THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT OF QUALITY AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Module Name: Quality Management Systems 3 Module Code: QMS7X01 Programme: Advanced Diploma in Operations Management Qualification Code: D6OPMQ 1st Semester: January to June 2023 NQF Level: 6 Compiled by: Prof Nita Sukdeo Qualifications: (BTECH: Operations Management (DUT); MTECH: Quality (DUT); DPHIL: Engineering Management (UJ)) Lecturer: Dr. Victor Mofokeng Review date: 03 January 2025 CALENDAR YEAR 2025 ~1~ Table of Contents SECTION A – INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 3 WELCOME ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 CLASS CONDUCT.................................................................................................................................................. 3 HINT TO PASS ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 SECTION B – PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAMME ........................................................................................ 5 Overview of the Programme/ Programme map / Composition of the programme ........................................... 5 Purpose of the Module ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Lecture day, Time and Venue .............................................................................................................................. 5 Tutorial day, Time and Venue ............................................................................................................................. 6 TEACHING STRATEGY ........................................................................................................................................... 6 CONSULTATION .................................................................................................................................................... 6 SECTION C – STUDY GUIDELINES ................................................................................................................ 7 MEDIA AVAILABLE ............................................................................................................................................... 7 THE TEXTBOOK .................................................................................................................................................... 7 ADDITIONAL SOURCES ........................................................................................................................................ 7 INTERNET RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................................ 7 SECTION D – WORK SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................... 8 COMPOSITION OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 3 (week beginning) ........................................................ 8 ACADEMIC CALENDER 2025 .............................................................................................................................. 10 Public and university holidays 2025 .................................................................................................................. 11 Section E – Course Markings and Weightings ....................................................................................................... 12 FORMAL ASSESSMENT DATES ........................................................................................................................... 12 Sick Test ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Section F: Organisational matters ......................................................................................................................... 13 Contact information .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Section G: Assessment guidelines ......................................................................................................................... 13 Assessment rules ............................................................................................................................................... 13 ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK METHODS................................................................................................................... 13 REMARK REQUEST RULES .................................................................................................................................. 13 RESULTS PUBLICATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 14 ASSESSMENT STRATEGY .................................................................................................................................... 14 Assignments ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 Rules for assignments ....................................................................................................................................... 14 PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 14 LEARNING OUTCOMES ........................................................................................................................................... 16 End State ........................................................................................................................................................... 16 Competencies ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 Outcomes ........................................................................................................................................................... 16 RECEIPT OF LEARNER GUIDE ................................................................................................................................. 17 Group ASSIGNMENT COVER .................................................................................................................................. 18 APPENDIX A ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 APPENDIX B ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 APPENDIX C ....................................................................................................................................................... 21 APPENDIX D ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 ~2~ SECTION A – INTRODUCTION WELCOME Dear Learner Welcome to Quality Management Systems III study guide. This guide provides information relevant to the field of Quality Management and must be read in conjunction with the university academic regulations. An attendance register will be taken for each lesson. If a student is absent, the responsibility is on the student to catch up with lessons and class exercises they have missed. He/she can refer to this study guide for the chapters covered in class or they can ask a fellow student what was covered in class. STUDENTS MUST ATTEND ALL CLASSES AND TUTORIAL CLASSES EVEN IF THEY ARE REPEATING THE SUBJECT. You are advised to: • Develop a study program for your private study routine (just as you will soon have to do when you have a job after qualifying); • Allow yourself at least one hour per class period to review the work done in class and read ahead in view of the next class’ program; and • Ask questions in class on any part of the work which you do not understand or with which you have trouble. It is more important to UNDERSTAND the work than to memorise it. The theory will serve to provide you with background principles and understanding. To enable you to evaluate and apply these principles in an experiential mode, it will be expected of you to conduct practical assignments. This means that if you do not prepare the theory beforehand you will disadvantage yourself. You will be assessed on both theory and application, in tests and assignments, with a stronger emphasis on application, as the approach is career oriented. Please take note that this is not a continuous evaluation course. There will be an examination at the end of the module. However, each assessment will contribute to your final mark. Class and tutorial attendance are compulsory. However, you are strongly advised to get a class friend/learning partner whom you can consult w i t h , should you b e unable to attend a particular lecture. This person can then tell you what happened in class and keep you up to date with important information. Also, make arrangements with the friend to collect handouts and other materials on your behalf. Handouts and test scripts will only be handed out in class and not on an individual basis. CLASS CONDUCT A student must come to class at the scheduled time and be seated punctually as late-comers cause a disturbance to the lecturer and also to fellow students. Students are not allowed to have private conversations when the lecturer is speaking, if a student has a question for the lecturer or wants to debate ~3~ something, he/ she must please raise their hand. Any student causing a disturbance in class will be asked to quieten down, and if the student does not stop and persists to disrupt the class, he/she will be asked to leave the lecture venue and if it happens on a frequent basis, the student will be disciplined. Debate is strongly encouraged but with the lecturer. Students are also advised to make use of electronic devices such as iPad, Tablets, laptop computers as well as smart phones to access any course related during class and for class purposes only not for personal use. Unless religiously or medically prescribed, head gears are not allowed in class (caps, hats, beanies, hoodies, etc…) HINT TO PASS Always read the chapters that the lecturer is going to cover in class the night before so that you can contribute to the lecture and ask the lecturer to explain anything that you do not understand. Pay attention in class and listen carefully as the lecturer will stress important points when he is speaking and look out for exam tips when he is speaking. Don’t only open your textbook the day before an assessment. Complete the review and tutorial questions at the end of each unit. Attempt Blackboard Tests posted by the end of every chapter, as those questions are vital for preparing for semester tests. STUDENTS WILL BE ASKED QUESTIONS IN CLASS AND WILL HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN CLASS ACTIVITIES. BLACKBOARD TESTS CONTRIBUTING TOWARDS YOUR FINAL MARK WILL TAKE PLACE DURING CLASS OR TUTORIAL SESSIONS SO PLEASE READ THE CHAPTERS BEFOREHAND AS THESE MARKS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR SEMESTER MARK. Please ensure that your name appears on the official class list and that you are correctly registered. "Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that a son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president..." those are the words of President Nelson Mandela. Good Luck for 2025 Regards Prof Nita Sukdeo ~4~ SECTION B – PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAMME The primary purpose of these subjects is to provide you with further development of your intellectual, practical and reflective competencies and abilities of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to aspire to the role of a quality professional (quality practitioner). Overview of the Programme/ Programme map / Composition of the programme ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN: QUALITY First semester Quality Planning and Implementation 4 Quality Management Systems 3 Statistical Quality Techniques 3 Research Methodology Second semester Continual Quality Improvement 4 Quality Auditing Systems 4 Quality Techniques 4 Project 4 NQF Level and Credits Credits NQF field 7 120 03 Purpose of the Module The purpose of Quality Management Systems III is to provide the knowledge and skills for the understanding and requirements for the implementation and maintenance of quality systems. This subject is a prerequisite for Quality Auditing Techniques IV. ‘A quality management system is a collection of business processes focused on consistently meeting customer requirements and enhancing their satisfaction. It is aligned with an organization's purpose and strategic direction.’ Lecture day, Time and Venue Group Day Session Time Venue CAMPUS – DFC Advanced Diploma : Quality Monday 15 SEMESTER 1 18:00-18:45 LWAZI G01/G06 18:50-19:35 LWAZI G01/G06 Monday 16 19:40-20:25 Monday 14 ~5~ LWAZI G01/G06 Tutorial day, Time and Venue Group Day Session Time Venue CAMPUS – DFC SEMESTER 2 ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN: QUALITY Monday 17 20:30-21:15 LWAZI G01 NB: You should verify that the above timetables correspond to the one posted on your Student Portal (uLink) as that information may have changed. TEACHING STRATEGY Quality Auditing Techniques 4 will consist of three formal lecture sessions of 45 minutes per session, per week, during which all the topics related to the module will be covered. Learners are strongly encouraged to engage in discussions with the lecturer as well as with fellow learners during discussion groups with permission granted by the lecturer. These lecture sessions will be supplemented by a tutorial session, which will form an integral part of the modules’ assessment of learning outcomes. During the tutorial sessions, learners will have to do a case studies and practical problems related to the topics covered during formal lecture sessions, as well as tutorial tests which may contribute to your final semester marks. Attendance to both formal lecture and tutorial session is compulsory, as an attendance register will be kept. You (the student) are strongly advised to inform the lecturer or the tutor in advance, should you miss any of the formal lecture or tutorial session, as it is a requirement that a learner should attend at least 80% of lecture sessions in addition to the qualifying semester mark of at least 40% in order to be admitted to the final assessment opportunities/semester examinations. Students who fail to attend at least 80% of the scheduled sessions may be excluded from the final assessment opportunities/semester examinations. CONSULTATION PLEASE NOTE THAT NO FORMAL CONSULTATIONS HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THIS SEMESTER AS THE LECTURER DOES NOT HAVE AN OFFICE ON DFC. Although the NO FORMAL CONSULTATIONS have been scheduled, you are strongly advised to approach your lecturer after class, or send him an e-mail in order to schedule a meeting. PLEASE FILL IN A CONSULTATION LOG SHEET, WITH THE OUTCOME EACH TIME YOU CONSULT WITH YOUR LECTURER. ~6~ SECTION C – STUDY GUIDELINES MEDIA AVAILABLE To ensure that you have all the support you need to successfully complete this course, we have made the following resources available to you. We are confident that, if you follow our suggestions for studying this course and use all these resources to their full potential, you will do very well. The resources are: • • • • • • Weekly lectures This paper based learning guide The library Recommended articles Recommended readings Group Work THE TEXTBOOK There is no prescribed textbook. Notes and exercises will be uploaded on Blackboard regularly before each lecture. ADDITIONAL SOURCES • • • • • • • • • ISO 9000:2005 - Quality management systems: Fundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9001:2015 - Quality management systems: Requirements ISO 9004:2009 - Quality management systems: Guidelines for performance improvements. ISO 10005:2005 – QMS: Guidelines for Quality Plans ISO 10013:2001 – Guidelines on QMS documentation ISO 10015:1999 – QMS: Guidelines for training ISO 14001:2004 – Environmental management systems: requirements with guidance for use OHSAS 18001 – Occupational Health and Safety ISO 31000 – Risk Management INTERNET RESOURCES It is expected of the learner to become efficient in the use of the Internet for research purposes. Ask the librarian for assistance. You should familiarize yourself with Blackboard since tests will be posted as well as your assignments. Your learning guide, which accompanies this module, has been designed as a road map to guide and direct each of the sessions. Each session states the learning objectives to be achieved and refers to the relevant subtopics. ~7~ SECTION D – WORK SCHEDULE COMPOSITION OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 3 (week beginning) Week No 1 Date Activity 10/02/2025 Introduction and Course requirements 2 17/02/2025 ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management Systems – Fundamentals and Vocabulary 3 24/02/2025 Assessment of Learning Outcomes Introduction and course requirements. Discussion of the learner guide. To demonstrate an in depth understanding of the meaning and requirements of the ISO 9000 standard ISO 9000 registration requirements To demonstrate an in depth understanding of the certification and registration process for ISO 9000 ISO 9001:2008, Requirements of Quality Management Systems To demonstrate an in depth understanding of the meaning and requirements of the ISO 9001 standard Assessment Weight Transition to ISO 9001:2015 ISO 31000 Risk assessment The impact of risk assessment on ISO 9001:2015 4 03/03/2025 ISO 9001:2015, Requirements of Quality Management Systems To demonstrate an in depth understanding of the meaning and requirements of the ISO 9001 standard 5 10/03/2025 ISO 9000 documentation requirement To demonstrate an in depth understanding of the requirements of the essential documentation and its management within an ISO 9000 system 6 7- 8 17/03/2025 07/04/2025 a) Quality Manual Development b) Quality Policy Development c) Document management processes d) General Procedures Manual development Test 1 Group assignment due 30% 10% Mid Semester Vacation 29/03/2025 – 06/04/2025 Easter Holidays To demonstrate an in depth OHAS 18000 Standard understanding of the meaning ISO 14000 Environmental and requirements of the OHAS Management Standard 18000 safety standard including environmental To demonstrate an in depth law understanding of the meaning Integrating all Safety, and requirements of the ISO Health, Environmental, 14000 standard Risk and Quality Standards To understand the synergies and commonalities of ISO 9001, ~8~ ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 and develop one standard by a process of integrating these commonalities. SHERQ 9 14/04/2025 10 21/04/2025 11 12 28/04/2025 05/05/2025 13 12/05/2025 Revision for exams 14 19/05/2025 Sick test 15 16-20 24/05/2025 24/05/2025 to 28/06/2025 29/05/2025 to 20/06/2025 ISO 22000 Overview ISO 17025 Overview ISO 16949 Overview ISO 31000 Risk assessment Test 2 Corrective Action Report (CAR) Conducting risk analysis and assessment 15% To develop and analyse the CAR. Compiling a nonconformance report. The sick test assumes the weight and the scope of the test the student missed. Study week Final Semester Exams 45% WINTER RECESS 21/06/2025 – 06/07/2025 ~9~ ACADEMIC CALENDER 2025 The Senate of the University of Johannesburg approved the following academic calendar for 2025 ~ 10 ~ Public and university holidays 2025 Important Notes for 2025 ~ 11 ~ Section E – Course Markings and Weightings FORMAL ASSESSMENT DATES TAKE NOTE: All tests and assignments are compulsory! Dates are subject to change. Venues and time of test will be communicated in due course. First semester 2025 1st ASSESSMENT TEST 1 Date and duration: Monday 10/03/2025 Weight and scope: 10% 2 hours 18h00 – 20h00 2nd ASSESSMENT TEST 2 Date and duration: Monday 28/04/2025 Weight & Scope: 15% 2 hours 18h00 – 20h00 3rd ASSESSMENT Date and duration: Monday 10/03/2025 Group assignment Weight and scope: 30% Date and duration: Monday 19/05/2025 Weight and scope: Assumes weight of assessment missed as result of absence ‘SICK’ TEST 2 hours 18h00 – 20h00 An assessment date will be announced for learners who might have been unable to write the scheduled tests due to illness. Please take note that only a valid doctor’s certificate will be acceptable to allow one to sit for the “Sick Test”. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct venue, date and time for the tests. Students who arrive 30 minutes after the test has started will not be allowed to write that test. Furthermore, please ensure that you have signed the test attendance register before you leave the test venue. A student must get a minimum of 40% average for the four assessments combined to get access to the examination. Sick Test Learners who missed or was absent from an assessment will be given a sick test. There will only be one sick test per module for learners who produce a valid doctor’s certificate after missing an assessment. Learners absent from an assessment must submit the appropriate certificate within seven working days along with the sick test application form, to their respective lecturer. Learners, who have already started with an assessment opportunity or signed the attendance register, may not apply for a sick test opportunity. Please complete the application form to gain access to a sick test opportunity. Refer to Annexure D of this learner’s guide for a template which you must attach to your request. A completed copy of the application form, a medical certificate or other relevant and valid documentation must accompany the application form within seven days after the missed opportunity and before commencement of the sick test opportunity. No sick test opportunities will be granted for missed sick test opportunities. It is the responsibility of the student to find out the date and time of the sick test. ~ 12 ~ Section F: Organisational matters Contact information You can contact the department at: Telephone: Office no: Fax Number e-mail Secretary Mrs Kalay Venugopaul 011- 5596690 QK 1401 011-5591347 Senior Lecturer (HOD) Dr Nelson Madonsela 011-5596977 QK 1404 011-5591347 Lecturer Dr Victor Mofokeng 011-5599221 QK 1401 011-5571169 Section G: Assessment guidelines Assessment rules • • • • • • • • • There will be no late assignments. Group assignments must be handed in on the day of the presentation. If you cannot write a test due to health reasons or family emergency circumstances, you will need to forward a sick note from a doctor, or documents justifying the relevant circumstances, with a letter forwarded to the HOD within three working days from date of test. Group assignments, in addition to the submission of hard copy, needs to be presented. If absent, you will get a zero for the group assignment, and subsequently lower the average for your group. DO NOT CONSULT THE LECTURER if your final marks do not appear on the published results. If you are not on the class list when being assessed, you will not be awarded a mark. It is your own responsibility to ensure that you are on the class list. All lectures given by guest lecturers, talks at the quality forums, all assignments, and articles recommended by the lecturer are examinable material. All assessments will be under examination condition. The normal rules of the University of Johannesburg will apply. Please note: The assessment copy emailed is not a substitution for the Ulink submission. The student will receive an assessment mark of zero (0) or no mark if the assessment is emailed to the lecturer as a submission instead of submitting on Ulink. ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK METHODS It is important to obtain feedback on your assessments, as it will provide you with critical information on how you performed in order to make improvements if necessary. Blackboard will be used as one method to give feedback on all the assessments done. Memorandums will be uploaded and accessed anytime for reference and study purposes. Memorandums will be discussed during tutorial periods, therefore it is important to attend tutorial sessions to gain an insight into the next assessments. REMARK REQUEST RULES TAKE NOTE: No year marks can be altered after submission of marks. • • All marks and results of tests will be handed out in class. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that all information displayed on the mark sheet is correct. The following procedure must be followed for remark request: A student must put down in writing his/her request to have their test or assignment remarked at ~ 13 ~ • • • least a week after the marks have been published. The student must highlight the questions he/she wants marked. The remarking will be done by the moderator. The moderator will write done his/her comments. A student may request the re-marking of his exam script within one week after the marks are published. Again this will be done by the moderator, Once a student has been granted a supplementary exam he/she cannot request a remarking of their test or assignment script nor the original examination script. Please consult with the Faculty Officer for remark. RESULTS PUBLICATIONS Results of all assessments will be published on Blackboard or/and posted on the notice board next to your lecturer’s office within 7 working days following the submission of assignments or writing of the assessment. Note that the date is not definite. ASSESSMENT STRATEGY A student who has between 46% and 49% as a final result can apply to the HOD for a reassessment within 5 days of the published results. The reassessment if granted will be in the first week of the new term. This will constitute an integrated test. The student will gain a maximum mark of 50% for this reassessment. Assignments Group Assignments to be published on ULink / Blackboard. Hints: a) Use Arial, 12 font double spacing b) A brief introduction on the organization is required c) Provide 10 references from articles, books, journals, interviews and the Internet. d) 10-12 page content Rules for assignments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A student must always retain a copy of a submitted assignment. The attached cover must be used for the assignment and stapled. No bound copies will be accepted. References and Bibliography must be part of the assignment. Photostats, with proper references indicated, must be part of the attachment of assignments. No late assignments will be accepted. Please, in addition, submit your assignment with an electronic copy via e-mail. E-mailed copies will not be printed and is not a substitute for the hard copy. Please note: The assessment copy emailed is not a substitution for the Ulink submission. The student will receive an assessment mark of zero (0) or no mark if the assessment is emailed to the lecturer as a submission instead of submitting on Ulink. PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS You will need a minimum of 50% in this module to get full credit for the subject. Assignments will be assessed according to the following rubric: ~ 14 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction and company profile Theoretical Knowledge Applications of Knowledge Examples, and illustrations Research and other sources - references 20 % 25 % 25 % 15 % 15 % ~ 15 ~ LEARNING OUTCOMES To successfully master this course a learner must ensure that he/she is familiar with the End State, Competencies, and Outcomes required for this course. The learner will be measured and evaluated against these. End State The end state represents the state of behaviour displayed by the successful learner on completion of a course. It represents the sum total of knowledge, skills and the value orientated behaviour through the combination of all learning experiences and exposures encountered throughout the course; that which the individual ultimately achieves and what the organisation ultimately requires. The candidate demonstrates an insight into the multi-dimensional and integrated nature of operations in a manufacturing, or service-oriented organization. He /she is able to elaborate on the main considerations regarding the management of the operations function in execution of the organisational business strategy. Competencies Competencies represent the knowledge, skills, and value orientation essential to ensure effective and efficient performance of a particular task. Outcomes Outcomes are measurable elements of a competency. A distinction can be drawn between hierarchy of outcomes such as those enabling other outcomes (e.g. applying a formula) and those, which can generally be regarded as terminal outcomes (e.g. the knowledge and skill applied to make the correct decision based on the formula used which would support a particular competency). ~ 16 ~ RECEIPT OF LEARNER GUIDE Complete and sign this statement of agreement, then tear it out and hand it to your lecturer. QMS7X01 Statement of Agreement I ____________________________________________________ (name and surname) student number _______________________ hereby declare that I have read and understand all conditions, guidelines and rules contained within the Administration section of this learning guide and agree to adhere to all of them. These rules and regulations were also explained by my lecturer, Dr V Mofokeng. ___________________________________ Signature __________________________________ Student number _________________________________ Date ~ 17 ~ Group ASSIGNMENT COVER Quality Management Systems Title: _________________________________________________________ Student Number Surname First Name Cell Number e-mail Address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Examiners Comments:_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Final Mark ~ 18 ~ APPENDIX A FACULTY: ENGINEERING AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT DEPT: QUALITY AND OPERATIONS WARNING ABOUT PLAGIARISM The Department of Quality and Operations Management at the University of Johannesburg places great emphasis on integrity and ethical conduct in the preparation of assignments. It is very important to us that all of our students know how secondary material should be used, as well as the scholarly method of presenting and acknowledging references. Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of the words or ideas of others. It is tantamount to academic theft, and is therefore a very serious offence. To plagiarise means to use the words or ideas of another to create the false impression that these words and ideas are your own. In order to avoid committing plagiarism, you must, at all times, acknowledge the source from which you have borrowed certain words or ideas. If after reading this warning about plagiarism you are still uncertain about how to avoid committing plagiarism, you should speak to your lecturer about it before your assignment is submitted. Students who submit assignments in which plagiarism can be demonstrated will be referred to the Dean of the Faculty for disciplinary action. ~ 19 ~ APPENDIX B ASSIGNMENT COVER PAGE / ANTI-PLAGIARISM DECLARATION University of Johannesburg Department of Quality and Operations Management Title: ……………………………………………………………………………….. Full name: …………………………………………………………….............. Student number……………………………………………………................. Course: ……………………………………………………………………........... Lecturer: ………………………………........................................................... Due date: ………………………………........................................................... 1. Plagiarism is to present someone else’s ideas as my own. 2. Where material written by other people has been used (either from a printed source or from the internet), this has been carefully acknowledged and referenced. I have used the Geneva Convention for citation and referencing. Every contribution to and quotation from the work of other people in this essay has been acknowledged through citation and reference. 3. I know that plagiarism is wrong. 3.1 I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard. 3.2 I know that I would plagiarise if I do not give credit to my sources, or if I copy sentences or paragraphs from a book, article or Internet source without proper citation. 3.3 I know that even if I only change the wording slightly, I still plagiarise when using someone else’s words without proper citation. 3.4 I declare that I have written my own sentences and paragraphs throughout my essay and I have credited all ideas I have gained from other people’s work. 4. I declare that this assignment is my own original work. 5. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work. SIGNATURE …………………………………….DATE……………………………….. ~ 20 ~ APPENDIX C ~ 21 ~ APPENDIX D APPLICATION FOR SICK TEST Student Surname & Name: Student Number: Subject: Subject Code: Year of Study and Diploma: Application for Replacement of Assessment (Test No.): Please attach the sick note or any other relevant documentation with this application within seven days following the date of the missed test. NB: No sick test opportunities will be granted for missed sick test opportunities. ~ 22 ~