Here’s a 20-question Bible quiz trivia set, with varying levels of difficulty: Old Testament Trivia 1. What was the first thing God created? Answer: Light (Genesis 1:3) 2. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt? Answer: Moses (Exodus 3:10) 3. What are the first five books of the Bible collectively called? Answer: The Torah or Pentateuch 4. Who built the ark to survive the flood? Answer: Noah (Genesis 6:14) 5. What food did God provide for the Israelites in the wilderness? Answer: Manna (Exodus 16:31) 6. Which Old Testament prophet was swallowed by a great fish? Answer: Jonah (Jonah 1:17) New Testament Trivia 7. Who baptized Jesus? Answer: John the Baptist (Matthew 3:13-16) 8. What is the shortest verse in the Bible? Answer: “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35) 9. Who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver? Answer: Judas Iscariot (Matthew 26:15) 10. Who wrote most of the New Testament letters? Answer: Paul 11. What are the first four books of the New Testament called? Answer: The Gospels General Bible Knowledge 12. How many days did it rain during the flood? Answer: 40 days and 40 nights (Genesis 7:12) 13. What was the name of the giant David defeated? Answer: Goliath (1 Samuel 17:4) 14. Who was the wisest king of Israel? Answer: Solomon (1 Kings 3:12) 15. What is the last book of the Bible? Answer: Revelation 16. How many plagues did God send upon Egypt? Answer: Ten (Exodus 7-12) Mixed Bible Themes 17. What is the first commandment? Answer: “You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3) 18. In what language was most of the Old Testament written? Answer: Hebrew 19. How many books are in the Bible? Answer: 66 (39 Old Testament, 27 New Testament) 20. Who was the first martyr in the New Testament? Answer: Stephen (Acts 7:59-60)