F2 Management In Accounting Sir Ahmed Shafi ALTERNATIVE COSTING PRINCIPLES 1) Life Cycle Costing Most products have life cycle which consists of several stages like development stage, introduction stage, growth stage, maturity stage, and finally decline stage. 1. Development: At this stage product is being developed. Only cost are incurred at this stage but no revenue are generated. 2. Introduction: The product is launched in the market. Potential customers are unaware of the product and the company may have to spend heavily on advertisement to bring the product in attention of customers. 3. Growth: In this stage sales volume shoot up and units cost fall as fixed cost are recovered over greater volumes. In this stage more competitors enter the market and the company needs to focus on cost control 4. Maturity: Eventually the growth in demand slows down and the product enters the period of maturity. Initially profit continuous to increase, but the price competition starts to lower down profitability as firms start competing for limited new customers remaining. 5. Decline: At some stage, the product will move towards obsolescence as new and better alternatives arrive. The product therefore reaches ‘saturation point’, where demand starts to fall. When profits fall to an unacceptable level, the organization will remove the product from the market. In the meantime a replacement product will need to have been developed. Therefore again creating a development stage. 2) Total quality Management (TOM): In the context of TOM, quality means getting it right first time and improving continuously. What is TOM? Tom is a process of applying a zero defect philosophy to the management of all resources within the organization as a means of developing and sustaining a culture of continuous improvement which focuses on meeting customers’ expectations. 65 | P a g e F2 Management In Accounting Sir Ahmed Shafi Characteristics of a TQM programme: Following are the requirements of the quality, or characteristics of a TOM programme: 1) Organization wide acceptance that the only thing that matter is quality 2) There should be strong customer supplier relationship, including internal customer, passing sub -standard material to another division is not satisfactory. 3) Instead of relying on inspection for quality, the cause of defect in the first place shall remove. 4) Each employee shall be personally responsible for defect free production in there domain. 5) There should be move away from acceptable quality level. Any level of defects must be unacceptable. 6) All departments should try to get things right first time. This even applies to misdirected phone calls and typing errors. 7) Quality certification programs should be introduced. 8) The cost of poor quality should be emphasized, good quality generates saving. 9) 1) Prevention costs(Supervisors) 2) Appraisal cost (Quality inspector) 3) Internal failure cost (rework) 4) External failure cost (Goodwill reputation, warranty) These 4 costs above are costs of poor quality Alternative Costing Principles MCQ’s Which of the following statements is not correct? a) b) c) d) Activity based costing ls an alternative to traditional volume-based costing methods Activity based costs provide an approximation of tons-run variable unit costs Activity based costing cannot be used to cost services Activity based costing is a form of absorption costing A product is in the stage of its life cycle which is typified by falling prices but good profit margins due to high sales volumes. What stage is it in? a) b) c) d) Growth Maturity Introduction Decline In what stage of the Product life cycle are initial costs of the Investment in the product typically recovered? a) b) c) d) Introduction Decline Growth Maturity 66 | P a g e F2 Management In Accounting Sir Ahmed Shafi How is target cost calculated? a) b) c) d) Desired selling price-actual profit margin Market price-desired profit margin Desired selling price-desired profit margin Market price-standard profit margin Which stage of the product life cycle do the following characteristics refer to?New competitors Customer feedback received New distribution outlets being found Product quality Improvements made a) b) c) d) Introduction Decline Growth Maturity Anew product is being developed. The development will take one year and the product is expected to have a life cycle of two years before it is replaced. Which of the following statements are true of life cycle costing? Statement 1: It is useful for assessing whether new products have been successful. Statement 2: The individual profitability for products is less accurate. a) b) c) d) Both statements are true Both statements are false Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false Statement 2 is true and statement 1 is false (2 marks) A chain of coffee shops has implemented a Total Quality Management system to ensure highquality and consistency across all outlets. As part of the scheme, the chain offers a free replacement drink to any customer not completely satisfied with their purchase. Which, of the following BEST describes the cost of providing replacement drinks? a) b) c) d) An external failure cost An internal failure cost A prevention cost An appraisal cost Which costing method ls based around a calculation involving a desired profit mar8ln and a competitive market price? a) b) c) d) Activity Based Costing Total Quality Management Target costing Life cycle costing 148) which one of the following is an advantage of activity based costing? a) It provides more accurate product cost b) It is simple to apply c) It is a form of marginal costing and so is relevant to decision making d) It is particularly useful when fixed overheads are very low. 67 | P a g e F2 Management In Accounting Sir Ahmed Shafi 149) Quality control costs can be categorized into internal and external failure costs, inspection cost and prevention costs. In which of these four classification would the following cost be included? 1) The cost of a customer service 2) The cost of equipment maintenance 3) The cost of operating test equipment Customer service team Equipment maintenance A) Prevention costs B) Prevention costs C) External failure costs D) External failure costs Inspection cost Internal failure costs Internal failure costs prevention costs Test equipment Internal failure costs Inspection cost Prevention costs Inspection costs 150) In the context of quality costs, customer compensation cost and test equipment running cost would be classified as: Customer compensation costs A) B) C) D) Internal failure costs Internal failure costs External failure costs External failure costs Test equipment running cost Prevention costs Appraisal costs Appraisal costs Prevention costs 151) The selling price of product K is set at $450 for each unit If the company requires a return of 20% in the company year on product K, the target cost for each unit for the company year is: A) $300 B) $360 C) $400 D) $450 152) In calculating life cycle cost of a product, which of the following items would be excluded? 1) Planning and concept design costs 2) Preliminary and detailed designed costs 3) Testing costs 4) Production costs 5) Distribution and customer service costs A) (iii) B) (iv) C) (v) D) None of them 68 | P a g e F2 Management In Accounting Sir Ahmed Shafi 54) A customer returns a faulty product to a firm repair under a warranty scheme. The firm operates a total quality management system. Which of the following best describes the cost of repair? A) B) C) D) An internal failure cost An external failure cost An appraisal cost A prevention cost 69 | P a g e