Weekly Syllabus Grade Class Teacher Subject 02 February 2025 to 06 February 2025 9 - (B & D) Mr. Mohammad Ayman (9 - B) / Mr. R Nesamani (9 - D) Syllabus Sun - Course book - unit 6 Tue - Class Assessment (skim reading, multiple matching) Wed - Workbook English Mr. Mohammad Ayman/ Thurs - Email writing Mr. R Nesamani 9-B Maths Mr.Shaukat/ Mohd . Javed Gradient of a curve at a point Calculating the value of x when the gradient is given Equation of tangent at agiven point Stationary points Chapter 20: Functions Exercise 20.1,20.2,20.3 and 20.4 Class test on Wednesday (Chpater 18 and 19 ) 9-D Graphically solution of simultaneous equation Length of line and cooridnate of mid points Equation of line through two coordinate. Perpendicular line. Biology Mr. Sajad Ahmad Chemistry Mr. Tariq Ahmad/ Mr. Shariq Bashir Physics Mr. Umer Hafiz Arabic Mr. Ahmed Al Hazmi Mr. Ali Alameer exam style questions of chapter respiration introduction of chapter coordination and responses nervous system and its types terms related to nervous system class test (tuesday 4-02-2025)(respiration and gas exchange) Chapter - 6 Electrochemistry Class Test - Internal Assessment Chapter 6 (All completed topics) (Monday ) 02-02-2025 Electrolysis of concentrated concentrated and dilute sodium chloride solution Electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid Lab Session: Electrolysis of aqueous ionic Compounds Home work on Electrolysis chapter Sunday Class test (02- 02-25) Chapter 4 and 5 (5.1 to 5.7) Liquids and vapours Specific heat capacity Latent heat Homework will be given on completed topics استكمالأسماءالزمانوالمكان االستثناء Social Studies (Non-Arabs) kashif Unit -5 Lesson 3 Social Studies (Arabs) أسسالمملكةالعربيةالسعودية Mr. Ali Ibrahim/ Mr. Ali Alameer Islamic Studies (Arabs) النصيحة ١١٠-١٠٧تفسري سورةالكهفمن أبراج الحظ نرش الخري ما يحرم من اللباس والزينة Mr. Abdul monem/ Mr. Yahya Mohammad Islamic Studies (Non - Arabs) The first revelation Mr. Ali Ibrahim Unit #3 Hardware Computer Science Input and Output devices Mr. Zahid Nazeer Data storage UNIT 6 - MOTIVATING EMPLOYEES (Continuation) - Non Financial Rewards and Methods Business Studies - Classwork Exercises Mr. Joshua