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Drought-Resistant Crop Yield Research Proposal

Alnay, Polangui, Albay
Evaluating the Effectiveness of
Drought-Resistant Crop Varieties on Yield in a Changing
Leader: Eljhon Denver A. Lovito
Diana A. Racines
Reena Ackiesha G. Vena
Lianne Bersabe
Brian Issah Sapaula
John Paul Nazaria
Comparing the yield and resilience of drought-resistant crop varieties against traditional
varieties under simulated drought conditions, to determine their suitability for adaptation
to climate change impacts on agriculture.
Background Information: Climate change is leading to more frequent and intense
droughts, significantly impacting agricultural yields. Developing and implementing
drought-resistant crop varieties is a key strategy for enhancing agricultural resilience. This
experiment will assess the effectiveness of such varieties under controlled drought
Hypothesis: If drought-resistant crop varieties are grown under simulated drought
conditions, then their yield will be significantly higher than that of traditional varieties
grown under the same conditions.
Materials: Two or more drought-resistant crop varieties (e.g., different types of corn or
• One or more traditional crop varieties of the same type
• Controlled environment growth chambers or outdoor plots with irrigation capabilities
• Soil (consistent type and quality across all plots)
• Seeds
• Fertilizers (consistent type and amount across all plots)
• Watering system for controlled irrigation
• Measuring tools (rulers, scales)
• Data sheets/spreadsheets for recording data
• Moisture sensors (to monitor soil moisture)
1. Seed Germination and Planting: Plant seeds of each crop variety in separate pots or
plots under optimal growing conditions. Ensure consistent soil, fertilizer, and initial
watering across all plots.
2. Simulated Drought Conditions: After a period of establishment (allowing plants to reach
a certain growth stage), implement simulated drought conditions in half of the plots for
each variety. This can be done by reducing irrigation to a predetermined level, mimicking
drought stress. Maintain optimal watering in the control plots.
3. Monitoring and Data Collection: Regularly monitor plant growth (height, biomass), soil
moisture levels (using moisture sensors), and any visual signs of drought stress (wilting,
leaf discoloration). Record this data at regular intervals (e.g., weekly).
4. Harvest and Yield Assessment: At maturity, harvest the plants from all plots and
measure the yield (e.g., weight of grain, number of fruits) for each variety under both
drought and control conditions.
1. Independent Variable: Crop variety (drought-resistant vs. traditional) and watering
treatment (drought-stressed vs. control).
2. Dependent Variable: Crop yield (weight or number of harvestable products), plant
height, biomass, and visual signs of drought stress.
3. Controlled Variables: Soil type, fertilizer application, initial planting conditions, light
exposure, temperature (in controlled environment), and other environmental factors (in
outdoor plots, these might be more challenging to fully control).
Data Collection:
Data will be recorded in a spreadsheet, including:
• Crop variety
• Watering treatment (drought or control)
• Plant height (cm)
• Biomass (g)
• Yield (g or number of fruits/grains)
• Soil moisture (%)
• Visual signs of drought stress (scale of 1-5)
• Data of Measurement
Data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics and statistical tests (e.g., t-tests,
ANOVA) to compare the yield and other growth parameters of drought-resistant and
traditional varieties under both drought and control conditions. Graphs will be used to
visualize the data.
Further Investigation:
• Test a wider range of drought-resistant varieties.
• Investigate the impact of different drought stress levels.
• Assess the economic viability of using drought-resistant varieties.
• Explore the combined effects of drought and other climate change impacts (e.g., heat
• Investigate the nutritional value of crops grown under drought conditions.
Notes: This experiment requires careful control of environmental conditions, especially if
conducted outdoors. Replication of the experiment with multiple plots for each treatment
is essential to increase statistical power and account for variability. Collaboration with
local farmers is crucial for selecting relevant crop varieties and obtaining practical