How to write an Assignment Dr. Min Htet Zaw PGDip in Diabetes (University of South Wales, UK); MPH (NUS, Singapore); M.B, B.S; CCEBDM; Certificate in Nutrition (Wageningen University Research); Training in Psycho Medicine (NUH); DMPR; CDE (International Diabetes Federation) Outline 09:30 to 10:30 Live lecture via collaborate Terms Examples More eg from HHSM 13:00 to 11:30 please complete the task offline/ online Tips Activities 11:30 to 12:00 Live discussion Debrief What is an Assignment? How to write a good assignment? Title Scope/ length/ depth Objectives Outline/ Format Analysis/ Discussion Conclusion References Sample Q&A Assignment from Nutrition and Dietetic Physiology- mechanism of action Action Plan Plagiarism Command of Writing Sample from HHSM Assignment 1 Critical Literature Review Assignment 2 Reflective Writing Tips, Grid from HHSM Selection of primary sources Marks =20 Issue handling and depth of discussion Marks = 30 Use and quality of referencing (text and final reference list) Marks = 15 All sources chosen are excellent and appropriate to fully answer the topic chosen and excellent coverage of contemporary healthcare policy, leadership theories and heath care management information system is evident. The issues are all highly relevant and analysed in an insightful and considered manner demonstrating significant skills of synthesis. There is excellent evidence of critical application of a large range of healthcare management research and theories to the management of modern healthcare organisations Referencing is correct. It follows the guidelines given to the letter and consistently supports and enhances the work. Presentation and written expression Marks = 15 Presentation is excellent showing significant attention to detail. Written expression is also excellent with no significant errors seen. Application of Information Systems Marks = 20 Excellent understanding of Information Systems in a healthcare context. Advantages and disadvantages of different solutions are discussed critically. Always follow the specific instructions for each assignment that would be provided in respective modules. Aim for publications with your assignment Good beginning is half-done. Notes- taking habit Use referencing Apps Use grammar checks Use AI?? Thank You Activities 10:00 to 11:00 please complete the task offline/ online Analyse and criticize a literature review given Please list 5 success factors for your assignment Discussions and Debrief 11:00 to 12:00 Live discussion, conclusion and Q&A via collaborate Please explain your 5 success factors for your assessment