There are 4 basic types of targeting: Narrow Interests Broad Interests Custom List Lookalikes In 2024 these rank in this order: Interests (Broad + Narrow) Lookalikes (Your own data > Custom Lists) Custom list (The exception to this is if your niche is untapped) 99% of niches you will launch with interests, and then expand into lookalikes once you get data. (Let's look at what this means) Here are some examples of targeting for niches (each line represents an ad set): Real estate: Narrow Interests Broad Interests Chiropractic: Narrow Interests Broad Interests Dental: Narrow Interests Only (To avoid b2c traffic) Med Spa: Narrow Interests Broad Interests 1% Lookalike Of Custom List Roofing: Narrow Interests Broad Interests Remodeling: Narrow Interests Broad Interests Mortgage: Narrow Interests Broad Interests 1% Lookalike Of Custom List Solar: Narrow Interests Broad Interests Pool Installation: Narrow Interests Broad Interests Plastic Surgeon: Narrow Interests Broad Interests Custom List (Potentially) Real Estate Investors: Narrow Interests Broad Interests HVAC: Narrow Interests Broad Interests Insurance Agents: Narrow Interests Broad Interests Custom List (Potentially) Under Water Basket Weaving (Theoretical) Narrow Interests Broad Interests Custom List