SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 POWER ESTIMATES An estimate of power requirements forms one of the most important and critical steps in preliminary design. The power derived has a direct and significant effect on the deadweight which can be carried by a given ship. It is therefore important to keep engine weight and volume as low as possible. However, power is also a controlling factor on ship’s speed and severe penalties can be incurred for not achieving this speed. Thus the designer requires a margin of safety in power estimates. An estimete of power is one of the most complex factors and it is related to a large number of design parameters. An additional complexity in the design is the final choice of machinery based on the power estimates. Even when the machinery type is chosen, the range of units available commercially is limited. PROPULSION The power needed by the main machinery can be divided into three groups:i) Those affecting hull resistance, PE ii) Those affecting conversion of torque into thrust, PD iii) Loss of power during transmission from main engine to propeller, PB PS PD Stern Tube PE PT PD D Gear Bearing PS S B Machinery PT G , Gearing Efficiency S , Stern tube Efficiency B , Bearing Efficiency D , Quasi Propulsive Efficiency PB G Transmission Efficiency, et PE , Effective power = RT.V PT , Thrust power = T.VA PD , Delivered power = PE PE PE D QPC . . 2QN H R O Week 5-1 PE SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I H hull efficiency Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 1 t 1 w O. R propeller efficiency behind hull Q shaft torque N Shaft revolutions QPC Quasi propulsive efficiency QPC can be estimated from the formula due to Emerson: QPC K N L 10000 (0.02 reduction for controllable pitch propeller) where, K = 0.84 N = RPM N can be estimated from propeller diam.: Pr op. Diam k' x P 0.2 N0.6 P = Effective Power in kW k’ = 15.5 17.5 (for metric units) L = Length of ship (m) Ps , shaft power = PD /(S . B) S . B = 0.98 machinery aft = 0.97 machinery amidships PB, brake power = Ps G G = 0.96 – 0.97 for medium speed diesel engines Effective power, PE = RT.V where, RT = RF + RR + RAppendage + RAir Week 5-2 SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 1 2 1 Residuary resistance, RR = SV2. Cr 2 1 Total resistance, RT = SV2. Ct 2 Frictional resistance, RF = SV2. Cf Ct = Cf + Cr + CAppendage + Cair U sing ITTC (1957 ), Cf and R n V.L 0.075 0.0004 (logR n 2)2 V, velocity of ship L , length of ship ,1.1906 x 10 6 m s for salt water 2 Wetted surface area, S = 1.7 L.T + T (Denny Mumford) L = length between perp. T = draught = moulded volume of displacement Residuary resistance, RR or Cr is predicted using the results based from standard series. 1. Taylor Standard Series VL , 0.5 2.0 Ref:- Gertler, M., A Reanalysis of the Original Test Data for the Taylor Standard Series. DTMB Report 806, March, 1954. Easy to use with wide applicability. Residual resistance ratio is plotted against speedV length ratio L with varying parameters Cp, L/B, B/T, C . C 0.01L 3 Week 5-3 SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I 2. Series 60 Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 VL , 0.4 1.0 Ref: Todd, F.H., Series 60 Methodical Experiments with models of Single-Screw Merchant Ships, DTM Report 1712, July 1963. Easy to use. Residual resistance plotted against V L . The variable parameters are CB, L/B, B/T, C , LCB. (3) BSRA Methodical Series V Ref: Lackenby, J L ,0.4 0.85 The BSRA Methodical Series - An overall Presentation, Variation of Resistance with Breadth-Draught Ratio and Length-Disp. Ratio, RINA 1966. Single screw merchant vessel type hulls. Residual resistance plotted against V L with variables CB, B/T, C, LCB, Lp. LP is length parallel midbody as % of LPP. (4) V ,0.5 1.3 Guldhammer’s and Harvald’s Diagrams L Ref: Harvald, S.A., Resistance and propulsion of ships pg. 118-126. Vessels of standard form i.e. LCB, B/T, normally shaped sections, moderate cruiser stern, and raked stem. Cr versus V L with varying Cp and L 1 3 Other variations in the estimation of residuary resistance, includes: (i) High speed displacement hulls Eames, M.C., Concept Exploration - an approach to small warship design. Trans RINA, 1976. Week 5-4 SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I (ii) Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 Planing Hull Clement, E.P and Blount, D.L., Resistance Tests of a Systematic Series of Planning Hull forms, SNAME 1963, Series 62. (iii) Trawler Ridgely-Nevitt, C, The Resistance of a High Displacement - Length Ratio Trawler Series. SNAME 1967. Doust, P.J. Statistical Analysis of resistance data for trawlers. - Fishing Boats of the World 2. Patullo, R.N.M. and Thomson, G.R., The BSRA Trawler Series Beam-Draught and Length-Displacement Ratio Series resistance and propulsion tests. Part I - RINA 1965, Part II - RINA 1968 Air Resistance Air resistance is small i.e 2-3% of total resistance. V air , ship plus wind velocity Cair 1 R air 3 air 1.23 kg / m S V air2 2 air f S f , frontal area For hulls, Cair = 0.33 to 0.50 For flat superstructures, Cair = 0.67 to 1.00 For flat plate, Cair = 1.00 Appendage Resistance Appendage resistance is usually some percentage of bare hull resistance RF + RR. From Watson and Gilfillan: Shaft “A” brackets 5% Week 5-5 SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I Bow thruster 2-5% Twin screw bossings Twin rudders Single screw 3-10% 3% 3-5% Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 Power Determination and System Selection Power Determination In the earliest conceptual design power determination depends largely on V L , type of hull and displacement. For comparison, figure below shows the plot of EHP/ton against V hull. Week 5-6 L for different types of SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 Harvald (Resistance and Propulsion, 1983) 2 3. V3 Ps AC Ps [KW] L [m] V [m/s] where, 75 [tonnes] A C 3.7 L V Watson, Trans. RINA 1960 2 PS 5.0 3 V 3 400.017 L 400K 1 12C B 2 1500 110n L Ps, KW n, rev/s K, Alexander’s formula L, m , tonnes V, m/s Basis Ship If two ships have geometrically similar underwater forms (i.e. same Cb) and run at corresponding speeds (i.e. same V ) then: L PE 2/3 x V3 If propeller efficiency and transmission efficiency are assumed to be the same, this could be written as:PS 2/3 x V3 Note: Relation between PE, PS is: PS PE QPC S B (Refer to previous notes) Week 5-7 SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 More detail estimates relates basic parameters of , L, B, T, CB, CP and speed with power required (PE, PS, PB). These estimates usually uses series charts and diagrams to estimate PE. The series which are commonly used are series 60, BSRA methodical series, Taylor series and guldhammer’s and Harvald’s diagrams. Choice of Propulsor One of the factors that determines the type of propulsor is efficiency. Fig. below shows optimum efficiency against propeller loading for different type of propulsors. Week 5-8 SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I o PT P D Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 T .V A 2Q.n 3 bQ Qn V A 5 where: Note: T VA n Q = = = = Thrust Advance Speed Rate of Revolutions Torque There are also other types of propulsors such as the jet propulsion system. In the case of screw propellers, theory dimensions are determined by various theories such as Momentum theory, Blade Element theory, Lifting Surface theory, etc. Series charts such as K-J and Bp-could also be used. Model Tests Model tests such as resistance test, open water tests, self propulsion, etc are conducted to check/confirm/modify the values obained by calculations [PE, PS, propeller efficiencies and dimensions, propeller revs. etc]. Ref: Femenia, J (1973) - Economic comparisons of Various Power Plants Trans. SNAME. Main Machinery [Prime Mover] Selection The factors that mainly determines mainmachinery type. i) Operational - Power requirements [Speed, Displacement, Length, etc] Weight limitation (also space) Range ii) Economic - Cost of Engine Fuel consumption Week 5-9 SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 Other factors - maximum to continuous power ratio maintenance and repair requirements lubricating oil consumption rate life-cycle costs Basic main-machinery types and their power ranges is given below: Horse power (HP) Steam turbine : Gas turbine : Diesel : Otto (gasoline) : Turbo jet (aircraft type) : 35,000 500 25 10 - 100,000 + 40,000 25,000 500 3,500 (max) In recent years, CODAG (combination diesel and gas turbine) system has been introduced and now increasingly being in used in most modern ships from comparatively small patrol craft to larger destroyer type escort craft, coast guard cutters, rescue craft etc. The system user diesel for continuous lower power cruising requirements and the gas turbine for the high power more intermittent full-speed requirements. Fig. below shows the usage of different systems depending on speed and vessel range requirements. Week 5-10 SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 Two figs. below shows the characteristic ranges of specific weights for gas turbine, diesel and otto cycles compared with their maximum power ranges. The next 2 figs below show the relative fuel consumption characteristics of various types of main machinery. In summary, we can say that for high powered machinery at intermittent usage (small range) we use steam turbines and gas turbines. Diesel and Otto (gasoline) engines are suitable for lower powering and longer range. Week 5-11 SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 Otto cycle engines has lower specific weight at low powering and gas turbines specific weight are comparatively consistent at high powering. Specific fuel consumption in the order from low to high Diesel and otto Steam turbine Gas turbine CODAG system utilities both advantages of diesel and gas turbine. TRIAL AND SERVICE MARGINS If speed penalty is high then it is wise to keep a margin of about 5%. Service speed is lower than trial speed due to fouling of the hull, increased roughness etc. Percentage allowance will depend on paint system, cathodic protection system, voyage pattern, weather conditions, etc. The usual practice is the service speed to be 85 - 80% of the trial speed. Week 5-12 SMK 3522 SHIP DESIGN I Dr Koh Kho King © 2013 MCR = Maximum Continuous Rating of Engine Trial Power = The power produced by engine to run the vessel at speed Vt (trial speed) during trial run. Service Power = Usually is 85% ---> 80% of Trial Power. Using the Power Curve, the Service Speed (VS) is predicted at the selected Service Power. Example: If a ship of 90 m length requires an SP of 1750 kW for a trial speed of 11.75 knots when the full displacement is 5000 tonnes, then the size, speed, and required trial power for 7000 tonnes geometrically similar ship at corresponding speed can be approximated by:- 7000 * 1.40 3 5000 1.4 1 3 L* 1.1187 L L* 100.68 m Corresponding speed; V* * V L L V* Vx L* L 12.43 knots Ps x 3 x V* 2 Then Ps* 3 3 x V3 2 x SP x 3 2 3 2 3 3 SP x 5 3 2590 kW Week 5-13