Business Model Canvas Key Partners Technology Providers: Collaborate with tech agencies for superior sensors, software programs, and analytics gear. Maintenance Service Providers: Partner with businesses providing maintenance and support offerings. Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments There are 2 drivers control the segmention: Digital assistance and data security. 1-High digital + low security Customers who embrace technological advancements and involved in open data-sharing initiatives like MRO and OEM. 2-High digital + high security Customers who need advanced digital solution but in the other hand they need their data protected. Like:security and medical services. 3-Low digital + high security Customers who their main concern is the secutiry, their activities don’t need advansed digitalizaion like: some specific niches in executive transport where they use traditional operational methods. 4-Low digital + Low security Like: Some specific projects in OEM and MRO where neither need advanced digital solutions nor stringent data security. Data Analysis: Analyze and monitor the collected data to improve the predictive maintenance and the performance optimization. Software Development: Continuously improve and develop the digital services. It includes the development of the training and simulations systems to be more realistic Training the employees Key Resources Digital Infrastructure: Robust IT infrastructure for delivering digital services. Data Analyst: Skilled professionals analytics for analyzing data collected from helicopters. Web development: Skilled web designers for creating the simulations systems. Data availability Helicopter Products: Highlight the unique features of Leonardo's types of helicopters. Digital Services: provide specific digital services which facilitate the use process for the customers, such as: o Catalogue for each helicopter model. o maintenance programs that consist of calendarbased schedules like monthly, annually and hourly based schedules like 100, 300, 600 hours. o Visibility on solutions for common malfunctions. o Best in class performance operation process to ensure performance optimization. o real-time monitoring. o Chek availability of component spare parts for repair to reduce downtime Channels Cost Structure Revenue Streams Research and Development: Investments in digital service development. Marketing and Sales: Costs related to promoting and selling services and products. Operation costs: Costs related to operate the process like: cost of acquiring servers and networking equipment, cost of cybersecurity, salaries and trainings. 24/7 Remote Support Feedback system: Allow customers to give their feedbacks to know the problems. Personal Assistance: Offer technical support for product’s inquiries about non-common problems Training Programs: Establish long-term relationships through ongoing training and certification programs. Utilize online channel for customer services. And make a portal for each customer to can manage his products. promotes via Ads: billboards, web banners ads. Sponsorship programs: find sponsorship with high visibility to introduce the digital solution to C-suites. Digital Service Subscriptions: Subscription-based model for access to digital services. Transaction Fees: Charges for additional services, upgrades, or one-time transactions. Customer Journey Gain awareness through online/offline advertisement and sponsorship programs Awareness Customers can use the services after purchasing a product or a specific digital service Consideration Acquisition Highlight the advantages of the digital services comparing to the competitors Can be achieved by the feedback system and continuous development for the services Service Loyalty Customers can benefit from the digital services like the different maintenance programs and real-time monitoring.