Autobiographi c Map Humanities DO NOW ➢Observe this image. ➢In 2 or 3 sentences, write down where you think it is and why. 2 TODAY’S LESSON Learning Goal: to create a map that follows geographic conventions Success Criteria: I have created a map that represents me and contains the elements of BOLTSS 3 TODAY’S LESSON You are going to create an autobiographical map – a map that’s all about you! 4 WHY ARE MAPS IMPORTANT? 1. To gain an understanding of place and space They help us get from one place to another! 2. They can tell us a lot of information about different places. Maps use symbols to tell us about climate, vegetation, landforms, waterways, population density and LOTS more! 5 What Does a Map Need? Border Orientation Legend Title Scale Source 6 Your Autobiographical Island! Plan – 5 mins Do – 25 mins Present – 15 mins Use the questionnaire to help you think of the things that are important to you that you could include on your map. Use lead pencils, coloured pencils, a piece of paper and your creativity to make your map. Each of you will present your autobiographical map to the class. *Remember it must follow geographic conventions - BOLTSS 7 8 LET’S SEE WHAT YOU HAVE CREATED! TODAY’S LESSON Learning Goal: to create a map that follows geographic conventions Success Criteria: I have created a map that represents me and contains the elements of BOLTSS 10