RM.DL.Books Groups OX.FORD I'NIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, O)dord ox2 6Dp Oxford University Pressis a department ofthe University ofOxford. It furthers the University's objective ofexcellence in researdl sdtolarship, ard education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaam HongKong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto Withoffices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Tirrkey lJlicaine Vietnam oxrono and oxroRD ENGLTSH are registered tade marks of O:dord University Pressin the UK and in certain other countries @Oldord University Press2oo9l The mord rights ofthe autlor have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press(maker) First published zoog 2Oa3 2012 2O7t 2O7O2OO9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 7 No unautlorized photocopying AII rights reserved. 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Thisismydad. 1 Thisismymum. 2 Thisismygrandpa.3 Thisis mygrandma.4 Thisis my uncle.s Thisis myaunt. 6 Thisis mycousin.t Hisname'sBrian. Thisis my sister.8 She'sgot shortblackhair. t'vegot a bigfamilyt We usehovegot to sogthot someonehosor ownssomething. We olsousehovegot to soghow peopleondthings[ook. Negotive Shortform I hoven'tgot he hosn'tgot shehosn'tgot it hosn'tgot ffirmotive Shortform Longform I've got he'sgot she'sgot it's got I hovegot hehosgot shehosgot it hosgot Longform I hovenot got he hosnot got shehosnot got it hosnot got I Complete the sentences. got He'sgot I'vegot She's :' blockhoir. 2 Thisis Alison. 3 Thisis mg ount. 4 Thisis mg grondpo. 1 StarterUnit browneUes. shorthoir. curlghoir. shorthoir. browneUes. 9reeneges. browneUes. I Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Thenmotch. t got He's brown hoir lie' s got brov/nho ir b z got S he 's cu rtg h oir He's hoir got bLock long She's hoir got ; hosn't She got curlg hoir block hosn't got hosn't got He hoir brown She hoir She stroight hoir got hosn't i Mokethe sentences negotive. got brownholr-. I He'sgotbrownhoir. He hos,n't z She's got [onghoir. 3 I'vegot shorthoir. 4 He'sgotcur[ghoir. StarterUnit 5 .- =r$,s,"':j ,,.a pillow r"rr:the table! -i-i.rr:'u"(-r , thf€e dolls[a+*619g'' t'+t'' the bedt ,$ o o o W euset* E:l*r',to to Lko bo utonet hingor per s on. WeusuoL[g usethe shortform,tl.:,*r"*'s. Fftm;'+'s a table. iofrr.r$': a bed. We useth*r* ru;'rto toLkobouttwo or morethingsor people. H'rrr"r" *re threedolLs.n"#e",f"+: *rr: elevenpencils. we usethe prepositions i*t,m::ond ufidmr to sogwheresomethingls. It's t;'tthe cupboard. St a r t e U r nit /t's mmthe table. If 'srrru#ey the bed. I Lookof poge6. Trueor folse?WriteT or F. t There'so pillow on the bed. 2 Thereorethreedo[[sunderthe bed. r Thereorethreeteddieson the bed. 4 There'sone bookon the shel"f. s Thereoresix bo[[sin Alison'sbedroom. F 5 Lookof poge6. Answerthe questions. t Howmongkitesorethere? eight kLtes_. -Ttrer-s_ore z Howmongteddies orethere? 3 How mongdo[[sorethere? 4 How mongbol.Ls orethere? s Howmongbooksorethere? 6 How mongpuzzlesorethere? 6 look of poge5. Completethe description. ore There's on There under in In Alison's bedroom there(1)-are sixdolts.(2)-o bedondo cupboord. ThereoreJivebooks(3) (a) the shel.f. orethree do[[s(5)-(6) the bed.Thereorefve puzzLes -- the cupboord. StarterUnit 7 Demonstratit =. Thisisthe newcomputer. Thesearethe newchairs, Thisisthe newclassroom. Thisondtheseoredemonstrotives. we usethemto to[kobout peopleo ndth ing sth ot oreneorus . n r th ing O neperso o M or et hononeper s on or t hing Thisisthe classroom. These arethe newtables. 1 Motch. This is A choir Pictures Theseore A poster Drowers 2 WriteThisis or Theseore. I 3 5 i-,i ,r: ':, the new boord. Unit1 2 pencils. 4 0 cor. 6 c hoir s . triongLes. o squore. - "Jt'sthecupboard. - 'Jsearethe pegs. Thotondthoseoreolsodemonstrotives. Weusethemto totk oboutpeopleondth ingsthot orefo r from us. Oneperson o rthin g Mo rethononeper s on or t hing thot's= thot is That'sthe board. Thoseare the drawers. ; Tick(/) the correctone. : F -A ' lr=ll-l l4J D t Thot'soposter. j Thoseore o poster. o --t-*-:-- D D Thot'spegs. Those orepegs. D Thoseoreo cupboord.D Thot'so cupboord. Thot'schoirs! o D Thoseorechoirs! UseThot'sor Thoseore. the sentences. - Complete 1) 4) (2) o seesow. mg friends.(s) (3) o sLide. swings. o frisbee. Un i t 1 9 What'sthisZ What are these? Thisis a picture. These arethe newrulers. Whot'sthis?ondWhotorethese?orewh- questions. We cononswerwith Thisis ...or Theseore .., We conolsoonswerwith lt's q ...or Theg're... it's= it is t heg' r e= t hegor e 5 Tick(/) the correctone. D Who to rethe se ?D Wh ot'sth is? Who t'sthis? W hot ' st his ? D o W hotor et hes e? o o D W hotor et hes e?D W hot ' st his ? Who torethe se ? 6 write the wordsin the correctorder.Mokequestions ond onswers. t t his Wh ot's is c om put er This o ) ore these Who t ore this Whot's clossroom o Unit 1 pictures These is This o A ,',hat's that? What are those? Those arethe newchairs. Whot'sthot?ondWhotorethose? orewh-questions. Wecononswerwith Thotis ...or Thoseore... Weconolsoonswerwith It's o ...or Theg're... ' Motch. Whot'sthot? 4 Whotor et hos e? 5 Write. Whot's Thoseore Thot's Whot Thisis these ore r 'Vl'iat'sthot? Thot's o picture. z Whot those? computers. 3 ,- th is? - o boor d. 4 ore ?These drowers. 5 thot? o toble. Uni t 1 The presentsimpleof be We usethe verbbe with odjectives thot describehow we fee[. Shortform I'm gou're he's sheis it's .wetre gou're theg're Longform Iom gOUO re he is sheis it is we ore uouore theg ore 1 Circletheformsof be. This is mg clossroom. Theseore mg friends. Theg'rehoppg. I 'm hoppgtoo. We're hoppg. Thot's Kote.She'ssod. U n i t2 Adjectives hot cold t hir s t g hungrg hoppg sod tired ongr 7 scored brove .J \-J I Motch. ' He's thirstg. ----/ 2 I'm hoppg. 3 She'songrg. r You'resod. 5 We'reco[d. o Theg'rehot. Writethe shortformsof be. 's 're 'm Oscor \ r Iock ,l ALice ont E\ She co[d.Lookof MegonondKote. 'hot'sTim.He s tired.Andthot'sPo[[g. rheU hoppu.I conseeJockondOscor. Theg- sod.I'm Alice.I - - hoppg. A n nois mgfrien d.Sh e ho pp u. W e hoppg. . Writesentences. UsehoppgO ot sod@. Tr I r m ftoPP9 r@ 4 @@ rhes r 2 OO we s@@we r@ 6 O Y ou He Uni t 2 fsshehungry? Aretheyhot? No,sheisn't. We conusebeto oskges/noquestions. Wechongethe word orderin questions. Stotement Question She'ssad. Is shesad? 'Question Shortqnswers A m I...? Yes,I om. No,I'm not. Aregou...? Yes,gouore. No,gouqren't. Is he...? Yes,he is. No,heisn't. Is she...? Yes,sheis. No,sheisn't. Is it ...? Yes,it is. No,it isn't. Arewe ...? No,we oren't. Yes,we ore. Aregou...? Yes,gouore. No,gouoren't. Aretheg...? Yes,thegore. No,thegoren't. 5 Writethe correctform of be. Is hesod?Yes,he 2 A rethegho pp g? No ,th eg 3 Arethegcold?Yes, theg 4 I s sheho pp U? No ,she 1 U n it2 No,wearen't! We'rethirsty! A t{rite guestions. Am I tired? : I'mtired. I You'resod. I She'shoppg. t It's co[d. s We'rethirstg. f He'songrg. 7 Theg'rehot. n Writequestions. Answerthem. theg/ hoppg theg/hot she/ ongrg theg/ thirstg Un it2 Can for abil: I can skateboard! I can play tennisl can'tskateboard. can't playtennis. Hecan skateboard! Con'tmeonsthot Conmeonsthot gouoreobteto do something. gouore not obteto do something. Theform of condoesn'tchonge. Weuseit beforethe boseform of otherverbs. I canswim. I Tick(/) the rightone. D Hecon'trideo horse.D Heconrideo horse. o HeconplogfootboLL. Hecon'tptogfootbol,L. D 15 Unit3 l Shecon'tswim.l Sheconswim. Sheconrun. Shecon'trun. D ! : e conor con't. *t pLogtennis. We skoteboord. ploUtennis.Theg ptogfootboLl.. skote.She skoteboord. t^ lrE _.r eu . lre rt ritesentences. Useconor con'tondthe wordsin the box. ' ie o bike skote skoteboordptoUtennis pLog footbol.l. -e ' . : i K (i l c 2 We : She 4 It : 6 Theg 'OU r - ck(/l ondwriteoboutgou. write : rideo 1 2 3 4 p Log tennis pLog footboLL 5 6 Un it3 .\\-- Canyouskateboard? Canheskateboard? No, I Can't. Yes,he cant to f ndoutwhot peoplecondo. Weuseconin ges/noquestions thewordorderin ges/noquestions. Wechonge Stotement He canskateboard. Question Canhe skateboard? Shortonswers Yes, hecan./ No,hecan't. Motch. I Conhe rideo horse? 2 Consheskote? I Congouskoteboord? 4 Contheg pLogtennis? @ Unit3 i toke the sentences into questions. Youcon plog footbol.l.. : Youconrideo bike. , ft conrun. o Thegconskote. : Heconrideo horse. i Sheconplogtennis. Co n uou Dt quf oot bo[ [7 ? ? ? rD ..ok of the chort.Writethe questionsond shortonswers. Alex Be[[o Cothg rideo bike skoteboord Derek / / / p t o gt ennis / ptogfootbol.[ x / x ' A[exosksDerek. A [ex:Con g ou rid eo b ike ? D er ek :Yes .I c on, : Be[[oosksCothgoboutA[exondDerek. Be[[o: rd? Cothg: skoteboo : CothgosksA[exoboutBe[[o. ptog footbol.L? A[ex: Cothg: r DerekosksBe[[oond Cothq. pl"og Derek: tennis? Be[[oondCothg: : BetloosksDerek. Be[[o: pl.og tennis? Derek: - : A[exosksCothgoboutDerek. Atex: pto gte nn is ? Cot hg: Unit3 19 I WriteThis,Thot,Theseor Those. 1 | hts iso computer. 2 orepegs. iso boord. o recho irs. iso poster. iso cupboord. 3 4 5 6 tr 2 Writequestions ond onswers. .rr she/cold Is she cotd 7 Yes she l"s he/ hoppg th eg/ on gr g 7 theg/ tired ,t / hungrg 7 Review1 nh-ite sentences. Useconond con'tondthe wordsin the box. -oeo horse s boord skote ptoUfootbol.l.ploUtennis swim ^ eg rlr € - ^e9 -e !^e -, ftrite the wordsin the correctorder.Mokequestions. he Con ride o horse .. 2 tennis pl.og Con she ? : skote Con he 4 gou ' pLog Con theg footbol.l. 6 she Con skoteboord ride o bike Con dVrite shortonswers. ' ConthegpLog (./) Jootbol.L? : Conhe rideo horse?(X) : Consheskote?(/) r Conhe plogtennis?(/l : Contheg skoteboo rd?(Xl , , , 't Review1 L u n c he t f he p ork HasDavegot a sandwich? Havegot (2 place (behinc Prepositions of in front of, next to, betweer Hashe got a banana? Yes,he has. No,he hasn't.He'sgot an apple. Affrmotive Negotive Shortonswers Question I've got I hoven'tgot hqveI got? Yes,I hove./ No,I hoven't. gou'vegot gouhoven'tgot hovegougot? Yes,gouhqve./ No,gouhoven't he'sgot he hqsn'tgot hqvehegot? Yes,he hos./ No,he hosn't. she'sgot shehosn'tgot hoveshegot? Yes,shehos./ No,shehqsn't. Motch. U n i t4 Hosshegot o pizzo? - --_ No,he hosn't. Hoshe got o milkshoke? Yes,shehos. Hosshegot chicken? Yes,he hos. Hoshegot o pizzo? No,shehosn't. I Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Mokequestions. I gou Hove got o biscuit 2 got Hos ha o miLkshoke H oveuou oot o b lscuitI '-'+J-"J 3 o sondwich got Hove gou 5 o bonono got she Hos 4 got o pizzo Uou Hove 6 Hove got solod gou 3 Followond onswerthe questions. chicken fries o sondwich o pizzo Hoshegoto mitkshoke? Hosshegot chicken? H o shegoto so nd wich ? Hosshegot sol,od? Hoshegoto sondwich? Hosshegotfries? Unit4 't yourjuicenextto yoursandwich. Prepositions or someone is. of plocete[[ uswheresomething between behind infront i Whereisthe foodonddrink?Write. 1 Thefrieso re 2 Themilkshoke is 3 Thejuiceis 4 Thepizzois 5 Thefriesore the so Lod. the pizza. thefries. t he m iLk s hok e. t hes olodondt heju ic e. Unit4 25 - :ook of poge26.Write We'vegot or Theg'vegot. r. 1 Englishon Mondog. 2 science on Tuesdog. 3 PEon Mondog. 4 PEon Tuesdog. 5 on Mondog. science 6 ort on Mondog. [-ookond motch. C] our their Writeouror their. ' t Theseore -e-'-: Sg) Theseore ba gs. bo gs . Thisis poster. pegs. ,=e--: \9 ; g.q rhisis ral poster. pe9s. Un i t 5 whqt havewe got on wednesdayz Whenhavewe got art? We'vegot art on Tuesday. pA \\sh .ot9 nE r\- p .O/ L s 3- ."i'" Wehaven'tgotschoof on Saturday! What havewe got on Saturday? Let'sgo to the beach. Whot hovewe got...?ondWhenhovewe got...?orewh- questions. We usewhento oskoboutthe time somethinghoppens. We usewhot to oskforotherinformotion. On iso preposition of time.Weuseon beforeo dogof the week to sogwhe nsome thinho g ppens . 5 Lookond motch. t Whenhovewe got ort? 2 Whot hovewe got on Wednesdog? 3 Whenhovewe got Engl,ish? 4 Whot hovewe got on Mondog? 28 U n i t5 Eng[ish, mothson d PE. On MondogondWednesdog. Moths,EngLish ond science. OnTuesdog. Thepresentsimple Afterschoolt do my homework. AfterschoofI help mymum. Afterschooft ptsy withfriends. Weusethe present simpLe of verbslikedo,ptogondhelpto tol,k do.Thegorethingswe do evergdoV, oboutthingswe usuol,l.g evergweekor everggeor. Writethe dog. t I helpmUmum. 2 I writeemoiLs. r I go swimming. 4 I visitmUgrondmo. s I hoveo musiclesson. Mondog Wednesdog U n i t6 Thursdog g Tuesdo Frido g ,'r'it€questions ondcompletethe onswers. rridog- science, English, moths '-,),,,'ut(: !j::t cln i: rcir:q? ;i:i science, EngLiSh ond irr"eiths - PE- Mondog,Wednesdog .-t,i).;3\j* gclt PL \ffg ? , - jr i i P Eo n M o n d o g o n d We d n e sd o g . '.not hs- Mo n d o g ,W e d n e s d og , T h u r sd o g mothson Mondog, ondThursdog . - moths,English, iVednesdog PE moths,Englishond ',:-teei-rroiti visit mg grondmo wotch TV :: rnghomework reodbooks hel.pmg mum : : ef SC hO OIJ l:er schoolI ::er schootI tir,: f ill,-i|i-\ ',1,Jf 2 AfterschoolI 4 Afier schoolI 6 Afier schoolI Review2 35 Thepresentsimplec' , No ,I d o n ' t. He fif<es chocolate! He doesn'tfif<esweetsf O I [ike sweets. @ I don't ]ikechocolate. He likeschocolate. Shelikesnuts. He doesn'tlike sweets. Shedoesn't Iikepastries. Whenwe usehe,sheond it with the verb[ike, we odd on s.In the negotir, Motch. t SheLikes chocoLote. z He Likes fruit. 3 Shedoesn'tLikechocolote. 4 He doesn'ttikechocolote. s He Likesnuts. d Unit / Lookondwrite.Who is it? Likes@ Doesn'tLike@ Tong sweets choco[ote Mondg peors postries AIice postries Peors George sweets opples He[en postries nuts Henrg opples sweets t He Likessweets.Hedoesn'tlikeopples. z Shelikespostries. Shedoesn'tlikenuts. r He likesopples.He doesn'tlike sweets. 4 Shelikespostries. Shedoesn't[ikepeors. s He [ikessweets.He doesn't[ikechocolote. 6 Shelikespeors.Shedoesn'tlikepostries. Ge0rae ,- j Followondwrite sentences. 2 l-ie dqcsn_tlikl opp[es. bononos. 4 postries. presents. 6 8 nuts. choco[ote. biscuits. Un i t 7 rUritequestions ond onswers. : : . s he nuts 'i not doesshe l,ike? She [ikesnuts he/ postries ges he [Lkepostries ? -rces Yqs,he does she/ sweets no he presents she/bolloons ges he / coke no - rVriteonswers. ' Doeshe [iketroins? Ye s,he does He Likesbo[[oons : Whotdoeshe Like? : Doesshe[ikenuts? r Whotdoesshe[ike? : Doeshe Likebo[[oons? : Doeshe Likesweets? Unit 7 f, Thepresentsimple(2 He goesto school at 7 o'clock. Hehasbreakfast. we usethe present simpleto tol.koboutthingswe usuol.l.g do. Whenthe pronounis he,sheor it we odds to the verb. whenthe verbendsin o we oddes.Theverbhqveisdiferent. get up go hove He getsup hos 9oes She getsup hqs 9oes It getsup goes hos Trueor folse?WriteT or F. E r,>- tr t Iamie gets up of 6 o'c[ock. 2 He goesto schootof 8 o'c[ock. 3 He goeshomeof 2 o'c[ock. 4 He hosdinnerof 8 o'c[ock. s He goesto bedof 10 o'c[ock. 40 Unit8 [tr : -rofq motchond write. a fod Srondpo lomie Grondmo ALison Mum goesto bed getsup hosbreokfost goesto school hosdinner goeshome of 7 o'c[ock. of 6 o'c[ock. of 8 o'c[ock. of 7 o'c[ock. of 8 o'c[ock. of 2 o'c[ock. .1, i lompletethe sentences. getup hove dinner goto bed Anno 6 7 I Eob 7 8 9 Ctoire 7 9 10 Steve 8 6 7 Anno gets LIP of 6 o'ctock. Bob--of 9 o'c[ock. C[oire - ot7 o'c[ock. Steve of 8 o'c[ock. Bob - -ot8o'c[ock. Anno of 9 o'c[ock. Unit8 I A[isondoesn't get up of 6 o'c[ock. Shegetsup ot 7 o'clock. we usethe present simptenegotive to tol,koboutthingswe do not usuol,Lg do.with he,sheondit we usedoesn'tondtheverb. He doesn'tgo to school. Shedoesn'thavebreakfast. It doesn'tgo to bed. doesn't= doesnot 4 Tick(/) the correctone. E Hegetsup of 7 o'c[ock. Hedoesn't getupof 7 o'clock. tr Hegoesto school" of 9 o'cLock. D Hedoesn't goto schooL of 9 o'cLock. O He hosdinnerof 6 o'cLock. Hedoesn'thovedinnerof 6 o'c[o.f.. D Shegoeshomeof 3 o'c[ock. Shedoesn't go homeof 3 o'c[o.nD Shehosdinnerof 7 o'ctock. Shedoesn'thovedinnerof 7 o'clo.f.O U n i t8 negotive. Mokethe sentences t Hegetsupof 6 o'ctock. He doesnlt_get_ uplt 6_oklqsk. z Shegoesto school.of 8 o'c[ock. r He hosdinnerof 9 o'c[ock. 4 Shegoesto bedof 7 o'c[ock. s Shegoeshomeof 4 o'c[ock. 6 He goesto bedof 9 o'c[ock. 5 Mokethe informotioncorrect. get up hove d inn er goto bed A n no 6 7 I Bob 7 8 9 C[oire 7 9 L0 Steve 8 6 7 t Annogetsup of 7 o'c[ock. 5hs doesn'tget up of 7 ottock.She gets uP- of 6 o'c[ock. Bobgetsup of 8 o'c[ock. of 7 o'c[ock. He-of 8 o'c[ock. He--- Ctoirehosdinnerof 8 o'c[ock. She - of 8 o'c[ock.She 4 Stevegoesto bedof 8 o'c[ock. of 8 o'ctock.He He s Anno hosdinnerof 9 o'c[ock. She -- of 9 o'c[ock.She--- of 9 o'c[ock. of 7 o'c[ock. , - of 7 o'c[ock. Unit8 Lr Thepresentsimple(3 Prepositions of time(n, on,a. Wheredoeshe worl<? Heworksin a policestation. Wheredoessheworl<? Sheworksin a hospital. Wheredoeshework?iso wh- question. Weusewhereto oskobouto ploce. Weusedoesto mokequestions with he,sheondit in the present simpl.e. Thewordorderchonges in questions. Rem em ber t he s ont he Stotement Question endof the verbwith he, Heworks... Wheredoeshe work? sheondit in stotements Sheworks... Wheredoesshework? in t he pr es ent s im p[ e . It works... Wheredoesit work? etr U n i t9 Wheredoesshework? a Sheworksin o zoo. Wheredoeshe work? b Sheworksin o school. wheredoesshework? c Heworksin o supermorket. Wheredoesshework? d Sheworksin o hospito[. Wheredoeshe work? e Heworksin o f re stotion. Doeshe worl< a policestation? Doeshe worl<in an airport? No,he doesn't.He'sa pilot. Yes,he does. )oeshework...?iso ges/noquestion. Wecononswer res,hedoesor No,hedoesn't. Shortonswers Question Joeshework...? Doesshework...? Doesit work...? Yes,he does./ No,he doesn't. Yes,shedoes./ No,shedoesn't. Yes,it does./ No,it doesn't. 1r swer the questions. schooL : i : ' : sho p bonk oir por t ofi.. 'Vheredoeshe work? Doesshework in on offce? vVhere doeshe work? Doesshework in o zoo? Doeshe work in o bonk? iVheredoesshework? Unit 9 -/ /\ \I Jomiegoesto schoolin In the ofiernoon Hedoeshis Hegoesto the m orning.It's Mondog. he goesswimming. homework bedof 9 o'cloc. On Mondoghe hosscience. in the evening. of night. On,in ondof oreprepositions of time. Weuseon withthe doUsof theweek. Weusein with the morning, the ofternoon ondthe evening. Weuseot withtimesof the dogondwith night. Weusewhento oskquestions obouttime. Whendoeshego to school? At 8 o'clockin the morning. morning= unti[ [unch ofiernoon= ofter[unchbut beforedinner = ofierdinnerbut beforebed evening night= wh enit isdo rkon dUougot o bed 3 Circlethe correctword. t Hegoeshome ii",/on the ofiernoon. 2 Shehosscienceon / of Mondog. 3 It sleeps in / ot night. He hosdinner of /in 7 o'clock. ShewotchesTV on /in the evening. He hosbreokfost on / of 7 o'c[ock. 46 U n i t9 qboutIomieond onswerthem. 4 Mokequestions I goto schooL / inthemorning nnornrngI he go-to sehq-qltn-th-e-D-oes- -Yes, he--doss-. 2 when/ dohishomework do-lnishqmeruerk-l -\&hendoes-he3 watchT\l I in the morninq 4 when/ goto bed s go swimming / in the morning 6 do hishomework / ot night 7 when/ havescience 8 do hishomework/in the evening 9 ,when/ go to schoot 10 when/ go swimming Unit 9 4l Review3 negotive. I Mokethe sentences t I Likefruit. -I riBr t-.r[{rurrr-. 2 She[ikesbo[[oons. g He likeschocolote. 4 I Likenuts. postries. s HeLikes 6 Shelikessweets. 2 Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Mokequestionsond onswers. does Whot she Like Whot d_olrjjre__[ks? l"ike Does postries he he does Yes ? a No doesn't she she Like Does bononos ) Like he does Whot 48 Review3 tikes He nuts Write.Usethe verbin brockets. t She goes homeot 3 ottock.(9o) 3 She s She 2 She-- to school.ot 8 otLock.(go) 4 She-to bedof 9 o'ctock(go) of 6 o'c[ock.(get up) - dinnerof 7 o'ctock.(hove) Writequestionsond onswers. Doeshe work in o supermorket? Yes_,nejoer. work? He works in o poLice stotion. Where work? in onoffce. in o zoo? in o hospitoL? work? Writein, on or ot. ln themorning r 3 s night 3 otlock 2 4 6 in o b o n k . the ofiernoon Tuesdog the evening Review3 49 Talkingaboutthe weat"= l mP erati=, t Punctuat- . It's raining.It's windy! Whst's the weatker filce?tsit windy? Yes,it's windy. We useit Whot'sthe weother[ike?is o wh-question. to f nd out oboutthe weother.We onswerwith lt's ... whot's= whot is it's= it is tu) V Motch. 1 It's snowing. 3 It's roining. s It'swindg. b 2 It's co[d. 4 It's hot. 6 It's sunng. 2 Whot'sthe weothertike? 1 2 3 4 5 6 50 Unit10 I )-; Yn17 t '6 Puton yourcoat,Alison. Don'tput on yourhat,Jamiel whot to tetl somebodg Weuseimperotives on imperotive. e imperotive formisthe someosthe boseformof theverb. U . Don'tput on iso negotive imperotives Weusenegotive imperotive. notto do something. to te[[ somebodg $.. Motch. a b c d e f t It's cold. z lt's windg. I It's hot. 4 It's roining. 5 It's snowing. 6 It's sunng. Don'tput on Uourcoot. F[go kite. Mokeo snowmon. Don'tforgetUourumbrello. Weoro sunhot. Weoro coot, Lookond write. Crpgn' Close Put on 1 3 ) Don'tforget .jpen the window. gourcoot. relto. Uou umb r Don'tputon 2 4 6 gourhot. the door. gourdinner. Unit 10 51 we Whenwe writeo sentence, beginwith o copito[letterond endwith o fuLLstop. Al narne's Jarn;e. in class:. Ay sister' norne is ,Alison Ay friends ore Dave, ngie and Ernrna. 1 liKeEnSlish and Pf . Wr'at do rlor.lliKe? short Weuseon opostrophefor formsondto showpossession. We useo commoin o sentence to showwhereto stopfor o shorttime,whenthereiso list of words, for exompte. We useo questionmorkof the endof questions. useon Wesometimes morkof the endof exclomotion with on imperotive. o sentence Write to rnel Jarnie 5 Circlethe punctuotion. Deor Lourc My nomes Beth I 'm in closs2 . I' ve got two brothers ond o sister. My brothers CIrecolledAlex ond Chorlie. My sister's nome is Cotherine i like ort , PE ond mcths Hove you got CInybrothers or sisters? Pleosedrow me a Picture! Beth 52 Un it1 0 Thepresentcontinuous Telling thetir = tsit cold?What areyou wearing? Grondmoond Grond?o oreon hol.idog. Yes,it'scoldandwindy. l'm wearinga redscaff. wearing? WhatisCrandpa L He'swearinga browncoat anda brownhat. tenseof theverbweor. continuous I'm weoringisthe present continuous tenseto to[koboutthingsthot Weusethe present t heir or eweor ing o G r ondpo orehoppe ninno g w.Gro nd mond cootsnow.Thegdon'tweorthemeverudog. Shortform I'm weoring gou'reweoring he'sweoring she'sweoring it'sweoring Longform I om weoring gouoreweoring he is weoring sheisweoring it is weoring verbs. I Underline the presentcontinuous Todogis Sundog. Heweorsblocktrousers. t Mr Jonesis o policemon. He'sof home.He'sweoringjeons. 2 I'm o doctorond I weoro white coot.Todogis Soturdag. ond o white shirt. I'm weoringbrowntrousers Sheweorso bluedress. 3 Mg mum worksin o supermorket. Todogis Sundog. She'sweoringo redskirt. Todogis Soturdog. 4 Iohn is o pupiL.Heweorsb[ocktrousers. He'sweoringshorts. 54 Unit11 Writethe wordsin the correctorder. ,1 o brown I'm weoring hot I'm weo.rlnqa brown ha"t. blue I'm Jeons weonn9 skirt I'm o weoring pink red scorf weoring o I'm trousers block weoring I'm r Lookond motch. a b 1 2 3 4 5 6 He'sweonng o redshirt. She'sweoringo hot. He'sweoring o brown scorf. She'sweoringbLockboots. She'sweoringo blueskirt. He'sweoringjeons. Unit 1 1 o Thepresentcontinuous: Crandma's nextto Crandpa. They'resleeping. Dad'snextto thetable.He'seating. Weusethe present continuous to totkoboutthingsthot ore hoppening continuous with oform now.Wemokethe present of beondthe boseformof theverbwith ingodded. Shortform Longform I,M Iom gou're he'sfshe's/it's eoting uouore wetre gou're theg're he is /she is / it is eoting we ore uouore theg ore I CircleA or B. @ She'stokingphotos. AB @ I'm weoringo tie. AB AB She'seoting. @ #afs Theg'reeoting. AB \7s-s--) € She'sdrinking. @ I'm weoringo hot. A She'sdrinking. B @ #4ffi \7e=) 58 U n it1 2 Theg're toLking. B 2 Complete shortformof be. fomie'semoil.Writethe correct De a rM a r tin Ue lfe g e ttin g r e a d g fo r th e r u e d d ing. liste n in gto m u sic.flliso nis in I h e r b e d r o o m .Sh e, b r u sh in gh e r hai r. Gr a n d p aa n d Gr a n d m aa r e in th e liu ing ta lkin g .M u m is in the r o o m .T h e g kitch e n .Sh e m a kin ga ca ke .Dadi s o u tsid e .He u a sh in g th e ca r . Ja m ie 3 Writethe correctform of the verbin brockets. r He s*g4t1r1g I She s Theg- (eot) 2 She (sing) 4 He (tol.k) 6 We -, . (drink) photos.(toke) to the bond.(l,isten) 4 Writethe wordsin the correctorder. moking We're o coke woshing the cor Theg're music pto gin g Th eg 're writing invitotions We're tistening to the bond He's coke eoting She's Un it1 2 59 fs shelisteningto the band? No,sheisn't. No,sheisn't. ls shetaking photos? Yes,sheisl In present continuous questions the wordorderchonges os usuot. Shortonswers Question A mI Yes,I om. No,I'm not. Aregou Yes,gouore. No,gouoren't. Is he Yes,he is. No,he isn't. Is she eoting? Yes,sheis. No,sheisn't. Is it Yes,it is. No,it isn't. Arewe Yes,we ore. No,we oren't. Aregou Yes,gouore. No,gouorentt. Aretheg Yes,thegore. No,theg oren't. Motch. t AreGrondmo ond Grondpo sleeping? 2 Is Dodlisteningto the bond? 3 AreAlisonond Iomie ptoging? 4 Is Alisoneoting? 60 U n it1 2 oren't= orenot isn't= is not No,sheisn't. No,thegoren't. Yes, thegore. Yes,he is. 6 Writequestions ond onswers.Usethe verbsin brockets. tr isj he m*king (moke)o coke? ['rp ic '' er ! he (l.isten) to music? , rL , theg (sLeep)? she (drin k) ? (toLk)? ,' t heg ( pt og)m u s i c ? Usethe verbsin the box. Writequestions ond onswers. sleep moke write do Whot oretheg doing? .iheUlre ploging. Is Yes, W hot o coke Is Yes, on emoi[? Unit 12 Review4 Write. _9 I' I I 0, {} Motch. t Puton gourscorf! 2 Don'tforgetgour umbrello! 3 W eoro sunho t! _h_ 4 Openthe door,pleose. Putin the punctuotion. 1 Addon opostrophe: This is lomie's bog. 2 Putin o ful.tstop: Alisonis Iomie'ssister 3 Add o corTlrTlo: We hove PEon MondogTuesdogond Wednesdog. 4 Putin o question mork: How ore gou 62 Review4 Writesentences. Usethe presentcontinuous. t I / toke photos 2 She/ brushherhoir I'm toktngphotos. r We/ Listen to music g You/ Listen to music s Theg/ mokeo coke 6 He/wosh the cor Write. Yes,sheis. No,sheisn't. Yes,he is. Yes,I om. Yes,theg ore. Is shebrushingherhoir? Is he eoting? No . he lsn't . $t{ goumo king o coke? to music? Is heListening /1 rta dd l A reth egeo ting ? 6 Is shepl,oUing footbol.L? Review4 v': = Comparativeadjecti a- -Theconjunction i :. j --.*"' Thisdonkeyis loud. That donkeyis louder. thishorseisbig. Thathorseisbigger. Bigond loud oreodjectives. Adjectives describe thingsor peopte. Biggerond louderorecomporotive odjectives. We usecomporotive the diferencebetweentwo thingsor people. odjectives to describe We mokethe comporotive bg oddinger to the endof the odjective. smolt+ smoller toud+ louder quiel+ quieter slow + slower fost+ foster Becorefu[.Sometimes the speLting chonges. big+g+er+bigger We usethisondtheseto to[k oboutpeopleondthings thot ore neorus.We usethot ondthoseto totk obout peopleondthingsthot oreforfromus. 1 Circlethe comporotive odjectives. The horseis big. The cow is bigger.The horseis quiet.The cow is quieter. The hen is [oud.The gooseis Louder. The donkegis slow.The cow is slower. 64 Unit13 Chooseo or b. t Thiscow is bigger. z Thisonim oIiss m oLLer . s Thishor s eis [ ouder . 4 Thisgooseis quieter. s Thisonim oL isf os t er . 3 Completethe sentences. Usethe odjectivesin brockets. t The z The I The 4 The s The 6 The . (big ) is is is is is is tr . ( Loud) . (sLow) . ( s m oLt ) . (fost) . (toLL) Un it13 6' Thehorseis bigger than the donkey. iveodjectivewhen we comporeone 4 Tick(/) the correctone. Ann is oLderthon Lil,g. D o D o LiLg Ann is goungerthon Litg. Lil,gis oLderthon Bob. Bobis o[derthon LiLg. gl \9 D Litgisto[[erthon Ann. D Bobis shorterthon Lil,g. D LiLgis shorterthon Ann. thon LiLg. BobistoLLer o 5 Writesentences. t Bob/ Voung/ Ann Ann/short / LiLg Bob/smol.l./ Lil.g LiLg/toLL/ Bob LiLg/ ol.d/Ann LiLg/ big /Ann Un it1 3 AlisonisbiggerthanJenny louderthanJennyl and she's Thehorseis big. It'sbiggerthan the donkeyand it's biggerthanthesheep. (o Linking word).Weconuseit to join Andiso conjunction two sentences togetherto mokeonesentence. 6 Lookof poge55.Trueorfotse?WriteT or F. Lil.g on dsh e' older t A nnis goung erth on s t honBob. t honLiLg. z A nnisgoung erth on Bobo ndshe' sbigger tollerthon Bob. 3 LiLgistollerthonAnnondshe's 4 BobisolderthonAnnondhe'solderthon Lil,g. T Writeondto join the sentences. t Thecowisbigger thonthegoot.Thegootis biggerthonthe goose. Thiscowisbigger thonthegoot--ond t he ooot i. sbiooert hon t he q o o s e _---J-J- - Bobis goungerthon Ann. 2 Ann is goungerthon Lil.g. Ann is goungerthon Lil.g- *r Openthe window.Closethe door. Openthewindow 4 She'so doctor.He'so policemon. She'so doctor s Sheworksin o hospitol.Heworksin o policestotion. Sheworksin o hospitoI 6 lomie goesto schoolon Mondog.Hedoeshishomeworkofier school. Iomiegoesto school Un it13 Thepastsimpleof b= Jomie's tired.Yesterdog he wos in the schoolpl"oU. Hewos o f remon. M umondDodwer eh o p p u . Wosondwereorethe postsimpleforms of the verbbe.Weusethe post in the post. simpleof bewith odjectives to describe feeLings ti g (Mondog) Yesterdo I wascold. Iamie washappy. Mum andDadaretired. Mum andDadwerehappy. Todog(Tuesdog) I am hot. Iomie is tired. in the Weolsousethe postsimpleof beto identifgsomeone or something post,to to[k oboutthe locotionof someone in the postondto or something t ol. kobo u tthetimeon dth ew eot herin t he pos t . I Circlethe postsimpteformsof be. Yesterdog I wos of the pork.Mg friendswereot the pork.It wos windg.Therewos o bog ond o kite.The kite wos in the tree.The bog wos sod. Therewos o toLLmon. The kite wos on the ground. Then it wos in the skg.We were oLLhopp1. Unit 14 Lookqndwrite.Usethe postsimpleof be ondthe wordsfrom the box. hungrg wet noughtg hoppg kind T -_]_ Ir 2 W Y aa7 rT AI . 6, t7 -/ 3It 4 Theg sHe 6We Lookond write. 3 Whereweretheg gesterdog? Shewas ot the zoo Unit 1 4 69 Jomiewoso f remon.HisfriendDovewosn'to f remon. Hew oso p olicemoAlison n. w os n' tin t he plog. Thenegotive formsof wosondwereorewosnot ondwerenot. Weusuo[[gusethe shortforms. Affrmotive Negotive(shortform) I wos I wosn't gOUwere gouweren't he wos hewosn't shewos shewosn't it wos it wosn't we were we weren't wosr gouweren't lou were were thegwere thegweren't 4 Circlethe correctpostsimplenegotive formof be. 1 MumondDodwosn't/@!40 roa. Alisonwosn't/ weren'tgood. 3 Iomiewosn'tf weren'to poticemon. 4 It wosn'tf weren'tsunnggesterdog. 5 We wosn't/ weren'tin the livingroom. 2 Unit14 i Mokethe sentences negotive. t Iomiewos o policemon. z Dovewos o f remon. r Mum ond Dodweresod. 4 Alisonwos in the plog. s Yesterdog it wos sunnU. 'c Write.Usethe correctofirmotiveor negotiveform of the verbbe. Jomie's schoolploUwos oboutjobs.Jomie(1) ',":1 o f remon. Othergirlsond Dove(2) o policemon. o f remon.He (3) in the plog. Alison(5) bogs(a) doctorsond nurses. hoppu. She(6) sod.Mum ond Dod(7) 7 Lookof the picture.Trueor folse?WriteT or F. I t wosn' sun t ng . 3 AlisonwosLittLe. 5 It wosn't12o'cLock. 1 2 Jomiewos sod. 4 Mum ond Dodweren'tdrg. 6 Mum ond Dodwerehoppg. Unit 1 4 7l Schoolopendoy (some,anytr Quantifiers Ordinalnumbers pluralnouns lrregular Therearen'tany teachers. thereare somepictures. Therearen'tany pictures. Weusesomeondongto toLkoboutmorethononethingor personwhenwe do not sogthe exoctnumber. Weusesome in positivesentences ondang in negotivesentences. CircleA or B. t Thereoresomechoirs. 2 Thereoren'tong drinks. A 3 Thereoresometeochers. A 4 Thereoresometobles. A 5 Thereoren'tongteochers. A 6 Thereoren'tongtobles. A 7 Thereoresomedrinks. A 8 Thereoren'tong choirs. A Un it1 5 B B B B B B B B 2 Writesomeor ong. t Thereoren't qt'U- chi[dren. 2 Thereore 3 Thereoren't 4 Thereore women. men. --- pictures. 5 Thereore 6 Thereoren't 7 Thereore 8 Thereoren't computers. cupboords. posters. chiLdren. negotive. Mokethe sentences r Thereoresomechi[dren. 2 Thereoresomepictures. 3 Thereoresometeochers. 4 Thereoresomepegs. -l-l-rere -qren'tqnq chlldren . J s Thereoresomechoirs. positive. 4 Mokethe sentences t There oren'tongcors. T her eor e s om eEqIS . Thereoren'tongcupboords. 3 There oren'tongteochers. 4 There oren'tongprizes. 5 There oren'tongpictures. 2 Unit 15 7' Thethird prizefor tnglishisforJamie. Thefirst prizefor tnglishisforTony. Thesecondprizefor rnglishisfor Emma. First,secondondthirdoreordinoInumbers. We conusethem to totk obout the orderthingsor peopleore in,forexomplein o competition or o roce. CordinoI L one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5fve OrdinoI L't f rst 2"d second 3'd third 4th fourth sth ffth CordinoI 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine L0 ten OrdinoI 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9 th n in th LOthtenth Writethe ordinoInumbers. I wos of the schoolopendog gesterdog. Thewinnerof the (1) pnze prizefor Englishwo5 wosTong. Thewinnerof the (2) for EngLish Emmo.Thewinnerof the (3) prizefor EngLish wosIomie. 6 Writethe ordinoInumbers. Aliceis Korenis Koteis Helenis u i .\ Arnr l ic , rtttY .J r( v. M egon is ' itl Megon 74 Unit15 Amu HeLen Kote Koren AIice Endo{ gear Partg Great!t fikepartiest t likelolfies. oboutmorethon Weusethe pturoIformwhenwe oretol.king Weodds. onethingor person. onebog two bogs pluro[s. Thegoreirregu[or SomepluroInounsoredifferent. PluroI Singu[or two [o[[ies one[o[[g two fo milies onefomi[g two children onechild onetomoto threetomotoes onewomon two women onesondwich threesondwiches onemon two men shetves oneshe four the irregu[orplurots. Circlethe regutorpluro[s.Underline 1 There'so monkeg!I Likemonkegs. 2 lomie'sgot o big famiLg.Tony ond Mortin hove got smolt fomities. r Alisonis eoting o postrg.She Likespostries. 4 Angie'sp[ogingwith o tog. On Soturdagsshe plogs with togs. s There'so sondwichin mg lunchbox.I Likesondwiches. 6 Is there o shetf?In the room there ore four shelves. thetobte. 8 Comptete plu roI LoLLg postrg sondwich s i ngutor shelves porties fo miLies Unit 15 75 Review5 Write.Usethon ond o comporotiveodjective. smolt loud big fost stow quiet r Thehorsettb[qqer thon the sheetrl. Thesheep Thedonkeg Thegoot Thehorse Thedonkeg Whereweretheg gesterdog? t Dodof 9 o'clock(work) M".fl'q-alclalk. 2 lomie of 9 o'clock(school.) 3 fomie ond Doveof 5 o'clock(pork) 4 Mum ond Dodof 8 o'clock(home) s Atisonof 8 o'clock(bed) 4 Writenegotivesentences oboutgesterdog. He wosn'tat schooIot 6 o'ctock t lomie of 6 o'clock(school,) 2 Dodof 9 o'clock(home) 3 Iomie ond Doveof 9 ottock (pork) 4 Alisonof 5 o'clock(bed) s Mum ond Dodof 8 o'clock(work) 76 Review5 Writesentences. t teochers(/) 2 pupits()r) r tobtes(rr) (/) 4 choirs s prizes(/) 6 boords (I Write. CordinoI 1 one 2 two I three 4 four s fue 6 six 7 Seven I eight 6 Write. Si ngu[or PturoI t fomi[g 2 Lotl.g 3 portg 4 postrg s chiLd 6 mon 7 womon I sondwich Review5 .a - (iJrcmmorrefeFence a lgur 9ot_Affirmotive Shortform I've got gou'vegot he'sgot she'sgot it's got we've got gou'vegot theg'vegot Longform I hovegot gou hovegot he hosgot shehosgot it hosgot we hovegot gou hovegot theg hovegot Interrogotive hoveI got? hovegou got? hoshe got? hosshegot? hosit got? hovewe got? hovegou got? hovetheg got? Negotive ShortJorm I hoven'tgot gou hoven'tgot he hosn'tgot shehosn'tgot it hosn'tgot we hoven'tgot gou hoven'tgot theg hoven'tgot Longform I hove not got gou hovenot got he hosnot got shehosnot got it hos not got we hove not got gou hovenot got theg hove not got Shortonswers Yes,Ihove. No,I hoven't. Yes,gou hove. No,gou hoven't. Yes,he hos. No,he hosn't. Yes,shehos. No,shehosn't. Yes,it hos. No,it hosn't. Yes,we hqve. No,we hqven't. Yes,gou hove. No gou hoven't. Yes,theghove.No,theghoven't. f. t_-:.r1gq,.f_ Affirmotive Shortform Longform I'm I qm gou're he's she's it's we're gou're theg're gou ore he is sheis it is we ore gou ore theg ore Interrogotive om I? ore gou? is he? is she? is it? ore we? ore gou? oretheg? 78 Negotive Shortform I'm not gou oren't he isn't sheisn't it isn't we oren't gou oren't theg oren't Longform I om not gou ore not he is not sheis not it is not we ore not gou ore not theg ore not Shortonswers Y e s,Io m. N o ,I' mnot. gou Yes, ore. No,gou oren't. Yes,he is. No,he isn't. Yes,sheis. No,sheisn't. Yes,it is. No,it isn't. Yes,we ore. No,we oren't. Yes,gou ore. No,gou oren't. Yes,theg ore. No,theg oren't. Grommorreference Con Aff rmotive ShortJorm I con gouc o n he c on s h ec o n it con we con g o uc o n th e g c o n Negotive Shortform LongJorm I co n n o t I co n 't g o uco n n o t g o uco n 't h e co n n o t h e co n 't sh eco n n o t s heco n 't it connot it con't we connot we con't g o uco n n o t g o uco n 't t h e g co n 't th e y co n n ot Interrogotive ConI ? Cong o u ? Conhe ? Co ns h e ? Co nit ? Co nwe ? C ongo u ? C ont h e g ? S h o rto n sw e rs No,I con't. Yes,I con. No,gou con't. gou con. Yes, No,he con't. Yes,he con. No,shecon't. Yes,shecon. No,it con't. Yes,it con. No,we con't. Yes,we con. No,gou con't. Yes,gou con. Yes,theg con. No,theg con't. I a Subjectpronouns I gou he she it WC theg odjectives Possessive m9 uour his her its our their simple:Like Thepresent Affirmotive Shortform I Like gou like he likes shelikes it likes we like gou Like theg Like Negotive S h o rtJo rm I don't [ike gou don't [ike he doesn't[ike shedoesn't[ike it doesn't[ike we don't Like gou don't [ike theg don't [ike Interrogotive do I Like? do g o u [ i k e ? doeshe [ike? doesshe[ike? doesit Like? do we [ike? do gou Like? do theg Like? S h o rto n sw e rs N o ,I d on' t. Yes,I do. No,gou don't. Yes,gou do. No,he doesn't. Yes,he does. No,shedoesn't. Yes,shedoes. No,it doesn't. Yes,it does. No,we don't. Yes,we do. No,gou don't. Yes,gou do. No,theg don't. Yes,theg do. Longform I do not Like gou do not like he doesnot Like shedoesnot like it doesnot [ike we do not like gou do not [ike theg do not Like Grqmmorreference T l r c p r t ' s e t t t co ntililto[JS:w€oI Affirmotive Shortform Longform I 'm w e o r i n g I o m w e o ri n g gou'reweoring Uouore weoring he'sweoring he is weoring s h e ' sw e o r i n g sh ei s w e o ri n g it'sweoring it is weoring we'reweoring we ore weoring gou'reweoring gou ore weoring t heg ' r ew e o r i n g th e g o rew e o ri n g Interrogotive om I w e o r i n g ? ore Uouweoring? is h e w e o r i n g ? is s h ew e o r i n g ? is it weoring? ore we weoring? ore Uouweoring? ore theg weoring? Negotive ShortJorm Longform I'm not weoring I om not weor ing gou oren'tweoling gou qr e not weor ing he isn' tweor ing he is not weor ing sheisn' tweor ing sheis not weor ing it isn't weoring it is not weor ing we oren'tweoring we ore not weoring gouor en' tweor ing gou qr e not weor ing theg or en' tweor ing theg or e not weor ing Shortonswers Y e s,I o m. N o,I' mnot. Yes,gou ore. No,gou oren't. Y e s,h e i s. No,he isn't. Y e s,sh ei s. No,sheisn't. Yes,it is. No,it isn't. Yes,we ore. No,we oren't. Yes,you ore. No,gou oren't. Yes,theg ore. No,theg oren't. 3 g (l )(l ',t',t rl l pl t') Affirmotive I wos gOUWere he wos shewos it wos we were gOUWere theg were Negotive Shortform Longform I wosn't I wos not gouweren't gou were not hewosn't he wos not shewosn't shewos not it wosn't it wos not we weren't we were not gouweren't gou were not thegweren't theg were not Interrogotive Shortonswers wos I? Yes,I wos. No,I wosn't. were gou? Yes,gouwere. No,gouweren't. wqs he? Yes,hewos. No,he wosn't. wo s s h e ? Yes,shewos. No,shewosn't. wos it? Yes,it wos. No,it wosn't. were we? Yes,we were. No,we weren't. were gou? Yes,gouwere. No,gou weren't. werethey? Yes,thegwere. No,theg weren't. 80 Grommorreference Ir tt' r _u;It]r g lIrrrrtl s oneto[[g onefomitg onepostrg oneportg onetomoto onesondwich oneshef onechi[d onewomon onemon two lotlies twofomilies two postries two porties two tomotoes two sondwiches two shetves two children two women two men Forstudentspreparingfor the CambridgeESOLYoungLearner'sexams:, Sto r ters: Lond2 GrommorFriends Movers:GrommorFriends 3 ond 4 Flg e rs: GrommorFriends 5 ond 6 OX FOR D E N GLIS H lsBN 978-0-19-478013-1 llilillllillll ,llilil