reference flow),
the k value remains unchanged. It is recommended that the kreference
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
flow is taken as 40% of steady state design flow for better pressure flow
stability at low flow range.
If the flow of the system is smaller than the kref, the k value is given by:
Factor = value is determined by HYSYS internally to take into consideration
the flow and pressure drop relationship for low flow regions.
The effect of kref is to increase the stability by modeling a more linear relationship between flow and pressure. This is also more realistic at low flows.
Minimum Specifications
The following is a list of the minimum specifications required for the Fired
Heater operation to solve:
Dynamic Specifications
At least one radiant zone inlet stream and the respective outlet zone,
one burner fuel/air feed stream and one combustion product stream
must be defined. There is a minimum of one inlet stream and one
outlet stream required per zone. Complete the connections group for
each zone of the Design tab.
(Zone) Sizing
The dimensions of the tube and shell in each zone in the Fired Heater
must be specified. All information in the Sizing page of the Rating tab
must be completed.
Heat Transfer
For each zone, almost all parameters in the Radiant Zone Properties
group and Radiant/Convective/Economizer Tube Properties groups
are required, except the Inner/Outer Scaled HX Coefficient.
Nozzle elevation is defaulted to 0. Elevation input is required when
static head contribution option in Integrator property view is selected.
Pressure Drop
Either specify an overall delta P or an overall K value for the Fired
Heater. Specify the pressure drop calculation method on the Tube
Side PF page and Flue Gas PF page of the Dynamics tab.
Fired Heater Property View
Design Tab
The Design tab of the Fired Heater property view contains the following pages:
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
User Variables
Connections Page
On the Connections page, you can specify the name of the operation, and inlet
and outlet streams.
Econ Zone
You can specify multiple inlet and outlet streams for the Economizer
zone. (Dynamics only.)
To add stream connections to Econ zone and Conv zone, enter the
desired number in the corresponding External Passes field and then
attach the streams.
Conv Zone
You can specify multiple inlet and outlet streams for the Convective
zone. (Dynamics only.)
You can specify multiple inlet and outlet streams for the Radiant zone.
Specifies the stream or streams to be used for the burner fuel.
Air Feed
Source for the burner air. Note: If you switch to dynamics mode, all fuel
streams and air will be combined in one stream named Air/Fuel Mix.
The stream that contains the products from the combustion.
# External
Defines the number of zones required by the Fired Heater
Fluid Package
The associated fluid package
Parameters Page
The Parameters page is used to specify the Fired Heater combustion options.
This page is divided into parameter groups.
Toggles between a lit flame and an extinguished flame.
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Sets the combustion boundary based on a range of air fuel ratios.
Sets a steady state efficiency percentage. The heater will heat all the radiant zone streams equally using energy from the combustion. If the efficiency is 0, then all the energy from the combustion will go into heating
the flue gas. If the efficiency is 100%, then all the energy will go to heating the radiant zone process streams and the flue gas stream will not be
Excess Air
HYSYS calculates the required Air flow using a percentage value.
Specifies the oxygen mixing efficiency.
Selects the components present in your fuel as well as set their mixing
User Variables Page
The User Variables page enables you to create and implement your own user
variables for the current operation.
Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor that allows you to record any comments
or information regarding the specific unit operation, or the simulation case in
Rating Tab
The Rating tab contains the following pages:
Heat Loss
Each page is discussed in the following sections.
Sizing Page
On the Sizing page, you can specify the geometry of the radiant, convective,
and economizer zones in the Fired Heater.
From the Zone group on the Sizing page, you can choose between Radiative,
Convective, and Economizer zone property views. These property views contain
information regarding the tube and shell properties. To edit or enter
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
parameters within these property views, click the individual cell and make the
necessary changes.
The figure below shows an example of the Fired Heater setup with one radiant
zone/firebox only with four tube passes. This is the simplest type.
The figure below shows an example of the Fired Heater setup with a radiant,
convective and economizer section.
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Tube Properties Group
The Tube Properties group displays the following information regarding the
dimension of the tube:
stream pass
tube inner diameter, Din
tube outer diameter, Dout
tube thickness
# tubes per external pass
tube length, L
tube inner area
tube outer area
tube inner volume
A pass in the Fired Heater is defined as a path where the process fluid flows
through a distinctive inlet nozzle and outlet nozzle.
The figure below illustrates the various dimensions of the tube and shell.
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Shell Properties Group
The Shell Properties group displays the following information regarding the
dimension of the shell:
shell inner diameter, Dsin
shell outer diameter, Dsout
wall thickness, ts
zone height, H
shell inner area
shell outer area
shell net volume
shell total volume
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Nozzles Page
The information provided in the Nozzles page is applicable only in Dynamic
mode. You can define the base elevation to ground level of the Fired Heater in
the Nozzles page.
Heat Loss Page
The information provided in the Heat Loss page is applicable only in Dynamic
mode. This page displays the radiant heat transfer properties, heat transfer
coefficients of the Fired Heater wall and tube, and shell area, tube area, and
volume in each individual zone. Click here for more information on the Heat
Loss Models.
Note: You may improve numeric stability in certain depressuring studies by using Prevent
Temperature Cross.
Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information contained in the
stream property view for all the streams attached to the heat exchanger unit
To view the stream parameters broken down per stream phase, open the Worksheet tab of the stream property view.
Note: The PF Specs page is relevant to dynamics cases only.
Performance Tab
The performance tab contains tables which highlight the calculated temperature, duty, and pressure of the Fired Heater operation.
Performance Details Page
The Overall Performance table displays the duty readout for each zone in the
Fired Heater.
Performance Plots Page
From the X or Y Variable drop-down lists, select the variables you want to use
for the x and y-axes. Use the Setup Page to determine number of plot points
(intervals) and the variables that may be read into the X or Y axis of the Plot.
The page lists all available variables in the simulation, and lets you select which
ones to use within the plot.
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Performance Tables Page
Use the Phase Viewing Options to selectively examine results for a particular
phase or phases.
Performance Setup Page
Use the Setup page to determine the intervals (plot points) and variables to be
made available to the Performance Table x and y axes. The page lists all available variables in the simulation, and lets you select which ones to use within
the table. The table below describes the options for the heat curve.
Number of points on the plot
Include or exclude dew/bubble points in the curves
Step Type
Set the points on the plot to be based on equal temperature or equal
enthalpy intervals
Set heat curves to be calculated at a specific constant pressure independent of the feed or product pressures. Specify Linear, Inlet Pressure,
Outlet Pressure, or a value you enter in the Additional Const Pressures
Dynamics Tab
The Dynamics tab contains information pertaining to pressure specifications
for the dynamic calculations. The information is sorted into the following pages:
Tube Side PF
Flue Gas PF
Tube Side PF Page
The Tube Side PF page lets you specify how the pressure drop in each pass is
The following table outlines the tube side PF options available on this page.
Use K’s?
If this check box is selected, the K method is used to calculate Delta P across
the pass.
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Delta P
If this check box is selected, the pressure drop is fixed at this specified
value. Specify the pressure drop across the tube in the Delta P field.
If this button is clicked, HYSYS calculates the K required to maintain a specified Delta P across a defined flow condition.
The reference flow value results in a more linear relationship between
flow and pressure drop. This is used to increase model stability during
startup and shutdown where the flows are low. It is recommended that
the k reference flow be taken as 40% of steady state design flow for better pressure flow stability at low flow range. Specify a k reference flow
in the K Reference flow field.
The k-value defines the relationship between the flow through the Fired
Heater and the pressure of the surrounding streams. Specify the k value
in the K Values field. If you do not know the k value, click the Calculate K’s button to have HYSYS calculate the k value for you. Make
sure that there is a non-zero pressure drop across the Fired Heater
before clicking the Calculate K's button.
Note: Use the k-value specification option as much as possible to simulate actual pressure
flow relations in the plant.
Flue Gas PF Page
On the Flue Gas PF page, you can specify how the pressure drop in each pass
is calculated.
The following table outlines the tube side PF options available on this page.
Use PF
If this check box is selected, the K method is used to calculate Delta P across
the pass.
Delta P
If this check box is selected, the pressure drop is fixed at this specified
If this button is clicked, HYSYS calculates the K required to maintain a specified Delta P across a defined flow condition.
The reference flow value results in a more linear relationship between
flow and pressure drop. This is used to increase model stability during
startup and shutdown where the flows are low. It is recommended that
the k reference flow be taken as 40% of steady state design flow for better pressure flow stability at low flow range. Specify a k reference flow
in the K Reference flow field.
The k-value defines the relationship between the flow through the Fired
Heater and the pressure of the surrounding streams. Specify the k value
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
in the K Values field. If you do not know the k value, click the Calculate K’s button to have HYSYS calculate the k value for you. Make
sure that there is a non-zero pressure drop across the Fired Heater
before clicking the Calculate K's button.
Note: Use the k-value specification option as much as possible to simulate actual pressure
flow relations in the plant.
Holdup Page
The Holdup page contains information regarding each stream’s holdup properties and composition. The Individual Holdups group contains two dropdown lists (Zone and Holdup) that enable you to select and view information
on individual zone and holdup section.
From the Stream drop-down list, select the stream for which you want
to view the holdup details. The table in the Overall Stream Holdup
Details group displays the following information for each phase contained within the selected stream:
Accumulation: Holdup Accumulation is the rate of change of
material in the holdup
Moles: Holdup Moles is the amount of material in the holdup for
each phase.
Volume: Holdup Volume is the holdup volume of each phase.
From the Zone drop-down list, select the zone for which you want to
view data.
From the Holdup drop-down list, select the tube in the selected zone
you want to view data for.
Click the Advanced button to access the Advanced Holdup view for
the selected zone/holdup combination.
EDR Fired Heater Tab
For all pages of the Fired heater EDR tab, you can use the Import - Export buttons to bring in or read out .edr format data files. You can also use the View
EDR Browser button to open the configuration in the Aspen Exchanger Design
and Rating interface, for more advanced view and configuration options.
Summary Page
Use the EDR Fired Heater Summary Page to examine the overall performance
of the heater and of the firebox and bank.
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
Streams Page
Use the EDR Fired Heater Streams Page to examine calculations for selected
streams in the firebox.
Fuel Page
Use the EDR Fired Heater Fuel Page to specify the air to oxidant ratio, the fuel
source and the calculation mode.
Flue Gas Page
Use the Flue Gas Page to examine EDR fired heater flue gas composition calculation
Tube Banks Page
Use the Tube Banks Page to define the convection bank flow sequence.
Operation Page
Use the Operation Page to set operating limits for the fired heater unit operation.
Property Table Page
Use the Property Table Page to examine or set values within property tables
generated for each process stream (excluding fuel and oxidant streams) entering the fired heater based on the stream composition held by HYSYS.
These property tables are used within the FiredHeater to calculate the physical
properties of the stream at any set of conditions.
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
15 Fired Heater (Furnace)
16 Heat Exchanger
The Heat Exchanger performs two-sided energy and material balance calculations. The Heat Exchanger is very flexible, and can solve for temperatures,
pressures, heat flows (including heat loss and heat leak), material stream
flows, or UA.
In HYSYS, you can choose from different Heat Exchanger models for your analysis. The choices include an End Point analysis design model, an ideal (Ft=1)
counter-current Weighted design model, a steady state rating method, Rigorous
Shell and Tube, and a dynamic rating method for use in dynamic simulations.
The dynamic rating method is available as either a Basic, Intermediate, or
Detailed model, and can also be used in Steady State mode for Heat
Exchanger rating. The unit operation also allows the use of third party Heat
Exchanger design methods via OLE Extensibility.
The following are some of the key features of the dynamic Heat Exchanger operation:
A pressure-flow specification option which realistically models flow
through the Heat Exchanger according to the pressure network of the
plant. Possible flow reversal situations can therefore be modeled.
Note: In Dynamic mode, the shell and tube of the Heat Exchanger is capable of
storing inventory like other dynamic vessel operations. The direction of flow of
material through the Heat Exchanger is governed by the pressures of the surrounding unit operations.
16 Heat Exchanger
The choice between a Basic, Intermediate, and Detailed Heat
Exchanger model. Detailed Heat Exchanger rating information can be
used to calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop
across the Heat Exchanger.
A dynamic holdup model which calculates level in the Heat Exchanger
shell based on its geometry and orientation.
A heat loss model which accounts for the convective and conductive heat
transfer that occurs across the Heat Exchanger shell wall.
Heat Exchanger Theory
The Heat Exchanger calculations are based on energy balances for the hot and
cold fluids.
Steady State
In the following general relations, the hot fluid supplies the Heat Exchanger
duty to the cold fluid:
M = fluid mass flow rate
H = enthalpy
Qleak = heat leak
Qloss = heat loss
Balance Error = a Heat Exchanger Specification that equals 0 for most
hot and cold = hot and cold fluids
in and out = inlet and outlet stream
Note: The Heat Exchanger operation allows the heat curve for either side of the
exchanger to be broken into intervals. Rather than calculating the energy transfer based
on the terminal conditions of the exchanger, it is calculated for each of the intervals, then
summed to determine the overall transfer.
The total heat transferred between the tube and shell sides (Heat Exchanger
duty) can be defined in terms of the overall heat transfer coefficient, the area
available for heat exchange, and the log mean temperature difference:
U = overall heat transfer coefficient
A = surface area available for heat transfer
ΔTLM = log mean temperature difference (LMTD)
Ft = LMTD correction factor
The heat transfer coefficient and the surface area are often combined for convenience into a single variable referred to as UA. The LMTD and its correction
factor are defined in the Performance section.
16 Heat Exchanger
The following general relation applies to the shell side of the Basic model Heat
For the tube side:
Mshell = shell fluid flow rate
Mtube = tube fluid flow rate
ρ = density
H = enthalpy
Qloss = heat loss
Q = heat transfer from the tube side to the shell side
V = volume shell or tube holdup
The term Qloss represents the heat lost from the shell side of the dynamic Heat
Pressure Drop
The pressure drop of the Heat Exchanger can be determined in one of three
Specify the pressure drop.
Calculate the pressure drop based on the Heat Exchanger geometry and
Define a pressure flow relation in the Heat Exchanger by specifying a kvalue.
If the pressure flow option is chosen for pressure drop determination in the
Heat Exchanger, a k value is used to relate the frictional pressure loss and flow
through the exchanger. This relation is similar to the general valve equation:
This general flow equation uses the pressure drop across the Heat Exchanger
without any static head contributions. The quantity, P1 - P2, is defined as the frictional pressure loss which is used to “size” the Heat Exchanger with a k-value.
16 Heat Exchanger
Dynamic Specifications
The following tables list the minimum specifications required for the Heat
Exchanger unit operation to solve in Dynamic mode.
The Basic Heat Exchanger model requires the following dynamic specifications:
The tube and shell volumes must be specified.
Overall UA
The Overall UA must be specified.
Pressure Drop
Either specify an Overall Delta P or an Overall K-value for the Heat
Specify the Pressure Drop calculation method in the Dynamic Specifications group on the Specs page of the Dynamics tab. You can also
specify the Overall Delta P values for the shell and tube sides on the
Sizing page of the Rating tab.
The Detailed Heat Exchanger model requires the following dynamic specifications:
Sizing Data
The tube and shell sides of the Heat Exchanger must be completely
specified on the Sizing page of the Rating tab.
The overall tube/shell volumes, and the heat transfer surface area are
calculated from the shell and tube ratings information.
Overall UA
Either specify an Overall UA or have it calculated from the Shell and
Tube geometry.
Specify the U calculation method on the Parameters page of the Rating tab. The U calculation method can also be specified on the Model
page of the Dynamics tab.
Pressure Drop
Either specify an Overall Delta P or an Overall K-value for the Heat
Specify the Pressure Drop calculation method on the Parameters page
of the Rating tab. You can also specify the Pressure Drop calculation
method in the Pressure Flow Specifications group on the Specs page of
the Dynamics tab.
Heat Exchanger Property View
On the Heat Exchanger property view, the Update button lets you update the
heat exchanger calculation when in Dynamic mode. For example, if you make a
configuration change to the heat exchanger, click this button to reset the equations around the heat exchanger before running the simulation calculation in
Dynamic mode.
16 Heat Exchanger
Design Tab
The Design tab contains the following pages:
User Variables
Connections Page
The Connections page allows you to specify the operation name, and the inlet
and outlet streams of the shell and tube.
The main flowsheet is the default flowsheet for the Tube and Shell side. You can
select a subflowsheet on the Tube and/or Shell side which allows you to choose
inlet and outlet streams from that flowsheet. This is useful for processes such
as the Refrigeration cycle, which require separate fluid packages for each side.
You can define a subflowsheet with a different fluid package, and then connect
to the main flowsheet Heat Exchanger.
Convert to Rigorous Model
If you want to take advantage of the activated Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating calculations, you can quickly convert the heat exchanger to a rigorous heat
exchanger model using the Convert to Rigorous Model fields. Size
Exchanger lets you size the model automatically or interactively, optionally
starting with a template file for either choice.
Specify Geometry lets you use the EDR interface to directly enter key geometry to the model, or select values saved in an .edr file.
Parameters Page
The Parameters page allows you to select the Heat Exchanger Model and
specify relevant physical data. The parameters that appear on the Parameters
page depend on the selected Heat Exchanger Model.
Note: When a heat exchanger is installed as part of a column subflowsheet (available
when using the Modified HYSIM Inside-Out solving method) these Heat Exchanger Models
are not available. Instead, in the column subflowsheet, the heat exchanger is “Calculated
from Column” as a simple heat and mass balance.
From the Heat Exchanger Model drop-down list, select the calculation model for
the Heat Exchanger. The following Heat Exchanger models are available:
16 Heat Exchanger
Rigorous Shell & Tube (Requires Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating
Simple End Point
Simple Steady State Rating
Simple Weighted
"Dynamic Rating Model" on page 431
Note: When you add a Heat Exchanger within an SRU sub-flowsheet, the Simple End
Point model is the only available option.
For both the Simple End Point and Simple Weighted models, you can specify whether your Heat Exchanger experiences heat leak/loss.
Heat Leak: Loss of cold side duty due to leakage. Duty gained to reflect
the increase in temperature.
Heat Loss: Loss of hot side duty due to leakage. Duty lost to reflect the
decrease in temperature.
The table below describes the radio buttons in the Heat Leak/Loss group of
the Simple End Point and Simple Weighted models.
Radio Button
By default, the None radio button is selected.
On the hot side, the heat is considered to be “lost” where the temperature is highest. Essentially, the top of the heat curve is being
removed to allow for the heat loss/leak. This is the worst possible scenario. On the cold side, the heat is gained where the temperature is lowest.
The heat loss is distributed over all of the intervals.
All Heat Exchanger models allow for the specification of either Counter or CoCurrent tube flow.
Simple End Point Model
The Simple End Point model is based on the standard Heat Exchanger duty
equation, Equation (2), defined in terms of overall heat transfer coefficient,
area available for heat exchange, and the log mean temperature difference
The main assumptions of the model are as follows:
Overall heat transfer coefficient, U is constant.
Specific heats of both shell and tube side streams are constant.
The Simple End Point model treats the heat curves for both Heat Exchanger
sides as linear. For simple problems where there is no phase change and CP is
relatively constant, this option may be sufficient to model your Heat Exchanger.
For non-linear heat flow problems, use the Simple Weighted model instead.
16 Heat Exchanger
The following parameters are available when the Simple End Point model is
Tubeside and
Delta P
The pressure drops (DP) for the tube and shell sides of the exchanger
can be specified here. If you do not specify the Delta P values, HYSYS calculates them from the attached stream pressures.
The product of the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, and the Total Area
available for heat transfer. The Heat Exchanger duty is proportional to
the log mean temperature difference, where UA is the proportionality
factor. The UA can either be specified, or calculated by HYSYS.
Note: With Heat Exchangers within an SRU sub-flowsheet, the UA is
always calculated by HYSYS.
Use Ft check
Select this check box to use the LMTD (log mean temperature difference) correction factor, Ft. The Ft is calculated as a function of the
Number of Shell Passes and the temperature approaches. For a
counter-current Heat Exchanger, Ft is 1.0. For the Simple End Point
rating method, Ft = 1. This selection impacts the LMTD and Uncorrected LMTD results on the Performance tab | Details page.
The Exchanger Geometry is used to calculate the Ft Factor using the
End Point Model. Refer to the Rating tab for more information on the
Exchanger Geometry.
Simple Weighted Model
The Simple Weighted model is an excellent model to apply to non-linear heat
curve problems such as the phase change of pure components in one or both
Heat Exchanger sides. With the Simple Weighted model, the heating curves
are broken into intervals, and an energy balance is performed along each interval. A LMTD and UA are calculated for each interval in the heat curve, and
summed to calculate the overall exchanger UA.
The Simple Weighted model is available only for counter-current exchangers,
and is essentially an energy and material balance model.
The following table describes the parameters available on the Parameters
page when the Simple Weighted model is selected.
and Shellside Delta P
The pressure drops (DP) for the tube and shell sides of the exchanger
can be specified here. If you do not specify the DP values, HYSYS calculates them from the attached stream pressures.
The product of the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and the Total Area
available for heat transfer. The Heat Exchanger duty is proportional to
the log mean temperature difference, where UA is the proportionality
factor. The UA can either be specified, or calculated by HYSYS.
16 Heat Exchanger
Use Ft check
Select this check box to use the LMTD (log mean temperature difference) correction factor, Ft. The Ft is calculated as a function of the
Number of Shell Passes and the temperature approaches. For a
counter-current Heat Exchanger, Ft is 1.0. For the Simple Weighted
rating method, Ft = 1. This selection impacts the LMTD and Uncorrected LMTD results on the Performance tab | Details page.
The Exchanger Geometry is used to calculate the Ft Factor using the
End Point Model. Refer to the Rating tab for more information on the
Exchanger Geometry.
Individual Heat Curve Details
For each side of the Heat Exchanger, the following parameters appear. All but the Pass
Names can be modified.
Pass Name
Identifies the shell and tube side according to the names you provided
on the Connections page.
The number of intervals can be specified. For non-linear temperature
profiles, more intervals are necessary.
Select this check box to add a point to the heat curve for the dew
and/or bubble point. If there is a phase change occurring in either pass,
the appropriate check box should be selected.
Step Type
There are three choices for the Step Type:
Pressure Profile
Equal Enthalpy. All intervals have an equal enthalpy change.
Equal Temperature. All intervals have an equal temperature
Auto Interval. HYSYS determines where points should be
added to the heat curve. This is designed to minimize error using
the least number of intervals.
The Pressure Profile is updated in the outer iteration loop, using one
of the following methods:
Constant dPdH. Maintains constant dPdH during update.
Constant dPdUA. Maintains constant dPdUA during update.
Constant dPdA. Maintains constant dPdA during update. This
is not currently applicable to the Heat Exchanger, as the area is
not predicted.
Inlet Pressure. Pressure is constant and equal to the inlet
Outlet Pressure. Pressure is constant and equal to the outlet
Simple Steady State Rating Model
The Steady State Rating model is an extension of the End Point model to incorporate a rating calculation, and uses the same assumptions as the End Point
model. If you provide detailed geometry information, you can rate the
16 Heat Exchanger
exchanger using this model. As the name suggests, this model is only available
for steady state rating.
When dealing with linear or nearly linear heat curve problems, the Steady State
Rating model should be used. Due to the solver method incorporated into this
rating model, the Steady State Rating model can perform calculations exceptionally faster than the Dynamic Rating model.
The following parameters are available on the Parameters page when the
Steady State Rating model is selected:
Tubeside and
Delta P
The pressure drops (DP) for the tube and shell sides of the exchanger
can be specified here. If you do not specify the Delta P values, HYSYS calculates them from the attached stream pressures.
The product of the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, and the Total Area
available for heat transfer. The Heat Exchanger duty is proportional to
the log mean temperature difference, where UA is the proportionality
factor. In Steady State, the UA is calculated by HYSYS.
Dynamic Rating Model
Three models are available for Dynamic Rating using the Heat Exchanger unit
operation: Basic, Intermediate, and Detailed. If you specify three temperatures or two temperatures and a UA, you can rate the exchanger with the
Basic model. If you want to perform zone analysis and model tube thermal
inertia without providing geometric details such as tube ID, OD, length, shell
diameter, and baffles, you can rate the exchanger using the Intermediate
model. If you provide detailed geometry information, you can rate the
exchanger using the Detailed model.
Dynamic Basic Model
The Basic model is based on the same assumptions as the End Point model,
which uses the standard Heat Exchanger duty equation, Equation (2), defined in
terms of overall heat transfer coefficient, area available for heat exchange, and
the log mean temperature difference. The Basic model is actually the counterpart of the End Point model for dynamics and dynamic rating. The Basic
model can also be used for steady state Heat Exchanger rating.
Dynamic Intermediate Model
The Intermediate model option enables a level of fidelity for dynamic modeling that is higher than the Basic model but lower than the Detailed model.
You can perform zone analysis and model tube thermal inertia without providing geometric details such as tube ID, OD, length, shell diameter, and baffles.
Instead of detailed exchanger geometry, you must provide lumped parameters,
such as shell/tube volume, tube mass/heat capacity, and heat transfer area.
16 Heat Exchanger
Dynamic Detailed Model
The Detailed model is based on the same assumptions as the Weighted model,
and divides the Heat Exchanger into a number of heat zones, performing an
energy balance along each interval. This model requires detailed geometry
information about your Heat Exchanger. The Detailed model is actually the
counterpart of the Weighted model for dynamics and dynamic rating, but can
also be used for steady state Heat Exchanger rating.
The Basic, Intermediate, and Detailed Dynamic Rating models share rating
information with the Dynamics Heat Exchanger model. Any rating information
entered using these models is observed in Dynamic mode.
Once the Dynamic Rating model is selected, no further information is required
on the Parameters page of the Design tab. You can choose the model (Basic,
Intermediate, Detailed) on the Parameters page of the Rating tab.
Rigorous Shell and Tube Model
This mode accesses the Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating (EDR) program and
lets you set up a rigorous shell and tube exchanger model within it. You can
also import existing information for the model from EDR in the .edr file format.
Using this model also allows advanced analysis and error checking through the
EDR activated analysis environment. You must have Aspen Exchanger Design
and Rating (EDR) installed to access this model.
Specs Page
The Specs page includes three groups that organize various specifications and
solver information. The information provided on the Specs page is only valid for
the Weighted, Endpoint, and Steady State Rating models.
Note: If you are working with a Dynamic Rating model, the Specs page does not appear
on the Design tab.
Solver Group
The following parameters are listed in the Solver group:
The calculation error tolerance can be set.
When the current error is less than the calculation tolerance, the solution is considered to have converged.
The current iteration of the outer loop appears. In the outer loop, the
heat curve is updated and the property package calculations are performed. Non-rigorous property calculations are performed in the inner
loop. Any constraints are also considered in the inner loop.
16 Heat Exchanger
Unknown Variables Group
HYSYS lists all unknown Heat Exchanger variables according to your specifications. Once the unit has solved, the values of these variables appear.
Specifications Group
The Heat Balance (specified at 0 kJ/h) is considered to be a constraint.
Note: Without the Heat Balance specification, the heat equation is not balanced.
This is a Duty Error spec, which you cannot turn off. Without the Heat Balance
specification, you could, for example, completely specify all four Heat
Exchanger streams, and have HYSYS calculate the Heat Balance error which
would be displayed in the Current Value column of the Specifications group.
The UA is also included as a default specification. HYSYS displays this as a convenience, since it is a common specification. You can either use this spec or
deactivate it.
Specification Property View
You can add edit or delete highlighted specifications by using the View, Add, or
Delete buttons at the right of the group. A specification property view appears
automatically each time a new spec is created via the Add button. The figure
below shows a typical property view of a specification, which is accessed via
the View or Add button.
16 Heat Exchanger
Each specification property view has the following tabs:
The Summary page is used to define whether the specification is Active or an
Estimate. The Spec Value is also shown on this page.
Note: Information specified on the specification property view also appears in the Specifications group.
All specifications are one of the following three types:
An active specification is one that the convergence algorithm is trying
to meet. An active specification always serves as an initial estimate
(when the Active check box is selected, HYSYS automatically selects
the Estimate check box). An active specification exhausts one degree
of freedom.
An Active specification is one that the convergence algorithm is trying
to meet. An Active specification is on when both check boxes are selected.
16 Heat Exchanger
An Estimate is considered an Inactive specification because the convergence algorithm is not trying to satisfy it. To use a specification as
an estimate only, clear the Active check box. The value then serves
only as an initial estimate for the convergence algorithm. An estimate
does not use an available degree of freedom.
An Estimate is used as an initial “guess” for the convergence
algorithm, and is considered to be an inactive specification.
To disregard the value of a specification entirely during convergence,
clear both the Active and Estimate check boxes. By ignoring rather
than deleting a specification, it remains available if you want to use it
A Completely Inactive specification is one that is ignored completely
by the convergence algorithm, but can be made Active or an Estimate
at a later time.
The specification list allows you to try different combinations of the above three
specification types. For example, suppose you have a number of specifications,
and you want to determine which ones should be active, which should be estimates and which ones should be ignored altogether. By manipulating the check
boxes among various specifications, you can test various combinations of the
three types to see their effect on the results.
Caution: If your Heat Exchanger is located within an SRU sub-flowsheet:
You can only add Temperature and Delta Temp specifications.
The default Heat Balance specification, which is a Duty specification, still
appears; however, you cannot add any new Duty specifications.
The default UA specification also appears, but you must clear the Active check box
in order for the Heat Exchanger to solve. You cannot create any new
UA specifications.
For Temperature and Delta Temp specifications, Cold Inlet Equilibrium and Hot
Inlet Equilibrium do not appear as selectable streams.
The available specification types include the following: (View Button)
The temperature of any stream attached to the Heat Exchanger. The
hot or cold inlet equilibrium temperature can also be defined.
16 Heat Exchanger
The Hot Inlet Equilibrium temperature is the temperature of
the inlet hot stream minus the heat loss temperature drop.
The Cold Inlet Equilibrium temperature is the temperature of
the inlet cold stream plus the heat leak temperature rise.
Delta Temp
The temperature difference at the inlet or outlet between any two
streams attached to the Heat Exchanger. The hot or cold inlet equilibrium temperatures (which incorporate the heat loss/heat leak with
the inlet conditions) can also be used.
Minimum internal temperature approach. The minimum temperature
difference between the hot and cold stream (not necessarily at the
inlet or outlet).
The overall UA (product of overall heat transfer coefficient and heat
transfer area).
The overall log mean temperature difference.
The overall duty, duty error, heat leak or heat loss. The duty error
should normally be specified as 0 so that the heat balance is satisfied.
The heat leak and heat loss are available as specifications only if the
Heat Loss/Leak is set to Extremes or Proportional on the Parameters
Duty Ratio
A duty ratio can be specified between any two of the following duties:
overall, error, heat loss, and heat leak.
The flowrate of any attached stream (molar, mass or liquid volume).
Flow Ratio
The ratio of the two inlet stream flowrates. All other ratios are either
impossible or redundant (in other words, the inlet and outlet flowrates
on the shell or tube side are equal).
Subcools the LNG or heat exchanger to the temperature of any of the
attached stream. Select the stream you want to use from the Stream
drop-down list.
Superheats the LNG or heat exchanger to the temperature of any of
the attached stream. Select the stream you want to use from the
Stream drop-down list.
User Variables Page
The User Variables page enables you to create and implement your own user
variables for the current operation.
Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor that allows you to record any comments
or information regarding the specific unit operation or the simulation case in
16 Heat Exchanger
Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information contained in the
stream property view for all the streams attached to the Heat Exchanger unit
To view the stream parameters broken down per stream phase, select the
Worksheet tab of the stream property view.
Note: The PF Specs page is relevant to dynamics cases only.
Heat Exchanger Rating Tab
The Rating tab contains the following pages:
Note: The Parameters page is used exclusively by the dynamics Heat
Exchanger, and only becomes active either in Dynamic mode or while using the
Dynamic Rating model.
Heat Loss
Sizing Page
The Sizing page provides Heat Exchanger sizing related information. Based on
the geometry information, HYSYS is able to calculate the pressure drop and the
convective heat transfer coefficients for both Heat Exchanger sides and rate the
The information is grouped under three radio buttons:
When you select the Overall radio button, the overall Heat Exchanger geometry appears.
In the Configuration group, you can specify whether multiple shells are used
in the Heat Exchanger design.
The following fields appear, and can be modified in, the Configuration group.
16 Heat Exchanger
Number of
You have the option of HYSYS performing the calculations for Counter
Current (ideal with Ft = 1.0) operation, or for a specified number of shell
passes. Specify the number of shell passes to be any integer between 1
and 7. When the shell pass number is specified, HYSYS calculates the
LMTD correction factor (Ft) for the current exchanger design. A value
lower than 0.8 generally corresponds to inefficient design in terms of the
use of heat transfer surface. More passes or larger temperature differences should be used in this case.
For n shell passes, HYSYS solves the heat exchanger on the basis that at
least 2n tube passes exist. Charts for Shell and Tube Exchanger LMTD
Correction Factors, as found in the GPSA Engineering Data Book, are normally in terms of n shell passes and 2n or more tube passes.
Number of
Shells in
If a multiple number of shells are specified in series, the configuration is
shown as follows:
Number of
Shells in
If a multiple number of shells are specified in parallel, the configuration is
shown as follows:
Currently, multiple shells in parallel are not supported in HYSYS.
Passes per
The number of tube passes per shell. The default setting is 2 (in other
words, the number of tubes equal to 2n, where n is the number of
The exchanger orientation defines whether or not the shell is horizontal
or vertical. Used only in dynamic simulations.
When the shell orientation is vertical, you can also specify whether the
shell feed is at the top or bottom via the Shell Feed at Bottom check box.
The Shell Feed at Bottom check box is only visible for the vertical oriented
16 Heat Exchanger
First Tube
Pass Flow
Specifies whether or not the tube feed is co-current or counter-current.
The height of the base of the exchanger above the ground. Used only in
dynamic simulations.
You can specify the number of shell and tube passes in the shell of the Heat
Exchanger. In general, at least 2n tube passes must be specified for every n
shell pass. The exception is a counter-current flow Heat Exchanger which has 1
shell pass and one tube pass. The orientation can be specified as a vertical or
horizontal Heat Exchanger. The orientation of the Heat Exchanger does not
impact the steady state solver, however, it is used in the Dynamics Heat
Exchanger Model in the calculation of liquid level in the shell.
Note: For a more detailed discussion of TEMA-style shell-and-tube heat exchangers, refer
to page 11-33 of the Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook (1997 edition).
The shape of Heat Exchanger can be specified using the TEMA-style drop-down
lists. The first list contains a list of front end stationary head types of the Heat
Exchanger. The second list contains a list of shell types. The third list contains a
list of rear end head types.
In the Calculated Information group, the following Heat Exchanger parameters
are listed:
Shell HT Coeff
Tube HT Coeff
Overall U
Overall UA
Shell DP
Tube DP
Heat Trans. Area per Shell
Tube Volume per Shell
Shell Volume per Shell
Selecting the Shell radio button allows you to specify the shell configuration and
the baffle arrangement in each shell.
In the Shell and Tube Bundle Data group, you can specify whether multiple
shells are used in the Heat Exchanger design. The following fields appear, and
can be modified in, the Shell and Tube Bundle Data group.
16 Heat Exchanger
Shell Diameter
Diameter of the shell(s).
Number of
Tubes per
Number of tubes per shell. You can change the value in this field.
Tube Pitch
Shortest distance between the centers of two adjacent tubes.
Tube Layout Angle
In HYSYS, the tubes in a single shell can be arranged in four different
symmetrical patterns:
Triangular (30°)
Triangular Rotated (60°)
Square (90°)
Square Rotated (45°)
For more information regarding the benefits of different tube layout
angles, refer to page 139 of Process Heat Transfer by Donald Q. Kern
Shell Fouling
The shell fouling factor is taken into account in the calculation of the
overall heat transfer coefficient, U.
The following fields appear, and can be modified in, the Shell Baffles group:
Shell Baffle
You can choose from four different baffle types:
Shell Baffle
You can choose whether the baffles are aligned horizontally or vertically
along the inner shell wall.
Baffle cut
(Height %)
The baffle cut is expressed as a percent of the baffle window height to the
shell diameter. You can use the baffle cut to specify the percent of net
free area, which is defined as the total cross-sectional area in the flow direction parallel to the tubes minus the area blocked off by the tubes
(essentially the percentage of open area).
Baffle Spacing
You can specify the space between each baffle.
Selecting the Tube radio button allows you to specify the tube geometry information in each shell.
16 Heat Exchanger
The Dimensions group allows you to specify the following tube geometric parameters:
Tube Diameter
Tube Length
Two of the three listed parameters must be specified to characterize the tube width dimensions.
Heat transfer length of one tube in a single Heat Exchanger shell.
This value is not the actual tube length.
In the Tube Properties group, the following metal tube heat transfer properties
must be specified:
Tube Fouling Factor
Thermal Conductivity
Wall Specific Heat Capacity, Cp
Wall Density
Parameters Page
The Parameters page of the Rating tab is used to define rating parameters
for the Dynamic Rating model. On the Parameters page, you can specify a
Basic, Intermediate, or Detailed model. For the Basic model, you must
define the Heat Exchanger overall UA and pressure drop across the shell and
tube. For the Intermediate model, you must provide lumped parameters,
such as shell/tube volume, tube mass/heat capacity, and heat transfer area.
For the Detailed model, you must define the geometry and heat transfer parameters of both the shell and tube sides in the Heat Exchanger operation. In
order for either the Basic, Intermediate, or Detailed Heat Exchanger Model
to completely solve, the Parameters page must be completed.
Basic Model
When you select the Basic model radio button on the Parameters page in
Dynamic mode, the Basic Model Parameters property view appears.
The Dimensions group contains the following information:
Tube Volume
Shell Volume
Elevation (Base)
16 Heat Exchanger
The tube volume, shell volume, and heat transfer area are calculated from
Shell and Tube properties specified by selecting the Shell and Tube radio buttons on the Sizing page. The elevation of the base of the Heat Exchanger can be
specified but does not impact the steady state solver.
The Parameters group includes the following Heat Exchanger parameters. All
but the correction factor, F, can be modified:
The product of the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, and the Total Area available for heat transfer. The Heat Exchanger duty is proportional to the log
mean temperature difference, where UA is the proportionality factor. The
UA can either be specified, or calculated by HYSYS.
Delta P
The pressure drops (DP) for the tube and shell sides of the exchanger can be
specified here. If you do not specify the DP values, HYSYS calculates them
from the attached stream pressures.
Intermediate Model
The Intermediate model option enables a level of fidelity for dynamic modeling that is higher than the Basic model but lower than the Detailed model.
You can perform zone analysis and model tube thermal inertia without providing geometric details such as tube ID, OD, length, shell diameter, and baffles.
Instead of detailed exchanger geometry, you must provide lumped parameters,
such as shell/tube volume, tube mass/heat capacity, and heat transfer area.
The Heat Transfer Coefficient Information (Intermediate Model), Zone
Information (Detailed and Intermediate Models), and Delta P
(Detailed and Intermediate Models) sections below describe how to specify inputs for the Intermediate model,
Note: No geometry information is required for the Intermediate model.
Heat Transfer Coefficient Information (Intermediate Model)
The Heat Transfer coefficients group contains the following information:
Heat Transfer
The local Heat Transfer Coefficients, h o and h i , can be specified or calculated.
Shell/Tube HT
Coefficient Calculator
The Heat Transfer Coefficient Calculator allows you to either specify or
calculate the local Heat Transfer Coefficients. Specify the cell with one
of following options:
U flow scaled
U specified: The local heat transfer coefficients, h o and h i , are
specified by you.
Note: The Hysim-Correlation option is not supported.
16 Heat Exchanger
Detailed Model
The Detailed model option allows you to specify the zone information, heat
transfer coefficient, and Delta P details. When you select the Detailed model
radio button on the Parameters page, the Detailed property view contains:
Zone Information (Detailed and Intermediate Models)
HYSYS can partition the Heat Exchanger into discrete multiple sections called
zones. Because shell and tube stream conditions do not remain constant across
the operation, the heat transfer parameters are not the same along the length
of the Heat Exchanger. By dividing the Heat Exchanger into zones, you can
make different heat transfer specifications for individual zones, and therefore
more accurately model an actual Heat Exchanger.
In the Zone Information group you can specify the following:
Enter the number of zones you want for one shell. The total number of
zones in a Heat Exchanger shell is calculated as:
The fraction of space the zone occupies relative to the total shell volume.
HYSYS automatically sets each zone to have the same volume. You can
modify the zone fractions to occupy a larger or smaller proportion of the total
volume. Click the Normalize Zone Fractions button in order to adjust the
sum of fractions to equal one.
Heat Transfer Coefficients (Detailed Model)
The Heat Transfer Coefficients group contains information regarding the calculation of the overall heat transfer coefficient, U, and local heat transfer coefficients for the fluid in the tube, hi , and the fluid surrounding the tube, ho. The
heat transfer coefficients can be determined in one of two ways:
The heat transfer coefficients can be specified using the rating information provided on the Parameters page and the stream conditions.
You can specify the heat transfer coefficients.
For fluids without phase change, the local heat transfer coefficient, hi , is calculated according to the Sieder-Tate correlation:
Gi = mass velocity of the fluid in the tubes (velocity*density)
μ i = viscosity of the fluid in the tube
μ i,w = viscosity of the fluid inside tubes, at the tube wall
16 Heat Exchanger
Cp,i = specific heat capacity of the fluid inside the tube
The relationship between the local heat transfer coefficients, and the overall
heat transfer coefficient is shown in Equation (3).
U = overall heat transfer coefficient
ho = local heat transfer coefficient outside tube
hi = local heat transfer coefficient inside tube
ro = fouling factor outside tube
ri = fouling factor inside tube
rw = tube wall resistance
Do = outside diameter of tube
Di = inside diameter of tube
The Heat Transfer coefficients group contains the following information:
Heat Transfer
The local Heat Transfer Coefficients, h o and h i , can be specified or calculated.
Shell/Tube HT
Coefficient Calculator
The Heat Transfer Coefficient Calculator allows you to either specify or
calculate the local Heat Transfer Coefficients. Specify the cell with one
of following options:
Shell & Tube: The local heat transfer coefficients, h o and h i ,
are calculated using the heat exchange rating information and
U specified: The local heat transfer coefficients, h o and h i , are
specified by you.
Delta P (Detailed and Intermediate Models)
The Delta P group contains information regarding the calculation of the shell
and tube pressure drop across the exchanger. In Steady State mode, the pressure drop across either the shell or tube side of the Heat Exchanger can be calculated in one of two ways:
The pressure drop can be calculated from the rating information
provided in the Sizing page and the stream conditions.
The pressure drop can be specified.
The Delta P group contains the following information:
16 Heat Exchanger
Delta P
The pressure drop across the Shell/Tube side of the Heat Exchanger can
be specified or calculated.
Delta P Calculator
The Shell/Tube Delta P Calculator allows you to either specify or calculate
the shell/tube pressure drop across the Heat Exchanger. Specify the cell
with one of following options:
Shell & Tube Delta P Calculator. The pressure drop is calculated using the Heat Exchanger rating information and correlations.
User specified. The pressure drop is specified by you.
Non specified. This option is only applicable in Dynamic mode.
Pressure drop across the Heat Exchanger is calculated from a pressure flow relation.
Detailed Heat Model Properties Property
When you click the Specify Parameters for Individual Zones button, the
Detailed Heat Model Properties property view appears. The Detailed Heat Model
Properties property view displays the detailed heat transfer parameters and holdup conditions for each zone.
HYSYS uses the following terms to describe different locations within the Heat
HYSYS represents the zone using the letter “Z”. Zones are numbered starting from 0. For instance, if there are 3 zones in a Heat Exchanger, the
zones are labeled: Z0, Z1, and Z2.
HYSYS represents the holdup within each zone with the letter “H”. Holdups
are numbered starting from 0. “Holdup 0” is always the holdup of the shell
within the zone. Holdups 1 through n represents the n tube holdups existing in the zone.
HYSYS represents tube locations using the letters “TH”. Tube locations
occur at the interface of each zone. Depending on the number of tube
passes per shell pass, there can be several tube locations within a particular
zone. For instance, 2 tube locations exist for each zone in a Heat
Exchanger with 1 shell pass and 2 tube passes. Tube locations are
numbered starting from 1.
Consider a shell and tube Heat Exchanger with 3 zones, 1 shell pass, and 2 tube
passes. The following diagram labels zones, tube locations, and hold-ups within
the Heat Exchanger:
16 Heat Exchanger
Heat Transfer (Individual) Tab
Information regarding the heat transfer elements of each tube location in the
Heat Exchanger appears on the Heat Transfer (Individual) tab.
Heat transfer from the fluid in the tube to the fluid in the shell occurs through a
series of heat transfer resistances or elements. There are two convective elements, and one conductive element associated with each tube location.
This tab organizes all the heat transfer elements for each tube location in one
spreadsheet. You can choose whether Conductive or Convective elements will
appear by selecting the appropriate element type in the Heat Transfer Type
drop-down list.
The following is a list of possible elements for each tube location:
The Shell Side element is associated with the local heat transfer coefficient, h o, around the tube. The Tube Side is associated with the local
heat transfer coefficient, h i , inside the tube. These local heat transfer coefficients can be calculated by HYSYS, or you can modify them.
This element is associated with the conduction of heat through the metal
wall of the tube. The conductivity of the tube metal, and the inside and
outside metal wall temperatures appear. You can modify the conductivity.
Heat Transfer (Global) Tab
The Heat Transfer (Global) tab displays the heat transfer elements for the
entire Heat Exchanger. You can choose whether the overall Conductive or Convective elements are to appear by selecting the appropriate element type in the
Heat Transfer Type drop-down list.
16 Heat Exchanger
Tabular Results Tab
The Tabular Results tab displays the following stream properties for the shell
and tube fluid flow paths. The feed and exit stream conditions appear for each
Vapor Fraction
Molar Flow
Cumulative UA
Cumulative Heat Flow
Length (into Heat Exchanger)
Note: You can choose whether the flow path is shell or tube side by selecting the appropriate flow path in the Display which flow path? drop-down list.
Specs (Individual) Tab
The Specs (Individual) tab displays the pressure drop specifications for each
shell and tube holdup in one spreadsheet.
Note: You can choose whether the shell or tube side appears by selecting the appropriate
flow path in the Display which flow path? drop-down list.
The Pressure Flow K and Use Pressure Flow K columns are applicable only
in Dynamic mode.
Specs (Global) Tab
The Specs (Global) tab displays the pressure drop specifications for the entire
shell and tube holdups. The Pressure Flow K and Use Pressure Flow K
columns are applicable only in Dynamic mode.
You can choose whether the shell or tube side appears by selecting the appropriate flow path from the Display which flow path? drop-down list.
Plot Tab
The information displayed on the Plots tab is a graphical representation of the
parameters provided on the Tabular Results tab. You can plot the following
variables for the shell and tube side of the Heat Exchanger:
Vapor Fraction
Molar Flow
Cumulative UA
Heat Flow
16 Heat Exchanger
Nozzles Page
The Nozzles page contains information regarding the elevation and diameter
of the nozzles.
The placement of feed and product nozzles on the Detailed Dynamic Heat
Exchanger operation has physical meaning. The exit stream’s composition
depends on the exit stream nozzle’s location and diameter in relation to the
physical holdup level in the vessel. If the product nozzle is located below the
liquid level in the vessel, the exit stream draws material from the liquid holdup.
If the product nozzle is located above the liquid level, the exit stream draws
material from the vapor holdup.
If the liquid level sits across a nozzle, the mole fraction of liquid in the product
stream varies linearly with how far up the nozzle the liquid is.
Essentially, all vessel operations in HYSYS are treated the same. The compositions and phase fractions of each product stream depend solely on the relative levels of each phase in the holdup and the placement of the product
nozzles, so a vapor product nozzle does not necessarily produce pure vapor. A
3-phase separator may not produce two distinct liquid phase products from its
product nozzles.
Heat Loss Page
The Heat Loss page contains heat loss parameters which characterize the
amount of heat lost across the vessel wall. You can choose either to have no
heat loss model, a Simple heat loss model or a Detailed heat loss model.
Simple Heat Loss Model
When you select the Simple radio button, the following parameters appear:
Overall U
Ambient Temperature
Overall Heat Transfer Area
Heat Flow
Detailed Heat Loss Model
The Detailed model allows you to specify more detailed heat transfer parameters. The HYSYS Dynamics license is required to use the Detailed Heat Loss
model found on this page.
Performance Tab
The Performance tab has pages that display the results of the Heat Exchanger
calculations in overall performance parameters, as well as using plots and
16 Heat Exchanger
The Performance tab contains the following pages:
Error Msg
Details Page
The information from the Details page appears in the figures below.
Steady State
Dynamic State
16 Heat Exchanger
Note: The appearance of this page is slightly different for the Dynamic Rating model.
The Overall Performance and Detailed Performance groups contain the
following parameters that are calculated by HYSYS.
Overall Performance
Heat flow from the hot stream to the cold stream.
Heat Leak
Loss of cold side duty due to leakage. Duty gained to reflect the increase
in temperature.
Heat Loss
Loss of the hot side duty to leakage. The overall duty plus the heat loss
is equal to the individual hot stream duty defined on the Tables page.
Product of the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, and the Total Area available for heat transfer. The UA is equal to the overall duty divided by the
The minimum temperature difference between the hot and cold
Mean Temp
Driving Force
The average temperature difference between the hot and cold stream.
The uncorrected LMTD multiplied by the Ft factor.
When the Use Ft check box is cleared for the Simple Weighted or
Simple End Point model, this is equal to the Uncorrected LMTD.
Detailed Performance
The LMTD is ordinarily calculated using constant heat capacity. An
LMTD can also be calculated using linear heat capacity. In either case, a
different UA is predicted. The UA Curvature Error reflects the difference
between these UAs.
Hot Pinch
The hot stream temperature at the minimum approach.
Cold Pinch
The cold stream temperature at the minimum approach.
Ft Factor
The LMTD (log mean temperature difference) correction factor, Ft, is calculated as a function of the Number of Shell Passes and the temperature approaches. For a counter-current Heat Exchanger, Ft is 1.0.
When the Use Ft check box is cleared, this appears as <empty>.
Applicable only for the Simple Weighted or Simple End Point models. The LMTD is calculated in terms of the temperature approaches (terminal temperature differences) in the exchanger, using the Equation
When the Use Ft check box is cleared, this appears as <empty>.
The Uncorrected LMTD equation is as follows:
16 Heat Exchanger
∆T1 = Thot, out - Tcold, in
∆T2 = Thot, in - Tcold, out
Plots Page
You can plot curves for the hot and/or cold fluid. Use the Plot check boxes to
specify which side(s) of the exchanger should be plotted.
Note: You can modify the appearance of the plot via the Graph Control property view.
The following default variables can be plotted along either the X or Y-axis:
Delta T
Heat Flow
Select the combination from the Plot Type drop-down list. To plot other available variables, you need to add them on the Setup page. Once the variables
are added, they are available in the X and Y drop-down lists.
Tables Page
On the Tables page, you can view (default variables) interval temperature,
pressure, heat flow, enthalpy, UA, and vapor fraction for each side of the
Exchanger in a tabular format. Select either the Shell Side or Tube Side radio
To view other available variables, you need to add them on the Setup page.
Variables are displayed based on Phase Viewing Options selected.
Setup Page
The Setup page allows you to filter and add variables to be viewed on the
Plots and Tables pages.
The variables that are listed in the Selected Viewing Variables group are
available in the X and Y drop down list for plotting on the Plots page. The variables are also available for tabular plot results on the Tables page based on
the Phase Viewing Options selected.
16 Heat Exchanger
Error Msg Page
The Error Msg page contains a list of the warning messages on the Heat
Exchanger. You cannot add comments to this page. Use it to see if there are
any warnings in modeling the Heat Exchanger.
Dynamics Tab
The Dynamics tab contains the following pages:
"Model Page" below
"Holdup Page" on page 458
Note: If you are working exclusively in Steady State mode, you are not required to
change any information on the pages accessible through the Dynamics tab.
Any information specified on the Rating tab also appears in the Dynamics tab.
Model Page
In the Model page, you can specify whether HYSYS uses a Basic, Intermediate, or Detailed model.
Basic Model
The Model Parameters group contains the following information for the Heat
Exchanger unit operation:
The volume of the shell and tube must be specified in the Basic model.
The elevation is significant in the calculation of static head around and in
the Heat Exchanger.
Overall UA
Product of the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and the Total Area available for heat transfer. The Heat Exchanger duty is proportional to the log
mean temperature difference, where UA is the proportionality factor. The
UA must be specified if the Basic model is used.
16 Heat Exchanger
UA Reference Flow
Since UA depends on flow, these parameters allow you to set a reference
point that uses HYSYS to calculate a more realistic UA value. If no reference point is set then UA is fixed.
If the UA is specified, the specified UA value does not change during the
simulation. The UA value that is used, however, does change if a Reference Flow is specified. Basically, as in most heat transfer correlations, the
heat transfer coefficient is proportional to the (mass flow ratio)0.8. The
equation below is used to determine the UA used:
Reference flows generally help to stabilize the system when you do shut
downs and startups as well.
Flow Scale
The ratio of mass flow at time t to reference mass flow is also known as
flow scaled factor. The minimum flow scaled factor is the lowest value
which the ratio is anticipated at low flow regions. This value can be
expressed in a positive value or negative value.
A positive value ensures that some heat transfer still takes place at
very low flows.
A negative value ignores heat transfer at very low flows.
A negative factor is often used in shut downs if you are not interested in
the results or run into problems shutting down an exchanger.
If the Minimum Flow Scale Factor is specified, Equation (1) uses the
ratio if the ratio is greater than the Min Flow Scale Factor. Otherwise the
Min Flow Scale Factor is used.
In some cases you can use a negative value for minimum flow scale
factor. If you use -0.1, then if the scale factor goes below 0.1, the Minimum Flow Scale Factor uses 0.
The Summary group contains information regarding the duty of the Heat
Exchanger shell and tube sides.
Intermediate Model
The Intermediate model lets you model the heat exchanger dynamics with a
level of fidelity higher than Basic model but lower than the Detailed model.
16 Heat Exchanger
One shell pass and one tube pass is assumed.
No detailed geometry is required. Instead, you can specify the shell side
and tube side heat transfer area.
Thermal inertia can be modeled by specifying the tube mass and tube
wall heat capacity
Zone analysis is supported.
When you select the Intermediate radio button, you can edit the following
The Model Data group contains the following information:
(Required) The volume of the shell and tube must be specified.
Heat Transfer
(Required) Tube/shell side heat transfer area must be specified.
The elevation is significant in the calculation of static head around and
in the Heat Exchanger.
Tube mass
Tube wall Cp
The Model Parameters group contains the local and overall heat transfer coefficients for the Heat Exchanger. Depending on how the Heat Transfer Coefficient Calculator is set on the Parameters page of the Rating tab, the local
and overall heat transfer coefficients can either be calculated or specified in the
Model Parameters group.
HT Coefficient Calculator Setting
Shell & Tube
Overall heat transfer coefficient, U, is calculated using the
exchanger rating information.
U Specified
Overall heat transfer coefficient, U, is specified by you.
Detailed Model
When you select the Detailed radio button, a summary of the rating information
specified on the Rating tab appears.
The Model Data group contains the following information:
The volume of the shell and tube is calculated from the Heat Exchanger
rating information.
Heat Transfer Area
The heat transfer area is calculated from the Heat Exchanger rating
16 Heat Exchanger
The elevation is significant in the calculation of static head around and in
the Heat Exchanger.
You can specify the number of tube and shell passes in the shell of the
Heat Exchanger. In general, at least 2n tube passes must be specified for
every n shell pass. The exception is a counter-current flow Heat
Exchanger which has 1 shell pass and one tube pass
The orientation may be specified as a vertical or horizontal Heat
Exchanger. The orientation of the Heat Exchanger does not impact the
steady state solver. However, it used in the dynamic Heat Exchanger in
the calculation of liquid level in the shell.
Zones per
Shell Pass
Enter the number of zones you would like for one shell pass. The total
number of zones in a Heat Exchanger shell is calculated as:
The Model Parameters group contains the local and overall heat transfer coefficients for the Heat Exchanger. Depending on how the Heat Transfer Coefficient Calculator is set on the Parameters page of the Rating tab, the local
and overall heat transfer coefficients can either be calculated or specified in the
Model Parameters group.
HT Coefficient Calculator Setting
Shell & Tube
Overall heat transfer coefficient, U, is calculated using the
exchanger rating information.
U Specified
Overall heat transfer coefficient, U, is specified by you.
The Startup Level group appears only if the Heat Exchanger is specified with a
single shell and/or tube pass having only one zone. The Startup level cannot be
set for multiple shell and/or tube pass exchangers for multiple shell or tube
passes. You can specify an initial liquid level percent for the shell or tube holdups. This initial liquid level percent is used only if the simulation case re-initializes.
Specs Page
The Specs page contains information regarding the calculation of pressure
drop across the Heat Exchanger.
Note: The information that appears on the Specs page depends on the model (Basic or
Detailed) selected on the Model page.
16 Heat Exchanger
Basic Model
When you select the Basic model radio button on the Model page, the Specs
page opens.
The pressure drop across any pass in the Heat Exchanger operation can be
determined in one of two ways:
Specify the pressure drop.
Define a pressure flow relation for each pass by specifying a k value.
The following parameters are used to specify the pressure drop for the Heat
Delta P
The pressure drop across the Shell/Tube side of the Heat Exchanger
may be specified (check box active) of calculated (check box inactive).
Activate this option if to have the Pressure Flow k values used in the
calculation of pressure drop.
16 Heat Exchanger
k Reference
If the pressure flow option is chosen the k value is calculated based on
two criteria. If the flow of the system is larger than the k Reference
Flow, the k value remains unchanged. If the flow of the system is
smaller than the k Reference Flow, the k value is given by:
Factor = value is determined by HYSYS internally to take into
consideration the flow and pressure drop relationship at low
flow regions.
At low flow range, it is recommended that the k reference flow is
taken as 40% of steady state design flow for better pressure flow stability.
The Factor involved in the equation above is given by:
bounded between 0.001 and 1. Next, the kused is damped to avoid
oscillations. If we consider the damping as a first order filtering operation, the way to update these kused values is, assuming continuous
where τ is the filter time constant.
In discrete time, we approximate the derivative as:
with h the integrating step. So we come out with the damping equation in its familiar form:
α =θ / (1+θ)
θ= τ / h
An instantaneous update corresponds to θ = 0 and a very slow update
to a large θ, so 0 < α < 1. For this application, we have selected α =
Effectively, the k Reference Flow results in a more linear relationship between
flow and pressure drop, and this is used to increase model stability during startup and shutdown where the flows are low.
Use the Calculate k button to calculate a k value based on the Delta P and k
Reference flow. Make sure that there is a non-zero pressure drop across the
Heat Exchanger before you click the Calculate k button.
16 Heat Exchanger
Detailed Model
When you select the Basic model radio button on the Model page, the Specs
page appears. The following parameters are used to specify the pressure drop
for the Heat Exchanger.
Pressure Flow
The k-value defines the relationship between the flow through the
shell or tube holdup and the pressure of the surrounding streams. You
can either specify the k-value or have it calculated from the stream
conditions surrounding the Heat Exchanger. You can “size” the
exchanger with a k-value by clicking the Calculate K’s button.
Ensure that there is a non-zero pressure drop across the Heat
Exchanger before the Calculate k button is clicked.
Pressure Flow
Activate this option to have the Pressure Flow k values used in the calculation of pressure drop. If the Pressure Flow option is selected, the
Shell/Tube Delta P calculator must also be set to non specified.
Delta P
The pressure drop across the Shell/Tube side of the Heat Exchanger
may be specified or calculated.
Delta P Calculator
The Shell/Tube Delta P calculator allows you to either specify or calculate the shell/tube pressure drop across the Heat Exchanger. Specify the cell with one of the following options:
Shell & Tube Delta P Calculator. The pressure drop is calculated using the Heat Exchanger rating information and correlations.
User specified. The pressure drop is specified by you.
Not specified. This option is only applicable in Dynamic mode.
Pressure drop across the Heat Exchanger is calculated from a
pressure flow relationship. You must specify a k-value and
activate the Pressure Flow option to use this calculator.
Click the K Summary button to open the Detailed Heat Model Properties property view.
Holdup Page
The Holdup page contains information regarding the shell and tube holdup properties, composition, and amount.
Basic Model
When you select the Basic model radio button on the Model page, the Holdup
page appears.
The Shell Holdup group and Tube Holdup group contain information regarding the shell and tube side holdup parameters.
16 Heat Exchanger
Detailed Model
When you select the Detailed model radio button on the Model page, the Holdup page includes the following:
The Overall Holdup Details group contains information regarding the
shell and tube side holdup parameters.
The Individual Zone Holdups group contains detailed holdup properties for every layer in each zone of the Heat Exchanger unit operation.
In order to view the advanced properties for individual holdups, you
must first choose the individual holdup.
To choose individual holdups, you must specify the Zone and Layer in the corresponding drop-down lists.
Stripchart Page
The Stripchart page allows you to select and create default strip charts containing various variable associated to the operation.
Rigorous Shell&Tube Tab
The Rigorous Shell&Tube tab of the Heat Exchanger contains the following
Property Ranges
Results Summary
Setting Plan
Tube Layout
You can use the Import - Export buttons to use data saved in .edr file format
from the Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating program. The View
EDR Browser button lets you use the Exchanger Design and Rating program
interface to access advanced settings for the model parameters.
16 Heat Exchanger
When you click the View EDR Browser button and enter the Exchanger
Details form, on the Geometry Summary page, if the Use existing layout
option is selected, this indicates that you want to retain your current geometry settings; as a result, no changes are made to the geometry based on any updates or
changes you make. Select the New (optimum) layout option if you want to
view changes to the geometry.
If there are two liquid phases, HYSYS sometimes premixes properties before sending them to EDR. As a result, two liquid phases may not appear in the EDR Properties table in instances where two phases would be expected.
Specifying Application Information for Rigorous Shell&Tube
To specify application information for a Rigorous Shell&Tube Heat Exchanger:
1. Select the Rigorous Shell&Tube tab | Application page.
2. From the Hot Fluid Allocation drop-down list, select one of the following options:
Not Specified: Shell&Tube provides a guess regarding the most
appropriate value and issues a warning indicating the level of confidence in this guess.
Shell Side: Select this option if the shell side of the exchanger
contains the hot stream.
Tube Side: Select this option if the tube side of the exchanger
contains the hot stream.
Note: It is strongly recommended that you specify this information in all
calculation modes. If you are Simulating or Rating an existing exchanger,
and you get this item wrong, the program results may be of little value. If
you are Designing an exchanger and are unsure which is the best option,
we recommend that you try both Shell Side and Tube Side and assess
which option gives the best design.
Allocation of a stream to the shell side or tube side is influenced by factors
of safety, reliability, company practice, maintenance requirements and
capital cost.
Some general guidelines are:
Hazardous fluids should not go on the shell side of exchangers with
expansion bellows or with P or W type rear end heads.
Heavily fouling fluids go by preference on the tube side, which is
much easier to clean.
Fluids that need to be in contact with expensive materials go by
preference on the tube side.
High pressure fluids go by preference on the tube side.
Fluids with a high volume flow rate go by preference on the shell
side, which offers more geometrical options to avoid excessive pressure drop than the tube side.
16 Heat Exchanger
3. From the Calculation method drop-down list, select one of the following options:
Set Default
Advanced method: The Advanced method defines a set of
physical locations within the exchanger and calculates the state
(enthalpy and pressure) of the shell side stream and all the tube
side passes at that point. Endspaces are dealt with explicitly, and
in other points of detail approximation needed in the Standard
method are avoided.
The Advanced method is available in all calculation modes:
Design, Rating, Simulation, and Maximum Fouling. It is
available for most shell types; the exceptions are Kettles, Double
pipes and Flooded evaporators. The Advanced method is the
only available method for some new options, such as variable
baffle pitch.
The options for Convergence algorithm, Tolerances, and
Number of iterations are only available for the Advanced
method in Shell&Tube. Other Advanced method options let the
calculation grid resolution be selected, as Low, Medium, High,
or Very high. This changes the number of calculation points. The
actual number of points cannot be set explicitly. It depends on
the complexity.
Standard method: The Standard method is based on defining
a set of shell side enthalpy/pressure points, and then determining
their location, together with a consistent set of tube side points.
Corrections are made to allow for endspaces in baffled
exchangers, where shell side mass fluxes differ from those in the
standard baffle space.
Note: The calculation methods will normally provide very similar results, but in
exchangers where end-spaces occupy a significant fraction of the tube length, the
Advanced method is likely to give better results.
4. From the Condenser Type drop-down list, select one of the following
options. Most condenser types have the vapor and condensate flow in the
same direction.
Set Default
Knockback reflux: The Knockback (reflux) condenser, which is
often used to separate high and low boilers with minimal subcooling, has vapor entering the bottom of the unit with condensate falling back against the incoming vapor. With this type
of condenser, you should consider using the differential condensation option if the program calculates the condensation
5. From the Vaporizer Type drop-down list, select one of the following
options. The Vaporizer Type identifies the various equipment types,
each of which requires special design considerations.
16 Heat Exchanger
Set Default
Flooded evaporator or kettle
Forced circulation
Falling film evaporator
6. From the Calculation Options drop-down list, select one of the following options:
Simulation Mode: This is the default mode.
Find Fouling: The Find Fouling calculation mode provides the
ability to estimate fouling factors given a set of process conditions. Specify calculation options and view results on the Find
Fouling page.
When you switch from Simulation Mode to Find Fouling, the
Heat Exchanger may be underspecified due to differing requirements for the calculation modes. In this case, you must manually
specify outlet stream data to obtain an accurate heat balance in
order for the Heat Exchanger to solve.
When you switch from Find Fouling to Simulation Mode, the
Heat Exchanger may be over-specified due to differing requirements for the calculation modes. In this case, you must manually
remove the extraneous specifications in order for the
Heat Exchanger to solve.
Specifying Exchanger Information for Rigorous Shell&Tube
To specify exchanger information for a Rigorous Shell&Tube Heat Exchanger:
1. Select the Rigorous Shell&Tube tab | Exchanger page.
2. In the TEMA Type group, you can specify the information described in
the table below.
TEMA is the U.S. Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers' Association, which
produces a regularly updated set of standards, relating (primarily) to
mechanical design considerations for shell and tube heat exchangers.
Front and rear end heads for a shell and tube exchanger come in a range
of types identified by a letter, designated by TEMA. The choice of front
and rear end head is primarily a mechanical design consideration. It
affects whether the bundle (and tubesheet) are fixed or can be withdrawn from the shell for cleaning, and whether there is simple access to
the tubes for cleaning. It can also impact the thermal design, insofar as
it affects the clearance between the bundle and the shell.
16 Heat Exchanger
16 Heat Exchanger
The front end is the tube side inlet end. It is also the tube side outlet
end, if there is an even number of tube side passes. Since the front
end always has a nozzle, it is also referred to as the stationary head.
Set default
A - channel &removable cover: Fixed tubesheet; access to
tubes for cleaning.
B - bonnet bolted or integral with tubesheet: Fixed tubesheet
C - integral tubesheet & removable bundle: Channel
integral with tubesheet, removable cover; access to tubes for
N - integral tubesheet & nonremovable bundle: Channel
integral with shell and (fixed) tubesheet. Removable cover for
access to tubes.
D - high pressure enclosure: High pressure version of C.
Shell T- The shell type determines the shell side flow arrangement and the
place of the shell side nozzles. The default is type E (except for K type
shell side pool boilers).
Set default
E - one pass shell: Generally provides the best heat transfer
but also the highest shell side pressure drop. Used for temperature cross applications where pure counter current flow is
F - two pass shell with long. baffle: This two pass shell can
enhance shell side heat transfer and also maintain counter current flow if needed for temperature cross applications.
G - split flow: Enhances the shell side film coefficient for a
given exchanger size.
H - double split flow: A good choice for low shell side operating pressure applications. Pressure drop can be minimized.
Used for shell side thermosiphons.
J - divided flow (nozzles: 1 in, 2 out): Used often for shell
side condensers. With two inlet vapor nozzles on top and the
single condensate nozzle on bottom, vibration problems can be
I - divided flow (nozzles: 2 in, 1 out)
K - kettle: Used for kettle type shell side reboilers.
X -crossflow: Good for low shell side pressure applications.
Unit is provided with support plates that provide pure cross flow
through the bundle. Multiple inlet and outlet nozzles or flow distributors are recommended to assure full distribution of the
flow along the bundle.
Multi-tube hairpin:
Double pipe:
16 Heat Exchanger
Rear end heads do not have nozzles if there are an even number of
shell side of tube side passes. L, M, and N have fixed
tubesheets. Other tubesheets can be withdrawn through the shell
with the bundle.
Set default
L - removable channel with flat cover: Fixed tubesheet,
like A type.
M - bonnet: Fixed tubesheet, like B type.
N - integral channel with flat cover: Fixed tubesheet, as N
type stationary head.
P - outside packed floating head: Removable tubesheet.
External packing. Cover for access to tubes
S - floating head with backing device: Removable tubesheet. Internal packing. No cover for access to tubes.
T - pull through floating head: Removable tubesheet. Pull
through floating head; no packing.
U - U-tube bundle: Shell closed at this end, but shape of end
is not defined.
W - floating head with lantern ring: Externally sealed
floating tubesheet. Do not use with hazardous fluids.
Certain Front/Rear head combinations are customarily used together.
3. In the Tubes group, you can specify the information described in the
table below.
16 Heat Exchanger
Tube OD
You can specify any size for the tube outside diameter. However,
the correlations have been developed based on tube sizes from 10
to 50 mm (0.375 to 2.0 inch). The most common sizes in the U.S.
are 0.625, 0.75, and 1.0 inch. In many other countries, the most
common sizes are 16, 20, and 25 mm.
If you do not know which tube diameter to use, start with a 20 mm
diameter (ISO standards) or a 0.75 inch diameter (American standards). This size is readily available in nearly all tube materials. The
primary exception is graphite, which is made in 32, 37, and 50
mm, or 1.25, 1.5, and 2 inch outside diameters.
For integral low fin tubes, the tube outside diameter is the outside
diameter of the fin.
Tube Length (straight)
The tube count is the total number of tubes in an exchanger. For
this purpose, a U-tube is counted as two-tubes, so the tube count
still gives the total number of holes in the tubesheet.
Since tubes are laid out in a regular array, calculating the approximate number of tubes in an exchanger is relatively
straightforward. Allowance can be made for tubes removed adjacent to nozzles, pass partition lanes, and so on. An exact tube
count, however, can only be performed when the position of every
tube in the exchanger is fixed, and allowance has to be made for
tubes removed to give space for tie-rods.
Shell&Tube uses an approximate tube count in Design mode but
performs an exact tube count in all other modes.
The diagram on the Shell&Tube tab | Tube Layout page shows
an exact tube count, and, if desired, you can modify this to correspond exactly to the exchanger that you are modeling. You can
do this by making sure that all the Bundle Layout input items are
set correctly, and then, if necessary, making additional revisions by
editing the diagram, by adding or deleting tubes, or moving tubepass regions.
Alternatively, you can explicitly specify a tube count in the input,
and this value will be used in the heat transfer and pressure drop
calculations. If your specified value differs from the calculated
value, a warning appears. As long as the Tube Layout calculated by
Shell and Tube roughly matches your exchanger, using such a specified tube count is a very good approximation and eliminates the
need for detailed editing of the diagram.
Tube Pattern
16 Heat Exchanger
4. In the Shell group, you can specify the information described in the
table below.
Select one of the following options:
in Parallel
in Series
Set default
In Rating/Checking, Simulation, or Maximum Fouling modes, specify the number of shells in parallel.
For all modes, the default is 1 exchanger (shell) in parallel,
and the maximum number allowed is 50.
In order to specify a hairpin multi-tube exchanger or a
hairpin-type double pipe exchanger (M or D type), where
one exchanger consists of two shells, specify the number
of Exchangers in parallel. The number of tube side passes
per shell in such exchangers is 1.
In Design mode, values can be set for Minimum and Maximum Number of Shells in Parallel.
In Rating/Checking, Simulation, or Maximum Fouling modes, specify the number of shells (or sets of parallel
shells) in series.
The default is one exchanger (shell) in series.
For all modes, the maximum number is 12 for E, I, and J
shells or 6 for D, F, G, H and M shells. Only one shell in
series is permitted for K and X shells.
In order to specify a hairpin multi-tube exchanger or a
hairpin-type double pipe exchanger (M or D type), where
one exchanger consists of two shells in series, specify the
number of Exchangers in series. The number of tube side
passes per shell in such exchangers is 1.
In Design mode, values can be set for Minimum and Maximum Number of Shells in Series.
Click the Transfer Geometry from HYSYS button to use the settings from the
simple rating model.
Click the Transfer UA to End Point button to send the effective UA to the heat
exchanger end point model.
16 Heat Exchanger
Specifying Process Information for Rigorous Shell&Tube
To specify process information for a Rigorous Shell&Tube Heat Exchanger:
1. Select the Rigorous Shell&Tube tab | Process page.
2. View or edit the process information for the streams:
Total Mass Flow: You should normally specify the total flow
rates for the hot and cold side streams. You can leave this field
blank if the stream inlet and outlet conditions are specified and
the heat load is known, either because it has been specified or
can be deduced from the implicit heat load of the other stream.
In the special variant of Simulation, where the flowrate is to be
calculated, any value specified in this field is treated as an initial
estimate. This type of Simulation is used in thermosiphon reboilers, where the flowrate of the thermosiphon stream must be calculated, or for simulating condensing steam where the flowrate
adjusts itself to give complete condensation to liquid water,
according the heating requirements of the cold stream.
Inlet Temperature
Estimated Outlet Temperature
Inlet Mass Quality
Inlet Pressure: This is a mandatory specification.
Estimated Pressure Drop: You can specify an estimated pressure drop for each side. This can be important in low pressure
and vacuum applications, where outlet pressures can significantly
affect outlet pressures. In other cases, the default value is usually acceptable.
You can specify an outlet pressure as an alternative to specifying the Estimated Pressure Drop. One value will be
calculated from the other value, once the Inlet Pressure
(mandatory) is specified.
If you specify neither outlet pressure nor pressure drop,
defaults are calculated using the Allowable Pressure
The exchanger inlet and outlet pressure are used to set
defaults for the range of pressures at which physical properties are calculated. If you do not know the pressure
drop, a higher rather than a lower estimate may be appropriate. If the pressure range is large, additional default
pressure levels for properties are defaulted. You can
manually add more pressure levels for properties, but this
is rarely necessary.
In the unusual case of a vertical exchanger with liquid
down flow, gravitational pressure increases can exceed
16 Heat Exchanger
frictional losses. The outlet pressure would be above the
inlet pressure, and the pressure change would be negative. Negative pressure change inputs are permissible; a
warning message appears, but you can ignore the message if the described case occurs.
Allowable Pressure Drop: If you specify neither outlet pressure nor pressure drop, defaults are calculated using the Allowable Pressure Drop.
Fouling Resistance: Specify the process-side fouling resistance. This resistance is assumed to apply wherever the process fluid flows, in convection banks or the firebox. This is
required for the calculation of the effective (dirty) heat transfer
coefficient. The fouling resistance is based on the inside surface
area of the tubes. If you leave this field blank, the surface of the
tubes is assumed to be clean, so that the Fouling Resistance is
Specifying Property Ranges for Rigorous
Numerical ranges for the shell side and the tube side appear on the Property
Ranges page.
To specify property ranges for a Rigorous Shell&Tube Heat Exchanger:
1. Select the Rigorous Shell&Tube tab | Property Ranges page.
2. Specify the information described in the table below.
16 Heat Exchanger
Temp. Range
One of two points defining the range of temperatures included
in the property table. This value does not necessarily need to
be the lower temperature. Expanding the temperature range
may resolve properties errors preventing the unit operation
from successfully solving.
Temp. Range
One of two points defining the range of temperatures included
in the property table. This value does not necessarily need to
be the higher temperature. Expanding the temperature range
may resolve properties errors preventing the unit operation
from successfully solving.
Number of
Specify the number of temperatures points in the property
table. The range of input is between 2 and 24. A higher number enhances the resolution of properties in the property table
and can improve the accuracy of the calculations. The program
determines the spacing between temperatures.
No. of Pressure Levels
Specify the number of pressure points to be transferred to
EDR. The range of input is between 1 and 5. A higher number
enhances the resolution of properties transferred and can
improve the accuracy of the calculations.
Level 1 - 5
You can specify the pressures in the property table. You can
manually control spacing for pressures sent to the property
table. Modifying these values can improve calculation accuracy, especially for exchangers experiencing significant pressure
drops. Pressures should be specified in descending order; Pressure Level 1 should be highest pressure.
Viewing Results Summary for Rigorous
The following results appear on the Rigorous Shell&Tube tab | Results Summary page:
Effective Surface Area
Effective MTD
Overall Clean Coeff
Overall Dirty Coeff
Vibration Problem
RhoV2 Problem
and for Shell-Side and Tube-Side:
Film Coefficient
Calculated Pressure Drop
Allowable Pressure Drop
Velocity (Highest)
Viewing a Setting Plan for Rigorous
The Rigorous Shell&Tube tab | Setting Plan page lets you view a dimensional drawing of the heat exchanger. The image below shows a sample of a display.
Click View EDR Browser and navigate to the Mechanical Summary | Setting Plan and Tubesheet Layout sheet for a more detailed and configurable
view of the mechanical layout of the exchanger.
16 Heat Exchanger
Viewing Tube Layout Information for Rigorous Shell&Tube
The following is an example of the information on the Rigorous Shell&Tube
tab | Tube Layout page of the Heat Exchanger.
Right-click the display to show the diagram configuration and printing options.
16 Heat Exchanger
Viewing Rigorous Shell&Tube Profiles
The following is an example of the display for the Rigorous Shell&Tube tab |
Profiles page of the Heat Exchanger.
Right-click the plot and select Properties to access the Plot properties dialog box for plot customization.
Specifying Find Fouling Calculation Options
for Rigorous Shell&Tube
The Find Fouling calculation mode provides the ability to estimate fouling
factors given a set of process conditions. You can specify calculation options
and view results on the Rigorous Shell&Tube tab | Find Fouling page.
When you switch from Simulation Mode to Find Fouling, the Heat Exchanger
may be underspecified due to differing requirements for the calculation modes. In
this case, you must manually specify outlet stream data to obtain an accurate heat
balance in order for the Heat Exchanger to solve.
When you switch from Find Fouling to Simulation Mode, the Heat Exchanger
may be over-specified due to differing requirements for the calculation modes. In
this case, you must manually remove the extraneous specifications in order for the
Heat Exchanger to solve.
To specify Find Fouling calculation options:
16 Heat Exchanger
1. On the Rigorous Shell&Tube tab | Application page of the
Heat Exchanger, from the Calculation Options drop-down list, select
Find Fouling.
2. Select the Rigorous Shell&Tube tab | Find Fouling page.
3. From the Fouling Calculation Options drop-down list, select one of
the following options:
Set default
Adjust hot side fouling only: Only adjusts the hot side fouling
and retains your specifications for the cold side.
Adjust cold side fouling only: Only adjusts the cold side fouling and retains your specifications for the hot side.
Adjust both sides based on fouling input: Adjusts the fouling
based on the ratio between the hot and cold sides currently specified.
Adjust both sides using equal fouling: Attempts to set the
fouling resistances to be equal.
4. You can adjust the following values for both the Hot side and Cold
side. If you edit any of these values, the flowsheet re-solves.
Fouling Layer Thickness
Fouling Thermal Conductivity
Fouling Resistance
5. In the Fouling Calculation Results group, you can view the following
16 Heat Exchanger
Overall fouled
Overall clean
Tube side film
Tube side fouling
Tube wall
Outside fouling
Outside film
16 Heat Exchanger
17 Liquefied Natural Gas
(LNG) Exchanger
The LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) exchanger model solves heat and material balances for multi-stream heat exchangers and heat exchanger networks. The solution method can handle a wide variety of specified and unknown variables.
For the overall exchanger, you can specify various parameters, including heat
leak/heat loss, UA or temperature approaches. Two solution approaches are
employed; in the case of a single unknown, the solution is calculated directly
from an energy balance. In the case of multiple unknowns, an iterative
approach is used that attempts to determine the solution that satisfies not only
the energy balance, but also any constraints, such as temperature approach or
Note: The LNG allows for multiple streams, while the heat exchanger allows only one hot
side stream and one cold side stream.
The dynamic LNG exchanger model performs energy and material balances for
a rating plate-fin type heat exchanger model. The dynamic LNG is characterized
as having a high area density, typically allowing heat exchange even when low
temperature gradients and heat transfer coefficients exist between layers in
the LNG operation.
Some of the major features in the dynamic LNG operation include:
A pressure-flow specification option which realistically models flow
through the LNG operation according to the pressure network of the
plant. Possible flow reversal situations can therefore be modeled.
A dynamic model, which accounts for energy holdup in the metal walls
and material stream layers. Heat transfer between layers depends on
the arrangement of streams, metal properties, and fin and bypass efficiencies.
Versatile connections between layers in a single or multiple zone LNG
operation. It is possible to model cross and counter flow, and multipass
flow configurations within the LNG operation.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
A heat loss model, which accounts for the convective and conductive
heat transfer that occurs across the wall of the LNG operation.
Heat Transfer
The LNG calculations are based on energy balances for the hot and cold fluids.
The following general relation applies any layer in the LNG unit operation.
M = fluid flow rate in the layer
ρ = density
H = enthalpy
Qinternal = heat gained from the surrounding layers
Qexternal = heat gained from the external surroundings
V = volume shell or tube holdup
LNG dynamics constructs and builds the conductive heat transfer equations into
the dynamic solvers to account for the metal thermal inertia for both plates and
Mw = wall mass
Cpw = wall heat capacity
Tw = average wall temperature
t = time
Qin/Qout = the heat transfer to/from the wall
Qcond = conductive heat transfer
k = metal thermal conductivity
x = wall thickness
A = heat transfer area
Tw1 and Tw2 = temperature of the two sides of the wall
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Pressure Drop
The pressure drop across any layer in the LNG unit operation can be determined
in one of two ways:
Specify the pressure drop.
Define a pressure flow relation for each layer by specifying a k-value.
If the pressure flow option is chosen for pressure drop determination in the
LNG, a k value is used to relate the frictional pressure loss and flow through the
This relation is similar to the general valve equation:
This general flow equation uses the pressure drop across the heat exchanger
without any static head contributions. The quantity, P1 - P2, is defined as the frictional pressure loss which is used to “size” the LNG with a k-value.
Convective (U) & Overall (UA) Heat Transfer Coefficients
It is important to understand the differences between steady state and dynamics LNG models. The Steady State model is based on heat balances, and a number of specifications related to temperatures and enthalpy. In this model, the
UA values are calculated based on heat curves. Whereas, the dynamic LNG
model is a rating model, which means the outlet streams are determined by the
physical layout of the exchanger.
Note: Several of the pages in the LNG property view indicate whether the information
applies to steady state or dynamics.
In steady state the order of the streams given to the LNG is not important but in
the dynamics rating model the ordering of streams inside layers in each zone is
an important consideration. The U value on the dynamics page of LNG refers to
the convective heat transfer coefficient for that stream in contact with the
metal layer.
For convenience, you can also specify a UA value in Dynamic mode for each
layer, and it is important to note that this value is not an overall UA value as it
is in steady state but accounts merely for the convective heat transfer of the
particular stream in question with its immediate surroundings. These UA values
are thus not calculated in the same way as in Steady State mode.
In Dynamic mode the U and UA value refers to the convective heat transfer
(only) contribution between a stream and the metal that immediately surrounds
it. The overall duty of each stream, in dynamic mode, is influenced by the presence of metal fins, fin efficiencies, direct heat flow between metal layers, and
other factors, as it would be in a real plate-fin exchanger.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Note: If you specify the convective UA values in Dynamic mode, than the size and metal
holdup of the LNG are still considered.
Ideally in Dynamic mode the convective heat transfer coefficient, U, for each
stream is specified. An initial value can be estimated from correlations commonly available in the literature or from the steady state UA values. The values
specified can be manipulated by a spread sheet if desired. If the shut down and
start up of the LNG is to be modeled, then the U flow scaled calculator should
be selected on the Heat Transfer page, of the Rating tab, as it correctly scales
the U values based on the flow.
If the streams in the rating model are properly laid to optimize heat transfer (in
other words, arranged in the fashion hot-cold-hot-cold and not hot-hot-coldcold on the Model page of the Dynamics tab), and the metal resistance is not significant and significant phase change is not taking place, then the UA values
reported by steady state approximates the convective UA values that can be
specified in Dynamic mode for the same results.
Dynamic Specifications
The following table lists the minimum dynamic specifications required for the
LNG unit operation to solve:
Zone Sizing
The dimensions of each zone in the LNG operation must be specified.
All information in the Sizing page of the Rating tab must be completed. You can modify the number of zones in the Model page of the
Dynamics tab.
Layer Rating
The individual layer rating parameters for each zone must be specified. All information on the Layers page of the Rating tab must be
Heat Transfer
Specify an Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, U, or Overall UA.
These specifications can be made on the Heat Transfer page of the Rating tab.
Pressure Drop
Either specify an Overall Delta P or an Overall K-value for the LNG.
Specify the Pressure Drop calculation method on the Specs page of
the Dynamics tab.
Layer Connections
Every layer in each zone must be specified with one feed and one
product. Complete the Connections group for each zone on the Model
page of the Dynamics tab.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
LNG Property View
On the LNG property view, select the Ignored check box ignore to the LNG during calculations. HYSYS completely disregards the operation (and cannot calculate the outlet stream) until you restore it to an active state by clearing the
check box.
Design Tab
The Design tab contains the following pages:
User Variables
Connections Page
For each exchanger side:
An inlet stream and outlet stream are required.
A Pressure Drop is required.
The Hot/Cold designation can be specified. This is used as an estimate
for calculations and is also used for drawing the PFD. If a designated hot
pass is actually cold (or vice versa), the operation still solves properly.
The actual Hot/Cold designation (as determined by the LNG) can be
found on the Side Results page.
Note: Any number of Sides can be added simply by clicking the Add Side button.
To remove a side, select the side to be deleted and click the Delete Side button.
The main flowsheet is the default shown in the flowsheet column.
The LNG status appears on the bottom of the property view, regardless of which
page is currently shown. It displays an appropriate message such as Under Specified, Not Converged, or OK.
Parameters Page
On the Parameters page, you have access to the exchanger parameters, heat
leak/loss options, the exchanger details, and the solving behavior.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Exchanger Parameters Group
Select one of the following options:
Shell Passes
Simple End Point
Simple Weighted: For the Simple Weighted method, the heating curves are broken into intervals, which then exchange
energy individually. An LMTD and UA are calculated for each
interval in the heat curve and summed to calculate the overall
exchanger UA.
EDR - CoilWound: When you switch to this rating method,
the LNG unit operation uses EDR CoilWound rigorous calculations, and the pages on the EDR CoilWound tab are
enabled. This differs from the Wound Coil tab, which uses a
lumped sum heat calculation; instead, EDR - Coil Wound calculates the heat load rigorously based on geometry.
EDR PlateFin
You have the option of having HYSYS perform the calculations for
Counter Current (ideal with Ft = 1.0) operation or for a specified number of shell passes. You can specify the number of shell passes to be any
integer between 1 and 7.
Heat Leak/Loss Group
By default, the None radio button is selected. The other two radio buttons incorporate heat loss/heat leak:
Radio Button
The heat loss and heat leak are considered to occur only at the end
points (inlets and outlets) and are applied to the Hot and Cold Equilibrium streams.
The heat loss and heat leak are applied over each interval.
Note: The Heat Leak/Loss group is available only when the Rating Method is
Exchange Details Group
For each side, the following parameters can be specified:
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
The number of intervals, applicable only to the Weighted Rating Method,
can be specified. For non-linear temperature profiles, more intervals are
Select this check box to add a point to the Heat curve for a phase
change. Temperature is on the y-axis, and heat flow is on the x-axis
All sides that are checked comes to thermal equilibrium before entering
into the UA and LMTD calculations. If only one hot stream or cold stream
is checked, then that stream is by definition in equilibrium with itself and
the results are not affected. If two or more hot or cold streams are
checked, then the effective driving force is reduced. All unchecked
streams enter the composite curve at their respective temperatures.
Step Type
There are three choices, which are described below.
Equal Enthalpy. All intervals have an equal enthalpy change.
Equal Temperature. All intervals have an equal temperature
Auto Interval. HYSYS determines where points should be added
to the heat curve. This is designed to minimize the error, using
the least amount of intervals.
The Pressure Profile is updated in the outer iteration loop, using one of
the following methods described below.
Constant dPdH. Maintains constant dPdH during update.
Constant dPdUA. Maintains constant dPdUA during update.
Constant dPdA. Maintains constant dPdA during update. This is
not currently applicable to the LNG Exchanger in steady state, as
the area is not predicted.
Inlet Pressure. The pressure is constant and equal to the inlet
Outlet Pressure. The pressure is constant and equal to the pressure.
Specs Page
On the Specs page, there are three groups which organize the various specification and solver information.
Solver Group
The Solver group includes the solving parameters used for LNGs:
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Specification Description
You can set the calculation error tolerance.
When the current error is less than the calculation tolerance, the solution is considered to have converged.
You can specify the maximum number of iteration before HYSYS stops
the calculations.
The current iteration of the outer loop appears. In the outer loop, the
heat curve is updated and the property package calculations are performed. Non-rigorous property calculations are performed in the inner
loop. Any constraints are also considered in the inner loop.
Displays the number of unknown variables in the LNG.
Displays the number specifications you have placed on the LNG.
Degrees of
Displays the number of Degrees of Freedom on the LNG.
To help reach the desired solution, unknown parameters (flows, temperatures) can be manipulated in the attached streams. Each parameter
specification reduces the Degrees of Freedom by one.
The number of Constraints (specs) must equal the number of Unknown
Variables. When this is the case, the Degrees of Freedom is equal to zero,
and a solution is calculated.
Unknown Variables Group
HYSYS lists all unknown LNG variables according to your specifications. Once
the unit has solved, the values of these variables appear.
Specifications Group
Notice the Heat Balance (specified at 0 kJ/h) is considered to be a constraint.
This is a Duty Error spec; if you turn it off, the heat equation cannot balance.
Without the Heat Balance spec, you can, for example, completely specify all
four heat exchanger streams, and have HYSYS calculate the Heat Balance
error, which would be displayed in the Current Value column of the Specifications group.
Note: The Heat Balance specification is a default LNG specification that must be active
for the heat equation to balance.
You can view or delete selected specifications by using the buttons that align
the right of the group. A specification property view appears automatically each
time a new spec is created via the Add button.
Specification Property Views
Each specification property view has two tabs:
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
The Summary page is used to define whether the specification is Active or an
Estimate. The Spec Value is also shown on this page.
Note: Information specified on the Summary page of the specification property view also
appears in the Specifications group.
All specifications are one of the following three types:
An active specification is one which the convergence algorithm is trying to meet. Notice an active specification always serves as an initial
estimate (when the Active check box is selected, HYSYS automatically selects the Estimate check box). An active specification
exhausts one degree of freedom.
An Active specification is one which the convergence algorithm is trying to meet. Both check boxes are selected for this specification.
An estimate is considered an Inactive specification because the convergence algorithm is not trying to satisfy it. To use a specification as
an estimate only, clear the Active check box. The value then serves
only as an initial estimate for the convergence algorithm. An estimate
does not use an available degree of freedom.
An Estimate is used as an “initial guess” for the convergence
algorithm, and is considered to be an Inactive specification.
To disregard the value of a specification entirely during convergence,
clear both the Active and Estimate check boxes. By ignoring rather
than deleting a specification, it is available if you want to use it later or
simply view its current value.
A Completely Inactive specification is one which is ignored completely
by the convergence algorithm, but can be made Active or an Estimate
at a later time.
The specification list allows you to try different combinations of the above three
specification types. For example, suppose you have a number of specifications,
and you want to determine which ones should be active, which should be estimates and which ones should be ignored altogether. By manipulating the check
boxes among various specifications, you can test various combinations of the
three types to see their effect on the results.
The available specification types are:
The temperature of any stream attached to the LNG. The hot or cold
inlet equilibrium temperature can also be defined.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Delta Temp
The temperature difference at the inlet or outlet between any two
streams attached to the LNG. The hot or cold inlet equilibrium temperatures can also be used.
The minimum temperature difference between the specified pass and
the opposite composite curve. For example, if you select a cold pass,
this is the minimum temperature difference between that cold pass
and the hot composite curve.
The Hot Inlet Equilibrium temperature is the temperature of
the inlet hot stream minus the heat loss temperature drop.
The Cold Inlet Equilibrium temperature is the temperature of
the inlet cold stream plus the heat leak temperature rise.
The overall UA (product of overall heat transfer coefficient and heat
transfer area).
The overall log mean temperature difference. It is calculated in terms
of the temperature approaches (terminal temperature differences) in
the exchanger. See Equation (1).
The overall duty, duty error, heat leak or heat loss. The duty error
should normally be specified as 0 so that the heat balance is satisfied.
The heat leak and heat loss are available as specifications only if Heat
Loss/Leak is set to Extremes or Proportional on the Parameters page.
Duty Ratio
A duty ratio can be specified between any two of the following duties:
overall, error, heat loss, heat leak or any pass duty.
The flowrate of any attached stream (molar, mass or liquid volume).
Flow Ratio
The ratio of any two inlet stream flowrates.
User Variables Page
The User Variables page enables you to create and implement your own user
variables for the current operation.
Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor where you can record any comments or
information regarding the specific unit operation, or your simulation case in general.
Rating Tab
Note: While working exclusively in Steady State mode, you are not required to change
any information on the pages accessible through this tab.
The Rating tab contains the following pages:
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Sizing (dynamics)
Layers (dynamics)
Heat Transfer (dynamics)
Sizing (dynamics) Page
On the Sizing (dynamics) page, you can specify the geometry of each zone in
the LNG unit operation.
You can partition the exchanger into a number of zones along its length. Each
zone features a stacking pattern with one feed and one product connected to
each representative layer in the pattern.
In practice, a plate-fin heat exchanger may have a repeating pattern of layers
in a single exchanger block. A set is defined as a single pattern of layers that
are repeated over the height of an exchanger block. Each zone can be characterized with a multiple number of sets each with the same repeating pattern
of layers.
The figure below displays an LNG exchanger block (zone) with 3 sets, each containing 3 layers:
The Zone Sizing and Configuration group contains information regarding the
geometry, heat transfer properties, and configuration of each zone in the LNG
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
unit operation. To edit a zone, select the individual zone in Zone group, and
make the necessary changes to the other groups.
The Zone Geometry group displays the following information regarding the
dimensions of each zone:
This length refers to the actual length of the exchanger, which is used for heat
transfer. The remainder is taken up by the flow distributors. The flow of material travels in the direction of the length of the exchanger block. The fins within
each layer are situated across the width of the exchanger block.
The Zone Metal Properties group contains information regarding the metal
heat transfer properties:
Thermal Conductivity
Specific Heat Capacity, Cp
The Zone Layers group contains the following information regarding the configuration of layers in the zone:
Number of Layers in a Set
Repeated Sets
Layers (dynamic) Page
The Layers (dynamics) page contains information regarding the plate and fin
Each of the following plate and fin properties should be specified for every layer
in each zone if the LNG operation is to solve:
Plate and
Fin Property
Fin Perforation
The perforation percentage represents the area of perforation relative to
the total fin area. Increasing the Fin Perforation decreases the heat transfer area.
The height of the individual layers. This affects the volume of each layer
The pitch is defined as the fin density of each layer. The pitch can be
defined as the number of fins per unit width of layer.
Fin thickness
The thickness of the fin in the layer.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Plate and
Fin Property
Plate thickness
The thickness of the plate.
Heat Transfer (dynamics) Page
The Heat Transfer (dynamics) page displays the heat transfer coefficients associated with the individual layers of the LNG unit operation. You can select
internal or external heat transfer by selecting the appropriate Heat Transfer
radio button.
HYSYS accounts for the heating and cooling of the metal fins and plates in the
LNG unit operation. The calculation of heat accumulation in the metal is based
on the conductive heat transfer properties, fin efficiencies, and various other
correction factors. An initial metal temperature can be specified for each zone
in the Initial Metal Temperature field.
Since a repeating stacking pattern is used, the top most layer of a set is
assumed to exchange heat with the bottom layer of the set above.
You can also select the Brazed Aluminum Plate-Fin heat transfer calculation
standards by selecting the Calculate fin area using the standards of the
Brazed Aluminium Plate-Fin HX Manufacturer’s Association check box.
Select the Auto Prevent Temp. Cross check box to enter two parameters for
split steps, and prevent the temperature from crossing along the heat transfer
Select the Automatically Update k’s check box to automatically update the
k’s based on current relationships between P-F flow rates and pressure drops
for all the heat transfer layers, making the LNG steam flow rates more stable.
LNG Temperature Crossing Project
The LNG Temperature Crossing Project redistributes the zone length fractions
among the total flow pass length and multiple zones to prevent the temperature
from crossing along the heat transfer passes.
It uses a cascade of lumping heat zones to incorporate the distributed systems,
and requires at least 10 zones to automatically remove the big temperature
wiggle profiles within the flow passes. Under certain conditions, such as zone
number and the changes in temperature and flow rates, the original function of
Auto Prevent Temp Cross could smooth the small temperature waves. But it
also made the dynamic processes unstable.
To minimize temperature and flow instability in the LNG dynamic processes:
1. Specify 10 or more heat zones to remove the wiggle temperature profiles.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
2. Select the Automatically Update k’s check box to make the LNG flow
rates more stable if your LNG flow rates are not too small.
3. Select the Auto Prevent Temp Cross check box to prevent temperature cross and lessen small temperature waves.
4. Use the following parameters for the Auto Prevent Temperature Crossing:
Reach small split steps
A smaller value (0.001-1000) helps to prevent small temperature crossing.
Reach even split steps
A small value (0.1-1000) leads to a quick speed.
Internal Heat Transfer
If you select the Internal radio button, the internal heat transfer coefficient
associated with each layer appears.
Currently, the internal heat transfer coefficient, U, or the overall UA must be
specified for the LNG unit operation. HYSYS cannot calculate the heat transfer
coefficient from the geometry/configuration of the plates and fins. The Internal
Heat Transfer group contains the following parameters:
U Calculator
The heat transfer calculator currently available in HYSYS are U specified
and U flow scaled. If U specified is selected, you must specify the internal
heat transfer coefficient, U. Alternatively, you can select U flow scaled calculator and a reference flow rate is used to calculate U. If you are modeling a shut-down or a start-up LNG process, select U flow scaled
calculator to correctly scale the U values based on the flow condition.
The internal heat transfer coefficient is specified in this cell.
Ref. Flow
The Reference Flow is used to calculate U when the U Flow Scaled calculator is selected.
Min Scale
The minimum scale factor is applied to U by the U Flow Scaled calculator
when the flow changes.
Override UA
The overall UA can be specified if the Override UA check box is selected.
The specified UA value is used without the consideration or back calculation of the internal heat transfer coefficient, U.
The overall UA is specified in this cell.
External Heat Transfer
If you select the External radio button, the overall UA associated with heat
loss to the atmosphere appears.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Like the internal heat transfer coefficients, the external overall UA must be specified. The External Heat Transfer group contains the following parameters:
External T
The ambient temperature surrounding the plate-fin heat exchanger.
This parameter may be specified or can remain at its default value.
The overall UA is specified in this field. The heat gained from the ambient
conditions is calculated using the overall UA.
Q1 is calculated from the overall UA and the ambient temperature. If
heat is gained in the holdup, Q1 is positive; if heat is lost, Q1 is negative.
Q fixed
A fixed heat value can be added to each layer in the LNG unit operation.
Since Q fixed does not vary, a constant heat source or sink is implied (for
example, electrical tracing). If heat is gained in the holdup, Q fixed is positive; if heat is lost, Q fixed is negative.
Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information contained in the
stream property view for all the streams attached to the LNG unit operation.
Note: The PF Specs page is relevant to dynamics cases only.
Performance Tab
The Performance tab contains detail performance results of the LNG
exchanger. The calculated results are displayed in the following pages:
Results (SS). Contains information relevant only to Steady State mode.
Plots (SS/Dyn). Contains information relevant to both Steady State and
Dynamics mode.
Tables (SS). Contains information relevant only to Steady State mode.
Summary (dynamics). Contains information relevant only to Dynamics
Layers (dynamics). Contains information relevant only to Dynamics
Results Page
The Results page displays the calculated values generated by HYSYS. These
values are split into three groups for your convenience.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Overall Performance Group
Combined heat flow from the hot streams to the cold streams minus the
heat loss. Conversely, this is the heat flow to the cold streams minus the
heat leak.
Heat Leak
Loss of cold side duty to leakage.
Heat Loss
Loss of hot side duty to leakage.
Product of the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and the Total Area available for heat transfer. The LNG Exchanger duty is proportional to the
overall log mean temperature difference, where UA is the proportionality
factor. That is, the UA is equal to the overall duty divided by the LMTD.
The minimum temperature difference between the hot and cold composite curves.
The LMTD is calculated in terms of the temperature approaches (terminal temperature differences) in the exchanger, using Equation (1).
The equation used to calculate LMTD is:
ΔT1 = Thot, out - Tcold, in
ΔT2 = Thot, in - Tcold, out
Detailed Performance Group
The LMTD is ordinarily calculated using constant heat capacity. An
LMTD can also be calculated using linear heat capacity. In either case, a
different UA is predicted. The UA Curvature Error reflects the difference
between these UAs.
Hot Pinch
The hot stream temperature at the minimum approach between composite curves.
Cold Pinch
The cold stream temperature at the minimum approach between composite curves.
Cold Inlet
The Equilibrium Temperature for the cold streams. When streams are
not equilibrated (see the Parameters page), the Equilibrium temperature is the coldest temperature of all cold inlet streams.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Hot Inlet
The Equilibrium Temperature for the hot streams. When streams are
not equilibrated (see the Parameters Page), the Equilibrium temperature is the hottest temperature of all hot inlet streams.
Side Results Group
The Side Results group displays information on each Pass. For each side, the
inlet and outlet temperatures, molar flow, duty, UA, and the hot/cold designation appear.
Plots Page
On the Plots page, you can plot composite curves or individual pass curves for
the LNG. The options available on this page varies, depending on the type of
mode (Steady State or Dynamics) your simulation case is in.
Note: You can modify the appearance of the plot via the Graph Control property view.
Use the check boxes under the Plot column to select which curve(s) you want
to appear in the plot.
In Steady State mode, all the check boxes under the Plots column are
In Dynamics mode, the Cold Composite and Hot Composite check
boxes are unavailable.
The data displayed in the plot varies depending on the simulation mode:
In Steady State mode, the information in the plot is controlled by the
selection in the Plot Type drop-down list.
Note: The Plot Type drop-down list is only available at Steady State mode.
The Plot Type drop-down list enables you to select any combination of the following data for the x and y axes: Temperature,
UA, Delta T, Enthalpy, Pressure, and Heat Flow.
In the Dynamics mode, the plot only displays the Temperature vs. Zone
Use the View Plot button to open the plot area in a separate property view.
Tables Page
On the Table page, you can examine the interval Temperature, Pressure, Heat
Flow, Enthalpy, UA, Vapor Fraction, and Delta T for each side of the Exchanger
in a tabular format. Choose the side, Cold Composite or Hot Composite, by making a selection from the Side drop-down list located above the table.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Setup Page
This page lets you set up the results displayed in the unit operation result plots
and tables.
The table below explains the options available for each pass.
Number of points on the plot
Include or exclude dew/bubble points in the curves
Step Type
Set the points on the plot to be based on equal temperature or equal
enthalpy intervals
Set heat curves to be calculated at a specific constant pressure independent of the feed or product pressures. Specify Linear, Inlet Pressure,
Outlet Pressure, or a value you enter in the Additional Const Pressures
Properties Selection Windows
Use the arrow buttons to add or remove calculated variables from the results
set. You can single select, drag a series to group select, or hold down the Ctrl
key to create a multiple selection of individual variables. Once selected, click
the Add arrow to add them to the Selected Viewing variables list.
Summary Page
The Summary page displays the results of the dynamic LNG unit operation calculations.
On this page, the following zone properties appear for each layer:
Inlet Temperature
Exit Temperature
Inlet Enthalpy
Exit Enthalpy
Inlet Flow rate
Outlet Flow rate
Fluid Duty
Fluid Volume
Surface Area
Metal Mass
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
The Fluid Duty is defined as the energy specified to the holdup. If the fluid duty
is positive, the layer gains energy from its surroundings; if the fluid duty is negative, the layer loses energy to its surroundings.
Note: If the Combine Layers check box is selected on the Model page of the Dynamics tab, some parameters on the Summary page of the Performance tab include contributions from multiple layers.
Layers Page
The Layers page displays information regarding local heat transfer and fluid
properties at endpoint locations in each layer of each zone.
Use the Zone, Layer, and Point drop-down list to select the zone, layer, and
endpoint location you want to see. Click the Diagram button to access the
Layer Point Conditions property view.
Layer Point Conditions Property View
The Layer Point Conditions property view displays the detailed temperatures
and overall heat transfer values for both endpoints of the selected layer.
You can select a different layer using the Layer drop-down list.
Click the View Holdup button to access the Holdup property view.
Dynamics Tab
The Dynamics tab contains the following pages:
Note: If you are working exclusively in steady state mode, you are not required to
change any information on the pages accessible through this tab.
Model Page
On the Model page, you can specify how each layer in a multi-zone LNG unit
operation is connected.
Main Settings
The Main Settings group displays the following LNG model parameters:
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Number of
The number of zones in a LNG unit operation can be specified in this
You can specify the elevation of the LNG in this field. The elevation is significant in the calculation of static head in and around the LNG unit operation.
Check box
With the Combine Layers check box selected, individual layers (holdups) carrying the same stream in a single zone is calculated using a
single holdup.
The Combine Layers option increases the speed of the dynamic solver,
and usually yields results that are similar to a case not using the option.
The Connections group displays the feed and product streams of each layer for
every zone in the LNG unit operation. Every layer must have one feed stream
and one product stream in order for the LNG operation to solve. A layer’s feed
or product stream can originate internally (from another layer) or externally
(from a material stream in the simulation flowsheet). Thus, various different
connections can be made allowing for the modeling of multi-pass streams in a
single zone.
Connections Group
Every zone in the LNG unit operation is listed in the Zone drop-down list in the
Connections group. All the layers in the selected zone in one set appear. For
every layer’s feed and product, you must specify one of the following:
An external material stream.
The zone and layer of an internal inlet or exit stream.
You can specify the relative direction of flow in each layer in the zone. Layers
can flow counter (in the opposite direction) or across the direction of a reference stream. The reference stream is defined as a stream which does not
have either the Counter or Cross check box selected in the Connections group.
The following table lists three possible flow configurations:
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Flow Direction
Flow Setting
Counter Current
Parallel Flow
Cross Flow
Note: To implement counter current flow for two streams in a single exchanger block,
ensure that the Counter check box is selected for only one of the streams. If the
Counter check box is selected for both streams, the flow configuration is still parallel, and
in the opposite direction.
Specs Page
The Specs page contains information regarding the calculation of pressure drop
across the LNG unit operation.
The following parameters appear for every layer in each zone in the LNG unit
operation in the Dynamic Specification groups.
Delta P Calculator
The Delta P Calculator allows you to either specify or calculate the pressure drop across the layer in the LNG operation. Specify the cell with
one of following options:
Delta P
user specified. You specify the pressure drop.
not specified. Pressure drop across the layer is calculated
from a pressure flow relationship. You must specify a k-value,
and select the Flow Eqn check box if you want to use this non
specified Delta P calculator.
The pressure drop across the layer of the LNG operation can be specified or calculated.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Flow eqn
Activate this option, if you want to have the Pressure Flow k value
used in the calculation of pressure drop. If the Flow Eqn check box is
selected, the Delta P calculator must also be set to not specified.
HYSYS is able to model laminar flow conditions in the layer. Select the
Laminar check box if the flow through the layer is in the laminar flow
Pressure Flow
k Value
The k-value defines the relationship between the flow through layer
and the pressure of the surrounding streams. You can either specify
the k-value or have it calculated from the stream conditions surrounding the layer. You can “size” each layer in the zone with a kvalue by clicking the Calculate k’s button. Ensure that there is a nonzero pressure drop across the LNG layer before the Calculate k button
is clicked. Each zone layer can be specified with a flow and set pressure
drop by clicking the Generate Estimates button.
The LNG unit operation, like other dynamic unit operations, should
use the k-value specification option as much as possible to simulate
actual pressure flow relations in the plant.
When you click the Generate Estimates button, the initial pressure flow conditions for each layer are calculated. HYSYS generates estimates using the
assumption that the flow of a particular stream entering the exchanger block
(zone) is distributed equally among the layers. The generated estimates appear
on the Estimates page of the Dynamics tab. It is necessary to complete the
Estimates page in order for the LNG unit operation to solve.
It is strongly recommended that you specify the same pressure drop calculator
for layers that are connected together in the same exchanger block or across
adjacent exchanger blocks. Complications arise in the pressure flow solver if a
stream’s flow is set in one layer, and calculated in the neighboring layer.
The Automatically Update k’s check box automatically updates the k’s based
on current relationships between P-F flow rates and pressure drops for all the
heat transfer layers, making the LNG steam flow rates more stable.
Holdup Page
The Holdup page contains information regarding each layer’s holdup properties,
composition, and amount.
The Details group contains detailed holdup properties for every layer in each
zone of the LNG. In order to view the advanced properties for individual holdups, you must first select the individual holdup.
To choose individual holdups you must specify the Zone and Layer in the corresponding drop-down lists.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Estimates Page
The Estimates page contains pressure flow information surrounding each layer
in the LNG unit operation:
The following pressure flow information appears on the Estimates page:
Delta P
Inlet Pressure
Outlet Pressure
Inlet Flow
Outlet Flow
It is necessary to complete the Estimates page in order for the LNG unit operation to completely solve. The simplest method of specifying the Estimates
page with pressure flow values is having HYSYS estimate these values for you.
This is achieved by clicking the Generate Estimates button on the Specs page of
the Dynamics tab. HYSYS generates estimates using the assumption that the
flow of a particular stream entering the exchanger block (zone) is distributed
equally among the layers.
Stripchart Page
The Stripchart page allows you to select and create default strip charts containing various variable associated to the operation.
About the LNG Wound Coil Heat
The LNG Wound Coil Heat Exchanger tab lets you use the LNG with Plate Fin as
the rating method to model a wound-coil heat exchanger, a large multiple-pass
heat exchanger often used as the cold box in a Liquefied Natural Gas facility.
The WCHE operation is similar in principle to that of a Plate Fin exchanger,
except that there are several different fluids in the WCHE tubes. Aspen HYSYS
translates the geometric configuration of a WCHE into an equivalent configuration for the HYSYS LNG Exchanger block in Plate Fin mode.
The process to pass the Wound Coil geometry to the plate fin model is as follows:
Use the WCHE Geometry page to define the properties of the Wound Coil
Use the Calculate Plate Fin button on the Plate Fin Equivalents
page to conduct the conversion calculations and display the results.
Use the Transfer to Plate Fin button to pass the translated values to
the Plate Fin parameters for modeling.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
From this point forward, you can interact with the standard Plate Fin inputs on
the LNG model forms.
Wound Coil Heat Exchanger (WCHE) Reference Page
To model a Wound Coil (or Spiral Wound) Heat Exchanger (WCHE) in a LNG unit
operation, HYSYS translates the specified geometric configuration of the WCHE
into an equivalent exchanger configuration in Plate Fin mode. Use the instructions and guidelines below to define the WCHE.
Specifying the WCHE Geometry
In the LNG property view, click the Wound Coil tab. Click the WCHE geometry page. Select the Enable WCHE Configuration check box to specify
details of the shell and tube geometry of the heat exchanger.
Refer to the tables below for descriptions of the specification fields.
Tube Properties
Tube side fluid
Tube outer diameter
Specify how many fluids on the
tube side
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Tube wall thickness
Specified, should be smaller than
half of tube outer diameter
Tube pitch
Tube length
Tube metal
Single tube
Single inner cross-sectional area
Single tube holdup
Single tube inner volume
Single tube
Single tube metal mass
Shell Properties
Shell side fluid
Specify the shell side fluid
Shell diameter
Shell height
Shell wall thickness
Metal density
Shell metal mass
Total metal mass of shell
Shell inside surface
Shell inner surface area
Shell holdup
Shell inner volume
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Tube Side Fluid Information
Specify names of each fluid on
the tube side
of tubes
for each
Ntube, i
Total number of tubes:
of layers
for each
Nlayer, i
By default:
Specify the number of tubes
that carries each kind of fluids
n tube = sum (Ntube, i)
Nlayer, I = Ntube, I /min(Ntube, i)
(for example, if fluid 1 has 100 tubes,
and fluid 2 has 500 tubes, then in
plate-fin mode, fluid 1 has 1 hot layer/set, fluid 2 has 5 hot layers/set)
Hot layers: n hot = sum(Nlayer, I)
Cold layers: n cold = n hot + 1
The number of layers per fluid in
Plate-Fin configuration, which
corresponding to the number of
tubes per fluid in WCHE.
The default value is calculated
based on the ratio of each fluid
tubes number to the smallest
number of tubes.
Total outside surface area
of tubes
Total tube outer surface area
inside surface area
of tubes
Total tube inner surface area
Total fluid
holdup in
Total fluid volume in tubes
tube holdup
Total tube volume
of metal
in tubes
Total metal mass of tubes
Wound Coil Heat Exchanger - Plate Fin Equivalents Reference
To derive the equivalent geometry of a Plate Fin Heat Exchanger (PFHE), four
tuning factors, fm, fa, ft, and fs, are introduced to balance the total metal mass,
the total inner and outer surface areas, the total fluid holdup in tubes, and the
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
total fluid holdup in shell side, between the WCHE and the PFHE. By default,
they are set to 1.0.
Any change to specified parameters on the WCHE geometry and Plate Find Equivalent pages will result in a mismatch of the two configurations. Click the Calculate Plate Fin button to recalculate the tuning factors.
You can select a linear or non-linear model to use when figuring the plate-fin
equivalents. A table below shows the differences between the linear and non linear approaches to finding tuning factors.
Tuning Factors Reference
area balance:
F2 (fm , fa , ft , fs) = sum of total WCHE tube inner and outer surface area –
total PHFE surface area of cold layers and hot layers
Mass bal- F1 (fm , fa , ft , fs) = total WCHE tube metal mass – total PHFE plate metal
fluid holdup balance:
F3 (fm , fa , ft , fs) = total fluid holdup in WCHE tube side – total fluid holdup
in PHFE hot layers
fluid holdup balance
F4 (fm , fa , ft , fs) = total fluid holdup in WCHE shell side – total fluid holdup
in PHFE cold layers
Sum of
SSE = F12 + F22 + F32 + F42
By default the lower bound for all tuning factors is 0.5, and the upper bound
is 2.0.
If a converged set of tuning factors cannot be found with default tuning
factors and lower/upper bounds in nonlinear model, you can either try different initial values by specifying the tuning factors or relax the bounds of
existing tuning factors.
Plate-Fin zone information
Number of zones
Specified number of zones in plate fine
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Zone length
Specified zone length
Zone width
Layer Length x layer width / (number of zones x zone length)
Number of layers
Total number of layers in set
Adjusted layer
Actual layer length in plate fin = Specified zone length x number
of zones
Adjusted layer
Actual layer width in plate fin = Calculated zone width
Linear vs. Non-Linear Plate Fin Equivalent Calculations
Linear Model
Solve for the linear system consisting of F1, F2, F3, and F4, mass tuning factor
and area tuning factor can be obtained directly: fm = 1.0, fa = 2.0.
Nonlinear Model
The optimization method is used to find tuning factors. The objective function
subject to: 0.5 ≤ fi ≤ 2.0
Models Compared:
Linear model
Nonlinear model
By default: Square root of shell cross sectional area; Can be specified by user
By default: Square root of shell
cross sectional area; Can be specified by user
Tube length
Tube length
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Linear model
Nonlinear model
Tube metal density
Tube metal density
Default: zero (can be specified)
Default: zero (can be specified)
Cold layer: Tube outer diameter x shell
holdup tuning factor(fs)
Cold layer: Tube outer diameter x
shell holdup tuning factor(fs)
Hot layer: Tube outer diameter x tube holdup tuning factor (ft)
Hot layer: Tube outer diameter x
tube holdup tuning factor(ft)
Cold layer:
Cold layer:
Hot layer:
Hot layer:
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Linear model
Nonlinear model
Layer width x layer length x 2
Layer width x layer length x 2
Equivalent Plate-Fin Geometry
Refer to the notation section at the bottom of the page for a guide to notation
Total number of layers
Sum of cold layers # + hot layers#, where cold layer # = hot
layer # + 1
Layer width
By default:
Layer length
Equal to the length of tubes.
Number of sets
Linear model:
Nonlinear model:
Fin height
Cold layer:
Hot layer:
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Fin pitch
Linear model:
(cold layer)
(hot layer)
Nonlinear model:
(cold layer)
(hot layer)
Fin thickness
Linear model:
Nonlinear model:
Plate thickness
Vertical fin mass per
Horizontal fin mass per
Plate mass per layer
Fluid holdup per layer
Horizontal area per
Vertical fin area per
Total area in layer
Volume/area ratio
Fluid holdup in layer/total area in layer
Equivalent tube diameter
Volume/area ratio × 1000 × 4
Transfer to Plate Fin: Populate Derived Plate Fin Geometry
Once the equivalent Plate Fin geometry of a WCHE is derived, click the Transfer to Plate Fin button to populate the calculated PHFE configuration to the
corresponding parameter fields on the Rating and Dynamics pages. You can
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
then start to configure the PHFE-equivalent WCHE from there by connecting
inlet/outlet streams and specifying zones and connections.
Notation Reference
Horizontal area per layer
Vertical fin area per layer
Total surface area in layer
Total inside surface area of tubes
Total outside surface area of tubes
Total surface area of cold layers
Total surface area of hot layers
Tube outer diameter
Shell inner diameter
Area tuning factor
Mass tuning factor
Shell side holdup tuning factor
Tube side holdup tuning factor
Fin height
Shell height
Fin thickness
Plate thickness
Tube wall thickness
Tube length or layer length
Horizontal fin mass per layer
Vertical fin mass per layer
Plate mass per layer
n set
Number of sets
n tube
Number of tubes
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Tube metal density or plate fin metal density
Shell metal density
Fin pitch
Fin perforation
Tube pitch
Fluid holdup per layer
Total tube fluid holdup
Layer width
LNG EDR PlateFin Overview
EDR PlateFin is an optional Rating Method that can be selected on the Design
tab | Parameters page. When you switch to this rating method, the LNG unit
operation uses EDR PlateFin rigorous calculations, and the pages on the EDR
PlateFin tab are enabled.
When choosing EDR PlateFin, some HYSYS functionalities may not be supported
for the LNG unit operation. These functionalities include:
Design tab | Specs page: The Heat Balance specification is set as Active for the LNG. Other specifications, including UA, Delta Temp, and
Flow, are not supported.
Rating tab: The Rating tab is not supported for the LNG. Any information on this tab is not relevant to PlateFin calculations. Detailed geometry information is located on the EDR PlateFin tab.
Performance tab: The Performance tab, including thermodynamic values and plots, may not be accurate. Accurate thermodynamic information is located on the EDR PlateFin tab.
Dynamics: PlateFin does not support dynamics.
Wound Coil: PlateFin does not support Wound Coil.
The benefit of using EDR PlateFin is access to rigorous calculations and the ability to define detailed geometry for PlateFin exchangers. Detailed results tables
and plots are available in the EDR Browser, providing a more in-depth look at
stream behavior in the PlateFin exchanger.
PlateFin and the HYSYS LNG exchanger allow multiple process stream connections. PlateFin allows up to 20 inlet streams. Conditions (P, T, H, and Vapor
fraction) are passed from each connected HYSYS stream to PlateFin. A property table is generated for each process stream entering the PlateFin exchanger
based on the stream composition held by HYSYS, using the current property
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
package. These property tables are used within PlateFin to calculate the physical properties of the stream at any set of conditions. At the end of the PlateFin
calculation, output data is passed back to HYSYS, and HYSYS variables are
EDR PlateFin Tab
The EDR PlateFin tab is the primary way to view information related to
PlateFin calculations. The EDR PlateFin tab contains four pages:
Process (contains inputs)
Property Ranges (contains inputs)
Results Summary (contains results)
Results Geometry (contains results)
On the bottom of each page of the EDR PlateFin tab, the following buttons are
Import: Click the Import button to import geometries from EDR
PlateFin files. This is the primary way to define EDR PlateFin geometry.
Export: Click the Export button to export stream data and geometries
of the current PlateFin exchanger to an EDR file.
View EDR Browser: Click the View EDR Browser button to open a
dockable window containing more detailed input parameters and results.
Press F1 within the EDR Browser to view EDR-specific help.
Exchanger Design Ribbon Options
When you click the View EDR Browser button, the Exchanger Design contextual ribbon appears.
Set Units
Units shown in the EDR browser are EDR unit sets. HYSYS custom unit
sets are currently not supported.
Model Readiness
When the EDR browser is connected to HYSYS, changing input values will re-solve the LNG block in the flowsheet. When disconnected, changing input values will not resolve the LNG in the
Disconnect from HYSYS if you want to modify geometries without
having HYSYS re-solve after every input. You can reconnect after
you finish making changes.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Run Control
Runs the EDR case in the EDR browser. This may cause HYSYS to resolve.
Run Mode
There are four calculation modes available for PlateFin. For all calculation
modes, PlateFin assumes inlet streams are fully defined or calculated and
will not run otherwise.
Stream by stream simulation: Evaluates the outlet conditions achievable for each process stream with a defined
exchanger geometry, assuming a common wall temperature.
Stream by stream simulation assumes no outlet temperatures,
pressures, vapor mass fractions, or enthalpies are specified or
defined for the LNG block.
Layer by layer simulation: Evaluates the outlet conditions
achievable for each process stream with a defined exchanger geometry taking account of actual arrangement of layers.
Layer by layer simulation assumes no outlet temperatures, pressures, vapor mass fractions, or enthalpies are specified or defined
for the LNG block.
Layer by layer simulations may take significantly more time to
converge compared to stream by stream calculations.
Checking/Rating: Estimates the degree to which a defined
exchanger geometry is over-surfaced or under-surfaced to meet
the process requirements for each stream.
Checking/Rating requires enough thermodynamic information to
determine inlet and outlet stream states.
Design: Locates the number of exchangers or cores, the arrangement of streams, and the number of layers required for each
stream to satisfy the stream process requirements.
Design requires enough thermodynamic information to determine inlet and outlet stream states.
Supports exporting predefined PlateFin-specific results to Excel. This
option is separate from and unavailable for use with standard HYSYS
Excel reporting.
Supports printing PlateFin-specific reports. These reports are not available when printing standard HYSYS reports.
EDR PlateFin Process Page
The EDR PlateFin Process page is visible when the Rating Method on the
Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR - PlateFin. This page
presents a basic set of input process data sent to EDR PlateFin. Changing values
on this page does change values for material streams (on the Worksheet tab |
Connections page). However, changes to material streams may override values entered in this page.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
For more specialized operations, you can click the View EDR Browser button
to launch the EDR PlateFin Browser from within the page.
LNG Pass
LNG Pass Names are pairs of inlet and outlet streams, also called sides,
defined on the Design tab | Connections page. Geometry in EDR
Plate Fin is defined relative to EDR Stream Numbers. You must map
EDR Stream numbers and sides before the LNG can solve.
EDR Stream
All inputs on the EDR PlateFin tab | Process page are shown relative
to EDR Stream Numbers. This ordering of streams may be different compared to the Worksheet tab | Conditions page. LNG Pass Names map
EDR Stream Numbers to streams on the Worksheet tab | Conditions
Total Mass
Flow Rate
Specify the Total Mass Flow Rate. This information is usually provided by
the stream.
Inlet Temperature
Specify the Inlet Temperature. This information is usually provided by
the stream.
Outlet Temperature
Specify the Outlet Temperature. If an outlet temperature will be
determined during calculation, an initial estimate can be specified.
Inlet Mass
Specify the Inlet Mass Quality. This is the vapor mass fraction and is usually provided by the stream.
Outlet Mass
Specify the Outlet Mass Quality or vapor mass fraction. Vapor mass fractions are important for streams that are boiling or condensing isothermally, where temperature alone is not adequate to define the
stream conditions.
Inlet Pressure
Specify the Inlet Pressure. This information is usually provided by the
Outlet Pressure
Specify the Outlet Pressure. If this pressure will be determined during
the calculation, an initial estimate can be given. If you leave this field
blank, a default value will be determined using the inlet pressure and
the estimated pressure drop. Explicitly specifying the exchanger outlet
pressure can be useful when gravitational effects are significant.
Allowed Pressure Drop
Specify the maximum permitted pressure drop in the exchanger.
Specify the estimated pressure loss. This is the difference between the
inlet and outlet pressures in the exchanger.
Heat Load
Stream heat load (in the absence of partial draw-off) is the stream mass
flowrate multiplied by the difference in specific enthalpy between inlet
and outlet.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
You can specify a fouling resistance for each stream. This is a resistance
based on full local heat transfer area and assumed to apply throughout
the exchanger and on both primary and secondary surfaces. On the
fins, it is used to determine the overall local heat transfer coefficient
used to calculate fin efficiency.
In cryogenic equipment, the fluids are normally clean and non-corrosive, so it is common for fouling resistances to be set to zero.
EDR PlateFin Property Ranges Page
The EDR PlateFin Property Ranges page is visible when the Rating
Method on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR - PlateFin.
This page presents parameters affecting how properties are sent to EDR Plate
Fin. Properties are sent through a property table of temperature and pressure
If you leave these values blank, default values will be determined using inlet
stream temperatures and pressures. You may need to expand the ranges of
temperatures or pressures on this page, especially for streams with three
phases if the unit operation does not converge.
LNG Pass
Pairs of inlet and outlet streams. This value is determined on the EDR
PlateFin tab | Process page.
EDR Stream
All inputs on the EDR PlateFin tab | Property Ranges page are
shown relative to EDR Stream Numbers. This ordering of streams may
be different compared to the Worksheet tab | Conditions page. LNG
Pass Names map EDR Stream Numbers to streams on the Worksheet tab | Conditions page.
Temp. Range
One of two points defining the range of temperatures included in the
property table. This value does not necessarily need to be the lower
temperature. Expanding the temperature range may resolve properties errors preventing the unit operation from successfully solving.
Temp. Range
One of two points defining the range of temperatures included in the
property table. This value does not necessarily need to be the higher
temperature. Expanding the temperature range may resolve properties errors preventing the unit operation from successfully solving.
Number of
Specify the number of temperatures points in the property table. The
range of input is between 2 and 24. A higher number enhances the resolution of properties in the property table and can improve the accuracy of the calculations. The program determines the spacing between
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
No. of Pressure Levels
Specify the number of pressure points to be transferred to EDR. The
range of input is between 1 and 5. A higher number enhances the resolution of properties transferred and can improve the accuracy of the
Level 1 - 5
You can specify the pressures in the property table. You can manually
control spacing for pressures sent to the property table. Modifying
these values can improve calculation accuracy, especially for
exchangers experiencing significant pressure drops. Pressures should
be specified in descending order; Pressure Level 1 should be highest
EDR PlateFin Results Summary Page
The EDR PlateFin Results Summary page is visible when the Rating
Method on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR - PlateFin.
This page shows stream-specific calculation results.
LNG Pass
Pairs of inlet and outlet streams. This value is determined in EDR
PlateFin | Process.
EDR Stream
All inputs on the EDR PlateFin tab | Results Summary page are
shown relative to EDR Stream Numbers. This ordering of streams may
be different compared to the Worksheet tab | Conditions page. LNG
Pass Names map EDR Stream Numbers to streams on the Worksheet
tab | Conditions page.
Stream Type
Identifies whether the stream is hot or cold.
Flow Direction
Identifies the flow direction of a stream. Flow direction can be End A to
B (down), End B to A (up), no flow, or Crossflow. Normal design practice
is for hot streams to flow away from end A (which is at the top of the
exchanger), while cold streams flow towards end A.
Number of
Identifies the total number of layers a stream occupies in the
exchanger. If there is more than one exchanger in parallel, the number
of layers applies throughout.
Total Mass
Flow Rate
Identifies the mass flow rate of the stream.
Heat Load
Stream heat load (in the absence of partial draw-off) is the stream mass
flowrate multiplied by the difference in specific enthalpy between inlet
and outlet.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Area Ratio
An area ratio can be defined for each stream in a PlateFin exchanger.
This term is more commonly used with shell and tube exchangers. It is
the ratio of the actual stream heat transfer area to the area required for
a specified duty. For two-stream exchangers such as shell and tube, the
ratio must be the same for both streams and is taken as a simple measure of the acceptability of exchanger performance. An area ratio of
more than 1 means that an exchanger can more than achieve a specified duty. In a multi-stream exchanger, the position is more complicated, since each stream can have a different area ratio. An area ratio
above unity does not necessarily indicate that all of the area is in the
right place to achieve the desired heat transfer.
Nevertheless, the area ratio can be useful as a parameter indicating
how well an exchanger is performing. Area ratios are the primary result
of Checking calculations. For two-stream exchangers, the area ratio of
each stream will be the same. For a Simulation calculation, the area
ratio should in principle be unity. Values slightly different from unity
sometimes occur when the overall heat load (based on stream exit conditions) has converged more rapidly that the local stream heat transfer
at all points between inlet and outlet.
Inlet Temperature
Identifies the inlet temperature of the stream.
Outlet Temperature
Identifies the outlet temperature of the stream.
Inlet Pressure
Identifies the inlet pressure of the stream.
Outlet Pressure
Identifies the outlet pressure of the stream.
Identifies the pressure drop across the stream.
EDR PlateFin Results Geometry
The EDR PlateFin Results Geometry page is visible when the Rating
Method on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR - PlateFin.
Use the Results Geometry page to review results of the PlateFin geometry
Many of these geometry parameters cannot be changed without using the EDR
Browser. To access the EDR Browser, click the View EDR Browser button.
Within the EDR browser, press F1 to access EDR-specific help.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
No. of
in parallel
Identifies the number of Plate Fin exchangers in parallel. More than one
exchanger in parallel can be used when stream flow rates or thermal
duties are too large to be handled by a single exchanger. In all cases, the
exchangers are assumed to be identical, and no calculations are performed on pressure losses in connecting pipe work.
No. of
per unit
Identifies the number of exchangers per unit. A unit is a set of exchanger
cores welded together so that stream headers can each span the entire
set, while a single nozzle can feed each header.
Grouping exchangers together in this way affects the nozzle pressure
loss, but not any other part of the calculation.
No. of layers per
The total number of layers in the exchanger.
No. of Xflow passes
Identifies the number of cross flow passes. A maximum of one crossflow
pass is permitted for Simple Crossflow and Plate-fin Kettles. This item
refers to the exchanger as a whole. It is not used for axial flow
exchangers, where one dimensional modeling (axially along the
exchanger) is for each stream or layer – even if some streams are in
multi-pass cross counterflow or flow in a short crossflow pass somewhere
along the exchanger.
Plate Fin heat exchangers are normally vertical with flow up or down.
Plate Fin exchangers for LNG and other cryogenic duties are made of aluminum.
Weight empty
The empty exchanger weight. It includes the core, headers, and nominal
length nozzles. If there are multiple exchangers in parallel, this is the
weight of all of them combined.
Weight full of
The weight of all exchangers with the core and headers filled with water.
Weight operating
The weight of all exchangers with the core and headers filled with process
fluid. This is based on mean fluid densities.
Core length
The full external length of the plate fin exchanger core. This does not
include any allowance for headers and stubs/nozzles welded on to the
Core width
The full external width of the plate fin exchanger core. This does not
include any allowance for headers and stubs/nozzles welded on to the
core. This width is the width of each layer, measured transversely to the
axial (flow) direction and is the same for each layer type.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Core depth
The exchanger depth (stack height) is the third dimension, alongside the
exchanger width and length that defines the rectangular core of the
exchanger. The stack height is the sum of the thicknesses of every layer
(fin height plus parting sheet), plus the thickness of the cap sheets. The
term stack height applies to the orientation of the exchanger during construction, when layers are laid horizontally on top of each other prior to
brazing, rather than during operation, when the layers are normally vertical.
length end A
The length of the distributor-only region at end A.
Main heat
The heat transfer length of the exchanger.
length end B
The length of the distributor-only region at end B.
The Internal (effective) width is the total width of the exchanger less the
widths of the two side bars.
Side bar
Identifies the side bar width.
sheet thickness
The thickness of the separating plates (parting sheets) between layers.
Cap sheet
On the outside of the plate fin core, Cap Sheets are used; these are
thicker than the parting sheets that separate layers internally.
LNG EDR CoilWound Overview
EDR CoilWound is an optional Rating Method that can be selected on the
Design tab | Parameters page. When you switch to this rating method, the
LNG unit operation uses EDR CoilWound rigorous calculations, and the pages on
the EDR CoilWound tab are enabled.
When choosing EDR CoilWound, some HYSYS functionalities are hidden and
unsupported for the LNG unit operation. These functionalities include:
Design tab | Specs page
Rating tab
Performance tab
Dynamics tab
Wound Coil tab
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
The benefit of using EDR CoilWound is access to rigorous calculations and the
ability to define detailed geometry for CoilWound exchangers. Detailed results
tables and plots are available in the EDR Browser, providing a more in-depth
look at stream behavior in the CoilWound exchanger.
To help you easily create flowsheets with CoilWound, CoilWound
HYSYS templates are available in the Template folder.
EDR CoilWound Tab
The EDR CoilWound tab is the primary way to view information related to
CoilWound calculations. The EDR CoilWound tab contains five pages:
Process (contains inputs)
Property Ranges (contains inputs)
Results Summary (contains results)
Results Geometry (contains results)
On the bottom of each page of the EDR CoilWound tab, the following buttons
are available:
Import: Click the Import button to import geometries from EDR
CoilWound files. This is the primary way to define EDR CoilWound geometry.
Export: Click the Export button to export stream data and geometries
of the current CoilWound exchanger to an EDR file.
View EDR Browser: Click the View EDR Browser button to open a
dockable window containing more detailed input parameters and results.
Press F1 within the EDR Browser to view EDR-specific help.
Exchanger Design Ribbon Options
When you click the View EDR Browser button, the Exchanger Design contextual ribbon appears.
Set Units
Units shown in the EDR browser are EDR unit sets. HYSYS custom unit
sets are currently not supported.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Model Readiness
When the EDR browser is connected to HYSYS, changing input values will re-solve the LNG block in the flowsheet. When disconnected, changing input values will not resolve the LNG in the
Disconnect from HYSYS if you want to modify geometries without
having HYSYS re-solve after every input. You can reconnect after
you finish making changes.
Run Control
Runs the EDR case in the EDR browser. This may cause HYSYS to resolve.
Run Mode
There are two calculation modes available for CoilWound. For both calculation modes, CoilWound assumes inlet streams are fully defined or calculated and will not run otherwise.
Simulation: Evaluates the outlet conditions achievable for each
process stream with a defined exchanger geometry.
Assumes no outlet temperatures, pressures, vapor mass fractions, or enthalpies are specified or defined for the LNG block.
Checking/Rating: Estimates the degree to which a defined
exchanger geometry is over-surfaced or under-surfaced to meet
the process requirements for each stream.
Checking/Rating requires enough thermodynamic information to
determine inlet and outlet stream states.
Supports exporting predefined CoilWound-specific results to Excel. This
option is separate from and unavailable for use with standard HYSYS
Excel reporting.
Supports printing CoilWound-specific reports. These reports are not available when printing standard HYSYS reports.
Specifying LNG EDR CoilWound Process
The EDR CoilWound tab | Process page is visible when the Rating Method
on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR - CoilWound. This
page presents a basic set of input process data sent to EDR CoilWound.
Changing values on this page does change values for material streams (on the
Worksheet tab | Connections page). However, changes to material streams
may override values entered in this page.
For more specialized operations, you can click the View EDR Browser button
to launch the EDR CoilWound Browser from within the page.
To specify EDR CoilWound process information for the LNG Exchanger:
1. On the Design tab | Parameters page, from the Rating Method dropdown list, select EDR - CoilWound.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
2. Select the EDR CoilWound tab | Process page.
3. Specify the information described in the table below.
LNG Pass
LNG Pass Names are pairs of inlet and outlet streams, also called
sides, defined on the Design tab | Connections page. Geometry in EDR CoilWound is defined relative to EDR Stream Numbers. You must map EDR Stream numbers and sides before the
LNG can solve.
EDR Stream
All inputs on the EDR CoilWound tab | Process page are
shown relative to EDR Stream Numbers. This ordering of
streams may be different compared to the Worksheet tab |
Conditions page. LNG Pass Names map EDR Stream Numbers
to streams on the Worksheet tab | Conditions page.
Total Mass
Flow Rate
Specify the Total Mass Flow Rate. This information is usually
provided by the stream.
Inlet Temperature
Specify the Inlet Temperature. This information is usually
provided by the stream.
Outlet Temperature
Specify the Outlet Temperature. If an outlet temperature will be
determined during calculation, an initial estimate can be specified.
Inlet Mass
Specify the Inlet Mass Quality. This is the vapor mass fraction
and is usually provided by the stream.
Outlet Mass
Specify the Outlet Mass Quality or vapor mass fraction. Vapor
mass fractions are important for streams that are boiling or condensing isothermally, where temperature alone is not adequate
to define the stream conditions.
Inlet Pressure
Specify the Inlet Pressure. This information is usually provided
by the stream.
Outlet Pressure
Specify the Outlet Pressure. If this pressure will be determined
during the calculation, you can provide an initial estimate. If
you leave this field blank, a default value will be determined
using the inlet pressure and the estimated pressure drop. Explicitly specifying the exchanger outlet pressure can be useful
when gravitational effects are significant.
Allowed Pressure Drop
Specify the maximum permitted pressure drop in the
Est. Pressure
Specify the estimated pressure loss. This is the difference
between the inlet and outlet pressures in the exchanger.
Heat Load
Stream heat load (in the absence of partial draw-off) is the
stream mass flowrate multiplied by the difference in specific
enthalpy between inlet and outlet.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
You can specify a fouling resistance for each stream. This is a resistance based on full local heat transfer area and is assumed to
apply throughout the exchanger and on both primary and secondary surfaces. On the fins, it is used to determine the overall
local heat transfer coefficient used to calculate fin efficiency.
In cryogenic equipment, the fluids are normally clean and noncorrosive, so it is common for fouling resistances to be set to
Specifying LNG EDR CoilWound Property
The EDR CoilWound tab | Property Ranges page is visible when the Rating
Method on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR CoilWound. This page presents parameters affecting how properties are sent
to EDR CoilWound. Properties are sent through a property table of temperature
and pressure points.
If you leave these values blank, default values will be determined using inlet
stream temperatures and pressures. You may need to expand the ranges of
temperatures or pressures on this page, especially for streams with three
phases when the unit operation does not converge.
To specify EDR CoilWound property ranges for the LNG Exchanger:
1. On the Design tab | Parameters page, from the Rating Method dropdown list, select EDR - CoilWound.
2. Select the EDR CoilWound tab | Property Ranges page.
3. Specify the information described in the table below.
LNG Pass
Pairs of inlet and outlet streams. This value is determined on
the EDR CoilWound tab | Process page.
EDR Stream
All inputs on the EDR CoilWound tab | Property Ranges
page are shown relative to EDR Stream Numbers. This ordering of streams may be different compared to the Worksheet
tab | Conditions page. LNG Pass Names map EDR Stream
Numbers to streams on the Worksheet tab | Conditions
Temp. Range
One of two points defining the range of temperatures included
in the property table. This value does not necessarily need to
be the lower temperature. Expanding the temperature range
may resolve properties errors preventing the unit operation
from successfully solving.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Temp. Range
One of two points defining the range of temperatures included
in the property table. This value does not necessarily need to
be the higher temperature. Expanding the temperature range
may resolve properties errors preventing the unit operation
from successfully solving.
Number of
Specify the number of temperatures points in the property
table. The range of input is between 2 and 24. A higher number enhances the resolution of properties in the property table
and can improve the accuracy of the calculations. The program
determines the spacing between temperatures.
No. of Pressure Levels
Specify the number of pressure points to be transferred to
EDR. The range of input is between 1 and 5. A higher number
enhances the resolution of properties transferred and can
improve the accuracy of the calculations.
Level 1 - 5
You can specify the pressures in the property table. You can
manually control spacing for pressures sent to the property
table. Modifying these values can improve calculation accuracy, especially for exchangers experiencing significant pressure
drops. Pressures should be specified in descending order; Pressure Level 1 should be highest pressure.
Viewing LNG EDR CoilWound Results Summary
The EDR CoilWound tab | Results Summary page is visible when the Rating Method on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR CoilWound. This page shows stream-specific calculation results.
To view EDR CoilWound results summary information for the LNG Exchanger:
1. On the Design tab | Parameters page, from the Rating Method dropdown list, select EDR - CoilWound.
2. Select the EDR CoilWound tab | Results Summary page.
3. View the results described in the table below.
LNG Pass
Pairs of inlet and outlet streams. This value is determined on
the EDR CoilWound tab | Process page.
EDR Stream
All inputs on the EDR CoilWound tab | Results Summary
page are shown relative to EDR Stream Numbers. This ordering
of streams may be different compared to the Worksheet tab |
Conditions page. LNG Pass Names map EDR Stream Numbers
to streams on the Worksheet tab | Conditions page.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Stream Type
Identifies whether the stream is hot or cold.
Flow Direction
Identifies the flow direction of a stream. Flow direction can be
Up, Down, or No Flow. Normal design practice is for hot
streams to flow up and cold streams to flow down.
Number of
Identifies the total number of tubes that a stream occupies in
the exchanger. If there is more than one exchanger in parallel,
the number of tubes applies throughout.
Total Mass
Flow Rate
Identifies the mass flow rate of the stream.
Heat Load
Stream heat load (in the absence of partial draw-off) is the
stream mass flowrate multiplied by the difference in specific
enthalpy between the inlet and outlet.
Area Ratio
An area ratio can be defined for each stream in a CoilWound
exchanger. This term is more commonly used with shell and
tube exchangers. It is the ratio of the actual stream heat transfer area to the area required for a specified duty. For two-stream
exchangers such as shell and tube, the ratio must be the same
for both streams and is taken as a simple measure of the acceptability of exchanger performance. An area ratio of more than 1
means that an exchanger can more than achieve a specified
In a multi-stream exchanger, the position is more complicated,
since each stream can have a different area ratio. An area ratio
above unity does not necessarily indicate that all of the area is
in the right place to achieve the desired heat transfer. Nevertheless, the area ratio can be useful as a parameter indicating
how well an exchanger is performing.
Area ratios are the primary result of Checking calculations. For
two-stream exchangers, the area ratio of each stream will be
the same. For a Simulation calculation, the area ratio should
in principle be unity. Values slightly different from unity sometimes occur when the overall heat load (based on stream exit
conditions) has converged more rapidly that the local stream
heat transfer at all points between inlet and outlet.
Inlet Temperature
Identifies the inlet temperature of the stream.
Outlet Temperature
Identifies the outlet temperature of the stream.
Inlet Pressure
Identifies the inlet pressure of the stream.
Outlet Pressure
Identifies the outlet pressure of the stream.
Identifies the pressure drop across the stream.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Viewing LNG EDR CoilWound Results Geometry
The EDR CoilWound tab | Results Geometry page is visible when the Rating Method on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR CoilWound. Use the Results Geometry page to review results for the
CoilWound geometry calculations.
Many of these geometry parameters cannot be changed without using the EDR
Browser. To access the EDR Browser, click the View EDR Browser button.
Within the EDR browser, press F1 to access EDR-specific help.
To review the EDR CoilWound geometry calculations for the LNG Exchanger:
1. On the Design tab | Parameters page, from the Rating Method dropdown list, select EDR - CoilWound.
2. Select the EDR CoilWound tab | Results Geometry page.
3. View the results described in the table below.
Bundle Num- Bundle Number has a range from 1 to 3. The top bundle is
labeled Bundle 1.
Indicates the height of the coiled bundle. The bundle height is
related to the length of the tube in a bundle and the helix angle
by the following equation:
θ = helix angle
L = length of tube in bundle
h = height of bundle
Bundle diameter
Indicates outside diameter of the bundle. This value is from the
outside of the tube OD.
Number of
Indicates the total number of tubes in each bundle.
Number of
Indicates the total number of layers in each bundle.
Indicates the longitudinal pitch. The longitudinal pitch is the distance from the center of a tube in one layer to the center of the
tube directly above or below it in the same layer. All layers in a
bundle will have the same longitudinal pitch.
Indicates the transverse pitch. The transverse pitch is the distance from the center of a tube in one layer to the center of a
tube in an adjacent layer. The transverse pitch is the same for all
layers in a bundle.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
Total surface area
Total surface area for heat transfer, based on tube OD, and the
length of each tube within the main coil.
Shell side
flow area
The total shell side area for flow, including space occupied by spacing wires.
Tube OD
Outside diameter of tubes forming the bundle. Each tube in a
bundle has the same outside diameter, wall thickness, and
Tube wall
Indicates the thickness of tube wall.
Tube metal
Indicates the tube material, which can be Aluminum, Stainless Steel, or Titanium.
Helix angle
Indicates the helix angle measured from the horizontal in
degrees. This is also sometimes referred to as the winding angle.
Mandrel diameter
Indicates the outside diameter of the mandrel on which the coil
is wound. The mandrel is also called the central axial cylinder.
Shell ID
Indicates the internal diameter of the shell.
Modifying LNG EDR CoilWound Convergence
The EDR CoilWound tab | Convergence page is visible when the Rating
Method on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR CoilWound. Use the Convergence page to modify convergence parameters.
Modifying default convergence patterns can be useful when default settings do
not lead to a full convergence.
To modify the EDR CoilWound convergence parameters for the LNG Exchanger:
1. On the Design tab | Parameters page, from the Rating Method dropdown list, select EDR - CoilWound.
2. Select the EDR CoilWound tab | Convergence page.
3. Modify the parameters described in the table below.
grid resolution
Changes grid resolution for calculations. Increasing grid resolution is useful for exchangers with large temperature swings
and can improve convergence at the cost of calculation time.
number of
Specify the maximum number of iterations to be performed.
tolerance heat load
Specify the required convergence accuracy of the overall
exchanger heat load.
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
tolerance pressure
Specify the required convergence accuracy of the outlet pressure of any stream.
Determines how fast the calculation converges. For exchangers
where the duty is close to the maximum possible value for each
stream, large values can lead to instability in the calculation and
failure to converge. Very low values can give false positives for
step: heat
Changing the maximum permitted step size for heat load can
converge the solution more smoothly, especially in the early
stages, when discrepancies from the true solution are large.
Max. iterations in prelim checking
Checking iterations are performed prior to a simulation calculation. This helps establish good initial temperature profiles
for the simulation calculations. You must provide accurate
stream outlet conditions; if the conditions are inaccurate, checking will be counterproductive. In this case, reduce or eliminate
iterations in preliminary checking.
Perry, R.H. and D.W. Green. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook
(Seventh Edition) McGraw-Hill (1997) p. 11-33
2. Perry, R.H. and D.W. Green. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook
(Seventh Edition) McGraw-Hill (1997) p. 11-42
3. Kern, Donald Q. Process Heat Transfer McGraw-Hill International Editions: Chemical Engineering Series, Singapore (1965) p. 139
17 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exchanger
18 Plate Exchanger
The Plate Exchanger unit operation solves heat and material balances for two
stream plate heat exchangers. Plate heat exchangers consist of plates packed
in a frame. Two streams, one hot and one cold, flow in alternate channels
between these plates. Plate unit operations can solve for heat loads using either
a basic heat and material balance or a rigorous calculation based on geometry.
Heat Transfer
Plate calculations are based on energy balances for the hot and cold fluid. The
following general relation applies to plate heat exchangers.
H = Enthalpy
M = Mass flow rate
The plate duty for the simple end point method, Q, is defined in terms of the
overall heat transfer coefficient, the area available for heat exchanger, and the
log mean temperature difference.
U = Overall heat transfer coefficient
A = Surface area available for heat transfer
ΔTLM = log mean temperature difference (LMTD)
The plate duty for the EDR - Plate rating method is rigorously calculated incorporating geometry.
18 Plate Exchanger
Plate Exchanger Design Tab
The Design tab of the Plate Exchanger contains the following pages:
User Variables
Specifying Plate Exchanger Connections
The Design tab | Connections page of the Plate Exchanger lets you specify
the following information:
Hot Side Inlet stream
Hot Side Outlet stream
Hot Side Fluid Pkg
Cold Side Outlet stream
Cold Side Inlet stream
Cold Side Fluid Pkg
Switch Sides
Red lines represent the hot side material stream, and blue lines represent the
cold side material stream.
Specifying Plate Exchanger Parameters
The Design tab | Parameters page of the Plate Exchanger lets you select the
Rating Model and specify relevant heat transfer data.
To specify parameters for the Plate Exchanger:
1. Select the Design tab | Parameters page.
2. From the Rating Method drop-down list, select the plate rating method.
Simple End Point: Solves for heat loads using a basic heat and
material balance.
EDR - Plate: Solves for heat loads using a rigorous calculation
based on geometry. If you select this option, specify information
on the Rigorous Plate tab.
3. Specify the following values.
18 Plate Exchanger
Overall UA
Appears for the Simple End Point model. This is the overall heat
transfer coefficient multiplied by the total area for heat transfer.
Appears for the Simple End Point model. This is the total heat
transfer area. The default area is 100 m2.
Heat Transfer Coefficient
Appears for the Simple End Point model. This is the overall heat
transfer coefficient.
Hot Side and Cold Side pressure drop for the plate heat
For the Simple End Point rating method, specify this
For the EDR - Plate rating method, this appears as a calculated value.
Plate Exchanger Specifications
On the Design tab | Specs page of the Plate Exchanger, specify the following
Max. Iterations
The following values are calculated as the solver progresses:
Current Iteration
Current Error
Note: The specifications on this page only appear if you selected Simple End Point as
the Rating Method on the Design tab | Parameters page.
Rigorous Plate Overview
EDR - Plate is an optional Rating Method that can be selected on the Design
tab | Parameters page. When you switch to this rating method, the Plate
Exchanger unit operation uses EDR Plate rigorous calculations, and the pages
on the Rigorous Plate tab are enabled.
The benefit of using EDR Plate is access to rigorous calculations and the ability
to define detailed geometry for Plate Exchangers. Detailed results tables and
plots are available in the EDR Browser, providing a more in-depth look at
stream behavior in the Plate Exchanger.
18 Plate Exchanger
EDR Rigorous Plate Tab
The Rigorous Plate tab is the primary way to view information related to
Plate calculations. The Rigorous Plate tab contains five pages:
Process (contains inputs)
Property Ranges (contains inputs)
Results Summary (contains results)
Setting Plan
On the bottom of each page of the Rigorous Plate tab, the following buttons
are available:
Import: Click the Import button to import geometries from EDR Plate
files. This is the primary way to define EDR Plate geometry.
Export: Click the Export button to export stream data and geometries
of the current Plate exchanger to an EDR file.
View EDR Browser: Click the View EDR Browser button to open a
dockable window containing more detailed input parameters and results.
Press F1 within the EDR Browser to view EDR-specific help.
Exchanger Design Ribbon Options
When you click the View EDR Browser button, the Exchanger Design contextual ribbon appears.
Set Units
Units shown in the EDR browser are EDR unit sets. HYSYS custom unit
sets are currently not supported.
Model Readiness
Run Control
When the EDR browser is connected to HYSYS, changing input values will re-solve the Plate block in the flowsheet. When disconnected, changing input values will not resolve the Plate block
in the flowsheet.
Disconnect from HYSYS if you want to modify geometries without
having HYSYS re-solve after every input. You can reconnect after
you finish making changes.
Runs the EDR case in the EDR browser. This may cause HYSYS to resolve.
18 Plate Exchanger
Run Mode
There are four calculation modes available for Plate. EDR Plate primarily
runs in Simulation mode, but other modes can be accessed through
the EDR Browser temporarily to design or check the exchanger.
Design: Generates a design given sufficient process conditions.
Uses average heat transfer coefficients and linear temperatureenthalpy relations. Works well for single phase streams.
Design (given plate): Generates a design given sufficient process conditions. Plate details are required as a geometry input.
Uses average heat transfer coefficients and linear temperatureenthalpy relations. Works well for single phase streams.
Rating / Checking: Checking calculations estimate if a specified
geometry will achieve a required duty. The result of this calculation is the ratio of the actual to required surface area.
Requires enough thermodynamic information to determine inlet
and outlet stream state.
Simulation: Evaluates the outlet conditions achievable for each
process stream with a defined exchanger geometry. Assumes no
outlet temperatures, pressures, vapor mass fractions, or enthalpies are specified or defined for the Plate block.
Supports exporting predefined Plate-specific results to Excel. This option
is separate from and unavailable for use with standard HYSYS Excel
Supports printing Plate-specific reports. These reports are not available
when printing standard HYSYS reports.
Specifying Rigorous Plate Process Information
The Rigorous Plate tab | Process page is visible when the Rating Method
on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR - Plate. This page
presents a basic set of input process data sent to EDR Plate. Changing values on
this page does change values for material streams (on the Worksheet tab |
Connections page). However, changes to material streams may override values entered in this page.
For more specialized operations, you can click the View EDR Browser button
to launch the EDR Plate Browser from within the page.
To specify Rigorous Plate process information for the Plate Exchanger:
1. On the Design tab | Parameters page, from the Rating Method dropdown list, select EDR - Plate.
2. Select the Rigorous Plate tab | Process page.
3. Specify the information described in the table below.
18 Plate Exchanger
EDR Stream
Indicates the type of stream (hot stream or cold stream).
Total Mass
Flow Rate
Specify the Total Mass Flow Rate. This information is usually
provided by the stream.
Inlet Temperature
Specify the Inlet Temperature. This information is usually
provided by the stream.
Outlet Temperature
Specify the Outlet Temperature. If an outlet temperature will be
determined during calculation, an initial estimate can be specified.
Inlet Mass
Specify the Inlet Mass Quality. This is the vapor mass fraction
and is usually provided by the stream.
Outlet Mass
Specify the Outlet Mass Quality or vapor mass fraction. Vapor
mass fractions are important for streams that are boiling or condensing isothermally, where temperature alone is not adequate
to define the stream conditions.
Inlet Pressure
Specify the Inlet Pressure. This information is usually provided
by the stream.
Allowed Pressure Drop
Specify the maximum permitted pressure drop in the
Est. Pressure
Specify the estimated pressure loss. This is the difference
between the inlet and outlet pressures in the exchanger.
You can specify a fouling resistance for each stream.
Fouling resistances for plate exchangers are generally low and
much less than the TEMA recommended values for shell and
tube exchangers. Fouling in plate exchangers is often dealt with
using an overall fouling margin rather than individual fouling resistances for each stream.
Specifying Rigorous Plate Property Ranges
The Rigorous Plate tab | Property Ranges page is visible when the Rating
Method on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR - Plate.
This page presents parameters affecting how properties are sent to EDR Plate.
Properties are sent through a property table of temperature and pressure
If you leave these values blank, default values will be determined using inlet
stream temperatures and pressures. You may need to expand the ranges of
temperatures or pressures on this page, especially for streams with vaporliquid phases when the unit operation does not converge.
To specify Rigorous Plate property ranges for the Plate Exchanger:
1. On the Design tab | Parameters page, from the Rating Method dropdown list, select EDR - Plate.
18 Plate Exchanger
2. Select the Rigorous Plate tab | Property Ranges page.
3. Specify the information described in the table below.
EDR Stream
Indicates hot side or cold side.
Temp. Range
One of two points defining the range of temperatures included
in the property table. This value does not necessarily need to
be the lower temperature. Expanding the temperature range
may resolve properties errors preventing the unit operation
from successfully solving.
Temp. Range
One of two points defining the range of temperatures included
in the property table. This value does not necessarily need to
be the higher temperature. Expanding the temperature range
may resolve properties errors preventing the unit operation
from successfully solving.
Number of
Specify the number of temperatures points in the property
table. The range of input is between 2 and 24. A higher number enhances the resolution of properties in the property table
and can improve the accuracy of the calculations. The program
determines the spacing between temperatures.
No. of Pressure Levels
Specify the number of pressure points to be transferred to
EDR. The range of input is between 1 and 5. A higher number
enhances the resolution of properties transferred and can
improve the accuracy of the calculations.
Level 1 - 5
You can specify the pressures in the property table. You can
manually control spacing for pressures sent to the property
table. Modifying these values can improve calculation accuracy, especially for exchangers experiencing significant pressure
drops. Pressures should be specified in descending order; Pressure Level 1 should be highest pressure.
Viewing Rigorous Plate Results Summary
The Rigorous Plate tab | Results Summary page is visible when the Rating
Method on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR - Plate.
This page shows stream-specific calculation results.
To view Rigorous Plate results summary information for the Plate Exchanger:
1. On the Design tab | Parameters page, from the Rating Method dropdown list, select EDR - Plate.
2. Select the Rigorous Plate tab | Results Summary page.
3. View the results described in the table below.
18 Plate Exchanger
Total heat exchanged between the hot side and cold side.
Effective Surface Area
Effective surface area for heat transfer calculations.
MTD for heat transfer calculations.
The following equation gives you the heat exchanged for the
plate heat exchanger:
The following equation gives you the heat exchanged for the
plate heat exchanger:
Overall Clean
Overall heat transfer coefficient without fouling resistance.
Overall Dirty
Overall heat transfer coefficient with fouling resistance.
Indicates the stream name for the plate heat exchanger.
Indicates the maximum allowable pressure drop that you can
specify for the plate heat exchanger.
Indicates the calculated pressure drop.
Risk of Maldis- Indicates the risk of flow maldistribution (Yes or No).
Velocity of fluid at the ports based on average density.
Velocity of fluid through the plates based on average density.
Film Coefficie- Weighted coefficients for any sensible cooling/heating and
phase change that occurred in the Plate heat exchanger.
Viewing Rigorous Plate Setting Plan
The Rigorous Plate tab | Setting Plan page is visible when the Rating
Method on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR - Plate.
The Setting Plan page shows a schematic of a plate heat exchanger.
Viewing Rigorous Plate Profiles
The Rigorous Plate tab | Profiles page is visible when the Rating Method
on the Design tab | Parameters page is changed to EDR - Plate.
The Profiles page provides a plot of the sectional hot and cold stream temperatures versus distance of the plate heat exchanger.
18 Plate Exchanger
19 Logical Operations
The next chapters will describe the following Logical Operations:
Boolean Operations
Control Operations
Split Range Controller
Ratio Controller
PID Controller
MPC Controller
DMCplus Controller
Digital Point
External Data Linker
Selector Block
Stream Cutter
Black Oil Translator
Transfer Function
Common Options
ATV Tuning Technique
The ATV (Auto Tune Variation) Technique is one of a number of techniques used
to determine two important system constants known as the Ultimate Period,
and the Ultimate Gain. From these constants, tuning values for proportional,
integral, and derivative gains can be determined.
19 Logical Operations
Note: The Tuning option only sets up the limit cycle; it does not calculate the tuning parameters for you.
A small limit-cycle disturbance is set up between the Control Output and the
Controlled Variable, such that whenever the process variable crosses the set
point, the controller output is changed. The ATV Tuning Method is as follows:
1. Determine a reasonable value for the valve change (OP). Let h represent
this value. In HYSYS, h is 5%.
2. Move the valve +h%.
3. Wait until the process variable starts moving, then move valve -2h%.
4. When the PV crosses the set point, move the OP +2h%.
5. Continue this procedure until the limit-cycle is established.
From the cycle, two key parameters can be observed:
Observed Parameter
Amplitude (a)
The amplitude of the PV curve, as a fraction of the PV span.
Ultimate Period (PU)
Peak-to-Peak period of the PV curve.
The Ultimate Gain can be calculated from the following relationship:
KU = ultimate gain
h = change in OP (0.05)
a = amplitude
Finally, the Controller Gain and Integral Time can be calculated as follows:
Controller Gain = KU / 3.2
Controller Integral Time = 2.2*PU
Note: The ATV Tuning Method only works for systems with dead time.
Controller Face Plate
To access the controller Face Plate:
1. Press CTRL F.
The Face Plates property view appears.
2. From the list of available flowsheets, select the flowsheet that contains
the logical operation you want to view the face plate for.
3. From the list of available logical operations, select the logical operation
you want to view the face plate for.
19 Logical Operations
4. Click the Open button. The Face Plates property view closes and the face
plate for the selected logical operation appears.
1. Open the property view of a Controller operation.
2. Click the Face Plate button located at the bottom of the Controller’s
property view.
Each controller’s Face Plate varies in appearance; however, the functionality
remains the same. This section provides a general description of how to use the
controller Face Plate.
The Face Plate provides all pertinent information about the controller when the
simulation is running. The Setpoint is shown as a red pointer, and the actual
value of the Process Variable appears in the current default unit. Output is
always displayed as a percentage of the span you defined on the Valve tab. The
Face Plate also displays the execution type and the setpoint source.
Also, you can change the mode of the Controller by selecting the mode from the
drop-down list at the bottom left of the Face Plate. The mode choices are
identical to those on the Parameters tab. Clicking the Tuning button returns
you to the Tuning tab of the Controller property view.
Changing the Setpoint and Output
You can change the SP or OP of the Controller (depending on the current mode)
at any time during the simulation without returning to the Parameters tab, by
using the Face Plate.
To change the SP while in Automatic mode, or to change the OP while in Manual
mode, use any one of the following three methods:
1. Move to the field for the parameter you want to change.
For this example, the Setpoint (top field) is changed. Start entering a
new value for the SP, and HYSYS displays a field with a drop-down list
containing the default units. Once you have entered the value, press
ENTER and HYSYS accepts the new Setpoint.
Note: If you select an alternate unit, your value appears in the face plate using
HYSYS display units.
2. Place the mouse pointer near the red Setpoint indicator, and the cursor
changes to a double-ended arrow. Click and hold, a fly-by appears
below, showing the current value of the SP (in this case, 50%).
3. Click and drag the double-ended arrow to the new SP of 60%. The fly-by
displays the SP value as you drag. Release the mouse button to accept
the new SP.
4. Place the pointer at either end of the field, and the pointer changes to a
single-ended arrow. Click once to increase or decrease the value by 1%.
For example, switch to Manual mode and adjust the OP. To increase the
OP, move the pointer to the right end of the field and the single-ended
arrow pointing to the right appears. Click to increase the OP by 1%.
19 Logical Operations
Note: You can click the button consecutively to repeatedly increase (or decrease)
the OP.
Object Inspect Menu of Face Plates
The options for the Object Inspect menu for a Fixed Size Face Plate are
described below.
The options associated with this menu are:
Turn Off
Turns the Controller Mode to Off.
Start Ramp
Starts Setpoint Ramping
Puts the Controller into a cycling mode. This can be used for tuning the
Returns you to the Tuning page of the Controller property view.
Returns you to the Connections page of the Controller property view.
Returns you to the Parameters page of the Controller property view.
Print Datasheet
Allows you to print the Datasheet for the controller.
Print Specsheet
Allows you to print the controller Specsheet.
The additional menu options in the Object Inspection menu for a Scalable Face
Plate are:
Allows you to choose the Font for the text on the Face Plate.
Hide Values/Show
Hides the values for SP, PV, and OP. When the values are hidden, the
Show Values option appears. Choose this to display the values.
Hide Units/Show
Hides the units for SP and PV. When the units are hidden, the Show
Units option appears in the menu. Choose this to display the units.
19 Logical Operations
20 Adjust Operation
The Adjust operation varies the value of one stream variable (the independent
variable) to meet a required value or specification (the dependent variable) in
another stream or operation.
Note: The Adjust is a steady state operation; HYSYS ignores it in dynamic mode.
In a flowsheet, a certain combination of specifications may be required, which
cannot be solved directly. These types of problems must be solved using trialand-error techniques. To quickly solve flowsheet problems that fall into this category, the Adjust operation can be used to automatically conduct the trial-anderror iterations for you.
The Adjust is extremely flexible. It allows you to link stream variables in the
flowsheet in ways that are not possible using ordinary “physical” unit operations. It can be used to solve for the desired value of just a single dependent
variable, or multiple Adjusts can be installed to solve for the desired values of
several variables simultaneously.
Note: The Independent variable cannot be a calculated value; it must be specified.
The Adjust can perform the following functions:
Adjust the independent variable until the dependent variable meets the
target value.
Adjust the independent variable until the dependent variable equals the
value of the same variable for another object, plus an optional offset.
Connections Tab
The first tab of the Adjust property view, as well as several other logicals, is
the Connections tab. The tab contains the following pages:
20 Adjust Operation
Connections Page
The Connections page comprises the following groups:
Adjusted Variable
Target Variable
Target Value
Adjusted/Target Variable Groups
The Adjusted Variable and Target Variable groups are similar in appearance, each containing an Object field, Variable field, and a Select
Var button.
The Adjusted Object is the owner of the independent variable which is
manipulated in order to meet the specified value of the Target variable.
The Target Object is the owner of the dependent variable whose value
you are trying to meet. A Target Object can be a unit operation, stream,
or a utility.
The Select Var button enables you to select a variable for the Adjusted
and Target objects.
Target Value Group
Once the target object and variable are defined, there are three choices for how
the target is to be satisfied:
If the target variable is to meet a certain numerical value, select User
Supplied and enter the appropriate value in the Specified Target
Value field.
If the target variable is to meet the value (or the value plus an offset) of
the same variable in another stream or operation, select Another
Object and select the stream or operation of interest from the Matching Value Object drop-down list. If applicable, enter an offset in the
available field.
If the target variable is to meet the value (or the value plus an offset) of
the same variable specified in the spreadsheet, select SpreadSheetCell
Object and select the cell that you want from the
Matching Value Object drop-down list. This allows the
SpreadSheetCell to be attached as an adjusted variable, and source to
the target variable. You can also specify the offset in the available field.
Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor where you can record any comments or
information regarding the operation or to your simulation case in general.
20 Adjust Operation
Parameters Tab
Once you have chosen the dependent and independent variables, the convergence criteria must be defined. This is usually done on the Parameters tab.
The Parameters tab has two pages:
Parameters Page
The Parameters page allows you to specify the adjust parameters:
Solves multiple Adjust loops simultaneously. There is only one simultaneous solving method available therefore when this check box is
selected the Method field is no longer visible.
Sets the (non-simultaneous) solving method: Secant or Broyden.
Sets the absolute error. In other words, the maximum difference
between the Target Variable and the Target Value.
Step Size
The initial step size employed until the solution is bracketed.
Maximum /
The upper and lower bounds for the independent variable (optional)
are set in this field.
The number of iterations before HYSYS quits calculations, assuming a
solution has not been obtained.
Sim Adj Manager
Opens the Simultaneous Adjust Manager allowing you to monitor and
modify all Adjusts that are selected as simultaneous.
Passes a variable and a constant to the optimizer. When activated the
efficiency of the simultaneous Adjust is increased. This option requires
Choosing the Solving Methods
Adjust loops can be solved either individually or simultaneously. If the loop is
solved individually, you have the choice of either a Secant (slow and sure) or
Broyden (fast but not as reliable) search algorithm. The Simultaneous solution
method uses modified Levenberg-Marquardt method search algorithm. A single
Adjust loop cannot be solved in the Simultaneous mode. In Simultaneous mode,
the adjust variable is adjusted after the last operation in the flowsheet has
solved. The calculation level has no effect on the Adjust operation in the Simultaneous mode.
20 Adjust Operation
Note: The Calculation Level for an Adjust (accessed under Main Properties) is 3500, compared to 500 for most streams and operations. This means that the Adjust is solved last
among unknown operations. You can set the relative solving order of the Adjusts by modifying the Calculation Level.
When the Simultaneous Solution check box is selected, the Method field is
no longer visible.
Simultaneous Adjust Manager
The Simultaneous Adjust Manager (SAM) property view allows you to monitor,
and modify all Adjusts that are selected as simultaneous. This gives you access
to a more efficient method of calculation, and more control over the calculations.
Note: All adjusts from old cases in Simultaneous mode are automatically added to the
The SAM property view is launched by clicking the Sim Adj Manager button on
the Parameters tab, or by selecting Simultaneous Adjust
Manager command from the Simulation menu.
Note: The SAM requires two or more active (in other words, not ignored) adjusts to solve.
If you are using only one adjust, you cannot use the SAM.
The SAM property view contains the following tabs:
The SAM property view also contains the following common objects:
The status bar, which displays the status of the SAM calculation.
The Stop and Start buttons, which are used to start and stop the SAM
calculations respectively.
The Ignored check box, which enables you to toggle on and off the SAM
feature and all of the selected Adjusts simultaneously.
SAM Configuration Tab
The Configuration tab displays information regarding Adjusts that have been
selected as simultaneous. You can view the individual Adjusts by double-clicking on the Adjust name. You can also modify the target value or matching value
object, value, and offset. This tab also allows you to ignore individual Adjusts.
SAM Parameters Tab
The Parameters tab allows you to modify the tolerance, step size, max, and
min values for each Adjust, as well as, displays the residual, number of iter-
20 Adjust Operation
ations the SAM has taken, and the iteration status. This tab also allows you to
specify some of the calculation parameters as described in the table below.
Type of
Jacobian Calculation
Allows you to select one of three Jacobian calculations:
Type of Convergence
ResetJac. Jacobian is fully calculated and values reset to initial
values after each Jacobian calculation step. Most time consuming but most accurate.
Continuous. Values are not recalculated between Jacobian calculation steps. Quickest, but allows for “drift” in the Jacobian
therefore not as accurate.
Hybrid. Hybrid of the above two methods.
Allows you to select one of three convergence types:
Specified. SAM is converged when all Adjusts are within the specified tolerances.
Norm. SAM is converged when the norm of the residuals (sums
of squares) is less than a user-specified value.
Either. SAM is converged with whichever of the above types
occurs first.
Max Step
The number x step size is the maximum that the solver is allowed to
move during a solve step.
The number x range (Max - Min) or the number x 100 x step size (if no
valid range). This is the maximum that the solver is allowed to move
during a Jacobian step.
Max # of Iter- Maximum number of iterations for the SAM.
History Tab
The History tab displays the target value, adjusted value, and residual value for
each iteration of the selected Adjust(s). One or more Adjusts can be displayed
by clicking on the check box beside the Adjust name. The Adjusts are always
viewed in order from left to right across the page. For example, if you are viewing Adjust 2 and add Adjust 1 to the property view, Adjust 1 becomes the first
set of numbers, and Adjust 2 is shifted to the right.
Note: The History tab only displays the values from a solve step. The values calculated
during a Jacobian step can be seen on the Monitor tab of the adjust for the individual results.
For the Adjust to converge, the error in the dependent variable must be less
than the Tolerance.
20 Adjust Operation
It is sometimes a good idea to use a relatively loose (large) tolerance when initially attempting to solve an Adjust loop. Once you determine that everything is
working properly, you can reset the tolerance to the final design value.
Note: The tolerance and error values are absolute (with the same units as the dependent
variable) rather than relative or percentage-type.
Step Size
The step size you enter is used by the search algorithm to establish the maximum step size adjustment applied to the independent variable. This value is
used until the solution has been bracketed, at which time a different convergence algorithm is applied. The value which is specified should be large
enough to permit the solution area to be reached rapidly, but not so large as to
result in an unreasonable overshoot into an infeasible region.
A positive step size initially increments the independent variable, while a negative value initially decrements the independent variable.
Note: A negative initial step size causes the first step to decrement the independent variable.
If the Adjust steps away from the solution, the direction of the steps are automatically reversed.
Note: Before installing the Adjust module, it is often good practice to initialize the independent variable, and perform one adjust “manually”. Solve your flowsheet once, and
notice the value for the dependent variable, then self-adjust the independent variable and
re-solve the flowsheet. This assures you that one variable actually affects the other, and
also gives you a feel for the step size you need to specify.
These two optional criteria are the allowable upper and lower bounds for the
independent variable. If either bound is encountered, the Adjust stops its
search at that point.
Note: The Independent variable must be initialized (have a starting value) in order for the
Adjust to work.
Maximum Iterations
The default maximum number of iterations is 10. Should the Adjust reach this
many iterations before converging, the calculations stop, and you are asked if
you want to continue with more iterations. You can enter any value for the number of maximum iterations.
Options Page
The Options page contains two groups of settings:
20 Adjust Operation
Secant Solver Options
Generic Solver Options
The Secant Solver Options group offers the Relax Internal Bounds option as
well as two settings: Bounds Tolerance and Relaxation Percentage.
If the secant solver takes a step and is above the target value, it sets the adjusted variable at that time as an internal maximum or minimum. However,
HYSYS is not solving problems of the nature F(x)=y, but rather F(x) = G(x), so
that the response surface changes as the adjusted variable changes. This can
lead to a situation where we have an internal minimum and internal maximum
set to the same value.
By using Relax Internal Bounds, you can allow these internal bounds to
move out (within the specified minimum and maximum) if the adjusted variable is within the Bounds Tolerance of the local minimum or maximum. The
bound can be relaxed by a Relaxation Percentage.
The Generic Solver Option group has one option that allows you to specify
the solver to Always Stop At Maximum Iterations.
Monitor Tab
The Monitor tab contains the following pages:
Tables Page
For each Iteration of the Adjust, the number, adjusted value, target value, and
residual appear. If necessary, use the scroll bar to view iterations which are
not currently visible.
Note: You can also use the Solver Trace Window to view the Iteration History.
Plots Page
The Plots page displays the target and adjusted variables like on the Tables
page, except the information is presented in graph form.
User Variables Tab
The User Variables tab enables you to create and implement your own user variables for the current operation.
20 Adjust Operation
Starting the Adjust
There are two ways to start the Adjust:
If you have provided values for all the fields on the Parameters tab, the
Adjust automatically begins its calculations.
If you have omitted one or both values in the Minimum/Maximum fields (on the
Parameters tab) for the independent variable (which are optional parameters), and you would like the Adjust to start calculating, simply click the
Start button.
Note: With the exception of the minimum and maximum values of the independent
(adjusted) variable, all parameters are required before the Adjust begins its calculations.
The Start button then disappears, indicating the progress of the calculations.
When the error is less than the tolerance, the status bar displays in green the
“OK” message. If the Adjust reaches the maximum number of iterations
without converging, the “Reached iteration Limit without converging” message
appears in red on the status bar.
If you click the Start button when all of the required parameters are not
defined, the status bar displays in yellow the “Incomplete” message, and calculations cannot begin.
Once calculations are underway, you can view the progress of the convergence
process on the Iterations tab.
Note: The Start button only appears in the initialization stage of the Adjust operation. It
disappears from the property view as soon as it is pressed. Any changes made to the
Adjust or other parts the flowsheet automatically triggers the Adjust calculation.
Note: To stop or disable the Adjust select the Ignored check box.
Individual Adjust
The Individual Adjust algorithm, either Secant or Broyden, uses a step-wise
trial-and-error method, and displays values for the dependent and independent
variables on each trial. The step size specified on the Parameters tab is used to
increment, or decrement the independent variable for its initial step. The
algorithm continues to use steps of this size until the solution is bracketed. At
this point, depending on your choice, the algorithm uses either the Secant
search (and its own step sizes) or Broyden search to quickly converge to the
desired value. If a solution has not been reached in the maximum number of
iterations, the routine pauses, and asks you whether another series of trials
should be attempted. This is repeated until either a solution is reached, or you
abandon the search. The Secant search algorithm generally results in good convergence once the solution has been bracketed.
20 Adjust Operation
Multiple Adjust
The term Multiple Adjust typically applies to the situation where all of the
Adjusts are to be solved simultaneously. In this case, where the results of
one Adjust directly affect the other(s), you can use the Simultaneous option to
minimize the number of flowsheet iterations.
Examples where this feature is very valuable include calculating the flow distribution of pipeline looping networks, or in solving a complex network of UAconstrained heat exchangers. In these examples, you must select the stream
parameters which HYSYS is to manipulate to meet the desired specifications.
For a pipeline looping problem, the solution may be found by adjusting the
flows in the branched streams until the correct pressures are achieved in the
pipelines downstream. In any event, it is up to you to select the variables to
adjust to solve your flowsheet problem.
HYSYS uses the modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to simultaneously
vary all of the adjustable parameters defined in the Adjusts until the desired
specifications are met. The role of step size with this method is quite different.
With the single Adjust algorithm, step size is a fixed value used to successively
adjust the independent variable until the solution has been bracketed. With the
simultaneous algorithm, the step size for each variable serves as an upper limit
for the adjustment of that variable.
In solving multiple UA exchangers, the starting point should not be one that contains a temperature crossover for one of the heat exchangers. If this occurs, a
warning message appears informing you that a temperature crossover exists,
and a very large UA value is computed for that heat exchanger. This value is
insensitive to any initial change in the value of the adjustable variable, and
therefore the matrix cannot be solved.
Note: One requirement in implementing the Multiple Adjust feature is that you must
start from a feasible solution.
Install all Adjusts using the simultaneous option on the Parameters tab, then
click the Start button to begin the calculations.
20 Adjust Operation
20 Adjust Operation
21 Balance
The Balance operation provides a general-purpose heat and material balance
facility. The only information required by the Balance is the names of the
streams entering and leaving the operation. For the General Balance, component ratios can also be specified.
Since HYSYS permits streams to enter or leave more than one operation, the
Balance can be used in parallel with other units for overall material and energy
Note: The Balance overrides the filtering of streams that HYSYS typically performs.
The Balance Operation solves in both the forward and backward directions. For
instance, it backs out the flowrate of an unknown feed, given that there are no
degrees of freedom.
There are six Balance types which are defined in the table below:
21 Balance
An overall balance is performed where only the molar flow of each component is conserved. It can be used to provide material balance envelopes in
the flowsheet, or to transfer the flow and composition of a process stream
into a second stream.
An overall balance is performed where only the mass flow is conserved. A
common application would be for modeling reactors with no known stoichiometry, but for which analyses of all feeds and products are known.
An overall balance is performed where only the heat flow is conserved. An
application would be to provide the pure energy difference in a heat balance
Mole and
An overall balance is performed where the heat and molar flow are conserved. The most common application for this unit operation would be to
perform overall material (molar basis) and energy balance calculations of
selected process streams to either check for balances, or force HYSYS to calculate an unknown variable, such as flow.
Most of the unit operations in HYSYS perform the equivalent of a Mole and
Heat Balance besides their other more specialized calculations.
and Heat
An overall balance is performed where the overall mass flow and heat flow
are conserved.
HYSYS solves a set of n unknowns in the n equations developed from the
streams attached to the operation. Component ratios can be specified on a
mole, mass or liquid volume basis.
Balance Property View
Connections Page
On the Connections page of the Balance property view, you must specify the
following information:
Name. The name of the balance operation.
Inlet Streams. Attach the inlet streams to the balance.
Outlet Streams. Enter the outlet streams to the balance operation. You
can have an unlimited number of inlet and outlet streams. Use the scroll
bar to view streams that are not visible.
Parameters Tab
The Parameters tab contains two groups:
21 Balance
Balance Type
Ratio List
The Balance Type group contains a series of radio buttons, which allow you to
choose the type of Balance you want to use. The radio buttons are shown
Note: The Ratio List group applies only to the General balance. This is discussed in the
General Balance section.
Component Mole Flow
This operation performs an overall mole balance on selected streams; no
energy balance is made. It can be used to provide material balance envelopes
in the flowsheet or to transfer the flow and composition of a process stream
into a second stream.
The composition does not need to be specified for all streams.
The direction of flow of the unknown is of no consequence. HYSYS calculates the molar flow of a feed to the operation based on the known
products, or vice versa.
This operation does not pass pressure or temperature.
Mass Flow
This operation performs an overall balance where only the mass flow is conserved. An application is the modeling of reactors with no known stoichiometry,
but for which analyses of all feeds and products are available. If you specify the
composition of all streams, and the flowrate for all but one of the attached
streams, the Mass Balance operation determines the flowrate of the unknown
stream. This is a common application in alkylation units, hydrotreaters, and
other non-stoichiometric reactors.
The composition must be specified for all streams.
The flowrate must be specified for all but one of the streams. HYSYS
determines the flow of that stream by a mass balance.
Energy, moles, and chemical species are not conserved. The Mass Balance operation determines the equivalent masses of the components you
have defined for the inlet and outlet streams of the operation.
This operation does not pass pressure or temperature.
Heat Flow
This operation performs an overall heat balance on selected streams. It can be
used to provide heat balance envelopes in the flowsheet or to transfer the
enthalpy of a process stream into a second energy stream.
21 Balance
The composition and material flowrate must be specified for all material
streams. The heat flow is not passed to streams which do not have the
composition and material flowrate specified, even if there is only one
unknown heat flow.
The direction of flow for the unknown stream is of no consequence.
HYSYS calculates the heat flow of a feed to the operation based on the
known products, or vice versa.
This operation does not pass the pressure or temperature.
You cannot balance the heat into a Material Stream.
Component Mole and Heat Flow
The most common application for this balance is to perform overall material
(molar basis), and energy balance calculations of selected process streams to
either check for balances or force HYSYS to calculate an unknown variable,
such as a flowrate.
The Mole and Heat Balance independently balance energy and material.
The Mole and Heat Balance calculate ONE unknown based on a total
energy balance, and ONE unknown based on a total material balance.
The operation is not directionally dependent for its calculations. Information can be determined about either a feed or product stream.
The balance remains a part of your flowsheet and as such defines a constraint; whenever any change is made, the streams attached to the balance always balances with regard to material and energy. As such, this
constraint reduces by one the number of variables available for specification.
Since the Mole and Heat Balance work on a molar basis, it should not
be used in conjunction with a reactor where chemical species are changing.
Mass and Heat Flow
Similar to the Mass balance mode, this balance mode performs a balance on
the overall mass flow. In addition, however, energy is also conserved.
The composition must be specified for all streams.
Flow rate must be specified for all but one of the streams. HYSYS determines the flow of that stream by a mass balance.
Enthalpy must be specified for all but one of the streams. HYSYS determines the enthalpy of that stream by a heat balance.
Moles and chemical species are not conserved.
General Balance
The General Balance is capable of solving a greater scope of problems. It
solves a set of n unknowns in the n equations developed from the streams
attached to the operation. This operation, because of the method of solution, is
extremely powerful in the types of problems that it can solve. Not only can it
solve unknown flows and compositions in the attached streams (either inlet or
outlet can have unknowns), but ratios can be established between components
21 Balance
in streams. When the operation determines the solution, the prescribed ratio
between components are maintained.
The General balance solves material and energy balances independently. An Energy Stream is an acceptable inlet or outlet stream.
The operation solves unknown flows or compositions, and can have
ratios specified between components in one of the streams.
Ratios can be specified on a mole, mass or liquid volume basis.
A Ratio, which is unique to the general Balance, is defined between two components in one of the attached streams. Multiple ratios within a stream (for
example 1:2 and 1:1.5) can be set with a single Ratio on a mole, mass or liquid
volume basis. Each individual ratio (1:2, 1:1, and 1:1.5), however uses a
degree of freedom.
To set a ratio:
1. On the Parameters tab of the Balance operation property view, select
the General Balance radio button.
The Ratio List group should now be visible.
2. Click the Add Ratio button to access the Ratio property view. In the
Ratio property view, specify the following information:
Name. The name of the Ratio.
Stream. The name of the stream.
Ratio Type. Allows you to specify the Ratio Type: Mole, Mass, or
Component/Ratio. Provides the relative compositions of two or
more components. Other components in the stream are calculated accordingly, and it is not necessary nor advantageous to
include these in the table. All ratios must be positive; non-integer
values are acceptable.
Number of Unknowns
The general Balance determines the maximum number of equations, and hence
unknowns, in the following manner (notice that the material and energy balances are solved independently):
One equation performing an overall molar flow balance.
{Number of Components (nc)} equations performing an individual molar
{Number of Streams (ns)} equations, each performing a summation of
individual component fractions on a stream by stream basis.
This is the maximum number of equations (1 + nc + ns), and hence unknowns,
which can be solved for a system. When ratios are specified, they reduce the
available number of unknowns. For each ratio, the number of unknowns used is
21 Balance
one less than the number of components in the ratio. For example, for a threecomponent ratio, two unknowns are used.
Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information contained in the
stream property view for all the streams attached to the operation.
Stripchart Tab
The Stripchart tab allows you to select and create default strip charts containing
various variable associated to the operation.
User Variables Tab
The User Variables tab enables you to create and implement your own user variables for the current operation.
21 Balance
22 Boolean Operations
The Boolean Logic block is a logical operation which takes in a specified number
of Boolean inputs and then applies the Boolean operation to calculate an output.
A typical use of the Boolean Logic is to apply emergency shutdown of an exothermic reactor, such as closing the valves on the fuel and air line to the
reactor when the reactor core temperature exceeds its setpoint. It is also used
to simulate the ladder diagrams, which are found in most of the electrical applications.
The following Boolean Logic blocks are available in HYSYS:
And Gate
Or Gate
Not Gate
Xor Gate
On Delay Gate
Off Delay Gate
Latch Gate
Counter Up Gate
Counter Down Gate
Cause And Effect Matrix
Note: To evaluate the Boolean Logic blocks at each time step, open the Integrator property view and go to the Execution tab. In the Calculation Execution Rates group, change
the Control and Logical Ops field value to 1. This change ensures that your time sensitive
Boolean Logic blocks like On Delay and Off Delay are executed at the required time instead
of a one-time step delay. This change also slows down the HYSYS calculation rate and is
noticeable for large cases.
22 Boolean Operations
Boolean Logic Blocks Property
Boolean Logic
Not Gate
And Gate
Or Gate
Xor Gate
Off Delay Gate
On Delay Gate
Latch Gate
Counter Up Gate
Counter Down Gate
Cause And Effect Matrix
The property view for all the Boolean Logic blocks in HYSYS contains four tabs
(Connections, Monitor, Stripchart, and User Variables), a Delete button, and a
Face Plate button.
Logical Operation Face Plate
Property View
The Face Plate button lets you access the Face Plate property view. The Face
Plate property view lets you see the Boolean type and output value at a glance.
22 Boolean Operations
On the PFD property view, the Digital/Boolean and Boolean/Boolean logical connections have the capability to display the change of logical state by changing
the line color to either green (1) or red (0).
The output is set up to have a default initial value of 1 for all the Boolean Logic
Boolean Connections Tab
Use the Connections tab for any Boolean operation to connect operations to the
Boolean Logic block. Boolean unit operations can make logical connections with
the Digital Point operation as well as among themselves. The connections can
either be made from the Connections tab or through the PFD.
If the Boolean type supports multiple process variable sources, the Process
Variable Sources group contains a table with three buttons with the same functions as the buttons in the Output Target group.
Use the Edit OP button to change the output connection
Use the Add OP button to add an output connection
Use the Delete OP button to remove the output connection
Adding/Editing Process Variable (PV)
Depending on the Boolean type, you must click the Select PV button, the Edit
PV button or the Add PV button to open the Select Input PV property view.
The Select Input PV property view is similar to the Variable Navigator property view. If you want to delete a process variable, click the Delete PV button.
Adding/Editing Output Target
Click the Edit OP button or Add OP button to open the Select Output PV property view.
Use the object filter to narrow the search in the object list. When an object is
selected to receive the output value, click OK. You can also use Disconnect to
disconnect the connection.
22 Boolean Operations
Boolean Monitor Tab
The Monitor tab for any Boolean operation lets you monitor the input and output
values of the Boolean Logic block. The contents of this tab varies from one
Boolean Logic type to another. For example, the Monitor tab of an On Delay
Gate Boolean also contains a field where you can specify the time delay.
Not Gate
This unit operation perform a logical NOT function on an input. The output is the
negative of the input. In other words, when the input is high the output is low
and vice versa. The table below displays the function logic for the Not Gate.
The Monitor tab of the Not Gate displays the following information:
Input Value. Displays the value received by the Boolean Logic block.
Output Value. Displays the output value of the Boolean Logic block,
based on the input value from the input connection.
Xor Gate
This unit operation performs an exclusive or function on two inputs. The output
state is always High (1) whenever anyone of the input is high (1), but it is low
(0) when all of the inputs are high (1). The table below displays the function
logic for Xor Gate.
Input 1
Input 2
Note: The input and output values can only be 1 or 0.
This unit operation can only have two input connections.
The output in this unit operation can also be fanned out.
The Monitor tab of the Xor Gate displays the following information:
22 Boolean Operations
Input. Contains the name and number used to designate the input connection.
Object. Displays the operation name of the input connection.
Initial State. Displays the input value received by the Boolean Logic
Output Value. Displays the output value of the Boolean Logic block,
based on the Boolean type and the input values from the input connections.
On Delay Gate
This unit operation performs an on time delay function on a single input. The
output’s signal is delayed for a specified time delay (θ) only when the input is
set to be 1. The following logical expression is used to calculate the output (y)
for an input (x) change.
For x = 1:
The Monitor tab of the On Delay Gate displays the following information:
Delay Time. Lets you specify the amount of time you want for the time
delay function. The default value is 10 minutes.
Input Value. Displays the value received by the Boolean Logic block.
Output Value. Displays the output value of the Boolean Logic block,
based on the input value from the input connection.
The input and output values can only be 1 or 0.
The output in this unit operation can also be fanned out.
Off Delay Gate
This unit operation performs an off time delay function on a single input. The
output’s signal is delayed for a specified time delay (θ) only when the input is
set to be 0. The following logical expression is used to calculate the output (y)
for an input (x) change.
For x = 0:
The Monitor tab of the Off Delay Gate displays the following information:
22 Boolean Operations
Delay Time. Lets you specify the amount of time you want for the time
delay function. The default value is 10 minutes.
Input Value. Displays the value received by the Boolean Logic block.
Output Value. Displays the output value of the Boolean Logic block,
based on the input value from the input connection.
The input and output values can only be 1 or 0.
The output in this unit operation can also be fanned out.
Latch Gate
This unit operation provides a latch functionality. It requires two input signals;
one for set and other one for reset. The second input is the prevailing input
meaning that it specify the output to be set to high (1), reset to low (0), or left
unchanged. The table below displays the function logic for the Latch Gate.
Input 1
Input 2
override state
previous state
Notes: By definition the latch gate lets you select the OP value when both of its inputs are
high. So this state is known in the industry as override state.
The Monitor tab of the Latch Gate displays the following information:
Prevailing Input. The radio buttons come into play when both of the
inputs are high(1). It lets you specify what you want the output value to
be. Selecting Set makes the OP value to be high(1), and Reset makes it
Input. Contains the name and number used to designate the input connection.
The input and output values can only be 1 or 0.
This unit operation can only have two input connections.
The output in this unit operation can also be fanned out.
Object. Displays the operation name of the input connection.
Initial State. Displays the input value received by the Boolean Logic
22 Boolean Operations
Output Value. Displays the output value of the Boolean Logic block,
based on the input value from the input connection.
Counter Up Gate
This unit operation acts as an up counter. It counts up to a maximum counter
value which is specified by the users. It is triggered every time the input is
switched to a desired state. After reaching the maximum counter limit, it sets
the output to a predefined value. The counter and output value is reset with the
second input by switching it to high (1).
The Monitor tab of the Counter Up Gate displays the following information:
Maximum Counter. Lets you specify the counter limit value. The
default value is 10.
Current Counter. Displays the current counter value.
PV Alarm. Lets you select which PV value triggers the counter to
increase a step. You can only choose 0 or 1.
Desired Output Value. Lets you select what the output value should be
when the counter reaches maximum. You can only choose 0 or 1.
Input. Contains the name and number used to designate the input connection.
Object. Displays the operation name of the input connection.
Initial State. Displays the input value received by the Boolean Logic
Output Value. This field displays the output value of the Boolean Logic
block, based on the input value from the input connection.
The input and output values can only be 1 or 0.
The output in this unit operation can also be fanned out.
Counter Down Gate
This unit operation acts as a down counter. It counts down to a maximum
counter value which is specified by the users. It is triggered every time the
input 1 is switched to a desired state. After the counter has reached zero, it sets
the output to a predefined value. The counter and output value is reset with the
second input by switching it to High (1).
The Monitor tab of the Counter Down Gate displays the following information:
Maximum Counter. lets you specify the counter limit value. The
default value is 10.
Current Counter. Displays the current counter value.
22 Boolean Operations
PV Alarm. Lets you select which PV value triggers the counter to
decrease a step. You can only choose 0 or 1.
Desired Output Value. Lets you select what the output value should be
when the counter reaches 0. You can only choose 0 or 1.
Input. Contains the name and number used to designate the input connection.
Object. Displays the operation name of the input connection.
Initial State. Displays the input value received by the Boolean Logic
Output Value. Displays the output value of the Boolean Logic block,
based on the input value from the input connection.
The input and output values can only be 1 or 0.
The output in this unit operation can also be fanned out.
Boolean And Gate
The Boolean And Gate performs a logical AND function on a set of inputs. The
output is always low as long as any one of the input is low and it is high when all
of the inputs are high. The table below displays the function logic for the And
Input 1
Input 2
Input 3
The input and output values can only be 1 or 0.
The output in this unit operation can also be fanned out.
Specifying Boolean And Gate Connections
Use the Connections tab for the Boolean And Gate to connect operations to the
Boolean Logic block. Boolean unit operations can make logical connections with
the Digital Point operation, as well as among themselves. The connections can
either be made from the Connections tab or through the PFD.
Click the Add PV button to open the Select Input PV property view.
The Select Input PV property view is similar to the Variable Navigator
22 Boolean Operations
property view.
If you want to delete a process variable, click the Delete PV button.
If the Boolean type supports multiple process variable sources, the Process
Variable Sources group contains a table with three buttons with the same
functions as the buttons in the Output Target group.
Use the Edit OP button to change the output connection.
Use the Add OP button to add an output connection. The Select Output
PV property view appears. Use the object filter to narrow the search in
the object list. When an object is selected to receive the output value,
click OK. You can also use Disconnect to disconnect the connection.
Use the Delete OP button to remove the output connection.
Monitoring Boolean And Gate Input and Output Values
The Monitor tab for the Boolean And Gate lets you monitor the input and output
values of the Boolean Logic block.
The Monitor tab of the And Gate displays the following information:
Input. Contains the name and number used to designate the input connection.
Object. Displays the operation name of the input connection.
Initial State. Displays the input value received by the Boolean Logic
Output Value. Displays the output value of the Boolean Logic block,
based on the Boolean type and the input values from the input connections.
Boolean Or Gate
The Boolean Or Gate performs a logical OR function on a set of inputs. The output is always high as long as any one of the input is high and it is low when all
of the inputs are low. The table below displays the function logic for the Or
Input 1
Input 2
Input 3
22 Boolean Operations
Input 1
Input 2
Input 3
The Or Boolean Logic block can have any number of inputs and a single
output, which can be fanned out.
The input and output values can only be 1 or 0.
Specifying Boolean Or Gate Connections
Use the Connections tab for the Boolean Or Gate to connect operations to the
Boolean Logic block. Boolean unit operations can make logical connections with
the Digital Point operation, as well as among themselves. The connections can
either be made from the Connections tab or through the PFD.
Click the Add PV button to open the Select Input PV property view.
The Select Input PV property view is similar to the Variable Navigator
property view.
If you want to delete a process variable, click the Delete PV button.
If the Boolean type supports multiple process variable sources, the Process
Variable Sources group contains a table with three buttons with the same
functions as the buttons in the Output Target group.
Use the Edit OP button to change the output connection.
Use the Add OP button to add an output connection. The Select Output
PV property view appears. Use the object filter to narrow the search in
the object list. When an object is selected to receive the output value,
click OK. You can also use Disconnect to disconnect the connection.
Use the Delete OP button to remove the output connection.
Monitoring Boolean Or Gate Input and Output Values
The Monitor tab for the Boolean Or Gate lets you monitor the input and output
values of the Boolean Logic block.
The Monitor tab of the Or Gate displays the following information:
Input. Contains the name and number used to designate the input connection.
Object. Displays the operation name of the input connection.
Initial State. Displays the input value received by the Boolean Logic
Output Value. Displays the output value of the Boolean Logic block,
22 Boolean Operations
based on the Boolean type and the input values from the input connections.
Cause and Effect Matrix
The Cause and Effect Matrix unit operation replicates a Cause and Effect matrix
commonly used in designing and operating the safety system of many processing plants. It looks at process values throughout the process and, based
upon safety thresholds, determines if certain equipment and/or valves should
be shutdown.
The unit operation is similar to a spreadsheet. It takes inputs called Causes and
sends outputs called Effects.
The input can be any simulation variable from your case or a simple switch that
does not need to be connected to an object’s variable. Each input generates
either a Healthy (1) or Tripped (0) state.
The output is a Boolean (1 or 0) result from processing one of the Cause and
Effect Matrix columns. The output may write or export its result to any simulation variable within your case. You must specify a variable of discrete type
(1 or 0). The output is not required to be connected to an object or variable. The
same 1 or 0 result is produced from the matrix column, and then any other
object in the simulation may read or use this value.
It is important that you clarify the 1 and 0 convention of the Cause and
Effect Matrix for Healthy/Tripped, On/Off, Start/Stop, and so forth.
For both the inputs and outputs, a result of 0 indicates Tripped, whereas
a result of 1 indicates Healthy, except where the Invert check box is
When the Invert check box is selected, a result of 0 indicates Healthy,
whereas a result of 1 indicates Tripped.
The matrix is processed one column at a time to determine the resultant state
of the output associated with that column. The associated input state is
reviewed for each element (or row entry) of a particular column having a nonblank user-specified matrix element. All of the matrix elements of that column
(and their associated input state) are compared based upon their respective
and collective meaning to determine the Cause result.
Note: You can access the Cause and Effect Matrix Help property view by clicking on
the Cause and Effect Help button on the C&E Matrix tab.
The Boolean inputs enter through logical gate type operations (and, or, not, and
so forth) with each other to determine the resultant Boolean value.
Each matrix element type is described in the following table.
22 Boolean Operations
Matrix Elements
One or more zero input(s) causes a zero output.
One or more 1 inputs causes a 1 output (as long as there are no
X, T or C active and ALL P must be 1)
There is no requirement to have a reset on a particular output.
If you want a reset, this can either be done with one or more R
matrix element entries or a local reset switch. In the case of
both R and a local reset, then both reset features must be reset
for the output to return to normal, and the local reset must be
done last.
Same as the TRIP but the input must have remained zero for at
least the time period.
The T matrix element should be followed by an integer representing the number of seconds of time delayed trip.
In contrast to all other trips, a zero input for ALL the coincident
signals of the same grouping causes a zero output.
The C matrix element should be followed by an integer representing the Coincident group number. There should be more
than one in each group.
All P inputs must be 1 to permit an R to have the desired effect.
Also required for a STANDBY 1 effect, a local reset and a local
switch ON.
A 1 will inhibit any trip of the output which would normally be
caused by an X, T or C.
A 1 will cause a 1 (as long as there are no X, T or C active and
ALL P must be 1), and a zero will cause a zero output (no
INHIBIT applicable).
Normally one would not want more than one Standby input designation per output. If you have more than one Standby, ALL
Standby inputs must have a 1 for the output to be started (1
result). Otherwise, a zero output result is produced. All Permissive inputs must be 1 for the Standby 1 action to occur.
Note: It is recommended that you build a dynamics case first with all the specifications in
place before adding and configuring a Cause and Effect Matrix.
Configuring a Cause and Effect Matrix
There are no PFD streams or lines that connect to or from the Cause and Effect
Matrix operation. Hence you can place it anywhere and on any flowsheet. You
can also view all simulation variables across flowsheets, the same as with a
To add a new Cause and Effect Matrix unit operation to the flowsheet, refer to
Boolean Logic Blocks Property View.
22 Boolean Operations
You can set the global defaults and controls on the Parameters tab.
You can specify the global defaults by selecting the appropriate check
Check Box
Input Invert
Lets you set the invert check box on for all new inputs.
Lets you set the invert check box on for all new outputs.
Hand Switch
Pulse Duration
You can specify the pulse duration for any hand Switch inputs that are
Update Output Objects
You can select this check box, if you want to ensure that the results
from the logic calculations are sent every timestep to the output
Use Output
Select this check box if you want the Use Reset check box selected for
all new outputs.
Use Local
Switches for
You can select this check box if you want the Use Local Switch check
box selected for all new outputs.
Insert New
When you add a new row or column and this check box is selected, the
row or column will be added above (to the left) of that currently selected
row or column.
You can specify the global control by selecting the appropriate check
Check Box
Reset All Outputs
If you want to reset all individual outputs, select this check box.
Bypass All
When you select this check box, the Bypass check box of each output
is selected.
Trace Alarms
& Trips
If you want to trace the occurrence of input alarms, input trips and output trips, select this check box.
The Trace Alarms & Trips check box affects all Cause and Effect matrix instances in your model.
You can view all the input and output configuration information on the Parameters tab.
Connecting the Inputs
1. On the Connections tab or the C&E Matrix tab, click the Add
Input button to add and connect an input. The Simulation Navigator
22 Boolean Operations
2. From the Simulation Navigator, select the input variable. Then click OK.
By default, the new input is added at the bottom of any existing inputs.
From the Parameters tab, select the Insert New Above/To Left check
box. The new input is added above the currently selected row. You have
to select the bottom blank input row to add to the bottom of the existing
3. Alternatively, if you want to add switch inputs, click the Add
Switch button on the C&E matrix tab. A new input row is added, but no
simulation variable needs to be selected. You can manually change the
switch during the operation of the dynamic model.
A switch input is useful for a R(eset) matrix element entry. You should
make this a Pulse On type switch. Switches can also be useful as an
emergency shutdown push button if you want to test your dynamic
model response to the trip of a collection of outputs.
You can change the state of the switch by clicking on the appropriate
radio buttons. (In the Inputs (Causes) table, click on a row with the SW
check box selected.)
4. Enter the description, tag, and comment (if any) for the Inputs (Causes).
The description appears to the left of each input row, and its associated
matrix elements on the C&E Matrix tab.
5. For all inputs with a simulation variable (not a switch), except for the
Digital Point’s OP State or an output result from a Cause and Effect matrix, specify the trip threshold. Select the High? check box if a value
higher than the threshold will result in a tripped input. Otherwise, a low
threshold trip is assumed.
Note: The input can also be a time delayed Trip resulting to zero by entering a
non-zero time in the Off Delay field.
You can also specify an Alarm threshold, which acts as a pre-alarm prior
to the trip actually occurring.
Click the Invert check box, if you want to invert the meaning of the matrix elements.
Note: The inversion (1 to 0 or 0 to 1) occurs at the completion of the normal input
processing just before the input result is passed on for matrix processing. Hence
the input status, trace messages, and so forth, occur as normal regardless of inversion.
6. You can also override the effect of any tripped inputs by clicking on the
OR (Override) check box in the Inputs (Causes) table on the C&E Matrix tab or the Inputs (Causes) group on the Parameters tab. You can
use this as a startup override.
If a trip requires a reset, you will have to activate the input(s), which resets it
or you may have to reset the local reset.
22 Boolean Operations
Connecting the Outputs
1. In the Outputs (Effects) group, click the Add Output button to create a
new Cause and Effect Matrix column. Specify the simulation variable that
you want the resultant 1 or 0 exported to.
By default, the new output is added to the right (end) of any existing outputs. From the Parameters tab, select the Insert New Above/To
Left check box. The new output is added to the left of the currently selected column. You can select the last blank output column to add to the
right of the existing outputs.
You can add a new column without connecting a simulation variable, if
you want to just display a trip. You can also access the outputs result
using the input in other logical operations including other Cause and
Effect Matrices or using a Spreadsheet Import. Use the Simulation Navigator from that unit operation to select the Cause and Effect Matrix Output Result.
2. If you want to add a new column without connecting an object’s variable,
click the Add Effect button in the Outputs (Effects) group.
3. Select the Reset? check box if you want to specify the output has its
own local reset switch. This could perhaps represent a solenoid on a shutdown valve in the field. Once the Reset? check box is selected, then the
Reset check box becomes active and relevant.
Note: It is not recommended to configure an output without a reset. This can be a matrix
element R(eset) or a local reset.
You can also specify the presence of a local or field switch for the controlled
equipment that the output is associated with. To specify the presence, select
the SW (Switch) check box. Click on the appropriate radio button to set the
local switch state.
Note: This switch has as its permissive any inputs with a P matrix element. Also, the
switch is interlocked with any inputs affecting a trip of this output. An output must be
reset before the local switch state can be changed from off.
You can click the Invert check box in the Outputs (Effects) group if the object
being controlled expects a 1 to shutdown rather than a zero. This output inversion is done at the completion of the output processing, therefore the Outputs
(Effects) group status bar and property view status window will show a Tripped
status when sending a 1. If the trace option is turned on, a Tripped message
will be traced, but a final value of 1 will be sent out.
Note: When a certain input trips, causing a resulting trip in an output, there is also likely
to be a cascading set of trips including other inputs which may appear to cause a trip of the
original output. To detect what was the first input to cause the output's trip, you will see
the relevant first out matrix element which caused the trip turn red. This color only
returns to the default of blue when the output trip has cleared and been reset.
Once you have your Cause and Effect Matrix configured, you may want to use
22 Boolean Operations
the Bypass check box of some or all outputs. This then makes the resultant
value in the Outputs (Effects) group at the bottom of the C&E Matrix tab turn
blue. This value should initialize to 1 and will remain at this until the bypass is
released and matrix output processing proceeds. You can bumplessly prevent
initialization trips in this manner.
Changing the Order of the Inputs or Outputs
If the inputs or outputs are not in the order that you want, you can re-sort
either the rows or columns of the Cause and Effect Matrix:
1. In the Inputs (Causes) or Outputs (Effects) tables of the C&E Matrix tab, select the row or column you want to move.
2. In the Inputs (Causes) or Outputs (Effects) groups, click the row or
column number displayed in the # field.
Note: The row or column number is displayed in blue indicating that you can
change the value.
3. Type the new number that you want the row or column to be located at.
If you type a number that is smaller than the number of the row (or
column) you are moving, all rows (or columns) below the new number
will be moved down (to the right) hence filling in the empty row (or
column). Alternatively, if the new number is greater than the number of
the row (or column) you are moving, the rows (or columns) will be
moved up (to the left).
Viewing the Inputs and Outputs Specifications
You can view all the specifications for the inputs and outputs on the C&E Matrix tab.
If you want to view the specifications for the Input:
On the C&E Matrix tab, select the row of the Cause data in the Inputs
The information for that input is shown in the Inputs group at the bottom of the tab.
If you want to view the specifications for the Output:
On the C&E Matrix tab, select the column of the Effect data in the Outputs table.
The information for that output is shown in the Outputs group at the bottom of the tab.
22 Boolean Operations
When you click a matrix element, the specifications for the selected row and
column appear in the Inputs and Outputs groups at the bottom of the tab.
You can drag and drop input or output object/variables to the object or variable
columns of the selected row or column in the Inputs (Causes) or Outputs
(Effects) groups. Select the variable from another unit operation, and then
right-click to drag the selection to the desired location.
When you drag the variable, the appearance of the cursor changes.
The functionality is similar to dragging the variable in the Spreadsheet.
The C&E Matrix tab also shows the state of each input and output.
Healthy (1 result)
Tripped (0 result)
For an input this means alarm.
For an output this indicates some other state. Refer to
the Output status at the bottom of the property view
for an indication of the exact status.
For both inputs and outputs, this indicates that attention is most likely required.
Viewing Status Messages
While integrating, the status window and the Cause and Effect Matrix's status
bar may update to show the following three states:
One or more outputs have tripped
One or more inputs are in alarm
One or more outputs require reset (either via an input with an R matrix
element or via a local output reset).
The status of the inputs and outputs is shown in the table below:
22 Boolean Operations
Viewing Trace Messages
Note: The Cause and Effect Matrix tracing is turned on by selecting the Trace & Alarms
check box on the Global group of the Parameters tab.
You can also add a timestamp to the trace messages.
1. Click File | Options. The Simulation Options property view appears.
2. In the Errors section, select the Prefix data and time to error and
trace messages check box to add the timestamp to the trace messages.
22 Boolean Operations
23 Control Ops
HYSYS has the following Control operations:
Split Range Controller
Ratio Controller
PID Controller
MPC Controller
DMCplus Controller
Control Operation
Control Operation
Split Range Controller
MPC Controller
Ratio Controller
DMCplus Controller
PID Controller
All Control operations contain the following buttons at the bottom of the property view:
Delete. You can remove the Control ops by clicking this button.
Face Plate. You can access the Face Plate property view by clicking this
Control Valve. You can access the Control Valve property view by clicking this button.
23 Control Ops
Control OP Port. You can access the Control OP Port property view by
clicking this button.
23 Control Ops
24 Split Range Controller
In the Split Range Controller, several manipulated variables are used to control
a single process variable. Here both manipulated variables are driven by the
output of a single controller. However, the range of operation for the manipulated variables can be independent of each other. Typical examples include
the control of the pressure in a chemical reactor by manipulating the inflow and
outflow from the reactor.
Another classic example is the temperature control of a vessel by manipulating
both the cooling water flow and steam flow to the vessel.
When there is more than one controller in the strategy, for example, one single
process variable with two controllers and two manipulated variables, the control is referred to as a multiple controller strategy.
In the present implementation in HYSYS there are two outputs that you have to
choose. The outputs can be configured as having negative or positive gains with
ranges that are independent of each other. In other words, there can be an overlap of the ranges.
The figure below shows the Split Range Controller property view.
24 Split Range Controller
The Split Range Controller property view contains the following tabs:
Split Range Setup
User Variables
Connections Tab
On the Connections tab, you can select the process variable source and the
output target objects.
Name field
Allows you to change the name of the operation.
Process Variable Source
Output Target
Object group
Remote Setpoint group
Select PV button enables you to access the Select Input PV
property view and select the source object of the Process Variable.
Object field displays the Process Variable object (stream or
operation) that owns the variable you want to compare.
Variable field displays the variable of the selected object.
Select OP button enables you to access the Select OP Object
property view and select the source object of the Output Target.
Object field displays the object (stream or operation) that is
controlled by the operation.
Variable field displays the variable of the selected object.
Select RSP button enables you to access the Select Remote
Setpoint property view and select the source object of the
Remote Setpoint.
Remote Setpoint field displays the selected master controller.
Parameters Tab
The Parameters tab contains the following pages:
IMC Design
24 Split Range Controller
Signal Processing
Operation Page
On the Operation page, you can manipulate how the operation reacts to the
process variable inputs.
You can select one of the two types of action available for the operation
to take when the process variable value deviates from the setpoint
Direct: When the PV rises above the SP, the OP increases. When
the PV falls below the SP, the OP decreases.
Reverse: When the PV rises above the SP, the OP decreases.
When the PV falls below the SP, the OP increases.
You can select from four types of controller modes:
Off: The operation does not manipulate the control valve,
although the appropriate information is still tracked.
Manual: Manipulate the operation output manually.
Automatic: The operation reacts to fluctuations in the Process
Variable and manipulates the Output according to the logic
defined by the tuning parameters.
Casc: The main controller reacts to the fluctuations in the Process Variable and sends signals to the slave controller (Remote
Setpoint Source).
You can select from two types of execution.
Internal: Confines the signals generated to stay within HYSYS.
External: Sends the signals to a DCS, if a DCS is connected to
Allows you to specify the setpoint value.
Displays the process variable value.
Displays the output value.
Split Range
Displays the current OP value in percent for each output.
Kc (Gain)
Allows you to specify the proportional gain of the operation.
Ti (Reset)
Allows you to specify the integral (reset) time of the operation.
24 Split Range Controller
Td (Derivative)
Allows you to specify the derivative (rate) time of the operation.
Tuning Parameters Group
The Tuning Parameters group allows you to define the constants associated
with the PID control equation. The characteristic equation for a PID Controller is
given below:
OP(t) = controller output at time t
OPss = steady state controller output (at zero error)
E(t) = error at time t
Kc = proportional gain of the controller
Ti = integral (reset) time of the controller
Td = derivative (rate) time of the controller
The error at any time is the difference between the Setpoint and the Process
Depending on which of the three tuning parameters you have specified, the Controller responds accordingly to the error. A Proportional-only controller is
modeled by providing only a value for Kp, while a PI (Proportional-Integral)
Controller requires values for Kp and Ti. Finally, the PID (Proportional-IntegralDerivative) Controller requires values for all three of Kp, Ti, and Td.
Configuration Page
The Configuration page allows you to specify the process variable, setpoint, and
output ranges.
PV: Min and Max Group
For the operation to become operational, you must:
1. Define the minimum and maximum values for the PV (the operation cannot switch from Off mode unless PVmin and PVmax are defined).
2. Once you provide these values (as well as the Control Valve span), you
can select the Automatic mode and give a value for the Setpoint.
Note: HYSYS uses the current value of the PV as the set point by default, but you
can change this value at any time.
24 Split Range Controller
Note: Without a PV span, the Controller cannot function.
HYSYS converts the PV range into a 0-100% range, which is then used in the
solution algorithm. The following equation is used to translate a PV value into a
percentage of the range:
SP Low and High Limits Group
In this group, you can specify the higher and lower limits for the setpoints to
reflect your needs and safety requirements. The setpoint limits enforce an
acceptable range of values that could be entered via the interface or from a
remote source. By default, the PV min. and max values are used as the SP low
and high limits, respectively.
Op Low and High Limits Group
In this group, you can specify the higher and lower limits for all the outputs.
The output limits ensure that a predetermined minimum, or maximum output
value is never exceeded. By default 0% and 100% is selected as a low and a
high of limit, respectively for all the outputs.
Note: When the Enable Op Limits in Manual Mode check box is selected, you can enable
the set point and output limits when in manual mode.
Advanced Page
The Advanced page contains the following four groups described in the table
24 Split Range Controller
Control Interval
The time step between successive executions of the controller.
When a new Split Range Controller is added to the PFD, the control
interval is set to the product of the integration Step Size and Control and Logical Ops execution rates. You can change this value,
but the new value must be a multiple of the current Step Size and
Control and Logical Ops execution rates, or HYSYS will round it
to the nearest multiple. Also, if you change the time step or Control
and Logical Ops execution rates in the Integrator, the Control
Interval value is updated upon running the Integrator as follows.
If you have never changed the Control Interval value, it is
updated to the product of Step Size and Control and
Logical Ops execution rates.
Otherwise, it is updated to the multiple of Step Size and Control and Logical Ops execution rates that is nearest to
your choice.
The readjustments of the Control Interval are performed to
ensure the inputs to the control algorithm are consistent.
Setpoint Ramping
Allows you to specify the ramp target and duration.
Setpoint Mode
Contains the options for setpoint mode and tracking, as well as, the
option for remote setpoint.
Contains the option for setpoint tracking only in manual mode.
The setpoint signal is specified in the Selected Sp Signal # field by clicking
the up or down arrow button, or by typing the appropriate number in the field.
Depending upon the signal selected, the page displays the respective setpoint
Setpoint Ramping Group
The setpoint ramping function has been modified in the present MPC controllers. Now it is continuous, in other words, when set to on by clicking the
Enable button, the setpoint changes over the specified period of time in a linear manner.
Note: Setpoint ramping is only available in Auto mode.
24 Split Range Controller
The Setpoint Ramping group contains the following two fields:
Target SP. Contains the Setpoint you want the Controller to have at the
end of the ramping interval. When the ramping is turn off, the Target SP
field display the same value as SP field on the Configuration page.
Ramping. Contains the time interval you want to complete setpoint
change in.
Besides these two fields there are also two buttons available in this group:
Enable. Activates the ramping process.
Disable. Stops the ramping process.
While the controller is in ramping mode, you can change the setpoint as follows:
Enter a new setpoint in the Target SP field
Enter a new setpoint in the SP field, on the Operation page.
During the setpoint ramping the Target SP field shows the final value of the setpoint whereas the SP field, on the Operation page, shows the current setpoint
seen internally by the control algorithm.
Note: During ramping, if a second setpoint change has been activated, then Ramping Duration time would be restarted for the new setpoint.
Setpoint Mode Group
You have now the ability to switch the setpoint from local to remote using the
Setpoint mode radio buttons. Essentially, there are two internal setpoints in the
controller, the first is the local setpoint where the you can manually specify the
setpoint via the property view (interface), and the other is the remote setpoint
which comes from another object such as a spreadsheet or another controller
cascading down a setpoint, in other words, a master in the classical cascade
control scheme.
The Sp Local option allows you to disable the tracking for the local setpoint
when the controller is placed in manual mode. You can also have the local setpoint track the remote setpoint by selecting the Track Remote radio button.
24 Split Range Controller
The Remote Sp option allows you to select either the Use% radio button (for
restricting the setpoint changes to be in percentage) or Use Pv units radio button (for setpoint changes to be in Pv units).
If the Remote Sp is set to Use%, then the controller reads in a value in
percentage from a remote source, and using the Pv range calculates the
new setpoint.
If the Remote Sp is set to Use Pv units, then the controller reads in a
value from a remote source, and sets a new setpoint. The remote
source’s setpoint must have the same units as the controller Pv.
SetPoint Options Group
If you select the Track PV radio button then there is automatic setpoint tracking
in manual mode, that sets the value of the setpoint equal to the value of the Pv
prior to the controller being placed in the manual mode. This means that upon
switching from manual to automatic mode the values of the setpoint and Pv
were equal and, therefore, there was an automatic bumpless transfer.
Also you have the option not to track the Pv, by selecting the No Tracking radio
button, when the controller is placed in manual mode. However, when the controller is switched into the automatic mode from manual, there is an internal
resetting of the controller errors to ensure that there is an instantaneous bumpless transfer prior to the controller recognizing a setpoint that is different from
the Pv.
Algorithm Selection Group
In the Algorithm Selection group you can select one of the three available controller update algorithms:
PID Velocity Form
PID Positional Form (ARW = Anti-Reset Windup)
PID Positional Form (noARW)
Velocity or Differential Form
Note: The velocity or differential form of the controller should be applied when there is an
integral term. When there is no integral term a positional form of the controller should be
In the velocity or differential form, the controller equation is given as:
u(t) = controller output and t is the enumerated sampling instance in time
u(t-1) = value of the output one sampling period ago
Kc, Ti, and Td = controller parameters
24 Split Range Controller
h = sampling period
Positional Form
In the positional form of the algorithm, the controller output is given by:
Here it is important to handle properly the summation term associated with the
integral part of the control algorithm. Specifically, the integral term could grow
to a very large value in instances where the output device is saturated, and the
PV is still not able to get to the setpoint. For situations like the one above, it is
important to reset the value of the summation to ensure that the output is equal
to the limit (upper or lower) of the controller output. As such, when the setpoint
is changed to a region where the controller can effectively control, the controller responds immediately without having to decrease a summation term
that has grown way beyond the upper or lower limit of the output. This is
referred to as an automatic resetting of the control integral term commonly
called anti-reset windup.
In HYSYS both algorithms are implemented as presented above with one key
exception, there is no derivative kick. This means that the derivative part of the
control algorithm operates on the process variable as opposed to the error
As such the control equation given in Equation (1) is implemented as follows:
Autotuning Page
You can set the autotuning parameters on the Autotuning page. This page consists two groups:
Autotuner Parameters. Contains the parameters required by the Autotuner to calculate the controller parameters.
Autotuner Results. Displays the resulting controller parameters. You
have the option to accept the results as the current tuning parameters.
Autotuner Parameters Group
Note: In the present version of the software there are default values specified for the PID
tuning. Before starting the autotuner, you must ensure that the controller is in the
manual or automatic mode, and the process is relatively steady.
Note: If you move the cursor over the tuning parameters field, the Status Bar displays
the parameters range.
24 Split Range Controller
In this group, you can specify the controller type by selecting the PID radio button or the PI radio button for the Design Type.
In the present autotuner implementation there are five parameters that you
must specify which are as follows:
Ratio (Ti/Td) (Alpha)
3.0 ≤ α ≤ 6.0
Gain ratio (Beta)
0.10 ≤ β ≤ 1.0
Phase angle (Phi)
30° ≤ ɸ ≤ 65°
Relay hysteresis (h)
0.01% ≤ h ≤ 5.0%
Relay amplitude (d)
0.5% ≤ d ≤ 10.0%
Autotuner Results Group
This group displays the results of the autotuner calculation, and allows you to
accept the results as the current controller setting. The Start
Autotuner button activates the tuning calculation, and the Stop
Autotuning button aborts the calculations.
After running the autotuner, you have the option to accept the results either
automatically or manually. Selecting the Automatically Accept check box
sets the resulting controller parameters as the current value instantly. If the
Automatically Accept check box is inactive, you can specify the calculated controller parameters to be the current setting by clicking the Accept button.
IMC Design Page
The IMC Design page allows you to use the internal model control (IMC) calculator to calculate the operation parameters based on a specified model of the
process one is attempting to control.
The IMC method is quite common in most of the process industries and has a
very solid theoretical basis. In general, the performance obtained using this
design methodology is superior to most of the existing techniques for tuning
PIDs. As such, when there is a process model available (first order plus delay)
this approach should be used to determine the controller parameters. You must
specify a design time constant, which is usually chosen as three times that of
the measured process time constant.
The IMC Design page has the following two groups:
24 Split Range Controller
Contains the parameters for the process model, which are required by
the IMC calculator.
Process Gain
Process Time Constraint
Process Delay
Design To
Displays the operation parameters.
As soon as you enter the parameters in the Process Model group, the operation
parameters are calculated and displayed in the IMC PID Tuning group. You can
accept them as the current tuning parameters by clicking the Update Tuning button.
Scheduling Page
The Scheduling page gives you the ability to do parameter scheduling. This feature is quite useful for nonlinear processes where the process model changes
significantly over the region of operation.
The parameter scheduling is activated through the Parameter
Schedule check box. You can use three different sets of PID parameters, if you
so desires for three different regions of operation.
The following regions of operation can be specified from the Selected Range
drop-down list.
Low Range
Middle Range
High Range
These regions of operations can be based either on the setpoint, or PV of the
controller. The ranges can also be specified, the default values are 0-33%,
33%-66%, and 66%-100% of the selected scheduling signal. You need to specify the middle range limit by defining the Upper and Lower Range Limits.
Note: The values of 0 and 100 cannot be specified for both the Lower and the Upper
Range Limits.
Alarms Page
The Alarms page allows you to set alarm limits on all exogenous inputs to and
outputs from the controller.
The Alarms page contains two groups:
24 Split Range Controller
Alarm Levels
Alarm Levels Group
The Alarm Level group allows you to set, and configure the alarm points for a
selected signal type. There are four alarm points that could be configured:
The alarm points should be specified in the descending order from HighHigh to
LowLow points. You cannot specify the value of the Low and LowLow alarm
points to be higher than the signal value. Similarly, the High and HighHigh
alarm points cannot be specified to a value lower than the signal value. Also, no
two alarm points can be specified to a similar value. In addition, you can specify a deadband for a given set of alarms. This can be helpful in situations
where the signal is “noisy” to avoid constant triggering of the alarm. If a deadband is specified, you have to specify the alarm points so that their difference
is greater than the deadband. At present the range for the allowable deadband
is as follows:
0.0% ≤ deadband ≤ 1.5% of the signal range.
Note: The above limits are set internally, and are not available for adjustment by the
Alarms Group
The Alarms group displays the recently violated alarm for the following signals:
Process Variable
Signal Processing Page
The Signal Processing page allows you to add filters to any signal associated
with the operation, as well as test the robustness of any tuning on the controller.
This page consists of two groups:
Signal Filters
Noise Parameters
24 Split Range Controller
Both of these groups allow you to filter, and test the robustness of the following
tuning parameters:
To apply the filter select the check box corresponding to the signal you want to
filter. Once active, you can specify the filter time. As you increase the filter
time you are filtering out frequency information from the signal.
For example, the signal is noisy, there is a smoothing effect noticed on the plot
of the PV. Notice that it is possible to add a filter that makes the controller
unstable. In such cases the controller needs to be returned. Adding a filter has
the same effect as changing the process, which the controller is trying to control.
Activating a Noise Parameter is done the same way as adding a filter. However,
instead of specifying a filter time you are specifying a variance. Notice that if a
high variance on the PV signal is chosen the controller may become unstable.
As you increase the noise level for a given signal you observe a somewhat random variation of the signal.
Initialization Page
The Initialization page allows you to initialize an appropriate OP value to start
the controller smoothly. To back initialize the controller, click on the Back Initialization button and HYSYS will initialize the controller output based on the current position of the executor (for example, a valve or another controller). The
current back initialization OP value is displayed in the OP value field.
Since the split controller has two outputs (two OP values), you can click on the
Output1 or Output2 radio button to choose which OP value you want to use to
back initialize the controller.
Split Range Setup Tab
The Split Range Setup tab allows you to specify the split ranges for the controller. The Split Range Setup tab consists of three groups: Split Range Setup,
PID Values, and Split Range Outputs.
24 Split Range Controller
Stripchart Tab
The Stripchart tab allows you to select and create default strip charts containing
various variable associated to the operation.
User Variables Tab
The User Variables tab enables you to create and implement your own user variables for the current operation.
24 Split Range Controller
25 Ratio Controller
The Ratio Controller’s objective is to keep the ratio of two variables, the load
variable and the manipulated variable, constant.
The Ratio Controller is a special type of feedforward control, and can be implemented in two ways:
Method 1. The actual ratio of the two variables is calculated using a
divider, and is sent on to the ratio controller in which the setpoint is the
required ratio.
Method 2. The value of the load variable is measured and sent to a ratio
station, which then calculates the setpoint of the manipulated (second)
The inclusion of a divider in approach (method 1) renders the methodology less
desirable since it results in a loop in which the process gain varies in a nonlinear manner as a result of the included divider. As such, method (2) is the preferred way of doing the ratio implementation, and is the approached followed in
this implementation for HYSYS.
The Ratio Controller property view contains the following tabs:
25 Ratio Controller
User Variables
Connections Tab
On the Connections tab, you can select the process variable source, and the
output target object. You can also select a remote setpoint value.
Allows you to change the name of the operation.
Process Variable
Source: Object
Contains the Process Variable Object (stream or operation) that
owns the variable you want to compare.
Process Variable
Source: Variable
Contains the Process Variable you want to compare.
From the PV drop-down list, you can specify the Controlled or
Reference process variable.
Output Target
The stream or valve, which is controlled by the operation.
Select PV/OP
These two buttons open the Variable Navigator which selects the
Process Variable and the Output Target Object respectively.
Remote Setpoint
If you are using set point from a remote source, select the remote
Setpoint Source associated with the Master controller
Parameters Tab
The Parameters tab contains the following pages:
IMC Design
Signal Processing
25 Ratio Controller
Configuration Page
On the Configuration page, you can manipulate how the operation reacts to
the process variable inputs.
You can select one of the two types of action available for the operation to
take when the process variable value deviates from the setpoint value:
SP Mode
Direct. When the PV rises above the SP, the OP increases. When
the PV falls below the SP, the OP decreases.
Reverse. When the PV rises above the SP, the OP decreases. When
the PV falls below the SP, the OP increases.
You have the ability to switch the setpoint from Local to Remote. Essentially, there are two internal setpoints in the controller:
Local: the local setpoint where you can manually specify the setpoint via the property view (interface).
Remote: the remote setpoint which comes from another object
such as a spreadsheet or another controller cascading down a setpoint. In other words, a master in the classical cascade control
You can select from three types of controller mode:
Off. The operation does not manipulate the control valve, although
the appropriate information is still tracked.
Manual. Manipulate the operation output manually.
Automatic. The operation reacts to fluctuations in the Process Variable and manipulates the Output according to the logic defined by
the tuning parameters.
You can select from two types of execution.
Internal. Confines the signals generated to stay within HYSYS.
External. Sends the signals to a DCS, if a DCS is connected to
Ref. PV
The value in this field is used to calculate the setpoint along with the ratio.
Displays the process variable value.
Displays the set or calculated ratio value between the selected the two process variables.
Displays the current ratio (a calculated value).
Displays the output value.
25 Ratio Controller
Tuning Parameters Group
The Tuning Parameters group allows you to define the constants associated
with the PID control equation. The characteristic equation for a PID Controller is
given below:
OP(t) = controller output at time t
OPss = steady state controller output (at zero error)
E(t) = error at time t
Kc = proportional gain of the controller
Ti = integral (reset) time of the controller
Td = derivative (rate) time of the controller
The error at any time is the difference between the Setpoint and the Process
Depending on which of the three tuning parameters you have specified, the Controller responds accordingly to the error. A Proportional-only controller is
modeled by providing only a value for Kp, while a PI (Proportional-Integral)
Controller requires values for Kp and Ti. Finally, the PID (Proportional-IntegralDerivative) Controller requires values for all three of Kp, Ti, and Td.
Algorithm Selection Group
In the Algorithm Selection group you can select one of three available controller update algorithms:
PID Velocity Form
PID Positional Form (ARW = Anti-Reset Windup)
PID Positional Form (noARW)
Velocity or Differential Form
Note: The velocity or differential form of the controller should be applied when there is an
integral term. When there is no integral term a positional form of the controller should be
In the velocity or differential form the controller equation is given as:
u(t) = controller output and t is the enumerated sampling instance in time
25 Ratio Controller
u(t-1) = value of the output one sampling period ago
Kc, Ti, and Td = controller parameters
h = sampling period
Positional Form
In the positional form of the algorithm, the controller output is given by:
Here it is important to handle properly the summation term associated with the
integral part of the control algorithm. Specifically, the integral term could grow
to a very large value in instances where the output device is saturated and the
PV is still not able to get to the setpoint.
For situations like the one above, it is important to reset the value of the summation to ensure that the output is equal to the limit (upper or lower) of the controller output. As such, when the setpoint is changed to a region where the
controller can effectively control, the controller responds immediately without
having to decrease a summation term that has grown way beyond the upper or
lower limit of the output. This is referred to as an automatic resetting of the control integral term commonly called anti-reset windup.
In HYSYS both algorithms are implemented as presented above with one key
exception, there is no derivative kick. This means that the derivative part of the
control algorithm operates on the process variable as opposed to the error
As such, the control equation given in the Velocity or Differential Form
equation above is implemented as follows:
Range Page
The Range page allows you to specify the process variable, setpoint, and output
PV: Min and Max Group
For the operation to become operational, you must:
1. Define the minimum and maximum values for the PV (the operation cannot switch from Off mode unless PVmin and PVmax are defined).
2. Once you provide these values (as well as the Control Valve span), you
can select the Automatic mode and give a value for the Setpoint.
Note: HYSYS uses the current value of the PV as the set point by default, but you
can change this value at any time.
25 Ratio Controller
Note: Without a PV span, the Controller cannot function.
3. HYSYS converts the PV range into a 0-100% range, which is then used in
the solution algorithm.
The following equation is used to translate a PV value into a percentage
of the range:
SP Low and High Limits Group
In this group, you can specify the higher and lower limits for the Setpoints to
reflect your needs and safety requirements. The Setpoint limits enforce an
acceptable range of values that could be entered via the interface or from a
remote source. By default the PV min. and max values are used as the SP low
and high limits, respectively.
Op Low and High Limits Group
In this group, you can specify the higher and lower limits for all the outputs.
The output limits ensure that a predetermined minimum or maximum output
value is never exceeded. By default 0% and 100% is selected as a low and a
high of limit, respectively for all the outputs.
When the Enable Op Limits in Manual Mode check box is selected, you can
enable the set point and output limits when in manual mode.
Advanced Page
The Advanced page contains the following four groups:
25 Ratio Controller
Control Interval
The time step between successive executions of the controller.
When a new Ratio Controller is added to the PFD, the control interval
is set to the product of the integration Step Size and Control and
Logical Ops execution rates. You can change this value, but the
new value must be a multiple of the current Step Size and Control
and Logical Ops execution rates, or HYSYS will round it to the
nearest multiple. Also, if you change the time step or Control and
Logical Ops execution rates in the Integrator, the Control Interval value is updated upon running the Integrator as follows.
If you have never changed the Control Interval value, it is
updated to the product of Step Size and Control and
Logical Ops execution rates.
Otherwise, it is updated to the multiple of Step Size and Control and Logical Ops execution rates that is nearest to
your choice.
The readjustments of the Control Interval are performed to
ensure the inputs to the control algorithm are consistent.
Setpoint Ramping
Allows you to specify the ramp target and duration.
Setpoint Mode
Contains the options for setpoint mode and tracking as well as the
option for remote setpoint.
Contains the option for setpoint tracking only in manual mode.
The setpoint signal is specified in the Selected Sp Signal # field by clicking
the up or down arrow button or typing the appropriate number in the field.
Depending upon the signal selected, the Advanced page displays the respective setpoint settings.
Setpoint Ramping Group
The setpoint ramping function has been modified in the present MPC controllers. Now it is continuous, in other words, when set to on by clicking the
Enable button, the setpoint changes over the specified period of time in a linear
manner. The Setpoint Ramping group contains the following two fields:
Input Required
Contains the Setpoint you want the Controller to have at the end of the
ramping interval. When the ramping is turn off, the Target SP field display
the same value as SP field on the Configuration page.
Contains the time interval you want to complete setpoint change in.
Note: Setpoint ramping is only available in Auto mode.
25 Ratio Controller
Besides these two fields there are also two buttons available in this group:
Enable. Activates the ramping process.
Disable. Stops the ramping process.
While the controller is in ramping mode, you can change the setpoint as follows:
Enter a new setpoint in the Target SP field.
Enter a new setpoint in the SP field, on the Operation page.
During the setpoint ramping the Target SP field shows the final value of the setpoint whereas the SP field, on the Operation page, shows the current setpoint
seen internally by the control algorithm.
Note: During ramping, if a second setpoint change has been activated, then Ramping Duration time would be restarted for the new setpoint.
Setpoint Mode Group
You have now the ability to switch the setpoint from local to remote using the
Setpoint mode radio buttons. Essentially, there are two internal setpoints in the
controller, the first is the local setpoint where you can manually specify the setpoint via the property view (interface), and the other is the remote setpoint
which comes from another object such as a spreadsheet or another controller
cascading down a setpoint, in other words, a master in the classical cascade
control scheme.
The Sp Local option allows you to disable the tracking for the local setpoint
when the controller is placed in manual mode. You can also have the local setpoint track the remote setpoint by selecting the Track Remote radio button.
The Remote Sp option allows you to select either the Use% radio button (for
restricting the setpoint changes to be in percentage) or Use Pv units radio button (for setpoint changes to be in Pv units).
If the Remote Sp is set to Use%, then the controller reads in a value in
percentage from a remote source, and using the Pv range calculates the
new setpoint.
If the Remote Sp is set to Use Pv units, then the controller reads in a
value from a remote source and sets a new setpoint. The remote
source’s setpoint must have the same units as the controller Pv.
25 Ratio Controller
SetPoint Options Group
If you select the Track PV radio button, then there is automatic setpoint tracking in manual mode, that sets the value of the setpoint equal to the value of the
Pv prior to the controller being placed in the manual mode. This means that
upon switching from manual to automatic mode the values of the setpoint and
Pv were equal and, therefore, there was an automatic bumpless transfer.
Also you have the option not to track the pv, by clicking the No Tracking radio
button, when the controller is placed in manual mode. However, when the controller is switched into the automatic mode from manual, there is an internal
resetting of the controller errors to ensure that there is an instantaneous bumpless transfer prior to the controller recognizing a setpoint that is different from
the Pv.
Autotuning Page
You can set the autotuning parameters on the Autotuning page. This page consists of two groups:
Autotuner Parameters. Contains the parameters required by the Autotuner to calculate the controller parameters.
Autotuner Results. Displays the resulting controller parameters. You
have the option to accept the results as the current tuning parameters.
Autotuner Parameters Group
In this group, you can specify the controller type by selecting the PID radio button or the PI radio button for the Design Type. In the present autotuner implementation there are five parameters that you must specify, which are as
Ratio (Ti/Td) (Alpha)
3.0 ≤ α ≤ 6.0
Gain ratio (Beta)
0.10 ≤ β ≤ 1.0
Phase angle (Phi)
30° ≤ ϕ ≤ 65°
Relay hysteresis (h)
0.01% ≤ h ≤ 5.0%
Relay amplitude (d)
0.5% ≤ d ≤ 10.0%
In the present version of the software there are default values specified for the
PID tuning. Before starting the autotuner, you must ensure that the controller is
in the manual or automatic mode, and the process is relatively steady.
If you move the cursor over the tuning parameters field, the Status Bar displays the parameters range.
25 Ratio Controller
Autotuner Results Group
This group displays the results of the autotuner calculation and allows you to
accept the results as the current controller setting. The Start
Autotuner button activates the tuning calculation, and the Stop
Autotuning button abort the calculations.
After running the autotuner, you have the option to accept the results either
automatically or manually. Selecting the Automatically Accept check box
sets the resulting controller parameters as the current value instantly. If the
Automatically Accept check box is inactive, you can specify the calculated controller parameters to be the current setting by clicking the Accept button.
IMC Design Page
The IMC Design page allows you to use the internal model control (IMC) calculator to calculate the operation parameters based on a specified model of the
process one is attempting to control.
The IMC method is quite common in most of the process industries, and has a
very solid theoretical basis. In general, the performance obtained using this
design methodology is superior to most of the existing techniques for tuning
PIDs. As such, when there is a process model available (first order plus delay)
this approach should be used to determine the controller parameters. You must
specify a design time constant, which is usually chosen as three times that of
the measured process time constant.
The IMC Design page has the following two groups described in the table below:
Contains the parameters for the process model which are required by
the IMC calculator.
Process Gain
Process Time Constraint
Process Delay
Design To
Displays the operation parameters.
As soon as you enter the parameters in the Process Model group, the operation
parameters are calculated and displayed in the IMC PID Tuning group. You can
accept them as the current tuning parameters by clicking the Update Tuning button.
25 Ratio Controller
Scheduling Page
The Scheduling page gives you the ability to do parameter scheduling. This feature is quite useful for nonlinear processes where the process model changes
significantly over the region of operation.
The parameter scheduling is activated through the Parameter
Schedule check box. You can use three different sets of PID parameters if you
so desire for three different regions of operation. The following regions of operation can be specified from the Selected Range drop-down list.
Low Range
Middle Range
High Range
These regions of operations can be based either on the setpoint, or PV of the
controller. The ranges can also be specified, the default values are 0-33%,
33%-66%, and 66%-100% of the selected scheduling signal. You need to specify the middle range limit by defining the Upper and Lower Range Limits.
Note: The values of 0 and 100 cannot be specified for both the Lower and the Upper
Range Limits.
Alarms Page
The Alarms page allows you to set alarm limits on all exogenous inputs to and
outputs from the controller.
The Alarms page contains two groups:
Alarm Levels
Alarm Levels Group
The Alarm Level group allows you to set, and configure the alarm points for a
selected signal type. There are four alarm points that could be configured:
The alarm points should be specified in the descending order from HighHigh to
LowLow points. You cannot specify the value of the Low and LowLow alarm
points to be higher than the signal value. Similarly, the High and HighHigh
alarm points cannot be specified to a value lower than the signal value. Also, no
two alarm points can be specified to a similar value. In addition, you can specify a deadband for a given set of alarms. This can be helpful in situations
where the signal is “noisy” to avoid constant triggering of the alarm. If a
25 Ratio Controller
deadband is specified, you have to specify the alarm points so that their difference is greater than the deadband. At present the range for the allowable
deadband is as follows:
0.0% ≤ deadband ≤ 1.5% of the signal range.
Note: The above limits are set internally and are not available for adjustment by the user.
Alarms Group
The Alarms group displays the recently violated alarm for the following signals:
Process Variable
Signal Processing Page
The Signal Processing page allows you to add filters to any signal associated
with the operation, as well as test the robustness of any tuning on the controller.
This page consists of two groups:
Signal Filters
Noise Parameters
Both of these groups allow you to filter, and test the robustness of the following
tuning parameters:
To apply the filter select the check box corresponding to the signal you want to
filter. Once active you can specify the filter time. As you increase the filter time
you are filtering out frequency information from the signal. For example, the
signal is noisy, there is a smoothing effect noticed on the plot of the PV. Notice
that it is possible to add a filter that makes the controller unstable. In such
cases the controller needs to be returned. Adding a filter has the same effect as
changing the process the controller is trying to control.
Activating a Noise Parameter is done the same way as adding a filter. However,
instead of specifying a filter time you are specifying a variance. Notice that if a
high variance on the PV signal is chosen the controller may become unstable.
25 Ratio Controller
As you increase the noise level for a given signal you observes a somewhat random variation of the signal.
Initialization Page
The Initialization page allows you to set up a sophisticated controller by taking
into account the problem of saturation in cascade control, and the need for an
appropriate initial output value to ensure a smooth start-up. The Initialization
page consists of two features:
Back Initialization
Cascade Control Anti Windup
Back Initialization
A proper initial OP Value is supplied to the controller to ensure the integration
runs smoothly during start up. The Back Initialization button is used to initialize
the controller output based on the current position of the executor (for
example, a valve, a stream, or another controller). This prevents disturbances
in the system during the initial switch-over.
Cascade Control Anti Windup
A common problem associated with cascade control is saturation. Saturation
occurs when the primary controller continues to integrate and send out correction signals to the secondary controller even when the output of the secondary controller is already at its designed limit. As a result, when the primary
offset changes (decreases or increases), the primary controller cannot respond
accordingly until it overcomes the saturation. By the time this happens, the
primary offset is once again too large to be adjusted. This severely reduces the
controller performance and even creates an unstable system as the output is
always fluctuating.
The Cascade Control Anti Windup check box allows you to prevent saturation by having the primary controller automatically calculate the feasible output that can be executed by the secondary controller. Once the primary
controller detects that the output of the secondary controller has reached its
limit (upper or lower), the primary controller will not integrate any further from
getting into saturation. Thus, when the offset changes, both the primary and
secondary controllers can react immediately without having to wait for the saturation to clear.
Stripchart Tab
The Stripchart tab allows you to select and create default strip charts containing
various variable associated to the operation.
25 Ratio Controller
User Variables Tab
The User Variables tab enables you to create and implement your own user variables for the current operation.
25 Ratio Controller
26 PID Controller
The Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller operation is the primary means
of manipulating the model in Dynamic mode. It adjusts a stream (OP) flow to
maintain a specific flowsheet variable (PV) at a certain value (SP).
Note: The Controller can cross the boundaries between flowsheets, enabling you to sense
a process variable in one flowsheet and control a valve in another.
The PID Controller property view contains the following tabs:
User Variables
26 PID Controller
Connections Tab
The Connections tab allows you to select both the PV and OP. It is comprised of
six objects described in the table below:
Contains the name of the controller. It can be edited by selecting the
field and entering the new name.
Process Variable Source
Contains the Process Variable Object (stream or operation) that owns
the variable you want to control. It is specified via the Variable Navigator.
Process Variable
Contains the Process Variable you want to control.
Output Target
The stream or valve, which is controlled by the PID Controller operation
Select PV/OP
These two buttons open the Variable Navigator which selects the Process Variable and the Output Target Object respectively.
Remote Setpoint Source
If you are using set point from a remote source, select the remote Setpoint Source associated with the Master controller
Process Variable Source
Common examples of PVs include vessel pressure and liquid level, as well as
stream conditions such as flow rate or temperature.
Note: The Process Variable, or PV, is the variable that must be maintained, or controlled
at a desired value.
To attach the Process Variable Source, click the Select PV button. Then select
the appropriate object and variable simultaneously using the Variable Navigator.
Remote Setpoint Source
The Remote Setpoint Source drop-down list allows you to select the remote
sources from a list of existing operations.
Note: A Spreadsheet cell can also be a Remote Setpoint Source.
The “cascade” controller mode is replaced by the ability to switch the setpoint
from local to remote. The remote setpoint can come from another object such
as a spreadsheet, or another controller cascading down a setpoint - in other
words, a master in the classical cascade control scheme.
26 PID Controller
Output Target Object
The Controller compares the Process Variable to the Setpoint, and produces an
output signal which causes the manipulated variable to open or close appropriately.
Note: The Output of the Controller is the control valve which the Controller manipulates
in order to reach the set point. The output signal, or OP, is the desired percent opening of
the control valve, based on the operating range which you define in the Control Valve property view.
Selecting the Output Target Object is done in a similar manner to selecting the
Process Variable Source. You are also limited to objects supported by the controller and not currently attached to another controller.
The information regarding the control valve or control op port sizing is contained on a sub-view accessed by clicking the Control Valve or Control OP
Port button found at the bottom of the PID Controller property view.
Note: The Control Valve button (at the bottom right corner of the controller operation
property view) appears if the OP is a stream.
Note: The Control OP Port button (at the bottom right corner of the controller operation
property view) appears when the OP is not a stream and there a range of specified values
is required.
Parameters Tab
The Parameters tab contains the following pages:
IMC Design
PV Conditioning
Signal Processing
Model Testing
Configuration Page
The Configuration page allows you to set the process variable range, controller
action, operating mode, and depending on the mode, either the SP or OP, as
well as tune the controller.
26 PID Controller
SP and PV
The PV (Process Variable) is the measured variable, which the controller is trying to keep at the Setpoint.
The SP (Setpoint) is the value of the Process Variable, which the Controller is
trying to meet. Depending on the Mode of the Controller, the SP is either
entered by the user or displayed only.
For the Controller to become operational, you must:
1. Define the minimum and maximum values for the PV (the Controller cannot switch from Off mode unless PVmin and PVmax are defined).
2. Once you provide these values (as well as the Control Valve span), you
may select the Automatic mode, and give a value for the Setpoint.
Note: HYSYS uses the current value of the PV as the set point by default, but you
may change this value at any time.
Note: Without a PV span, the Controller cannot function.
HYSYS converts the PV range into a 0-100% range, which is then used in the
solution algorithm. The following equation is used to translate a PV value into a
percentage of the range:
The OP (or Output) is the percent opening of the control valve. The Controller
manipulates the valve opening for the output stream in order to reach the set
point. HYSYS calculates the necessary OP using the controller logic in all modes
with the exception of Manual. In Manual mode, you may input a value for the
output, and the setpoint becomes whatever the PV is at the particular valve
opening you specify.
The Controller operates in any of the following modes:
The controller does not manipulate the control valve, although the appropriate information is still tracked.
Manipulates the controller output manually.
The controller reacts to fluctuations in the Process Variable, and manipulates the output according to the logic defined by the tuning parameters.
26 PID Controller
The main controller reacts to the fluctuations in the Process Variable, and
sends signals to the slave controller (Remote Setpoint Source).
Allows you to simulate the controller without controlling the process.
The mode of the controller can also be set on the Face Plate.
You can select where the signal from the controller is sent using the drop-down
list in the Execution field. You have two selections:
Internal. Confines the signals generated to stay within HYSYS.
External. Sends the signals to a DCS, if a DCS is connected to HYSYS.
There are two options for the Action of the controller, which are described in
the table below:
When the PV rises above the SP, the OP increases. When the PV falls
below the SP, the OP decreases.
When the PV rises above the SP, the OP decreases. When the PV falls
below the SP, the OP increases.
That is, when the PV rises above the SP, the error becomes negative and the OP
decreases. For a Direct-response Controller, the OP increases when the PV
rises above the SP. This action is made possible by replacing Kp with -Kp in the
Controller equation. A typical example of a Reverse Acting controller is in the
temperature control of a Reboiler. In this case, as the temperature in the vessel rises past the SP, the OP decreases, in effect closing the valve and hence
the flow of heat. Some typical examples of Direct-Acting and Reverse-Acting
control situations are given below.
Direct - Acting Controller Example 1: Flow Control in a Tee
Suppose you have a three-way tee in which a feed stream is being split
into two exit streams. You want to control the flow of exit stream
Product 1 by manipulating the flow of stream Product 2:
Process Variable and Setpoint
26 PID Controller
Product 1 Flow
Product 2 Flow
When Product
1 Flow rises
above the SP
The OP increases, in effect increasing
the flow of Product 2 and decreasing
the flow of Product 1.
When Product
1 Flow falls
below the SP
The OP decreases, in effect decreasing
the flow of Product 2 and increasing
the flow of Product 1.
Direct - Acting Controller Example 2: Pressure Control in a Vessel
Suppose you were controlling the pressure of a vessel V-100 by adjusting
the flow of the outlet vapor, SepVapour:
Process Variable
and Setpoint
V-100 Vessel Pressure
SepVapour Flow
When V-100 Pressure rises above
the SP
The OP increases, in effect increasing the flow of SepVapour and
decreasing the Pressure of V-100.
When V-100 Pressure falls below
the SP
The OP decreases, in effect decreasing the flow of SepVapour and
increasing the Pressure of V-100.
Reverse - Acting Controller Example 1: Temperature Control in
a Reboiler
Reverse-Acting control may be used when controlling the temperature of
reboiler R-100 by adjusting the flow of the duty stream, RebDuty:
Process Variable
and Setpoint
R-100 Temperature
RebDuty Flow
When R-100
rises above the
The OP decreases, in effect decreasing
the flow of RebDuty and decreasing
the Temperature of R-100.
When R-100
falls below the
The OP increases, in effect increasing
the flow of RebDuty and increasing
the Temperature of R-100.
Reverse - Acting Controller Example 2: Pressure Control in a
26 PID Controller
Another example where Reverse-Acting control may be used is when controlling the stage pressure of a reboiler R-100 by adjusting the flow of the
duty stream, RebDuty:
Process Variable
and Setpoint
R-100 Stage Pressure
RebDuty Flow
When R-100
Stage Pressure
rises above the
The OP decreases, in effect decreasing
the flow of RebDuty and decreasing
the Stage Pressure of R-100.
When R-100 Stage
Pressure falls below
the SP
The OP increases, in effect increasing
the flow of RebDuty and increasing
the Stage Pressure of R-100.
SP Mode: Local or Remote
You have the ability to switch the setpoint from local to remote. Essentially,
there are two internal setpoints in the controller, the first is the local setpoint
where you can manually specify the setpoint via the property view (interface),
and the other is the remote setpoint which comes from another object such as a
spreadsheet or another controller cascading down a setpoint. In other words, a
master in the classical cascade control scheme.
Tuning Parameters and Algorithm Selection Groups
From the Algorithm Type selector, you can choose PID algorithms of four possible types or vendors:
Each of them offers a set of options or Algorithm Subtypes.
OP Override
The INIT box usually indicates that the OP value displayed on the controller has
been back-calculated either from another controller. The OP value is determined based on the Kc term and the PV range specified on the controller. See An
example of an override controller in Aspen HYSYS Dynamics.
A controller can show INIT under the following circumstances.
Note: For certain DCS vendors, the INIT message appears as IMAN, or Initialization
Manual mode.
26 PID Controller
The controller is the master controller in a master-slave configuration
and the slave controller is not in cascade mode. The OP for the master
controller is back calculated, allowing for bumpless transfer when switching controller modes. The INIT message serves to notify the user that
the OP is being calculated elsewhere.
If a Selector Block or Transfer Function block is placed between the master and slave PIDs, the master controller enters INIT mode if the slave
block is in Local (Non-Cascade) Mode.
The controller is one of two (or more) controllers feeding their respective OPs into a selector block. The controller whose OP has not been selected will display an Unselected message to indicate that its OP has been
calculated by the selector. Again, this is to facilitate a bumpless transfer
when the selected controller changes.
External/Dynamic Reset Feedback
When the Selector Block has multiple input signals from PID blocks and you
selected the Minimum, Maximum, or Median radio buttons in the Mode section, the Output (OP) of unselected PIDs is tracked closely to the selected output, or OP.
If the PID Controller is using the HYSYS PID Velocity Algorithm (selected on the
Parameters tab | Configuration page of the PID Controller when you select
Hysys from the Algorithm Type drop-down list and PID Velocity Form
from the Algorithm Subtype drop-down list), HYSYS uses time-dependent
reset feedback. The following equation is used:
n = current time step
n-1 = previous time step
h = control interval (time step)
Ti = reset time, chosen to be the same as Integral time
OPvel = OP calculated using the HYSYS Velocity algorithm (refer to the HYSYS
PID Velocity Form equation for further information.
For other algorithms, the steady state version of the above equation is used:
Advanced Page
The Advanced page contains the following four groups:
Set Point Ramping
Allows you to specify the ramp target and duration.
26 PID Controller
Set Point /
OP Options
Contains the options for setpoint tracking.
Limit Setting
Allows you to set the upper and lower limits for set point and output targets.
Set Point Ramping Group
The setpoint ramping function has been modified in the present PID controllers.
Now it is continuous (in other words, when enabled by clicking the
Enable button), the setpoint changes over the specified period of time in a linear manner.
Note: Setpoint ramping is only available in Auto mode.
The Set Point Ramping group contains the following two fields:
Target SP. Contains the Setpoint you want the Controller to have at the
end of the ramping interval. When the ramping is disabled, the Target SP
field displays the same value as the SP field on the Configuration page.
Ramp Duration. Contains the time interval you want to complete setpoint change in.
There are also two buttons available in this group:
Enable. Activates the ramping process
Disable. Stops the ramping process.
While the controller is in ramping mode, you can change the setpoint as follows:
Enter a new setpoint in the Target SP field on this page.
Enter a new setpoint in the SP field on the Configuration page.
During the setpoint ramping, the Target SP field shows the final value of the
setpoint, whereas the SP field on the Configuration page shows the current
setpoint seen internally by the control algorithm.
26 PID Controller
Note: During ramping, if a second setpoint change has been activated, then Ramping
Duration time would be restarted for the new setpoint.
An example, if you click the Enable button and enter values for the two parameters in the Set Point Ramping group, the Controller switches to Ramping
mode and adjust the Setpoint linearly (to the Target SP) during the Ramp Duration. See Figure 5.72.
For example, suppose your current SP is 100, and you want to change it to 150.
Rather than creating a sudden, large disruption by manually changing the SP
while in Automatic mode, click the Enable button and enter an SP of 150 in the
Target SP input cell. Make the SP change occur over, say, 10 minutes by entering this time in the Ramp Duration cell. HYSYS adjusts the SP from 100 to 150
linearly over the 10 minute interval.
Set Point / OP Options Group
In the past, the PID controllers implemented an automatic setpoint tracking in
manual mode. In other words, the value of the setpoint was set equal to the
value of the PV when the controller was placed in manual mode. This meant
that upon switching, the values of the setpoint and PV were equal, and therefore there was an automatic bumpless transfer.
In the present controller setup, the SP Man option allows PV tracking, by selecting the No Tracking radio button, when the controller is in manual mode.
However, when the controller is switched into the automatic mode from
manual, there is an internal resetting of the controller errors to ensure that
there is an instantaneous bumpless transfer prior to the controller recognizing a
setpoint that is different from the PV.
If the Track PV radio button is selected, an automatic setpoint tracking occurs.
If the SP INIT option is not grayed out, it is because this PID controller is the
Master controller in a Master-Slave or Cascade configuration. The SP INIT feature comes into play when the Slave controller is switched out of the Cascade
mode. Then, its SP is no longer equal to the OP of the Master controller, so the
Master and Slave are disconnected and the external control loop is open. Under
these conditions the Master SP has the option of tracking or not tracking its own
PV. Keeping the originally specified SP is important in some applications.
Note: By default, the No Tracking radio button is selected for both SP Man and
The Remote SP option allows you to select either the Use % radio button (for
restricting the setpoint changes to be in percentage) or Use PV units radio button (for setpoint changes to be in PV units).
Use %: If this radio button is selected, then the controller reads in a
value in percentage from a remote source and uses the PV range to calculate the new setpoint.
Use PV units: If this radio button is selected, then the controller reads
26 PID Controller
in a value from a remote source, and is used as the new setpoint. The
remote sources setpoint must have the same units as the controller PV.
An example, it is desired to control the flowrate in a stream with a valve. A PID
controller is used to adjust the valve opening to achieve the desired flowrate
that is set to range between 0.2820 m3/h and 1.75 m3/h. A spreadsheet is used
as a remote source for the controller setpoint. A setpoint change to 1 m3/h from
the current Pv value of 0.5 m3/h is made. The spreadsheet internally converts
the new setpoint as m3/s (in other words, 1/3600 = 0.00028 m3/s) and pass it
to the controller, which converts it back into m3/h (in other words, 1 m3/h). The
controller uses this value as the new setpoint. If the units are not specified,
then the spreadsheet passes it as 1 m3/s, which is the base unit in HYSYS, and
the controller converts it into 3600 m3/h and pass it on to the SP field as the
new setpoint. Since the PV maximum value cannot exceed 1.75 m3/h, the controller uses the maximum value (1.75 m3/h) as the new setpoint.
If the PID is Master Controller in a Cascade Loop, the INIT Mode OP option
becomes available. Select one of the following radio buttons:
Track SP: This is the default selection. In most cases, we recommend
that you retain this selection. If the Slave PID is in Local (or Non-Cascade), based on this selection, the Master Controller's OP (Output) will
track the SP of the slave PID.
Track PV: If the Slave PID is in Local (or Non-Cascade), based on this
selection, the Master Controller's OP (Output) will track the PV of the
slave PID.
Limit Setting Group
This group enables you to specify the output and setpoint limits. The output limits ensure that a predetermined minimum or maximum output value is never
exceeded. In the case of the setpoint, the limits enforce an acceptable the
range of values that could be entered via the interface or from a remote
When the Enable OP Limits in Manual Mode check box is selected, you can
enable the set point and output limits when in manual mode.
Autotuner Page
To make plantwide control less tedious, recent contributions have made it possible to do automated tuning for controllers where no general heuristics apply.
These ideas are based on a widely used experimental technique that can back
calculate the transfer function of the controlled system as long as it is
expressed in a two-parameter form. The basic principle was the use of a P-only
controller to take the closed loop system to the limit of stability by increasing
the controller gain until what is known as the ultimate gain. The period of the
self-sustained oscillations of the system at these conditions is called the ultimate period and, once the connection between these two values to the system
26 PID Controller
parameters was made, suitable tuning parameters for a PID controller were
proposed. Since taking a process to the limit of stability is not always recommended, an open loop step test was also given as alternative by the same
authors, Ziegler and Nichols [1].
With time, Åström and Hägglund [2] realized that these two values –amplitude
and frequency of the self-sustained oscillations- could be predicted from an
independent theory based on a linearization technique developed for the analysis of non-linear systems: the describing function method. From this theory,
the following expression of the ultimate gain was available when using an ONOFF or relay controller.
Where h is the maximum percentile output amplitude allowed to the relay controller with respect to the OP span of the regular controller it substitutes, and a
is the amplitude –also expressed in percentile units of the controller PV span- of
the main or first harmonic of the periodic signal generated by the overall closed
loop system. During the test, the PID controller is actually internally replaced
by a built-in relay controller.
This alternative identification technique, known also as ATV (or automatic tuning variation), can be applied with little risk in practice because (a) the amplitude a of the self-sustained oscillations does not represent a danger to the
plant since it is usually smaller than h, which in most cases equals 5% of the OP
span, (b) the test is done in closed-loop, and most transfer functions in open
loop are not necessarily the same after the loop is closed. In other words, the
main drawbacks of the original testing techniques from the mid 40’s were overcome.
The last step in these developments was to adapt the relationships between the
ultimate gain and ultimate period to actual controller parameters for the case
of chemical processes, since Ziegler and Nichols relationships were optimized
for the case of servomechanisms. This is what Tyréus and Luyben did in the mid
90’s [3].
The page contains two groups:
Autotuner Parameters. Contains the parameters required by the Autotuner to calculate the controller parameters.
Autotuner Results. Displays the resulting Ku and ultimate period Pu.
You have the option to load the tuning parameters computed from these
Autotuner Parameters Group
In this group, you can specify the controller type by selecting the PID or PI
radio button for the Design Type. In the present autotuner implementation the
following parameters must be specified:
26 PID Controller
Relay hysteresis (h)
0.1 to 1.0 %
Relay amplitude (d)
2 TO 15%
Note: Before starting the ATV test, you must ensure that the process is stable. It is recommended the controller be automatic mode. If you move the cursor over the tuning parameters field, the Status Bar displays the parameters range.
Autotuner Results Group
This group displays the ultimate gain and ultimate period of the autotuner calculation and lets you accept these results as the basis for the internal controller
autotuning computations. The Start Autotuner button activates the tuning calculation, and the Stop Autotuning button aborts the calculations. The PID tuning parameters are computed from the ultimate gain and ultimate period as
follows, as per Tyréus-Luyben.
For a PI controller, we have:
The formulas for the PID above correspond to a non-interactive implementation. Conversion of the PID tuning parameters between non- interactive
and interactive algorithms is made internally as follows:
[1] “Optimum settings for automatic controllers”. J. G. Ziegler and N. B. Nichols. Transactions ASME, 64, pp. 759-768. 1942
26 PID Controller
[2] “Automatic tuning of simple regulators with specifications on phase and
amplitude margins”. K. J. Åström and T. Hägglund. Automatica, 20 (5), pp. 645651. 1984
[3] “Tuning PI controllers for integrator/deadtime processes”. B. D. Tyréus and
W. L. Luyben. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 31, pp. 26252628. 1992
IMC Design Page
The IMC Design page allows you to use the internal model control (IMC) calculator to calculate the PID parameters based on a specified model of the process one is attempting to control.
The IMC method is quite common in most of the process industries and has a
very solid theoretical basis. In general, the performance obtained using this
design methodology is superior to most of the existing techniques for tuning
PIDs. As such, when there is a process model available (first order plus delay)
this approach should be used to determine the controller parameters.
You must specify a design time constant, which is usually chosen as three times
that of the measured process time constant. The IMC Design page has the following two groups:
IMC Design Parameters
Contains the parameters for the process model which are required
by the IMC calculator.
IMC PID Tuning
Process Gain
Process Time Constraint
Process Delay
Design To
Displays the PID controller parameters.
As soon as you enter the parameters in the IMC Design Parameters group, the
controller parameters are calculated and displayed in the IMC PID Tuning
group. You can accept them as the current tuning parameters by clicking the
Update Tuning button.
Scheduling Page
The Scheduling page gives you the ability to do parameter scheduling.
The parameter scheduling is quite useful for nonlinear processes where the process model changes significantly over the region of operation. The parameter
scheduling is activated through the Parameter Schedule check box. You can
use three different sets of PID parameters, if you so desire for three different
26 PID Controller
regions of operation. The following regions of operation can be specified from
the Selected Range drop-down list.
Low Range
Middle Range
High Range
These regions of operations can be based either on the setpoint or PV of the controller. The ranges can also be specified, the default values are 0-33%, 33%66%, and 66%-100% of the selected scheduling signal.
You need to specify the middle range limit by defining the Upper and Lower
Range Limits.
Note: The values of 0 and 100 cannot be specified for both the Lower and the Upper
Range Limits.
Alarms Page
The Alarms page allows you to set alarm limits on all exogenous inputs to and
outputs from the controller.
The page contains two groups and one button:
Alarm Levels
Reset Alarm button
Alarm Levels Group
The Alarm Level group allows you to set, and configure the alarm points for a
selected signal type. There are four alarm points that can be configured:
The alarm points should be specified in the descending order from HighHigh to
LowLow points. You cannot specify the value of the Low and LowLow alarm
points to be higher than the signal value. Similarly, the High and HighHigh
alarm points cannot be specified a value lower than the signal value. Also, no
two alarm points can have a similar value. In addition, you can specify a deadband for a given set of alarms. This can be helpful in situations where the signal
is “noisy” to avoid constant triggering of the alarm. If a deadband is specified,
you have to specify the alarm points so that their difference is greater than the
deadband. At present the range for the allowable deadband is as follows:
0.0% ≤ deadband ≤ 1.5% of the signal range.
Note: The above limits are set internally and are not available for adjustment by the user.
26 PID Controller
Alarms Group
The Alarms group display the recently violated alarm for the following signals:
Process Variable
Disturbance Variable
Remote Setpoint
Reset Alarm Button
When the deadband has been set, it is possible that an alarm status is triggered
and the alarm does not disappear until the band has been exceeded. The Reset
Alarm button allows the alarm to be reset when within the deadband.
An example, it is desired to control the flowrate through a valve within the operating limits. Multiple alarms can be set to alert you about increases or
decreases in the flowrate. For the purpose of this example, you are specifying
low and high alarm limits for the process variable signal. Assuming that the normal flowrate passing through the valve is set at 1.2 m3/h, the low alarm should
get activated when the flowrate falls below 0.7 m3/h. Similarly, when the
flowrate increases to 1.5 m3/h the high alarm should get triggered.
To set the low alarm, first make sure that the Pv Signal is selected in the
Signal drop-down list. Specify a value of 0.7 m3/h in the cell beside the Low
alarm level. Follow the same procedure to specify a High alarm limit at 1.5
m3/h. If you want to re-enter the alarms, click the Reset Alarm button to erase
all the previously specified alarms.
PV Conditioning Page
The PV Conditioning page allows you to simulate the failure of the controller
input signal.
This page consists of three groups:
PV Sampling Failure
Sample and Hold PV
Stream Temperature Filter
PV Sampling Failure Group
The PV Sampling Failure group consists of three radio buttons: None, Fixed Signal, and Bias. The options presented to you changes with respect to the radio
button chosen.
26 PID Controller
When the None radio button is selected, the property view is as seen in
the figure above, with only the Actual PV and Failed PV values displayed.
When Fixed Signal radio button is selected, the PV Sampling Failure
group appears as follows.
The Failed Input Signal To parameter allows you to fix the failed input
signal using either the PV units or a Percentage of the PV range.
When the Bias radio button is selected, the PV Sampling Failure
group appears as follows.
The PV Sampling Failure group allows you to drift the input signal. The
parameters allow you to bias the signal and create a drift over a period of
time. To start the drift simply click the Start Drift button.
Sample and Hold PV Group
The Sample And Hold PV group allows you to take a PV sample and hold this
value for a specified amount of time.
Stream Temperature Filter Group
The Stream Temperature Filter group allows you to calculate the temperature
of a low flow rate stream by applying a first order transient filter with a userspecified ambient time constant.
By default, the Apply Filter check box is cleared. You can apply the temperature filter by selecting the Apply Filter check box. To set the conditions
for the filter, you will need to specify the following:
26 PID Controller
First Order Time Constant. First order exponential time constant
applied to the filter when the flow rate is within the acceptable range (in
other words, above the Cut Off Flow value). By default, the First Order
Time Constant is 15 seconds. If the field is empty, or you enter a value
of zero, then no filtering is applied.
Ambient Time Constant. Time constant applied to the filter when the
flow rate of a stream drops below the Cut Off Flow value. It determines
how long it takes for the actual temperature of the stream to reach the
ambient temperature. By default, the ambient time constant is 3600
seconds. If the field is empty, or you enter a value of zero, the temperature value is calculated from the flash and no filtering is applied.
Cut Off Flow. Switch-over point at which the temperature filter applies
the ambient time constant in calculating the temperature of the stream.
The Cut Off Flow value is expressed in molar flow, and the default value
is 1e-5 kmol/s.
If the stream flow rate is above the Cut Off Flow value, the controller automatically switches back to the normal flash calculations which only apply the
First Order Time Constant. The Ambient Time Constant is applied when the flow
rate drops below the Cut Off Flow value with the temperature ramping to ambient over some slow periods.
Signal Processing Page
The Signal Processing page allows you to add filters to any signal associated
with the PID controller, as well as test the robustness of any tuning on the controller.
This page is made up of two groups: Signal Filters and Noise Parameters. Both
of these groups allows you to filter and test the robustness of the following tuning parameters:
To apply the filter, select the check box corresponding to the signal you want to
filter. Once active you can specify the filter time. As you increase the filter time
you are filtering out frequency information from the signal. It is possible to add
a filter that makes the controller unstable. In such cases the controller needs to
be returned. Adding a filter has the same effect as changing the process the controller is trying to control.
For example, if the signal is noisy, there is a smoothing effect noticed on the
plot of the PV when the filter is applied.
Activating a Noise Parameter is done the same way as adding a filter. However,
instead of specifying a filter time you are specifying a variance. Notice that if a
high variance on the PV signal is chosen the controller may become unstable.
As you increase the noise level for a given signal you observe a somewhat random variation of the signal.
26 PID Controller
FeedForward Page
The FeedForward page enables you to design a controller that takes into
account measured disturbances.
Note: To enable feedforward control you must select the Enable FeedForward check box.
The Disturbance Variable Source group allows you to select a disturbance
variable, and minimum and maximum variables. The disturbance variable is
specified by clicking the Select Dv button. This opens the Variable Navigator.
The FeedForward Parameters group allows you to set the Operating Mode
for both the PID controller and the FeedForward controller and tune the controller.
All FeedForward controllers require a process model in order for the controllers
to work properly. Presently HYSYS uses a model that results in a lead-lag process.
The transfer function equation model for the FeedForward controller is as follows:
τp1 = Lead time constant
τp2 = Lag time constant
U= FeedForward model input or PID Controller disturbance variable value
(scaled between 0 and 100).
Y = Corresponds to FeedForward output (FFWD OP) (scaled between -50 and
Controller Output = FFWD OP + PID OP
Model Testing Page
The Model Testing page allows you to set the following parameters for generating data from the plant model.
26 PID Controller
Signal Type offers two options.
PRBS is simple to use for model identification.
STEP is more recognized in practical process applications.
Signal Variation Amplitude determines how much the output variables are changed to identify the model. The default value is 5%.
Time Interval determines how often data points are recorded during
the testing phase.
Testing Time Length determines the total time period to apply the testing. The value should be larger than the time constant of the system.
Select the Enable Test check box in the Monitor table to perform the model
testing when the integrator starts.
Click Reset Test to reset the model testing back to the beginning.
After the testing is complete, click Save Test Result to save the testing results. The results will be saved as three files:
*_sp.vec for SP
*_pv.vec for PV
*_op.vec for OP
Initialization Page
The Initialization page of the PID controller contains the same information as
the one for the ratio controller.
Monitor Tab
A quick monitoring of the response of the Process Variables, Setpoint, and Output can be seen on the Monitor tab. This tab allows you to monitor the behavior
of process variables in a graphical format while calculations are proceeding.
The Monitor tab displays the PV, SP, and Op values in their relevant units
versus time. You can customize the default plot settings using the object inspection menu, which is available only when you right-click on any spot on the plot
The object inspection menu contains the following options:
Graph Control
Opens the Graph Control Property View to modify many of the plot characteristics.
Turn Off/On
Cross Hair
Turns the cross hair either on or on.
Turn Off/On
Cross Hair
Turns the vertical cross hair either on or on.
Turn Off/On
Cross Hair
Turns the horizontal cross hair either on or on.
26 PID Controller
Displays the current values for each of the variables, if turned on.
Copy to Clipboard
Copies the current plot to the clipboard with the chosen scale size.
Print Plot
Prints the plot as it appears on the screen.
Print Setup
Allows you to access the typical Windows Print Setup. The Windows
Print Setup allows you to select the printer, the paper orientation, the
paper size, and paper source.
A quick way to customize your plot is to use the Monitor Properties property
view, which can be access by clicking the Properties button.
There are three group available on the Monitor Properties property view, which
are described as follows:
Data Capacity. Allows you specify the type and amount of data to be
displayed. You can also select the data sampling rate.
Left Axis. Gives you an option to display either the PV and SP or the
Error data on the left axis of the plot. You can also customize the scale or
let HYSYS auto scale it according to the current values.
Right Axis. Gives you an option to either customize the right axis scale
or let HYSYS auto scale it according to the current OP value.
Stripchart Tab
The Stripchart tab allows you to select and create default strip charts containing
various variable associated to the operation.
User Variables Tab
The User Variables tab enables you to create and implement your own user variables for the current operation.
Algorithm References
HYSYS PID Controller Algorithms
The HYSYS PID algorithm implements a two degrees of freedom PID Controller
via setpoint weighting. The equations are as follows.
26 PID Controller
PID Velocity Form
u(t) = controller output and t is the enumerated sampling instance in
u(t - k) = value of the controller output k sampling periods before
e(t - k) = sp(t - k) - pv(t - k) = value of the error signal k sampling periods before
ep(t - k) = b × sp(t - k) - pv(t - k)
eD(t - k) = c × sp(t - k) - pv(t - k)
pv(t - k) = value of the process variable k sampling periods before
Kc, Ti, Td = controller parameters
h = sampling period
sp = setpoint
0 ≤ b, c ≤ 1
b = setpoint weight for proportional action
c = setpoint weight for derivative action
The actual control output is non-linear since saturation must be applied.
PID Positional Form (ARW)
Here, the control output is:
Where uss is the steady-state controller output (at zero error) and ui(t) is the
controller, the integral term is given by:
The Anti-reset windup (ARW) will adjust the term ui(t) for use in the next control execution (t + 1) if the calculated control output u(t) has exceeded the OP
limits. In case Feedforward is also enabled, the total control output, u{total}(t)
= u(t) + u{ff}(t) will be considered and checked against the OP limits. Two ARW
methods are implemented in the HYSYS algorithm, as follows:
ARW-Clamp: When u{total}(t) exceeds the OP limits, the integral con-
tribution ui(t) is reset instantaneously by clamping it as ui(t)
ui(t) – he
(t) so as to prevent the control output from further exceeding the limits.
Note: Clamping of u i will only affect the control output calculated in the next control execution. The current control execution still uses the unclamped u i as seen in
Eq. (3).
ARW-BkCalc: This is the back-calculation[1] method, in which the
26 PID Controller
integral contribution is reset dynamically by adjusting it as:
Where usat is the saturated control output that finally goes to the control
element, and Tt is the back-calculation time constant. Again, the adjustment will only affect the control output calculated in the next control execution, not the current one.
PID Positional Form (NoARW)
The same algorithm is used as above, with the difference that no antireset windup action is implemented.
PID Manual Loading
In the manual loading station algorithm, the output u(t) is equal to the input y
Åström, K. and T. Hägglund. PID Controllers: Theory, Design, and Tuning (2nd
ed.) Instrument Society of America, 1995.
Foxboro PID Controller Algorithms
The PID algorithms supported by the Foxboro I/A Series System are
1. Interacting PID
In the continuous time domain:
Controller output
Controller setpoint
26 PID Controller
process variable
u f (t)
Butterworth filtered process variable
u i(t)
integral action
setpoint lead/lag ratio
Butterworth filter time constant
Derivative gain
additional scaling parameter
proportional band
integral time
derivative time
The Interacting PID can be reduced to a PI algorithm if D = 0 or to a P-only
algorithm if parameter I is let undefined (<empty>) in the corresponding tuning group of the property view. In the latter, case the integral part becomes:
A PD implementation is obtained in case D ≠ 0 for undefined I, since parameter
τ defaults to:
2. Non-Interacting PID
The changes with respect to the previous expressions are in:
3. Pure Integral
In this case:
Discrete Time Domain Implementation of
the Foxboro Algorithms
26 PID Controller
Interacting PID
The composed variable
time equations is implemented numerically as:
used in the continuous
Where t is just an index that refers to the current sampling instant. For a backward-difference approximation:
On the other hand, the numerical version of the integral part is:
Once ug and ui are known, the corresponding discrete time domain expression
of the output is:
Non-Interacting PID
The numerical implementation of uf is done through:
and u(t) is computed as before. The P-only, PI, or PD Non-Interacting equations
reduce to the same expressions as in the corresponding Interacting cases. This
should be expected, since the interacting principle refers to the fact that derivative and integral actions interact or not, which is meaningful only when both
actions are in operation
Pure Integral
In this case:
26 PID Controller
Antireset windup for all of the Foxboro algorithms is implemented by tracking
of the controller output, as explained in the Honeywell algorithm section which,
if applied to any of the above equations, yields:
and u*(t) can be uf (t), ug (t), or pv(t), depending on the algorithm subtype.
Honeywell PID Controller Algorithms
The PID algorithms supported by the Honeywell TDC3000 distributed control
system are presented in Laplace notation:
1. Interacting Form, Equation A
2. Interacting Form, Equation B
3. Interacting Form, Equation C
4. Non-Interacting Form, Equation A
5. Non-Interacting Form, Equation B
6. Non-Interacting Form, Equation C
7. Pure Integral
26 PID Controller
OP(s) = controller output, s the Laplace variable
E(s) = deviation signal or E(s) = SP(s) - PV(s)
SP(s) = controller set point
PV(s) = process variable
K = controller gain
T1 = integral time constant
T2 = derivative time constant
α = high frequency gain or rate amplitude, ranging from 0.05 to 0.5
Discrete Time Domain Implementation of
the Honeywell Algorithms
u(t) controller output, t the enumerated sampling
instance in time
u i(t) controller integral term
u d(t) depending on the form, output to lead-lag filter or to
e(t) deviation signal
sp(t) controller set point
pv(t) process variable
controller gain
integral time constant
derivative time constant
high frequency gain or rate amplitude, ranging from
0.05 to 0.5
The numerical, linear implementations of the Interacting Form equations are:
and ud(t) is the output of a lead/lag filter, written as follows in state-space
form using the state variable xd(t):
26 PID Controller
The variable xd(t+1) represents the state xd value to be used at the next iteration. The input i0 depends also of the equation selected:
and constants a and b correspond to what is called the ramp-invariant approximation, a stable, high fidelity discretization option commonly used for the
derivative part of a continuous algorithm:
Finally, the integral term ui in the first of this series of equations is expressed
Just slight variations to the above are needed to express the Non-Interacting
Form equations. Variable i2(t) is now:
And variables a and b now correspond not to a lead-lag but to a filtered derivative action, so b is substituted by:
Finally, in the case of the Pure Integral control equation, we simply have:
Antireset windup for the above algorithms is based not on conditional integration (as is the case of the HYSYS Positional Form ARW) but on the tracking of
the actuator output –or, actually, the output of a saturator model of the actuator– which means that the integral action u1(t) has a non-linear implementation like this:
26 PID Controller
Tracking of the actuator output is much better than conditional integration to
avoid windup. It may still fail by resetting the integrator accidentally if the
derivative or proportional actions –rather than the integral action– tend to saturate the actuator.
Yokogawa PID Controller Algorithms
The Yokogawa Centum CS3000 control system PID algorithms are of three
All of the Yokogawa algorithms are in the velocity or incremental form. The PID
subtype assumes all three actions working on the error signal whereas, in the
PI-D subtype, the derivative action works on the process variable and the Pand I-actions on the error. The I-PD algorithm, in turn, has P- and D- actions
working both on the process variable and the integral part on the error.
The numerical implementation of the algorithm is as follows. For the proportional action:
For the integral action:
and, finally, for the derivative action:
26 PID Controller
This derivative action comes with a low-pass filter of time constant TD / N,
where N can vary from 2 and 20. The final control output is then computed
The relevant parameters and variables in these equations are:
controller output
Δu p(t), Δu i(t), Δu d(t)
increments to the proportional, integral, and derivative actions
controller setpoint
process variable
e(t) = sp(t) - pv(t)
error signal or control deviation
integral action
reset or integral time
derivative time
maximum derivative gain, ranging
from 2 to 20
Tip: The velocity algorithms, which include all the Yokogawa types just discussed and the
HYSYS Velocity subtype, offer the most effective antireset windup by simple saturation of
the output. As a drawback, P-only and PD actions are not easily implemented by these
algorithms and an internal switching to a positional form will take place when required.
26 PID Controller
27 MPC Controller
The “Model Predictive Control” (MPC) controller addresses the problem of controlling processes that are inherently multi-variable and interacting in nature,
in other words, one or more inputs affects more than one output.
Note: The current version of the MPC implementation does not handle the problem of processes with constraints.
The MPC property view contains the following tabs:
MPC Setup
Process Models
User Variables
27 MPC Controller
Connections Tab
The Connections tab Operation page is comprised of six objects that allow you
to select the Process Variable Source, Output Target Object, and Remote SP.
Contains the name of the controller. It can be edited by selecting the
field and entering the new name.
Process Variable Source
Contains the Process Variable Object (stream or operation) that owns
the variable you want to control. It is specified via the Variable Navigator.
Process Variable
Contains the Process Variable you want to control.
Output Target Object
The stream or valve which is controlled by the MPC Controller operation
Remote Setpoint Source
If you are using set point from a remote source, select the remote Setpoint Source associated with the Master controller
These three buttons open the Variable Navigator, which selects the Process Variable, the Output Target Object, and the Remote Setpoint
Source respectively.
These three fields allow you to select a specific Process Variable, Output
Target Object, and Remote Setpoint Source respectively.
Process Variable Source
Common examples of PVs include vessel pressure and liquid level, as well as
stream conditions such as flow rate or temperature.
Note: The Process Variable, or PV, is the variable that must be maintained or controlled at
a desired value.
To attach the Process Variable Source, click the Select PV button. Then select
the appropriate object and variable simultaneously, using the Variable Navigator. The Variable Navigator allows you to simultaneously select the Object
and Variable.
Remote Setpoint
The “cascade” mode of the controller no longer exits. Instead what is available
now is the ability to switch the setpoint from local to remote. The remote setpoint can come from another object such as a spread-sheet or another controller cascading down a setpoint. In other words, a master in the classical
cascade control scheme.
Note: A Spreadsheet cell can also be a Remote Setpoint Source.
27 MPC Controller
The Select Sp button allows you to select the remote source using the Variable
Output Target Object
The Controller compares the Process Variable to the Setpoint, and produces an
output signal which causes the manipulated variable to open or close appropriately.
Note: The Output of the Controller is the control valve which the Controller manipulates
in order to reach the set point. The output signal, or OP, is the desired percent opening of
the control valve, based on the operating range which you define in the Control Valve property view.
Selecting the Output Target Object is done in a similar manner to selecting the
Process Variable Source. You are also limited to objects supported by the controller and not currently attached to another controller.
The information regarding the control valve or control op port sizing is contained on a sub-view accessed by clicking the Control Valve or Control OP
Port button found at the bottom of the MPC Controller property view.
Note: The Control Valve button (at the bottom right corner of the logical operation property view) appears if the OP is a stream.
Note: The Control OP Port button (at the bottom right corner of the logical operation property view) appears when the OP is not a stream and there a range of specified values is
Parameters Tab
The Parameters tab contains the following pages:
Operation Page
The Operation page allows you to set the execution type, controller mode and
depending on the mode, either SP or OP.
Mode Group
The Controller operates in any of the following modes:
27 MPC Controller
Off. The Controller does not manipulate the control valve, although the
appropriate information is still tracked.
Manual. Manipulates the Controller output manually.
Automatic. The Controller reacts to fluctuations in the Process Variable
and manipulates the Output according to the logic defined by the tuning
You can select where the signal from the controller is sent using the drop-down
list in the Execution field. You have two selections:
Internal. Confines the signals generated to stay within HYSYS.
External. Sends the signals to a DCS, if a DCS is connected to HYSYS.
SPs and PVs Group
Displays the Setpoint (SP) and Process Variable (PV) for each of the controller
inputs. Depending on the Mode of the controller the SP can either be input by
you or is determined by HYSYS.
Outputs Group
The Output (OP) is the percent opening of the control valve. The Controller
manipulates the valve opening for the Output Stream in order to reach the set
point. HYSYS calculates the necessary OP using the controller logic in all modes
with the exception of Manual. In Manual mode, you may enter a value for the
Output, and the Setpoint becomes whatever the PV is at the particular valve
opening you specify. This can be done for all of the inputs to the controller.
Configuration Page
The Configuration page allows to specify the process variable, setpoint, and output ranges.
PV: Min and Max
For the Controller to become operational, you must:
1. Define the minimum and maximum values for the PV (the Controller cannot switch from Off mode unless PVmin and PVmax are defined).
2. Once you provide these values (as well as the Control Valve span), you
can select the Automatic mode and give a value for the Setpoint.
Note: HYSYS uses the current value of the PV as the set point by default, but you
can change this value at any time.
Note: Without a PV span, the Controller cannot function.
HYSYS converts the PV range into a 0-100% range, which is then used in the
solution algorithm. The following equation is used to translate a PV value into a
percentage of the range:
27 MPC Controller
SP Low and High Limits
You can specify the higher and lower limits for the Setpoints to reflect your
needs and safety requirements. The Setpoint limits enforce an acceptable
range of values that could be entered via the interface or from a remote
source. By default, the PV min and max values are used as the SP low and high
limits, respectively.
Op Low and High Limits
You can specify the higher and lower limits for all the outputs. The output limits
ensure that a predetermined minimum or maximum output value is never
exceeded. By default 0% and 100% is selected as a low and a high of limit,
respectively for all the outputs.
Note: When the Enable Op Limits in Manual Mode check box is selected, you can enable
the set point and output limits when in manual mode.
Advanced Page
The Advanced page contains the following three groups:
Allows you to specify the ramp target and duration.
Contains the options for setpoint mode and tracking, as well as the
option for remote setpoint.
Contains the option for setpoint tracking only in manual mode.
The setpoint signal is specified in the Selected Sp Signal # field by clicking
the up or down arrow button, or by typing the appropriate number in the field.
Depending upon the signal selected, the page displays the respective setpoint
Setpoint Ramping Group
The setpoint ramping function has been modified in the present MPC controllers. Now it is continuous, in other words, when set to on by clicking the
Enable button, the setpoint changes over the specified period of time in a linear
Note: Setpoint ramping is only available in Auto mode.
The Setpoint Ramping group contains the following two fields:
27 MPC Controller
Target SP. Contains the Setpoint you want the Controller to have at the
end of the ramping interval. When the ramping is turn off, the Target SP
field display the same value as SP field on the Configuration page.
Ramping Duration. Contains the time interval you want to complete
setpoint change in.
Besides these two fields there are also two buttons available in this group:
Enable. Activates the ramping process.
Disable. Stops the ramping process.
While the controller is in ramping mode, you can change the setpoint as follows:
Enter a new setpoint in the Target SP field.
Enter a new setpoint in the SP field, on the Operation page.
During the setpoint ramping the Target SP field shows the final value of the setpoint whereas the SP field, on the Operation page, shows the current setpoint
seen internally by the control algorithm.
Note: During ramping, if a second setpoint change has been activated, then Ramping Duration time would be restarted for the new setpoint.
An example, if you click the Enable button and enter values for the two parameters in the Setpoint Ramping group, the Controller switches to Ramping
mode and adjusts the Setpoint linearly (to the Target SP) during the Ramp Duration, see Figure 5.90. For example, suppose your current SP is 100, and you
want to change it to 150. Rather than creating a sudden large disruption by
manually changing the SP while in Automatic mode, click the Enable button and
enter the SP of 150 in the Target SP input field. Make the SP change occur over,
say, 10 minutes by entering this time in the Ramp Duration field. HYSYS adjusts
the SP from 100 to 150 linearly over the 10 minute interval.
Setpoint Mode Group
You now have the ability to switch the setpoint from local to remote using the
Setpoint mode radio buttons. Essentially, there are two internal setpoints in the
controller, the first is the local setpoint where you can manually specify the setpoint via the property view (interface), and the other is the remote setpoint
which comes from another object such as a spreadsheet or another controller
cascading down a setpoint. In other words, a master in the classical cascade
control scheme.
27 MPC Controller
The Sp Local option allows you to disable the tracking for the local setpoint
when the controller is placed in manual mode. You can also have the local setpoint track the remote setpoint by selecting the Track Remote radio button.
The Remote Sp option allows you to select either the Use% radio button (for
restricting the setpoint changes to be in percentage) or Use Pv units radio button (for setpoint changes to be in Pv units).
Use%. If the Remote Sp is set to Use%, then the controller reads in a
value in percentage from a remote source, and using the Pv range calculates the new setpoint.
Use Pv units. If the Remote Sp is set to Use Pv units, then the controller reads in a value from a remote source and sets a new setpoint.
The remote source’s setpoint must have the same units as the controller
SetPoint Options Group
If the Track PV radio button is selected, then there is automatic setpoint tracking in manual mode, that sets the value of the setpoint equal to the value of the
Pv prior to the controller being placed in the manual mode. This means that
upon switching from manual to automatic mode the values of the setpoint and
Pv were equal and, therefore, there was an automatic bumpless transfer. Also
you have the option not to track the pv, by clicking the No Tracking radio button, when the controller is placed in manual mode. However, when the controller is switched into the automatic mode from manual, there is an internal
resetting of the controller errors to ensure that there is an instantaneous bumpless transfer prior to the controller recognizing a setpoint that is different from
the Pv.
An example, it is desired to control the flowrate in a stream with a valve. A MPC
controller is used to adjust the valve opening to achieve the desired flowrate,
that is set to range between 0.2820 m3/h and 1.75 m3/h. A spreadsheet is used
as a remote source for the controller setpoint. A setpoint change to 1 m3/h from
the current PV value of 0.5 m3/h is made. The spreadsheet internally converts
the new setpoint as m3/s (1/3600 = 0.00028 m3/s) and passes it to the controller, which reads the value and converts it back into m3/h (1 m3/h). The controller uses this value as the new setpoint. If the units are not specified, then
the spreadsheet passes it as 1 m3/s, which is the base unit in HYSYS, and the
controller converts it into 3600 m3/h and passes it on to the SP field as the new
setpoint. Since the PV maximum value cannot exceed 1.75 m3/h, the controller
uses the maximum value (1.75 m3/h) as the new setpoint.
Alarms Page
The Alarms page allows you to set alarm limits on all exogenous inputs to and
outputs from the controller. The page contains two groups:
27 MPC Controller
Alarm Levels
Alarm Levels Group
The Alarm Level group allows you to set, and configure the alarm points for a
selected signal type. There are four alarm points that could be configured:
The alarm points should be specified in the descending order from HighHigh to
LowLow points. You cannot specify the value of the Low and LowLow alarm
points to be higher than the signal value. Similarly, the High and HighHigh
alarm points cannot be specified a value lower than the signal value. Also, no
two alarm points can be specified a similar value. In addition, you can specify a
deadband for a given set of alarms. This can be helpful in situations where the
signal is “noisy” to avoid constant triggering of the alarm. If a deadband is specified, you have to specify the alarm points so that their difference is greater
than the deadband. At present, the range for the allowable deadband is as follows:
0.0% ≤ deadband ≤ 1.5% of the signal range.
Note: The above limits are set internally and are not available for adjustment by the user.
Alarms Group
The Alarms group displays the recently violated alarm for the following signals:
Process Variable
An example, it is desired to control the flowrate through a valve within the operating limits. These limits can be monitored using the Alarms feature in MPC Controller. Multiple alarms can be set to alert you about increase or decrease in the
flowrate. For the purpose of this example, you are specifying low and high
alarm limits for the process variable signal. Assuming that the normal flowrate
passing through the valve is set at 1.2 m3/h, the low alarm should get activated
when the flowrate falls below 0.7 m3/h. Similarly, when the flowrate increases
to 1.5 m3/h the high alarm should get triggered.
To set the low alarm, first make sure that the Pv Signal is selected in the
Signal drop-down list. Specify a value of 0.7 m3/h in the cell beside the Low
27 MPC Controller
alarm level. Follow the same procedure to specify a High alarm limit at 1.5
m3/h. If you want to re-enter the alarms, click the Reset Alarm button to erase
all the previously specified alarms.
Signal Processing Page
The Signal Processing page allows you to add filters to any signal associated
with the MPC controller, as well as test the robustness of any tuning on the controller.
This page is made up of two groups:
Signal Filters
Noise Parameters
Both of these groups allow you to filter, and test the robustness of the following
tuning parameters:
To apply the filter select the check box corresponding to the signal you want to
filter. Once active you can specify the filter time. As you increase the filter time
you are filtering out frequency information from the signal. For example the signal is noisy, there is a smoothing effect noticed on the plot of the PV. Notice
that it is possible to add a filter that makes the controller unstable. In such
cases the controller needs to be returned. Adding a filter has the same effect as
changing the process the controller is trying to control.
Activating a Noise Parameter is done the same way as adding a filter. However,
instead of specifying a filter time you are specifying a variance. Notice that if a
high variance on the PV signal is chosen the controller may become unstable.
As you increase the noise level for a given signal you observe a somewhat random variation of the signal.
MPC Setup Tab
The MPC controller has a number of setup options available. These options are
available on the Basic and Advanced pages of the Setup tab. In order to change
any of the default values specified on these pages it is necessary to enable the
MPC modifications check box. Whatever the option chosen, it is important to
establish a sampling period (control interval) first. Specifically, the sampling
period must be chosen to be consistent with the sampling theorem (see Shannon's Sampling Theorem). As such, it should be about 1/5 to 1/10 of the smallest time-constants. If the process is heavily dominated by process deadtime
then the sampling period should be based on the deadtime. In situations where
27 MPC Controller
the process models are a mix of fast and slow process dynamics care should be
taken in selecting the sampling period. A carefully designed MPC controller is
an effective and efficient controller.
Basic Page
The Basic page divides the setup settings into MPC Control Setup and MPC Process Model Type groups.
MPC Control Setup Group
In the MPC Control Setup group you are required to specify the following:
Num of Inputs. Allows you to specify the number of process input. Up
to a maximum of 12 process inputs can be specified. The default value is
Num of Outputs. Allows you to specify the number of process output.
Up to a maximum of 12 process inputs can be specified. The default
value is 1.
Control Interval. Allows you to specify the control or sampling interval. The default value is 30 seconds.
Note: Anytime one of the MPC setting is changed, a new MPC object has to be created internally-this is automatically achieved by clicking on the Create MPC button.
MPC Process Model Type Group
You have the option to specify the model to be either Step response data or a
First order model. If the Step response data radio button is selected, then a
text file can be used to input the process model. The input file must follow a specific format in terms of inputs and outputs, as well as columns of data. The following is a description of the ASCII text file required for the input:
27 MPC Controller
The step response data is typically obtained either directly from plant data, or
they are deducted from other so-called parametric model forms such as Discrete State-Space and Discrete Transfer Function Models.
Advanced Page
The Advanced page divides the setup settings into MPC Control Setup, MPC Process Model Type, and MPC Control Type groups.
MPC Control Setup Group
Note: Anytime one of the MPC setting is changed, a new MPC object has to be created
internally-this is automatically achieved by clicking on the Create MPC button.
In the MPC Control Setup group you are required to specify the following:
Num of
The number of process input. Up to a maximum of 12 process inputs can
be specified. The default value is 1.
Num of Out- The number of process output. Up to a maximum of 12 process outputs
can be specified. The default value is 1.
The control or sampling interval. The default value is 30 seconds.
Step Resp.
The number of sampling intervals that is necessary to reach steady state
when an input step is applied to the process model. The range of acceptable values are from 15 to 100. The default value is 50.
Allows you to specify how far into the future the predictions are made
when calculating the controller output. The Prediction Horizon should be
less than or equal to the Step Response Length. The default value is 25.
Control hori- The number of control moves into the future that are made to achieve
the final setpoint. A small control horizon generally means a less aggressive controller. The Control Horizon should be less than or equal to the Prediction Horizon. The default value is 2.
The time constant of a first order filter that operates on the true setpoint.
A small reference trajectory lets the controller see a pure step as the setpoint is changed. The default value is 1.
The positive-definite weighting functions, which are associated with the
optimization problem that is solved to produce the controller output
every control interval. The value of Gamma_U and Gamma_Y should be
between 0 and 1. The default value is 1.
Step Response Length
This value represents the number of sampling intervals that is necessary to
reach steady state when an input step is applied to the process model. You
27 MPC Controller
should consider all of the process models and the sampling interval when selecting step response length. At present, the maximum step response is limited to
100 sampling intervals. Also, the fact that you are specifying the process models in terms of step response means that you are only considering stable processes in this MPC design.
Prediction Horizon and Control Horizon
The prediction horizon represents how far into the future the controller makes
its predictions, based on the specified process model. The prediction horizon is
limited to the length of the step response, and should be greater than the minimum process model delay. A longer prediction horizon means that the controller looks further into the future when solving for the controller outputs. This
may be better if the process model is accurate. In general, you want to take full
advantage of the process model by using longer predictions.
The control horizon is the number of control moves into the future the controller
considers when making its predictions. In general, the larger the number of
moves, the more aggressive the controller is. As a rule of thumb a control horizon of less than 3 is used quite often.
Sampling Interval and reference trajectory
Once you have determined the control interval, other parameters like reference
trajectory can be chosen. This value affects the reference setpoint of the predictions used by the MPC problem when solving for the control outputs. Essentially, the reference trajectory represents the time constant of a first order
filter that operates on the true setpoint. Hence, a very small value for the reference trajectory implies that the setpoint used in the MPC calculations are
close to the actual setpoint. The minimum value for the reference trajectory
that can be selected is 1 second.
One of the problems that could arise in setting this value “too large” is that the
final setpoint reference value, which is used in the predictions, would not be
seen by the control algorithm in a given iteration. Therefore, it is important that
the reference trajectory value be chosen such that the time constant is smaller
than the smallest time constant of the user specified process model set. At
present, there is a limit placed on the reference trajectory that is based on the
sampling interval and the maximum step-response. However, you should use
the process model set as a guide when selecting this value.
In the present version the limits for the reference trajectory is as follows:
MPC Process Model Type Group
You have the option to specify the model to be either Step response data or
First order model. If the Step response data is selected, then a text file can be
used to input the process model. The input file must follow a specific format in
terms of inputs and outputs, as well as columns of data.
27 MPC Controller
MPC Control Type Group
This group allows you to select the MPC Control Algorithm that is used by the
controller. At Present, the only option available for selection is the MPC Unconstrainted (No Int). This algorithm does not consider constraints on either controlled and manipulated variables.
Process Models Tab
The Process Models tab allows you to either view the step response data, or specify the first order model parameters.
Basic Page
Step Response Data
If the Step response data radio button is selected on the MPC Setup tab, the Process Model tab displays the Model Step Response matrix.
Note: You cannot modify the model step response data on the Process Model tab.
Depending on the number of inputs (i) and outputs (o) the system’s dynamics
matrix should be an i × o matrix. The number of process models is equal to the
number of outputs or controlled variables. If the Step response data is selected, then the First order model parameters fields are grayed out.
First Order Model
If the First order model is selected on the MPC Setup tab, the Process Model
table appears.
You can specify the first order model parameters for each of the process models, as follows:
1. Select the input and output variable number in the Input # and Output
# selection field by clicking the up or down arrow button, or by typing
the appropriate number in the field.
2. Depending upon the input and output variable selected, the relevant process model appears.
3. Specify the process gain (Kp), process time constant (Tp) and delay for
the selected process model in the available matrix.
4. Repeat step# 1-2 for the remaining process models.
5. Click the Update Step Response button to calculate the step response
data for the process models.
27 MPC Controller
Advanced Page
The Advanced page lists all of the Process Models, and their associated tuning
parameters in a table.
Stripchart Tab
The Stripchart tab allows you to select and create default strip charts containing
various variable associated to the operation.
User Variables Tab
The User Variables tab enables you to create and implement your own user variables for the current operation.
27 MPC Controller
28 DMCplus Controller
The DMCplus Controller engine runs in Aspen DMCplus Online. HYSYS communicates to DMCplus using the DMCplus API. You are required to have the following licenses to run DMCplus in HYSYS:
DMCplus Link
DMCplus Online
Cim-IO Kernel
ACO Base
The figure below shows the HYSYS and DMCplus connection. HYSYS works like
a Real Plant.
28 DMCplus Controller
Note: You must install DMCplus Online and DMCplus Desktop for the DMCplus Controller
to operate properly.
DMCplus Online is required to run the DMCplus Controller.
DMCplus Desktop allows you to configure the model used by the DMCplus
The DMCplus Desktop allows you to configure the models. Each DMCplus Controller requires a Model File (MDL) and a Controller Configuration File (CCF) to
operate properly with the Aspen DMCplus.
The MDL file determines the size of the control problem and all the
dynamic relationships between each independent and dependent variables.
The CCF file determines where the input and output parameters for the
controller will reside, which optional capabilities will be used, and the values assigned to all of its parameters such as limits, switches, and tuning.
HYSYS can generate the MDL file automatically or record the independent and
dependent variable in the collection files (CLC), which contains model testing
data. The data in the CLC files are used by the DMCplus Model to create the MDL
file. The MDL file is then used by the Aspen DMCplus Build to create a CCF file.
You can add the DMCplus Controller to an existing HYSYS simulation case or to
a new HYSYS simulation case that you have created.
Note: If the DMCplus Controller is not loaded, it appears in yellow in the HYSYS flowsheet.
The status bar on the DMCplus Controller property view will also appear in yellow and indicate that the DMCplus has not been loaded.
The DMCplus property view contains the following tabs:
Model Test
User Variables
The DMCplus Controller property view also contains an Enable DMCplus check
box at the bottom right corner. This check box allows you to enable or disable
28 DMCplus Controller
the DMCplus Controller. When the Enable DMCplus check box is disabled, the
model testing features can be enabled in the Model Test tab.
Connections Tab
The Connections tab allows you to define and edit the Controlled, Manipulated
and Feed Forward variables for the plant model. You can specify the name of
the DMCplus Controller in the Controller Name field.
You have to select the Enable DMCplus Modifications check box to add and
edit the Controlled, Manipulated, and Feed Forward variables.
Note: When editing the Controlled and Manipulated variables in the DMCplus Model,
ensure that the variable order is the same as in HYSYS.
Controlled Variable (CV)
You must specify a controlled variable for the DMCplus Controller. The controlled variables are the dependent variables that will be controlled by the
DMCplus controller.
The CV table contains the stream or operation that owns the variable you want
to control. The stream or operation is specified using the Select Input property
view, which appears when you click the Add CV button or Insert CV button.
The Add CV button adds the stream or operation after the last defined
stream or operation in the table.
The Insert CV button adds the stream or operation before the currently
selected stream or operation in the table.
You can select the appropriate object and variable simultaneously using the
Select Input property view.
Manipulated Variable (MV)
You must specify a manipulated variable for the DMCplus Controller. The manipulated variables are the independent variables that will be manipulated by the
DMCplus controller.
The MV table contains the stream or operation which is controlled by the controller operation.
The Add MV button adds the stream or operation after the last defined
stream or operation in the table.
The Insert MV button adds the stream or operation before the currently
selected stream or operation in the table.
The stream or operation is specified using the Select Object property view,
which appears when you click the Add MV button or Insert MV button.
28 DMCplus Controller
When you add a stream to the MV table the Control Valve button is enabled.
Feed Forward (FF)
You can add the Feed Forward variables if needed.
The variable takes into account measured disturbances which you can view on
the Feed Forward page of the Operation tab. You can add the Feed Forward variables using the Select Input property view similar to when you are adding a controlled variable.
The Add FF button adds the stream or operation after the last defined
stream or operation in the table.
The Insert FF button adds the stream or operation before the currently
selected stream or operation in the table.
The Feed Forward variables are used as independent variables in the DMCplus
Model, and they cannot be manipulated by the DMCplus Controller.
Model Test Tab
The Model Test tab allows you to set up the DMCplus Controller for model testing. The Model Test page is the only page available on this tab.
The following table lists and describes the objects available in the Model Test
Model Test Setting group
Test Signal Type
Enables you to select the signal type for the DMCplus model test.
There are two types of signal to choose from:
PRBS is simple to use for model identification.
STEP is more recognized in practical process applications.
Time Interval cell
Enables you to specify the amount of time between recorded data
points during the testing phase.
TTSS cell
Enables you to specify the total time period available for the model
testing. The value should at least be larger than the setting time of
the system.
28 DMCplus Controller
Auto Test check
Enables you to toggle between activating and deactivating the
Auto Test option.
This option performs test for each of the selected Manipulated and
Feed Forward variables one by one. The test results are used to generate an MDL file (which contains the DMCplus controller model).
If this check box is clear, you need to manually save the testing
data to CLC files.
Conf. Ramp button
Enables you to access the Configure Ramp Response property view.
The Configure Ramp Response property view enables you to select
the ramp type for each CV tag using the drop-down list available
under the Ramp Type column. There are three types of ramp type
to choose from:
pseudo ramp
The Conf. Ramp button is only available if you selected the Auto
Test option.
Auto test file root
name field
Enables you to specify the location and name of the testing data
files containing the auto test results and the date and time when
the test was performed.
This field is only available if the Auto Test check box is selected.
Ellipses icon ...
Enables you to access the File Selection for Saving Test results property view and select the location to save the test result files.
This icon is only available if the Auto Test check box is selected.
Monitor table
Time left cell
Displays the amount of time left in the model testing.
Current Interval
Displays the current interval value during the model testing calculation.
Total Intervals
Displays the total number of intervals required to complete the
model testing.
Ready cell
Displays an icon to indicate whether the selected model is ready for
Enable Test cell
28 DMCplus Controller
Red x X indicates the model is not ready.
Green check mark ✓ indicates the model is ready for testing.
Enables you to activate the model testing when the Start Test button is clicked.
Model Test Help
Enables you to access the help property view that displays the
steps required to develop the DMCplus controller.
Start Test button
Enables you to first reset the test and then start the model testing.
Continue Test
Enables you to continues the last test if it has not been finished.
Stop Test button
Enables you to stop the model testing before the test is complete
Select tag to apply the testing signal table
No. column
Displays an integer number for each MV and FF variables in the
DMCplus controller.
MV & FF Tag
Displays the name of the MV and FF variables in the DMCplus controller.
If a Feed Forward variable (FF) is a dependent (or calculated) variable, HYSYS cannot perform the test at the default/current setting.
Selected column
Contains check boxes that enable you to toggle between selecting
and ignoring the variables for the test.
By default, all the Manipulated variables (MV) and Feed Forward
variables (FF) are selected to apply the test signal.
Tested column
Display the status of the variable, whether it has been tested or
not, during the testing process.
Step Up column
Contains check boxes that enable you to toggle between step up
testing or step down testing for each variable.
By default, the check boxes are set to step up.
Enables you to specify the percentage value of testing signal amplitude for each variable.
By default, the signal amplitude is set at 1.00%.
Reset Test button
Enables you to reset the model testing back to the beginning.
Save Test Results
Enables you to save the test data results in a *.clc file or a set of
*.rec files.
Load DMC Controller button
Enables you to load and run the configured DMCplus controller
model in the HYSYS simulation case.
This button is disabled if you do not have the configuration (.ccf)
and model (.mdl) files in the correct directory.
Performing DMCplus Model Testing
After selecting the controlled, manipulated, and feed forward variables, data
needs to be generated from the plant model to develop the controller model.
28 DMCplus Controller
Follow the steps below to develop the controller model:
1. From the Model Testing Setting group, select the test setting parameters.
In the Test Signal Type drop-down list, select STEP or PRBS.
In the Control/Sampling Time Interval cell, specify the time
used to determine how often the data points are recorded during
the testing phase.
In the TTSS cell, specify the total time period during which to
apply the testing.
In the Auto Test cell, use the check box to toggle between activating and deactivating the Auto Test option.
Click the Conf. Ramp button to access the Configure Ramp
Response property view. In the Configure Ramp Response property view, select the ramp characteristic/option for each CV data
using the drop-down list under the Ramp Type column.
In the Auto test file root name field, specify the location and
name for the generated testing data files. This field is only available if the Auto Test check box is selected.
2. The Select tag to apply the testing signal table contains several
options to configure the variable to be tested.
Note: It is recommended that the default setting in the Select tag to apply the
testing signal table be modified by advance users for special case.
3. In the Monitor table, select the Enable Test check box, to automatically activate the model testing when the Start Test button is
4. Click the Start Test button to start the testing.
Note: Before you start the testing, ensure that all the related slave PID Controllers are set to the remote mode.
When the Time left field displays zero, the testing is finished.
If you had selected the Auto Test option, you can skip steps #5
to #6 because HYSYS will automatically generate an MDL file.
If you did not select the Auto Test option, you have to manually
save the test results in a file.
5. Click the Save Test Result button, and save the testing results to a
*.clc file or a set of *.rec files.
The CLC or REC file(s) can be processed by the Aspen DMCplus Model to
generate a MDL file.
6. Start the Aspen Model application, load the saved data and build the
DMCplus model (*.mdl).
In the DMCplus Model you will import the Collect file (*.clc) to vectors by
saving the project first and then adding the CLC file.
Note: When adding the independent (MV) and dependent (CV) variables to a case,
ensure that the order you are adding the variables is the same as on the Connections tab in HYSYS.
28 DMCplus Controller
If HYSYS has already generated the MDL file, you can still import the file
into the DMCplus Model to review the generated model.
The MDL file determines the size of the control problem and all the
dynamic relationships between each independent and dependent variables.
7. Start the Aspen Build application and build the DMCplus configuration file
The CCF file determines where the input and output parameters for the
controller will reside, which optional capabilities will be used, and the values assigned to all of its parameters such as limits, switches, and tuning.
8. Open the app folder in the DMCplus Online installation directory.
9. Create a folder with the controller name (for example DMC_100) and
copy the *.mdl and *.ccf files into the folder.
10. Return to HYSYS program.
11. Click the Load DMCplus Controller button. You should now be able to
run the simulation using the newly created DMCplus Controller.
You can set the low and high variable limits for MVs and CVs (similar to
setpoint range).
Note: The DMCplus Controller requires that the DMCplus Online and DMCplus
Desktop programs are installed. Refer to the Aspen Manufacturing Suite Installation Guide for information on installing DMCplus Online and DMCplus Desktop.
Operation Tab
The Operation Tab contains the following pages:
FF Variable
Operation Page
The Operation page allows you to set the controller mode and the low/high limit
Note: All DMCplus Controllers created can be viewed using the DMCplus GUI. The
DMCplus GUI provides more functionality on using the DMCplus Controller.
DMCplus uses these low/high parameters to optimize the controlled variable
(CV) and manipulated variable (MV) setpoints (steady state target) based on its
tuning parameters.
The CV SS target is similar to the MPC Controller setpoint except:
In MPC controller, you specify the CV SS target value.
In DMCplus controller, you specify the lowest and highest setpoint val-
28 DMCplus Controller
ues, and DMCplus calculates the CV SS target value based on the
provided range.
The Update CCF File button enables you to export any update configuration
results from the Operation page into the *.ccf file.
The Set Default Low/High Parameters button enables you to populate the
CV and MV parameters with default values (refer to the table below).
For CV:
Low Limit
= current value
High Limit
= current value
For MV:
Low Limit
High Limit
= highest value limited by the variable span
The CV and MV SS targets are fixed, if the low/high limit values are the same.
The DMCplus Controller operates in any of the following modes:
Off. The DMCplus Controller does not manipulate the control valve,
although the appropriate information is still tracked.
Manual. Manipulates the DMCplus Controller output manually. In the
Manual mode you can enter a value for the Manipulated Variable (MV).
Automatic. The DMCplus Controller reacts to fluctuations in the Controlled Variable (CV) and manipulates the Manipulated Variable (MV)
according to the DMCplus algorithm.
The mode of the controller may also be set on the Face Plate.
Note: On the Face Plate, you can also view the current value of the CV and MV. You cannot change the low/high limit using the Face Plate.
FF Variable Page
The Feed Forward Variable page allows you to view the controller measured disturbance.
Note: The Feed Forward Variable page will only show the Feed Forward value if the variable has been added on the Connections tab.
28 DMCplus Controller
Stripchart Tab
The Stripchart tab allows you to select and create default strip charts containing
various variables associated to the operation.
User Variables Tab
The User Variables tab enables you to create and implement your own user variables for the current operation.
Control Valve Window
The Control Valve button appears if the OP is a stream. The information shown
on the Control Valve property view is specific to the associated valve. For
instance, the information for a Vapor Valve is different than that for an Energy
To access the Control Valve property view, click the Control Valve button located at the bottom right corner of the controller operation property view.
FCV for a Liquid/Vapor Product Stream from a Vessel
The FCV property view for a material stream consists of two groups:
Valve Parameters
Valve Sizing
The Valve Parameters group contains flowrate information about the stream
with which the Control Valve is associated.
The Valve Sizing group is usually part of the property view that requires specification. This group contains three fields, which are described in the table
Flow Type
The type of flow you want to specify:
molar flow
mass flow
liquid volume flow
actual volume flow
Min. Flow
The Minimum flow through the control valve.
Max. Flow
The Maximum flow through the valve.
28 DMCplus Controller
The Minimum and Maximum flow values define the size of the valve. To simulate a leaky valve, specify a Minimum flow greater than zero. The actual output flow through the Control Valve is calculated using the OP signal (% valve
For example, if the Controller OP is 25%, the Control Valve is 25% open, and is
passing a flow corresponding to 25% of its operating span. In the case of a
liquid valve, if the Minimum and Maximum flow values are 0 and 150 kgmole/h,
respectively, the actual flow through the valve is 25% of the range, or 37.5
FCV for Energy Stream
The FCV property view that appears is dependent on the type of duty stream
selected. There are two types of duty streams:
Direct Q duty consists of a simple power value (in other words, BTU).
Utility Fluid takes the duty from a utility fluid (in other words, steam)
with known properties.
The type of Duty Source specified can be changed at any time by clicking the
appropriate radio button in the Duty Source group.
Direct Q Duty Source
This is the Flow Control Valve (FCV) view, when the Duty Source is set to Direct
Q in the Duty Source group.
The Attached Stream and Controller appear in the upper left corner of the property view in the Control Attachments group. The specifications required by the
property view are all entered into the Direct Q group. In this group, Setpoint
(SP) appears, and you may specify the minimum (Min. Available) and maximum (Max. Available) cooling or heating available.
From Utility Fluid Duty Source
As with the Direct Q Duty Source, the attached stream, and controller appear in
the upper left corner of the property view.
Note: The application of the Utility Fluid information is dependent on the associated operation.
There are several Utility Fluid Parameters, which can be specified in the Utility
Properties group:
The product of the local overall heat-transfer coefficient and heattransfer surface area.
28 DMCplus Controller
The total amount of Utility Fluid at any time. The default is 100
The flowrate of the Utility Fluid.
Min and Max
The minimum and maximum flowrates available for the Utility
Heat Capacity
The heat capacity of the Utility Fluid.
Inlet and Outlet
The inlet and outlet temperatures of the Utility Fluid.
T Approach
The operation outlet temperature minus the outlet temperature of
the Utility Fluid.
Available to Controller check box. When you make the controller connections, and move to the Control Valve property view (by clicking the Control
Valve button on the PID Controller property view), the Available to Controller check box is automatically selected. HYSYS assumes that because you
installed a new controller on the valve, you probably want to make it available
to the Controller.
Control OP Port
To access the Control OP Port property view, click the Control OP Port button at the bottom right corner of the control operation property view.
Note: The Control OP Port button appears when the OP is not a stream and a range of
specified values is required.
The following table describes the common options in the Control OP Port property view.
Attached Object
Displays the name of the output target object attached to the controller.
Attached Controller cell
Displays the name of the controller attached to the output target
Current Value cell
Displays the current value of the output target object variable.
Minimum Value
Enables you to specify the minimum value for the output target
object variable.
Maximum Value
Enables you to specify the maximum value for the output target
object variable.
28 DMCplus Controller
29 Digital Point
The Digital Point is an On/Off Controller. You specify the Process Variable (PV)
you want to monitor, and the output (OP) stream which you are controlling.
When the PV reaches a specified threshold value, the Digital Point either turns
the OP On or Off, depending on how you have set up the Digital Point.
Note: The PV is optional; if you do not attach a Process Variable Source, the Digital Point
operates in Manual mode.
Connections Tab
The Process Variable Source and Output Target are both optional connections.
No error is shown when these are not connected nor does an error appear in the
Status List Window. The Object: is the stream or operation that owns the variable you want to control. The "Variable:" is the process variable you want to
control. The Output Object: is the stream that is controlled by the digital point.
The optional connections feature allows the controller to be in Manual mode,
and have its OPState imported into a Spreadsheet and used in further calculations in the model. This configuration can only be used for Manual mode.
To run the controller in Automatic mode, you require a Process Variable Source
input. With only the input connected, the Digital Point acts as a digital input
indicator. With both the input and output specified the Digital Point can be used
to determine its state from its PV and then take a discrete action.
To specify the controller input, use the Select PV button to access the Variable
Navigator property view, which allows you to simultaneously target the PV
29 Digital Point
Object and Variable. Similarly, use the Select OP button to choose the Output
Note: The flow of the OP Output is manipulated by the Digital Point Controller.
Parameters Tab
The Parameters tab provides three different modes of operation:
For each of these modes the Parameters tab is made up of a number of groups:
Output, Manual/Auto Operational Parameters, and Faceplate PV Configuration.
Off Mode
When Off mode is selected, you cannot adjust the OP State. Notice that if you
turn the controller Off while running the simulation, it retains the current OP
State (Off or On). Thus, turning the Controller off is not necessarily the same as
leaving the Controller out of the simulation.
Only the Output group, displaying the current OP State, is visible when in the
Off mode.
Manual Mode
When Manual mode is selected you can adjust the OP State from the Faceplate
or this tab. Two groups are visible when in this mode: Output and Manual Operation Parameters.
The Output group allows you to toggle the OP state on and off. The Operational
Parameters group allows you to select one of the three options described in the
table below.
Holds the current OP State to what is specified in the Output group.
Allows the OP State to Pulse On for a specified period and fall back to the Off
Allows the OP State to Pulse Off for a specified period and fall back to the On
29 Digital Point
Auto Mode
When Auto mode is selected, HYSYS automatically operates the Digital Point,
setting the OP State Off or On when required, using the information you
provided for the Threshold and OP Status. Three groups are visible when in this
mode: Output, Auto Operational Parameters, and Faceplate PV Configuration.
Since HYSYS is automatically adjusting the controller, the Output group simply
displays the OP State. Like Manual mode, the Auto Operation Parameters group
allows you to select one of the three options:
Pulse On
Pulse Off
When Latch is selected, the following parameters appear.
The actual value of the PV (Process Variable).
The value of the PV which determines when the controller switches
the OP on or off.
Higher Deadband
Allows you to specify the upper deviation of the threshold value.
Lower Deadband
Allows you to specify the lower deviation of the threshold value.
OP On/Off
Allows you to set the condition when the OP state is on or off.
For both the Pulse On and Pulse Off options the parameters are the same as the
Latch option. However the pulse options both require you to specify a Pulse Duration.
The Face Plate PV Configuration group allows you to specify the minimum and
maximum PV range. This is the range shown on the controllers Face Plate.
Threshold and Dead Band for Latch
For the Latch option, the OP (output) switches states (on or off) when the PV
(Process Variable) value reaches the set point value. The set point value is
accompanied with an adjustable differential gap or dead band value, this value
allows small deviations to occur in the PV value without triggering changes to
the OP state.
The following is an example of how the Latch option operates. Assume you have
a Digital Point operation with the following parameters:
29 Digital Point
Higher dead band
Lower dead band
OP is on when
PV >= Threshold
Red line indicates the path of the OP vs. time.
Blue line indicates the path of the PV vs. time.
The following situations illustrates when the OP is turned on or off.
Initial State. If PV value starts at 70 and OP is off, the OP stays off until
the PV value rises above or to equal 145, than OP is turned on.
Intermediate State. If PV value rises and falls above value 80 and OP
state is already on, then OP remains on.
Intermediate State. If PV value falls below or equal value 80, OP is
turned off.
Note: If PV value starts at 150 and OP state is off, then OP remains off until the
PV value falls below 80 and rises above 145, after PV reaches or rises above 145
the OP state is turned on.
The above situation is the same for Latch option with OP is on when PV <=
Threshold, with the reverse effect. In other words, OP is turned on when PV
value passes through the lower dead band value, and OP is turned off when PV
value passes through the higher dead band value.
Threshold and Dead Band for Pulse
For the Pulse option, the OP (output) remains in a state (on or off) until the PV
(Process Variable) value reaches the set point value, then OP switches state
briefly and returns back to its default state (like a pulse). The set point value is
accompanied with an adjustable differential gap or dead band value, this value
allows small deviations to occur in the PV value without triggering the OP state
29 Digital Point
The following is an example of how the Pulse option operates. Assume you have
a Digital Point operation with the following parameters:
Off. The OP default state is off.
Higher dead band
Lower dead band
Pulse ON/OFF when
PV >= Threshold
Pulse Duration
2 seconds
Red line indicates the path of the OP vs. time.
Blue line indicates the path of the PV vs. time.
The following situations illustrates when the OP is turned on or off.
If PV value starts at 70, the OP is off until the PV value rises to equal
145, than OP is on for 2 seconds.
After OP state has pulsed on once, OP remains off if PV value rises and
falls above the value 80.
Note: If PV value starts at 150, OP is off until the PV value falls below 80 and rises
above 145, after PV reaches 145 the OP state is on for 2 seconds.
Stripchart Tab
The Stripchart tab allows you to select and create default strip charts containing
various variable associated to the operation.
29 Digital Point
User Variables Tab
The User Variables tab enables you to create and implement your own user variables for the current operation.
Alarm Levels Tab
The Alarms tab allows you to set alarm limits for the controller.
The Alarm Level group allows you to set and configure the alarm points for a
selected signal type. There are four alarm points that can be configured:
The alarm points should be specified in the descending order from HighHigh to
LowLow points. You cannot specify the value of the Low and LowLow alarm
points to be higher than the signal value. Similarly, the High and HighHigh
alarm points cannot be specified a value lower than the signal value. Also, no
two alarm points can have a similar values. In addition, the user can specify a
deadband for a given set of alarms. This can be helpful in situations where the
signal is “noisy” to avoid constant triggering of the alarm. If a deadband is specified, you have to specify the alarm points so that their difference is greater
than the deadband. At present the range for the allowable deadband is as follows:
0.0% ≤ deadband ≤ 1.5% of the signal range.
Note: The above limits are set internally and are not available for adjustment by the user.
The Alarm Status displays the recently violated alarm for each alarm point.
29 Digital Point
30 External Data Linker
The External Data Linker operation lets you connect Internal streams (streams
that exist within the active simulation) to External streams (previously published streams that exist on the RTI Data Server).
A valid connection to the RTI Data Server must exist before you can use the
External Data Linker operation.
Connections Page
Specifying External Data Linker Connections
1. From the PFD, double-click the External Data Linker icon. The External
Data Linker property view appears.
2. Click on the Design tab.
3. Click on the Connections page.
4. In the Name field, specify a name for the External Data Linker.
5. In the External Stream column, click the <empty> cell. A drop-down list
appears. From the drop-down list, either select a pre-defined stream or
click the empty space at the top of the list and type in the name of the
stream. Repeat this step if you have multiple external streams.
6. In the Internal Stream column, click the <empty> cell. A drop-down list
appears. From the drop-down list, either select a pre-defined stream or
click the empty space at the top of the list and type in the name of the
stream. Repeat this step for each external stream you have specified.
You must select an external stream before you can select an internal stream.
If the Live Link check box is active, the internal stream’s conditions change as
changes are made to the external stream’s published data. If the check box is not
active, the conditions are read in initially at connection only.
Configuration Page
To Specify the External Data Linker Transfer Type
30 External Data Linker
1. From the PFD, double-click the External Data Linker icon. The External
Data Linker property view appears.
2. Click on the Design tab.
3. Click on the Configuration page.
4. From the Transfer Specifications drop-down list, select one of the following transfer types: Temperature-Pressure, Pressure-Vapor Fraction,
Temperature-Vapor Fraction, or Pressure-Enthalpy. Repeat this step for
each external stream.
Properties Page
On the Properties page, you can modify any of the External Data Linker’s properties.
Revision History Tab
To view Revision History:
1. From the PFD, double-click the External Data Linker icon. The External
Data Linker property view appears.
2. Select the Revision History tab.
3. From the list of external streams, select the stream for which you want
to view the revision history.
The Refinery Information group displays the number of revisions and the For
Stream GUID. The Revision Data group displays the author of the revision, the
date of the revision and the revision notes.
Use the Currently in Use Revision drop-down list to select the revision you want
to use. Click the View Raw Data button to open the Published Data property
Activate the Use as Default Revision check box to use the selected revision as
the default revision. Activate the Warn if Higher Revision is Available check box
to be informed if the revision you selected is not the latest revision.
30 External Data Linker
31 Recycle
The capability of any flowsheet simulator to solve recycles reliably and efficiently is critical. HYSYS has inherent advantages over other simulators in this
respect. It has the unique ability to back-calculate through many operations in
a non-sequential manner, allowing many problems with recycle loops to be
solved explicitly. For example, most heat recycles can be solved explicitly
(without a Recycle operation). Material recycles, where downstream material
mixes with upstream material, require a Recycle operation.
The Recycle installs a theoretical block in the process stream. The stream conditions can be transferred either in a forward or backward direction between
the inlet and outlet streams of this block. In terms of the solution, there are
assumed values and calculated values for each of the variables in the inlet and
outlet streams. Depending on the direction of transfer, the assumed value can
exist in either the inlet or outlet stream. For example, if the user selects Backward for the transfer direction of the Temperature variable, the assumed value
is the Inlet stream temperature and the calculated value is the Outlet stream
The following steps take place during the convergence process:
1. HYSYS uses the assumed values and solves the flowsheet around the
2. HYSYS then compares the assumed values in the attached streams to the
calculated values in the opposite stream.
3. Based on the difference between the assumed and calculated values,
31 Recycle
HYSYS generates new values to overwrite the previous assumed values.
4. The calculation process repeats until the calculated values match the
assumed values within specified tolerances.
Note: The Recycle Adviser can ensure that flowsheets contain the minimum number of
recycles at their optimal locations. The Adviser picks the best location for recycles and
assigns the best calculation order for optimized convergence.
Recycle Property View
The Continue button at the bottom of the Recycle property view enables you to
run the calculation after the maximum iteration has been reached.
Connections Tab
The Connections tab contains the following pages:
Connections Page
The Connections page consists of the four fields:
Name. The name of the Recycle operation.
Inlet. Holds the inlet stream, which is the latest calculated recycle; it is
always a product stream from a unit operation.
Outlet. Contains the outlet stream, which is the latest assumed recycle;
it is always a feed stream to a unit operation.
Fluid Package. The fluid package associated to the operation can be
selected by entering the fluid package name or using the drop-down list.
Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor, where you can record any comments or
information regarding the operation or to you