DSP LAB 1. %5.a. [xx,tt] = syn_sin([0.5 0.5 0.5],[2 2*exp(-1.25*j*pi) (1-j)], 10, 6, -1/2); plot(tt,real(xx)) xlabel t ylabel x(t) %5.b. freq = 1/(1.5+0.5) freq = 0.5000 phase = (0.08/2)*360 phase = 14.4000 A = 1.6 %from graph A = 1.6000 %5.c. % 2exp(jpi*t) = 2(cos(pi)+j*sin(pi)) % 2exp(jpi*(t-1.25)) = 2(cos(pi)+j*sin(pi))*(cos(1.25pi)+j*sin(1.25pi) 1 % (1-j)exp(jpi*t) = (1-j)(cos(pi)+j*sin(pi)) %x(t) = R{above)} %x(t) = 2 + 2(-0.707 + j0.707) + (1-j) %x(t) = 1.586 + j0.414 %x(t) = 1.639 angle of 14.6 degrees 6. A. syms c t_1 x_v d_t d_xr d_yr t_2 d_direct d_reflect1 d_reflect2 d_reflect c = 3e8 c = 300000000 d_direct = sqrt(x_v^2 + d_t^2) d_direct = t_1 = d_direct/c t_1 = B. d_reflect1 = sqrt(d_xr^2 + (d_t-d_yr)^2); d_reflect2 = sqrt((d_xr - x_v)^2 + d_yr^2); d_reflect = d_reflect2+d_reflect1 d_reflect = t_2 = d_reflect/c t_2 = C. 2 f_s = 1e9 f_s = 1.0000e+09 A = 1 A = 1 f_0 = 150e6 f_0 = 150000000 t = linspace(0,3/f_0,3*f_s/f_0) t = 1×20 10-7 × 0 0.0105 0.0211 0.0316 0.0421 0.0526 0.0632 s_c = cos(2*pi*f_0*t); r_c = (s_c*(exp(-j*2*pi*f_0*t_1) - exp(-j*2*pi*f_0*t_2))); r1c = subs(r_c,d_t,1500); r2c = subs(r1c,d_xr,100); r3c = subs(r2c,d_yr,900); r4c = double(subs(r3c,x_v,0)); plot(t,real(r4c)) title('Part C graph') 3 0.0737 max_ampC= max(real(r4c)) max_ampC = 0.1646 D. s_d = exp(j*2*pi*f_0*t); r_d = (s_d*(exp(-j*2*pi*f_0*t_1) - exp(-j*2*pi*f_0*t_2))); r1d = subs(r_d,d_t,1500); r2d = subs(r1d,d_xr,100); r3d = subs(r2d,d_yr,900); r4d = double(subs(r3d,x_v,0)); figure plot(t,real(r4d)) title('Part D graph') max_ampD= max(real(r4d)) max_ampD = 0.5732 E. dt = 1500; f0 = 150e6; dxr = 100; dyr = 900; 4 xv_e = linspace(-200,200,1000); t1 = sqrt(xv_e.^2 + dt^2) / c; t2 = sqrt((dxr - xv_e).^2 + dyr^2) / c; A_direct = exp(-j * 2 * pi * f0 * t1); A_reflect = exp(-j * 2 * pi * f0 * t2); Rv = A_direct - A_reflect; figure plot(xv_e,real(Rv)) xlabel('position (m)') ylabel('Signal magnitude') title('Part E graph') F. sig_strength = abs(Rv) sig_strength = 1×1000 1.6018 1.7294 1.8338 1.9136 1.9679 1.9959 xv_f = linspace(0,300,1000) xv_f = 1×1000 5 1.9974 1.9723 0 0.3003 0.6006 0.9009 1.2012 1.5015 1.8018 2.1021 figure plot(xv_f,sig_strength) xlabel('Vehicle Position (m)') ylabel('Signal Strength') title('Part F graph') G. The largest values of the signal strength are the parts of the graph where the direct and reflected signals join together to form a stronger signal,where both paths have the same phase and amplitude The smallest values are the opposite, when the two signals join together in a way that cancels, resulting in weaker signal strength. This is when they both have opposite phases. The positions where there is complete cancellation is when both direct and reflected signals have exactly opposite phase, where the plot crosses the 0 line. 6