Rogue [Swashbuckler] (3) Goosie Spittle CLASS & LEVEL CHARACTER NAME RACE Bandle City Rawdel BACKGROUND Yordle PLAYER NAME Neutral Good ALIGNMENT EXPERIENCE POINTS INSPIRATION STRENGTH +1 17 +2 ARMOR CLASS PROFICIENCY BONUS 12 +4 40 INITIATIVE SPEED PERSONALITY TRAITS Hit Point Maximum +1 Strength DEXTERITY +4 ● 29 +6 Dexterity +3 Constitution ● 18 CURRENT HIT POINTS IDEALS TEMPORARY HIT POINTS BONDS +2 Intelligence +1 Wisdom +3 Charisma CONSTITUTION SAVING THROWS +3 ● 16 +6 Acrobatics (Dex) 0 INTELLIGENCE 0 SUCCESSES 3x(1d8+3) +1 Animal Handling (Wis) Arcana (Int) FAILURES HIT DICE DEATH SAVES ● +5 Deception (Cha) 0 History (Int) +1 Insight (Wis) 10 NAME ATK BONUS DAMAGE/TYPE Dagger +6 1d4+4 piercing +3 Intimidation (Cha) Investigation (Int) WISDOM 0 +1 +1 Medicine (Wis) 0 Nature (Int) Number of Attacks: 1 +1 Perception (Wis) 12 +3 Performance (Cha) ● CHARISMA +7 Persuasion (Cha) 0 +3 Religion (Int) +4 Sleight of Hand (Dex) ● 16 +6 Stealth (Dex) +1 Survival (Wis) SKILLS 11 FLAWS +1 Athletics (Str) ATTACKS & SPELLCASTING PASSIVE WISDOM (PERCEPTION) CP Tool Proficiencies: Thieves' Tools Weapon Proficiencies: Crossbow, hand; Dagger; Longsword; Rapier; Shortsword; Simple SP EP GP Armor Proficiencies: Light Language Proficiencies: Common OTHER PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES PP Backpack Ball bearings Bell Candle x5 Crowbar Hammer Lantern, hooded Leather Oil x2 Piton x10 Rations (1 day) x5 Rope, hempen String Thieves' Tools Tinderbox Waterskin TREASURE TM & © 2014 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission is granted to photocopy this document for personal use. EQUIPMENT Goosie Spittle CHARACTER NAME AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT EYES SKIN HAIR NAME SYMBOL CHARACTER APPEARANCE ALLIES & ORGANIZATIONS Gem (50 GP) (1) TREASURE CHARACTER BACKSTORY TM & © 2014 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission is granted to photocopy this document for personal use. FEATURES & TRAITS Darkvision: 60 ft. ----------Bonus Actions---------Cunning Action. As a bonus action you can Dash, Disengage or Hide (use once/turn). -----------Other Traits-----------Fancy Footwork. When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn how to land a strike and then slip away without reprisal. During your turn, if you make a melee attack against a creature, that creature can't make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn. Rakish Audacity. Starting at 3rd level, your unmistakable confidence propels you into battle. You can add your Charisma modifier to your initiative rolls. In addition, you don't need advantage on your attack roll to use your Sneak Attack if no creature other than your target is within 5 feet of you and you don't have disadvantage. All the other rules for the Sneak Attack class feature still apply to you. Sneak Attack. 2d6 extra damage on attack where you have advantage or another enemy of creature is within 5 ft. (use once/turn). Thieves' Cant. Convey secret messages hidden in normal conversation.