For More Visit : UNIT I MECHANICS OF METAL CUTTING Mechanics of chip formation, single point cutting tool, forces in machining, Types of chip, cutting tools – nomenclature, orthogonal metal cutting, thermal aspects, cutting tool materials, tool wear, tool life, surface finish, cutting fluids and Machinability. S.No. Part – A ( 2 Marks ) 1 2 3 Write a short note on heat zone in cutting. Mention any two modern tool materials. Explain the condition that induces the formation of Built up edge. How tool life is estimated? Classify the different types of chip breakers. List the various metal removal processes. Interpret the significance of negative rake angle. Discuss how chip formation occurs in metal cutting. Illustrate the various parts in single point cutting tool. List the various angles in cutting tool. What are the assumptions made in drawing Merchant’s circle? Examine chip thickness ratio. Classify the cutting fluids. Draw the nomenclature of cutting tool geometry. Point out the objectives and functions of cutting fluids. Point out the various cutting tool materials. Deduce the factors that contribute to poor surface finish in cutting. Summarize the four important characteristics of materials used for cutting tools Explain the advantage of high machinability Summarize machinability index. PART B (13 Marks) (i) Explain various cutting tool materials. (ii)List the properties of cutting tool materials. In an orthogonal cutting operation on a work piece of width 2.5mm, the uncut chip thickness was 0.25mm and 25 degree. It was observed that the chip thickness was 1.25mm.The cutting force was measured to be 900N and the thrust force was found to be 810 N. (a) Find the shear angle. (b) If the coefficient of friction between the chip and the tool, was 0.5, what is the machining constant Cm (i).Describe the chip formation with neat sketches. (ii).Explain about chips With Built up edge. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 (i). Mention the functions of Cutting Fluids. (ii). Explain the uses of Cutting Fluids. BT COMPETENCE MARKS LEVEL 2 2 2 BT 1 Remember BT 1 Remember BT 1 Remember 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 BT 1 BT 2 BT 2 BT 2 BT 2 BT 3 BT 3 BT 3 BT 3 BT 4 BT 4 BT 4 BT 4 BT 5 2 BT 5 Evaluate 2 2 BT 5 Evaluate BT 5 Evaluate 7 6 13 BT 1 Remember BT 1 Remember BT 6 Create 9 4 BT 2 Understand BT 2 Understand 6 7 BT 2 Understand BT 2 Understand Remember Understand Understand Understand Understand Apply Apply Apply Apply Analyze Analyze Analyze Analyze Evaluate For More Visit : For More Visit : 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 Describe the mechanism of metal cutting and process involved in detail List the various tool materials used in industry. State the optimum temperature of each of the tool materials. A turning tool with side and end cutting edge of 20 degree and 30 degree respectively operates at a speed of 0.2 mm/rev. Calculate the CLA of the surface produced if the tool force radius is 3 mm. (i).Examine the parameters that influence the life of tool and discuss. (ii).Illustrate the formulas involved in life of tool. Explain merchant force circle assumptions, diagram and characteristics. (i).Differentiate between orthogonal cutting and oblique cutting (ii).Discuss their merits and demerits Explain the geometry of a single point cutting tool with suitable sketches Explain the basic actions, characteristics and properties of cutting fluids (i).Express the formulae in Orthogonal metal cutting. (ii).Describe the expression for the shear angle in Orthogonal metal cutting Explain the standard angles of cutting. Illustrate with an example PART C (15 Marks) Give your understanding of the basic metal-cutting process, what are the important physical and chemical Properties of a cutting tool. Maximum temperature in orthogonal cutting is located at about the middle of the tool-chip interface - Evaluate Why is it not always advisable to increase cutting speed in order to increase production rate? Describe in detail your thoughts regarding the technical and economic factors involved in tool material selection 13 BT 2 Understand 13 BT 1 Remember 13 BT 6 Create 7 BT 3 Apply 6 13 BT 3 Apply BT 2 Understand 7 6 13 BT 2 Understand BT 2 Understand BT 2 Understand 13 BT 2 Understand 4 9 BT 4 Analyze BT 4 Analyze 13 BT 2 Understand 15 BT 5 Evaluate 15 BT 5 Evaluate 15 BT 6 Create 15 BT 6 Create For More Visit : For More Visit : UNIT 2 TURNING MACHINES Centre lathe, constructional features, specification, operations – taper turning methods, thread cutting methods, special attachments, machining time and power estimation. Capstan and turret lathes- tool layout – automatic lathes: semiautomatic – single spindle: Swiss type, automatic screw type-Multispindle S.NO. PART – A (2 MARKS) MARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 List out the factors to be considered while specifying a lathe. Explain the meaning of “swing of the lathe". Discuss the difference between feed rod and lead screw. Define the term “Conicity”. Illustrate the methods of taper turning on lathe. Express the formula for calculating taper turning angle by tailstock set over distance and compound rest method. Calculate the angle at which the compound rest will be swiveled when cutting a taper on a piece of work having the following dimensions. OD = 60 mm; Length of the tapered portion 80 mm and smallest diameter – 20mm. Describe the term “Thread cutting”. Explain how the number of teeth on various change gears be calculated? Generalize the formula to find the following parameters (i) Machining time (ii) Total length of tool travel (iii) Number of passes or cut. Define automatic machine. Examine the three stages of a tool-layout? Compare the advantages of turret lathe over capstan lathe. Recommend different drives used in copying lathes. Explain the term "copy turning". Differentiate automatic lathe and capstan lathe. Support the sketch illustrating the principle of operation of Swiss type automatic lathe. Tabulate the difference between parallel action and progressive action multi spindle automatic lathes. Discover the four major parts of swiss type automatic lathes. Discuss the purpose of providing lead cam in single spindle automatic screw cutting machine. 2 2 2 2 2 2 BT 1 BT 4 BT 2 BT 1 BT 3 BT 2 Remember Analyzing Understand Remember Apply Understand 2 BT 3 Apply 2 2 BT 2 BT 5 Understand Evaluate 2 BT 6 Creating 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 BT 1 BT 3 BT 4 BT 5 BT 4 BT 2 BT 5 Remember Apply Analyze Evaluate Analyze Understand Evaluate 2 BT 1 Remember 2 2 BT 3 BT 2 Apply Understand 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 COMPETENCE BT LEVEL PART B (13 Marks) (i) What are the different types of machining operations that can 8 BT 4 Analyze be performed on a lathe? Explain any four in detail. 5 BT 3 Applying (ii) A hollow work piece of 50 mm diameter and 200mm long is to be turned over in 4 passes. If the approach length is 20mm over travel 10mm, feed 0.8mm/rev and cutting speed 30m/min, Find machining time. 13 BT 5 Evaluate Explain the construction and working principle of a lathe with a neat sketch. (i) Describe the difference between a steady rest and follower 7 BT 2 Understand rest. Give an application of each. (ii) Summarize various types of chucks. Explain any twoF.or More Vis it : w6ww.LeBarTnE2ngineUernindge.rinstand For More Visit : 4 5 6 7 8 9 (i) Explain taper turning operation in a lathe by taper turning attachment method. (ii) Point out why the boring operation on a lathe be a difficult operation? Describe the following methods of taper turning in lathe by i. Swiveling the compound rest. ii. Form tool method. (i) Explain the thread cutting operation in a lathe with a neat sketch. Also make a note on knurling, grooving and forming operations in a lathe. (ii) Illustrate the purpose of various attachments used on a centre lathe. (i) Calculate the gears for cutting metric threads of following pitch. i) 4mm pitch, ii) 5.25 mm pitch. The lead screw of lathe contains 6 TPI. The lathe is supplied with 20 to 120 teeth in step of 5and an additional gear wheel of having 127 teeth. 7 BT 4 Analyze 6 BT 4 Analyze 7 BT 1 Remember 6 7 BT 1 BT 5 Remember Evaluate 6 BT 3 Apply 6 BT 3 Apply (ii) Calculate the time required for one complete cut on a piece of work having 250 mm long and 40 mm diameter. The cutting speed is 32 m/min and feed is 0.4 mm/rev. Discuss about the Geneva mechanism of turret lathe with neat sketch. (i) Explain the classification of automatic lathes. (ii) Describe the features of Swiss type automatic lathe and bar type automatic lathe. Discuss the features of Ram type and Saddle type turret with neat Sketch. (i) Explain the tooling layout for the producing of a Hexagonal bolt in a Capstan lathe. (ii) Discuss the tooling layout for production of a hexagonal nut in Turret lathe. (i) Classify transfer machines. Sketch and explain the working of Swiss type automatic screw machine. 7 BT 3 Apply 13 BT 2 Understand 5 8 BT 3 BT 1 Apply Remember 13 BT 2 Understand 7 BT 5 Evaluate 6 BT 2 Understand 7 BT 3 Apply (ii) What are the advantages of automatic machines? 6 BT 3 Apply (i) Briefly explain the principle of working of sliding head type single spindle automatic machine. 7 BT 4 Analyze (ii) Differentiate between parallel action and progressive action multi spindle automatics. 6 BT 4 Analyze Describe the working principle of multi spindle automatics. Give its advantages and applications. 13 BT 1 Remember 10 10 11 12 13 14 For More Visit : For More Visit : 1 2 3 4 PART C (15 Marks) A badly oxidized and uneven round bar is being turned on a lathe. Would you recommend a small or in large depth of cut? Explain. Describe the problems, if any, that may be encountered in clamping a work piece made of a soft metal in a three- jaw chuck. We have seen that cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut are the main parameters in a turning operation. In relative terms, at what values should theses parameters be set for a (a) roughing operation and (b) finishing operation? Explain the economic justification for purchasing a turret lathe instead of a conventional lathe. 15 BT 6 Create 15 BT 2 Understand 15 BT 6 Create 15 BT 4 Analyzing UNIT-III RECIPROCATING MACHINE TOOLS Shaper - Types of operations. Drilling, reaming, boring, Tapping. Milling operations- types of milling cutter. Gear cutting – forming and generation principle and construction of gear milling, hobbing and gear shaping processes –finishing of gears. S.No. PART- A (2 MARKS) MARKS BT LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 Mention the differences between shaper and planer. What are the differences between drilling and reaming? Briefly describe the importance of quill mechanism. List the types of sawing machines. Define the cutting speed, feed and machining time for drilling. What is broaching? What is the difference between up milling and down milling? List four applications of broaching machines How do you classify milling cutters? What do you know about straight fluted drill and fluted drill? What is meant by up milling and down milling? State the differences between a vertical shaper and slotters. Write the differences between drilling and tapping. What is a shell mill? Mention the operations performed by a planner. Why is sawing a commonly used process. List out the various elements of a plain milling cutter with a with neat sketch. Give the two principal methods of gear manufacturing. List out the gear finishing processes. Explain gear hobbing. 2 2 2 2 2 BT 1 BT 1 BT 1 BT 1 BT 1 Remembering Remembering Remembering Remembering Remembering 2 2 BT 1 BT 2 Remembering Understanding 2 2 2 BT 2 BT 2 BT 3 Understanding Understanding Apply 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 BT 3 BT 3 BT 3 BT 4 BT 4 BT 4 BT 4 Apply Apply Apply Analyze Analyze Analyze Analyze 2 2 2 BT 4 BT 4 BT 6 Analyze Analyze Creating 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 COMPETENCE PART B (13 Marks) Explain various milling cutters with neat sketches? 13 BT 2 Understanding Discuss various hole making processes. 13 BT 2 Understanding With a neat sketch explain the column and knee type 13 BT 3 Applying milling. For More1V3isitB: T ww Explain hacksaw and band saw with neat sketches. 3w.Le For More Visit : 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Discuss boring and reaming operation with neat sketches. Discuss the principle of operation of boring operation with a neat sketch. Describe the working of a crank and slotted link mechanism. Sketch and explain the hydraulic drive of a horizontal shaper. What are the operations performed on a drilling machine? Sketch a twist drill and explain. Explain different types of milling cutters. With the help of a neat sketch, discuss the Tapping and gear hobbing operation. Sketch the Quill mechanism .write its main parts and their function. (i).How will you cut the following types of surfaces on milling machines? (a)Flat surfaces (b)Slots and splines (ii).Make a note on different types of work holding devices used in a slotting machine. 13 BT 4 13 BT 4 Applying Analyzing 13 BT 4 Analyzing 13 BT 6 Creating 13 BT 4 13 BT 5 13 BT 5 13 BT 5 Analyzing Evaluating Evaluating Evaluating 13 BT 6 Creating 13 BT 5 Evaluating 13 BT 6 Creating PART C (15 Marks) 1 2 3 4 (i).Explain the different types of table drive and feed mechanisms in a planning machine (ii).State the advantages of Ward- Leonard drive. (i).Explain with a sketch “Fast and loose pulleys” quick return mechanism of a planer table. (ii).Write short notes on expanding hand reamers and adjustable machine reamers. (i).Sketch and explain the main parts of a band saw. (ii).Explain different types of drilling machines with their special features. List the difference between shaper and planner. 8 BT 5 Evaluate 7 BT 6 Creating 8 BT 5 Evaluate 7 BT 6 Creating 8 BT 5 Evaluate 7 BT 6 Creating 15 BT 5 Evaluate For More Visit : For More Visit : UNIT-III RECIPROCATING MACHINE TOOLS Abrasive processes: grinding wheel – specifications and selection, types of grinding process– cylindrical grinding, surface grinding, centre less grinding and internal grinding- Typical applications –concepts of surface integrity, broaching machines: broach construction – push, pull, surface and continuous broaching machines COMPETENCE BT MARK Sl.NO S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 How does loading differ from glazing in grinding process? List out the factors involved in the selection of a grinding wheel. Why most abrasives are now made synthetically? Narrate the working principle of abrasive jet machining. What is an abrasive? What are super abrasives? Define hardness of the grinding wheel. Define lapping. How will you express “grade” and “structure” of a grinding wheel? Discuss the parameters that would affect the MRR in abrasive jet machining. Give four important factors that influence the selection of grinding wheel. Discuss the need of truing and dressing operations in a Point out the abrasives used in manufacture of grinding wheels. Classify the types of external grinders. Discuss the operations done in centre less grinders. Explain the work holding and supporting devices used in grinders. Explain why the centre less grinders are called as specialized machines for Cylindrical parts? Classify the different types of fine finishing process. Discuss surface integrity. What is the principle of a broaching process? What are the principal types of broaching machines? LEVEL 2 BT-1 2 BT-1 Remembering Remembering 2 BT-1 2 BT-1 2 BT-1 2 BT-2 2 BT-2 2 BT-2 Remembering Remembering Remembering Understanding Understanding Understanding 2 BT-2 Understanding 2 BT-3 Applying 2 BT-3 2 BT-3 2 BT-4 2 BT-4 2 BT-6 Applying Applying Analyzing Analyzing Creating 2 BT-4 Analyzing 2 BT-5 2 BT-5 2 BT-5 2 BT-6 Evaluate Evaluate Evaluate Creating For More Visit : For More Visit : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PART B (13 Marks) (i) Explain the working mechanism of cylindrical and surface grinding. (ii) Discuss the various bonding materials used for making grinding wheels. (i) What are the consequences of allowing the temperature to rise during grinding? (ii) The performance of a grinding wheel depends upon the type of abrasive, grain size, grade, structure and bonding material. Discuss the effect of each. (i) What do you understand by grinding as an abrasive process? Explain with a neat sketch. (ii) What precaution should you take when grinding high precision? (i) What is Surface grinding? What are the different types of surface grinding machines? (ii) Explain why there are so many different types and sizes of grinding wheels? Explain the working principle and various methods of centre less grinding with a neat sketch. (i) Sketch and explain the three methods of external cylindrical centre less grinding. (ii) Why speed is so much higher in grinding than in cutting? (i) Explain dressing and truing of grinding wheel. (ii)What factors could contribute to chatter in grinding? (i) Explain the factors to be considered to select a grinding wheel and recommended parameter. (ii)What are the effects of wear flat on the grinding process? (i) How do you classify cylindrical grinders? (ii) What is the difference between “Plain and universal “cylindrical grinder? (i) Briefly discuss about the different types of abrasives used in a grinding wheel. (ii) Discuss with neat sketch vertical broaching machines. (i) Describe the factors that contribute to broaching force and explain why. (ii) Describe the conditions under which broaching would be the preferred method of machining. (i) Describe the concept of surface integrity. (ii) Explain the generalized classification of broaching machines. Explain Surface and continuous broaching. Give the advantages and disadvantages of surface and continuous broaching Explain the construction of a Push type and pull type broaching machine. 6 BT-4 Applying 7 BT-3 Analyzing 6 BT-4 Analyzing 7 BT-4 Analyzing 6 BT-6 Creating 7 BT 5 Evaluating 4 BT 3 Applying 9 BT 3 Applying 13 BT 3 Applying 9 BT 4 Analyzing 4 BT 4 Analyzing 6 BT-4 Analyzing 7 7 BT-3 BT-6 Analyzing Creating 6 BT 5 Evaluating 6 BT-5 Evaluating 7 6 BT 6 BT 3 Creating Applying 7 6 BT 5 BT-2 Evaluating Understanding 7 BT-4 Analyzing 7 BT-6 Creating 6 BT 5 13 BT-4 Evaluating Analyzing 13 BT-4 Analyzing For More Visit : For More Visit : 1 2 3 4 Part C (15 Marks) Describe as many parameters as you can that could affect the final surface finish in grinding Jeweler applications required the grinding of diamonds into desired shapes, How is this done, since diamond is the hardest material known? Would you encounter any difficulty in manufacturing thermoplastics and thermo sets? If so, what precautions would you take ? Would you recommend broaching a keyway on gear blank before or after machining the teeth ,Why? 15 BT-5 Evaluating 15 BT-5 Evaluating 15 BT-6 Creating 15 BT-6 Creating UNIT-IV CNC MACHINES AND UNIT V PROGRAMMNG OF CNC MACHINES Numerical Control (NC) machine tools – CNC types, constructional details, special features, machining centre, part programming fundamentals CNC – manual part programming –micromachining – wafer machining Sl.N O PART A (2 Marks) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 List the differences between NC and CNC. Define linear bearings. Mention the type of ball screws. Define feed drives. Discuss the types of motion control system used in NC machines Express the meaning of APT language. Discuss closed loop NC system with open loop system. Give the uses of preparatory function. How is it important in CNC programming? Illustrate the limitations of CNC machine tools. Examine - canned cycle. Define NC. Explain the major elements of NC machines. Compare the different NC machines Compare incremental and absolute system Explain the role of computer for NC machine tool. Explain point –to – point (PTP) system. Assess G-Codes and M-Codes. Summarize the commonly uses of coordinate Systems. Assess the types of statements in APT language. Evaluate the process involved in wafer forming. PART B (13 Marks) (i) Narrate the design considerations of CNC machines. Discuss about slide ways used in CNC machine tools. (ii) Describe the spindle drives used in CNC machine tools List the difference between manual and computer assisted part programming 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 BT MAR LEVEL KS COMPETENCE 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 BT 1 Remembering BT 1 Remembering BT 1 Remembering BT 1 Remembering BT 2 Understand BT 2 Understand BT 2 Understand BT 2 Understand 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 BT 3 BT 3 BT 1 BT 1 BT 4 BT 4 BT 4 BT 4 BT 5 BT 5 BT 5 BT 5 7 BT-5 Evaluate 6 7 BT 2 BT 1 Apply Apply Remembering Remembering Analyse Analyse Analyse Analyse Evaluate Evaluate Evaluate Evaluate Understand Remembering For More Visit : For More Visit : 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 Explain the following in CNC machining. (i)Linear Interpolation (ii)Circular Interpolation (iii) Cubic interpolation Describe the spindle and feed drives. State the requirement of the drives of CNC machine tools Explain the various elements of NC machine with closed loop control system. (i) Explain the main difference between point to point and continuous path of numerically controlled machine too (ii) List any five motions and control statements of computer assisted NC programming and explain. Write the steps involved in APT language Explain the various elements of NC machine with closed loop control system List any five motions and control statements of computer assisted NC programming and explain Describe the spindle and feed drives. State the requirement of the drives of CNC machine tools Write the part program for the part shown below Write the part program for drilling holes in the part shown below. The plate thickness is 20mm How is manual programming of a NC m a c h i n e done. Discuss the advantages of computer numerical control system PART C (15 Marks) (i).Describe in brief the basic components of a tape operated NC machine tool (ii).State a few typical applications where the use of numerical control would be justified (i).Write short notes on APT language (b).Under what conditions of production the numerically controlled machine tools are employed (i).Define CNC and DNC. With a help of a diagram explain the working of NC machine tool (ii).Discuss the important design features of CNC machine tools Describe in brief the basic components of a tape operated NC machine tool 6 BT-4 Analyzing 13 BT-3 Applying 13 BT-5 Evaluating 6 BT-2 Understanding 7 BT-4 Analyzing 13 BT-4 Analyzing 13 BT-6 Creating 13 BT-4 Analyzing 13 BT-4 Analyzing 13 BT-5 Evaluating 13 BT-2 Understanding 13 BT-4 Analyzing 13 BT-4 Analyzing 7 BT-5 Evaluating 8 BT-5 Evaluating 7 8 BT-6 Creating BT-6 Creating 7 BT-5 Evaluating 8 BT-5 Evaluating 15 BT-6 Creating For More Visit :