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ISCMS4B Assignment: Intelligent Supply Chain Management in Balkans

Intelligent Supply Chain Management Systems for the Balkans (ISCMS4B)
Hand Out:
Hand In:
Week Beginning Monday 20th January 2025
23:59 Friday 14th February 2025
(Created using WordItOut from Enideo)
This assignment represents 30% of your final MIS grade. Please note: You must use the Wix
Software (and only the Wix Software) to build your website. You must use Microsoft Word
(and only Microsoft Word) to create the associated report and the botmake.io application (and
only the botmake.io) to build your Chatbot. You must also use the Trello application (and only
Trello) to construct a ‘Kanban’ meeting schedule as set out in the assignment. You will use
Lucid Chart to construct the flowchart to implement an Intelligent Supply Chain Management
System (ISCMS). Your completed work will be submitted via a Turnitin link in Canvas.
Table of Contents
Scenario: ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Assignment Tasks Overview: ........................................................................................................ 2
Task 1
Website Elements (50 Marks) ............................................................................................ 3
Task 2
The Report (50 Marks) ......................................................................................................... 5
Marking Criteria............................................................................................................................... 6
Submission Instructions: ............................................................................................................... 6
Research Centre:............................................................................................................................... 7
Intelligent Supply Chain Management Systems for the Balkans (ISCMS4B) is a regionally
funded Non-Government Organization (NGO). It has recently been set up to help Balkanbased businesses adapt to the new technologies/conditions surrounding computer-centred
supply chains. The organisation is based in Sofia, but its advisors travel throughout the
Balkans. To complement this service, ISCMS4B has decided to create a sophisticated website
that will act as a point of contact between ISCMS4B and any potential clients. Please note
that the website will enable instant communication with clients and provide an information
platform for those clients wishing to get advice on modern supply chains and associated
artificial intelligence (AI) technologies/opportunities.
The website will be authored/presented in English and include a translation tool for
ISCMS4B’s home language (Bulgarian) or your preferred language. In addition to the website,
you will write a report critically evaluating other potential AI technologies/strategies that may
interest the Balkan business community.
Assignment Tasks Overview:
For Task 1, you must build an individual website that enables potential ISCMS4B clients to
communicate with ISCMS4B while providing them with critical information on Intelligent
Supply Chain Management Systems (ISCMS). The expected website attributes are outlined
For Task 2, you must write an in-depth report critically evaluating ISCMS and other significant
associated technologies/strategies.
Task 1
Website Elements (50 Marks)
You are required to sign up with the free version of the ‘Wix’ website editing software – and to
produce a six-page website, wherein your website will be expected to contain the following
The website has the following working menu options (for the six main web pages that
will make up the website) on the ‘Home’ page:
Home| ISCMS Technology| Installing an ISCMS| Chatbot| Contact
The ‘Home’ page has a textbox titled Intelligent Supply Chain Management Systems
for the Balkans (ISCMS4B). You will include your name and student number in the
same textbox. You will also include a textbox with the following statement:
Our Mission: "To provide businesses in the Balkans with professional advice on
deploying Intelligent Supply Chains and other associated technologies.”
The ISCMS4B Technology page will contain six textboxes outlining the advantages of
deploying “Intelligent Supply Chain Management Systems”. Attach suitable animation to
all the text boxes.
You will create an appropriate Lucid “Flow Chart” outlining the steps an SME-sized
organisation might take when choosing and implementing an ISCMS. You will include a
“Key” within the flowchart and an appropriate title on the flowchart. You will also add an
extra process box with the following text: “Ensure the listed ISCMs are under budget”.
You will embed the Lucid “Flow Chart” created above using automated HTML code on
the “Installing an ISCMS” page.
The ‘Installing an ISCMS’ page will also have a labelled URL link that points to a Trello
‘Kanban’ type timeline. The Kanban timeline will detail a scenario of when the various
steps are to be executed so that an SME might acquire a successful ISCMS.
The website will contain a Content Management System (CMS), which will link to
dynamic web pages displaying a default set of “Team Consultants”, as demonstrated in
the associated assignment video, “How to install a CMS”. You will change a “Team
Consultant” profile to your profile with a different Wix picture (or one you own) and
appropriate associated text. You will check to ensure that the “Team” will appear as a
selection on the main menu.
The ‘Home’ page on the website has a language translator between English and your
preferred language.
The website has an introductory ‘Lightbox’ with the following warning regarding any
visits to the website:
Warning! Please Note - If you enter this website, you do so at your own risk and
with the agreement that the website's owners are exempt from any potential data
breach and damage you might incur in entering/using this website.
The website has a ‘Chatroom’ that enables immediate online text communication with
the website's owner/operators.
The website has a suitable contact/email type form on the ‘Contact’ page linking to
ISCMS4B’s email.
The website contains one Google video loaded into the Canvas MIS course folder.
The website has a suitable contact ‘Google Map’ showing its Head Office in Blagoevgrad
on the ‘Contact page’. Use the following AUBG University address:
American University in Bulgaria, ul. "Svoboda Bachvarova" 12, 2700 Southern Industrial
Zone, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
The Website has an “Icon” button on all the Web pages (Other than the Home Page)
that links back to the Home page.
The ‘Chatbot’ page is password protected. (The password is: ISC)
The website has a ‘Social Network’ connector that links to one of the University’s (AUBG)
Social Networks, such as Facebook.
The website has an appropriate QR code connector that points to the following article
on ISC technology by Deb Marotta on the Hitachi-Solutions Website:
“Your Go-To Guide to Improve Visibility and Reduce Risk with Intelligent Supply Chain
Marotta, D. (2024) Your go-to guide to improve visibility and reduce risk with intelligent
supply chain management, Hitachi Solutions. Available at: https://global.hitachisolutions.com/blog/intelligent-supply-chain/ (Accessed: 06 January 2025).
18) The website has a fully connected Chatbot on the ‘Chatbot’ page. It will answer three
reasonable questions about ISCMS4B. The questions and answers to these questions
should be posted inside the file for task 18.
The website has an appropriate PDF viewer populated with a text file containing the
questions and answers for the Chatbot in task 18.
You will import the file “ISCMS4B.xlsx” into Google Sheets. Then, you will create an
appropriate Geo chart for the data stored in the new Google Sheet. Finally, you will save
this Google sheet as ISCMS4B and publish it as a web page.
You will embed the ISCMS4B web page on your website's ‘Home’’ page. You will adjust
the HTML page with the following code, thus enabling potential viewers to get a full
picture of the data stored/graph in the connecting ISCMS4B Google Sheet:
width="940" height="775" frameborder="0" marginheight="0"
Task 2
The Report (50 Marks)
The current global commercial paradigm is clearly experiencing what can be described as
violent technological change. Every aspect of trade and business is being influenced by AItype applications. These applications range from all-encompassing corporate-type
applications such as intelligent Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) to more generic
ones like ChatGPT. As a result, organisations and workers of every hue must re-engineer their
skill sets and conceptual understandings to keep pace with such change.
As a consultant at ISCMS4B, you have been required to write a report critically evaluating
some of these new intelligent corporate-sized business applications and the proposed skill
sets that should be inculcated by the employees who will run such applications.
The report should be constructed around the following headings/questions:
What critical skills should employees possess when operating AI-type business
computing applications/systems?
How ISCMS technology is changing business operations/decisions?
What are the potential advantages/disadvantages of using intelligent Customer
Relationship Management Systems (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning
Systems (ERP)?
What is the significance of the terms “Digital Outsourcing” and “Human Job Quotas”?
Your report should be written through a ‘Balkan Lense’. In other words, you are expected to
reference the local business/environment. This can include variables such as local skill sets
and actual access to the technology.
The report should be about 1200 words long (between 1150 and 1250). It should have a formal
paragraph introducing the report and a formal paragraph concluding it. In addition, the report
should be well-written and contain relevant references. The references must be cited using
the APA or Harvard referencing system. The word count does not include the references.
Please note that any student over the word limit will not be penalised.
Marking Criteria
Task 1 – The Website
Your Wix website should contain all the twenty elements as outlined above. Please note – that
not all the elements are of equal complexity. To provide a reasonable marking criterion,
students will receive five marks per element for five completed elements. After this, students
will be awarded the interval mark once they have completed the minimum number of elements
outlined in the marks table below. A student who completes ten elements will be awarded forty
marks, and a student who completes fourteen will be awarded forty-five marks.
Wix Website Marks Table:
17 – 20 elements completed
14 – 16 elements completed
10 – 13 elements completed
6 – 9 elements completed
50 marks
45 marks
40 marks
35 marks
1 – 5 elements completed – 5 marks for each completed part (Max 25 marks)
Task 2 - The Report
Your report should be well-written and entirely focused on the nature of the various
strategies/technologies outlined in the assignment and how such tools can assist (or hinder)
modern businesses.
Efficacy of report 40 Marks:
Quality of Argument/English – 20 Marks
Grade of Material – 20 Marks
Presentation of report 10 marks:
Layout – 5 Marks
References – 5 Marks
Submission Instructions:
You will submit your assignment in the Turnitin link in Canvas as a Word document. The Word
document will contain your report and a published URL link to your website.
The deadline for your assignment submission is 23:59 Friday, 14th February 2025. If you fail
to meet this deadline, you can submit it by 23.59 on Sunday 16th, February 2025, but you could
lose 25% of your marks. A failure to meet this final submission date could (depending on the
circumstances) result in zero marks for the assignment.
Research Centre:
A good example of a prototype website is some of the tasks above can be found at:
(This is just a crude, partially working production guide. You are expected to come up
with a different design!)
Wix Training Videos/Material inside the Course Canvas folder.
Chatbots folder & QR folder in the Course Canvas folder.
Chatbots in detail:
Chatbots are a major player in business growth, according to new research:
The Trello Application videos in the Course Canvas folder
The concept for the development of Artificial Intelligence in Bulgaria until 2030:
Awesome ChatGPT Prompts:
Unlock a Career as a Prompt Engineer In 5 Minutes:
Wix Automation:
Financial Times Technological Section:
Generative AI Fellowship of the Mind 2023.docx
Assignment Folder Autumn 2024
“Your Go-To Guide to Improve Visibility and Reduce Risk with Intelligent Supply Chain
Marotta, D. (2024) Your go-to guide to improve visibility and reduce risk with intelligent
supply chain management, Hitachi Solutions. Available at: https://global.hitachisolutions.com/blog/intelligent-supply-chain/ (Accessed: 06 January 2025)
“The next wave of intelligent ERP systems for 2025”
Morrison, C. (2025) Ai in ERP: The next wave of intelligent ERP systems for 2025,
top10erp.org. Available at:
(Accessed: 08 January 2025).
“Ai and CRM: Redefining customer relationship management”
Rafalski, K. (2024) Ai and CRM: Redefining customer relationship management, Digital
Acceleration Company. Available at:
(Accessed: 08 January 2025)
Robots are going to take so many jobs we'll need a 'human job quota'
Solomon, K. (2107) ‘‘Robots are going to take so many jobs we'll need a 'human job
Available at:
(Accessed: 08 January 2025)
Lucid Chart - Sign Up page: