RESUME SWARUP PADHAN AT-BARAHAKATA PO-LACHIDA PS-ATTABIRA DIST-BARGARH PIN-768027(ODISHA) Mobile No:-8249349207 Email ID: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ______ CAREER OBJECTIVE: I would to work in an environment where I would get a chance to enhance my capabilities. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Class Board/University Year of passing Division / %of Marks MATRIC BSE ODISHA 2012 59 +2 COMMERCE CHSE ODISHA 2014 57 BBA G.M UNIVERSITY 2020 78 MBA(FINANCE) G.M.UNIVERSITY 2022 84 COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE ADCA Completed from SIIT, ATTABIRA in the year 2017. STRENGTH Self confidence, punctuality, discipline. Ability to quickly adjust to the new environment. Personal Profile Name : SWARUP PADHAN Father’s Name : BANBAS PADHAN Date of Birth : 28/06/1996 Gender : Male Marital Status : Unmarried Nationality : Indian Religion : Hindu Caste : OBC Language Known : English, Oriya& Hindi Aadhar No : 6140 6625 1023 DECLARATION I do hereby declare that all the particulars stated above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: Place: Signature