LFAC-Transmission Systems for Remote Wind Farms Using a Three-phase, Six-pulse Cycloconverter Yongnam Cho, Student Member, IEEE, George J. Cokkinides, Senior Member, IEEE, and A. P. Meliopoulos, Fellow, IEEE needed due to the capacitance of the cables. To overcome the drawbacks of the HVAC (60Hz transmission systems), high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) transmission systems was introduced and recently, HVDC systems become well established transmission technologies. However, HVDC systems are expensive solutions to connect offshore wind farms from short and intermediate distances. The converter substation has to be nearby the offshore wind farms on the sea, and thus, the initial investment costs for HVDC systems are more expensive than those of onshore wind farms. Low frequency alternating transmission systems using a three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter are presented for intermediate distances between 50km and 150km since the LFAC-transmission systems represent more cost effective technology for offshore wind forms [2]. The basic concept of the LFAC transmissions uses a frequency (16.666Hz/20 Hz) lower than nominal frequency (50Hz/60Hz) by interconnecting a frequency changer between the point of common connection (PCC) and nominal-frequency main grids. In this paper, we present LFAC-transmission systems and a robust and reliable modeling method that named quadraticintegration method. In following report, the descriptions of the LFAC-transmission systems and the modeling method of the three-phase cycloconverter are described, and the test results are presented with one of the LFAC-transmission systems. Abstract— This paper presents an alternative transmission system for remote wind farms to main grids using a low-frequency AC (LFAC) technology and a robust-modeling method for analysis of the alternative-transmission systems. The LFAC transmission system uses a lower frequency (20Hz/16.666Hz) than nominal frequency (60Hz/50Hz) of main grids by introducing a three-phase six-pulse cycloconverter. The benefits of the LFAC transmission system are demonstrated as follows: reduced-investment cost compared with HVDC-transmission systems and increased power transfer capability as compared with 60Hz-HVAC transmission systems. In this paper, the economical and technical benefits of LFAC transmission systems are presented, the modeling method using the quadratic-integration method is presented, and the superior properties of the quadratic integration are demonstrated with an example LFAC- transmission system. Index Term—Quadratic integration, three phase six-pulse cycloconverter, cosine wave crossing method, low frequency transmission, and wind energy transmission. III. INTRODUCTION T increasing cost and environmental restrictions of non-renewable resources have accelerated the dramatic innovations and improvements of technologies to use renewable energy resources including wind energy, solar energy, hydropower, etc. Especially, wind energy and solar energy among them have become the most promising alternative energy resources. However, the solar energy is not popular for utility levels but for small facilities as individual homes. Since wind energy is more feasible for mass-power generation than other renewable resources, plans to install hundreds of GW of wind-turbine generation from wind in the next few years are in place in the US, Europe, and China [1]. Since wind power is randomly varying and it has to be captured over a wide area for stable and reliable operation, remote wind farms and offshore wind farms have been very attractive to overcome the space shortage on shore and to capture high quality wind. That is, the transmission distance from wind farms to main grid systems is increased and traditional transmission systems (high-voltage alternatingcurrent (HVAC) transmission systems) are not cost effective for both the remote-wind energy transmission and offshore-wind energy transmission in which electrical losses are huge and inductive compensation for submarine cables is HE IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE LFAC-TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS In this section, we present alternative transmission topologies operating at low frequency for the purpose of decreasing the cost of transmission and making the wind farm a more reliable power source to increase the capacity credit. The general approach for defining these topologies is illustrated and the benefits by using these alternative transmission systems are presented next. A. The configurations of LFAC transmissions Since variable speed wind generation systems are attractive for increasing energy capture and reducing mechanical fatigue damage [3], we propose two types of LFAC-transmission systems connected to variable speed wind turbine generators (WTG): doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG) and permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) or squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG) as shown in Figure 3. The WTG system using a DFIM is controlled by back-to-back converter system that is placed between the rotor and the stator of the DFIM. The back-to-back converter consists of a rotor-side converter (RSC) and a grid-side A.P Meliopoulos, George J.Cokkinides, and Yongnam Cho are with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 30332 USA e-mail:(sakis.m@gatech.edu, george.cokkinides@ece.gatech.edu, ycho8@mail.gatech.edu) 978-1-4673-1130-4/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 1 Authorized licensed use limited to: COMSATS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on March 25,2024 at 06:16:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. converter (GSC). The RSC transmits real power and imaginary power into the rotor of the DFIM, and the GSC is needed to support the DC voltage level and to offer the controllability of imaginary power at the grid [4]. The WTG system using PMSG (SCIG) is based on a full size back-to-back converter system that is placed between the stator of the generator and the PCC. The back-to-back converter system consists of a stator side converter (SSC) and a grid side converter (GSC), and deals with the full ranges of the generated power from wind turbines. The configurations of LFAC-transmission systems using variable frequency topologies are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. In the LFAC-configuration 1, the wind generated power from WTGs is collected by 20Hz AC power at the PCC, transmitted by using LFAC transmission systems until the cycloconverter station, and the cycloconverter interconnects the LFAC transmission system and nominal-frequency systems. In LFAC-configuration 2, the wind generated power from WTGs is rectified to DC power, the DC power is collected at the PCC and inverted to 20Hz-AC power, the 20Hz-AC power from the inverter is transmitted before the cycloconverter station, and the cycloconverter interconnects the LFACtransmission system and nominal-frequency systems. voltages by a combination of converter controls and transformer tap changes under load. In case that a wind turbine system ceases to operate, the DC output is shorted via diode. The control problem can be simplified by providing battery storage on the DC bus of the DC/AC converter. B. Technical and economical benefits Typically, geographic sites for wind power plants are in remote land locations and offshore locations (tens of mile from shore), so as to capture strong wind capacity. In these cases, the transmission of wind energy to main grids is a major issue for economically suitable connections and stable, robust integration of wind farms, fluctuating sources [5]. Recently, HVAC and HVDC systems have been researched and well established for offshore wind farms. However, in case of the HVAC systems, long submarine cables interconnecting wind farms suffer from excessive reactive power requirement due to the capacitance of the cables and associated electrical losses, and need for inductive compensation. It is impractical or economically infeasible for submarine cables, since the breakeven distance is not exceeding 50km via HVAC-cable systems in economical aspects. HVDC-transmission systems also have been used for offshore wind farms. Since HVDC cable transmission is not affected from the capacitance, the HVDC systems are technically feasible for lengths of hundreds of kilometers to transmit electrical energy [6][7]. However, HVDC systems are expensive solutions to connect offshore wind farms from short and intermediate distances. The converter substation has to be installed nearby the wind farms on the sea, and thus the initial investment costs for HVDC systems are more expensive than those of onshore wind farms. The LFAC-transmission systems are introduced to be applied for offshore wind farms of short and intermediate distances (50km-150km). Using LFAC transmission, The first advantage is that standard transformers can be used as long as V/Hz operating value remains the same as the nominal case; for example, a 13.8kV/230kV, 60Hz transformer can be used for 4.6kV/76.6kV, 20Hz operation. In this case, the rating voltage of electrical switches in converters can be reduced since the voltage levels can be regulated either before or after converter stations. Second, existing technologies such as transmission line design and protection systems, which are used in 60Hz networks, can also be used for LFAC-transmission systems. Third, a converter station is needed nearby wind farms on the sea for HVDC transmission technologies. LFAC-transmission technologies, on other hand, can omit the converter station on the sea and only one cycloconverter station is needed on the land. The last advantage is that the LFAC transmission can increase the transmission capability and the capacitance in submarine cables can be reduced, since the impedance is practically one third of 60Hz-HVAC systems. The presented LFAC transmission systems are technically and economically suitable configurations to transmit electrical power from remote wind farms to the power grid. The proposed configuration may generate higher harmonic levels (as compared with voltage source converters in DC transmission systems) that can be controlled with appropriate harmonic filters. Figure 1. (A) the WTG system using DFIM and (B) the WTG system using PMSG (SCIG) Figure 2. LFAC-configuration 1: A LFAC system using 20Hz connections of WTGs Figure 3. LFAC-configuration 2: LFAC system using DC-series connections The DC series connection at the wind farm (Figure 3) presents a unique but manageable problem when the various wind turbine systems operate at different speeds and voltages. It is important that the AC/DC converters at each WTS and the DC/AC converter at the collection point are operated within their allowable range of DC voltages, which is general is quite large. The control system automatically regulates the DC 2 Authorized licensed use limited to: COMSATS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on March 25,2024 at 06:16:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. V. DESCRIPTION OF MODELING METHOD OF THREE-PHASE, SIX-PULSE CYCLOCONVERTER x (t ) − x (t − h ) = A ⋅ The reliable and realistic model of the LFAC-transmission systems requires an accurate and robust simulation method and exact models themselves. Quadratic-integration method is proposed in this section since the method demonstrates several superior features to ensure higher fidelity and stability compared with other simulation methods. Here, we present a reliable modeling process of a core system, three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter using the quadratic integration. x m − x (t − h ) = A ⋅ h/2 h t−h / 2 t−h x (τ ) d τ . (2) (3) X (t m ) = [ x1 (t m ) x 2 (t m ) " x n −1 (t m ) x n (t m )]T , n is the number of states of a system, and t m = (t − h) + t . 2 B. Description of a three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter This subsection presents the application of the quadratic integration to a three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter. Since the three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter in this paper is operated in a partial circulating current mode, circulating currents circulate partially via reactors between both converters (positive and negative converters) [10][11]. By using these operation modes, abnormal distortions (that are generated in transitions from the positive converter to the negative converter or reversely) are eliminated. As shown in Figure 5, the three-phase six-pulse, cycloconverter consists of three physical components: three-phase isolation transformers, electrical switches (thyristors), and circulating-current circuits. x(t − h) 0 x (τ ) d τ , and where X (t ) = [ x1 (t ) x 2 (t ) " x n−1 (t ) x n (t )]T , x(t ) t t−h ª§ 5h · º h º ª h A ¸» ¨I + A I A − « ( ) « 24 24 ¹» 3 » ⋅ ª x t º = «© ⋅ x(t − h) « 2h » «¬ x m »¼ « § h h ·» «I − A − A» « ¨© I + 6 A ¸¹ » 6 3 ¼ ¬ ¬ ¼ x m = x (t − h / 2 ) tm =t −h/2 ³ t Upon evaluation and rearrangement of the integrals, the following matrix equation is obtained (an algebraic companion form) that can be applied repetitively to provide the solution to the differential equation: A. Advance time domain method The quadratic integration is based on two concepts: (a) The natural elimination of artificial numerical oscillations exhibited by the application of the trapezoidal integration; and (b) the quadratic-integration method performs better during analysis of complex switching systems in terms of both stability and accuracy. These properties ensure that LFAC-transmission systems with switching subsystems can be modeled and simulated with greater precision. The quadratic-integration method is a special case of class of methods known as collocation methods [8][9]. As shown in Figure 4, the method has three collocation points at x (t − h ) , x (t − h / 2 ) , and x (t ) in the integration time interval [t-h ,t]. t −h ³ t τ Figure 4. Graphical illustration of the quadratic integration Assuming that the function x(t), as shown in Figure 4, varies quadratically in the interval [t-h, t], i.e. x (τ ) = a + b τ + cτ 2 , the three parameters a, b, and c can be expressed as a function of the three collocation points. The results are: 1 a = x (t − h ) , b = (− 3 x(t − h) + 4 xm − x(t ) ) , h 2 and c = 2 ( x(t − h) − 2 xm + x(t ) ) , h where xm is the value x at the mid-point, i.e. at time t-h/2. Then, the integration of the quadratic function is straightforward. The procedure will be illustrated with the set of general differential equations: dX (t ) = AX (t ) (1) dt where X (t ) = [ x1 (t ) x 2 (t ) " x n −1 (t ) x n (t )]T , n is the number of states of a system. Equation (1) is integrated from t-h to t and from t-h to t-h/2, yielding: Figure 5. Three phase six-pulse cycloconverter. Furthermore, a controller is needed to generate switching sequences for the thyristors on both converters. The cycloconverter controller controls the magnitude and 3 Authorized licensed use limited to: COMSATS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on March 25,2024 at 06:16:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. frequency of output voltages by controlling the timing (phase) of the thyristor firing pulses. In order to control the output voltages, many control algorithms have been proposed and studied for the control of the three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter. Cosine-wave crossing method is elected among the control algorithms since this method has been proven to have the unique property of minimum total distortion on output-voltage waveform [12]. The three physical components are modeled separately by differential equations and algebraic equations, and the application of quadratic integration to the equations leads to an algebraic-companion form in terms of voltages and currents at two future points in time. Standard nodal analysis methods are used to obtain the algebraic-companion form of a three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter from the component algebraic companion forms. consist of the node currents of the single-phase transformer and the internal equations are derived with internal states. The state- space model is given as follows: 0 (22) r1 L1 7-11 (29-33) 1 (23) r1 r1 rc rc r2 L2 r2 L2 V1(t) 4-8 V2(t) 1 r2 e(t ) 6 (28) 2 V3(t) (11) (12) N= (14) where: A= 4 (10) (13) G K G K ª I (t ) º ª V (t ) º A ⋅ «G » = B ⋅ « K » − C ⋅ V (t − h) − D ⋅ I (t − h) ¬«V (tm )¼» ¬«I (tm )¼» B= C= D= h h º ª − 5h M + N º ª 5 h A º º ª h ª h » « 24 s » , « − 24 As 3 As » « − 24 M 3 M + N » « 24 » » « h » « h » «h « h 2h 2h « M » « − M + N » « As » As As » « M + N 3 ¼ 3 ¼ ¬ 6 ¼» ¬« 6 ¬« 6 ¼» ¬ 6 V (t) i (t ) 4 tn e(t ) (8) (9) The state-space matrix of the single-phase transformer is reformulated into algebraic-companion forms applying quadratic integration to the above differential equations. The transformer algebraic-companion form (ACF) at each time step [t-h, t] is: rc L m im(t) i2 (t ) (7) G I (t ) = [i1 (t ) i2 (t ) i3 (t ) i4 (t ) 0 0 0 0 0]T , G T V (t ) = [v1 (t ) v 2 (t ) v3 (t ) v 4 (t ) i m (t ) e(t ) λ (t ) i L1 (t ) i L3 (t )] 5 (27) 3 i4 (t ) = −i3L (t ) 0 º 0 º ª0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ª0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 » « » « 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 − » « » « «0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 » 1 » «0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 » « » « 0 » «0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 − 1 » , « 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 «0 0 0 0 r 1 0 − r − r t » «0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 » c c c » « » « 0 » 0 » «0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 «0 0 0 0 L m 0 − 1 0 «1 − 1 0 0 0 − 1 0 − r 0 » «0 0 0 0 0 0 0 − L 0 » 1 1 » « » « «0 0 1 − 1 0 − t 0 0 − r2 » «0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 − L2 » » « » « 0 ¼ 0 ¼ ¬0 0 0 0 0 0 − 1 0 ¬0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 (26) L 2 i (t) (6) M = Lm i1(t) r 1 L 1 i3 (t ) = i3L (t ) Where: 3 (25) (B) (5) G G d G I (t ) = M ⋅ V (t ) + N ⋅ V (t ) dt Lm L1 17-21 (39-43) L2 i2 (t ) = −i1L (t ) The compact matrix form is also given as follows: Lm L1 12-16 (34-38) 2 (24) rc r2 (4) 0 = −rc i1L (t ) − rc t i3L (t ) + rc im (t ) + e(t ) 0 = Lm im (t ) − λ (t ) d 0 = v1 (t ) − v2 (t ) − e(t ) − r1i1L (t ) − L1 i1L (t ) dt d 0 = v3 (t ) − v4 (t ) − t e(t ) − r2i3L (t ) − L2 i3L (t ) dt d 0 = e(t ) − λ (t ) dt C. Modeling of the three-phase isolation transformer The three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter needs electrical isolation between the inputs to the individual six-pulse bridges, since the three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter doesn’t has any common connected points between the input and output [12]. Three-phase isolation transformers offer electrical isolation and magnetic interconnection. Modeling of the three-phase isolation transformer can be modeled using three single-phase transformers. First, a singlephase transformer is denoted as algebraic equations and differential equations, and the quadratic-integration method is applied to the equations for algebraic companion forms. Finally, the algebraic companion forms are interconnected to provide the topology of the-three phase isolation transformer. Here, we only introduce a wye-delta connected, three-phase transformer although all the combinations of connections can be modeled. Figure 6 shows (A) the three-phase isolation transformer, and (B) a single-phase transformer. (A) i1 (t ) = i1L (t ) 3 Figure 6. Three phase Y-˂ isolation transformer and single phase transformer. G T I (t m ) = [i1 (t m ) i2 (t m ) i3 (t m ) i4 (t m ) 0 0 0 0 0] The differential equations and the algebraic equations describing the single phase transformer model are written in a state-space form. There are two sets of equations, external equations and internal equations. The external equations G V (t m ) = [v1 (t m ) v 2 (t m ) v 3 (t m ) v 4 (t m ) i m (t m ) e(t m ) λ (t m ) i L1 (t m ) i L 3 (t m )]T As=diag(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), and tm is the mid-point of the integration time step. 4 Authorized licensed use limited to: COMSATS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on March 25,2024 at 06:16:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. The algebraic-companion forms of the three single-phase transformers are merged to form the three-phase isolation transformer algebraic companion form. For this purpose it is noted that each single-phase transformer is connected to specific nodes of the three-phase isolation transformer. The connectivity of each single-phase transformer is defined in terms of the order of the corresponding states. Figure 6 shows the node numbers on specific nodes. Table I provides the connectivity pointers of the single phase transformers. TABLE I Connectivity pointers of single phase transformer # 1- Connective node transformer 1 t 0 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 tm 22 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 2 t 1 3 5 4 12 13 14 15 tm 23 25 27 26 34 35 36 37 3 t 2 3 6 5 17 18 19 20 tm 24 25 28 27 39 40 41 42 circuits are to reduce the electrical stress placed on the three-phase six-pulse, cycloconverter by state changes of switches [13]. 11 33 16 38 21 43 Figure 7. Electrical single valve model The valve can be modeled by the set of algebraic equations and differential equations: i1 (t ) = G ⋅ [v1 (t ) − vP (t )] + Gs [vS (t ) − v2 (t )] + i L (t ) i2 (t ) = G ⋅ [v P (t ) − v1 (t )] + Gs [v2 (t ) − v S (t )] − iL (t ) The merging of these models into an overall model of the three-phase isolation transformer is achieved by writing the Kirchoff’s current law at each internal node of the three-phase isolation transformer substituting the appropriate equations. This process is achieved with the algorithm below: 0 = G S ⋅ [v S (t ) − v 2 (t )] + C S 0 = GV ⋅ [v P (t ) − v 2 (t )] + C P d [v P (t ) − v 2 (t )] + G ⋅ [v P (t ) − v1 (t )] − i L (t ) dt d 0 = −v1 (t ) + v P (t ) + L i L (t ) dt DO WHILE ( i < The Number of ROW1-˓) (20) A compact-matrix from can be easily written using equations from (16) to (20), and the algebraic-companion form is yielded by the application of the quadratic-integration method to the compact-matrix form. All processes are the same as in the case of the single-phase transformer model. i1 = Valve Pointer [ i ][ itrans ] ( j < The Number of Column1-˓) j1 = Valve Pointer [ j ][ itrans ] A3Φ [i1][ j1] = A1Φ [i ][ j ] B3Φ [i1][ j1] = B1Φ [i ][ j ] E. Modeling of the circulating current circuit The discontinuous transactions between positive and negative converter valves generate abnormal distortions of output voltages. Here, circulating current circuits are introduced to avoid the voltage distortions, since the circulating current circuits can support continuous conduction of both converters. Figure 8 shows the equivalent circuit of the circulating-current circuit. C 3Φ [i1][ j1] = C1Φ [i ][ j ] D 3Φ [i1][ j1] = D1Φ [i ][ j ] where i = 1, 2, ..., number of row of each matrix , and j = 1, 2, ..., number of column of each matrix itrans = 1, 2, ...., number of 1 − Φ trnsformers . The end result is the algebraic companion form of the overall three-phase isolation transformer given by the following equation: G K G K ª I (t ) º ª V (t ) º K A3Φ ⋅ « G B = ⋅ » » − C3Φ ⋅ V (t − h) − D3Φ ⋅ I (t − h) 3Φ « ¬«V (t m )¼» ¬«I (t m )¼» (18) (19) ( itrans < Number of 1-˓ transformers) ࣜ ࣜ ࣜ ࣜ ࣜ ࣜ d [v S (t ) − v1 (t )] dt (16) (17) Figure 8. Circulating current circuit model (15) The equations for the circulating-current circuit can be also denoted by a set of algebraic equations and differential equations. The model equations are: where A3Φ and B3Φ are 44 by 44 matrices, and C 3Φ , and D 3 Φ are 44 by 22 matrices, which are automatically built by using the computer algorithm above. i 0 (t ) = y 1 (t ) D. Modeling of the electrical single valve Electrical single valve consists of an electrical switch (thyristor) and protection circuits (a snubber circuit and a limiting-current circuit) as shown in Figure 7. The protection i1 (t ) = − y 2 (t ) i2 (t ) = − y1 (t ) + y 2 (t ) 0 = N1 y1 (t ) + N 2 y 2 (t ) − ℜφ (t ) (21) (22) (23) (24) 5 Authorized licensed use limited to: COMSATS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on March 25,2024 at 06:16:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. dN 1φ (t ) d (25) − Ll y1 (t ) dt dt dN 2φ (t ) d (26) 0 = v2 (t ) − v1 (t ) − − Ll y 2 (t ) dt dt Note that ℜ is reluctance, Ll is the leakage inductance, and φ Figure 10 represents three-phase (a) line-to-line voltages and (b) currents at the 60Hz AC transmission system connected to the three-phase six-pulse cycloconverter; three-phase (c) voltages and (d) currents at the LFAC-transmission system connected to the three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter; and the (e) real power from wind farm and the (f) RMS voltage at LFAC during 10 seconds. In this simulation, the power demand changes 6MW into 10MW at 5 second. 0 = v 0 (t ) − v 2 (t ) − is magnetic flux on core. A compact-matrix form can be easily written using the equations from (21) to (26), and the algebraic-companion form is derived by the application of the quadratic-integration method to the compact-matrix form. All processes are the same as the case of the single-phase transformer model. F. Modeling of the three-phase six-pulse cycloconverter The algebraic-companion forms of three three-phase isolation transformers, thirty-six valves, and six circulatingcurrent circuits are merged to form the three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter algebraic-companion form. For this purpose it is noted that each component is connected to specific nodes of the cycloconverter as in case of three-phase isolation transformer. The merging of these models into an overall model of the three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter is achieved by applying the Kirchhoff’s current law at each internal node of the three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter substituting the appropriate equations. Figure 10. (a) three-phase Line-Line voltages and (b) three-phase currents at 60Hz AC transmission connected to the cycloconverter, three phase (c) voltages and (b) currents at LFAC transmission connected to the cycloconverter, and the (e) real power from wind farm and the (f) RMS voltage at the LFAC from 0.0 to 10.0 seconds. Figure 11 and Figure 12 represent three-phase (a) line-to-line voltages and (b) currents at the 60Hz AC transmission system connected to the three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter, and three-phase (c) voltages and (d) currents at the LFACtransmission system connected to the three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter in steady state. In Figure 11, the power demand is 6-MW and the operation mode is a partial circulating current mode of 0.7-pu of the phase currents at the LFAC side. The Figure 12 shows the results with following conditions: the power demand is 10MW and the operation mode is a partial circulating-current mode of 0.4-pu of the phase current at the LFAC side. VI. SIMULATION RESULTS This section presents simulation results on an example wind farm with a LFAC-transmission system connected to a power grid, as shown in Figure 9. The wind farm consists of many wind turbine systems - the example system includes three of them. The wind-turbine systems are connected in series after the wind generated power is rectified to DC, and the DC power is converted to 20 Hz AC power using an inverter. A transformer boosts the voltage to 46 kV. A LFAC line operated at 46 kV transmits the power over a distance of 50-miles to the nearest power grid substation. At that point a cyclo-converter converts the LFAC power into 60 Hz AC power for the interconnection and another transformer boost the voltage to 115 kV. The transformer is connected to the power grid which is a 115 kV, 60 Hz transmission at that point. Figure 11. (a) three-phase Line-Line voltages and (b) three-phase currents at 60Hz AC transmission connected to the cycloconverter, three phase (c) voltages and (b) currents at LFAC transmission connected to the cycloconverter during steady state from 4.846 to 5.0 seconds. Figure 9: Single line diagram of a power transient test system The results illustrate the operation of the wind farm transmission system by using a three-phase six-pulse cycloconverter. The three-phase six-pulse, cycloconverter is operating in a partial circulating current mode and the control algorithm for generating switching pulses is the cosine-wave crossing method. The detailed parameters of the three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter are shown in Table II. Figure 12. (a) three-phase Line-Line voltages and (b) three-phase currents at 60Hz AC transmission connected to the cycloconverter, three phase (c) voltages and (b) currents at LFAC transmission connected to the cycloconverter during steady state from 9.785 to 10.0 seconds. 6 Authorized licensed use limited to: COMSATS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on March 25,2024 at 06:16:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Figure 13 and Figure 14 represent the results in transient conditions: (a) three-phase currents at the 60Hz ACtransmission system connected to the three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter, three-phase (b) voltages and (c) currents at the LFAC-transmission system connected to the three-phase, six-pulse cycloconverter. Figure 13 shows the initial transient condition from 0.0 to 0.5 seconds. The cycloconverter is operated in a full circulating-current mode while the maximum currents at the LFAC side are smaller than 80 A, and otherwise, the cycloconverter is operated in a partial circulating-current mode. In Figure 14, the power demand suddenly changes 6MW to 10MW at 5.0 second. Note that the output power can be automatically regulated by controlling the power angle . The transient conditions last longer than 1.0 second. VII. CONCLUSION This paper presents an alternative transmission system from offshore or remote wind farms to the main grid using a low-frequency AC (LFAC) technology and a robust modeling and analysis method for the alternative transmission systems. In this paper, the technical and economical benefits of LFAC-transmission systems are discussed. A robust and reliable modeling and analysis method is presented, based on model quadratization and quadratic integration method. Simulation results demonstrate the robustness and stability (free of fictitious oscillations) of the proposed method. The proposed method has been used to assess the advantages/disadvantages of LFAC transmission systems for remote wind farms. REFERENCES [1] [2] Figure 13. (a) three-phase currents at 60Hz AC transmission connected to the cycloconverter, three phase (b) voltages and (c) currents at LFAC transmission connected to the cycloconverter during steady state from 0.0 to 0.500 seconds. [3] [4] [5] April 2008. Bahrman, M.P.;"OVERVIEW OF HVDC TRANSMISSION" Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2006. PSCE '06. 2006 IEEE PES, Nov 2006 pp: 18 – 23. [7] D. Woodford, "HVDC Transmission". Manitoba HVDC Research Centre Inc. Manitoba, Canada, 1998. [8] Yongnam Cho, G.J. Cokkinides, A.P. Meliopoulo “Transient simulation Technique for HVDC systems,” in submitted to the International conference on Power Systems Transients, Delft, the Netherlands, June 2011. [9] A. Meliopoulos, G. 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