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Essay Outline: Exploring the Concept of Identity

a) Define the concept of essay outlining.
➢ Essay outlining is the process of showing how your essay will unfold,
using summary sentences and points to cover each part of the essay
(thesis statement, body paragraphs, conclusion, etc)
b) Why is it important?
➢ It allows the writer to clearly grasp an idea of what each part of their essay
will consist of and how the relevant point will fit throughout the essay.
c) How do you prepare an essay outline?
➢ Gather relevant information on the topic and organise your ideas into
different points to fit into the various parts of the essay. (Identify a clear
thesis statement, key points for the body paragraphs etc)
d) Using any topic - identity or otherwise, prepare an essay outline.
➢ Thesis Statement: In this ever-changing society, how can we ever know who we
truly are?
Key Sentences I want to use:
➢ Our identity is like a puzzle, where everyday we piece together pieces to answer
questions such as, “Who am I?” and “Where do I belong?”
➢ Our identity can be defined as the many distinct factors that make us unique;
what defines us as individuals. On a deeper level, this may be the way someone
views themselves from others’ point of view and what may affect their self
➢ This encompasses all our core values and beliefs, physical and mental
attributes and quirks, personality traits and many more defining components.
➢ Mention the different types of identity (social, cultural etc) transitioning into
paragraph 2
1. Types of identity
➢ Differentiate and define the different types of identity:
• Personal identity – how an individual views themselves and why it’s
important for growth and development
• Social identity – how we are perceived by others based on varying
factors and how this may affect our self esteem.
• Cultural Identity – How our heritage, upbringing, traditions,
language etc go about in shaping our identity (religion, country,
2. How our identity develops as we grow
➢ How different events and experiences from early childhood onwards can
affect our identity (How we’re taught to socialize)
➢ How our friends, peers, persons of authority, etc affect our identity as we
transition into adulthood
➢ How we are expected to conform to societal norms vs who we actually are
(defying our culture to please others)
3. The evolution of our identity
➢ Our Identity is not a set thing and changes as we grow, develop and experience
new life changes, both negative and positive
➢ Recap key points
Different types of identity
How it’s influenced
What makes us, us
➢ Why it’s important for us to know who we are as people
➢ Closing statement: Although the puzzle of our identity may remain unsolved as
we grow and change, it is through our everyday experiences that we come closer
to truly finding our place in the world; one where that place simply means we are