Name: Nick Alvin L. Erano Date Performed: December 5, 2024 Lab Act: Fineness of Cement Test Group No.: 2 LABORATARY REPORT Introduction The fineness of cement pertains to the particle size and is determined by its specific surface area. To evaluate this, a cement sample is passed through a standard sieve following IS guidelines. Smaller particles result in a larger surface area, influencing the strength and setting time of the cement. Purpose Observation This test assesses the quality of cement by measuring its ability to mix and react effectively with water. Procedure To test this, we used 200 grams of cement and a brass sieve #200. First, we weighed the brass pan and pressed 'Tare' to reset the weight to 0. Then, we placed the 200 grams of cement in the sieve and sifted it for about 5 minutes. Afterward, we brushed the brass sieve to remove any cement particles attached to it. As noted by our professor, the cement sample was a year old. Out of 200 grams tested, 17.79 grams were retained, resulting in a fineness percentage of 91.1%, which meets the required standard. This indicates that the cement is still usable for its intended purpose, with its fineness remaining within acceptable limits. Conclusion In conclusion, despite being a year old, the cement sample demonstrated an acceptable fineness level, with 91.1% passing the test requirements. This confirms that the cement remains suitable for its intended application and adheres to the necessary quality standards. THIS IS ME! References Housing New Desk (2023). Fineness of Cement: Understanding its Importance. %2 0cement%20is,the%20cement%27s%20sp ecific%20surface%20area.&text=The%20fi neness%20test%20of%20cement,how%20 t he%20test%20is%20performed.