Algebraic Model for Describing and Analyzing Spatial Situations Filatov I. Yu. Faculty of Computer Engineering Ryazan State Radio Engineering University Ryazan, Russian Federation Abstract—The word "algebra" refers not only to a section of mathematics, but also to one of the specific objects studied in this section. "Algebra" in the narrow sense of the word is not considered here, and therefore for brevity and to avoid misunderstandings, the word "algebra" in this paper will be used as a generic concept to refer to a variety of algebraic structures. To formalize the subject area using spatial relations between objects it is possible to define algebraic model. When solving the problem of positioning, for example, an aircraft and its surrounding objects, using universal algebras, it is possible to create terms that describe the surrounding environment. To solve the problem of positioning an aircraft and its surrounding objects, the unification theory can be used as shown in this paper. Keywords–universal algebra, unification theory, logics of space, situation analysis, formalization of spatial relationships, fuzzy logic, artificial intelligence systems. I. INTRODUCTION Algebraic methods of model description are widely use to formalize a domain model. Development begins with the introduction of appropriate designations for operations and relationships, followed by research on their properties, when a domain model is constructed. Knowledge of algebraic terminology is included in the set of tools necessary for abstract modeling that precedes practical programming of problems in a specific subject area [1,2,3,4]. Briefly consider the basic concepts and components of algebra. This is necessary to avoid contradictions and establish certainty. Using M , we will denote any set as a certain set of objects called elements of the set M . The degree of the set M is called its direct product on itself and denoted: M n . We will write the function as follows: f : A B , where, A – the domain of the function, B – the range of values of the function. Everywhere defined (total) function : M n M called n-ary operation on M . If the operation is binary ( : M M M ) , then we will write ab instead of ( a , b ) or a b , where "" is the operation sign. This form of recording is called infix. M The set with operations ni {1 ,..., m }, i : M M , where ni is an arity of the operation i , is called an algebraic structure, a universal algebra (UA), or simply an algebra. The set M is called the main (carrier) set or the base; arity vector ( n1 ,..., nm ) is called a type; operations is called a signature. We will write as follows: M ; or M ; 1 ,..., m . Operations i have finite arity, and the signature is finite. The base is not necessarily finite, but it is not empty[5]. If only relations are included in the signature , then the set M together with the set of relations is called an algebraic model (AM). The closure of the set X M relative to the signature (denoted by [ X ] ) is the set of all elements (including the elements X themselves) that can be obtained from X by applying operations from . A subset of X M is called closed relative to the operation , if the result of this operation applied to any element of the set X , belongs to this set, i.e.: x1 ,..., xn X : ( x1 ,..., xn ) X . II. DESCRIPTION AND FORMALIZATION OF ALGEBRAIC MODEL To formalize the subject area using spatial relations between objects [6], we define AM as follows. Spatial logic relations: R {Rr , Rru , Ru , Rlu , Rl , Rld , Rd , Rrd , Rcl , Rvn , Rn , Rnn , Rf , Rvf , Rtf } , are binary relations of direction and distance. The base of the algebra M is a set of objects selected on the radar information (RI) and electronic maps (EM) with coordinates – Obj ( x; y ) . AM can be written as follows: A M ,{Rr , Rru , Ru , Rlu , Rl , Rld , Rd , Rrd , Rcl , Rvn, Rn , Rnn, Rf , Rvf , Rtf } Object coordinates can be set in different coordinate systems. This does not change the description, whether it is coordinates in the image or spatial geographical coordinates. Let's define the semantics of relations. Direction relations. Object Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) is located to the right of object Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) if the x coordinate of object Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) is greater than the x coordinate of object Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) . This can be represented as Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rr Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) if x1 x2 and y1 y 2 . follows: A similar relationship is established for other relationships: Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rru Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) if x1 x2 and y1 y 2 ; Similarly, after analyzing the distance relations, we can conclude that they have properties: Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Ru Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) if x1 x2 and y1 y 2 ; Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rlu Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) if x1 x2 and y1 y 2 ; Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rl Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) if x1 x2 and y1 y 2 ; Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rld Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) if x1 x2 and y1 y 2 ; Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rd Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) if x1 x2 and y1 y 2 ; Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rrd Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) if x1 x2 and y1 y 2 . Distance relations. Let's consider the semantics of distance relations based on the assumption that objects have the same dimensions. The distance between objects will be calculated as the Euclidean distance between two points of space with the specified coordinates: D ( x1 x2 )2 ( y1 y2 )2 . Object Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) is close to object Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) if the Euclidean distance from object Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) to object Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) falls within a specified interval defined, for example, in meters. The semantics of distance relations between objects can be described as follows: Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rcl Obj 2 ( x2 ; y2 ) if D [1;10 ]; anti-reflexive, because none of the relationships for the same object; symmetry, because if the first object is at a certain distance, say close, from the second object, then the second object is at the same distance from the first, i.e. if the ratio Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rn Obj 2 ( x2 ; y2 ) is true, then it is true that Obj 2 ( x2 ; y2 ) RnObj1 ( x2 ; y1 ) ; Let's define the composition of relations as follows: R1 ( a , b ) R2 ( a , b ) R1, 2 ( a , b ) . For example: Rru ( a , b ) Rvn ( a , b ) Rru , vn ( a , b ) ; or an equivalent statement in the infix entry: ( a Rru b ) ( a Rvn b ) ( a Rru , vn b ) . It can be comment as follows. If the direction and distance relations are set for two objects, i.e. if, for example, object a is in front of object b and if object a is "very near" (vn) from object b , then we can say that object a is in front of and very near to object b . The composition of relations will have the properties of anti-reflexivity, anti-symmetry. ( a Rru , vn b ); ( a Rl , f c );...; (b Rd , n c );... Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) RnObj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) if D [301;1500 ]; Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rnn Obj 2 ( x2 ; y2 ) if D [1501;2800 ]; In the entered AM, we can describe the EM as follows: Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rvn Obj 2 ( x2 ; y2 ) if D [11;300 ]; transitivity, because if x1 x2 and x2 x3 , then x1 x3 , and, therefore, if Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rl Obj 2 ( x2 ; y2 ) Obj 2 ( x2 ; y2 ) Rl Obj 3 ( x3 ; y3 ) , then and Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rl Obj 3 ( x3 ; y3 ) . Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) R f Obj 2 ( x2 ; y2 ) if D [ 2801;4000 ]; Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rvf Obj 2 ( x2 ; y2 ) if D [ 4001;5000 ]; Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rtf Obj 2 ( x2 ; y2 ) if D 5000 . Consider the properties of the entered relationships. For simplicity, we will consider the properties of the group of relations of direction and distance, since each relation within the group has the same properties. Direction relations have properties: anti-reflexive, because none of the relationships for the same object; anti-symmetry, because it is not true that x1 x2 and x1 x2 , but if Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) Rlu Obj 2 ( x2 ; y2 ) , then Obj 2 ( x2 ; y 2 ) Rrd Obj1 ( x1 ; y1 ) , i.e. when the elements of the relationship are rearranged in places, the relationship itself changes to the opposite; where, a , b , c are constants corresponding to EM objects that have known spatial coordinates. Similarly, for RI, sets of objects and relationships are compiled, which can be written as follows: ( x Ru , nn y ); ( x Rrd , n z );...; ( y Rld , vn z );... where, x , y , z are variables corresponding to the RI objects whose coordinates need to be determined. It should be noted that when compiling terms for RI, we can use information obtained from other systems that allow us to get some knowledge about objects on the RI. In this case, the built term may contain not only variables, but also constants, which will make it more clear and allow more accurate description of the environment. Now we introduce the universal algebra B [ L] ; , where L is a set whose elements are sets (triples of the form: (a R b) ) obtained in AM A . [ L] –closure of the set L with respect to the signature of the algebra. The – signature of an algebra consists of a single binary operation "And", let's denote it « ». In this case, the type of UA is set by the set {(2)} , i.e. {(2)} . Otherwise, we can say that the UA base is a set of complete situations that describe the location of objects on a certain area of terrain according to data from the ECM or radar, and the operation « » - allows us to combine all the components (point situations) of complete situations. The semantics of the « » operation can be described as a composition of spatial logic situations. The « » operation has properties: associativity, since it does not matter in what sequence to combine situations, the result of their combining in any case will be a more complete situation that describes the spatial logic; formally, this property can be written as follows: (a b) c a (b c) ; commutativity, since the essence of the resulting description does not depend on the permutation of places of the combined situations, i.e. a b b a ; idempotency, since the composition of two identical descriptions does not add any additional information or formally a a a . Since the constructed UA contains one binary operation that has the properties of associativity, commutativity, and idempotence, we can conclude that this UA is a commutative and idempotent semigroup. In the entered UA B , we can create terms that describe the EM and RI for a specific area of terrain. For an EM, the term can be represented as follows: t ( a Rru ,vn b ) ( a Rl , f c ) ... (b Rd ,n c ), For RI we can similarly create a term of the form: s ( x Ru , nn y ) ( x Rrd , n z ) ... ( y Rld , vn z ). Each of the composed terms can be considered as a finite set whose elements are "point" situations. M 1 { x | x t}; M 2 {x | x s}. Where x is an element of the set M of the form (a R b) . Adding and removing elements of the M set can be described as follows: M x {y | y M y x}; M x { y | y M & y x}. Where y is an element of the set M of the form (a R b) . When deleting and adding a finite number of elements, the finite sets remain finite. III. POSITIONING OF OBJECTS BASED ON THE UNIFICATION THEORY Formalization of this kind is necessary in our case. When solving the problem of positioning, for example, an aircraft and its surrounding objects, using universal algebras, it is possible to create terms that describe the surrounding environment. If we can combine RI and EM, i.e. determine which part of the earth's surface corresponds to the image received on the radar screen, then the positioning problem is solved. Taking into account the spatial logic described earlier and its formalization, it is possible to create terms for both EM and RI. In order to compare them and determine their correspondence, the unification theory is best suited [7,8,9,10]. In a general, unification means the following: "is it possible for two descriptions x and y to make a transformations (substitutions) that would equalize these descriptions?". It is described in the following context. We have two logical terms, which can consist of constants, variables, and functional symbols. Is it possible to substitute terms instead of variables, making the original terms identical? For example, two terms f ( x, y ) and f ( g ( y, a), h(a)) are given. We can say that these terms are unified by substituting g (h(a), a) instead of x , and h(a) instead of y . As a result of substitution, both source terms will look like this: f ( g (h(a), a ), h(a)) . In unification theory, variables are denoted by the letters {x, y, z ,...} , constants by the letters {a, b, c,...} , and function symbols by the letters { f , g , h,...} . Substitutions can be indicated by letters of the Greek alphabet {, , ,...} or by a set of specific substitutions enclosed in curly brackets: {x g (h(a), a), y h(a)} . We can perform a composition operation on substitutions. For example, the substitution (t ) , means that for the term t , we must apply the substitution first, and then . The composition of substitutions is associative, but not commutative. Terms are usually denoted by the letters {s, t , u,...} . Terms are constants, variables, as well as terms that stand under the sign of the functional symbol in parentheses, separated by a comma. Two terms s and t are unified if there is a substitution ( s ) (t ) . – unifier for s and t . The unifier for terms s and t is called the most common unifier (MCU) if there is a unifier for any other unifier , such that . In other words, MCU is the simplest unifier. The MCU is unique, but there are many unifiers. Two terms are unified at infinity if there is a substitution that is an infinite unifier containing an infinite term. For example, the terms x and f (x ) are not unified, but they are unified at infinity. The infinite unifier for these terms is the substitution {x f ( f ( f (...)))} . IV. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY To solve the problem of positioning the aircraft and its surrounding objects, the unification theory can be used as follows. As noted earlier, for RI and EM, using the results of creating spatial logic and formalizing it with the help of universal algebras, it is possible to construct terms that will describe the surrounding object environment. These are the terms to apply the unification algorithm to. The result of the algorithm will be the answer to the question: "is it possible to unify them?". If the result is positive, we will know which substitutions must be made to make the original terms identical. Successful unification will allow you to determine the coordinates of the aircraft and its surrounding objects, information about which is received from the radar. The substitution vector will provide additional information about which type of underlying surface or which object known from the EM belongs to a particular object obtained from the RI analysis. The first unification algorithm in a modern setting was developed in 1965 by G. Robinson. This algorithm is not applicable to the problem under consideration. The author developed a unique basic algorithm adapted to the conditions of the problem being solved, which has no analogues in the unification theory. The unifier obtained as a result of the algorithm, if two terms are successfully unified, establishes a correspondence between the objects allocated to the RI and the EM. Since the coordinates of objects on the EM are known, the coordinates of the corresponding objects on the RI are known also. Based on the calculated coordinates, we can determine the type of underlying surface for these objects. Information about the type of underlying surface is, in our case, crucial for identifying objects. The reason is that, knowing the type of underlying surface on which the object resides, we can with some probability assign it to any class of real world objects. Further, the classification system, just as a human thinks, must identify an object in a compressed time based on a given assessment of the typicality of the situation. V. CONCLUSION On the basis of experimental studies it can be concluded that The formalization of the subject area is performed by developing a unique algebraic model of spatial logic. For the first time, the algebra of spatial situations was modeled, which allows us to adequately and effectively describe and analyze the environment around the aircraft based on the analysis of RI and EM information. The type and class of the algebra are defined, the properties of its operations and the properties of relations of the corresponding algebraic model are investigated. A unique basic algorithm for unifying terms for describing spatial situations has been developed in order to determine the coordinates of the aircraft and position the objects surrounding it in autonomous navigation conditions. We have created an algebra for describing the properties of an object, on the basis of which it is possible to identify objects selected when analyzing information from various sources. The type and class of the algebra are defined, and the properties of its operations are investigated. Using the proposed algorithms for unification of terms of description of spatial situations, it is possible to solve a wide range of problems in the conditions of large flows of information, with the lowest cost of resources. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The research is carried out due to the support of the Ryazan State Radio Engineering University and Ryazan State Device Plant. REFERENCES [1] R. M. Burstall and J. A. Goguen, Algebras, theories and freeness: an introduction for computer scientists. - Theoretical Foundations of Programming Metodology. - Reidel. Publ. Comp., 1982. - pp.329-349. [2] “Computationally intelligent hybrid systems : the fusion of soft computing and hard computing,” Seppo J. Ovaska. - Piscataway (N. J.): IEEE press; Hoboken (N. J.): Wiley-interscience, Eds, 2005. [3] J. 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