Reasoning PYQs Alphabet Test & Alphanumeric Series (2018-23) NOTE: "We are providing chapter-wise PYPs (2018-2023) of selected chapters of Quant and Reasoning, but we offer Year-wise PYPs in our RBI PYP Book (2018-2024) ." 2023 Q.1) In the word ‘GLASTONBURY’, change every vowel after k to the third consonant after it...and every consonant to previous letter and then after changing, delete the letters that appear more than once and vowels if left. Which of the following letter will come in the middle of the newly formed word? [a] X [b] R [c] K [d] S [e] M Answer – (d) G–1=F L–1=K A=A S -1 = R T–1=S O+3=R N–1=M B–1=A U+3=X R–1=Q Y–1=X The word formed is ‘FKARSRMAXQX’ Now delete the vowels and letters that appear more than once. FKRSMXQ So, letter ‘S’ comes in the middle. Q.2) Consider the following words which have one blank each. You are required to fill the blanks from one of the given options so as to form meaningful English word. K __ F A R B __ L __ L G O E T L __ [a] S A T O [b] L U C W [c] G O E F [d] N E W B [e] E I J M Answer – (b) The meaningful words formed are: FALK, BLUR, CLOG and WELT. 2022 Q.1) From which of the below given words maximum words can be formed by replacing the vowel with other vowels without changing the position of any letter? [a] SICK [b] LIST [c] TICK [d] TEST [e] FARM Answer - (b) Explanation The possible words are LIST, LAST, LEST, LOST, LUST. Q.2) In the word “REVOLUTION”, how many pairs of letters has as many vowels between them as in the English Alphabet from left to right? [a] two [b] three [c] four [d] more than four [e] None of the above Answer - (d) Explanation The pairs are RV, EO, OL, LT, UT, UI, IO, ON. Q.3) In which of the following pairs, at least one of the words cannot be formed into any other word? [a] Sink, tile [b] deaf, bask [c] face, dust [d] clay, veil [e] bean, arty Answer - (b) Explanation Sink can be formed into Inks Tile can be formed into Lite Deaf can be formed into Fade Face can be formed into Café Dust can be formed into Stud Clay can be formed into Lacy Veil can be formed into Evil Bean can be formed into Bane Arty can be formed into Tray But Bask cannot be formed into any other word. 2018 Instruction for Q.1 to Q.3: Study the following alphanumeric sequence carefully and answer the questions given beside: 84 LAST 67 CRAB 78 NEWS 89 ROSE 76 UNDO Q.1) If the digits attached to the word (left) that is starting with consonant and ending at a consonant are to be multiplied within the number while the digits of the rest words are to be added within the number then the words are arranged according to ascending order of the number from left to right end then what would be the 11th letter from left end? [a] A [b] D [c] S [d] W [e] T Answer – (c) Explanation: We have the given sequence, 84 LAST 67 CRAB 78 NEWS 89 ROSE 76 UNDO After, multiplying the digits of the word that is starting with consonant and ending at a consonant and adding the digits of the rest words within the number, we get: 32 LAST 42 CRAB 56 NEWS 17 ROSE 13 UNDO Arranging the series according to ascending order of the number from left to right end, we get 13 UNDO 17 ROSE 32 LAST 42 CRAB 56 NEWS Here, the 11th letter from left end is S. Hence, the correct answer is option C. Q.2) If all the letters which are attached to an odd number are reversed and all the letters which are attached to an even number are changed to their succeeding letter then how many letters in the new sequence will appear exactly twice? [a] Two [b] Three [c] Four [d] Five [e] Seven Answer – (d) Explanation: We have the given sequence, 84 LAST 67 CRAB 78 NEWS 89 ROSE 76 UNDO After, reversing all the letters which are attached to an odd number and changing all the letters which are attached to an even number to their succeeding letter, we get: 84 MBTU 67 XIZY 78 OFXT 89 ILHV 76 VOEP Now, the letters in the new sequence appearing twice are T, X, I, V and O. Hence, the correct answer is option D Q.3) If a meaningful word is to be formed using the letters of words separately (using each letter only once), given that the second letter of newly formed word must be a vowel then what would be the total sum of the digits of the numbers attached to those words which follow the condition given? [a] 29 [b] 24 [c] 20 [d] 33 [e] 38 Answer – (a) Explanation: We have the given sequence, 84 LAST 67 CRAB 78 NEWS 89 ROSE 76 UNDO Here, the meaningful words having second letter as a vowel that can be formed using the above words separately are: 1 – ‘SALT’ using the word ‘LAST’ 2 – ‘SORE’ using the word ‘ROSE’ Now, the number attached to the words ‘LAST’ and ‘ROSE’ are 84 and 89 respectively. Required Sum = 8 + 4 + 8 + 9 = 29 Hence, the correct answer is option A.