CNF Quarter One: Week 1 Lesson 1: Understanding Conventions of Traditional Genres Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region ________________ Division of _________ _____ NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Senior High School School Logo LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEETS IN CREATIVE NONFICTION Subject Description: Focusing on formal elements and writing techniques, including autobiography and blogging, among others, the subject introduces the students to the reading and writing of Creative Nonfiction as a literary form. The subject develops in students skills in reading, and thinking critically and creatively, that will help them to be imaginative readers and writers. Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to: 1. Understand the literary conventions that govern the different genres (e.g. narrative convention of fiction, etc.); 2. Create a sample from any of the traditional literary genres based on one’s experiences. Subject Matter: UNIT I. INTRODUCTION TO LITERARY GENRES A. Traditional Literary Genres Lesson 1. Understanding Conventions of Traditional Genres Reference(s): Baronda, AJC. (2016). Creative Nonfiction. Manila, Philippines. JFS Publishing Services. Krystal, A. (2020). What is Literature? (A Criticism). Harper’s Magazine. Retrieved from Mark, JJ. (2009). Literature. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from: I. ACTIVATION OF PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Analyze the statements below and determine the validity of each. Before the number, write ACCEPT if the statement is true; REJECT if it tells otherwise. _______1. Short stories, novellas, and novels are best examples of fictional works. _______2. Fiction is any work that is drawn from the imaginative reconstruction and creative recreation of life by the writer. _______3. The elements of a short story and a novel differ since the latter is more complex. _______4. Traditional stories circulated through oral lore for centuries. _______5. Myths and legends are the first stories enjoyed by our forebears. Name of Learner : __________________________________ Grade & Section : __________________________________ Date : __________________________________ Grading System Written Outputs 25 % Performance Tasks 45 % Quarterly Assessment 30 % TOTAL 100 % Page 1|5 CNF Quarter One: Week 1 Lesson 1: Understanding Conventions of Traditional Genres _______6. Length and complexity are the features that make a short story, and novel differ from each other. _______7. The linear pattern for plot begins in the middle portion of the action. _______8. The villain is the character who mainly faces and resolves the major conflicts in the story. _______9. Denouement introduces the characters, the setting, and the context of the story. _______10. The point of view pertains to who narrates the story. II. ACQUISITION OF NEW KNOWLEDGE Literature (from the Latin Littera meaning ‘letters’ and referring to an acquaintance with the written word) is the written work of a specific culture, sub-culture, religion, philosophy or the study of such written work which may appear in poetry or in prose (Mark, 2009). In simple words, literature is anything that is written, and it can be divided into two main classifications: Prose and Poetry. However, in modern times, literature has taken up another meaning. In his article published in Harper’s magazine (2020), Arthur Krystal expounded that “literary means not only what is written but what is voiced, what is expressed, what is invented, in whatever form” — in which case maps, sermons, comic strips, cartoons, speeches, photographs, movies, war memorials, and music all huddle beneath the literary umbrella. In this lesson, we will focus on the three traditional literary genres namely: FICTION, POETRY, and the DRAMA and their conventions. A. FICTION. Anything that is made up is fiction. Since it is heavily drawn from one’s imagination. It depicts the world and an experience that can be perceived to be mainly contrived or created by the writer. It involves people who do not truly exist. However, the literary characters can be observed to be entirely real. It presents situations, conditions, and surroundings that are closely similar to what is real. Basic Forms of Fiction A.1. Flash Fiction. This is an emerging from of fiction that is best remembered because of its relative shortness. Words used by the writer range from 100-150 but still considered a complete story since all the essential elements of fiction can be observed. A.2. Short Story/Short Fiction. This form can be done in one sitting since it deals with a single complication and a limited number of characters. A.3. Novella. This fiction form goes between a short fiction and a novel. This is relatively long for a short story but is somewhat short to be classified as a novel. Name of Learner : __________________________________ Grade & Section : __________________________________ Date : __________________________________ Grading System Written Outputs 25 % Performance Tasks 45 % Quarterly Assessment 30 % TOTAL 100 % Page 2|5 CNF Quarter One: Week 1 Lesson 1: Understanding Conventions of Traditional Genres A.4. Novel. This greatly covers several plot complications since it is composed of several chapters. The number of characters is relatively bigger. B. POETRY is formed and derived from the Greek term “poesis” that means to create or to make. It mainly differs from other forms of literature in a sense that it must be read as carefully as it could be. It is mainly recognized as the most economical means of expression because of the limited number of words used. Poetry mainly evokes emotions and reveals the inner thoughts and aspirations of the writer. It can feature any topic relevant to human interests and experiences. Its meaning goes beyond words and should be internalized and carefully interpreted. Language used in poetry is highly creative in which denotation and connotation must be given sound attention. Poetry centers on several key aspects such as structure, language, tone, sound, rhythm, and emotional appeal. The poet has the freedom to frame his work. It can be highly structured or measured and can also be written in free verse. Various Forms of Poetry B.1. Narrative Poetry. This form capitalizes on recounting a story. Also, this form is non-dramatic. Epics, metrical tales, ballads, and romances are specific poetic types that belong to this form. B.2. Lyric Poetry. Lyric poems mainly evoke and highlight the emotions and feelings of the writer toward the chosen subjects in a personal or subjective way. Lyric poems are melodic in nature and are originally sung. Simple lyrics, songs, odes, sonnets, and elegies are examples that manifest the conventions of lyric poetry. B.3. Dramatic Poetry. This form of poetry exhibits the elements of drama— dialogue and characterization. A monologue and a soliloquy are best examples since their convention’s fir this type. C. DRAMA. Aristotle, in his Poetics, posited the idea that drama is the “imitation of an action.” Thus, this explains that drama copies the perceived and imagined experiences of man. Actors represent the characters in the story, and they deliver actions and dialogues which are essential to establish their character as well as the flow of the story. It follows a unified structure—it has a beginning, middle, and an end. It can be dramatic or comical. It establishes the impression to its audience that the scenes are lifelike. Name of Learner : __________________________________ Grade & Section : __________________________________ Date : __________________________________ Grading System Written Outputs 25 % Performance Tasks 45 % Quarterly Assessment 30 % TOTAL 100 % Page 3|5 CNF Quarter One: Week 1 III. Lesson 1: Understanding Conventions of Traditional Genres APPLICATION Let’s see how far you are doing. Please answer the exit slip below. This exit slip will record your reflections about what you are learning and how you are going about learning it. Source: IV. ASSESSMENT A. Identify the literary genre (Fiction, Poetry, Prose) described in each number. Write your answer on the blank. Wrong spelling will not be considered. ___________1. It copies the perceived and imagined experiences of man. ___________2. It centers on several key aspects such as structure, language, tone, sound, rhythm, and emotional appeal. ___________3. It is heavily drawn from one’s imagination. ___________4. It establishes the impression to its audience that the scenes are lifelike. ___________5. It can be highly structured or measured and can also be written in free verse. ___________6. It involves people who do not truly exist. ___________7. It follows a unified structure—it has a beginning, middle, and an end. ___________8. It can feature any topic relevant to human interests and experiences. ___________9. It depicts the world and an experience that can be perceived to be mainly contrived or created by the writer. Name of Learner : __________________________________ Grade & Section : __________________________________ Date : __________________________________ Grading System Written Outputs 25 % Performance Tasks 45 % Quarterly Assessment 30 % TOTAL 100 % Page 4|5 CNF Quarter One: Week 1 Lesson 1: Understanding Conventions of Traditional Genres ___________10. Its meaning goes beyond words and should be internalized and carefully interpreted. B. Write a flash fiction OR a short poem about your experiences during the lockdown. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: _________________________ Name of Learner : __________________________________ Grade & Section : __________________________________ Date : __________________________________ Grading System Written Outputs 25 % Performance Tasks 45 % Quarterly Assessment 30 % TOTAL 100 % Page 5|5