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React, Inertia.js, Laravel CRUD App with Login

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Build a CRUD Application with Login Using ReactJS, Inertia.js, and Laravel 11
Presentation · September 2024
1 author:
Youcef Benabderrezak
University of Boumerdes
All content following this page was uploaded by Youcef Benabderrezak on 24 September 2024.
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Building a CRUD Application with Login
Using ReactJS, Inertia.js, and Laravel 11 - Dr
In this document, we will guide you through the process of building a CRUD (Create, Read,
Update, Delete) application with user authentication using ReactJS, Inertia.js, and Laravel 11.
This combination of technologies allows for a seamless single-page application experience
while leveraging the powerful backend capabilities of Laravel. By the end of this guide, you
will have a fully functional application that includes user login and basic CRUD operations.
Before we begin, ensure you have the following installed:
• PHP (version 8.0 or higher)
• Composer
• Node.js and npm
• Laravel 11
• A database (MySQL, SQLite, etc.)
Step 1: Setting Up Laravel
First, create a new Laravel project:
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravel-crud-app
cd laravel-crud-app
Next, set up your .env file for database configuration:
Run the following command to create the necessary tables:
php artisan migrate
Step 2: Install Inertia.js and React
Install Inertia.js and React in your Laravel project:
composer require inertiajs/inertia-laravel
npm install @inertiajs/inertia @inertiajs/inertia-react react react-dom
Next, set up Inertia.js in your app/Http/Controllers/Controller.php:
use Inertia\Inertia;
class Controller extends BaseController
// Your methods here
Step 3: Create Authentication
You can use Laravel Breeze for authentication scaffolding:
composer require laravel/breeze --dev
php artisan breeze:install react
npm install
npm run dev
php artisan migrate
This will set up the authentication routes and views.
Step 4: Create a CRUD Resource
Now, let’s create a simple resource, for example, a Post model.
Generate the model, migration, and controller:
php artisan make:model Post -mcr
In the migration file, define the schema for the posts table:
public function up()
Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {
Run the migration:
php artisan migrate
Next, implement the CRUD methods in the PostController:
use App\Models\Post;
use Inertia\Inertia;
class PostController extends Controller
public function index()
$posts = Post::all();
return Inertia::render('Posts/Index', ['posts' => $posts]);
public function create()
return Inertia::render('Posts/Create');
public function store(Request $request)
$request->validate(['title' => 'required', 'content' => 'required']);
return redirect()->route('posts.index');
public function edit(Post $post)
return Inertia::render('Posts/Edit', ['post' => $post]);
public function update(Request $request, Post $post)
$request->validate(['title' => 'required', 'content' => 'required']);
return redirect()->route('posts.index');
public function destroy(Post $post)
return redirect()->route('posts.index');
Step 5: Set Up Routes
Define the routes for your CRUD operations in routes/web.php:
use App\Http\Controllers\PostController;
Route::middleware(['auth'])->group(function () {
Route::resource('posts', PostController::class);
Step 6: Create React Components
Create the necessary React components for displaying, creating, and editing posts. For
example, in resources/js/Pages/Posts/Index.jsx:
import React from 'react';
import { Inertia } from '@inertiajs/inertia';
const Index = ({ posts }) => {
return (
<a href="/posts/create">Create Post</a>
{posts.map(post => (
<li key={post.id}>
<a href={`/posts/${post.id}/edit`}>Edit</a>
export default Index;
Repeat this process for the Create and Edit components.
Step 7: Run Your Application
Now that everything is set up, run your Laravel application:
php artisan serve
And in another terminal, run your React application:
npm run dev
Visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser, and you should see your CRUD application with
login functionality.
You have successfully built a CRUD application with user authentication using ReactJS,
Inertia.js, and Laravel 11. This setup provides a solid foundation for further development and
customization. You can expand this application by adding features like user roles, validation,
and more complex data relationships. Happy coding!
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