UPPER BODY BASICS UPPER BODY BASICS Please join our Basics FB group Introduction Video DAVID GREY REHAB LTD UPPER BODY BASICS DISCLAIMER If you are injured or have any other health related issue, it is recommended that you consult with Doctor or other health care professional before carrying out any exercise program. Do NOT start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately. This program offers information in relation to breathing, mobility and strength training and is designed for educational purposes. It should NOT be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Please note that as this program is a downloadable link, this is a non-refundable purchase. COPYRIGHT © 2021 DAVID GREY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DAVID GREY REHAB LTD UPPER BODY BASICS 6 KEY OBJECTIVES Restore movement (compression & expansion) at the ribcage and t-spine by improving respiration Improve the relationship between the scapula and the ribcage Learn to build tension distally (through the hand) so your body can let go of tension proximally (neck shoulders and spine) Restore the shoulder's ability to move through it's full excursion Teach the body to move freely under the neck, and the neck to move freely on the body Build strength, resiliency & inter-muscular coordination in the upper body without sacrificing movement options - unlike many traditional strength training methods DAVID GREY REHAB LTD UPPER BODY BASICS 6 KEY OBJECTIVES EXPLANATION VIDEO DAVID GREY REHAB LTD Program Notes Suggested Layout Day 1: Breathing, Mobility & Strength Day 2: Recovery/Mobility Day Day 3: Breathing, Mobility & Strength Complete Phase 1 for 2 weeks. Complete Phase 2 for 4-6 weeks. If you feel like you are competent at the exercises in Phase 1, and have reaped the benefits from them, then proceed to Phase 2. However, if you feel like you need more time on Phase 1, then please continue to work on this phase for as long as you need. This program is not about racing to the finish line. It is about learning, understanding the details, and giving your body the chance to to assimilate the new information. This is 3-day week program. If you want to include more in the week, feel free to repeat either each day twice (making it a 6 day program). Or, if you find one "Day" particularly helpful, then repeat that day. Continued next page... DAVID GREY REHAB LTD Program Notes Continued. Video Demonstrations: All underlined videos are hyperlinked below (click the exercise to bring you to the video) Exercise Library: All exercises within the program are listed at the end of the program. You will find some additional videos here too which aren't in the program itself, but are here as an additional resource. The Sets, Reps & Times in the program are just targets. Work at a level where you feel challenged, but not overwhelmed. Tips: - Open the video in a new tab • br = breath • e/s = each side • sec = seconds • Rounds = One round of exercises completed back:back without rest in between. Rest is taken at the end of the round. DAVID GREY REHAB LTD PHASE 1 DAVID GREY REHAB LTD WEEK 1 & 2 Day 1 EXERCISE (video is linked) Sets Reps Notes BREATHING & MOBILITY A - Rockback Alternate Breathing 1-2 3-5br Do 5-10 alternations before pausing for breaths B - Upper Body Roll 2 5 rolls e/s If you struggle to roll left, do an extra set rolling that way C - Screwdriver 2 6-10 e/s STRENGTH D1 - Double Arm Down Dog 3 Rounds Complete these 3 exercises back 6-12 to back. Take your rest at the end of the round. Complete 3 total rounds D2 - Tricep Press Decline 10-12 D3 - Wall Push Up 5-15 Wall Push up: Build tension for at least 1 -2 seconds through the hand before pushing away from the wall WEEK 1 & 2 Day 2 - Recovery Day EXERCISE (video is linked) Sets Reps 3 Rounds A1 - First Knuckle Push Up 6-12 A2 - Closed Knuckle Push Up 4-6 A3 - Wall Pogo 10-20 Notes Complete these 3 exercises back to back. Take your rest at the end of the round. Complete 3 total rounds B- Arm Spirals 1-2 30-60 sec The slower the better here C- Arm Swings 1-2 30-60 sec 1-2 Don't be afraid to borrow range of 30-60 sec motion from your body as your arms move (you're not a robot :)) D - Tea Cups Single OR D - Tea Cups Double WEEK 1 & 2 Day 3 EXERCISE (video is linked) Sets Reps Notes BREATHING & MOBILITY 5 A - Rock & Roll Cross Arm B - Alternate Arm Spirals C - Pulling Scaps Apart 1-2 2 1 set is 3 rolls 30 - 60 sec 12-16 N.B Feel the difference in how your body rests on the floor before & after this exercise. STRENGTH 3 Rounds D1 - Single Arm Down Dog 6-12 e/s D2 - Tricep Press Decline 10-12 D3 - Knees Push Up to Rockback D3 - Push Up to Down Dog 6-12 Complete these 3 exercises back to back. Take your rest at the end of the round. Complete 3 total rounds Beginner Advanced Bonus Neck Section For those who carry a lot of neck tension, we have put together a quick resource that can hopefully help you. There are 3 videos below. I would recommend trying each of them to see if any/all help. Opening the Airway Can be good to do before any breathing work Neck Relaxation Supine Helpful to acknowledge unnecessary tension, and to learn to let go. Seated Neck Rotation A quick and easy way to restore expansion and neck ROM (if done well) PHASE 2 DAVID GREY REHAB LTD Week 3 - 8 Day 1 EXERCISE (video is linked) Sets Reps Notes BREATHING & MOBILITY A - Side Lying 3 Reaches 2 6 br e/s A set = 2 breaths in each reach B - KB Arm Bar 2 6-12 e/s C - Lat Hang 2 4-6 br STRENGTH C - Push Up to Toe Touch 3 6-12 Pause for inhale. Push through hand not chest D1 - Half Kneeling Row 1 20 e/s D2 - Half Kneeling Press 1 20 e/s Complete these two exercises back to back. E - DB Press 3 12- 20 F1 - Incline Frontal Raise 3 Rounds 8 - 12 F2 - Bicep Curl w Neck Turn 12 - 16 F3 - Seated Shoulder Press 12 - 16 Complete these 3 exercises back to back. Take your rest at the end of the round. Complete 3 total rounds Bicep Curl: Don't tuck your chin too much as you turn your neck Week 3 - 8 Day 2 - Recovery Day EXERCISE (video is linked) Sets Reps A - Supine Pec Stretch 1-2 3-5br e/s Notes Do an extra set on your tighter side if required If you struggle to roll left, do an extra set rolling that way B - Upper Body Roll 2 5 rolls e/s C - Alternate Arm Spirals 1 30-60 secs Move as slow as possible 1 If you prefer the split stance 30-60 secs variation, do 30-60 seconds on e/leg D - Arm Swings Week 3 - 8 Day 3 EXERCISE (linked) Sets Reps Notes BREATHING & MOBILITY A - Hooklying 3 Reaches 2 6 br A set = 2 breaths in each reach B - Screw Driver Cross Connect 2 6-12 e/s C - Scap Pull 2 6-10 e/s STRENGTH E1 - Half Kneeling Row 1 20 e/s E2 - Half Kneeling Press 1 20 e/s F - Single Arm Row 1-2 3-5br 3 8 - 10 e/s Complete these two exercises back to back. OR F - Alternating Row G1 - Rockback Tricep Extn. Straight Arm G2 - Rockback Tricep Extn Bent Arm G3 - Seated Alternating Pull down 3 Rounds 8 - 12 e/s Complete these 3 exercises back to back. Take your rest at the end 8 - 12 e/s of the round. Complete 3 total rounds 30 EXERCISE LIBRARY All videos are hyperlinked BREATHING & MOBILITY Alternate Arm Spirals Arm Spirals Arm Swings Closed Fist Push Up Double Arm Down Dog Double Arm Tea Cup First Knuckle Push Up Hooklying Breathing (3 Zone reaches) Lat Hang Pulling Scaps Apart Rockback Alternate Breathing Rock and Roll Cross Arm Screwdriver Cross Connect Screwdriver Side Lying Breathing 3 Reaches Single Arm Down Dog Single Arm Tea Cup Supine Pec Stretch Upper Body Roll Wall Hand Pogo STRENGTH Alternating Floor Press Bent Over Alternating Row Frontal Raise Seated Half Kneeling Row Half Kneeling Press Incline Frontal Raise KB Arm Bar Kneeling Push Up to Rockback Knee Push Up to Alternating Toe Touch Med Ball Oscillation (upper limb) Push Up to Down Dog Push Up to Alternating Toe Touch Rockback Tricep Extension (Bent Elbow) EXERCISE LIBRARY All videos are hyperlinked STRENGTH Cont. Rockback Tricep Extension (straight arm) Single Arm Row Single Arm Scap Pull Seated Bicep Curl (neck turn) Seated Shoulder Press Seated Alternating Pull Down Tricep Press (Decline) Wall Push Up Neck Exercises Opening the Airway Neck Relaxation Supine Seated Neck Rotation Influences: This program, and my thought process around Upper Body rehab/training, has been influenced by some great minds. Bits & pieces have been taken & adapted from everywhere so it is very difficult to mention everyone. Furthermore, some sources may not agree with my interpretation of how things should be done. But this is my interpretation & the exercises & cues are what i have found to be most valuable to my clients and hopefully to you also. If you are curious, then I would encourage you to check out some of these great teachers: In no particular order: - Ido Portal - Postural Restoration Institute - Soisci Porchetta - Bill Hartman - Dave O Sullivan - Fighting Monkey - Gary Ward - Eric Cressey - Frans Bosch - Moshe Feldenkrais Additional DGR Resources Have a look at all of our other programs and packages on offer at our website: www.davidgreyrehab.com/programs If you are interested in 1:1 online consultations, you can find more information on our consultants right here Don't forget to sign up for your free 2 day trial to our DGR INTERACTIVE members platform We really hope you love this program. Thank you, as always, for your continued support. It means the world to us! DAVID AND ALL THE TEAM