11/13/2021 Adolescence What is adolescence ? boys are 4 x more likely to get ADD / ADHD More girls are on the spectrum Chapter Six 1 S.W.B.A.T. Compare & contrast Sex and gender differences Suicide, depression and anxiety Primary and secondary sex characteristics Male and female sex hormones Early and late puberty Identify Piaget’s stage for adolescence Concrete v abstract thought Name Erikson’s stage for adolescence Identify Marcia’s four identity statuses Define adolescent egocentrism and components Explain variability and diversity in development 2 Adolescent 3 1 11/13/2021 4 Hormones 5 Prescription for health • Choose a disorder • Educate client – endocrine system, how it works, purpose, list glands, focus on one hormone. Too much too little, etiology, symptoms, demo • Describe hypothetical patient • Diagnosis • Prognosis • Outline treatment plan • References (cite sources Author, year) 6 2 11/13/2021 Tropic hormones one of them is growth hormone Internal Environment Insulin is growth factor H… Hypothalamus Pituitary gland P… Growth hormone GH 7 1.5 - 2 years ahead of time (girls) 8 PARADOX growth is in the long bone Cephalocaudal (down) <—Proxymal -> Distal 3.5" 4.1’’ the "growth spurt” 9 3 11/13/2021 On average, at what age do the changes of puberty occur? Estrogen, progestronen Pituitary Glands produce tropic hormones 10 Changing Bodies . . . Perspiration Oils sweat Acne 11 Calcium calcium absorption IRON deficiency ANEMIA * Vitamin D Iron Zinc Iron Deficiency Anemia Body Image 12 4 11/13/2021 Anorexia nervosa Body Image Need to put weight on, during the puberty… middle class white class women… she sees herself Bulimia nervosa 13 testasterone is the most important estrogen - female testasterone - male Hypothalamus GnRH Pituitary Gland Gonads Estradiol Progesterone Androgens Testosterone 14 Sexual Maturation / Menarche every month estrogen is produces in case of pregnancy… primary sexual ch***** Primary Sexual Characteristics 15 5 11/13/2021 Penis Can hold up to 3 months nuctornal emmision - Testes Spermarche Testes Ejaculation 16 Secondary Sex Characteristics Women broad hips breast development pubic hair voice lower arm and leg hair Men broad shoulders pubic hair voice deepens/lowers arm and leg hair chest & facial hair primary sexual characteristics related to ..reproduction Hormones, sperm, menorche 17 Factors affecting onset of puberty: Gender Body Weight (fat accumulation) Secular Trend *** - 2nd generation taller than you (first gen here) taller bout two generation Puberty here starts at 9 - 11 Boys get puberty also get earlier Girls Secular Trend 18 6 11/13/2021 2 questions on this slide: Early and late mature boys… Early & Late Maturation by cartilage you can tell where you are… “CAP” from the x ray Jones & Bayley (1950) Berkley Longitudinal Study Epiphysis 19 Less More Popular Physically attractive Athletic /muscular Mature Confident Poised Self assured Leader Ideal Boy friend Attention-seeking Talkative Restless left brain from right brain… Restless Talkative Bossy Less self assured 20 Early & late maturing girls 2 years to 1.5 faster for girls they aren’t cognitively and emotionally developed they are physically developed Inadequate Unchallenged Female identity “In phase” Critical Mass Well developed Ahead of class Pranks “Popular” ? Adult behaviors . . . . ! 2 questions on the test ? 21 7 11/13/2021 Twenty years later? delinquent behavior - somebody who got learly (young) to a development. because they are less mature… attention seeking…. in red * if u get there early as a girl,you will be shorter if you get there late, then youb will be taller ? Still the same? Rigid / Conforming Verbal ------------------- Visual Spatial Creative – insight men become more ..? Delinquency ? Taller/Taller Education attainment Depression / Body Image 22 Male & female teenagers less likely to be sexually experienced if: lived with both parents @ age 14 mother had 1st child @ age 20 or later mother was a college graduate Engage in after school activities Performing well in school Have positive attitude towards school 23 Cognitive Development Epistemology abstraction Values are abstraction, can include a lotof things…. Active organism Interaction environment Make sense Jean Piaget (1896-1980) Experience Experimentation 24 8 11/13/2021 Sensori motor • Feelings / Actions • Birth thru Two Preoperational • Words / images (symbols) • Two thru seven Concrete Operations • Think about things, conservation • What is / logical classes • Seven thru 13 Formal Operations • Hypothetical, Abstract (generalize) • What if / abstractions / ideas • 14 and above ****** know age 14 and above ***** 25 Classification Seriation Reversibility Transitivity Concrete Operations Decentering Conservation 26 Hypothetical 4 What if . . . Inductive reasoning deductive reasoning Scientific Reasoning If X, then Y Propositional logic 7 10 formal operations - final stage. not everyone gets there (ppl who go to collegea dn etc get there) Think ABSTRACTLY *** Reason inductively hypothesize reasons decuctively (deductively - u have schema… onfirmation bias, and you hold on ..) you can laso do inductively - u notice a pattern and figure out the generaliation and …. (higher lvl thinking) in schience it is “if.. then..” 14 27 9 11/13/2021 Adolescent Egocentrism * green light egocentric adolescent few beliefs support it; u can take others persons perspective but u thibk everyone is more interested in you. and ppl are interested in u as you are interested in yursel z9ex pimple….) David Elkind (1978) 28 Adolescent egocentrism Imaginary Audience *** green light 14-15 y.o teenagers believe that world is watching them. imginary audience gives u a feedback… Elkind & Bowen (1979) 29 ADOLESCENT EGOCENTRISM Dreams and Aspirations DAVID ELKIND Personal Fable UNIQUE rather than UNIVERSALIMAGINARY AUDIENCE 30 10 11/13/2021 Illusion of invincibility or the Invincibility Fable immune to common dangers. Illusion of invincibility or Invincibility Fable Personal Fable Fictional Fatality 31 Umbrella (younger adolescents) Cybersex STD’s , STI’s Clamydia *********** Imaginary audience number 1 STI is Chlamydia. u don’t know if you have it unless u are tested) Older teenager girls get STDs and STIs Life Span development Psychosocial Green light *** Crisis and Identity sence of self and identity,,,,, Identity Crisis Erik Erikson (1902-1994) 32 Continuity of experience & expression Green light****** Identity vs Role Confusion ********** what role you will play in life now ? in a future > Trust + + + - - - mistrust Hope Autonomy v Shame & Doubt Will Initiative v Guilt Purpose Industry v Inferiority Competence Identity v Role Confusion Fidelity* 33 11 11/13/2021 Formal Operations Allows one to think in possibilities and to Imagine the future and possible selves Identity is a consistent definitionof one’s self as uniwue individual Soc identities gender sexual age roles But those can also include a Negative identity hypothetical thinker. makes you very open minded… 34 The BIG Question? Who am I ? I am _______ I am _______ I am _______ 35 a consistent definition of oneself as a unique individual Social identities Roles we play . . . Gender identities Sexual identities Age identities Other? 36 12 11/13/2021 Green light**** James Marcia Identity status Choices/Commitments Vacation, value Ideology Adolescents / Interviews Orientations Values and ideals (Ideology) Choices / Decisions Career / Vocation Marcia, J. E., (1966), Development and validation of ego identity status, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 3, 551-558. 37 ERIK ERIKSON .. period of life for adolescent is MORATORIUM ************ MAMA COMMITMENT Yes 2 questions from this box ** No Moratorium **** Yes CRISIS Achievement anxious planful changes major often, logical often dissatisfied high self-esteem Foreclosure No Moratorium introspective, close-minded accepts & endorses parental choices & values Diffusion little self-direction impulsive low self-esteem Change major often bisexual Achievement - identity status, you know where u going, knowyour major… Moratorium - you say no, i don’t know… MAMA - monatorium / achievement / moatprium /. achievemnt Scenqrio questions ** 38 Metaphor A is B On the road of life Blaze new Pathways Rituals 39 13 11/13/2021 Ritual! Victor Turner (1969) Metaphor? Ritual is a vital component of social change Cliché? Symbolism? 40 Adolescent peer culture On the test ******* name isn’t important Dexter Dunphy (1963) we share interedt and we spend time together. share similar values….. Cliques Crowd couples - sometimes are mentors….could be really good or bad thing Couples Why be part of a crowd? 41 42 14 11/13/2021 43 The adolescent brain Emotional brain Amygdala Anxiety / stree adolescents are anxious… Girls are most likely to suffer from depresion and anxiety Depression Helpless -> Gender Differences Hopeless 44 Suicide / Para-suicide Gender Differences Assessing suicide possibilities girls are more likelyto attempt a suicide Boys are more successful in doing that hopeless - 2 red flags helpless red flag Have ideation - the thought Have a plan - the how to Have the means available guns and bullets alcohol & drugs parental supervision / monitoring 45 15 11/13/2021 Warning Signs • Sudden changes in behavior • appetite • sleep (too much/too little) • Friends • Increased drug/alcohol usage • Giving away prized possessions • Excessive risk-taking • School performance declines • Trouble concentrating • Feelings of worthlessness 46 • Drugs Use / Abuse • Gateway Drugs • Monitoring the Future (1975) 47 Teenagers who drink 6 or more times in the past 30 days … be excessively absent from school 23% vs. 6% engage in antisocial behavior be sexually active 49% vs. 19% 72% vs. 32% 48 16 11/13/2021 49 S.W.B.A.T. Compare & contrast Sex and gender differences Suicide, depression and anxiety Primary and secondary sex characteristics Male and female sex hormones Early and late puberty Identify Piaget’s stage for adolescence Concrete v abstract thought Name Erikson’s stage for adolescence Identify Marcia’s four identity statuses Define adolescent egocentrism and components Explain variability and diversity in development 50 17