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SLE and Rh Hemolytic Disease Overview

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus SLE
SLE is a systemic autoimmune disease that can affect multiple organs and systems in the
Manifestations of SLE
Joint pain: Deposits in the joints can cause inflammation and pain.
Skin rashes: Deposits in the skin can cause rashes, including the characteristic
"butterfly rash" on the face.
Swelling around the heart: Deposits in the heart can cause inflammation and swelling.
Seizures and psychosis: Deposits in the brain can cause neurological symptoms.
Hematological Effects
A condition in which the immune system attacks and destroys red blood
A condition in which the immune system attacks and destroys white
blood cells.
Thrombocytopenia A condition in which the immune system attacks and destroys platelets.
Hemolytic anemia
Other Effects of SLE
Glomerulonephritis: Deposits in the kidneys can cause inflammation and damage.
Lymphadenopathy: Deposits in the lymph nodes can cause swelling and
Diagnosis of SLE
CRP C − ReactiveP rotein: A blood test that measures inflammation in the body.
DSR Double − StrandedDNA: A blood test that measures the presence of antibodies
against double-stranded DNA.
ANA AntinuclearAntibody: A blood test that measures the presence of antibodies
against the nucleus of cells.
ENA ExtractableNuclearAntigen: A blood test that measures the presence of
antibodies against specific nuclear antigens.
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Treatment of SLE
NSAIDs NonsteroidalAnti − InflammatoryDrugs: Medications that reduce
inflammation and pain.
Steroids: Medications that reduce inflammation and suppress the immune system.
DMARDs Disease − ModifyingAntirheumaticDrugs: Medications that suppress the
immune system and reduce inflammation.
Immunosuppressants: Medications that suppress the immune system and reduce
Rh Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn
Rh hemolytic disease of the newborn is a condition in which the mother's immune system
attacks the baby's red blood cells.
Clinical Manifestations
Severe anemia
Swollen tissues
Kernicterus aconditioninwhichbilirubinbuildsupinthebrainandcausesdamage
Prevention and Treatment
RhIg RhImmuneGlobulin: A medication that prevents the mother's immune system
from attacking the baby's red blood cells.
Screening tests: Blood tests that determine the mother's Rh status and the presence
of antibodies against the baby's red blood cells.
"RhIg is given to the mother to prevent her immune system from attacking the
baby's red blood cells. This is especially important if the mother is Rh-negative
and the baby is Rh-positive."
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