Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels GUIDE TO WELDABILITY: CARBON and LOW ALLOY STEELS How to get the needed results and stay out of trouble Written by Fritz Saenger, Jr., P.E., IWE This publication is designed to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is made available with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the rendering of professional advice. Reliance upon the information contained in this document should not be undertaken without an independent verification of its application for a particular use. The publisher is not responsible for loss or damage resulting from use of this publication. This document is not a consensus standard. Users should refer to the applicable standards for their particular application. 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida INTRODUCTION You are responsible for the operation of an independent fabrication shop, a similar facility within a manufacturing organization, or a maintenance facility in a factory of any type. “Things” are brought to you to fabricate or repair. This guide is intended to help you ask the right questions, and from the answers, select the method, materials, and procedures that will produce the result desired from your “customer,” or direct you to more comprehensive guidance that may be needed to produce the desired results. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Most of the information in this reference guide is condensed from information in the current edition of The Welding Handbook and Welding Metallurgy, Linnert Volume 1, both published by The American Welding Society. Additional sources include AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2004, Structural Welding Code—Steel, Jefferson’s Welding Encyclopedia, 18th Edition, The Lincoln Electric Company Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding, and the ASM Handbook, Volume VI. Photocopy Rights Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use only, or the internal, personal, or educational classroom use only of specific clients, is granted by the American Welding Society (AWS) provided that the appropriate fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: 978-750-8400; online: ISBN: 0-87171-000-5 © 2005 by the American Welding Society. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Cover photomicrographs courtesy of the AWS Welding Journal, and welding a structure with the SMAW process photograph courtesy of the AWS Welding Handbook, Vol. 2, 8th Edition, “Welding Processes.” ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. CHAPTER 1—The Questions (you need to ask) ................................................................................................1 What is the product and how will it be used?..................................................................................................1 What is the material?............................................................................................................................................1 What specifications or codes apply to the welding rods or electrodes (wires), and to the finished product, if any? ......................................................................................................................................1 Are there welding procedure requirements? Make sure you understand what is required! ...................1 What are the postweld requirements?...............................................................................................................1 CHAPTER 2—Key Background Information......................................................................................................3 What is Steel?.........................................................................................................................................................3 Why is Steel a Unique Structural Material? ......................................................................................................3 Common Steels You May Encounter .................................................................................................................6 What if no information or identification is available?.....................................................................................6 Properties of Steel—What the “Numbers” Mean ............................................................................................6 Some Additional Important Terms ....................................................................................................................6 Alloying Elements in Steels...............................................................................................................................11 Weldability—What is it?....................................................................................................................................14 CHAPTER 3—What Happens When You Weld ...............................................................................................19 Where Does the Welding Heat Go? .................................................................................................................19 The Weld Zones ..................................................................................................................................................19 Shrinkage, Residual Stresses, and Distortion .................................................................................................20 Restraint, Preheat and Interpass Temperatures, and Hydrogen Control...................................................21 Other Effects of Welding ...................................................................................................................................22 CHAPTER 4—Selection of Proper Welding Filler Metal (Rods, Electrodes, etc.) .....................................29 CHAPTER 5—Metallurgically-Related Weld Discontinuities (Defects) and Typical Causes................31 Cracking ...............................................................................................................................................................31 Porosity.................................................................................................................................................................31 Inclusions .............................................................................................................................................................34 CHAPTER 6—Weld Examination and Testing.................................................................................................35 The Weld Cross Section .....................................................................................................................................35 Mechanical Tests—What They Can Tell You .................................................................................................35 CHAPTER 7—Postweld Treatments...................................................................................................................39 CHAPTER 8—Good Practice Reminders...........................................................................................................41 A Basic Welding Procedure Worksheet ..........................................................................................................41 A Qualified Procedure Should be Used by a Qualified Welder ..................................................................41 CHAPTER 9—Additional Information and Guidance ...................................................................................43 APPENDIX 1—Alternative Methods for Determining Preheat (and Preventing Cracking) ...................45 APPENDIX 2—Additional Filler Metal Recommendations ..........................................................................51 iii LIST OF TABLES Table Page No. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.2 4.1 Composition and Strength Requirements of Typical ASTM Carbon Steels.......................................7 Typical SAE–AISI Compositions ..............................................................................................................8 ASTM Specifications for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steels ................................................9 ASTM Specifications for High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels for Pressure-Vessel Plate ....................10 Composition of Selected Heat-Treatable Low-Alloy (HTLA) Steel......................................................11 Properties for Steel and/or Welds..........................................................................................................12 Effects of Common Alloying Elements at Levels Used in Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels .............12 Carbon Equivalent of Some Steels from Tables 2.1–2.5 .......................................................................17 Prequalified Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature .............................................................23 Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature for Three Levels of Restraint .................................26 Recommended Base Metal-Filler Metal Combinations for Matching Electrode Tensile Strengths Nominally of 70 ksi (483 MPa) Minimum..............................................................30 5.1 Common Causes and Potential Solutions to Cracking........................................................................33 5.2 Common Causes of and Remedies for Porosity ...................................................................................33 A2.1 Recommended Base Metal–Filler Metal Combinations for Matching Electrode Tensile Strengths Nominally of 80–90 ksi (552–620 MPa) Minimum................................................51 A2.2 Recommended Base Metal–Filler Metal Combinations for Steels with Tensile Strengths Nominally of 100 ksi (689 MPa) Minimum .........................................................................52 A2.3 Suggested Welding Filler Metals for Exposed Applications of ASTM A 242 and A 588 Steels ........53 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 3.1 3.2 3.3 Page No. Structural changes in low carbon steel weld metal on cooling from liquid .......................................4 Pattern of dendritic growth from a crystal during solidification.........................................................4 Grain size and shape in solidified metal are determined by the manner in which the branches of dendrites meet .................................................................................................................5 Weld cross section showing grains...........................................................................................................5 Schematic illustration of (A) Substitutional and (B) Interstitial solid solutions ................................5 Typical tensile specimens: (A) Rectangular and (B) Round................................................................13 Typical tensile test specimen before and after testing to failure, showing maximum elongation...................................................................................................................................................13 Stress/strain diagram for complete history of a metal tension test specimen from the start of loading and carried to the breaking point ...............................................................................14 Charpy V-notch impact specimen ..........................................................................................................15 3.5 Schematic showing the different discrete regions present in a single-pass weld............................19 Effect of weld geometry and relative plate thickness on heat flow characteristics.........................20 Multi-pass weld in C-Mn steel plate 1-1/2 in. (40 mm) thick showing positions of individual weld beads and their heat-affected zones lying both in weld metal and in base metal ..................................................................................................................20 Longitudinal shrinkage in a butt joint (distribution of longitudinal residual stress, sx, is also shown).............................................................................................................................................21 Types of distortion ....................................................................................................................................22 5.1 Crack types of weld related cracking .....................................................................................................32 6.1 6.2 6.3 Specimen and test orientation of the guided bend test .......................................................................36 Schematic illustration of typical guided bend test fixtures.................................................................36 Typical tension test specimens for the evaluation of welded joints ..................................................37 8.1 Basic Welding Procedure Worksheet .....................................................................................................42 3.4 v BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Burn Protection. Molten metal, sparks, slag, and hot work surfaces are produced by welding, cutting, and allied processes. These can cause burns if precautionary measures are not used. Workers should wear protective clothing made of fire-resistant material. Pant cuffs, open pockets, or other places on clothing that can catch and retain molten metal or sparks should not be worn. High-top shoes or leather leggings and fireresistant gloves should be worn. Pant legs should be worn over the outside of high-top shoes. Helmets or hand shields that provide protection for the face, neck, and ears, and a head covering to protect the head should be used. In addition, appropriate eye protection should be used. Electrical Hazards. Electric shock can kill. However, it can be avoided. Live electrical parts should not be touched. The manufacturer’s instructions and recommended safe practices should be read and understood. Faulty installation, improper grounding, and incorrect operation and maintenance of electrical equipment are all sources of danger. All electrical equipment and the workpiece should be grounded. The workpiece lead is not a ground lead. It is used only to complete the welding circuit. A separate connection is required to ground the workpiece. The workpiece should not be mistaken for a ground connection. Fumes and Gases. Many welding, cutting, and allied processes produce fumes and gases which may be harmful to health. Avoid breathing the air in the fume plume directly above the arc. Do not weld in a confined area without a ventilation system. Use point-of-welding fume removal when welding galvanized steel, zinc, lead, cadmium, chromium, manganese, brass, or bronze. Do not weld on piping or containers that have held hazardous materials unless the containers have been inerted properly. Compressed Gas Cylinders. Keep caps on cylinders when not in use. Make sure that gas cylinders are chained to a wall or other structural support. Do not weld on cylinders. Radiation. Arc welding may produce ultraviolet, infrared, or light radiation. Always wear protective clothing and eye protection to protect the skin and eyes from radiation. Shield others from light radiation from your welding operation. The use of filtering masks or airline respirators will be required if it is determined that personnel are being exposed to excessive pollutants. Additional information on welding safety may be obtained from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, and the AWS Safety and Health Fact Sheets are available online and free of charge on the AWS website: vi Carbon and Low Alloy Steels CHAPTER 1 The Questions (you need to ask) What is the product and how will it be used? In other words, what does the product do? Is the weld a simple connection that bears a light static (non-fluctuating) load, or are the welds subject to highly fluctuating loads so that a small defect could grow into a crack and cause a catastrophic failure? Will it be subjected to low temperatures, e.g., winters in the north where temperatures well below 0°F can be encountered? (Some steels become brittle at such temperatures.) Steel, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Pressure Vessel Code, various U.S. Military Standards, and others. If you see reference to such codes and standards on drawings, notes, or specifications, you and your customer need to reach an agreement on how these requirements will be handled. Certification, qualification, or conformance to such “third party” requirements is covered in detail by each code, and is outside the scope of this guide. Are there welding procedure requirements? Make sure you understand what is required! Your customer may require the use of: • a specific welding process, What is the material? Find out what specification is used to purchase the steel. Some of the more common types of steel are discussed in Chapter 2. If there is no specification, ask if the material is “plain carbon steel” or “mild steel,” or (at the other extreme) “tool steel.” In most cases, the former materials are relatively easy to weld and somewhat “forgiving.” The latter materials require extreme care if they are to be welded satisfactorily. There are some simple tests to help determine the general class of material that you have, but there is no substitute for the actual composition or the purchasing specification. What specifications or codes apply to the welding rods or electrodes (wires), and to the finished product, if any? Most general fabrication is covered by agreement between the customer and the fabricator, with applicable specifications on drawings and related notes. However, you need to know if the work is covered by a code or specification that has legal standing and/or requires approval of a third party, which may require qualification of procedures, operators, materials, or other factors. Examples are the AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2004, Structural Welding Code— • a specific welding material (type and perhaps even the brand or manufacturer), • a specific range of welding conditions, • “qualified” welding operators (qualified by whom and to what standard?), • a written welding procedure subject to the customer’s approval. NOTE: Even if your customer does not require a formal procedure, you should consider preparing one. Then, test your operators to ensure that they can produce satisfactory welds using the procedure. A sample form for preparing an internal record or “control document” is included in Part 8 of this guide. Such a record has many benefits, especially if the job is to be repeated. The control document can be particularly useful if there are problems with the finished product on inspection or in service. What are the postweld requirements? Postweld requirements are as follows: • Specific inspection and/or testing of the finished product, • A specific post-weld heat treatment, e.g., stress relief, • Painting, plating, or other surface treatment. AWS Guide to Weldability 1 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels NOTES 2 AWS Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels CHAPTER 2 Key Background Information What is Steel? Steel is by far the world’s most widely used structural material, largely because it is relatively inexpensive to produce. Steel also can be modified to perform in a wide variety of applications by the addition of small amounts of other materials, called alloying, and by a wide range of heat treatments and mechanical treatments, e.g., hot and cold rolling. The steels covered by this guide contain more than 90% iron (Fe), iron that is usually produced by smelting iron ore in blast furnaces or the melting of steel scrap. The iron produced has a high level of carbon (C), typically as much as 3%, and if poured into a mold it will solidify into cast iron. Cast iron is still widely used for machine bases, engine blocks, and other applications where its ability both to absorb vibration and to provide dimensional stability are valuable characteristics. However, because of its structure, cast iron cannot be rolled into thin sections, is difficult to weld, and is unable to handle bending stresses—all of which limit its use. Converting this iron into steel by processes that reduce the carbon content well below 1% and allow the introduction of small amounts of other elements, results in a wide range of materials that are the basis for most of the steel products we use today. Why is Steel a Unique Structural Material? Steel is uniquely valuable because of phase transformation—a fundamental characteristic of iron that is found in only a few other metals (most of which are not suitable for general use). All metals in solid state have a distinct crystal structure, i.e., the arrangement of the atoms of the metal and any other elements that may be present. Iron is different because its crystal structure changes as it is heated and cooled. These changes in crystal structure, along with the resulting changes in mechanical properties (e.g., strength, ductility, and toughness), can be greatly affected by small changes in chemical composition and rates of heating and cooling. For example, even the simplest carbon steel, with carbon content below 0.2% and less than 1% (total) of manganese and silicon (the most common alloying elements) will become hard and brittle if quenched rapidly when still “red” hot. If cooled more slowly, the structure at room temperature will likely be relatively soft and ductile. Terms You May Hear Austenite—the high temperature solid phase (in carbon and low-alloy steels). FCC (face-centered cubic). Ferrite, BCC (body-centered cubic), in several forms: • Acicular—desirable structure in low alloy weld metal. • Grain Boundary—undesirable structure. • Polygonal—undesirable structure, formed on slow cooling. Martensite—a hard, brittle phase, body-centered tetragonal (BCT) formed on rapid cooling (or at slow cooling rates in certain high alloy materials). Pearlite—a layered structure of ferrite and cementite, an iron-carbon compound, found in medium to high carbon steels. Bainite (lower)—generally desirable structure found in alloy steel weld metal. As illustrated in Figure 2.1, simple carbon steel solidifies into BCC “delta” ferrite then transforms to FCC austenite, then to BCC “alpha” ferrite, when cooled slowly. If cooled very rapidly, or quenched, the structure called martensite may be formed. When a phase transformation takes place there is a change in density, which causes high internal stresses and sometimes results in cracking. Also, particularly with the rapid cooling rate of welds and range of composition due to the incomplete mixing of the filler metal with the base metal, the room temperature weld may be a mixture of ferrite(s), pearlite, bainite, martensite, and other structures. Solidification typically starts at many points in a liquid, called nucleation sites. From these points the individual atoms arrange themselves in a geometric structure, growing as a single grain until they encounter other grains growing toward them from other directions. Figure 2.2 is a simplistic representation of grain growth from a single nucleation site. Where grains meet they form a grain boundary. Here AWS Guide to Weldability 3 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Figure 2.1—Structural changes in low carbon steel weld metal on cooling from liquid. Note: Depending on the direction of heat flow, growth in all directions may not be symmetrical. Figure 2.2—Pattern of dendritic growth from a crystal during solidification. 4 AWS Guide to Weldability the orientation of atoms will not be orderly and there may be concentrations of some elements that didn’t fit into the expanding grains. Figure 2.3 illustrates boundaries between grains with different orientations, and Figure 2.4 is a cross section of a weld where these boundaries are clearly visible. Because of the rapid cooling associated with most welding, the solidification grain size may persist to room temperature. However, in a multi-pass weld, the heating associated with successive passes will often cause the grains to “recrystallize,” as they pass through phase changes, resulting in a finer grain structure that is usually associated with improved mechanical properties, particularly ductility and toughness. (This phenomenon may not occur with alloys that do not exhibit phase changes on heating/cooling, such as the austenitic stainless steels. In this case, repeated heating may cause undesirable grain growth.) Carbon and Low Alloy Steels (A) Figure 2.3—Grain size and shape in solidified metal are determined by the manner in which the branches of dendrites meet. (B) Figure 2.5—Schematic illustration of (A) Substitutional and (B) Interstitial solid solutions. 0.4 in. (10 mm) Photograph courtesy of Edison Welding Institute (EWI) Figure 2.4—Weld cross section showing grain structure from initial solidification and “recrystallization” caused by heat of successive weld passes. Alloying elements such as manganese (Mn), Silicon (Si), Molybdenum (Mo), Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni), Vanadium (V), Copper (Cu) and sometimes others are added to control these transformations and achieve the desired combination of mechanical properties. These elements can replace iron in the basic matrix (substitutional alloying), while a few are small enough to fit in between the iron atoms (interstitial alloying). These structures are illustrated in Figure 2.5. Both types of alloying place stresses on the matrix and strengthen it, but interstitial elements have a very powerful effect and can initiate cracking. From the point of view of welding, hydrogen is perhaps the most dangerous element in this respect, but others, such as arsenic, must also be kept very low by the steel maker, or the base metal will be sensitive to cracking. Both substitutional and interstitial alloying have limits, and above these limits the alloy elements may form chemical compounds with iron or other elements. For example, sulfur forms a low-melting compound with iron that will remain liquid long after the alloy has solidified, and shrinkage stresses may result in cracks. Sulfur compounds in base metal can also wind up being rolled to films that can result in lamellar tearing. (Lamellar tearing is described in Table 5.1.) Note: A reminder to the reader is that a weld “sees” a much different pattern of heating and cooling than may have been experienced by the base material. That is the AWS Guide to Weldability 5 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels fundamental reason that welding filler metals may have substantially different compositions than the base materials. More on that in Chapter 4. Figure 2.9 is a typical “stress/strain” curve from a tensile test, illustrating the basis for the measurements described above. Common Steels You May Encounter Some Additional Important Terms Tables 2.1–2.5 list many of the steels in common use, but there are others. See Chapter 9 for a list of the groups that publish steel specifications. Elastic Behavior—most structures are designed to function in a range where the materials are not loaded to the point at which permanent deformation takes place. Perhaps the best example of this is a spring. If you pull (or push) on a spring up to a certain point, it will return to its original shape when released. If you pull further, it will take a “set” and will not return to its original shape. Some points in the spring have been loaded beyond their “elastic limit” and plastic deformation has occurred. What if no information or identification is available? If no one can tell you what you have, there are some simple tests that can help avoid serious difficulty. These are shown on Figure 2.6. This guide covers only the carbon steel group; if any of the tests shown in Figure 2.6 indicate you have another type of material, e.g., stainless steel, manganese steel, high sulfur steel, etc., the recommendations of this guide may not apply. Note: if you are given material identified as “wrought iron,” but it is going to be used for decorative or security purposes, it is probably just low or medium carbon steel, as true wrought iron is only produced in limited quantities for special applications. Properties of Steel—What the “Numbers” Mean Table 2.6 lists some of the properties that may accompany specifications for steel and/or welds. It is important that you understand these characteristics. In many cases, it is just as important to know how the test was conducted in order to interpret these numbers properly. Figure 2.7 illustrates typical tensile test specimens. Note that the “rectangular” specimen shows the weld in the center, an example of a “transverse tensile test”; the round specimen could have the same orientation, but it is often oriented longitudinally (in the direction of welding) and used to measure weld metal properties separately from the base material. The published properties of filler metals are measured in this manner. 6 AWS Guide to Weldability Plastic Behavior—materials loaded beyond their elastic limit either permanently deform, or they break. Some materials, such as glass, exhibit essentially no plastic behavior, while soft metals such as copper can be extensively deformed before they fail. Most steels can be formed by stamping, forging, swaging, or rolling to achieve their final shape, a common example of plastic behavior. Transition Temperature—the temperature or range of declining temperatures over which the impact energy absorbed in a Charpy V-Notch (CVN) test drops sharply, and the fracture appearance changes from rough and torn (shear fracture) to crystalline or faceted (brittle fracture). In general, though individual codes have specific requirements and limitations, it is considered risky to place structures in service at temperatures below the transition temperature exhibited in the CVN test, or in other fracture toughness tests. Work Hardening—virtually all metals become harder and stronger when they are permanently deformed (by rolling, drawing, swaging, forging, etc.) They also lose ductility and will eventually fail if cold working is continued beyond a certain point. Ductility of a work-hardened steel can often be largely restored by annealing, but the more complex alloys may require special heat-treating to obtain original properties. Residual Stress—stress present in parts of a structure due to mechanical working, or due to shrinkage resulting from the uneven heating and cooling effects of welding. (See Chapter 3.) Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table 2.1—Composition and Strength Requirements of Typical ASTM Carbon Steels Application ASTM Standard Type or Grade Tensile Strength Minimum Yield Strength Si ksi MPa ksi MPa Typical Composition Limits, %a C Mn Structural Steels Welded buildings, bridges, and general structural purposes A 360 — 0.29 0.80–1.20 0.15–0.40 58–80 440–552 36 248 Welded buildings and general purposes A 529 — 0.27 1.20 — 60–85 414–586 42 290 General purpose sheet and strip A 570 30, 33, 36, 40, 45, 50, 0.25 0.25 0.90 1.35 — — 49–55 60–65 338–379 414–448 30 45 207 310 General purpose plate (improved toughness) A 573 58 65 70 0.23 0.26 0.28 0.60–0.90 0.85–1.20 0.85–1.20 0.10–0.35 0.15–0.40 0.15–0.40 58–71 65–77 70–90 440–489 448–531 483–621 32 35 42 221 241 290 Plate, low and intermediate tensile strength A 285 A B C 0.17 0.22 0.28 0.90 0.90 0.90 — — — 45–65 50–70 55–75 310–448 345–483 379–517 24 27 30 165 186 207 Plate, manganese-silicon A 299 — 0.30 0.90–1.40 0.15–0.40 75–95 517–655 40 276 Plate, low-temperature applications A 442 55 60 0.24 0.27 0.60–0.90 0.60–0.90 0.15–0.40 0.15–0.40 55–75 60–80 379–517 414–552 30 32 207 221 Plate, intermediate and high-temperature service A 515 55 60 65 70 0.28 0.31 0.33 0.35 0.90 0.90 0.90 1.20 0.15–0.40 0.15–0.40 0.15–0.40 0.15–0.40 55–75 60–80 65–85 70–90 379–517 414–552 448–586 483–621 30 32 35 38 207 221 241 262 Plate, moderate and low-temperature service A 516 55 60 65 70 0.26 0.27 0.29 0.31 0.60–1.20 0.85–1.20 0.85–1.20 0.85–1.20 0.15–0.40 0.15–0.40 0.15–0.40 0.15–0.40 55–75 60–80 65–85 70–90 379–517 414–552 448–586 483–621 30 32 35 38 207 221 241 262 Plate, carbon-manganesesilicon heat-treated A 537 1b 2c 0.24 0.24 0.70–1.60 0.70–1.60 0.15–0.50 0.15–0.50 65–90 75–100 448–621 517–689 45 55 310 379 Pressure Vessel Steels Piping and Tubing Welded and seamless pipe, black and galvanized A 530 A B 0.25 0.30 0.95–1.20 0.95–1.20 — — 48 min. 60 min. 331 414 30 35 207 241 Seamless pipe for high-temperature service A 106 A B C 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.27–0.93 0.29–1.06 0.29–1.06 0.10 min. 0.10 min. 0.10 min. 48 min. 60 min. 70 min. 331 414 483 30 35 40 207 241 276 Structural tubing A 501 — 0.26 — — 58 min. 400 36 248 Cast Steels General use A 270 60–30 0.30 0.60 0.80 60 min. 414 30 207 Valves and fittings for high-temperature service A 216 WCA WCB WCC 0.25 0.30 0.25 0.70 1.00 1.20 0.60 0.60 0.60 60–85 70–95 70–95 207–586 483–655 483–655 30 36 40 207 248 276 Valves and fittings for low-temperature service A 352 LCAc,d LCBc,d LCCc,d 0.25 0.30 0.25 0.70 1.00 1.20 0.60 0.60 0.60 60–85 65–90 70–95 414–586 448–621 483–655 30 35 40 207 241 276 a. Single values are maximum unless otherwise noted. b. Normalized condition. c. Quenched and tempered condition. d. Normalized and tempered condition. AWS Guide to Weldability 7 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table 2.2 Typical AISI–SAE Compositions Composition wt.% (single values are maximums) AISI-SAE No. C Mn Si* P S Carbon Steels 1006 0.08 0.45 0.25 0.04 0.05 1010 0.08–0.13 0.30–0.60 0.35 0.04 0.05 1020 0.17–0.23 0.60–0.90 0.35 0.04 0.05 1030 0.27–0.34 0.60–0.90 0.35 0.04 0.05 1040 0.36–0.44 0.60–0.90 0.35 0.04 0.05 1050 0.47–0.55 0.60–0.90 0.35 0.04 0.05 1060 0.55–0.66 0.60–0.90 0.35 0.04 0.05 1070 0.65–0.73 0.60–0.90 0.35 0.04 0.05 1080 0.74–0.88 0.60–0.90 0.35 0.04 0.05 1095 0.90–1.04 0.30–0.50 0.35 0.04 0.05 Manganese-Carbon 1513 0.10-0.16 1.10-1.40 0.35 0.04 0.05 1527 0.20-0.29 1.20-1.50 0.35 0.04 0.05 1541 0.36-0.44 1.35-1.65 0.35 0.04 0.05 1566 0.60-0.71 0.60-0.71 0.35 0.04 0.05 *Silicon levels may vary widely by manufacturer, and can be significantly lower than the maximum shown here. Stress Relieving—uniform heating of a structure to a temperature sufficient to relieve all or most of the residual stresses resulting from welding, followed by uniform cooling. This works because all steels “lose” strength as temperatures increase, so local yielding, sometimes called relaxation takes place. Stress relieving typically reduces welding-induced distortion, and makes the structure more stable. Annealing—heating to eliminate the effect of cold working, or of rapid or uneven cooling that has created an undesirable (micro)structure. Full annealing takes the material above the full transformation to austenite, followed by slow cooling to create a uniform “soft” structure. “Process” annealing raises the temperature to a point below any transformation to austenite, lowering the hardness and removing most residual stresses. 8 AWS Guide to Weldability Normalizing—as with annealing, the material is heated uniformly to a temperature above the full transformation to austenite, but it is usually following by rapid cooling, i.e., quenching in water or oil, and subsequent tempering to achieve the desired combination of strength and toughness. Tempering—heating to temperatures below the transformation point to restore ductility to a quenched structure. Note: If terms such as Dynamic Tear, Drop Weight, Explosion Bulge, and Fracture Toughness are used in relation to the structure, do not make welds without the close guidance of a technical professional, e.g welding engineer, metallurgist, designer; one who is familiar with the service that the structure will see, and the relevant specification that will almost certainly apply. Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table 2.3—ASTM Specifications for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steels Composition, %a ASTM Specification Type or Grade C Mn A 242 1 0.150 1.000 A 441 — 0.220 A 572 42b 50b 60b 65b A 588 A 633 A 710 Minimum Tensile Strength P S Cr Ni Mo V Other ksi MPa ksi MPa 0.150 0.050 — — — — 0.20 min Cu 63– 700 434– 4820 42– 500 289– 3440 0.85– 1.250 0.040 0.050 0.300 — — — — 0.20 min Cu, 0.02 min V 60– 700 413– 4820 40– 500 275– 3440 0.210 0.230 0.260 0.260 1.350 1.350 1.350 1.650 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 0.20 min Cu 0.20 min Cu 0.20 min Cu 0.20 min Cu 600 650 750 800 4130 4480 5170 5510 420 500 600 650 2890 3440 4130 4480 A 0.10– 0.190 0.90– 1.250 0.040 0.050 0.15– 0.40– 0.300 0.650 — — 0.02– 0.100 0.25–0.40 Cu 63– 700 434– 4820 42– 500 289– 3440 B 0.200 0.75– 1.250 0.040 0.050 0.15– 0.40– 0.25– 0.300 0.700 0.500 — 0.01– 0.100 0.20–0.40 Cu — — — — C 0.150 0.80– 1.350 0.040 0.050 0.15– 0.30– 0.25– 0.300 0.500 0.500 — 0.01– 0.100 0.20–0.50 Cu — — — — D 0.10– 0.200 0.75– 1.250 0.040 0.050 0.50– 0.50– 0.900 0.900 — — 0.30 Cu, 0.05–0.15 Zr; 0.04Nb — — — — E 0.150 1.200 0.040 0.050 0.15– 0.300 0.75– 0.10– 0.050 1.250 0.250 0.50–0.80 Cu — — — — F 0.10– 0.200 0.50– 1.000 0.040 0.050 0.300 0.40– 0.10– 0.01– 1.100 0.200 0.100 0.30–1.00 Cu — — — — G 0.200 1.200 0.040 0.050 0.25– 0.50– 0.800 0.100 0.700 1.000 0.30–0.50 Cu; 0.07 Ti — — — — H 0.200 1.250 0.035 0.040 0.25– 0.10– 0.30– 0.150 0.02– 0.750 0.250 0.600 0.100 0.20–0.35 Cu; 0.005–0.030 Ti — — — — J 0.200 0.60– 1.000 0.040 0.050 0.30– 0.500 — 0.50– 0.700 — — 0.30 min Cu; 0.03–0.05 Ti — — — — A 0.180 1.00– 1.350 0.040 0.050 0.15– 0.500 — — — — 0.05 Nb 63– 83 434– 5720 420 289 C 0.200 1.15– 1.500 0.040 0.050 0.15– 0.500 — — — — 0.01–0.05 Nb 65– 90 448– 6200 46– 500 317– 3440 D 0.200 0.70– 1.600 0.040 0.050 0.15– 0.250 0.250 0.080 0.500 0.35 Cu 65– 90 448– 6200 46– 500 317– 3440 E 0.220 1.15– 1.500 0.040 0.050 0.15– 0.500 0.04– 0.110 0.01–0.03 N 75– 1000 517– 6890 55– 600 379– 4130 A 0.070 0.40– 0.700 0.025 0.025 0.350 0.60– 0.70– 0.15– 0.900 1.000 0.250 — 1.00–1.30 Cu; 0.02 min Nb 65– 90 448– 6200 55– 850 379– 5860 B 0.060 0.40– 0.650 0.025 0.025 0.20– 0.350 — 1.00–1.30 Cu; 0.02 min Nb 88– 90 606– 6200 75– 850 517– 5860 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 Si Minimum Yield Strength 0.30 — — — — — 1.20– 1.500 — — — a. Single values are maximum unless otherwise noted. b. These grades may contain niobium, vanadium, or nitrogen. AWS Guide to Weldability 9 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table 2.4—ASTM Specifications for High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels for Pressure-Vessel Plate Composition, %* ASTM Type Specifior cation Grade C Mn A 202 A 0.17 1.05– 0.035 1.400 B 0.25 A Mo V Other ksi MPa ksi MPa 0.040 0.60– 0.35– 0.900 0.600 — — — — 75– 950 517– 6550 450 3100 1.05– 0.035 1.400 0.040 0.60– 0.35– 0.900 0.600 — — — — 85– 1100 586– 7580 470 3240 0.23 0.800 0.035 0.040 0.15– 0.300 — 2.10– 2.500 — — — 65– 850 448– 5860 370 2550 B 0.25 0.800 0.035 0.040 0.15– 0.300 — 2.10– 2.500 — — — 70– 900 482– 6200 400 2750 D 0.20 0.800 0.035 0.040 0.15– 0.300 — 3.25– 3.750 — — — 65– 850 448– 5860 370 2550 E 0.23 0.800 0.035 0.040 0.15– 0.300 — 3.25– 3.750 — — — 70– 900 482– 6200 400 2750 A 0.25 0.900 0.035 0.040 0.15– 0.300 — — 0.45– 0.600 — — 65– 850 448– 5860 370 2550 B 0.27 0.900 0.035 0.040 0.15– 0.300 — — 0.45– 0.600 — — 70– 900 482– 6200 400 2750 C 0.28 0.900 0.035 0.040 0.15– 0.300 — — 0.45– 0.600 — — 75– 950 517– 6550 430 2960 C 0.25 1.600 0.035 0.040 0.15– 0.400 — 0.40– 0.700 — 0.13– 0.180 — 105– 1350 723– 9300 700 4820 D 0.20 1.700 0.035 0.040 0.10– 0.500 — 0.40– 0.700 — 0.10– 0.180 — 75– 1050 517– 7230 55– 600 379– 4130 A 0.25 0.95– 0.035 1.300 0.040 0.15– 0.300 — — 0.45– 0.600 — — 75– 950 517– 6550 450 3100 B 0.25 1.15– 0.035 1.500 0.040 0.15– 0.300 — — 0.45– 0.600 — — 80– 1000 551– 6890 500 3440 C 0.25 1.15– 0.035 1.500 0.040 0.15– 0.300 — 0.40– 0.45– 0.700 0.600 — — 80– 1000 551– 6890 500 3440 D 0.25 1.15– 0.035 1.500 0.040 0.15– 0.300 — 0.70– 0.45– 1.000 0.600 — — 80– 1000 551– 6890 500 3440 A 353 — 0.13 0.900 0.035 0.040 0.15– 0.300 — 8.50– 9.500 — — — 100– 1200 689– 8270 750 5170 A 735 — 0.06 1.20– 0.040 2.200 0.025 0.400 — — 0.23– 0.470 — 0.20–0.35 Cu;0.03–0.09 Nb 80– 1150 551– 7920 65– 800 448– 5510 A 736 — 0.07 0.40– 0.025 0.700 0.025 0.350 0.60– 0.70– 0.15– 0.900 1.000 0.250 — 1.00–1.30 Cu;0.02 min Nb 72– 1050 496– 7230 55– 750 379– 5170 A 737 B 0.20 1.15– 0.035 1.500 0.030 0.15– 0.500 — — — — 0.05 Nb 70– 900 482– 6200 500 3440 C 0.22 1.15– 0.035 1.500 0.030 0.15– 0.500 — — — 0.04– 0.110 0.03 Nb 80– 1000 551– 6890 600 4130 A 204 A 225 A 302 S Si *Single values are maximum unless otherwise noted. 10 AWS Guide to Weldability Cr Minimum Yield Strength Ni A 203 P Minimum Tensile Strength Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table 2.5—Composition of Selected Heat-Treatable Low-Alloy (HTLA) Steel Composition, wt.% AISI-SAE or Other Designation C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo V 1330 0.28–0.33 1.60–1.90 0.15–0.30 — — — — 1340 0.38–0.43 1.60–1.90 0.15–0.30 — — — — 4023 0.20–0.25 0.70–0.90 0.15–0.30 — — 0.20–0.30 — 4028 0.25–0.30 0.70–0.90 0.15–0.30 — — 0.20–0.30 — 4047 0.45–0.50 0.70–0.90 0.15–0.30 — — 0.20–0.30 — 4118 0.18–0.23 0.70–0.90 0.15–0.30 0.40–0.60 — 0.08–0.15 — 4130 0.28–0.33 0.40–0.60 0.15–0.30 0.80–1.10 — 0.15–0.25 — 4140 0.38–0.43 0.75–1.00 0.15–0.30 0.80–1.10 — 0.15–0.25 — 4150 0.48–053 0.75–1.00 0.15–0.30 0.80–1.10 — 0.15–0.25 — 4320 0.17–0.22 0.45–0.65 0.15–0.30 0.40–0.60 1.65–2.00 0.20–0.30 — 4340 0.38–0.43 0.60–0.80 0.15–0.30 0.70–0.90 1.65–2.00 0.20–0.30 — 4620 0.17–0.22 0.45–0.65 0.15–0.30 — 1.65–2.00 0.20–0.30 — 5120 0.17–0.22 0.70–0.90 0.15–0.30 0.70–0.90 — — — 5145 0.43–0.48 0.70–0.90 0.15–0.30 0.70–0.90 — — — 6150 0.48–0.53 0.70–0.90 0.20–0.35 0.80–1.10 — — 0.15–0.25 8620 0.18–0.33 0.70–0.90 0.15–0.30 0.40–0.60 0.40–0.70 0.15–0.25 — 8630 0.28–0.33 0.70–0.90 0.15–0.30 0.40–0.60 0.40–0.70 0.15–0.25 — 8640 0.38–0.43 0.70–0.90 0.15–0.30 0.40–0.60 0.40–0.70 0.15–0.25 — Alloying Elements in Steels The family of steels is created by several factors: • The steelmaking process • Addition of alloying elements — for “conditioning,” e.g., deoxidizing, grain size control — for mechanical properties, e.g., strength, ductility, toughness • The rolling and forming processes • Heat treatment • Combinations of the above Modern steelmaking technology permits very close control of undesirable elements such as sulfur and phosphorous, and precision additions of desired elements in order to assure the desired properties. Alloying elements are added to increase strength, to achieve higher strength in thick sections, (gener- ally described as hardenability,) to increase ductility and toughness, to provide resistance to softening at elevated temperatures, to resist corrosion, and for other purposes. Table 2.7 is a brief summary of the effects of common alloying elements at the levels used in carbon and low-alloy steels. These effects can be quite different at other levels, e.g., in the steels covered here, chromium is used for strengthening and elevated temperature performance. At much higher levels, it promotes corrosion resistance in stainless steels. Most structural alloys have been developed with comprehensive weldability considerations, but in general, as the strength and thickness of a material increase, the level of care and control required to assure a satisfactory weld increases rapidly. Some materials have intentional additions of sulfur or lead to enhance their performance in machining operations. So-called free-machining steels are often quite difficult to weld, and special techniques may be required to make satisfactory welds. AWS Guide to Weldability 11 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table 2.6—Properties for Steel and/or Welds Tensile Properties (Refer to Figures 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9) U.S. SI (Metric) Strength—this term is always quoted or specified in units that reflect a (tension) load over a specific area. Following are common terms for strength in the U.S. Customary Units and International (metric) Units. psi (pounds/ square inch) MPa (newtons/ square meter) Yield Strength—the load at which the material takes a permanent “set,” i.e., plastic deformation has begun. In a tensile test, this is customarily defined as the point at which 0.2% (plastic) deformation has occurred. psi MPa Tensile Strength (or Ultimate Tensile Strength)—the point in loading where the maximum unit load is recorded. Because the specimen will normally “neck down” and reduce its cross-sectional area before failing, the load at failure may actually be lower. Also, since some reduction in area will likely have occurred prior to reaching the maximum load, the number isn't accurate, but it is the one normally used. psi MPa Elongation—a measure of the “stretch” of a tensile specimen from initial loading to failure. It is the percentage change in the “Gage Length” in Figures 2.7 and 2.8. % % Reduction of Area—this indicator of ductility is the reduction of cross section from the original to the area of the tensile test specimen when it breaks. Figure 2.8 illustrates how a tensile specimen typically “necks down” before failure. Reduction in Area is calculated as 1 – (Area at Df /Area at Ds) × 100. % % Toughness—a term intended to measure the resistance of the material to catastrophic failure when under load. A variety of tests and indicators have been developed to provide assurance that a structure will not fail in a catastrophic, i.e., brittle or glasslike manner, but the most common is the Charpy V-Notch Test. See Figure 2.10. This test is often conducted over a range of temperatures to determine the tendency of a structure to become “brittle” at low temperatures. (See “Transition Temperature” definition on page 6.) ft-lb Joules Table 2.7—Effects of Common Alloying Elements at Levels Used in Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels Common Alloying Elements Range in Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels (%) Carbon (C) 0.01–0.80 Most powerful hardener Manganese (Mn) 0.02–2.50 Deoxidizes, ties up sulfur, increases hardenability Silicon (Si) 0.3–2.0 Strong deoxidizer, increases hardenability Chromium (Cr) 0.1–3.0 Strongly increases hardenability, improves high temperature strength Nickel (Ni) 0.25–5.00 Promotes thick section hardenability Molybdenum (Mo) 0.05–1.50 Strong hardener, improves creep resistance Niobium (Nb) 0.01–0.15 Strong hardener, “micro alloying” agent Vanadium (V) 0.05–0.10 Very strong hardener, “micro alloying” agent Copper (Cu) 0.1–1.2 Moderate hardener, high levels promote corrosion resistance, can cause weld cracking sensitivity Sulfur (S) 0.005–0.040 Undesirable, can result in solidification cracking Phosphorus (P) 0.005–0.040 Undesirable, can promote embrittlement 12 AWS Guide to Weldability Effect Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Test Material Low Carbon Steel Appearance Test Dark Grey Magnetic Test Strongly Magnetic Chisel Test Continuous Chip Smooth Edges Chips Easily Fracture Test Flame Test Bright Grey Melts Fast Becomes Bright Red Before Melting Spark Test* Long Yellow Carrier Lines (Approx. 20% Carbon or Below) Medium Carbon Steel Dark Grey Strongly Magnetic Continuous Chip Smooth Edges Chips Easily Very Light Grey Melts Fast Becomes Bright Red Before Melting Yellow Lines Sprigs Very Plain Now (Approx. 20% to 45% Carbon) High Carbon Steel Dark Grey Strongly Magnetic Hard to Chip Can Be Continuous Very Light Grey Melts Fast Becomes Bright Red Before Melting Yellow Lines Bright Burst Very Clean Numerous Star Burst (Approx. 45% Carbon and Above) High Sulphur Steel Dark Grey Strongly Magnetic Continuous Chip Smooth Edges Chips Easily Bright Grey Fine Grain Melts Fast Becomes Bright Red Before Melting Manganese Steel Dull Cast Surface Non Magnetic Extremely Hard to Chisel Coarse Grained Melts Fast Becomes Bright Red Before Melting Stainless Steel Bright, Silvery Smooth Depends on Exact Analysis Continuous Chip Smooth Bright Color Depends on Type Bright Melts Fast Becomes Bright Red Before Melting Swelling Carrier Lines, Cigar Shape Bright White, Fan-Shaped Burst Cast Iron Wrought Iron Dull Grey Evidence of Sand Mold Light Grey Smooth Strongly Magnetic Strongly Magnetic Small Chips About 1/8 in., Not Easy to Chip, Brittle Continuous Chip Smooth Edges, Soft and Easily Cut and Chipped Brittle Bright Grey Fibrous Appearance Melts Slowly Becomes Dull Red Before Melting Melts Fast Becomes Bright Red Before Melting 1. Nickel-Black Shape Close to Wheel 2. Moly-Short Arrow Shape Tongue (only) 3. Vanadium-Long Spearpoint Tongue (only) Red Carrier Lines (Very Little Carbon Exists) Long, Straw Color Lines (Practically Free of Bursts or Springs) *For best results, use at least 5000 surface feet per minute on grinding equipment. (Cir. × R.P.M.)/12 = S.F. per Min. Figure 2.6—Visual identification techniques. AWS Guide to Weldability 13 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Key: T = W = D = L = R = P = G = Thickness of the reduced section (rectangular), in. (mm) Width of the reduced section (round), in. (mm) Diameter of the reduced section (round), in. (mm) Specimen length, in. (mm) Radius, in. (mm) Parallel (“reduced”) section Gauge length, in. (mm) Figure 2.7—Typical tensile specimens: (A) Rectangular and (B) Round. Weldability—What is it? The official definition of weldability is the capacity of a material to be welded under the imposed fabrication conditions into a specific, suitably designed structure, and to perform satisfactorily in the intended service. In practical terms, this means that the material can be subjected to the welding process, e.g., preparation for welding, heating, mixing with filler material, cooling, and possible postweld heat treatment—all without cracking and while maintaining required mechanical properties. One key indicator of the potential difficulty in welding any carbon or low-alloy steel is its Carbon Equivalent (CE). Several formulas have been developed to provide this indicator, and although each of these formulas produces slightly different results, they all show that as the CE increases, there are increased risks of cracking from a variety of causes, and degradation of the base metal from the 14 AWS Guide to Weldability Figure 2.8—Typical tensile test specimen before and after testing to failure, showing maximum elongation. effects of welding heat. These risks must be mitigated by control of weld preheat and post heat, selection of filler metals, control of the welding process, including heat input, etc. The Carbon Equivalent becomes much more important as section thickness increases, because most alloying elements are added to enhance the “deep hardening” characteristics of a material. A good rule of thumb is to consider this factor when the thickness of any section to be welded is more than 1/2 in. (13 mm) thick, as it is above this thickness that heat flow from the weld increases rapidly. (See Table 2.8.) CE Formulas Simplest: CE = %C + % Mn + %Si 4 (suitable for carbon steels only) (Eq. 1) Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Figure 2.9—Stress/strain diagram for complete history of a metal tension test specimen from the start of loading and carried to the breaking point. For low-alloy steels: % Mn %Cr + % Mo + % V + 6 5 %Si + % Ni + %Cu + 15 CE = %C + (Eq. 2) The Carbon Equivalent provides an indication of the hardness/strength that will result from rapid cooling of a particular composition. It does not in- dicate depth of hardening, a key factor in the selection of materials for specific applications. In other words, an AISI 1040 steel will develop high strength in sections up to about 3/8 in. (10 mm) thick when quenched, while an A 514 Grade 70 will develop full strength in a 2 in. (50 mm) thickness. This reinforces the importance of preheat, interpass temperature control and stress relief and/or tempering in such sections, as well as the importance of controlling hydrogen and the risk of cracking. AWS Guide to Weldability 15 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Figure 2.10—Charpy V-notch impact test. 16 AWS Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table 2.8—Carbon Equivalent of Some Steels from Tables 2.1–2.5 Carbon and Composition Parameter* Equivalents for Some Common Steels Code AISI* ASTM Carbon Equiv. P (comp)* Code Type Grade Carbon Equiv. P (comp)* 1010 0.25 0.17 ASTM A572 45 0.47 0.30 1020 0.35 0.27 50 0.49 0.32 1030 0.51 0.40 60 0.52 0.35 1040 0.61 0.50 65 0.57 0.36 1060 0.83 0.72 A 0.42 0.30 1080 1.05 0.94 B 0.49 0.36 C 0.54 0.41 A588 Typ 0.75 0.39 A514–517 A 0.72 0.44 Type Grade A36 A106 0.52 0.36 58 0.40 0.29 65 0.49 0.33 70 0.58 0.42 G 0.72 0.36 55 0.46 0.34 Q 0.99 0.43 60 0.49 0.37 4130 0.72 0.44 65 0.51 0.39 4140 0.89 0.56 70 0.58 0.42 4340 0.83 0.55 A537 0.53 0.33 A441 0.22 0.22 11 0.66 0.30 22 1.02 0.40 A573 A515 AISI* ASTM A387 *P (comp), the Composition Parameter, along with a factor relating to the hydrogen content of the weld metal, is used to calculate the cracking potential related to hydrogen, the Susceptibility Index, which is described in more detail in Chapter 3. AWS Guide to Weldability 17 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels NOTES 18 AWS Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels CHAPTER 3 What Happens When You Weld It has been said that fusion welding is essentially a mini steelmaking process! It is certainly a new alloy making process, taking place under very dynamic conditions. In a matter of seconds, the base metal at the joint is taken from, at, or near room temperature to above its melting point, new molten metal of a different composition is added, and the mixed material solidifies and begins cooling back toward room temperature. In addition, the base metal just next to the weld zone, or heat-affected zone (HAZ), will experience a range of conditions from partially melted to barely disturbed. Figure 3.1 shows typical effects, some of which may be beneficial, while others can result in damage or defects that can affect the performance of the structure. Where Does the Welding Heat Go? In arc welding, most of the heat produced by the arc goes into the weld, though the amount can vary greatly by process, speed of welding, and other factors. So-called arc efficiency can vary from 65–90%, though this factor is not included in standard calculations of “heat input.” The commonly used heat input calculation is (Arc) Amps × (Arc) Volts × 60/Travel Speed (ipm) with the result in joules per inch. An example: Arc Current Arc Voltage Travel Speed 250 amps 22 volts 10 ipm/sec (4.2 mm/sec) Heat input will be calculated as 250 × 22 × 60/10 = 33,000 joules/in. (13 × 105 kj/m). Most of the heat that enters the workpiece from arc and molten filler metal flows into the base material before radiating into the surrounding air. The rate at which the heat is removed from the weld area is primarily affected by the base metal thickness. With commonly used welding conditions on plate material, at thicknesses below 1/2 in., heat flow is generally “two dimensional, i.e., it flows primarily to the sides (or the legs of a fillet weld), and ahead of the arc in the direction of welding. At thicknesses above 3/4 in., heat flow becomes “three dimensional,” as heat flow in the thickness direction becomes significant, resulting in much more rapid cooling rates. (Thicknesses between 1/2 in. and 3/4 in. are a transition area.) Figure 3.2 illustrates these effects in a single pass weld; the effects are equivalent in multipass welds, as the thicker section is a much greater “heat sink.” One can see that three-dimensional heat flow would occur in a much thinner section if very low welding current were used. This is the reason that arc strikes on thick plate are to be avoided, because the very rapid cooling that takes place following the strike can cause formation of martensite and initiate cracking. Some of the practical effects of these differences are: • Low-alloy steels that rely on fairly rapid cooling to obtain strength and toughness may require rigid controls on heat input to develop expected properties in thin sections. • As section thickness increases, preheat and interpass temperature levels must increase, particularly in the low-alloy steels. • In the high-carbon steels, postheating may be required to prevent cracking. The Weld Zones Figure 3.1—Schematic showing the different discrete regions present in a single-pass weld. Figure 3.1 is a drawing of the cross section of a single pass weld in steel. The central part has been fully melted and is a mixture of base and filler metal. At the “fusion line,” we move to an area that has been partially melted, then to one that has fully transformed to austenite with some grain growth, to an area of grain refinement, to an area of tempering AWS Guide to Weldability 19 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels welding speed consistent with adequate penetration of the base metal and good (multi-pass) bead tie-in. (A) Three-Dimensional Heat Flow (B) Two-Dimensional Heat Flow Shrinkage, Residual Stresses, and Distortion Another effect of the heating and cooling process is the changes in shape that may occur in a structure when welding is done. This is caused by the expansion due to heating and shrinkage due to cooling. If we heat a structure uniformly, it will tend to expand and contract, returning to the same shape as before. However, when welding, we move a “spot source” of heat across the structure. As material is heated, it wants to expand, but well before melting, it effectively loses its strength and “yields” to fit into the available space. (C) Intermediate Condition—Neither Thick Nor Thin Figure 3.2—Effect of weld geometry and relative plate thickness on heat flow characteristics. When material cools, it regains its strength, and as it shrinks, it places very high (local) loads on the undisturbed material around it. When the loads reach the yield point of the material it will stretch, but when it reaches room temperature, stresses (heating below the transformation temperature), and then to the undisturbed base metal. In a carbon steel, the major effect may be a softening of the base metal. In low-alloy steels, and particularly those using “micro-alloying” for strength and toughness, this heating cycle may degrade both strength and toughness. Further, hydrogen from the weld metal may migrate into the HAZ, and result in underbead cracking. The “family” of possible weld defects is described and discussed in Chapter 5 of this guide. In thicker sections, where a weld may involve many passes, weld beads deposited first will be reheated by succeeding passes, in most cases resulting in grain refinement and improvement of mechanical properties. However, in thick sections, the heat flows away from the weld much more rapidly, and preheat and/or postheating may be required to prevent a martensite transformation and its associated brittleness and/or cracking. Figure 3.2 illustrates this situation. Simple cross sections like this are valuable tools in establishing a welding procedure, and preparation of a basic weld cross-section is described in Chapter 6. Note: In general, it is usually best to establish a welding procedure that minimizes the size of the heat-affected zone, i.e., the heating and cooling cycle is as rapid as possible. This is usually accomplished by using the highest practical 20 AWS Guide to Weldability Photograph courtesy of The Welding Institute, England NOTE: Weld beads at top and bottom faces on right-hand side of weld zone in this transverse full-section specimen are in the asdeposited condition. As subsequent weld beads were deposited, those regions of their HAZ that exceeded the AC1–AC3 critical range have a light color on the etched surface. Those regions that were heated to a lower temperature, that is, below the AC1 temperature, underwent tempering, and these tend to have darker coloration upon being etched. The horizontal streaks in the plate on the right-hand side indicate a small amount of segregation of carbon and/or other residual elements. AC1 = Temperature on heating at which transformation to austenite begins AC3 = Temperature on heating at which transformation to austenite is complete Figure 3.3—Multi-pass weld in C-Mn steel plate 1-1/2 in. (40 mm) thick showing positions of individual weld beads and their heat-affected zones lying both in weld metal and in base metal. Carbon and Low Alloy Steels equal to the yield point will remain. Depending on the location in or adjacent to the weld, this residual stress pattern is likely to vary from yield point tensile at the center of the weld to somewhat lower compressive at the edge of the heat-affected zone, then tapering off to zero some distance from the weld. Thus, if it can, the material around the shrinking metal will bend to reduce the load on it. Figure 3.4 illustrates a typical residual stress pattern in a single pass butt weld, while Figure 3.5 illustrates typical distortion patterns that can occur in butt and fillet welds. Distortion can be reduced by restraining the assembly so it cannot bend (use of clamps, fixtures, temporary braces, etc.). However, this will tend to increase the residual stress in the structure—and in some cases it will result in cracking. It may also make the structure unstable, i.e., small loads placed on it may cause permanent deformation because the loaded section was already at its yield point due to residual stresses. You can sometimes compensate for distortion by assembling the parts to be welded so that distortion will move them into the proper position, e.g., a fillet-welded joint can be tacked at an angle somewhat greater than the intended angle, and distortion will move it toward the desired position. Many times, however, this is not possible. The best way to reduce distortion is to use the least amount of heat possible. For example: (1) Obtain the best fitup possible. Gapped or mismatched joints require more filler metal, meaning more heat and more shrinkage stresses. (2) Don’t “overweld,” i.e., don’t make a weld larger than absolutely necessary to meet service requirements. (3) Wherever possible, deposit a deeply penetrating fillet weld. (If the root of the weld is below the surface of the plate it is less likely to cause angular distortion.) (4) Weld as quickly as possible, so a minimum amount of weld and base metal is subjected to welding heat. Remember, increased heat means increased expansion, more shrinkage and shrinkage forces (residual stress). (5) Stress-relieve the weldment. By heating to temperatures below transition point, local stresses are greatly reduced, reducing distortion and increasing the stability of the structure Restraint, Preheat and Interpass Temperatures, and Hydrogen Control Benefits and Risks of Restraint As mentioned previously, restraint can reduce the distortion caused by weld shrinkage. If restraint is used or present due to material thickness and joint design, however, higher preheat and interpass temperatures may be required to prevent cracking due to residual stresses and hydrogen. Restraint can be classified in three categories: RESIDUAL STRESS TENSION COMPRESSION Y Low—joint members have reasonable freedom to move with shrinkage stresses Medium—joint members have limited freedom of movement due to connections to other structures, use of heavy clamping, strongbacks, etc. High—joint members have virtually no freedom of movement due to thickness, or repair in thick sections. Y Reprinted with permission of the Welding Research Council (adapted) Figure 3.4—Longitudinal shrinkage in a butt joint (distribution of longitudinal residual stress, σx, is also shown). Preheat requirements are part of many codes. Requirements of AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2004, Structural Welding Code—Steel, are shown in Table 3.1. These requirements are based on medium restraint as described above. There is a more detailed method available to deal with a wide range of special situations. This AWS Guide to Weldability 21 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Figure 3.5—Types of distortion. involves the use of the Composition Parameter as shown in Table 2.8 and a factor for the level of hydrogen in the weld metal. (This is especially important if you are welding steel greater than 1/2 in. (13 mm) thick, and if the carbon equivalent is greater than 0.5%.) Appendix 1 is reprinted from AWS D1.1. It provides detailed directions for determining preheat, interpass and post heating levels for any alloy, but it is particularly important with low-alloy steels in thick sections. In summary, to determine if preheat is required and at what level: (1) Using the composition of the base material, find the composition parameter from Table 2.8 or calculate it using the formula provided. (2) Using guidance on hydrogen levels and restraint, calculate the Susceptibility Index using the method described. 22 AWS Guide to Weldability (3) Determine the Susceptibility Index Grouping (4) Find the recommended preheat and interpass temperature level from tables provided. This method is somewhat more time-consuming that using the information in Table 3.1, but it reduces risk, and in many cases, it may result in lower preheat temperatures with reduced costs. Other Effects of Welding These can vary greatly, depending on the type of steel you are welding, making it even more important that you know what you have. On carbon steels, the effects are usually moderate, e.g., some grain growth just outside the fusion zone. This doesn’t often affect the performance of the joint. Table 3.1—Prequalified Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature Thickness of Thickest Part at Point of Welding C a t e g o r y Steel Specification Welding Process Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature in. mm °F °C 1/8 to 3/4 incl. 3 to 20 incl. 1321 1 01 Over 3/4 thru 1-1/2 incl. Over 20 thru 38 incl. 150 65 Over 1-1/2 thru 2-1/2 incl. Over 38 thru 65 incl. 225 110 Over 2-1/2 Over 65 300 150 ASTM A 36 ASTM A 53 Grade B ASTM A 106 Grade B ASTM A 131 Grades A, B, CS, D, DS, E ASTM A 139 Grade B ASTM A 381 Grade Y35 ASTM A 500 Grade A Grade B Grade C ASTM A 501 ASTM A 516 A ASTM A 524 Grades I & II ASTM A 573 Grade 65 ASTM A 709 Grade 36 ASTM A 1008 SS Grade 30 Grade 33 Type 1 SMAW with other than low-hydrogen electrodes Grade 40 Type 1 ASTM A 1011 SS Grade 30 Grade 33 Grade 40 Grade 45 Grade 50 Grade 55 API 5L Grade B Grade X42 ABS Grades A, B, D, CS, DS Grade E (continued) Carbon and Low Alloy Steels AWS Guide to Weldability 23 Grade 36 Type 1 Thickness of Thickest Part at Point of Welding C a t e g o r y Steel Specification ASTM A 36 ASTM A 53 ASTM A 106 ASTM A 131 ASTM A 139 ASTM A 381 ASTM A 441 ASTM A 500 ASTM A 501 ASTM A 516 B ASTM A 524 ASTM A 529 ASTM A 537 ASTM A 572 ASTM A 573 ASTM A 588 ASTM A 595 ASTM A 606 ASTM A 618 ASTM A 633 ASTM A 709 ASTM A 710 ASTM A 808 ASTM A 9132 ASTM A 992 ASTM A 1008 HSLAS Grade B Grade B Grades A, B, CS, D, DS, E AH 32 & 36 DH 32 & 36 EH 32 & 36 Grade B Grade Y35 ASTM A 1008 HSLAS-F ASTM A 1011 HSLAS Grade A Grade B Grades 55 & 60 65 & 70 Grades I & II Grades 50 & 55 Classes 1 & 2 Grades 42, 50, 55 Grade 65 ASTM A 1011 HSLAS-F ASTM A 1018 HSLAS ASTM A 1018 HSLAS-F ASTM A 1018 SS Grades A, B, C Grades Ib, II, III Grades A, B Grades C, D Grades 36, 50, 50W Grade A, Class 2 (>2 in. [50 mm]) Grade 50 API 5L API Spec. 2H API 2MT1 API 2W API 2Y ABS ABS Welding Process Grade 45 Class 1 Grade 45 Class 2 Grade 50 Class 1 Grade 50 Class 2 Grade 55 Class 1 Grade 55 Class 2 Grade 50 Grade 45 Class 1 Grade 45 Class 2 Grade 50 Class 1 Grade 50 Class 2 Grade 55 Class 1 Grade 55 Class 2 Grade 50 Grade 45 Class 1 Grade 45 Class 2 Grade 50 Class 1 Grade 50 Class 2 Grade 55 Class 1 Grade 55 Class 2 Grade 50 Grade 30 Grade 33 Grade 36 Grade 40 Grade B Grade X42 Grades 42, 50 Grades 42, 50, 50T Grades 42, 50, 50T Grades AH 32 & 36 Grades DH 32 & 36 Grades EH 32 & 36 Grades A, B, D, Grades CS, DS Grades Grade E (continued) SMAW with low-hydrogen electrodes, SAW, GMAW, FCAW in. mm 1/8 to 3/4 incl. 3 to 20 incl. Over 3/4 thru 1-1/2 incl. Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature °F °C 321 1 01 Over 20 thru 38 incl. 50 10 Over 1-1/2 thru 2-1/2 incl. Over 38 thru 65 incl. 150 65 Over 2-1/2 Over 65 225 110 1 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels 24 AWS Guide to Weldability Table 3.1 (Continued)—Prequalified Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature Table 3.1 (Continued)—Prequalified Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature Thickness of Thickest Part at Point of Welding C a t e g o r y Steel Specification ASTM A 572 Grades 60, 65 ASTM A 633 Grade E API 5L Grade X52 ASTM A 9132 Grades 60, 65 ASTM A 710 Grade A, Class 2 (≤2 in. [50 mm]) ASTM A 710 Grade A, Class 3 (>2 in. [50 mm]) ASTM A 7093 Grade HPS70W C Welding Process SMAW with low-hydrogen electrodes, SAW, GMAW, FCAW ASTM A 8523 D API 2W Grade 60 API 2Y Grade 60 ASTM A 710 ASTM A 9132 Grade A (All classes) Grades 50, 60, 65 SMAW, SAW, GMAW, and FCAW with electrodes or electrode-flux combinations capable of depositing weld metal with a maximum diffusible hydrogen content of 8 ml/100 g (H8), when tested according to AWS A4.3. in. Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature mm °F °C 1/8 to 3/4 incl. 3 to 20 incl. 50 10 Over 3/4 thru 1-1/2 incl. Over 20 thru 38 incl. 150 65 Over 1-1/2 thru 2-1/2 incl. Over 38 thru 65 incl. 225 110 Over 2-1/2 Over 65 300 150 321 1 01 All thicknesses ≥ 1/8 in. [3 mm] 1 Notes: 1. When the base metal temperature is below 32°F [0°C], the base metal shall be preheated to a minimum of 70°F [20°C] and the minimum interpass temperature shall be maintained during welding. 2. The heat input limitations of 5.7 shall not apply to ASTM A 913. 3. For ASTM A 709 Grade HPS70W and ASTM A 852 Grade 70, the maximum preheat and interpass temperatures shall not exceed 400°F [200°C] for thicknesses up to 1-1/2 in. [40 mm], inclusive, and 450°F [230°C] for greater thicknesses. Carbon and Low Alloy Steels AWS Guide to Weldability 25 General Notes: • For modification of preheat requirements for SAW with parallel or multiple electrodes, see 3.5.3. • See 5.12.2 and 5.6 for ambient and base-metal temperature requirements. • ASTM A 570 and ASTM A 607 have been deleted. Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table 3.2—Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature for Three Levels of Restraint Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature Susceptibility Index Grouping a Thickness b A B C D E F G Restraint Level in. mm °F °C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F °C Lowc <0.38 <9.5 <65 <18 <65 <18 <65 <18 <65 <18 140 60 280 138 300 149 0.38–0.75 9.5–19.1 <65 <18 <65 <18 65 18 140 60 210 99 280 138 300 149 0.75–1.50 19.1–38.1 <65 <18 <65 <18 65 18 175 80 230 110 280 138 300 149 1.50–3.0 38.1–76 65 18 65 18 100 38 200 93 250 121 280 138 300 149 >3.0 >76 65 18 65 18 100 38 200 93 250 121 280 138 300 149 <0.38 <9.5 <65 <18 <65 <18 <65 <18 <65 <18 160 71 280 138 320 160 0.38–0.75 9.5–19.1 <65 <18 <65 <18 65 18 175 80 240 116 290 143 320 160 0.75–1.50 19.1–38.1 <65 <18 65 18 165 74 230 110 280 138 300 149 320 160 1.50–3.0 38.1–76 65 18 175 80 230 110 265 130 300 149 300 149 320 160 >3.0 >76 200 93 250 121 280 138 300 149 320 160 320 160 320 160 <0.38 <9.5 <65 <18 <65 <18 <65 <18 100 38 230 110 300 149 320 160 0.38–0.75 9.5–19.1 <65 <18 65 18 150 66 220 104 280 138 320 160 320 160 0.75–1.50 19.1–38.1 65 18 185 85 240 116 280 138 300 149 320 160 320 160 1.50–3.0 38.1–76 240 116 265 130 300 149 300 149 320 160 320 160 320 160 >3.0 >76 240 116 265 130 300 149 300 149 320 160 320 160 320 160 Mediumd Highe a. Susceptibility index values for groupings: A, 3.0; B, 3.1–3.5; C, 3.6–4.0; D, 4.1–4.5; E, 4.6–5.0; F, 5.1–5.5; G, 5.6–7.0. b. Thickness is that of the thicker part welded. c. Low restraint describes welded joints in members with reasonable freedom of movement. d. Medium restraint describes welded joints with reduced freedom of movement (for example, those attached to other structures). e. High restraint describes welded joints where there is almost no freedom of movement (for example, with thick material or repair welds). With increasing carbon content, or carbon equivalent, the risk of hydrogen migration from the weld metal into the HAZ increases, and underbead cracking may occur. (Types of cracking and their causes are discussed in Chapter 5.) This risk is increased when a thin section is welded to thick section. (rapid cooling, possible formation of martensite) Thus, even if welding a carbon steel, if you are welding a 3/16 in. (5 mm) flange to a 1 in. (25 mm) plate, the welding procedure should be based on the requirements for the thicker section, e.g., use a lowhydrogen electrode, and consider use of preheat. As alloy content increases, the likelihood of these potential problems also increases. 26 AWS Guide to Weldability On heat-treated steels, heat applied during welding will effectively eliminate the heat treatment effect in the HAZ. However, in many cases, by restricting heat input, the “damaged” area can be kept small enough that the effect on the structure is not significant. This often means the use of many small weld beads. Each successive pass tends to refine the previous passes, usually improving its properties. If the structure is to be fully heat-treated after welding, e.g., heated above the transition point, quenched and tempered, every attempt should be made to find a filler metal that most closely matches the base metal, or one that exhibits heattreatment response similar to the base material. Electrode manufacturers and steel producers are Carbon and Low Alloy Steels usually the best source of guidance for this situation. On micro-alloyed steels, e.g., ASTM type A 572— these steels acquire their properties largely by having very small amounts of certain alloying elements “in solution” when the steel is cooled. Then by careful low temperature “aging,” these elements, such as vanadium, move into positions in the crystal structure where they resist movement, hence increasing the strength of the alloy. However, if this “aging” process is carried on too long or at too high a temperature, the effect is lost, and in some cases, embrittlement may occur. Thus it is obvious that welding can degrade or destroy the aging effect. But again, with low (welding) heat input, and possible low temperature treatment after welding, at least part of the micro-alloying benefits can often be retained. If specific postweld aging treatment is not available from your customer, the steel supplier can often provide recommendations. AWS Guide to Weldability 27 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels NOTES 28 AWS Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels CHAPTER 4 Selection of Proper Welding Filler Metal (Rods, Electrodes, etc.) As mentioned above, weld metal “sees” a significantly different thermal cycle than the base metal, and as a result, filler metals for carbon and lowalloy steels will usually have a different composition than the base material—one that produces required strength and toughness under welding conditions. Thus, as a first step, assuming the weld must match or exceed the strength of the base metal (this is usually a requirement, though not always): select an electrode that produces weld metal with UTS equal or higher than the base metal. For carbon steels, it will usually be higher. (The lowest tensile strength of steel filler metals is 60 ksi, much higher than many common structural steels.) Note: The “published” strength and toughness properties of filler metals are measured under conditions that allow consistent measurement, but that rarely exist during fabrication. Most codes covering construction of bridges, pressure vessels, rail cars or other structures specify development of procedures with testing designed to demonstrate performance in the intended application. The total effort that is required to meet those requirements is described in the applicable codes. Commonly used codes are listed in Chapter 9. If a specified toughness value is based on the “standard AWS test, “a filler metal with the required CVN toughness can be selected from AWS Filler Metal Specifications (A5.XX) or from manufacturer’s data sheets. Table 4.1 provides basic filler metal selection guidelines for many carbon steels. Additional recommendations are found in the Appendix 2. If the base material has a tensile strength above 50 ksi, or a carbon equivalent higher than 0.50, a low-hydrogen SMAW electrode, or “low hydrogen” process, such as GMAW, FCAW, or SAW must be used. Preheating, interpass temperature control, and post heating may also be required to suppress a martensite transformation, and to allow the hydrogen that is present to diffuse out of the structure. Guidelines for preheat, interpass temperatures, and post heating are described in Chapter 3. As strength levels increase it is also critical that hydrogen control is followed. SMAW electrodes must be handled in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations, e.g., used within the maximum time allowed from opening of the package, kept at minimum temperatures, and rebaked (if allowed) when necessary. Some FCAW electrodes have similar requirements. As a second step, determine if there are “toughness” requirements for the weld, usually expressed as Charpy V-Notch test results in ft-lb or joules at one or more specified temperatures. GMAW and FCAW equipment must be properly maintained, especially shielding gas hoses, torches, and connections, as leaks will admit air with moisture. Use only hoses specified for shielding gas use (rubber hoses should not be used), and check for leaks on a regular schedule. Note: It is again important to determine if toughness measurements are to be made according to the “standard AWS test,” or as part of a procedure qualification as mentioned above. Note: With gas-shielded processes, use gas flow rates recommended by the torch manufacturer. Gas flow rates that are too high often generate turbulence that will admit air and defeat the purpose of the shielding gas. AWS Guide to Weldability 29 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table 4.1—Recommended Base Metal-Filler Metal Combinations for Matching Electrode Tensile Strengths Nominally of 70 ksi (483 MPa) Minimum Steels Steel Specificationa,b ASTM A 203 ASTM A 204 Matching Filler Metals Minimum Yield Point/ Strength Tensile Strength Range ksi MPa ksi MPa Grade A 370 2550 65–85 448–586 Grade B 400 2760 70–90 483–620 Grade D 370 2550 65–85 448–586 Grade E 400 2760 70–90 483–620 Grade A 370 2550 65–85 448–586 Grade B 400 2760 70–90 483–620 ASTM A 242 — 42– 500 290– 3450 63–70 435–483 ASTM A 441 — 40– 500 275– 3450 60–70 415–483 ASTM A 572 Grade 42 420 2900 60 min. 415 min. Grade 50 500 3450 65 min. 450 min. ASTM A 588 4 in. (102 mm) and under 500 3450 70 min. 483 min. ASTM A 633 Grade A 420 2900 63–83 430–570 Grades C and D 2.5 in. (64 mm) and under 500 3450 70–90 483–620 ASTM A 710 Grade A, Class 2, under 2 in. (51 mm) 550 3800 65 min. 450 min. API 2H Grade 42 420 2900 62–80 430–550 Grade 50 500 3450 70 min. 483 min. API 5L Grade X-52 520 3600 66–72 455–495 Grade X-56 560 3860 71–75 489–517 Grade X-60 600 4140 75–78 517–537 Electrode Specificationc Minimum Yield Point/Strength Tensile Strength Range ksi ksi MPa MPa Shielded Metal Arc Welding (See AWS A5.1 or A5.5)e E7015, E7016, E7018, E7028 60 414 72 min. 496 min. E7015-X, E7016X, E7018-X 57 390 70 min. 483 min. E7010-Xd 60 414 70 min. 483 min. Submerged Arc Welding (See AWS A5.17 or A5.23)e F7XX-EXXX or F7XX-EXX-XX 58 400 70–95 483– 6600 Gas Metal Arc Welding (See AWS A5.18) ER70S-X 60 414 72 min. 496 min. Flux Cored Arc Welding (See AWS A5.20) E7XT-X (except -2, -3, -10, -GS) 60 414 72 min. 496 min. a. In joints involving base metals of different groups, low-hydrogen filler metal requirements applicable to lower strength group may be used. The low-hydrogen processes shall be subject to the technique requirements applicable to the higher strength group. b. Match API Standard 2B (fabricated tubes) according to steel used. c. When welds are to be stress-relieved, the deposited weld metal shall not exceed 0.05% vanadium. d. Cellulose electrodes for field pipeline welding. e. Deposited weld metal shall have a minimum impact strength of 20 ft•lb (27.1 J) at 0°F (–18°C) when Charpy V-notch specimens are required. 30 AWS Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels CHAPTER 5 Metallurgically-Related Weld Discontinuities (Defects) and Typical Causes Weld discontinuities can result from a variety (and combination) of causes. This guide is focused on the metallurgical aspects of base and filler materials, and their response to the arc welding processes. These are cracking, porosity, and inclusions. Discussion and guidelines regarding incomplete fusion, incomplete joint penetration, and overlap can be found in guides and/or handbooks covering the specific welding processes. Cracking There are many types of cracks that can result from welding and related operations. Figure 5.1 illustrates 13 types that can be encountered. Cracks can be divided into two categories: Hot Cracking—associated with solidification. The fundamental mechanism of hot cracking is the inability of the material to cope with the shrinkage stresses associated with cooling in the last area(s) to solidify. Cold Cracking—almost always associated with hydrogen. Cold cracking occurs some time after solidification (sometimes hours or days, even weeks), and results from the intense forces of hydrogen atoms in the crystal lattice that literally force the metal apart as they recombine into gaseous hydrogen. Cracking of any type must be avoided in any repetitive operation, for one simple reason: Cracks of almost any type may “grow” in service and cause failure of the structure. If there is the need to make repairs on a regular basis, there is something wrong with at least one of the following factors: (5) Control of the welding procedure. (6) Operator training and skill. Note: Most importantly, if cracks are found regularly, some will likely go undetected, increasing the risk of failure! Referring to Figure 5.1, Table 5.1 shows some of the common causes and potential solutions to the cracking described there. Porosity Molten steel can dissolve fairly large amounts of gases such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, but as the steel cools and begins to solidify, these gases either are forced out of solution and form bubbles that escape or are entrapped, or may react with elements in the steel itself to form other gases or inclusions. In some cases, the shielding gas, e.g., argon, can be “stirred” into the puddle and form porosity, but this is less common. Most porosity is sub-surface and can only be detected by radiography, but if voids do appear on the surface of the weld, this usually indicates a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Small amounts of internal porosity are usually acceptable, and all codes and standards have specific levels of acceptability. Since the voids are spherical, they are less likely to grow in service and initiate failures. Table 5.2 lists many common causes of porosity and suggests remedies. Some additional comments are appropriate: (1) Cleanliness of the base metal, the filler metal and the integrity of the gas shielding system (if used) are essential to process consistency. (3) Selection and quality consistency of the filler material. (2) A common source of porosity is formation of carbon monoxide (CO) from the reaction of carbon in the steel with oxygen in the welding atmosphere. Deoxidizers, e.g., silicon are used in the filler metal to suppress this reaction. However, if the deoxidizer level is too high for the specific situation, the weld puddle may appear “sluggish” and porosity can be entrapped by the viscous metal. (4) The welding procedure itself, including preparation, preheating, interpass temperature control, post heating, stress relieving, etc. (3) Contamination of the weld puddle with air can occur if shielding gas flows are too high as well as too low! Flow rates in excess of torch (1) The design of the welded joint, e.g., excessive restraint. (2) Base metal characteristics. AWS Guide to Weldability 31 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Figure 5.1—Crack types of weld-related cracking. 32 AWS Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table 5.1—Common Causes and Potential Solutions to Cracking Type of Cracking Cause(s) Possible Solution Crater Crack Weld heat terminated too rapidly, concave puddle cannot accommodate shrinkage Slow or stop travel before terminating arc, allow reinforcement to build up. Face Crack (Longitudinal) (1) Welding procedure causes concave weld bead; potential increased with rapid cooling. (2) Solidification mode “rejects” low-melting compounds to centerline. (More common in highly alloyed materials.) Both conditions aggravated by restraint. Adjust welding conditions to produce (slightly) reinforced weld bead. Heat-Affected-Zone Crack (aka Underbead Crack) Migration of hydrogen from weld metal; formation of martensite in HAZ; high residual stress. Assure low-hydrogen process. Increase preheat and maintain interpass temperature longer after welding. Lamellar Tears Separation of “layers” in base metal (typically thin non-metallic films formed by the rolling processes) caused by weld shrinkage stresses. Redesign joint to reduce through-thickness stresses; adjust procedure to increase penetration into the base material; change base metal. Root Crack Incomplete penetration; inadequate surface preparation; excess travel speed. Modify procedure and/or preparation to assure fusion of root bead with base metal. Root Surface Crack Shrinkage with inadequate filler metal to accommodate need. Aggravated by excess joint spacing; poor fitup. Modify procedure to assure convexity on one or both faces of the root pass. Throat Crack Longitudinal crack typically associated with fillet welds. See longitudinal crack above. Transverse Crack Hydrogen Embrittlement aggravated by shrinkage stresses and high restraint. Same as HAZ cracks. Underbead Crack Diffusion of hydrogen from weld into base material; increasing base metal hardenability (carbon equivalent). Same as with HAZ cracking. Weld Interface Crack Inadequate melting of the base material, or inclusion at fusion line. Modify procedure to assure consistent base metal penetration. Weld Metal Crack Subsurface longitudinal crack often associated with heat flow away from the weld that prevents liquid from “filling in” to accommodate shrinkage following solidification. Modify procedure so weld bead depth/width ratio is reduced, allowing solidification to proceed toward the centerline and the surface. Table 5.2—Common Causes of and Remedies for Porosity Cause Remedies Excessive hydrogen, nitrogen, or oxygen in welding atmosphere Use low-hydrogen welding process; filler metals high in deoxiders; increase shielding gas flow High solidification rate Use preheat or increase heat input Dirty base metal Clean joint faces and adjacent surfaces Dirty filler wire Use specially cleaned and packaged filler wire, and store in clean area Improper arc length, welding current, or electrode manipulation Change welding conditions and techniques Volatization of zinc from brass Use copper-silicon filler metal; reduce heat input‘ Galvanized steel Use E6010 electrodes and manipulate the arc heat to volatilize the zinc ahead of the molten weld pool Excessive moisture in electrode covering or on joint surfaces Use recommended procedures for baking and storing electrodes Preheat the base metal High sulfur base metal Use electrodes with basic slagging reactions AWS Guide to Weldability 33 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels manufacturers’ recommendations can result in turbulence that will “stir in” air. (4) “Wormhole” type surface porosity can be encountered with flux-cored arc welding when the slag solidifies before the weld metal itself. A typical cause for this problem is the use of electrodes designed for out-of-position welding for horizontal or flat joints. 34 AWS Guide to Weldability Inclusions Inclusions such as entrapped slag or other foreign material usually mean that inadequate pre-weld cleaning and/or interpass slag removal has taken place, the welding procedure or the selection of filler metal are inadequate for the application, or that the operator is not following the procedure properly or consistently. Carbon and Low Alloy Steels CHAPTER 6 Weld Examination and Testing The Weld Cross Section In addition to visual inspection, almost any “new” weld should be examined by making a transverse cut, sanding or grinding it smooth, and etching it with a simple acid solution. Steps for making the cross section (for “macro” examination) are: • Cut with saw or milling cutter. Do not use a thermal process such as plasma or oxyfuel. Heat from the cutting process will change the grain structure of the weld and make the specimen useless. • Belt sand—80–100 grit. Do not allow specimen to become too hot to hold with bare hand. • Hand sand to minimum of 220 grit; finer okay. Again, do not overheat specimen. • Apply Nitol etching solution (5% nitric acid in ethyl alcohol). • Rinse with distilled water. • Dry in warm air (hand held hair dryer is good for this). Do not dispose of acids or etching solutions in ordinary drains. Caution: Wear appropriate hand and face protection and work only in a well-ventilated space on in a fume hood. Avoid breathing fumes. In addition, fumes are very corrosive and continued exposure will damage nearby metal structures. Mix only small quantities of etching solution at a time. Refer to the weld cross section in Figure 2.4. With the naked eye, or as little as 10X magnification, much can be learned: bead shape is easily evaluated and penetration can be measured. The following defects can be easily found: • Lack of fusion at sidewalls or between passes. • Large inclusions. • Gross porosity. • Excess undercut. • Cracking parallel to the weld centerline (longitudinal) (centerline, shrinkage, lamellar tears, underbead) Note: However, if such defects are not continuous, a single cross section may not uncover them! Mechanical Tests—What They Can Tell You Bend Tests Bend tests are excellent tools to evaluate the ductility and the soundness of the weld. Details for preparation and testing are shown in Figures 6.1 and 6.2. (1) The “side bend” can assure that adequate “tiein” between weld passes and the base plate have been achieved; it will also expose longitudinal cracks, and inclusions. (2) The face and root bends are usually used only with single pass welds; they will expose fusion-line defects and centerline cracking (3) Bend tests can be misleading if there is a major difference in strength between weld and base metal. If most of the bending is “forced” into the base metal or the weld metal, cracking or breaking may occur, but it may not mean that the weld is unsatisfactory. Tensile Tests Tensile tests can be used to evaluate strength and ductility of the weld metal with an all-weld metal (longitudinal) test, or of the joint with a transverse or longitudinal test. The transverse test can also evaluate fusion line tie in, and, will quickly expose longitudinal cracking if present in the test specimen. A description of the orientation of various types of tensile tests is shown in Figure 6.3. If your customer requires any of the above tests, it is critical that he provide references to the standards by which the tests are to be run and how the results are to be interpreted. Other types of tests may be specified by the customer, based on the specific type of service. AWS Guide to Weldability 35 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Figure 6.1—Specimen and test orientation of the guided bend test. Key: A = Bend radius, in. (mm) T = Specimen thickness, in. (mm) Figure 6.2—Schematic illustration of typical guided bend test fixtures. 36 AWS Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Key: T = Weldment thickness, in. (mm) W = Specimen width at the reduced section, in. (mm) Figure 6.3—Typical tension test specimens for the evaluation of welded joints. AWS Guide to Weldability 37 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels NOTES 38 AWS Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels CHAPTER 7 Postweld Treatments These treatments may desirable or required to prevent unwanted structural transformation, e.g., martensite, to reduce distortion, improve ductility and toughness, and to restore base metal properties. Postweld Heating (postheating)—usually used on high carbon (or high CE) steels to prevent cracking by keeping the weld cooling rate slow enough to prevent the martensite transformation, and/or to allow entrapped hydrogen to diffuse out of the weld. The postweld temperature is typically the same as the preheat temperature, but can be higher. Stress Relieving—uniform heating of the structure to temperatures below the transformation temperatures to remove or reduce stresses resulting from welding. This is typically done in special furnaces, but it sometimes can be done locally where furnace heating is impractical. Aging—postweld treatment of certain steels that obtain strength by precipitation of chemical compounds at fairly low temperatures. Normal welding procedures result in cooling too rapid to allow aging to occur, so it may be done after the structure is completed. Steel suppliers and/or electrode manufacturers can supply aging temperature and time recommendations. Full Heat Treatment—the structure is subjected to the full heat treatment cycle that is used to produce base material properties. If this treatment is to be used, the welding material composition should closely duplicate the base metal, or the filler metal supplier should be able to show that the material will respond to heat treatment in a manner comparable with the base metal. AWS Guide to Weldability 39 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels NOTES 40 AWS Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels CHAPTER 8 Good Practice Reminders This chapter is a quick summary of what is covered in this guide • Know what steel you are welding. • Prepare plates properly and establish good fitup. — Large gaps require extra weld metal resulting in more cost and more distortion • Record your welding machine settings • Control all welding parameters — With continuous electrode processes GMAW, FCAW, SAW, control wire feed speed, arc voltage, tip-to-work distance, and travel speed. (By itself, welding current is not a good indicator of consistency.) — With SMA, control current, voltage (arc length) and travel speed. — When gas shielding is used, be sure that torches are kept clear of spatter and flow rates are in the recommended range. High gas flow rates can cause turbulence that disrupts the shielding effect! • Never weld on cold (below ambient temperature) or wet steel. • Moisture trapped in crevices or under scale can be a devastating source of hydrogen that can cause cracking in alloy steels, and/or in highly restrained joints. • If heat input must be controlled, make sure you calculate the level being used. • Prepare a welding procedure, and evaluate it with a weld cross section and other tests required by your customer. A Basic Welding Procedure Worksheet Figure 8.1 is taken from the AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2004, Structural Welding Code—Steel. It is strongly recom- mended that this type of worksheet be used for all repetitive welds and those where the weld is part of a complex or critical structure. It becomes a de-facto record of what you did, and can be especially important if you need to do the same work again, or if there are problems at any time. There are three types of procedure qualifications under the AWS Structural Welding Code, as well as some others. (1) A prequalified procedure—one developed by someone else and deemed generally acceptable by competent authority. (However, you are still responsible for the results!) (2) A procedure qualified by (your own) testing— you do the testing yourself. (3) A procedure qualified by (your own) past work. You have qualified it before, so you don’t need to do it again. Note: Use of this worksheet does not qualify your procedure or your welder to any code or specification. It is shown here only as an example. If you are required to produce welds meeting a specific standard, you must assure yourself and your customer that you are meeting all of the requirements that standard, only part of which may be met by use of the procedure worksheet. A Qualified Procedure Should be Used by a Qualified Welder It must also be emphasized that in order to meet requirements of virtually all codes, a welding operator must demonstrate his/her ability to produce acceptable welds using the qualified procedure. If the welder who developed the procedure is the one who will do the “production” welding, he/she has demonstrated the required skill. If, however, others are to produce welds, each of them should prepare test welds representative of your procedure, and these should be examined in the same manner as those for the procedure itself. Each code has its particular requirements, so be sure you know what they are. AWS Guide to Weldability 41 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS) Yes X PREQUALIFIED __________ QUALIFIED BY TESTING __________ X or PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORDS (PQR) Yes PQR 231 Identification # _________________________________ 1 12-1-87 By ____________ W. Lye Revision _______ Date __________ J. Jones 1-18-88 Authorized by __________________ Date __________ Type—Manual Semi-Automatic X Machine Automatic RED Inc. Company Name _______________________________ FCAW Welding Process(es) ____________________________ PQR 231 Supporting PQR No.(s) __________________________ JOINT DESIGN USED Butt Type: ________________________________________ Single X Double Weld Backing: Yes X No ASTM A 131A Backing: Backing Material: ______________________ — 1/4" Root Face Dimension ________ Root Opening ______ — 52-1/2° Radius (J–U) _________ Groove Angle: ___________ — Back Gouging: Yes No X Method _______ POSITION — O.H. Position of Groove: ______________ Fillet: __________ Vertical Progression: Up Down ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ______________________ Transfer Mode (GMAW) Short-Circuiting Globular X Spray Current: AC DCEP X DCEN Pulsed Other ________________________________________ Tungsten Electrode (GTAW) Size: ______________ Type: ______________ BASE METALS ASTM A 131 Material Spec. _________________________________ A Type or Grade _________________________________ 3/4—1 1/2" Fillet ________ — Thickness: Groove ______________ — Diameter (Pipe) ________________________________ FILLER METALS A5.20 AWS Specification______________________________ E71T-1 AWS Classification _____________________________ TECHNIQUE Stringer Stringer or Weave Bead: _________________________ Multipass Multi-pass or Single Pass (per side)_________________ 1 Number of Electrodes ___________________________ — Electrode Spacing Longitudinal ____________ — Lateral_________________ — Angle _________________ SHIELDING — CO2 Flux ___________________ Gas _________________ Composition __________ 100% CO2 45-55CFH Electro-Flux (Class)_______ Flow Rate ____________ #4 ______________________ Gas Cup Size _________ 1/2-1" Contact Tube to Work Distance ____________________ None Peening ______________________________________ Wire Brush Interpass Cleaning: _____________________________ PREHEAT 60° Preheat Temp., Min _____________________________ 350°F 60° Interpass Temp., Min____________ Max__________ POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT N.A. Temp. ________________________________________ N.A. Time _________________________________________ WELDING PROCEDURE Filler Metals Current Pass or Weld Layer(s) Process Class Diam. Type & Polarity Amps or Wire Feed Speed Volts All FCAW E71T-1 .045" DC+ 180-220A 25-26V Form E-1 (Front) Figure 8.1—Basic Welding Procedure Worksheet 42 AWS Guide to Weldability Travel Speed 8-12 ipm Joint Details Carbon and Low Alloy Steels CHAPTER 9 Additional Information and Guidance The following is a list of some of the groups that publish steel specifications. • ASTM—American Society for Testing and Materials—by far the most comprehensive. • SAE–AISI—Society of Automotive Engineers, formerly known only as AISI Steels (American Iron and Steel Institute). • API—American Petroleum Institute. • Ship Classification Societies, e.g., American Bureau of Shipping, Det Norske Veritas. • The U.S. Military (“MIL” Specifications). Additional sources of information are as follows: • AWS Jefferson’s Welding Encyclopedia, 18th Edition. • AWS Welding Handbook. • AWS Welding Metallurgy, Linnert Volume 1. • ASM Handbook, Volume 6. • The Lincoln Electric Company Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding. • Filler metal manufacturers’ literature. • Numerous internet websites such as globalspec. com and AWS Guide to Weldability 43 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels NOTES 44 AWS Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels APPENDIX 1 Alternative Methods for Determining Preheat (and Preventing Cracking) Reprint of Annex XI, pages 299–303 from AWS D1.1/D1.1M: 2004. Annex XI Guideline on Alternative Methods for Determining Preheat (This Annex is a part of AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2004, Structural Welding Code—Steel, and includes mandatory requirements for use with this standard.) XI1. Introduction The purpose of this guide is to provide some optional alternative methods for determining welding conditions (principally preheat) to avoid cold cracking. The methods are based primarily on research on small scale tests carried out over many years in several laboratories world-wide. No method is available for predicting optimum conditions in all cases, but the guide does consider several important factors such as hydrogen level and steel composition not explicitly included in the requirements of Table 3.2. The guide may therefore be of value in indicating whether the requirements of Table 3.2 are overly conservative or in some cases not sufficiently demanding. The user is referred to the Commentary for more detailed presentation of the background scientific and research information leading to the two methods proposed. In using this guide as an alternative to Table 3.2, careful consideration shall be given to the assumptions made, the values selected, and past experience. XI2. Methods Two methods are used as the basis for estimating welding conditions to avoid cold cracking: (1) HAZ hardness control (2) Hydrogen control XI3. HAZ Hardness Control XI3.1 The provisions included in this guide for use of this method are restricted to fillet welds. XI3.2 This method is based on the assumption that cracking will not occur if the hardness of the HAZ is kept below some critical value. This is achieved by controlling the cooling rate below a critical value dependent on the hardenability of the steel. Hardenability of steel in welding relates to its propensity towards formation of a hard HAZ and can be characterized by the cooling rate necessary to produce a given level of hardness. Steels with high hardenability can, therefore, produce hard HAZ at slower cooling rates than a steel with lower hardenability. Equations and graphs are available in the technical literature that relate the weld cooling rate to the thickness of the steel members, type of joint, welding conditions and variables. XI3.3 The selection of the critical hardness will depend on a number of factors such as steel type, hydrogen level, restraint, and service conditions. Laboratory tests with fillet welds show that HAZ cracking does not occur if the HAZ Vickers Hardness No. (Vh) is less than 350 Vh, even with high-hydrogen electrodes. With low-hydrogen electrodes, hardnesses of 400 Vh could be tolerated without cracking. Such hardness, however, may not be tolerable in service where there is an increased risk of stress corrosion cracking, brittle fracture initiation, or other risks for the safety or serviceability of the structure. The critical cooling rate for a given hardness can be approximately related to the carbon equivalent (CE) of the steel (see Figure XI-2). Since the relationship is only approximate, the curve shown in Figure XI-2 may be conservative for plain carbon and plain carbon-manganese steels and thus allow the use of the high hardness curve with less risk. AWS Guide to Weldability 45 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Some low-alloy steels, particularly those containing columbium (niobium), may be more hardenable than Figure XI-2 indicates, and the use of the lower hardness curve is recommended. XI3.4 Although the method can be used to determine a preheat level, its main value is in determining the minimum heat input (and hence minimum weld size) that prevents excessive hardening. It is particularly useful for determining the minimum size of single-pass fillet welds that can be deposited without preheat. XI3.5 The hardness approach does not consider the possibility of weld metal cracking. However, from experience it is found that the heat input determined by this method is usually adequate to prevent weld metal cracking, in most cases, in fillet welds if the electrode is not a high-strength filler metal and is generally of a lowhydrogen type (e.g., low-hydrogen (SMAW) electrode, GMAW, FCAW, SAW). XI3.6 Because the method depends solely on controlling the HAZ hardness, the hydrogen level and restraint are not explicitly considered. XI3.7 This method is not applicable to quenched and tempered steels [see XI5.2(3) for limitations]. XI4. Hydrogen Control XI4.1 The hydrogen control method is based on the assumption that cracking will not occur if the average quantity of hydrogen remaining in the joint after it has cooled down to about 120°F [50°C] does not exceed a critical value dependent on the composition of the steel and the restraint. The preheat necessary to allow enough hydrogen to diffuse out of the joint can be estimated using this method. XI4.2 This method is based mainly on results of restrained PJP groove weld tests; the weld metal used in the tests matched the parent metal. There has not been extensive testing of this method on fillet welds; however, by allowing for restraint, the method has been suitably adapted for those welds. XI4.3 A determination of the restraint level and the original hydrogen level in the weld pool is required for the hydrogen method. In this guide, restraint is classified as high, medium, and low, and the category must be established from experience. XI4.4 The hydrogen control method is based on a single low-heat input weld bead representing a root pass and assumes that the HAZ hardens. The method is, therefore, particularly useful for high strength, low-alloy steels 46 AWS Guide to Weldability having quite high hardenability where hardness control is not always feasible. Consequently, because it assumes that the HAZ fully hardens, the predicted preheat may be too conservative for carbon steels. XI5. Selection of Method XI5.1 The following procedure is recommended as a guide for selection of either the hardness control or hydrogen control method. Determine carbon and carbon equivalent: (Mn + Si) + Mo + V)- + (Ni + Cu)CE = C + ----------------------- + (Cr ------------------------------------------------------6 5 15 to locate the zone position of the steel in Figure XI-1 (see XI6.1.1 for the different ways to obtain chemical analysis). XI5.2 The performance characteristics of each zone and the recommended action are as follows: (1) Zone I. Cracking is unlikely, but may occur with high hydrogen or high restraint. Use hydrogen control method to determine preheat for steels in this zone. (2) Zone II. The hardness control method and selected hardness shall be used to determine minimum energy input for single-pass fillet welds without preheat. If the energy input is not practical, use hydrogen method to determine preheat. For groove welds, the hydrogen control method shall be used to determine preheat. For steels with high carbon, a minimum energy to control hardness and preheat to control hydrogen may be required for both types of welds, i.e., fillet and groove welds. (3) Zone III. The hydrogen control method shall be used. Where heat input is restricted to preserve the HAZ properties (e.g., some quenched and tempered steels), the hydrogen control method should be used to determine preheat. XI6. Detailed Guide XI6.1 Hardness Method XI6.1.1 The carbon equivalent shall be calculated as follows: (Mn + Si) + Mo + V)- + (Ni + Cu)------------------------------------------------------CE = C + ----------------------- + (Cr 6 5 15 The chemical analysis may be obtained from: (1) Mill test certificates (2) Typical production chemistry (from the mill) (3) Specification chemistry (using maximum values) (4) User tests (chemical analysis) Carbon and Low Alloy Steels XI6.1.2 The critical cooling rate shall be determined for a selected maximum HAZ hardness of either 400 Vh or 350 Vh from Figure XI-2. XI6.1.3 Using applicable thicknesses for “flange” and “web” plates, the appropriate diagram shall be selected from Figure XI-3 and the minimum energy input for single-pass fillet welds shall be determined. This energy input applies to SAW welds. XI6.1.4 For other processes, minimum energy input for single-pass fillet welds can be estimated by applying the following multiplication factors to the energy estimated for the SAW process in XI6.1.3: Welding Process Multiplication Factor SAW SMAW GMAW, FCAW 1 1.50 1.25 XI6.1.5 Figure XI-4 may be used to determine fillet sizes as a function of energy input. XI6.2 Hydrogen Control Method XI6.2.1 The value of the composition parameter, Pcm , shall be calculated as follows: Si- + Mn V- + 5B P cm = C + ------------ + Cu ------- + Ni ------ + Cr ------ + Mo -------- + ----30 20 20 60 20 15 10 The chemical analysis shall be determined as in XI6.1.1. XI6.2.2 The hydrogen level shall be determined and shall be defined as follows: (1) H1 Extra-Low Hydrogen. These consumables give a diffusible hydrogen content of less than 5 ml/100g deposited metal when measured using ISO 3690-1976 or, a moisture content of electrode covering of 0.2% maximum in conformance with AWS A5.1 or A5.5. This may be established by testing each type, brand, or wire/flux combination used after removal from the package or container and exposure for the intended duration, with due consideration of actual storage conditions prior to immediate use. The following may be assumed to meet this requirement: (a) Low-hydrogen electrodes taken from hermetically sealed containers, dried at 700°F–800°F [370°– 430°C] for one hour and used within two hours after removal. (b) GMAW with clean solid wires (2) H2 Low Hydrogen. These consumables give a diffusible hydrogen content of less than 10 ml/100g deposited metal when measured using ISO 3690-1976, or a moisture content of electrode covering of 0.4% maximum in conformance with AWS A5.1. This may be established by a test on each type, brand of consumable, or wire/flux combination used. The following may be assumed to meet this requirement: (a) Low-hydrogen electrodes taken from hermetically sealed containers conditioned in conformance with of the code and used within four hours after removal (b) SAW with dry flux (3) H3 Hydrogen Not Controlled. All other consumables not meeting the requirements of H1 or H2. XI6.2.3 The susceptibility index grouping from Table XI-1 shall be determined. XI6.2.4 Minimum Preheat Levels and Interpass. Table XI-2 gives the minimum preheat and interpass temperatures that shall be used. Table XI-2 gives three levels of restraint. The restraint level to be used shall be determined in conformance with XI6.2.5. XI6.2.5 Restraint. The classification of types of welds at various restraint levels should be determined on the basis of experience, engineering judgment, research, or calculation. Three levels of restraint have been provided: (1) Low Restraint. This level describes common fillet and groove welded joints in which a reasonable freedom of movement of members exists. (2) Medium Restraint. This level describes fillet and groove welded joints in which, because of members being already attached to structural work, a reduced freedom of movement exists. (3) High Restraint. This level describes welds in which there is almost no freedom of movement for members joined (such as repair welds, especially in thick material). AWS Guide to Weldability 47 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table XI-1 Susceptibility Index Grouping as Function of Hydrogen Level “H” and Composition Parameter Pcm (see XI6.2.3) Susceptibility Index2 Grouping3 1 Carbon Equivalent = P cm Hydrogen Level, H < 0.18 < 0.23 < 0.28 < 0.33 < 0.38 H1 A H2 B B C D E C D E F H3 C D E F G Notes: Si Mn Cu Ni Cr Mo V 1. P cm = C + ------ + -------- + ------- + ------ + ------ + -------- + ------ + 5B 30 20 20 60 20 15 10 2. Susceptibility index—12 Pcm + log10 H. 3. Susceptibility Index Groupings, A through G, encompass the combined effect of the composition parameter, Pcm , and hydrogen level, H, in conformance with the formula shown in Note 2. The exact numerical quantities are obtained from the Note 2 formula using the stated values of Pcm and the following values of H, given in ml/100g of weld metal (see XI6.2.2, a, b, c): H1—5; H2—10; H3—30. For greater convenience, Susceptibility Index Groupings have been expressed in the table by means of letters, A through G, to cover the following narrow ranges: A = 3.0; B = 3.1–3.5; C = 3.6–4.0; D = 4.1–4.5; E = 4.6–5.0; F = 5.1–5.5; G = 5.6–7.0 These groupings are used in Table XI-2 in conjunction with restraint and thickness to determine the minimum preheat and interpass temperature. Table XI-2 Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperatures for Three Levels of Restraint (see XI6.2.4) Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature ( °F) Restraint Level Low Medium High Susceptibility Index Grouping 0Thickness1 in. A B C D E F G < 3/8 < 65 < 65 < 65 < 65 140 280 300 3/8–3/4 < 65 < 65 65 140 210 280 300 3/4–1-1/2 < 65 < 65 65 175 230 280 300 1-1/2–3 65 65 100 200 250 280 300 >3 65 65 100 200 250 280 300 < 3/8 < 65 < 65 < 65 < 65 160 280 320 3/8–3/4 < 65 < 65 65 175 240 290 320 3/4–1-1/2 < 65 65 165 230 280 300 320 1-1/2–3 65 175 230 265 300 300 320 >3 200 250 280 300 320 320 320 < 3/8 < 65 < 65 < 65 100 230 300 320 3/8–3/4 < 65 65 150 220 280 320 320 3/4–1-1/2 65 185 240 280 300 320 320 1-1/2–3 240 265 300 300 320 320 320 >3 240 265 300 300 320 320 320 Note: 1. Thickness is that of the thicker part welded. 48 AWS Guide to Weldability (continued) Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table XI-2 (Continued) Minimum Preheat and Interpass Temperature ( °C) Restraint Level Low Medium High Susceptibility Index Grouping 0Thickness1 mm A B C D E F G < 10 < < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 60 140 150 10–20 < 20 < 20 20 60 100 140 150 20–38 < 20 < 20 20 80 110 140 150 38–75 20 20 40 95 120 140 150 > 75< 20 20 40 95 120 140 150 < 10< < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 70 140 160 10–20 < 20 < 20 20 80 115 145 160 20–38 20 20 75 110 140 150 160 38–75 20 80 110 130 150 150 160 > 75< 95 120 140 150 160 160 160 < 10< < 20 < 20 20 40 110 150 160 10–20 < 20 20 65 105 140 160 160 20–38 20 85 115 140 150 160 160 38–75 115 130 150 150 160 160 160 > 75< 115 130 150 150 160 160 160 Note: 1. Thickness is that of the thicker part welded. AWS Guide to Weldability 49 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels NOTES 50 AWS Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels APPENDIX 2 Additional Filler Metal Recommendations Tables A2.1–A2.3 list filler metal recommendations for additional steels that may be encountered. Table A2.1—Recommended Base Metal–Filler Metal Combinations for Matching Electrode Tensile Strengths Nominally of 80–90 ksi (552–620 MPa) Minimum Steels Matching Filler Metals Minimum Yield Point/ Strength Tensile Strength Range ksi MPa ksi MPa Grade A 45 3100 75–95 517–655 Grade B 47 3240 85–110 586–758 ASTM A 204 Grade C 43 2960 75–95 517–655 E8015-X, E8016-X, E8018-X 67 460 80 min. 552 min. ASTM A 302 Grade A 45 3100 75–95 517–655 E8010-Gd 67 460 80 min. 552 min. Grade B 50 3450 80–100 552–689 E9010-Gd 70 483 90 min. 620 min. Grade C 50 3450 80–100 552–689 Grade D 50 3450 80–100 552–689 Grade 60 60 4140 75 min. 515 min. Grade 65 65 4500 80 min. 552 min. ASTM A 633 Grade E 55–60 380– 4140 75–100 517–689 ASTM A 710 Grade A, Class 2, 2 in. (51 mm) and under 60–65 414– 4500 72 min. 495 min. Grade A, Class 3, above 2 in. (51 mm) 60–65 414– 4500 70 min. 483 min. ASTM A 736 — 55–75 379– 5170 72–105 496–724 ASTM A 737 Grade B 50 3450 70–90 483–620 Grade C 60 4140 80–100 552–689 X-65 65 4500 77–80 min. 530–552 X-70 70 4830 82 min. 565 Steel Specificationa,b ASTM A 202 ASTM A 572 API 5L Electrode Specificationc Minimum Yield Point/Strength Tensile Strength Range ksi ksi MPa MPa Shielded Metal Arc Welding (See AWS A5.5)e Submerged Arc Welding (See AWS A5.23)e F8XX-EXX-XX 68 470 80–100 552–690 Gas Metal Arc Welding (See AWS A5.28)e ER80S-X 68 470 80 min. 552 min. Flux Cored Arc Welding (See AWS A5.29)e E8XTX-X 68 470 80–100 552–690 a. In joints involving base metals of different groups, low-hydrogen filler metal requirements applicable to lower strength group may be used. The low-hydrogen processes shall be subject to the technique requirements applicable to the higher strength group. b. Match API Standard 2B (fabricated tubes) according to steel used. c. When welds are to be stress-relieved, the deposited weld metal shall not exceed 0.05% vanadium. d. Cellulose electrodes for field pipeline welding. e. Deposited weld metal shall have a minimum impact strength of 20 ft•lb (27.1 J) at 0°F (–18°C) when Charpy V-notch specimens are required. AWS Guide to Weldability 51 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table A2.2—Recommended Base Metal–Filler Metal Combinations for Steels with Tensile Strengths Nominally of 100 ksi (689 MPa) Minimum Steels Minimum Yield Point/ Strength Tensile Strength Range ksi MPa ksi MPa Grade C 70 4830 105– 135 724–931 Grade D 55–60 379– 4140 75– 105 517–724 Grade A, Class 1, 0.75 in. (19 mm) and under 80 5520 90 min. 620 min. Grade A, Class 3, 2 in. (51 mm) and under 75 5170 85 min. 586 min. Steel Specificationa,b ASTM A 225 ASTM A 710 Filler Metals Minimum Yield Point/Strength Electrode Specificationc ksi Tensile Strength Range MPa ksi MPa Shielded Metal Arc Welding (See AWS A5.5) d E10015-X, E10016-X, E10018-X 87 6000 100 min. 690 min. 100– 1200 690– 8300 100 min. 690 min. 100– 1200 690– 8300 Submerged Arc Welding (See AWS A5.23) d ASTM A 735 — 65–80 448– 552 80– 115 552–723 API 5Le X-80 80 552 90 min. 620 min. F10XX-EXX-XX 88 6100 Gas Metal Arc Welding (See AWS A5.28) d ER100S-X 88–102 610– 7000 Flux Cored Arc Welding (See AWS A5.29) d E10XTX-X ASTM A 353f — 75 517 100– 120 689–827 88 6050 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (See AWS A5.11) g E310 60 4140 80 550 ENiCrFe-2 45 3100 80 550 ENiCrMo-3 60 4140 110 760 Gas Metal Arc Welding (See AWS A5.14) g ERNiCr-3 40 2760 80 550 ERNiCrFe-6 40 2760 80 550 a. In joints involving base metals of different groups, low-hydrogen filler metal requirements applicable to lower strength group may be used. The low-hydrogen processes shall be subject to the technique requirements applicable to the higher strength group. b. Match API Standard 2B (fabricated tubes) according to steel used. c. When welds are to be stress-relieved, the deposited weld metal shall not exceed 0.05% vanadium. d. Deposited weld metal shall have a minimum impact strength of 20 ft•lb (27.1 J) at 0°F (–18°C) when Charpy V-notch specimens are required. e. Undermatching cellulose electìrodes may be used for root and cap passes for field pipeline welding. f. Applicable electrodes for welding this steel are only the stainless steel and nickel-alloy electrodes (AWS A5.11 and A5.14) shown in lower right. g. Yield strength may not match base metal properties. 52 AWS Guide to Weldability Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Table A2.3—Suggested Welding Filler Metals for Exposed Applications of ASTM A 242 and A 588 Steelsa Shielded Metal Arc Welding (AWS A5.5) E8016 or 18-Gb,c Submerged Arc Welding (AWS A5.23) Gas Metal Arc Welding (AWS A5.28) Flux Cored Arc Welding (AWS A5.29)c F7XX-EXXX-Wc,d ER80S-Gc E80T1-W E8016 or 18-B1c — ER80S-B2c,d E81T1-B1 E8016 or 18-B2c F7XX-EXXX-B2c,d ER70S-B2Lc,d E8XTX-B2 E7015 or 18-B2Lc — — E80T5-B2L E8016 or 18-C1 F7XX-EXXX-Ni1d ER80S-Ni1d EXTX-Ni1 E8016 or 18-C2 F7XX-EXXX-Ni2d ER80S-Ni2d EXTX-Ni2 E8016 or 18-C3 F7XX-EXXX-Ni3d ER80S-Ni3d E80T5-Ni3 E7018-W2 F7XX-EXXX-Ni4d — — E8018-W2 — — — Notes: a. See Table 3.3, Page 48, ANSI/AWS D1.1-96, Structural Welding Code—Steel. b. Deposited weld metal shall have the following chemical composition percent: 0.12 C max, 0.50–1.30 Mn, 0.03 P max, 0.04 S max, 0.35–0.80 Si, 0.30–0.75 Cu, 0.40–0.80 Ni, 0.45–0.70 Cr. c. Deposited weld metal shall have a minimum Charpy V-notch impact strength of 20 ft•lb (27.1 J) at 0°F (–18°C) for bridges. d. The use of the same type of filler metal having next higher mechanical properties as listed in the AWS specifications is permitted. AWS Guide to Weldability 53 Carbon and Low Alloy Steels NOTES 54 AWS Guide to Weldability --`,``,,`,`,,``,`,`,``,,`,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---