Testing: ======== Manual Testing=== Human Effort time waste Automation Testing===== java & selenium ==== time consumption is low JAVA INTRODUCTION=======(java is an programing language) ===================== C / C++:( old Language) 1979python----1991 ----------- * Platform dependent(windows Write ------- windows Run ,linux------linux,mac-------mac) * Runs single application at a time * Needs header files-------------#include<studio.h> * Shows error after completing the whole program JAVA : (new language) 1995 ------ * Platform independent ----write once and run anywhere (wind------wind,linux,mac) * Runs multiple application at a time * simple programming language ---No need to write a header files * easy to run and debug Features of java ================ 1.Simple programing language 2.Oops Based ------class->method->object 3.Open source & freeware free of cost(Source code is available in web ,any organisation or individual can make use of it) 4.Platform independent (Windows------linux) single code written is capabale of running in all the opeerating system 5.Multi threading --We can able to run multiple application at a time --------parallel exection 6.portable---easy to carry 7.More secured(Fire Wall) TERMINOLOGY : ============ JDK : ------- *Java Development Kit *Whenever if we want to run or develop a program in java , jdk is essential. versions 1.0 to 1.1,1.2,1.3,........... 1.18 1.7 / 1.8 --->Testers mostly use(Preferable version) JDK---------JRE+JVM JRE -- Java Runtime Environment --- Why no need to write a header files ?? ------- -------------------------------------- *Its contain Predefined files and library JVM - Java Virtual Machine ------ ---------------------------- *It is used for memory allocation, to start execution,etc Compiler Interpreter ----Converter 10+20--sc-----bc----00011111000+0101010=00101010100=30 TOOLS... ======= *Notepad -----------time consumption will high *Eclipse ---95%----------userfriendly write save run *Netbeans----------memory wastage paid tools: *Jdeveloper-oracle Company *RAD-IBM Company Eclipse Versions ----------------- Oxygen-3A Luna Photon Neon We have to download JDK 1.7/1.8 &Eclipse Oxygen 3a download Oops: ==== OOPS -- Object Oriented Programming Structure -It is a method of implementation in which program is organized as a collection of class methods,objects Project ---> Package ---> Class --> Method --> Object== To call a method we want object Project ----> Collection of packages Package ---> Collection of Classes Class ------> Collection of Methods,variables & objects Method -----> set of actions/logic will be performed--- business logic(Instruction will be given) object-------> it is used to call a method , it is a run time memory allocation -Inheritance -Polymorphism -Abstraction -Encapsulation STANDARD NOTATION / CODING STANDARD ---------------------------------- 1. Pascal Notation --------------------- Each word of 1st letter should be capital . e.g :GreensTechnology Followed in : creating project name and class name. 2. Camel Notation ---------------------- first word should be small remaining words first letter should be capital eg:greensTechnologySolutionLimited Followed in method name , variable , object name Step1:(project creation) --------------------------------- Create a java project (File---->new---->click java project----->Give a project name---->project name must follow pascal's notation----->click finish Step2:(package creation) ------------------------------------ Inside project -----to create package---->(right click src folder of your project--->click new---->package----> then give package name--->finish) Step3:(Class creation) -------------------------------- Inside a package----to create class------>(right click your package-----click new----click class---->give class name------>class name must be follow in pascal's pascal notation------>finish Step4:(method creation) --------------------------------- Inside a class----------give method name(By follow camel notation)and press control-space system.out.println()-------sysout ctl+space Step5:(main method creation)-------java prgm execution will start from here ------------------------------------------ Type main and press ctrl+space Step6:(object creation) -------------------------------- Classname objrefname=new Classname(); Step7:(method call) ------------------------- objname.methodname(); Same Package and Different Package: ================================== Accessing with different class on same package ------------------------------------------------ we can access one class properties (methods)in another class of same package by object creation. private-------------->class level access public--------------->global level access Accessing with different class on different package --------------------------------------------------- we can access one class properties(methods) in another class of different class of different package by object creation. in addition,we have to import that class. For accessing the class which is present on different package,we have to import the class. Syntax ------ import packagename.Classname;