1. Introduction a. Background Knowledge The tissue culture is done by isolating certain plant parts such as shoots, leaves, etc., then growing the tissue in a closed and transparent container so that it is transparent with aseptic (sterile) principles so that the plant can regenerate into a complete plant. The benefits of tissue culture are of course very many, such as to get new plants in large quantities and in a short period of time, plant seeds will have identical properties to their parents. Through this method, it can be expected to produce superior plant seeds or even better ones. b. Problem Identification Orchids require special treatment because orchids are rare plants. If we don't make the special treatment, orchids can be extinct. c. Objective Make a tissue culture medium for orchids. d. Variables 1. Independent Variables - Vacin & Went - Coconut water - Potato water - Atonik - Vitamin B1 - IBA - BAP 2. Dependent Variables - Orchid Growth e. Hypothesis My hypothesis is, I think if we do the tissue culture, the orchids will grow well. 2. Theoretical Review a. Media Kultur Jaringan Tissue Culture is becoming an alternative means to vegetative propagation of plants. In vitro growing plants are usually free from bacterial and fungal diseases. Virus eradication and maintenance of plants in virus free stage can also be rapidly achieved in cultures. b. Manfaat Vacin and Went untuk tanaman Vacin and F. Went since 1949 consist of macro and micro nutrients in the form of inorganic salts in appropriate amounts and the addition of coconut water to plant growth, especially orchids c. Manfaat Air Kelapa untuk tanaman Coconut water is a source of nutrients for plants because it stores nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, Mg, Ca, and a number of other macro elements so that it can increase soil productivity and crop production. d. Manfaat Air kentang untuk tanaman Water used to boil potatoes contains many minerals that are very beneficial for plant growth. Such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, and vitamins. This mineral content is needed by plants. f. Manfaat atonik untuk tanaman Maximizing plant growth, starting from roots, stems, leaves and fruit. Maximizing nutrient uptake, so plants are more resistant to pests and diseases. Maximizing production, especially in fruit crops, so that the weight and number of fruit is more than before. g. Manfaat vitamin B1 untuk tanaman Helping the metabolic processes of plant tissues to take place properly. That way, the formation of energy from carbohydrates can be done, Can prevent and reduce stress on plants, Improve the ability to adapt to the new environment, Keep plants fresh. Although it is going through various processes, such as planting, and changing new growing media (repotting), Accelerate the process of root growth, Facilitate the absorption of nutrients, and help the growth of new networks to be faster. h. Manfaat IBA untuk tanaman IBA (Indole butyric acid) plays a role in forming root growth in plants and has been proven to be active as a growth stimulant. i. Manfaat BAP untuk tanaman BAP is a cytokinin that is often used because it is most effective in stimulating shoot formation. 3. Procedure a. Tools - Erlenmeyer - Gelas Ukur - Pipet - Botol kaca - Botol Kultur - Analytical - Electronic - Balance - Stove - Pot - Litmus Paper - Autoclave b. Materials - Sugar - Activated Charcoal - Potato - Coconut - Water - Macro & Micro - Nutrient - Plant Growth - Regulator - Agar - Procedure of Bottle Sterilization Process a. Tools - Autoclave - Jar - b. Materials Bayclin Dish Soap c. Steps First, you wash the jar with the lid using Bayclin and dish soap. keep you dry. After drying, put the jar in the autoclave. If the autoclave emits steam, open the steam vent. So, keep the temperature, not more than 126 and not less than 121 degrees Celsius. - Procedure of Making Tissue Culture Media a. Tools - Erlenmeyer - Gelas Ukur - Pipet - Botol kaca - Botol Kultur - Analytical - Electronic - Balance - Stove - Pot - Litmus Paper - b. Materials Sugar Activated Charcoal Potato Coconut Water Macro & Micro Nutrient Plant Growth Regulator Agar c. Steps Mix 7 ingredients, mix vitamins, put in a jar with potato water & coconut water, also add charcoal, sugar, nutrijell according to the dose, stir, cook, remove, sterilize, remove 4. Results and Analysis 5. Conclusion 6. References https://javaorchids.wordpress.com/2009/01/08/manfaat-air-kelapa-untuk-meningkatkanpertumbuhan-tanaman/ https://sumber.belajar.kemdikbud.go.id/repos/FileUpload/Biologi%20Kultur%20JaringanBB/Topik-2.html https://www.parapuan.co/read/533073421/air-rebusan-kentang-ternyata-bisa-menyuburkantanaman-begini-caranya