Java Web Development. Test, Variant 1, Variant 2 Summary Java Fundamentals easy – 4 medium – 1 hard – OOP Concepts easy – 3 medium – hard – Classes easy – medium – 2 hard – 2 Packages easy – 1 medium – 1 hard – Inheritance&Interfaces easy – 1 medium – hard – 2 Enums easy – medium – 2 hard – Classes into Classes easy – medium – 2 hard – Exceptions and Errors JDBC easy – 1 medium – hard – Java I/O easy – 1 medium – 1 hard – XML&XSD easy – 2 medium – 1 hard – 1 Generics easy – 1 medium – 1 hard – 1 Java EE Architecture easy – 1 medium – 1 hard – Collections easy – medium – 1 hard – Servlets easy – medium – 1 hard – 1 Strings easy – medium – 2 hard – Threads easy – medium – 2 hard – Regular Expressions easy – 1 medium – hard – 1 easy – 2 medium – 2 hard – JSPs easy – 2 medium – 1 hard – 1 Total – 100 (50/50). Variant 1 Variant 2 Java Fundamentals What is the result of compiling and running the following code? What is the result of compiling and running the following code? public class PrimType1 { public class PrimType2 { static void test(float x) { System.out.print("float"); } static void test(float x) { System.out.print("float"); } static void test(double x) { System.out.print("double"); } static void test(double x) { System.out.print("double"); } public static void main(String[] args) { test(99.9); } public static void main(String[] args) { test((float)99.9); } easy 1 easy 2 3 } } _____ float double Compilation error Exception is thrown at run time In Java byte, short, int and long all of these are ______ float double Compilation error Exception is thrown at run time The code is given: ________ signed unsigned both of the above none of these double static = 2.5; System.out.println(static); easy In Java arrays are ________ Objects Object references Primitive data type None of the above What will be result of compiling and running this code? ________ Console output 2.5 Raises an error as STATIC in used as a variable which is a keyword Raises an exception None of these Which of the following is the return type of a constructor? ________ void boolean No return type The code is given: The code is given: public class Zoo { public class Zooo { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 5; Zoo z = new Zoo(); z.z(x); System.out.print(" main x = " + x); } public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 5; Zooo z = new Zooo(); z.z(x); System.out.print(" main x = " + x); } void z(int x) { System.out.print("z x = " + x++); } void z(int x) { System.out.print("z x = " + x--); } medium 4 easy 5 } } What is the result? (1 answer) What is the result? (1 answer) ________ Compilation fails; An exception is thrown at runtime; z x = 6 main x = 6; z x = 5 main x = 5; z x = 5 main x = 6; z x = 6 main x = 5; According to JavaBean naming standards, which of the following is correct to getting id? ________ Compilation fails; An exception is thrown at runtime; z x = 6 main x = 6; z x = 5 main x = 5; z x = 5 main x = 6; z x = 6 main x = 5; According to JavaBean naming standards, which of the following is correct to setting id? ________ public int get_Id(){} public int getid(){} public int getId(){} public int getId(int id){} ________ public void set_Id(int id){} public void setid(int id){} public void setId(int id){} public void setID(int id){} OOP Concepts 6 easy If X has a subclass Y, which relationship exists among them? easy 7 easy 8 ________ IS-A HAS-A None of the above The following code illustrates what kind of relationship between the X and Y classes? class X{} class Y{ X s; } A non-static method in the superclass cannot be overridden to be static in the subclass. ________ IS-A HAS-A None of these A non-static method in the superclass can be overridden to be static in the subclass. ________ True False Object is ________ True False Which of the following statements are true for inherited classes? ________ A scheme for organizing related pieces of information. Named entity that includes both data and functions. A section of a program that performs a particular task. Allocated memory space accessed by reference. ________ Can have the same name as super class. Will have all methods that super class has. Can have own fields and methods rather that super class. Classes Which of the following statements about the implementation of the equals() method of Object class as shown in the following code is true? public class Hash1 { private int number; public class Eq1 { private int number; public Hash1(int i) { number = i; } public Eq1(){} 10 public boolean equals(Eq1 obj){ if (number == obj.number){ return true; } return false; } // other methods public int hashCode() { int i = (int) (Math.random() * 100); return i * number; } // other methods medium 9 Which of the following statements about the implementation of the hashCode() method of Object class as shown in the following code is true? } } ________ The code implements hashCode() method correctly. The code does not implement hashCode() method correctly. This implementation of hashCode() method is correct if only if the equals() method is not overridden. The given code does not contain enough information to comment on the correctness of the hashCode() method implementation. None of these. ________ The code implements equals() method correctly. The code does not implement equals() method correctly. This implementation of equals() method is correct if only if the hashCode() method is not overridden. The given code does not contain enough information to comment on the correctness of the equals() method implementation. None of these. Given: The code is given: public class St2 { public class St1 { int[] a; static int[] a; { hard static { a[0] = 2; } public static void main(String[] args) { a[0] = 2; } public static void main(String[] args) { new St1(); } } } } Which exception or error will be thrown when a programmer attempts to run this code? (1 answer) Which exception or error will be thrown when a programmer attempts to run this code? (1 answer) ________ java.lang.StackOverflowError java.lang.IllegalStateException java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException None of the above ________ java.lang.StackOverflowError java.lang.IllegalStateException java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException None of the above The code is given: The code is given: public class VarArg2 { public String var(int[] vals) { return "a"; } public class VarArg1 { public String var(int x, int y) { return "a"; } public String var(int... vals) { return "b"; } public String var(int... vals) { return "b"; } public static void main(String[] args) { VarArg2 v = new VarArg2(); System.out.println(v.var(4, 5));//line 1 } public static void main(String[] args) { VarArg1 v = new VarArg1(); System.out.println(v.var(4, 5));//line 1 } medium 11 } What will be result of compiling and running? What will be result of compiling and running? ________ Line 1 prints “a” to System.out; Line 1 prints “b” to System.out; An exception is thrown at line 1 at runtime; Compilation of class VarArg2 will fail The code is given: ________ Line 1 prints “a” to System.out; Line 1 prints “b” to System.out; An exception is thrown at line 1 at runtime; Compilation of class VarArg1 will fail The code is given: public class GenOver1 { public class GenOver2 { public static void main(String[] args){ Object[] obj = {"one", "two", "three"}; GenOver1 gen = new GenOver1(); gen.f(obj); //line 1 } public static void main(String[] args){ Object[] obj = {new Integer(1), new Integer(2), new Integer(3)}; GenOver2 gen = new GenOver2(); gen.f(obj); } public void f(Object obj){}//method1 public void f(String str){}//method2 public void f(String ... str){}//method3 public static void f(Object ... str){}//method4 public static void f(Object[] ... str){}//method5 public static void f(String[] ... str){}//method6 public static void f(Object ... str){}//method1 public static void f(Object[] ... str){}//method2 public static void f(Integer[] ... str){ }//method3 public void f(Object obj){ }//method4 public void f(Integer str){ }//method5 public void f(Integer ... str){ }//method6 hard 12 } } } What method will be chosen in line 1 for running? What method will be chosen in line 1 for running? ________ method1 method2 method3 method4 method5 method6 ________ method1 method2 method3 method4 method5 method6 Packages 13 easy The code is given: //line 1 public class QP1 { public static void main(String[] args) { println("Java forever"); } } medium 14 Which operator can be inserted (line 1) separately and code will be compile? (1 answer) ________ import java.lang.*; import java.lang.System; import static java.lang.System.out; import static java.lang.System.out.println; None of the above is correct. Given the program defined in three different files with two classes and an interface: (1 answer) package app; public interface IApp { void meth(); } package app; public class App implements IApp { void meth() { System.out.println("Java"); } } package app.start; import app.App; import app.IApp; public class Start { public static void main(String[] args) { IApp a = new App(); a.meth(); } } What will be the result of compiling and running? ________ Line “Java” in console Compile warning in interface IApp Compile warning in class App Compile error in interface IApp Compile error in class App The code is given: public class QP2 { public static void main(String[] args) { out.println(sqrt(4)); } } Which statements do you need to include in program to compile and run without exceptions? (2 answers) ________ import java.lang.*; import java.lang.Math; import static java.lang.Math.sqrt; import static java.lang.System.out; import static java.lang.System.out.println; Given the program defined in three different files with two classes and an interface: (2 answers) package prog; public interface IProg { abstract void meth(); } package prog; public class Prog implements IProg{ void meth(){ System.out.println("Java"); } } package prog.start; import prog.IProg; import prog.Prog; public class Start { public static void main(String[] args) { IProg prog = new Prog(); prog.meth(); } } What will be the result of compiling and running? ________ Line “Java” in console Compile warning in interface IProg Compile warning in class Prog Compile error in interface IProg Compile error in class Prog Inheritance&Interfaces easy 15 hard 16 The code is given: (1 answer) The code is given: (1 answer) class InhBase{ InhBase(){ System.out.print("InhBase"); } } class InhBase{ InhBase(){ System.out.print("InhBase"); } } public class Inh1 extends InhBase{ public static void main(String[] args){ new InhBase(); new Inh1(); } } public class Inh2 extends InhBase { public static void main(String[] args) { new InhBase(); new InhBase(); } } What is the result? ________ InhBase InhBaseInhBase Compilation fails The code runs with no output An exception is thrown at runtime The code is given: What is the result? ________ InhBase InhBaseInhBase Compilation fails The code runs with no output An exception is thrown at runtime The code is given: public interface ISome { int mSome(); } public class Base1 { public int mSome() { return 1; } } public abstract class A extends Base1 implements ISome{ public abstract int mSome(); } public interface ISome { int mSome(); } public class Base2 implements ISome{ public int mSome() { return 1;} } What will be result of compiling this code? ________ Compile will finish without any warnings or errors There will be compiled error in the class A There will be compiled error in the class Base1 There will be compiled errors in the class A and the class Base1 What will be result of compiling this code? ________ Compile will finish without any warnings or errors There will be compiled error in the class B There will be compiled error in the class Base2 There will be compiled errors in the class B and the class Base2 public abstract class B extends Base1 { public abstract int mSome(); } 17 What will be result of compiling and running this code? What will be result of compiling and running this code? public class OverOver1 { static A f(A a) { return a;} static B f(B b) { return b;} public class OverOver2 { static A f(A a) { return a; }; public static void main(String[] args) { A a = f(new A()); B b = f(new B()); a.f(b); a = b; a.f(a); } hard } class A { void f(B b) { System.out.print("B");} void f(A a) { System.out.print("BA");} }; class B extends A { void f(B b) { System.out.print("AB");} void f(A a) { System.out.print("A");} }; ________ AA BB BA compile error runtime error static B f(B b) { return b; }; public static void main(String[] args) { A a = f(new A()); B b = f(new B()); b.f(b); b = (B) a; b.f(a); } } class A { void f(B b) { System.out.print("B");} void f(A a) { System.out.print("BA");} }; class B extends A { void f(B b) { System.out.print("AB");} void f(A a) { System.out.print("A");} }; ________ AA BB BA compile error runtime error Enums Select all the incorrect statements regarding Enums (Select any 2 options) ________ All enums are subclasses of interface java.lang.Enum. Enums is simply a data structure and hence it is not compiled to a .class file. Enums enable you to define a new data type. For example, If you create an Enum 'Days' you can declare a variable of type 'Days'. All instances of Enums are serializable by default. 19 ________ All enums are subclasses of interface java.lang.Enum. Enums is simply a data structure and hence it is not compiled to a .class file. Enums enable you to define a new data type. For example, If you create an Enum 'Days' you can declare a variable of type 'Days'. All instances of Enums are serializable by default. What is the output of the following code: public enum IceCream { VANILLA("white"), STRAWBERRY("pink"), WALNUT("brown"), CHOCOLATE("dark brown"); public enum Day { MONDAY, WEDNESDAY {//line 3 public String toString() { return "Good"; } }, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY; medium 18 Select all the correct statements regarding Enums (Select any 2 options) String color; IceCream(String color) { this.color = color; } What is the output of the following code: medium Day() { } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(VANILLA);// line 14 System.out.println(CHOCOLATE);// line 15 } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(MONDAY);// line 14 System.out.println(WEDNESDAY);//line 15 } } } ________ Compilation error : Cannot run an enum as a standalone application. Compilation error at line no 14 & 15 : cannot access VANILLA and CHOLOCLATE in 'static' main method. No errors. Output: VANILLA CHOCOLATE No errors. Output: white dark brown ________ Compilation error at line number 3 : Invalid code. Compilation error at line no 14 & 15 : cannot access MONDAY and WEDESDAY in 'static' main method. Runtime error : Cannot execute enum 'Day' as a standalone application. Executes OK giving OUTPUT: MONDAY WEDNESDAY Executes OK giving OUTPUT: MONDAY Good Classes into classes medium 20 medium 21 The inner class is given: The nested class is given: public class OuterX { public class InnerX{} } public class OuterY { public static class NestedY{} } How to create an instance of this class out of the OuterX class? How to create an instance of this class out of the OuterY class? ________ new OuterX.InnerX(); new OuterX().InnerX; new OuterX().new InnerX(); new OuterX().InnerX(); OuterX().new InnerX(); The two fragments of code are given: 1) new Object() { public void meth() { System.out.print("Hello!"); } }.meth(); ________ new OuterY.NestedY(); new OuterY().new NestedY(); new OuterY.NestedY(); new OuterY().NestedY; OuterY().new NestedY(); The two fragments of code are given 1) Anonym2 obj = new Anonym2() { public void meth() { System.out.print("Hello!"); } }; obj.meth(); 2) Object obj = new Object() { public void meth() { System.out.print("Hello!"); } }; obj.meth(); 2) new Anonym2() { public void meth() { System.out.print("Hello!"); } }.meth(); What will be the result of compiling and running? What will be the result of compiling and running? _______ First and second fragments will be compiled without errors and the string “Hello!” will print. First fragment will be compiled without errors and the string “Hello!” will print. Second fragment will be compiled with errors. Second fragment will be compiled without errors and the string “Hello!” will print. First fragment will be compiled with errors. First and second fragments will be compiled with errors. ________ First and second fragments will be compiled without errors and the string “Hello!” will print. First fragment will be compiled without errors and the string “Hello!” will print. Second fragment will be compiled with errors. Second fragment will be compiled without errors and the string “Hello!” will print. First fragment will be compiled with errors. First and second fragments will be compiled with errors. Exceptions and Errors 22 easy The code is given: public class Exc1 { public static void main(String [] args) { try{ badMethod(); System.out.print("A"); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.print("B"); }finally{ System.out.print("C"); } System.out.print("D"); } The code is given: public class Exc2 { public static void main(String [] args) { try{ badMethod(); System.out.print("A"); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.print("B"); }finally{ System.out.print("C"); } System.out.print("D"); } public static void badMethod(){ throw new RuntimeException(); } public static void badMethod() { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } } } What will be result of compiling and running? (1 answer) ________ AC BD ACD ABCD Compilation fails No correct answer What will be result of compiling and running? (1 answer) ________ AC BD ACD ABCD Compilation fails No correct answer Java I/O Which of these are valid parameter types for the write() methods of Which of these are valid parameter types for the write() methods of the the Writer class? (3 answers) OutputStream class? (2 answers) easy 23 medium 24 ________ String char char[] int ________ String byte byte[] int Which code, when inserted at line 1, will result in the program compiling and running without errors? Which code, when inserted at line 1, will result in the program compiling and running without errors? public class IO1 { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String fileName = "greetings.txt"; // (1) insert code here public class IO2 { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String fileName = "greetings.txt"; // (1) inser code here writeGreetings(stream); stream.close(); writeGreetings(stream); stream.close(); } } private static void writeGreetings(Writer writer) throws IOException { BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(writer); } private static void writeGreetings(OutputStream stream) throws IOException { BufferedOutputStream bw = new BufferedOutputStream(stream); } } } ________ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName); OutputStreamWriter stream = new OutputStreamWriter(fos); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName); InputStreamWriter stream = new InputStreamWriter(fos); ________ FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(fileName); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName); InputStreamWriter stream = new InputStreamWriter(fos); FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(fileName); FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(fileName); PrintWriter stream = new PrintWriter(fileName); PrintWriter stream = new PrintWriter(fileName); FileWriter stream = new FileWriter(fileName); easy 25 FileWriter stream = new FileWriter(fileName); How many methods are defined in the Serializable interface? Which interface is used to declare objects serializable? ________ None One Two Three None of the above. ________ Clonable Serializator Serializable Serialisable None of the above The code is given: The code is given: class A { public int a = 0; class A { public int a = 0; public A() { a = 1; } public A(int _a) { a = _a; } } } class B extends A implements Serializable { public int b = 0; class B extends A implements Serializable { public int b = 0; public B() { a = 2; b = 3; } public B() { super(2); b = 3; } hard 26 } An object of the class B was created and serialized. Which values will take variables after deserialization of the object? _______ field a=1, field b=3 field a=2, field b=3 field a=0, field b=0 field a=0, field b=3 field a=1, field b=0 Deserialization is impossible, the class A doesn’t implement interface Serializable None of the above } An object of the class B was created and serialized. Which values will take variables after deserialization of the object? ________ field a=1, field b=3 field a=2, field b=3 field a=0, field b=0 field a=0, field b=3 field a=1, field b=0 Deserialization is impossible, the class A doesn’t implement interface Serializable None of the above Generics medium 27 esay 28 The classes hierarchy is given: The classes hierarchy is given: class MedicalStaff{} class Doctor extends MedicalStaff{} class Nurse extends MedicalStaff{} class HeadDoctor extends Doctor{} class MedicalStaff{} class Doctor extends MedicalStaff{} class Nurse extends MedicalStaff{} class HeadDoctor extends Doctor{} Choose the operators which will be compiled without errors Choose the operators which will be compiled without errors ________ List<Doctor> list1= new ArrayList<Doctor>(); List<MedicalStaff> list2 = new ArrayList<Doctor>(); List<Doctor> list3 = new ArrayList<MedicalStaff>(); List<Object> list4 = new ArrayList<Doctor>(); List<Object> list5 = new ArrayList<Object>(); ________ Set<Doctor> list1= new HashSet<Doctor>(); Set<MedicalStaff> list2 = new HashSet<Doctor>(); Set<Doctor> list3 = new HashSet<MedicalStaff>(); Set<Object> list4 = new HashSet<Doctor>(); Set<Object> list5 = new HashSet<Object>(); The class is given public class X <T> { T t; } The class is given public class X <T> { T t; } Which types can you choose to create an object of this class? Which operators will be compiled without errors? ________ Object Integer Number Comparator int double char ________ new X<Object>(); new X<Integer>(); new X<Number>(); new X<Comparator>(); new X<double>(); new X<char>(); new X<int>(); Collections What will be the result of compiling and running the following code? (1 answer) 30 ArrayList<String> ar = new ArrayList<String>(); ar.add("one"); ar.add("two"); List<Object> list = ar; System.out.println(list); ________ Compiler error Throws ClassCastException in runtime Prints [one, two] Prints [two, one] The class is given: TreeSet<String> ar = new TreeSet<String>(); ar.add("one"); ar.add("two"); Set<Object> set = ar; System.out.println(set); ________ Compiler error Throws ClassCastException in runtime Prints [one, two] Prints [two, one] The class is given: class Item { private int x; public Item(int x) { setX(x); } public int getX() { return x; } public void setX(int x) { this.x = x; } public String toString() { return x + ""; } } class Item { private int x; public Item(int x) { setX(x); } public int getX() { return x; } public void setX(int x) { this.x = x; } public String toString() { return x + ""; } } What will be the result of compiling and running the following code? (1 answer) Item item1 = new Item(1); Item item2 = new Item(2); Item item3 = new Item(3); What will be the result of compiling and running the following code? (1 answer) Item item1 = new Item(1); Item item2 = new Item(2); Item item3 = new Item(3); Map<String, Item> map = new HashMap<String, Item>(); Map<String, Item> map = new HashMap<String, Item>(); map.put("one", item1); map.put("two", item2); map.put("three", item3); map.put("one", item1); map.put("two", item2); map.put("three", item3); Set<Map.Entry<String, Item>> set = map.entrySet();// line 1 Object[] arrayMapEntry = new Object[set.size()]; for (Map.Entry<String, Item> mapEntry : map.entrySet()) {// line 1 if ("two".equals(mapEntry.getKey())) { mapEntry.setValue(new Item(4)); // line 2 break; } } System.out.println(map); ________ Compile error in line 1 Compile error in line 2 Prints {two=4, one=1, three=3} Prints {two=2, one=1, three=3} Runtime error in line 1 Runtime error in line 2 hard medium 29 What will be the result of compiling and running the following code? (1 answer) arrayMapEntry = set.toArray(arrayMapEntry); ((Map.Entry<String, Item>)arrayMapEntry[0]) .setValue(new Item(4)); // line 2 System.out.println(map); ________ Compile error in line 1 Compile error in line 2 Prints {two=4, one=1, three=3} Prints {two=2, one=1, three=3} Runtime error in line 1 Runtime error in line 2 Strings medium 31 medium 32 The code is given: The code is given: String str1 = "Java"; String str2 = new String("Java"); String str1 = new String ("Java"); String str2 = new String("Java"); if (str1.equals(str2.intern())){ System.out.print("true"); } else {System.out.print( "false"); } if (str1.intern().equals(str2.intern())){ System.out.print("true"); } else{ System.out.print("false"); } if(str1==str2){ System.out.print("true"); } else{ System.out.print("false"); } if(str1==str2){ System.out.print("true"); } else{ System.out.print("false"); } What will be result of compiling and running? (1 answer) ________ Console out “truefalse” Console out “truetrue” Console out “falsefalse” Console out “falsetrue” Compile error, given incorrect parameter for method equals() The code is given: What will be result of compiling and running? (1 answer) ________ Console out “truefalse” Console out “truetrue” Console out “falsefalse” Console out “falsetrue” Compile error, given incorrect parameter for method equals() The code is given: StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder("Java"); StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer("Java"); StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer("Java"); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("Java"); if (sb1.equals(sb2)){ // line 1 System.out.println("A"); }else{ System.out.println("B"); } if (sb1.equals(sb2)){ System.out.println("A"); }else{ System.out.println("B"); } What will be result of compiling and running? (1 answer) ________ Console out “A” Console out “B” Compile error in line 1, object with type StringBuffer cann’t be a parameter of method equals() Rintime error in line 1, it is impossible to cast SringBuffer type to StringBuilder type. What will be result of compiling and running? (1 answer) ________ Console out “A” Console out “B” Compile error in line 1, object with type StringBuffer cann’t be a parameter of method equals() Rintime error in line 1, it is impossible to cast SringBuffer type to StringBuilder type. Threads 33 Which one statement is always true about the following application? (1 answer) public class Thr1 extends Thread { Thr1(){ setPriority(10); } Which one statement is always true about the following application? (1 answer) public class Thr2 implements Runnable{ Thr2(){ } public void run(){ System.out.println("Thread was started"); while(true){} } public void run(){ System.out.println("Thread was started"); while(true){} } public static void main(String[] args){ Thread th1 = new Thread(new Thr2()); Thread th2 = new Thread(new Thr2()); Thread th3 = new Thread(new Thr2()); th1.setPriority(10); th2.setPriority(10); th2.setPriority(10); th1.start(); th2.start(); th3.start(); } medium public static void main(String[] args){ Thr1 th1 = new Thr1(); Thr1 th2 = new Thr1(); Thr1 th3 = new Thr1(); th1.start(); th2.start(); th3.start(); } } } What class do you may use instead straight locking for increasing count? What class do you may use instead straight locking for increasing count? public class Concur1 { public static int count; private static Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); public class Concur2 { public static long count; private static Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { lock.lock(); count++; lock.unlock(); } System.out.println(count); } public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { lock.lock(); count++; lock.unlock(); } System.out.println(count); } medium 34 ________ When the application is run, thread th1 will be executed; threads th2 and th3 will be never got the CPU. When the application is run, thread th1 will be executed to completion, thread th2 will be executed to completion, then thread th3 will be executed to completion. When the application is run, all three threads (th1, th2, and th3) will br executed concurrently, taking time-sliced turns in the CPU. None of the above scenarios can be guaranteed to happen in all cases. ________ When the application is run, thread th1 will be executed; threads th2 and th3 will be never got the CPU. When the application is run, thread th1 will be executed to completion, thread th2 will be executed to completion, then thread th3 will be executed to completion. When the application is run, all three threads (th1, th2, and th3) will be executed concurrently, taking time-sliced turns in the CPU. None of the above scenarios can be guaranteed to happen in all cases. } } ________ AtomicInteger AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater AtomicIntegerArray It is impossible to block the increase operator without lock operator. ________ AtomicLong AtomicLongFieldUpdater AtomicLongArray It is impossible to block the increase operator without lock operator. Regular Expressions Select a predefined class meta-characters which is similar to the Select a predefined class meta-characters which is similar to the class class [^0-9] [a-zA-Z_0-9] easy 35 36 ________ \d \i \D \s None ________ \W \I \b \s \w The code is given: The code is given: String reg1 = "^a|b|c$"; String reg2 = "(^a)|b|(c$)"; String text = "textc"; hard String reg1 = "^a|b|c$"; String reg2 = "^(a|b|c)$"; String text = "textc"; System.out.print(Pattern.compile(reg1).matcher(text).find()); System.out.print(Pattern.compile(reg2).matcher(text).find()); System.out.println(Pattern.compile(reg1).matcher(text).find()); System.out.println(Pattern.compile(reg2).matcher(text).find()); What will be result of compiling and running? What will be result of compiling and running? ________ truefalse falsetrue truetrue falsefalse ________ truefalse falsetrue truetrue falsefalse JDBC easy 37 medium 38 Which type of Statement can execute parameterized queries? (1 answer) ________ PreparedStatement ParameterizedStatement ParameterizedStatement and CallableStatement All kinds of Statements (i.e. which implements a sub interface Statement) Which packages contain the JDBC classes? (1 answer) ________ java.jdbc and javax.jdbc java.jdbc and java.jdbc.sql java.sql and javax.sql java.rdb and javax.rdb What is, in terms of JDBC, a DataSource? (1 answer) ________ A DataSource is the basic service for managing a set of JDBC drivers. A DataSource is the Java representation of a physical data source A DataSource is a registry point for JNDI-services. A DataSource is a factory of connections to a physical data source. Which Statements about JDBC are true? (2 answers) ________ JDBC is an API to connect to relational-, object-, and XML data sources JDBC stands for Java DataBase Connectivity JDBC is an API to access relational databases, spreadsheets and flat files. JDBC as an API to bridge the object-relational mismatch between OO programs and relational databases. XML & XSD 39 easy Which xml elements are correct? (2 answers) hard 40 _______ <Calc>1 > 2</Calc> <Calc>2 < 3</Calc> <Calc>2 &gt; 3</Calc> <Calc><!CDATA[ 1 > 2 ]> Which attribute for the root element xs:schema is necessary if you want to place the elements in a namespace ? Given the following xml document. _________ elementFormDefault targetNamespace defaultNamespace attributeFormDefault Given the following xml document. <name> <firstname>John</firstname><lastname>Lennon</lastname> </name> <name> <firstname>John</firstname><lastname>Lennon</lastname> </name> What is a correct schema structure for it? What is a correct schema structure for it? A) <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" > <xs:element name="FirstName" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="LastName" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="name"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="FirstName"/> <xs:element ref="LastName"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:cоmplexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema> A) <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" > <xsd:element name="name"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="firstname" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="lastname" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:schema> B) <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" > <xsd:element name="name"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="firstname" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="lastname" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:cоmpleхType> </xsd:element> </xsd:schema> ______ A B B) <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" > <xs:element name="firstname" type="xs:String"/> <xs:element name="lastname" type="xs:String"/> <xs:element name="name" type="nametype"/> <xs:complexType type="nametype"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="firstname"/> <xs:element ref="lastname"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema> ________ A B medium 41 Choose the statements that are correct for DOM Parsers. Choose the statements that are correct for SAX Parsers. ________ Parses entire document Represents result as a tree Lets you search tree Lets you modify tree Good for reading data/configuration files Parses until you tell it to stop Fires event handlers for each: start tag, tag body, end tag Low level APIs Good for very large documents, especially if you only care about very small portions of the document. ________ Parses entire document Represents result as a tree Lets you search tree Lets you modify tree Good for reading data/configuration files Parses until you tell it to stop Fires event handlers for each: start tag, tag body, end tag Low level APIs Good for very large documents, especially if you only care about very small portions of the document. Java EE Architecture medium 42 Java EE, the Java Enterprise Edition, is (1 answer) ________ An improved version of the Java Standard Edition for business professionals A development environment, designed for creating enterprise applications A platform for enterprise class level, distributed applications A replacement of the Java Virtual Machine for running internet applications Which elements are not part of the Java EE specification (2 answers) _________ applets Java Mail portlets Unified Expression Language Servlets easy 43 medium 44 easy 45 medium 46 Put the JSP’s lifecycle in the correct order Put the servlet’s lifecycle in the correct order a) loaded into memory b) translation c) call service () d) compilation e) initialization f) creating an object g) destruction a) initialization b) loaded into memory c) translation d) call service () e) creating an object f) destruction g) compilation ________ bdafecg abdfecg abdefcg dbafecg The tasks – authentication-blocking of requests, data compression, logging and auditing – are performed by: ________ cgbeadf gcbeadf beadf gbeadf The init parameter name and value pairs that are defined in web.xml file are handled by: ________ server filter server container servlet config servlet context Servlet technology is used to create web application. ________ ServletConfig object ServletRequest object ServletResponse object ServletContext object In HTTP Request method Get request is secured because data is exposed in URL bar? ________ false true The getSession() method with ‘true’ as its parameter [getSession(true)] it will return the appropriate session object when: ________ false true An attribute in servlet is an object that can be set, get or removed from one of the following scopes? ________ the session is completed the session object is passed to another method the session is existing the session does not exists ________ request scope application scope session scope all JSPs 47 easy In JSP Action tags which tags are used for bean development? 48 ________ All jsp:useBean jsp:getProperty jsp:setProperty hard In JSP how many ways are there to perform exception handling? 49 __________ 2 5 3 4 medium In which technology, we mix our business logic with the presentation logic? easy 50 __________ JSP Servlet None JSP and Servlet The JSP include directive is used to include the contents of any resource it may be? ________ All Text file Html file Jsp file In JSP page directive which attribute defines the MIME type of the HTTP response? ________ Extends ContentType Import Info In which attribute specifies a JSP page that should process any exceptions thrown but not caught in the current page? __________ The isErrorPage None The ErrorPage Attribute The isErrorPage Attribute and the ErrorPage Attribute In JSP action tags Which are used for developing web application with Java Bean? _____________ jsp:setProperty and jsp:getProperty jsp:setProperty jsp:getProperty jsp:useBean A JSP page consists of which tags? ________ HTML tags JSP tags HTML tags and JSP tags None