Units And Measurements Quick Revision UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS TERMINOLOGY VALUES d = Plane Angle ds = Arc Length r = Radius d = Solid Angle D = Distance between two planet b = Diameter Of Planet a = Absolute error amean = Mean absolute error Z, A & B = Physical Quantities 10) Absolute error : The magnitude of the difference between the individual measurement and the true value of the quantity is called absolute error. 11) Mean absolute error : The arithmetic mean of all the absolute errors is called mean absolute error. 12) Relative error : The ratio of mean absolute error in the measurement of a physical quantity to its most profable value is called relative error. 13) Percentage error : The relative error multiplied by 100 is called the percentage error. DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) System of Units : A complete set of units both fundamental and derived for all kinds of 1) physical quantities is called system of units. 2) Unit : The reference standard used for the measurement of a physical quantity is called a unit. 3) Fundamental Quantities : The physical quantities which do not depend on any other physical quantities for their measurements are known as fundamental quantities. 2) Derived Quantities : The physical quantities which depends on one or more fundamental quantities for their measurements are known as derived quantities. 4) 5) Parallax Method : The method used to measure large distances are called Parallax Method. 6) Dimensional Analysis : The dimensions of a physical quantity are the powers to which fundamental units must be raised in order to 3) obtain the unit of the given physical quantity. 7) Order of Magnitude : The value of its magnitude rounded off to the nearest integral power of 10. 8) Significant Figures : Figure which is of some significance but it does not necessarily denote a certainty. 9) Error : The difference between the true value and measured value of physical quantity is called error. FORMULAE FORMULAE Plane Angle : d ds r dA r2 Solid Angle : d Parallax Method : D d RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 1 Units And Measurements 4) Error Analysis : a1, a2, a3, ...... an values obtained Combination of Errors: in measurement. 1) Error of sum or difference Z=A+B a1 a2 ........an amean Z A B n 2) Error of product a1 a1 amean Z = AB a2 a2 amean Z A B Z A B an an amean a1 a2 ....... an amean 3) Z n Relative error amean amean a Percentage error mean amean Error of Division 4) 100 A B Z A B Z A B Error in case of raised power Z A p Bq Cr Z A B C p q r Z A B C IMPORTANT DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS Dimension [M0L0T–1] 1 2 –2 1 –1 –2 1 1 –1 1 0 –2 [M L T ] [M L T ] [M L T ] [M0L1T–2] [M1L1T–2] [M1L2T–1] [M L T ] Quantity Frequency, angular frequency, angular velocity, velocity gradient and decay constant Work, internal energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, torque, moment of force Pressure, stress, Young's modulus, bulk modulus, modulus of rigidity, energy density Momentum, impulse Acceleration due to gravity, gravitational field intensity Thrust, force, weight, energy gradient Angular momentum and Planck's constant Surface tension, Surface energy (energy per unit area) Strain, refractive index, relative density, angle, solid angle, distance gradient, relative permittivity (dielectric constant), relative [M L T ] permeability Poisson's ratio etc. 0 2 –2 [M L T ] Latent heat and gravitational potential 2 –2 1 [ML T θ ] Thermal capacity, Boltzmann's constant and entropy 0 0 0 0 0 1 [M L T ] l / g , m / k , R / g , where l length g = acceleration due to gravity, m = mass, k = spring constant, R = Radius of earth [M0L0T1] L/R, LC , RC where L = inductance, R = resistance, C = capacitance 2 –2 [ML T ] V2 q2 t , VIt , qV , LI 2 , , CV 2 R C where I = current, t = time, q = charge, L = inductance, C = capacitance, R = resistance I 2 Rt , RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 2 Scalars And Vectors Quick Revision SCALARS AND VECTORS TERMINOLOGY VALUES FORMULAE FORMULAE 2) A ˆ Unit vectors : A A Law of Triangle : R A B 3) Law of Polygon : R A B C D Scalar Quantity : A physical quantity which can be completely described by its magnitude only 4) is known as scalar quantity. Law of Parallelogram : R A B A & B : Are two vectors : Angle between A and B R : Resultant of vectors. : Angle made by vector with x-axis : Angle made by vector with y-axis 1) : Angle made by vector with y-axis i : unit vector along x axis j : unit vector along y axis k : unit vector along z axis DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) 2) Vector Quantity : A physical quantity which has magnitude and direction and obeys all the laws of vector algebra is called vector quantity. 3) Parallel Vector : Those vectors which have the same directions are called as parallel vectors. 4) Equal Vector : Vectors which have equal magnitude and same direction are called equal vectors. 5) Anti-parallel Vectors : Those vectors wich have the opposite directions are called as Antiparallel vectors. 6) Opposite Vectors : Vectors have equal magnitude but opposite directions are called as opposite vectors. 7) Unit Vectors : Vectors whose magnitude is one is called a unit vector. 8) Rectangular components of vector : When a vector is splitted into components which are right angle to each other then the components are called rectangular components of vectors. 9) Dot Product : The dot product of two vectros can be defined as the product of their magnitudes with cosine angle between them. R A 2 B 2 2 AB cos tan A sin B A cos Cases 1) If 0, R A B 2) If 5) 90, R A2 B2 3) If 180, R A B Substraction of vectors : R A 2 B 2 2 AB cos 10) Cross Product : the cross product of two vectors can be defined as the product of their magnitudes with sine angle between them. RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 3 Scalars And Vectors 6) Resolution of vectors a) Two dimensions 6) In case of orthogonal vectors i j j kk i0 7) Scalar product of a vector by itself A A A2 8) Incase of unit vector i i j j k k 1 9) Interms of components A B ( Ax i Ay j Az k ) ( Bx i By j Bz k ) b) Three dimensions A Ax i A y j A z k A B Ax Bx Ay By Az Bz A A A A 2 x 2 y 2 z 10) Projection of vector A cos x A cos cos Ay A Az A cos 2 cos 2 cos 2 1 7) sin 2 sin 2 sin 2 2 Dot Product : A B AB cos 8) A B Projection of B on to A B cos A A B Projection of A on to B A cos B Cross product : CA B C C AB sin Key points Key points 1) If Q 0, A B AB If Q 90, A B 0 If Q 180, A B AB 2) Angle between two vectors A B cos AB 3) It is commulative A BB A 4) It is Distributive A (B C ) A B B C 5) It is associative ( A B(C D ) A C A D B C B D 1) If 0, C A B 0 If 90, C A B AB If 180, C A B 0 2) Angle between the vectors A B sin AB 3) It is anti-commutative A BB A 4) It is distributive A (B C)A B A C 5) It is associative ( A B) (C D) A C A D B C B D RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 4 Scalars And Vectors 6) Incase of orthogonal vector i jk j k i k ij j i k 10) If two vectors are parallel A Ax i A j j A z k B Bx i B j j B z k Ax Ay Az then B B B x y z k j i i k j 7) Vector product of a vector by itself A A0 8) Incase of unit vector i i j jk k0 9) In terms of components A B ( Ax i Ay j Az k ) ( Bx i By j Bz k ) i A B Ax j Ay k Az Bx By Bz i[ Ay Bz Az By ] j[ Ax Bz Az Bx ] k[ Ax By Ay Bx ] 11) A , B and C are coplanar then A ( B C ) 0 12) Angle between ( A B) and ( A B) is 90°. 13) Formuale to find area i) If A and B are two sides of triangle then its area 1 AB 2 ii) If A and B are two adjacent sides of parallelogram then its area A B iii) If A and B are diagonals of a paralelogram then its area 1 AB 2 RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 5 Motion In A Straight Line Quick Revision MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE VALUES TERMINOLOGY S : v : u : t : a : g : vAB : vBA : |v| : vo : 1) Displacement Velocity Initial velocity Time taken Acceleration Acceleration due to gravity Velocity of ‘A’ with respect to ‘B’ Velocity of ‘B’ with respect to ‘A’ Speed Initial velocity or velocity at t = 0 11) Acceleration : The rate of change of velocity of an object with time is called acceleration. In S.I unit, it is the change in velocity in one second. 13) Free fall: When a body released near the earth’s surface, it accelerates downwards towards earth. In the absence of air resistance its velocity continuously increases. The motion of the body is called free fall. FORMULAE E FORMULA 1) DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS Distance : It is the length of actual path traversed by a body between its initial and final position. Distance is a scalar quantity. 2) Displacement : It is the shortest length between initial and final position of body. It is a vector quantity. 3) Speed : The rate of change of position of an object with time in any direction is called its speed. It is equal to distance travelled per unit time. 4) Average speed : For an object moving with variable speed, the average speed is total distance travelled per unit time. 5) Instantaneous speed : The speed of an object at any particular instant of time or at particular point of path is called instantaneous speed. 6) Velocity : The rate of change of position of object with time in a given direction is called velocity. It is equal to displacement per unit time. 7) Average velocity : Average velocity is called at the ratio of total displacement to the total time interval of the body. 8) Instantaneous velocity : The velocity of an object at a particular instant of time or at a particular point on its path is called instantaneous velocity. 9) Uniform motion: An object is said to be in uniform motion if it covers equal distance in equal intervals of time however small these intervals may be. 10. Non-uniform motion: A body is said to be in non uniform motion if it covers unequal intervals in equal periods of time. In this motion, its velocity changes with time. Speed Distance Time 4) Displacement Time d(s ) Velocity dt Speed = |Velocity| 5) Acceleration 6) dv a dt 2) 3) 7) 8) 9) Velocity vu t s1 s2 s3 ......sn Average velocity t1 t 2 t3 ....tn v = u + at v2 – u2 = 2as 1 2 10) s ut at 2 a 11) sn th = u + ( 2n - 1) 2 12) vAB = vA – vB 13) vBA = vB – vA 14) Relative velocity Relative change in sepration Time For motion under gravity I) v = u – gt II) v2 – u2 = –2gs III) 1 s ut gt 2 2 IV) g sn th = u ( 2n - 1) 2 RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 6 Motion In A Straight Line GRAPHS GRAPH DISPLACEMENT–TIME I) II) v s t III) t Uniformly increasing velocity v Object at Rest s II) * t Uniformly decreasing velocity Relative Velocity Graphs GRAPHS I) s t Object moving with uniform velocity B A s III) t vA = vB Relative velocity is zero t Object moving with uniform +ve acceleration s IV) II) B s A t t vB > vA Object is moving with decreasing velocity VELOCITY–TIME GRAPHS GRAPH I) III) vB – vA = +ve s A v B P t t Object moving with constant velocity vA > vB vA – vB = +ve P = Point of overtaking RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 7 Motion In A Plane Quick Revision MOTION IN A PLANE TERMINOLOGY VALUES r : Displacement Vector r1 or r0 : Initial position vector r2 : Final position vector v : Velocity vector vx : x-component of velocity vy : y-component of velocity a : Acceleration vector ax : x-component of acceleration vector vy : y-component of acceleration vector R : Range of Projectile T : Time of light u : Initial velocity t : Half time of projectile or Instantaneous time m : slope 1) 2) 3) 4) 6) dv lim t 0 dt 7) Speed | v| vx2 vy2 8) a ax iˆ a y jˆ 9) ax a 10) ay 2) 3) 4) 5) dv y dt dv y ˆ dv j 11) a x iˆ dt dt 12) v v0 at 13) r r0 r DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS v vo Projectile : A projectile is the name given to any 14) r r0 t 2 body which since thrown its space with some initial velocity moves thereafter under the effect 15) v 2 v 2 2 a.(r r ) o o of gravity alone, without being propelled by vy any engine or fuel. The path followed is called m tan T 16) trajectory. vx Assumptions used in projectile motion: ANGULAR PROJECTION ANGULAR PROJECTILE a) There is no air resistance on the projectile. b) The effect due to earth’s curvature is negligible. u2 sin 2T c) The effect due to rotation of earth is zero. 1) R g d) Acceleration due to gravity is constant in all points of motion. 2u u Time of flight : It is the total time which the 2) R 2u sin T .u cos T y x g g projectile remains in the flight. Horizontal Range : It is the horizontal distance 2u sin T 2uy covered by the projectile during its time of 3) T flight. g g Horizontal component : It is the component of velocity which remain constant and is parallel T u sin T uy t 4) to surface of earth. 2 g g FORMULAE FORMULAE 1) dvx dt r r2 r1 r xiˆ yjˆ v v x iˆ v y jˆ r v t dr v lim t 0 dt u2 sin 2 T 2g 5) H 6) H 7) T2 uy2 2g 2H g RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 8 Motion In A Plane 8) x y x tan T 1 R 9) y x tanT 3) Y gx 2 2u2 cos2 T HORIZONTALPROJECTION PROJECTILE HORIZONTAL x u 1) t 2) T 3) v v x2 v y2 4) v y 2 gh 5) v y gt 6) Rv 7) t 2h g 4) vy u x R 2h g tan E 1) Vertical distance with time. O gt u T t Horizontal distance with time. GRAPHS GRAPHS Y 5) r r0 vy v sin r O X ro = Initial Position r = Displacement vector r = Final position 2) ux t O -v sin Vertical velocity with time t Horizontal velocity in projectile w.r.t. time RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 9 Circular Motion Quick Revision VALUES TERMINOLOGY : Angular Displacement [rad] : Initial Angular Velocity [rad/s] f : Final Angular Velocity [rad/s] : V : r : acp : at : Fcp : Wcp : Pcp : Ft : s : : Angular Acceleration [rad/s2] Linear Velocity [m/s] Radius [m] Centripetal Acceleration [m/s2] Tangential Acceleration [m/s2] Centripetal Force [N] Work Done by Centripetal Force [ J ] Power by centripetal Force [W] Tangential force [N] Displacement [m] Coefficient of Friction i b : Angle of Banking m q : : Mass [kg] Charge [coulomb] CIRCULAR MOTION 8) Centrifugal force : The pseudo force in circular motion which acts along radius and directed away from the center of circle is called as centrifugal force. 9) Angle of Banking : The angle made by the surface of road with the horizontal surface of road is called angle of banking. 10) Banking of Road : The process of raising outer edge of road over its inner edge through certain angle is called as Banking of road. FORMULAE FORMULAE 1) DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Circular Motion : Movement of an object along the circumference of a circle or rotation along a circular path is calloed as circular motion. Uniform Circular Motion : Periodic motion of a particle movin g along circumference of a 2) circle with constant angular speed is called as uniform circular motion. Non-uniform Circular Motion : Motion of a particle moving along circumference of a circle with variable angular speed is called as Nonuniform circular motion. Angular Displacement ( ) : The angle described by radius vector in a given time at the center of circle is called as angular displacement. Angular velocity [ ] : The time rate change of limiting angular displacement is called angular velocity. Angular Acceleration [ ] : The time rate change of an angular velocity is called angular acceleration. Centripetal Force : Force acting on a particle performing circular motion which is along radius of circle and directed towards. Kinematics of Circular Motion 1 i t t 2 2 2f i2 2 nth (2n 1) 2 relative Vrelative rrelative VB V A rB rA Uniform Circular Motion d 0 dt d 0 dt at r acp 2 r V2 V r V2 acp 2 r rˆ V r Fcp mv 2 m2 r mv r Wcp 0 Pcp 0 RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 10 Circular Motion 3) Non-uniform Circular Motion d 2 1 dt t d dt at r v2 acp 2 r rˆ v r at r anet acp at Fcp macp Ft mat For condition of slack TA 0 , V A gl VB 5 gl For any condition TB TA 6 mg 6) Wcp = 0 Wt Ft S qvB Pcp = 0 Pt Motion of a Charged aprticle in a magnetic field mv 2 r Wt Ft V t p Pcp Pt 4) Banking of Road Horizontal curve road V rg Banked road V If 7) tan rg( tan ) (1 tan ) 0 tan V2 rg 5) V2 rg Verticle Circular Motion V2 rg g h T 2 Pendulum in a car tan Conical Pendulum cos g r Tension mg 1 h 8) 2 Change in vector quantities Change in velocity V 2V sin 2 Change in radial vector V 2r sin 2 Change in momentum P 2mv sin 2 RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 11 Circular Motion 9) Death Well : V rg 12) Reaction of road on car 1) car on a concave bridge R mg cos mv 2 r 2) car on a convex bridge 10) Hemispherical Vessel : g R cos 11) Inverted Cone : V gh R mg cos mv2 r 13) Motion of a block on frictionless hemisphere 2 h r 3 cos h r 2 cos 1 r RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 12 Newton’s Laws Of Motion Quick Revision NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION TERMINOLOGY VALUES F : Force [N] m : Mass [kg] dv : Change in velocity [m/s] p : Linear momentum [kg m/s] I : Impulse [N-s] dp : Change in momentum [N-s] W : Weight [N] T : Tension [N] L : Length [m] a : Acceleration [m/s2] : FORMULAE FORMULAE 2) dp dV F m ma dt dt p mV 3) I Ft mV mu 1) I F dt Area under F-t graph will give impulse. 4) W mg Angle 5) Fpseudo maframe m0 : Initial mass of rocket [kg] 6) Law of conservation of momentum dm : dt Rate of fuel consumption [kg/s] Vr : Velocity of gases relative to rocket N : Normal reaction [N] m1u1 m1 v1 7) i) For two bodies DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) Force : Force is a push or pull which tries or change the state of rest or uniform motion of a body. 2) Weight : Force given by earth towards its centre on an object is called weight. 3) Reaction : If a body is pressed against a rigid support, the body experienced a force which is perpendicular to surface in contact is called reaction or normal reaction. 4) Impulse : When a large force acting for a short interval of time is called impulse. 6) Intertial frame of reference : A non-accelerating frame of reference is called inertial frame of reference. 7) Pseudo Force : Those force which do not actually act on the particles but appear to be acting on the particles due to accelerated motion of frame of reference are called pseudo force. a F m1 m2 T m1 F m1 m2 ii) For three bodies a Linear Momentum : The quantity of motion present in a body is called as Linear Momentum. 5) Motion of connected bodies 8) F m1 m2 m3 T1 m1 F m1 m2 m3 T2 ( m1 m2 )F m1 m2 m3 Rope on a horizontal surface l T 1 F L RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 13 Newton’s Laws Of Motion 9) Pulleys Case - V Case - I a ( m1 m2 sin ) g ( m1 m2 ) T ( m1 m2 )(1 sin ) g ( m1 m2 ) m1 m2 m T = mg a=0 Case - II m1 m2 a ( m1 m2 ) g ( m1 m2 ) T 2m1 m2 g ( m1 m2 ) Case - III a ( m2 m3 m1 ) g ( m1 m2 m3 ) Case - VI a ( m1 sin m2 sin ) g ( m1 m2 ) T m1 m2 (sin sin ) g ( m1 m2 ) 10) Tension in lift wire i) Lift is stable : T mg ii) Lift moving up : T m( g a) iii) Lift moving down : T m( g a) 11) Apparent weight i) Lift is stable : N = Mg ii) Lift moving up N M ( g a) iii) Lift moving down N M ( g a) 12) Rocket propulsion acceleration of rocket Vr dm m dt dm dt If gravitational force is considered acceleration Thrust on rocket ma Vr Case - IV a m2 g m1 m2 T m1m2 g ( m1 m2 ) of rocket Vr dm g m dt dm m m0 t dt RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 14 Friction FRICTION Quick Revision FORMULAE FORMULAE VALUES TERMINOLOGY F : Force (N) µ : Coefficient of friction N : Normal reaction (N) µk : Coefficient of kinetic friction µs : Coefficient of static friction m : Mass (kg) W : Weight (N) T : Angle of repose v : Velocity (m/s) s : Distance (m) t : Time (s) fs : Static friction fk : Kinetic friction DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) 1) Friction: fs = µsN fk = µkN 2) Angle of friction: = tan–1(µ) R N F f 3) Angle of repose: = tan–1(µs) Friction: The resistive force which will act when two bodies tries to slide is called friction. 2) Static friction: The frictional force acting between two surfaces at rest is called as static friction. 3) 4) Kinetic friction: The frictional force acting between two surfaces 4) in relative motion is called kinetic friction. Pull is easier than push: Rolling friction: FPush The frictional force acting when object perform rolling motion is called rolling friction. 5) Limiting friction: µmg cos µ sin F The maximum force of static friction upto which body does not move is called limiting friction. 6) Angle of friction: The angle which the resultant contact force makes with the normal reaction is called angle of friction. 7) Angle of repose: FPull µmg cos µ sin F The maximum angle of inclination of a plane with the horizontal at which the object placed on it just begin to slide down is called as angle of repose. RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 15 Friction 5) Motion of an insect in the rough bowl: 8) 1 h R1 µ2 1 Friction on an inclined surface: i) Object moving up a g[sin µ cos ] R h 6) ii) Object moving down a g[sin µ cos ] Maximum length (Y) hung from table: Y µL µ1 L–Y 9) Y Minimum force to move: Fmin µmg µ2 1 Fmin 7) Stopping of block due to friction: v2 s 2µg t v µg a µg 10) f Versus FApplied: f Fapplied RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 16 Work, Energy And Power Quick Revision WORK, ENERGY AND POWER VALUES TERMINOLOGY W : Work done P : Power s : Displacement ds : Small change in displacement K.E. : Kinetic energy T.E. : Total energy T.M.E. : Total mechanical energy P.E. : Potential energy p : Momentum KEF : Final kinetic energy KEI : Initial kinetic energy U : Potential energy U x : Partial derivative of energy w.r.t. x U y : Partial derivative of energy w.r.t. y U z : 5) Work done by net force acting on a body is equal to change in kinetic energy of body. 6) 6) 7) 8) Power: It is the rate of doing work. In other words, if work done or energy consumed per unit time. 9) Watt: Watt is S.I. unit of power. The power of an agent is one watt if it does work at the rate of 1 joule per second. Work: 10) Kilowatt-hour: Kilowatt-hour is the commercial unit of energy. One kilowatt hour is the electrical energy consumed by an appliance of 1000 watt in 1 hour. Positive work: The force acting on a body has component in the direction of displacement. The work done is called positive work. Conservation of mechanical energy: This principle states that when only conservative forces are acting on body then its net mechanical energy (potential energy + kinetic energy) remains constant. DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 2) Non-conservative forces: If the amount of work done in moving an object against a force from one point to another point depends along the path along which the body moves, then such a force is called nonconservative force. Partial derivative of energy w.r.t. z Work is said to be done whenever a force acts on a body and body moves through some distance in the direction of force. Conservative forces: A force is conservative if work done by force in displacing a particle from one point to another is independent on the path followed by particle and depends only on the initial and end points. 00 1) Work energy principle: FORMULAE FORMULAE 1) 3) Negative work: 4) 2) If the force acting on a body has the component opposite to direction of displacement then work done is called negative work done. 3) Zero work: When force or displacement for cos , either of 4) them is zero then work done is zero. W F.s W | F ||s|cos s2 W F .ds s1 K.E. = p2 1 mv 2 2 2m RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 17 Work, Energy And Power 5) p 2m( K.E.) 12) P F . v 6) 1 1 W mv 2 mu 2 2 2 dv 13) F ds 7) 1 Fnet .s m( v 2 u2 ) K .E. 2 14) Fx U x 8) P.E. of spring = Fy U y 9) U 1 2 kx 2 1 2 1 F2 kx Fx 2 2 2k 10) P.E. mgh2 mgh1 mgh W dW 11) P t dt U z 15) For equilibrium, Fz F 0 dU 0 ds RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 18 Centre Of Mass And Collision Quick Revision CENTRE OF MASS AND COLLISION TERMINOLOGY VALUES Fnet m rcom 6) : Net force on a particle (Fext + Fint) : Total mass : Position of center of mass xcom : Coordinates of Centre of mass on x-axis. ycom : Coordinates of Centre of mass on y-axis. zcom : Coordinates of Centre of mass on z-axis. 7) m1, m2 : Mass of particles r1 , r2 : Position of individual particle d1 d2 R h A V Vcom acom : Distance of centre of mass m1. 8) : Distance of centre of mass m2. : Linear mass density. : Radius of circle, semicircle, disc, sphere, hemisphere and ring. : Height of triangle, hollowand solid cone. 1) : Density of material : Area : Volume 2) : Velocity of centre of mass : Acceleration of centre of mass 3) DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Particle : Is defined as an object whose mass in finite but size and structure is neglected. System : Is a collection of very large no of particle, having finite size and structure. Internal force : The mutual force exerted by particles of system on one another is called as internal force. Fnet (Internal) 0 .... always on system 4) 5) 6) 7) 1) 2) ex. - Intermolecular force - Friction - Explosion 3) - Electrostatic - Gravitation 4) External force : The outside force exerted on a system by external agent is called external force. Fnet (Internal) ma Centre of Mass : Is a point where whole mass of a body is supposed to be concentrated is called centre of mass. Centre of gravity : A point where whole weight of body is act or supposed to be concentrated is called centre of gravity. OR Is a point at which resultant of gravitational force of all the particles of a body act. Velocity of centre of mass : Taking time defivative of position vector of centre of mass will get the velocity vector of centre of mass. Acceleration of centre of mass : Taking time derivative of velocity vector of centre of mass will get the acceleration of centre of masss. CONCEPT CONCEPT Two particle system : Centre of mass divide the distance between particles in inverse ratio of there masses. Centre of mass is closer to a massive body. Applied force is in line with centre of mass then body will travel in translational motion. For small body centre of mass and centre of gravity both one same. Try to place particles on co-ordinates system, so that we get maximum no. of zero. Try to find symmetry. Centre of mas of a two particle always lie on line joining of these two particle. Internal force is action reaction pair. FORMULAE FORMULAE m r m2 r2 ....... rcom 1 1 Weighted average m1 m2 ...... xcom m1 x1 m2 x2 ....... m1 m2 m3 ...... m1 y1 m2 y2 ....... m1 m2 ...... Centre of mass of two particle system ycom d1 m1d m2 d , d2 m1 m2 m1 m2 d1 m2 d2 m1 or m1d1 m2 d2 RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 19 Centre Of Mass And Collision 5) Centre of mass of a continious body m1r1 m2 r2 ..........mnrn rcom m1 m2 ..................mn xcom x dm dm , ycom y dm dm Trick : For regular shape body 7) Motion of centre of mass a) Velocity of centre of mass m1V1 m2 V2 ........ Vcom m1 m2 ........ P MVcom b) Acceleration of centre of mass m1a1 m2 a2 ...... acom m1 m2 ........ Fnet Macom Fnet Fexternal Finternal 6) Centre of mass a remaining portion a) For solid body Finternal 0 Cases: If Fexternal 0 m1r1 m2 r2 rcom m1 m2 xcom m1 x1 m2 x2 m1 m2 m1 y1 m2 y2 m1 m2 b) For two dimensional body (lamina) ycom m r m2 r2 rcom 1 1 m1 m2 m x m2 x2 A1 x1 A2 x2 xcom 1 1 or xcom m1 m2 A1 A2 ycom Then m1 y1 m2 y2 A1 y1 A2 y2 or ycom m1 m2 A1 A2 Irrespective of the individual acceleration of particle. a) Vcom const : If initially Vcom = constant then it will remain always constant. b) Vcom 0 If initially Vcom = 0 then it will remain always zero. ex. - Particles is at rest initially Initial velocity is zero Body is at rest. RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 20 Rotational Motion Quick Revision VALUES TERMINOLOGY ROTATIONAL MOTION 7) : Angular velocity [rad/s] 2 : Final angular velocity [rad/s] 1 : Initial angular velocity [rad/s] T f m I r I0 Ic Iz Ix Iy m1 m2 F r1 k h v 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1) : Time period [s] : Frequency [1/s] : Angular acceleration [rad/s2] : Mass [kg] : Moment of inertia [kg m2] : Perpendicular distance [m] : Moment of inertia of an object through point O. : Moment of inertia of an object through centre of mass. : Moment of inertia of an object through z axis. : Moment of inertia of an object through x axis : Moment of inertia of an object through y axis : Mass of first particle [kg] : Mass of second particle [kg] : Torque [N-m] : Force [N] 2) : Perpendicular distance [m] : Angle : Radius of gravition [m] 3) : height [m] : Velocity [m/s] Rolling Motion : When a body perform translational and rotational motion is called as rolling motion. FORMULAE FORMULAE Fundamental of rotational motion 2 T f 1 T 1 t 2 2 t Comparison of linear and rotational motion Linear motion Rotational Motion V u at 2 1 t V 2 u2 2as 22 12 2 1 1 S ut at 2 1t t 2 2 2 Moment of inertia of a particle I mr 2 Theorem of parallel axis I 0 I c Mh 2 DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS Rotation Motion : The change in the orientation of body during its motion is called rotational motion. Moment of Inertia : The property of body due to which it oposees any change in its state of rest or of uniform rotation is called moment of ienrtia. Radius of Gyration : The distance from an axis of rotation where entire mass of the body 4) supposed to be concentrated and the value of moment of inertia is same that due to actual distribution of masses of body is called radius of gyration. Torque : If a pivoted, hinged or suspended body tends to rotate under the action of force it is said to be acted on by a torque. Angular Momentum : The moment of linear momentum of body with respect to any axis of rotation is called as angular momentum. Kinetic Energy of Rotation : The energy which a body has by virtue of it rotational motion is called as kinetic energy of rotation. 2 X a d CM X’ a’ Theorem of perpendicular axis Iz Ix I y Z Y O X’ Z’ X Y’ Formula for moment of inertia of regular bodies RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 21 Rotational Motion Shape Of Body Axis Of Rotation Figure (1) 1.Passes through the centre Circular Ring & perpendicular to plane M = Mass R = Radius 2.About it’s diameter in MR (3) Hollow Cylinder M = Mass R = Radius L = Length 2 R 2 (1/2)MR it’s own plane (2) Circular Disc M = Mass R = Radius Moment Of Radius Of Inertia (I) Gyration R/ 2 3.A b ou t a t a n g en t i a l a xi s perpendicular to its own plane 2MR 4.About a tangential axis in its own plane 3 2 MR 2 3 1.Passing through the centre and perpendicular to the plane MR 2 2 R 2.About diameter MR 2 4 R 2 3.About a tangential axis lying its own plane 5 MR 2 4 5 R 2 4.A b ou t a t a n g en t i a l a xi s perpendicular to its own plane 3 MR 2 2 3 R 2 1.About its geometrical axis MR 2 R 2 2R 2 R 2 l 2.About an axis passing through its CM and perpendicular to its length 3.About an axis perpendicular to its length and passing through one end of the cylinder cm MR 2 Ml 2 2 12 R2 2 l2 12 l MR 2 Ml 2 2 3 R2 l 2 2 3 l RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 22 Rotational Motion (4) Solid Cylinder M = Mass R = Radius L = Length 1.About its geometrical axis 2.About an axis passing through its CM and perpendicular to its length MR 2 R C 2 2 2 C MR Ml 4 12 R2 l 2 4 12 R2 l2 R2 l 2 2 3 2 l 3.About an axis perpendicular to its length and passing through one end of the cylinder M 4 3 (5) Annular disk 1.Passing through centre and perpendicular to the plane R1 R1 M R2 2 [ R12 R22 ] R12 R22 2 R2 M [ R12 R22 ] R1 R2 4 2 M[ R12 R22 ] R12 R 22 2 R2 M = Mass R1 = Internal Radius R2 = Outer Radius 2.About its diameter (6) 1.About its geometrical axis or Hollow about the axis which is passing Cylinder R1 through centre = Internal Radius R2 = Outer Radius 2.Passing through centre of mass and perpendicular to its length M = Mass L = Length (7) Solid Sphere 1.About its axis OR diameter whi ch i s passi ng through M = Mass R = which is Radius 2.About tangential axis R1 R1 R2 2 2 cm M 2 2 L ( R R2 ) 1 12 4 2 5 MR 2 7 MR 2 2 2 2 L2 R12 R22 12 4 2 R 5 7 5 R RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 23 Rotational Motion (8) Thin Spherical 1 .Pa s s in g t h ro ug h a xis or Shell diameter (Hollow Sphere) M = Mass R = Radius (Thickness negligible) 2 MR 2 2 R 3 5 MR2 3 5 2 [ R5 r5 ] M 5 [ R3 r3 ] 2 (R 5 r 5 ) 3 2.About tangential axis 3 R (9) Solid Sphere With Cavity r = Internal Radius R = Outer Radius About passing through centre OR about diameter 5 (R 3 r 3 ) M = Mass (10) 1.Passing through centre of mass Thin Rod and perpendicular to length [Thickness is negligible w.r.t. length] ML 12 L 2.Passing through its one end and perpendicular to axis (11) Rectangular Plate a = Length b = Width M = Mass ML2 3 1.About an axis passing through CM and perpendicular to side a in its plane cm b Ma 2 12 L 2 3 L 3 a 2 3 a 2.About an axis passing through CM and perpendicular to side b in its plane 3.About an axis passing through CM cm Mb 12 b 2 b 2 3 a cm b M (a 2 b 2 ) 12 a2 b2 12 a RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 24 Rotational Motion (12) Triangular Prism a = (Side of base and height) Passing through centre of mass and perpendicular triangular face Ma 2 6 a 6 a (13) Cone R = Radius h = Height About the line joining of top of the cone and mid-point of base 3 MR 2 10 3 10 R R Moment of inertia of some special bodies (a) Moment of inertia of square plate I1 I 3 I4 I5 Ma2 I5 12 cm 6 a I3 (b) Moment of inertia of cube I2 I4 I5 I1 I2 I1 I1 a Ma 2 Ma2 6 2Ma2 a 3 a a IAB (c) I n a tri angle, M.I. w il l be maximum relative to smallest side If AC > BC > AB, IA C < I BC < I AB A B C I AC I BC (d) (e) I n t ria n g le, M. I . wi ll b e maximum rela tive to tha t perpen dicula r a xis whi ch passes through least angle I2 If 2 < 2 < 3, I1 > I 2 > I 3 1 I3 3 1 I1 Greater the mass away from axis of rotation, more will be M.I. RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 25 Rotational Motion 10) 5) Radius of gyration [k] 6) I mk 2 Moment of inertia of two point masses r r1 r2 m1 m1r1 m2 r2 r1 r2 r1 CM m2 Rolling motion i) Kinetic energy in rolling motion K.E.rolling r2 m2 r m1 m2 1 k2 MV 2 1 2 2 R ii) Rolling : motion on an inclined plane m1r m1 m2 a I m1r12 m2 r22 I 7) 1 2 1 I MV 2 2 2 m1 m2 r 2 mr r 2 m1 m2 V Torque r F rF sin t F r1 Moment of couple = Fr m Rolling body g sin k2 1 2 R VCM Height S h 2 gh k2 1 2 R 1 sin Inclined plane 2h k2 1 g R2 iii) Pure rolling V R F r F 8) Angular momentum [L] Lr p iv) Energy distribution in rolling motion L rmv sin L mvr sin Law of conservation of angular momentum if there is no external torque. I 11 I 2 2 9) Kinetic energy of rotation K.E. 1 2 1 2 V2 I mk 2 2 R2 Body K2 E trans 2 Erotation R 1 K 2 / R2 E trans Etotal 1 K2 1 2 R Erotation E total K 2 / R2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 Ring 1 1 Disc 1 2 2 Solid Sphere 2 5 5 5 2 2 7 7 Spherical Shell 2 3 3 2 3 5 2 5 Solid cylinder 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 Hollow Cylinder 1 1 1 2 1 2 K2 R2 1 k 2 L2 mV 2 2 2 2I R RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 26 Gravitation Quick Revision GRAVITATION VALUES TERMINOLOGY F : Force due to gravitation G 20 : Universal gravitational constant 10 11 3 M : Mass of earth (6 × 1024 kg) m : Mass of object g : Acceleration due to gravity DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) Law states that every particle on planet or universe attract every other partical by a force which is directly preportional to product of their masses and inversely proportional to square of distance between them. 2) g’h : Acceleration due to gravity at height h above h : Height above the earth surface d : Depth below the earth surface R : Radius of earth (6400 km) E : Gravitational field. V : Graivtational potential U : Gravitational potential energy. W : Work done Ve : Escae velocity Vc : Orbital or critical velocity. C : Speed of light (3 × 108 m/s) : Angular velocity 3) 4) OR A gravitational field is defined as a sphere of influence around a mass in which gravitational force has been experienced. 5) a : Semi-major axis. b : Semi-minor axis. VA dA : Areal velocity dt L : Angular momentum. 6) g’eq : Acceleration due to gravity due to at a equator Rp : Radius of earth at pole. Req : Radius of earth at equator. Gravitational potential energy : GPE of a body is defined as amount of workdone required to bring a mass from infinity to that point. 7) Escape velocity : The minimum velocity with which a body projected to just overcome the gravitational pull of planet. 8) Orbital velocity (critical velocity) : The velocity of sattelite required to put this satellite in to a circular orbit around the planet. g’R : Acceleration due to gravity due to rotation. g’P : Acceleration due to gravity due to at a pole Gravitational potential : Gravitational potential at a point in a gravitational field of a body is defined as amount of wokdone required to bring a mass from infinity to that point per unit mass. VH : Horizontal velocity : Time period of satellite or planet. Gravitational field : The gravitational force of attraction per unit mass is called as gravitational field. K.E. : Kinetic energy T Gravity or Gravitational pull : The force of attraction due to earth on a body is called as gravity or gravitational force or gravitational pull. B.E. : Binding energy VP : Velocity of projection Acceleration due to Gravity : Acceleration produced in body due to gravity or gravitational pull is called as acceleration due to gravity. : Density of object g’d : Acceleration due to gravity at depth d Newton’s law of gravitation : 9) Binding energy : The minimum amount energy required to remove a satellite from earth’s gravitational influence. RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 27 Gravitation FORMULAE FORMULAE Gm1 m2 1) F 2) Gm1m2 F ( rˆ ) r2 Null point r F12 2 r 2h then g 'h g 1 R F21 m1 m2 g 'd d 4 G( R d) or g 1 .. At depth ‘d’ R 3 g ' R g 2 R cos 2 r x 3) a) if h <<<< R ... Due to rotation of Earth = Latitude m2 1 m1 g 'p Gravitational force between spherical shell and point mass. 6) GM GM g 'eq 2 2 , Rp Req Gravitational field : E F m i) For point mass x xR R F0 4) F xr GMm R2 F GMm R2 GM E 2 ( rˆ) r ii) For spherical shell Gravitational force between solid sphere and point mass. x E0 M Mx 4 3 4 3 R x 3 3 x R F 5) R GMm R3 xR GM E 2 R xr GM E 2 r iii) For solid sphere xR F GMm R2 xr F GMm R2 Acceleration due to gravity g GM R2 g 'h ... Surface GM R2 g or .... height ‘h’ ( R h )2 ( R h) 2 x R GMx E 3 R xR GM E 2 R xr GM E 2 r RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 28 Gravitation 7) Gravitational Potential V iii) Relation between GP and GPE U = Vm iv) U on the earth surface U = – mgR v) U at height (h << R) U = mgh 10) Escape velocity W m i) For point mass : Ve ii) For spherical shell : 2GM .... from surface R 2GM ... from height ‘h’ abovee Rh 11) Orbital velocity V 'e x R GM VR R xR GM VQ R xr GM VP r 8) xR W R m GM VQ R VQ GM ...... r = R + h r T 2 r3 GM GMm 2r GMm Potential Enegy r GMm Total Energy 2r Binding Energy = – Total Energy KE TE 2 PE BE 12) Areal Velocity : dA L VA dt 2 m Kinetic Energy iii) For solid sphere : x R W WR x VR R m GM x2 2 2 2R R VC xr W r r GM VP r VP Relation between V and E dv E dr GRAPHS GRAPHS i) Acceleration due to gravity Vs. distance from center V E dr 9) Gravitational potential energy GMm i) U W r ...... point mass r ii) For solid sphere (earth) Ux GMm x2 3 2 2R R ii) E vs. Position Vector a) Point mass ..... inside earth RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 29 Gravitation b) Spherical Shell b) Spherical shell c) Solid Sphere c) Solid sphere iii) V vs. position (Distance) iv)Energy a) Point mass RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 30 Mechanical Properties Of Solids Quick Revision MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS TERMINOLOGY VALUES 5) Rigid body: F A : : External force Area of cross section l : Change in length L : V : Original length Change in volume V : Original volume Y K : : : Shear strain Young’s modulus Bulk modulus E : : Shear modulus Modulus of elasticity P C : : : : Poisson’s ratio Breaking stress Compressibility Angle of twist : Angle of shear W U Work done Elastic potential energy Final density Initial density Isothermal elasticity 11) Longitudical strain: Kt : : : : : K v : : Adiabatic elasticity Heat capacity 12) Volume strain (Bulk strain): f i DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) Elasticity: 2) The property of matter by virtue of which body regains its original size and shape after removal of deforming force is called as elasticity. Deforming force: The force which produces deformation is called as deforming force. 3) 4) The body which is having regular shape. 6) Stress: Internal restoring force (external force) per unit area. 7) Longitudinal stress: When applied force / deforming force produces change in length of body is called as longitudinal force. 8) Volume stress: When deforming force produces change in its volume of body is called as volume stress (also called as change in pressure). 9) Shear stress: When applied force produces change in its shape only of body is called shear stress. 10) Strain: The ratio of change in dimension by original dimension is called strain. Longitudinal strain or tensile strain is the ratio of change in length to the original length. It is the ratio of change in volume to the original volume. 13) Shear strain: Ratio of change in shape by original shape. OR The applied force produces change in shape (cube to parallelopiped) the strain is called as shear strain. 14) Elastic limit: Deformation: The change in size, shape or both in a body The maximum deforming force up to which arising due to external force called as body regains its original size and shape is called deformation. as elastic limit. Plasticity: 15) Hooke’s law: The property of matter to undergo a permanent It states that within elastic limit stress is directly deformation after removal of deforming force proportional to strain. is called as plasticity. RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 31 Mechanical Properties Of Solids FORMULAE FORMULAE 16) Modulus of elasticity: It is a slope of stress-strain graph within elastic limit. 1) F Stress = A C /S 17) Young’s modulus: = Longitudinal stress Within elastic limit, it is the ratio of longitudinal (tensile) stress to longitudinal strain. 18) Bulk modulus: 2) Within elastic limit, it is the ratio of volume stress to the volume strain. 3) It measures the resistance offered by solid, liquid and gas to change its volume. 4) Volume stress = Shear stress F P Total area Tangential force Ft A A l L Longitudinal strain = 19) Shear modulus (Modulus of rigidity): Within elastic limit, it is the ratio of shear stress 5) to shear strain. Volume strain = It measures the resistance offered by solids to change in its shape. 6) 20) Compressibility: Shear strain Stress Strain 8) Y FL AL 9) Breaking stress P 21) Poisson’s ratio: 22) Lateral strain: Strain developed in the direction perpendicular to the applied deforming force. 23) Longitudinal strain: x L E The reciprocal of bulk modulus of elasticity is 7) called compressibility. Within elastic limit, it is the ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain. V V 10) K Breaking force C/ S Area P V / V Strain developed in the direction of applied 1 deforming force. 11) C K 24) Strain energy: i [1 C P] f It is defined as elastic potential energy stored 12) by wire during elongation or compression by 13) Kt = Pressure deforming force. 14) K = v × Pressure Area of stress-strain graph gives work done or elastic potential energy stored in stretched wire F FL per unit volume. 15) Shear modulus, t or t A Ax Molecules having mininum potential energy when they are in stable equibrium position, for r any other position potential energy increases. 16) L Angle of shear RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 32 Mechanical Properties Of Solids GRAPHS GRAPHS 17) Relation between Y, K and : 1) Hooke’s law: 9 3 1 Y K r / r 18) L / L Stress Elastic limit Proportional limit Value 0 0.5 19) Relation between Y, K, and : Strain 2) Stress–Strain Graph: Y 3K(1 2) Y 2(1 ) Elastic region Yield point 1 × Force× Elongation 2 W U 1 × Stress× Strain× Volume 2 W U 1 × Stress 2 × Volume 2Y W U 1 × Y Strain 2 × Volume 2 21) Elongation due to self weight L Mg L 2 AY Stress 20) Work done = Change in potential energy W U Breaking strength B E Elastic limit P C Rupture point Proportional limit Strain B &C Distance Small then material is brittle Large then material is ductile Very very small then elastomer 3) Elastomer: Stress is not directly proportional to strain Does not obey Hooke’s law. Stress 22) Breaking stress due to self weight P Mg A Strain RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 33 Mechanical Properties Of Fluids Quick Revision MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS TERMINOLOGY VALUES dv/dt : Velocity Gradient A : Area : Coefficient of Viscosity : Shearinag stress Fv : Viscous force W : Weight FB : Buoyancy force Vt : Terminal velocity : Density of ball (spherical object) : Density of fluid r : Radius of sphere g : Acceleration due to gravity Re : Reynold’s number P : Pressure Q : volumetric flow (Discharge) L : Length Vsub : Submerged volume H : Total height of tank h : Height of hole DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) FORMULAE FORMULAE 1) Fv A 2) 2000 Fv dv A dt 3) 1 poise = 0.1 N.s/m2 4) Fv 6rv 5) FB Vsub g 6) Re Vd 7) Vt 2r 2 ( ) g g 8) Viscosity : The characteristic of fluid by virtue of which 9) relative motion between different layers is opposed is known as viscosity. 10) Viscosity is internal friction of a fludi in motion. Critical Velocity : The maximum velocity up to which fluid 11) motion is steady is called critical velocity. Laminar flow : Flow in which one liquid particle never cross a path of other liquid particle. Reynold’s number : It can be defined as a ratio of inertia force to viscous force. Re dv dt = density of liquid Q = AV Velocity of efflux V 2 gh Range of efflux R 2 h( H h) Q A1 A2 2gh A A22 2 1 GRAPHS GRAPHS ... Laminar flow 3000 Re 2000 ... transition flow Re 3000 ... Turbulent flow RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 34 Surface Tension Quick Revision SURFACE TENSION TERMINOLOGY VALUES FORMULAE FORMULAE T or or s : Surface Tension 1) F : Force due to surface tension l : Length of object in contact with liquid 2) surface (for circular object it is circumference) W : Work done A : Total change in surface area. Q : Increase or decrease in temperature J : Mechanical equivalent of heat. V : Volume d or : Density S : P Surface Tension (T) = F l Name of object i) Wire ii) Ring Length 2l iii) Circular plate 2 r iv) Hollow disc 2r1 2 r2 v) Square plate vi) Square frame 4l 8l W T A Name of object Surface Area Spacific heat Droplet 4 r 2 : Pressure difference Bubble 2 4 r 2 : Angle of contact h : Rise in capillary Air bubble inside liquid 4r 2 Formation of smaller droplet from bigger t : Thickness between two plate. 3) 4) 5) W 4 T[nr 2 R 2 ] DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) Surface Tension : Surface Energy : The potential energy stored in surface film per unit surface area is called as surface energy per unit area. 3) W 3VT 6) Capillarity : The phenomena of rise or fall or a liquid inside 7) a capillary tube when it is dipped in the liquid is called capillaryity. 5) ... Temperature Decreased Formation of bigger droplet from smaller W 4 T [nr 2 R2 ] ... Energy released Or 3VT 1 1 r R 3T 1 1 JSd r R ... Temperature increased Excess pressure ( P ) P 2T ... For droplet and Air bubble inside r liquid P 4T ... For bubble r Sphere of Influence : An imaginary sphere around a molecule in which intermolecular force has been experienced is called as sphere of influence. 1 1 r R 3T 1 1 JSd r R Angle of Contact : When liquid is in contact with solid, the angle between tangent drawn to the free surface of liquid and the surface of solid at the point of contact measured inside the liquid. 4) ... Energy absorbed Or Surface tension of liquid is measured by the force acting per unit length on either side of an imaginary line drawn on the free surface of liquid. 2) 2 2r RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 35 Surface Tension 8) 10) Formation of Double bubble : 1 1 1 R R1 R2 2T cos h rg 1 or hr = constant or h1r1 h2 r2 r h h r (tube) (meniscus radius) (Angle of contact) R R1 R2 R2 R1 11) Force required to pull two plate (JEE concept) 2TA F t GRAPHS GRAPHS Rise in capillary Vs radius of tube 9) Formation of single bubble or droplet from two bubble or droplet in isothermal condition c a 2 b2 RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 36 Thermal Properties Of Matter Quick Revision THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER TERMINOLOGY VALUES TC : Tk : x0 : x100 : xt : l : V : P : R : : Temperature in °C Temperature in °K Thermometric property at 0°C Thermometric property at 100°C Thermometric property at t°C Length Volume Pressure Resistance Linear expansion coefficient : Coeficient of areal expansion : Coeficient of volume expansion : T : Y : vapp : W : J : Q : S : : C : M : L : LF : K : A : i : R : E : U : a : : e : S : Density Time period Young’s modulus Apparent coefficient of volume expansion workdone Mechanical equivalent of heat (4.2 J/cal) Heat Specific heat capacity Change in temperature Molar heat capacity Molecular weight Latent heat Latent heat of fusion Coefficient of thermal conductivity Area of cross-section Heat current Thermal resistance Emissive power Energy radiator Absorptive power Stefans constant (5.67 × 10–8 W/m2k4) Emmissivity of the surface Solar constant DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 8) 9) Heat : is energy in transit which is transfered from one body to other due to temperature difference between them. Heat Capacity : The heat required to raise the temperature of body by 1°C is called heat capacity. Water equivalent : Water equivalent of a body is the mass of water having the same heat capacity as a given body Latent heat : The amount of heat required to change the state of unit mass of a substance at a constant temperature is called latent heat. Thermal conductivity is a measure of the ability of a substance to conduct heat through it. Black body : A body which absorb all the radiation falling on it is caused black body. Emissive power : Emissive is the energy radiated per unit area per unit time per unit solid angle along the normal to the area. Absorptive power : Absorptive power is a fraction of the incident radiation that is absorbed by the body. FORMULAE FORMULAE tt t0 100 C t100 t0 1) t 2) C0 F 32 K 273.15 100 0 212 32 373.15 273.15 3) Liquid thermometer : t 4) V V0 Gas thermometer : t V V Temperature : It is defined as degree of coldness or hotness of a body and it is measured by thermometer. Zeroth law of Thermodynamics : If two bodies x and y are are in equlibrium and x and z are in equilibrium then y and z are in 5) equilibrium. l l0 100 C l100 l0 100 t 100 C 0 P P0 100 C P100 P0 Resistance thermometer : t R R0 100 C R100 R0 RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 37 Thermal Properties Of Matter 6) Thermal expansion 14) E b) Area expansion A2 A1 [1 ] 15) u T 4 c) Volume expansion V2 V1 [1 ] d) pendulum clock time period 16) Rate of cooling 1 T2 T1 1 2 e) Density 2 1 Newtons law Thermal stress t 8) Vapp V app where app K 1 17) 2 Wien’s law m 4eAT03 ms T = b = constant b = 0.288 cm-k 9) W = JQ 10) ms , nc , mL 1) 11) Heat lost = Heat gained While solving problems, when temperature change is involved, use ms or nc , when state change is involved, use mL KA( 1 t L dT eA 4 (T T04 ) dt ms dT K (T T0 ) dt [1 ] 7) 12) U At a) Linear expansion L2 L1[1 ] GRAPHS GRAPHS Heating Curve ) d d KA dt dx t L iR KA 2) 13) Keq 1 1 1 a) Series K K K ......... eq 1 2 b) Parallel Keq K1 K2 K3 ...... RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 38 Thermodynamics Quick Revision THERMODYNAMICS TERMINOLOGY VALUES n c cp : : : cv : R T Q w u u : : : : : : : Number of moles of gas. Molar specific heat capacity. Molar specific heat capacity at constant pressure. Molar specific heat capacity at constant 6) volume. Universal gas constant. Absolute temperature of gas. Heat energy supplied to the gas. 7) Work done by the gas. Internal energy of gas. Change in internal energy of gas. 8) Efficiency : cp Adiabatic exponent c v P V f : : : Pressure exerted by gas. Volume occupied by gas. Degree of freedom. k : F.L.T. : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) R Boltzmann constant k NA First law of thermodynamics. DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS Heat ( ) : It is the energy which is transfered from a system to surroundings (or) vice versa due to temperature difference between system and surroundings. It is a macroscopic quantity.. Path dependent. Work : Work is the energy that is transmitted from one system to other by a force moving its points of application. It is a macroscopic quantity.. Path dependent. Internal energy : The total kinetic energy of gas and gas molecule. u T Isothermal process : A thermodynamic process in which the temperature of the system remains constant throughout. Adiabatic process : If system is completely isolated from surroundings so that no heat flows ‘in’ or ‘out’, then any change that the system undergoes is called an adiabatic process. Iso-baric process : A process taking place at constant pressure throughout. Isochoric (Isometric) process : Thermodynamic process in which volume of the system remains constant throughout. Cyclic process : The process in which the initial and final states of gas after traversing a cycle are same. 9) Second laws of thermodynamics : It states that it is impossible for a self acting machine unaided by any external agency, to transfer heat from a body at lower temperature to a body at higher temperature. It is decided from this law that, the efficiency of any heat engine can never be 100%. 10) Heat engine : It is a device which converts heat energy into mechanical energy. 11) Refrigerator : Refrigerator is a heat engine running in backward direction i.e., working substance takes heat from cold body and gives out to hotter body with the help of external agency. 12) Carnot’s theorem : It states that no heat engine can have efficiency greater than carnot’s engine working between same hot and cold reservair. 13) Reversible process : A process which can proud in opposite direction in such a way, that the system passes through the same states as in the direct process and finally the system and surroundings acquire the initial conditions. 14) Irreversible process : The process which cannot be traced back in the opposite direction. RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 39 Thermodynamics FORMULAE FORMULAE 1) 6) First law of thermodynamics u nc T heat energy supplied to gas. u nGT change in internal energy of gas. 1 2 dV work doen by the gas. Isothemal process : a) condition T = constant throughout b) State equation pv = constant supplied 7) ( P1V1 P2 V2 ) c) F.L.T. u ncv T 0 ; ( T 0) 8) 3) Iso-baric process : a) Condition p = constant throughout b) State equation 4) c) F.L.T. ut d) Work done by the gas P( V ) R( T ) Iso-choric process : (Isometric process) a) Condition : v = cconstant throughout b) State equation 5) V V V = constant. 1 2 T T1 T2 P P P constant 1 2 T T1 T2 c) F.L.T. u;( 0) d) Work done by the gas 0 ; ( v = constant) Adiabatic process : a) Condition 0 b) State equation PV = constant TV 1 = constant P 1 T = constant c) F.L.T. u 0 ; ( 0) d) work done by the gas PV PV R(T1 T2 ) 1 1 2 2 1 1 Molar specific heat capacity for a polytropic process with state equation PVh = constant is R given by C CV 1 n Area covered by P-V graph with volume axis gives work done by the gas. P u d) Work done by the gas RT ln 2 u1 P RT ln 1 P2 e) cycle v1 2) Cyclic process : a) Initial and final states are same. b) u 0 c) Work done by gas = Area inside cycle. = +ve for clockwise cycle and –ve for anticlockwise cycle. d) net ; ( net supplied released ) Work V 9) Bulk modulus of gas Bisothermal = P Badiabatic = P 10) Efficiency of heat engine : c/p efficiency i/p 1 1 1 2 1 for carnot engine ' ' is maximum is given by T max 1 2 1 2 T1 1 11) Refrigerator Co-efficient of performance 1 1 2 1 (Hot Reservoir) Source T1 T2 T1 (Cold Reservoir) Sink Engine T1 T2 Q1 Q2 W = Q1 – Q2 12) Relation between " " and " " 1 RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 40 Thermodynamics GRAPHS GRAPHS 1) 5) Iso-thermal process : What does the slope of P-V graph gives ..? a) for isothermal process graph dP P dV V b) for adiabatic graph slope slope 2) dP P dV V 6) Iso-choric process : 7) Iso-baric process : Adiabatic process : 3) Iso-thermal and Adiabatic comparison : 4) Comparison of mono, dia and polyatomic gases for adiabatic process 8) Carnot’s cycle : T1 T2 TH (temperature of hot reservior) T3 T4 TC (temperature of cold reservior) cycle 1 more more slope 1 1 monoatomic 5 3 2 diatomic gas 7 5 3 polyatomic gas 2 4 3 TC TH 3 1 2 isothermal expansion 2 3 adiabatic expansion 3 4 isothermal compression 4 1 adiabatic compression RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 41 Kinetic Theory Of Gases Quick Revision KINETIC THEORY OF GASES TERMINOLOGY VALUES P : Pressure exerted by the gas V n : : Volume occupied by the gas Number of moles of the gas R : Universal gas constant T : Absolute temperature of gas M m : : Molar mass of the gas Mass of gas sample µ K : : Molecular mass of the gas Boltzmann constant C : Specific heat capacity Cp : Specific heat capacity at constant pressure Cv U N NA : : : : : Specific heat capacity at constant volume Density of gas Number of molecules Avagadro’s number Adiabatic exponent (Cp / Cv) : : : : Degree of freedom Speed of gas molecules Heat energy Internal energy of gas f v Q U 6) 7) 8) 2) 3) 9) Gas: 10) Type of matter that does not have any fixed shape or volume. 11) Ideal gas: Gas in which, size of molecule and force of interaction between molecules is considered 12) zero. Real gas: The gas that shows deviation from ideal gas 13) behaviour is called a real gas. 4) 5) V Constant T Dalton’s law of partial pressure: Partial pressure of a gas is the pressure which it would exert if contained alone in the given confined space. P = P1+P2+P3 P = Total pressure of mixture of gases P1+P2+P3 = Partial pressure of individual gases in mixture Graham’s law of diffusion: Graham’s law of diffusion states that, rate of diffusion of gas varies inversely as the square root of density of gas. r DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) Charle’s law: It states that, volume of given mass of gas varies directly proportional to its absolute temperature, given its pressure is constant. Avagadro’s number (NA): It is the number of carbon atoms contained in 12 gms of C-12 carbon. 14) 23 NA = 6.023 × 10 Boyle’s law: It states that the volume of a given amount of 15) gas varies inversely as its pressure, provided its temperature is kept constant. PV = Constant 1 Avagadro’s law: It states that under similar conditions of pressure and temperature equal volumes of all gases contain equal number of molecules. PV = nRT Root mean square speed (vrms): It is the square root of the mean of squares of individual speeds of the molecules of gas. Average speed: It is the arithmetic mean of speed of the molecules of a gas. Most probable speed: It is the speed possessed by maximum number of molecules of a gas sample. Degree of freedom: Number of possible independent ways in which the position and configuration of the system may change. Law of equipartition of energy: In a gas sample, in thermal equilibrium, the total internal energy of the gas is divided equally among all the degree of freedom. Gram specific heat capacity (c): Amount of heat energy required by unit mass of gas to rise its temperaure by 1°C (or) 1 K. RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 42 Kinetic Theory Of Gases 16) Molar specific heat capacity (c): 6) Amount of heat energy required by 1 mole of gas in order to rise its temperature by 1°C or 1 K. 17) Heat capacity: 7) Heat energy consumed by gas sample to rise is temperature by 1°C or 1 K. 18) Adiabatic exponent (): It is the ratio of Cp to Cv of a gas. 8) Cp Cv FORMULAE FORMULAE 1) Ideal gas equation: a) PV = nRT RT b) P M 3) 4) 3 RT 3P 3KT M µ Average speed, 8 RT 8P 8 KT M µ Most probable speed, 2 RT 2P 2KT M µ In a given gas sample vrms vavg vmp vrms : vavg : vmp 3 : Energy per mole per degree of freedom is 1 RT 2 Internal energy (U): f KT 2 f nRT 2 8 : 2 f nRT nC v T 2 11) For a given gas, a) C v f R 2 b) Cp – Cv = R (If Cp & Cv are molar specific heat capacities) c) C p Cv R M (If Cp & Cv are gram specific heat capacities) Cp d) C v e) vavg 5) 1 KT 2 U where a, b are Vander waal’s constants Pressure exerted by a gas 2 P e 3 where e is translational KE per unit volume of gas. 1 2 v and P ; = Density of gas 3 rms R.M.S. speed, vmp Energy per molecule per degree of freedom is 10) Change in internal energy of a gas sample is, n2 a ( V nb) nRT V2 vrms 3 nRT 2 For n moles of gas d) PV = NKT Real gas equation: P K .E.T For one molecule KT c) P µ 2) 9) Translational K.E. of a gas, 1 f) Cv 2 f R R ; Cp 1 1 12) Degree of freedom (f) (Excluding vibrational energies): i) Monoatomic = 3, (3 Translational) ii) Diatomic (or) polylinear = 5, (3 Translational + 2 Rotational) iii)Poly non-linear = 6, (3 Translational + 3 Rotational) RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 43 Kinetic Theory Of Gases GRAPHS GRAPHS 13) For a mixture of gases: C p (mix.) Cv (mix.) mix n1C p1 n2C p2 ..... Boyle’s law: n1 n2 ..... n1Cv1 n2Cv2 ..... P n1 n2 ..... 1 ; T = constant V C p(mix) Cv (mix) 2) Absolute temperature of mixture, Tmix. 1) f1n1T1 f2 n2T2 ..... f1n1 f2 n2 ..... Charle’s law: V P = constant 14) Heat energy supplied to a gas Q mC ab T Cab or Q nC molar T T = gram sp. heat capacity Cmolar = molar sp. heat capacity RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 44 Simple Harmonic Motion Quick Revision SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION TERMINOLOGY VALUES T x 4) : : Time period [s] Angular frequency [rad’s] : Displacement of particle from mean 5) position [m] Velocity [m/s] 6) Acceleration [m/s2] Spring constant [N/m] 7) Mass of block [kg] V : a k : : m : Ms : Mass of spring [kg] F A Force [N] Amplitude [m] : : Amplitude : The maximum value of displacement from equilibrium position is called as amplitude. Phase : The state of particle with respect to its position and direction of motion is called as phase. Initial phase : The initial state of particle is said to be initial phase. Free oscillation : When a system is displaced from its equilibrium position and released, it oscillates with the natural frequency and the oscillations are called as free oscillation. Forced or driven oscillation : If an external agency maintain the oscillations then it is called as forced or driven oscillation. Resonance : The phenomenon of increase in amplitude when driving force is close to natural frequenccy of oscillator is called resonance. : K.E. : P.E. : T.E. : R : s : Fd : b : F(t) : F0 : Initial phase or epech 8) Kinetic energy [ J ] Potential energy [ J ] 9) d : Forced frequency 0 : Natural frequency k m I C Moment of inertia Torsinal constant T 2 m 2 k : : Total energy [ J ] Resultant amplitude [m] Resultant initial phase angle Damped force [N] Damping constant External force [N] Amplitude of external force [N] DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS 1) Periodic motion : A motion that repeat itself at regular interval of time is called periodic motion. 2) 3) Time period : The smallest time interval after which the motion repeats itslef is called the time period. Simple harmonic motion : Incase of motion of particle moves back and forth about fixed point throught a force which is directly proportional to displacement but opposite in direction the motion is called as simple harmonic motion. FORMULAE FORMULAE 1) Linear simple harmonic motion F = –kx a F kx 2 x m m F = –kx ma = –kx a k x m d2 x 2 x 2 dt d2 x 2 x 0 dt 2 V A2 x2 x A sin(t ) RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 45 Simple Harmonic Motion 2) Equation of SHM i) Particle starting from extreme right 6) x A cos(t ) T 2 Angle measured from positive x axis. ii) Particle starting from mean position 3) T 2 1 1 m2 ( A2 x 2 ) K( A2 x 2 ) 2 2 T 2 T 1 1 t 0 T v) Pendulum accelerating horizontally 1 1 1 P.E. m2 x 2 kx2 KA2 sin2 t 2 2 2 1 KA 2 2 1 KA2 4 Comparison of two SHM x1 A1 sin( t 1 ) 7) 8) Second pendulum T=2S g l 2 Pendulum of large length T 2 x x1 x2 x R sin( t ) 5) Simple pendulum T 2 l g 1 1 1 g l R if l x A1 sin( t 1 ) x A2 sin( t 2 ) A sin 1 A2 sin 2 tan 1 A1 cos 1 A2 cos 2 1 ( g2 a2 ) 2 x2 A2 sin( t 2 ) R A12 A22 2 A1 A2 cos( 1 2 ) l T 2 P.E.average 4) l ga iv) If lift is under free fall 1 KA2 cos2 t 2 1 K.E.average KA 2 4 l ga iii) If lift is moving downward with an acceleration [a] 1 K.E. K( A 2 A2 sin 2 t ) 2 T .E. K .E. P.E. l g ii) If lift is moving upward with an acceleration [a] x A sin t Angle measure from negative y axis. Energy in SHM If x A sin t K.E. Pendulum in lift i) If lift is at rest T 2 9) R 84.6 min g Compound pendulum T 2 I mgl 10) Torsional pendulum T 2 I C RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 46 Simple Harmonic Motion 11) Motin of a ball in a tunnel through earth 16) Damped simple harmonic motion F Fd Fs T 2 R 84.6 min g 12) Oscillating of a floating body in a liquid T 2 h g s M d2 x dx b kx 2 dt dt M d2 x dx b kx 0 2 dt dt l 13) Oscillating of a liquid column in a V-tube. T 2 M a bV kx h g ' 14) Simple pendulum in a liquid T 2 l s g( s T l ) 15) Spring System F kx k m bt x Ae 2 m cos( ' t ) k b m 2m 2 2 k b m 2 m 2 17) Forced oscillation and resonance F (t ) F0 cos( t ) m k Spring in sereis T 2 1 1 1 K eff K1 K 2 m d2 x dx b kx F0 cos t 2 dt dt x(t ) A cos( d t ) F0 A 1 [m2 ( 2 2d )2 2d b2 ]2 tan Spring in a parallel Keff K1 K 2 If mass of spring [Ms] considered then Ms 3 T 2 K Reduced mass v0 d x0 V0 = Initial velocity i) Small damping driving frequency far from natural frequency m Mr K M1 M 2 Mr M1 M 2 T 2 A F0 M(2 2d ) ii) Driving frequency closed to natural frequency A F0 d b RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 47 Simple Harmonic Motion GRAPHS GRAPHS 1) F Vs x 3) x A cos t V A sin t a 2 A cos t 2) x A sin t V A cos t a 2 A sin t RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 48 Waves WAVES Quick Revision TERMINOLOGY VALUES A v K T Y B P R T M I : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Amplitude Wavelength Wave velocity Wave number Tension in string Mass per unit length Density of medium Young’s modulus of elasticity Bulk modulus of elasticity Pressure Universal gas constant Temperature Molar mass Intensity Angular Modulus of rigidity TYPES OF WAVES DEFINITIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) FORMULAE FORMULAE 1) Wave velocity (v) : 2) T k Intensity of wave (I) : v f I 2 2 f 2 A 2 v 3) Energy density : 2 2 f 2 a 2 v V Velocity of transverse wave : Energy density 4) 5) On The Basis Of Medium: i) Mechanical Waves : Required medium for their propagation ex.: Waves on string, and spring etc. ii) Non-mechanical Waves : Do not require medium for their propagation ex.: Light, radio waves, X-rays etc. On The Basis Of Vibration Of Particle: i) Transverse waves : Particle of medium vibrates in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of waves ex.: movement of string of sitar ii) Longitudinal waves : Particles of medium vibrate in the direction of wave motion. ex.: 6) sound wave travel through air. On The Basis Of Energy Propagation: i) Progressive wave : These waves propagates 7) energy in medium. Ex. : Sound wave ii) Stationary wave : Energy is not propagated by these waves. ex.: waves in a string, waves in organ pipes. Amplitude : Maximum displacement from mean position. Wavelength : It is equal to the distance travelled by the wave during the time in which any 8) particle of medium completes one vibration. Angular wave number : Number of wavelengths in the distance 2 . Wave velocity (v) : It is the distance travelled by the disturbance in one time period. v v T (in stretched string) (in solid) Velocity of sound wave : v Elasticity of medium Density of medium v E v Y v B (in solids) (in liquid and gaslong medium) Newton’s formula : v P Laplace correction : v YP Y = 1.41 for air YRT M Equation of plane progressive wave : v y( x1t ) A sin( t kx where ) (general equation) = Initial phase = Wave number A = amplitude RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 49 Waves Various Form Destructive interference: i) y A sin( t kx) , Let Phase difference, 0 180 or (2n 1) = 1, 2, 3, ......... 2 x ii) y A sin t Path difference (2 n 1) 2 2 x iii) y A sin t T I min I1 I 2 2 I1 I 2 2 (odd multiple of 2 ) Amin A1 A2 I1 I 2 2 11) Stationary wave : equation, y 2 A sin kx cos t t x y A sin 2 T 9) Amplitude of wave Node : The points where amplitude is minimum Particle velocity VP = –v × slope of wave at that point. Distance between two successive nodes is 10) Interference of sound waves : When two waves of same frequency, same velocity moves in same direction. 2 Antinode : The points of maximum amplitude. Distance between two successive antinodes is y1 A1 sin(t ) 2 . y2 A2 sin( t ) after superposition. 12) Stenting wave can string frequency of vibration = frequency of wave Anet A12 A22 2 A1 A2 cos Intensity ( I ) I 1 I 2 2 I1 I 2 cos 0 1 T 13) i) Fundamental frequency or first harmonic Constructive interference: Phase difference v n1 or 2n 1 T 1 T 2l ii) Second harmonic or first overtone : Path difference (even multiple of 2 ) h2 1 T h2 1 T 2n2 l Resultant amplitude, Amax A1 A2 iii) Third harmonic or second over tone. Resultant intensity I max I 1 I 2 2 I 1 I 2 I1 I 2 2 h3 1 T h3 3 T 3n1 2l RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 50 Waves 14) Standing wave in organ pipe : Closed organ pipe {Vs = Velocity of sound} Resonance frequency f1 f2 Open organ pipe f1 Vs [fundamental frequency or 1st harmonic] 2l f2 2V s [2nd harmonic or 1st overtone] 2l Vs [fundamental frequency 1st harmonic] 4l 3Vs [3rd harmonic or 1st over tone] 4l 15) Beat frequency Beat frequency = No. of beats per second = Difference in frequency of two source 5V f3 s [5th harmonic or 2nd overtone] 4l = n1 n2 Doppler effect : apparent frequency v v0 fapp factual v vsource Note : choose plus / minus signs based on situation v = velocity of sound. RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC * RCC 51