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Electronics Engineering Simulation Software Tools Review

GJAES, Vol. 3(1): Review Work,
Some Important Simulation Software Tools
for a Student of Electronics Engineering
Sudip Mandal
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Global Institute of Management
and Technology, Krishnagar, India, Pin: 741102
Email: sudip.mandal007@gmail.com
Abstract: Simulation is a discipline of modeling some real life problem or theoretical concept and
observing corresponding output in artificial or synthetic environment e.g. computers. Simulation has
great importance in the field of application of Electronics engineering where electronic engineers or
students can check their models or their models or theory before applying for development
practically. In this article, I mainly emphasize some important simulation software tools in the field of
electronics and communication engineering. These tools are widely used for numerical simulations
and applications. From this article, students will familiarize about these simulation software tools so
that they can apply these tools in their own problems and also carry out research work for further
development or modifications of these software tools.
Keywords: Simulation; Software tools; PSPICE; MULTISIM; PROTEOUS; LASI; TANAR EDA;
1. Introduction
Consider a situation, where an electronics engineer needs to design a Micro-strip Patch antenna with
Half Power Beam Width (HPBW) of 30 degree for a certain application. Here, the size of the antenna
is restricted to a fixed dimension and shape should be in rectangular or S-shaped patch. Now, one can
design and develop the patch for different height, shape and dielectric etc of patch in laboratory
directly. But, it is very exhaustive, inefficient and expensive procedure as the person has to depend on
trial and error method to get the desire patch.
Consider another situation where we want to design a traffic light controller circuit using some
standard ICs and electronics components. Same above mentioned problems will arrive if we want to
design the PCB layout for the circuit manually. Moreover, for different values of electronics
components the outputs may be changed. So, it is also exhaustive process to redesign the electronics
However, it will be better if we can virtually check the HPBW and radiation pattern of the patch (with
certain shape and size) or the output of the electronics circuits and PCB layouts or circuit before
physically designing in lab, then we don’t need to worry about redesigning the antenna again and again
in lab. From here, the concept of simulation arises.
Computer simulation [1], [2] is the discipline of designing a model of an actual or theoretical physical
system, executing the model on a digital computer, and analyzing the execution output. Simulation
embodies the principle of “learning by doing'' -to learn about the system we must first build a model of
some sort and then operate the model. The use of simulation is an activity that is as natural as a child
who role plays. Children understand the world around them by simulating (with toys and figurines)
most of their interactions with other people, animals and objects. As adults, we lose some of this
childlike behavior but recapture it later on through computer simulation. To understand reality and all
of its complexity, we must build artificial objects and dynamically act out roles with them. Computer
simulation is the electronic equivalent of this type of role playing and it serves to drive synthetic
environments and virtual worlds. Within the overall task of simulation, there are three primary subfields: model design, model execution and model analysis.
Global Journal on Advancement in Engineering and Science (GJAES), Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2017
ISSN: 2395-1001
Page 1
S. Mandal, “Some Important Simulation Software Tools for a Student of Electronics Engineering”Global
Journal on Advancement in Engineering and Science, vol. 3(1), pp. 01-08, 2017.
To simulate [3] something physical, you will first need to create a mathematical model which
represents that physical object. Models can take many forms including declarative, functional,
constraint, spatial. The next task, once a model has been developed, is to execute the model on a
computer --- that is, you need to create a computer program which steps through time while updating
the state and event variables in your mathematical model.
For an electronics student or engineer the most important tasks are Circuit analysis, Layout or PCB
design, Control & Signal analysis, use of EDA Tools, Microprocessor & Microcontroller based design,
Antenna & Microwave design and Networking. Lots of researches and developments are carried out on
these are area. Therefore, before developing a system in real life, it is necessary to test or simulate the
proposed models in virtual environment and make necessary actions according to it.
However, the paper is organized as follows: in next section we elaborated the different software those
are widely used for the simulation purpose in the field of electronics. Next, we have made some
concluding remarks that followed by references sections.
2. Details of Simulation Software Tools
Now, we shall give a detailed description of different simulation software and their corresponding uses
and resources.
2.1. Circuit Analysis
2.1.1 SPICE
SPICE (Simulation Program for Integrated Circuits Emphasis) [4], [5], [6], [7] was developed at the
Electronics Research Laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley by Laurence Nagel with
direction from his research advisor, Prof. Donald Pederson. SPICE is a general purpose analog circuit
simulator that is used to verify circuit designs and to predict the circuit behaviour. PSPICE is a PC
version of SPICE and HSPICE is a version that runs on workstations and larger computers. PSPICE
has analog and digital libraries of standard components (such as NAND, NOR, flip-flops, and other
digital gates, op amps, etc) which makes it a useful tool for a wide range of analog and digital
applications. Circuit simulation programs, of which SPICE and derivatives are the most prominent,
take a text netlist describing the circuit elements (transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc.) and their
connections, and translate this description into equations to be solved. The general equations produced
are nonlinear differential algebraic equations which are solved using implicit integration
methods, Newton's method and sparse matrix techniques.
2.1.2 Multisim
NI Multisim (formerly MultiSIM) [8], [9], [10] is an electronic schematic capture and simulation
program which is part of a suite of circuit design programs, along with NI Ultiboard. Multisim is one of
the few circuit design programs to employ the original Berkeley SPICE based software simulation.
Multisim was originally created by a company named Electronics Workbench, which is now a division
of National Instruments. Multisim includes microcontroller simulation (formerly known as
MultiMCU), as well as integrated import and export features to the Printed Circuit Board layout
software in the suite, NI Ultiboard. With powerful learning features and laboratory hardware
integration, Multisim teaches students foundational concepts in analog, digital, and power electronics
throughout engineering and science curriculum. Multisim simulation and circuit design software gives
engineers the advanced analysis and design capabilities to optimize performance, reduce design errors,
and shorten time to prototype. Intuitive NI tools result in saved printed circuit board (PCB) iterations
and significant cost savings.
2.1.3. Proteous
The Proteus Design Suite [11], [12], [13], [14] is an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tool
including schematic capture, simulation and PCB Layout modules. It is developed in Yorkshire,
England by Labcenter Electronics Ltd with offices in North America and several overseas sales
channels. Proteus combines ease of use with powerful features to help you design, test and layout
professional PCBs like never before. With nearly 800 microcontroller variants ready for simulation
GJAES, vol. 3(1) © 2017, GJAES All Rights Reserved
Page 2
S. Mandal, “Some Important Simulation Software Tools for a Student of Electronics Engineering”Global
Journal on Advancement in Engineering and Science, vol. 3(1), pp. 01-08, 2017.
straight from the schematic, one of the most intuitive professional PCB layout packages on the market
and a world class shape based autorouter included as standard, Proteus Design Suite 8 delivers the
complete software package for today and tomorrow's engineers. The micro-controller simulation in
Proteus works by applying either a hex file or a debug file to the microcontroller part on the schematic.
It is then co-simulated along with any analog and digital electronics connected to it. This enables it's
used in a broad spectrum of project prototyping in areas such as motor control, temperature control and
user interface design. Moreover, Arduino based circuitry can also simulated in this software.
2.2 Layout or PCB Design
2.2.1 LASI
LASI (Layout System for Individuals) [15], [16], [17] is a "general purpose" layout and design system
originally intended for integrated circuits. It is versatile enough that it can be used for ICs, MEMS,
discrete devices, schematics, PC boards and project documentation drawings. It is very much useful for
designing mask layout of CMOS based circuts. LASI is freeware. LASI consists of a main drawing
editor and several "utility" programs. These utilities include a user programmable bitmap based DRC, a
basic matrix router, and a Spice netlist compiler that extracts Spice circuit files from both schematic
and layout.
Tanner EDA [18], [19], [20], [21] has earned an outstanding reputation as the price performance leader
for the design, layout and verification of analog/mixed-signal (AMS) ICs, as well as MEMS and IoT
devices. Now an integral part of Mentor Graphics, Tanner EDA builds on our extensive technology
leadership and global footprint to reach AMS designers around the world. Tanner EDA by Mentor
Graphics now enjoys the stability that comes with joining a successful big 3 EDA company. Mentor
will continue to invest in the Tanner EDA suite to strengthen it as the user base and support Tanner
EDA products, their customers and their foundry partners and place particular focus on IoT users who
design and integrate: power electronics, sensors, MEMS, photonics and RF circuitry. Tanner EDA
solutions by Mentor Graphics provides a complete line of EDA software tools that drive innovation for
the design, layout, and verification to tape-out of analog and digital integrated circuits (ICs). Tanner
EDA solutions offer a complete design environment supporting analog, mixed-signal, or MEMS
domains in one highly-integrated end-to-end flow. Our customers are creating breakthrough
applications in areas such as Automotive, Life Sciences, imaging, sensors, power management,
Military, Aerospace, Space, Internet of Things (IoT) and ARM Powered® solutions. Tanner EDA
products have a low learning curve, high interoperability, and a powerful user interface improve design
team productivity.
2.3. Control and Signal Analysis
2.3.1 MATLAB
MATLAB (matrix laboratory) [22], [23], [24] is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment
and fourth generation programming language. A proprietary programming language developed
by MathWorks, MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation
of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages,
including C, C++, C#, Java, Fortran and Python. An additional package, Simulink, adds graphical
multi-domain simulation and model-based design for dynamic and embedded systems. Cleve Moler,
the chairman of the computer science department at the University of New Mexico, started developing
MATLAB in the late 1970s. One of the major advantages of using Matlab is that large number of
toolboxes for different purpose ranging from DSP, Image Processing, Neural Network, Bioinformatics,
Computer Vision, Fuzzy Logic, Antenna, Network etc to different simulink and different coder.
Students can use these toolboxes easily for their own problem or they may written their own code
corresponding to the problem and simulate it. Matlab is worldwide recognized software for different
purpose. Therefore, the results correspond to it are accepted easily within scientific communities and
GJAES, vol. 3(1) © 2017, GJAES All Rights Reserved
Page 3
S. Mandal, “Some Important Simulation Software Tools for a Student of Electronics Engineering”Global
Journal on Advancement in Engineering and Science, vol. 3(1), pp. 01-08, 2017.
2.3.2 LabVIEW
From the inception of an idea to the commercialization of a widget, NI’s unique platform-based
approach to engineering and science applications has driven progress across a wide variety of
industries. Central to this approach is LabVIEW [25], [26], [27] a development environment designed
specifically to accelerate the productivity of engineers and scientists. With a graphical programming
syntax that makes it simple to visualize, create, and code engineering systems, LabVIEW is unmatched
in helping you reduce test times, deliver business insights based on collected data, and translate ideas
into reality. LabVIEW is an integrated development environment designed specifically for engineers
and scientists building measurement and control systems. With a native graphical programming
language, built-in IP for data analysis and signal processing, and an open architecture that enables
integration of any hardware device and any software approach, LabVIEW is the software you need to
build the optimal solution that can meet your custom requirements and solve the challenges at hand.
2.4 EDA Tools
2.4.1 Xilinx ISE
Xilinx ISE (Integrated Synthesis Environment) [28], [29], [30], [31] is a software tool produced
by Xilinx for synthesis and analysis of HDL designs (VHDL and Verilog), enabling the developer
to synthesize ("compile") their designs, perform timing analysis, examine RTL diagrams, simulate a
design's reaction to different stimuli, and configure the target device with the programmer. Xilinx ISE
is a design environment for FPGA products from Xilinx, and is tightly-coupled to the architecture of
such chips, and cannot be used with FPGA products from other vendors.[3] The Xilinx ISE is primarily
used for circuit synthesis and design, while ISIM or the ModelSim logic simulator is used for systemlevel testing.
2.4.2 Cadence Design Systems
Cadence Design Systems, Inc (NASDAQ: CDNS) [32], [33], [34], [35] is an
American multinational electronic design automation (EDA) software and engineering services
company, founded in 1988 by the merger of SDA Systems and ECAD, Inc. The company produces
software, hardware and silicon structures for designing integrated circuits, systems on chips (SoCs)
and printed circuit boards. Virtuoso Platform - Tools for designing full-custom integrated
circuits includes schematic entry, behavioral modeling (Verilog-AMS), circuit simulation, custom
layout, physical verification, extraction and back-annotation. Used mainly for analog, mixedsignal, RF, and standard-cell designs, but also memory and FPGA designs.
2.5 Microprocessor and Microcontroller based simulation
2.5.1 Keil
Keil MDK [36], [37], [38], [39] is the complete software development environment for a wide range of
ARM Cortex-M based microcontroller devices. MDK includes the µVision IDEand debugger, ARM
C/C++ compiler, and essential middleware components. It supports all silicon vendors with over 3900
devices and is easy to learn and use. Keil was founded in 1982 by Günter and Reinhard Keil, initially
as a German GbR. In April 1985 the company was converted to Keil Elektronik GmbH to market addon products for the development tools provided by many of the silicon vendors. Keil implemented the
first C compiler designed from the ground-up specifically for the 8051 microcontroller. Keil
development tools for the 8051 Microcontroller Architecture support every level of software developer
from the professional applications engineer to the student just learning about embedded software
development. The industry-standard Keil C Compilers, Macro Assemblers, Debuggers, Real-time
Kernels, Single-board Computers, and Emulators support all 8051 derivatives and help you get your
projects completed on schedule. The Keil µVision Debugger accurately simulates on-chip peripherals
(I²C, CAN, UART, SPI, Interrupts, I/O Ports, A/D Converter, D/A Converter, and PWM Modules) of
your 8051 device. Simulation helps you understand hardware configurations and avoids time wasted on
setup problems. Additionally, with simulation, you can write and test applications before target
hardware is available.
GJAES, vol. 3(1) © 2017, GJAES All Rights Reserved
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S. Mandal, “Some Important Simulation Software Tools for a Student of Electronics Engineering”Global
Journal on Advancement in Engineering and Science, vol. 3(1), pp. 01-08, 2017.
AVR [40], [41], [42], [43] is a family of microcontrollers developed by Atmel beginning in 1996.
These are modified Harvard architecture 8-bit RISC single-chip microcontrollers. AVR was one of the
first microcontroller families to use on-chip flash memory for program storage, as opposed to one-time
programmable ROM, EPROM, or EEPROM used by other microcontrollers at the time. Atmel Studio
7 is the integrated development platform (IDP) for developing and debugging Atmel® SMART
ARM®-based and Atmel AVR® microcontroller (MCU) applications. Studio 7 supports all AVR and
Atmel SMART MCUs. The Atmel Studio 7 IDP gives you a seamless and easy-to-use environment to
write, build and debug your applications written in C/C++ or assembly code. It also connects
seamlessly to Atmel debuggers and development kits. Additionally, Atmel Studio includes Atmel
Gallery, an online apps store that allows you to extend your development environment with plug-ins
developed by Atmel as well as by third-party tool and embedded software vendors. Atmel Studio 7 can
also able seamlessly import your Arduino sketches as C++ projects, providing a simple transition path
from Makerspace to Marketplace.
2.6 Antenna and Microwave Simulation
Antennas are essential wherever wireless communication required. They are the indispensable link
between the contained signal and the “ether”. Computer Simulation and technology (CST) [44], [45],
[46], [47], [48] provides a variety of tools for each stage of the antenna design flow to study and
improve your design. Antenna Magus is a software tool which allows the engineer to make an
informed choice of an appropriate antenna element to suit their requirements, and produces validated
designs which can be analysed further in CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® (CST MWS). Antennas are
used in a vast variety of applications, and thus take come in a vast variety of form factors and radiation
mechanisms. The range of simulation methods in CST MWS allows the engineer to choose the best
technique for each application. The transient solver could be best for wideband or planar antennas,
the frequency domain solver may be more suitable for electrically small antennas, while the integral
equation solver can efficiently simulate electrically large or wire antennas. Antennas never operate in
isolation, but are attached to a feed network. CST DESIGN STUDIO (CST DS) allows the hybrid cosimulation of the effect of an attached circuit on the antenna performance. Installation of an antenna in
a device or on a platform makes its analysis even more complex.
ANSYS HFSS [49], [50], [51] software is the industry standard for simulating high-frequency
electromagnetic fields. Its gold-standard accuracy, advanced solvers and high-performance computing
technologies make it an essential tool for engineers tasked with executing accurate and rapid design in
high-frequency and high-speed electronic devices and platforms. HFSS offers state-of the-art solver
technologies based on finite element, integral equation, asymptotic and advanced hybrid methods to
solve a wide range of microwave, RF and high-speed digital applications.
HFSS delivers 3-D full-wave accuracy for components to enable RF and high-speed design. By
leveraging advanced electromagnetic field simulators dynamically linked to powerful harmonicbalance and transient circuit simulation, HFSS breaks the cycle of repeated design iterations and
lengthy physical prototyping. With HFSS, engineering teams consistently achieve best-in-class design
in a broad range of applications including antennas, phased arrays, passive RF/mW components, highspeed interconnects, connectors, IC packaging and PCBs.
2.7 Simulation of Networking
2.7.1 NS2
Ns2 [52], [53], [54], [55] is an event driven simulator, which is a open source simulator mainly used
for academic research in the areas of Computer Networks, MANETs, WSNs. From the days of its first
release it has excited the minds of researchers, students, network practitioners opened up many
GJAES, vol. 3(1) © 2017, GJAES All Rights Reserved
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S. Mandal, “Some Important Simulation Software Tools for a Student of Electronics Engineering”Global
Journal on Advancement in Engineering and Science, vol. 3(1), pp. 01-08, 2017.
possibilities for doing simulation of different protocols before they are actually implemented in real
time. Network Simulation is a technique where a program models the behavior of a network either by
calculating the interaction between the different network entities (hosts/routers, data links, packets, etc)
using mathematical formulas, or actually capturing and playing back observations from a production
network. When a simulation program is used in conjunction with live applications and services in order
to observe end-to-end performance to the user desktop, this technique is also referred to as network
emulation. A network simulator is a software program that imitates the working of a computer
network. In simulators, the computer network is typically modeled with devices, traffic etc and the
performance is analyzed. Typically, users can then customize the simulator to fulfill their specific
analysis needs. Simulators typically come with support for the most popular protocols in use today,
such as IPv4, IPv6, UDP, and TCP.
2.7.2 GloMoSim
Global Mobile Information System Simulator (GloMoSim) [56], [57], [58] is a network protocol
simulation software that simulates wireless and wired network systems. GloMoSim is designed using
the parallel discrete event simulation capability provided by Parsec, a parallel programming
language. GloMoSim currently supports protocols for a purely wireless network. It uses the Parsec
compiler (a C based simulation based simulation language) to compile the simulation protocols. It is
library based sequential and parallel simulator for wireless networks. It is designed as a set of library
module, each of which simulates a specific wireless communication protocol in the protocol stack.
New protocols and modules can be programmed and added to the library using this language. It has
been implemented on both shared and distributed memory computers and can be executed using a
variety of synchronization protocols.
3. Conclusion
Simulation is a discipline of modeling some real life problem or theoretical concept and observing
corresponding output in artificial environment via computers. So, in this we have reviewed some
important and essential simulation software tools which are very helpful for an electronics student and
engineer. For different types of circuit analysis PSPICE, MULTISIM and PROTEOUS are normally
used for simulation. For Layout or PCB design, LASI and TANAR EDA are preferred by most of the
electronics engineers. Next, for the analysis of the different signal, control system and numerical
mathematical problems, most of the researches used MATLAB or LABVIEW for simulation. On the
other hand, XILINX or CADANCE are very useful for the implementation FPGA based design or
VHDL programming. KEIL and AVR STUDIO are very popular software tools for the simulation of
microcontroller based design. For the analysis of different antenna and microwave signal, CST or
ANSYS HFSS are widely used. Lastly, NS2 and GLOMOSIM are normally used for networking
analysis and different protocols of data transfer.
However, the main aim of this paper is to become familiar with the different popular software tools,
their applications and their corresponding resources.
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Journal on Advancement in Engineering and Science, vol. 3(1), pp. 01-08, 2017.
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Journal on Advancement in Engineering and Science, vol. 3(1), pp. 01-08, 2017.
[51] emlab.uiuc.edu/ece451/tools/HFSS_tutorial_451.pdf
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