ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAM BY WEISE SCHOOL INC. Writing Grammar (5 points) • 5 points: Demonstrates excellent grammar usage with no errors. • 4 points: Shows good grammar usage, with only minor errors that do not affect meaning. • 3 points: Grammar is adequate, but frequent minor errors or occasional major errors may affect clarity. • 2 points: Struggles with grammar, with frequent errors that hinder understanding. • 1 point: Grammar errors are pervasive and significantly impede understanding. Sentence / Paragraph Structure (5 points) • 5 points: Sentences and paragraphs are well-organized, varied, and effectively structured. • 4 points: Sentence and paragraph structure is clear and mostly effective, with minor issues. • 3 points: Sentence and paragraph structure is somewhat clear but lacks variety or organization. • 2 points: Sentences and paragraphs are poorly structured, leading to confusion or lack of clarity. • 1 point: Sentence and paragraph structure is minimal or disorganized, making the writing difficult to follow. Vocabulary Use in Writing (5 points) • 5 points: Vocabulary use is rich, varied, and appropriate for the context. • 4 points: Vocabulary is appropriate and varied, with only minor repetition or errors. • 3 points: Vocabulary is somewhat varied but may include repetitive or slightly inappropriate word choices. • 2 points: Limited vocabulary use, with frequent repetition or inappropriate word choices. • 1 point: Vocabulary is very limited or inappropriate, significantly affecting the quality of the writing. ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAM BY WEISE SCHOOL INC. Writing Coherence (5 points) • 5 points: Writing is logically organized, cohesive, and easy to follow. • 4 points: Writing is mostly coherent, with minor lapses in organization or flow. • 3 points: Writing shows some coherence but may lack logical flow or transitions. • 2 points: Writing lacks coherence, with poor organization or significant gaps in logic. • 1 point: Writing is disjointed and difficult to follow, with no clear flow or organization.