Department Saint Paul University Surigao Saint Paul University System 8400 Surigao City, Philippines Teacher College of Education Culture and Arts Nicolee Trishia G. Silva Grade Level Grade 2 Learning Area ENGLISH Teaching Delivery Schedule Quarter 3 Session 1 I. A. B. C. Objectives Content Standard The learners demonstrates understanding about the concepts about print. The learner is able to correctly identifies book parts and follows reading conventions Performance Standards Learning Competencies/ Objectives Write the LC code for each II. CONTENT III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: 1. Identify elements of a book cover such as title, illustration, and author 2. Discuss the illustration on the cover and predict what the story may be about EN2BPK-IIIa-1 Discussing the illustration on the cover and predicting story content DEPed curriculum 1. Teacher’s Guide pages CURRICULUM GUIDE PAGE 27,34-35 2. Learners Materials pages 3. Textbook pages WORKSHEETS, PRINTED BOOK, 4. Other Learning Resource IV. PROCEDURES A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Let’s study the sample cover of the book “CHRISTMAS STORIES” Guide Question: 1.What do you think the book is about? 2.How did you know that it is about CHRISTMAS? We know it because the word “Christmas“ is in the title of the book. There are also picture of Santa Claus, Snowman, Elves and gifts that are related to Christmas REMEMBER! The TITLE of the Book and the PICTURES can help you guess or predict what the book will be about and the author of the book. B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson ACTIVITY #1 KAHOOT! Direction: Look at the cover of the book each in the slide and predict what is the story all about. 1.What do you think is the story all about? I predict the story is all about… A. It is about the lazy koala B. It is about man waking the koala C. It is about hurting the koala D. It is about the man pushing the koala 3. What do you think is the story all about? I predict the story is all about… A. A dinosaur having a race B. A dinosaur chasing cats C. A dinosaur loving underpants D. Cavemen riding dinosaur 4. What do you think is the story all about? I predict the story all about… A. A giraffe who can dance B. A giraffe who can’t dance C. A giraffe eating the stars D. A giraffe that floats 5. What do you think is the story all about? I predict the story all about… A. A llma who loves to share his toys B. A llma who does not share his toys C. A goat who plays his toys D. A goat who wants the toy 6. What do you think is the story all about? I predict the story all about… A. A fox who wears shoes B. A dog who likes to walk C. A fox who wears socks D. A dog who is happy in his socks When you look at the cover of a book, it can give you an impression whether the story will be interesting or not. Also, looking at illustration, picture or title of the book can help you predict the possible story or information to be provided. There are times when you choose a book; you get may be about because of the cover. There are clues found in making predictions like illustrations, title, and cover. The title page that contains the illustration gives you a clue or an idea on what the book is all about. This illustration is carefully chosen and drawn to express the main idea and interesting part of the story. C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson ACTIVITY “GUESS THE PICTURE” Direction: Match the picture with the sentences that may tell what the story is about. Based on the illustration, what do you think be the possible outcome? D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 “GROUP ACTIVITY” Group discussion on different book covers to encourage teamwork and exchange of ideas. Divide students into 3 groups and provide each with a different book cover. The kid is excited to go to the market. It is about a kid who has very long name. A kid who does not want to take a bath Ask them to discuss: What do they see? What do they think is happening in the illustration? Groups share their observations with the class. E. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment) “DRAW AND WRITE” The students create their own book cover and write predictions to connect the activity with their creativity. 1. Introduce an activity where students draw their predictions: Each student creates their own cover for a story they imagine. Write a short sentence about what the story might be. F. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living DIRECTION: Complete the sentence by sharing your prediction about the story. 2. 1. 2. G. Integrating Christian Values THE FAITHFULNESS IN BOOK Just like how illustrations on a book cover give us clues about the story, God places signs and messages in our lives to guide us. By carefully observing these signs and reflecting on them, we can better understand His plans for us. When we predict the story from the cover, it reminds us to trust in God’s wisdom and to be hopeful, even when we don’t know the full story of our lives yet. As it says in Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and learn not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Activity Reflection: After discussing the book cover, ask students: 1. How can we apply what we learned about looking for clues to understanding God's plans in our lives? 2. What signs or blessings can we thank God for today that give us hope for a brighter tomorrow? H. Evaluating learning SHORT QUIZ: PART I Direction: Draw a happy face 😊 if the sentence is true and sad face ☹if it is false. 1. Picture are helpful in predicting. 😊 2. Guessing what will happen next in the story same as making prediction. 😊 3. You can predict with the help of the illustrations in the story. 😊 4. Predincting is not helpful in reading. ☹ 5. You can use your own experience when you predict. 😊 PART II Look at a new book cover. Write your prediction about the story. Checked by: DR. ALVIN J. SUMAMPONG Student: NICOLEE TRISHIA G. SILVA