Industrial Robots Intelligent Robot Embedded equipment Motion Control Technology High-speed distributed control equipment Intelligent Mechatronics equipment 1.1 Configuration of mechatronics equipment Ø OP Unit Operation Panel / Ø Touch Screen Ø Personal Computer Display Machine BODY Ø CNC Ø Motion Controller Ø PLC Host controlle r Drive con troller Ø Motor Driver Ø Other drive controller Ø Motor Ø Hydraulic cylinder Ø Position / speed sensor Ø Proximity sensor Ø Mark Sensor Control system Ø Valve Driving devic Ø Other Actuators e Ø Temperature Sensor Ø Vision sensor Ø Other Sensors Sensor Drive system 1.2 Demand change of Mechatronics equipment - Synchronization control through constant On / Off time control - Prediction and Monitoring of Error of Dispense Fluid Volume - Flow rate analysis and control - I / O control using distributed communication (DeviceNet, ProfiBus) - Control and status monitoring analysis by integrating chip (microprocessor) in all device s - Real-time data analysis - Error notification due to mechanical aging - Provide analysis data on the cause of error in the system - Distributed system control and data collection using networked communication technol ogy 1.3 Changes of drive system Simple mechanical system Oil, pneumatic system Ø Composed of mechanical structure Ø Simple control Electric servo system Ø Control by sensor and valve Ø Electric Servo System Ø System configuration possible Ø Electronic control Ø Low precision control Ø Easy to configure complex Ø Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment required system Ø High precision control Ø No additional equipment required Ø Easy to change system 1.4 Changes of control environment Mechanical Electronic Pneumatic cylinder q Small, lightweight q Cheap price Hydraulic cylinder Cam q Low Speed q High power output Ball Screw Linear Slider q High speed q Precision Position Control Linear Motor q High-speed drivin q High precision po Servo Motor 1.5 Changes of Control Environment - Evolution of In dustrial Network Communication Internet TCP/IP SynqNet 10~100Mbps EtherNet Mechatro Link2 HMI UNIT CC Link2 Sercos ProfiBus DeviceNet ModuBus 1~10Mbps System controller (PLC,PC) 1~10Mbps Motion controller 10~100Mbps I/O modules Signal processing module Motor controller (Servo, step, inverter) Relay, drive units Sensors Servo Stepping Induction motor motor motor ® ® ® ® ® Valve digital (motion) control and flow measurement monitoring Microprocessor application technology Temperature control technology RS232 / 422/485, TCP / IP, DeviceNet, ProfiBus communication technology Microprocessor application technology for data acquisition and control using real-time OS (embedded) Distributed control technology (RTEX, MechatroLink, SSCNet, EtherCAT) Capable of understanding machine operation Capable of motion control system development using C language programming Real-time OS (embedded software) technology Communications (such as TCP / IP) with protocol analysis and application skills ± Programmable microprocessor for valve control ± Applicable to flow measurement and flow control microprocessor ± Program application technology capable of real-time temperature control ± Individual valve / flow rate / sensor control and system application technology ± RS232 / 422/485, TCP / IP communication technology applicable to valves, robots, flow meter s and sensors ± Valve control using distributed communication (DeviceNet / ProfiBus) and microprocessor ap plication technology capable of real time flow measurement ± Data collection and control technology using real-time OS ± Embedded System Technology ± Application technology of distributed control (RTEX, MechatroLink, SSCNet, EtherCAT) ± ± ± ± ± ± Understand the operation of the machine Configure the controller using C language Embedded Software Technician Application using real-time OS Communication Applicable by using RS232 / 422/485, TCP / IP, FieldBus Motion control system programming Real-time OS Understanding and Application - Understanding real-time OS concept - Understanding real-time OS operation structure - Real-time OS built-in function application and synch ronization program PID controller application RS232 / 422/485, TCP / IP communication technology development - Understanding and application of RS232 / 422/485 protocol - Understanding and application of TCP / IP protocol DeviceNet, ProfiBus Distributed Control Technology De velopment - Understanding of DeviceNet, ProfiBus protocol and application of input / output function 2.1 Development of control system Hardware Wiring, Closed System Use programmable Logic and Closed Hardware General Motion Control Pioneering role in 70’s Use Logic Control Software and PC Hardware General Motion Control Pioneering role in 90’s 2.2 Comparison between PC and PLC control PC PLC Hardware Universal Standard Hardware Depend on manufacturer de dicated hardware Interface / Network Standard / Open Depend on manufacturer Programming / Deb ugging Built-in PC / Dedicated program tool required Backup / Restore Upper monitoring fu nction Built-in networking function uplo ad, download, backup and restor e Use manufacturer-dependen t network and software Performance per cos t Rapid (doubling every 12 to 18 months) Slow Database Centralized / common database f or control, HMI, SCADA Extra / Fractional Database Technology High-tech semiconductor technol ogy, 1000 instructions / 5us processin g speed Development speed depend on manufacturer, 1000 instructions / 800us pr ocessing speed Upgradability Advanced compatibility allows ha rdware upgrades without softwar e changes Much time / cost and techno logy requirements 2.4 Comparison between PC based control and PLC contr ol 2.5 Current PLC based control system 2.6 PC based control system with flexible structure 3. Next-generation PC-based control system – OpenContro l PLC: Separate HMI (monitoring / process screen) and PC for Loader required OpenControl - Starting with the intention to control the role that PLC controls by general-purpose PC PC based control software - Flowchart, ladder language programming - Development and execution of control program and HMI screen in one PC - Real time monitoring, control, and monitoring system => Embedded HyperKernel (Hard Real Time OS) => Introduction of Profibus DP network => Paragon (HMI / SCADA software) l ms scan time 30 ms Analog Data Processing 3.1 OpenControl - Flowchart, ladder language programming - Composed of "Condition Block + Process Block + Sub Chart" 3.2 OpenControl Architecture 4.1 Evolution of control system equipment PLC based control system VME based control system IPC based control system VME Pentium System Compact PCI based control system Embedded Based Control System (Independent control system) 4.2 VME System (1) VMEbus stands for Versa Module Eurocard, which is the IEEE1014 certified Mot orola VERSAbus for MC68000 microprocessor, which is a Euro card. The specifications of VMEbus (D08 / D16 / D32) which are generally known at present are described in Revision C.1 Currently revised to Revision D (IEEE1014-87) or VME64 4.2 VME system (2) - CPU board -Real-time multitasking OS VRTX, VxWorks, QNX, Windows NT + RTX ... . 4.2 Example of VME system application - Logic Handle r Host PC RS232 UDP CPU 보드 Handy terminal, ThermoControl 통신 보드 Sensors PIO 보드 Stepping, Servo Motors MOT 보드 MOT 보드 MOT 보드 MOT 보드 Applied VME System VME- BUS(Backplane) Logic Handler TTL 보드 TESTER COMPOBUS Other boards Remote IO Modules 4.3 Compact PCI System (1) CompactPCI is an industrial bus developed by adapting st andard PCI signals to 3U or 6U standard of Euro card. It was proposed by Ziatech in 1994 and standardized by PI CMG (PCI Industrial Computer Manufacurer's Group). It is applied to high-speed communication applications s uch as servers, routers, converters and switches with high bandwidth. CompactPCI offers eight slots, twice as much as that offer ed by conventional PCI, and is more suitable for industria l applications. More slots available with PCI-PCI Bridge. Cost - Much cheaper than VME based boards. Real-time multi-tasking OS can be installed. Compared to VME system, program developer convenienc e. 4.3 Compact PCI System (2) BC3R- CompactPCI 3U FormFactor AnyBusBase Carrier Board Ejector/Handler Power LEDs SUB SUB1 Status SUB2 SUB3 LEDs SUB4 Connector A Control signals J2 J1 Address BUS PCI Target Chipset DataBUS Data BUS - Bus Control - Address Decode - Interrupt Control - Sync COMPACTPCI BUS Connector B J2 J1 DCOM1 DCOM2 - AnyMotion -AnyDIO -AnyAIO -AnyField -AnyCOM DCOM Ports External Connectors AnyPack Modules J4 J3 Reset S/W CompactPCI J1 Connector 4.3 Compact PCI system (3) 5.1 Motion control technology applications Human / Living Service Household robots Medical equipment Elevator Defense Car Aviation / SpaceBuilding Automation Logistics Automation Factory Automation sor Drive Sen Motor Exercise equipment Machine Service Semiconductor equipment Industrial machinery Robot Machine tools 5.2 Control system equipment - Demand technology of GMC mark et Centered on high-speed, high-precision motion control Mechatronics Precision Controller GMC field required technology Precision motion control technology Open Systems Technology GMC market High-speed distributed control technology Highly integrated design technology 5.4 Control system equipment - Precision control technology R & D Tr ee Multi-Axis Linear Synchronous Control Technology Motion control technol ogy Piezoelectric linear motor control technology Torque and Force control technology Driver Integrated Control Technology Precision control technology PC-based motion control technology Motion Platform Tech nology High-speed distribu ted control technolo gy PLC-based motion control technology SoftPLC, SoftCNC Embed-based Motion Control Technology With independent controller Vision integrated motion control technology I / O Level: Fieldbus M / C level: SERCOS, B * E / C level: Ethernet / IP CPCI Extended / PXI Open Systems Tech nology Windows-based embedded system Non-Windows-based embedded system Open S / W WinCE RT-Linux, uC-Linux Active-X, OPC Server Connection technology CAMC-IP4x CAMC-PIEZO Highly integrated de sign technology CAMC-DSPSoC CAMC-OTAR CAMC-RoboCon Next-generation growth engine RFP 5.5 Configuration of control system equipment (1) Servo system Operation / Indicator q CRT q LCD q Touch Screen Host controller q CNC q Motion controller q PLC Step driver Inverter Servo driver Step motor Encoder Inverter motor Encoder Servo Motor Encoder q PC Additional boards q DIO board / AIO board q Vision Board q Communication board - RS232C / RS422 / RS485, USB, Ethernet q Industrial Network Communication (Field IO) 5.6 Configuration of control system equipment (2) 5.7 Control system equipment - Recent market dema nd technology 6.1 Motion Control Chip 6.2 Motion Control Chip Market Stat us q Motion control chip field application status Division Korea Other c ountry Manufacturer Model name Remarks 2axis 4axis AXT CAMC-IP CAMC-QII Samsung Electronics a nd others NOVA(Japan) MCX312 MCX314 IPS system and others Pulse Motor (Japan) PCL6025 PCL6045 HiverTech, Adlink,Comizoa COSMO (Japan) PMC520 PMC540 Future Industry KYOPAL (Japan) PMD(USA) Samsung Techwin MC2120 MC2140 MC58420 PID control tunable Servo control 6.3 Motion Control Chip Technology Compariso n 6.4 Motion Control Board (1) – Market dema nd q Motion Control Board Field Application Status 6.5 Motion Control Board (2) q Motion Control Board Field Application Status Manufacturer Model name AXT N-404(4axis) N-804(8axis) Remarks CAMC-QI Distributed motio DSP+FPGA n module Samsung MMC Series DSP TMS320 Fastech FAS-PCI-4016X (4axis, 16/16 IO) One Board Type (DSP + PCL6045) COMIZOA COMI-LX504(4axi One Board Type(PCL6045) s) 6.6 Motion Control Board (3) q Motion Control Board Field Application Status Manufacturer Model name Remarks Hiver Tech(Japan) CPD Series PCL6045 Pulse motor(Japan) PPCI7443 NPMC6045-4104 PCL6045 ADLINK(Taiwan) PCI/cPCI/-81xx PCL6045 PMD(USA) Navigator Series Magellan-PCI MC2140/MC2340 MC58420 MEI(USA) ZMP-SynqNet Motion Engineeri XMP-SynqNet ng MPC8245(64bit) SHARC DSP(32bit) DELTA TAU(USA) DSP+LSI PMAC/PMAC2 6.7 Motion Control Board (4) Motion controller: Servo / step drive for servo / step / linear motor co ntrol A device for setting a position / speed / torque comman d J1J2 I/O module Baseboard Motion module 6.8 Types and characteristics of motors structure category EncoderBrush Permanent magnet qDC servo motor Characteristic Usage Advantages Disadvantages § Conveying machine ØSimple control ØMaintenance required structure ØDust and noise generation ØHigh power rateØDifficult to rotate at high speed Rotor winding q Permanent magn ØConvenient maintenanceØNeed a position sensor§Machine tools §robot et type AC servo mo ØExcellent environmental §Industrial machinery tor resistance §Semiconductor equipmen ØHigh efficiency, small size and light weight ØHigh power rate Permanent magnet Stator winding Encoder Stator winding Cage rotorqHigh-speed Encoder §Machine tools ØConvenient maintenance ØControl is complex spindle motor §Large Plant ØExcellent environmentalØLow efficiency qVector control motor resistance ØNo electrostatic braking qInduction type ØHigh speed, large torque AC servo motor ØThe structure is solid q Stepping motor q SRM ØSimple control structure ØHigh torque ripple §OA / small equipment ØSmall, low cost ØLow precision §Conveying machine ØHigh stopping torque ØHigh vibration and noise 6.9 Defining Servo System The etymology of SERVO: serve Definition of SERVO: A system that faithfully performs according to a c ommand 1) Be sure to receive commands from the upper level. 2) Built-in feedback control system Command The drive control section The driving unit The sensor unit (Encoder) 6.10 Configuration of AC Servo Motor Control Syst em Contact I/ O CPU RAM ROM (General purpose, hi gh speed) Various protection circuits 3 phases 200~22 0V Or 1 phases 200~22 0V DIOD E User MMI ASI (Motor control only) C Gate Driver IPM Mod ule A/D Converter Servo M otor Encoder 6.12 Interface method and control comman d How to interface control command - Analog voltage, contact, pulse train, communication use method. Select according to application and system characteristics Interface method Purpose of use vInput: speed, torque command vOutput: Speed, Position, Torque vInput: Run command vOutput: Operation status vInput: Position pulse command vOutput: Encoder signal vData setup and monitoring vServo operation (high speed field bus) Connecting unit q CNC and motion controller q PLC q Touch Screen q Personal Computer q Synchronous sensor - Encoder - Taco Generator - Other sensors q Dedicated actuator - Digital switch - 7 Segment LED - LCD q BUS Communication Unit 6.13 Servo Drive Comparison Manufacturer Model name Maximum speed / input pulse frequency MISUBISHI MR-J2S /MR-E MELSERVO-J3 3000rpm, 500Kpps 3000rpm, 1Mpps YASKAWA Sigma-II Sigma-III 3000rpm, 500Kpps 3000rpm, 1Mpps PANASONIC MINAS-A MINAS-A4 3000rpm, 500Kpps 5000rpm, 2Mpps SAMSUNG CSD-BX2 3000rpm, 500Kpps LG-OTIS FDA-5000 3000rpm, 500Kpps METRONIX AP Series 3000rpm, 500Kpps 6.14 Servo drive control The servo drive receives the position command from the motion controller and feeds the desired current to the coil so that the servo motor moves by t he determined position, 1. Torque control: Servo drive is an amplifier that amplifies the current to the motor, so all control is performed by the host controller 2. Speed control: It is inconvenient to use PID control in servo drive and host controller. 3. Position control: Servo drive performs all PID control while upper controller receives position and velocity profile information as pulse and controls motor. Simple to use but controllable characteristics are worse than torque and speed control. 7.1 Building up PC-based motion control syste m Motion controller OUT Field parts Servo Drive IN I / O module MITSUBISHI Motion module AC IN DC IN Power Sensor1 Encoder DC OUT Sensor2 DC24V Power Supply 220V 20A Circuit breaker Servo Motor AC IN Relay1 AC 220V Relay2 7.2 Embedded Control Motion System Producti on MITSUBISHI C N 1 A C N 1 B A X I S PC FIELD STATION Micro RS232 AXT C N 2 Encoder U,V,W,E AC servo motor +ELM , Home , -ELM 7.3 Embedded Control Motion System Configuration Diagr am 7 4 H C 5 7 3 CHA CHB CHC CHD CHE CHF CHG START P H O T O C O U P L E R 7 4 H C 1 4 RTN A+ A- BRAKE PALM RUN CHEND TX232 RX232 P H O T O . . 7 4 H C 1 4 CAMC-QI MGND EXPP EXMP MARK UIN0 UIN1 UOUT0 AC SERVO MOTOR + ENCODER STOP STBY ATMEGA 128 2 9 C 2 5 6 P H O T O C O U P L E R B+ B- Z+ Z- M A X 2 3 2 UOUT1 2 6 L S 3 2 PELM 7 4 H C 1 4 P H O T O . . FEED ORG NELM ESTOP 74HC14 NRX PHOTOCOUPLER PHOTO.. 26LS31 TX1 RX1 A+ A- B+ B- Z+ Z- ALM INP ALMC SVON PULS+ < AC SERVO MOTOR DRIVE CONNECTER > PULS- DIR+ DIR- M A X 4 8 8 NTX PRX NRX 7.4 Connection between AXT motion controller and LG servo driver Motion Controller PULSE+ 1 2 PULSE3 DIR+ DIR4 A+ 5 6 A7 B+ 8 BZ+ 9 10 ZSVON 11 12 INP 13 ALMC 14 ALM PCOM 15 16 NCOM Servo Driver 11 PPFIN 10 PFIN 9 PPRIN 12 PRIN PA0 7 /PA0 32 6 PB0 31 /PB0 PZ0 5 /PZ0 30 18 SVONEN 22 INSPD/INPOS 38 ALMRST/CLR Alram 20 +24VIN 49 15,24, GND24 25,39,40 Position command Pulse 5 [v] Line driver Open Collector Line driver Pulse division output (Divide setting 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/16) Servo Enable Speed reached/ Positioning complete Alarm Reset / Cumulative Pulse Clea rAlarm status 24[V] +24[V]GND 7.5 Control parameter setting After connecting the motion controller and servo drive, set the foll owing parameters Control mode, regeneration option selection Electronic gear ratio setting (The ratio of the pulse of each encoder to the pulse of the motion controller) In-position range setting Parameter input prohibited Command pulse selection (Determines the command pulse method between the motion controller and the servo drive) Detector output pulse (Determine the detector pulses (phase A and phase B) output by the servo amplifier) Direction of encoder output pulse, direction of command pulse 7.6 Single Axis Motion Control Syste m Servo Ball Screw Linear Slider Motor ELM+ Encoder 3 Phase Cable Power Cable CN1 CN2 LG Servo Pack ORG ELM- Motion Board Switch AC220V Input Switch DC24V Output AC220V 7.7 Single Axis Motion Control System- Application exam ple 7.9 Motion Control Programming (EzConfi g) 7.10 Ez Motion screen Graph monitoring Axis Number Setting Monitoring I/O Parameter Settings Motion Control Home se arch [Semiconductor equipment] Test Handler, Die Bonder, Marking System, Sawing & Sorter, Spinner, Dispenser, Package Inspection System [ LCD equipment ] Laser Welding, LCD Multi Repair, CMX Align Stage, Color Textile Printer [ PCB equipment ] Solder Inspection, Screen Printer [Bio and other equipment] DNA Synthesizer, Drill & Tapping, IC Tester A device that generates the pattern s set on the LCD LGP by laser After 8 million random trigger informa tion is reserved by high speed count module, it is triggered at high speed s ynchronized with encoder position inf ormation. SAW function to personalize PKG from STRIP and SORT function to classify ind ividual PKG into TRAY Implementation of dedicated Sorting Pr ofile with variable multi-axis synchroniz ation implementation using script funct ion It is necessary to make liquid material nec essary for parts production in the whole in dustry according to the application, X-Y Linear interpolation, Circular interpolat ion, Continuous interpolation, 3-axis interp olation for tail processing Equipment to fix open / short defect of LCD flat glass's rib pattern using la ser X-Y axis Gantry drive support, MPG drive s upport Ultra-thin XYθ Alignment Stage is an ultra-thin stage that is ideal for stan dard positioning of screen printers 3-axis synchronous drive, absolute position compensation Non-contact 3D measurement equipm ent of Laser Scan type that can autom atically measure and analyze the shap e of arbitrary object of fine size as wel l as print shape of solder paste -A core equipment used in photolithography to determine the degree of integration by forming a super-integrated fine pattern on a wafer. This equipment equally applies a sensitizing solutio n to form a wafer pattern. -ARF independent controller, SIO-DI32, SIO -DO32P SMC-2V02 -Speed override and acceleration / de celeration time control at desired pos ition q Reliability and precision control F High-speed and precise control F Real-time response to external sensor input F Reliability and precision for rotation information F Fixed responsiveness in multi-axis control q Large amount of computation F Maintain constant acceleration and deceleration F Maintain real-time response and flat output F Digital filtering to remove noise from input signal F Extract rotation information Motion Control Chip Development direction Trapezoidal Full- S Interpolation PID&Velocity 기능별 세대 CPU Based S/ W Chip Based DSP Based H/ W S/ W 형상별 세대 모터 제어 용 칩의 세대 고속 직선 및 원호 보간 고속 속도 제어형 PID 고속 정밀제어 소형 편이성 안정성 저가격 산업용 장비의 고속화/ 안정화 Chip Based H/ W Target shape of Motion Control Chip S/W Based (CPU, DSP) -Complex -Heavy -Difficult -High Cost -Flexible H/W Based (dedicated chip -Simple -Light -Easy -Low Cost -Static USA Germany Japan Korea PMD TRINAMIC NOVA AJINEXTEK NIPPON PULSE MOTOR Motion Control Chip - AJINEXTEK Ø The CAMC-5M is a Programmable Single Motor Control VLSI chip. Ø Stepping and servo motor can be precisely controlled by reference to command transmitted through CPU bus interface. Ø CAMC-5M has speed override, position override, linear acceleratio n / deceleration, Quasi-S acceleration / deceleration drive function. Ø Controls the output signal by sensing the sensor input signal in h ardware. Ø The CAMC-FS is a Programmable Single Motor Control VLSI chip. Ø Stepping and servo motor can be precisely controlled by referencing comm and transmitted through CPU bus interface. Ø CAMC-FS has home position detection, speed override, position override, line ar acceleration / deceleration, S-curve acceleration / deceleration drive functi on and active level setting function of sensor input signal. Ø CAMC-FS is a SCRIPT / CAPTION function that can pre-store the COMMAND to be executed for a specific event occurring during operation. Ø CAMC-QI is a programmable single motor control VLSI chip Ø Stepping and servo motor can be precisely controlled by referencing comma nd transmitted through CPU bus interface. Ø CAMC-QI supports 4 axes linear interpolation, circular interpolation, continuo us interpolation, origin detection, speed and position override, S-curve accele ration / deceleration drive function. Ø CAMC-QI is a SCRIPT / CAPTION function that can pre-store COMMAND to b e executed for specific event occurring during operation. Ø CAMC-SV is a programmable single motor control VLSI chip. Ø Stepping and servo motor can be precisely controlled by referencing comma nd transmitted through CPU bus interface. Ø CAMC-SV is a 1-axis motion control chip for servo control. It has a built-in PI D filter and provides pulse output and DAC output I / F function. Ø Origin detection, speed override, position override, linear acceleration / decel eration, S-curve acceleration / deceleration drive function Z- 1 ilimp Ki plimp error Kd Feedback Z- 1 Motor bias polimp Kp derivative time dli m p Ref Kout Intelligent motor control chip with linear and circular interpolation function CAMC- FS (pulse output dedicated circuit) + DSP (interpolation function + PID control) CAMC-5M Specifications Control axis 1 axis Operating frequency 20 MHz CPU interface 8-BIT interface Sensor input Alarm stop, ± limit stop, rapid / decel stop Stop command Rapid / deceleration stop command General purpose input / output 4-port (TTL) input, 4-port (CMOS, 8mA) output CS* RD* WR*A[2:0] D[7:0] CPU 인터페이스 엔코더2상신호(A,B) 1 2 3 4 DATA WRITE BUFFER 1 2 3 4 DATA READ BUFFER COMMAND REGISTER COUNTER MODULE COMPARATE MODULE REGISTERS MAIN CONTROLLER PULSE GENERATOR MODULE 출력펄스 펄스방향 동작중(BUSY) CAMC-5M Key Features Acceleration / deceleration profile Trapezoid / Quasi-S acceleration / deceleration profile creation Number of designated pulse drives Up to 16,777,215 pulses can be output for the input data. At this time, it is automatically adjusted according to the set number of pulses. Continuous drive Pulses of the specified speed are output until the stop or deceleration stop command is set. Signal detection drive Detects the edge of the signal (home sensor input) set during driving and stops the acceleration / deceleration. Override during operation Speed and movement override during driving Drive status Provides read-only drive status register Multi-Axis Synchronization Drive start to synchronous input signal in multi axis control Pulse output switching S / W can change 1 pulse / 2 pulse type pulse output mode Internal / External Position Counter 28-BIT There is an internal / external position counter to know the theoretical position by the output pulse of the drive motor and the actual position information counted by the encoder signal. Internal / External Position Counter Comparison register 28-BIT The internal / external position counter comparison register is one each, so that the comparison result can be obtained. Interrupt occurs Interrupt after drive termination üESTOP, SSTOP (I): Rapid stop or deceleration stop signal üPELM, NELM (I): limit stop signal in CW, CCW direction üPSLM, NSLM (I): Limit deceleration stop signal in CW, CCW direction üALARM (I): Alarm stop signal input signal üINPOS (I): The IN-POSITION signal of the servo motor üSYNC (I): Synchronous input signal for multi-axis drive üECUP, ECDN (I): encoder A, B phase signal üIN3 ~ IN0 (I): General purpose input signal 4 PORT üPULSE_OUT, DIR_OUT (O): Motor drive pulse and direction signal üBUSY_OUT (O): Motor drive drive status output signal üUP_OUT, CONST_OUT, DOWN_OUT (O): Acceleration, constant velocity, deceleration state output signal üSIGN_OUT, MD_OUT12 to MD_OUT0 (O): deviation or speed output signal üICL_OUT, ICG_OUT (O): Result of comparison between the setting register value and internal coun ter üECL_OUT, ECG_OUT (O): Result of comparison between setting register value and external counter üOUT3 to OUT0 (O): General purpose output signal 4 PORT üINT_OUT (O): Interrupt output signal, output from LOW to HIGH after drive termination Speed Drive features: 4 Speed setting function: profile Speed O b je c t O b je c t S ta rt/S to p S ta rt/S to p t0 t1 t2 T im e t3 t0 Speed Profile: - Acceleration / deceleration time setting - Speed setting t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t4 t5 T im e t7 Speed O b je c t O b je c t O v e r r id e 2 O v e r r id e 1 S ta rt/S to p S ta rt/S to p t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 T im e t0 t1 t2 t3 t6 t7 T im e O v e r r id e c o m m a n d Speed Speed O b je c t O b je c t S ta rt/S to p S ta rt/S to p t0 검 출 신 호 t1 t2 t3 t4 T im e t0 검 출 신 호 t1 t2 t4 T im e CAMC-FS Specifications Control axis 1 axis Operating frequency 32.768 MHz CPU interface 8-BIT/16-BIT interface Sensor input Alarm stop, ± limit stop, rapid / decel stop Stop command Rapid / deceleration stop command Command Buffering Command and execution condition can be saved Status Buffering Command and execution condition can be saved (Command to read register) General purpose input / output 4-port (TTL) input, 4-port (CMOS, 8mA) output CS* RD* WR* A[2:0] D[7:0] CPU 인터페이스 엔코더2상신호(A,B) 1 2 3 DATA WRITE BUFFER 4 1 2 3 DATA READ BUFFER 4 COMMAND REGISTER COUNTER MODULE COMPARATE MODULE REGISTERS MAIN CONTROLLER PULSE GENERATOR MODULE 출력펄스 펄스방향 동작중(BUSY) CAMC-FS Key features Acceleration / deceleration profile Trapezoid / Parabolic acceleration / deceleration profile generation Selectable symmetric / asymmetric acceleration / deceleration modes Number of designated pulse drives Up to 4,294,967,296 pulses can be output for the input data. At this time, it is automatically adjusted according to the set number of pulses. Continuous drive Pulses of the specified speed are output until the stop or deceleration stop command is input. Signal detection drive Detects the edge of the signal (home sensor input) set during driving and stops the acceleration / deceleration. Override during operation Speed and movement override during driving possible Drive status Provides read-only drive status register Multi-Axis Synchronization Drive start to synchronous input signal in multi axis control Pulse output switching S / W can change 1 pulse / 2 pulse type pulse output mode Internal / External Position Counter 32-BIT There is an internal / external position counter, so you can know the theoretical position based on the output pulse of the drive motor and the actual position information counted by the encoder signal. Internal / External Position Counter Comparison register Each 32-bit internal / external position counter comparison register has one register so that the comparison result can be obtained. Scale count function The internal / external position counter can be counted from 1 to 255 CAMC-QI Specifications Control axis 4 axis Operating frequency 20 MHz CPU interface 8 / 16 bit interface Sensor input Alarm stop, ± limit stop, rapid / decel stop Interpolation command Linear / circular interpolation command Continuous interpolation Continuous interpolation operation by speed acceleration / deceleration Stop command Rapid / deceleration stop command General purpose input / output 4-port (TTL) input, 4-port (CMOS, 8mA) output CS* RD* WR*A[2:0] D[7:0] CPU 인터페이스 엔코더2상신호(A[1],B[1],A[2],B[2]) 1 2 3 4 DATA WRITE BUFFER 1 2 3 4 DATA READ BUFFER COMMAND REGISTER COUNTER MODULE COMPARATE MODULE REGISTERS INTERPOLATION CONTROLLER MAIN CONTROLLER PULSE GENERATOR MODULE[1] PULSE GENERATOR MODULE[2] 출력펄스[1] 펄스방향[1] 동작중(BUSY)[1] 출력펄스[2] 펄스방향[2] 동작중(BUSY)[2] CAMC-QI Key features Acceleration / deceleration profile Trapezoid / Parabolic acceleration / deceleration profile generation Number of designated pulse drives Up to 16,777,215 pulses can be output for the input data. At this time, it is automatically adjusted according to the set number of pulses. Continuous drive Pulses of the specified speed are output until the stop or deceleration stop command is input. Signal detection drive Detects the edge of the signal (home sensor input) set during driving and stops the acceleration / deceleration. Linear interpolation command Linear interpolation drive by starting point and end point input Circular interpolation command Circular interpolation drive by starting point, end point, center point input Continuous interpolation function Continuous operation can be performed by using acceleration / deceleration without stopping the driving in the continuous interpolation operation. Override during operation Speed and movement override during driving possible Drive status Provides read-only drive status register Multi-Axis Synchronization Drive start to synchronous input signal in multi axis control Pulse output switching S / W can change 1 pulse / 2 pulse type pulse output mode Internal / External Position Counter 28-BIT There is an internal / external position counter to know the theoretical position by the output pulse of the drive motor and the actual position information counted by the encoder signal. Internal / External Position Counter Comparison register 28-BIT The internal / external position counter comparison register is one each, so that the comparison result can be obtained. Interrupt occurs Interrupt after drive termination CAMC-SV Specifications Control axis 1 axis Operating frequency 20 MHz CPU interface 8-BIT interface Sensor input Alarm stop, ± limit stop, rapid / decel stop PID control setting Position and Speed PID Control, Speed and Acceleration Feedforward D / A interface Data output for D / A input for analog control Sampling time At least 64 usec General purpose input/ output 4-port (TTL) input, 4-port (CMOS, 8mA) output CS* RD* WR* A[ 3:0]D[ 7:0] CPU 인터페이스 엔코더2상신호(A,B) 1 2 3 4 DATA WRITE BUFFER 1 2 3 4 DATA READ BUFFER COMMAND REGISTER COUNTER MODULE COMPARATE MODULE REGISTERS MAIN CONTROLLER PULSE GENERATOR MODULE & PID filter 출력펄스 펄스방향 동작중(BUSY) CAMC-SV Key features Acceleration / deceleration profile Trapezoid / Parabolic acceleration / deceleration profile generation Number of designated pulse drives Up to 16,777,215 pulses can be output for the input data. At this time, it is automatically adjusted according to the set number of pulses. Continuous drive Pulses of the specified speed are output until the stop or deceleration stop command is input. Signal detection drive Detects the edge of the signal (home sensor input) set during driving and stops the acceleration / deceleration. Closed loop control PID control function, speed value output for analog control Override during operation Speed and movement override during driving possible Drive status Provides read-only drive status register Multi-Axis Synchronization Drive start to synchronous input signal in multi axis control Pulse output switching S / W can change 1 pulse / 2 pulse type pulse output mode Internal / External Position Counter 28-BIT There is an internal / external position counter to know the theoretical position by the output pulse of the drive motor and the actual position information counted by the encoder signal. Internal / External Position Counter Comparison register 28-BIT The internal / external position counter comparison register is one each, so that the comparison result can be obtained. Interrupt occurs Interrupt after drive termination Product name Summary CAMC-5M 1 axis linear acceleration / deceleration motion control(4MPPS) CAMC-FS Single axis S-curve for acceleration / deceleration motion control(4MPPS) CAMC-IP 2 axis interpolation motion control(4MPPS) CAMC-SV 1 axis Servo motion control(16Bit DAC) CAMC-QI 4 axis interpolation motion control(20MPPS) Application field Step modder DC servo motor AC servo motor Linear servo mot or Various industrial motors ▶ Simple and lightweight product (high integration, small size, light weight, p erformance improvement) ▶ Low power, system technology protection ▶ Eliminate supply shortages and strengthen competitiveness ▶ Reduced design time: System design using HDL and FPGA ▶ Cost reduction: Cost, SOC, productivity improvement ▶ Improved reliability: Optimization of parts, simplification of process, automa tion ▶ Respond to the complexity of functions ▶ The only way to make a small, light product with high performance ▷ Initial development cost (NRE cost) ▷ Design failure burden (cost, time-to-market delay, etc.) ▷ It is difficult to change due to change of target