Soil Soil is a living material made up of minerals, organic matter, water, and air, all of which interact to create a home for plants and a colony of microbes. The mineral fraction of soil is formed by the weathering of rocks and is responsible for the fundamental composition and structure of soil. Organic matter fills soils with carbon molecules, and together with minerals, it offers the necessary nutrients required by plants. Water and oxygen are, of course, essential to all living creatures, as well as the numerous chemical and physical activities that take place in soil. Water is required for plants and microbes; in reality, the energy that drives soil activities is derived from the sunlight that plants gather during photosynthesis. The ability to support rooted plants in a natural setting or horizons, or layers, that can be distinguished from the original material due to additions, losses, transfers, and transformations of energy and matter are two characteristics of soil, a natural body made up of solids (minerals and organic matter), liquids, and gases that occurs on the land surface and occupies space. The five components that make up soil are minerals, organic materials, living things, gas, and water. The percentages of particles in the three size classes of soil minerals—clay, silt, and sand—are referred to as the soil texture. Soils have a wide variety of mineralogy. When wet and dry, for instance, a clay mineral known as smectite can shrink and swell so much that it can topple structures. Quartz is the most prevalent mineral found in soils; it is not particularly reactive but forms lovely crystals. Plant, animal, and microbial leftovers in varying stages of decomposition make up soil organic matter, which is an essential component. In fact, the proportion of soil organic matter in a soil is one of the greatest measures of agricultural soil quality. Common soil colors include brown, yellow, red, gray, white, and black; uncommon soil colors include green and blue. Types of Soil A. Sandy Soil Sandy soil is a type of soil that contains a higher proportion of sand and less clay. Sandy soil is light, dry, and warm that tends to be more acidic than other types of soil. Because the size of the sand particle is larger than other particles, they have low water retention capacity and fewer nutrients. The lack of enough moisture and nutrients makes the soil less suitable for crop production. However, the soil can be made suitable by adding organic matter to increase water and nutrient content. B. Clay Soil Clay soil is a type of soil that is comparatively heavy as it has higher water retention capacity and a higher concentration of nutrients. The soil is made up of over 25% clay particles that are smaller in size and thus hold a large amount of water. Clay soil drains water slowly and thus takes longer to warm up in the summer without drying out. However, because it is a heavy and dense type of soil, it doesn’t provide space for plant roots to flourish. C. Silt Soil Silt soil is a light soil with a higher fertility rate with soil particles that are large than clay but smaller than sand. The soil is smooth and of fine quality that holds water better than the sandy soil. The soil can also be easily transported by moving currents, and it is found near water bodies. Silt soil is considered the best type of soil for agricultural practices as it has sufficient nutrients and enough moisture for plant growth. D. Loam Soil Loam soil is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay soil that combines the properties of all three types of soil to make it more fertile. The soil has enough pores as well as water retention capacity to promote crop production. The level of calcium and pH of loam soil is also of the appropriate amount due to the presence of inorganic matter. Key Components of Soil Components 1. Mineral matter (45%) Sand Silt Clay Description This is the largest component of soil, making up about 45-49% of the soil volume. It's derived from the weathering of rocks and minerals, and it provides the structural framework of the soil Sand - The largest particles, ranging from 0.05 to 2.00 mm in diameter. Sand contributes to soil drainage and aeration. Silt - Medium-sized particles, ranging from 0.002 to 0.05 mm in diameter. Silt has good waterholding capacity and contributes to soil fertility Clay - The smallest particles, less than 0.002 mm in diameter. Clay particles have a large surface area, which allows them to retain water and nutrients. However, too much clay can lead to poor drainage. 2. Organic matter (5%) Humus Living organisms 3. Water (25%) 4. Air (25%) Layers of Soil This component makes up about 5% of the soil volume and is crucial for soil health and fertility. Humus - A dark, spongy substance formed from the decomposition of plant and animal remains. Humus improves soil structure, waterholding capacity, and nutrient availability. Living organisms - Soil is teeming with life, including bacteria, fungi, earthworms, insects, and other creatures. These organisms play vital roles in decomposition, nutrient cycling, and soil structure. Water occupies the pore spaces between soil particles and makes up about 25% of the soil volume. It's essential for transporting nutrients to plants and facilitating chemical reactions. The amount of water in the soil varies depending on factors like rainfall, drainage, and soil texture. Air also occupies the pore spaces in the soil, making up about 25% of the soil volume. It’s crucial for the respiration of plant roots and soil organisms. The balance between water and air in the soil is important for healthy plant growth. O (humus or organic): Mostly decaying leaves and other organic materials. Some soils have a thin O horizon, whereas others have a thick one, and yet others have none at all. A (topsoil): The majority of the minerals in topsoil come from parent material, with some organic materials mixed throughout. An excellent material for living things, including plants. E (eluviated): Eluviated soils, which are typically found in older soils and forest soils, include a concentration of silt and sand particles of quartz or other resistant elements that have been leached from clay, minerals, and organic matter. B (subsoil): Minerals that leached (moved down) from the A or E horizons and accumulated here are abundant in the B (subsoil). C (parent material): The layer above the R Horizon and below the B Horizon is also known as regolith. It is made of bedrock that has been slightly fractured. This layer contains very little organic material and is not penetrated by plant roots. R (bedrock): A mass of rock, such as granite, basalt, quartzite, limestone, or sandstone, that, if it is near enough to the surface to weather, makes up the parent material for various soils. This area, which is beneath the C horizon, is not soil. What is soil pollution? Over time, soil pollution has grown to be a significant obstacle that we must overcome in order to create a healthy ecosystem. Soil is created by many processes that weather the earth's crusts, and it builds up over ages. A significant portion of the biodiversity of bacteria and other microscopic and macroscopic living things are found in the soil. HAZARDOUS POLLUTANTS Heavy Metals: When present in very high concentrations, heavy metals like lead and mercury can render soil extremely toxic to people. TOXIC METALS THAT CAUSE SOIL POLLUTION ARSENIC MERCURY ANTIMONY ZINC LEAD NICKEL CADMIUM THALLIUM SELENIUM CHROMIUM BERYLLIUM COPPER PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons): Only carbon and hydrogen atoms make up the class of organic compounds known as PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and they many aromatic rings in their molecular structure. PAHs are found in soil from cigarette smoke, shale oil extraction, vehicle emissions, and coke (coal) production. Phenalene, anthracene, and naphthalene are typical examples of PAHs. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure has been connected to a number of cancer types. Human circulatory disorders can also be brought on by certain chemical substances. Industrial Waste Soil: Whenever industrial waste is dumped into soils, pollution may result. Industrial solvents that are chlorinated Dioxins are created when garbage is burned, and insecticides are manufactured. The dispersants and plasticizers PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls Pesticides: Chemicals (or chemical mixtures) used to eradicate or stop the reproduction of pests are known as pesticides. Clean Soil vs. Dirty Soil Characteristics 1. Contaminants 2. Organic Matter Clean Soil Free from harmful contaminants like heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic), pesticides, herbicides, industrial chemicals, and excessive levels of pollutants. It may contain naturally occurring substances, but at levels that don't pose a risk to human health or the environment. Typically has a good amount of organic matter (humus) which is essential Dirty Soil Contains contaminants at levels that exceed safe limits. This can be due to industrial activity, improper waste disposal, agricultural practices, or natural sources. Contaminated soil can pose health risks through direct contact, inhalation, or ingestion, and can harm plants and wildlife. May have low organic matter content, especially if contaminated. This can 3. Biological Activity 4. Physical Properties for soil fertility, water retention, and nutrient cycling. This makes it suitable for plant growth. Teems with diverse microorganisms (bacteria, fungi), earthworms, and other organisms that contribute to nutrient cycling, soil structure, and overall health. Often has a good structure, with a balance of sand, silt, and clay particles, allowing for proper drainage and aeration. 5. Suitability for use Suitable for various purposes, including agriculture, gardening, construction, and landscaping. 6. Color and odor Typically has a rich, earthy color and a pleasant, earthy smell. 7. Testing May not require extensive testing unless there's a reason to suspect contamination. reduce its fertility and ability to support plant life. May have reduced biological activity due to the presence of contaminants that can harm or kill soil organisms. May have a poor structure due to contamination or lack of organic matter. This can lead to compaction, poor drainage, and reduced aeration. May be unsuitable for certain uses due to contamination. It may require remediation or special handling before it can be used safely. May have unusual colors or odors due to the presence of contaminants. For example, it might have a chemical smell or a strange discoloration. Often requires testing to identify the type and level of contaminants present. This is important for assessing the risks and determining appropriate remediation strategies. Clean soil Type of soil Properties Example 1. Loamy soil 2. Sandy Loam 3. Silt Loam 4. Clay Loam 5. Organic Soil It's a balanced mix of sand, silt, and clay, which gives it excellent drainage, water retention, and nutrientholding capacity. It's also easy to work with and has good aeration. Predominantly sand, but with enough silt and clay to hold some moisture and nutrients. It drains quickly, warms up fast in the spring, and is easy to dig. Mostly silt, with some sand and clay. It holds moisture well and is rich in nutrients, but can be prone to compaction. More clay than sand or silt, but still with enough of the other particles to provide some drainage and aeration. It's nutrient-rich but can be heavy and slow to warm up this is primarily decomposed organic matter. When it's "clean," it means it's free from harmful pollutants and has excellent fertility, water retention, and biological activity. Many garden soils are loamy or can be amended to become loamy. It's ideal for most plants. Good for plants that prefer well-drained soil, like root vegetables or Mediterranean herbs. Often found in areas with fertile floodplains, good for many garden plants. Can be good for plants that tolerate heavier soils, like some trees and shrubs. Compost, well-rotted manure, and peat moss (though peat is less sustainable). Dirty soil Type of soil Properties Examples 1. Heavy Metal Heavy metals like lead, Industrial sites: Old Contamination mercury, arsenic, and factories, mines, or cadmium persist in soil for smelters often leave long periods. They can be behind heavy metal toxic to plants, animals, and contamination. humans, accumulating in Urban areas: Lead the food chain. from old paint or 2. Pesticide and These chemicals, used to Herbicide control pests and weeds, Contamination can linger in soil and harm non-target organisms. They may disrupt soil ecosystems and pose health risks. 3. Industrial Chemical Contamination A wide range of chemicals from factories, spills, or improper waste disposal can contaminate soil. These may include solvents, oils, PCBs, and dioxins, each with its own specific toxic effects. 4. Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination Oil spills, leaks from underground storage tanks, and improper disposal of petroleum products can contaminate soil with hydrocarbons. past use of leaded gasoline can contaminate soil, especially near roads. Agricultural land: Some pesticides or fertilizers may contain heavy metals. Farmlands: Overuse or improper application of pesticides can lead to soil contamination. Gardens: Even home gardeners can contribute if they use pesticides excessively. Areas near agricultural runoff: Chemicals can wash into nearby soil. Manufacturing sites: Factories producing chemicals, plastics, or other goods can have leaks or spills. Dry cleaners: Some solvents used in dry cleaning can contaminate soil. Landfills: Improperly managed landfills can leach chemicals into the surrounding soil. Oil refineries: Sites where oil is processed are at risk of spills. Gas stations: Leaky underground tanks These can harm plants and animals and pose fire hazards. 5. Radioactive Contamination Radioactive materials can persist in soil for very long periods, posing a risk of radiation exposure. 6. Pathogen Contamination Bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens can contaminate soil through sewage, animal waste, or contaminated water. They pose a risk of infection. can contaminate nearby soil. Areas near roads: Runoff from roads can contain oil and other hydrocarbons. Nuclear facilities: Sites where nuclear materials are processed or stored have the potential for contamination. Mining areas: Some types of mining can expose radioactive elements. Areas with poor sanitation: Improperly treated sewage can contaminate soil. Farms: Animal waste can be a source of pathogens. Organic Soil vs Inorganic Soil Organic soil is excellent for gardening and providing plants with the nutrients they need. It's also great for improving soil structure and water retention. Inorganic soil is often used as a base for construction or landscaping, and can be amended with organic matter to improve its fertility. Features 1. Composition 2. Nutrient Content 3. Structure Organic Primarily made up of decomposed organic matter like plant and animal residues. Think of things like compost, decaying leaves, and manure. Rich in nutrients and minerals, making it a great "superfood" for plants. Inorganic Primarily made up of inorganic materials like sand, silt, and clay particles, along with some rock fragments. Lower than organic soil, and may require additional fertilizers to support plant growth. Generally has a loose and Varies depending on the porous structure, which proportions of sand, silt, 4. Water Capacity helps with water retention and aeration. Holding High, meaning it can hold a lot of water. 5. pH level 6. Biological Activity and clay. Can be dense and compact. Varies depending on the texture. Sandy soils drain quickly, while clay soils retain more water. Can vary but tends to be Can vary, but often closer to slightly acidic. neutral. teeming with Lower than organic soil. microorganisms, worms, and other beneficial life that contribute to soil health. IMPACT OF SOIL POLLUTION Food security, which is necessary for human survival, is put at risk when soil contamination reduces soil fertility. Additionally, it is harmful to human health, both directly through contact to contaminated soil and indirectly through the ingestion of tainted food and drinking water. HEALTH PROBLEMS IN HUMANS Through the food chain, soil pollutants reach our bodies and cause diseases. Numerous contaminants found in soil can cause cancer. The risk of developing cancer is significantly higher for people who are exposed to them than for those who are not. Other health issues like central nervous system depression, headaches, nausea, exhaustion, eye irritation, and skin rashes can also be brought on by contaminated soil. People who are exposed to high levels of mercury in the soil are more likely to develop liver or kidney damage. High levels of lead or mercury, for instance, can harm developing children's brains and result in neurological issues. FOOD CHAIN DISRUPTION The metabolisms of microorganisms and arthropods can be adversely affected by soil pollution, which can kill some food chain rungs and harm predators. The toxic substances in the soil are consumed by smaller organisms, which subsequently make their way up the food chain to larger creatures, increasing mortality rates and possibly causing extinction. LOWER AIR QUALITY Air pollution can result from the emission of volatile chemicals into the atmosphere by contaminated soil. The soil will have a greater impact on air quality the more harmful substances it contains. DECREASED SOIL FERTILITY Pollution can raise the soil's salinity, rendering it unusable for the majority of plant growth. Any crops that could survive under those circumstances would be poisonous enough to be harmful if consumed. Sulfur dioxide, an acidic substance released by burning fossil fuels, has the potential to pollute soil. Worms and other microbes that typically enhance soil health by breaking down organic matter and encouraging water circulation are negatively impacted by the acidic environment it produces. Acidity also has a detrimental effect on bacteria and fungi that aid in soil binding, which can cause soil erosion. PLANT GROWTH PROBLEMS When soil chemistry changes significantly over a short period of time owing to contamination, most plants are unable to adjust. Their growth may be hampered by soil contamination, which can change their metabolism and lessen their capacity to take in nutrients and carry out photosynthesis. GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION One of the primary sources of drinking water for many communities is groundwater, which can become contaminated by soil degradation. Any contaminants in the soil can seep into the water and contaminate it since groundwater gathers beneath soil layers. Long-term usage of contaminated water might have detrimental effects. Soil Erosion Soil erosion is the process by which the top layer of nutrient-rich soil is removed due to natural forces and human activities. Water erosion, caused by rainfall and surface runoff, leads to different types of soil loss, including sheet erosion (uniform soil removal), rill erosion (small channel formation), and gully erosion (deep channels or gullies). Wind erosion is common in arid and semi-arid regions, where strong winds carry away loose, dry soil. Human activities such as deforestation, overgrazing, unsustainable farming practices, and urbanization also contribute significantly to soil erosion. The effects of soil erosion include the loss of fertile topsoil, sedimentation in water bodies, increased flooding risk, and desertification. To prevent and mitigate soil erosion, various strategies can be employed, including maintaining vegetative cover, contour plowing, terracing, planting windbreaks, and practicing conservation tillage. Soil Leaching Soil leaching occurs when water dissolves and transports nutrients, minerals, or pollutants from the soil into deeper layers or groundwater. This process is influenced by excessive rainfall, soil composition, and over-fertilization. As a result, essential nutrients are depleted from the soil, reducing its fertility, while harmful substances may contaminate groundwater. Additionally, prolonged leaching can lead to soil acidification, making it less suitable for plant growth. To minimize soil leaching, strategies such as controlled irrigation, soil amendment, and proper fertilizer management should be implemented. Soil Weathering Soil weathering is the natural process by which rocks and minerals break down into smaller particles, ultimately forming soil. It can occur through physical, chemical, or biological processes. Physical weathering is caused by temperature fluctuations, frost action, and the impact of wind and water. Chemical weathering involves reactions such as hydrolysis, oxidation, and carbonation, which alter the composition of minerals. Biological weathering occurs when plant roots, microorganisms, and burrowing animals contribute to the breakdown of rocks. The effects of soil weathering include soil formation, the release of essential nutrients, landscape changes, and the promotion of erosion and sedimentation. Soil Minerals and Their Importance Soil contains essential minerals that support plant growth and maintain soil fertility. These minerals are classified into macronutrients, which are needed in large amounts, and micronutrients, which are required in smaller quantities but are still vital for plant health. Macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur play key roles in plant metabolism, structural development, and overall health. Micronutrients, including iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum, and chlorine, are crucial for various physiological and biochemical processes in plants. Other minerals like silicon, aluminum, and sodium also influence soil properties, though excessive amounts of some minerals, like aluminum and sodium, can be harmful. Soil Contamination and Treatment Soil contamination occurs when harmful substances accumulate in the soil, posing risks to plant growth, water quality, and overall environmental health. To restore contaminated soil, several treatment methods can be used. Bioremediation, or biological treatment, utilizes microorganisms to break down pollutants, including heavy metals and pesticides. Chemical oxidation involves the use of reactive chemicals to destroy contaminants, making it an effective solution for deeply polluted soils. Soil stabilization prevents pollutants from spreading by either immobilizing them or altering them into a less harmful state. Soil washing is another technique that separates contaminated fine particles from clean soil, requiring further treatment of the extracted pollutants. These methods are crucial in mitigating environmental hazards and restoring soil health for sustainable use. WAYS TO PREVENT SOIL POLLUTION 3R’s Landfills are used to dispose of a large portion of residential trash. Plastics and other items gradually decompose in landfills, releasing harmful compounds into the ground. Some of these compounds are important sources of contamination and are highly harmful to the health of the soil. Limiting the quantity of garbage that ends up in landfills and contributing to soil pollution can be achieved by reducing the usage of disposable products and recycling and reusing objects as much as feasible. Limit the usage of chemical fertilizer Chemical fertilizers can increase soil fertility in the right amounts, but applying them excessively can damage the soil in a number of ways. An excessive amount of chemical fertilizer can harm beneficial microbes and alter the pH values of the soil. Water is often contaminated by fertilizer runoff from the soil. Manure and other natural fertilizers ought to be preferred over chemicals because of this. Improve Hazard ways management To Safeguard the environment, hazardous waste management laws are in effect in most jurisdictions. It's critical that governments actively and rigorously enforce these laws. Tree planting Deforestation-induced soil erosion is one of the primary sources of soil contamination. In locations that are dry and deforested, planting trees should be promoted. Plant roots hold the soil together and can even aid in soil remediation.